How To Speed Start An Online Home Business The Easy Way!

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Home Business Speed Start

Simple Basic Steps To Take Before You Quit Your Day Job And Jump Into An Online Home Business!

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Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: What This Book Stands For

Doing It Part Time - With A Full Time Mentality The Art Of Developing Assets Online Maximizing Your Assets Into Investments Through Outsourcing

Chapter 3: How To Monetize Your Core Skills

Monetize - Your Writing Skills Monetize - Your Graphics Designing Skills How To Analyze Statistics Programming Networking

Chapter 4: Choosing The Effective Business Models Blogging Model Effective Affiliate Marketing Online Network Marketing Micro Niche Marketing Freelance Services Internet Internet Marketing Itself

Chapter 5: Work 4 Hours A Day Now – Quit Your Job In 6 Months

Long Term Goals Build A Business Around Your Interests Plough Back Part Of Your Salary As Business Investment Dealing With Negative People Chapter 6: Recommended Resources For Fast Startup

Ready Niche Business Resell Rights Mastery Private Label Rights Products SEO Services Graphics Design List Building Tools

Chapter 7: Summary

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Chapter 1: Introduction

Welcome to your own Internet home business!

Who wouldn’t like to start a home business? It gives the freedom to work whenever you want or wherever you want. However, it is not easy to start one because many of us are stuck in a rut!

We feel that we depend up on our boss for income. It may take too much to find the investment required for an online business.

We even feel that, too tired to do anything the moment we reach home! Forget alone a part-time work!

No matter what your excuses may be, you are likely to find a solution in this book (or at least, know what it takes to get started).

Remember that the Internet is filled with endless possibilities and potential. It’s not that tough to find a business model that makes money for anyone as long as you are willing to put in the required effort to learn and do what you learned.

You need to have a burning desire to break free yourself from the shackles of your 9-5 job. You must believe that you will be able to find the means to achieve it.

After all, if you desperately want something, you will go all out and find the means to achieve your goals.

Alright! Let’s start right now! Brought To You By

Chapter 2: What This Book Stands For

This book reveals the fundamentals of…

The typical mental mind set needed to break out from the rat race!

How to turn your skills into your greatest assets!

How to pick a business model that matches your skills!

How to work merely 4 hours extra a day and quit your job within 6 months!

Top resources to get you started IMMEDIATELY!

Doing It Part Time - With A Full Time Commitment Most people hold a flawed mindset towards an Internet home business! That’s the biggest reasons why Internet marketing entrepreneurs fail. That’s the reason they get stuck up with the rat race.

Yes, it is true that you have to spend your spare time that you have after your regular job to work on your business part time. But that does NOT mean that you approach your part time business with a half-hearted mentality towards your.

An analogy will make it clear…

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Think of an airplane that takes off at 150MPH. Initially, you will have to muster up to 150MPH speed before the plane takes off. It will not take off the ground if the speed is only 100MPH? It will not take off even if you are flying at 149.99MPH!

Internet marketing works exactly this way. You need achieve a certain momentum to make it work:

You need to acquire the necessary knowledge to build your business. You need to show others that you are committed enough so that your website gets traffic as well as JV partners comes scouting for you. You need to build your reputation slowly but surely. It will lessen your promotion work later on. You need to develop a clear level of with your customers website visitors.

The Art Of Developing Assets Online You must build online assets if you want to quit your job. Let me explain:

You will agree with me that a 9-5 job is just a short term low income! It can be a good comfort zone but still short term for your needs and wants… Why? Because the moment you stop working, your money inflow stops completely!

If you keep on trading your valuable time for your bosse’s money, you will never be free from your job!

But online assets are of a different genre. These few basic principles will throw more light on building assets online:

Leveraging on the Internet: You can draw in traffic from search engines or viral marketing.

Leveraging on other Internet marketers: If you have a fantastic product that customer is buying, then you will have affiliates selling it over and over again.

Leveraging on your mailing list: The money is definitely in the list. All it takes is about 15-30 minutes to write a proper E-mail to your mailing list and send them! You are also sending the same email to your list whether you have 100 or 100,000 people in your list.

Leveraging on your reputation online: The more quality blog posts you make and the more you network will expand. And, for the same effort there will be more people reading your blog that you can monetize.

Leveraging on outsourced work: Just outsource your menial jobs to other people and spend more time on marketing your website and products which means more money. Brought To You By

What would all these lead to? Take a clear look at the following graph. Take a look at how you transform yourself into a typical Internet Marketer in six months if you build online assets…

The blue line above is your current 9-5 job. Your typical income with bonuses and increments, your salary will most definitely exceed your online income in the first few months. The red line above shows a different story. After a few months of dedicated effort on your online business, your online assets will start generating residual income that will over take job income. This is the perfect time to quit your regular job and build on your online business to greater heights.

Maximizing Your Assets Through Outsourcing It’s impossible to do everything at once single handed! You may be a supremely efficient person, still you need to outsource from time to time as your priority is to create more and more assets and it should NOT be limited by your time.

This leads to; the sum of the whole is more than the parts combined.

Next, we will look into your core skills which are also related to outsourcing in general. Brought To You By

Chapter 3: How To Monetize Your Expertise And Core Skills

Start your business on the right foot the first time itself! Let’s generally look at what your best skills are to profit from an online business. Just see where you can excel from these fundamentals:


Graphics Design




Monetize - Your Writing Skills A good writer’s services are always in demand and in need all the time - every where! A writer is for all seasons and for all reasons including on the Internet. Innumerable opportunities exist in the areas like copywriting, ghostwriting, article writing, blogging, newsletter publishing, content creation, social media promotions… the list can go on!

Understand that creating a written product is one of the most difficult tasks one can get into. You need to develop the right flair for writing

Writers are in great demand when it comes to promotions and product launches in Internet marketing. You can effectively monetize your writing skills to writing sales letters, articles, E-courses, and promo E-mails.

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Monetize - Your Graphics Designing Graphic designers are an integral part of whole of the web. Good quality E-covers, banners and site graphics can easily earn a graphic designer hundreds of dollars for each work.

Good graphics attract attention immediately and tend to send good vibes to the buyer.

That’s the reason we find people buy a book by its cover. The graphic is a very important psychological factor to tap into the buyer’s mind and wallet. It can make or break a sale.

How To Analyze Statistics Really speaking, making money online filters down to the proper analysis of statistics. You can learn a lot from data such as your click through rates {how many people clicks on your links or ads}, your page impressions {how times you page or ads are loaded} and your conversion rates. You can have a qualitative assessment of the amount of money you make each time someone visits your website!

Google provides a free tool to do your analysis. Google Analytics. Sign up for a free account and begin using it.

Programming Are you good at programming? Then you are in demand to installing scripts, developing scripts, software, website development etc as others require your technical expertise.

HTML, ASP and PHP skills will also take you a long way forward as they are the basis of blogging and other server side software.

Social Networking This skill is quite useful when finding JV partners and outsourcing. Like in the real world, networking is also equally important when it comes to building friendships in the virtual world and getting people to promote your products.

You can also go to World Internet Summits (WIS) or other Internet marketing conventions to touch base with other marketers and speakers. Brought To You By

Chapter 4: The Effective Business Model Choices We are going to take a simple S-W-O-T analysis of some of the popular online business models here.

(SWOT Analysis – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)

Consider these tips when choosing your online business models. Choose that is suitable to your taste, interest, experience and education.

Blogging Model Blogging is one of the easiest models that anyone can adopt. Even for people who can’t write! For E.g. picture blogs.

Strengths: You are free to blog about anything that your heart desire! Share your thoughts, passion and hobbies with the world. If you provide riveting content, people will throng to your blog and you can monetize that traffic through advertising or affiliate programs. Your startup cost is only $9/year and maintain cost will about $5/month for your blogl That simply means one time payment for the domain name a year and monthly hosting respectively. You can use the free WordPress platform to set up your blog as it is easy to operate and install (Recommended).

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Weaknesses: The flip side is it’s time consuming to build up traffic with your blog. An average Joe or Jane who blogs regularly can look forward to quitting his or her job in one or two years. You can reduce this to half the time if you network with other bloggers and participate in social media and forums more aggressively.

Opportunities: Your blogs can be montized easily by including Google Ads, Amazon products and other Ad network or affiliate networks, though you will not see yourself making much money at the start. You can also earn by blogging for others for a fee/free or even sign up for PAY PER POST and get paid for blogging!

Threats: There is a blog born or created every TWO SECONDS. So you can imagine how much competition you are going up against!

Suggested Course Of Action: Register a personal domain name now! This is very important because the most important person in the world is YOU and getting a domain after your own name is the most important thing you must do. Then you can start blogging about yourself with free WordPress Platform. You may also check out these blog tools: 1. WP Mastery Videos + WP Business Themes + WP Marketing Plugins 2. Grab 104+ Top WP Plugins In One Single Stroke 3. 162+ New WordPress Videos 4. BizXpress - Complete Online Business Building System for WordPress

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Affiliate Marketing No doubt, affiliate marketing is one of the most preferred and lucrative models one can attempt to. All you do is to promote other people’s products with no delivery or support head aches from your side. And still make handsome commissions for your relatively less efforts.

Strengths: To run an affiliate program, you don’t even need a website in some cases. The commissions can range from 10% to even 100%! No need to create your own products – just drive visitors to the merchant site and if you do it right, income will roll in.

Weaknesses: You will need to join for a well researched good affiliate program and then drive targeted traffic to make commissions.

Opportunities: Endless opportunities exist because new products are rolled out almost each day and affiliates are needed by everyone!

Threats: The competition is tough. Thousands of affiliates are out there competing with each other. Some merchants even offer two-tier affiliate programs and established affiliates probably be holding dozens of affiliates under them as well.

Suggested Course Of Action: Register as an affiliate at Commission Junction , Clickbank or Amazon . Find good products to promote – especially those with good ‘gravity’. You may also check out this Famous Affiliate Booster for a over a decade: 1. Affiliate Masters Course – Free Download With No Optin [Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page for download]

Online Network Marketing If network marketing interests you, you must explore established opportunities on the Internet. You need to be doubly sure of the reliability and background of the company.

Strengths: Again, you don’t require personal canvassing to promote your programs online. You can leverage on the entire world’s Internet users as your prospects to build your downline.

Weaknesses: Building and sustaining a network marketing business online is risky and prone to being closed down. Past history shows that. Make sure you do not adopt a ‘build and burn’ mentality. Brought To You By

Opportunities: Fairly easy to recruit more people online into your network compared to doing it offline where you are limited by time and space.

Threats: Retaining your downlines is quite tough. Due to the new opportunities thrown frequently, people tend to try new ones.

Suggested Course Of Action: Your network marketing system should help you generate fresh leads quickly while making money simultaneously.

Niche Marketing Niche marketing is nothing but narrowing down to specific segments like dog collar, diet tips, healthy weight loss food etc and target only those people interested in these topics to make money online.

You can even think of micro niches falling under niches such as dog training, gaming, movies, self-improvement etc. For e.g. dog names, dog adoption.

Strengths: You can give a free-flow to your passion and become an expert in it. Let’s say you love dogs then share all about it and begin monetizing from this niche alone.

Weaknesses: You really need to research on your content, plan execution of it and promote yourself as an expert at it. Different niches yield different results.

Opportunities: Niche marketing opportunities are very lucrative and offer ENDLESS opportunities. All you need to do is get into a non-congested niche and excel in that where competition less.

Threats: An untapped niche does not exist! – So you need to drill down to rarer subniches.

Suggested Course Of Action: Do a search on Google for “YOUR NICHE” FORUM (Example: if you are targeting the gaming niche, type in “gaming forum”) this will be your market! You may also check out these Niche Boosters: 1. Unselfish Marketer - Source For Ready Made Niche Products 2. PLR ME – A Good Source For Niche Products 3. IDPLR – 1000’s Of Ready-To-Go Niche Products

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Freelance Services If you are skilled enough, this is one of the fastest ways to make money online. Simply offer your services as a freelancer and begin earning money immediately with your expertise!

Strengths: With the right clientele, you have fast good money. Moreover, you are the master and your own boss of your time!

Weaknesses: Your skills should be of high caliber to market your services. You also need to spend lot of time build a genuine client base, retain them as well and get them to recommend more business to you.

Opportunities: Writers, software developers, graphic designers, social media experts and other talents are in demand on the Internet.

Threats: There are umpteen other freelancers who will compete with you. Many of them frustratingly sell their services way too cheap!

Suggested Course Of Action: Go to E-lance and look for work there. You may also a free list of 25 freelance work sites where you can find a suitable work that fits your skill sets.

Internet Marketing Itself! This is a very popular niche. Many people get into products/services that teach others how to make money online or other business opportunity niches.

Strengths: This is a huge and hungry market. There are umpteen numbers of people willing to spend on the holy grail of making money online. If you products on make money, save money, save effort, save time, then you have a huge market here.

Weaknesses: One should be sure that you produce results for your prospects. If you turn out to be a hypocrite who tells others how o make money online but you haven’t still made a single cent, then god help you!

Opportunities: Enough sub niches exist here like resell rights, private label rights, product creation, search engine optimization and more. You just need to place yourself where you are comfortable.

Threats: Undoubtedly, the MOST COMPETITIVE niche online! Everyone is fighting for the same pie – but the good news is that people are also willing to buy…

Suggested Course Of Action: Go to the Unselfish Marketer and join there. They have most of the sought after sub niche products and ready made blogs in place. Brought To You By

Chapter 5: Work 4 Hours A Day Now - Quit Your Job In 6 Months

Now that you have a fair idea on some business models that you can work with but you must get started immediately before your interest wanes off! Take action right now!

The following tips will help you to achieve your goal of quitting your 9-5 job within 6 months!

Long Term Goals Just do not make the mistake of thinking earning enough’. You need to think long term and build a business that is sustainable.

If you aim for the stars, at least you may clear the skies! Worst come worst, you will be able to cross the fence.

Too low or a too short term goal will fail sooner than you think. More often than not, we usually don’t accomplish our goals to our expectations. Period. So, set L..O…N…G Term goals!

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Build A Business Around Your Interests Base your business on your genuine interests and passion. You must have that inner urge to do what you are doing.

If you go after things that do not interest you, people are able to sense it and their response to you won’t be positive. The ‘fakeness’ of it will come through and you will not be able to sustain your interests. Then it’s just a matter giving up.

On the other side of the equation, if your business is fully focused on your genuine interests, you will not be under the mundane pressure of doing just another job. After all, having ONE job is already bad enough. You are getting into an online business because you want to FREE yourself from a regular job!

Plough Back Part Of Your Salary As Business Investment Every business requires us to make some minimum investments. Buying domain names, hosting service, paid traffic etc costs a bit of money. It’s a myth that online business doesn’t cost money. It just means that an online business is inexpensive but NOT free.

A small part of your salary can be invested to get things important things done. Invest your 4 hours and the weekends too wisely to build your business. Keep at it for 6 months - investing your time AND money wisely to achieve maximum results.

Dealing With Negative People The idea of making money online is a global concept! Still, if you tell people that you are working on quitting your day job within 6 months, they will look at you with a pathetic look in their eyes.

Many people will out rightly say – NO! Because, it is easier for people to say NO than to say YES! It keeps them safe to say later “I told you so” if you have an initial set back. The point is you must have very clear cut goals otherwise; you will never be able to quit your job within 6 months. I am sure; you don’t want people to laugh at you if you don’t reach your 6 month goal. So go for it and you must succeed AT ALL COSTS! Brought To You By

Chapter 6: Recommended Resources

Go Daddy - Every website starts with a domain. You can register one at Godaddy for under $10, and they have a very helpful control panel for managing your domain.

BlueHost Web Hosting – Once you get your domain you need a good and reliable web host. It is very important to have a good host, and I recommend this one. BizXpress - Complete Online Business Building System for WordPress

Ready-To-Go WP Themes - This is a great set of WordPresss theme that enables you to set up a WP website in a matter of minutes with built-in monetization. Specially designed wp themes, easy to follow WordPress videos, and bonus marketing plugins that quickly creates elegant WordPress websites on the fly... Getresponse- Building an email contact list is essential to your success as an online marketer. Getresponse is one of the best in the league, very reliable, affordable and highest deliverability rates. Aweber too is good but a little more expensive

Affiliate Marketing Course - Build an affiliate business where you are in control, following step-by step plan and using tools with a proven track record of success within a positive, forward-thinking and supportive community.

Join lickBank Affiliates - Earn sales commissions of up to 80% by linking customers directly to your choice of over 10,000 digital products. Join Amazon Affiliates - It’s easy. Refer and earn fixed advertising fees when visitors try and/or sign-up for valuable services and programs. Join SiteSell Affiliates – Join the SiteSell affiliate program Passion - For newbies and solo proprietor entrepreneurs. Work From Home - This page emotionally connects with anyone looking to work from home... moms, retirees, folks with health problems, caregivers and so on. Work From Home WAHM (Work At Home Moms) – Are you stay at home mom/dad? Work at home too…

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Chapter 7: Summary

You must be ready to break through your mental barrier to start your online business. That’s the only thing that is holding us back is ourselves.

Once I suggested my friend to start a blog. He accepted it is a great idea and vowed to start it SOMEDAY (while saying that his clerical bank job stinks!)

Years have passed by and still his site is not up. And still stuck in his rut and still saying that ‘someday’ he will start his mega site…

Be serious about your dreams and your goals.

Treat Your Internet Business As A Real Business And You Will Be Able To Fire Your Boss IN NO TIME Great Success To Your Newly Found Home Business, S. Kumar

Click here to contact! _______________________ S. Kumar's Social Media Profiles

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