LGBT Wales - Feb 2010

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LGBT Wales The Voice of LGBT People in Wales

February 2010

In this issue LGBT History Month P.3 The Gender Fluidity Project P.5 Triangle Wales P.7 Bi Wales P.11

Have you been discriminated or harassed at work?

Welcome to LGBT Wales! Itâ€&#x;s finally here! The Newsletter of the LGBT Excellence Centre Wales has made it into the public domain and there is already so much to tell you that we have had to increase its size!! We hope that this new publication is going to offer you all the information and resources that you need around all matters concerning sexual orientation and gender identity. Whether you are an individual, an organization, or a company, LGBT Wales was conceived and created to help Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender people from all walks of life and to broadcast information about what is happening and what is available to our community. We hope you enjoy our newsletter and help us making it a success in future! Federico Podeschi Chief Executive Officer

Been shouted at or punched in the street? Are you a victim of bullying? Would you like to speak to someone about coming out?

We are here to help you! 0800 023 2201

Membership For individuals The Excellence Centre offers a membership service for individuals that want to support the work of the charity and keep abreast of all developments and get informed about what matters to LGBT people.

For businesses and organisations Membership offer great services and discounted rates to all training and consultancy. It also help organisations the opportunity to network with LGBT communities and broadcast their successes and developments to support LGBT equality.

More information about membership services can be found at membership Come and join us!

Rainbow Mark Accreditation Last month saw the launch of the LGBT Excellence Centreâ€&#x;s Rainbow Mark - a new

logo that they display, which carries our endorsement and a free-phone helpline for you to

accreditation for businesses and organizations that want to demonstrate their commitment to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people.

call when things go wrong�.

But what does it mean to the LGBT people themselves? We asked Chief Executive Officer Federico Podeschi, who said: “Businesses and organizations that sign up to our programme are showing their commitment to our community and this means that are prepared to work and demonstrate that they take LGBT equality seriously. This is reflected in the Rainbow Mark

The Rainbow Mark in fact is more than an accreditation, it gives people power as anyone can speak up about issues or problems that they might have experienced in the provision of goods, facilities, or services from the businesses and organizations that display the logo at the bottom of this page. This offers the Excellence Centre the opportunity to work with them to resolve the issue and make sure that it does not worsen or happen again in future - really making a difference for those who matter: you! So make sure to contact the Excellence Centre and if your favourite restaurant, shop, leisure centre does not have the Rainbow Mark, why not suggesting it to them?!

LGBT History Month - February 2010 Looking for nominations for outstanding contributions to LGBT History in Wales! - Good Luck!! It is that time of the year again! LGBT History Month is back! This initiative celebrates the lives and achievements of the LGBT community, its diversity and that of the society as a whole. The initiative encourages everyone to host events to help raise awareness of issues faced by LGBT people with an aim to eradicate homophobia and transphobia from all walks of life. LGBT History Month originated in the United States and was first celebrated in 1994. In the UK, it first took place in February 2005. The event came in the wake of the abolition of Section 28 and is intended to raise awareness of, and combat prejudice against, an otherwise substantially invisible minority. The first celebration of the month in 2005 saw the organization of over 150 events around the UK. The organization's website received over 50,000 hits in February 2005 and the initiative grew from strength to strength since then. The initiative received government backing from the deputy DfES and Equalities Minister Jacqui Smith. In 2005 and 2006, LGBT History Month was celebrated in Scotland as an LGBT community event, receiving support from LGBT community history projects and the community.

For 2007 and 2008, the Scottish Executive provided funding for a post at LGBT Youth Scotland to bring LGBT History Month Scotland into the wider community, including schools and youth groups. On 5 March 2009, Prime Minister Gordon Brown hosted a reception at Downing Street to mark the Month. The LGBT Excellence Centre is currently seeking the support of the Welsh Assembly Government to establish LGBT History Month Cymru and is seeking your support. Throughout the month of February we are seeking nominations from the community for outstanding individuals that have contributed to LGBT History in Wales. To enter your nomination, all you need to do is to submit the name of the individual that you would like to put forward for their achievement or contribution along with an explanation as to why you think they should be recognised. We are offering a free one-year membership to our organization to everyone that enters the competition, a special invitation to an award ceremony, and the opportunity to be entered into a special draw for a chance to win fantastic prizes! To enter your nomination email:

2nd Annual All Wales LGBT History Month Education & Youth Conference Cardiff City Hall 22nd February 2010 Cardiff Council and partners invite you to the second All Wales LGBT Conference for Education Professionals. Improving awareness of the need to promote LGBT equality for young people, highlighting good practice and providing tools to support the inclusion agenda in schools.  Inspirational speakers  Presentations from teachers and other professionals  Performances by young people and more  Workshops to share good practice and improve services For more information contact Shaun Evans– Pask on (029) 20872707 or email .uk

In the news 15th December Prime Minister Gordon Brown has said he is pushing European countries such as Spain and France to recognise civil partnerships registered in Britain. 19th December Gareth Thomas, the former Wales Rugby captain has come out as gay in an emotional interview with the Daily Mail. He becomes one of just a handful of openly gay sportsmen. 13th January Nick Clegg , leader of the Liberal Democrats , said: “Faith schools should be legally obliged to teach that homosexuality is "normal and harmless", and gay civil partnerships should be replaced by true marriage”. 21st January An NHS review on cervical cancer has said that more should be done to raise awareness of cervical cancer in lesbians. 21st January A video urging Christians to take action against the Equality Bill is to be shown in churches this weekend. Christian Concern

for Our Nation (CCFON) warns that under the bill, churches will be sued for not employing "practising homosexuals". 25th January Ann Widdecombe, MP for Maidstone and the Weald, warned that new equality laws could see Christians being sued: "For the first time in this country we are being obliged as citizens to do things which are against our conscience.” 25th January A statement issued on behalf of the three Bishops said that churches had to be able to "appoint and employ people consistently with their guiding doctrine and ethos" and calls on peers to retain and even widen religious exemptions on employing gay people.

WORLD WATCH News around the globe 21st January The Indian Supreme Court is expected to give a final ruling on repealing the ban on gay sex next month. 22nd January William Tam, a supporter of Proposition 8, was called as a hostile witness at a trial on gay marriage and said that gays are more likely to molest children. 22nd January Dolly Parton has said she believes gay rights are "human rights", rather than being a political issue. 25th January Ugandan pastor Martin Ssempa showed a press conference graphic gay porn last week in an effort to argue why the country's anti-homosexuality bill is necessary. 25th January The mayor of Moscow has repeated his claims that gay Pride marches are "satanic".

The Gender Fluidity Project Exploring gender identities, expressions, roles, stereotypes, and presentations to raise awareness and inform! More and more is being achieved in todayâ€&#x;s society to protect the rights of transgender people! Yet, despite effort from many organisations in the public and voluntary sector, there is still lack of awareness and understanding around gender issues whilst transgender people continue to be the most discriminated against group in the UK. The Gender Fluidity Project is currently looking for participants who would like to contribute with their opinion and experience to create a wealth of resources and materials to raise awareness around gender issues. The project is looking to explore and document the experience or opinion of anyone who has an something to say around gender identity, expression, roles, stereotypes and presentations. Contributions can be recorded in a number of ways depending on what individuals are comfortable with and would like to disclose. For example, we have already teamed up a photographer with a transsexual who is telling her story through photography.

Another volunteer is also keeping a diary detailing the transition and the changes that are taking place day-by-day. We are also looking for people who would like to be trained in digital media to tell their story on camera or that would like to support someone else telling their story. There is no rule to what story we want to hear or who can get involved with the project, because everyone matters and everybody counts when it comes to telling how diverse people are when it comes to gender! If you feel that you can support the project and would like to discuss your story or opinion with someone, you can email and we can make sure to look after your needs and be sensitive if you would like to keep your identity confidential and stay anonymous! We will keep you posted with developments around this project in the next issue of LGBT Wales. Weâ€&#x;ll look forward to hear as many people as possible!!

Gender News Article published on intersex conditions: First Person: Susannah Cornwall, theologian at Exeter University http:// news/Person-SusannahCornwall-theologistExeter-University/article1719495-detail/ article.html US President Barack Obama has appointed a trans woman to the role of senior technical advisor to the Department of Commerce. Amanda Simpson is on the board of directors of the National Centre for Transgender Equality and has worked in the aerospace and defence industry for 30 years. The Press Complaints Commission (PCC) has ruled that a Belfast newspaper breached the press code of practice for calling a trans woman a "tranny". Keira McCormack complained she had been deeply insulted by the November 1st 2009 article in the Sunday Life which described her as "burly".

Legal Matters All you need to know about the Single Equality Bill.: what are the implications for LGBT people as an unequal Act is on the horizon? Sexual Orientation Matters The Equality Bill is the topic on everyone‟s lips. The aim of the Equality Bill is to harmonise existing discrimination legislation yet the only current achievement to date is chaos. The proposed Bill should provide all equality strands with equal access to equality, as idyllic as this sounds it is currently proving difficult to achieve. The controversial debate in the House of Lords this week was whether the exemption allowing religious organisations to discriminate during recruitment against gay people, transgender and women should remain? It appears that where there is conflict between equality strands, the loudest bidder gains the right to ‟trump‟ the other. Harriet Harman‟s Bill is trying to amend the current law that allows religious organisations to discriminate during recruitment; the Bill proposed that people should be recruited on skill and merit alone. The House of Lords rejected the proposal leaving the “churches free to discriminate”. The National Secular Society will complain to the European Commission because the Government has a duty to ensure UK Law complies with the EU directive. Rejection of the current proposal will not be complying, Keith Porteous Wood, Executive Director of the National Secular Society said

“The Government has faced a humiliating defeat at the hands of religious agitation in the Lords”. The Equality Bill proposes to provide protection from harassment to the following vulnerable groups; race, age, disability and sex, however, LGBT people are excluded. This in itself is discriminatory practice. To afford protection to one equality strand and not another is not equal treatment for all which is the very essence of the Equality Bill. The justification put forward is that LGBT people will be able to rely on the Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations for protection from harassment or the Protection from Harassment Act. However, this seems a little confusing as other groups address by the new bill can do the same, so how can this be just and equal treatment for all? The implication here is that a person risks outing themselves or being perceived as LGBT simply by having to rely on the old Regulations regardless of whether their actual sexual orientation is disclosed or not. Furthermore, the Equality and Human Rights Commission made the recommendation that sexual orientation is included in the Bill‟s protection from harassment section because there is currently no protection from harassment outside of employment and vocational training, therefore protection is required in the field of services, premises and education.

Gender Identity Matters Gender Reassignment will become a characteristic which is protected from discrimination, enabling a person who presents themselves full time in a different gender to that assigned at birth to be legally protected even if they have not pursued medical procedures. Some may feel that this is a positive step, yet there are many who feel angered that the proposed terminology used refers to „Gender Reassignment‟. There are also many who feel that the correct term should be „Gender Identity‟. A Blog spot called Just Filling In The Blanks, has published an article stating “We need transgender, transvestite, genderqueer, androgyne, neutrois, thirdgender, gender variant and intersex people to share their experiences. At the moment, politicians just don't understand who other than transsexual people our gender diverse communities might include.” They are trying to put together an amendment briefing to present to the House of Lords and are urging people to complete a survey at https:// s/7HLTHP2.

Paying for Care in Wales

What happened to Triangle Wales? First set up in 1991, the Cardiff Triangle Housing Society with funding from Tai Cymru set up a supported housing project for 16 -25 year old lesbian or gay people in desperate housing need. From 2000 it became Triangle Wales and was accommodated within Trothwy Cyf (now Gwalia Care and Support). In 2002 the project gained Welsh Assembly funding to deliver a Wales-wide „prevention of homelessness‟ service for LGBT people of all ages. Then in 2009 negotiations led to a partnership agreement between Gwalia Care and Support and the LGBT Excellence Centre for Wales so that the project could transfer and be delivered by this already existing LGBT specialised service. The LGBT Excellence Centre therefore proudly carries the work of this most important housing support, advice and advocacy service forward for LGBT people within Wales. The Excellence Centre hopes with successful funding applications, to once again open supported accommodation projects for LGBT people made vulnerable through housing

crisis or at threat of homelessness under the Triangle Wales name. Working in collaboration with Tai Pawb and the Chartered Institute of Housing, the LGBT Excellence Centre will also continue to assist social and private landlords in providing approachable, LGBT sensitive, fair housing and support. The project will also be addressing social care and health needs of LGBT people that could aggravate their housing circumstances or worsen a case of homelessness. For help and support with housing and homelessness issues, please contact or call 0800 023 2201

The current system of paying for care for older and disabled people is over 60 years old, and needs to change if we are to meet increasing demand and higher expectations. We want to create a system that is simpler, fairer and more affordable for individuals, their families and government. The Welsh Assembly Government wants to know your views on how we should pay for care in the future. „Paying for Care in Wales: creating a fair and sustainable system‟ was published on 16 November 2009. It sets out a number of options for reforming the current system, and sets out the main advantages and disadvantages of each. For further information, visit: www.payingforcarein End of consultation: 28/02/2010

TAI 2010 is the annual conference of Chartered Institute of Housing Cymru. Now in its 22nd year the event is better than ever and has firmly established itself as Wales‟ Premier Housing Conference and Exhibition. Over the course of its three days the 2009 event brought together 600 people, consisting of 400 Welsh housing professionals and more than 60 organisations in the largest exhibition of its kind in Wales. TAI 2010 promises to be another superb event! More information can be found at


Your community Calling all Lesbian Women over 70! Rhiannon Jones from Manchester Metropolitan University is undertaking PhD research that explores the changes women experience in their sexuality as they grow older. If you are female and 70 years of age or older she would love to hear from you. Email: or telephone: 0161 247 2357 Gay Mums and Dads Websites GayDads, the well-established online support network for gay male parents has announced the launch of the GayMums, the sister site for lesbian parents. Both websites continue to grow in membership and support a community of parents and are continually organising events for the membership of the groups. To join the networks and support the groups in your area, please visit or New Night Out in Swansea Swansea's very own queer indie night will be kicking off in The Garage on 20th Feb. WomenZone Surf Camp 2010 dates have been announced. The biggest

lesbian event (after Dinah Shore) will be the first weekend in July the 2nd and 3rd. Book your hols now! An Anatomy of Inequality The final report of the National Equality Panel provides an up to date analysis of what inequality looks like in today‟s society, in light of changing demographics, the changing role of men and women, and globalisation. The report shows how inequality accumulates over an individual‟s lifetime and is carried from one generation to the next. More information can be found here: national_equality_panel.aspx

Whilst there is growing support for LGB young people in some areas of Wales through youth services and youth clubs, there is still very little awareness of the needs of young transgender people and never mind support... Here‟s a story that sets the difference: A 16-year-old Spaniard had a sex change operation, becoming the country's first minor to undergo a procedure that few countries in the world allow for people so young, the patient's doctor has announced. Dr Manero said the patient had been undergoing hormonal and psychiatric treatment for two years after deciding he wanted to undergo surgery to have the body of a woman. The surgery was authorised by a judge, as required by Spanish law for minors seeking such an operation.

Evviva l’ España!

OnePeople Production in partnership with the LGBT Excellence Centre Wales and the Swansea Bay Asylum Seekers Support Group have secured funding from the Awards for All for a digital media project focussed on improving social isolation and community cohesion. The partners will deliver a series of workshops over a period of 7 weeks that will teach people who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender and asylum seekers based in Swansea filming and editing skills. All participants will deliver a short film around the themes of peace, equality, sustainability and community solidarity with a final showcase for everyone to celebrate their achievements. To take part call 0800 023 2201 or email

Launch of Equality Act guidance consultation Between January and April 2010, the Equality and Human Rights Commission will continue its consultation on our non-statutory guidance for the Equality Bill, which is due to become law in 2010. This guidance will be published before the Act is implemented and aims to help you understand the new Act and how current legislation will change. Information can be accessed here: http:// www.equalityhumanrights.c om/legislative-framework/ equality-bill/ Equality and Human Rights Commission Triennial Review Every three years, the Commission must publish a report that demonstrates how far society is making progress in equality, good relations and human rights. The aim of the 'Triennial Review' is to highlight critical issues that society is currently facing. To have your say visit http:// www.equalityhumanrights.c om/fairer-britain/triennialreview/

Consultations & Events Human Rights and Equalities The British Institute for Human Rights (BIHR) will be holding a one day training course in London on 26th February 2010 on Human Rights and Equalities. The event, aimed at those working on equalities issues in the public or third sectors will focus on how human rights provide a practical tool for tackling inequality and disadvantage. To find out more visit upcoming-training Behaviour in Schools - Safe and Effective Intervention This consultation is intended to support schools, local authorities and their partners in providing a safe environment for children and young people. It covers new powers and duties for school discipline, parental responsibility and exclusion,

Would you like to see your advert here? Contact the LGBT Excellence Centre and find out how you can advertise your business with us to the LGBT community!

contained in the Education and Inspections Act, 2006; revised guidance on the use of force to control or restrain pupils and guidance relating to the new power for schools to be able to search pupils for weapons without their consent . To find out more visit http:// childrenandyoungpeople/ behaviourinschools/?lang=en Youth Support Services 11-25 and Learner Support Services 14-19 This Guidance makes clear the requirements on local authorities under Section 123 of the Learning and Skills Act 2000 . It sets out the legal Direction and responsibilities for youth support services and makes clear the type of support and opportunities young people should expect. The guidance also incorporates statutory guidance on new duties created under Section 40 and 43 of Learning and Skills (Wales) Measure 2009, relating to Learner Support Services and the Learning Pathway Document. For more information visit http:// education/cyss/?lang=en

Funds for grabs! Heritage Lottery Fund - Skills for the Future Skills for the Future is a new £5million HLF grant programme supporting organisations across the UK to create heritage training placements. It will fund traditional conservation training and also the skills needed to engage people with heritage. This could include the skills to deliver education, community participation or volunteering programmes, or to use new media and technology to open up heritage. Grants of £500,000 to £1m over 5 years are available. The closing date is 19th March 2010. Further details are available from: HowToApply/ OurGrantGivingProgram mes/skills.htm or email your enquiry to

Funding Matters The Wales Council for LGBT People (a project that aims to create a partnership of all the LGBT organisations and groups in Wales) continues to grow, however we were unsuccessful in securing funding from the Equality and Human Rights Commission, which means that we will be submitting for funding from the People and Places fund under the Big Lottery.

The Big Lottery Fund is currently conducting a piece of research looking at the specific organizational support needs of voluntary community organizations working on sexual orientation. If you are interested in this research you can find out more at er_coi.htm or by emailing

The project focuses on developing better opportunities for collaborative working within the LGBT sector, capacity building, and addressing sustainability.

Awards for All - £5K The programme has been made a little easier to apply to. More information can be found at

The Excellence Centre will be redrafting the partnership agreement and will continue to recruit organisations that want to join the Council. For more information either check out or email

Childwick Trust The trust provides funding to registered charities to assist people with disabilities, the promotion of health, and the elderly in need.

The Excellence Centre is currently looking for partners for applications! For more information, please contact

Trusthouse Charitable Trust Applications are welcome from anywhere in the UK especially to those concerned with areas of depravation. It is not necessary to ne a registered charity, however need to be a not-for-profit organisation. www.trusthousecharitablefound

Public Appointments Throughout Wales committees are set up to offer independent advice on the public services that affect us all every day. These committees, known as public bodies, provide advice on all kinds of subjects from art to education and tourism. Public appointees sit on these committees and share their experiences and knowledge to make a difference to the vital services that affect us all. As an appointee to the Sports Council for Wales, Adele Baumgardt gains a lot from her role. “It‟s great to see your ideas put into practice and improve people‟s lives.” Darren Harris, who represents Great Britain at Judo, agrees. “I gain so much from my appointment on the Social Services Complaints Panel. I am developing new skills and finding talents that I didn‟t realise I had!” For more information or to attend a free training course on becoming an appointee, call 029 2082 5372 or email publicappointments@wale

Spotlight: Bi Wales Bi Cymru/Wales was set up as a community voluntary organisation in 2007 by a committed team of volunteers, who felt that bisexual issues were not understood well enough by either straight or lesbian and gay people. Bi Cymru/Wales is the all-Wales network for bisexual people and those who think they may be bi. The organisation aims to provide an all-Wales network to bring together bi and bi-supportive people from across Wales by providing a bridge between decision-makers and bisexual people in order to challenge biphobia, promote bisexual inclusion, and promote and foster local bi groups in Wales. We asked Ele Hicks, treasurer of Bi Wales: “What the organization achieved so far?” Ele: “Since we started we have achieved a lot on a very tight budget, mainly funded by membership and donations. We delivered training on bisexual issues and supporting bisexual people, set up 2 local groups, carried out surveys into bisexual people‟s needs and issues in

Have you got some spare time to help and support the Excellence Centre? Would you like to learn new skills and get involved in rewarding activities all over Wales? There is no other requirement than wanting to help and we can match you to a member of staff that will help you along the way so that you can gain confidence whilst helping us! For more information, email:

Wales and bisexual workplace, and several successful events.” “Did any particular event stand out?” Ele: “Yes, the Christmas “bringand-buy sale and cake-off” between Bi Swansea and Bi Cardiff with live music. That was a lot of fun!” “Anything to look forward to?” Ele: “We are very proud to bring the first ever “Wales BiFest”, a one-day event open to anyone bi supportive with workshops, information stands, chill out space and evening entertainment” “And where can people find out more about you, guys?” Ele: “To contact Bi Cymru/ Wales for more information to join as a member or supporter; buy a T-shirt; ask about our training; enquire about local groups and more people can email:; visit:; text: 07982 308812; or write to: Bi Wales, c/o Box 101, LGF, 105-107 Princess Street, Manchester, M1 6DD. The Bi survey can be downloaded on Wales BiFest will be on Saturday 24th April, 12noon until late, 4th floor, Cardiff University Students' Union, £10 waged, £5 unwaged for the whole event.

Contributing to LGBT Wales If you have an event or any other information that you would like LGBT people and organisations to find out about and would like it to be included in our Newsletter, please submit all the information to

Upcoming Events Bi Cardiff - meeting - 2th February Meetings for people who are bi or think they may be bi 7pm, socials welcome anyone bi supportive at 8pm. Email:

LGBT in Justice - 3rd February

The Ministry of Justice invites representatives of LGBT support groups based in the South Wales area to attend a presentation on "LGBT in Justice". For more information contact Janet Warner on 02920 678363 or email

Free Film Night and Networking Event - 4th February A number of local partners have created a networking event which will feature a screening of "Beautiful Thing". Further information can be obtained by emailing

Gender Matters - Who am I? Launch - 15th February Gender Matters are launch a resource pack for Secondary School Teachers on Gender Dysphoria and Gender Identity. For further information contact 01902 744424 or email

Bi Swansea - meeting - 16th February Meetings for people who are bi or think they may be bi 7pm, Socials welcome anyone bi supportive at 8pm in Hush on the High Street. Email:

Evening meal in Cardiff for T-girls - 20 February 2010 This is an excellent opportunity to socialise and network in a safe environment, particularly for first-time “outers”, although all are welcome. The 3-course meal costs £20 (drinks extra) and a £10 nonrefundable deposit secures a place. Directions to the venue will be sent with confirmed bookings. Wives and partners are always welcome but sorry no male admirers. For more information please contact at

LGBT Excellence Centre Wales 60, Walter Road Swansea SA1 5PZ

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