Augmented Reality Software
The 3 C’s of Augmented Reality Software
Augmented reality software is an incredible development in modern technology, which allows us to see a computer-generated version of the real world from the comfort of our home. This technology has had a major impact on the lives of individual Internet users but also on a variety of industries. This presentation goes some way to explain the impact of augmented reality software on the three largest industries beginning with C.
Commerce Augmented reality software has revolutionized online shopping. E-commerce stores use augmented reality to give consumers a more realistic representation of the products they are looking to buy. Nothing will replace the act of physically touching an item in a shop, but augmented reality is bring consumers as close as possible by giving them 360degree views, close ups and the ability to try items on or put items together in a room plan. With online sales of over ÂŁ50bn in the UK in 2012 and predictions of the figure increasing by another 14% in 2013 it is evident that the incorporation of augmented reality into e-commerce stores is having a major impact on how we as consumers shop.
Construction Thanks to the advances in GPS and the improvements in augmented reality, construction companies are making huge leaps in being able to construct visual representations of construction sites, cabling, pipe work or underground structures. These developments mean that they can present their plans and proposals in a 3D fashion; they can create accurate visual representations of underground networks which can’t be seen unless below ground and plan large scale city developments.
Computer Games
The abiliTy To creaTe realisTic represenTaTions of worlds and spaces has revoluTionized gaming. This Technology has enabled video game companies To explore and creaTe world previously unimaginable, giving gamers unlimiTed poTenTial. raking in nearly ÂŁ2bn in 2011, The games indusTry has seen a huge boosT Thanks To changes in Technology and like e-commerce, shows no signs of sTopping.
If you work in any of these industries and feel that augmented reality software could revolutionize the way you work then contact We Are Spectre on 02381 159767.