Cowboy Hairdressers Cashing In on Celebrity Trends

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Hair Lawyers Hair Damage Claim

Cowboy Hairdressers Cashing In on Celebrity Trends

As the world of celebrity grows ever larger thanks to the rise of reality TV shows, so do the aspirations of people everywhere. Every day we are inundated with celebrity homes, celebrity dogs and celebrity fashion. But like everything that is popular there is always a charlatan or two who try and cash in on passing trends.

The case of Charlotte Jones made the national press a few years ago after she was left ‘looking like a scarecrow,’ by a hairdresser in Nottingham. Miss Jones went to the salon to change her hair from a rich brown to a caramel blonde much like celeb of the moment Nicole Ritchie.

The process took 11 hours in total, including 5 separate bleaching treatments. But instead of looking like her hair idol, Miss Jones was left with frazzled and straw like hair.

Distraught, Miss Jones sought advice and was told her hair was beyond repair. Her only choice was to shave her hair off and let it regrow from scratch. Miss Jones also took her negligent hairdresser to court as part of her hair damage claim and won ÂŁ5250 in compensation.

Cowboy hairdressers are causing appearance altering damage and are a significant danger to men and women everywhere. If you have suffered at the hands of one of these types of hairdressers or from any kind of hair damage you might be entitled to make a claim like Miss Jones.

To enquire about making a hair damage claim, please contact Martyn Trenerry on 01708 784042 or Holly Nichols on 01708 784066.

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