LHS Key Club | Vol 4 Issue 3 The Toast | Sep/Oct/Nov 2016

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S EP/ OCT / NOV 2016


T abl eofCont ent s 1.L et t erf r om t hepr es i dent

2. Event sRecap

3.F undr ai s i ng&Edi t or sCor ner

Vi ncentNg uyen

L et t erf r om t hepr es i dent

Sal ut at i onsmycomr ades ! Sadl y,we’ r eal r eadyoveral mos tt hr oughourkeycl ubyearbutont hebr i ght s i de,we’ r eal mos tt hr oughourkeycl ubyear !I ’ ms oexci t edf orwhat st ocome i nt hi snexthal f( andIhopeyouar et oo) ! KeyCl ubt hi syearf ormehasbeengr eats of ar !T r i ckOrT r eatf orUni cef ,F ar mer sMar ket ,Pi z z at ai l gat e,Ki wani sOneDay,t hel i s tgoeson!I ’ m pr oudL i ndber ghKeyCl ubhasbr anchedf ar t herandf ar t heri nt ot hevas ts paceofvol unt eer i ngandIhopet oi ncor por at emor eandmor epeopl et odos o! Onanot hernot e,I ’ m al s ohypedf orof f i cerel ect i onscomi ngupt hi sweekbecaus eI ’ m exci t edt os eewhobecomesourcl ub’ sf ut ur eboar d!T opr ovemy exci t ement ,Iwi l ldomybes taspr es i dentandper s ever eunt i lt hen!L i ndber gh KeyCl ub’ sBoar dwi l lwor khar dwi t handf oryout omakes ur et her es tofyour KeyCl ubyeari samaz i ng!Keepr acki ngi nt hos ehour sandkeepcomi ngt odi vi s i onalmeet i ngsandevent s ! I nL oveandSer vi ce, Vi nz i nat orNguyen

Pat ri ck Ti amzon

Eventr ecap

HeyHeyHey What ’ supkeycl ubber s ! ! ! ! !How’ st hef i r s tt womont hsofkeycl ubdoi ngf orya? Wel lt os t ar tof ff r om Sept emberwehadourf i r s tmeet i ngoft heyearwhi chwent f ant as t i c.Wehadabout80peopl es how upt ot hemeet i ngwhi chi spr et t y cr az y.T os t ar tof fevent sf orSept emberwehadmul t i pl evol unt eer i ngevent sat ournei ghborel ement ar ys chool s ,Cas cadeEl ement ar yandRent onPar k.F or t heRent onPar kevent swehel pedouts etupamovi eni ghtandal s os er ved pi z z aanddr i nks !Asf ort heevent satCas cadeel ement ar ywer ebabys i t t i ngt he youngoneswhi l et hei rpar ent swer eat t endi ngopenhous e.Weal s ohadour annualL HScour t yar dcl eanup.Asf orOct oberwedi dnothavemanyevent s l i keSept ember ,butwehadourf i r s tDCM oft heyear !F ort heevent swehad t heKi wani sOneDay,whi chIdi dn’ tper s onal l ygomys el fbuthear di twasa l otoff un.Weal s odi dourannualT r i ckorT r eatf orUni cefonOct ober31s t , wer ai s edat ot alof$373. 22,t hat ’ sunbel i evabl e!T hankyouf orever yone whopar t i ci pat ed!Wel lt hatwr apsupt hes et wof i r s tmont hsoft heyearand l ookoutf ort heChr i s t mast r ees etupsi nNovemberandal s ot hebel lr i ngi ngi nDecember !

Ami ca Huynh

F undr ai s i ng

I ' m pr oudt os eeourf i r s tf undr ai s er ,t hehomecomi ngt ai l gat e, wasas ucces s !Ourpi z z as al esmadeabout$75.Asf ort her es tof f al landwi nt erf eelf r eet os ubmi tdes i gnsf ors pi r i twear .Pl eas e cont actanyof f i ceri fyouwantt omakes pi r i twear ,s t i cker sor but t ons .Al s okeepaneyeoutf oras chool wi dei ces kat i ngf undr ai s eri near l yJ anuar yaf t erwi nt erbr eak.I fanyonei si nt er es t edi n hel pi ngwi t hf undr ai s i ngi deascomet al kt omeanyt i me! Wecur r ent l yhave60member si nourcl ub!Remembert opay$16 duest ot heASBof f i cet obecomeanof f i ci almember ;t hef i nal s deadl i net opayi sNovember21s t !

Jerami eCas t i l l o

Edi t or ’ sCor ner

HeyKeyCl ubber s !I t ’ sbeenar eal l ygoodt er mf orus of f i cer sandyoumember sandIcan’ twai tt os ee what ’ st ocomenextf orL HSKC.Def i ni t el yexci t edf or t hes eupcomi ngevent saswel last hehol i days ! T hanksf orr eadi ngands eeyal lnextt i me!

CONT ACTUS VI NCENTNGUYEN nguyenvi ncent 16@gmai l . com ( 206) 2711136 PAT RI CKT I AMZ ON pat r i ckt i amz on@gmai l . com ( 206) 9924348 ERI NNABESAMI S er i nngel i na@gmai l . com ( 206) 4955535 AMI CAHUYNH ami cahuynh@gmai l . com ( 206) 8598494 J ERAMI ECAST I L L O j er ami ec64@gmai l . com ( 206) 6949063

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