Reward Stickers Rock

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Resources to Enhance and Energise Education

Reward Stickers Rock! Reward stickers rock, it's as simple as that!

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Resources to Enhance and Energise Education

Children love them, parents love them and teachers love them. Stickers are a tangible means of showing a child that they have done something well or surpassed an expectation in a positive way.

We would love to receive feedback regarding our products and services. If you would like to send us a message get in touch with us today!

Resources to Enhance and Energise Education

Rewards stickers are no longer representative of achieving a good result but are instead are awarded for the achievement of a personal goal or making an extra effort. This change in their ethos means they are now achievable by all pupils.

We would love to receive feedback regarding our products and services. If you would like to send us a message get in touch with us today!

Resources to Enhance and Energise Education

Pro's of Reward Stickers Stickers are parent friendly. Unlike other means of reward such as sweets or small toys, stickers are non-harmful and cannot be misperceived as bribery.

We would love to receive feedback regarding our products and services. If you would like to send us a message get in touch with us today!

Resources to Enhance and Energise Education

Reward stickers are cost effective, come in a variety of colours and shapes and can be purchased in bulk.

We would love to receive feedback regarding our products and services. If you would like to send us a message get in touch with us today!

Resources to Enhance and Energise Education

They are a affective means of classroom management and can be employed to control a number of situations. e.g. behaviour, time keeping, engagement in a project.

We would love to receive feedback regarding our products and services. If you would like to send us a message get in touch with us today!

Resources to Enhance and Energise Education

Reward Stickers give a child something to aim for, something to look forward to and something to show off.

We would love to receive feedback regarding our products and services. If you would like to send us a message get in touch with us today!

Resources to Enhance and Energise Education

Con's of Reward Stickers Those pupils who don't achieve receiving as many stickers as others may be left feeling despondent. Whilst the stickers are a great tool they are not flawless and it is down to the teacher to manage the process of distribution. We would love to receive feedback regarding our products and services. If you would like to send us a message get in touch with us today!

Resources to Enhance and Energise Education

High achieving pupils tend to get a taste for success and will do anything to receive reward. Teachers again would have to monitor their distribution in order to maintain the status quo between high achievers and shy pupils.

We would love to receive feedback regarding our products and services. If you would like to send us a message get in touch with us today!

Resources to Enhance and Energise Education

Like most rewards processes it is their application that is the key to success. If the implementation of reward stickers as a means of motivating and rewarding pupils can be achieved successfully teachers will see not only a more harmonious but a more positive teaching environment start to take shape. We would love to receive feedback regarding our products and services. If you would like to send us a message get in touch with us today!

Resources to Enhance and Energise Education

To find the best selection of stickers online, head to

We would love to receive feedback regarding our products and services. If you would like to send us a message get in touch with us today!

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