adequate housing+infrastructure in
a n a d v o c a c y p ro j e c t t o r a i s e a w a re n e s s f o r a d e q u a t e i n f r a s t r u c t u re i n t h e f r i n g e a re a a ro u n d S u r a k a r t a , I n d o n e s i a .
Cities & towns with population over 100,000 will extend outwards by 175 percent by 2031 which will have a major impact on their rural surroundings. UN Habitat III Conference, Issue on Urban-Rural Linkage
Surakarta is one of metropolitan cities in the world that expand rapidly. Its role as growth center of its surrounding region makes Surakarta as the center of economic activity and urbanization destination. As the time goes by, land availability inside the city is decreasing, implicating land price rise. This phenomenon produces outskirt development trend on the fringe area of Surakarta.
Surakarta’s expansion to the outskirt is affecting rural communities & settlement. S u k o h a r j o , that located at the south side is one of the most effected region.
278Ha Greenland converted to built up for the last 10 years*
>24000 rapid housing / gated community development
new commercial centers development
remaining rural communities and activities
Population growth for the last 10 years*
*BPS Sukoharjo, rough calculation of Surakarta’s surrounding districts.
Existing rural communities in the fringe of Surakarta (Sukoharjo) are facing rapid change. The change occurs comprehensively on social, economic, and physical aspects; land use conversion, new commercial, & housing development, population growth, etc.
I nfr astr uct ure is esse nt ia l for quality housing and environmental sustainability to balance the rapid development.
surakarta makamhaji
Population growth from in-migration & new developments of residential, industrial and commercial centers are changing the face of rural villages. While this rapid development happens and rural area are shifting to urban, infrastructure is important to support the change.
palur waru laban gentan cemani siwal manang
banaran Villages in the fringe area of Surakarta are still facing the inadequate infrastructure to support the rapid changes . Some villages have water supply, drainage and sanitation issue (waste management) while other villages still have poverty housing. This issues need to be resolved immediately to provide livable environment & quality housing for the people.
*images courtesy of Solopos
f o l l o w i n g
INADEQUATE infrastructure + housing More than just inconvenience, infrastructure problem in the fringe area will bring greater risks without significant intervention.
healthissue By inadequate infrastructure ranging from lack of public spaces to poor drainage system, this issue will risk public health as the time goes by.
safetyissue Periodic floods will affect convenience of the people that live in urban fringe area and its livability level. Without intervention this floods issue will harm local community.
S o c i a l + e d u c a t i o n o f c h i l d re n Lack of public spaces and the absence of connectivity between rural existing village and new gated-community development will result in poor social interaction. Furthermore, lack of public spaces will have effects on inactivity and isolation of children from their neighborhood environment and this could intervene their early education.
I S S U E # 1 : Wa s t e M a n a g e m e n t
providing standardized waste management system.
The standardized waste management system includes infrastructure to accommodate village’s daily solid & liquid waste.
Trash truck to transport solid disposal.
Standardized open-dumping site for temporarily keep the trash before the further process.
Communal waste water treatment plant for household + HBE liquid waste
accommodating c o m m u n i t y based waste m a n a g e m e n t
Community based waste management is beneficial for people in existing villages of urban fringe area. More than to build awareness to keep the environment clean, this also could be the source of additional income by supporting people’s creativity.
Supporting local community & organization waste mng. programs
Supporting people’s creativity & business to process waste into valuable goods. Such as composting, community waste-bank, etc.
increasing roads quality that connects villages to activity centers / city.
Integrating existing village or rural settlements to new developments.
Creating partnership with investors of new developments to provide water supply for existing rural community.
Providing water is important to support lives. Partnership between govt. and investors could be a strategic approach to provide water for people.
Includes the needs to immediately revitalize the road + to make it more inclusive for pedestrian.
providing integrated drainage system within existing village & new developments.
promoting infiltration wells as an alternative solution for drainage issue.
providing integrated public transportation that connects urban fringe to the city.
By providing public transportation, people who live in urban fringe will have better connectivity and reducing inactivity esp. for the commuters.
ISSUE #5 : Public Space +
New developments of commercial centers and hotels alongside the main road of urban fringe area (Sukoharjo) is intervening existing rural communities’ water supply. Their daily supply is threatened by massive amount of water the new-developments needed. Therefore, today most of existing village communities have to buy water supply everyday to fulfill their needs because the amount of ground water is decreasing.
Expanding clean water supply network to existing rural settlements.
I S S U E # 4 : C o n n e c t i vi t y + Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n
Strengthening environmental protection policy in new development permit
Groundwater protection for environmental sustainability
S t r en g t he ni ng env i r o nm e nt al protection assessment for new development
Green Land Conversion
promoting place making as an alternative to provide public space in villages
Supporting people creativity to create a public space within existing neighborhood to foster social interaction & activities.
utilizing underused space + building rooftop as green public space for people.
Using underused space like rooftops or creating partnership with investors for sharedpublic space is an alternative to provide public spaces.
creating strict regulation to control green land conversion + providing green spaces for people.
Strict regulation following green land conversion to built up is important to protect the environment. Even though, urban fringe area is designated as pre-urban (soon to be urban) the government needs to address the issue by providing green public spaces for people whether in the existing villages or in the new developments to balance the rapid green land loss.
I S S U E # 3 : Wa t e r S u p p l y
Spatial integration between new and existing settlement is important to prevent the risk of inequality, with connectivity the people have the chance to interact with each other
ISSUE #2 : Drainage System Adequate drainage system is essential to prevent periodic floods. Today, in urban fringe area of Surakarta (Sukoharjo) the existing drainage system is inadequate to support the water flow when the rain comes. A significant intervention is needed to protect people from the floods.
ISSUE #6 : Floods
providing floods early warning evacuation system and its infrastructure.
Early warning and evacuation system is needed to protect people from floods and to prevent the risk of casualties.
conducting disasterresilience local community groups
Socializing and educating local community about the risk of floods/disaster by creating local groups to create disaster resilience society.
Open letter to government of Sukoharjo. We still remember on rainy season in December 2015 to January 2016, some villages in north part of Sukoharjo which were part of Bengawan Solo riverbanks, were stricken by the floods that lasted for few days. It flooded people settlement even in some villages it stopped the villages activity for few days. Geographically, Sukoharjo is adjacent to Surakarta city. The city that becomes the center of economic activity to its residency area is growing actively. Its activity and built-up area is expanding to its rural surroundings. Sukoharjo is one of regencies surrounding Surakarta affected by this urban sprawl phenomenon. New development such as commercial centers, residential development, and entertainment centers is flourishing rapidly in the north part of Sukoharjo. This kind of development is changing the face of rural settlement into urban. If we look into economic aspect, this development is beneficial; to Government of Sukoharjo incomes, investment opportunity, and public welfare. — Therefore, the rapid development should be balanced with adequate infrastructure provision. Some villages in the north part of Sukoharjo are still facing infrastructure problems from waste management to clean-water supply. More than just causing inconvenience in daily activity, this infrastructure problem is inviting greater risk as the time goes by. — Drainage system’s inability to accommodate water run-off and continuing green land conversion are resulting in floods that periodically happen every year. This condition will harm people’s safety and increasing the risk of communicable diseases such as dengue and skin infection. Strategic intervention from the government is needed, not only providing adequate drainage system but also applying community based infiltration wells as a solution. For the periodic flood, the government needs to provide disaster—resilience infrastructure for the people from early warning system, evacuation route, and evacuee camps. Waste management issue that affecting almost every village in the north part of Sukoharjo needs comprehensive intervention. Provisioning waste management system that includes waste transportation mode and standardized open dumping site is needed to address
the issue. At the other side, the government is expected to support local communities by supporting people’s creativity & business to process waste into valuable goods, such as composting, community waste-bank, etc. Clean water supply problem should be address quickly because this issue is intervening daily life. The government needs to expand the clean water network to existing rural settlement and unreached area. Increasing investment of new developments is an opportunity for government to provide clean water for the people by creating partnership between government, investors, and local people. Moreover, in the future the government needs to strengthen environmental protection regulation, especially to protect clean water. Connectivity issue (road and public transportation) such as lack of integrated public transportation to Surakarta city and the increasing damaged roads need to be resolved immediately. Especially the needs to provide convenient public transportation to provide better access for commuters that live in Sukoharjo. Besides, the government needs to pay attention to connectivity plan (regulation) between old settlement (existing villages) and new development (gated communities) to facilitate social interaction between local people and migrants (new development inhabitant). The lack of attention to availability of public space especially in existing villages in north part of Sukoharjo will bring greater risk that will affect public health, social relation, and children early education. The need to provide green public spaces is becoming important because of land use conversion that occurs continuously, that takes village communities green public space away. The government can also support people creative ideas in providing public spaces such as place-making movement within the village and creating partnership with investors to provide public facilities for people. —Intervention for inadequate infrastructure problem in north part of Sukoharjo needs to be resolved perceptively and comprehensively. The significance of infrastructure in supporting settlement (housing) is to maintain livability and sustainability to balance rapid changes that occur in this area—changing the face of rural settlement into urban. If this issue is not addressed quickly there will be more environmental problems that affecting more people.