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CONTENTS...............................................................................................2 VIRAL VIDEOS, WHAT THE HELL IS IT ANYWAY!....................4 WHAT ARE THE INGREDIENTS OF AN EFFECTIVE VIRAL VIDEO? .....................................................................................................5
VIRAL CONTENT ................................................................... 6 TUTORIALS ...............................................................................................................6 BE ON THE TOPIC THAT’S ON EVERYONES MIND CURRENTLY ......................................7 FUNNIEST HOME VIDEOS ..........................................................................................7 ANIMALS, KIDS AND BABIES ......................................................................................7 SCI-FY STAR WARS ...................................................................................................8
THE FIRST TEN SECONDS COUNTS ......................................... 9 ALWAYS DO A TRIAL RUN ...................................................... 9
TARGETING YOUR EXACT AUDIENCE........................................10
STAY ENGAGED.................................................................. 10 BE TRUE TO YOUR OWN STYLE............................................. 10 HOW TO USE SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES TO GET MAXIMUM EXPOSURE OUT THERE........................................................ 11 WHO IS YOUR YOUR FELLOW VIDEO MAKER .......................... 11
HOW VIDEOS GO VIRAL: THE POWER OF SHARING .............12 FACEBOOKIN’ .................................................................... 12
USING VIRAL VIDEOS: YOUR POWERFUL MARKETING TOOL .......................................................................................................14
WHY SAMMY STEPHENS SO GREAT?...................................... 14 IT’S A LEVEL PLAYING FIELD................................................ 15
THE LUCK OF THE DRAW ..................................................... 16 BEING CONSTANT WITH IT .................................................. 17
WHAT REALLY IS IMPORTANT? ............................................. 18 PIN-POINT TRIMMING OF THE SCRIPT................................... 19 PIN-POINT TRIMMING OF THE VIDEO .................................... 19 JUST PRESENT IT, DON'T TELL ............................................. 20
UNDERSTANDING THE VIRAL CULTURE PREVAILING ON THE INTERNET ....................................................................................21
MEMES, MEMES ALL OVER! .................................................. 21 NATURAL SELECTION IS THE FUNNIEST ................................ 22 KNOW THIS TO KEEP FROM BEING SUED............................... 22 COPYRIGHT LAWS .............................................................. 22 HERE'S WHAT YOU CANNOT DO......................................................................23 AND HERE'S WHAT YOU CAN DO......................................................................23 DEFAMATION ..................................................................... 24 THE FACT OF THE MATTER................................................... 25
DO IT YOURSELF: FOR THE BEGINNING VIDEO MAKER .....25 PRODUCTION PRELUDE ....................................................... 26 WRITING IT ALL ..................................................................................................26 WHERE ARE THE ACTORS? ..................................................................................26 THE SHOOTING ITSELF ....................................................... 27 THE THREE LIGHT SETUP........................................................................................27 THE AXIS ................................................................................................................28 SOUND ...................................................................................................................29 POST PRODUCTION ............................................................ 30 EDITING WOES ...................................................................................................30 LET’S FINE TUNE THE VIDEO.............................................................................30 PRACTICE, PRACTICE AND… MORE PRACTICE!........................ 31
CONCLUSION .......................................................................................32
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VIRAL VIDEOS, WHAT THE HELL IS IT ANYWAY! The current euphoria is about viral marketing, and especially viral videos! The word “Viral” on the internet refers to mass sharing of content all. Some one enjoys your video, forward or shares it with friends; they in turn share it with their friends… then their friends! Boom! Your video goes viral! That’s accessing a wide audience for free. Soon you’ll find your viral video appearing on blogs, face book, google+ and if you are lucky you may find it even getting into the main stream media. But you need to stumble upon just the right idea that will hook the viewer and inspire them to tell all their friends “You gotta see this”. What exactly are the special ingredients required to make your video go viral? Here are some guidelines for you to get that that lucky break into the collective consciousness of people. It’s very basic, no frills and nothing advanced here. The purpose of this report to give you a birds eye view to the viral video marketing segment as a new comer. You will learn the advanced techniques once you begin.
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The content of your potential viral video could be anything. But the idea is important! Believe in yourself and develop whatever idea that has caught your minds imagination; something that you found yourself interesting and captivating. It could be a product or service or movies for fun. Here's the good news: If you find something interesting, someone else will find it interesting, too. All the viral videos have one thing in common; they're interesting. Infuse something into the videos that leaves the viewer with, Either impressed Get them laughing Something that triggers their emotion Something that they can do themselves easily Forget the thought that crosses often in your mind "Well, who's going to care about my idea?" Remember, as long as you care about something, there are thousands of people on the planet who will care, too. Great ideas always sound crazy initially until they catch on.
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Now... here are some real, solid facts about what goes into making successful viral videos that attract a lot of hits. I can’t promise that every tip you will find here can go viral, but it helps to know them. The most popular videos usually have the following elements…
Give a search in YouTube for “tutorials”. You’ll find many popular videos are on tutorials. People like learning how to do cool things. For E.g. Videos like… 1. A cool way to separate egg yolk from the white 2. Making a doll out of water melon 3. Play a tricky song on the guitar It could be any skill you have but it should be a rare one. You can make a video on teaching that special skill (of yours or your friend’s) and share it with the world. Such tutorial videos attract a lot of viewers gets shared easily making it go viral.
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What are the hottest topics going around now? Once you identify why not make video on the very same subject? Ever noticed how the anchor starts the opening sentence on late night talk shows? They focus on the subjects everyone is interested in right now, make a comedy out of it and it always seems to get a lot of views.
The “funny-mishaps-at-home” always gets great views. Got a hilarious clip on how your dog behaves when he sees himself in the mirror? How your mom accidentally fell into the pool at the last family reunion? This kind of video clips too draw tremendous amount of attention.
People of all ages love cute puppies, cute kittens, cute kids and cute babies, cute parrots and so on. Remember the adorable three year old girl describing the plot of Star Wars posted way back in 2009? Its still is going viral and currently has quite a few million views.
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Sci-Fi has a niche on it’s own on YouTub - another category that people love on YouTube. Star Wars, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Doctor Who, if it has a huge sci-fi fanbase, then you can leverage from that sci-fi fanbase for some fans of your own.
THE BAITS: GRABBING THE VIEWER'S EYE BALLS The basic rule of viral videos: You MUST grab the viewer's attention in less than ten seconds. You have less than ten seconds to convince the viewer to keep watching your video further. The internet video scene is different from the main stream videos. People while on the Internet want something short, fast and immediate that’s gripping. If you don’t give it, most people will just click on to some other video as they think your video is not worth watching. Recognize the viewer's short attention span on the internet. Start with something that’s catchy that provides immediate gratification.
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Doing comedy? Then, be sure that your viewers laugh in the first ten seconds! Is that enough? No. You have to keep them laughing for the next two minutes. Doing an advertisement? Let your viewer know what your product is right up front. The rest of the video should explain what makes that product or service so great. It’s better to avoid subtlety in short 2 minute videos as it’s difficult to pull it off in those first ten seconds. Start with a bang and spend the rest of the video getting a little more in-depth. The rule: The viewer should know what your video is all about in the first 10 seconds.
ALWAYS DO A TRIAL RUN Do a trial run before your video goes online. Show it to some friends and observe how they react. And be brutally honest with their opinion. Was it engaging them? Did they find it funny? Did it make sense to them? Then identify the boring parts. Next cut out the parts that are boring or that don’t make sense. Shorter videos gets shared more social networking sites, whatts app and iPod texting and gets you a better shot at going viral. In short, just trim the video down to the best meaty parts and drop everything.
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TARGETING YOUR EXACT AUDIENCE You need to get to know your audience as there is always an audience. As you know, the golden rule of making anything, be it a video or a sandwich, is to make what you are passionate about. Nest, locate online communities that revolve around your passion.
STAY ENGAGED Join online forums related to your passion. Here you have a guaranteed audience. Moreover, reading the message boards on such forums can help you add more value to your current/subsequent videos.
BE TRUE TO YOUR OWN STYLE Be serious and get focused on what your videos are all about. Just do your own thing. Understand your first target audience: Yourself. Just ask these questions. What makes you laugh? What would get your attention and make you want to support the cause in your video? Let that be the start point. If you don't like your own idea, chances are that nobody else will either.
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Social networking is a key resource to getting a regular audience for your videos.
WHO IS YOUR YOUR FELLOW VIDEO MAKER What is the success of the most popular YouTubers? They'll tell you that being an active member of relevant forums and communities plays a big role in getting views than the actual video in itself! Twitter and Facebook two effective resources to get your video go viral. It’s easy to get on these sites and start exploring. Friend every user you like, and then start posting your videos. There are more interesting things out there that can get your video really go viral. Next chapter deals with it.
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HOW VIDEOS GO VIRAL: THE POWER OF SHARING The basic idea behind word of mouth and social networking is that If one person tells two people, two people tell four people, four people tell eight people‌ it goes viral from then on. This happens real time big on a much larger scale with social networking sites.
FACEBOOKING Jus imagine you have just twenty friends on Facebook. You post a video, and ten of your friends like it enough to post it on their own pages. They each have ten friends who like it enough to post it as well. Each of those ten friends has ten friends, and each of those ten friends have ten friends, and so on and so on. You're multiplying your viewers by ten every time your video makes the rounds this way. Of course, you might not be multiplying by ten. Maybe you're only multiplying by two; the power of two isn't to be trifled with. So what can you do to encourage this to happen? What happens when a video just plain doesn't catch on at first?
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Do not limit yourself. Just post a link to it wherever you can, on relevant message boards, in your signature on those forums, or even in your "away" message on Gmail chat, and see what happens. Sometimes it requires just one person with a popular blog to like your video, post a link to it for their readers. Their reader's readers might like it, and their reader's readers might like it, and so on and so on.. And before you know it, all your self-promotion has been done for you. The main thing is to just keep posting it until you get tired of posting it, and then post it a few more times. Your video won't go viral unless thousands of other people on the internet like it enough to share it, but how can they share it in the first place if they don't even know it exists? Luckily, all it takes is one lucky bit of exposure to get the ball rolling in your favor. If you can break the million viewer mark once, you're bound to get some regular viewers as a result, and they'll likely keep your view count multiplying for all your future videos.
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USING VIRAL VIDEOS: YOUR POWERFUL MARKETING TOOL A viral video is free exposure to millions of people. Before broadband internet came, companies have to spend exorbitant amount of money for a Superbowl ad if they aim for that amount of an audience. But today, a single guy with even with no money can come out with a video that can go around like psunami.
WHY SAMMY STEPHENS SO GREAT? Heard of Fleamarket Montgomery? It’s a furniture store located in Montgomery, Alabama. Sammy Stephens, the owner could not afford nationwide advertising earlier. Somehow Stephens managed to produce a TV commercial, initially intended only for local promotion. As his budget was low, he featured himself in it, singing and dancing an upbeat rap song about his store. If you haven't seen it, do yourself a favor. Go to Youtube and watch the video Fleamarket Montgomery. Then an interesting thing happened! Somebody from the Montgomery area saw the video and put it online with a misnomer "Worst local commercial ever!"
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Can you believe? The very same video now has more than ten million views. A second, longer version has about five million views. Since then, various "clones", copies that have been uploaded by fans of the original video, similarly have millions of views. The end result for Sammy Stephen! Lots of unknown opportunities opened up for him. He's been invited to perform with various musical artists like Family Force Five, and, ever the wise entrepreneur has begun selling merchandise along the lines of Tshirts bearing the Flea Market Montgomery logo. This real life story simply means: You don't need to be rich to advertise anymore. All you need is a good idea and a camera.
IT’S A LEVEL PLAYING FIELD Big companies have tried this, but they haven't all succeeded. The reason is they don't have a better shot than any of us do at producing a successful viral video. Sure, money does help, but for the first time, money is no longer a determining factor in video advertising. The availability of high speed internet and inexpensive digital/mobile video cameras makes it an even playing field. Each of us has the same opportunities to get our video out in the world. No one is any more is impressed by how much money you spend! What matters is, is it funny, entertaining or interesting?
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Viral videos can really get very tricky! There's no single sure-fire method to getting a lot of views. Even with all the right steps, your video can end up in the black hole. Other times, even a silly video can get views that blow out of all your imagination. One can never really predict how the viewers will behave with your video. Your videos must appear at the right place, at the right time and to the right target. That’s the only way you can dramatically improve your possibilities of breaking through to the top chart.
THE LUCK OF THE DRAW There is a luck factor here. It’s like playing the lottery. The good news is that playing the lottery here is free. Not red cent involved to put your videos online. All you have to do is post your videos to video uploading sites like YouTube. That’s it! What's more, you can make as many videos as you want and upload them for free of cost!
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The more videos you upload, the more you increase your chances of one of them becoming a super hit. As you go along, you will intuitively get the hang of the art and craft of making viral videos intuitively. So don’t spend all your time worrying about just one video. Make a bunch of them. It's like learning to paint. Your first painting isn't going to be the Mona Lisa. The more you practice, the more you'll learn to make good viral videos.
BEING CONSTANT WITH IT To keep the long story short: Learn by doing. Just be at it! This short art of creating viral videos that spreads like a wild fire can only be harnessed by keeping at it. The more videos you create, the more of an expert you become! As your expertise increase, the higher your chances become at getting that breakout video that goes viral instantly.
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We have a very short time. Just about five minutes maximum run time for your video. Within that time you have to tackle the short attention spans of video viewers on the Internet. So it’s imperative that everything should actually fit into a short video. How do we do it?
First and foremost, what do you want to get across to people in a short span of time? As a first step, write your ideas down on a single index card. From then on, it's just a matter of figuring out how to say it convincingly. Include just enough words, and not one word extra. It is a process of transmitting information. For example... Q: What has four wings and a pair of legs? A: A cat. I lied about the wings. The information you need to get across here is that!
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Firstly, there's an animal with four wings and legs, and secondly, that it's a cat, and you were lying about the wings. It’s quick because all you really need to do is get that information across. You don’t talk about if the cat is white or about its breed or origin. All that matters is that it's a cat. Basically, just write down what's important. Then build the script around those important things without one scene extra.
Use as few words as possible. Don't use a full paragraph to say one point. No repetitive dialogs.
Reduce your video time to as short as possible. You can reduce video time by cutting out a second here, two seconds there and half a second over here. If you have a five minute video, you can shave seconds off like this and trim it down to four minutes. Next, cut out any useless shots. Cut the shots that don't really help in getting your point across. Be merciless here. A great viral video is more about trimming stuff out than about putting stuff in.
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Remember the Chinese saying. A picture is worth a thousand words. Whatever you can show, show it, don't just talk about it. Include visuals, pictures and other short clips just to SHOW your point. If you are pitching for a product try and include a short demo! Here’s a good example. Look up some Billy Mays videos and note how he pitches products. Well! Everyone can’t do what Billy does but the point remains, it's quicker and more effective to show rather than to tell. Here are some tips while you make your videos 1. Think like a street performer when you make your two minute videos. 2. Try and infuse something into the video so that it becomes unforgettable. 3. Just be different from other videos floating around. 4. Be real and human. This touches people more than anything else. 5. Promote your wherever you can. TubeAssistant is an online software program that can help you with this. Access the free version here.
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Successful memes can be basically be interpreted as those things that enter the public consciousness.
MEMES, MEMES ALL OVER! The definition of meme seems to be "an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture." And the same concept of "memes" plays big role among the internet communities. In our case, securing our own place in the public consciousness with viral videos. To make that happen, we need to generate something like a great catch phrase, or a memorable moment as a starting point. For E.g. Like Indiana Jones pulling his gun out and shooting that guy who was swinging the sword around. The phrase can be like "Make my day" or "Dude, where's my car?" kind of thing, The fact is that many of these catch phrases and great moments tend to happen by accident, and they're kind of hard to arrange on purpose. Catch phrases tend to develop naturally. They rely on repetition, the things we hear a person or character say all the time.
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NATURAL SELECTION IS THE FUNNIEST It really is all about natural selection! For e.g. the title of the video "Funny or DIE!” One cant say which of your video titles will be catchy! That’s one of the reasons and so much emphasis on making a lot of videos is given. The more videos the more iconic appeal for you. Ideas do catch if it contains something for the viewer that just plain works right away. Ideas that are easily understandable can immediately be worked upon.
KNOW THIS TO KEEP FROM BEING SUED The line between what you can and cannot do with your video is a little confusing, but let’s see how it is in plain English.
When it comes to copyright laws, there's actually quite a lot you can get away with. Even stuff that's technically not legal, copyright laws only come into effect if the copyright holder wishes to press charges. However, it's usually best to play it safe.
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Do not use copyright protected songs unless you have permission from the copyright holder. Most video sharing sites will either mute the audio, forcing you to remix the sound of the video with a new song, or they'll just remove the video altogether. You cannot use unedited clips from a movie. Technically, you shouldn't be able to use any footage at all, but most movie companies don't seem to mind as it works as publicity for films that are often forgotten by now. It raises public interest again on the movie earning them a few DVD sales. However, if you just put your favorite scene from Kill Bill on the internet without Quentin Tarantino's permission, you can fully expect it to be taken off the site pronto.
Use any part of others material in the context of a review but, -
Only up to ten percent or thirty seconds of a song whichever is shorter.
Only ten percent or three minutes of a movie, whichever is shorter
You can use any fictional character or public figure, plotline from any movie, mock any politician, actor or musician, you can do your own cover of any song... just so long as what you're doing falls under parody.
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DEFAMATION Any statement made, in print, speech or broadcast (includes viral videos) with the sole intention of giving a negative impression of a person or a group of people is defined as defamation. General requirement is that, -
First, the statement must be false
Second, it must be made to somebody besides the defamed.
Suppose, you called someone a jerk to his face, that wouldn't count. In fact, that's a matter of opinion, as opposed to something that could be construed as a "false fact". Rather, defamation involves stating something that could be theoretically proven or not, so your video shouldn’t be saying that US President is a Muslim extremist or something ridiculous like that. However, again, you can say whatever you want about whoever you want in the context of parody. If you want to make a video where you dress up like some celebrity and do something ridiculous, that's completely covered as parody. The basic rule is: You just can't make a video where you make things up about someone and pass them off as fact.
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The truth is that, often times, the laws on the books don't really matter. Very rarely, works of clear satire have been sued out of existence by the copyright holders of the ridiculed characters. On the flip side, it is technically one hundred percent legal to spoof Mickey Mouse, but Disney has some of the best lawyers in the world, so just know you're treading dangerous waters if you want to do anything with their characters, even if it's one hundred percent satire. That’s why you must play safe. Satire whatever you like, since the cases where clear satire is punished are rare, but be cautious. Know the line between spoof and defamation.
This bonus chapter is for you if you are a first timer with videos. The basic tips are underlined here is to make your video make sense and on how to communicate your ideas easily with the viewer. Let’s call it the five minute film school...
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Writing is easier than it seems. It usually takes one page of script writing to make up one minute of screen time. So, if you are writing for a short video it's usually best to keep it under five pages so that your video is within five minutes. It’s strongly suggested to read your script to some friends and observe how they react. If you get worthy feed backs and some great suggestions, incorporate them into your video script. Similarly, scrap the negatives from your script. Remember to keep your script lucid, coherent and short. Grab the viewer's attention right at the start and just have some fun with it.
Well! This is a tricky part! First of all, forget finding professional actors. Just try out with your friends first. A little coaching given to them may help you to make your short video presentable to anyone. If you don’t get your friends to do it, that's not a dead end.
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Article Video Robot is an online tool that can convert any plain-text/video scripts/ article into a stunning marketing viral video with animation, music, graphics and a complete voice-over in just one single click! You may also try out the inexpensive 5 Video Creation Software Tools that can help you come out with instant viral videos. Here is also full video set “How To Create Stunning Videos require no camera or recording equipment” that you can look into. It’s affordable and inexpensive. You may also download for free video creation scientist that explains how to use free online tools to create your short viral video online.
Just get whatever camera you can get your hands on - as long as you can export the captured video to your computer for editing. Remember, people are going to be watching the video on their iPod or smartphone in a tiny little Youtube screen. All they care about is if it's entertaining, not how good of a camera you were using.
Just grab three spare lamps from around the house and that’s enough! The three light setup is the foundation of all indoor film lighting for doing your two minute Youtube.
Main Light- This is your strongest light. Use it to illuminate the scene and make sure you can see what's going on, simple as that. Put it off screen, just to one side of and behind the camera.
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Hi-light- The high-light is used to avoid the shadows cast by your main light. Place it on the opposite side of the camera from the main light.
Backlight- Backlight is placed behind your actors but hidden just off screen. It casts a thin halo of light around your actors so as to separate them from the background.
You can play around with these if you want. Use the backlight only and you get some eerie silhouettes, or use just the main light and the backlight and you get a moody film noir look. Experiment and have fun with it.
The Axis is one of the core rules of setting up camera angles. You can do whatever crazy stuff you want with the camera, you can flip it upside down, shoot it all handheld, and zoom in and out until the zoom button falls off, just so long as you follow the rule of the axis. Unfortunately, it is kind of hard to explain in words alone, so we'll have to provide a diagram... Background 1
| --------A---|---B---------| 3
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A and B represent your actors, 1, 2, 3 and 4 are the four sections of your set. Don't worry, it's really simple. If you're shooting actor A only, keep the camera in section 4. If you're shooting actor B only, keep your camera in section 3. If you're shooting both, you can use either of those two sections. Never put your camera in sections 1 and 2. This is done so that the two actors look like they're talking to one another, and so that you can always see their faces. If you shoot actor A from section 4, he'll always be facing right, and if you shoot actor B from section 3, he'll always be facing left. If you shoot them both facing left, it winds up looking like they're not having a conversation with each other, but instead, talking to someone standing just off screen. Simple, right? One more thing: Don't just film the actors talking, film them listening, too. These shots will come in handy later.
To get your sound right is a challenge when you're on a budget unless you can afford a boom mic. Actually it’s just a matter of just eliminating all interfering noise coming from out side. Just make sure that your room is made sound proof as much as possible. Turn off your air conditioning, the fridge, TV in the next room etc. Make sure your actors speak clearly and you should be fine. The other option is looping. You record dialog separately and then plug it in while editing the video
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Post production is the most important part of the job before you upload it
Editing helps you to cover up your mistakes and makes your video real crispy! For e.g. If two shots don't fit together very well, you can put a "pillow shot" between them (a pillow shot is a shot simply used for pacing, usually of some random detail in the room or a long shot of the location). Edit it in such a way that you string all your little shots together makes sense. You can go for a fast paced, with a cut every second or so. You can edit it so that the cuts are in time with the beat of the song on the soundtrack, or you can let one long, unbroken take go on for a full minute.
Once editing is over, watch it many times and see how it plays. Take opinion from friends and see what their views on it are. Make some improvements, show it to your friends again, and so on and so on until you're as satisfied as you're ever going to be. Remember, if your viral video makes sense and has something interesting to offer - that’s all that matters. In a short video, viewers just don’t care if the acting is good or the lighting is a little weak.
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If they laugh, or if your video direct them to a great product, or if they feel your video is cool, that’s all it requires for your video to go viral all over the internet. Double check on your edited video again. Check for sound output, pace and time. Go back to editing again if you are not satisfied.
Okay, it’s your first video! Mistakes are bound to happen. Initially don’t be perplexed about the number of views you are getting. Instead, just concentrate on learning the ropes and keep improving at it. If you get a lot of views, that’s great. Your real goal with your initial videos is to simply learn to create great viral videos over a period of time. Consistent hits will follow you if you keep at it. Enjoy your endeavor. Laugh at yourself later when you become an expert. Your first few videos are not a yard stick on the viral power of your videos. On the contrary, you are creating the kind of videos that you’d want to see first and know that you are always your first fan.
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CONCLUSION No one can ever guarantee that you will amass millions views for your videos. It requires some imagination and skill from your side coupled with a bit of good luck. Here is a video tool to help with you from A-Z for creating videos the easy way. Many video marketers have created dozens of videos to find the bleak figure of less than ten views. But remember, all it takes is just one strike among the lot can grab a million views over the course of a single week! Some of your videos may hover around a hundred views for months - only to suddenly shoot up by a hundred thousand overnight. One never can really predict the future movement of your videos until it happens. Whether you are uploading videos online for fun or for business, do not worry too much. After all, you're doing what you love. Believe in your passion for telling your jokes and stories through short videos. That enthusiasm of yours will shine through your videos and that’s where you begin to hit it off with your audience. Sooner or later! What are you waiting for? Go ahead and make your first video!
Courteously – S. Kumar Visit For More Free Downloads & Free Resources At: My FB Page: My LinkedIn Articles:
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Access Tube Assistant Free Today!
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