10 Must Verify Checklist Before You Choose An Affiliate Program

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10 Must Verify Checklist Before You Choose An Affiliate Program (You are free to distribute or share this report without making any changes) 1

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Introduction Affiliate program can be very simple and rewarding when done right. But most people struggle because don’t verify the key critical areas before they start off … and LOSE the game even before it is played. The truth is, it is easy to make money as an affiliate. Here are 10 must-follow affiliate marketing checklist can help you make an apt decision so that you don’t get your fingers burned!

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1. Good Payouts – A nice commission is a must! For e.g. Amazon.com

payout structure ranges between 4% and 6% for each sale. Many digital product companies pay 50% or even more on each purchase. Some other companies pay for a visitor or for a click. Some other for pay for leads and/or purchases. 2. Cookie Placement – It’s the cookies that play the role of a

messenger to a company to assign sales credit to you. The cookies can last from a few days to a lifetime. For e.g. a company can set their cookies at 60 days and if your visitor purchase within that period you get the commission. If they buy after 60 days, you don’t get the commission. 3. Sales Page Conversions - Does the company sales page h a v e t h e

p o w e r t o a c t u a l l y convert the prospects you send into solid customers? Is the sales page effective and converting? Be sure that you are sending visitors to a top converting sales page in place. 4. Verify The Earnings Per Click [EPC] – EPC determine the average

s a l e s generated f r o m 100 visitors. This information is important. For e.g. take the case of two similar products that you're considering as an affiliate. “Product X” may get you one sale for every 100 clicks whereas “Product Y” may get you 10 sales for every 100 clicks. EPC gives you a clear idea on conversion rates and where your real income is. 5. Affiliate Support & Tools – A good affiliate program will have a well-

stocked affiliate vault with tons of content and tools to market products professionally. While some others may give you just an affiliate link and nothing more. 6.

Affiliate Statistics Page – Do they offer comprehensive affiliate statistics that lays out your number of click-throughs, sales and the amount earned?

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7. Company Reputation – Do a background check on the company. If

possible, try out the products yourself before you promote them. A solid reputation w ill re flec t positive ly on yo ur bus iness too a pa rt from saving you fro m fu ture p rob le ms . 8. Payment Practices – Again, this is very important. You must know how

and when the company pays you. Is it quarterly, monthly, biweekly or instant? D o t h e y p a y b y c h e c k , b a n k t r a n s f e r o r t h r o u g h PayPal? Is there a minimum sales requirement before they pay you? For e.g. a minimum commission of b a l a n c e $50. 9. Your Own Current Promotion Capabilities – Come on! You need to

be very realistic here. How are you going to promote the product? Some products are e a s y t o p r o m o t e a s t h e y easily fit into your existing content. Others may b e e n t i r e l y d i f f e r e n t a n d y o u may have to create fresh content to promote them. 10. Backend/and Or Renewal Commissions – Do you get paid when your

referral buys a 2nd or 3rd product in the funnel? Do you get renewal commissions on software/membership site renewals? Keep this checklist handy! These tips will help you make an informed choice before you join any affiliate program. Go through these 10 verification steps before you join an affiliate program in earnest. Make sure that the program qualifies by using the 10 criteria above. If they do, go ahead with all your heart!! You’ll not only be making money but will also be helping others get what they want in life.

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You can also move into the fast track and jumpstart yourself on affiliate marketing with a free option from "AffiloRama"! Their free area is stuffed with a large pool of tips videos and written material - step-by-step guides ideal for newbies. You may also use the 27 Best Free Marketing Tools for affiliates to further promote the affiliate programs you are promoting. Here is one more good article on things to keep in mind when choosing an affiliate program.

Thank you so much for being with me, Success to you S. Kumar


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