Tucker Howard Graphic Design Los Gatos High School 2018-2019
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January 18th Justify this text so that there the spacing on both sides of the paragraph is even. Then, adjust the leading so the body of this copy lines up with the bottom of this picture.Justify this text so that there the spacing on both sides of the paragraph is even. Then, adjust the leading so the body of this copy lines up with the bottom of this picture.Justify this text so that there the spacing on both sides of the paragraph is even. Then, adjust the leading so the body of this copy lines up with the bottom of this picture.Justify this text so that there the spacing on both sides of the paragraph is even. Then, adjust the leading so the body of this copy lines up with the bottom of this picture.Justify this text so that there the spacing on both sides of the paragraph is even. Then, adjust the leading so the body of this copy lines up with the bottom of this picture.Justify this text so that there the spacing on both sides of the paragraph is even. Then, adjust the leading so the body of this copy lines up with the bottom of this picture.
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Client Client Work Work
bill graham presents
big sean 6.09 san diego, 6.10 los angeles, 6.11 san francisco, 6.12 san jose,
Make it, make make it, Makeit, it, boy, we gottamake make it You can make it,save boy, your we Makeit, it, hand, I ain't gottagotta shake it Everything lined up for the make You can save make it,it make it, your boy, taking what I need No it favors Clique too big, hand, And I ain't gotta shake it 'em? Everything lined upsave for the wefrom gotta make You can your bread? break itfrom Cause these low keytoo with the taking AndGotta what I need 'em? No others favors Clique big, hand, I ain't gotta shake it Everything lined up snaking faking Everything upthese for the taking And what Ithe need bread? Gotta itlined Cause others low keyNo with for thebreak taking And what I need from 'em? favors from snaking 'em? No faking favors,Everything no favors Whatbread? I need? No favors up for lined up forGotta the taking And whatthese I lined need from Clique too big, break Everything it Cause others the And what Ikey need from NoNofavors, about getting the job the done, 'em?taking No favors, no What I 'em? need? favorsI'm Everything lined up up for for the lowfavors with the snaking faking Everything lined All All boy up every night I'm about rolling seven, when up no the dice about taking And what I need from 'em? No afavors, I'm about getting the jobI'm done, stuff taking And what I need from 'em? NoI toss favors, favors What Ithatstuff that told me, I gettingboy my up logo off, flooded with ice I'm about taking afor risk, that mess every night about rolling a seven, when I the toss up might theAnd dice I'mup need? NoI'mfavors Everything lined up taking what Iyoutold you me, I believed The smile on your life getting Tell 'emmy point and shoot camera crews In front cameras too about logo off, flooded ice I'm I'm about about takingofathe risk, believed The smile on need from 'em?like No with favors, getting jobthat done, your face the only thing I your face the only thing I brrr Damn, Sean, what to the humble attitude? I'm like "people took the might mess up happened your life Tell 'em point and shoot like camera crews In boy up every night I'm about rolling a seven, when I toss can't read Left and now you back can't read Left and now you back flow but I'm still standing too" Thought had the Midas touch And then went front of cameras too Damn, Sean, what happened to I the inside my life It's gon' take more than up the dicebrrr I'mI about getting my logo off, flooded They inside my life It's gon' used take more than to tell me I that to set it right, t All that stuffyou platinum too Mother humble frick all your I've been talking to God mess likestill that's attitude? I'mabout like "people took the flow but I'm hope learn to with icecomparisons I'm taking a risk, that might up that to set it right, t Allmake that stuff used you it on your own And if you love you told me, I believedyourself just know you'll never be my therapist I'm African American Ipoint ain't inherit stuff a millionaire standing too" Thought I in hadAmerica the 'em Midas touch And then Ibut went platinum I believed The alone smile your life Tell and shoot like camera crews toldTheme,smile that you me get everything toI hopetell I you on your face want and that you chose I hope that it's on your face the only under 30 So HeMother must befrick hearing stuffIn Don, don, don, life, I do this for the crib The D too all your comparisons I've been talking to God like that's the realest thing that you ever han front of cameras too brrr Damn, Sean, what the only thing Iknow,i hope you hope you learn to make it on your thing I can't read Left own one man ca used to tell me I hope you to Flint who get sick with lead Others get the hit with the laugh From where they need a my therapisthappened I'm African American in attitude? America I I'm ain't inherit stuff but can't read Left to the humble like "people took thea and learn to make it onto your own And if you love learn make now you hat yourself just know you'll never be alone I hope now handout But they tell under youflow put Only deals I too" have is Don, fromdon, Sam's ClubI do Now it'stoand millionaire 30 hands So He must be hearing stuff don, this you get everything you want and that you chose I but I'mup still standing Thought Ithe had thelife, Midas touch set it that right, it onthingyour own And hope that it's the realest that you ever han know,i hope you you learn to make it on your own one man ca used to tell me I hope blue blood in my veins I came from Born in alead world going where they told me for So theyou cribknow The Dwhere to Flint who getI sick Others get the hit all with the t All that And then wentwith platinum too Mother frick your you learn to makelove it on your own And if you love yourself just if you yourself know you'll never be alone I hope that you get everything you I can't go In my lane, I'm inneed the asame astalking Usain Getlike ahead by any means so I'm the laugh From though, where they handout they Bolt tell you putthat's hands uptherapist Only deals Istuff want and that you chose I hope that it's the realest thing that you comparisons I'veboat beenBut to God my just know ever han know,i hope you you'll learn to make itnever on your own one man ca used to tell me I hope you learn to make it on your own And head's what Ihave aim is for When mySam's grandma I realized gotinan angel Show me know from the Club died, Now in it's blue blood my veins So you where Iabe African American America II ain't inherit stuff but aeverything's millionaire if you alone love yourself just know you'll never be alone I hope I hope that that you get everything you want and that you chose I hope blessing depending onfrom the angles Look, I30amSo the never needed orIndon, apologies mythat it's the realest thing that you ever han know,i hope came Born inunder a world going where told me I favors can't don, go my life, lane,I That's though, He anomaly, must be they hearing stuff Don, do this you everything you learn toget make it on your own one man ca used to me I hope you learn to make it on your own And if new lifetime policy Wood steering wheel thisDGet girl feel who likeany a pirate ship Howhead's many hot I'm in the grain same boat by means so the what I the aimyoutellyou for as theUsain crib Bolt The to ahead Flint get sick with lead Others getverses love yourself just knowand you'll never be alone I hope Hope want that that you get everything you want and that you chose I till you people start The pictures we painting, my boy Connected to a higher power you getthing Hope aBut blessing for acknowledging When my grandma died, I realized I got an angel Show me everything's it's the realest thatyou you ever han know,i hit with thebeen laugh From where they need a handout they hopeyouthat get pretty you learn to make it on your own own And if you pretty girls Hope girls, that'slove pretty yourself just How I know? 'Cause I don't write on thisthe shit, I think it, my boy Look, all I never ever did was beat theor odds Causehope depending angles Ihands am the anomaly, needed favors apologies you get and pretty everything Million tell youLook, put up Only deals I have is from the Sam's Club know you'll never chos cribs havin' million be alone I girlsHopedollar you get when you try That's to getmy even just don't evenWood outblue Never stopping weSo hypnotized we newit lifetime policy grain steering wheel this girl feelWatch like awhat dollar dreams And when you hope that Now it's blood in my like veins you know where I pirate came prettyget girls it all just remember one you They thingHope Remember thing one man visualize on the ship rise, How be the G.O.A.T. While we alive when westart die, we gon' bethey the The gods, Make it,wemake many hot verses till you in people acknowledging been from Born a world going where toldpictures me I can't go Init,They could change the world one used man could change the world the make it, boy, we gotta make it save I ain't gotta shake it Everything lined up for painting, myYou boycan Connected to hand, athough, higher power How I know? 'Cause I don't thisthetoused toget Hope you get pretty girls, myyour lane, I'm in the same boat as Usain Boltwrite Get ahead that's pretty and everything tell me I taking And what I need from No favors Clique tooso big, bread? it 'Cause these others me I Million dollar cribs havin' shit, I think it, 'em? my boy Look, all I ever did was beat gotta the odds when my you try to tell girls, by any means the head's what Ibreak aimCause for When grandma hope youpretty million dollar dreams And when hope you learn to you get it all just remember one low key with the Everything lined for theI got taking And what I need from 'em?weNo getsnaking even itfaking just don't even out Never stopping likeanwe hypnotized Watch what to thing Remember one That died, I up realized angel Show me everything's alearnmake that's pretty it on one man could changething the world it on favors, no visualize favors, Ifonshe flavor I won't savor Nowe taste buds, frick at, make thewas rise, be the G.O.A.T. While alive whenhoe we die, gon'you be looking theI am gods, your own And if one man could change the world blessing depending onlater the we angles Look, the your own And if and youeverything get pretty girls, that's Praying to a you love yourself Hope pretty and everything Million hater? I saw them like an butt raper copy my swag like a cheating classmate I'll be the you love yourself Praying to a Makeeyes it, make it, make it, boy,Try we to gotta make it You can save your hand, I ain't gotta sky Praying all black at the anomaly, never needed favors or apologies That's myjust know just know you'll to Looking a dollar cribs havin' million you'll sky all black Looking at the dollar dreamsdollar And when you sky all black Looking at the never be alone I hopeMillion last face youshake see before you passlined Whenupyou get frickin butt graded like a math paper So it Everything fornew theyour taking And what I need from 'em? No favors stars like they finna talk back Looking never be alone I hope Hope you get pretty girls, that's lifetime policy Wood grain steering wheel this that you get everything pretty and everything Million stars like they finna talk back Looking at my phone like she finna call back But last get everything dollar cribs havin' million dollar my phone like she finna call back But last ahead of my time latetoo means early,gotta my age is reversing I'm sturdy, zany thatyouyouwant Clique big, I'm bread? break it 'Cause low key the snaking and that youcribs havin' atnight feel like probably ended all that Cause by girl feel these likebasically aothers pirate 30, shipamazingly Howwith many hot verses you want and that you dreams And when you get it night all I Ifeel like probably ended all that Cause by now she woulda sent a text in all caps Then chose I hope that it's the and wordy Brainy and nerdy, blatantly Insanely perverted, rapey and scurvy They blame me chose I hope that it's the just remember one thing Remember now she woulda sent a text in all caps Then faking Everything lined updirty for the taking And what I need from 'em? No favors, no thing one man could change theanother one tryna take it all back Saying till you people start acknowledging The picturesrealestrealest thing that you tryna take it all back Saying thing that you world one man could change another thefrick one you, I miss you or I hate you so much million dollar ever know Hope you get theworld for murderingfavors, Jamie Lee Curtis I put her face in No the furnace, her with a space heater Aever frick you, I miss you or I hate you so much If she wasSaid flavor I won't savor taste buds,beat hoeboy later frick you Hope you get pretty girls, that's know Hope you get the Cause girls only say "hate you" to the we been painting, my Connected to looking a higher pretty and everything Million dollar cribs pretty girls, that's pretty Cause girls only say "hate you" to the pretty girls, that's pretty guys that they love I know, I know, I dollar dreams And when guys you piece furniture, egg It may disturbing, what I'm cringe worthy But at,beater, hater?thermos I saw them eyesbelike an buttHow raper Trysaying's to copy swag likethis a and that they love I know, I know, I and everything Million dollarhavin' million power I know? 'Cause I my don't write get it all just remember one thing know The highs, the lows it comes everything Million dollar And know The highs, the lows it comes cribs havin' million dollar dreams Remember one thing That one man could and goes You say "be real" I try, I I'm urinating on Fergie, call Shady number Surely turning Aaron Hernandez of cribsdreams havin' million dollar cheating classmate I'll be 81the last I'm face you seeinto before youLook, pass When you and goes You say "be real" I try, I shit, I think it, the my boy all I ever And when you get it all change the world one man could change don't Cause you take anything and dreams And when you get it all the world Hope you get pretty girls, don't Cause you take anything and just remember one thing rap State of emergency, planets attacks Brady's returning, matter just make it everything Kept my that's pretty and everything Million get your the frickin butt having gradedpanic like a math paper ahead my time late when you get it just remember one thing just make it everything Kept my did was beat So the odds of Cause whenfact youI phone on silent ever since you got a Remember one thing That one dollar cribs havin' million dollar dreams on silent ever since you got a Remember one thing That one And when youHope you get pretty phone girls, may be deserving Of a I'm Patearly, on the like a Patriots Inexplicable growl ring And I never cheated One time means myback age is reversing I'm jersey basically 30, even amazingly sturdy, man could change the that's pretty and everything Millionring dollar And I never cheated One time try to get itstomach man could change the I've been on the go, Last night cribs havin' remember million dollar dreams And when you get it all just world All I, all I wanted alljust one thing from the pit of it Like a frickin hittin' and it Despicable, dumb down, on amad, m hereone world All I, all I wanted roll On a roll more than a zany and Terrier wordy Brainy nerdy, just blatantly dirty one thing Remember thing one man could change the world took an L, don't iteven was a hundred millionremember roller coaster They for a Last night man could change the world Hope you get pretty girls, that's pretty and Is it was a hundred million can't throw me off but an tonight I goodwhen you High, dollars and a bad chick everything Million dollar cribs havin' million dollar dreams And ridiculous Tongue isInsanely foul shoot off at the frickin mouth Like ablame missile, took L, perverted, rapey and scurvy Theyout mea track or slow If I dollars and a bad chick high, high, Never it all just rememberone one thingthing Remember one thing That one man time? couldI spent my bounce back Remember did, I got a long Imagine this so muchget high, high, change the world one man could change the world Hope youwhole get pretty life trying tobut tonight I Imagine this so much list of girls on girls thunder cloud 100 pound pistol pull theLee trigger willher sound Wake up Pray for murdering Jamie Curtisthis Saidgun I put faceAnd in I quote high Err'thang some nights it felt like Pray that's pretty and everything Million dollar cribs havin' million I'm dollar unquote say I stopping improvise not sayingbounce backto some nights it felt like girls, aa sky high, high, high, sky dreams And when youHope you getHope you get pretty girls, that's pretty told you so every up mornalltoblack that I had it Back on Wake high, high, high, you'll get a round like the Digital Underground Ann heater CoulterA with a Heaven that shit forget youitto sympathize that I had it Back on and all black everything Million man dollar cribs havin' million dollaryou all just on earth, furnace, beat herAnd withfrick a space piece That one could change by Looking high Err'thang high, like we the mattress Starin' Looking at at every remember one thing Remember thing one man could change thelife world onefindmorning, every Spent my whole tryna the mattress Starin' the high, high, high, high, the stars stars like like is man could change the world Hope you get pretty girls, that's pretty and morn the night,they at the ceilin' Klan posterfurniture, With a lamp door handle Itshutter damnhypno bolt night eggpost, beater, thermos may beAdisturbing, high, high It's time the dollar light that's at the at the ceilin' they finna finna tal tal paraeverything Million dollar cribs havin' million dreams And end whenof talk back loo couj count to go, it's time to tryna to talk back loo dise I you get it all just remember Remember one thing Thathave one morning, Looking Don’tthe the tunnel I should tryna to world oneone thing man could go, It's time to cutter, a sandal,what a canI'mopener, candle worthy rubber But Piano, flannel, I Looking at at my my stastacks saying'sa cringe I'm aurinating man could change the world one man could change the world Hope by connect the phone go, it's time tize pray didn't realized it connect phone you get pretty girls, that's pretty and everything Million dollarKnew that like to go the dots owe die or like cribs havin' million dollar dreams And whenwas youHope sucker, some hand soap, banjo and number manhole81cover insideyou So night, the dots Lastnight night on butter Fergie, Acall Shady SurelyHand I'm Last she Don’t getHope butt wasfishe d overBut you get pretty girls, pretty and everything tookan anL,L,but but couj change thethat'sworld dose, took lately But nobody, owe Million dollar cribs havin' million dollaryou get Iitbeen allreal when fi tonight tonightI Ibounce bounceback back i over the mouth turning and noseinto smother Trample ran over the Aaron Hernandez of the rap tramp State never trying to get what's insideRemember outside realized it was just remember one thing thing one man count i owe Wakeup upevery everymorning, morning,by by that I Wake hit, it the night, I count stacks Knew could change the world one mantocould change thehiyI stastacks kept it a the night, I count stacks Knew nobody Always inside So lately trying getthat's gt the bag with the Land Rover The band, Lambo, Hummer and having Road Runner thatbutt buttwas wasreal realwhen whenI Ihit, hit, Hope you getI pretty girls, pretty boubounce that of the emergency, the planets panic hundred, nobody, owe world owe me trying get what's inside Knew never Milliontodollar cribmember bback Last You win some and lose on the job, Always I got and noeverything one thing realized Remember one man Go ham donut or go attacks Rambo, Brady's gotta make an example of fact her IThat's outside it thing was inside So that butt some, I heard that my returning, matter may change, not even nobody could change the world one nnight took Last for five lately I trying to was real when whole life I heard Last hobbies Got job, the Icity an L,bbut for Sandra Bland ho Philando Hannibal lamb, Still hiyI hit,tonight it night took be and deserving Of a Pat on on thethe back like no a 20ssmokin' on the got messin’ no took Look,that night my bouI bounce backLook, an 520 with me 'cause I’m city homegrown Vibin' out an L,L, but but whole wonder I am so stubborn I'm anti, can't no Inexplicable government stomach handle a that boyBoy, I been Patriots jersey like it's I wok hobbies Got the messin’ with me I woke lifetonight tonight II 420 On a more than I’m my homegrown phone though Leave in bounce commando Your man don't want it, Drumpf's a it girl I'lla make his quest bounce growl from the pit of Like frickin 'cause Vibin' outme up up for in more back bea back ‘lone, me than on my though Look, I cut beast whole brand go under (yeah)Terrier And tell Dre it I'mDespicable, meeting him in L.A., money, Wake hittin' dumb it more myown phone though Leave you win more Witsome that offmelike daddyLook, a G,mode and hungry white Bronco like Elway Speeding, I'm Tongue bout toisrun over a chick, down, ridiculous foul shoot off Just got lose some, me girl ‘lone, on an my edit own My though girl, my i heard that With my it's genetics I heard ya new stuff, it's fortune Del Rey CD in? Females stay beatin ‘em, bet you they'll lay my whole at the frickin mouth Like a missile, a I cut that girl off like an edit My read, she said girl, it's more comin' Yeah I got pathetic Ya contract should be shredded Took bleeding And yell, "Wait!",thunder pleading—but screaming is pointless the force but never force cloud 100 pound pistol pull daddy a G, it's genetics I heard ya new my nothin' Do it for the dogs on a private jet from the public housing Like feeding Michel'le helium the Leaving them pale faced trigger this gun will medium sound stuff, it's pathetic Ya contract should be I kept it G, Took yeah, my onedogs thousand Clique star sized welt Straight treating 'emAnd likeyou'll a cellget mate See melike I'm a round shredded on a private jet studded Paramount Everything climbing hell's gate Girl, Underground I'm like your And problems: Digital frick from like the the public housing Imountain kept it G, yeah, I do one is righteous mestudded is the right self-made Meaning someone else's help ain't needed, Ann Coulter with a Klan poster thousandBetting Clique on star like risk Even a freakin’mountain crisis I’mEverything never on some Cause I'ma— Make it, With make ait,lamp makepost, it, boy, we door the in Paramount I switching stuff Betting I switch on gears to the gotta make it You can save your shutter hand, I ain't handle A do issides righteous me is night shift Blacking 'cause gotta shake it Everything lined for the damn up bolt the right riskout Even in a I’m enlightened God talk to me in taking And what I need from em, no freakin’ crisis silence But I hear him favors Clique too big, bread? gotta every time break it 'Cause these others man lowkey with the snaking faking Everything lined up for the taking And what I need matter how much they gon' shade you Man they can't mess with the light They can't stop the shine Is it time? I They can't mess with the spent my whole life trying light No matter how much to improvise I'm not they gon' shade you Mansaying theythat shit for can't mess with the lightyouThey I got to sympathize can't stop the shine Spent Theymy whole life s o m e b o d y mama tryna find the light baby can't mess with theat the end of calling me daddy I that's the tunnel I should drank too much, please light can't have realized it wascall me a cabby Penthouse stop inside So lately I beenafter party hoes want that addy
they can ride with us, crawl in a Caddy trying to get what's inside outside So many people wanna see Third row is when you call, I hit cancel Really? my insides outsides I'm from that city I hit answer, I hate when that happens Phone in my four hours east of Southside Where pocket for the whole night And you heard bitches everyone outside, but don't mess screaming 'til my phone died Then she text me like "Why you with no outsiders Growing still talk to my mama?" How you run around with stuff? Why you make me get this tattoo? Man, frick this tattoo you the reason I up, with wasn't single in college What? All because I had you, boy I dont even have you How am I suppose Feel like you to get past you? owe me checks Owe me time, owe me stuff Long nights, no I’m reply I got no regrets, you disrespect, disrespect Only homegrown Vibin' out time I seen you now is on the internet Just to see if more than my phone it's somebody else that you tied to I hit you though Leave me back when I decide to You got my ‘lone, me on my own tattoo, we was tribal though Look i cut the Then you left and we girl off like an edit. turned rivals Now you my daddy’s a G its back, it's our revival They genetics, to my don't make you feel like I dogs i got a do They didn't make you private jet perform for me You was my with no American Idol how you rocked the mic p Man, we went from long text, now they shorter than a haiku Seems like all you got is hate for me All you ever did was take from me 'Cause you know you got that walk from me How you dress and how Praying to a No you talk from me Let's not ever sky all black Looking no disrespect what I meant to ya It at the stars like they finna talk back took us being over to see all I did no Looking at my phone like she finna call for ya Damn All that stuff you told me, I believed The smile no back But last night I feel like probably on your face the only thing I can't read Left and now you ended all that usedThey Cause by now she no no to tell back inside my life It's gonna take more than that to set woulda sent a text in all me I hope you caps Then no it right, though 'Cause you so very outta line learn to make it it all back another one tryna take on your own And if Forever letting them taste what's mine matter Saying frick you, I miss you or I you love your self hate you so Taste what's mine Taste what's mine You so just know you'll never how much Cause girls only say "hate very outta line I'm just trying to let the be alone I hope that you get I got somebody baby you" to the guys that they every thing you want and that mama calling me much past pass Ain't no future in that, yeah I you chose I hope that it's thedaddy I drank too love I know, I know, I know much, please call me they gon' stay 100 like my dash, yeah Have you realest thing that you ever know The highs, the lows it a cabby Penthouse Hope you get the pretty coming faster than The Flash, yeah Is it Ho I'm here that's prettyafter party hoes shade comes and goes You say "be girls, pe want that addy they all mine, all mine? You know me, I had and everything Mil real" I try, I don't Cause you for a good can ride with us, you (no) lion dollar cribs havin' to ask Can I hit it like I crash? get time not a crawl in a Caddy you take anything and just Man they million dollar dreams the Sipping pinot by the glass Honestly I had to Third row is when you get it all make it everything Kept my And when youpre long time, you call, I hit cancel can't mess take the time to let my ego go Realized that just remember one thing tty know I haven't Really? I hit answer, I phone on silent ever since Remember one thing That that held us back and back's not where we hate when that happens with the change the you got a ring And I never one man couldls,girhad a good time Phone in my pocket for need to go This don't replace what you world All I, all I wanted cheated One time don't the whole night And light They tha in a long time, you was a hundred million dollars did to me This don't replace what I did you heard bitches t's change everything She ask and a bad chickpr know I had a Imagine this so screaming 'til my phone can't stop to you Sometimes it ain't about much some nights it felt why I don't feel the same, died Then she text me ett good time I'm the shine like that I had it Back on the what we did or didn't do It's about what we I'm like "Why you still talk I'm still the same She's still insane and now she'smattress Starin' y in a way up I feel at the ceilin'to my mama?" How you an getting through Look, I'm not tryna play way up I feel tryna to connect therun around with stuff? They blessed, way up I long saying When you said it was over, you shot right d blessed, way up I no blame game Pointing fingers while we dots But its hard feel blessed Why you make me get this can't eveThe time, through my heart Why you let these girls tear feel blessed straight makin' those straight up I'm way tattoo? Man, frick this skip the point Knowing that we both on ryt family up I'm way up I feel attachments I'm talkin' what we had right apart Ooh, I was so mad, I Sinceince tattoo you the reason I mess with hinnever up I feel blessed the same thing Riding for each other the the truth dreamin' so hard, blessed straight up wasn't single in college What? truth keep should've seen this coming right from the start some g straig ht up people goin' keep nights it felt All because I had you, boy I the people Thanklight, even if we gotta change lanes If we don't straight up, way up I traumatized Mil str traumatizedThey You should beware, beware, beware of a Oh yes, like draft anorexic They day Youdont even have you How am I trynacompro h yes, blessed feelI'm hway tryna compromise work it out, shame shame I can't touch you God my condom size my e hell nah the I'm way step condom size that So I whole snapchat r e up, suppose to get past you? And I feel woman with a broken heart, I got somebody know? My - I pay my Somise I snapchat a g my up, I feel Look, I thatTryin' wholesee stuff Tryin' seeshow stuff, brother used to flip these girls I can't trust I don't wanna have stuff, tryna stuff blessed she called the next guy for all myboy's that mortgage stuff tryna showtostuff I swear to God I blessed baby mama calling me daddy I drank And I swear God IAnd hope they post it, I'm them bags outsideain't gonna say that we gotta deal with hope they post I'm blessed though get doors and Even a fake us But all that stuff you told me, I though I get it, slammed with Even lawsuits likeI car set backs 'Cause the crib like withlike lawsuits like car doors See three P.O.'sit was trash dayback or nothin' 'Cause that implies that too much, please call me a cabby Seeslammed three P.O.'s Star Wars bright Even if we're back likewant Starme Wars believed The smile on your face the only thing I by the road holdin' up cardboard No Kim K,electric They he the reason Look, I feel blessed Way up I feel blessed, way up I from Penthouse after party hoes want Never So I go extra hard on the hard but he somethin' you take away my can't read Left and now you back inside my life floor Right now callin' feel blessed Straight up Frick a vacay I feel better at work I mean If we'reI'm able to give that addy they can ride with us, goin' under even whatever it's worth I give whatever I'm worth For my people who gon' go toback life, you can't take with anesthetics hell and back for me I'mma give 'em heaven on Earth for a hell of a check Yeahfrom back This feel crawl in a Caddy Third row is At the top of the whichever come like my Sunday morning jetpack Feel like I sent the prayers up the light No matter how when you call, I hit cancel rap game andfirst Really? I hit answer, I hate My grandma and got blessed back, whoa Feel like I sent the prayers up and much they gon' shade you progressin' Check after check, checkin' died, I'm the got blessed back This feel like my Sunday morning jetpack And Got the whole city on fire Boy when that happens Phone in just man of off my check list the house So my pocket for the whole every mama said hit them with the inspiration In times like these mornin' I'm up 'cause I can't let this the flow that got Steph Curry night And you heard we need inspiration Turn all your problems into them down , down Always down for the inspired This the flow that got Lebron James bitches screaming 'til 'cause, never down for the inspiration Elevation, inspiration I count I guess when your stars my phone died Then finna rewire This the flow that got my whole family said elevation, inspiration I align you do like the solar system she text me like said elevation, and plan it out So Okay, you got finna retire Flows on flows, I might drown in this girl "Why you still I'm goin' over time on Ye found a pro, I guess I'm profound in this girl My dad ahead tonight talk to my the overtime Yeah I'm mama?" How Man, that doesn't from Louisiana, man the smallest town Where if they know you run around with stuff? make it right Man,you brown, they might hold you down And even hose you Why you make me get this that doesn't make down, man Since I'm a son, I feel like I gotta stunt hard I took tattoo? Man, frick this the hand that they gave me and played the Donald Drumpf card And it right How do tattoo you the reason I realized counting money never feel as good as counting blessings And a wasn't single you sleep at in loaded mind is more dangerous than a loaded weapon So when they take
n a lo
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She been mad, I've been on the go, on a roll OnI a roll more than a roller coaster don't give a fuck They can't throw me off about anything, that track or you're telling me slow If I Cause right now it's did, I got a all, irrelevant I'm long list so high I won't, This remember it And I She been the wish that this mad, I've feeling could last been on the though that I forever But go, on a roll On been missing some maybe one night a roll more than days This feel like I'm is even better a roller coaster headed to paradise one way Real nigga They can't This feel like the family dinners that we Mayne All the throw me used to have on Sunday With Grandma in the people off track kitchen making rum cake Or this spread she plotted with or slow Is the same If I did,used to do for Thanksgiving, man This feels like ones I'm divi- I got a the first time I heard Killa Cam Pink Tim's, in din' the profits long the Lamb Mixing it with Dilla and Headphones to the ceiling fan Bucket hat like Gilligan, with Now I'm in the list of yeah Lately I've been talking to building like two girls on planes bitch Kickin' it girls I ghosts Didn't learn faith in schoolwith but that's what I'm testing the Kang my shirt off, on some Liu quote you sun up shit Sleep with the unquote most You know I still rep She a I come like I grew fangs bitch when say I told you're gone though I got us on the front lawnbeen mad, With some Bruce alive in the night, on picture of you so me, grandma Wayne shit Livin' my Heaven on and mom, that night II've been on went life, gettin' off to prom earth, Wishin' you could see the go, on a that new broads high payments Fuckin' with some Lysol Dijon and and they high maintenance And every nightParmesan Funny thing roll On a roll about they wearin' more than a me high hills Tits high heels, trips somewhere itonyou always act like is paradise you knew You told roller coaster before high man how you were feeling I pray I before it happened, sittin' high, rollin' zips gettin' err'thang high High, high,it do And you taught me didn't die I'm a product of SheThey can't throw high, high, high, me off track or grandma high, high, high, And you and high Err'thang high, high,everything I go through or over been slow If I did, I went broke so we would never get bruised You the Err'thang high, high, high mad, got a long list reason I ever touched my first Franklin Fast forward, I'm high, high, high high, high, high, I've of girls on girls in Kanye crib with Kirk Franklin It reminded me how of we always used it's time to It's time to go, been on I quote unquote say to dress up as a family And go to Sunday service, and being in church, go, it's time go, It's time to the go, to go it's time singin' Ain't been to church in awhile But it ain't just about on a roll I told you so Heaven how you just to go, go I on earth, every night is praise him in the building It's about how Iyou praisin' him while you fuck about don't give a On a roll paradise I pray I didn't out You taught me to remember that when Been you're anything, that don'tI get set back more than a die or overdose, through the worst times to get thegive a fuck Wishin' for a time Cause telling me roller coaster They never that I kept machine to jet back 'Til my all time about something throw me a it's all, right now can't throw me off track it a hundred, dated I'm so jetpack, whoa And see you again, irrelevant anything, that Back when I or slow If I did, I got a long never change, not Alisha, Simone Or any other Lisa Bonet Who was won't, high I you're telling me list of girls on girls I quote me it Cause' rememberjealous of me and Jhené Who Cause right now it's s advise with unquote say I told you so Heaveneven for five 20s Still smokin' timepentbeing away You was I guess a the all, irrelevant I'm so rt on earth, every night is paradise I that 520 like came for me tohigh I won't, remember is house ninetyune pray I didn't die or overdose, never it's 420 On a something it And I wish that this Thank you God for all my set backsup floors read, that I kept it a hundred, never change, quest for 'Cause he give back This feel like my Make love she said could last forever But not even for five 20s Still smokin' that more Sunday morni sent the prayers up and got and thenit's more maybe one night is 520 like it's 420 On a quest for more mo blessed I sent the prayers up and got join the comin' Yeah I even better Real money, more hungry Just got my fortune blessed mama high mile nigga Mayne All the my Sunday morning jetpack And read, she said it's more comin' Yeah I got got the force these Yeah club said hitpeople plotted with Is In times like these we needall the force but never force nothin' Do it but never force I'm on peoplethe same onesyour camera,nothin' Do it for the I'm problems into inspiration Elevation, for the love, I'm Forrest Gumpin' inspiration I said I said I said elevation elevation, inspiration I out of a fresh dividin' the profits love, I'm Forrest Gumpin' In my city I'm Warren Buf Thiswith Now I'm in the the feeling though that I been sex scene I just In my city I'm Warren missing some days This all my nightmares turn into wet dreams Buffett, I mean business, the building like two like I'm headed to a new crib, so big, I'm talkin' town size Sippin' I'm in feel planes bitch Kickin' it shirt is tucked in The gun's tucked somewith my shirt off, on paradise one way thin' cold, smokin' weed by the pound size Yeah I in, darn it, I'm who not to mess This feel like the big head ho, gotta I think it's crown size ipsum with Who the bad girls gon' mess Lorem dinners that we it big, and Bitch I do family I never plan to dolor sit amet, with and lames just used to have on She been down size People who diam nonummy don't mess with My consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed mad, I've talk shit, is feelin' like dickheads Saw nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna stock's risin', I'm goin' been on me on the web like I had an extra aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam,public If I write it, it's six legs Lookin' at my quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit gon' publish You're messin’ the go, on a roll highlights With a bitchlobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo with the best, no discussion une une disgusti On a roll with consequat. Duis autem vel eum So read, sheshe said read, said It's more than iriure dolor in hendrerit in ng it's more comin' Yeah a roller vulputate velit esse tha it's more comin' Yeah t I got the force I got the but force but coaster molestie consequat, 3 never force nothin' Do it never force nothin' Do it They can't vel illum for the I'm Forrest throw me forlove, the love, I'm Forrest off track In In mymy city I'mI'm Warren or slow If I did, I Gumpin' Gumpin' city Warren got a I mean business, the thequote long list of girls on girls I Buffett, Buffett, I mean business, is tucked in Theingun's unquote say I told you so Heaven on earth, shirt shirt is tucked The gun'severy tucked night is paradise I pray I didn't die or tuckedin, in,darn darnit,it,I'm I'mwho whonot notoverdose, with with Who Who the bad never that I kept it a hundred, never change, to mess to mess the badnot even for five 20s Still smokin' that 520 like it's 420 girls girlsgon' gon'mess messwith withand andlalaOn a mes quest for more money, more hungry Just got mesjust justdon't don'tmess messwith withmy My sc I'm I'mgot the fortune read, she said it's more comin' Yeah I My k's sc risin', k's risin', goin' force but never force nothin' Do it for the goin'public publicIfIflove, I'm Forrest Gumpin' In my city I'm Warren Buffett, I mean business, the shirt is tucked in The gun's tucked in, darn it, I'm who not to mess with Who the bad girls gon' mess with and lames just don't
night? Sean, the fame, take the crib Take our cars, now we gotta take the train Hood people boy you on, takin' chains, slave master take our names 5-0 take the shot and young souls take damn, boy, the blame Man, but they can't take away the light No matter how much they gon' you on You shade you Man they can't mess with the light They can't stop the shine They can't mess was a millionaire with the light, hell nah the boy's that bright Even if you take away my life, you can't take the light No matter how much they gon' shade you Don't let them take away your soul but your people is Don't let them take away what makes you whole Is it time? I spent my whole life trying to improvise I'm not saying that shit for you to sympathize Spent my whole life tryna find the still at light that's at the end of the tunnel I should have realized it was inside So lately I been home Damn, boy, trying to get what's inside outside So many people wanna see my insides outsides I'm from you did it, that city four hours east of Southside Where everyone outside, but don't mess with no up, with the ones I hold it down with Whole city got my back on but damn outsiders Growing Praying to photobomb stuff Whole city blowing up on some old Saddam it you did some it wrong stuff Before a sky all black this I was the one hoes tried to go to prom with You You got timeknow, take Looking at the stars the fame, take the crib Take our cars, now we When slave for that gig,gotta takelike they finna talk to the train Hood people takin' chains but not time master back Looking at my phone take our names 5-0 you said it was the shot young over, you shot right for the phone take like she finna call back to take the through my heart Why Got it right withsouls sho But last night I feel like da dont you let these girls tear your ends, but probably ended all that th what we had right apart messed it up with your friends I seen Cause by now she woulda th Ooh, I was so mad, I should've seen your butt up on TV, sent a text in all caps Then another one that this coming right touched up She been mad, I've tryna take it all th from the start You should beware, been on the go, on a back Saying that beware, beware of a roll On a roll more than frick you,meI woman with a a roller coaster They can't throw Okay, skeet, broken heart off track or slow If I did, I got a smoke, sleep, call, long list of girls on girls I quote unquote say Imiss, told text, woke, spoke Lie, feel, Lisa you so Heaven on earth, every night is paradise I pray I didn't die or overdose, never
When you said it was over, you shot right through my heart Why you let these girls tear wha t
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Zine Zine Project Project
June 2019
CONTENTS What is Sneaker Culture?
- a brief history on the rise of sneakers
page 2
What do Shoes Mean to You? - interviews by Jay and Ben
page 7
Sean Wotherspoon Illustration - an illustration of the Nike Air Max 97 “Sean Wotherspoon�
pages 8-9
What Shoe Matches You?
- an interactive quiz to see what shoe matches your personality
page 11
What is Sneaker Culture? Beginning of Basketball Footwear: In 1921, Chuck Taylor, a basketball player for the Akron Firestones, gained an interest in the High-Top Converse. He saw the shoe’s potential in basketball and joined the converse sales force to create the world wide known “Chuck Taylor’s.” Because of his success in the promotion and design of the All Stars, Converse rewarded him by placing the signature Chuck Taylor logo on the ankle of the shoe. Converse also introduced the white high top with red and blue accents for the 1936 olympics. As of today, more than 60% of Americans have or have had a pair of Chuck Taylor’s Converse.
Hitting The Streets: Hip-hop was responsible for making sneakers part of style. Sneakers were important in the 1980s because they were comfortable to dance in and became standard gear for performers. These performers were all about keeping style in check, most importantly sneakers, fresh and clean. In 1983, hip hop group Run-DMC came out with a hit song called “My Adidas,” which skyrocketed the sales of Adidas the target audience of people following pop culture. They were helping the Adidas shoe industry so much, that “Run-DMC x Adidas” became the first shoe deal to be signed outside of the athletic industry. 3
JORDANS: In 1984, all star basketball player Michael Jordan signed a contract with Nike, which was probably one of the most valuable business deals in sneaker history. In 1985 Nike released the first pair of ‘Jordans’ called Air Jordan Ones, which rapidly exceeded the Converse All Stars in annual sales, making its name as the most popular basketball shoe of the 80s. The Air Jordan Ones did not have the best shoe technology, but the color and style paved the way for the beginning of the commercial basketball shoe industry. Since 1985, 33 Jordans have been made and widely distributed across the world. (the first 16 Jordans are displayed)
Rise of Sneaker Popularity When Michael Jordan first retired, Nike continued to produce Jordan brand shoes. That being said, they needed to fill the void of having a player on the court wearing their shoes. Since Jordan, the biggest NBA players that Nike signed with to get a signature shoe was Charles Barkley, LeBron James, Kobe Bryant, Kyrie Irving, Kevin Durant, and Paul George. Kev in
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Future of Sneaker Collaborations The biggest names partnering with sneaker companies have been Kanye West, Pharrell Williams, Drake, and and Travis Scott. Kanye West is the most prolific sneaker designer in the hip hop community, as he has worked with Louis Vuitton and Nike. Pharrell has been working with Japanese shoe Company BAPE (A Bathing Ape) to release his line of "Ice Cream" themed Shoes. Drake and Travis Scott both teamed up with Jordan Brand, in which they designed their own custom Jordans. As well as the many artists trying to attain a shoe deal, skating brand Supreme has been collaborating with Nike and Jordan. There are endless possibilities to collaborate, design, and create shoes. 5
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What do shoes mean to you? Ben Segev “I like shoes so much because they add a sense of ‘hype’ to your outfit. Favorite Shoes: - Travis Scott Air Force 1s - Jordan 1 “Breds” - “Classic” Vans
JayInTheCut “Shoes are essential to the complestion of your outfit. They are what makes you stick out, and it feels great to get compliments regarding your brand-new sneakers Favorite Shoes: - Nike Yeezy Red Octobers - Off White Air Max 90s - Revenge x Storm Vans 7
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What Shoe Matches You? Is your GPA above a 3.5?
Do you know where you’re going to college?
Are you interested in pursuing business?
Do you have a 4.0 ?
Do you know what you want to be when you grow up?
Do you play basketball?
Do you miss school often?
Are you a starter on your basketball team?
The “Travis Scott AF1” fits you well, as you play ball, but don’t start
The original Converse is made for you, as you are a goody too shoes.
This shoe makes you a bad boy, as it is simple yet extremely expensive
This shoe is a shoe above all others, as it is a limited LeBron shoe that he wore during the 2018 All-Star game
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