logo design
The Process
1. Goals - to sell a high quality dark chocolate that is Clear Space
luxurious, exotic, and sensuous. 2. Audience- Anyone who appreciates bold, dark flavors. 3. Analyzing Data- Our logo and stationary needs to convey both luxury and exoticness. 4. Budget- only two colors are ever used to keep the cost of printing down
5. Begin design development- Designs are based on the abstracted cocoa flower and the colors are drawn from the ancient Mayan traditions, as is our product.
6. Finalize Design- picking the design that best incorporated luxury, exotic, and sensuous. A blending of organic form and grids.
7. Produce for printing- Print off and proof on correct paper, making few adjustments and printing off for the final piece.
1x 3.5x
x 2x 8x
Corporate Type Face
WHY- Primary
I used Sell Your Soul for the Kakawa in my logo I also used Myriad
pro in my logo. Sell your soul is a curvey organic font that matches the curves of my styalized coca flower. The text under Kakawa is
in myrid pro because it is a san serif font that sets off the Sell your soul.
Do & Do Not
Do use Sell your Soul and Myrid pro for the logo. Do Not use sell your soul for ANY other purpose other then Kakawa. Do not use all caps for any reason. Sell your soul still looks different from
lower to upper the first K should be capitolized and everything else should be lower case.
Why Alternitives
I chose to use Adobe Caslon pro for the text in my business cards because it mimics the curves in sell your soul. However it is too
close to sell your soul too be used next to it so in the letter head and envelop I used Palintino.
Do & Do Not
Sell your soul should never be used with Adobe Caslon pro on the
same page. Adobe Caslon pro and Palintion should never be used together. They are Alternative fonts and you can only use one or
the other. you may use Myriad pro with eaither one as a secondary font. Do not use all caps for any reason
logo design
Corporate Type Face
Palatino regular
Adobe Caslon Pro Regular
abcdefghijk lmnopqrstuv w x yz
Palatino Itlic
Adobe Caslon Pro SemiBold Italic
Myriad Pro
Adobe Caslon Pro Bold
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
Sell Your Soul abcd efgh ijk lmnopqr stuvwxyz AB C D E FG H IJ K LMNO P Q R S T U V WX Y Z
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv w xyz
Color Aplication I chose to use this red brown color for the logo. It represents the rich color of dark chocolate. The red aludes to the use of chilies in the chocolate according to the Mayan tradi-
CMYK 55,95,70,65 RGB 63, 7, 28 Hex # 3f071c
tion. The black brown is for the text in the logo. True black
was too harsh this black brown refers to dark chocolate and complements the red brown.
CMYK 65,75,65,90 RGB 15,0,0 Hex # 0f0000 CMYK 3,4,23,0 RGB 15,0,0 Hex # 0f0000
Paper Royal Linen Natural 75691 text or card stock wight
logo design
Color Aplication
These color variations on the logo are exceptable. If a one color process is done it should be printed on the natural linen paper.
These color variations on the logo should never be used.
Logo Aplication
All of these logo variations are exceptable however no other variations may be made. The KAKAWA text is never to be put next to the cocoa flower nor above it.
stationary design
Mr. Robert Jonson 2758 Green Hill Street Oakville MS Dear, Mr. Robert Johnson It lobore feugait do odiatum molorti onseniam dolorem iure cor aliqui ting et pratetueril ut lor ilissequisi. Esto od dolore essi. Uptatincip eu facil inisim quis nulluptat wis nullan henibh erostrud er ipit venim alit do dolortio con vullamet lan vero exeros aliquat. Tat. Ip er summy niscipit lore dignim zzrit iliquat. Onsenibh erilis autpat, quat nos dolorer iureet nisit ea facing ero ea alismoluptat aciduismodo eu feugue magnisi blam nostion seniam, vullaortisi. Utpat lore dolorem vullaortie molent praese tat lum il ipisl utpat accum inibh et ad do commolore tationum dolorti siscinibh euguerat lum dolore do dit, commy non utat aliquat, quamet nos dolor inci et velisisl dolortie dit, volor suscil exeros nulputat acipit lametum volut delesenibh exero core dolorem niamcommy nit lobore con henis niam, quipsus cinissed molobor iustrud tis enit at vel dolore facin exerit nullamc ortisci bla corerat aliquat etuerae ssisi. Volobor acilit venisl utat. Ut velis er illamconse magna consequi tations equam, velisi. Idui eu feugait vullandiamet augiatisit, si tatum nullan ullan essed et, consequam iustrud et, commodi amcommy non utpatumsan vel ipis dipismo dolore dolorper senisit vullamcon et do ea accum zzrilissecte vel ut wissed dolorero commy nim velent veliquis autem quis autat, velis acillaorerit ing eu faccumm odolum quiscip issequat, qui te eum atie tat. Ibh et, quip ea feugue etueriure dolutat. Alit illa feuguercipit la facip eugueros exer ad tat nim ea feugue del et lut loreet, consequis nullan eumsandit, sent dionsequisl utat inci tis nos erat at. Ut utet luptat. Acinit, quat, verit lut nonsed el illaore conse doloreet, volor sum do coreet, vero odipsum zzriuscing ex et, verat. Et irilisim zzrilit ute euisi tisi. Deliquisis augait, senim velis auguer sed dolorem ad et volor si. Sum nosto dolobor aliquisit utat. At iriliquipsum num non ullam eriustisci bla am vullummy nim ip eu faccum quiscip eugue min henis acidunt vel dit autet il ut vendit, quatie molor se consed ea faccum nulluptatum iusto odipit il ut alisim iriustie min esequi bla feuis do con henibh enis aci blaortio er adiametumsan ut amconsequat velendio odiam del ute duipit landrerit velis nis alisim enis enim exer si. Ommy nulput vendre tet do dolenis ad exer am il inismolenim do ercilis et alit wisim dolum vulput Thank you for your time, Simon Rivers Simon Rivers
stationary design
application design
application design
application design
packaging design
Brief History Kakawa was started in 1995 in Chicago IL. The company is a high quality dark chocolate company. Their products are based off of the ancient Mayan Chocolate drink that uses chilly peppers and cinnamon to flavor it. The Mayans held the cocoa tree in high regard. The cocoa nibs were greatly prized and in some areas were even used as currency. Chocolate was an important part of Mayan rituals and celebrations. Today Kakawa can bring the same sensuous bold flavor to your special occasion or any time. The cocoa pod was referred to as the frit of the gods, now you can dine with the gods and experience the intoxicating euphoria that only comes from a high quality dark chocolate.
Packaging Design
packaging design
packaging design