Ull Out 2009-2

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Issue 3.2009-02 February 2009 Editor: John Furniss

…Hull & East Riding Speaks OUT Welcome Here we are in February, LGBT History Month. The BBC, to their credit, debated, “the celebration of gay history” on Sunday 1st February. What was said on screen is totally irelevent in my opinion. The fact that the issue was debated in public and gave everyone exposure to alternative normality is what counts. However, lets look a little deeper at why LGBT history is being celebrated. With Section 28 of the Local Government Act 1988, condeming LGBT history to the trash can, its repeal on 18 November 2003 by section (122) of the Local Government Act 2003, was a huge step forward but it did nothing to reclaim our history. Important lierature, documents and text were lost when their use was outlawed under Section 28. As each year passes we must take every opportunity to return our history to the book shelves and celebrate the people who made it. Exposure to non-mainstream lifestyles is essential to community cohesion and the erosion of discrimination. Please make the effort to support local & national LGBT History Month events. John Furniss - Editor Chair of Hull LGBT Forum

Special Feature in this issue.

Distributed Free

Behind the Mask… …the making of me Oh how things have changed, well in Britain anyway! Seeing all the younger LGB Community out these certainly does make me proud to be British days (I’ve left off the ‘T’ as I think our Trans community still need lots of support). Boys not being shy of being gay, and Girls happily walking through town holding hands, how things have changed in just 20 years! I can be quite a camp guy, Im in my 40s now and am perfectly happy, but growing up was a little difficult. Being gay was frowned upon, and the only role models I had were the likes of Boy George, Quentin Crisp, Kenneth Williams and Juilan Clairy (all legends I know!). My Parents were very strict, and although they found the likes of Julian Clairy hilarious, they were very homophopic and racist too. The fact is my mum didn’t even like people that had dogs as she was a cat person, bless her! I new I was different when I was at school but didn’t really understand my feelings about what I was. I was constantly bullied mentally at school, one for my perceived sexuality, and one for having mainly Asian Friends. It got me down so much that I had a bad time and

Hull LGBT Forum, supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual & trans (LGBT) people in Hull & East Riding

became extremely introverted. My name was written in six foot high writing in chalk across the entire side of the school wall, with about 300 pupils laughing at me as I arrived at school one morning.

just a year left at secondary school and I had a lot of catching up to do on my schoolwork. I had been downgraded due to my grades suffering. So I kept my head down and crept slowly up the grades.

As Mums do, she wrote a letter to the headteacher about my bullying, which was probably not the best thing in the world to do at the time as the letter was read out in front of the entire school (about 900 pupils) at early morning assembly. With just me and my Muslim friend stood outside, he could not attend a Christian assembly, I was gutted.

It was during this period that I ended up having a moment with my best friend… ED’S NOTE: To be continued with the writer’s identity revealed in the final article.

Inside this issue… SPEACIAL FEATURE –

To bring me out of myself my parents enrolled me with the Sea Cadets, a kids version of the Navy with grueling outdoor activities, shooting, sailing, drills, running 50 miles through the Yorkshire Moors with a backpack as heavy as me. I felt like I was being punished, but it worked, I became more confident and in the end quite liked it. As it it was illegal at the time to be gay in the forces, the same rule applied to Sea Cadets and no one ever mentioned Gay or Poof or anything. So although the work was hard, I had friends that respected me for me. I wasn’t having any of the kids at school call me gay again, so I asked out the schools best looking girl ‘Collette’ who agreed to be my first girlfriend. The taunting stopped immediately. Life then turned into a sort of whirlwind as I had

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February: LGBT History Month................... Page 2 Scene Queen: A tribute to Rusty ............... Page 3 LGB & Trans Inclusion ............................... Page 4 What’s in a Word ............................... Page 4 HI’…3.................... Page 5 Sexual Health Services Time for a Change ............................... Page 6 DVAP .................... Page 7 Coming Out.......... Page 7

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