Bristol Equalities Forums - minutes 17 July 12

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Bristol’s Equality Forum’s Meeting 17th July 2012 11am-1pm Council House, College Green

Minutes Forums Present


Disability Equality Forum (Laura Welti) Bristol Multifaith Forum (Farzanna Saker, Tracey Lewis) LGBT Bristol (Sarah-Louise Minter, Mike Burgess) Older People’s Forum (Judith Brammer, Rosie Cripps ) Women’s Voice (Diane Bunyan, Louise Williams) Bristol City Council (Jan Youngs) Berkeley Wilde (LGBT Bristol) Elisabeth Standen & Mark Williams (Co Chairs of Disability Forum) Race Forum (Simon Nelson) Equalities Team (Gillian Douglas)

1 Welcome, Resignations, Apologies and Elections Action 1.1 Apologies were made on behalf of Berkeley Wilde, Elisabeth Standen, Mark Williams, Simon Nelson and Gillian Douglas. 1.2 A brief introduction was made from each member around the table before a fuller description was made of their roles and news. 2 Agree Minutes from previous meetings 2.1 This is the first meeting of this group of forum members. 3 Matters Arising from previous minutes – none 4 Disability Equality Forum – Laura Welti 4.1 Bristol Disability Equality Forum is an organisation for all disabled people who live, work or study in the Bristol area, regardless of impairment. 4.2 Funding currently comes from Bristol City Council Equalities team and earned income from contracts. However, as they Page 1 of 8

grow, they will also apply for funding from a wide range of charitable trusts and government departments. The Forum offers a range of services to statutory and voluntary sector organisations. These include training, 4.4 undertaking Equalities Impact Assessments, policy advice and event organising. Some examples of recent activity included success in getting 4.5 Adult Social Care to increase the hourly rate of pay for personal assistants. 4.6 Also helping people to understand the benefits in view of changes to the Disability Living Allowance. A new service has been launched called ‘Get IT Together’ 4.7 offering disabled people free training and access to the internet. Details from: 4.8 Following on from last years successful demonstration – there is a ‘Hardest Hit demo’ to be arranged in Oct- more info to follow (on their website). Firstbus had refused a wheelchair user access to their bus in error – as they had not made it clear to their drivers about the difference between class 3 mobility vehicles – scooters 4.9 not allowed but Wheelchairs are. Laura asked to hear of any stories from people with problems regarding transport, buses 4.10 and taxis. The forum was also currently lobbying government regarding 4.11 getting businesses to get up to speed with access to premises. There was also a scheme to befriend disabled refugees – more info from their website. Their next AGM is 8 Oct. 4.3

5 Bristol Multifaith Forum 5.1 Is a forum which seeks to bring together people of all faiths so that they can learn to live with each other’s differences. Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduis, Sikhism, Baha’I and even those with non-faith beliefs. 5.2 Recent examples included issues regarding their stance on organ donation and the scattering of ashes. 5.3 After the EDL march – the forum had organised a very Page 2 of 8

successful ‘All Together Sunday’ (15th July). Gathering in Queen Square – between 300-400 people set off for Millennium Square (with flowers) – where talks were given. Good media coverage of the event was obtained. The core message was ‘the challenge to learn together’. 6 LGBT Bristol 6.1 The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transexual Bristol Forum is a membership led charity funded mainly by the Bristol City Council. Any member can elect to be part of the management committee. They challenge homophobia and transphobia in Bristol and the wider community. They circulate and publicise information about local and national LGBT support groups. They provide a platform for members to have a voice and influence in local consultations and policy making. They also work with statutory agencies (Police, Fire Service, NHS, Local Authorities, etc) to ensure they comply with all equality guidelines. 6.2 Current projects include: Walk Out, in association with walk for health – this will be a new walking group for Bristol LGBT people who prefer gentle walks. All age, abilities and health needs – for walkers, carers and family. Most walks will be wheelchair accessible. Groups led by fully trained walk leaders, there will be opportunities to be trained as walk leaders. All walks will start and end in a sociable and accessible venue. Special interest walking groups will be set up if there is interest. 6.3 Diversity in Primary Schools – a 3-4yr project to work with Bristol primary schools - to ensure they have the support needed to step to the mark in addressing equality and inclusion both in the curriculum and in the school, especially in regard to LGBT issues. 6.4 Sarah attended a recent Homelessness Cuts Consultation – where cutting down women’s places was raised – but was disappointed at hearing nothing about LGBT people – especially as youngsters are more likely to be kicked out of home – and are statistically at greater risk of being made 6.5 homeless. Page 3 of 8

We attended the Pride event on College Green on July 14 th and met with many new faces from in and around Bristol. It was encouraging to see the Older People’s Forum next to our stand – being very busy and attracting a good interest 7 Older People’s Forum 7.1 Membership is for all citizens in Bristol over 55yrs – to facilitate their representation in citywide decision making processes and promote the equality and inclusion. There are currently around 2600 members and growing. 7.2

Regular sessions are held to get the most important issues for members. The top three came out as: Transport, Heating Costs and Health Care.


There is a campaign to keep the non-means tested bus pass in place. There was also a study being carried out by volunteers to monitor their experiences on public transport – eg. To provide evidence based views on how well they were treated, eg. Wheelchair ramps offered, waiting for everyone to sit before setting off, general attitude and friendliness. The forum had recently changed venues to ‘The Church Above the Shops’ in Broadmead (for cost reasons – much cheaper than Council office space). There are moves to recruit more members – St Pauls and Easton areas have been targeted, and the Malcom-X elders – and to engage alongside the multi-faith development strategy. The forum had attended the recent Pride event (in the community tent) and was well received. Mapping how many of their members identified as LGBT was done thru questionaires but many older folk had an aversion of filling in forms and also, found it difficult to talk openly about their sexually (a reflection that being identified as gay was very dangerous when it was illegal to be so in the past). It was suggested by Farzanna that (tick-box) forms should always have an opportunity for extra information to be included – perhaps questions from the person.

7.4 7.5



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The Forum was engaging in neighbour partnerships across the city, up to 12 people – two more needed. They have been asked to keep notes and monitor the response from their proposals.


Janet said that Bristol Access would be interested in their 7.10 findings – contact Phillip Gingell (Administrator). Laura reported that since a First Bus, new communications officer started – they got secret shoppers onto the buses to monitor results but they haven’t seen any findings. 7.11 Commissioning services issues appear only to be raised when you start to see your GP. This might not appropriate in all circumstances. They were looking into other ways of tackling service issues. 7.12 Judith also reported that as a member of LINKS –they were looking at simplifying telephone systems – an example would be in the reduction of ‘option numbers’ in automated 7.13 systems. Most members not online – more statistics were being gathered. 8 Women’s Voice 8.1 New group re-launched in March 2012. About 140 signed up so far. No fee. Website: Main issues tackled: Health and Safety, Skills and Employment, and Education. 8.2 Health – no women’s health organization in the city (there is 8.3 a men’s one). Trying to challenge the culture of sexist language and 8.4 attitudes in schools and colleges. Women over 50 have19% unemployment, compared to men at 1%. With a 39% increase in unemployment in the last 8.5 year for women. 97% single parent families are women - difficulties of carers 8.6 to access government information. Page 5 of 8



The organisation was going out to different women orientated organisation/communities. Currently developing their website. Their target is 90% women that are not currently engaged in other organisations. They are working how best to use website – and engage with new members. Farzanna spoke about how they were trying to encourage Sumali women to engage in existing help with nursery children care.

9 Bristol City Council – Improving diversity in decision making panels and school governing bodies. Jan Youngs. 9.1 Decision making panels – they are working to improve the diversity of the membership. Jan asked the meeting what was it that was needed that might encourage people to actively take part in these panels. 9.2 Laura confirmed that there was a disabled initiative – providing funding (up to £10,000) to enable disabled people 9.3 to engage in these panels. Sarah asked if the panels were monitored for equality – it appears that they are encouraged to do so – but more hard 9.4 evidence based results are needed. The issue of child care was raised – if you have to find money, are the processes clear – is it possible to get both 9.5 pay for attending and child care? It was generally agreed that not enough knowledge of these panels were out in the public domain, or what selection processes were in place. Benefits might include broadening 9.6 horizon, getting a job – but more communication, advertising was needed. Re-numeration was discussed – there was an allowance to 9.7 claim for such as child care, but if taken as a salary – this could be a problem for some – if they might lose credits. Paperwork was handed around regarding open/semi-open 9.8 2012 Panels. Which included Allotments, Adoption, School Governors, Youth Offenders, School Appeals, Housing management. 9.10 It was raised that there was often too much paperwork and Page 6 of 8

‘council speak’ - could this be minimised perhaps with targeted training. Farzanna asked if they could put into place - easy to read 9.11 summary information at the start of all communication – then follow up with detail – as many people found it difficult to read ‘council speak’ wording and heavy documentational language. Safer Bristol – meets youth families, volunteers were much needed – perhaps forum members might be interested in helping? CRB check payment would be covered. Suggest adverts – to be circulated around this forum. 1 Purpose of Group 0 10.1 The naming of this group was discussed – the following were suggested: Bristol’s Forums Voice Diversity Forums Bristol’s Forums Partnership It was agreed by all that it was important to keep ‘Forums’ plural - so that the council was kept aware that they were supporting more than one forum! Also perhaps they might respond well to the word Equality? 10.2 Purpose of group: Networking, Sharing information, Get involved in common causes and where necessary respond in joint campaigning. 10.3 There was much mileage to be gained in working together. Frequency of meeting: Everyone agreed that to make it effective – there should be at least 4 meeting per year, but for some causes – it might be difficult to respond in a pro-active way. It was suggested that if we need to extra – then we set sub groups up in response to need. It was highlighted that there were many equalities day/week events in autumn – so there was a need to meet and plan to see how we can all participate/engage effectively. Page 7 of 8

1 Any Other business 7 1 Next meeting 8 11am-1pm Tuesday 18th September Organised by LGBT Bristol. Minuted by Faith Forum. Meeting closed at 1:00pm

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