Question 4: Who would the audience be for your product? When it came to creating my product I had to think of the sort of consumer or audience/audiences would become the focus of my magazine as they would be the ones who would provide a healthy influx of profit in order to fuel consecutive issues and the content within them such as exclusive interviews, promotions and a maintenance of a high production value which would come from the work of all employees which means they have to be high calibre and also have a high morale in order to create their best work. Upon researching the plethora of magazines which occupy the largest market shares I decided upon a mixture of tech, gaming and music which is a combination which was rather uncommon and had one of the largest and most diverse audiences in modern times (the tech savvy gamer). Overall my magazine targets my selected audience decently with the combination of attractive elements which did not overlap to create a product which hopefully caters to their needs in a way which other products do not. The following tasks will detail how I have targeted my target audience and in which ways these methods are successful or not so successful and to what end could I improve upon the set out methods in order to attract a larger portion of the desired audience. The audience which I have decided to target are widely underrepresented in terms of their music preferences as typically the games they play and the elements of them are the focus of other magazines targeting my audience and as a result leave the music which is featuring in games and the songs which are created with gamers in mind such as the works of bands such as Falconshield leaving those who are trying to reach the gamer audience to put
their works up on YouTube and monetise them with advertisements in order to turn a profit or make a Patrion account and ask for a paid subscription in order to fund projects such as concerts and new songs. Upon researching the portion of people who are “Gamers� in the UK the statistics get murky, there is a recorded 33.5 million Britons who play games in all age groups but when it gets down to those in my age range of 16-30 there are no solid numbers only percentages taken from a survey of 4,000 people, the numbers are quite misleading however because of the aforementioned point that the people classed as gamer can range from the casual candy crushers to the hard-core platform fanboys and as a result I must take these statistics with a pinch of salt as the ages of the people surveyed reaches my target upper bound of 30,the results went from the ranges of 8-17,18-24 and 25-34 this of course makes these results a little less useful due to their peculiar age brackets but they are still useful in showing how many gamers and thus how many people my product could reach. The survey states that 99% of 8-17 year olds have gamed or do game, 89% of 18-24 year old do likewise and 71% of 25-34 year olds have partook in the activity, as previously stated these results should be taken with a pinch of salt and if we’re working off of stereotypes which for the purposes of this task we were then as the age of the gamer gets older then it can be said that the age range of 25-34 will include a higher number of casual candy crush gamers or Facebook gamers than console players or PC players which are the ones we are targeting.