Revamp's Visual Guidlines

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Water Bottles







32 33

Basic Elements The Symbol



Basic Logo


Web Presence

Logo Variations






Revamp Blog


Use on Different Backgrounds




Primary Typography




Secondary Typography




Incorrect Use



Stationary System Letterhead


Business Card




Folding Letterhead/Envelop


Applications 22








Store Front

Intro Mission History


Our mission at Revamp is to make sustainable, environmentally friendly products avail-

packaging, and advertising that has a smaller impact on the environment. At Revamp we believe it is not just the consumer responsibility to make choices that help the environment. It is also the designer and the retailer’s job to make sure the choice is an easy one.


able for all consumers. The Designers at Revamp are commented to creating products,


Designer Rebecca O’Hara started our Company in 1998. Rebecca decided that as a de-

signer she shared a big part of the responsibility to bring environmentally friendly products and packaging to consumers. The idea of being a ‘green’ designer encompasses far more then simply the singular design of a product but also thinking about and planning for manufacturing to how it would be disposed of. Rebecca wanted to start a company that would design and sell products that were made out of recycled materials, highly sustainable materials, or made from agricultural waste materials.

She came up with the name Revamp, because many of her products were being made

anew from old products. She decided on a tree in a circle as the logo. This was done for several reasons first the tree represents the environment and the circle represents our world, secondly the tree was a revered symbol of druid tradition. Druid tradition and myth is strongly tied to nature; humans take care of and live in harmony with nature. They saw the tree as a uniting force between all the worlds because it’s branches reach up to the heavens while its roots reach down

history 2

to the underworld. This idea of being connected to the whole gamete of life and death was powerful imagery for Revamp; whose main goal is to resurrect dead products making them into new, living products. This idea of using sustainable products is in keeping with the druid tradition of living in harmony with nature.

Basic Elements The Symbol Basic Logo Logo Variations Color Use on Different Backgrounds Primary Typography Secondary Typography Incorrect Use


the tree represents the environment and the circle represents our world, secondly the tree was a revered symbol of druid tradition. Druid tradition and myth is strongly tied to nature; humans take care of and live in harmony with nature. They saw the tree as a uniting force between all the worlds because it’s branches reach up to the heavens while its roots reach down to the underworld.


symbol 4



These are the main two combination logos. The clear space around these logos should always be maintained. The logo should never be stretched or the space between the logo and the text altered.

1 1/4X





1X 1X

1 1/4X

1/2X 1/2X 1/4X 1X

4 1/2X



1 3/4X



1/2X 1/4X 1/2X

basic logo




These are the variations of the logo that may be used for various applications. Logo may be uses to create patterns or textures, but change to the space relationship of any logo is not allowed. The tag line all things altered anew may be used separate from the logo and re-sized. However when in combination with the logo it must remain in proportion, or dropped if it is too small.

logo variations 6

This is the color pallet that has been chosen for the logo and corporate design. They are earth tones as well as colors that related to the change in seasons.

red orange R176 G77 B36 | 22, 81, 100, 13 | #B04C24 Logo Brown R176 G77 B36 | 48,58,88,52 | #604B28 Green R176 G77 B36 | 57,8,79,0 | #7BB565 Text Brown R176 G77 B36 | 48,68,93,60 | #4C2E04


Mango Leaf Treeless Paper


Using the logo over a background image is important for many applications; however the integrity of the logo as well as the integrity of the image can not be compromised. When a logo appears on top of an image it must do so in an area where the clear space guidelines can apply. Also the coloring of the logo may be changed to white or one of the three main colors; this must be done consistently only using one color for the whole logo. The tree should remain white, green, or transparent.

use on background 8

Palantino (T1) light ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 123456789

The Primary type faces for the logo is GesansLight.

Palantino (T1) medium ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 123456789

never be used with a stroke for body copy.

Helvetica Nueve regular ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 123456789 Helvetica Nueve light ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 123456789

A stroke of 0.1 0.2 or even 0.3 can be added to make a bolder font. This is only done for the logo and should

The secondary type faces are the Helvetica Nueve family and the Palantino (T1) family. These founts should be used on corporate materials to keep a unified look. Palintino should be used for text heavy areas and either Helvetica or Geosanslight should be used as an accent, or light text areas. Frutigar may also be used in place of Palantino or Helvetica.

Helvetica Nueve condensed bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 123456789


GeosansLight Stroke 0.1

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 123456789

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 123456789


Frutiger 47 Light Condensed Frutiger 67 Bold Condensed Frutiger 45 Light Frutiger 55 Roman


The logo variations must not be combined in other variations not laid out in this guideline. The symbol of the tree should always be white on top of a colored circle never shown as a colored tree by it’s self. The clear space of the logo must not be changed nor should the color be altered form the three variations.

incorrect uses 10

Stationary System Business Card Letterhead Envelop Folding Letterhead/Envelop


The letter head mimics the business card with rounded corners and the same green strip; this time bleeding off the bottom instead of the side. The address on the bottom of the letter head mimics the logo on top it is placed in a tree like formation. The center of the logo and address line up with the center of the paper. This symmetry is in juxtaposition to the aggressive asymmetry of the business card. GeoSans light is used for the address while body text can be Palintino, Helvetica, or Frutigur. The paper is 28 # treeless mango paper and the letterhead is 8 1/2 x 11

letter head 12



This is the corporate business card, and the brake down of the grid for it. The cards are printed 80 # treeless paper made from the agricultural waste of harvesting mangos. GeosansLight is the typeface for the personal information on the card. All four of the primary corporate colors are used.

business card 14

business card


This is the corporate business envelop, and the brake down of the grid for it. All the stationary is printed on the same treeless paper made from the agricultural waste of harvesting mangos. GeosansLight 10pt is also used for the addresses. All four primary colors are also used.

envelop 16



This is the folded letterhead. In order to save paper you can just fold the letter up to become the envelop. This works best with single page correspondence. The letterhead is the same as the first minus the rounded corners. The back side mimics the envelop as well to create a consistent environmentally friendly option.

folded letterhead 18

folded letterhead


stationary set


Applications Store Front Sign Transportation Uniforms


store front


Revamp wanted not only to provide customers with

This same mind set has been extended to the design

a place to buy environmentally healthy products they

and construction of all revamp stores that utilize the latest

wanted to deliver them with as little impact as possible.

in green building techniques, and products, such as straw-

Revamp’s mission is to make sustainable, environmentally

bale construction, rooftop gardens or living roofs, perme-

friendly products available for all consumers. Designers

able asphalt, native plants, and water gardens, mon-toxic,

at Revamp are committed to creating products, packaging,

non-VOC emitting paints, stains and insulation. The use

and advertising that has a smaller impact on the environ-

of alternative energy is also very important to Revamp.

ment. Revamp believes it is not just consumer responsibil-

Passive solar, solar panels, Wind helix turbines, and

ity to make choices that help the environment. It is also

ground source heat pumps, are all used to reduce energy

the designer and the retailer’s job to make sure the choice

dependency on the grid.

is an easy one.

Revamp stores also work very closely with people at a local level. Local farmers and artisans sell their products to Revamp. Despite being a national chain store, no two are exactly alike. All Revamp stores are tailored to best suit the local environment and climate. Also, because many products are created or grown locally each store has a slightly different selection.

store front 23

The sign is a very simple straw bale and lime plaster construction. The iconic power of just the logo stands above the base which mimics the coloration of the store. Solar powered lights are used to gently light it at night. The base stands 7ft high while the logo extends another 4ft for a total of 11ft.

sign 24

The store uniforms are organic unbleached cotton T-shirts. Employes may wear jeans if they are working in the recycling center or an outdoor venue. However if working in the store brown or khaki pants must be worn.

uniforms 25

Revamp has a Biodiesel station at every store location. Anyone with a diesel engine can buy Biodiesel; all the semi-trucks and delivery vans are run by Biodiesel at Revamp. Revamp also supplies a shuttle which runs on Biodiesel to the local neighborhoods that takes people to the shopping district where Revamp is located. Revamp makes its Biodiesel with waste-cooking oils from local restaurants.

transportation 26

Products Water Bottles Bags Mugs


Reusable aluminum water bottles are not only smarter and safer then bottled water, they are a fashion statement. Plastic bottles can leak BPA into your water and many plastic bottles end up in land fills or the ocean. Plastic takes a very long time to break down; the whole time soaking up toxins and readily leaking them back into the environment.

water bottles 28

water bottles


The shopping bag is very important at any store you need a way for customers to carry home all the great stuff they buy! These bags are sold at Revamp stores or occasionally given away as incentives. The green grocery tote is a cloth tote with a plastic insert in the bottom for added support. The produce bags are a set of three mesh drawstring bags that are the perfect size for fresh produce. The fused plastic bag is made with reclaimed used plastic bags, to create a stronger more durable product that people are less likely to throw away.

bags 30

These handy packable reusable bags are made out of T-shirts. They are a promotion piece for the Revamp line. The T-shirts come from a local factories reject line. Usually a flaw in the collar or sleeves makes the shirts unsalable to wear, but perfect for making into bag’s.

bags 31

These resealable mugs are made out of reclaimed jelly jars. The designs are placed on with a clear strong hold adhesive sticker. These mugs are great for resealing a half finished drink, mixing coffee beverages, taking soup for your lunch, mixing home made salad dressing and so much more. Mug is microwave safe, as well as dishwasher safe.

mugs 32





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