Liana Kuyumcuyan 2014-2019 Design Portfolio

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Liana Kuyumcuyan 2014-2019

design portfolio


Curriculum vitae Product design Clippety-Clop an abstract rocking toy pg.8 Simmetrico spinning top pg.18 Linea table and floor lamp pg.22 Alterazione lamp and stool pg.30

Research projects Air pollution policies and social effects pg.38 The limits of resistance pg.44 Signboards and signboard making pg.52 Boğada workshop pg.60 Design Chronology Turkey-Toy pg.66

Apprenticeships & workshops Broken Chair: Jeff workshop pg.74 AA Istanbul Visiting School workshop pg.80 Üreyen lighting atelier pg.86 Ekrem Özen glass atelier pg.92 Hereke Han carpet weaving atelier pg.100



Design Academy Eindhoven

Unlimited Publications

Eindhoven, NL, 2018 - ongoing

Istanbul, TR, July 2017 - ongoing

Masters of Arts in Social Design

Editor of online content Graphic design for mailings Proof reading for Art Unlimited, content editing for Design Unlimited magazines

Istanbul Bilgi University Istanbul, TR, 2012 - 2017

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Design Graduated with high honour 3.67/4.00 ranked 2nd in department overall

Galileo Galilei Italian High School Istanbul, TR, 2008 - 2012

Hip Icon online design shop Istanbul, TR, April 2016 - July 2017

Intern & concept designer Category editing + mailings Editing articles and interviews for blog Admin interface design and development

Ekrem Özen glass atelier Istanbul, TR, June - August 2015


Apprentice & studio assistant Specialized in stained glass production Cutting + brazing glass

Languages Turkish English Italian Spanish

Native Fluent Fluent Basic


Üreyen lighting atelier Istanbul, TR, March - June 2015

Apprentice & part-time studio assistant Specialized in metal wire production Basic soldering + bending with mold

Rhinoceros Key Shot Workshops

2D Photoshop Illustrator InDesign


IMMIB Industrial Design Contest Istanbul, TR, 2016

Smart house appliances Student category 1st prize, group project with Nur Horsanalı & Derya Akdemir

Broken Chair: Jeff Salt Beyoğlu, Istanbul, TR, 2018

Two-day workshop and exhibition Transformation of IKEA’s Jeff Chair into an object with another function

Urban Political Ecology on the Road #4 Center for Spatial Justice, Istanbul, TR, 2018

Three-week workshop Investigating Istanbul and it’s contemporary transformation, working on political ecology in urban context

AA Istanbul Visiting School

Domesticity exhibition

Istanbul, TR, 2017

Temporary Art Center, Eindhoven, NL, 2016

Ten-day workshop Wall installation with sheet metal Design + robotic fabrication

Exhibition attendant Graphic and exhibition design Istanbul Bilgi University students’ final projects exhibited as part of Dutch Design Week 2016

Letter as Object Istanbul, TR, 2016

One-day workshop Creating representational letterforms with pen and paper

Open Making

Signboards article

Published article about signboards and signboard making in Istanbul

Atolye Istanbul, Istanbul, TR, 2016

Design Chronology Turkey book

Two-day workshop Fabricating Opendesk’s furnitures Basic carpentry + wood sanding

Istanbul, TR, 2016


I See That I See What You Don’t See exhibition Palazzo dell’Arte, Milan, IT, 2019

Research & production of the work named You Will Not Be exhibited in Dutch Pavilion as a part of 22nd Triennale di Milano, group work

Sitting as an Urban Practice article Center for Spatial Justice, Istanbul, TR, 2019

Published article on 4th issue of Center for Spatial Justice named Urban Political Ecology about sitting practice in urban areas based on Istanbul

Design Unlimited magazine

Published article and interviews Content editing for the 5th issue of Design Unlimited magazine

Research, writing and editing outputs Book about history of toys and toy makers in Turkey as part of 3rd Istanbul Design Biennial, group work

Toyscapes exhibition Studio X, Istanbul, TR, 2016

Exhibition of Design Chronology Turkey/ Toy as part of 3rd Istanbul Design Biennial, group work

Temporary Museum for Craft Cultures exhibition Antrepo 7, Istanbul, TR, 2014

One-week research + documentation in collaboration with Design Academy Eindhoven as part of 2nd Istanbul Design Biennial, group work

Repair Society video + exhibition Galata Greek Primary School, Istanbul, TR, 2014

Research + video making as part of 2nd Istanbul Design Biennial

Product design


Clippety-Clop an abstract rock

king toy


Games and toys must stimulate the imagination, must not be concluded or finished products, because they do not allow the user’s participation... Bruno Munari

The meaning of a rocking horse toy was different in the Middle Age, in the context of “preparation to life” for young individuals. This toy’s equivalent as a furniture is rocking chair, which is mostly preferred as a comfort object by adults in modern era. Is it possible to decontextualize these two objects, by merging them and leaving it to the user’s initiative without fixing the meaning-and design it just as a rocking play object? With this statement, my goal was to design an ageless rocking toy. Clippety-Clop can be produced from a single plywood plate by CNC cutting. Year / 2017 Credits / Liana Kuyumcuyan (design, production, pictures) Avşar Gürpınar, Görkem Özdemir, Şule Koç (mentors)





Simmetrico spinning top Simmetrico can be spinned on both ends due to its symmetric form. It is produced by carving limewood on lathe. Simmetrico’s center of gravity is in the middle, therefore I produced many spinning tops in different proportions to reach the longest spinning time. Year / 2016 Credits / Liana Kuyumcuyan (design, production, pictures) Avşar Gürpınar, Görkem Özdemir (mentors)




Linea table and floor la



For the project called lighting in network, we produced a table and floor lamp and we applied a technique which we learned from masters during our apprenticeship in Üreyen lighting atelier. We decided to use a simple and linear form to show this technique and we produced final form with abstractions of typical lamp forms. Using only one U profile, we produced two lightings, one desk and one floor lamp. Into U profile, there is LED strip and on the top there is plexiglass strip to diffuse the light. Year / 2015 Credits / Liana Kuyumcuyan, Nur Horsanalı (design, pictures) Cemal Üreyen (production) Exhibition / Istanbul Bilgi University Santral Campus (2015), Nişantaşı City’s Shopping Mall (2015)




Alterazione lamp and stool For the project called craftsman’s diary, we made an installation which makes reference to the atelier we worked at for four months (Üreyen lighting) to show they were also producing furnitures. In addition to that, different materials and products also come after going through other ateliers and being finalized here. We chose a simple geometric form and researched how this form would change when it has a different function. In this project, basic form was a lighting unit produced at our atelier. The same form was turned into a stool by adding wood. New form was shaped by craftsman’s feedback; dimension change and addition of extra support elements to provide durability were some of the changes made. Year / 2015 Credits / Liana Kuyumcuyan, Nur Horsanalı (design, pictures) Cemal Üreyen (production) Exhibition / Istanbul Bilgi University Santral Campus (2015)






Research projects


Air pollution policies and social effects A research on air pollution laws, maps, and online articles, interviews with experts and mindmapping for collective change

Air pollution is a topic highly related with climate change, that’s why it is political as social. People who are effected by it is mostly people working outside, living close to highways, contruction areas and children. Solutions found until now are mostly personal, and not effective for the whole. Also, the lack of knowledge about the issue causes mistakes that can easily be avoided. Year / 2019 Credits / Liana Kuyumcuyan (research, pictures), Eric Klarenbeek, Maartje Dros, Jan Boelen (tutors), Karlien van den Hout, Jean-Paul Close, Bram van Liere, Valerio Panzica La Manna (interviews)







The limits of resistance A research on the protests actualized all around the world in last 50 years, preparation of the kit 45

The current expressions of traditional ‘folk’ forms of protest seem to have failed to achieve significant changes for the material realities of those who engage in them. And yet, these forms of collective action continue to persist, and flourish. However, as more and more protestors vie for a decreasing slice of the 24-hour media cycle, and as their protestations fall on deaf ears, professional activists have had to resort to ever increasing extreme action in order to make their voices heard. Why and how then have entrenched political organizations and institutions become immune to public outcry, and what new forms of activism and resistance are emerging away from the spotlight of media attention that may save activism from its current irrelevance. Year / 2019 Credits / Giulio Fuzzi, Liana Kuyumcuyan, Pia Regenbrecht, Rebecca Stumpf, Samein Shamsher, Shobha Bhat (research, design) Angela Rui, Anastasia Kubrak (mentors)





Signboards in Istanbul Documentation of signboards in six districts, categorizing their characteristic properties, writing articles on outputs

The project takes six distinct neighbourhoods of Istanbul with different characteristics on focus. After documentation of signboards of each area, categories are created by comparing different aspects of neighbourhoods. As an outcome, two articles were written; one about the history of signboards and how they changed in time, and second about the categories and types of production. Year / 2017 Credits / Liana Kuyumcuyan (article, pictures) Published in


Nişantaşı Taksim Balat

Karaköy Kadıköy Bazaar Moda


Balat Aziz Cafe & Restaurant Manuscript signboard by BĂźrkan Ă–zkan

Moda Say upholstery and furniture Manuscript signboard, unknown craftsman


Moda Moda Restaurant Manuscript signboard, unknown craftsman

Karakรถy Tekno energy Handmade brass signboard, unknown craftsman

Karakรถy Ledzone LED store Laser cut brass signboard, unknown producer


Boğada workshop A project to design and produce permanent sitting units for a gathering area in Kadıköy, Istanbul (in collaboration of Turkish and Spanish collectives)

Boğada collective workshop was the final stage of Re-Lab, an international collaboration project promoted by Hablar en Arte and TAK Kadıköy that focuses on participatory spacemaking processes. Re-Lab was structured around a research residency and exchange knowledge programme between Turkish and Spanish collectives. Between 10-18 September 2017, Turkish and Spanish collectives ran a workshop, which promoted the creation of devices that respond to the main needs of neighbours and users of one of the most active public spaces in Kadiköy, the Bull Square. Boğada workshop aimed to exchange expertise and knowledge, based on practice, between collectives who work across the fields of art, design,architecture, in order to create projects together with the local communities and their inherent needs. Along with Turkish collectives Herkes için Mimarlık, -Trak and Onaranlar Kulübü, the workshop employs “do it yourself ” methodology that involves direct responsibility for all project phases. Thus, users identify with the projects and become aware of what they can incorporate. In the end of the workshop, attendants produced sitting units that respond the needs of the local community - which we found out after our research results. The aim was to encourage construction of citizen-based democracy in such crucial times. Year / 2017 Credits / Liana Kuyumcuyan (research, article), Bartu Tezyüksel (pictures) Onur Atay (project manager) Published in





Design Chronology Turkey / Toy A research on toys and toy makers in Istanbul, preparation of chronology book and exhibition on made-up toys (for 3rd Istanbul Design Biennial)

Design Chronology Turkey presents the first phase of a major multi-year research project by more than 50 experts studying Design in Turkey since the Ottoman reform of 1839 from within a variety of different fields. The group playfully calls itself the Curious Assembly and focuses on topics such as packaging, lighting, graphics, communications and advertising, housing, furniture, music, toys, landscaping, health, industrial buildings, ceramics and nongovernmental organizations, defense, cosmetics, textiles/garments, household goods, and transportation where even though a great deal of literature exists on some, they have not been thoroughly viewed through a design perspective until now. In addition to operating as an active research platform during the biennial with a series of workshops on each design field, the project also produces a special design collection as a permanent part of the library Studio X Istanbul for future use by designers and historians. Our group focused on the preparation of the chronology book and the exhibition of toys in Turkey. Year / 2016 Credits / Avşar Gürpınar, Cansu Cürgen, Günbike Erdemir, Liana Kuyumcuyan, Nur Horsanalı (research and exhibition design) Exhibition / Studio X Istanbul (2016) Published in



The process began with the research phase of toys and toy makers in Turkey. We found books and journals about old toy makers and sellers, and we started to sort information chronologically. We gathered these information to make a chronology book and organized an exhibition in 3rd Istanbul Design Biennial. For the exhibition, we decided to showcase toys that we couldn’t add in our chronology, which are made-up toys that combine materials found at home. The knowledge of production of these toys are coming from our grandparents. We chose 5 made-up toys and we prepared a video to show their production. We also prepared inventories that explain the production process step by step, including personal stories of how we learned to do them. We also placed empty inventories and different materials in the exhibition area to collect more information from visitors.


Apprenticeships & workshops



Jeff: Broken Chair workshop 75

Production of trolley with materials found on strees and IKEA’s Jeff Chair

The workshop’s idea is teaching the term of upcycling. Participants used IKEA’s Jeff chair to turn into different objects which later exhibited at Salt Beyoğlu. I was focued on turning the chair into a trolley because it was very appropriate when the dimensions took into consideration. I used 4 wheels, a piece of textile and a box found on street. Joints were made simply with screws, and the box is fixed with plastic clamps. Year / 2018 Credits / Liana Kuyumcuyan (pictures), Onur Ceritoğlu, Esen Karol (tutors) Exhibition / Salt Beyoğlu (2018) Published in



AA Istanbul Visiting School Robotic Mediat workshop 80

l: tions 81

Generating a relation between the surface and the light through play of shadows and reflections AA Istanbul Visiting School was a ten-day workshop on generative design methodologies and large-scale prototyping techniques, including robotic fabrication. Aim of the project was to design and produce a wall-installation constructed by sheet metals, with robotic hot wire cutting. First five days, we worked with Rhinoceros and Grasshopper softwares to model the wall-installation to be produced by Kuka robot. After the decision of final design, we separated into groups for production. I was in lighting group and we worked on the enlightenment of the whole installation. We focused on the relation between the surface and the light/shadow reflections on both the wall and sheets. We chose two types of colors; amber and day-light that merge on the kerfing parts. The light reflected on the panels are positioned in relation to kerfings. Amber colored lights are more dense and they are located to increase shadow effects on the wall. During this workshop, I learned and practiced 3D modeling, hot wire cutting with Kuka’s robot, assembly of metal sheets and electricity. Year / 2017 Credits / Liana Kuyumcuyan, Derya Akdemir (pictures), Cemal Koray Bingöl, Elif Erdine, Alexandros Kallegias, Alvaro Lopez Rodriguez, Benay Gürsoy (tutors)



Ăœreyen lighting atelier


Production of lighting fixtures by bending, cutting and soldering metal

As a part of a project called craftsman’s diary, 2nd year Industrial Design students in Bilgi University worked as apprentices in lighting ateliers in Şişhane, Istanbul. Aim of the project was to show students the connection between formal design education and artisanal aspect of design, which is on the verge of extinction. As a group of two, we worked as apprentices in Üreyen lighting atelier for four months, where metal lighting fixtures are produced. We helped the craftsman as studio assistants while we observed the artisanal values and the design network of the area. During our apprenticeship we learned electricity, basic soldering, cutting metal and shaping it with mold. We designed and produced two projects in Üreyen lighting atelier with Nur Horsanalı (projects called Linea and Alterazione) Year / 2015 Credits / Liana Kuyumcuyan, Nur Horsanalı (pictures), Cemal Üreyen (craftsman)





Ekrem Ă–zen glass atelier 93

Production of stained-glass with Tiffany technique (wrapping glass with copper foil and soldering them together)

For three months, I worked in a stained-glass atelier in OrtakĂśy, Istanbul. I helped the master both as a studio assistant and a producer. During my apprenticeship, I learned and practiced drawing the base of stained-glass design, cutting glass and soldering. Year / 2015 Credits / Liana Kuyumcuyan, Lilia Pangelova (pictures), Ekrem Ă–zen (craftsman)









Hereke Han t weaving atelier


Observing the pattern design of a carpet and practicing weaving according to designed pattern For two weeks, I worked at a carpet weaving atelier in Hereke, Kocaeli. I documented the production process of weaving carpets and learned how to weave according to a designed pattern. During my apprenticeship, I observed the pattern design of a carpet, practiced weaving and finishing. Year / 2015 Credits / Liana Kuyumcuyan (pictures)




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