Blank risk assessment

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East Norfolk Sixth From College Risk Assessment Form RA Activity / Task: Associated Risk/CoSHH Assessments, Procedures, etc:


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Please ensure that ALL staff & students (where necessary) are made aware of the findings Who might be harmed & how? The model via the flash going off Photographer by it falling and hitting them

Identified hazards Flash damaging eyes Dropping camera

What further action is necessary? (write “none” if appropriate)

What are you already doing? Turning off flash


Using a camera strap


Action Plan from “further action”

By Who

By When (Date)

Please ensure that the Assessor and Line Manager have signed this prior to it being passed to the H&S Co-ordinator Assessed by:

Name: Liam liffen Signature:

Assessment upon completion of action plan LOW / MEDIUM / HIGH (Delete as appropriate) Accepted by Name: Line Manager: Signature: Date: 1/02/16


All risk assessments are subject to an annual review by the assessor; this may be sooner subject to any significant changes to the activity / task.

H&S F03 - Rev. 12 Date: June 2011

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