Architecture portfolio for UCL MArch Architectural Design

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B.Arch Huazhong University of Science and Technology

APPLY FOR UCL MArch Architectural Design

Application number: 23160573

About Complexity

Architecture, as the smallest unit that constitutes the human habitat, is the most closely related to human behavior patterns, and is the direct medium through which humans come into contact with the huge complex of the city, and is the link between people and the city. I also believe that architecture can play a more direct role in solving some social problems.

In today's world of explosive economic and technological development, unprecedented urbanization rates and information dissemination, the surrounding environment that individual people come into contact with is extremely complex and varied. Therefore, diverse cultures, changing climates, large numbers of people, complex social needs, and cities with huge scales that are difficult to reach boundaries make architecture even more significant as a medium between people and complexity. believe that, as with the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, a single building can make a huge difference to the solution of complex urban problems. In this context, architecture is confronted with an unprecedentedly complex environment.

With the increasing complexity of social and urban structures, it is necessary to rationally analyze urban problems and opportunities in the complex environment, and put forward proper spatial solutions. Chinese cities are facing this trend of increasing cultural, demographic and urban complexity, while most of the former buildings have been formatted to meet a single function, blindly demolishing and building for economic growth without addressing the urban issues of today and tomorrow. I believe that in-depth analysis of the urban environment and sorting out the intricate economic and cultural relationships are crucial to the design of China's urban architecture today and even in the future, and this is what is missing in the Chinese architectural design industry nowadays. In this portfolio will present my thinking on complex urban problems in different geographical areas and propose architectural solutions based on urban research.

Based on my reflection on mordern city and its complex condition, choose to apply for your programme of MSc Architecture, aiming to widely become familiar with more advanced architectural theories and technologies in order to deepen my understanding of architecture. More importantly, it is vital to further improve my logical thinking ability, critical skills and the sensitive to urban problems, as well as think and react more deeply. The subsequent graduate studies can equip me with the strong capacity to properly deal with complex social problems in future workplace and even explore the boundaries of problem solving by architectural language.

CONTENT 01 | BRIDGE Urban Renewal to Recall Jiangnan Culture 02 02 | NATURAL STATION Green House Restaurant to Evoke Agricultural Life 10 03 | GREEN LINK Living Blue Green Resilient City for a 15-minute Life Loop 17 04 | WALK AND SEE Wuhan Old Community Ramp Market 24 OTHER WORKS 29 COMMUNICATING GREENHOUSE TIME RESORT AMPHIBIOUS CITY DAVINCI BRIDGE 1


Urban Renewal to Recall Jiangnan Culture

HUST Architecture Studio

2021 Winter

Site: Hangzhou, China

Instructor: Chen Hong

Individual Work/ Academic Work

West Lake as the most famous tourist attraction in the historical city of Hangzhou not only has a stunningly beautiful natural scenery, but also no shortage of humanistic landscapes that tell the history and traditional Chinese culture, which attracts countless tourists to come and see, in the process of Hangzhou's rapid development, car lanes, high consumption places, huge size of the neighborhood, so that the beautiful scenery of the ancient city of Jiangnan with small bridges and flowing water has long disappeared. A neighborhood located on the east side of West Lake, near numerous cultural and historical monuments and the most prosperous commercial area by West Lake, is a significant place to restore the historical mark of Hangzhou.

In the ancient city of Jiangnan, which has a well-developed water system, water and bridges are important elements of urban transportation, with "water" being the transportation of goods within the city and bridges mending the fragmentation of the neighborhood caused by waterways. The two together create a unique spatial atmosphere in Jiangnan, China. In the venue, the spatial element of "bridge" is regained to mend the fragmented neighborhoods and to create permeable streets for people to explore, so that people can integrate into them and recover the urban memory and traditional Chinese culture of Hangzhou that has been lost in the consumer society.



The site was chosen in an area on the eastern shore of Hangzhou's West Lake, an area dominated by residential buildings and currently of relatively low economic value.

Relatively speaking, the old city center of Hangzhou is the gathering area of many shopping malls, and there are more historical buildings, which have high commercial value and tourism value, while the new city center is the gathering place of many company headquarters, with many high-rise buildings, and is the cbd of Hangzhou, which has high commercial value but not high tourism value.

The selected site has a high density of residential buildings and a high population density, but it is close to the West Lake tourist area and has many historical points of interest, so it can be developed as a key cultural tourism area in Hangzhou in the future and has a large potential. The three areas are connected to Hangzhou East Railway Station by three subway lines, making transportation more convenient.


The buildings form an unbreakable boundary with the residential area, while the great scale of the urban block causes limited accessibility to the scenic area on the eastern side of the site, while the through-going carriageway leads to a poor walking experience. There are many public spaces within the site, but the public spaces are not open to the public, creating narrow and crowded walking paths within the site with no areas to stay. There are two historical and cultural attractions within the site, Confucius Temple and qianwang temple, but the West Lake scenic area in the east is full of high consumption places, attracting tourists to spend money, while the historical and cultural attractions are buried among the consumption places and unattended.

Modern city lanes, residential boundaries, high-spending venues, uniform modernist residential buildings and long block form a barrier between residents, tourists and the historical sites, scenic areas of West Lake, and people gradually lose their identification with traditional culture.

Urban design needs to break down these barriers in order to create a circulation of tourism through the attractions and West Lake scenery and a circulation of residents for community functions within the neighborhood

subway line water front historical interest other subway station nearby subway station scenic spot urban park high speed railway station water area site important urban area subway line1 SITE OLD URBAN CENTER NEW URBAN CENTER subway line7 subway line4 6.5km 6.5km 8km 10.5km
760m road barrier private entrance building boundary barrier nearby subway
nearby subway station residence schools culture places common comsumption high consumption scenic spot active public space negative public space water area historical interests


river bridge

Contrasting to the 1905 map of Hangzhou, many of the original rivers and bridges have been removed from the current site and replaced with vehicular roads, which became the river of modern society, but the bridge was eliminated by the times so relatively speaking, many of the culture and characteristics of Hangzhou as the ancient city of Jiangnan in China are gradually disappearing. hope to recreate the original city mark of Hangzhou in the design.








Extracting elements of the old Hangzhou rivers and bridges, restoring the city's marks and characteristics, while using the bridges as nodes to connect the closed block to the West Lake scenic area in the west, breaking the barrier of the neighborhoods.

Utilizing the existing public space of the site, giving multiple functions and revitalizing the original closed and cramped urban space.

Extracting the spatial rhythm and order changes in the map of a thousand miles of rivers and mountains to control the spatial changes of the tour site, forming a tour flow line from land to waterway and then to land.

The side of the site away from the West Lake scenic area is a place for residents' living facilities in the block, giving them a place to enrich their daily activities and restoring their sense of identity with the traditional culture of Hangzhou.

Form a landscape flow line along the shore of the West Lake, using some resilient city techniques to prevent urban flooding while allowing residents and tourists to visit and experience the scenery and culture of the West Lake.

Referring to the traditional Chinese painting "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains", the spatial changes form a whole circulation of experience with bridges, courtyards, stacks and towers.
URBAN STRATEGY tower water circulation visitors circulation residents circulation landscape circultion vehicular road bridge quay invention node scenic spot public space historical interests water area related buildings 50 100 200 400 800 0 4

Referring to the spatial pattern of the ancient Jiangnan water city, the spatial prototype was extracted and applied in the design. The spatial functions, spatial sequences, and formal prototypes of the ancient city of Jiangnan are used to realize the convenience of residents, evoke urban memory, and cultural identity respectively.

The system also includes cultural facilities to revitalize the space and educate residents about traditional culture.



public space retail

greenery space cultural facility quay temple turning point


SPACE PROTOTYPE corridor bridge public space temple quay
Translating the interesting flow of the ancient Jiangnan town into the modern urban environment, giving it a new way of vertical dimension and creating a more interesting spatial pattern of the Jiangnan town with modern architectural technology.
the analyzed spatial prototypes to compose the entire urban renewal design, two circulation of residents and visitors are realized

NODE 1 is the southernmost "bridge" of the site and its subsidiary functions, the bridge is related to the surrounding qianwang temple, the West Lake scenic area and the residential area across the carriageway, and is endowed with many subsidiary functions, including the related museums, exhibition halls and tea culture parks around the qianwang temple.


Based on the space prototype of the "bridge", it is expanded to include many functions that are in line with modern urban life.

a good

Scene from the Tea Culture Park: A water feature is set up in the courtyard to provide view for tea drinkers, while the space on the bridge is connected to the courtyard by a staircase
temple retail verticle circulation public space greenery horizontal circulation park culture space road 1 1 2 3 4 3 5 4 6 2 5 6 6 5 3 1 2 4 5 6 6
The scene of the market set up in front of the qianwang temple: The installation of relatively traditional residential living facilities in front of traditional cultural attractions provides visitors with the ability to visit and shop while residents purchase daily necessities.


Based on the spatial prototype of "public space", the open-air Yue Opera Theater is the center of the park, recreation, observation tower and other functions and complex circulations.Provide a place for visitors and residents to interact with each other.



The first part is the theater area, which contains the theater, the surrounding ancillary flow and the refreshment function. The second part is the park area, which contains cultural stores and provides residents and tourists with the function of playing and resting. The third part is the exchange area, which contains the exhibition hall related to Yueju opera and the observation tower of West Lake.

Scene from the open-air Yue Opera Theater:

Centered on the theater, the perimeter is endowed with multi-layered corridors to attract residents and visitors passing by.

Scene with complex circulation:

Three steps intertwine to form a complex flow, providing an uncertain interest similar to that of the ancient town of Jiangnan.

node 2 is a park with the theme of Yueju, the traditional drama of Hangzhou, which is gradually replaced by mainstream media in modern society. This park tries to revive people's love for Yueju by including a number of Yueju museums and cultural halls, as well as an open-air Yueju theater, giving many residents and visitors functions where residents and visitors have a common point of interest and where residents and visitors interact with each other, forming an important node for promoting the traditional culture of Hangzhou.

retail verticle circulation public space greenery horizontal circulation park culture 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6
1 3 5 5 4 6 6 2 1

The observation tower is composed of multiple curved roofs, forming an architectural resemblance with the characteristics of ancient China's Jiangnan, different roofs form different spatial feelings, and the landscape of the West Lake in the distance can be felt under the continuous change of architectural space.

A venue for residents to gather at the main entrance of the Confucius Temple, where public functions such as lectures, deliberations and propaganda can be carried out, giving the government, educational institutions, media organizations and residents a place to communicate and express their ideas.

Scene of the common-hall: Crowds gather in front of the porch of the Confucius Temple


node4 is the southernmost quay in the design, based on the ancient town extracted from the quay space prototype, give tea breaks, arts and crafts retail and other relatively commercial functions. The observation deck of West Lake is combined with the interior building to form an external circulation alone on the waterfront side, and conntected to the function of the quay, so that viewing activity is combined with the consumption activity inside the building. At the same time, more natural techniques are used here, so that visitors can feel the experience of intermingling nature and culture.


hard wood floor grass planting

thermal insulation layer moistureproof layer tree roots

concrete profiled deck stone subbase

The ecological approach of a resilient city is used in the water-friendly landscape to provide visitors with a better green landscape while also using landscape facilities to a certain extent to alleviate the problem of urban flooding during the rainy season.At different water levels, visitors can experience a different view of West Lake

planting soil soil subgrade outfall pipe stone subbase soil subgrade

Scene of the architecture from the water: The side of the building facing the water forms the traditional Chinese façade of a continuous undulating roof


Green House Restaurant to Evoke Agricultural Life

HUST Architecture Studio

2021 Summer

Site: Mývatn, Iceland

Instructor: Lei Jingjing

Individual Work/ Academic Work

The relationship between human beings and nature has become disordered to a certain extent, and we need to go beyond the perspective of industry and technology to re-cognize the relationship between human beings and nature, and agriculture is the most direct manifestation of the relationship between human beings and nature in the process of social development, and it is worth to be discussed again. As one of the coldest civilized countries in the world, Iceland has preserved its natural landscape to the greatest extent, and most of the land is still in an unexplored state.

In this project, people have the opportunitiy to move from fast to slow, from urban to rural, when they taste the pure and natural food , watch the farming and picking that gradually leave the memory of people in the city, and even participate in the agricultural production.


The site was chosen in Mývatn located in the north of Iceland and is surrounded by numerous tourist attractions



The chosen site is located at the intersection of agricultural areas and natural landscapes, with forests and the Hverfjall volcano to the south, as well as two farms to the north. The site is adjacent to a Mývatn thermal bathing area. Therefore it is an excellent starting point for tourist routes and an area to experience Nordic agriculture for visitors. The building is therefore expected to be a node of the tourist route, providing a resting place for tourists and a place where people tired of city life can experience the joy of agricultural life.


The functions of the building are divided into two parts: visitors and logistics. All visitors' functions want to interact with the planting area or be able to see the green plants, while the planting functions in logistics are directly linked to visitors' picking and playing through the planting area, forming a complete dining circulation from planting to picking to preparation to cooking and finally to dining.


Visitors can visit the entire flow of food and beverage production from the time they enter the restaurant to the time they eat, while participating as part of the process themselves. In addition to the dining experience, the building is derived from the natural attractions to the south, creating multiple modes of interaction with nature.


the greenhouse is placed in the site,and a multi-layer continuous planting form is set up on south part of the green house.The greenhouse is a glass box facing the volcano to the south, with a view of the volcano from most of the restaurant.

The external dining space is twisted at an angle to face the light blue hot spring pool directly to create a good view of the dining area, while the external flow line is set up at the periphery of the building to provide a flow line for visitors to take photos and view the scenery.


The southern part of the greenhouse is the planting area and the northern part is the functional area, both of which are intertwined so that visitors can experience any function in the restaurant while in contact with the plants in the planting area.The two dining spaces are divided into opposite interior planting areas and opposite exterior landscaping.


Rainwater harvesting devices are installed at the end of the sloping roof for irrigation, electric curtains are installed at the top of the functional areas to reduce the direct UV radiation of the greenhouse, and side windows are opened at the top of the building to provide smooth ventilation inside the building.

400 40 200 0 800 80 1200 120 2000m TERAIN ADAPTION


The building is divided into two dining blocks, a kitchen block, and a multifunctional block, which is placed in the greenhouse and interacts with the planting area and the natural landscape. The materials used are mainly eco-friendly and natural wood.

1. The inward-facing dining block has two levels and is placed above the planting area, surrounded by vegetation, so that visitors are in a green environment during the dining process.

2. Outward-facing dining block facing the Mývatn Nature Hot Springs to the south, offering three levels of dining space.

3. The kitchen block is connected to the planting area,forming a circulation from planting to serving

4. The multi-purpose block also faces the planting area and creates a separate flow on the other side with views to the west side of the building

1 2 3 4
1 3 4 2 12


With the sinking of the terrain, the planting area forms a continuous sinking form, visitors with the flow of food and beverage, the entire planting area wil slowly emerge, visitors in different areas of the building and planting area interaction occurs.

Scene of open planting area
1 planting area 2 dining area 3 multifunction room 4 kitchen 5 restroom 6 entrance 7 meditation room 8 office 9 food preparation 1st FLOOR PLAN 1 1 2 2 5 3 4 6 2nd FLOOR PLAN 1 1 2 2 7 8 5 5 9 3rd FLOOR PLAN 1 1 2 0 5 10 25m 9 13
Scene open planting area from the narrow road


The design fully introduces the greenhouse landscape and farming scenes into the building space as part of the restaurant space plot, rendering an immersive spatial experience and strengthening the spatial theme of integration of planting production and culinary consumption.

The interior of the building makes full use of the change of terrain height to create a variety of viewing platforms that produce a rich sightline relationship with the vegetation, so that visitors can capture the indoor agricultural scenes from the restaurant everywhere during the event.

At the same time, all dining areas and planting areas inside the building are related in various forms, creating a "you in me" visual relationship and bringing visitors closer to the crops, which not only brings visitors a feeling of walking in nature and interacting with plants, but also gives visitors a strong visual immersion of agricultural production.

In addition, the dining route of visitors descends gradually with the terrain, guiding them into the planting area, so that their dining experience is closely integrated with the natural experience and they intuitively experience the pleasure of enjoying locally produced food and dishes from the site.

Access to the dining area is through an elevated corridor with planting areas on both sides and adjacent to the kitchen area where you can see the process from planting to cooking.

The top of the inwardfacing dining block has the most generous view and can be used as an observation deck for the planting area while visitors dine.

The corridor leading to the dining area on the middle level forms an enclosure around a small planting area, creating a relaxing courtyard.

The lower level of the inward-facing dining block is more enclosed and used as a relatively private dining space, with all openings open to the vegetation of the planting area.

planting planting planting dining dining dining dining dining corridor
The dining area on the ground floor is reached by walking through the planting area.
Hverfjall volcano
Mývatn thermal bathing


hard wood floor

galvanized square keel

moistureproof layer

thermal insulation layer

concrete profiled deck

soil subgrade

planting grass

planting soil

sand and gravel layer

stone subbase

soil subgrade

The rainwater collection equipment in the building provides water for sprinkler irrigation, and the excess water in the planting area is filtered and gathered into the geothermal energy circulation equipment to provide heat souece for the building, and the cooled water enters the sprinkler irrigation equipment again to become the sprinkler irrigation warer source, thus realizing the water circulation and heat circulation in the building.

The building structure adopts the I-beam frame system as the main structure of the greenhouse, and the rest of inserted blocks area supported by the structual system of the greenhouse pilus the reinforced concrete frame structure, with movable shade cloth on top of the building and windows to achieve good ventilation and energy saving inside the building.

double insulated glass

600*200mm H-section steel beam

aluminium framed glass ribs

thermal insulation layer



Create a vibrant box in Iceland's natural ice landscape as a respite from busy city life and the start of a nature trip throughout Iceland. visitors move from fast to slow, from urban to rural, leaving the consumerism and hedonism of urban life to return to the leisurely life of farming civilization to regain the meaning of life, which is also a way of development of post-modern agriculture.



Living Blue Green Resilient City for a 15-minute Life Loop

HUST Architecture Studio

2022 Summer

Site: Newyork City, USA

Instructor: Xu Shen

Group Work/ Academic Work

Collaborator: Yang Chenze, Wan Wangxi

Role: 40% research, 100% concept design, architecture design, drawings

In today's deteriorating climate, New York, especially the southern coastal region of Coney Island, faces greater threats of flooding and inundation, while these southern areas have lower per capita incomes and poorer living infrastructure than New York's highly developed downtown areas such as Manhattan. Local residents also have to endure long distances of uncomfortable, dangerous walking experiences. Conversely, Coney Island is an area that is well worthy of redesign because of its unique history and beach views and recreational facilities that attract many residents from relatively northern New York to vacation.

Using relatively new urban amenities and technologies, this project hopes to respond to the urban blight that exists on Coney Island, improving the living experience of residents while becoming a more popular resort area.



Coney Island and the surrounding area in south Brooklyn, New York, has popular parks and historic amusement parks, but there are more urban issues for residents of some areas

15min circle of subway station site subway line cultural facility

severe flood affected areas park renovating circulation



Coney Island and the surrounding areas in southern New York have more urban problems, according to statistics, the area will suffer more serious flooding problems after 2050 due to sea level rise, and the travel time between these areas and the subway stations are more than 15 minutes, causing residents inconvenient commuting problems Also within the 15-minute living circle of the site, there are fewer amenities necessary for living. These areas have parks, beaches and other attractions nearby to attract city dwellers as recreational sites.

Based on the site problems and opportunities, three basic solution strategies are proposed

1. Use blue green technology system to establish the water storage and drainage system connecting the north and south shore of Coney Island, in order to solve the urban flooding problem of Coney Island now and even after 2050.

2. Establish a mobility system to build separate bicycle and pedestrian paths, separated from the car paths, to provide a better walking and biking experience.

3. Establish a five-minute living circle to serve the daily life, cultural life and productive life of the residents


The western part of Coney Island was selected as the key design site

mild flood affected areas
life circle area to be renovated
15min life circle subway station
0 500 1000 2500 5000 5500m
residential area collective housing sport facility tourists circulation welfare Facilities life facilities circulation office landscape circulation retail attraction 18




central blue green system

central commuting&bicycle syestem

visitor circulation commuting&bicycle system in block blue green system in block

visitor node

15min circle of subway station drainage stream attraction wadering system in block attracting people flow park carway storage ponds

5min life circle

life facilities

roof park

15min circle of subway station green plaza transit stop transit stop park

green production park

water harvesting system

cultural facilities production facilities

19 0 50 100 250m

The wandering system connects all the rooftop parks in the building and connects with vibrant public space for commercial, leisure, performance and viewing platform to provide active public space.

The internal commutting system attached to the surrounding building and connects to the central commutting system, it also contains several vertical traffic connections directly to the towers.

The internal bicycle system is also connected to the central bicycle system, and there are transit stops to connect the internal and central bicycle system, and to connect the internal bicycle system and the commutting system.

SYSTEM BICYCLE SYSTEM 7th FLOOR PLAN B A B A 1 school 2 library 3 mall 4 roof park 5 kitchen 6 restaurant 7 artists studio 8 cultral shop of theater 9 viewing platform 5 0 15 40m 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20


90*80mm glass fin

50mm double glazing

500*300mm H-section steel beam prefabricated steel joint

Φ 40mm bolt

Φ 50mm wire rope

Φ 20mm bolt

Φ 200mm steel tube



Scene of commercial bubbles from platform: The shaped space creates a rich walking experience,and recreating the early 20th century imagery of Coney Island's amusement park Scenario of Global Tower,1906
Set up a work shop above the green area in the middle of the building and an open-air screening room and other more public functions connected to the school and library SECTION A-A The stage of theater is set above the green area in the middle and connected to the concert hall on the other side, while the open-air performance space is set on the roof.



During storms, the blue green technology system collects water from the surrounding hard paved areas to alleviate urban flooding, while pedestrian paths are sheltered from the wind and rain to provide a relatively safe walking environment for the pedestrian, and some of the rooftop parks are also underneath the buildings to provide rest during rainy days.
On sunny days, the blue green technology system also provides a place for residents to relax and play.


Wuhan Old Community Ramp Market

HUST Architecture Studio

2022 Fall

Site: Wuhan, China

Instructor: Chen Hong

Individual Work/ Academic Work

West Lake as the most famous tourist attraction in the historical city of Hangzhou not only has a stunningly beautiful natural scenery, but also no shortage of humanistic landscapes that tell the history and traditional Chinese culture, which attracts countless tourists to come and see, in the process of Hangzhou's rapid development, car lanes, high consumption places, huge size of the neighborhood, so that the beautiful scenery of the ancient city of Jiangnan with small bridges and flowing water has long disappeared. A neighborhood located on the east side of West Lake, near numerous cultural and historical monuments and the most prosperous commercial area by West Lake, is a significant place to restore the historical mark of Hangzhou.

In the ancient city of Jiangnan, which has a well-developed water system, water and bridges are important elements of urban transportation, with "water" being the transportation of goods within the city and bridges mending the fragmentation of the neighborhood caused by waterways. The two together create a unique spatial atmosphere in Jiangnan, China. In the venue, the spatial element of "bridge" is regained to mend the fragmented neighborhoods and to create permeable streets for people to explore, so that people can integrate into them and recover the urban memory and traditional Chinese culture of Hangzhou that has been lost in the consumer society.

04 |

Residents gather near the site. Gathering activities include buying food from roadside vendors, spectating and participating in chess activities, drinking tea and chatting at the roadside, etc.

Referring to the traditional market in Wuhan, there are closely arranged stores on both sides of the street, and aisles and shopping areas are formed in the middle of the road.

The ramp is used to cram Wuhan's traditional market model into a relatively small site, forming a continuous three-dimensional shopping flow, while the building volume echoes the surrounding historic buildings, providing an area for visitors to ascend and view the landscape.



瞧一瞧 看一看
a look and see”
PROGRESS Establishing a continuous ramp market Create visitor circulation lines at the top of the ramp market Adding functional blocks of supporting facilities based on flow lines Adding a roof to form a shelter for ramp flow FUNCTION BLOCKS VISITORS CIRCULATION MARKET ROOF 25

CIRCULATION The four sets of ramps interspersed in the building form the space for the market and visitors to walk, forming a continuous ascending circulation in the building, while the vertical traffic space formed by two sets of stairs on the east and west sides of

Ramp space connects and interacts with other functional spaces in terms of flow and sight lines

market ramp visitors tour circulation
the building increases the accessibility of each function in the building.
1 2 2 3 2 0 1 2 5 10m 0 1 2 5 10m ramp 1 2 2 up up up up up up up up up down down down down down down down down down 4 5 5 5 5 4 3 6 1 coffee & tea 2 market 3 reading 4 restroom 5 discussion room 6 viewing deck 26

The market in the form of a ramp builds a three-dimensional continuous flow of grocery shopping and also becomes a ramp for tourists to climb and view the scenery, and under the ramp forms a chess space and a reading space for the daily activities of local residents, where a variety of people interact with each other.


green roof assembly

insulation layer wooden keel steel keel

waterproofing layer plastic cushion aerated concrete wall

concrete on metal deck plywood particle board moistureproof layer

furred ceiling reinforced concrete insulation layer wooden veneer board moistureproof layer wooden keel


floor board slabstone veneer board

Scene in the chess & cards activity area. A variety of people (including grocery shoppers, chess players, visitors, and residents taking tea breaks) form a visual and physical exchange in the area to meet the needs of residents gathered around. Scene in the ramp market. Formation of a space atmosphere similar to the traditional market in Wuhan. Scene on the greenery ramp The top of the ramp forms a good walking space with the technique of green roof, and the structure of the roof forms a decorative effect.
insulation layer corrugated metal sheet insulation layer 27


Polycarbonate hollow sheets

Metal keel Timber structure

Concrete column

The interwoven wooden structure fixed on the concrete main is used to fix the translucent polycarbonate hollow sheets of the roof, and the structure itself produces a decorative effect.

metal keel

wood beam

steel joint

concrete column


The timber frame system is fixed to the concrete columns with prefabricated metal connectors. Also install gutters at the intersection of polycarbonate hollow sheets.

Φ 50mm
polycarbonate hollow sheets


Selected From 2018-2022 projects


Residential Areas Under epidemic conditions

HUST Architecture Studio

2021 Spring Site: Wuhan, China Group Work/ Academic Work

Collaborator: Xu Yaoxin, Hong Fangdong, Cai Wenzhuo, Li Xuejing

Awarded for 2021 Tian Hua Architecture Competition (Honorable Mentions)

Exhibition of Architectural Design in Developing Countries 2021 (Bronze Award)


Renovation of Elini Railway Station

HUST Architecture Studio 2021 Summer Site: Elini, Italy

Instructor: Lei Jingjing Group Work/ Academic Work

Collaborator: Cai Wenzhuo, Li Ruoxi

Awarded for Young Architects Competition (HONORABLE MENTIONS)

The new station is a linear space which interact with the old buildings and the site. Arriving at the station, tourists are able to take a quick glance at this time-honored town or enjoy a leisure time at the cafeteria and outdoor theater. If they intend to explore Elini thoroughly, three different paths are designed for them to choose.

This culture station is hoped to be not only a transfer station for tourists, but also a wonderful depiction of Sardinian culture, and Elini will be known as a land of idyllic beauty.


Student and Faculty Service Center Renovation

HUST Architecture Studio 2022 Spring Site: Wuhan, China

Instructor: Chen Hong Group Work/ Academic Work Collaborator: Dong Chao


Community installations

HUST Architecture Studio

2021 Spring Site: Wuhan, China

Instructor: Chen Qiuyu Group Work/ Academic Work Collaborator: Dong Chao

Awarded for Wuhan Community Renovation Competition (Construction Award)

The project is a renewal project for an old student and faculty service center, which was originally closed to each other due to the boundary of several building spaces, and the activities within the site were relatively passive, and a large area of public space was in a very low accessibility.

This project is expected to break the barriers between people's activities by using new spaces to break the original closed building interface, and create a positive and complex state of mutual communication.


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