17 minute read
What’s Next?
indepth. What Now?
Deciding what to do after high school is something every student must face, however difficult it can be. There are many options for students nearing graduation, such as attending a four year or two year college, going to a trade school, joining the military or entering the workforce. There are many factors that play a part in a student determining which one is best for them, and there are many resources available at LHS to aid in the decision making process. Reported by Regan Johnston and Emma Stauffer Design by Ashley Tindall and Alyah Craig
In a poll sent out to eleventh and twelfth grade LHS students, 51% of the students responded that they were planning on attending a four year college after high school, while about 10% replied that they were planning on going to a two year college. It’s important that students find a school that’s a perfect fit for them. Senior Audrey McBride plans on attending the University of Kansas, a four year college, to study biology and medicine. “The pros would be that it’s definitely easier to jump into a career or get into the job market,” McBride said. “It’s definitely very expensive, especially if you are going out of state.” For some students, a two year college is a better fit. At two year colleges, students are able to earn an associates degree, typically at a lower price than four year schools. LHS offers the A+ program, which is very beneficial to students, and makes the option of a two year college very appealing. Once students finish the required 50 hours of tutoring, they can use their A+ hours to pay for tuition at any Missouri 2 year college, and can earn scholarships at four year colleges. Senior Lillian Gaither is using the A+ program to attend Maple Woods for two years, before transferring to a four year college to complete her degree. “I want to become a veterinarian technologist first, so that’s what I have to go through Maple Woods to do, and then eventually go to Mizzou and become a veterinarian pathologist,” Gaither said. “I decided to do the A+ program because it is a way for me to get the A+ scholarships at many colleges that I was looking at.” Career Navigator Tim Anderson offers advice on decision-making. “When you think about college options, two year college is going to be a much smaller setting, and it’s going to be a lot less expensive,” Anderson said. “Then you get to four year colleges, and my experience has been that they are very large. If you are not very focused on what you are looking for in a four year college, it’s easy to get lost in that, and that’s just something to think about.” All students can make an appointment with Anderson in the counseling office to discuss college choices. Two and Four Year College
“A+ is a great opportunity for students planning on attending a two year college or trade school after high school as well as for those who intend on enrolling in a 4 year university. It is a great back up plan and I really encourage all students who are eligible to enroll to do so.” -Counselor Trilaina McCallum
Photo by Pearl Pritchard
A+ Information
The A+ program is a statewide program designed to give financial assistance for students who want to go to college or have a pathway to college. To receive the A+ benefits, they must complete 50 hours of tutoring. To become a part of the A+ program, a student must fill out an application. For more information...
Trade and Vocational Schools
Junior Simon Gaughan is taking Advanced Woodworking and plans on going to a trade school after high school. Photo by Charlene Nguyen

Trade and vocational schools are usually two year schools designed to teach students the necessary skills for a trade. With a degree from a trade school, a student can become an electrician, welder, computer technician, cosmetologist, construction manager and more. Though junior Angelina Billingsley doesn’t know exactly what she is going to do, she is leaning towards trade school. “I feel like in trade school you can get really good jobs there and it’s a lot cheaper than a four year college,” Billingsley said. “It doesn’t require a whole bunch of courses to take compared to college and it doesn’t take a whole bunch of money.” Compared to college, which averages around $127,000 for a four year program, as stated by Student Debt Relief, trade school degrees average around $33,000. So it is a much cheaper alternative to college, without sacrificing a person’s chance at a good career. After he graduates, junior Simon Gaughan wants to go to trade school so he can work in heating, ventilation and air conditioning. “I just like working with my hands,” Gaughan said. “It’s something my family has done for generations. I always enjoyed it ever since I started doing it. Originally I wanted to do welding but HVAC offers more opportunities and it pays more.” Unlike colleges, trade schools give students a more job-oriented education for a specific job, instead of making them learn a variety of subjects, making it a preferable option for students who already know what they want to do when they graduate. For more information on trade schools, talk to Anderson in the counseling office. If a student thinks trade school is right for them, they need to be sure to do research on the school and job you want and know what to expect. “Be prepared to do some stuff that you do not want to do,” Gaughan said. “There’s a lot of stuff with my woodworking class or my manufacturing class that I didn’t want to do but I did it anyway. Sometimes it’s tough, sometimes you hurt yourself but you have to persevere through it.”
Some students choose to join the military after high school. The Military has six branches, Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, Navy and the new Space Force. There are many opportunities that come with joining the military, and they differ based on each branch. “Some of the great benefits that some people really like is the fact that we will pay for four years of college tuition, there is free healthcare, free housing, free food and a pretty good paycheck on top of that,” Army Staff Sergeant Craig Talley said. Talley is one of several Army recruiters located in Liberty. They are responsible for talking to people close to graduation or recently graduation about the option of joining the military, and specifically the Army. They visit LHS occasionally during lunch to speak with students. Senior Elaina Blodgett is participating in the Show Me Gold program after graduation, which will allow her to simultaneously be a student at Northwest Missouri State University while training to become a captain in the Army National Guard. “It does help me pay for my college, so I will get a diploma with no student debt,” Blodgett said. “I’m going to meet so many great people and I’m going to be able to help our country.” Each branch of the military has different benefits, and is appealing to different people for various reasons. Junior Ian Wooldridge will attend William Jewell college to study international relations and political science. Afterwards, Wooldridge is considering joining the Navy. “We have the largest Navy in the world, and so we are literally protecting the seas not only for America’s safety but for really the world, so that would be a cool, big thing to be apart of,” Wooldridge said. Tally agrees, and urges any student that is thinking about joining the Army to talk to a recruiter. “A lot of people don’t realize all the benefits and all the job options that are available,” Talley said. “I think if students have any interest at all or are weighing their options for after high school, the best thing to do would be to just come and talk to us. We are here to advise and to put people on the right path and show everybody what the Army has to offer.”

Army Recruiters come during lunch to inform students on the benefits of joining the army after graduating. Photo by Pearl Pritchard
Junior Chris Ketchum plans on going straight into the workforce by working in an auto body shop after high school. Photo by Kylee Williams

Advice for Entering the Workforce
Going straight into the workforce right after high school is a good option for students who need to save money, are unsure about their career goals and are ready to start working. “I can get some quick money, pay some bills and pay off anything my parents need to pay off,” junior Chris Ketchum said. “I have an offer to go to my friend’s dad’s body shop up in North Kansas City, so he’s going to train me and I’m going to go do that after school.” Going to work right after high school can also give people a head start on life, given that they don’t have to spend more years in school. This gives people like senior Daniel Fulton the opportunity to plan out what they want to do after they graduate. “For now, I’m probably just going to keep on moving up in my current job and when I turn 21 I want to join the police academy,” Fulton said. “I’m a shift manager at Wendy’s, but then I want to be a patrol cop first and work my way up to detective.” Joining the workforce is also a good option for those who still want to go to college or trade school but can’t do it immediatly after graduation. “You’ll save some money at first because even
“For students planning on entering the workforce I think there are two things students can do while still enrolled in high school. One, create a resume and begin the job searching before you graduate. Two, take advantage of hands on experiences while in high school. A great experience for students are the Shadowing experiences, as well as our Network 53 Internship opportunities that our Career Navigator can help connect students with.”

Photo by Alyssa Griffith

if you still wanted to go to college you could save that money from working and then go to college in the future,” Fulton said. If students in high school are considering joining the workforce after they graduate, they should consider the different programs and resources provided to help them prepare, including NCAPS, Career Center, KC Tech Academy and internships. “I think they are beneficial because it’s a different way to learn, it’s learning by doing not learning within a traditional classroom,” Anderson said. “I think that’s just different. Some people really appreciate that. I know my personal experience was that I really benefited from being out and learning by doing and being hands-on. It’s nice that we are able to offer those things for that type of student who wants that opportunity.” Going straight into the workforce takes commitment, so be prepared for that. “Make sure that you actually work,” Fulton said. “There’s a lot of people that get a job and then leave and quit, or they’re lazy and get fired. If you want to join the workforce, make sure you are serious about it because you will eventually be fired if you’re not working.”
Anderson aids students in the planning for their life after high school. He helps students with the intern program, NCAPS and the Career Center and other programs offered by the counseling office. If need help planning or have any questions contact Anderson. Career Navigator Tim Anderson
Schedule a meeting with Anderson in the couseling office, or email him at tim.anderson@lps53.org
Still Not Sure?
It’s OK to not know exactly what you want to do after high school. 10% of students who responded to the poll question“Do you feel like you are aware of the different options that are available for after graduation?” said they were not. What is important is for students to be searching for ideas and options that interest them. LHS has numerous resources available. lllOne place to begin is the counseling office with your counselor or Anderson, who specializes in helping students explore career choices. Junior Julia Justice has advice for students. “I’d say if you don’t know what you’re doing you should look into jobs around you to get a start, or find a college near you then get a stable job or you could ask people around you what they did to get an idea,” Justice said. “It’s fine to be confused as long as you are passionate and happy with your decision. Don’t be afraid to take your time.”
Number of Polled Students
What are you planning to do after graduation?
From 31 junior and senior student responses
Two Year College Four Year College Trade/Vocational School

Options After High School
There are plenty of options after high school that students have the ability to explore. From college to the workforce, or to simply being undecided, students are definetly free to choose their path.
Trade School
This option is most likely for those who want to partake in specific occupations and feel the need to hone their skills.
Students that have either had the chance to make connections within their desired work, or simply want to go straight into their occupation, would most likely choose to go into the workforce.
It’s your choice!
Confused on what to do? Don’t fret. You don’t have to decide your future right away.
College There are a variety of two and four-year colleges that students can choose to go to for specific training in any major they choose.
Serve for the States Enlisting in services that fight for the United States is a good option for many because of the benefits.
staff ed.
Reported by Emma Stauffer
Design by Alyah Craig
From attending college, going to a trade or vocational school, joining the military, or becoming a part of the workforce, students have many options after leaving LHS. There are many educational paths to achieve each of these, and LHS offers many resources to help students. But are students fully aware of all of these options? Some of The Bell staff members feel that LHS puts a heavy emphasis on students attending college, when the reality is that college is not the best fit for everybody. For some students, financial troubles, expectation of family members and other factors play a part in their decision-making process when it comes to their post high school plans. For others, their interests and goals are more directed towards hands-on work and a trade or vocational school is more practical. Some students choose to join the military or enter the workforce after graduation. Opportunities that the school offers such as NCAPS, Career Center, KC Tech Academy, the A+ program, internships, college fairs and careers fair are created with the intent of assisting students in their after high-school preparation and decision making. One staff member pointed out that many students have an abundance of work and responsibility when it comes to their classes, and are more focused on that than trying to determine their post high school plans. Many students feel pressured to take specific classes to meet course requirementsand don’t really have the opportunity to experiment and try
Staff Vote
Yes: 12 No: 7
new things. For some students, they choose not to take certain classes because they hope to achieve a certain grade. With the pressures of applying for schools and scholarships, many students choose to prioritize getting a high GPA rather than trying new things. Several staff members concluded they feel like students are aware of the options after high school, but have difficulty determining which one is best for them. However, another staff member said students need to be responsible for actively seeking out opportunities. This can be done by visiting colleges and schools, talking to the military recruiters that visit during lunch, or talking to people doing the job you are interested in. Simply making connections in the community and in businesses by calling, asking around and talking to former employees can help students interested in a specific career. Finding a mentor in the field you want to go into can also be beneficial. Career Navigator Tim Anderson in the counseling office can help students trying to decide their plans after high school and the best way to get there. It’s important for a student to weigh all of their options, and really think about what’s going to be best for them and align with their goals. For more information about different options after high school, check out this month’s indepth story.

I Don't Love You, Mama, Teenagers, Dead!, Sleep, This is How I Disappear
My Chemical Romance The Black Parade
Review by Ari Revella Design by Alyah Craig
My Chemical Romance is known for being one of the most theatrical and energetic poppunk bands of the 2000’s, and “The Black Parade” is their peak. This is their third and most popular studio album, following their second album, “Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge.” My Chemical Romance was arguably my first musical phase, or obsession, when I was eight. I re-found this record again on Christmas Eve of last year, I gave it a relisten, and it still holds up today.
Released October 23, 2006 14 tracks, 56 minutes
Score 9/10
First, and most importantly, “I Don’t Love You” still holds up to be my favorite track from this album. It’s a perfect punk slow jam with an amazing chorus and an emotional performance from MCR front man Gerard Way. With heartfelt lyrics, such as the chorus “When you go, would you even turn to say // I don’t love you like I did yesterday”, and overall it’s just a beautiful song. It fits perfectly into the story as well. I still scream the chorus in the car to this day. I have nothing bad to say about this track. “Mama” is a very close second for my favorite song here. The expressive vocal performances, the bouncy instrumentation and production, and the dark lyrics, being really pessimistic create an almost Broadway feel. It’s catchy and it’s fun. “Dead!” is also another highlight for me, with another sticky chorus, theatrical vocal performances and is overall an amazing tonesetter to the album alongside its sister track, “The End,” which is an amazing intro to the record. I wish “The End” was better as a stand alone song, for example making it longer and more grand rather than just an intro, but I still go back to it. “Disenchanted” is my favorite track in the last leg of the record, with the tongue-in-cheek lyrics, like the chorus saying “This is a sad song // with nothing to say,” but contains a compelling and emotional performance from all of the members as well. And the final climax of the song is just fantastic. The closing track, “Famous Last Words,” while being far from a bad song with a fantastic chorus, is a slightly underwhelming closer. It just might be my least favorite track here. That leaves “Welcome To The Black Parade,” My Chemical Romance’s biggest hit. I actually love the song, but within the context of the album, it just doesn’t beat my top five favorites. Obviously the first verse is iconic, “When I was, a young boy // My father took me into the city…” along with the chorus, and the climactic ending. Regardless, this track deserves its hype. The bonus track “Blood” is the bonus track, and while it does add a bit to the story, showing how the character got to this place in his life, it doesn’t add much to the overall album experience.