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Senior Saryn Powell
Powell has a passion for music as well as doodling on the side. Reported by Ethan Atkins Design by Derek KatzerPhoto by Pearl Pritchard
“When I started orchestra, I absolutely hated it,” senior Saryn Powell said. “The music was way too hard and I was the only freshman in my class. It really sucked.” But now, she loves it. In fact, today orchestra is a really important part of her life. She started playing the viola in fifth grade and now, she wants it to be part of her future. “I’m going to teach orchestra eventually,” she said. “Right now, I’m doing an internship with NCAPS with student-teaching in eighth grade orchestra.” Powell’s private lessons teacher is her biggest inspiration for playing viola. “Mr. Cook is the person who made me want to go into music because he has such a different teaching style than a lot of different people,” Powell said. Playing the viola has also allowed her to make long lasting memories. “Playing the viola resulted in meeting new people,” she said. One of Powell’s friends, senior Lauren Brookins, is supportive of her musical career. “I think Saryn is incredibly musically talented, but I think what really makes her stand out is her passion for music,” Brookins said. “She genuinely loves music, and it will take her far.” While playing the viola is Powell’s passion, she can’t do it all the time. She also enjoys doodling and drawing as an escape from school and work. “I like to draw people, like on the corner of my papers, mostly faces,” Powell said. “I like to make them realistic, so realism is the real reason.” One of Powell’s biggest decisions was applying and getting accepted into Northland Career for Advanced Professional Studies. “I thought I wanted to be a doctor, and this program was a great way to experience different areas of the healthcare field and shadow different specialties. I learned first aid skills like CPR and how to insert an IV,” Powell said. NCAPS allowed her to make an educated decision about her future. “Without NCAPS I probably would have had to change my major in college,” she said. Powell really enjoys being in the program. “I enjoy NCAPS mainly because of the people in my class, we are a tight knit group. Class is fun every day because of my great teacher, Mrs. Williamson, and all the fun activities we do during class,” she said. Powell’s former Model UN and AP Psychology teacher, Jordan Moree, likes Powell’s personality and attitude. “She seems to always brighten my day with either something funny or a sarcastic comment,” Moree said. “She is a naturally gifted student who finds time to put in the work on her studies.” After knowing Powell for three years, he has had a lot of experiences with her. One of his favorites is the time they went to Chicago for the Model United Nations Conference. “My favorite memory with Saryn was the time she left a meeting in Chicago to look at Crocs and get a coffee,” Moree said. At the end of the day, Powell best enjoys playing her viola, working with music and spending time with friends. “Saryn is a good friend because you see how she genuinely cares for the people around her,” Brookins said. “She is always willing to help someone out, or make them laugh. Since I first met her in eighth grade, we have become very close, and I’m so grateful for her friendship.”