ACUMA Pipeline Magazine Winter 2022

Page 70

TOP 300


Highlights of Q3 Data What ‘Sort’ of Information Are You Looking For? By Tracy Ashfield ACUMA


am sure you, our loyal readers, wait patiently each quarter for the Top 300 report to be published. I know I do! Seeing it in the Pipeline is always great, but I want to remind everyone that, as ACUMA members, you can find this report in Excel format within the ACUMA Connected Community. Being able to download the Top 300 files in this format allows you to do various sorts, for instance, to compare your credit union to others in your peer group. Credit unions are famously cooperative, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a bit of healthy competition, too. RANKED BY DOLLAR AMOUNT And what do I see when I look at the overall third-quarter 2021 data for credit unions? Here are a few things to note. In Quarter 3, there has been no change in the top five mortgage-originating credit unions from Quarters 1 to 2. Kudos to those five organizations that are consistently on our leader board. But here is what always strikes me:

We publish the Top 300 report by ranking the dollar amount of loans originated based on Schedule C on your 5300 call reports, that is, the CU with the highest dollar amount is ranked No.1, the second-highest dollar amount ranks No.2, etc.

disclosure: I am a member of both CUs.)

OTHER TOP 300 TRENDS So what else is exciting about Quarter 3 results? After a couple of quarters on the decline, credit unions saw an uptick in market share. RANKED BY LOANS After a couple That is probably what makes ORIGINATED me smile the most. Dollars But take a minute to reflect on of quarters on and units translate directly to the decline, the number of loans originatprofitability, but every quared within the Top 300 report. credit unions ter in which more members That column also tells a very saw an uptick choose their credit union for important story. a mortgage, that is what really in market Idaho Central may be sixth moves the needle. share. in the loans-originated rankBy the time you read this, ing, but funding more than 2021 will be in the rearview 10,000 loans is nothing short mirror. I’ll be very interested of exceptional. Not everyone to see how 2021—a year like is blessed with jumbo loan sizes. Way no other—will be recorded in our credto go, Idaho Central! it union mortgage history books. Check out the two Wisconsin credit unions in the Top 20. Summit and University of Wisconsin credit union, both Tracy Ashfield is the President of headquartered in Madison, are hitting it ACUMA. She has also worked as a mortgage consultant for credit unions. out of the park on loan originations. (Full

Top 300 First Mortgage-Granting CUs as of September 30, 2021 $ Originated 1st Mortgages (Fixed & Adjustable)

# Originated 1st Mortgages (Fixed & Adjustable)

$ Outstanding 1st Mortgages (Fixed & Adjustable)

$ Sold 1st Mortgages

Top 300 1st Mortgages Originated CUs All Originating CUs (3,088 CUs)* Top 300 Share

185,448,137,465 647,567 395,954,629,761 73,450,605,766 233,987,797,598 913,747 557,848,114,823 85,929,526,828 79.3 71 71.0 85.5 *CUs who granted $10,000 or more 01/21 - 9/21




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