Independent Project - Lacombe Pentecostal Church: Youth Group

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Laura Friesen EDES 340 Julia Rheaume April 9, 2014



Project Proposal ............................................................3 Timelines Calendar............................................................5


Project Tasklist.............................................................8 Connect – Tuesdays..........................................................8 Collide – Fridays...............................................................10 Mentorship – Weekend....................................................12


Project Timelog & Reflections....................................13 Connect – Tuesdays.........................................................13 Collide – Fridays................................................................17 Mentorship – Weekend.....................................................21




Reference Letter.............................................................22 Individual Reflection ……………………………………… 23 Self Assessment Checklist............................................26 Final Grade /20....................................................................26


Resources………………………………………...…………..27 Ephesians Bible Study…………………………………………..27


I. Project Proposal: Lacombe Pentecostal Church Generation One Youth Group Project Leader: Laura Friesen Project Title: A Place to Belong, A Place to Become

Proposal Criteria Inquiry question: Indicate, in question format, the need or problem your project will address.

Description: In 2-3 sentences, explain what your project entails. Briefly describe what you plan to do. Indicate who, what, where and when as best as you can.

Rationale: Why is this project important? How does it connect to the Middle Years program, your future teaching career, and/or a curriculum area?

Outcomes: What do you hope to learn from completing this project? What do you hope others will learn through this project? What curriculum outcomes (if any) does your project address?

How to help students’ develop healthy self-esteems, build lasting friendships and see the world as bigger than oneself? The Youth group is called ‘Generation One’ symbolizing a generation that follows one God, has one hope and one faith. Bible study is called ‘Connect’ signifying connecting with God and each other, and Friday activities are called ‘Collide,’ staying in theme with another ‘c’ word, which represents having fun and connecting with each other in a more physical way. The purpose for this project is to build relationships with students in order to encourage them through their everyday struggles, help them see past themselves to the needs of others and build a foundation of truth in Jesus Christ. This will be done by being in constant connection with the Youth at Bible study, Friday night activities as well as meet to train for a race to solidify relationships outside of the Church setting. The events of Generation One youth group, grades seven to twelve, will generally take place at the Lacombe Pentecostal Church on both Tuesdays and Fridays. Although, the youth are grades seven through twelve, the focus will be on grades ten to twelve. The ‘mentorship’ will most likely be after school hours in Lacombe. These meetings will be a way to get to know students outside the church setting. We will train together to race in the Shoppers Drugmart Run for Women in Edmonton, May 31, 2014. The focal point being, building self-esteem, relationships and a bigger worldview. Which is supported by this race, “Canada’s first and only national women’s and girls’ running race series. This event celebrates the strength and courage of women across the country” ( This project will be beneficial for students as they will have the possibility to grow in their faith, have a safe place to build friendships and share their difficulties. As they participate in different events, it would be my hope that the students’ will also get a sense that the world is much bigger than they are and they can have a part in making it a better place. Through this project I will be able to connect to the Teaching Quality Standard for Albertan teachers. For one, it will allow me to recognize and interact with “students’ needs for physical, social, cultural and psychological security.” Secondly, it will contribute to the, “establish[ment], with different students, professional relationships that are characterized by mutual respect, trust and harmony” (Teaching Quality Standard). I will be in contact with a wide range of students, whom I will be teaching and encouraging. Through this project I hope to make a difference. This difference comes through making lasting relationships that tell students that I care, and that I want to be a part of their lives. My hope would be that the students will learn that there are other people that are going through or have gone through similar struggles. That they build strong friendships and learn to be selfless. Looking for others needs before their own. I will also be learning how to organize Friday night activities as well as plan the Bible study lessons. There usually are variances of planning when it is put into action; this will cause me to be flexible, and teach and plan according to the needs of the students.


Resources: What resources will be needed to complete your project? How will you access them? Consider: print, media, community, financial, human, etc.)

Assessment: How will you measure your success? What criteria or methods will be used to evaluate this project? Who else can provide feedback? How will you justify the mark out of 20 you will give yourself?

This project will require parent helpers for Friday night activities, a venue (the Church), Bible Study lessons, a budget (covered by the Church), and materials for different Friday night activities.

Success is a hard thing to measure, especially because the questions I am working toward answering are ones that take a lifetime to grow into. People will always be learning to be selfless, seeing the world’s needs before their own, they will continually grow into their identity and self-esteem and friendships will change and grow throughout their lifetime. Although, through my time with the Youth I will hopefully see positive changes in their outlook and feel their connectedness which will be recorded through reflections and journaling. I can also ask my mentor, Angela Stephenson, to provide me with a written feedback. I will ask her to answer the following questions: 1. How much time has Laura spent with the youth group combining both Tuesday and Friday nights? 2. How well and to what extent has Laura been able to build professional relationships with students in the Youth Group? 3. What does Laura do well? And, what could Laura improve on? 4. Have you noticed a difference in students’ behavior and attitudes since Laura has taken a deeper interest in their lives or been involved in Youth group? 5. How involved has Laura been in planning and coordinating activities for both Tuesday and Friday night events? Through self-assessing and feedback I will be able to judge fairly the extent to which I achieved my goals and justifying whatever grade I give myself.


Timelines: Identify the major tasks and approximate dates these would need to be completed by. A calendar can be helpful. Begin with the end in mind! (ie – work backward!)

January 2014 Sunday



Wednesday 1

Thursday 2

New Year`s Day






14 Connect: 7:00-8:30 Ephesians 1:1-14 21 Connect: 7:00-8:30 Ephesians 1:15-23 28 Connect: 7:00-8:30 Ephesians 2:1-22







First Day of Classes







Friday 3 Collide: 7:00-9:00 Skating @ Caranna Lake 10 Collide: Cancelled

Saturday 4

17 Collide: 7:00-9:00 Golf Par-Tee 24 Collide: 7:00-9:00 Chinese New Year 31 Collide: 3:30-11:00 Polar Bear Campout



Saturday 1 Collide: 8:004:00 Polar Bear Campout 8



February 2014 Sunday











4 Connect: 7:00-8:30 Ephesians 3:1-13 11 Connect: 7:00-8:30 Ephesians 3:14-21






Reading Week Connect: 7:00-8:30

Ephesians 4:1-16



25 Connect: 7:00-8:30 Ephesians 4:17-32


7 Collide: 7:00-9:00 Fundraiser Prep OR L.A. Rock 13 14 15 Mentorship: 1:30-2:30 Sr. Girls Training Collide: 7:00-9:00 Veggie Tales Movie Marathon 20 21 22 Mentorship: Collide: 7:00-9:00 1:30-2:30 Mystery Dinner Sr. Girls Training 27 28 Collide: 7:00-9:00 Galaxy Land


March 2014 Sunday






Saturday 1



4 Connect: 7:00-8:30 Ephesians 5:1-20






11 Connect: 7:00-8:30 Ephesians 5:21-6:9



7 Collide: 7:00-9:00 L.A. Rock (NOT HERE) 14 Collide: 7:00-9:00 Body of Christ







18 Connect: 7:00-8:30 Ephesians 6:10-24 25






21 Collide: 7:00-9:00 Wacky Games 28

15 Mentorship: 10:00-11:00 Sr. Girls Training 22


Project Tasklist

Project Leader: Laura Friesen Project Title: A Place to Belong, A Place to Become 6

Instructions: Projects must be broken down into manageable tasks. Any task that takes more than the time allowed for a single uninterrupted work session (approx. 3 hours) should be broken down into several different tasks.

Connect-Tuesday My role is organizing the materials needed, generating discussion and leading the group through the planned agenda. January 10 – Bible Study Prep

Person(s) Responsible

Start by:

Done by:

Approx. Time needed

Laura Friesen



2 hr.

Laura Friesen Ben Schultz Mike Folkerts



1 ½ hrs.

Laura Friesen Ben Schultz Mike Folkerts



1 ½ hrs.

Laura Friesen



3 hrs.

Agenda 1. Research Ephesian Bible Studies 2. Choose discussion questions 3. Print off January 14 – Our spiritual blessings in Christ (1:3-14)

Agenda 1.

Letters to future selves

a. Where are you at with your spiritual walk with God right now?

b. Where do you want to be in the next year and what would that look like? What will you do different to achieve this goal?

c. Ex. Leadership roles? Mission trips, at home

2. 3. 4. 5.

or otherwise? Prayer time? Worship time? Trusting God with your future endeavors? Knowing your identity in Christ? Ministering to friends and/or Family? Praise Reports/God Moments Talk about doing Testimonies and why we would do them (2 Timothy 1:8, 1 Peter 3:15-17) Study/Discussion (30 min.) Memory Verse: choose a verse from each weeks study

January 21 – Praying for wisdom and revelation for the church (1:15-23)

Agenda 1. Newcomers - Letters to future selves 2. Game 3. Memory Verse 4. Open in Prayer 5. Praise Reports/God Moments 6. Testimony 7. Study/Discussion (30 min.) 8. Choose New Memory Verse 9. Closing & Prayer Requests January 24 – Bible Study Prep

Agenda 4. Overhaul the discussion questions 7

5. Email Mike and Ben with update 6. Print off new version January 28 – We were dead but are now alive through faith in Christ (2:1-22)

Laura Friesen Ben Schultz



1 ½ hrs.

Laura Friesen Ben Schultz Mike Folkerts



1 ½ hrs.

Laura Friesen Ben Schultz Mike Folkerts



1 ½ hrs.



1 ½ hrs.

Agenda 7. Game 8. Memory Verse 9. Open in Prayer 10. Praise Reports/God Moments 11. Testimony 12. Study/Discussion (30 min.) 13. Choose New Memory Verse 14. Closing & Prayer Requests February 4 – The "Mystery" Hidden For All Ages (3:113)

Agenda 1. Game 2. Memory Verse 3. Open in Prayer 4. Praise Reports/God Moments 5. Testimony 6. Study/Discussion (30 min.) 7. Choose New Memory Verse 8. Closing & Prayer Requests February 11– Paul Prays for Strength in the Inner Man (3:14-21)

Agenda 1. Game 2. Memory Verse 3. Open in Prayer 4. Testimony 5. Study/Discussion (30 min.) 6. Choose New Memory Verse 7. Closing & Prayer Requests

February 18– Walk in a Manner Worthy of Your Calling Laura Friesen (4:1-16)

Agenda 1. Game 2. Memory Verse 3. Open in Prayer 4. Testimony

Ben Schultz Mike Folkerts


5. Study/Discussion (30 min.) 6. Choose New Memory Verse 7. Closing & Prayer Requests February 25 – Put on a new self (4:17-32)

Agenda (Meet at Kavichino’s) 1. Game 2. Memory Verse 3. Open in Prayer 4. Testimony 5. Study/Discussion (30 min.) 6. Choose New Memory Verse 7. Closing & Prayer Requests March 4 – Be Imitators of Christ Walking in Love (5:120)

Agenda 1. Game 2. Memory Verse 3. Open in Prayer 4. Testimony 5. Study/Discussion (30 min.) 6. Choose New Memory Verse 7. Closing & Prayer Requests March 11 – Understanding The Household Codes in Ephesians (5:21-6:9)

Agenda 1. Game 2. Memory Verse 3. Open in Prayer 4. Testimony 5. Study/Discussion (30 min.) 6. Choose New Memory Verse 7. Closing & Prayer Requests March 18 – Put on the Full Armor of God (6:10-24)

Laura Friesen Ben Schultz Mike Folkerts



1 ½ hrs.

Laura Friesen Ben Schultz Mike Folkerts



1 ½ hrs.

Laura Friesen Ben Schultz Mike Folkerts



1 ½ hrs.

Laura Friesen Ben Schultz Mike Folkerts



1 ½ hrs.

Agenda 1. Game 2. Memory Verse 3. Open in Prayer 4. Testimony 5. Study/Discussion (30 min.) 9

6. Choose New Memory Verse 7. Closing & Prayer Requests Collide-Friday These evenings I am a leader and chaperone; which means I have various roles from preparing activities to managing the youth and to cleaning up afterwards.

January 17- Golf Par-Tee Role 1. Chaperone 2. Clean-Up January 24- Chinese New Year

Person(s) Responsible

Start by:

Done by:

Approx. Time needed

Laura Friesen Angela Stephenson Austin Clark Ben Schultz



2 hrs.

Laura Friesen Angela Stephenson



2 hrs.

Laura Friesen Ron Friesen Mark Running



3 hrs.

Laura Friesen Ron Friesen Austin Clark



1 ½ hrs.

Laura Friesen Austin Clark Ben Schultz



16 hrs.

Laura Friesen Angela Stephenson



2 hrs.

Role 3. Chaperone 4. Clean-Up January 24- Polar Bear Campout Prep Agenda 1. Set-Up Camp January 26- Polar Bear Campout Prep Agenda 1. Cut Firewood January 31& February 1- Polar Bear Campout Role 1. Prepare Games (Scavenger Hunt, Mission Impossible)

2. Organize Food (Supper, Snacks, Breakfast and Lunch)

3. Safety Guidelines 4. Set-Up Camp February7- Fundraiser Prep OR L.A. Rock Role 1. Oversee Student Activity (Cake decorating and flower arrangements)


February 14- Veggie Tales Movie Marathon

Laura Friesen Angela Stephenson



2 hrs.

Laura Friesen Angela Stephenson



2 hrs.

Laura Friesen Austin Clark



6 hrs.

Laura Friesen Angela Stephenson Austin Clark Ben Schultz



2 hrs.

Laura Friesen Angela Stephenson Austin Clark Ben Schultz



2 hrs.

Start by:

Done by:

Approx. Time needed



1 hr.

Role 1. Chaperone February 21- Mystery Dinner Role 1. Serve Food 2. Lead Game ‘Mophia’ February 28- Galaxy Land Role 1. 2. 3. 4.

Chaperone Pick up Tickets Take Attendance going to and from galaxyland Set Rules (groups of 4, go to bus at 10:30pm, clean bus afterwards, etc)

March 14- Body of Christ Role 1. Chaperone 2. Lead Game(s) 3. Clean-Up March 21- Wacky Games Role 1. Chaperone 2. Plan and Lead Game(s) 3. Clean-Up Mentorship – Weekends These meetings will be time to train and prepare for the Shoppers Drugmart Run for Women. I will organize time to meet, costs, the workout and registration.

February 14, 2014 – Sr. Girls Training

Person Responsible Laura Friesen

Practice 1. Gwen Badder Fitness Center, CUC, Lacombe 11


2. Treadmill Running for 40min. February 20, 2014 – Sr. Girls Training

Laura Friesen



1 hr.

Laura Friesen



1 hr.

Practice 1. Gwen Badder Fitness Center, CUC, Lacombe ($7.50)

2. Treadmill Running for 40min. March 15, 2014 – Sr. Girls Training Practice 1. Caranna Lake, Lacombe, AB 2. Lead warm-up and cool-down 3. Trail Running for 40 min. = 40 Hrs.


III. Project

Date January 10, 2014

Timelog & Reflections

Connect-Tuesday Today I worked on creating the Bible study for Tuesday based on the book of Ephesians. I also spent time thinking of the format I would take to start a community that is safe and secure with the students. So far this is my plan, write a letter to future selves, share testimonies, play games, share

Hrs/M in 2 hrs


January, 14 2014

God moments and prayer requests. My resource is: This was our first bible study for in the new year. To start off I asked my group if they were comfortable doing their testimonies throughout the bible study, I asked because this will get the students engaged and help them have a better understanding of where each one is at in life. The questions I had planned for the bible study did generate some discussion, I don’t know if they were very effective, probing questions though, so we’ll see how next week turns out. If they still are not effective I will change tactics.

1.5 hrs

Prayer Requests: Kassidy- Great Aunt passed away, so peace for family. Church plant in Blackfalds Abi- Relationships going smoothly Megan- Better week at school Ben- Boldness in his testimony, Africa missions trip Mike- Sleep and rest for Andrea

January, 21 2014

This week one of the leaders, Ben, did his testimony, we planned this to help ease anxiety and give an example of what they are supposed to do. To choose the next person we played ‘Ninja,’ this made the decision objective. Again this week, there seemed to be a bit of disorganization and confusion with the questions making them not very effective. Next week I will definitely use a different source to create the questions. It was really hard to get the students listening when we were asking for prayer requests, but once it got serious with a girl asking for prayer for a family whose father died due to carbon monoxide poisoning.

1.5 hrs

Prayer Requests: Kassidy- Church plant in Blackfalds: Venue and 1st Service Cassidy- Comfort for friends family whose father died due to CO poisoning and recovery for wife whom is in hospital Megan- Safe travels to great Grandma’s who is 5hrs away Ben- Boldness in his testimony Mike- Sleep All Students- EXAMS!

January 24, 2014

I took this free Friday to work on a new template and questions to ask during the study. This is the email I sent to Ben and Mike, and attached was the copy of the new outline for Tuesday Bible study.

3 hrs.

Hi Ben and Mike, I realized the questions planned for Bible study have not been very effective and hard to follow along with, so here is a new resource, which I revised some. I used this link,, along with some of the questions from the other online bible study guide that we used. Hopefully this time it will be easier to follow along and ask engaging questions that get the conversations rolling and create deeper analysis. The italisized questions are supposed to be more of the personal questions taken from this website; whereas, the questions that are just bold are the questions from the newer website. Have a great Friday! Laura Friesen


January 28, 2014

Mike, another leader, could not be there this week as he was feeling ill, so it was just Ben and I. It was one of the girls birthday the day before, so we decided to celebrate a little and brought in ice cream. We played ‘Ninja’ again, and next week Rhyleigh will be telling her story. Kassidy told her testimony while we ate the ice cream, and then we started the study part. This week was interesting, the questions were easier, and there were some life application ones, but the students were not very interactive. It felt like the group was nervous to answer the questions and get it ‘wrong.’ My plan for next week is to have the questions printed out for them, so they can follow along, ask specific students to answer questions, and talk about how this is a time for learning for them, not necessarily for me and is a safe, non-threatening place to ask questions.

1.5 hrs

Prayer Requests: Kassidy- Church plant in Blackfalds: Venue, getting accepted in Summit Megan- Safe travels to great Grandma’s who is 5hrs away Rhyleigh- Reading comprehension and upcoming eye exam, going through life hardships Ben- Boldness in his testimony and taking a hold of opportunities All Students- Settling into new semester

February 4, 2014

Rhyleigh told her story, she has not had an easy life thus far; although, her cousin is also in youth and said she may have exaggerated some. This I believe, but I cannot discredit her whole story. Again, I want to really make an effort to connect with her. Before the study started I sat with her and she was telling me some things that were going on with her family, so I encouraged her, telling her that she is a strong individual and with God can persevere. The passage we discussed brought up how as Christians we have an inheritance in Christ, that we are considered God’s children. My question to the group was, if this is true how should you be living? Meaning we need to be careful about what we say and do because we represent God and the church. The verses we really connected to were 10 and 11, “His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, according to his eternal purpose that he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Ephesians 3 :10, 11 NIV).

1.5 hrs

Prayer Requests: Abi- Audition for musical theatre Kassidy- Church plant in Blackfalds: Venue, getting accepted in Summit Megan- Life’s hardships, school, brother, sister having a baby Rhyleigh- Sister, Alix, is pregnant! Mike- Cousin in Holland’s son died, peace and comfort Those that are fighting cancer, Stuart’s dad, Dawn Running, Mrs. Palm Ozusts lost their baby Lucas

February 11, 2014

I was surprised when I heard Abi’s testimony; I did not know she was bullied in school. I don’t think others in the group knew as well, so that shifts their perspective and helps see her with less judgement. In the study we talked about being fixed in your beliefs and a will-power to walk in faith. We also discussed how big our prayers are, and do we really believe that we believe that God can do immeasurably more than we may ask or even think?

1.5 hrs

Prayer Requests: Abi- Get role in musical theatre Kassidy & McCoy- Church plant in Blackfalds: Venue Megan- Life struggles Ben- Grandma passed away, comfort for the family, boldness in college Mike- Dad in Holland for funeral tomorrow, safe travels and reassurance Zach- Olympics, that Canada would do well


February 18, 2014

This week Michaela told her story, there are a lot of girls in the group, her main point was about how going to China has really impacted her because she realizes how privileged we are to live in Canada, and tries to not take things for granted. I think she feels a little like the ugly duckling in her family, not quite fitting in. She makes a point of making comments about such things, but tries to laugh it off. I’ll have to make sure I make a point of including her and encouraging her in unique personality. We really focused on unity in this study, and how we should be unified as believers, not getting bogged down with little differences. The verses we chose to memorize capitalize this idea, “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:2, 3 NIV).

1.5 hrs

Prayer Requests: Abi- Do well in Music festival Kassidy- Church plant in Blackfalds: Venue, friend from camp going through rough times Michaela- School Karianne- Calculus Cassidy- health, to get better and for doctors to know what is wrong; Grandparents in Florida Megan- Life struggles; safe travels and relaxing trip to Hawaii Rhyleigh- Life on low and needs to go UP Vicky- Mom with her health problems; basketball game on Thursday Ben- Family in mourning, fundraising for trip to Africa Zach- Mexico fundraising and preparedness Harley- Motivation in school Missions Fest- Raise awareness and run smoothly

February 25, 2014

To change things up we met at a local coffee shop called Kavichino’s. For some reason we had a lot more students show up, which made it challenging to make it accommodating for everyone. Mike tried to book the side room, and thought he had done so, but it turned out that they double booked it. Next time I will make sure we have the side room, for more privacy and room to make a circle, as it was, we were more in a line. Mike’s wife Andrea was there to help, which was really good, but sometimes it felt like just her and I were having a conversation, which didn’t include all the students sitting around us. And, because we were in a line, it was extremely hard to capture the attention of those that sat at the ends of the table. Harley and Zach both told their testimonies –they are basically the only boys that have been coming. One of the points we discussed was anger, what we do to when we are angry and how do we calm ourselves down.

1.5 hrs

Prayer Requests: Kassidy- Church plant in Blackfalds: Venue Karianne- diploma marks coming out, so peace about them Cassidy- health, to get better and for doctors to know what is wrong; Grandparents in Florida safe travels Cody- Mr. Reed’s Dad passed away Rhyleigh- nightmares go away Katherine- Praise in dance, doing really good and even offered scholarships! Ben- Family in mourning; praise that funds for Dorothy have been raised! Zach- Mexico funds have been raised!!! Andrea- sleep and actually going to bed on time; praise Levi is taking steps and Micah is peeing on the potty!

March 4, 2014

Bronwyn was supposed to do her testimony, but did not come to study this week, partly because of having to tell her testimony. There is some anxiety about telling one’s life story, and one girl will be exempt from it. There are only a few more students to do their testimony, and this week Katherine volunteered to tell hers. It was really good, I have been a part of her life since she was

1.5 hrs


young, and I loved hearing her story of how she has grown in her faith and in maturity. We discussed being pure in thought and deed. The passage talks about having nothing to do with course joking, so we started telling jokes. It created a lot of laughs and even though it was somewhat side-tracked it showed that we don’t have to tell course jokes to laugh, but can do so without them. Prayer Requests: Abi- Praise for role in theatre and passed license test! Kassidy- Wisdom for college decisions Katherine- Love and witness for Christine Karianne- Calculus, thanks that Grandparents had a safe and fun trip to Costa Rica Megan- Sister had her baby boy! Rhyleigh- Help for her brother and praise that her Aunt had twins! Vicky- Prais two cousins are pregnant! A better understanding of Social Studies Ben- Family in mourning, fundraising for trip to Africa Zach & Michaela - Concentration and not procrastination in school Harley- Motivation in school Ben- English test, Africa finances and health Mike- find drivers

March 11, 2014

Mike was unable to come once again this week. We played ‘ninja’ once again to decide who would do their testimony, and Tim was designated to tell his. Karianne shared hers this week; it was really good with her being in her last year of high school. I’m excited for where she will be going in the next few years.

1.5 hrs

Prayer Requests: Katherine- to do well in dance audition, ability to learn 4 solos and keep up with school throughout this and go to next round to get scholarships Michaela- Concentration and not procrastination in school Karianne- Social Test Cassidy- Opa had a stroke, healing for him and help for Oma taking care of him Sarah- Healing for wrist and has two upcoming math tests Vicky- Protection and fun for Will who just got married and is on their honeymoon! Ben- Midterms starting, motivation and perseverance, Africa trip Harley- Focus when working on things Tim- Needs a good night’s sleep

March 18, 2014

This week the boys had to have a ‘talk,’ so I took both the junior and senior girls and played a game called ‘honey, if you love me won’t you please, please smile?’ This was an interesting task, as all the junior girls would only ask their friends and wouldn’t approach the seniors. It just shows the divide in age. After we started the bible study. Tim was not there, so we did not have a testimony and we did not play a game. Instead, we discussed as a group what the youth wanted to do for study in the following weeks. We decided on doing a few topical studies, and possibly a video called ‘True You.’ Mike will lead two weeks from now after Spring break on acceptance. We finished the book of Ephesians, and had really good discussion. We talked about working to the best of our ability, for God’s glory and not just when people are looking. As well as, the ‘armor of God.’ How God has equipped us for life’s temptations and trials.

1.5 hrs

Prayer Requests: Katherine- Christine, love and support; and praise for going to nationals for dance Kassidy- Accepted into Summit! Church plant desperately needs a venue, they have outgrown where they are currently Karianne- Michaela is getting better! Mom can be organized for China trip Sarah- Healing for cold and Tim’s ear infection


Vicky- Aunt and Uncle need handicap van Zach- Safety and fun for trip to Mexico Ben- Midterms and lab exams, safe travels for dad and sister as they are going to Costa Rica with the high school Mike- Support and encouragement for the Bale family SPRING BREAK MISSIONS TRIPS- Christians be bold for those that aren’t



January 17, 2014


January 24, 2014

Chinese New Year

January 24, 2014

Polar Bear Campout Prep

January 26, 2014

Polar Bear Campout Prep

January 31 – February 1, 2014

Polar Bear Campout

Hrs/ Min 2 hrs.

Tonight was actually really fun. I love not having the stress of trying to ‘fit in,’ and play it cool as a youth, which is where the two girls that I was with are at. To start, each group made a hole with a par, then, each group went through them. I was with Megan and Rhyleigh. I’m glad I got to spend that time with them, as they are both going through a lot. Rhyleigh seemed pretty open to talking to me, and telling me the boys she liked and currently likes. Megan distanced herself more, quite often she had her back turned to us and would be on her phone. Both of these girls need a lot of positive attention, and I want to focus my time and attention on them. There was also talk of having a knitting day with some of the girls; this would be a good, fun opportunity that I’m going to make happen. These girls are a joy to spend time with, but my ulterior motive will be to encourage them in their lives. After the activity a few of us went to Tim Horton’s to hang out. It was mostly fun, and not too much serious discussion occurred.

2 hrs.

I had a lot of fun at this event. Another youth group joined us, all the way from Stettler. They have been joined a couple of times before, but there is still not many connections between our youth and theirs, especially, because they don’t see each other as much as they do their own friends. And really, how do you facilitate friendships? They just happen on their own. Most of the youth brought a Chinese dish to share, so after we ate we played some entertaining games, and had fireworks, which was a lot of fun! Again, after the event some of the older youth went to Tim Hortons. I find that it is in these situations, where people are just visiting, that you learn the most about each other and build good relationships.

3 hrs.

In this prep time my dad, Pastor Mark and myself went to the campsite area to get it ready. We set up two large hunting tents with camp stoves inside with a tarp covering both creating a common area between the two. This was to be the girls’ quarters. Next we set up a lean-to tarp for the ‘kitchen’ and fire-pit area. One of the leaders Austin Clark came out to help my dad and I bring square straw bales to the campsite as well as cut firewood. We spent time cutting down trees, and chopping them. I role was to carry the chopped pieces to a common area by the fire-pit.

1½ hrs. 16 hrs.

As this was an overnight campout it took a lot of time. I was in charge during this event, which meant that I came up with activities, checked in with parents and planned food. Angela, the main leader, did the beforehand preparations such as collecting waivers, money, giving directions and so forth. This was stretching experience for me, for I have never really had that much responsibility before, as the youngest of my family I was not put in charge of much, the big tasks were given to my older siblings. First off, when it came to the food, I had to co-ordinate with Angela from what the Church already had, as well as another lady in our Church who volunteered to take care of Saturday’s lunch. After all that, I had to determine what was still needed, go to the grocery store pick it up and then cook it. I also thought of the activities, both indoor and outdoor, of what we could do. I tried to keep them simple, so we didn’t need many supplies. And in the end we didn’t play any of the ones I had thought of. Instead, Friday night we played cops and robbers with glow


sticks in the deep snow and surrounding forest. Some of the students were tired of running around, so they played a game called ‘mophia’ around the campfire and had s’mores while others, with some leaders, went sledding. We had planned to have the girls in three tents, and the boys only in one, but in the end the girls did not want to separate, so they squished in two and the boys spread out into the other tent. The tents we used are not your regular tents; they are made of canvas, have a camp stove to keep it warm, and can fit (if you squish) eleven girls into one. Overnight I was in charge of keeping the camp stove running, which meant that every hour I would wake up; if I wasn’t already awake, to stoke the stove. When we went to bed, around 11:30 the girls decided to play ‘truth,’ no dare because no one wanted to have to get up. It was interesting to hear what the girls had to say about who they liked, what characteristics they liked about boys in general, what music they listened to and what not; we kept the topics PG. I was torn as to how much I should participate. On one hand, I want to be real with these girls, but on the other hand, some of the questions would show my insecurities, even as adults we all have ones, they just change over time. Overall, I was able to participate without losing face. After our ‘truth’ discussion and screaming about seeing a mouse, we finally decided to go to sleep or more like got told by the boys to go to sleep, so they did, I was semi-asleep all night to stoke the stove. At one point I actually did fall asleep and when I awoke the fire was almost out. I thankfully had a co-leader, whom knew how to get the fire roaring again. Then in the morning we almost had a catastrophe because I couldn’t get a piece of wood in the stove and it had caught on fire a little, so I put it on top of the stove as to not light anything on fire. This turned out to back-fire, because the piece of wood continued to smoulder and filled the tent with smoke. I didn’t realize what was happening until I turned over, and to my horror found this piece of wood still burning! I jumped up and threw it out the door. All the girls were freaking out a little, and afterwards I told them that I did it on purpose to give them an experience. The next morning we had scrambled eggs, bacon and muffins for breakfast. Some of the students played soccer while others ate. I had been thinking of a devotional, but nothing was set in stone, so last minute I asked another leader, Austin, to conduct a devotional. I felt bas asking him so last minute, but I knew he would accept and do an exceptional job, which he did. Afterwards, we all went out sledding, on the hill we found a colossal snow drifts; it was here we spent all afternoon. We even dug a tunnel through the snow to sled through. It was a relief to not have to think about lunch preparations, as the lady in the Church was looking after it. Lunch was gratefully appreciated after playing in the snow. This brought us to the time to pack up and hike back out to the road. I along with the students was very happy to find trucks to put our baggage in, instead of hiking twenty minutes back out. We were also blessed with great weather Saturday. Most of the parents came in good time to pick up their children, but there were a few that I had to call to make sure they were coming and not lost as well as take my cousin and his friend back to the farm with me, so we weren’t waiting in the open, cold field. My greatest learning during this weekend was through responsibility and taking charge when need be. Sometimes I feel inadequate and ill-prepared for the tasks at hand, but I’m still learning and experiences like this show me that I can do it. I also enjoyed getting to know the girls in my tent and look forward to spending more time with them.

February 7 & 8, 2014

Fundraiser Prep The fundraiser was to raise funds for the youth convention (YC) in May. This is always a highlight for youth as there are speakers, concerts and a lot of new faces. The fundraiser was a Valentines breakfast meal Saturday evening with desserts to auction off, as well as, the four hours of the youth’s time. So, to get ready, the chairs had to be removed from the sanctuary, tables’ set-up and decorated; cakes made and decorated, and flowers to be arranged. It was a bit stressful trying to get the youth organized and actually helping, as many just wanted to stand around and visit with their friends. I ended up helping arranging flowers and checked in on the girls decorating cakes every once in a while. The next evening was a success! I was in the nursery, to help babysit, so I missed the auction, but I got to hear all about it afterwards. My parents were there, and they bought two girls time, to help out at the farm. Afterwards we had to clean-up and get everything ready for church the next day.

2 hrs. & 4 hrs.


Thankfully the youth helpful and we managed to leave the church at a record time.

February 14, 2014

Veggie Tales Marathon

February 21, 2014

Mystery Dinner

February 28, 2014


March 14, 2014

Body of Christ

2 hrs.

This was a very chill event, as we all came in our pajamas to watch veggies tales. These movies actually have great messages, we watched two different ones. The first was about using the gifts we’ve been given to help others. The second movies message was about not having fear, because God is bigger than all our fears and we can trust in him!

2 hrs.

This was quite a funny event. When students came in they received a menu which had strange items that corresponded with actual food. For example, fluffy clouds were napkins and steel razors were forks. As the evening got rolling the chaperones took the menus and served each course. What students wrote for each of the four courses they received, so in some cases they would receive a course without utensils or have dessert items for the first course. After the meal students and leaders together cleaned up some, so we could play a game. This game that I led is mystery type game called `Mophia. ` Students really enjoy this game, as we`ve played it before. Many of the students that came out were junior youth; therefore, had endless energy and were quite wound up after their meal. This made it hard to keep them focused and playing properly. At the end of the night I was tuckered out and ready for my bed, but despite this it was a successful evening!

6 hrs.

This was a really fun event, really, who doesn’t like rides. I did have more responsibility at this event as the main leader, Angela, was not there, so I was co-leading with another young leader. My responsibilities included role call to and from galaxyland, making sure each group of students had a minimum of four students each and a chaperone. We met at the church at 5:15 to get everyone checked in and ready to go. On the way up to Edmonton I sat with Kassidy, we had good conversations’ about her job, her future schooling possibilities and playing around with apps. Upon arriving to West Edmonton Mall I was in charge of picking up tickets for the group. This was a bit stressful as I did not know where to go, and the young leader supposed to help me went off, so I grabbed a chaperone to come with me. We ended up going to the service station, which was the wrong place and didn’t have our tickets making it seem like we didn’t have the fifty reserved that we were supposed to. Finally, we figured out that it was at the entrance that we were to pick them up. I ended up hanging out with some of the senior girls. It is easy and natural to spend time with them and have conversations. It was interesting as one of the girls, Karianne, asked, “are you ever jealous of peoples’ friendships?” I knew right away what she was talking about, because she has been trying to connect with certain girls, but it always just seems that it is an one sided effort. I made sure that she was included and went on a couple of rides specifically with her, like the ‘mind bender,’ which is the big red rollercoaster. On the way home there was a little miscommunication as another leader was responsible for contacting the bus driver to make sure we were being picked up at the same spot. As it turned out we were not, but the other leader had not communicated that with me, so I sent out some students and chaperones to a bus that was not waiting. Luckily, the other leader came back in time to go out into the -30 weather and grab them. I just felt like it looks bad when leaders aren’t communicating well and brings confusion into the group. Once we got back to the Church at 12:15am we double checked that the bus was cleaned up properly like we had asked, which it was not—do students ever fully clean a bus afterward a field trip? We also had to wait until all the students were picked up by their parents.

2 hrs.

There weren’t as many youth this evening, about fifteen. We spent the first half hour at the ‘cafe’ and hanging out. Then we started games. There were three different groups and each had a student


leader. I was the leader for these lovely ladies. We won basically every challenge. The whole evening was based on teamwork and how every person has a part to play. If one person was missing then the task could not be accomplished. For example, in the picture the girls all had to draw a farm scene. The challenge was that they each only had one color of crayon and could only draw once. Meaning if they had brown they had to think of everything that was brown such as fences, mud, cows etc. This creates cohesiveness in the youth group and community. Afterwards a few of the Senior youth went to McDonalds’ to spend some more time together.

March 12, 2014


30 min.

Hey Angela! I'm just wondering if you can answer a few questions about my involvement in Youth group and/or write a reference letter for me? Here are the questions I would like you answer: 1. How much time has Laura spent with the youth group combining both Tuesday and Friday nights? 2. How well and to what extent has Laura been able to build professional relationships with students in the Youth Group? 3. What does Laura do well? And, what could Laura improve on? 4. Have you noticed a difference in students’ behavior and attitudes since Laura has taken a deeper interest in their lives or been involved in Youth group? 5. How involved has Laura been in planning and coordinating activities for both Tuesday and Friday night events? Also, here are my ideas for Wacky Games - push penny across floor with nose - wear spaghetti filled rubber boots through course. A variation could be a team member is wheelbarrowed across the floor with their hands in bowls of spaghetti - one team member apply make-up to another from behind/blindfolded or feed yogurt from behind the back. - one team member drops pudding into another's mouth. Trying to see who can be the most accurate. - a blindfolded team member must feel a line of hands to identify whose is whose. - pass water along the line in Dixie cups to fill a bucket. Cannot use hands. - bring snow inside to make a mini replica of something - tie team members legs together in a line. They must manoeuvre through a course of hoops without touching hoops - play volleyball with balloons - on some type of balance beam have two different members face-off. Each have a pillow trying to knock the other person off. - swings are set up from the rafters. Team members face-off trying to know the sombrero off the others head.

March 21, 2014

Wacky Games

3 hrs.

The other three leaders, Angela, Austin and Ben, and I arrived an hour early to get things set-up and discuss the overview of ‘wacky’ games that we had all come up with. Overall, this was a great evening of fun! We started out as usual with the first half hour being café and hangout. We then proceeded to start with games. Some of the games included putting a banana back together, three legged hopscotch with spaghetti filled boots, spelling words with alphagetti soup, feeding pudding from behind, telling a story with another person’s arms, throwing cheesies into shaving cream that is on a teammates head, and others. We definitely didn’t use up all the games that we had all planned, but had a good mix. It was a little difficult to get some of the Youth girls to participate, and when it was not a group activity some of the other youth would not watch or be quiet enough


to listen to directions. Afterwards, some of the Senior high youth and leaders went to Boston Pizza’s for appetizers and to hang-out.

Date February 14, 2014

February 20, 2014

March 15, 2014


Hrs/ Min

This being Valentine’s day was a good day to connect with these single ladies. Just two girls could make it, Kassidy and Abi, which is alright because then it is more personal and feel less intimidated. We met at the CUC gym and went for a run. I encouraged them to just go at their own speed, and I think they enjoyed it. I’m excited to be training with the senior youth as I am passionate about running and have knowledge about it that I can share. It also gives me more motivation to exercise and I hope that they get excited about running and are motivated to support a good cause through the Shoppers Drugmart Race we will participate in. More of the girls were able to come out this time, which was really good. Kassidy, Abi, Michaela and Karianne were all there. We spent about forty minutes on the treadmills at our own paces, just trying to increase our cardiovascular systems and endurance. After we took some time to stretch, this really helps in releasing the lactic-acid built up in the muscles after exercise.

1 hr.

We decided to run outside this day, because it has been really nice out and free. I arrived at Caranna Lake, where Abi lives, but two of the girls ended backing out. This was fine, because then I got to spend one-on-one time with Abi. Running outside is a lot different than just running on a treadmill, but she did really well. I could tell she was exhausted by the end though. Afterwards, I went to Abi’s house because she lives right there. I ended up having some brunch with her family and got to see another side of her and how she interacts with her family.

1 hr.

TOTAL: Analysis:

Actual Time spent: 69hrs.

1 hr.

69 hrs

Estimated Time: 40 hrs.

Brief explanation of variance: (you can elaborate further in your reflection)

I ended up doing a lot more than I thought I would be, especially considering the overnight campout.


Reference Letter



Individual Reflections & Final Grade

i. Individual Reflections • What did you learn about project-based /service/self-directed learning from completing this project? I learned that relationships are key, and that extra-curricular activities such as this independent project takes a lot of time and planning. As for relationships, on one hand I find it easier to connect with the senior high youth as they are closer to my age, more mature and it is easier to get to meaningful conversations. On the other hand, the junior youth desperately want to be seen and heard from you, but their peers’ attention usually wins out; making it harder to connect with them. Concerning time, I was very surprised at how much time I had actually logged. As for planning, I just ended up taking spare time after classes or weekends to prepare, because I enjoy Youth group and all that it entails it did not feel like work. One of the hardest parts has been trying to get the senior girls availability in order to go for runs and train for the race.


How were the principles of active and interactive learning present in your project?

On Tuesday evenings I lead the Bible studies. Being able to take control and plan for these evenings really helped me take responsibility. Before the Bible study got underway, I decided to create a kind of structure that would help the students know the order of how the evening would go. Here is the order of events, when we first got together we would play a game, memory verse, pray, a student would tell their testimony, the Bible passage would be read out loud around the table by students, we would discuss what stood out to us and what it meant; and finally we would close with prayer requests and prayer. In the midst of the structure I had students take responsibility of certain things. For example, they were had to tell their testimony, they were the ones to be doing the majority of the talking and discussion, and I was there as a facilitator. I also implemented some Kagan structures to help discussion. Sometimes there was a question that I would ask, and instead of there being blank looks at me as no one wanted to answer; I would have students talk to their shoulder partner or think-pair-share making it interactive. Friday nights were definitely interactive and active even though each week’s activity is different. A recent example would be the evening of “body of Christ” games. In this evening there were three different teams who had to work together to do a series of challenging games, that would not be able to be done if one team member did not participate. Lastly, I met with the senior girls to train for the Shoppers Drugmart run. When we have met we are actively learning how to run better, live healthier lifestyles and build relationships.

How successful were you in achieving your objectives/outcomes?

It takes time to build relationships that are truly deeper than just surface level, but I feel that I was able to help cultivate some deeper relationships with mutual harmony, trust and respect. I would say that through the last two months respect, trust and harmony have been built with all twenty-five youth that attend each Tuesday and Friday, although, only three to five deeper relationships have been made where students have openly shared with me about their lives. I think through telling their life story on Tuesday evenings student’s eyes were opened as to what each person has gone through and currently going through. Although, some didn’t feel comfortable sharing, it really helped with understanding each other. Throughout this experience I have definitely learned to be more flexible. A small example of this is on Tuesday nights, I would come up with a game to start the evening off with, but as I suggested it the students always just wanted to play ‘Ninja,’ so it felt like I should not have even bothered planning a game, but I often complied, if it was the majority, to the 23

request. Also, after realizing that some students did not feel comfortable telling their testimony on Tuesdays, I decided to not make it mandatory. I was given more responsibility for Friday nights too, especially when the main leader, Angela, was not able to be there such as the Polar Bear Campout and the Galaxyland trip. On these evenings I was in charge of activities, attendance, behavior management and clean-up. •

Was there anything confirming or surprising about your project assessment/feedback?

Yes, in my reference letter confirmed my need to increase my authority with students, more the junior youth. I need to find the balance between friendship and authority. I have heard this comment a few times now. •

What were the challenges of completing your project?

The biggest challenge with the completion of this project was making sure I kept up with my personal reflections and timelog. I did not realize the extent to which I was actually participating and volunteering at my Church, and having to log twice a week made it challenging to keep up. It felt like I had just reflected and all of a sudden I had missed two days that I’d have to catch up on.

How would your project benefit middle years students/ teachers?

The benefits from my independent service learning were the experience of working with students and experience of getting to put plans into action. Experience is something that is lacking in the education program, mostly the experience of being in an actual classroom. Getting the taste of how to manage students and have them come to respect and value what you say as well as generating an atmosphere of independent learning is important, and through working with my youth group I was able to sample these areas. I have had opportunities to put my plans into action through classroom assignments, but the focus is somewhat different as that is for marks. This was more of the ‘real deal.’ If I hadn’t thought out or prepared enough, especially for Tuesday evenings, the activities and discussion definitely did not go as well as I would have hoped. •

How would you use this project/service as a teacher?

As a teacher I could adapt the activities we did into a subject area either for instruction or for class building. For example, with the Golf-Partee, if you were teaching physical education, students could be asked to make their own mini golf course, just as we did, and have each group go around to each other’s and play mini golf. Or, 24

using the same idea for review in language arts, you could have students, in groups, set up a course and under each hole is a vocabulary question or question from the novel study your class just did. Another way the service learning could be implemented is that I am now more prepared to teach a religion class, if ever asked. •

What changes would you make to the project?

For my project, I would try to have been able to plan more before starting and the way I chose to assess myself. Although, it was not bad to plan as I went, it might have been an easier load if I could have known more of what I would be doing beforehand. As well, for the assessment, it did change a little from my original plan. My original ideas were that I would be reflecting after each activity, and have Angela answer a few questions. I did end up reflecting, which was a lot of work, and maybe not the most accurate for giving a mark, so I added a self-assessment checklist. Also, I gave Angela a choice of answering the pre-made questions or writing a reference letter, and she chose to write a reference letter. Lastly, if I were to do it again I would get students feedback from the last two months of youth group. •

What further questions do you have about project-based/ service/ self-directed learning?

My questions would be: how do you keep each student, such as myself, accountable to the work they have done? And, how do you make sure each student has something to do? I know the assessments, tasklist, timelog and reflections are all a part of keeping us accountable to what we have done, but in a middle years’ classroom, would it work the same way? As for making sure each student has a project, I know for myself that I knew what I would do well beforehand, but I know there have been a few classmates that are struggling to meet deadlines and make this assignment realistic. III. Self

Assessment Checklist 5





Management of Time Detailed and Accurate Reflections 100% Commitment Met Goals and Outcomes 25

Expanded and Improved Skills - planning - student management Personal Relationships Increased - respect - trust - harmony


ii. Individual Project Assessment


III. Resources

Ephesians Bible Study January 14, 2014 The Joy of Gifts Everyone loves to receive gifts! As children, opening those Christmas presents was perhaps the most exciting time of the year! (Yes, somewhere down inside if we were Christian we knew Jesus was the most important part of Christmas, but boy were those toys hard to beat.)


And as for birthdays, well that was almost more special since we were the guest of honor and didn't need to share our gifts with others. (Though mom always insisted we did!) In this first week of our Ephesians Bible Study we are treated to a lavish list of gifts that belong to every believer in Christ. The list itself is quite overwhelming and forms part of an extended praise by Paul for how richly God has blessed each of us. Believe it or not, Eph 1:3-14 represents one single glorious sentence in the original Greek! 1. As we read, think about what stands out to you? 2. Do you have any questions as its being read? Read Eph 1:1-14 Paul begins this section by praising God the Father for giving his children “every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.” These blessings represent divine resources and privileges for God's people. 1. List out each of the spiritual blessings that are yours in Christ according to Ephesians 1:3-14. They all begin with a verb in the past tense, indicating that these things have already happened as a result of your faith in Jesus. • Chose us to be holy and blameless • To be adopted into God’s family • Redemption through his blood • Forgiveness of sins • Revealed to us his will • We are chosen, predestined • Given the Holy Spirit as a seal of our inheritance 2. How many spiritual blessings do you count? What impact does this list have on your faith? Is there one blessing that means more to you at this point in your spiritual journey? Explain.

1. Eph 1:4-5, 11 indicate that “God chose us before the foundation of the world” and that “he predestined us to be adopted as sons (and daughters) and to an inheritance...” This has been understood as either God foreknowing or foreseeing that he would save you or that God pre-ordained your salvation ahead of time. In other words, he purposely chooses some for salvation and not others. How do each of these perspectives challenge your understanding of your own salvation, your Christian faith, evangelism, etc.? Can you think of other places in Scripture where these perspectives are represented? Where do you fall? And on what basis? 2. What does it mean to be a son or daughter of God? How do you (or don't you) live out that identity in your daily walk with God? 27

• That we can come to God at any time • He has given us his Holy Spirit, which gives us power and authority 3. The word “redemption” in 1:7 means to release someone based on a payment of ransom. The verse goes on to say that Christ paid a ransom to forgive your sins “through his blood.” Do you see your salvation mainly in these terms? Why or why not? What impact does reflecting on Christ's crucifixion have on your faith? Love for God? Love for others? Service? 4. Eph 1:13 states that we have been “sealed” by the Holy Spirit which guarantees our inheritance. The word suggests a type of stamp that authenticates that believer will receive his / her eternal salvation and rewards. Do you live with that type of assurance regarding your salvation? Why or why not? How does that impact your day-to-day decisions? January 21, 2014 The Desire for Wisdom

Walk down any major urban center and you are bound to see front store shops dedicated to reading your palms, your horoscopes or your future. The popularity in these services has to do with an innate human desire to have more knowledge, more insight, indeed more spiritual perception in order to make better decisions in life or to know exactly how one's life is going to turn out. But all of these avenues are false sources and dead-ends. Some may even be connected to the occult. However, beyond the command to avoid these spiritual traps, God has already promised to grant us wisdom, revelation and deeper spiritual insights if we only ask him. In this section of our Ephesians Bible Study we see that Paul prays for exactly these things for the Ephesian church. 1. As we read, think about what stands out to you? 2. Do you have any questions as its being read? Read Eph 1:15-23 1. Paul describes two characteristics of the Ephesian church in 1:15. What are they? 2. In 1:17 Paul prays for a spirit of “wisdom” and “revelation” for the Ephesian church? These words are not meant to conjure up a desire for secret knowledge but rather a deeper perception about God and his ways. What wisdom and revelation did Paul wish for the Ephesian church given what follows in the letter? 28

3. In 1:18 Paul prays that “the eyes of [the Ephesians] heart might be enlightened” so that they might know “the hope of God's calling,” the “riches of his inheritance” and “God's power.” What do each of these spiritual truths mean? Describe with concrete examples. 4. Paul describes God's power by referring to what event in the gospels? 5. In Ephesians 1:21-22 Paul describes the position God gave to Christ after his resurrection. Describe that position in as much detail as possible. 6. Ephesians 1:22-23 begins to describe several fundamental truths about the New Testament church: What exactly do these verses say about the church? 1. In 1:15 you identified two traits that characterize the Ephesians church. Are these traits descriptive of your church? Are they descriptive of you? Why or why not? 2. In 1:18 Paul desired greater spiritual understanding for the Ephesians in order that they might know the “hope of God's calling,” “the riches of his inheritance” and “his power.” In which of these truths do you need greater spiritual understanding? Why? 3. What does it mean for the church and for your life individually that Christ has been seated at God's right hand above every rule, authority, power and dominion? Be specific. How is it that you appropriate God's power, authority or dominion in your Christian life? Or do you appropriate it at all? 4. What are the implications for the church and for your part within the church to say that we are Christ's body and that he is the head or the source of the church? What does this image imply about the way that the church grows, how it functions, how it is lead and the part that you play within this body? 5. Paul often prayed for the congregations he planted and served often giving thanks to God for these churches (and their members) and petitioning God that these churches might be strengthened. What is your level of intercession for your church, for its leaders, for people within the congregation? Is this something all Christians should cultivate? January 28, 2014 Ephesians 2:1-22 REVIEW QUESTIONS FOR THE CHAPTER 1) What are the main points of this chapter? - Raised and seated on the throne (1-10) - Reconciled and set into the temple (11-22) 2) What was our condition outside of Christ? (1-3) 29

- Dead in trespasses and sins - Walking according to the course of this world and the devil - Fulfilling the desires of the flesh and mind, by nature the children of wrath 3) Is this an accurate portrayal of your life prior to Christ? 4) What motivated God to save us? (4) - His rich mercy and great love 5) What did God do, even though we were dead in trespasses? How? (5) - Made us alive together with Christ - By grace 6) What else has He done? Why? (6-7) - Raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places with Christ - To show the riches of His grace and kindness toward us in Christ in the ages to come 7) Upon what basis have we been saved? Upon what basis have we not been saved? (8-9) - By grace through faith, as the gift of God - Not of ourselves or of works, lest anyone should boast 8) What are we now in Christ Jesus? For what purpose? (10) - God's workmanship - Created in Christ Jesus to walk in good works which God prepared beforehand 9) What was the Gentiles' condition outside of Christ? (11-12) - Aliens from the commonwealth of Israel - Strangers from the covenants of promise - Having no hope, without God in the world 10) What has Christ done through His blood? How do you react to that knowledge? (13) - Those who once were far off are now brought near 11) How has Jesus become "our peace" through His death on the cross?(14-17) - By breaking down the middle wall of partition between Jew and Gentile - By abolishing in His flesh the law of commandments contained in ordinances that had separated Jew and Gentile - By reconciling them both to God in one body - By preaching peace to those afar off (Gentile) and those near (Jew) 12) Why is it important to keep the focus on two ethnic groups coming together in Christ in our modern day context? Are there groups of people that you view in a judgemental way or even suspicious way? What does this section require of us when we make distinctions based on race, gender, ethnicity, colour, socio-economic status, sexual preferences or other factors? 13) What do we both have through Christ? What position does that put you in? (18) - Access by one Spirit to the Father 14) What can Gentiles now become because of what Christ has done? (19) 30

- Fellow citizens with the saints - Members of the household of God 15) Upon what are we being built? (20) - The foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ as the chief cornerstone 16) What kind of building are we? For what purpose? What does the type of building mean to you? (2122) - A holy temple in the Lord - To be a habitation of God in the Spirit 17) What verse in the study has meant the most to you? February 4, 2014 Ephesians 3:1-13 REVIEW QUESTIONS FOR THE SECTION 1) What are the main points of this section? - The revelation of the mystery (1-13) 2) How does Paul identify himself as he begins this chapter? (1) - As the prisoner of Jesus Christ for the Gentiles 3) What dispensation, or measure, of grace was shown by God toward Paul? (2-3) - That by revelation God made known to him the "mystery" 4) What did Paul say we can have by reading what he had written? (3-4) - We can understand his knowledge in the mystery of Christ 5) What does Paul reveal concerning the revelation of this mystery? (5) - In other ages it was not made known, but has now been revealed by the Spirit to His holy apostles and prophets 6) What is the "mystery" that has now been revealed? (6) - That Gentiles should be fellow heirs, of the same body, and partakers of His promise through the gospel 7) How does knowing you have a future inheritance affect your walk with God? As a part of the body of Christ, what does this mean for you? Do you see yourself as a specific part? 8) Though viewing himself as "less than the least of all the saints,� what gracious task was given to Paul? (8-9) - To preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ - To make all see with is the fellowship of the mystery which was hidden from the beginning 9) What was the intent for proclaiming the revelation of this mystery? (10) - That the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by the church to principalities and powers in the heavenly places 10) According to what was all this being done? (11) - The eternal purpose or plan which God accomplished in Christ Jesus 11) What has Christ therefore made possible for us? (12) - Boldness and access to God with confidence through faith in Him 12) Does this accurately describe your approach to prayer? Why or why not? (Heb. 4:16)


13) What verse in the study has meant the most to you? February 11, 2014 Ephesians 3:14-21 REVIEW QUESTIONS FOR THE SECTION 1) What are the main points of this section? - Paul's second prayer: for their enablement (14-21) 2) What is Paul’s posture as he begins to pray for the Ephesian church? What does that posture communicate about his approach to prayer and about the One he is praying to? (14) - On his knees - He is submissive and humble when he comes to God - God deserves only utmost respect 3) What is your mindset as you approach God in prayer? How do you view what takes place in prayer? 4) In Paul's second prayer for the Ephesians, for what does he ask? (14-19) - That they would be strengthened by the Spirit of God - That they might comprehend the love of Christ - That they might be filled with all the fullness of God 5) Are any of these the prayers of your heart at this time? Why? Can you give a personal example of the surpassing greatness of Christ`s love in your life? 6) What does Paul say God is able to do? How? (20) - Exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think - According to the power that works in us 7) How big are your prayers? Do you really believe that God can answer and has an answer for anything you are experiencing now or will experience? 8) In what entity does Paul seek to ascribe glory to God? How? For how long? (21) - In the church - By Christ Jesus - Throughout all ages, world without end

9) What verse in the study has meant the most to you? February 18, 2014 Ephesians 4:1-16 REVIEW QUESTIONS FOR THE SECTION 1) What are the main points of this section? - A call to walk in unity (1-16) 2) How is the Christian to walk? (1) - In a manner worthy of our calling 3) What attitudes are consistent with the Christian walk? (2-3) - Lowliness, gentleness, longsuffering, bearing with one another in love - Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace


4) Which attitudes do you most need to cultivate today? 5) What seven facets make up the unity of the Spirit? (4-6) - One body, one Spirit, one hope of our calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all 6) Why is the unity of the church so critical to God? What happens when there is disunity in the church and between people? 7) What gracious gifts has been given by Christ to His church? (7-11) - That which enabled some to be apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers 8) What is the purpose of such gifts or functions? (12-14) - To equip the saints for service - To edify the body of Christ - To help all come to the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God - To help all mature and no longer be children, troubled by false doctrine 9) Can you give some specific examples of good or bad doctrine today? By what criteria are you able to discern between the two? 10) As we speak the truth in love, what are we to be doing? What assists us in this? (15-16) - Growing up in all things in Christ - Our connection to Christ as the head, and the effective working of every member doing its part

11) What verse in the study has meant the most to you? February 25, 2014 Ephesians 4:17-21 REVIEW QUESTIONS FOR THE SECTION 1) What are the main points of this section? - A call to walk in purity (17-32) 2) How should we no longer walk? (17) - As the rest of the Gentiles 3) How are those in the world walking? Why? (17-19) - In the futility of their mind and being past feeling, they are given to licentiousness, uncleanness and greediness - Their understanding is darkened, being alienated from God because of the ignorance in them due to the hardness of their heart 4) In contrast, what truth have we learned from Christ? (20-24) - To put off the old man which grows corrupt according to its deceitful lusts? - To be renewed in the spirit of our minds - To put on the new man that was created by God in righteousness and true holiness 5) Why is truthfulness such an important virtue in the Scriptures? What are some barriers that would prevent you from being truthful and honest with people? 6) What sort of things are we to therefore put away? (25-32) - Lying, anger, theft, corrupt and evil speech, bitterness, wrath


7) Do any of the statements about anger surprise or challenge you?(26) Why would anger be described as, giving the devil a foothold? (27) 8) What sort of things should we be doing instead? (25-32) - Speaking with truth and grace, working to help those in need, being kind, tender-hearted, forgiving others as God in Christ forgave us 9) Why is the issue of speech such an important area for Christians to watch? Are you prone to unwholesome talk? Do you speak only things that are edifying? What will you do to be mindful of you speech? 10) What are some of the things which God has forgiven you, both past and present? Is there someone you need to forgive in light of God`s forgiveness of you in Christ? If so, deal with is right away. 11) Why should we be concerned about doing such things? (30) - Lest we grieve the Holy Spirit, by whom we were sealed for the day of redemption

12) What verse in the study has meant the most to you? March 4, 2014 Ephesians 5:1-21 REVIEW QUESTIONS FOR THE SECTION 1) What are the main points of this section? - A call to walk in love (1-7) - A call to walk as children of light (8-14) - A call to walk as wise (15-21) 2) What are Christians to be? (1) - Followers of God as dear children 3) How are we to walk (live)? (2) - In love, even as Christ loved us and gave Himself for us 4) What things are not fitting for saints? (3-4) - Fornication - All uncleanness - Covetousness - Filthiness - Foolish talking - Coarse jesting 5) Are any of these areas a struggle for you? If you feel comfortable, explain. 6) What is fitting for saints? (4) - The giving of thanks 7) Who has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God? (5) - No fornicator, unclean person, nor covetous person 8) Of what is a covetous person guilty? (5) - Idolatry 9) What is to come upon the sons of disobedience? (6)


- The wrath of God 10) What are we now in the Lord? How then should we walk? (8-10) - Light in the Lord - As children of light, proving what is acceptable to the Lord 11) This section calls for us to imitate God. Do you find that to be a) a hopeless ideal; b) a challenging goal; c) an endeavor that brings out the best in you? 12) What is the fruit of the Spirit (light)? (9) - Goodness, righteousness, and truth 13) What are Christians to do regarding unfruitful works of darkness? (11) - Have no fellowship with them - Expose them 14) How else are Christians to live? Why? (15-16) - Circumspectly, as wise, redeeming the time - Because the days are evil 15) What other responsibilities do we have as Christians? (17-18) - To understand the will of the Lord - To be filled with the Spirit 16) What is either the means or the evidence of one filled with the Spirit? (19-21) - Speaking to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs - Singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord - Giving thanks for all things to God the Father in the name of Jesus Christ - Submitting to one another in the fear of God

17) What verse in the study has meant the most to you? March 11, 2014 Ephesians 5:22-6:9 REVIEW QUESTIONS FOR THE SECTION 1) What are the main points of this section? - A call to walk in matrimonial harmony (22-33) - A call to walk in familial harmony (1-9) 2) What are the responsibilities of wives toward their husbands? (22-24) - To submit and be subject to their husbands, as to the Lord 3) What is revealed about the relation of Christ to His church? (23) - He is the head of the church and the Savior of the body 4) What are the responsibilities of husbands toward their wives? (25-31) - To love their wives as Christ loved the church - To nourish and cherish their wives, as they do their own bodies 5) Why did Jesus love and give Himself for the church? (25-27) - That He might sanctify and cleanse the church - That He might present it to Himself a glorious church - That it might be holy and without blemish


6) What is Paul's summation regarding marital responsibilities? (33) - A husband is to love his wife as himself - A wife is to respect her husband 7) What responsibilities do children have toward their parents? (1-2) - Obey their parents in the Lord - Honor their father and mother 8) What promise comes with the commandment to honor one's parents? (3) - "That it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth" 9) What responsibilities does a father have toward his children? (4) - Not to provoke them to wrath - Bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord 10) In what way are servants to be obedient to their masters? (5-7) - With fear and trembling - In sincerity of heart, as to Christ - Not only when the attention is on you, as men-pleasers, but also when no one is watching - As servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart - Serving with good will, as to the Lord and not to men 11) What should motivate a servant to this kind of service? (8) - Knowing that what good one does will bring about the same from the Lord 12) How were masters to treat their servants? (9) - In the same way servants were to serve their masters - Without threatening 13) What ought to motivate masters to treat their servants kindly? (9) - Knowing that their Master is in heaven, and He shows no partiality 14) What is the modern day application for Paul`s commands to each of the groups that are addressed? Wives and Husbands? Children and Parents? Servants and Masters?

15) What verse in the study has meant the most to you? March 18, 2014 Ephesians 6:10-24 REVIEW QUESTIONS FOR THE SECTION 1) What are the main points of this chapter? - A call to walk in victory (10-20) - Conclusion (21-24) 2) In what are Christians to be strong? (10) - In the Lord and in the power of His might 3) How can we stand against the schemes of the devil? (11) - By putting on the whole armor of God 4) How would you describe “the schemes of the devil?�


5) Against what do we wrestle, if not against flesh and blood? (12) - Principalities and powers - The rulers of the darkness of this age - Spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places 6) What benefit is there to take up whole armor of God? (13) - May be able to withstand in the evil day - Having done all, to stand 7) List the armor of God as described in verses 14-17 - Waist girded with truth - Breastplate of righteousness - Feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace - Shield of faith to quench the fiery darts of the wicked one - Helmet of salvation - The sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God 8) How do you use or would use each of the spiritual elements in the Christian armour: truth, righteousness, the gospel of peace, faith, salvation and God`s word? Be specific or share a story where you used the armour. 9) What else should we add to this armor? (18) - Praying always with watchfulness, with perseverance making supplication for all the saints 10) For what did Paul ask that they pray for in his behalf? (19-20) - For boldness to make known the mystery of the gospel 11) How did he describe himself? (20) - An ambassador in chains 12) Who was going to tell them more about Paul's condition? (21-22) - Tychicus 13) How is this man described? (21) - A beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord 14) For what does Paul pray as he closes this epistle? (23-24) - Peace to the brethren, and love with faith - Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity 15) Take time now to pray for both those in the church and those who are sharing the gospel.

16) What verse in the study has meant the most to you? Resources

Memory Verse Check Jan. 14

Jan. 21

Jan. 28

Feb. 4

Feb. 11

Kassidy Abi 37

Karianne Michaela Sarah Bronwyn Cassidy Rhyleigh Megan Harley Zach Tim Feb. 18

Feb. 25

Mar. 4

Mar. 11

Mar. 18

Kassidy Abi Karianne Michaela Sarah Bronwyn Cassidy Rhyleigh Megan Harley Zach Tim


Number of round straw bales


A ‘Y’ shaped stick


Two pieces of man-made litter


A pinecone


Something round


Something fuzzy


Something rough


Something smooth


Two different types of leaves 38




Pine needles




A piece of rope/string


Number of round straw bales


A ‘Y’ shaped stick


Two pieces of man-made litter


A pinecone


Something round


Something fuzzy


Something rough


Something smooth


Two different types of leaves




Pine needles




A piece of rope/string

Saturday – May 31, 2014 Shoppers Drug Mart Run for Women – Edmonton 2014 ($45.00) -5K Team



Mental health is a cause that’s worthy of all our attention. That’s why we created the Shoppers Drug Mart Run for WOMEN, Canada’s first and only national women’s and girls’ running race series. This event celebrates the strength and courage of women across the country. For each race, all participant donations and pledges will support local women’s mental health programming in each of the 10 race cities: Vancouver, Calgary, Unionville, Ottawa, Halifax, Quebec City, Montreal, Winnipeg, Oakville and Edmonton (All your pledges and donations will be supporting women’s mental health programs at Lois Hole Hospital for Women).

Join us for a fun 5K run or walk, 10K run or walk or Little Steps Girls 1K run. Get inspired to get healthy, or stay healthy, and spend time with your friends, sisters, daughters and mothers. Plus you’ll receive great swag and create wonderful memories while supporting women’s mental health in your community.

The fit between exercise and mental health is one that we understand - we all run for mental health! But you may not know that there is actual evidence supporting the health connection between running and depression. Numerous studies have shown that aerobic exercise that raises your heart rate for at least 25 minutes can have the same effect on your brain chemistry as anti-depressant drugs and structured talk therapy. MRI scans indicate that running can increase the level of serotonin in the brain, which is a key treatment for depression. The Lois Hole Hospital for Women (LHHW) is a national leader in women’s healthcare excellence located at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in the heart of Edmonton, Alberta. This state-of-the-art facility consolidates specialized services for women together under one roof, improving accessibility and quality of care. The LHHW treats women of all ages and in all stages of life and provides the largest gynecological services in the province for women’s medical care and surgical procedures. The LHHW is the pre-eminent teaching centre for the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Alberta, and is the research home of the Women and Children’s Health Research Institute (WCHRI). The Lois Hole Hospital for Women is a place of hope and healing. The late Honourable Lois Hole, former Lieutenant Governor of Alberta was a woman of strong character and great vision. She brought dignity, kindness, a progressive spirit, and most importantly she brought hope. Values that today epitomize the hospital named in her honour. The Reproductive Mental Health Program (RMH) at the Lois Hole Hospital for Women encompasses the vision of offering women compassionate care addressing the important connection between their physical and mental well being. The RMH team, consisting of two psychologists, a mental health nurse and a bereavement coordinator, treats women who are experiencing mental health issues associated with the various reproductive life stages including pregnancy, childbirth and menopause. A significant part of the program centers around care for women with or at high risk for postpartum depression. Another relevant focus is women and partners struggling to conceive and undergoing infertility treatments and IVF. The program also has an important bereavement component that helps families begin their healing journey after experiencing the devastating loss of a baby.


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