Trail of emails to Oliver Connolly to 3rd reminder with query - no response up to 12th May 2014

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Gmail - Re: Unlawfulness of recordings re You and Sgt .McCabe ?: - Call for clarity Reminder no.3 connolly&qs=true&sear...

emails to Oliver Connolly to 3rd reminder with query - no response received up to 12th May 2014 Connolly seems to be burying his legal head in the ground assuming this will all go away. Liam O Gogain <> We all have a civic duty to establish the legality or otherwise of such recordings.

Re: Unlawfulness of recordings re You and Sgt .McCabe ?: - Call for clarity Reminder no.3 Liam O Gogain <> To:

30 April 2014 12:10

Dear Oliver, Please ntoe that this is my 3rd reminder to you in this matter.I do not appear to have received either, an acknowledgment of receipt, nor a response from you to my previous emails. I would appreciate if you would give this matter your attetnion and respond to me without further delay. Sincerely, Liam O Gogain

On 2 April 2014 17:01, Liam O Gogain <> wrote: Dear Oliver, I still do not appear to have received either, an acknowledgment of receipt, nor a response from you to my previous emails. I had contacted your office at Friary Law on the 25th of March last and left a message there with someone, drawing your attention to this correspondence. I would be obliged if you would now acknowledge receipt and respond to the queries therein. Sincerely, Liam O Gogain

On 24 March 2014 12:12, Liam O Gogain <> wrote:

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12/05/2014 16:18

Gmail - Re: Unlawfulness of recordings re You and Sgt .McCabe ?: - Call for clarity Reminder no.3 connolly&qs=true&sear...

Dear Oliver, I do not appear to have received either, an acknowledgment of receipt, nor a response from you to my email below. As the matters referred to therein are of National importance and the credbility of the Sgt.McCabe, as a whistleblower, has been widely established and his ( and John Wilson's) contribution in this area in service of the public good is increasingly being acknowledged politically and in the media generally, this remaining slight on his integrity, by your claim that he acted unlawfully in recording his conversation with you, demands clarification and correction , if necessary, most importantly from yourself, in the public interest. As the impact of the intervention of the whistleblowers is being widely discussed, even at cabinet level this week, I urge you:1. Firstly to immediately, by return email, acknowledge receipt of this and the previous email (I got the address from which identified you as being the Principal) and 2. Secondly, provide a clear, accessible and unambiguous to the issues raised in my email below. Sincerely, Liam O Gogain

On 19 March 2014 16:43, Liam O Gogain <> wrote:

Dear Oliver, I am writing to you in relation to your recent press release and surrounding media coverage, specifically in relation to the lawfulness, legality or otherwise of the recordings of your conversation with Sgt. McCabe. I wish to make it clear that I have no interest or desire to ask or suggest that you breach any confidentiality. I first heard about your press release while listening to the Last Word on in a public place. The detail was hard to hear so I followed it up on The article . I noted firstly how highly and widely qualified your credentials were, on your headed paper :OLIVER J CONNOLLY BARRISTER-AT-LAW (IRE, N IRE, ENG & WALES) ATTORNEY-AT-LAW (NEW YORK AND US SUPREME COURT) AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION HOELLERING INTERNATIONAL FELLOW MEMBER OF BARRISTERS’ CHAMBERS AT 36 BEDFORD ROW, LONDON MA LLB (DUBLIN), DIP BS, DIP ARB, DIP INTL ARB, FCI ARB ACCREDITED MEDIATOR

Further research on you came up with the ar cle “Legal eagle has impressive CV and party creden als” quote “Mr Connolly certainly boasts one of the most impressive CVs in the Irish legal domain.”

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12/05/2014 16:18

Gmail - Re: Unlawfulness of recordings re You and Sgt .McCabe ?: - Call for clarity Reminder no.3 connolly&qs=true&sear...

Any reader, viewer or listener would be highly impressed and easily swayed by your asser ons that the recordings referenced to Sgt.McCabe were unlawful and your referencing of the Kennedy‐v‐Ireland judgment in support of your asser on. I then noted another ar cle by TJ.McIntyre, “Oliver Connolly is wrong – Sgt McCabe broke no laws with his secret recording” From the outset I had understood that the judgment you had used to underpin your press statement was based on third party recording, which is dimensionally different than an intra‐party recording. Given your impressive Legal creden als as referenced above, I found it difficult to believe that a competent legal professional with integrity would not have known the difference and would not be aware of the 2006 ruling of the Barristers Professional Tribunal (see my a ached PDF on the issue)and in par cular the statement by Jim Gleeson, Chairman of the Tribunal that:‐ “A er all, a party to a telephone conversa on is always capable of giving evidence of the contents of that conversa on without any recording apparatus, whether by making a contemporaneous note or by simply recalling in evidence what was said during the conversa on.” The ar cle by TJ McIntyre (supported by his legal creden als) along with my own material from 2006, seem to be in direct contradic on your fundamental thesis in your press statement that the recording was illegal. I know that, for now, the media focus has moved on from you and your statement. However, as a concerned ci zen, I have o en found myself, similar I presume to Sgt. McCabe, in situa ons where every other person had given legi macy to false data, and the only record I have had were recordings etc. In fact, almost by defini on in the emergence of whistleblowers is the overwhelming ability of the dominant forces to legi mate false reali es. In such situa ons, without the sole, grounding, calibra on of recorded evidence, such a whistleblower might in fact end up doub ng their own sanity and certainly ge ng li le trac on in seeking to expose wrongdoing.

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12/05/2014 16:18

Gmail - Re: Unlawfulness of recordings re You and Sgt .McCabe ?: - Call for clarity Reminder no.3 connolly&qs=true&sear...

The recent Garda Inspectorate report and ar cles such as “Taoiseach says garda whistleblowers have been vindicated”, highlights the vitality for Democracy in Ireland of having civic minded whistleblowers to expose wrongdoing. In conversa ons with general members of the public and reviewing media commentary over the last fortnight, I have major concerns that the argument that you had posited, given the weight of your professional legal creden als, con nue to cast doubt over the lawfulness of whistleblowers making such recordings. This issue is not restricted to you personally or Sgt. McCabe. The need for clarity and defini on has much wider societal ramifica ons. If this confusion is allowed to persist there is a serious danger that in future, poten al whistleblowers will be afraid to record material, believing that you are correct in saying such intra‐party recordings are unlawful. As the recording is o en the only security and cri cally believable evidence a whistleblower may have, this misinforma on may force them into con nued silence. I would sincerely hope that given your former role as the Confiden al Recipient, you would be distressed if your statement were to have such a suppressive effect. I am calling on you as a civic duty to either:‐ Substan ate your claim that such recording are unlawful, as you have claimed, and thus make it clear to future whistleblowers that they will be breaking the law by making such intra‐party recordings. OR Acknowledge that the argument that you had posited was not applicable in this case and explain why such a highly rated legal professional would have mislead the public and frightened future (and past and present) whilstleblowers. Sincerely,

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12/05/2014 16:18

Gmail - Re: Unlawfulness of recordings re You and Sgt .McCabe ?: - Call for clarity Reminder no.3 connolly&qs=true&sear...

Liam O Gogain Email:‐

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12/05/2014 16:18

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