Contact August 2011

Page 1

Media Coverage Varies on Obama-Dalai Lama Meeting By Joe Riina-Ferrie Worldwide press coverage of the meeting this July between His Holiness the Dalai Lama and President Obama of the United States varied in tone and content, pointing to different political interests among the nations’ news agencies. The 44-minute meeting on Saturday, July 16th was closed to the press, but reporters from publications around the world still found myriad ways to write about the meeting, reflecting differing political perspectives on the relationship between Tibet, the United States and China. The Tibetan publication Phayul published an article titled “President Obama Assures the Dalai Lama of His ‘Genuine Concerns’ for Tibet,” framing the meeting as a show of support by Mr. Obama for the Dalai Lama and Tibetans. The article focused mostly on words from the White House press statement, which mentioned “the importance of the protection of the

Photo credit: White House

human rights of Tibetans in China,” as well as support for the His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s “commitment to non violence and dialogue with China.” The article, starting with the title, was

constructed as a report on Mr. Obama’s “genuine concern” for Tibet. It began with quotes from His Holiness affirming his belief in this concern, saying “naturally he is (continued on page 4)

Lha Opens Community Soup Kitchen in Mcleod Ganj By Joe Riina-Ferrie This July sixth Lha Charitable Trust (Lha) opened a new community kitchen at their Ahimsa House on Temple Road in Mcleod Ganj. The kitchen serves a hot, nutritious meal every day for a daily cost of just fifteen rupees to community members. The meal is free to those who cannot afford to pay. It is the first such kitchen in Dharamsala. The kitchen is currently serving about thirty-five community members every day, but Lha director Ngawang Rabgyal says there are plans to expand capacity as things continue to run smoothly. The kitchen was started with the aim of helping the Tibetan refugee community by providing one nutritious meal they might not otherwise be able to get. High unemployment, inflated

food prices and traditional diets that are high in salts, oils and carbohydrates are some of the factors that limit the access of the Tibetan community to healthy meals. “The soup kitchen is providing extremely affordable and well-balanced meals. Most refugees wouldn’t be eating that quality of food or drinking filtered water on their own,” Anoop Jain, a primary fundraiser on the kitchen project, said. According to the 2009 Tibetan census, forty-four per cent of the Tibetan refugee community suffers from some kind of lifestyle disease. Lifestyle diseases can often be prevented or impacted by diet and exercise. Five of the top lifestyle diseases in the Tibetan community are type II diabetes, hypertension, gastritis, liver cirrhosis, and heart disease. The kitchen aims to address some of these illnesses by providing more nutritious

meals to refugees. Lha plans for the kitchen to be a tool for health education in addition to serving healthy meals. “There is not enough

emphasis being placed on healthy eating and lifestyles, and the soup kitchen will be a good first step for getting local refugees talking about diet and health,” Jain said. (continued on page 7)


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August 2011

Lha's Mutual Learning program in 2011 The mutual learning exchange program is one of the services offered by Lha. Groups of students from different educational institutes in the USA, such as Tulane University, Loyola College, Centenary College, Lifework International, and Rustic Pathway have come to Dharamsala for the past several years to learn and share their knowledge with our Tibetan students and to explore the Tibetan and Indian culture and society. Cultural exchange groups are introduced to the Tibetan community in a variety of ways. For example, each visiting student is paired with one of Lha’s Tibetan students for mutual learning. Also, student groups will be taken to the Bir Tibetan community and the holy place of Rewalsar (Tso-pema). This year, the first group of 13 students and one professor from Centenary College were here from May 22nd to June 3rd and stayed at Lha’s Ahimsa House. While they were here, Lha organized lectures on Tibetan Buddhism, traditional medicine, and the current Tibetan situation. The students and faculty were very

Contact Magazine

satisfied with what they learned, shared, and understood during the experience. Towards the end of their stay on June 2nd, Lha arranged a farewell dinner party for the student group and their Tibetan companions at Ahimsa House. It was a great success for all of us. The most recent cultural exchange group to come through Lha’s Mutual learning exchange program had nine students and one professor from Tulane University. They stayed for 11 days. In addition to the aforementioned cultural trips and activities, this group had the


unique opportunity to attend the Tibetan Buddhism teaching by H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama on June 28th and 29th and an audience with H.H. the Karmapa. By the end of this year, a total of 7 cultural exchange groups will have visited Dharamsala through Lha’s Mutual learning exchange program. Each visiting group has been engaged in similar activities and services to those mentioned above. If you are interested in learning more about Lha’s Mutual learning exchange program, please visit culturalexchange for more information.

August 2011

(continued from page 1) showing concern about basic human values, human rights, religious freedom.” It only briefly mentioned US policy recognizing China’s rule over Tibet, and in the last paragraph noted that US officials would soon be meeting with Chinese officials. The importance given to friendly words by Mr. Obama and his Holiness the Dalai Lama by including so many positive quotes, especially at the beginning of the article, suggests that this publication was concerned less than most with the US relationship with China, and more with reporting the event as a happy meeting between the US president and the spiritual leader of Tibet. Coverage in the Chinese newspaper China Daily was much different. Shortly after the meeting they published an article titled “Anger over Obama Meeting Dalai Lama.” The article outlined the Chinese reaction to the meeting. In contrast to Phayul, even original reporting of the meeting in China Daily focused much more on the event as one concerning the relationship between the US and China, not the US and the Tibetan community. The Chinese publication’s article

inclduded numerous quotes from Chinese officials, all of whom chastised Mr. Obama and the US for agreeing to meet with His Holiness. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu characterized the meeting as having “grossly interfered in China’s internal affairs, hurt the feelings of Chinese people, and damaged Sino-US relations.” The article contained nine separate quotes and numerous other references condemning the meeting. It ended with a quote from Qu Xing, Director of the China Institute of International studies, who suggested that the meeting was a political move by Mr. Obama to get more votes and that it “exposed his fragile domestic political status.” The US publication The New York Times reported the official US statement supporting human rights for Tibetans, but also said that Mr. Obama “stressed the importance he attaches to building a U.S.-China cooperative partnership.” The article also mentioned that economic and political relations between the US and China were strained because of US struggles with the debt crisis among other factors. The article focused on the

“delicate balance” that Mr. Obama attempted to strike in both supporting Tibetan human rights and recognizing China’s rule over Tibet. International coverage tended to focus both on Mr. Obama’s support for Tibetan human rights in the meeting and the relevance of the meeting to the relationship between the US and China. Britain’s The Guardian, for example, quoted both the White House statement supporting the rights of Tibetans and the Chinese statement firmly opposing the meeting. The article, which lead by noting that the meeting took place “hours after China called on the US to rescind an invitation that could sour relations with Beijing,” closed by noting that the president had been criticized by proTibetan activists for not inviting the Dalai Lama to the White House earlier in his trip. Coverage in the Times of India was similar, although slightly more critical of China. Soon after the meeting TOI published an article titled “Obama meets with Dalai Lama; Chinese complain.” In another article, Times of India reporters mention that the Chinese State News agency had recently run an article in all of its publications praising what it characterized as a successful sixty year rule of China over Tibet. Sources: Phayul, China Daily, The New York Times, Times of India, The Guardian.

Contact Magazine


August 2011

SFT Global Movement Protests “Liberation” Anniversary By Caroline Couffinhal Tibetans and supporters gathered near Tsuglakhang temple on Wednesday, July 13th to protest the celebrations organized by the Chinese government that week in Lhasa, Tibet. The celebrations marked the 60th anniversary of the so-called “peaceful liberation” of Tibet in 1951, where tensions remain high in areas of Karzai and Ngaba since last March. 60 years ago, the People’s Liberation Army “peacefully liberated” Tibet, signing of a 17-Point Agreement on the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet with representatives of the Dalai Lama on May 23, 1951. To celebrate this anniversary, the Chinese government has published a “White Paper on Tibet’s Development,” which reaffirms its sovereignty over the region. Giving no credibility to the concept of Tibetan independence, the

paper praises the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese government for their management of the area, claiming “In 60 years was a development that would have taken a thousand years.” However, the majority of Tibetans complain of relentless repression conducted by the Chinese authorities. The organization Students for a Free Tibet (SFT) - India organized a protest march in Dharamsala. Tibetans and supporters led a march through McLeod streets, 60 participants waving black flags along the way to represent the 60 years of occupation and oppression by China over Tibet. The walk began near His Holiness’s Temple. Six people dressed entirely in black were followed by silent protesters through the streets of McLeod Ganj and ended in the courtyard of TCV Day School, where the protesters regrouped

in a row. Young children dressed in Tibetan clothing advanced to unveil a Tibetan flag hidden under the black suits of the demonstrators, symbolizing the young generation revealing to the world ‘the truth’ and ‘liberated’ Tibet. Dorjee Tseten, National Director of SFT India, then delivered a speech to reiterate the support of the community in exile for the Tibetan people inside of Tibet. “The Chinese propaganda that takes place these days in honor of the 60th anniversary of the peaceful liberation of Tibet tries in vain to legitimize the 60 years of illegal occupation of Tibet. The recent White Paper is another propaganda attempt from China,” Tseten said. Many citizens of other countries like the United States, Canada, France and Japan participated in this global day of action.

Photos by: Caroline Couffinhal

Contact Magazine


August 2011

The Tibet Games – His Holiness’s birthday celebration By LingGyeser Bhumo and Caroline Couffinhal In the last issue of Contact Magazine, we talked about the movement Lhakar, created in Tibet after the uprising in 2008. Lhakar is a movement among Tibetans and supporters to recognize and participate in Tibetan culture every Wednesday. Tibet I Care, a movement consisting of young Tibetan volunteers, organized “Tibet Games” to promote Lhakar (White Wednesday) on His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s76th birthday this sixth of July. His Holiness’s birthday fell on Wednesday, an auspicious day for the rest of the Tibetan Community as well. The sporting event included various traditional Tibetan sports like archery, tug of war, stone/sack lifting, skipping and arm wrestling. Six teams representing various NGOs working within the Tibetan community participated. “Tibet Games is a means to spread awareness and campaign for Lhakar. Lhakar is a movement, started by Tibetans in Tibet after the 2008 uprising to strengthen Tibetan identity, culture and values [that are] under threat by Chinese systematic sinicization of Tibet since its occupation in 1959,” Tenzin Dolkar, one of the key volunteers, said. “In Tibet, every Wednesday, a growing number of Tibetans are making a conscious effort to wear traditional Tibetan clothes, speak pure Tibetan, eat in Tibetan restaurants and buy from Tibetan-owned businesses as a nonviolent, non-cooperation movement to counter the sinicization and preserve distinct Tibetan culture,” Dolkar added. Speaking to the rest of the young volunteers of the group, which was comprised of an interesting mixture of high school graduates, college drop outs, college students, ex political prisoners, non-Tibetans and an aspiring trial lawyer among others, the organizers expressed that “the fun sporting event is an effort from exile to be part of the Lhakar movement and inspire young and old Tibetans and Tibet supporters to further spread and gain momentum for Lhakar, in and outside Tibet.” “Yes, I have seen archery, stone lifting and arm wrestling in Tibet. I have watched those competitions in festivals when I was young and it feels wonderful to take part in it today. I feel more Tibetan,” Jamyang, a participant in exile Contact Magazine

Photo by: Caroline Couffinhal

from Kham province, Tibet, said. Many in the Tibetan community believe that the Lhakar movement is beginning to find success in reaching its goal of rekindling and strengthening participation in Tibetan cultural activities and the Tibetan community. Lhakar pledge was undertaken by many in the audience, who committed to wear Tibetan dress (chupa), speak in pure Tibetan, listen to Tibetan songs or read Tibetan newsletters on Wednesdays.

Tibet I Care is a movement initiated by a group of young Tibetans to help one another to understand and strengthen Tibetan identity in exile, keeping in mind the challenges in trying to preserve and respect Tibetan traditional values and be a constructive member of the modern world. The Tibet Games and other events that celebrate traditional Tibetan culture are among the tools they use to pursue these goals. Sources:


Yoga and Ayurveda


July 2011

Yoga Teacher Training International Certification Meditation guided longer 10 days 3 hrs Panchakarma, Ayurvedic diet, Ayurvedic massage therapist course Meditation: 6 to 7am and 10: 30 to 11:30 am Yoga classes: 7 to 9 am and 11 to 1:30pm Limited places: Book in advance 22 years of teaching experience in India and Europe Paris, UK, Spain, Belgium, New York, Switzerland SIDDHARTHA CENTRE Siddhartha Yoga Centre is in Upper Bhagsu Nag, a 15-minute walk from Bhagsu in a location surrounded by beautiful nature, a mountain view, and a peaceful and calm environment for meditation. Contact: Shivam 9816565138 Siddhartha Yoga Centre ,Upper Bhagsu Nag , next to High Sky,


August 2011

Himachal Pradesh Monsoon Pours Less than Usual By Joe Riina-Ferrie This June and July Himachal Pradesh received 22 per cent less rain than average. Despite heavier than usual rains in June, a July with 45 per cent less than normal rainfall has made this monsoon season a relatively dry one so far. In Himachal Pradesh, the monsoon season is June to September, with the heaviest rains falling in July and August. The weather at this time dampens tourism, leaving many hotels with vacancies and prompting special deals from tourism agencies for monsoon season travel. This year, the state received only 305mm of average rains in June and July. Normal rainfall averages 392.4mm. Despite being relatively dry the monsoon has, as it always does, claimed lives this year. On July 29th alone, six people were killed in Uttar Pradesh, a state neighboring Himachal, by landslides and collapsed retaining walls. On July 21st, eight workers near Manali were killed after being swept away following a cloudburst, an extremely sudden and heavy downpouring of rain. There are serious dangers to travelers during Himachal’s monsoon season. Driving becomes perilous because of slick mountain roads, washed out bridges, and avalanches. Fatal bus and car accidents sometimes result. This year, the road from Manali to Leh was already closed on July 25th because of massive avalanches near

Photo by: Joe Riina-Ferrie

Rohtang Pass that stranded hundreds of vehicles. Trekkers and even casual hikers also face dangers from slick trails and landslides during the monsoon. Now is not the time for inexperienced hikers to attempt the most difficult trails, especially without a guide, as falling rocks can block or alter the trail or even trap hikers. Slippery rocks on the trails can lead to falls, as well. Of course, many still hike without incident during this season, but extra caution is advised. Careful travelers can find rewards in traveling during monsoon season, as the weather is relatively cool and destinations are less crowded.

While tourists are undoubtedly happy about staying dry this season, eighty per cent of the farmers in the region depend on the monsoon rains to water their crops. A heavy monsoon is good news to over ninety per cent of the residents here, who depend on agriculture for income. Sometimes referred to as “The Apple State of India,” Himachal Pradesh is famous for fruit as well as producing other grains and vegetables. If the monsoon does not produce more, crops and farmers will certainly suffer. Last year the monsoon was plentiful at 16 per cent above average. Sources:,,

Soup Kitchen Model of Good Hygiene (continued from page 1) “The soup kitchen will also be a venue where refugees can learn about illnesses, their causes, their effects.” Mr. Jain is currently working with Lha to develop an educational outreach program to accompany the kitchen. The kitchen project was started last year with the support of primary fundraising from Mr. Jain, as well as key contributions from Tsering Palden Tasham with the Verein Tibetfreunde group from Switzerland. The kitchen is now operating with continued support from St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Fayateville, Arkansas, US, where former Lha volunteers Milton and Mimi Burke introduced the project. The kitchen serves a different nutritious meal each day of the week. The menu includes healthy versions of traditional Tibetan meals, including momo and tingmo,

Contact Magazine

as well as vegetables, red beans, lentils, and other nutritious foods. “It’s good. Very tasty,” Tsultrin Sangmo, a buddhist nun and Tibetan refugee who eats at the kitchen, said. “The food is delicious and not harmful, [and the meals are] very cheap.” The kitchen is also a model for clean and hygienic cooking, as the new equipment is state of the art and all food is washed with filtered water. The kitchen is separate from the dining hall and is equipped with industrial refrigeration and stove systems, ample counter space and a multiple basin sink for washing. “People need it because they don’t have [enough] money, and we cook very good food,” head cook Dukar kyi said. “The people who come here don’t get food this healthy and don’t


cook vegetables.” Lha hopes the kitchen will serve as a model for other health and nutrition programs in the area as it continues to operate smoothly and expand its programs and impact.

Dharamsala Community Library free library service book & magazines Daily 9am to 6pm Sunday closed Near Gu Chu Sum, Jogibara Road, McLeod Ganj

August 2011

Mountain Cleaners join forces with WWF India and Tetra Pak Local voluntary organization Mountain Cleaners, which is currently preparing for a two month clean-up campaign at the upcoming Manimahesh Yatra, has been given a welcome boost in recognition of its work. Thanks to the generosity of three new sponsors Mountain Cleaners are printing a brand new set of T Shirts carrying ‘clean up’ slogans in both Hindi and English. The sponsors are WWF India, Tetra Pak, the world's leading food processing and packaging company, and the Manimahesh Trust, an organisation aiming to providing educational opportunities to underprivileged children. The group has entered into a partnership with WWF-India, which is supporting Mountain Cleaners as part of its Green Hiker campaign. Green Hiker is WWF’s initiative to encourage tourists and tour operators in the Himalayan region to opt for sustainable and responsible tourism. To promote these intentions, WWF India has joined hands with Mountain Cleaners and will be working with them at the upcoming Manimahesh Yatra. To coincide with the new

sponsorship deal, Tetra Pak collections have begun in McLeod Ganj and Bhagsu, and Mountain Cleaners are appealing to individuals, businesses, schools and NGO’s to keep hold of their juice and milk cartons so they can be collected for recycling. The discarded packaging will be transformed into construction sheets, notebooks, tissues, and gift items. “It is an honour to be associated with such great sponsors and we look forward to long lasting relationships. We

would like to thank WWF India, Tetra Pak and Manimahesh Trust for their support,” Jodie Underhill, the founder and drive behind Mountain Cleaners, said. Mountain Cleaners are recruiting volunteers on an ongoing basis for cleanup programs in Dharamsala and need volunteers for the Manimahesh Yatra campaign from 1st August to 30th September. Donations are also very welcome. For more information go to

Upcoming Events in August August 8 : The inauguration of the new chief executive of the T i b e t a n government in exile, Dr. Lobsang Sangay, will take place at 9:09:09 A.M. in a public event at the Dalai Lama’s temple in McLeod Ganj. The Dalai Lama will give an address, and Dr. Sangay will deliver a speech. Dr. Sangay is the first chief executive to be elected since the Dalai Lama’s announcement that he will relinquish all political powers. (Source: th

August 15 th : Indian Independence Day – Indian Independence Day is Contact Magazine

celebrated every August 15 th to mark India’s gaining independence from Britain in 1947. The main ceremony takes place in Delhi, where the Prime Minister will hoist a flag from the Red Fort and deliver a nationally televised address. However, there will be celebrations and flag- raisings all over India. August 24 th: Raksha Bandhan (knot of protection) is a festival observed by Hindus and Sikhs, primarily in Northern India. It is a ceremony that celebrates the bond of affection between brothers and sisters. Traditionally, brothers make a promise to their sisters to protect them and sisters pray for the protection of their brothers from all evil. This is symbolized by the tying of a Rakhi, 8

or sacred thread by a sister on her brother’s wrist. August 30th to September 1st: His Holiness the Dalai Lama will give threeday teachings on Shantideva’s A Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life (chodjug) at the request of a group of Southeast Asians. To be a part of the sponsoring group, please visit (Source:

August 2011

ART & MUSIC Naam Art Gallery LOCATION: Main Road Sidhbari Dharamsala MOBILE: 9816043708 Tibet Museum LOCATION : Near the Main Temple and the Namgyal Monastery gate, McLeod Ganj HOURS: 9am-5pm, Tue-Sun Tibet Photo Exhibit: 50 Years of Struggle and Oppression LOCATION : Gu-Chu-Sum hall on Jogiwara Rd, next to the Lung-ta Japanese Restaurant HOURS: 2am-5pm on Mon, Wed and Fri Wood Carving Classes LOCATION : Zoha Art, Bhagsu Nag Rd CONTACT: Meena EMAIL: Music Classes Kailash Tribal Music School All kinds of Indian Traditional instruments WEB : LOCATION : Bhagsu Rd, near Green Shop HOURS : visiting 1-2pm, no class on Tues PHONE: 981 615 0326 EMAIL:

Vedic Astrologer LOCATION : Kunga Guest house (Nick's Italian Restaurant), Bhagsu Rd McLeod Ganj-Map #6 MOBILE : 09897339026 HOURS : Drop-in

BUDDHIST PHILOSOPHY Library of Tibetan Works & Archives LOCATION : Gangchen Kyishong, between McLeod Ganj and Lower Dharamsala HOURS : 9-10am, 11-noon and 3-4pm PHONE: 222 467 Public Audience with HH Karmapa CONTACT: Cheme Choegyal LOCATION: Sidhpur HOURS: 2.30pm, Wed and Sat PHONE: 9816315336 DETAILS : Tushita Meditation Center WEB : LOCATION: Dharamkot HOURS: 9:30-11:30am & 12:30-4pm, Mon-Sat PHONE: 221 1866 EMAIL:

Tibetan Astrology LOCATION: Bhagsu Rd, near KCC Bank PHONE: 941 810 1965 EMAIL :

Learn Tarot Card Reading

Lhamo’s Kitchen, Tibetan Cooking Classes LOCATION : Bhagsu Rd, near the Green Shop PHONE : 981 646 8719 HOURS: 8am-9pm N is ha ’ s Ind ia n C o o k ing C la s s LOCATION: Hotel Lotus Leaf, Jogiwara Rd HOURS: Classes from 4-6pm EMAIL : S angy e’s K it chen Tr ad it io na l T ib e t a n C o o k ing C la s s e s Recommended by Lonely planet LOCATION :Lung-ta Restaurant, below the Tashi Choeling Monastery on Jogiwara Rd HOURS:10am-12pm and 4-6pm PHONE: 981 616 4540 EMAIL :



Lha Tibetan Cooking School LOCATION : Lha Office, Temple Rd PHONE : 220 992 HOURS : Registration from 9am-11am, See pg 3. Indian Cooking Classes LOCATION : Jogiwara Rd, next to Tibetan Ashoka Guesthouse HOURS: 10am-6pm PHONE : 941 813 0119 EMAIL:

Ayuskam Health Care LOCATION: First floor Hotel Anand Place, near Bhagsu taxi stand and near Tibetan Hotel Ashoka Guest House McLeod Ganj MOBILE: 9805928923/9736211210 WEBSITE:

Ayuskam Health Care LOCATION: First floor Hotel Anand Place, near Bhagsu taxi stand and near Tibetan Hotel Ashoka Guest House McLeod Ganj MOBILE: 9805928923/9736211210 WEBSITE:

(continued on page 10)


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Contact Magazine





August 2011

HEALTH SERVICES (continued from page 9) Dr. Sant Marwah Clinic LOCATION: in front of Main Temple HOURS: 9:30am-6:30pm PHONE : 221 106, 98160 21106 Kumar Ayurvedic and Panchkarma LOCATION : Hotel Surya Rd, opposite the Tourism Informations Centre PHONE : 941 824 9399 OURS: 10am-2pm and 2:30-7pm Maanav Health Clinic LOCATION : Main Square HOURS: 10am-12:30pm and 2-5pm PHONE: 941 815 5795 EMAIL : Men-Tsee-Khang LOCATION: between McLeod Ganj and Lower Dharamshala PHONE : 222 618, 223 113 EMAIL: Nature Cure Health Club LOCATION: Jogiwara Rd, next to Tibetan Ashoka Guest House-Map #10 HOURS: 9:30am-6:30pm PHONE :: 941 813 0119 EMAIL: Primary Health Centre LOCATION : Jogiwara Rd, main market HOURS: 9:30am-4pm, Mon-Sat Tibetan Delek Hospital LOCATION: Gangchen Kyishong, between McLeod Ganj and Lower Dharamsala PHONE : 222 053, 223 381 HOURS : Outpatient services: 9am-1pm, Mon-Sat; Specialist clinics: 2-4:30pm, MonSat; Emergencies: 24 hrs, daily

LANGUAGES Tibetan Language Class LOCATION : Lha Office, Temple Rd HOURS : Registration from 9-11am, Mon-Fri PHONE : 220 992 See ad on pg 3. Hindi Classes LOCATION : Ketan Lodge, Jogiwara Rd, beside the Korean Restaurant PHONE : 981 649 4732 Hindi Lessons with Kailash LOCATION: At Bhimsen’s Indian Cooking Class PHONE : 220 063, 941 816 1947 HOURS : 4-6pm, daily Hindi Lessons with Sunil LOCATION : Kunga Guesthouse, Bhagsu Rd and in Dharamkot PHONE : 221 942, 941 818 7281 EMAIL : Tibetan Language LOCATION : The Library HOURS: 10-11am and noon-1pm See Buddhist philosophy listing.

Contact Magazine

Tibetan with Teacher Pema Youdon: LOCATION: Jogiwara Rd, opposite the post office HOURS: 1-4pm, or leave a message.

MASSAGE Lha Healing Oil Massage Courses & Treatment LOCATION : Lha Office, PHONE : 220 992 HOURS :

Universal Yoga with Vijay Recognized by Yoga Alliance WEB : LOCATION: Room #5, Yongling School Building, Jogiwara Rd - Map #15 HOURS: 9:00 -11:10am & 2:00 - 4:00Pm EMAIL :


Temple Rd

Registration from 9am-11am, See pg 3.

Kailash Tribal School Taught byYogi Sivadas WEB : LOCATI ON : Bhagsu Rd, near the Green Shop - Map #6 HOURS : visiting 1-2pm, no class on Tues PHONE: 981 615 0326 EMAIL: Nature Cure Health Club LOCATION: Near Tibetan Ashoka,Jogiwara Rd PHONE: 941 813 0119 EMAIL: Shiatsu & Swedish Massage LOCATION : Lha Office, Temple Rd PHONE : 220 992 See ad pg 3. Synergy Ayuredic Massage Centre LOCATION : Near Tibetan Ashoka, Jogiwara Rd PHONE: 941 80 8488 EMAIL: Traditional Thai Massage LOCATION : Opposite the Govt. Tourist Information Centre, Hotel Surya Rd PHONE: 981 633 9199 EMAIL:

YOGA & REIKI Himalayan Iyengar Yoga Centre LOCATION: Dharamkot, on the footpath to Bhagsu - Map #5 EMAIL: WEB: Kailash Tribal School, RYS 200 & RYS 500 YTTC (Yoga Alliance USA Recognized) LOCATION : Bhagsu Rd, near the Green Shop WEB : HOURS : visiting 1-30 pm, Closed on Tuesday PHONE: 981 615 0326 EMAIL:

Kailash Tribal Meditation School Taught by Yogi Sivadas WEB : LOCATION : Bhagsu Rd, nr the Green Shop - Map #6 HOURS : visiting 1-2pm, no class on Tues PHONE: 981 615 0326 EMAIL: I am Happy Open Ashram EMAIL: LOCATION : Behind Hotel Akashdeep, Bhagsu- Map #6 & Mcleodganj HOURS: 4-5pm, Mon-Sat MOBILE : 9882868470 or 9569221047 WEB:

Om Yoga, Meditation & Reiki Centre See the Yoga & Reiki section. Tushita Meditation Center WEB: LOCATION: Dharamkot HOURS: 9:30-11:30am, Mon-Sat PHONE : 221 866 EMAIL : Vipassana Meditation WEB : LOCATION: Dharamkot HOURS: 4-5pm, Mon-Sat PHONE : 221 309 EMAIL:

Tour guide service by nuns Tibetan Nuns Project’s branch office based in McLeod Ganj provides you with tour guide services around Dharamsala – including nunneries. For full details, please contact us at: Tibetan Nuns Project, c/o Dolma Ling Nunnery P.O. Sidhpur – 176057, Dist. Kangra, H.P (INDIA) Email – Contact no – 1892 246413/246419 Mobile no – 94180 34641

Om Yoga, Meditation & Reiki Centre LOCATION : Ketan Lodge, behind Akash Hotel, on Jogiwara Rd - Map #17 HOURS : 8am-6pm PHONE : 980 569 3514 Rishi Yoga Centre with Yogi Shivam WEB: LOCATION: Himalyan Paradise Hotel Jogiwara Rd - Map #15 HOURS: 7-8am & 6:15-7:15pm PHONE: 981 656 5138 EMAIL : Siddhartha Yoga Centre with Yogi Shivam WEB: LOCATION : Upper Bagsu Nag Map #1 HOURS: 7-8am & 6:15-7:15pm PHONE: 981 656 5138 EMAIL :


August 2011

Traditional Tibetan Soft Dolls

- Map #3

For play or decoration! Individually handcrafted and filled with pure, local sheep wool. Tamana Shop, Jogiwara Rd, or visit our workshop. Contact: 981 637 4389

Nature Cure Health Club with Mahinder Kapoor Jogiwara Rd, next to Tibetan Ashoka Guest House - Map # 13, Mobile: 94181 30119 or 09736333888 Email:,

GOING TOAMRITSAR? Come see us at Tourist Guest House British colonial mansion turned into beautiful guest ho use that tourists have been flocking to for a taste of the Raj life style. We have I nternet connection at Rs 1/min.

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Our teacher has had experience teaching in Israel.

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Tourist Information Police Contact Information

Bus Schedule


Past St.John’s Church, on road to Dharamshala in Cantt area. PHONE: 221 483

* Times and prices may vary. Please check with the bus stand ahead of departure.

Tibetan Delek Hospital


Ordinary Bus: 4:45am, 6pm, 6:45pm, 8:15pm and 8:30pm (Rs330) Semi Deluxe Bus: 6pm (Rs355) AC Volvo Semi-Sleeper: 8pm (Rs1035) AC TATA: 8:30pm (Rs840)


Ordinary Bus: 4:45am (Rs165) *from Dharamsala


Ordinary Bus: 9pm; AC Deluxe: 5:30pm

Ordinary Bus: 11am, 12:10pm, 12:30pm, 2:10pm, 3:50pm, 5pm (Rs75)

Ordinary Bus: 5am, 5:30am, 6am, 8am, noon and 4:55pm (Rs235) *from Dharamsala Semi Deluxe Bus: 8:22am, 7:45pm and 9:30pm (Rs???) *from Dharamsala

The McLeod Ganj Post Office is located on LOCATION: Jogiwara Rd, past Peace Cafe HOURS: 9:30am-1pm and 2-5pm, Mon-Fri; 9:30am-noon, Sat. PHONE: 221 924 Parcels and money orders can be sent in the mornings only.


FOR BOOKINGS: LOCATION : ticket stand under McLLo’s, main square HOURS: 10am-6pm, daily PHONE: 221750 For deluxe buses, book through any travel agency.

Contact Magazine

Gangchen Kyishong, between McLeod Ganj and Lower Dharamshala HOURS: Outpatient services: 9am-1pm, MonSat; Specialist clinics: 2-4:30pm, Mon-Sat; Emergencies: 24-hrs, daily. PHONE: 222 053,223 381

Post Office

Ordinary Bus: 5:40pm, 8:40pm *from Dharamsala




A private taxi to Lower Dharamsala will cost you Rs 160. Cram into a jeep (from the bus stand), and it’ll only cost you Rs10.


August 2011

Around Town: Helping Out ANIMAL


Dharamsala Dog Rescue We are in urgent need of vet volunteers, animal experts and sponsors. W e are in immediate need of sponsors for two paralysed dogs that need a home, wheelchair, monthly food and medicine. Please contact us if you see an injured/sick dog. Anything you can do is appreciated. WEB : LOCATION : Behind the District Court Complex on Chilgari St, Lower Dharamsala PHONE : 981 622 0841 EMAIL:



The Active Nonviolence Education Center (ANEC) facilitates trainings, workshops and open forum discussions on A N E C nonviolent strategies to help resolve disagreements and differences at all levls of human society. As part of our General Outreach Program, ANEC welcomes volunteers from western countries to participate in informal panel discussions on ideas and views of regional and global peace and nonviolent strategies. Free lunch and tea for volunteers. WEB : LOCATION : No. 262, 1st floor, Khajanchi Mohalla, Khunyara Rd, Lower Dharamsala PHONE : 941 809 4476, 941 898 7745 EMAIL : Learning and Ideas for Tibet (L.I.T.) is a non-profit organization that needs a range of volunteers interested in the Tibetan movement and community education. CONTACT: Lauren PHONE : 941 879 4218 L O C AT I O N : Jogiwara Rd, near the Korean Restaurant Lha Community Social Work fosters projects for the benefit and enrichment of the local community. We provide a library, English and French classes, computer training, medical assistance programmes, environmental programmes and clothing distribution to needy Tibetans and Indians, in addition to supporting construction and renovation projects. See ad pg 3. WEB : LOCATION : Temple Rd, across from State Bank of India HOURS: 9am-noon and1-5pm, Mon-Fri PHONE : 220 992 Nyingtob Ling (‘Realm of Courage’) helps support Tibetan children from disadvantaged families. The children work hard at making delightful handicrafts and paintings. They are so friendly and LOVE visitors! LOCATION: Near Norbulingka, Sidhpur PHONE : 0189 224 6366, 981 685 1841 EMAIL:

Contact Magazine

Rogpa Baby Care Centre We help low income Tibetan families to become self-sufficient by providing free child care for infants so their parents can work. Can you help with art, games, singing and lots of hard work? (including diaper changing!) If you can create and maintain a fun and loving atmosphere with our children, hours are Mon-Sat, either 8.30am-12pm or 1pm-5pm (located near no.13 on map) Rogpa Shop and Cafe Help serve drinks and cakes, plus sell our fairly traded products. We accept donated clothes & books (located near no.14 on map) Min. commitment for both jobs is 3 weeks Please contact us directly or by email Volunteer Tibet You’re motivated to share your time and assist organisations in the Tibetan community. Even if you’re j us t passingthrough Dharamsala, there are still many ways to donate your time & make a difference. For a full list of volunteer opportunities,both long- and short-term, please contact us: WEB : LOCATION : Jogiwara Rd, opposite Akash Guesthouse. HOURS: 9am- and 5pm, Mon-Fri PHONE : 98820 17083, 220 894 Women’s Team Volunteers required to teach Indian women computer/English skills. For more information visit or mobile 09817515123

Cleaners every Monday at 9.30 am & join them up to The Clean Upper Dharamshala Project was founded in 1994 to provide a waste management system in and around McLod Ganj. The Green Workers, the Handmade Recycled Paper Factory, the Green Shop and the Environmental Education Centre are part of the Clean Upper Daramshala Project. Join us for the weekly guided tour on Wednesdays at 3 pm at the office of CUDP!

PUBLICATION Contact Magazine Submit a single piece or become a steady correspondent of this local, grassroots publication. Contact needs volunteers to write, proofread and edit copy and work on graphic design.Volunteers needed, especially those with a knowledge of Photoshop. CONTACT: Lobsang Rabsel at the Lha office, Temple Road. PHONE : 981 615 5523 EMAIL :

TUTORS & CLASS ASSISTANTS Volunteer language teachers, for both longand short-term placements, are needed for quality education in Mcleod Ganj: Gu-Chu-Sum provides support for ex-political prisoners and their families. It also organises campaigns for the release of current political prisoners. Gu-Chu-Sum School needs volunteers for its English conversation classes and tutoring sessions from 6pm onwards, Mon- Fri. LOCATION : Jogiwara Rd, downstairs Lung-ta Japanese Restaurant HOURS: 4:30-6:30pm PHONE : 220 680 EMAIL:

DONATIONS Lha Donation Center Accepting donations of all kinds: clothing, sleeping bags, books, school supplies, office supplies, medical supplies, used laptops, financial assistance... Donations are clearly recorded and distributed to those in need, both Tibetan and Indian. Lha is a registered non-profit, social service organisation. See advert on pg 3. Tong-Len Donations welcomed: medical supplies, stationary, books, toys and children’s clothing. LOCATION : Top floor, Bank of Baroda opposite the art gallery Kotwali Bazar, Dharamsala PHONE : 981 608 1562, 223 930

ENVIRONMENT The Mountain Cleaners is a voluntary organization founded in April 2009 by Jodie Underhill who have successfully set up a waste management system at the popular trekking destination Triund. You can help Jodie and the Mountain


Tibet Hope Center is a registered NGO started by two Tibetans to support the newcomers from Tibet. We run a conversation class where our students can practice their English, and we are in constant need of conversation partners. They love to ask questions about your life and exchange ideas on many topics. Think Globally, Act Locally WEB: LOCATION: Jogiwara Rd, behind Gu-Chu-Sum HOURS : 4:30-5:45pm, daily, and we even have a campfire every evening! PHONE : 981 637 3889 EMAIL : works with Indian communities liv ing in poverty toward a healthy and sustainable future. Needed urgently: volunteer primary teachers and assistants for maths, English and art, as well as nurses and health workers. CONTACT: Tashi Lhamo LOCATION : Top floor, Bank of Baroda opposite art gallery, Kotwali Bazar, Dharamsala PHONE : 981 608 1562, 223 930 EMAIL :

August 2011

Contact Magazine


August 2011

Contact Magazine


August 2011

Contact Magazine


August 2011

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