Living with Fire - Bitterbrush and Sagebrush Version

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LIVING WITH FIRE A guide for the homeowner

Lassen County Third Edition

North and Eastern Lassen County Honey Lake Valley Version Picture courtesy of the Doyle Interagency Fire Center


Lassen County Fire Safe Council

Working Together to Reduce the Threat of Wildfires

Serving ALL of Lassen County

What is the Problem? Fire is a fact of life in Lassen County Wildland ecosystems are fire dependent and need fire to survive. However, homes and communities in the Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) - May be surrounded by woods, dense brush and combustible vegetation that fuels wildfires. This increases the risk if serious loss of human life, homes, assets, property, and natural resources. During a wildfire, protecting human life and property - Takes priority over saving valuable forests, watersheds, and wildlife habitats. Homes may be saved, but the beautiful environment surrounding them is often lost.

Who's Responsible? You, Me, All of Us! Large fires threaten thousands of homes - all across the west every summer. Wildfires can quickly overwhelm firefighters' ability to protect individual homes so the burden must fall elsewhere. There are not enough fire engines Available to put beside every home that is at risk during a wildfire. We must make sure - Our homes and communities can survive! We MUST participate in the solution!

What's the Solution?

501 (c) 3 non-profit, non-governmental, non-regulatory community partnership made up of residents, property owners, community members and agencies dedicated to work together to reduce vulnerability to the threat of wildfire through activities such as:  Developing and Updating the County Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP)

 Cleaner air quality (less smoke)

 Identifying community wide fire safety needs.  Securing funding for projects from grants and other sources of funding to carry out large projects to reduce the amount of vegetation around homes and communities and to improve overall forest health and watershed improvements.  Providing education materials specifically designed to inform the community on measures they can and need to take to better understand their role in the if living in the wildland urban interface.

What's the Payoff?

Who Can Help?

Lassen County Fire Safe Council

 Reduced fire suppression and post fire rehabilitation costs (wildfires cost millions of dollars and impact local, state, and federal budgets and are ultimately paid for with your tax dollars.

The Lassen County Fire Safe Council is a

 Fewer insurance

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 Decreased environmental damage

 Increasing awareness of the need for creating "Defensible Space" (the area surrounding homes and communities that will resist the spread of a fire and dramatically improve the chances of surviving a wildfire.)

"Stand Alone" - Homes, neighborhoods and communities that can survive without firefighter protection when wildfire threatens. This enables firefighters to concentrate on stopping the spread of fires into the wildlands.

You and I, together with the . . . .

claims (increased chances that homes in the community will continue to be insurable and at affordable rates.)

 Smaller, less damaging wildland fires.  Fewer homes destroyed

 Cleaner water (less soil erosion into rivers, lakes, and reservoirs)  Less wildlife habitat destroyed  Peace of mind! The less there is to burn around homes and communities, the quicker a wildfire can be stopped. We may not be able to stop wildland fires from occurring, but we can make a difference in whether or not our homes will survive a wildfire. It is unreasonable to expect others to risk their lives trying to protect our property if we have done nothing to make it safer and easier for them to do so.

Preparation must begin long before smoke appears on the horizon!

Firewise in the Classroom Wildfire in the Classroom

The Lassen County Fire Safe Council's "Firewise in the Classroom" sixth grade education program is being delivered throughout Lassen County. We are now looking to the several charter schools to inquire if they are able to present the curriculum as well. The program name was specifically chosen to indicate our commitment to the message we are sending to the people of Lassen County and to recognize the importance in building a solid relationship with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Firewise Communities USA program. The program builds awareness of what the students can do to help their family succeed in putting together a family disaster/evacuation plan so they are better prepared should a wildland fire occur. In review of the current learning levels dedicated to teaching elementary age children about the dangers of wildland fires, we realized that there were no grade level classroom teaching programs available for these students. The Fire Safe Council refined a program which was developed by the Butte County Fire Safe Council which was recommended by the

Department of the Interior Inspector Generals Office. We realized that the program, with a few minor adjustments for our region, would be just the program for the families of Lassen County. The school chosen to present our first Firewise program was Richmond School. The plan was well received and supported by Principal Cindy Nellums. Sixth grade teacher Mrs. Sharon Cook was asked to present the program and is now beginning her third year presenting the curriculum. All of the materials and supplies needed for schools to present the program are supplied by the Lassen County Fire Safe Council with funds through the U.S. Department of Agriculture Title III funding which we received from requests made to the Lassen County Board of Supervisors. The most important element of the program is the Family Disaster Plan activity the students bring home to their families. This assignment consists of the student working along

with family involvement in the development of their personal family disaster plans. The idea is for the family to have a plan in place for all family members to know their individual roles should the family become separated in the event of a wildland fire. The plan along with pertinent information which the family decides is important to them is them placed into a magnetic vinyl envelope and placed on their refrigerator for easy access should a disaster occur. All school districts in Lassen County are now participating in this program with the Susanville School District, scheduled to present the curriculum for the first time this coming school year. We are working to have the program recognized and adopted by the State as the recommended curriculum for 6th grade classroom throughout the counties in California who are living with a high wildland fire threat. Page 2

Living With Fire

. . . helping residents of Lassen County live more safely with the threat of wildfire Photo courtesy of Dan Douglas, Lassen County Fire Safe Council

Fact: Despite our best prevention efforts, much of Lassen County and the Honey Lake Valley will continue to experience wildfire. Fact: The number of homes located in the North and Eastern region of Lassen County and the Honey Lake Valley’s high wildfire hazard areas have remained relatively the same yet many of these homes, neighborhoods, and communities are not prepared to survive a wildfire.

Living in a High Wildfire Hazard Area The potential for loss of human life and property due to wildfire in the North and Eastern region of Lassen County and the Honey Lake Valley is growing. In response, local, state, federal, private, and Lassen County Fire Safe Council have banded together to create Living With Fire, a wildfire threat reduction program for homeowners. Our purpose is to teach people how to live more safely with the threat of wildfire. For many areas in our region, it is not a question of “if” wildfire will occur, but “when.” Who Wins, Who Loses...

Why do some houses survive a wildfire, while others are destroyed? Research findings prove that house survival during wildfire is not random, miraculous, or “dumb luck.” Rather, it is how the house is built, the characteristics of the adjacent vegetation and other fuels, and routine maintenance that often determine which homes burn and which survive. These types of actions are called “pre-fire” activities. Pre-fire activities are actions completed before a wildfire occurs which improve the survivability of people and the home. The “winners” will be the people who implement pre-fire activities.

The homeowner is the most important person in preventing a house from being destroyed by wildfire. It is the actions that a homeowner takes before a wildfire occurs that are critical.

Human behavior is just as important as fire behavior In Saving your home! Before the Fire

During the Fire

After the Fire Photo courtesy of Candice Towell and RGJ

Prior to the fire, this homeowner changed the roof material from wood shakes to fire-resistant tiles and reduced the amount of flammable vegetation surrounding the home. These pre-fire activities helped this house survive the fire. Page 3

Wildfire will threaten your house in three ways‌

Radiated heat

Radiated heat melted the vinyl siding on this house. Flames never came in contact with it. Radiated heat is produced by invisible electromagnetic waves that travel out in all directions from a flame. When a house receives enough radiated heat for sufficient time, it will ignite. Sometimes radiated heat can burst windows and allow burning embers to enter the house.

Photo courtesy of Mike Dannenberg

Photo courtesy of Ben Hammack

Photo courtesy of Ben Hammack

Contact by flames

This type of threat occurs when vegetation and other fuels burning near the house produce flames that come in contact with the home and ignite it. Often, it happens when fire burns through a uniform layer of vegetation Built Zone right up to the house. Direct contact by flames is probably what most homeowners visualize when they think of a house burning during wildfire.

Flying embers

More houses burn due to flying embers than any other reason. If fire conditions are right, embers can be lofted high into the air and transported more than a mile. Burning embers can also be carried by wind and fire whirls. If these burning embers land in easily ignitable materials, a new fire can start.

What can homeowners do to reduce the wildfire threat? The Living With Fire wildfire threat reduction recommendations are presented according to four zones...

Access Zone Access Zone This zone provides suggestions that help emergency responders locate your home in a timely manner.

Interior Zone This zone offers fire safety tips Zone for Interior inside the home.

Defensible Space Zone This zone pertains to the vegetation surrounding your home, both landscape plants and native plants.

Built Zone This zone includes Built Zone

recommendations for home construction. Page 4

Access Zone Driveway and Access Road Clearance: Remove flammable vegetation extending at least 15 feet from both sides of the driveway and access roads. Overhead obstructions, such as overhanging branches and power lines, should be removed or raised to provide at least a 15-foot vertical clearance.

Road Width and Grade: Private roads and driveways over 200 feet must be at least 16 feet wide with a steepness grade limited to 12%. Any grade in excess of 12 % shall be paved with asphalt or concrete Roads and driveways less than 200 feet must be at least 12 feet wide.

Turnarounds: Homes located at the end of long driveways or dead-end roads should have turnaround areas suitable for large fire equipment. Turnarounds can be a culde-sac with at least a 45-foot radius or a location suitable for a three-point turn. Page 5

Septic Systems: Use signs or fencing to indicate the location of the septic tank and leaching field. Heavy fire equipment can damage septic systems.

Turnouts: Homes located at the end of long, narrow roads and dead ends can discourage firefighters and complicate evacuation. If possible, create turnouts in driveways and access roads that will allow two-way traffic.

Well House: Use signs to indicate the location of the well house or water system.

Road Signs: Road signs should be posted at each intersection leading to your home. Each sign should feature characters that are at least 4 inches high and should be made of reflective, noncombustible material.

Address: The address should be readily visible from the main road or street. The address sign should be made of reflective, noncombustible material with characters at least 4 inches high. Bridges, Culverts, and Cattle Guards: Inadequately built bridges, culverts, and cattle guards may prevent fire fighting equipment from reaching your home. Ask your local fire marshal about proper bridge, culvert, and cattle guard design for your area. Page 6

Defensible Space Zone Wildland Fuel Reduction Area: The Wildland Fuel Reduction Area usually lies beyond the residential landscape area and is where sagebrush, bitterbrush, rabbitbrush cheatgrass, juniper, and other wild plants grow. Within 100 feet of the residence: • Remove all dead vegetation, including dead shrubs, dried grass (especially cheatgrass), weeds, fallen branches, pine needles, etc. • Thin out thick shrubs, rabbit brush sagebrush, bitterbrush, and juniper trees to create a separation between them.* • Remove “ladder fuels” by removing low tree branches, removing or pruning the shrubs under the tree. * See page 16 for separation recommendations.

Note: These recommendations apply to fuel tanks and all “out buildings” including barns, shops, sheds, and well houses. Make sure you

have evacuation plans for your domestic animals. Page 7

Lean, Clean, and Green Area: For a distance of at least 30 feet from the home, there should be a “Lean, Clean, and Green Area.” “Lean” indicates that only a small amount of flammable vegetation, if any, is present within 30 feet of the house. “Clean” means there is no accumulation of dead vegetation or flammable debris within the area. “Green” requires that plants located within this area are kept healthy, green, and irrigated during fire season. For most homeowners, the Lean, Clean, and Green Area is the residential landscape. This area often has irrigation, contains ornamental plants, and is routinely maintained.

Noncombustible Area: Create a “Noncombustible Area” at least 3 feet wide around the base of your home. This area needs to have a very low potential for ignition from flying embers. Use irrigated herbaceous plants (such as lawn, ground cover, and flowers), rock mulches, or hard surfaces (such as concrete, brick, and pavers) in this area. Keep it free of woodpiles, wood mulches, dead plants, dried leaves and needles, weeds, cheatgrass, flammable shrubs (such as juniper), and debris.

See Page 19,

Six Steps to Creating an Effective Defensible Space Page 8

Built Zone Chimneys: Chimney and stovepipe openings should be screened with 1/2-inch or smaller wire mesh or an approved spark arrestor cap.

Rain Gutters: Rain gutters trap flying embers. Always keep your rain gutters free of leaves, needles, and debris. Check and clean them several times during fire season.

Eaves: The eaves of a home act as a heat trap for hot air and gases, greatly increasing the chance of ignition. Covering the underside of the eave with a soffit, or “boxing in� the eave, allows the heat to escape.

Windows: Windows are one of the weakest parts of a home and usually break before the structure ignites. This allows burning embers and heat to enter the home, which may lead to internal ignition. Single-paned and large windows are particularly vulnerable. In high fire hazard areas, install windows that are at least double-glazed or tempered glass. Windows with aluminum frames and sashes are better choices than those with wood or vinyl frames.

Burn Barrels: Locate burn barrels at least 30 feet from the house and other buildings. Make sure a water source is nearby. Clear an area down to bare soil for a distance of 10 feet wide around the barrel. There should be three evenly-spaced, 3-inch vents cut into the bottom portion of the barrel. Cover the top of the barrel and vent openings with 1/4-inch woven metal mesh screen. Do not burn on days when the wind speed exceeds 10 miles per hour and never leave the barrel unattended when burning. Do not burn plastic, rubber, Styrofoam, or asbestos. Once you start a burn barrel fire, you are responsible for it until the fire is completely out. Contact the Lassen County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office to find out if outdoor burning is allowed and also contact the local CalFire Office or your local fire agency for burn season restrictions.

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Vents: Vents are potential entry points for flying embers. All vent openings need to be covered with 1/8-inch or smaller wire mesh. Do not use fiberglass or plastic mesh because they can melt or burn.

Roof Valleys: Always keep your roof valleys free of leaves, needles, and debris. Check and clean them several times during fire season.

Roof: Homes with wood-shake or shingle roofs are much more likely to be destroyed during a wildfire than homes with fire-resistant roofs. If you have a woodshake or shingle roof, consider replacing it with a fireresistant type. Fire-resistant roofing materials include composition, metal, and tile. Regardless of the type of roof you have, keep it free of fallen leaves, needles, and branches.

Exterior Siding: Wood products, such as boards, panels and shingles, are common siding materials. However, they are combustible and not good choices for fireprone areas. Noncombustible siding materials, such as stucco, brick, metal, and cement board, are better choices.

Firewood: Firewood stacks should be located at least 30 feet from the home. If the stacks are stored uphill from the house, make sure that burning firewood cannot roll downhill and ignite the home.

Decks: The underside of the deck should be enclosed with fire-resistant materials. At the very least, the underside of the deck should be covered with 1/4-inch wire mesh. Keep this area free of all easily combustible materials.

Flammable Items: Keep the porch, deck, and other areas of the home free of easily combustible materials, such as baskets, dried flower arrangements, newspapers, pine needles, and debris.

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Interior Zone Carbon Monoxide Detectors: California law requires all homes to have Carbon monoxide (CO) detectors installed. They are the only way to alert people to dangerous levels of carbon monoxide before tragedy strikes. Carbon monoxide is a by product of combustion from gas appliances or automobiles. Only use detectors that are officially approved and are clearly marked with the American Standard – UL2034 symbol.

Smoke Detectors: Smoke detectors are inexpensive devices that save many lives. Current fire codes require a smoke detector in every bedroom and in common areas. Many older or retrofitted smoke detectors are not wired to the home’s electrical circuits and operate by self-contained batteries. Replace the batteries at least once a year or when the unit is “chirping” to indicate low battery power.

Wood Stoves, Pellet Stoves, and Fireplaces: Heat your home safely by following these tips concerning wood stoves, pellet stoves, and fireplaces. • Install according to the manufacturer’s directions. • Never use a flammable liquid such as gasoline to start a fire. • Carefully follow directions when using synthetic logs. • Keep a glass or metal screen in front of the fireplace opening to prevent embers or sparks from escaping. • Keep flammable materials off the mantle and at least 3 feet away. • Do not use excessive amounts of paper to start your fire. • Do not burn colored paper, which can accelerate creosote buildup and increase the likelihood of a chimney fire. • Avoid burning wood slowly for long periods of time, which contributes to soot and creosote buildup. Instead, allow the wood to burn rapidly for 10 to 15 minutes several times a week to help reduce creosote buildup. Use dry wood for more efficient burning. • Dispose of ash properly. Regularly remove ashes and place them in a metal container with a lid. Place the ash-filled container outdoors, away from combustible materials. Do not set the ash container on a wood surface, such as a deck, or other combustible material. Once ashes are cool, they can be spread into flower beds, gardens, or compost piles. • Screen chimney and stovepipe openings with 1⁄2-inch or smaller noncombustible mesh or an approved spark arrestor cap. • Inspect and clean chimney in the spring and fall each year. Page 11

Candle Safety: Candles are a safe product, but can become hazardous when used improperly or in an unsafe manner. • Always keep a burning candle within sight. • Keep candles out of the reach of children and pets. • Before burning, trim wicks to 1⁄4-inch. • Always use a heat-resistant, sturdy candle holder that is large enough to contain any melted wax. • Keep burning candles away from drafts, vents, air currents, and easily combustible materials, including flammable clothing. • Always burn candles in a well-ventilated room. • Extinguish the flame when 2 inches of wax remains, or when 1⁄2-inch remains if in a container. • Use a candle snuffer to extinguish candles.

Sprinkler Systems: A sprinkler system installed inside the home can provide effective fire protection. It will operate automatically and can extinguish a fire while you are asleep or away from home. Be sure your home sprinkler system is installed by a State licensed contractor.

Portable Fire Extinguishers: Portable fire extinguishers enable you to quickly respond to a fire. Extinguishers are rated by the type of fire they can effectively extinguish: “A” – wood or cloth fires, “B” – liquid fires, “C” – electrical fires, and “D” – metal fires. • Be sure all family members know the extinguisher’s location and its operation. • Get the extinguisher serviced annually and recharged after each use. • The term P-A-S-S will help you remember the right way to use the extinguisher: Pull the safety pin Aim the extinguisher Squeeze the trigger Sweep the extinguisher at the base of the fire

Plan Your Escape: Even with early warning from a smoke detector, escaping a house fire can be difficult. By planning and practicing exit drills, you can better prepare your family for a fire emergency. Contact your local fire department for advice.

Hazardous Materials: A wide variety of hazardous materials may be found in rural Lassen County households, farms, and ranches. They can include fertilizers, pesticides, lubricants, fuel, paints and stains, and solvents. In general, hazardous materials should be stored in a cool, dry place, away from any heat source and preferably in a building not attached to the house. Contact the local fire agency for specific advice concerning proper storage and disposal of hazardous materials in Lassen County.

Other Heating Systems: Kerosene and other fuel-fired heaters should be used properly. Follow manufacturers’ instructions when using these devices. • Be sure they are approved by an independent testing laboratory. Heaters should turn off if accidentally tipped over. • Use only the fuels specified by the manufacturer for each particular heating appliance. • Refuel heaters outdoors. • Keep children away from heaters. • Never burn charcoal indoors. Page 12

Can They Find You?

The Lassen sign provides for maximum visibility County Fire in all situations but does not conflict Safe Council with any other typical street name (LCFSC) is sign colors. focused on assisting you in protectWith County maintained roads ing you and your family. With this in the road name signs are printed on mind, we would like to introboth sides with green backduce you to our new house ground and white letters while number sign project. After the designated colors for signs several months of developindicating private roads which ment we found that there are also printed on both sides are multiple concerns with are a white background with regard to how people idenblack letters. Therefore the tify their home’s location. In choice of the blue background an effort on their part to add with white numbers was cho“individuality” to their home sen and is now recommended environment they have for use county wide. inadvertently created a more If you do not know if the concerning problem. Some road you live on is a County of these individual house maintained road or a prinumber designs are made vate road contact the Lassen of materials which do not County Department of Public lend themselves to providWorks at 251-8288. They will ing good visibility should be able to tell you. a person or emergency With so many Lassen County responder come looking for homes located on private you. In some cases some roads and with many of these have chosen to not number private roads not even having their home at all which could road name signs posted, it is lead to devastating circumextremely likely that you will stances. never be found should you call Our “Can They Find You” for emergency services. Add to Example of typical house number sign project this a home without a properly house number to was developed after mulposted house number you are be placed at drivetiple meetings with your virtually guaranteeing that first way entrance local volunteer fire departresponders will not be able to ments, emergency service agencies, locate you at all. Lassen County Fire Chief’s AssociaFirst responders will only be able tion, U.S. Forest Service, BLM, CalFire to find you in an emergency if your prevention offices and concerned road is named and your house has a citizens regarding the ability of our number therefore it is vitally imporlocal emergency service agencies to tant that you make sure you have find homes when people call for their both! assistance. PROPERLY LOCATING THE HOUSE In order for emergency service NUMBER SIGN personnel to find you they must have a way of distinguishing between The recommended procedure in homes. The Lassen County Fire Safe properly signing your home locaCouncil recommended that first tion is to first place the name of your responders adopt the reflective blue road in a visible location removing background with 4” white reflective enough of the surround vegetation, numbers. This contrasting sign detree branches, etc. so the sign can

4 7 6 2 0 0

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be seen a minimum distance of 50 to 150 feet. If your road is connected to a higher speed roadway or major highway the sight distance minimum should increase according to the approaching speed. The next step for proper home signage would be to install a house number sign at the entrance to your driveway (see example next page). This sign shall also be printed on both sides so the sign could be read from either direction approaching your driveway. The number orientation would be in a vertical alignment. If your driveway is off of a County maintained road please contact the Lassen County Public Works office to make sure you are placing it in the proper location because many signs require an “encroachment permit” which the County will be able to provide you. If your driveway is off of a private road please mount your sign post as close to the intersection of your driveway and road as reasonably possible (see illustration on next page). MOUNTING THE HOUSE NUMBER SIGNS There are several possibilities in mounting this sign onto a post. One way of mounting the vertical orientated sign would be to make a saw cut approximately ⅜” to ½” deep into the center of the upper portion of a 4” x 4” pressure treated post the length of the sign so you can slide the sign into the saw cut. After sliding he sign into the saw cut it is recommended that you also secure the sign to the post using a minimum of 4 small 1” x 1” L shaped brackets spaced evenly apart up the length of the sign and securing to the post using 1½ inch long wood screws then using ¾”

long ⅜ “ galvanized nuts and bolts with lock washers. Another example of mounting the sign is shown in the picture to the right. To secure the post in the ground dig a small diameter hole double the width of the post down 24” into the ground. Use scrap 2” x 4”s to hold the post “plumb” then pour in concrete mix into the hole surrounding the post and leave for 24 hours to cure. Once post is solid you can remove the 2 x 4 bracing, paint the post if you wish and then install the sign. You could also use a 1½” X 1½” square galvanized steel sign post or a 2 “ round galvanized steel sign post to mount your sign with the appropriate bracketry to hold the sign securely to the post. After completing all the recommended steps you can then rest knowing that you and your family will be able to enjoy peace of mind in knowing that if you should ever need to call for emergency assistance, that those responding WILL be able to locate you quickly when minutes and even seconds can make the difference.

or White 3M 3200 Engineering Grade Scotchlite Reflective Sign Vinyl depending on your road designation (County or Private road).

4 7 6

Letter Material - Either White or Black 3M 3200 Engineering Grade Scotchlite Reflective Sign Vinyl depending on your road designation (County or Private road).


2 0 0

Letter height = 4 inches House Number Signs Blank sign material and size - 1/8” Aluminum blank material. Length - 30” width 6” Background Material - Blue 3M 3200 Engineering Grade Scotchlite Reflective Sign Vinyl Number material - White 3M 3200 Engineering Grade Scotchlite Reflective Sign Vinyl

Example of vertical house number sign mounting at entrance to homes driveway.

Number height = 4 inches

WHERE CAN I GET THESE SIGNS? The signs typically are made to order. They can be obtained locally through LASCO, a local sign shop located on North Roop Street in Susanville. However there may be other local businesses that can help you with the signs as well. Just provide them with the specifications (see below). Also, there are many sign businesses you can find on the internet as well. When ordering your house number signs you need to relay the following information to your vendor:

Typical County Road Sign


Typical Private Road Sign

4 7 6 l

2 0 0


Typical House number Sign placement at the entrance to your home from the nearest road.

Road Signs Blank sign material and size - 3/16” Aluminum blank material. Length - 24” Width - 6” (the Length depends on the number of letters in your road name) Background Material - Either Green


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About Juvenile Fire Play Interest in fire, for children, is natural; setting fires is not! The element of fire is seen by children from the time they’re born. We place candles on a birthday cake, we light fireworks on the 4th of July, and we roast marshmallows when we go camping. So it’s natural for children as young as age 2 to become fascinated with the glow and warmth of fire. Wanting to learn more about it, as well as seeing “if they can make fire” is common. Children, however, have little understanding of the properties and consequences of uncontrolled fire. Most children experience fire interest between the ages of 3 to 5, so education about fire and fire safety needs to be introduced early, and continued through the elementary and high school years. Below are some tips about fire safety to help you begin the education process: • Supervise young children

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closely. Do not leave them alone even for short periods of time. • Keep matches and lighters in a secured drawer or cabinet. • Have your children tell you when they find matches and lighters. • Check under beds and in closets for burned matches, evidence your child may be playing with fire. • Develop a home fire escape plan, practice it with your children and designate a meeting place outside. • Take the mystery out of fire play by teaching children that fire is a tool, not a toy. • Teach children the nature of fire. It is FAST, HOT, DARK and DEADLY! • Teach children not to hide from firefighters, but to get out quickly and call for help from another location.

• Show children how to crawl low on the floor, below the smoke, to get out of the house and stay out in the case of fire. • Demonstrate how to stop, drop to the ground and roll if their clothes catch fire. • Install smoke alarms on every level in your home. • Familiarize children with the sound of your smoke alarm. • Test the smoke alarm each month and replace the battery twice a year. • Replace the smoke alarm every ten years, or as recommended by the manufacturer. • Finally, having a working smoke alarm dramatically increases your chances of surviving a fire. And remember to practice a home escape plan frequently with your family.


The NVADG Mission Statement "Working with emergency services to educate the public about disaster preparedness, and assist in the sheltering and evacuation of animals during a disaster."

PETS and DISASTER Why You Need to Be Prepared Wildfires, floods, and hazardous material spill disasters can strike at any time, anywhere. If you think you will never have to evacuate, you may be tragically mistaken. It is important that you make preparations to evacuate your family and your pets in any situation. There are steps that you can take to be better prepared to care for your pets in a disaster. Following are emergency tips and planning information.

DON'T FORGET ID Your pets should be wearing up-to-date identification at all times. You may want to consider microchipping your pets. Include the phone number of a friend or relative outside your immediate area because your phone may not be working.

Photo courtesy of North Valley Animal Disaster Group

The North Valley Animal Disaster Group (NVADG) is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization that provides evacuation and sheltering services during a disaster activation. This group is typically called upon for "Mutual Aide" and is under the control of the Incident Command Service (ICS) and is deployed by the Incident Commander (IC) during a wildfire event should their service be necessary.

Have current medical records, pet photo, with a trusted friend, neighbor, or famleashes, medications, secure carriers ily member to take your pets and meet and anything else you think your pet(s) you at a designated location. Be sure will need. Be sure to have enough food and water for each pet for at least three days. Check ahead of time and Recently acquired International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) Communications/Command Trailer make a list and Truck which is available for Mutual Aid. of local hotels and boarding facilities that will that the person is comfortable with accept pets in the event of a disaster. your pets, knows where the animals are Keep pets confined indoors so you can likely to be, knows where your disaster leave with them quickly. supplies are kept, and has a key to your home.


The single most important thing is to take them with you. If it is not safe for you, it is not safe for your pets. Animals left behind can be easily injured, lost, or killed. Animals left to fend for themselves are likely to become victims of exposure, starvation, contaminated food and/or water. If you leave, even for a few hours, take your animals with you. You may not be able to return for a while. Leave early - don't wait for a mandatory evacuation. If you wait too long you may not be able to get all your pets out safely.

IN CASE YOU ARE NOT HOME Make arrangements well in advance

Plan ahead . . . . for your animal's safety! Keep the North Valley Disaster Group phone number handy in case your pets need evacuation or you need the location of the temporary disaster shelter.

530-895-0000 Visit the NVADG website to learn more To learn how you can participate as a member of the North Valley Animal Disaster Group or to make a tax deductible donation contact the NVADG at NVADG PO Box 441 Chico, CA 95927 or call (530) 895-0000 Page 16

vegetation. All address and street signs should be noncombustible. Post your house number at the end of the driveway if your house is not easily visible from the road.

Your Escape and Firefighter Access During a Wildfire Article Written by: Michael Kuhns, Utah State University, Logan, UT

Photo courtesy of Cooperative Extension website

If there is a wildfire in your area you may need to get out and firefighters may need to get in, so build fire safety into your road or driveway designs and make plans for evacuation and access.

vegetation covered driveways without turnarounds may block firefighter access and your escape.

Page 17

Your family fire plan should include plans for what you will take with you in case of a fire and what route you will take to safety. You also need to know how you will contact each other, and where you will meet in the event of a fire. Practice home fire drills. Post the fire department phone number and other emergency numbers where they can be found quickly in the event of a fire. Photo courtesy of the Doyle Interagency Fire Center

First, the road. Having more than one way into and out of a Keep driveways short and open, residential area is good in case one provide a large turnaround at the road gets blocked. Roads should end, and make sure that all parts be at least two lanes wide, with of the property can be accessed gentle curves and by firefighting with enough space equipment. You and your at the end for a community need to firefighting vehicle Firefighters need to turn around. to be able to find have an evacuation This can take at your property or plan. least a 45 foot neighborhood radius circle, or a in the event of 60 foot wide 'T'. Narrow, windy, a fire. They may have a street name steep, or vegetation-choked roads or property address but that won't will be difficult or impossible for do much good without good signs. firefighters to navigate. Roads Make sure that are difficult or dangerous to that street drive on in a car when there is signs and no fire may be impossible to use house for safe escape or for access by numbers firefighting equipment. If you don't are large, have control of road placement or visible, design you may need to talk with reflective, your homeowners' association or readable town officials to see what can be in the done. dark, and not The same goes for a driveway obscured into your property. Long, narrow, by

You and your community also need to have an evacuation plan. Check with your local emergency services office, fire department, or law enforcement agency to see if your community has an evacuation plan and if so, what is planned for your area. Do not wait until a wildfire occurs to attempt to obtain this information as fire and emergency services will be extremely busy. If your community does not have an evacuation plan, meet with your fire department about creating one. There is a good chance that creating a plan will point out weaknesses in access to your community that can then be addressed.

What You Should Do Before Evacuating Your House Article Written by: Glenn Nader, University of California Cooperative Extension, Yuba City, CA Ed Smith, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, Reno, NV The first step is to make sure every body and everything is ready to leave. Park the vehicles facing toward the road and load important documents and items. Prepare elderly, children, pets and any livestock for evacuation. If there is enough time, prepare the house for exposure to embers and flames. Accomplishing these items will be doable only if you have planned and prepared long before the evacuation order comes. The list below is separated into things that can be done, both inside or outside the house. With limited time, preparation on the outside is more critical for home survival. It is important to remember that, in the right conditions, fire can travel very fast so it is necessary to continually monitor the fires progress as you prepare. It is always safer to leave as early as possible, as this limits the possibility of getting stuck in traffic or being overtaken by the fire. Outside: Close all home exterior doors and windows and leave them unlocked. If your house does not have ember resistant vents, close or cover

outside attic, eave, and foundation (crawl space) vents. Vent openings can be covered by screwing in precut plywood or stapling or taping aluminum foil folded several layers thick. Remove combustible materials from the porch and deck including; plastic and cloth pads for patio furniture, firewood piles, cloth awnings, brooms, newspapers, wicker baskets, door mats, pine cones and dried flower arrangements. Sweep plant debris off the deck. Close the garage door. If there are gaps between the floor and trim and the door, block them with plywood or metal to prevent ember entry. If the rain gutters contain plant debris (leaves, pine needles, etc.), remove it if there is time. If not, block the gutter outlets with a sock in a plastic bag or duct tape and hose down the roof and allowing water to drain into and fill the gutter. Clean around the down spout to provide for the best seal if using tape or other plugging device. Move wheeled vehicles or equipment away from structures to make sure that fire engines can access the house. Roll up windows on any vehicles that may be remaining at the residence. If you have a wooden fence that connects to the exterior of your home, prevent flames from

spreading from the fence to your house by propping open the gate, or removing the portion of your fence that touches your home. Remove plant debris, such as pine needles, leaves, branches and bark, from the roof and under the deck. Wet swamp cooler or remove pads; if possible, to keep embers from igniting them Shut off natural gas and propane unless needed for running a generator. Place metal (not wooden) ladder against side of house in clear view for fire fighter to quickly access the roof of the home. Make sure that all garden hoses are connected to faucets and attach nozzles set on "spray". Fill any pools, hot tubs, garbage cans, tubs or other large containers with water, so that they could be used by fire fighters. If power and water are available, wet down wood shake or shingle roofs and around the base (from the siding out 5 feet) of the home. Inside: Shut off all attic fans, whole house fans, swamp coolers and interior fans to keep smoke and ash from being drawn into house. Leave exterior and interior lights on. If electricity remains on it will make your home visible in the smoke for fire fighters to find during the fire. Turn off all pilot lights. Remove light curtains and other easily combustible materials from windows or draw draperies and window coverings wide open, well past the perimeter of the window. Close any fire-resistant drapes or shutters. Page 18

Photo courtesy of Ronnie Torell

Six Steps to Creating an Effective Defensible Space

A homeowner can have both an effective defensible space and an attractive landscape.

The term “defensible space” refers to the area between a house and an oncoming wildfire where the vegetation has been managed to reduce the wildfire threat and allow firefighters to safely defend the house. In the event that firefighters are not available, defensible space also improves the likelihood of a home surviving without assistance. Unfortunately, when some homeowners hear the term “defensible space,” they envision a large expanse of bare ground surrounding their home. While this is certainly effective at increasing home survivability, it is unacceptable for aesthetic reasons and can contribute to soil erosion. It is also unnecessary.

Recommended Defensible Space Distance

Flat to Moderately Gently Sloping to Very Steep 0 - 20% +20%


Dry grass such as cheatgrass and weeds

100 feet 100 feet

Shrubs and Woodland Sagebrush, Rabbitbrush, Bitterbrush, juniper, etc.

100 feet 200 feet

Step Two - Remove Dead Vegetation: Within the recommended Defensible Space Zone, remove: • dead and dying trees • dead native and ornamental shrubs • dead branches • dead leaves, needles, and twigs that are still attached to plants, draped on live plants, or lying on the ground within 30 feet of the house.

• dried grass, weeds, and flowers and dried cheatgrass

Dry Cheatgrass...The PERFECT Kindling!

Defensible space distance is measured from the base of the house, extending outward.

Step One - Determine the Size of an Ef-

fective Defensible Space:

The size of the defensible space is usually expressed as a distance extending outward from the house in all directions. California law (PRC 4291) requires property owners and/or occupants to create 100 feet of defensible space around homes and buildings. Proper defensible space clearance dramatically increases the chance your house will survive a wildfire. As the slope of the land to your house increases the defensible space likewise will increase. Use the Recommended Defensible Space Distance table to determine the right size for your home. Once the recommended distance for defensible space is known, mark it by tying strips of cloth or flagging to shrubs. This becomes the “Defensible Space Zone.” If the Defensible Space Zone exceeds your property boundaries, seek permission from adjacent landowners before doing work on their property. It is important to note that the effectiveness of the Defensible Space Zone improves when entire neighborhoods implement defensible space practices. Page 19

is one of the most easily ignitable substances on Lassen County’s land. It is the kindling that fuels many of our wildfires. Once ignited, cheatgrass fires can travel very fast... faster than you can run!


Dry cheatgrass can be readily ignited by discarded lit cigarettes, welding activities, ricocheting bullets, catalytic converters on vehicles, fireworks, or lightning. If cheatgrass is present near your home, remove it for a distance of at least 30 feet from your house and other buildings. Use a lawn mower with a mulching blade or cut it with a weed eater while Illustration reprinted from “North American it is still green, rake it Wildland Plants: A Field Guide” by James up, and remove it. Make Stubbendieck, Stephan L. Hatch, and L.M. Landholt by permission of the University of sure there’s a connected Nebraska Press. ©2003 by the Board of Regents of University of Nebraska. garden hose with a spray nozzle attached in case there is an accidental fire start.

Step Three - Create a Separation Between Trees and Shrubs: Within the Defensible Space Zone, native trees and shrubs, such as juniper, and sagebrush should not occur in a dense stand. Dense stands of trees and shrubs pose a significant wildfire threat. Thin dense tree and shrub stands to create more space between them.

Dense juniper stands pose a high fire threat.


Step Four

x Sagebrush, Rabbitbrush, Bitterbrush, and Juniper: On flat to gently sloping terrain, individual shrubs

or small clumps of shrubs within the Defensible Space Zone should be separated from one another by at least twice the height of the average shrub. For homes located on steeper slopes, the separation distance should be greater. For example, if the typical shrub height is 2 feet, then there should be a separation between shrub branches of at least 4 feet. Remove shrubs or prune to reduce their height and/ or diameter. In most instances, removing big sagebrush, rabbitbrush, bitterbrush and juniper is the preferred approach. These are very flammable plants, some are easily removed, does not resprout, and are typically abundant while others may be more difficult to remove.

- Create a Separation Between Tree Branches and Lower Growing Plants:


If trees are present within the Defensible Space Zone, there should be a separation between the lower growing vegetation and the lowest tree branches. Vegetation that can carry a fire burning in low growing plants to taller plants is called “ladder fuel.� The recommended separation for ladder fuels is three times the height of the lower vegetation layer. Prune the lower tree branches, shorten the height of shrubs, or remove lower plants. Do not, however, remove more than one-third of the total tree branches. When there is no understory vegetation present, remove lower tree branches to a height of at least 6 feet above ground. During a fire, this will help prevent burning needles and twigs that are lying on the ground from igniting the tree.


Big sagebrush, rabbitbrush, bitterbrush, and dried cheatgrass are a threatening combination to homes throughout Lassen County and should be taken very seriously regarding removal or thinning.

Page 20

Photo courtesy of California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection

Step Five - Create a Lean, Clean and

Green Area Extending at Least 30 Feet from the House: There are two goals for the Lean, Clean, and Green Area. The first goal is to eliminate easily ignitable fuels, or “kindling,” near the house. This will help prevent embers from starting a fire in your yard. The second goal is to keep fire intensity low if it does ignite near the house. By proper management of the fuels near the house, a fire would not be able to generate enough heat to ignite the home. For most homeowners, the Lean, Clean, and Green Area is also the residential landscape. This area often has irrigation, is planted with ornamental vegetation, and is regularly maintained.

Lean, Clean, and Green Area Tips Miracle House? This home survived northern California’s Forty-niner Fire and has been referred to as the “Miracle House.” That title, however, is misleading. The reason this home survived was not due to a miracle. It survived because the homeowner was proactive and created a Lean, Clean, and Green Area, had a fire-resistant roof, and provided good access. It was designed to survive. Photo courtesy of FIREWISE Communities USA

• Remove most or all flammable wildland plants, including big sagebrush, bitterbrush, rabbitbrush, cheatgrass, and juniper. If you wish to retain a few of these as specimen plants, make sure they are free of dead wood and leaves, pruned to reduce the amount of fuel, and separated from adjacent brush fields. • Select less flammable plants for the home landscape. Some rules of thumb in selecting landscape plants for the Lean, Clean, and Green Area are... • Shorter plants, less than 2 feet tall, are better choices than taller pants. • When green, herbaceous plants, such as grass and non-woody flowers, are better choices than shrubs and trees. • Deciduous shrubs and trees are better choices than evergreen types. Avoid planting juniper, mugo pine and arborvitae. go to for a copy of our “Lassen County Northeastern California Landscaping Plant Guide” for ideas and suggestions on plant material. • Emphasize the use of hard surfaces and mulches. Hard surfaces include materials such as concrete, asphalt, and brick. Mulches include rock and pebbles. Wood mulches should not be used within 3 feet of the house. • Clear all flammable vegetation from within 10 feet of the propane tank. • Remove tree limbs that are within 10 feet of the chimney, touching the house or deck, within 10 feet of the roof, or encroaching on power lines. • Create a noncombustible area at least 3 feet wide around the base of the house. Emphasize the use of irrigated herbaceous plants, such as lawn, ground covers, and flowers. Also use rock mulches and hard surfaces. Page 21

Remove flammable vegetation and dispose of properly.

Step Six - Maintain the Defensible Space

Zone: Maintaining a defensible space is an ongoing activity.

Plants grow back and flammable vegetation needs to be routinely removed and disposed of properly. Before each fire season, reevaluate your property using the previous five steps and implement the necessary defensible space recommendations.

Little Green Gas Cans

Firefighters often refer to ornamental junipers as “little green gas cans.” During a wildfire involving homes, embers can smolder undetected under ornamental junipers. The junipers can then ignite and burn intensely after firefighters have left your property. Planting ornamental junipers next to your house is never a good idea. Keep these "little green gas cans" at least 30 feet from the house or replace them with low growing deciduous shrubs, herbaceous flowers, rock mulches, and hard surfaces.


WHAT IS THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VEGETATION AND WILDFIRE THREAT? Many people do not view the plants growing on their property as a threat.

Photo courtesy of Plumas National Forest

When wildfire threatens, firefighters will not be able to place an engine in every driveway. Homes need to be designed and maintained to survive a wildfire on their own.

But in terms of wildfire, the vegetation adjacent to their homes can have considerable influence upon the survivability of their houses. All vegetation, including plants native to the area and ornamental plants, is potential wildfire fuel. If vegetation is properly modified and maintained, a wildfire can be slowed, the length of flames shortened, and the amount of heat reduced, all of which assist firefighters in defending the home against an oncoming wildfire. THE FIRE DEPARTMENT IS SUPPOSED TO PROTECT MY HOUSE, SO WHY BOTHER WITH DEFENSIBLE SPACE?

DOES DEFENSIBLE SPACE REQUIRE A LOT OF BARE GROUND IN MY LANDSCAPE? No. Unfortunately, many people have this misconception. While bare ground is certainly effective in reducing the wildfire threat, it is unnecessary and unacceptable due to appearance, soil erosion, and other reasons. Many homes have attractive, well-vegetated landscapes that also serve as effective defensible space. DOES CREATING A DEFENSIBLE SPACE REQUIRE ANY SPECIAL SKILLS OR EQUIPMENT? No. For the most part, creating a defensible space employs routine gardening and landscape maintenance practices, such as pruning, mowing, weeding, plant removal, appropriate plant selection, and irrigation. Equipment needed includes common tools such as a chain saw, a pruning saw,

Photo courtesy of Plumas National Forest

WHAT IS DEFENSIBLE SPACE? Defensible space is the area between a house and an oncoming wildfire where the vegetation has been modified to reduce the wildfire threat and to provide an opportunity for firefighters to effectively defend the house. Sometimes, a defensible space is simply a homeowner’s properly maintained backyard.

Some individuals incorrectly assume that a fire engine will be parked in their driveway and firefighters will be actively defending their homes if a wildfire approaches. During a major wildfire, it is unlikely there will be enough fire fighting resources available to defend every home. In these instances, firefighters will likely select homes they can most safely and effectively protect. Even with adequate resources, some wildfires may be so intense that there may be little firefighters can do to prevent a house from burning. The key is to reduce fire intensity as wildfire nears the house. This can be accomplished by reducing the amount of flammable vegetation surrounding a home. Consequently, the most important person in protecting a house from wildfire is not a firefighter, but the property owner. And it is the action taken by the owner before the wildfire occurs (such as proper landscaping) that is most critical.

pruning shears, loppers, a weed-eater, a shovel, and a rake. A chipper, compost bin, or large rented trash dumpster may be useful in disposing of unwanted plant material. HOW BIG IS AN EFFECTIVE DEFENSIBLE SPACE? Defensible space size is not the same for every home, but varies by slope and type of wildland vegetation growing near the house. See “Step One” on Page 15. DOES DEFENSIBLE SPACE MAKE A DIFFERENCE? Yes. Investigations of homes threatened by wildfire indicate that those with an effective defensible space are much more likely to survive a wildfire. Furthermore, homes with both an effective defensible space and a nonflammable roof (composition shingles, tile, metal, etc.) are many times more likely to survive a wildfire. Defensible space also allows firefighters to effectively and safely defend your home. DOES HAVING A DEFENSIBLE SPACE GUARANTEE MY HOUSE WILL SURVIVE A WILDFIRE? No. Under extreme conditions, almost any house can burn. However, having a defensible space will significantly improve the odds of your home surviving a wildfire. WHY DOESN’T EVERYONE LIVING IN A HIGH FIRE HAZARD AREA CREATE A DEFENSIBLE SPACE? The specific reasons for not creating a defensible space are varied. Presented on the next page are responses to common excuses for not creating defensible space. Page 22

Photo courtesy of Doyle Inter Agency Fire Center

If Wildfire Approaches . . .

Photo courtesy of Doyle Inter Agency Fire Center

What’s Your Excuse? “I don’t have the time or money”: If

you live in a high fire hazard area, creating defensible space needs to be a high priority use of your spare time. Many defensible space activities require little or no money to implement. For bigger, more expensive tasks, consider forming a Local Fire Safe Council for assistance in acquiring grant funds.

“It’s wrong to cut trees”: In many areas,

Lassen County’s juniper trees occur in unnaturally dense stands. Thinning or removal of these water robbing trees not only reduces the fire threat, but will also promote forest and watershed health.

“It won’t look good”:

There is a misconception that defensible space has to be ugly and barren to be effective. Through proper planning, a homeowner can have both an attractive landscape and an effective defensible space.

“It’s not my responsibility”: The manner

in which a house is built, characteristics of the adjacent vegetation, and

Living With Fire: A Guide for the Homeowner - Third Edition - North and Eastern Lassen County and the Honey Lake Valley version was made possible through support from the following:

maintenance often determine survivability during wildfire. The homeowner, not the firefighter, is usually responsible for these factors.

“I don’t have an easy way to dispose of the unwanted vegetation”: Check to see if

there is a free community cleanup day in your area, ask your fire department if they have a fuels reduction chipping program, or join several other neighbors and rent a chipper and trailer for a weekend.

“It’s not going to happen to me”: If you

live near areas of dense sagebrush, rabbitbrush, bitterbrush, cheatgrass, or juniper, it is only a matter of time before these areas burn.

“It’s against the law to remove vegetation”: If there are regulations

that prohibit the removal of vegetation necessary to create defensible space, contact your local fire official and ask for help in resolving the conflict.

“I’ve got insurance”:

While insurance can rebuild a house, it cannot recreate a home. Photo albums, heirlooms, and other memorabilia are often irreplaceable.

“I don’t know what to do”: For more information about creating defensible space, go to or contact your local fire fighting agency or the Lassen County Fire Safe Council or your local University of California Cooperative Extension office.

For more information, visit our website Page 23

Lassen County Fire Safe Council, Inc. is a private non-profit 501 (3)(c) organization responsible for providing educational and property assessments and treatments benefitting the residents of Lassen County. Lassen County Board of Supervisors is the local governing body for the County of Lassen and provides funding for educational activities and for the development of the CWPP. Bureau of Land Management is a federal land management agency and is one of California's wildland fire fighting organizations. Visit CALFIRE - California Department of Forestry is a state agency that provides crucial fire fighting resources throughout California and is an important manager of California’s natural resources located on private and State lands. Visit USDA Forest Service, provides numerous wildland fire fighting resources across the State on National Forest lands. Visit www. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension is a federal, state and county partnership that develops educational programs in response to Nevada’s important issues. They are responsible for managing the Living With Fire program. For information about other Cooperative Extension programs, visit www. Acknowledgements

This publication was adapted from Living With Fire: A Guide for the Homeowner, written by Ed Smith, Natural Resource Specialist, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension with assistance from Sonya Sistare, Living With Fire Program Coordinator with revisions for Lassen County by Dan Douglas, Education Director, Lassen County Fire Safe Council. Graphic design Lucy Walker, Office of Marketing and Communications, University of Nevada, Reno. Revisions of the design provided by Dan Douglas, Lassen County Fire Safe Council with Illustration and graphic design services provided by Kirah Van Sickle, Animania, LLC and Dan Douglas, Lassen County Fire Safe Council. Funding for the original publication provided by a National Fire Plan grant from the USDA Forest Service/Nevada Division of Forestry. The revised design and layout was made possible by U.S. Department of Forestry, Secure Rural Schools and Community Self Determination Act, Title III funds received from the Lassen County Board of Supervisors. Printing funded by the Lassen County Board of Supervisors by the use of Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act, Title III funds. For more information about Living With Fire, contact Dan Douglas, Education Director, Lassen County Fire Safe Council by sending an email to

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