Email Riches Profits Re-Defined

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Table of Contents

The Known Blunders To Avoid ................................................................................ 3 10 E-Mail Marketing Mistakes To Stay Clear From ................................. 3 How To Grab The Readers Immediate Attention......................................... 6 What’s Your Selling Pitch? ................................................................................ 6 The Anatomy Of An E-mail Message – Dissected! ...................................... 8 E-Mail Subject Line .................................................................................................. 9 5 Effective Subject Line Types............................................................................ 9 Benefit Subject Lnes ........................................................................................... 9 Problem Subject Lines........................................................................................ 9 Question Subject Lines .................................................................................... 10 Guarantee Subject Lines ................................................................................. 10 Offer Subject Lines ............................................................................................ 11 Super Effective E-mail Message Body............................................................ 11 The Anatomy of A “Call To Action” Statement ........................................... 13 The Best Way To Write Articles For Your E-Mail Campaign............... 15 Bedroom Marketing Tips – Special Article................................................ 21 Eight Sure-Fire Wayss For Building Trust................................................. 26 How To Create An E-Mail Copy That Works Every Time............................. 27 How To Write A Headline ................................................................................ 28 The 3 Tasks Of A Responsive Headline ..................................................... 28 “Earn a good second income by reading this free article”................. 30 Advanced Suject Line Secrets ....................................................................... 31

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The Known Blunders Usually Made And To Avoid “There’s a lot of money to be made with properly crafted and correctly executed e-mail marketing.” Note The Two key words in that statement: properly crafted and correctly executed. More than your good intentions, what matter is how butt-kicking good is your damn offer! If you flout the basic rules of e-mail marketing, you are heading for a straight disaster even before you start. Here’s a 10-point checklist to follow. This applies to ALL of your email campaigns in any niche if you aim to boost your revenue.

10 E-Mail Marketing Mistakes To Stay Clear From 1. Always Follow CAN-SPAM Rules: The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 was put in place by the US Congress and should be followed when you use e-mail for commercial marketing purposes. The FTC holds the responsibility of enforcing the CAN-SPAM Act. Read the entire Act at the FTC’s web site and get accustomed to it. 2. Always Test Your E-Mail Message Before Sending It: Different browsers and e-mail clients display e-mails in different ways. So it becomes important to test messages before sending them with the commonly used browsers and e-mail clients. This ensures that readers see what you intended them to see in their email client. does will show you how your email looks in 34 different inboxes for free, and you don’t have to sign up to see the results. Brought To You By


3. Always Use A SPAM Checker Before Your e-mail is send: Most ISPs and web mails use SPAM-blocking software. So, it’s important to see where your e-mail stands with these spam filters who decide whether your reader will ever receive your emails or not. A variety of SPAM checkers are available. Run a search on Google using the term “Check Spam Score Onlne” for a list of them. Here are three free online spam tools to test your email for spam content.,, 4. Always Take Into Account The “Preview Pane” Of The Reader: Most people’s e-mail clients are configured to display all new e-mail messages in a preview pain where the reader can preview the email before opening it. Essentially, that means your e-mail gets a chance of about 1 second before the prospect decides to open it or delete it. So make sure that the e-mail has good enticing content in the first paragraph that shows up in the preview pane for it to get opened. 5. Always Use Enough White Space: Too much words in a paragraph or too long sentences and long messages will only make your readers skim through it before they decide to hit the delete key. Keep your e-mail messages short and to the point. Do not use more than 3 short sentences in each paragraph. For e.g. see the sentences in this eBook. I have used short sentences and short paragraphs with no “fluff.” 6. Always Test All The Embedded Links: It’s a marketing horror to discover that the valuable link in your email leading to your sales page was wrong once the e-mail campaign is send out! Brought To You By


Be absolutely sure that your links are tested, tested and then tested again before you mail out. 7. Always Provide Prospects With Many Ways To Contact You: An e-mail may not be the only the best way to communicate. Some prospects may want to call you by phone before they buy. A toll-free telephone number will be enough as there are many places that provide virtual toll-free numbers for dirt cheap. For Include them to connect to your home or mobile phone. Or, can stored on a voice mail and return calls at you convenience. The other advantage is that a toll-free number in your e-mail messages will raise your credibility quite a few notches up in a skeptical prospect’s mind. 8. Always Check Your Bounce Rate: Some of your e-mails may bounce and you should know why they are bouncing. This can help you keep your mailing list clean and responsive. 9. Always Keep Your Link-Pages Active In The E-mail For Longer Time: Some people may take a few days to read your e-mail. For e.g. someone who was ill or was on a vacation. If you take your landing page down too soon or you delete any associated graphics in the email, you may lose sales. If it was a time-sensitive offer, keep the page active for about two weeks or more after the campaign ends. Just replace the content stating that you are sorry they missed the offer but keep checking their mail for new ones.

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This will keep you from alienating or confusing your customer. It also allows you to reinforce to your customers that your time limits are real. They’ll respond quicker next time. 10.

Always Take Time To Proofread: It’s very unprofessional to

send out an e-mail that’s full of spelling and grammar mistakes. You’ll be immediately branded as an unprofessional person and will get lesser response. Do not fool yourself to thinking that you can ignore these 10 basic tips and just blow out an e-mail campaign just like that. If you do, your sales ratio is destined to come down drastically.

How To Grab The Readers Immediate Attention What’s Your Selling Pitch? What are you really selling?

If your answer is a product name or a service description, you’re JUST half right. Agreed, you are selling a product, but that’s not what the e-mail should be promoting! It’s very unlikely that you’ll make a sale directly from your e-mail. Most marketers know this truth. And they craft their e-mail messages to strike directly at the heart of the reader within the message description. E-Mail should aim at striking one of the psychological triggers that will get the reader interested in your offer and click over to your landing/sales page where the real selling is takes place. So, the right answer to the question “What are you selling?” is: “I’m selling emotion.”

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There are certain “pain psychological triggers” that make people want to open their wallets and buy. You should know which of these “pains” your product or service targets in order for your e-mail to get clicks. There are over 50 psychological “pains” that people respond to. These 50 triggers are all a variation of these six fundamental ones: Greed or Desire For Personal Gain Love or Affection Self-Indulgence Self-Preservation or Survival Pride Sense of Duty/ Honur Whatever product or service is on offer; one of these basic psychological triggers covers them. Let’s look at each one more closely: Greed or Desire For Personal Gain: Meant for products or services that are designed to help the reader make money, save money, plan for retirement, etc. Love Or Affection: Caters to products or services that improves the reader’s sex life or love life. Self-Indulgence: Apt to use when selling high-ticket luxury items, vacations, comfort foods, etc. Self-Preservation or Survival: Perfect trigger to use with health, senior citizen-focused products, family protection devices apart from the obvious choices such as self-defense products and services, guns and ammo, etc. Pride: Pride trigger is a very strong one that can also be combined with the “greed trigger” for a double effect. Works best with highticket luxury items where exclusivity” is featured. You can use it on Brought To You By


any type of the “Be the first one in your group to own…” or “Everyone will be impressed when they see…” statements. Sense of Duty or Honor: This trigger motivates the reader to “do the right thing” just because it IS the right. Especially useful when soliciting donations, any self-improvement, investments, or anything else where NOT doing “this is” harmful to self, loved ones or society as a whole. For e.g. “Don’t your children deserve to live in a smoke-free home?” Once your selection of the correct trigger/triggers is over, let’s move on to writing the actual e-mail that gets the highest clicks! – The anatomy of an email message.

The Anatomy Of An E-mail Message- Dissected! An e-mail message essentially contains three separate parts: 1. Email Subject Line 2. Message Body 3. Call To Action Remember, you need to get all three squarely on the head if you want to make sales. No point in getting two correct and leaving the other one faulty. As you know, the real job of the email is to simply get the people to the point where they click on the link (“Call to Action”) that takes them to your landing page. An in-depth look at each of the three essential components of an e-mail will make things more clear to you.

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1. E-Mail Subject Line: The goal is pretty clear here. Just get the reader to open the email. It’s just that one sentence that will usher the reader to your main message. Research reveals that 80% of your subscribers will trust ONLY the subject line before deciding whether to open the email or not. That means you’ll lose 8 out of 10 prospects if your subject line doesn’t “grab attention”. Before you even begin your subject headline, here are the 5 subject line types that will help you identify and arrive what will work best with your offer.

5 Effective Email Subject Line Types

1. Benefit Subject Lines: What is the benefit to your reader with the product that you are offering? The Benefit Subject Line clearly shows the reader what’s the ultimate benefit of reading your e-mail. Avoid using hype, buzz words, ALL CAPS, or lots of exclamations!!!!! None of these stupid tricks work. You’ll only end up pissing your reader off. Example - Benefit Subject Lines: 

Save 50% on most printer supplies

You can lose 10 pound in 10 days

“Erase” Wrinkles Instantly

2. Problem Subject Lines: Problem Subject Lines conveys an “assumed” benefit. You simply ask a pointed question and leave the reader to conclude that the answer to your question can be found in the e-mail message.

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No beating around the bush with Problem Subject Lines. The reader has a “pain” and you have the cure! All you’ve got to do is to pock your finger right in the midst of that pain and give your finger a good twist. You’ll be rewarded with more sales as a result.

Example - Problem Subject Lines: 

Embarrassed By Age Lines?

Is Your Vocabulary Holding You Back?

Does Sexual Intimacy Embarrass You?

3. Question Subject Lines: Question Subject Lines should make the reader dream or say “aaahh.” The design here is to get a “Yes” answer if it is a good thing and a “No” answer for a bad thing. Example - Question Subject Lines: 

Would you like more money on your paycheck?

Want to retire in 2 years?

Need An Affordable Vacation?

4. Guarantee Subject Lines: Guarantee Subject Lines are meant to conclusively remove any doubt from the reader’s mind about what you are offering and is a sure-fire cure for what ails him or her.

Note: Make sure the product really comes with a guarantee that matches what you promised in the e-mail. Example - Guarantee Subject Lines: 

Stop Smoking – Guaranteed

Guaranteed Mortgages

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5. Offer Subject Lines: This is designed to force the reader to take action right now or miss out on a limited-time offer or a special opportunity. If you make sure your offer is a strong one, you will increase your chances of getting a good response. Example - Offer Subject Lines: 

Free Shipping Today Only

Buy One DVD get One Free

Free Upgrade To Deluxe Cabin If You Book By Tomorrow

Next time you draft your e-mail subject line, remember these 5 e-mail subject line types and bring in more “sizzle” to your e-mail. You may also test your subject line with this free subject line testing tool. Let’s move on to the next important part. An e-mail message copy that brings in the maximum click through to your landing page!

Super Effective E-Mail Message Body This is where you build upon the emotions that you highlighted in the subject line. Wherever possible, begin your message copy by repeating the exact headline right at the top of your message. This reinforces your Subject Line and reminds people why they are reading your e-mail. Prune down your message body from too much of hype and text to the bare minimum. Recall that the real job of your message body is to lead the reader gently to your landing page - the place where your actual selling takes place. Brought To You By


An over packed message will only help in losing the reader’s much wanted attention and you end up in lost sales. Here is a terrific example of a headline and message body that is short and to the point; Read it twice before moving on… ===== Email Subject Line & The Body Message - Begins ===== Subject: “Erase” Wrinkles Instantly Message Body: “Erase” Wrinkles Instantly Clinically tested and Dermatologist approved, Wrinkle Eraser is a cosmetic product that instantly removes the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes, mouth and forehead. Discover why over 3,000 women swear by Wrinkle Eraser and why they swear AT other products. ===== Email Subject Line & The Body Message - Ends ===== You’ll notice that 4 things transpired in the above example contains, 1. A catchy subject line to open the email 2. Established the product’s credibility right in the beginning of the message. The readers are informed that the product is in a clinical setting and that Dermatologists have approved the product. 3. Next, the reader is impressed to learn more about the product by informing them that over 3,000 women already are using it.

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4. Finally, we imply that readers will learn the reasons why these women were not happy with the other products before they tried this one. Hold on! Still email is not fully complete! We have covered only 2/3 of the e-mail written. The first is the Subject Line. The second is the message body. The 3rd Part is - “call to action”. The part that gets you clicks and realizes your e-mail goal.

The Anatomy of A “Call To Action” Statement “Call to Action” is to meant to make your readers do exactly what you want them to do. Never assume that they already know what to do and they will decide to visit your web site all on their own. Your “Call to Action” does that and gets those orders! It takes the reader by the hand and leads them to where you want them to go. You can also increase the click rate by combining your Call to Action with a free offer. This gets a better response as the pressure is off from the reader as you’re NOT asking the reader to buy something! It’s something free. So here the 3rd part, the missing part, the “call to action”, which can work with the above email example: “Visit right now and get your FREE 30-day trial supply”

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Now, that ALL three parts are written and in place. Take a look at the e-mail letter in its entirety again. Read it twice to get it all sink inside you. ==== Begin: Email Subject Line, The Body & The Call To Action ==== Subject: “Erase” Wrinkles Instantly Message Body: “Erase” Wrinkles Instantly Clinically tested and Dermatologist approved, Wrinkle Eraser is a cosmetic product that instantly removes the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes, mouth and forehead. Discover why over 3,000 women swear by Wrinkle Eraser and why they swear AT other products. Visit right now and get your FREE 30-day trial supply. ==== End: Email Subject Line, The Body & The Call To Action ==== Did you observe something important in the above email? The entire e-mail letter’s goal is met in just 55 words! It simply proves that a long sales letter is NOT needed to get a favorable response. The reader does not feel “forced” at all here. The best way you can end up with a good e-mail is to be short and to-the-point. Do not make your e-mail message to no more than 100 words. Remember – less is better! Brought To You By


The Best Way To Write Articles For Your E-Mail Campaign

The Best Way To Write Articles For Your e-mail Campaign

Writing articles instead of sales copy and send them as a newsletter is a SUPERB way to get good results. You can double the benefit by using these same articles on your blog. Or can even triple the benefit posting them to free public article directories, Facebook notes, FB Fanpage etc An article with a “subtle soft sell approach” is a fine way to grab attention. Instead of trying for a direct order from the article, you present your readers with concise, clear and to the point information. Then, your request the reader to visit your web site for detailed information from your “Author Bio Section”. A good article too has the same basic set up of an e-mail message. It has a good headline, well-written body copy and a call to action. Except the word count can run up to 500 words without causing the reader to lose interest. A friend of mine makes a handsome amount as a freelance Press Release writer. Her strategy is to takes advantage of people’s lack of knowledge about how to write Press Releases. She creates relevant and informative articles and distributes it around and makes big “moolah” out of it.

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Her super strategy is, Not fully discloses the techniques that she uses when she writes Press Releases but give enough to raise the curiosity. Her goal is not to actually teach someone how to do it. She writes to establish herself as an expert Press Release writer so people who read her articles will hire her. Two easy ways and she get outstanding results in the form of paying clients! Here is an article that she has written exclusively for us to use in this book. Once you finish reading it, you’ll know some of her hidden concepts that get the ball rolling for her. You too can incorporate these hidden techniques to drive more traffic to your web site. Observe that she does NO selling in the article. The call to action is neatly presented in the “About The Author section”. That’s a clever way to get articles distributed without having them appear to be sales materials.

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=============== Article Begins ===============

How to Hire a Press Release Financial Writer What to look for in a Press Release Financial Writer. If you want to attract media attention to your quarterly or annual financial reports, and drive new investors to your company as a result, you are a perfect candidate for hiring a Press Release Financial Writer. Because you want your Press Release to stand out and be accepted by the media, it is important that you hire a Press Release Financial Writer who has a great deal of experience at getting financial Press Releases published. Here are the Top 6 Things To Do When You Hire A Press Release Financial Writer: 

Ask the Press Release Financial Writer to show you actual copies of previously written Press Releases.

Go to Google and enter a randomly chosen paragraph from each release and see how well distributed the PR actually was. It should show up on multiple news sites and possibly other types of web sites including article directories.

Ask the Press Release Financial Writer how long it will take to complete the project for you.

Ask the Press Release Financial Writer how much the PR will cost and how many revisions are included in the price.

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Determine if the Press Release Financial Writer will also distribute your Press Release and how much you will be charged for that additional service.

Ask the Ask the Press Release Financial Writer to tell you specifically which of the various Press Release Distribution Services she will use to distribute your Press Release.

A poorly written Press Release or one that is not distributed to targeted media outlets that are interested in your announcement will not give you the results you are hoping for. In fact, one mistake could end up hurting your reputation with the Press and that may cause them to ignore any future Press Releases from your company. That’s why it is so important to choose the correct Press Release Financial Writer the first time. *** About The Author Lisa G. is a freelance author and operates a Press Release Financial Writer business. You can view her portfolio at Choose the Press Release category from the main menu. =============== Article Ends ==================

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OK, on a closer look at Lisa’s article, you’ll see these hidden patterns emerging from behind: It Starts With A Strong Headline: How to Hire a Press Release Financial Writer. Starting with “How To” Subject Lines are always found to be very effective. The Article Is Short & To The Point: The message contains just 325 words written with short sentences, small paragraphs and bullet points. The “white space” thus created doesn’t scare the reader into feeling that the article is too long to bother reading. The Article Is NOT A Sales Pitch: In fact, the “subliminal selling” she does is in the “About the Author” section where she identifies herself as an expert. The “call to action” just invites the reader to visit her online portfolio. Article writing is a great way to promote your product or service. But there is a little hidden secret in Lisa’s article. If you go through the article you’ll see that Lisa uses the phrase “Press Release Financial Writer” frequently. In fact, she uses it 11 times. Ten times in the article and once in the About the Author section. There are 325 words in the article, and 32 in the author section, for a total of 357 words. This means that the phrase Press Release Financial Writer accounts for 3% of the words in that article. Those numbers are very important for the overall success of the article!

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As I mentioned earlier, an article can do triple-duty for you by posting them to your own blog and other article directory sites in addition to the email message. As you probably know all of the other major search engines including Google work by indexing key words and then displays matching web pages when users search for those key words. Now, when Lisa did her key words research, she noted that the phrase Press Release Financial Writer had a high demand and a low supply. There are many users searching under that term and but not many web sites are using that term on their pages. She used a simple Search Engine Optimization (SEO) formula whose rules state that a key word phrase should appear in about 3% of the copy. And that’s what she did. This means, there’s a fairly good chance that people who searched on the phrase Press Release Financial Writer would find and read her article and some of them would go on to visit her portfolio. And some people may end up as her clients for her to write a Press Release. Of course, the same chain reaction would happen if Lisa gave that article to newsletter editors who added it to their newsletter content. Finally, once Lisa mails that same article to her own list, it would function exactly the same way as any other e-mail marketing campaign would. That’s getting triple duty from just one piece of article and it’s a smart way to get business. Here is an inexpensive resource and a set of article tools that can help you improve your article marketing techniques.

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Building Lasting Friendships Through Your Writing Who would you consult most before making a buying decision? People whom you trust or anyone on the road? I know an Internet marketer who is an expert in building relationships. One of his articles says it in a way that gives you a clear idea on this. Here it is: ================= Article Begins ================== Bedroom Marketing Tips – Special Article

Hopefully we are all adults here, so let's talk about sex for just a minute. No, I'm not talking about porn sites; I'm talking about taking a look at what I call Bedroom Marketing and applying the same principles to Internet marketing. I don't care if you're a female or a male. Play this scenario out in your head: You walk in the door and yell, "Honey, I'm home. Take off your clothes and jump into bed because I really want you and I know that you want me too." I don't know how things work around your house, but over in my neck of the woods it's going to be "No Sale." And why would you expect anything different? Let's take a look at what was done wrong. 1. This was a high-pressure attempt to "make the sale" without any regard for the feelings or state of mind of the other party.

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2. It was assumed that the other party was in the mood to "buy" and the pitch did not give the person any other option but to say "Yes" or "No" when a "maybe later" would have given the desired results. 3. There was no attempt at rapport building. (OK, Dr. Ruth doesn't call it "rapport building" but you know what I mean.) 4. There was a failure to build the other person's interest in and excitement level over the offered "product or service." So, if you wouldn't expect that kind of approach to work with someone who hopefully loves and trusts you, why in the world would you think it would work with complete strangers? You know what I'm talking about. We've all received an e-mail that says something like: "Wow, I just discovered the most amazing program. My sponsor has only been in for 14 days and he's already made $144,000!!!!!!!!! This is so good, trust me I know a good thing when I see one. THIS IS NOT A SCAM!!!!!!!!! Just click here and pay a one-time $19.99 NO SPONSORING!!!!!!!! I'll help you make money. This CAN'T FAIL!!!!!!!!!!! Just sit back and let the money roll in!!!!!!! I joined Monday and already I've made over $2000!!!!!!!!!!" The so-called marketer blows this ad out to 155,000 Safelists, FFA and Classified sites, and maybe SPAMs a few news groups along the way. Two days go by and no sales. The Marketer quits in

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disgust and tells everyone that Internet Marketing is a scam and no one is making any money. "Trust me," he says, "I know, I tried." You think I'm exaggerating? One of the sites that I own is an e-mail list management company. We provide a platform enabling our users to build lists and send mail to their prospects. Anyway, whenever someone cancels their subscription we automatically send an e-mail containing an Exit Poll form. We offer the chance to win $50 in return for telling us why they quit. (We also recommend one of our other sites that may be better suited for them, but that's another article.) We learn a lot about how to make our program better, but we also get to scratch our heads in wonder over responses like this one: "I've been a member of your site for 10 days now and I haven't sold a thing. The Internet is full of thieves and liars and you're just one more of them." Out of curiosity, I checked the sales letter he's been sending. Here's what he wrote: "You are paying too much for your long distance service. Send an e-mail to ( and see HOW MUCH IT WILL COST YOU with mine." Ok, let's take a look at what he did wrong besides failing to run his spell checker. First, he made a high-pressure attempt to "make the sale" without any regard for the feelings or state of mind of the other party. Not only was it high pressure, but it held his offer out in a negative Brought To You By


fashion when he said, "Send an e-mail to ( and see HOW MUCH IT WILL COST YOU with mine." Sheesh, at least he could have said "how LITTLE it will cost you." What he did was the equivalent of saying: "Honey, I'm home and I'm dirty and sweaty and I had a garlic, onion and liverwurst sandwich which I'm still burping up every five minutes�. "Take off your clothes and jump into bed because I really want you and I know that you want me too�. Sure, that's a home run proposition waiting to be hit out of the park. Next, he assumed that his prospect was in the mood to "buy" and did not give any other option but to say "Yes" or "No" when a "maybe later" would have given the results he was seeking. In fact, he really didn't give his prospects any option at all when he said: "Send an e-mail to (" No one in their right mind is going to respond to an offer from a total stranger and give that stranger their e-mail address. It's no wonder he didn't make any sales.

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He didn't take any time to build rapport. He tried (and failed) to pull off a full-court press and fell flat on his face. He failed to build an excitement level over his product or service. He didn't even build a mild curiosity level. In fact, his letter doesn't even rate a twitch of the right eyebrow. Hmmm, does all of this sound familiar? I wonder what would happen if he tried that on his spouse when he arrived home from work? I see so many people fail in their attempts to advertise their product or services. A lot of them tell the same story as in the example above. Keep this in mind -- Even though the Internet offers an instant medium for reaching people all around the world, the basic laws of sales have not changed and will not change! In order to close the deal you must follow these steps: 1.

Eliminate any high pressure attempts to make the sale. Stop using hype and, for Pete's sake, use the exclamation point sparingly! Not only educated prospects more likely to buy, but they are also more likely to refer others to your site, and they are more likely to respond to future offers that you make to them.


Give the customer an option of saying "May be later�. Some truly interested prospects just won't be able to buy right now for egitimate reasons. Make sure you offer them the opportunity to join your e-zine or newsletter, or sign up for an autoresponder series. Do something that gives you the opportunity to stay in front of that customer until he or she is ready to say "Yes."

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Go slowly and get your prospect in the mood to buy. Don't rush in there and yell "Give me your money." Take time to determine the reasons that someone will buy your product and weave those reasons into a word picture that elevates the prospect's curiosity and enhances the buying mood.


Build a rapport with your prospects. People want to be talked to, not at. Show them that you are a friend and an expert in your field by EDUCATING them and not SELLING them. Combine this step with step #2, and you can write as long of a sales letter as you need (but not ONE WORD LONGER) without fear of losing the truly interested prospect.


Create a level of excitement over your product or service. Explaining how it's going to change their life, or save them money, or make them look more attractive, or whatever your USP (Unique Selling Proposition) may be.

What works in the bedroom works in the market place. Try it! The message is straight on. Relationship selling is the only type of selling that is going to build a long-term sustainable business model for you. ================= Article Ends ================== Hope the above article interestingly put some much ignored sales tactics. Here are 8 more tested and useful tips for building trust with your writing: Eight Proven Sure-Fire Ways for Building Trust 1. Write only relevant and accurate information that will help your readers see you as an expert in your field. Brought To You By


2. Let your persona come out rather than a plastic corporate face. Provide anecdotes, share with people what’s going on in your life. Let them know the person in “you”. 3. Desist from constantly promoting sales pitches. Make your e-mail interesting at times. For e.g. Share a free resource, a useful tool etc 4. Offer some free offers occasionally that are connected to your niche. Give them away with no strings attached. 5. Keep your messages short yet punchy. Respect your reader’s time. 6. Be truthful – always and every time 7. No hype in the e-mail – always and every time 8. Recommend other’s products only once you are absolutely sure about its usefulness. Lasting relationships are not built overnight. It’s takes time, effort and a real love for your subscribers.

How To Create An E-Mail Copy That Works Every Time Writing an effective e-mail that gets opened and clicked instantly is both an art and a science. You need to continually hone up your skills until you get it right on both the counts. Recall the three essential parts of a promotional e-mail: 1. Subject Line 2. Message Body 3. Call To Action Recall the earlier examples that you read. Let’s go a bit deeper now from where we left off and learn how to construct each of the three in order to achieve maximum results.

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How To Write A Head Line: The toughest part of writing a subject line is figuring out what it is that you want to convey. It’s serious. You may have created a perfect headline using the most proper English; still the e-mail campaign can fall flat!

Saying The Wrong Things With The Right Words = No Sale: Forget about your High School English teacher grading your paper! Put your points across for impact and action in as few words as possible. Give preference over effect than the language itself. Remember, your email is there to make the cash register ring and nothing else! Stop focusing on “how” you are going to start saying something! Instead, start focusing on “what” it is you want to convey to the reader and which of their “pain” buttons needs to be activated. Respect your subject line. It is your frontal spokes person - your attention grabber and your first entry point; your one chance to get your reader open the email and read your offer. If your subject line fails, the rest of the e-mail message dissolves into oblivion! Powerful subject lines emerge out of you by getting into the shoes of your reader. Identify the “pain” buttons needed to be pushed. Go for words that will excite them rather than the ones that will put them to sleep.

The 3 Most Important Tasks Of A Responsive Headline

1. Attract Attention: Your email needs to stand out from the rest of the email crowd in order to get noticed. If you don’t attract the reader’s attention right up front, be sure that your email will land up in the trash bin in under 3 seconds. Intelligently use the “Pain” buttons mentioned earlier for effect.

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2. Act As A Funnel: Your subject line should be like a funnel that leads them to the message body instantly. People won’t appreciate if they feel they are tricked and may result in instant un-subscription. If you give a “Free Offer”, it should mean just that. For e.g. have you read a subject line like this: “Notice of payment received”? Sure, it grabbed your attention but did you ever click on the links inside the email message? You knew that you’ll be deceived and chose to ignore it. Attracting attention in anyway we think will not work! The subject line “Notice of payment received”? Did not act like a funnel. Yes, the attention was there but the campaign was a disaster. Now see an example subject line given below and note the difference. It compels interested people to read more while YOU still telling the truth. “Published Author Reveals How To Write A Book In 30 Days Or Less” Anyone who wants to see himself or herself published with a book is most likely to see who this author is and how one can possibly come out with a book in 30 days or less. Yet another such example of a subject line: “100 Can’t-Fail Creamy Fudge Recipes For Free” Fudge lovers and interested cooks are sure to visit your landing page. Quite possibly, people who are on diets may even take a look at it in making fudge for friends or family members.

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3. Deliver An Entire Mini-Sales Message: Your subject line is actually a “stand-alone short sales message”! You lead the reader to the message body and make the reader click on the call to action link in it! Ultimately, you lead your reader gently to your sales page where the real buying action happens. It’s also very important to avoid a subject line that deceives. Here’s an example of a totally negative subject line: “I make $500 per day on the Internet” This subject line simply means; “Good for you, that’s a lot of money” to the reader. And the reader is most likely to hit the delete button and move on to other messages in the in-box that interests him or her. Now see another partially negative subject line that has a better chance but will NOT get a full positive response: “Discover the secret to making $500 per day on the Internet” To the reader, it’s just another “no recruiting required, I’ll get all your members for you” get rich quick scheme. The truth is that neither of the above two subject line will take you anywhere. Now try this positive subject line that has a positive impact on the reader: “Earn a good second income by reading this free article” Its better, positive and most likely the reader would want knot more on what’s the message contains.

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Advanced Subject Line Secrets Look, no one really knows one fast and firm technique for crafting a riveting subject line. If the subject line works – it’s crafted correctly. If it doesn’t work, you’ll know. It goes like that. However, there are some subject line rules that will work most of the time. Here are 9 such rules to follow. 1. Keep It Short And Simple (KISS): Be straight. Don’t beat around the bush. Nor use clever word play. See the subject lines examples below. 

“Free Shipping On All Harry Potter Books Ordered By January 31”

“Save 30% on Authentic Designer Purses”

“Lose 3 Dress Sizes In 30 Days”

“Learn How to Increase Your Trading Skills at a No-Cost Online Seminar”

“Pay Less for Valentine's Day Flowers: Pre-Order Today”

2. Say The Benefit Up Front: Say up front what’s in it for the reader. State it loud, clear and without ambiguities. See the subject lines examples below. 

Order 12 months of eBay News and get 10 eBay Store Templates Free!

Make $750 per week in your spare time by cleaning window blinds

Quit Smoking in 30 days WITHOUT Cold Turkey Symptoms

Learn how to profit from the coming oil shortage

3. Make Your Subject Line Newsworthy: People love “news” capsules. This subject line type suits more the “funnel” concept. See the subject lines examples below.

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“Brazilian Botanist Discovers Anti-Aging Nectar In Common Planter”

“Unemployed Truck Driver Finds Gold In Recycled Garage Junk”

“Created for his own kids, Dermatologist announces new acne treatment”

“Home Business Accountant Reveals 50 Legal Tax Deductions YOU Overlooked!”

This also work well with brand new products too as its a “scoop news”. 4. The highly effective power of “How To”: “How To” subject line is almost a winner every time! It appeals to people as everyone likes to learn new ways to get things done and accomplish things. See the subject lines examples below. 

“How to Hypnotize ANYONE in 2 minutes or less”

“How to write killer Subject Lines every time”

“How to do all the magic tricks you see on TV”

“How to make money in your spare time with a block of wood and a pencil”

5. The Question Subject Line That Makes The Reader Think: Pose a question that prompts your subscriber to read your entire e-mail to get the answer. Most people love questions that they have been asking themselves and they’ll love to look at your product/service if it answers it for them. See the subject lines examples below. 

“Was your last raise as big as you deserved it to be?”

“Have you ever made THIS mistake on your resume?”

“What do people think when they hear you talk?”

“Have you ever been nervous about approaching someone you’d like to meet?” Brought To You By


6. Issue A Direct Command Subject Line: Many people wait to do things until someone asks them to do it! See the subject lines examples below. 

“Stop wasting time and get the promotion you deserve”

“Don’t let shyness stop you from finding true love”

“Stop losing at the poker table. Read this article now”

“Stop looking like you dressed in the dark”

7. The Life-Changing Information Subject Line: Why does everyone spend large amounts every year on newspapers, magazines, books etc? Obviously, everyone is on the look out to change their lives for the better. And that’s a great opportunity to market your products. See the subject lines examples below. 

“Ten Steps You Need To Take Now To Terrorist-Proof Your Portfolio”

“Discover The 5 Easy Steps To Writing Your Own Sales Copy”

“10 Things You Can Do Right Now To Add 20 Years To Your Life”

“What Your Dentist Hopes You’ll Never Discover About Over-billing”

8. The Testimonials Subject Line: Why not let others sell for you? People want to use things that are popular and they want to associate with successful or popular people. See the subject lines examples below. 

“Read what your stockbroker is reading and know what your stockbroker knows.”

“Here are the 5 things that all successful Internet marketers have in common.”

“Why Oprah won’t leave home without this makeup item in her purse.”

“15 popular Presidents carried a silver dollar with them. Here’s why you should too.”

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9. Personify Your Subject Line With A Bit Of Character: People have a natural distaste for advertising. Especially, when it’s hard to believe or finds it difficult to get connected with the subject line matter. Here add a little “down home” authenticity. Bring in the plain “Jane & Joe”. Your response rate will go up. See the subject lines examples below. 

“N.Y. Cab Driver Discovers Secret To Better Vision”

“How one Texas ranch hand wins 8 out of 10 poker hands”

“Swiss Jeweler rocks the world with new simulated diamond”

“Florida housewife bans roaches using this common pantry item”

That’s it! Now you know how to craft a perfect subject line, e-mail body and the call to action of an email in an easy way but for maximum results. Put them to practice in your next email and generate ass kcking response rates...

Courteously – S. Kumar Visit For More Free Downloads & Free Resources At: My FB Page:

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