Contact April 2011

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Uprising Day Commemorations and Protest March By Caroline Couffinhal March 10, 2011, Main Temple, McLeod Ganj The clock strikes 9 and for Tibetans, today is unlike any other. This day marks the 52nd anniversary of the Tibetan people’s peaceful uprising of 1959 against Communist China’s oppression in the Tibetan Capital Lhasa, and the third anniversary of the non-violent demonstrations that took place across Tibet in 2008. Hundreds of Tibetans and supporters gather in front of Tsuklakhang Temple (main temple) to listen to a statement read by His Holiness the Dalai Lama In 1949 and 1950, the Chinese army troops invaded the territory of Tibet. In response, the Tibetan people made an appeal to the international community that remains unanswered. A small Tibetan delegation was forced to sign the “17 Point Agreement,” in which Tibet lost its sovereignty, in 1951 in Beijing. For Buddhist Tibet and Communist China, eight years of uneasy coexistence followed this agreement. On 10 March 1959, tens of thousands of men and women took to the streets of Lhasa to demand

Copyright: Kiran Aujlay H.H. Dalai Lama 10th March statement at main temple in McLeod Ganj

independence for Tibet. The protest, led by an exhausted population, was crushed in a bloodbath. According to Chinese estimates, about 87,000 Tibetans were killed in Central Tibet alone. It took over three days for the People’s Liberation Army to defeat the uprising, but it failed to quell the resistance movement, which spread throughout Tibet. The March 10, 1959 uprising and its suppression is the reason His Holiness, members of his government and about

Tribute to Phuntsok By Caroline Couffinhal

phot o:

March 17, 2011, Dharamsala Tribute to Phuntsok, 20 years old. Hundreds of monks, Tibetans and foreigners led a walk in McLeod Ganj for the late Phuntsok, a young Tibetan

monk who self-immolated on the evening of March 17th in the Sichuan Province. The tribute was organized by five major Tibetan organizations to express solidarity with Phuntsok. The 20 year-old monk died after he set himself on fire. The police initially attempted to extinguish the flames, but then they began hitting him, said Tibetans in exile in contact with locals in Tibet. The body of Phuntsok was returned to Kirti Monastery, located not far away from Meru marketplace, where the monk had set himself on fire, before hundreds of monks and civilians gathered to demonstrate, said the International

80,000 Tibetans have been exiled to India. On March 10, 2008, just months before the Beijing Olympics and the day of the 49th anniversary of Tibetan uprising of 1959, peaceful demonstrations of Buddhist monks took place in Lhasa, the capital of the Tibetan Autonomous Region. They demanded the release of monks imprisoned in October 2007. Then, on March 14, protests escalated into violent riots against any non-Tibetan people and their property. The police retreated before the onslaught (continued on page 6) Campaign for Tibet in a statement. According to sources, a few hundred to 2,000 Tibetans, including monks, were immediately gathered to demonstrate against the Chinese law and walked about a mile from the place where the sacrifice took place. “The crowd continued to grow rapidly and took Phuntsok in his monastery and has managed to protect him while police tried to take him,” a local witness said. “The monks of the monastery said they would not let the Chinese police Phuntsok take the body, even though they all die.” Phuntsok was in critical condition when he was taken inside the monastery. He was later taken to the local hospital while Tibetan (continued on page 3)

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B H A G S U R O A D , M C L E O D GANJ Mob : 98161-50326 / Contact Magazine


April 2011

(continued from page 1) butter lamps were lit according to Tibetan Buddhist tradition. The self-immolation appeared to be a small repeat of protests that gripped Tibetan areas of China in March 2008, when Buddhist monks and other Tibetan people loyal to the exiled Dalai Lama, their traditional religious leader, confronted Chinese police and troops. According to sources in exile in contact with Tibetans in the area, Phuntsok doused himself in fuel and immolated himself as protest against government policies and the crackdown on monasteries in the area. March 16th, the day Phuntsok chose to self-immolate, was the third anniversary of a major demonstration at Kirti in 2008, during which at least 10 Tibetans were killed. “The protest took place to mark the

copy ri ght photo:Roberta Mandoki

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frustration and anger of the Tibetan people three years after the protests on March 16th, 2008 in Ngaba,” said two monks from Kirti Monastery who are in exile in Dharamsala, according to the International Campaign for Tibet. Thursdaynight in McLeod Ganj, hundreds of people held a march to pay tribute to Phuntsok. Holding candles and pictures of the young monk, they walked to the main Tibetan temple and shouted slogans calling for justice and freedom in Tibet. Leaders of the Tibetan community, speaking beside a photo of the young monk, have denounced the death of the monk and the crackdown by Chinese forces in Tibet in 2008. In a statement sent to AFP, (Agence France Presse) the organizers of the protest said they wanted to “remind the Chinese government that the seismic waves of Tunisia and the Middle East had reached Tibet,” referring to the recent popular uprisings in the Arab world. Throughout the night, the crowd prayed and gave speeches in memory of the young monk. In a speech, the President of the Tibetan Youth Congress declared Phuntsok “a martyr who had made supreme sacrifice


for the cause of Tibet and for the people of Tibet,” according to “”.

copy ri ght photo:Roberta Mandoki Monks litting candles at the main temple

The crowd sang the Tibetan National Anthem, “Gyallu,” then scattered, screaming, “Freedom!” In Tibet, the monk was cremated on March 19th in an emotional ceremony attended by thousands of monks, according to sources in exile. The previous night, monks of Ngaba Kirti Monastery had held prayers for Phuntsok in front of his monastic quarter even as armed Chinese security forces kept constant watch on the monastery. (Sources:,

April 2011

His Holiness Teachings By Caroline Couffinhal March 14th and March 15th, 2011, Main Temple, McLeod Ganj His Holiness was at the Main Temple in McLeod Ganj for two days to offer teachings on the practices of a Bodhisattva and the stages of meditation at the request of a group from Thailand. The temple was flooded with people. Tibetans, monks and nuns, Indians, and foreigners from all over the world came to listen to the teachings of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The teachings were translated simultaneously in English, Japanese, Thai, and Korean languages on FM channels. 9.30 AM: The spiritual and temporal leader of Tibet and the Tibetan people, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama came into the temple… silence throughout the thousands of people. He took a seat and began his annual two days of teachings with prayers for New Zealand, Australia and Japan’s natural disasters victims. He proposed the chanting of the Heart Sutra 100,000 times “to help prevent such an enormous natural disaster from reoccurring.” The charisma and personality of the Dalai Lama was so breathtaking that listeners immediately quieted their minds

and instead of talking aloud, whispered. These teachings discussed Gyalsey Thokme Sangpo’s “37 Practices of a Bodhisattva” and Kamalashila’s “Middling Stages of Meditation.” What is a Bodhisattva? How do you deeply understand and practice this spirituality? At that moment, I felt a little lost. After the first day of teachings, I did some research to find a brief explanation of these concepts. “A Summary of How an Awakening Being Behaves, 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva,” was written by the monk Gyelsé Thogme (Tog-me Zong-po) between 1245-1369 and summarizes 37 practices of the bodhisattva idea of life. In Tibetan Buddhism, a bodhisattva is anyone who is motivated by compassion and seeks enlightenment not only for him/herself, but also for everyone. A bodhisattva’s goal is to achieve the highest level of being: a Buddha. Bodhisattva is a Sanskrit term which translates as: Bodhi [enlightenment] and sattva [being]. Nonetheless, the 37 practices cannot be achieved through a simple decision; it’s through rigorous training for several decades when one can finally arrive at such perfection.


The Kamalashila’s “Middling Stages of Meditation,” from eighth-century Tibet, are a statement of the gradual process of meditation. It combines the practice of calm abiding (shamatha), the higher vision (vipashyana) to achieve enlightenment and to accomplish the work of a bodhisattva. His Holiness has long expressed the values of love, compassion and tolerance. He repeated his respect for all religions, explaining that although people of other faiths may have different philosophies and ideas about creation, we all share the same essential principles of love and compassion. Following the teachings of Buddhism, the values of empathy towards others and selflessness, the Dalai Lama expressed the importance of not being selfish and greedy for power. For him, “recent uprisings in North Africa have given people hope for a new democracy against heads of state power and money madness.” Overall, a beautiful experience. Some of the bodhisattva’s 37 practices 2. Attraction to those close to you catches you in its currents; Aversion to those who oppose you burns inside; Indifference that ignores what needs to be done is a black hole. Leave your homeland — this is the practice of a bodhisattva. 11. All suffering comes from wanting your own happiness. Complete awakening arises from the intention to help others. So, exchange completely your happiness For the suffering of others — this is the practice of a bodhisattva. 15. Even if someone humiliates you and denounces you In front of a crowd of people, Think of this person as your teacher And humbly honor him — this is the practice of a bodhisattva. ( -

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April 2011

Losar Celebrations in McLeod Ganj By Martina Marek On the 5th of March, Losar, the Tibetan New Year, was celebrated. The following is a brief picture documentation of the rituals and celebrations that happend in McLeod Gangj, although the traditions change from region to region in Tibet. Butter Sculptures Three huge b u t t e r sculp tur es could be seen in the Main temple, where a prayer took place on the first day of Losar. The b u t t e r scul pt ur es, which were several meters high, contained dharma and were made from butter and wax.

Copyright phot o: Heat her Zimmermann

altars. A butter sheep; the traditional piles of tea, butter, salt, and milk; a stack of large Khabseys, in different shapes; lubรถ (green grass as the symbol of spring); chema (a bowl half filled with rice and half with tsampa for saying new year prayers for the well-being of all sentient beings); and seven bowls filled with anything you want to offer are all compulsory for the Losar altar. Khabsey & Other Traditional Foods

Altar Offerings In the Main temple, large offerings of sweets, dried nuts and Khabsey were made to the gods; while similar offerings are made in every household on smaller

Dharamsala Community Library free library service book & magazines Daily 9am to 6pm Sunday closed

Several days or weeks before the actual celebrations, people will begin their Losar preparations. Brewing chang, Tibetan beer, is of utmost importance since the quality of the chang will influence the next year. Next, people start making khabsey, fried sweets which are a traditional Losar treat. The first morning of Losar is celebrated with a bowl of changkou (boiled Tibetan beer combined with khabsey and dried cheese, among other things) as well as doma-rice (Tibetan sweet rice). Sang Sol On the third day of Losar people will gather to put up new pr ayer flags. Early in the m o r n i n g Copyright photo: Martina you can Marek see people putting up prayer flags in the mountains while chanting prayers, burning incense and attaching a khatak on the flags. The higher you string the flags, the better!

Copyright phot o: Heat her Zimmermann

Rishi Yoga Centre

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April 2011

(continued from page 1) of the rioters, including monks, and quickly resumed control of the city the next day, then proceeded to make many arrests. Inside the temple, crowds gather to listen to the speech of the Dalai Lama and the Kashag (the highest executive office of the Central Tibetan Administration of His Holiness the Dalai Lama). When His Holiness appears, there is silence in the temple. The Dalai Lama begins his speech with a tribute to “those brave men and women who sacrificed their lives for the just cause of Tibet. I express my solidarity with those who continue to suffer repression and pray for the well-being of all sentient beings” Many years ago, His Holiness expressed the wish to retire from the political life of the Tibetan government. In his March 10th statement, he once again discussed the issue of his retirement: “As early as the 1960s, I have repeatedly stressed that Tibetans need a leader, elected freely by the Tibetan people, to whom I can devolve power. Now, we have clearly reached the time to put this into effect. “My desire to pass the authority is no desire to escape my responsibilities. This should be beneficial to Tibetans long term. That does not make a discouragement on my part. Tibetans have placed such faith and such confidence in me that I am determined to play my role for the just cause of Tibet, like any of them.” During the 11th session of the 14th Tibetan Parliament in Exile, which took place on March 14, His Holiness “has formally proposed that the necessary amendments

be made to the Charter for Tibetans in Exile, reflecting his decision to devolve his formal authority to the elected leader.” The 11th session of the 14th Tibetan Parliament in Exile was held from March 14th to March 25th in Dharamsala. Discussions are underway to decide the case of His Holiness. On March 20th, thousands of Tibetans across the world voted to elect Photo: tibet post the Prime Minister (Kalon Tripa) of the Tibetan government-in-exile, an exercise Tibet and its lack of human rights, but for in democracy. him the struggle is the same: He must fight and keep the hope that one day his Protest March country will be free and liberated of Events have also been organized in Chinese oppression. Paris, Brussels, Taiwan and New York. March 10th is an important day for More than 1,000 people took to the Lekmon because for him, “it is the duty pavement in Kathmandu, Nepal, to of every Tibetan to celebrate this day” demonstrate for the Tibetan cause. because as in all countries, the popular After the official functions at McLeod, uprisings forge the history of a country hundreds of Tibetans and supporters and may change things. took to the streets in Dharamsala. Regarding the peaceful demonstrations The protest march has been held every for Tibet organized worldwide on March year since the arrival of the Dalai Lama in 10th, he says , “ I am happy that the cause India. The walk starts at the temple, where of Tibet is heard and is reflected in the hundreds of people come after the world” even though it’s quite new to him. celebrations, and the crowd goes to It may be in thanks to the advanced Dharamsala, chanting slogans and singing. technologies like the Internet that “Free Tibet.” “People of the world, information about what is happening in support us.” “UNO wake up!” “Release Tibet is revealed to the world. the Panchen Lama.” In the 80s and 90s, few people talked A true energy emerges from the march about the case. The information was not so palpable that it could almost be touched. as well relayed as it is now. The lack of Monks, Tibetan youths, elderly people means of communication prevented and foreigners all are united for the same information from being relayed properly. cause, the same struggle, and the same hope. But for him, he says, “the fight is not The march ends in lower Dharamsala, finished. There is still much to do. Even if where the crowd gathers to listen to hope is intact, there is still much work to do.” speeches by organizers. Every year, Lekmon takes part in the Lekmon is 23 years old; he studied march. It’s important for him to be there. photography in New Delhi. He was born “Even though you’re busy, even if you in India. He does not personally know have something very important to do, you must participate in this event because it is through this kind of event that things can evolve,” he says. To the question “What did you think of His Holiness speech?” he replies, “The Tibetan people must let the Dalai Lama retire because there are reasons behind the speech of His Holiness.” He adds that the next Prime Minister will face a greater responsibility, but the Dalai Lama will always be present for all Tibetans. After the march, the crowd disperses to get back to McLeod and keep on fighting; to never give up. (source:

Copyright :Kiran Aujlay

Contact Magazine


April 2011

Holi Festival of Colors By Martina Marek Blue, pink, yellow, red, and green – Holi sprinkles in all colors. Holi is a well-known Indian festivals in the West and is described as one of their most entertaining holidays in India. Who wouldn’t enjoy smearing powdered colors on each others faces, throwing colored water on relatives, and wishing the holy cows a “Happy Holi!” while rubbing colors on their fur. On Holi, everything is allowed: There are no gender, race, or caste restrictions, social status doesn’t matter, and actions which would normally be rude, like throwing colors on strangers, are allowed. Holi is a festival to enjoy, have fun and make fun – or in other words: be a kid again! For Hindus, Holi signifies the end of winter and the beginning of spring so it is celebrated on the day preceeding the last full moon in Phalunga (the lunar month in February/March); the 20th of March this year. The day before, Holika Dahan or small Holi is celebrated. Like all Hindu festivals, there is a spiritual story behind Holi. On Holika Dahan, the escape of Prahlad is celebrated by lighting large bonfires, where images of Holika are burnt. According to the story, Prahlad, the son of Hiranyakashipu and the King of the demons was a great devotee of Lord Vishnu, who tried to stop the people from worshipping the gods. This upset his father, who tried to stop Prahlad from praying to Lord Vishnu. Despite the attempts of his father, Prahlad continued worshipping Lord Vishnu. As a result, Hiranyakashipu attempted to kill his own son but was saved by Lord Vishnu. When Hiranyakashipu tried to poison Prahlad, Vishnu turned it into nectar. When he locked his son in a room with poisonous snakes, Prahlad was able to survive. In the end, Hiranyakashipu thought of a trick. He asked his sister Holika, who was immune to fire thanks to a boon, to take Prahlad on her lap and jump with him into a fire. Hiranyakashipu assumed that Prahlad would burn to death while Holika would survive the fire. When entering the fire, Prahlad offered prayers to Lord Vishnu, who once again saved him. Holika, on the other hand, burned to death since her boon was only effective if she entered the fire alone. With songs and dancing around bonfires, the triumph of the gods is celebrated on the evening before Holi.

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While the burning of images is spiritually significant, the throwing of colors has a medicinal purpose. Due to the weather change, from winter to spring, many people are susceptible to fevers and colds. It is believed that the throwing of powder from medical herbs is beneficial to your health. Traditionally, the colors of Holi were made from kukum, neem, haldi and bilva, which are recommended by Ayurvedic doctors. The flowers of the palash and tesu trees are collected, dried, and grounded. When mixed with water, this powder creates an amazing red color with properties that are thought to be good for the skin. Nowadays, synthetic colors are often used, which unfortunately have the opposite effect and can lead to serious health problems. Lately, there has been criticism of the poor control of the materials used for Holi colors. Holi is one of the oldest Hindu festivals with written proof found in religious works from several centurys before Christ as well as in the Ratnavali, a 7th century Sanskrit drama. Additional evidence has been found in

Copyright photo: Martina Marek

Copyright:Martina Marek Putting colors in each others’ faces

old temples in Hampi, where a panel from the 16th century depicts a royal couple waiting to be drenched in colored water during Holi. The rituals and length of Holi varies all over India. A special Himachali ritual is the Kulli Holi, where people mix snow with the powdered colors to make an Ice Holi. In most regions people celebrate Holi for two days, while in the Braj region the celebrations endure for 16 days! After Holi, the colored spots on the street remain as a lasting reminder of the beginning of spring – and of course, a reminder of all the fun and joy of Holi!

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April 2011





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Mob : 98161-50326 / 8

LOCATION: Lha Office, Temple Rd, main market PHONE: 220 992 April 2011

ART & MUSIC Naam Art Gallery LOCATION: Main Road Sidhbari Dharamsala MOBILE: 9816043708 Tibet Museum LOCATION : Near the Main Temple and the Namgyal Monastery gate, McLeod Ganj HOURS: 9am-5pm, Tue-Sun Tibet Photo Exhibit: 50 Years of Struggle and Oppression LOCATION : Gu-Chu-Sum hall on Jogiwara Rd, next to the Lung-ta Japanese Restaurant HOURS: 2am-5pm on Mon, Wed and Fri Wood Carving Classes LOCATION : Zoha Art, Bhagsu Nag Rd CONTACT: Meena EMAIL: Music Classes Kailash Tribal Music School All kinds of Indian Traditional instruments WEB : LOCATION : Bhagsu Rd, near Green Shop HOURS : visiting 1-2pm, no class on Tues PHONE: 981 615 0326 EMAIL:

Vedic Astrologer LOCATION : Kunga Guest house (Nick's Italian Restaurant), Bhagsu Rd McLeod Ganj-Map #6 MOBILE : 09897339026 HOURS : Drop-in

BUDDHIST PHILOSOPHY Library of Tibetan Works & Archives LOCATION : Gangchen Kyishong, between McLeod Ganj and Lower Dharamsala HOURS : 9-10am, 11-noon and 3-4pm PHONE: 222 467 Public Audience with HH Karmapa CONTACT: Cheme Choegyal LOCATION: Sidhpur HOURS: 2.30pm, Wed and Sat PHONE: 9816315336 DETAILS : Tushita Meditation Center WEB : LOCATION: Dharamkot HOURS: 9:30-11:30am & 12:30-4pm, Mon-Sat PHONE: 221 1866 EMAIL:

Tibetan Astrology LOCATION: Bhagsu Rd, near KCC Bank PHONE: 941 810 1965 EMAIL :

Learn Tarot Card Reading Osho Zen Cards Raider and Waide Cards Reiki Reiki Level I, II, III

Lhamo’s Kitchen, Tibetan Cooking Classes LOCATION : Bhagsu Rd, near the Green Shop PHONE : 981 646 8719 HOURS: 8am-9pm N is ha ’ s Ind ia n C o o k ing C la s s LOCATION: Hotel Lotus Leaf, Jogiwara Rd HOURS: Classes from 4-6pm EMAIL : S angy e’s K it chen Tr ad it io na l T ib e t a n C o o k ing C la s s e s Recommended by Lonely planet LOCATION :Lung-ta Restaurant, below the Tashi Choeling Monastery on Jogiwara Rd HOURS:10am-12pm and 4-6pm PHONE: 981 616 4540 EMAIL :



Lha Tibetan Cooking School LOCATION : Lha Office, Temple Rd PHONE : 220 992 HOURS : Registration from 9am-11am, See pg 3. Indian Cooking Classes LOCATION : Jogiwara Rd, next to Tibetan Ashoka Guesthouse HOURS: 10am-6pm PHONE : 941 813 0119 EMAIL:

Ayuskam Health Care LOCATION: First floor Hotel Anand Place, near Bhagsu taxi stand and near Tibetan Hotel Ashoka Guest House McLeod Ganj MOBILE: 9805928923/9736211210 WEBSITE:

Ayuskam Health Care LOCATION: First floor Hotel Anand Place, near Bhagsu taxi stand and near Tibetan Hotel Ashoka Guest House McLeod Ganj MOBILE: 9805928923/9736211210 WEBSITE:

(continued on page 10)

OM YOGA CENTER TEACHER TRAINING STARTING Yoga teacher trainings starts - 1st April, 1st May, 1st june HATHA, ASHTANGA, ANJ KUNDALINI YOGA

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...the quick and easy way with an experienced teacher Beginner, intermediate and advanced Contact: Om Yoga Meditation Centre Ketan Lodge, Jogiwara Road. Tel. 9816494732

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April 2011

HEALTH SERVICES (continued from page 9) Dr. Sant Marwah Clinic LOCATION: in front of Main Temple HOURS: 9:30am-6:30pm PHONE : 221 106, 98160 21106 Kumar Ayurvedic and Panchkarma LOCATION : Hotel Surya Rd, opposite the Tourism Informations Centre PHONE : 941 824 9399 OURS: 10am-2pm and 2:30-7pm Maanav Health Clinic LOCATION : Main Square HOURS: 10am-12:30pm and 2-5pm PHONE: 941 815 5795 EMAIL : Men-Tsee-Khang LOCATION: between McLeod Ganj and Lower Dharamshala PHONE : 222 618, 223 113 EMAIL: Nature Cure Health Club LOCATION: Jogiwara Rd, next to Tibetan Ashoka Guest House-Map #10 HOURS: 9:30am-6:30pm PHONE :: 941 813 0119 EMAIL:

Tibetan Delek Hospital LOCATION: Gangchen Kyishong, between McLeod Ganj and Lower Dharamsala PHONE : 222 053, 223 381 HOURS : Outpatient services: 9am-1pm, Mon-Sat; Specialist clinics: 2-4:30pm, MonSat; Emergencies: 24 hrs, daily

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Lha Healing Oil Massage Courses & Treatment LOCATION : Lha Office, PHONE : 220 992

Temple Rd

Registration from 9am-11am, See pg 3.

Tibetan Language Class LOCATION : Lha Office, Temple Rd HOURS : Registration from 9-11am, Mon-Fri PHONE : 220 992 See ad on pg 3.

Kailash Tribal School with Yogi Sivadas WEB : LOCATI ON : Bhagsu Rd, near the Green Shop - Map #6 HOURS : visiting 1-2pm, no class on Tues PHONE: 981 615 0326 EMAIL:

Hindi Classes LOCATION : Ketan Lodge, Jogiwara Rd, beside the Korean Restaurant PHONE : 981 649 4732

Nature Cure Health Club LOCATION: Near Tibetan Ashoka,Jogiwara Rd PHONE: 941 813 0119 EMAIL:

Hindi Lessons with Kailash LOCATION: At Bhimsen’s Indian Cooking Class PHONE : 220 063, 941 816 1947 HOURS : 4-6pm, daily

Shiatsu & Swedish Massage LOCATION : Lha Office, Temple Rd PHONE : 220 992 See ad pg 3.

Hindi Lessons with Sunil LOCATION : Kunga Guesthouse, Bhagsu Rd and in Dharamkot PHONE : 221 942, 941 818 7281 EMAIL :

Synergy Ayuredic Massage Centre LOCATION : Near Tibetan Ashoka, Jogiwara Rd PHONE: 941 80 8488 EMAIL: Traditional Thai Massage LOCATION : Opposite the Govt. Tourist Information Centre, Hotel Surya Rd PHONE: 981 633 9199 EMAIL:

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Tibetan Language LOCATION : The Library HOURS: 10-11am and noon-1pm See Buddhist philosophy listing.

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Tibetan with Teacher Pema Youdon: LOCATION: Jogiwara Rd, opposite the post office HOURS: 1-4pm, or leave a message.

Primary Health Centre LOCATION : Jogiwara Rd, main market HOURS: 9:30am-4pm, Mon-Sat

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- Specialized Ayurveda doctors - Panchakarma treatments, detoxification & rejuvenation -Learn how to make Ayurveda oils & medecines - Ayurvedic massage and Panchakarma courses - Body constitution and diet according to Ayurveda - Ayurvedic Wellness Spa - Ayurvedic medicines and oils - Yoga for wellbeing Location: Ayushkama Health Care, First floor hotel Anand Palace, near Bhagsunag taxi stand or Ayushkama Ayurveda Clinic & Training Center, near Tibetan Ashoka Guest-House MacLeod Ganj-Map #7 Contact: mob : +91 98 05928923/ 9736211210 VISIT US AT : 10

April 2011

MEDITATION Esoteric Meditation Center Kailash Tribal School with Yogi Sivadas WEB : LOCATION : Bhagsu Rd, nr the Green Shop - Map #6 HOURS : visiting 1-2pm, no class on Tues PHONE: 981 615 0326 EMAIL: I am Happy Open Ashram EMAIL: LOCATION : Behind Hotel Akashdeep, Bhagsu- Map #6 & Mcleodganj HOURS: 4-5pm, Mon-Sat MOBILE : 9882868470 or 9569221047

Kailash Tribal School with Yogi Sivadas LOCATION : Bhagsu Rd, near the Green Shop - Map #6 WEB : HOURS : visiting 1-2pm, no class on Tues PHONE: 981 615 0326 EMAIL:

Universal Yoga with Vijay Recognized by Yoga Alliance WEB : LOCATION: Room #5, Yongling School Building, Jogiwara Rd - Map #15 HOURS: 9:00 -11:10am & 4:30 - 6:30Pm EMAIL :

Om Yoga, Meditation & Reiki Centre LOCATION : Ketan Lodge, behind Akash Hotel, on Jogiwara Rd - Map #17 HOURS : 8am-6pm PHONE : 980 569 3514

Nature Cure Health Club


Om Yoga, Meditation & Reiki Centre See the Yoga & Reiki section. Tushita Meditation Center WEB: LOCATION: Dharamkot HOURS: 9:30-11:30am, Mon-Sat PHONE : 221 866 EMAIL :

with Mahinder Kapoor

Rishi Yoga Centre with Yogi Shivam WEB: LOCATION: Himalyan Paradise Hotel Jogiwara Rd - Map #15 HOURS: 7-8am & 6:15-7:15pm PHONE: 981 656 5138 EMAIL :

Jogiwara Rd, next to Tibetan Ashoka Guest House- Map # 13, Mobile: 94181 30119 or 09736333888 Email:,

Siddhartha Yoga Centre with Yogi Shivam WEB: LOCATION : Upper Bagsu Nag Map #1 HOURS: 7-8am & 6:15-7:15pm PHONE: 981 656 5138 EMAIL :

Kalsang Guest House, Tipa Road, Mac Leod Gandj - Map #28

Visit us for: Swedish massage courses and treatment, Zen Shiatsu courses and treatment, reflexology treatment, SPA and Singing Bowl Treatment, steambaths, sauna and mudbaths.

MOBILE : 7417873295/9882352047

Our teacher has had experience teaching in Israel.

Shiva Yoga Shala Swami Sudhi

Vipassana Meditation WEB : LOCATION: Dharamkot HOURS: 4-5pm, Mon-Sat PHONE : 221 309 EMAIL:

12 years’ experience and recommended by the Lonely Planet



The Jungle Retreat



Drop-in Yoga Class at Lha LOCATION: Temple Road PHONE: 220992 Himalayan Iyengar Yoga Centre LOCATION: Dharamkot, on the footpath to Bhagsu - Map #5 EMAIL: WEB:

Sherabling, Upper Bhattu- 176 125 Teh. Baijnath, Distt. Kangra (H.P) Mob. 9816181358, 9616514151 email:

Tourist Information Police Contact Information LOCATION : Past St.John’s Church, on road to Dharamshala in Cantt area. PHONE: 221 483

Bus Schedule * Times and prices may vary. Please check with the bus stand ahead of departure. LEAVING FROM THE MCLEOD GANJ BUS STAND, UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED: DELHI:

Ordinary Bus: 4:45am, 6pm, 6:45pm, 8:15pm and 8:30pm Tibetan Delek Hospital (Rs330) LOCATION: Gangchen Kyishong, Semi Deluxe Bus: 6pm (Rs355) A private taxi to Lower between McLeod Ganj and AC Volvo Semi-Sleeper: 8pm (Rs1035) Lower Dharamshala Dharamsala will cost you AC TATA: 8:30pm (Rs840) HOURS: Outpatient services: 9amRs150. Cram into a jeep AMRITSAR: Ordinary Bus: 4:45am (Rs165) 1pm, Mon-Sat; Specialist clinics: (from the bus stand), and *from Dharamsala 2-4:30pm, Mon-Sat; EmergenDEHRADUN : Ordinary Bus: 9pm; AC Deluxe: 5:30pm it’ll only cost you Rs10. cies: 24-hrs, daily. MANALI: Ordinary Bus: 5:40pm, 8:40pm *from Dharamsala PHONE: 222 053,223 381 PATHANKOT: Ordinary Bus: 11am, 12:10pm, 12:30pm, 2:10pm, 3:50pm, 5pm (Rs75) SHIMLA : Ordinary Bus: 5am, 5:30am, 6am, 8am, noon and 4:55pm (Rs235) Post Office *from Dharamsala The McLeod Ganj Post Office is located on Semi Deluxe Bus: 8:22am, 7:45pm and 9:30pm (Rs???) *from Dharamsala LOCATION: Jogiwara Rd, past Peace Cafe FOR BOOKINGS: HOURS: 9:30am-1pm and 2-5pm, Mon-Fri; LOCATION : ticket stand under McLLo’s, main square 9:30am-noon, Sat. HOURS: 10am-6pm, daily PHONE: 221 924 PHONE: 221750 Parcels and money orders can be For deluxe buses, book through any travel agency. sent in the mornings only.

Contact Magazine



April 2011

Around Town: Helping Out ANIMAL


Dharamsala Dog Rescue We are in urgent need of vet volunteers, animal experts and sponsors. W e are in immediate need of sponsors for two paralysed dogs that need a home, wheelchair, monthly food and medicine. Please contact us if you see an injured/sick dog. Anything you can do is appreciated. WEB : LOCATION : Behind the District Court Complex on Chilgari St, Lower Dharamsala PHONE : 981 622 0841 EMAIL:



The Active Nonviolence Education Center (ANEC) facilitates trainings, workshops and open forum discussions on A N E C nonviolent strategies to help resolve disagreements and differences at all levls of human society. As part of our General Outreach Program, ANEC welcomes volunteers from western countries to participate in informal panel discussions on ideas and views of regional and global peace and nonviolent strategies. Free lunch and tea for volunteers. WEB : LOCATION : No. 262, 1st floor, Khajanchi Mohalla, Khunyara Rd, Lower Dharamsala PHONE : 941 809 4476, 941 898 7745 EMAIL : Learning and Ideas for Tibet (L.I.T.) is a non-profit organization that needs a range of volunteers interested in the Tibetan movement and community education. CONTACT: Lauren PHONE : 941 879 4218 L O C AT I O N : Jogiwara Rd, near the Korean Restaurant Lha Community Social Work fosters projects for the benefit and enrichment of the local community. We provide a library, English and French classes, computer training, medical assistance programmes, environmental programmes and clothing distribution to needy Tibetans and Indians, in addition to supporting construction and renovation projects. See ad pg 3. WEB : LOCATION : Temple Rd, across from State Bank of India HOURS: 9am-noon and1-5pm, Mon-Fri PHONE : 220 992 Nyingtob Ling (‘Realm of Courage’) helps support Tibetan children from disadvantaged families. The children work hard at making delightful handicrafts and paintings. They are so friendly and LOVE visitors! LOCATION: Near Norbulingka, Sidhpur PHONE : 0189 224 6366, 981 685 1841 EMAIL:

Contact Magazine

Rogpa Baby Care Centre helps low-income Tibetan families to become self sufficient by providing free child care for under 3's, so that parents can work. Can you help with art activities, games, singing, dancing and commit to a minimum of 3 weeks and lots of hard work (including diaper changing!). If you have a desire to create and maintain a fun and loving atmosphere with our children, volunteer hours are Mon-Sat, between 8.30am and 12pm or 1pm-5pm. Located nr. Nature Cure Health Clubs, no.13 on map.If you would rather volunteer in the Rogpa Shop and Cafe serving cakes and drinks, baking and meeting new people, then we also require a minimum commitment of 3 weeks.We sell fair trade products made at our Vocational Training Centre and accept donated clothes, books, etc that are also sold in the shop. We are located nr. Carpe Diem Please email us at Volunteer Tibet You’re motivated to share your time and assist organisations in the Tibetan community. Even if you’re j us t passingthrough Dharamsala, there are still many ways to donate your time & make a difference. For a full list of volunteer opportunities,both long- and short-term, please contact us: WEB : LOCATION : Jogiwara Rd, opposite Akash Guesthouse. HOURS: 9am- and 5pm, Mon-Fri PHONE : 98820 17083, 220 894 Women’s Team Volunteers required to teach Indian women computer/English skills. For more information visit or mobile 09817515123

DONATIONS Lha Donation Center Accepting donations of all kinds: clothing, sleeping bags, books, school supplies, office supplies, medical supplies, used laptops, financial assistance... Donations are clearly recorded and distributed to those in need, both Tibetan and Indian. Lha is a registered non-profit, social service organisation. See advert on pg 3. Tong-Len Donations welcomed: medical supplies, stationary, books, toys and children’s clothing. LOCATION : Top floor, Bank of Baroda opposite the art gallery Kotwali Bazar, Dharamsala PHONE : 981 608 1562, 223 930

ENVIRONMENT The Mountain Cleaners is a voluntary organization founded in April 2009 by Jodie Underhill who have successfully set up a waste management system at the popular trekking destination Triund. You can help Jodie and the Mountain


Cleaners every Monday at 9.30 am & join them up to The Clean Upper Dharamshala Project was founded in 1994 to provide a waste management system in and around McLod Ganj. The Green Workers, the Handmade Recycled Paper Factory, the Green Shop and the Environmental Education Centre are part of the Clean Upper Daramshala Project. Join us for the weekly guided tour on Wednesdays at 3 pm at the office of CUDP!

PUBLICATION Contact Magazine Submit a single piece or become a steady correspondent of this local, grassroots publication. Contact needs volunteers to write, proofread and edit copy and work on graphic design.Volunteers needed, especially those with a knowledge of Photoshop. CONTACT: Lobsang Rabsel at the Lha office, Temple Road. PHONE : 981 615 5523 EMAIL :

TUTORS & CLASS ASSISTANTS Volunteer language teachers, for both longand short-term placements, are needed for quality education in Mcleod Ganj: Gu-Chu-Sum provides support for ex-political prisoners and their families. It also organises campaigns for the release of current political prisoners. Gu-Chu-Sum School needs volunteers for its English conversation classes and tutoring sessions from 6pm onwards, Mon- Fri. LOCATION : Jogiwara Rd, downstairs Lung-ta Japanese Restaurant HOURS: 4:30-6:30pm PHONE : 220 680 EMAIL: Tibet Hope Center is a registered NGO started by two Tibetans to support the newcomers from Tibet. We run a conversation class where our students can practice their English, and we are in constant need of conversation partners. They love to ask questions about your life and exchange ideas on many topics. Think Globally, Act Locally WEB: LOCATION: Jogiwara Rd, behind Gu-Chu-Sum HOURS : 4:30-5:45pm, daily, and we even have a campfire every evening! PHONE : 981 637 3889 EMAIL : works with Indian communities liv ing in poverty toward a healthy and sustainable future. Needed urgently: volunteer primary teachers and assistants for maths, English and art, as well as nurses and health workers. CONTACT: Tashi Lhamo LOCATION : Top floor, Bank of Baroda opposite art gallery, Kotwali Bazar, Dharamsala PHONE : 981 608 1562, 223 930 EMAIL :

April 2011

Contact Magazine


April 2011

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