Issue 1, The Budget, Lawrence High School, 2023-24 school year

Page 1

The Budget

Lawrence High School Lawrence, KS Volume 131

Issue 1

September 2023

Understanding our rights

First Amendment rights impact students at school and beyond Page 10-11

Preserving our freedoms

Attacks on the free press raise concerns for journalists and society at large Page 28-29

The Budget Briefs



iPads raise security concerns


Meet Homecoming Court members


Cat cafe mixes coffee with kitty cuddles


The Budget

Lawrence High School Lawrence, KS Volume 131

Issue 1

September 2023

Understanding our rights

First Amendment rights impact students at school and beyond Page 10-11

Preserving our freedoms

Attacks on the free press raise concerns for journalists and society at large Page 28-29

Athletes adapt to record heat


FOLLOW @lhsbudget


City rushes to address crossing guard shortage

New Covid variant reaches students in large numbers

From power lifting to Pokemon, there’s a club for everyone

Students get a second chance at

Despite its efforts, the government does not have the right to silence people thanks to the rights granted in the First Amendment. Graphic by Lily Norton


New program reaches students after first hour BY ANNE WOOLVERTON REPORTER


he district started a new program trying to make sure more students are getting all three meals a day. The program is called “second breakfast,” and it aims to make sure kids who don’t eat breakfast at home are getting a meal at school before their lunch. “There are some students for whom school meals are the most reliable source of food during the day. Second chance breakfast gives students another opportunity to get the nutrition they need to do their best in school,” said USD 497 Director of Nutrition and Wellness Julie Henry. Senior Ava Crook feels rushed during all meal times, including the new mealtime. The allotted time for second breakfast is 10 minutes. As many students have started to catch on to the program, it tends to create long lines which have to be corralled by administrators. “It’s definitely not enough time, and I


feel like our lunch should be expanded, too,” Crook said. Despite how students feel about food options, second breakfast is getting more students to have a balanced diet. Second breakfast, although sometimes chaotic, is still evident of the district’s efforts to feed students. Even if students aren’t finding their favorite options, some people are getting access to a meal they would’ve gone without before. “There are some students for whom school meals are the most reliable source of

Designed by Sama Abughalia

food during the day,” Henry said. “Second chance breakfast gives students another opportunity to get the nutrition they need to do their best in school.”

Lining up, junior Jaylen Parks and senior Cole Ahlander wait to pick up second breakfast. LHS started offering a second breakfast time by adding an extra five minutes between first and second hours. “It saves me time in the morning before second period because of the 10-minute passing period,” Parks said. Photo by Ethan Hanratanagorn

The Budget Briefs



Angela Braden-Egoavil makes her first “attempt” as she goes through the volleyball team’s usual practice routine as a part of her new video series “Angie Attempts.”


Orchestra Fall Concert 7 p.m. in the auditorium


End of 1st quarter

US National Secretary of Education

SPEAKS AT KU Superintendent celebrates success of KU Blueprint program during visit



Varsity football versus Free State 7 p.m. at Free State Early bird deadline for ordering yearbooks, LHSYearbookOrder



.S. Secretary of Education Dr. Miguel Cardona visited KU on his “Back to School Bus Tour 2023: Raise the Bar.” This multi-state road trip featured students and educators who strive to “raise the bar” for education, including a few LHS students and USD 497 district officials. The event included themes of K-12 postsecondary partnerships, programs, mending the student loan system, and restoring federal education funds. KU and Lawrence Public Schools were featured on the tour for the Blueprint program, in which high school students have the opportunity to complete college credits at high school for a third of the price. “In just six years, the number of students participating in at least one Blueprint course has

Early bird deadline for yearbook senior ads, lhsybkseniorads

Varsity football versus Free State 7 p.m. at Free State


Parent-teacher conferences starting at 5 p.m. in person surged by 600 percent, reaching nearly 2,000 students,” Superintendent Dr. Anthony Lewis said. Representing Lawrence High School, seniors January Jackson and Addy Welch were highlighted for displaying exemplary work in Blueprint classes. Cardona also discussed federally supported pathway programs (TRIO), Upward Bound and SES Talent Search work to bring diversity and equity to KU’s campus and careers beyond. “TRIO represents the promise of America. The promise

shows us that whatever your race or place, whatever your income or aspirations, you get a chance to build a better future for yourself through education,” Cardona said. “Wherever you start out in life, you have a shot at success, and its best education opens doors.”


PSAT testing at 7:30 a.m. in the West Gym/Learning Commons


On tour , U.S. Secretary of Education Dr. Miguel Cardona speaks at KU. The speech was meant to bring light to programs such as the Blueprint education pathways, as well as student health in education. Photo by Sama Abughalia

Designed by Sama Abughalia


The Budget News


iPad passcodes process raise questions about

SECURITY RISKS New devices for high school don't require passcodes for students, staff



ick up any student iPad, and you’ll most likely have access to their files. Same is true for many staff members. Passcodes aren’t currently required on the student or staff devices, which often means that anyone could pick up an iPad and see open email accounts, grades and assignments. Because the devices store passwords, programs like email, PowerSchool and Google Classroom are almost always automatically logged in. During an age when digital security is a rising global concern, USD 497 has yet to implement a required passcode for student or staff iPads — an issue that came to light as USD 497 has transitioned to iPads


on devices. Staff members have always from password-protected MacBooks at the high school level. had the ability to set passcodes. But the system doesn’t currently require anyone “Having passcodes on every device would make students more comto set passcodes. Lawrence USD 497 is an outlier fortable with all their information “The devices being on there,” senior Harrison among area districts for a lack of need to be Kirkwood said. “Having your a passcode requirement. Of the locked. FOR five area districts reached by The friends or classmates be able to EVERYONE.” Budget, all require student and just mess with your assignments —Jennifer Hare staff devices to have passcodes or or information is scary.” counselor After logging into their new passwords. devices for the first time this USD 497 Director of Technology David Vignery said unsecured devices summer, many students noticed that they won’t compromise the district’s network. weren’t required to set a passcode. Not “We are not requiring a passcode for only that, they didn’t initially have the option to set a passcode. students at this time. This is for the reason that some [people] do not want to have a As questions about device security arose, by late August, the district modified passcode, and as far as a security risk to our network, there is none,” Vignery said its high school device policy and extended the option for students to set a passcode in an email response to questions. “The

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The Budget News damage that can be done to a student not meet IT security standards such iPad if they do not have a passcode is as being inadequately prepared for related to the student files and not the security breaches. School districts may network.” be further behind in building strong The issue stems from the device’s security processes because they are profiles. High school iPads were originot required to adopt the same general nally logged in using the district’s midsecurity policies followed at the state dle school iPad profile, which didn’t level. require a passcode. “Various IT security standards, “This profile does not have a including the state’s Information Techpasscode on it and has never had a nology Security Policy, require the use passcode on it,” Vignery said. “This was of unique information system authenan oversight on our part and now has tication such as passwords,” Legislative been corrected.” Post Audit manager Katrin Osterhaus Some worry about persaid. “Not requiring such PASSCODE sonal information being too passwords to lock devices accessible for others to see, could lead to a potential exPOLICIES including counselor and The Budget reached posure of someone’s private mental health team member information being exposed out to five other Jennifer Hare. school districts and and potentially misused by “The iPads should be an unauthorized individual.” found that Ottawa, required to lock because According to the same Eudora, Blue Valley, there’s a lot of personal official, passcode protected Shawnee Heights, information that not every devices are “universally acand Auburnstudent should have access cepted as best practices” at Washburn all to,” Hare said. “Anybody the state level. While school require passcodes could just get in to even mess districts are not required on student devices. with your assignments. If to follow the state’s same you were meeting with your security policies for their counselor to discuss mental health devices, Osterhaus expressed concern issues, that might not be something for student’s information. you want someone to be able to find so “In the case of school-issued deeasily.” vices, this could include educational The same problem arises for records, health information,” she said. teachers, who also have no require“Some of that may be sensitive data ments to set a passcode on their iPads. governed by federal laws. I would be According to Vignery, the district concerned that these controls aren’t is “working on a process” for a staff mandatorily enforced on school-issued requirement. As of now, many teachdevices.” ers have expressed concerns relating The state auditors recommended to a broader picture of cyber security in their report this summer that the as well as student privacy. Teachers Kansas State Department of Education routinely receive emails with sensitive “require all school districts to adopt information. basic security standards based on cur“It’s your personal place to store rent industry standards.” That includes things, even if it’s a school device,” requirements about setting adequate Hare said. “Part of teaching kids to be passwords. good digital citizens is giving them the Knowing that student and even tools to keep their information safe.” teacher information is potentially With a worldwide increase of cyber exposed on unlocked devices raises security attacks, districts have shown concerns, Hare said. they are vulnerable to attack. Minneap“That type of information getting olis Public Schools had 300,000 student out there, even just the possibility, files breached, exposing private inforcould be detrimental,” Hare said. “Even mation, such as case files, attendance just a student playing a prank. How far and other confidential information, could that joke go? The devices need to including about traumatic experiences be locked. For everyone.” like sexual assault, according to the Doing work, freshman Garrett Rhea uses Associated Press. the new iPads. Rhea had mixed feelings. In Kansas, a July audit of govern“It’s kind of hard to type because they ment agencies found that security risks keyboards are so small but there are better were common. The Kansas Legislative feature for touch so I’m kind of in the midDivision of Post Audit reported that dle,” said Rhea. Photo by Lydia Folks nine of 15 government entities did

Adapting to life with

IPADS Adjustment to iPads brings mixed student reactions BY ETHAN HANRATANAGORN REPORTER


lassrooms are adjusting to new iPads in different ways. Among the student body, the iPads are seen as unfavorable. In classrooms, the uses of iPads seems to vary. Wayne Rush, a math teacher, says that the ability to do worksheets online with the district-provided styluses is proving useful. “A goal of mine is to eventually be able to have a paperless classroom, which with the iPads now is possible,” Rush said. In animation class, taught by Zach Saltz, iPads could potentially prove useful. “There are apps that you can use, where you can use the styluses and just draw on your iPad,” Saltz said. As cool as these apps are, Saltz does not have immediate access to them. To download apps, students have to go through the district-controlled Manager application. Teachers see this process as a hassle. As teachers try to prepare students for college and the workplace, the iPads feel like a step in the wrong direction. According to senior Rose Kennedy, the iPads feel childish. “I can’t imagine doing debate on an iPad,” she said. “I would feel like a small child. I feel like a middle schooler now. I don’t want to write my college essays on an iPad,” Kennedy said. “That’s kind of gross.” Along with a feeling of immaturity, there are also issues with productivity. “I can’t type things as fast as I used to on a computer,” Kennedy said. “A lot more things are blocked,” she said. “I can’t reference any YouTube videos or watch any Crash Course videos because Crash Course and YouTube as a whole is blocked.” Overall, the adjustment to iPads has felt like a hassle. At a time when teachers are already overloaded and underpaid, the forced transition has not been easy. “It’s just like iPads add two or three steps to everything,” said Saltz.

Designed by Alaa Abourkis


The Budget News


New LHS teachers are ready to make a difference in their classrooms. Interviews by Audrey Stock


Spanish teacher Favorite thing about LHS: “I love the

BRIAN WHITE History Teacher Fun Fact: “I was a mechanic for 10

students. It’s a lot of fun to teach high years.” Photo by Eliza Naumann school kids.” Photo by Eliza Naumann


Designed by Elise George

KYLE MORGISON Special Education Teacher Favorite thing about LHS: “Teaching at LHS has been a dream come true. Having been a student myself, it’s great to be able to give back to the school that had an impact on me.” Photo by Eliza Naumann

The Budget News

From Lawrence High graduate to


Staff and faculty are relieved to have a familiar face in charge amid leadership change BY JONAS LORD NEWSPAPER MANAGING EDITOR

pride everyday I walk in this building.” Other administrators, like assistant principal and athletic director Mike Gillman, are excited for the change in pace brought lthough new to the job of job of by Rials, especially during the hectic first few interim principal, Quinton Rials weeks of a new school year. knows LHS well. “Dr. Rials has done a phenomeRials, who previously nal job getting us started,” Gillman served as an assistant principal at “Dr. Rials said. “He’s familiar with Lawrence LHS and as the interim principal of has done a High, so it’s been a really smooth West Middle School, is excited to begin a new chapter in leadership. PHENOMENAL transition. He’s done an exceptional “I want the kids to feel safe when JOB getting us job.” Longtime CTE head and teacher they’re here in this building and started.” Jeff Dickson is also enthusiastic make memories and know that this —Mike Gillman, about the change in leadership. is a special place and feel that way assistant “I think Principal Rials is one of when they move on to either their principal and the best principals I’ve ever worked college or their career,” Rials said. athletic director for and I’ve been teaching for 26 What separates Rials from previyears,” Dickson said. ous school leaders is his longstandRials followed Jessica Bassett into the ing association with LHS, which doesn’t just job, after she served a short, two-year stint apply to his previous assistant principal job. leading LHS before leaving to become an “I remember the time when I was a stuassistant superintendent in Raytown. dent walking through these halls, and it feels Rials’ stint as principal has not been great,” Rials said. “It feels almost the same as without its challenges. This past year, he’s it did when I was going back then. I’ve always contended with months-long hospital stints felt very proud to be a member of Lawrence and hours of physical therapy, after having High School, and I feel that same sense of


heart surgery, a stroke and a seizure. “I don’t think doing the work is the difficult part, it’s losing my freedom and being able to get back into work,” Rials said. “Losing that sense of autonomy has been difficult for me.” At LHS, Rials said he has the support of a community he knows well, as he rejoins former colleagues and even former coaches from his days as an LHS student. “I hope to continue this family atmosphere that I know that’s here, and I want everybody to want to come to work every single day and do what’s best for students,” Rials said. Dickson hopes to see Rials at LHS for the longterm. “It’s obvious that he loves Lawrence High and cares greatly about the students and staff here, and it shows in everything that he does,” Dickson said.

Chatting, junior Sophia Jumping Eagle Jacob speaks to Principal Quentin Rials about their project. Rials returned to LHS as interim principal this year. “My favorite part about being here is getting to connect with all of the students,” Rials said. Photo by Ethan Hanratanagorn

BRANDEN FLAMMANG English Teacher Fun Fact: “I used to race bicycles.

LOGAN FRITZ Business Teacher Favorite thing about LHS: “I really

TAYLOR STUART, Physical Education Teacher Fun Fact: “I went to Free State, grad-

ELIZABETH HILEMAN, English Teacher Favorite thing about LHS: “I enjoy

I was very slow but to make up for that, I crashed a lot.” Photo by Eliza Naumann

like the community and the kids, just being all inclusive and the support that you have is very unique.” Photo by Ridley Beard

uated from there and then also taught and coached there for six years and then traded sides.” Photo by Sama Abughalia

the history of LHS and how much pride is associated with the school.” Photo by Eliza Naumann

Designed by Elise George


The Budget News

Writing an essay, junior Amani Rojas works to graduate early. Changes to graduation requirements will make it harder for students to finish high school early in the future. “I don’t think high school prepares you for the real world,” Rojas said. “I don’t think the courses are comprehensive enough on their own so, why stay?”Photo by Bryndal Hoover

Writing for her AP language class, junior Elle Hope-Luecke focuses on her homework to make sure she can graduate early. “I had to take two English classes this year,” Hope-Luecke said. Photo by Bryndal Hoover

Pushing forward, early grad student junior Sophia Jumping Eagle Jacobs works hard on her studies to finish of her LHS education. “It wasn’t really that difficult of a choice to graduate early,” she said. “My stress levels will definitely reach an all time low once I graduate.” Photo by Bryndal Hoover


Designed by Jack Tell

The Budget News

Graduations standards are getting


Pandemic break on required graduation credits ends with class of 2025 BY ZANA KENNEDY EDITOR IN CHIEF


fter a full year of being in school without masks, the school district is continuing to take steps toward recovering from the pandemic, which means it’s time to raise graduation requirements. Students have historically been required to have 23 credits to graduate, however when the pandemic hit mid semester of 2020, the school board decided to reduce the number of required electives from eight to six, lowering the overall number of credits required to graduate from 23 to 21. The class of 2024 came into its freshman year completely online, leaving them as the last class to have been directly impacted by COVID-19 restrictions as high school students. Because the class of 2024 graduates this year, the board has made the executive decision to raise graduation requirements again for the class of 2025. Although this decision initially sounds like an intimidating prospect, counselor Jennifer Hare is confident that this is a step in the right direction. “During COVID, kids had a tough time getting the credits that they needed,” Hare said. “When you think of a lot of the electives kids need beyond the core classes, a lot of those were tricky to do during COVID: ceramics, choir, art. There was just a little bit of grace so that students would still have an opportunity to graduate on time, because the pandemic wasn’t really anybody’s fault.” The system is already structured so that students earn 28 credits if they take seven courses all four years of high school, but counselor Amy Brown said

issues can arise when seniors are email or even at one of our assemchoosing how many and which blies, talking about the graduation credits to take in their last year of requirements because nobody high school. really knows.” “I think that it’s really difficult Although this policy has not for seniors to choose classes,” been widely communicated, Hare Brown said. “We have a lot of says the staff is doing everything seniors that will end up taking they can to help the students who multiple PEs because they don’t need it. know what else to take, but on “I would say that I think the the plus side, it can also increase teachers and the staff and the faccourses. If we have students here ulty have always gone above and present taking courses and being beyond. Sometimes I think that mindful about the courses they it’s more difficult,” Hare said. “We select, then we can offer those can’t give you the diploma, but courses.” we’re going to do everything we Selecting electives can to help you grab it.” has become even more However there are “We can’t difficult in the past plenty of opportunigive you the couple years as budget ties for students who diploma, cuts have removed more need it and students but we’re opportunities to choose like Hope-Luecke have going to DO credits that students want already used these availto participate in. EVERYTHING able resources. “One of the losses that “I know a lot of people WE CAN to we just had was architechelp you grab that have been doing like ture and design was cut online classes on top of it.” because we just didn’t —Jennifer Hare, their schoolwork here have enough kids to fill or they’re subbing out counselor a class,” Brown said. “I an hour to do it online,” think that is one of the Hope-Luecke said. “I things that teachers and admin think having an availability of need to just communicate and online resources, like different make sure to be really mindful platforms that our school uses to about what you’re picking [courshelp out with if you failed a class es] because you never know.” or if you want to take an extra This decision will not have class and you don’t have enough the largest impact on the student hours.” body as a whole, but junior Although the rise in required Elle Hope-Luecke who plans to credits may present challenges for graduate early this year thinks it’s some, it is also a great opportunity important for this to be commuto become more involved with nicated to all students, especially the community at LHS and build people struggling to pass their a better foundation for a good classes or for other juniors who future. plan to graduate early. “I feel like you can stay in “I know a lot of people don’t school and get experiences,” Hare find out until they go to their said. “You don’t need to just drop counselor and actually talk about out and graduate early because it,” Hope-Luecke said. “And I you think that that’s a good thing. think it’s good that you have to The better idea might be to stay talk to your counselor, but also here to build a bridge to the next just maybe sending out like an step.”

Designed by Jack Tell


Credits required to graduate in Lawrence since the 2020 pandemic


Credits that will be required for graduation beginning with the class of 2025


Minimum credits required to graduate by the state


Average number of credits required to graduate in Kansas public high schools


Number of school districts requiring the state’s minimum number of credits for graduation out of 372 high schools


Average number of credits required to graduate from 6A high schools in Kansas Source: Kansas State Department of Education, 2023 school year data


The Budget News

Understanding your


How the First Amendment impacts students Reporting by Sparrow Mock

Rights granted by the First Amendment Free Speech

Free Press


Could name this right


Designed by Brandon Parnell


Could name this right

The Budget News

How many First Amendment rights can students and staff name? Information from a survey of 40 students and 10 staff


of people surveyed could not name ANY rights granted by the First Amendment 12%

14% 10%

All rights

2 rights

4 rights

1 right

3 rights


2 things you should know: The First Amendment limits the power of the government — not your parents or businesses — to restrict your rights. The First Amendment does not protect your right to bear arms — that right comes from the Second Amendment.

Freedom of Religion


Free Speech in Debate

Free Press in Journalism

Petitioning the Government through STUCO

Freedom of Assembly at School

Freedom of Religion at School

School without the First Amendment

“The First Amendment is very important, just in general, and I think debate relies a lot on the First Amendment... debate doesn’t solely run off the First Amendment, but it does play a huge part in it.” —Knox Pannell senior




Could name this right

“I make sure that I’m not limiting my reporting, and limiting my scope of my reporting to what the school district likes. I’m not hesitant to be critical of the school district.” —Jack Tell senior

“From peaceable assembly, we use more of the First Amendment with freedom of speech to go out and speak our truths and speak for people who maybe don’t have as much of a voice as they should or want.” —Ash Owecke senior

“In STUCO you are able to give ideas and have a say in a lot of our progression. [Without it], it would be so boring because part of it is being able to give ideas and do what we do.” —Eileen Zhao sophomore

”Political discussions wouldn’t be nearly as interesting. And I probably would have been suspended more times than I can count.” —Jackson Giroux junior

“I’m very grateful that our country allows us to have multiple different views, and you won’t really get contemplated for that. We’re able to have a church, we’re able to have meeting places that we’re able to honor our God.” —Sophia Lang, senior senior

Peaceable Assembly

Petition the Government


Could name this right

Designed by Brandon Parnell


Could name this right


The Budget News

New policy impacts different



Updated policy limits who can challenge classroom content BY ZANA KENNEDY EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

large groups pushing to remove materials with underlying political motives, English teacher Melissa Johnson said this policy could help combat unnecessary reviews. n response to the nationwide rise “I want students to feel seen, you know, in challenging classroom materials, and read characters like them,” Johnson USD 497 has limited the group of said. “It’s interesting because, of course, people who can formally complain when I think of censorship, I think of people about content in schools. censoring the values I hold dear, which are In August, the school board unanimously very different from some values other people approved a policy change that still allows hold dear.” students and parents in the district to chalWhile this adjustment will not lenge materials. But it no longer allows “I want have a large impact on the generalized anyone beyond that to file a complaint students to district community, some have raised that could then trigger a review of materials. School board member ShanFEEL SEEN, concerns over whether this policy is excluding the general community. non Kimball said this was a necessary and read adjustment to make. characters Kimball emphasizes that this policy “The policy is now written in such like them.” does not entirely exclude the rest of the district. a way that if you want to challenge —Melissa “They can still express those coninstructional material under policy, if Johnson, cerns freely to board members, buildthe challenge has to come from a curEnglish ing staff and administrators,” Kimball rent parent or student in the district, teacher told the Lawrence Journal-World. “But the board has very carefully defined in order for the review committee process those groups as the most relevant stakeholdto be engaged, the complaint would have to ers in that particular process,” Kimball said. come from a district stakeholder.” “We removed just generally anybody in the Although it is important for the commucommunity who wishes to file a challenge.” nity involved in matters of the school, social This policy was not updated in response studies teacher Tracy Murry said that people to any particular issue, but as a precautionshould consult those who are directly affectary measure in response to recent national ed before voicing an issue with the board in news where individuals and groups of people the first place. have attempted to challenge material that “If you’re an outside community member, include representation of people of color talking to somebody who has a student to or the LGBTQ+ community. Kimball says kind of get their perspective on something it is important to protect representation in before you go to the board, maybe that would classrooms. be helpful,” Murray said. “It builds more “A lot of those challenges are being opportunities for communication.” brought to materials that represent diverse Although this policy change was unanigroups of people or diverse viewpoints mously approved, Kimball cannot remember within our communities,” Kimball said. “Our a time where a piece of material has been board, being mindful that we have an equity challenged, only recalling when teachers policy in our district, we are very focused on requested the evaluation of a text. making sure that we have a broad selection In my 12 years on the board, I can’t recall of culturally relevant and diverse materials in an instance where someone has asked us our libraries.” to remove an instructional material, where The topic of censorship has continuously we had to go through the full process in the gotten more political. With more cases of



Designed by Emily Hurd

policy that resulted in a hearing before the board,” Kimball said. “We have had a couple of instances where teachers have brought concerns to their supervisors and district staff about materials that maybe they didn’t feel were appropriate.” Kimball said the change is in the best interest of the district going forward “I think it puts the focus where it ought to be,” Kimball said. “On our professional educators and our students and their families, because that’s really who we are supposed to be serving.”

The Budget News


Graphic by Emily Hurd


Reporting by Natasha Torkzaban

Parents and community members have increasingly challenged educational materials in the United States The College Board says Florida has “effectively banned AP Psychology” because of legal limits on teaching curriculum that includes content about sexual orientation and gender identity.

Florida school districts drew attention as they banned roughly 300 books last school year, many of which included LGBTQ+ themes or characters.

Designed by Emily Hurd

“Friday Night Lights” by H.G Bissinger was briefly banned in an Iowa district for containing “depictions of sex acts.”


The Budget Features


Filming a confessional with fellow senior Sama Abughalia, Oliver Reed

own characters, their own motivations,” Reed said, Photo by Maeslyn Hamlin

prepares the camera while filming this year’s “Dance Moms”-themed court video. Reed enjoyed working with the court. “Honestly, my favorite part of filming was seeing the court put together some ideas and kind of come up with their

On the pyramid, senior Sam Harden films for the homecoming video with fellow candidates on Sept. 20. “It was a lot of fun to spend time with the court and get to know them better,” Harden said. Photo by Maeslyn Hamlin

HOMECOMING WEEK EVENTS Wednesday 9/27 Homecoming Parade Rally Around the Lion 6:30 p.m.


Thursday 9/28 Homecoming Assembly 3rd Hour

Friday 9/29 Homecoming Game and Crowning 7 p.m.

Designed by Emily O’Hare and Elise George

Saturday 9/30 Homecoming Dance 7-9 p.m.

Sunday 10/1 Hall of Honor Induction 2 p.m.

The Budget Features


Homecoming candidates share about their favorite teachers, activities and more Reporting by Finn Lotton- Barker Photos by Maeslyn Hamlin Who’s the best teacher? “John Ely” — Charlee Burghart, senior

Favorite Artist? “Tyler James Williams (aka Truth) from Let It Shine.” —Sama Abughalia, senior

Who’s the best teacher? “Mrs Reilly-Harden at Southwest.” —Sam Harden, senior

Favorite fall activity? “Going to LHS and KU football games.” — Danny Phalen, senior

Favorite snack? “Cheez-its.” — Miri Pickman, senior

Who are you going to be for Halloween this year? “Sully from Monsters Inc. maybe.” —Dylan Alvarado, senior

Favorite artist right now? “Hozier.” —Lauren Seybold, senior

Who are you going to be for Halloween this year? “I was supposed to be a peach.” —Emily Brandt, senior

Who has the most drip on court? “Dylan Alvarado.” —Will Hendricks, senior

Favorite artist right now? “Lil Baby.” —Tyson Grammer, senior

Favorite Snack? “My favorite right now, because it’s seasonal, is the pumpkin pie concrete from Freddy’s.” —Jean-Luc Esperance, senior

Designed by Emily O’Hare and Elise George


Laughing at his co-star, senior homecoming court candidate Sam Harden films with candidates Danny Phalen and Dylan Alvarado. “I liked spending two days straight with the court so we could get to know each other better,“ Harden said. Photo by Maeslyn Hamlin

Directing, senior Ben

Who has the most drip on court? “Dylan Alvarado, have you seen his TikTok dances?” —Maya Smith, senior

Willems gives directions to the homecoming court during filming on Sept. 20. Photo by Maeslyn Hamlin

The Budget News

Lions take the


The group explored new food and monuments, including the Wat Traimit Withayaram Worawihan Palace in Bangkok, Thailand. rom traveling abroad, to drilling “The Gold Buddha was in the special defense in basketball, Chesty Liroom for praying, and that was really interons made the most of their sumesting,” junior Emma Gadzia said. mer outside of the classroom. Adjusting to new routines and daily Junior Zana Kennedy prepared for norms, Gadzia learned new facts about her new position as editor in chief of The different cultures. Budget by attending the Gloria Shields “I learned a lot of Thai words and then Journalism Workshop in Dallas, Texas. I also learned about how different vowels “I was in the newspaper editor training mean different things in Cambodian,” program,” Kennedy said. “In that class we Gadzia said. “I also learned about discussed strategies for going into different rices.” being editors and leaders in our The trip followed a strict agenda classes. We had presentations from “I’m really to maximize the experience. people from professional newspaPROUD of “You’re actually involved in the pers, and we analyzed stories that how we all culture, and I think if I went just covered sensitive topics or sensitive performed.” by myself, I wouldn’t have had the issues.” — Giulia same experience,” Gadzia said. Staffers strengthened relationVentello, Back home in the states, Lions ships on staff by going on Braum’s junior competed in Arizona at Nationals ice cream excursions and particifor Speech and Debate. Graduate pating in a camp-wide dance off. Thomas Lushington finished as 12th place Though the trip encouraged staff bonding, speaker in LD Debate. it also prepared students for the year ahead Junior Giulia Ventello was among the with up to 12-hour workdays. other competitors on the trip. Though Ven“It’s a lot more interactive, it’s a lot tello had two years of debate and forensics more personal,” Kennedy said. “There’s under her belt, she still faced challenges as a lot more time put into it, and you get a a first year national competitor. lot closer with everybody you go [with] “Not many of us broke into elimination because you’re essentially living together rounds, but as a smaller school at nationals, for a week.” I’m really proud of how we all performed,” Other students spent their summers Ventello said. abroad, absorbing different cultures and Competing at such an intense level building relationships with peers. Former inevitably placed stress on students as they Lawrence High teacher David Platt chaperpracticed their pieces during down-time. oned the Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam Along with spending several days and trip using his experience and passion for nights together, the anxiety of competing geography.



Journalism staffers traveled to camp in Dallas in June

Designed by Arabella Gipp

LHS students are seeing the world one summer at a time also brought team members together. “It’s a pretty intense tournament,” Ventello said. “Trauma bonding is real.” When students weren’t performing their program of oral interpretations [POI], choir director and chaperone Dwayne Dunn showed students his favorite hiking spot to alleviate the stress of competing. “It was really fun to do something that Dr. Dunn did when he was younger and got to share it with us,” Ventello said. While some were traveling and representing Lawrence High, others worked on athletics in preparation for the season. Senior Miri Pickman participated in basketball camp this summer to ensure a solid senior season. “I’ve gotten better at learning where I need to be on the court and just learning a new position,” Pickman said. “I’m working on getting more rebounds.” Adjusting to the loss of last season’s seniors, and the incoming freshman, players had to adapt to their new roles on the team. Pickman has high hopes for this season as she gets to know her teammates. “I’ve gotten better at learning where I need to be on the court and just learning a new position,” Pickman said. “I’m working on getting more rebounds.” Adjusting to the loss of last season’s seniors, and the incoming freshman, players had to adapt to their new roles on the team. Pickman has high hopes for this season as she gets to know her teammates. “‘I’m looking forward to just playing in general. I think it’ll be a lot of fun, like the group that we have right now,” Pickman said. “I’m looking forward to creating a closer bond with everyone.”

The Budget News

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Gordan Fineday Why would someone want to see Oppenheimer? “Oppenheimer is more of an action movie in wanting to get to see bombs because that’s what most people think about it, but there is a lot of truth and science behind that.” What was your favorite scene? “Near the end when Oppenheimer talks to Albert Einstein. The reaction to Oppenheimer and what he had to say about what was happening during the current events and what could occur in the outcome of how it could affect everyone. Then just how Einstein reacted to it and how surprised he was about how great of a mind he is.” Interviews by Jada Big Eagle

Connor Austin Why would someone want to see Barbie? would see Barbie to get “I believe somebody perhaps a nostalgic experience as well as a quirks about it and jokes fun time. It has many that would definitely fly over kids’ heads but not an adults. Kids and adults can enjoy it. I film.” think it’s a good family What were your final thoughts about the movie? “I would definitely recommend going to see Barbie, not expecting a totally serious film but a film that’s very original in its ideas, a very original plot.” Interviews by Jada Big Eagle

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The Budget Features

NEW TO THE TEAM From counselors to psychologists, LHS adds new members to its mental health team REPORTING BY KELLAR MUSSER

Em Myers

Michele Frantz

Libby Martin

David Krejci

School Psychologist Em Myers, our new school psychologist, is looking forward to working at LHS and solving and problems that might arise. “I like problem-solving and figuring out what will help students learn better,” Myers said Myers is also hoping to get to know students and their families better. Along with that, Myers wants to be an effective member of the school’s mental health team in helping students. Outside of psychology, Myers enjoys quilting, tabletop games and spending time with Sadie, Myer’s dog, and more. “I was in a band for one summer and played the cajon,” Myers said.

School Counselor Born and raised in California, Michele Frantz is looking forward to working at LHS. “I think we have a great counseling team here, a great staff in general, and I’m really looking forward to getting to know more and more students,” Frantz said. Frantz previously worked at University of Santa Barbara, though not as a teacher; Johnson County Community College teaching English as a second language; and most recently at Highland Park High School in Topeka as a counselor. Living in the country allows her to have many animals, including three goats, lots of chickens and some cats. She can spends time in the summer swimming and gardening. “I love to swim every morning,” Frantz said. “I was swimming just about a mile a day, way impressed of myself.” With the large body of students she’s working with, Frantz is looking forward to getting to know everyone, which is one of her favorite parts of the job. “​I love working with the students and getting to know the students,” Frantz said. “I wish we had more time to spend with them.”

School Counselor After teaching science for the first seven years after college, Libby Martin, decided she loved focusing on the students and helping them be successful in school. After going back to college for a masters in school counseling, Martin joined the mental health team at Tonganoxie High School. “I was just ready for a new challenge and to be in a more progressive district and to grow professionally,” Martin said. With two kids — a second-grader and a kindergartener — she spends most of her time outside with them biking, hiking and camping. When Martin’s not outside, she enjoys teaching herself how to work with yarn. “I’m really into yarn working, crocheting, kitting, that type of stuff,” Martin said. “My next adventure is to teach myself how to do embroidery and needlework.” Overall, Martin is looking forward to her new job, with all the challenges and whatever else it may bring. “I want to establish myself in the student services team and hope to bring new ideas,” she said. “We never stop growing. There’s always room for improvement.”

WRAP therapist LHS alumnus, David Krejci, already loves his new job as the school’s new WRAP therapist, believing the interaction he gets with students is gratifying. “The best part of my job is getting to interface with students and support them,” Krejci said. He has previously worked as a crisis counselor at Headquarters Counseling Center, which runs the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. Krejci said he was ready to move on to working with high school youth and thought LHS would be a perfect place. “I requested to be placed at LHS because of the rich history at this school, and I had heard great things about the mental health team here,” Krejci said. Passionate about his work, he hopes by helping some people, it will have positive reverberations throughout the school. Krejci also has a passion for music, playing drums, bass and guitar. Most importantly he wants everyone to know that there are people that are willing to help and listen to them: “Please don’t hesitate to reach out for help. Reaching out for help can be one of the most challenging things in life. However, I firmly believe that everyone deserves to have this support.”


Mental Health Team website

Chesty’s P.A.W.S Assistance Request Form


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The Budget Features


Lawrence High School

Designed by Emily O’Hare


The Budget Features



REVIEW: New establishment in Lawrence is Purrfection BY DELANEY HAASE REPORTER

the cats — Charmander, Hobbs, Grilled Cheese and Crowder, who all seemed playful and friendly. My personal favorite was Hobbs, a medium size black cat. According to Espurresso’s Instagram spurresso, a cat cafe that opened in — @espurressocatcafelfk— the next day Hobbs late July, has pawed its way into the found his “furrever” home. hearts of cat lovers across Lawrence. After about 10 minutes, I got my drinks and The cafe, located at 1014 Massachufood. The scone was delicious and one setts St., partners with the Humane Society of the best I’ve ever had. The only thing I with the goal of finding “furrever” homes “The scone was could critique it on was a slightly dry and for the cats. So far, more than 10 cats have DELICIOUS crumbly texture rather than a moist one. been adopted through the cafe. After and one of the The Americano was perfect, comparable to hearing about their mission — and rumors best I’ve ever any other local coffee shop at a fraction of about some really good coffee — I decided had.” the price. My favorite out of all three was to take a look myself. —Delaney the lavender lemonade. I could taste the Espurresso is open Wednesday to Haase, lavender flavor without being too overSunday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. The cafe’s sophomore whelmed. It was slightly on the sweeter “Purrlor” — the place where the cats hang side, but still wonderful. Another bonus for out — is separated from the rest of the the lemonades are the recyclable cups and paper building. The barrier in between the two sections straws that come with their cold drinks. makes sure anybody can see the cats — including Overall, the cafe had a welcoming environpeople with allergies. If you want to go inside the ment, an inexpensive menu, tasty foods and Purrlor, it costs $10 for 30 minutes or $15 for an drinks, and of course, adorable cats. I would hour. Anyone under the age of 18 must be accomhighly recommend giving this “a-mew-sing” cafe panied by an adult. a visit. When I entered Espurresso, I was immediately greeted by the staff and a delightful aroma. The space is somewhat small, but in a cozy way. After Admiring their new addition, KU students Kenbrowsing the menu, I decided to pick out three nedy Yeoman, Aliya Kisivo and Sarah Turner pet their newly adopted cat Troy from the Espurresso items to try: a scone, an Americano coffee and a Cat Cafe on Sept. 13. The girls had planned to adopt lavender lemonade. The menu was surprisingly another cat but Troy stole their hearts. Photo by cheap and the total for my items was about $12. Sama Abughalia I sat down and looked into the Purrlor. I met


In the Cat Cafe, KU students and others flock to the new arrivals of kittens as they appear on Sept. 13. Cats are often adopted quickly, such as this one, nicknamed Troy by the adopting students. They snapped close-up pictures to capture the cute moment of their pet to-be. Photo by Sama Abughalia In the Cat Cafe, a KU student, Aliya Kisivo, interacts with one of the cats that live in the cafe. The cafe is an environment where all different kinds of cats can live in a shared space. Photo by Sama Abughalia


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The Budget Features

CATS ON MASS Meet the fur friends of downtown Reporting by Silas Brush

Dave — Wonder Fair

Chardonnay — Love Garden Sounds

Striking his pose, Chase the cat gets adopted from the local cat cafe on Sept. 13, by three KU Students. Chase set a new record for the fastest adoption since he had only arrived the night before. The KU students decided to rename Chase as Troy, after the main character of High School Musical, due to his charming personality. Photo by Sama Abughalia

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Dinah — Dusty Bookshelf

More online Meet the cats of downtown in this video:


The Budget Features

Olie Dennis senior


“The reason why X is better than Threads is because it just seems like Instagram is trying to copy X.”

Here are some of the school group social media accounts you should follow Journalism Staff @lhsbudget Athletics @LawHS_athetics Theatre @lawrencehightheatre @lhstheatre4905

Paige Platt senior

Team Steam Robotics @frcteam5119 National Honor Society @LawrenceHighNHS @lawrencehigh_nhs

“I think X is better because it’s the OG, it’s the original. I feel like if you wanted to use something similar to Twitter, why would you go to Threads when you could just go to Twitter for it.”

Speech and debate @Db8Lhs @LHS_DB8_4N6 LASO @LHSLASO @LHS_LASO Room 308 Productions @lhsroom308 Student Council @lhsstuco_ Spirit Squad @LawrenceSpirit @Lawrencelionscheer @Lhspoms IPS @Lawrencehighips

Kayla Aldaz freshman

“I like how I can stalk people. It’s easy to find people on Instagram. I can just search up anyone’s name and find them easily.”


Designed by Bea Johnson

The Budget Features

THE TH E X FACTOR As Threads attempts to take the place of X, LHS groups still rely on the platform



awrence High is one of many schools across the country that uses Twitter, or now “X” as a primary means of communication. From sports to breaking news, the app has been one of the most efficient methods of student outreach for years. “As far as the athletic side of things, it’s a great way to communicate with many layers of people,” assistant principal and athletic director Mike Gillman said. “I can get information out, but also keep up to date scores at games.” Twitter is also recreationally popular among students. “I usually just go on there to check if my friends have written anything funny, and if I have a joke that I think is funny, I’ll usually write it out and put it in a tweet. Just for fun,” junior Rose Allgeier said. “Twitter is a good place if you want to find just purely stupid funny things.” On July 5, Meta’s

account for both personal and profesThreads emerged as a rival to Twitter, sional use, saying that Musk’s adjustbearing a near identical interface, with ments to the app have made it a much an automatic connection to any other less desirable platform. Meta account. This means no new login “What Twitter has going for it is is required if the user has an existing it’s been around for a long time Instagram, which most students and become the normal way for already have. “It’s like The draw of this new platform sharing info and communicating in which social media. Myspace, Netscape, is not only the simple application billionaire Napster, AOL and so many others process, but the counter-Twitter do I WANT have gone by the wayside,” Dickson perks that have become increasTO GO said. “It would be nice to see Twitingly appealing under Elon Musk’s WITH?” ter back in the hands of someone management. —Brendan who was stable, moral and decent.” Musk initially shared ambitions Symons, to expand X into an all-encomOthers aren’t sure what to think senior of Threads just yet. passing communication service, but since purchasing the plat“I probably wouldn’t switch to Threads just because I feel like form in October 2022, a series of I don’t use Twitter enough to have that controversial developments, along with necessity,” Allgeier said. a variety of trivial tweaks to the app’s Even Brendan Symons, self-prointerface, have pushed users to turn to claimed Twitter addict, felt that Musk’s Instagram’s Threads. changes to Twitter weren’t worth switchSome are already incorporating the ing to Threads. alternative platform, with the possibility “I just kind of ignore all of that,” Syof a complete transition hanging in the air. mons said, “It’s like, which billionaire do I want to go with?” Jeff Dickson, CTE teacher and basketball coach, has already made a Threads

Lou Elsten sophomore

“It’s different not seeing the original Twitter icon.”

Designed by Bea Johnson


The Budget Sports

SPORTS Athletes endure brutal


Record-high temperatures cause cancellations of games and practices BY FINN LOTTON-BARKER EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

but we had stayed pretty true to what we could,” Klish said. Despite taking precautions to avoid issues surrounding the heat, the nature The beginning of the school of the weather still made practice brutal year and fall sports was acfor the cross country team. companied by dangerously “It still felt like running through a high temperatures, causing sauna,” Klish said. “The humidity was at adaptations to sports practices and 100 percent it felt like most days, even procedures. The scorching heat was before the sun had even risen.” unexpected, but teams found ways Despite the difficulty in to continue practicing and getting to school early, Klish building momentum for the “I was new season. pushing my and other cross country athletes Mid-August, just as fall way through were relieved they were able to continue training. sports started getting into swing, THE HEAT, “I think it was a really smart Kansas and the rest of the midand it was decision to avoid just canceling west endured the hottest temtough. I felt practice altogether, but it defiperatures of an already blazing like I was nitely was a big complication,” summer. This posed a problem Klish said. “We’ve always kind for teams like cross country, going to of faced heat issues, but this who require continuous practice overheat.” has probably been the worst to get in shape for the season. —Francis and I’ve been running for seven Senior cross country runner Alexander, years.” Isabel Klish said the heat made junior Along with cross country, exercise exceedingly difficult. other fall sports had to take “The hardest thing is just precautions before continuing their acphysically being able to keep up,” Klish tivities. The football team had to ensure said. “That heat kills you every time player safety before each practice using you’re in it, and it’s really difficult to a wet bulb globe temperature device, or make sure that you’re staying hydrated a WBGT. and not exhausting yourself.” “It’s a tripod that our athletic trainer To ensure that they could still puts together that she puts on the prepare for the season, runners moved ground and measures humidity, tempractices to 6 a.m. perature and wind speed,” Athletic Di“We just would adjust our workouts,


Chatting on the court, junior Harper Jay talks with junior Channing Saint-Onge on Sept. 7 during matches that were rescheduled after temps earlier that week topped 101 degrees. “I got tired faster, and it made my body move a lot slower on the court,” Jay said. Photo by Eliza Naumann Taking a breather, senior Dylan Alvarado drinks water on the sidelines during the first football game of the season against Olathe South. “We might be a little sluggish at first,” Alvarado said, “But once we get going, it’s over.” Photo by Dylan Wheatman


Designed by Koen Myers

rector Mike Gillman said. “That number hits a certain number. It’s either black, red, orange, yellow or white.” Depending on the color of the reading, the team is allowed to practice a certain amount of time according to KSHAA regulations. This practice isn’t new, but this year has been especially scalding, which has made player safety an even higher priority. “It’s the worst I’ve ever seen in 20 years of education, coaching and as an administrator,” Gillman said. “Safety was our number one concern.” However, Gillman said the response to the weather by the school had been strong and allowed a sense of normalcy to continue. “Everybody was kind of organized,” Gillman said. “We knew exactly what to do.” Gillman felt that because of positive attitudes and good preparation, the athletes were able to overcome the problem presented by heat. “We were absolutely ready for it,” Gillman said. “The WGBT took out any of the guessing. We were able to move through it."

Post meet, junior Francis Alexander cools down after finishing his race on Sept. 2 in Manhattan with temperatures topping 100 degrees that day. “It was awful," Alexander said. "It was hot as hell, but we all had to deal with it.” Photo by Fin Tholen

The Budget Sports


New tool helps keep athletes safe. Reporting by Koen Myers

Athletic Director Mike Gillman is among those at LHS using a web bulb device to assess outdoor condition when the weather is especially hot. He explained how it works.

What is a Wet Bulb? “A wet bulb is a temperature gage and what it does is it measures all the variables of weather, the wind speed, humidity, temperature. So back in the day, we would just go to and you would just get the temperature there, but this is a more scientific proven on the turf versus on the track, on concrete versus on the football field because those are different playing surfaces that have created heat that's higher than others, so if you were a cross country kid, you could run around the city at a lower temperature that you could play football, because the football field would be hotter, so this is a perfect way of doing it on all surfaces.”

What is your process of measuring different places? “You press the button and let it turn on, and it spits out the information that you need and the specific number is all those numbers combined and that number you put on a list and when you're in that number range you can either have a maximum or minimum of how ever many hours you can practice.”

Designed by Koen Myers


The Budget Sports


Despite challenges caused by an early heatwave, the girls tennis team is pushing to find success late in the season. The team had to cancel a week’s worth of practice due to heat. Head coach Chris Marshall and assistant coach Brian Hunter altered practice to make up for lost time. “Usually at this point we’re talking tactics and strategy,” Hunter said. “It’s weird to have to be talking about the basics this far into the season.” Much of this is attributed to players’ previous experience on the court. “The first time a lot of girls pick up a racket is when they play for us at the high school level,” Hunter said. Team members are focused on getting better each day. Junior Morgan Moeckly is in her third year of playing for LHS. “In the past it has been hard for me to stay consistent throughout a match,” Moeckly said. “But I think I’ve definitely gotten better.” To have a chance at state, the team looks to improve


The soccer team has started off hot with a 5-2 record. The Lions ended the streak with a 2-5 loss to Mill Valley. The team is led by senior team captains Ocean Comfort and Colin Sandefur. Sandefur is quickly learning that the strengths of the young team lie in their scoring ability. “We’re finding a lot of success through our offense


their record and performance. “I’d love to finish top four at League ,” Hunter said. With the girls we have this year, that’s a definite possibility.” Story by Ashlyn Tell

Serving, senior Ava Hertach competes in a home meet on Sept. 7. “Watch for our singles, they have been the most successful and help to increase our ranking,” Hertach said. “I’m pleased with our lineup.” Photo by Eliza Naumann

right now, we’re scoring a lot,” Sandefur said. Despite some challenges, the team is ready to make a mark in the postseason. “This year, I think we have a chance at potentially making a run,” Sandefur said. Story by Jack Tell

Kicking, senior Alden Parker-Timms plays in the Aug. 31 win over DeSoto. Photo by Lydia Folks

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The volleyball team started the season with a few big wins and some challenging losses. But for many, the 4-8 record doesn’t tell the full story. “The biggest highlight is definitely getting to play the best players in the nation right now,” said varsity libero Brecken Ostronic. “We just had two really tough games and they’re great players and hard games,

but it’s a lot of fun overall.” Despite a couple challenges, Ostronic feels optimistic about the future of the team. “This team has a really good change to go really far. We have a lot of fun with each other and we have a lot of talent.” Story by Jack Tell

Passing, junior Harper Dye plays in the Sept. 7 home triangular. Photo by Lydia Folks

The Budget Sports

Fall sports season

CHECK-IN Teams run, kick and leap into competition CROSS COUNTRY

he was a runner at Lawrence High in 2006. Although the training is hard, it isn’t the only The cross country team, led by Coach Kyle factor that contributes to the team’s success. Morgison, is working harder than ever. “Culture is the heart of any program,” Morgison The team started its season at the said. “Culture stems from discipline, tradiONLINE Manhattan Invitational. Usually, they have tion, and expectation and excellence.” Follow our trouble being successful at the season Team members credit their success not opener. But since Morgison stepped in as latest sports only to their running abilities but to their head coach, the team has had a chance for coverage team chemistry as well. a major comeback with the girls placing “Successful teams like and trust one seventh and the boys fifth. another,” Morgison said. “If, each week, The last time the team won the state we have runners toeing the line knowing championship was in 2009, under former that they can trust the person next to them coach Brian Anderson. This year, team to do their job, we will see success come members have faith they can win state for October.” the first time in 14 years. Story by Mimi Rosado-Schmitt “We haven’t been good since 2009,” junior Francis Alexander said. “But now we have a shot to be state contenders.” Running toward the finish line, sophomore Andie Morgison has new standards for the team, imGarrett competes in the Sept. 16 cross country meet at the Baldwin Golf Course. Garrett finished 20th in plementing rigorous training techniques that he the varsity race. Photo by Nyasia Ramos gathered from Anderson, who was his coach when




Putting, senior Lily Fisher taps

Spiraling through the air,

in the ball on the green at the Lawrence Country Club on Aug. 28. This is Fisher’s third year on the golf team. “So far the season been kind of rough,” Fisher said, “I’m improving a little bit with every tournament.” Photo by Bryndal Hoover

senior Emily Brandt competes at the gymnastics meet on Sept. 9. “We’ve won two out of three meets, and we’re placing really well,” Brandt said. “It’s been fun to compete as a team and do well in competitions.” Photo by Sama Abughalia

As the football team dives headfirst into the season, new faces take the helm and anticipation builds for the new year. After losing many starters from last year, the Lions are heavily relying on senior leadership and new faces to reach the goals of a state championship this year. Junior Banks Bowen has stepped into the role of starting

quarterback and is looking to bounce back from a broken hand last season. “It was definitely a setback,” Bowen said. “It’s all healed and I’m ready to go for this year.” Along with Bowen, the Lions are bringing back an experienced offensive line, with senior team captains Will Hendricks and Kem Allen leading the charge. “We have a lot of guys there with a lot of experience,” Hendricks said. “I think it is just important to keep everybody grounded from doing too much and just playing our game.” Story by Danny Phalen and Maya Smith

Dropping back, junior Banks Bowen looks for a receiver during the Lion’s 6-24 loss to Olathe East on Sept. 22. Photo by Maison Flory

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The Budget Opinion


Preserving our


Police raid on Kansas newspaper shows need for strong press rights BY JACK TELL AND NATASHA TORKZABAN EDITORS-IN-CHIEF


It didn’t take long for national outrage to spread when police raided the press office of the Marion County Record, a small but fiery local newspaper in central Kansas. Police removed phones and computers in a highly unusual raid on the small newsroom. Immediately dozens of news organizations from across the country came to the Record’s defense. The outrage is merited, but too often the free press rights of students — who are often doing the same work as


professional journalists — are trampled with too little angst. This story and the larger debate over free speech have deep implications for independent journalism and for student journalism as well. The Budget is fortunate to publish in Kansas, where student press freedoms are well-protected. But other student publications around the country are left without those defenses, and their rights to free press are in danger. The Kansas Student Publications Act protects high school journalists in Kansas public schools from censorship by school administrators. This means that students are free to publish the content they think is important,

Designed by Morgan Salisbury

assuming it’s not “libelous, slanderous, or obscene,” according to the law. This gives us the freedom to do important reporting without the threat of a school administrator controlling what we publish out of fear of politics or controversy. While noting that student publications may need to be supervised more than professional publications, Washington University law professor Greg P. Magarian says that student journalists should be protected from administrative censorship. “In my experience and observation, student journalists tend to take their work and responsibilities very seriously,” Magarian said. “Unfortunately, school administrators

The Budget Opinion

too often tend to be thin-skinned, self-injournalists have missed. In 2017, the Booster terested, and/or not very concerned with Redux — the Pittsburg High School newspathe positive value that independent student per — produced a brilliant story that drew journalism adds to schools.” into question their newly-named principal’s Examples of censorship abound. In 2022, credentials, uncovering discrepancies in her the Viking Saga, the student newspaper of resume. The principal resigned. Northwest High School in Nebraska, was If that reporting was done in another state shut down by their principal for publishing a with fewer protections for student journalists, newspaper discussing Pride month and other the district’s superintendent might have easLGBTQ+ topics. ily — and legally — stopped that story Also in 2022, the Pearl Post, the from seeing the light of day. “Too student newspaper of Daniel Pearl Seventeen states currently have often the Magnet High School in California, enacted New Voices legislation that free press published a story about their district’s protects student journalists’ free press new COVID-19 vaccine mandate. Sturights. Eric Thomas, director of the rights of dents reported that the school librarstudents are Kansas Scholastic Press Association, ian had stopped showing up to work TRAMPLED says efforts are ongoing to pass this after the mandate went into effect. legislation in more states. with too The school threatened the newspaper, “It takes a lot of work these days little angst.” to get the attention of state legislabut the students decided to leave the former librarian’s name in the story, tures and to get them to pass a law. after the Student Press Law Center advised Everybody sees these laws with some sort them that they were within their rights to do of partisan valence,” Thomas said. “Kansas so. In retaliation, the school suspended the is lucky in the fact that we passed it at a journalism adviser. Fortunately, the adviser moment when partisanship wasn’t nearly as appealed the suspension and won, thanks to divided as it is right now.” California legislation that protects student The Student Press Law Center, based in journalists. Washington, D.C., is one organization that is Too often, this censorship comes when working hard to expand student rights. Their students are writing the stories professional senior legal counsel, Mike Hiestand, says

they are proud of their work promoting New Voices. “One of the best things we’ve ever done at the Student Press Law Center is about four years ago we hired an individual to help us specifically with some of the advocacy behind New Voices, doing some lobbying work and grassroots organization,” Hiestand said. “We can’t take on all 50 states, but there are groups in most states now that have introduced some sort of New Voices legislation.” As the examples above show, this New Voices legislation can have real impacts on real students. Hiestand’s first question when students call regarding censorship issues is, “Where are you calling from?” In a perfect world, that question will be unnecessary. Why should some students be legally protected, and not others? This is clearly an unfair situation that has tangible consequences. Yet, we have a solution. In this time of increasing pressure on the national media, New Voices legislation should be a priority for every state to adopt to protect the journalists of the future. Overzealous police in one small Kansas town showed how essential it is for journalists to be protected. Student reporters deserve those same protections from threats. of censorship. Democracy depends on it.

Designed by Morgan Salisbury


The Budget Opinion


“It means it give us the ability to report what we feel is important for the student body to know without the censorship of people in power. We can be a trustworthy source for people who want to know what’s happening.” —Bea Johnson, Red & Black managing editor

“In my opinion, students have the freedom to publish even ‘controversial’ stuff in their school newspapers thanks to their right to freedom of the press, enabling us students to report using evidence and to always be informed.” —Bryndal Hoover, social media video/photo editor

What does it mean for you to have student press rights?

“To me, having student press rights is about having the ability to accurately report the happenings of the school without interference from those in positions of power.” —Declan Patrick, social media coeditor-in-chief

“The American system, flawed and destructive as it may be, requires constant maintenance in the forms of checks and balances. The press is probably the most important thing standing between a free state and a totalitarian regime.” —Finn Lotton-Barker, social media co-editor-in-chief

Letter from the


Speaking out about preserving rights is essential to our work on The Budget this year BY NATASHA TORKZABAN AND ZANA KENNEDY EDITORS-IN-CHIEFS


peaking up as a student can be uncomfortable and scary, and it can be especially discouraging when your First Amendment rights are at risk. It’s overwhelming to be silenced or censored by higher-ups. That’s why we believe it’s important for students to understand the freedoms behind the First Amendment and recognize censorship. It’s vital for us young adults to be aware of our rights before we enter adulthood because democracy requires active participation.


That’s why as journalists of The Budget, we were furious when we learned about the police raid of the Marion County Record newspaper in Kansas and the local District Attorney’s office’s attempt to limit reporting by the Lawrence-Journal World. By centering our first issue of the year around the First Amendment, we hope to set the right narrative: We believe in transparency and shining a light on issues around us. The First Amendment makes it possible for us to deliver our readers all news regardless of controversy. The Budget will always fight to provide accurate information, despite the recent Natasha Torkzaban, Zana Kennedy and Sama Abughalia, editors-in-chief of The Budget attempts to censor journalism across the nation.

Designed by Brandon Parnell

The Budget Opinion

“Simply put, having student press rights allows for us to do our job with little to no district/administration interference. We should be able to easily and accurately dispel information to the entire student body that isn’t subject to this type of oversight.” —Jonas Lord, The Budget managing editor

“Our ability to speak freely under our Student Press Rights allow us to express opinions and ideas of the student body that need to be heard, without us feeling censored or silenced.’ —Koen Myers, Red & Black senior ads editor

“Student Press Rights protect our ability to share important information with the student body. Our coverage will not always be favorable to administrators. These protections ensure our safety and freedom to publish the necessary stories.” —Maeslyn Hamlin, Red & Black coeditor-in-chief

“Student press rights allow student journalists to keep classmates informed as well as not limiting us to just being students. It ensures we can tell all stories that wouldn’t otherwise be told by mainstream media.” —Maya Smith, Red & Black co-editor-in-chief


The Budget is committed to providing the Lawrence High community with objective, inclusive news that ensures relevance to its readers. The staff devotes itself to the exercise of First Amendment rights and upholding the highest of journalistic standards. While the paper is a tool to publish student voices, it works to help students grow as journalists and help readers access information.


The Budget is published every six weeks and distributed free of charge to students and faculty at Lawrence High School, 1901 Louisiana, Lawrence, Kan. The Budget is produced by students in the Digital Journalism and Digital Design and Production courses with occasional contributions from 21st Century Journalism and guest columnists. The newspaper’s goals are to inform, entertain, and present a forum of expression for students, faculty, administrators and community members. The newspaper is financed through advertising and fundraising. The editorial staff is solely responsible for

the content of this newspaper, and views expressed in The Budget do not necessarily reflect those of the administration of Lawrence High School or USD 497.

Natasha Torkzaban.................. Co Editor-in-Chief Jonas Lord................................... Managing Editor Brandon Parnell............................... Design Editor


Danny Phalen......................... Co-Editor-in-Chief Jack Tell................................... Co-Editor-in-Chief Lydia Folks......................................... Photo Editor Kellar Musser.............................. Managing Editor Jean-Luc Esperance ���������������������308 Connection Manager

Alaa Abourkis, Aaminah Ahmed, Ridley Beard, Jada Big Eagle, Sara Bointy, Rhubarb Brubacher, Silas Brush, Caleb Carver, Alexis Clark, Ruby Flanner, Andie Garrett, Elise George, Arabella Gipp, Kennedy Glasgow, Ellie Goans-Heinz, Delaney Haase, Ethan Hanratanagorn, Presley Hoesch, Emily Hurd, Piper Journey, Aminah Kaeser-Wadud, Aaliysah Lanning, Jack LaRue, Ava Lee, Andrei Lefort, Neva Livingston, Sparrow Mock, Channing Morse, Eliza Naumann, Lylah North, Lily Norton, Emily O’Hare, Juliet Outka, Malcolm Paul, Nyasia Ramos, Oliver Reynolds, Mimi Rosado-Schmitt, Morgan Salisbury, Avery Sloyer, Audrey Stock, Ashlyn Tell, Fin Tholen, Dylan Wheatman, Cymone White, Selah Wolfe, Anne Woolverton


Sama Abughalia....................... Co Editor-in-Chief Zana Kennedy.......................... Co Editor-in-Chief



Maeslyn Hamlin...................... Co Editor-in-Chief Maya Smith............................. Co-Editor-in-Chief Maison Flory...................................... Photo Editor Bea Johnson................................ Managing Editor Koen Myers................................Senior Ads Editor Owen Ackley.................................Captions Editor


Declan Patrick.......................... Co Editor-in-Chief Finn Lotton-Barker.................. Co Editor-in-Chief Bryndal Hoover...................... Video/Photo Editor Barbara Tholen ������������������������������������������Adviser

Designed by Brandon Parnell



Full of smiles, senior Charlee Burghart carries two Little Lions in both arms as they cheer on the varsity football team on Sept. 15. “My favorite part of Little Lions is definitely seeing all the kids get so into the dances and cheers we do,” Burghart said. “It’s so cute and just makes me so happy to see them enjoy it so much.” Photo by Lydia Folks

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