Resources to Enhance and Energise Education
School Posters | Find out why they are more than just colourful wallpaper!
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Resources to Enhance and Energise Education
The school classroom is known to be a colourful and interesting place to be. But did you know that children retain information a lot longer when colour is used?
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Resources to Enhance and Energise Education
It is a proven fact that 80% of the brain receives information visually, and when colour is introduced into the mix it heightens the visual senses and improves retention.
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Resources to Enhance and Energise Education
The educational value of posters in the classroom is often unrealized and many are left year on year in the same place as simply a picture on the wall.
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Resources to Enhance and Energise Education
It is a well known fact that a classroom that has colourful and pleasing posters hanging on the wall makes for a much more pleasant and interesting learning environment. This in turn will help to encourage children's attitudes towards work, and help their behaviour as well.
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Resources to Enhance and Energise Education
Remember that further value can be had by rotating the posters as this will help keep the children's attention stimulated. With our fantastic range of School Posters there is sure to be one that will cover your current topic, and provide a useful asset in the classroom.
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Resources to Enhance and Energise Education
We can all understand that children's attention spans can waver, so could be a greater way to keep their attention up than by keeping your classroom decorated with colourful and educational posters. We provide a fantastic range of school posters of all shapes and colours. Check out the range we have on offer today!
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