Lake George Association
Annual Report October 2014
Membership and Financial Reports for the Fiscal Year 2013
Director’s Message
Financial Report
Dear friend of Lake George,
It was a good year for the Association. Our Unrestricted Net Assets increased by over $480,000. Our audit, prepared in accordance with GAAP principles on an accrual basis for Non-Profit Organizations, is a consolidation of several classes of assets, liabilities, income, and expense. For a more complete understanding of the numbers, we look at them based upon basic operations (which includes releases from restricted grants in prior years), new grants, and investment performance.
As we come to the end of the Summer of 2014 and reflect on the past year’s work, I am proud to present our report to you, our loyal members, and to the Lake George community. Our staff has worked diligently to prepare it and we are excited to share our successes with you again. Each year we forge ahead with more projects to protect our renowned water quality. Our educational program continue to grow and raise awareness of important Lake issues. 2013 closed with the LGA in the best financial position as an organization in decades, but the needs of Lake George itself continue to grow. We must grow with those needs and be ready for whatever comes next. We are especially proud this year of our collective accomplishment bringing the West Brook stormwater wetland online. Now millions of gallons of stormwater are being treated naturally and cleaned before entering Lake George. The park at the site of the old Gaslight Village is now taking shape. What we all had envisioned over ten years ago is finally appearing before our eyes. We all pulled together and that’s what it takes to protect this remarkable Lake of ours. The LGA continues to work together with federal and state agencies, local municipalities, not-for-profit partners, members, and donors to put the water quality of Lake George first. We thank our members, sponsors, and donors. We thank our many families who love Lake George like we do. Without the Lake George Association working tirelessly for the past 129 years, where might Lake George be today? Even with our loyal members and dedicated staff working with passion and conviction, we still have new challenges to meet. With your help we will be here to protect Lake George for many years to come. We are looking forward to meeting the next challenges facing Lake George, whatever they are! Sincerely, C. Walter Lender Executive Director
On a strictly accrual operating basis, we brought in more than we spent by approximately $200,000. However, $67,000 represents reimbursements from our Asian Clam and Storm Water projects from prior years. Even so, the net $133,000 represents our best operational performance in the last five years, which were all small losses. Our joint loan with The Fund for Lake George on the West Brook Conservation Initiative was reduced by $115,134 to $316,178. On restricted grants that are released over a number of years, principally from the Froehlich Foundation, we received $393,000. We also received private grants of over $62,000 to the Second Century Fund. Investment performance for 2013 in Unrestricted Funds was up 16.4%, slightly below our blended investment policy benchmarks. Many thanks to you all for your continued support. Bob de Buys, Treasurer Mike Dier, Chair, Finance Committee
(from audited financial statement)
(from audited financial statement)
$ 343,585
$ 187,640
Grants & Accounts Receivable
Pledges Receivable
Member Dues
Investments - Second Century Account
Investments - Restricted Account
$ 3,838,350
Net Property & Equipment
West Brook Conservation Easement
Cash & Equivalents
Accrued Interest Receivable Prepaid Expenses
Total Current Assets
Total Assets
$ 189,785
$ 200,073
Special Events
Grants & Bequests
In Kind Contributions
Net Assets Released from Restrictions
$ 4,251,697
$ 3,838,350
Net Realized & Unrealized Gains/(Losses)
Other Contributions & Support Interest & Dividends
Total Income Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses
$ 200,631
$ 264,838
Unrestricted Net Assets
Community Relations, Education & Info
Restricted Net Assets
Grant Payable - West Brook Bond Note Payable - West Brook Total Liabilities
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities & Net Assets
$ 4,251,697 $ 3,838,350
$ 1,501,919
$ 1,629,319
Expenses Program Expenses Lake Preservation
$ 472,943
$ 897,018
Land Use Management
Membership Development
Net Asset Released from Restrictions
Increase/(Decrease) in Restricted Asset
$ (2,736)
$ (45,050)
Special Events Grants & Sub Grants General & Administrative Total Expenses Net Increase/(Decrease) in Unrestricted Net Assets RESTRICTED ACCOUNTS Grants Received Other
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“Thanks to 129 years of hard work by the LGA, we can still enjoy beautiful views like this today!” - Assemblyman Dan Stec
photo courtesy Carl Heilman II
That’s right.
Lake George started off pristine all those thousands of years ago. But with increasing pressure from development over the last century, the Lake wouldn’t still be as clean and beautiful as it is today without all the hard work of the LGA over the years. From fighting the dumping of trash in the Lake in the late 1800s to our battle against invasive species today, we have adapted to the ever-changing needs of the Lake.
Protecting Our Water.
Right Now. Today. Every Day.
We are busy with lake-saving projects and programs all year long that are keeping stormwater runoff and pollution out of the lake TODAY. We know what the threats are and we are working with partners to address them. Phosphorus. Road Salt. And Others. We think about water quality 365 days a year. Heck, we even have dreams about it! We are working hard to protect the Lake NOW.
Thinking about Tomorrow. and the day after that. Educating for the Future.
We are creating the next generation of stewards for the Lake through our education programs for students year-round. Whether out on the Lake on a beautiful day in July, or in a classroom on a snowy day in January, we are connecting children with this amazing resource right here in their own backyard.
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The key to long lasting protection of Lake George? Maintenance, Maintenance, and more Maintenance!
Behind the Scenes
Our people will call your people.
It may not be as glamorous as being a rock star - but a lot goes on ‘back stage’ to keep Lake George clean that not everyone can see. Some projects take years of planning, while others benefit from fortuitous timing and are in the ground before you know it. Dry Wells in Bolton and Queensbury
Cleaning out the Aquaswirl hydrodynamic separator installed at English Brook in 2011. 32 cubic yards of sediment were removed during the clean out - keeping all that sediment out of the Lake and off of the English Brook Delta!
Thanks to a great partnership with Warren County Soil and Water Conservation District (WCSWCD), the Towns of Bolton and Queensbury Highway Departments and the Warren County DPW, we were able to install 11 dry wells last fall, 9 new dry wells were installed in Bolton at the highway garage on Mohican Ave and on Horicon Ave and 2 new dry wells were installed in Queensbury on Sunset Lane. These new drywells are treating
over 11,000 gallons of stormwater per event before it reaches the Lake.
The LGA rents out our catch-vac to local municipalities for annual maintenance of stormwater infrastructure. The Village of Lake George uses the catch-vac in the spring, including along beach road as pictured here.
Sunset Lane, Queensbury
Staying Power We’re in this for the long run.
We don’t just install a project and walk away. We check it. And re-check it. Long-term commitment, dedication, and maintenance are key to sustained protection for the Lake. Black Point Road Stormwater Retrofit
May 30, 2013: Last year we installed dry wells, underground storage chambers, a french drain, and a vegetated swale to stop stormwater on Black Point Road from running down a driveway and into the lake.
May 5, 2014: There is no more room at the site to catch any more of the runoff with traditional, ‘gray’ infrastructure - so we decided to open up our ‘green’ infrastructure toolbox to complement the existing project. LGA staff spent a day this past May installing native plants in the vegetated swale at the project. The plan is that the plants will help slow the flow of water, giving more time for the sediment to settle out before the water reaches the stream and ultimately the Lake.
April 15, 2014: While we installed as much storage capacity as we could physically fit on the site, this spring the overflow during large rain events was still more than we wanted getting into the Lake - so we headed back out right away to tweak the design and see if we couldn’t slow the water down some more.
August 4, 2014: So far - the swale is looking great! In just a few short months - the plants have really started to take hold. Of course, the real test will be next spring - so stay tuned!
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Knowledge is Power Creating the next generation of stewards. We work year-round to educate students and lake-users of all ages about the Lake, its water quality, and how they can help protect it. You couldn’t ask for a better classroom setting to inspire a lifetime of learning than Lake George! Stream monitoring
A total of 1,682 students participated in stream monitoring either through their full day Floating Classroom field trip or though separate programs. In addition to our normal stream monitoring of West Brook, LGA staff also traveled to Queensbury School at the end of May to conduct macroinvertebrate identification with the 4th graders during their Science Day. The 275 students got to see what was living in the water behind their school and determine the health of the stream. More than half of the water in Lake George comes from the streams all around it, so the health of our streams is very important for the health of the Lake!
In-school programs
A total of 342 students took part in one of our in-school programs during 2013. Programs included Fishin’ For Additions, Turtles of Lake George, Invasive Species, Pollution Sourcing, and Growing Up Aquatic. LGA Education staff continued to work with the Lake George Elementary Lake Rangers, an after-school club for 5th and 6th graders who examine water quality issues of Lake George. In the Spring we helped the Lake Rangers finish their school year with the creation of a Lake George Watershed Issues brochure to be displayed at the Lake George Visitor Center. This project helped the Lake Rangers learn about the issues facing Lake George as well learning persuasive writing techniques. 8
The Floating Classroom
Broadening people’s knowledge of the Lake, its watershed and environmental issues, the award-winning Floating Classroom program was busier than ever in 2013, with a record-breaking 2,228 participants able to engage in hands-on learning aboard the Rosalia Anna Ashby. Academy of Lifelong Learning Adirondack Camp Argyle Central School Bethlehem Central Lab School BHBL AP Environmental Bolton Central School Corinth Central School Dorothy Nolan Elementary School Eagle Point Elementary School East Shore Schroon Lake Association
Girl Scouts of Northeastern NY Granville Central School Greenwich Central School Hartford Elementary School Hudson Valley Consortium Hunters-Tannersville Central School Lake George High School Lake Pleasant Central School Minerva Central School
Northeast Parent Child Society Queensbury Elementary School Queensbury Environmental Science Club St. Mary’s Ticonderoga Stevens Elementary School Stony Creek Summer Camp Takundewide Ticonderoga Boy Scouts Whitehall Central School
Thanks to our 2013 Program Participants!
We couldn’t have said it any better ourselves! “Some things I learned on the boat are, I didn’t know how deep the Lake was, I didn’t know what tools to use, and I never new how tiny plankton is. My favorite part was catching plankton because I’ve never done it before and it was interesting and different to me.” – Jade, Ticonderoga student “It was a perfect trip for the 7th and 8th grade kids from the Lake Pleasant School. The educator did an excellent job with her presentation and leading the kids through the various exercises involving water testing. All in all, it was a great experience.” -Charlie Ascher, Lake Pleasant-Sacandaga Association “Thanks for the great day that we had. The students all enjoyed the floating classroom and the time in the woods learning about the Lake George watershed. It was a fun day as well as educational, which can’t be beat! -Sue Kenyon, Granville Jr./Sr. High School
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An Ounce of Prevention
Manning the front lines.
Aquatic invasive species (AIS) come in all different shapes and sizes, and we don’t know what could be the next big threat. The LGA works to protect the Lake from new AIS, no matter how big or small, through its spread prevention programs that provide education and outreach to boaters and other lake users. We also work to help map, monitor, and manage the AIS already in the Lake to lessen their impact on water quality. 2013 was the sixth year that the LGA coordinated a Lake Steward Program on Lake George and the program provided the most coverage to date thanks to increased funding due to the increased awareness about the importance of AIS spread prevention. 213 samples were removed from 153 boats. 83 samples, or 40%, were invasive species. The most commonly found invasive species was Eurasian watermilfoil, followed by Curly-leaf pondweed. While quagga mussels were only found in one instance, this was the second year that quagga mussels were found on a boat (Sample of mixed zebra and quagga mussels removed from boat shown at left). Above: Boaters reported having come from 163 unique waterbodies in 13 different states and 1 Province in Canada within 2 weeks prior to arriving at Lake George.
Since 2008, the LGA’s lake stewards have inspected over 32,000 boats at high traffic launches around the Lake, removed 490 aquatic invasive species (AIS) samples from boats, and have educated
more than 75,000 boaters about invasive species spread prevention. 10
Asian Clam
In September 2013 staff from organizations around the Lake and volunteers completed a lake-wide survey to look for new sites of Asian clams. Unfortunately, 5 new sites were found during the survey, including a second site in the North Basin of the Lake. Sites were found in the north end of the Lake near Glenburnie, and on the south end of the Lake in the south side of Basin Bay, off Cotton Point, in Sandy Bay, and off Million Dollar Beach. This brings the total number of Asian clam sites around the Lake to 13 since the initial site was found in Lake George Village in August of 2010 (see map below). Only the new site at Glenburnie was treated in the fall of 2013. Divers installed mats at the beginning of November that stayed in through the winter. About one-half acre was matted with 93 benthic barriers weighted down with 1,000 sand bags and 2,500 pieces of rebar. The treatment was removed in the spring of 2014 and initial sampling showed the treatment to be a success, finding no clams. Due to the increasing number of sites now containing Asian clams around the Lake, continued scientific study on reproduction and in�lake transport is first needed to help determine how best to move forward. The Darrin Freshwater Institute has several studies currently ongoing which will enlighten the future management and control efforts for Asian clam in Lake George.
LGA’s Kristen Rohne surveying for Asian clams during the lakewide survey in September 2013. Unfortunately 5 new sites were found during the survey.
In November 2013 divers from AIM installed about one-half acre of benthic barrier on the new Asian clam site found just off the shoreline at Glenburnie.
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Our Roots Run Deep
We don’t just talk the talk.
We also walk the walk - and by that we mean we dig, and dig, and dig as we plant native plants all around the watershed to help protect the Lake from stormwater runoff and the excess nutrients, road salt, and other pollutants that it carries. We can’t do all this digging alone though! We partner with homeowners’ associations and municipalities to provide not only protection for Lake George, but also to educate property owners how native plants can be used through our demonstration projects around the Lake.
June 17, 2014: The new buffer is coming in beautifully. Tall white beardtongue, blue flag iris, cardinal flower, and New England aster are just a few of the native plants that were used.
Shoreline Buffer at Rainbow Beach Association
Members of the Rainbow Beach Association contacted LGA staff about runoff issues on their property on Basin Bay. We worked with members to design a shoreline buffer that would help protect the Lake but not impede use of the shared space at the Lake used by homeowners in the Association. The LGA partnered with the Association to install a native buffer between the roadway and the Lake in the Fall of 2013 - and so far - it is looking great! We hope that it will inspire individual members of the Association to follow suit on their own properties as well. 12
August 20, 2013: Association members planned out the area for the new buffer between the road and their beach.
September 24, 2013: Association members prepared the site for planting.
Stormwater Management at Usher Park
We are working together with the Town of Lake George to address stormwater runoff issues at Usher Park. The majority of the park is very steeply sloped down to the Lake, making stormwater a perennial issue at this location. While the Town has existing stormwater controls on the site, they are undersized for the amount of runoff the property receives after a heavy rain, much of which comes from off the property, further uphill in the watershed and funnels down into the Park. In early spring of 2013 LGA and Town staff met on site at the park to discuss how to best capture the stormwater. A combination of plantings and stormwater structures were planned for the site. Phase 1 was a number of native plantings along the shoreline of the park and uphill on the steep slopes. The new planting will help slow the runoff and keep it out of the Lake. LGA staff removed some invasive yellow iris from the site, in addition to planting along the entrance to the beach. LGA and Town staff next moved uphill and worked to stabilize a slope on the park property next by planting native groundcovers. The next phase of this project will involve some additional stormwater infrastructure underground on site. Once complete, Usher Park will hopefully no longer have stormwater runoff entering the Lake. Far left: LGA staff planted a native plant buffer along the shoreline at Usher Park on September 23, 2013. Left: LGA and Town of LG staff worked to install native groundcovers on a steep slope at the park on October 8, 2013.
October 7, 2013: Association members and LGA staff worked to plant the new native plant shoreline buffer together.
August 12, 2014: The native plants at Usher Park are both pretty and functional! Here are a few of the species you can find if you stop by and visit: • Black-eyed susan (Rudbeckia fulgida) • Dense blazing star (Liatris spicata) • Purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) • Garden phlox (Phlox maculata) • Nodding Onion (Allium cernuum) • Beebalm (Monarda didyma) • Rose Coreopsis (Coreopsis rosea) • Tall white beardtongue (Penstemon digitalis)
July 23, 2014: Association members can enjoy the phlox, blazing star, shrubby sundrops and other flowers while knowing that they are also helping to protect the Lake at the same time!
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A New Perspective
Bringing art and science together.
We were very excited at the opportunity to partner with the Hyde Collection and bring together art and science last summer in a summer long collaboration with The Hyde Collection’s summer exhibit Modern Nature: Georgia O’Keeffe and Lake George. The exhibition was the first to explore the formative influence of Lake George on the art and life of Georgia O’Keeffe. To start off the summer-long collaboration Erin Coe, the Chief Curator at The Hyde Collection and the curator of the exhibition Modern Nature: Georgia O’Keeffe and Lake George visited the LGA office in June to discuss this first-of-its-kind exhibition. The LGA also took part in The Hyde Family Fun Days at the Wiawaka Holiday House in July and at The Hyde Collection in August as well as made the theme of our 6th annual bookmark contest for local students ‘My Summer Place’ in support of The Hyde Collection’s exhibition. We also developed a unique Floating Classroom experience that mixed lake ecology, history, and art as part of our collaboration. Participants got the opportunity to sketch Lake George from Georgia O’Keeffe’s perspective, and also got a hands-on look at how the Lake works.
2013 LGA members Andrea Abad and Paul Donnelly Graham and Sheryl Bailey Ms. Mary Abbott Jonathan, Lindsay, Suvannah, and Robert Abbott Julianna Bain Tracy K. Abbott Mrs. and Mr. Linda M. Baldwin Dr. and Mrs. Peter J. Abell, DMD David Ball Mr. & Mrs. Dale M. Abrahamson Robert P. Ball Donald L. Abrams Wendy and William Bangs Mr. and Mrs. David F. Adams Dr. Andrew J. Bania George and Mary Jane Adams John P. Bania, M.D. Jeff and Donna Adams Cathy and Steve Barber Adirondack Pub & Brewery Don and Ann Barbour Anne and Richard Adler Christopher and Megan Barchetto Emily Adler Boren Carleen and Richard Baright Admiral Motel Jeff Barnes James C. Agius Roger and Fay Barrows Barbara Ahern Kathryn Barry Rolf and Luise Ahlers Deborah and Lionel Barthold Catherine M. Aiken John and Joanne Bartlett Joseph Albanese Karen and Judson Bartlett Mr. Joseph Albarelli Richard J. Bartlett Fred A. Alexy Edward Bartley Heather and James Alfandre Richard and Seraphine Barton Louis Allen William and Sandra Bashant Gilman Allen Nicholas and Grace Bavaro Irwin and Joan Allen Cynthia Baxter Kathe and Rolly Allen Karl and Nancy Beard Robert W. Allerton Douglas Beattie Richard Allington & Anne Barbara J. Beatty Franzen Jim and Seddon Beaty Virginia Aloysi Terry Beaty Dr. and Mrs. Peter E. Amato George and Marion Beaudoin Richard and Suzanne Ambler Gerald Beck Salim and Moech Amersi Dr. Edward Becker Ruth C. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Behan, Sr. Jim and Mercer Anderson Daniel and Maryrose Behan Jim Andretta John Behrens George Anker Brenda and Ken Beiser Paul and Robyn Applebee Cynthia and Charles Beiser Arcady Bay Estates Homeowners Daniel D. Belden Assoc. Inc. Colleen and Paul Bell Kenneth and Rosemarie Arnold Scott and Barbara Bell Joseph Arnold Patrick T. Bellantoni Rita H. Arnstein Russell Bellico Ben Aronson Brian D. Belus Dave and Jan Arthur Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Shop Bruce and Lea Ashby Robin Benak Bruce and Mary Ashby Mrs. Margaret D. Bence Terry & Marguerite Ashby Brown Kim Bender John and Diane Asiel Les and Kitty Benjamin & Family Richard W. Askew Jack and Priscilla Benson Assembly Point Association Lev Bentsianov Auerbach Family * Tony and Betty Berberian Donald B. Aulenbach Ned and Roberta Berkowitz Sandra Austin Richard W. Berls Edward and Marianne Axtmann Mr. William Bernard, Sr. James Ayers Dana Berntson Mrs. Marie Ayers Susan Weber and Mark Bertozzi Arthur Babiak Mr. Donald Best * Carolyn Babinsky Matthew and Lisa Bette Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Badenoch Michael (d) and Mary Ann Bette
Better Bones & Joints, INC Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Beyerl Laura D. Bibler Gregg and Kerri Biche E. Ann Bida Gerard Bielak Frank and Lisa Bifera The Birch Family Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Birney Gail and John Bisceglia Gary and Charleen Bivona Stacey and Will Bixby The Honorable Robert M. Blais Gayle Blakeslee Ilene and Ron Blitzer Boathouse Bed & Breakfast Boats By George! & Patty’s Water Sports Boutique Donald and Linda Boden Kevin and Lisa Boland The Bollman Family Joseph Boochever Mr. Stephen Boochever John and Louise Boomer Peter and Karen Booth Arthur (d) and Carol Borin Constance Gillette Bosse Brant Bottum and Laurie Zack Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Boullianne Joan Bowen Stuart and Sallie Bowling Patricia Boyle Wendy and Norman Bradburn Mathew and Eileen Brady Robert Brady Susan L. Brainard Dick and Susan Brainard Ms. Elizabeth A. Brainard and Mr. John Maier Muriel Brattlof Lydia Breiseth James and Judith Breitenstein Edward and Lois Brennan Gerard and Elaine Brennan Bernice and Joel Breslau Erica Breslau Neil and Ellen Breslin Paul Breslin Dr. and Mrs. William L. Bresonis Heidi A. Brickner Ellen Briggs Kreitler Robert Brilling Richard and Carol Brining Tony & Ann Brockelman/John Brockelman Steven W. Broderick Jon and Susan Brodie Craig Broomer Don Brovero Chris and Jim Brown
John Brown Lawrence P. Brown Miriam P. Brown Mr. Thomas A. Brown Glenn Brownstein Jeffry and Patricia Brozyna Jennifer and Charlie Bruce J. Buckley Bryan, Jr. Shirley Bryant Robert S. Bryant Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Bryant Richard Buchakjian Shirley and Russell Buchanan Buhrmaster Family Foundation Cindy Bulger David Bulger Mr. Bard E. Bunaes Christine Burgess Gordon Jerry Burke Jane Burleigh Thomas F. Burleigh Robert Burns and Mary Rita Burns Denise Doumaux Bushnell Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Busino Mr. Antonio Bustamante Mrs. Rosamond H. Butler Joseph and Susan Cacici Roy Cadoo John W. Caffry Dale and Catherine Campbell Douglas Canfield and Jana Kolpen Michael and Kim Cantanucci Cape Cod Village Club, Inc. Helen Carcio Carillon Garden Club Dan and Jean Carnese Bob and Betsy Carney Ms. Laurie Carr Sheila Carrell George & Tina Carruthers Tami Carstensen Nancy A. Carter Richard and Jane Carter Art and Lennie Carver James and Tenée Casaccio Donald V. Casavant Bob and Linda Case Kathleen and William Casperson Lincoln (d) and Nancy F. Cathers Candida N Smith & Carroll J Cavanagh Elizabeth Caviness Michael Cecchini Family R.J. Ceglerski Bob Cella Richard A. Cerosky Sandy Chamberlin David Chambers John Chambers Pam and Doug Chase Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Chase
Richard D. Chase Barbara E. Chick M.D. Dr. and Mrs. James P. Childress Jr. George and Evangeline Cholakis Patrice Cianci Robert Cisler Louis Clairmont & Deborah Barker Bruce and Catherine Clark William and Lynn Clark Eleanor P. Clark Brian Clements Charles Close Bill and Betty Clough Henry and Cheryl Clutsam Nancy Cobb-Zoll & Keith M. Zoll Alan F. Coffey and Janet S. Potts Sandra Coffin Ms. Margaret Colacino Thomas and Donna Colehour * Mike and Mary Louise Coleman Rudy and Colleen Coletti James H. Collier Frank and Eileen Collins Peter and Tina Collins Ken and Annette Colloton Marge Comstock Thomas and Kathleen Conerty Jodi Connally Conway/McDonnell Families Robert Cook & Kealy Salomon Geoff Cook Cool Insuring Agency John Coombs Ken and Mary Lou Cooper Christopher R. Copeland John and Stephanie Copeland Christopher and Deborah Corbett Anthony Corsano Peter and Barbara Cossman John and Barbara Costas Eric K. Cottrell Brian and Jenny Coughlin Robert and Sandra Coulter Mrs. Ilse M. Covals Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Cowan James Cowie George and Marion Cowles Tony Cowles (d) Crabbs Family Alison and Bruce Craig David and Shirley Craig Jane Craigie Crandall Excavating Inc Paul and Maggie Craney Creative Construction Co., INC Charlie and Kerry Crew The Crisp Family Jeffrey Crist John and Joan Crosby William Y. Crowell III
Carl and Elizabeth Crozzoli Bill and Ming Crusey Charles M. Cumming David Cumming Ellen-Deane Cummins Mr. Thomas Cuomo Bob and Linda Curley Edward and Dorothy Curley Carolyn Curren Julianne Currie Clark and Lynne Curtis Dennis Curtis and Judith Resnik Nick and Mary D’Ambrosio Thomas and Paula D’Orazio Michael Dahl Joanne and Al Daloisio Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Damiani John and Jennifer Danese Danyko Family Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius P. Darcy Leonard and Carolyn Dariano Dark Bay Lane, LLC Peggy Darrin Susan Darrin Barb and Dekkers Davidson Kristin and Robert Davidson Louise L. Davidson Davies-Davies & Assoc. Real Estate, LLC Dan and Dena Davies Hubert and Dorothy Davies Jim and Janet Davies Sharon Davies Bonnie V. Davis Roy and Louise Davis Dr. and Mrs. James C. Dawson Holly and Bob de Buys Drs. Paige and William de Buys Bob and Megan Dean Emily DeBolt David and Elizabeth Decker Russel Declerk James J. DeFilippo Capt. James D Huck, USN (Ret.)\ and Ms Jeanne M Defliese Philip L. and Lenore M. Defliese DeFranco Landscaping, Inc. Mr. Bernardo DeJesus and Ms. Margaret DeJesus Michael and Carmen Della Bella Dr. and Mrs. Ronald DelSignore Rich DeMartini and Jenny Brorsen Andrew DePan Mr. Bernard E. Derencin Lisa Derner Penny DeRocker Giorgio and Maureen DeRosa Barbara and Carl Desantis, Sr. Dr. Jonathan and Stormy DeSantis Jonathan and Leah DeSantis
Eva M. Detmer Peter Deutsch Robert Devitt and Monica Couser Lari Dhein Mark DiChiara Dick Saunders State Farm Insurance Lorraine Dickinson Richard Dickinson Robert and Diane Dickson Mike and Kathy Dier Dietz Family Catherine Dillingham Col. Frank J. Dillon, Jr. (Ret.) Tony and Ellen Dingman Peter F. diPalma Victoria and Steve Dobler Ira and Ann Doell * H. Winona Doheny Linda F. Donaldson Bonnie Donnelly Mary Beth Dopp & Robert Sammler Caroline and David Dorn Donald and Brita Dorn James Dorsey Stephen and Lisabeth Dougherty Jay Doumaux Bryan P. Douros William and Patricia Dow Beatrice Perkins Dowd Edward and Margaret Doyle John and Chris Doyle Roderick O. Dressel Terry and Christine Driessen Helene and Scott Dubin & Family Jane Dubin Eric N. Dubrow M.D. Gordon Duckel Lynn Dudek Kate and R. Elton Duffy Dunham’s Bay Resort and Restaurant Dunhams Bay Association Dunleavy Family Trust Drs. Alfred E Dunlop and Lynn O Wilson Bob and Mary Lou Dunton Mr. and Mrs. William M. Dutcher Kemp and Sandy Dwenger Rick and Barb Dzembo Richard and Alexis Eakin Anne Eaton Mr. Robert F. Eberle David Eberle Don and Ann Eberle Douglas and Tracy Eberle Echo Lodge LLC Karen Eckhoff Gary J. Edie Douglas and Zenaida Edwards Michael Egerman
Sheldon and Mary Eisenberg Ellie Eldredge * Rick and Nancy Elkin Mrs. Elizabeth Ellis Herb and Annmarie Ellis Mr. Kenneth L. Ellis Gary and Patricia Ellnor Raymond Ellor Ellsworth & Son Excavating, Inc Robin Emery Matthew W. Emmens Bob and Trisha End Donald Engels Steve and Liz Engels Kathleen V. England Ken and Enid Engler Steven G. Engler Bruce Ergood Robert Ervien III Salvatore Ervolina Richard F. Esmay, DDS Dr. Robert and Cheryl Evans F.R. Smith & Sons Marina Barry and Ellie Faber William A. Faber Mark Faeth Fairview Improvement Association, Inc. Philip and Cynthia Farbaniec Susan and Martin Farber Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Fasano Elna Faucher Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Faulkner Zack and Sandy Fazackerley Rashi and Ruth Fein Karen Fein Scott Fein Margaret and Sam Feldman Robert Fennelly Cynthia K. Ferguson Keith and Amy Ferguson * Arthur A. Ferrara Russ and Maureen Ferris Steve Fiato Mr. August Fietkau Martin Filler Stephen and Elaine Fink G. Albert Finke Lisa and Bruce Finkle Matt and Denise Finley Bill and Carolyn Fischer Leo and Martha Fishel William (d) and Gail Fishner Robert Flacke John H. Flagg David and Jane Floyd Dr. and Mrs. James P. Flynn John and Virginia Ford Forest Bay Property Owners Assoc. Inc.
LGA 2013 Annual Report - 15
2013 LGA members - THANK YOU! - Your gifts keep Lake George beautiful Stu Forman and Ellie Hitzrot Carol Forno David and Judy Forshay Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Foulke Frederick and Norma Fox Evelyn Francis Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Franz Jim and Claire Fraser Emily and Paul Frederick Kathleen Fredrick Dianne Freeman Tricia and Harrison Freer Charles and Jacqueline (d) Freihofer Al Freihofer Denise Freihofer Mrs. Jane T. Freihofer Raymond and Sally Freud Charles G. Frink Richard Frischmann Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Fritz George and Michele Froehlich George W. & Lesley S. Froehlich David and Doreen Fryling & Family Kathryn O’Keeffe & James Fuchs Donald Fuchs Dr. and Mrs. John D. Fulco Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Fuller Zandy Gabriels Rose Gage Arnold Galbraith Donald Gallagher Joseph and Joanne Gallagher Bette Gallo Gloria Gallo Ms. Ann B. Gardiner Michael and Janet Garry Richard and Deborah Gasser Bud and Toni Gates Don and Andrea Gearing Rod and Nema Geer Melissa and Howard Geiger John and Virginia Geils Geno Germano Georgian Motel Corporation Gary Gerstein Ken Gethard Robert and Joan Geyer Robert (d) and Joanne Gianniny Lori Gianquitto Al and Mary Jane Gilet Constance and Harvey Gilmore Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Ginsburg Barry and Leone Gipstein Bob and Vicki Glandon John and Sharon Glass Glens Falls National Bank & Trust Co. John Glover
Edward and Emily Goddard Robert and Pamela Golde Nancy M. Golden Robert W. and Karen Golden Calvin and Frances Goldscheider Ann and Ely Goldsmith Marc D. Goldstein Glenn Goliber John and Lorie Gollhofer Paul and Lynn Gollhofer Neil and Jane Golub Emma-Leigh Goodwin George Goodwin Mr. Paul N. Gordon Gorelik Family Mrs. Eleanor Gorman Michael L. Gorman Bill and Kay Gormley Gosselink Silver Bay Partners LP Jason and Tricia Gottlieb Peter and K.C. Gottschalk Dr. & Mrs. Christopher G. Goutos Pauline Governale Tim and Judy Gow Marjorie M. Graham Jim and Joanne Grande Michael Grasso Carol Grasso-Lubeck & John Lubeck Arthur A. Gravina Richard W. Gray Irene Green Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Greenwood Patricia Griffith Patrick and Judith Griffin Lawrence and Joani Grodin Eric and Maureen Gross Philip M. and Laurie B. Gross Gross Electric Inc Susan and Ken Gruskin Carla & Julius Gude Alexander and Elizabeth Guest Jane Gunther Harold and Sandra Haber Gerald and MaryBeth Hadeka & Family Andy and Judy Hadjandreas Hadzewycz Family Dave and Judy Haggett Arthur Halbritter Diane Haley Lisa and Anthony Hall William and Diane Hall * Halls Boat Corporation John and Michelle Haller Jeff and Dawn Hamilton Keith and Karen Hanchett Martha B. Hannon Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Hansen Bruce Hanson Steve Haraden
John and Nancy Harrigan William Harriman Ms. Doris E. Harrington Kenneth Harris Mr. and Mrs. John Harris Walter Harrison III Don Hart Helen and Walter Hartl Patricia HasBrouck Arthur C. and Chattie B. Hatfield Hague Motel Harris Bay Yacht Club on Lake George, NY Mrs. Barbara Havenick Allan S. Hay Judith B. Hay The Hayes Family Barrett Hazeltine Dr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Heacock & Family William and Joan Healy Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hearburg Nancy Hebert Chuck and Janis Heiden Beverly F. Heineman Betty B. Heintzelman Helene E. Jones Foundation Monica C. Hemmett Allison Henderson Dorothy J. Henry Chris Hermans George and Michelle Herrera Victor and Yvette Hershaft Jack and Janet Hickey Mr. Michael Hickin Kathleen Hild Ellen Hill Robert and Marilyn Hill Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hill Ann Hitzrot James and Barbara Hitzrot Michael Hmelovsky Sarah Hoagland Ted and Carol Hodecker Robert Hodgkins Cathy and John Hodgkins Edward J. and Augusta E. Hodgkinson Dave and Carolyn Hoeschele Bill and Debbie Hoffman Jack Hoffman Jean M. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hoffman Brian and Meredith Hogan Mr. Michael R. Hogan Mr. Michael T. Hogan Roswitha Hohmeier Hogan Family Nancy P. Hollenbeck Robin E. Holmes
Hon-Dah Cottage Association Peter and Mary Hood Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Hoopes Helene W. Horn Mrs. Mary Ann L Hospodar Bruce W. Houseworth Ann E. Howard Roger and Lynn Howard Mrs. Margaret Howe Robert and Cora May Howe Bill Howell Nancy Howland and Carl Bennette Anne L. Howland-Coone Tom and Sally Hoy Ray Hudson Mark Huestis Glenda and Doreen Huff Cindy and Stephen Hughes Huletts Landing Property Owners Civic Association, Inc. Edward and Frances Hume Paul and Patricia Hummel James W. Hunt Scott and Carole Hunt William E. Hunt Doré and Vanetta Hunter Michael and Mary Hunter Mr. P. Daniel Hurley Haeja Hwang David and Nancy Hyman Richard and Diane Hyman Nancy Munro Icke Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. Ida Martin Indursky Paul and Jane Ingrey Inn on the Hill Inwald Enterprises LLC Kathleen Jablonski Keith and Sandie Jackson Marci and Tony Jackson Michael Jacobs Richard Jacobs & Patricia Stafford Jaeger & Flynn Associates, Inc Dr. Gerardus S. Jameson Mr. Edward Janiak Mr. Gerald Jannicelli Marie F. Jappell Tom Jarrett Gina Jeckering Jean H. Jelliffe Russ and Carol Jockel Mr. and Mrs. Herman A. Joerger Ann Marie Johnsen Peter C. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Johnson * Robert E. Johnson and Susan L. Johnson Karl and Patricia Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy M. Jones Stewart and Dianne Jones
Mary Nohara and Steve Jones Wayne and Meredith Judge KB Lake George, LLC Robert and Carol Kafin Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Kahl Mrs. Jean O. Kahn Stephen Kalajian * Hans Kalchbrenner George Kallenbach Rosemary and Stephan Kamholz Dr. Daniel F. Kana Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Kaplan Janet and Joel Karp Elizabeth Kasevich Kashman Family Janice A. Kaye John and Carol Kearney Tom Keating Sandy and Gail Keeler Keeler Motor Car Company David and Sally Kelly Joanne Kennedy & William Dunn Michael and Margaret Kennedy Dorothy C. Kennedy David L. Kent Mary Kent and Family Ralph L. and Julia S. Ketcham Mr. and Mrs. John B. Kiessling J. Morgan Kiker Patricia Killeen Jennifer & Kenneth Killian and Family Steve and Pat Killorin Dr. Hazel Goodwin Kim William B. Kimmons Dick King Dorothy J. King Tim and Jeannette King Janet C. Kireker Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Kirkpatrick Stephen Kirshon Kittredge Family Robert and Penny Klebe Arthur and Marianna Klein Eleanor Kaplan Klein Stephanie A. Wagoner & James A. Kloiber Klos Family Jim Kneeshaw and Betty Little Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Koehler Jr. Maura F. Koeneke Mr. and Mrs. John H. Koerner Ethel Kohlhoff Ed and Lois Konikowski Yvonne Koniowka and Family Dr. Melodee Kopa, DVM Dr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Kopf Donna Korkus Vincent W. Kozel Judith Kraft
Mr. Howard I. Krantz Eric Krantz and Cheryl Tucker Colleen Dowd Kriz Robert A. Krueger Dr. Arthur H. Kubikian Nancy and Peter Kudan Lynn and Rick Kudlack Ginger Kuenzel Dr. and Mrs. Harold G. Kunz Stephen A. Kuruc Jr. Mr. Steven Kushner & Ms. Helaine Smith-Kushner Catherine A. & John D. LaBombard Jane A. LaBombard, P.E. Margaret J. LaBombard Mr. Douglas Lafferty Lawrence E. Lafferty Lake George Auto/Marine Lake George Regional Chamber Of Commerce Lake George RV Park Lakeshore Gallery Lakeview At Huletts LLC Buzz and Cheryl Lamb James and Mary Lamb Ruth and Sandy Lamb Mr. & Mrs. Harvey E. Lambeth, Jr. John and Sandy Lambrechts Mary Leonard Landenberger Robert Landry Dr. and Mrs. John A. Lang II Lange Holdings, Inc. Douglas S. Langdon George Langford Linda and Steve Lant Mr. and Mrs. Byron J. Lapham Mr. Michael Lapham Virginia B. LaPointe Karen and Glen Larkin Todd H. Larsen/Larsen Fund Ms. Judy Larter Chip and Gayle Lawrence Eileen Lawrence Janet Lawrence Lonnie Lawrence Robert and Nancy Lawrence Dr. Stuart Lazarus J. Leary Mr. George B. Leckonby III Barry Leeds Donald and Audrey Lehn Kevin Leighton Jeffrey and Sandi Lejuez Paul Lejuez Marvin F. Lemery The Lemmas Wayne T. Lemme Richard Lemperle Marie-Louise & Richard Lempert Walt and Jane Lender
Jim Lennon Myrna M. Leon Keith Leonard Michael and Kimberly Lestrange Peter and Carol Letson Howard R. Levy The Lewis Family Pete and Glenda Lewis Dr. Skip H. Lewis III and Dr. Myra Lewis Peter A. Leyh * Ann and Erik Lichter Margaret M. Lindner Marion Linhart Scott and Elizabeth Linkowski Edward Linville Evelyn and John Lipori Carl F. Liss Andrew and Susan Liucci Mr. Douglas Livingston Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence L. Livornese Lochlea Homeowners Association Dr. Joseph Loffredo Linda Long Mrs. Carol M. Longman Mr. William M. Loring Jr. Paul F. Lotters Laurie Loughren Mary E. Loughrey Love is on Lake Fred Luberto Mr. and Mrs. James T. Ludwig Jami Jordan and Michael Luke Pamela Lusignan Dennis and Mary Ann Lynch John and Barbara (d) Lynch Steven and Linda Lynch Joseph T. Lyons Virginia V. Lyons John Macionis Lorraine MacKenzie Michael Macri Dr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Maddocks John Madej * Lynne Mager James Mahaffey E. B. Maher Mrs. Carolyn Malaney Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Mallon Jerry and Maddy Malovany Joyce Manchester Anthony and Judy Mangino Carol Mann Alexander Manuele Jon and Margaret Maranville Tom and Bobbi Marchetti Dyzie Marcinkevicius Daniel and Carol Margolis Marc Marholin Carole Mariani
Sally and Mathew Markert Thomas Marschner Peter Marshall Sally W. Marshall Jessica Martin Mrs. John P. Martin and Family Mr. and Mrs. Todd Martin Bernie and Lisa Martinese Larry and Louise Marwill Kevin and Mary Beth Maschewski Bill & Lynne Mason Greg Mason Mr. Wesley Masten Dr. Timothy and Pradhana Mastro William and Anne Marie Mather Dick Mathews * Ms. Maureen R. Matsen M.D. Matthews, Jr. Christopher and Mary Mattson Dolly and Charles Mayer, Jr. Richard A. Mayer Mayflower Realty Margaret Bishop Maynard Harold “Murph” and Carol McCleery J. Barry McClennan Margaret H. McClure Mark McCollister Walter and Isabel McConnell Lori McCormick John and Anne McDonald Mr. and Mrs. John C. McDonald, Jr. McDonald Real Estate Professionals Charlanne and Robert McDonough Philip and Martha McDowell Mrs. Bernadette McElhenny Victoria McGowan and Stephen McFarlane Thomas McGrath Laura McGrew Joan L. McKeag Christine M. McKee The McKenna Family Warren and Austra McLane Philip and Barbara McLaughlin Joseph and Anne McMahon Jeff and Diane McMullen James McNeil, Jr. Karen Beth McNeice Suzanne and Paul McPhillips McPhillips Properties LLC Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mead David Meath Thomas E. Meath Peter and Dianne Meckler Robert Meehan Mellman Family Jim and Sheilagh Menzies Peter and Gretchen Menzies Robert and Jen Metivier Carol Metz
Barbara L. Meyer James Meyer J. David and Lynne Michaels Susan and Douglas Michels Robert & Geraldine Middleton * Earl J. Mikoloski Pepper and Floyd Milbank Charles and Helga Miller Dr. Jean K. Miller John C. and Judy Miller Joe and Colleen Milot The Mitchell’s Phillip and Laura L. Mitchell Wanda Mitko Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mitola Richard and Barbara Moccia James and Leone Modestino Vincent Mongelli Ronald and Marjorie Montana and Family Dave and Claudia Montana Mr. and Mrs. Donald Montana Susan and Joe Mooney Mr. Edward V. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Milo A. Moore Carl and Mariann Morales Thomas J. Morhouse Mr. Daniel C. Morin Christopher Morris Judith Morris Robert and Susan Morris Nancy D. Morrison Phillip and Susan Morse Lloyd L. Mott Mrs. Evelyn Muller Charly, Lisa, and Katy Munzenmaier John and Theresa Murnane R. Gordon Murphy Ken and Sally Murray * Neil Murray Laurie Gene Mygatt Mr. & Mrs. Normand L. Nadeau Emily Nagamatsu (d) James and Charlotte Napoli Beth and Bill Nast Bob and Helen Natt Ken and Susan Neilson Linda M. Neilson Lois Nelson and Lea Nigel Mr. Robert M. Nephew Monnie Newman Patti L. Nichols * Paul and Nancy Nichols Noelle B. Nielsen D. Michael & Connie Gerarde Niles Bill and Linda Nizolek Derek and Anna Nolan Mrs. Anne M. Nolte
Robert and Lona Nonni Mr. Harvey Noordsy Norowal Marina Mary W. North Russell and Karen North Virginia and Maynard Northup North Country Landscape & Design Diana M. Nugent Stephen and Kirsten O’Brien O’Connor’s Resort Cottages Charles and Marcia O’Donnell Dan and Mary Helen O’Keeffe Doris M. O’Keeffe Stephen and Carla O’Leary Michael and Marie O’Reilly Patrick and Barbara O’Reilly Harry and Kathy Odabashian Julian and Jan Offsay J. Timothy OHearn Mr. Glenn Oken Chester and Joan Oliver Don and Sandy Oliver Richard and Christine Oliver Jane Olsen Peg R. Olsen Mr. & Mrs. John Orlando - Indian Pipes Mr. Maurice Ornstein Bob and Natalie Oshins Mr. Roderick H. Owens Pacinella Family Charles Pack William Pagano Mr. Harry O. Page George and Cathy Painter Mark and Debra Pallone Patchett Family David Parenta Scott and Leah Parillo John Pariseau Kenneth and Sandra Parker Richard and Ann Parker Blackwood and Joan Parlin Kenneth and Lauren Parlin Pamela Louise Parrott Michael and Karyn Parzych Lisa Payne Eileen Pedicone Performance Marine Service, Inc. Theresa Pell Joseph and Gail Pelli Joann Perillo-Lasky John J. Perkins Barry and Lois Perlman Art and Lisa Perry Bill Petersen John and Johanne Petersen * Walter Peterson III and Beth Crusius Esq. Mr. Peter I. Pfaffenbach
Robert and Susan Pfau Fred Pflaum and Linda Demers Claire M. Phillips Donna Phillips * Roger and Lorraine Phinney Albert and Darcy Picchi Susan and Bill Picotte Rob Picotte and Denise Desmond Lucinda Pieper The Pierce Family Joseph and Anne Pierson Pilot Knob Association Pilot Knob Marina Pioneer Improvement Assoc. Inc. Donald G. Piper Peggy and Murray Pitkowsky Bill and Carol Pittman Rudy Pizzoferrato Mr. Gary Plimpton Point Comfort Trust Joseph Polonsky Christopher Poppe Marie T. Portela Sandra and Anthony Poulos Bob and Sandy Powell * Gilbert Priess Robert W. Proctor Robert R. Proctor David and Gladys Prol Property Owners of Silver Bay Richard and Debra Provenzano Don & Gail Puckette * Joe and Lisa Purcell Deborah Pusatere Anne Putnam Tom and Dusty Putnam Paul Quail Custer R. Quick Mr. and Mrs. William J. Quinn Jim and Gini Quirk Spencer Raggio Ronald Ragonetti Mary E. Raila Whit & Julia Ramonat Mark Randall Marilyn T. Randall Mrs. Robert H. Randles Barbara and Myron Rapaport Linda and Robin Rapaport Michael and Jo-Ann Rapaport Rachel and I. Paul Rappaport Randy and Mariann Rapple David Ray Joan and Charles Reach Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Reale Nancy Reale Patricia Reap Alan and Dorie Redeker Deanne S. Rehm Mrs. Margaret Reid
Nancy Reilly Vincent and Linda Reilly Dan and Abby Reingold Jerry and Catherine Reinhart Susan and Mark Rekucki Jim & Pat Remington Mr. Richard Rendert Bernard and Mary Renois Margaret and Bruno Renzi Brenda Rew Thomas H. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Rhodes Ron Ricchezza Joyce and Don Rice Kelley Richards Vincent T. Riggi Frank and Elva Ring Robert and Dana Risman Thomas and Beverly Roach Anne and Walt Robb Karen Robbins Kenneth and Jane Robbins * Alexandra Lee & Paul Robertson Mr. & Mrs. Edmund H. Robinson Jack and Dorothy Robinson Karen and Chris Robinson Mrs. Mitzi Robinson Tim and Betsy Robinson Ronald and Kathryn Rock Rockledge Properties Inc. Joan and Dave Rockwell Michael and Babette (d) Rogers Nadine and Herman Rogg Ms. Kristen Rohne Michael and Lisa Rome Kitty Rooney Brian Rooney and Cecile Callan Cynthia Rosbrook I. J. Rosen, M.D. FABFP Richard and Joan Rosetti Richard and Helen Rosselli Stephen and Pamela Rottier Ian and Sandy Rowlandson Mr. John Ruef Russell Lasalandra Family Rory, Justin, Tina, Jay and Casey Russell Dr. J. George Russo Bruce and Sandra Rust Colleen Ryan and Eric Hoppel William and Betsy Ryan Daniel and Dianne Ryterband Frank Salamone Howard and Mary Beth Sambrook Scott and Sally Sambrook Richard M. Sambrook David and Priscilla Sanderspree Sandman Family Maureen and Frank Sands Susan T. Sawulski
Yvette Scanlon Margaret H. Schadler Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schaffer John Schaninger Edmund and Jennifer Scheiber Mike and Patrice Schelkun Patrick and Amy Schmidt Ron and Dorothy Schmidt James J. and Joan M. Schnabel Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Schneible Mary A. Schneidenwind and E. Ann Bida John and Margaret Schroeder Judy and Ken Schultz Richard and Tymm Schumaker Greg and Michelle Schwab Joseph J. Schwerman, MD Janice & David Scott Peter and Laura Scotto Wayne Scoville Kevin & Jane Scully Steve and Debby Seaboyer Dr. James and Elsa Sears Luke Sears Ms. Beverly M. Sebold Mona and Richard Seeger Ted Seissen Bill and Susan Seitz Joachim Seitz Karl and Kim Seitz Gary and Christina Seldomridge Paul Semon Michael Sena Family Jim and Ann Marie Senese Lee and Joanne Serino Wendy G. Severance Deborah S. Shannon The Sharkey Family * Richard and Mary Sharp Tony and Lynn Sheeran Shelton - D’Andrea Family Edward Sheridan Peter Sheridan Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sheridan Louise Shoemaker Mrs. Donna G. Short John P. Sibilla Mr. George L. Sicard Ann and Paul Silk Janet and Jack Silliman Stephen J. Sills, M.D. Errol and Lynn Silverberg Silvermine North Dr. Michael & Eleanor Simberkoff Lenton D. and Barbara A. Simms Peter and Courtney Simon Tom and Arlene Simunek Frank Sinatra, Jr. George and Gloria (d) Singer Steven Singer
Robert and Constance P. Sinkway Art Levy and Fred Sistarenik Gerald Skoning Stephen R. Sloan Fran Sloatman and Tom Harding Dr. Bryan Smead Donald and Barbara Smith Douglas and Ellen Smith * Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Smith Elaine S. Smith (d) Elisabeth A. Smith Gary A. Smith Kevin Smith Marilyn R. Smith Mark C. Smith Pat Smith Patrick and Judith Smith Peggy and Scott Smith Peter and Ellen Smith Snug Harbor Marina, Inc. Kate and Alan Snyder Freda P. Solomon Don and Susie Sommer Henry Sommer Steve Soroka and Family South Beach Assoc. of Lake George, NY, Inc. Nicholas and Joanne Spadavecchia Joseph Sparano The Spelman Family Joann L. Spence Heidi and Pete Spencer Peter and Mary Spiess Lawrence and Sheila Spraragen Laura Springer Betty Spinelli and Joe Stanek George Stanford Mrs. Helen A. Stapley Natalie L. Starr Danforth Starr Mrs. Jane Stavely * Richard and Linda Stein Alan and Lynn Steiner Jay and Amy Steiner * Mrs. Bonnie B. Stevens Dale Stevens Scott and Coleen Stevens Tom and Cheri Budge Stevens Bruce Stewart Jason and Kristen Stewart Stewart’s Shops Still Bay Resort - R. Vergoz Judy Stock Robert Stock Peter Stoecker Terry and Lee Storms Mrs. Eleanor Strack Pamela and R. Sanford Stragnell David and Rebecca Strang Janis & Bob Strasser
F. Sanford Straton Family Amy L. Straton Lynne Breslau and David Straus Edward and Linda Stringer Diana Strock-Lynskey Victor and Neva Strom Bertil & Lynn Stromberg Angela and Robert Strong John Strough Michael D. Strutz Joseph Strykiewicz Bob and Bobbie Stuart John H. Sturt, Jr. David and Kristine Suits Callie Sullivan Roger R. Summerhayes Helenmarie Sunkenberg Sunrise Shores Condominum Frank and Geri Suozzo David and Elizabeth Swanson John and Lee Tabner Kate Tabner & Michael Boardman Melba Tacy Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taitel Bruce and Sarah Tamlyn Robert and Jean Tarrant Dr. Judith C. Tate Eugene and Laura Jane Tay James Taylor & Caroline Hessberg Taylor John H. Taylor Joseph Taylor Judy and Greg Taylor Rad Taylor Frederick C. Tedeschi Nancy C. Teichner Alice Buff Tepper Frank and Nancy Tetz The Sinnott Family The Adirondack Trust Company The Boathouse Restaurant The Chronicle Newspaper The Gatehouse Association The Indian Tepee Gift Shop Nancy Thiel Maureen Theisz Anne and David Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Thomas and Family Kevin Thompson Richard and Barbara Thornton Tim A. Tiger Joseph and Teresa Tinnirella Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Tobin Gerald Tolchin Linda and Jack Toner Kathleen Toomey Top of the World Golf Resort Mr. Kenneth J. Tornvall Michael Tornvall & Heather Tomko
Luann and Jon T. Toussaint M.D. Julie Tracy and Henry Noble Agostino J. Travaly * Jean M. Trello Thomas Trimboli Ms. Jillian Trunko Ryan Trunko Stuart Tucker The Tuckers Robert Tully and Beth Tully Gary Turnamian Anthea M. Turner Mr. and Mrs. James Tyler, Jr. Kirby McCaw Udall Mr. Kenneth Uhl Kenneth Ulbricht Carole and Joseph Usaj Daniel and Pamela Valente Ed and Marilyn Valla David H. Van Dyck Roxa Van Dyck (d) Joan Van Patten Barbara Van Raden & Dawn Van Dyck Ms. Jacqueline Van Rhyn Pat Van Valkenburgh Kirby and Martha Van Vleet Nicole E. Van Vuren Robert and Margaret Vanderhye Michael and Viola Vassallo Patricia Vaughn Nancy Briwa Veeder Marcia J. Verville Judith M. Viering Philip J. and Judith Viger Kim Vilardo Richard J. Villamil Mrs. Dorothy S. Vilmar Reg and Shirley Vincent Susan Voci and Art Papier Rhein (d) and Gloria Vogel Nancy R. Vogelsang Andy and Donna Volkmann Peter Voll Allen Wadler Donna L. Wadsworth John and Margaret Wainwright Sophie and George Walczyk Mary Dayle Walden (d) Emory and Karen Waldrip Richard Waldron * Ed Walker Mr. George Walker Leroy S. Waltz, Jr. Donald and Joyce Ward Richard E. Wardwell John and Meg Warner and Family Marilyn M. Warner Christopher Warner David (d) and Dorothy Warren * Sandra and John Warriner
LGA 2013 Annual Report - 17
2013 LGA members and donors - THANK YOU for protecting Lake George William and Jane Wasserbach Mr.& Mrs. Lawrence M. Waterhouse, Jr. Lisa Conrad & Rich Watkins Margaret and Gary Weale Firm and Joan Weaver John and Kathy Weber Howard and Rosemary Weeber Hugh Weed Darcy & Kevin Weeden Weiner Family Mary T. Weinman Madeline Weisenfeld Rose Anne Weissel Richard and Eunice Werner John and Laura Werner Matthew and Sherry West Bill and Ann Westervelt Joan and John Westley Mr. & Mrs. William B. Wetherbee Jeanne Whalen John Whearty Family Dr. & Mrs. D. Billings Wheeler Ellen Whelan Robert and Janet Whitaker Christopher White Linda White Mr. Robert White T. Justin White III Roberta and John Whiteley Mr. & Mrs. Robert Whiteman Wiawaka Holiday House Inc. David H. Wilcox & Victoria T. Zeldin Douglas P. & Jennifer Wiley * Kathy and Ralph Wilhelm Dean Wilkening Harold Williams Paula and Charles Williamsen Drs. Joseph and Judith Willner Adrienne Wilson George R Wilson Roger Wilson Dr. (d) and Mrs. Oliver H. Winn Donne-Lynn Winslow Harold Wirths Mr. and Mrs. Gert H. Wolfang Jim and Nini Wolitarsky Elaine R Wood-Chisholm The Woodcock Family Bob and Susan Woodcock Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Wotton Douglas A. Wrigley YMCA Camp Chingachgook Robert H. Yanney LTCOL USAF (RET) Zoë R. and E. Howard Youmans * Bruce and Sue Young Dick Young Ms. Nancy E. Young
Richard and Janet (d) Yulman Mr. E. Norbert and Patricia Zahm George and Barbara Zautner Charles and Barbara Zeese Gary and Charlene Zervas Sherry Ziegenbalg Mitch Zimmer Patricia Zoli Roberta and Martin Zucker Alfred and Georgiana Zustovich
Rush Island Improvement Assoc., Inc. Barbara & George Timpanaro W. Gillette Bird Glens Falls National Bank & Trust Co. Edith Eger Buzz & Cheryl Lamb Jaqqueline Freihofer Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Foulke Buzz & Cheryl Lamb * Participant in Van Dam Custom Boats Matching Gift Program Peter Gray Edward & Dorothy Curley (d) With their passing, we will miss these special advocates of our Lake! Jack Henry Dorothy J. Henry Allene Jorgensen In Honor Of... Mr. & Mrs. Herman A. Joerger ...Given By Fred McKeown Bob Benway & Debbie Dawe Bill & Carolyn Fischer Margaret H. McClure Dr. Henry Nagamatsu Thomas & Joan Jenkin Emily Nagamatsu (d) Will Brockman Dr. Richard Neuber Lydia Breiseth Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Burke Shirley Bryant Mary Jane Damberg Dr. & Mrs. Douglas Bryant General Electric Foundation Bob DeBuys & Ken Engler Dr. George and Stacey Terry Beaty Kacoyanis Henry Clark Sr. Diane and Stewart Neuber Scott & Carole Hunt Ms. Marie Orrico Denny Curtis & Bob Slater Denise Pendt * Bernice & Joel Breslau Patricia Robbins Donald & Brita Dorn John and Kitty Sconzo Caroline and David Dorn The Adams White House Beatrice MP Dowd Bill O’Brien Colleen Dowd Kriz Buzz & Cheryl Lamb Buzz & Cheryl Lamb William Joseph Quigley Lisa & Anthony Hall Tom & Susan Beers Lari Dhein H. Norman Randall John & Anne McDonald Roderick O. Dressel Lindsay & Kyle’s Wedding Dr. Frederick Seitz Lucinda Pieper Joachim Seitz Morris Wedding Margaret Shaninger Chirstopher Morris John & Stephanie Copeland Tom & Dusty Putnam Derwin Stevens Anne Putnam Buzz & Cheryl Lamb Karen Robbins General Electric Foundation Crispin Tobey Judy & Greg Taylor Ken Robbins * Harold Tucker Kenneth Robbins Allison Tucker, Mark Shiff Karen Robbins -man and Family Kitty & Dan Starr Roxa Van Dyck Natalie L. Starr Barbara Van Raden & Dawn Van Dyck Alton C. Warner In Memory Of... Gwen Kade ...Given by David Waters Frank Barry Buzz & Cheryl Lamb Kathryn Barry William Belser
Event Sponsors
Anonymous Adirondack Tree Surgeons, Inc Mr. Joseph Albarelli Alison V. Craig Realty LLC Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Bergman Gregg and Kerri Biche James and Tenée Casaccio Charles Schwab Foundation Nancy Cobb-Zoll & Keith M. Zoll Wendy Colley Thomas and Kathleen Conerty John and Stephanie Copeland Eric K. Cottrell, D.D.S., P.C. Dan & Dena Davies Holly and Bob de Buys Capt. James D Huck, USN (Ret.) and Ms Jeanne M Defliese Jay Doumaux Bob and Mary Lou Dunton Steve and Liz Engels Frederick’s Restaurant Mr. and Mrs. Wayne S. Freebern Glens Falls Hospital Foundation Victor and Yvette Hershaft Paul and Jane Ingrey Keeler Motor Car Company Chaitable Foundation Keena Staffing, Inc. Colleen Dowd Kriz Lake George RV Park Buzz and Cheryl Lamb Dr. Skip H. Lewis III & Dr. Myra Lewis Margaret M. Lindner Joanne and James Martini Harold “Murph” and Carol McCleery MM Hayes Company, Inc. John and Theresa Murnane Derek and Anna Nolan Chester and Joan Oliver Mark and Debra Pallone Ron Ricchezza Alexandra Lee & Paul Robertson Robert and Joanne Strickland * The Adirondack Trust Company Watch Entertainment Group Douglas P. & Jennifer Wiley Marian and Norman Wolgin
In Kind Donations
Adirondack Museum Adirondack Pub & Brewery Adirondack Rustic Interiors Adirondack Theatre Festival Salim and Moech Amersi Don and Ann Barbour Bay Optical Beckley’s Marina Below the Boat
Bistro Le Roux Black Bass Antiques The Honorable Robert M. Blais Boathouse Bed & Breakfast Boats By George! & Patty’s Water Sports Boutique Bolton Landing Marina Canoe Island Lodge Celia’s Table Champlain Stone, Ltd. Chez Pierre Restaurant Chic’s Marina Nancy Cobb-Zoll & Keith M. Zoll Cronin’s Golf Resort Custom Corners Framing & Supply D’ella Auto Group Dan and Dena Davies Holly and Bob de Buys Peter Deutsch Diamond Point Boat Repair Duffy’s Liquors Kate Edwards F.R. Smith & Sons Marina Feigenbaum Cleaners Fiddlehead Creek. LLC Nina Flebbe Fort Ticonderoga Chris Gabriels Garvey Volkswagon Kia Georgian Motel Corporation Glenn Sculptures Glens Falls Country Club Glens Falls Symphony Orchestra Gore Mountain Tim and Judy Gow Michael Grasso Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Inc. Hacker Boat Company Hague Firehouse Restaurant Happy Jacks Kristine Hatch Hoffman Car Wash & Hoffman Jiffy Lube Home Made Theater (HMT) Hot Biscuit Diner Impressive Imprints Juniper Hill Farm Thomas Kane Kettlewell & Edwards Jim Kneeshaw & Sen. Betty Little Lake George Camping Equipment Company Lake George Mirror Lake George Steamboat Company Lakeside Massage Therapy Buzz and Cheryl Lamb Late Show with David Letterman Stephen Le Blanc Erin Lonergan
Mama Riso Italian Restaurant Mr. and Mrs. John C. McDonald, Jr. Charlanne and Robert McDonough Peter and Gretchen Menzies Michael Skurnik Wines Millbrook Vineyards & Winery Montcalm Liquors Mountainman Outdoor Supply Company New Leaf Personal Wellness Paul and Nancy Nichols Norowal Marina Cindi O’Mara Mr. & Mrs. John Orlando - Indian Pipes Panera Bread Parasailing Adventures Michael Parwana Josh J. Porte Proctors Queensbury Cigar & Pipe Raul’s Mexican Grill Ms. Rachael Ray and John Cusimano Ray Supply Rehm Chiropractic & Massage Clinic Risky Business Fishing Charters Riverside Village Salon Jack and Dorothy Robinson Rock Hill Bakehouse Cafe Ruah Bed and Breakfast Salem Art Works Saratoga Performing Arts Center Jon Segan Serendipity Boutique Silver Bay YMCA of the Adirondacks Snug Harbor Marina, Inc. Southwest Airlines Co. Ovelo & Brittany Staley Sushi Yoshi Tom Swimm Target The Algonquin on Lake George The Blackburn Gallery The Boathouse Restaurant The Country Florist & Gifts The Daily Show with Jon Stewart The Great Escape & Splashwater Kingdom The Hyde Collection The Indian Tepee Gift Shop The Inn at Erlowest Dolores Thomson Ticonderoga Country Club Tina’s Hair Affair Trees Turnberry Isle Walmart Wild Visions, Inc Willows Bistro, Inc. Jim and Nini Wolitarsky
Yankee Boating Center Yankee Trails World Travel
Heidi A. Brickner Dale and Nancy Bryant Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Bryant Bob Buruchian Employee Designated Rick and Mary Bush Grantors Joseph Campbell Schwab Charitable Fund Louis and Karen Capuano Berkshire United Way Raymond Casavant Morgan Stanley Peggy Neal & Greg Cashman SEFA State Employ. Federated Jody Chwiecko Appeal Anthony Corsano TE Connectivity LTD Cotton Point Association, Inc. Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Carolyn Curren GE United Way Campaign Carmine and Lois D’Uva The Community Foundation for the Clare Decker Greater Capital Region Mr. John Dinuzzo * Mary Lou Doulin Jocelyn and Marc Dreier Additional 2013 Christine Duguid Donations Paul and Ellen Dulberger Second Century Reserve Doris W. Dusinberre J. Buckley Bryan, Jr. Elizabeth Dybas Ken and Enid Engler Grant Funders Cynthia Fanusie Ayco Charitable Foundation The Fierro’s Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Faulkner/ Matt and Denise Finley Schwab Charitable Fund Bob and Mary Ann Finnecy * Helen V. Froehlich Foundation John Forbes Henry M. Rowan Family Founda Forest Bay Property Owners Assoc. tion, Inc. Inc. Lake George Park Commission Alfred and Suellen Franz Lake George Watershed Coalition Theodore J. Furdyna New England Interstate Water Chris Gabriels Pollution Control Commission Diane and Jerry Gannon Patagonia/ 1% For the Planet Frank Gargiulo Putnam Family Foundation Marjorie Gilmour Stephanie A Wagoner & James A Roger and Lynda Glenn Kloiber/Schwab Charitable Fund Dr. Steven & Linda Goodman Donna L. Gravenkemper Invasives Eradication/ LGA Match Lawrence and Joani Grodin Donors Sharon and Dean Hambleton Anonymous Kevin Hedley Dr. and Mrs. Peter J. Abell, DMD Dorothy J. Henry Jeff and Donna Adams Jack and Janet Hickey John and Ellen Affel Kevin Hicks Eric and Moriah Agovino Paula and Tim Holt Rolf and Luise Ahlers Mrs. Margaret Howe Joseph Albanese Richard Huenerberg Kathe and Rolly Allen Kristee Iacobucci John and Tammy Aust Joe Iannuzzi John and Betty Barth Gina Jeckering George and Marion Beaudoin Thomas and Joan Jenkin Fred and Rosemary Berger Rick and Jean Jenner Matthew and Lisa Bette David Jensen Laura D. Bibler Russ and Carol Jockel Donald Blais Kiefer, Kaylor, Michaelson Tony Bosi Robert Keith Nancy Brady Dr. and Mrs. John E. Kelly III G. Braun Mark and Courtney Kenyon Paul Brauner Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Kirkpatrick
David W. Knight Donald W. Kreuzer, DMD T. O. Kriegsmann Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kristel Steve and Wendy Kroft Frank Lach Peter Lajeunesse Lake Forest Acres Homeowners Association Lake George Power Boater Assoc. Lakeview At Huletts LLC Buzz and Cheryl Lamb J. Leary Anne and Dick Lennox Pete and Glenda Lewis Harry Lindman Ray and Gretta Lloyd Mr. Martin J. Lund Kevin and Sheri Lyons Colin MacInnis Susan Maltese Margy Mannix Mr. Wesley Masten William McDonald John and Anne McDonald Mr. and Mrs. William E. McVeigh Robert Meehan Joe and Bev Merone Susan and Douglas Michels Mrs. Lawrence Middleton Veronica Miller Jack and Karen Milvaney Monroe Family Mr. Edward V. Moore Johanna M. Nally Joseph Nicolla Nina’s Sweet Shoppe Mrs. Anne M. Nolte Norowal Cabin Owners Association J. Arthur Norton George Obergfoll Raymond and Donna Obssuth Harry and Kathy Odabashian Janice and Robert Olmstead Oxford Cottages, Inc Robert and Susan Pfau Kim Pfeiffenberger Pasquale and Karen Popolizio Fred and Lisa Renshaw Richard D. Robertello David and Marianne Rogge Kitty Rooney Erik Rossi Lorraine Ruffing & Beverly Pozzi Resource Property Management Fenton and Marion Sabo Jason Saris Sawmill Bay Marina Katherine Schwartz
Bob and Muriel Schwarz Douglas Smith Kevin Smith Mark C. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Sneeringer Kate and Alan Snyder South Beach Assoc. of Lake George, NY, Inc. The Spann’s Joseph Sparano Laura Springer Edda-Louise Stefanic Thomas and Helju Stim Ann K. Storandt Mr. Ulrich W. Strobel Judy and Greg Taylor David and Bobbi Taylor The Lake Motel Robert B. Trimble Jack Tworek Ms. Lauren M. Tyler Kirby and Martha Van Vleet Karlene Vandenburgh Donna Wotton Douglas A. Wrigley John H. Zamrok Mary Pat Meaney and Joe Zarzynski
West Brook Conservation Initiative Salim and Moech Amersi Robert Flacke Glens Falls National Bank & Trust Co. Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy M. Jones Frank and Mary Ellen Lasch
Executive Director C. Walter Lender Director of Membership Development Nancy Cobb-Zoll Development Assistant Stephanie Smith Project/GIS Manager Randy G. Rath
Floating Classroom Bender Scientific Fund/The Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Region Glens Falls Foundation Helen & Ritter Shumway Foundation Ann E. Howard New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission Peter & Laura Scotto Stewart’s Shops Stormwater Projects Fairview Improvement Association, Inc. Tahoe Resorts Inc Special Thanks For Hosting LGA Fundra ising Events Boathouse Restaurant Fountain Square Outfitters
Education Coordinator Kristen Rohne Educator Jill Trunko Outreach Coordinator Emily DeBolt Office Manager Mona Seeger
The Lake George Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit membership organization, established in 1885. All donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Every effort was made to ensure the accuracy of these lists. Please excuse any errors or omissions and report them to LGA staff. Thank you.
President Victor Hershaft (Bolton Landing) Executive Vice President Mike Dier (Diamond Point) Vice Presidents Matt Finley (Diamond Point) Cheryl Lamb (Bolton Landing) Treasurer Robert de Buys (Hague) Secretary Cathy LaBombard (Huletts Landing) Directors Bruce Ashby (Bolton Landing) Dan Behan (Saratoga Springs) James N. Casaccio (Diamond Point) Daniel Davies (Dunham’s Bay) Michael Della Bella, Sr. (Lake George) Michael Grasso (Lake George) H. Thomas Jarrett, PE (Glens Falls) Karen Larkin (Cleverdale) Pete Menzies (Bolton Landing) Emeritus Board Dr. Barbara Chick, Alison Craig, Buzz Lamb, John Lynch, George Singer Advisory Board George Beaudoin, Keith Ferguson, Robert Flacke, Ray Freud, Andrea Maranville, Douglas Smith Legal Counsel Matthew F. Fuller, Esq.
The paper used for this annual report was produced and donated with pride by the employees of International Paper’s Ticonderoga mill. The wood fiber comes from Adirondack forests that have been managed responsibly for more than a century and are harvested according to the principles of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative and the Forest Stewardship Council.
LGA 2013 Annual Report - 19
Lake George Association P.O. Box 408 Lake George, NY 12845
Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 511 Glens Falls, NY
SE 14 U PA EN 20
The LGA was selected to receive a 2014 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Environmental Quality Award, the highest recognition presented to the public by the EPA, for its flagship environmental education program, the Floating Classroom. LGA’s Emily DeBolt and Kristen Rohne joined Board President Victor MENTA N LQ Hershaft at EPA Headquarters in NYC RO VI on April 23, 2014 for a reception and ceremony for the award honorees. Judith Enck, Regional Administrator, presented the LGA with its 2014 Environmental Quality Award at the ceremony.
N NER These dedicated volunteers donate their time, talents, and energy to the planning and execution of the LGA’s essential lake protection programs, including education and outreach, lake quality monitoring, lake saving projects, and special events.
Thank you!
Our Mission Statement
“Working together to protect, conserve and improve the beauty and quality of the Lake George Basin.”
Jan Arthur Bruce Ashby Rick & Marianne Bartlett Amanda Beck David Becker Beckett-Chimney Corners YMCA Daniel Behan, Jr. Kaley Bell Roberta Berkowitz Sue Booth-Binczik Katy Boxly Buck Bryan Sheridan Burleigh Charlotte Caldwell Camp Chingachgook YMCA James Casaccio Daniel Davies Robert de Buys Michael Della Bella, Sr. Michael Dier Steve Doheny
Colleen Dowd Kriz William Dutcher Ken Engler Bob Ervien Matt Finley Mallory Gannon Richard Gasser Michael Grasso Kris Hatch Robin Hearburg Victor and Yvette Hershaft Marianne Hines Nancy Hyman H. Thomas Jarrett, PE Keller Williams Realty of Saratoga Springs Susan Kenneally Jim Kneeshaw Eric Krantz Catherine Aiken LaBombard Buzz and Cheryl Lamb Karen Larkin
Peter Leyh Senator Betty Little Teresa Luetjen Keeler Collette Masters Martie McDowell Chris McKenna Sue McPhillips Peter Menzies Joanne Mueller Tom Reynolds Jane and Ken Robbins Yvette Scanlon Richard Seeger Laura & Layla Sherry Fran Sloatman Sarah Steiner Roger Summerhayes Susan Wilson Brittany Winslow Eric Wronowski