contents 20
Lifestyle & Travel
16 10 questions to ask a breeder before you buy
41 Plants that heal
Before buying a pup, learn everything you can about the breeder.
31 Top 10 holiday tips This handy list will help ensure she stays healthy and happy.
Look for these nutritious plants in fresh, dried or oil form.
48 Give her diet a boost! Top supplements to optimize her health.
88 Recipe: Sweet potato and honey crisps You’ll want to share them with your whole family!
60 Top dog list Different breeds are suited to different lifestyles.
64 New car shopping? Consider these dog-friendly features.
70 Game time!
Consider getting your dog involved in a fun canine sport.
75 Dog coat shopping Finding the balance between quality, fit and fashion.
80 Dos and Don’ts of doggie travel etiquette Taking him on a trip? Make sure he minds his manners.
82 Providing for your dog after you’re gone What would happen to her if something happened to you?
Dog-human interest 24 2015 top dog newsmakers of the year Five amazing news stories that made headlines.
52 Dogs & Dragons Meet two dog-loving personalities from the hit series Dragon’s Den.
66 Guide and service dogs Everyday heroes make a difference to those with disabilities.
Health 12 Growing up The six stages of puppyhood.
20 9 step health check Monitor his well-being with this quick and simple wellness check.
36 Getting rid of tempting toxins Avoid these “doggie dangers” or keep them out of reach.
76 Fido-friendly household cleaners
They keep your house clean – and your dog healthy.
84 How to create a proactive grooming plan
10 Editorial
10 steps to maintaining her coat at home.
44 The Canadian Dogs Annual 2015 photo contest winners
Training and Behaviour
90 Social media
94 Breed Directory:
28 3 steps to off-leash training
The Groups, Purebreds, Rare breeds, Dogspeak.
Safety and reliable recall are the two most important factors.
161 Spotlight
32 What is the best way to greet your dog?
194 Classifieds 194 Marketplace
Studies reveal how our dogs feel about the way we say “hello”.
210 Woofsearch
54 Is Fido stressed out? Take our stress test to find out!
87 How to pet your dog Try the soft approach.
Editor-in-Chief: Dana Cox
President/CEO: Tim Hockley
Editor: Ann Brightman
Office Manager: Libby Sinden
Contributing editor: Stephanie Horan
Accounting Manager: Karen Jeffries
Art Director & Senior Graphic Designer: Kathleen Atkinson
Webmaster: Brad Vader
Senior Designer: Dawn Cumby-Dallin Senior Designer: Amanda Watt Breed Ambassador Photography: Alice Van Kempen Social Media Manager: Kait Gambier Cover Photography: Bigandt_Photography Editorial Photography: Piotr Organa
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Nan Kené Arthur, CPDT Stanley Coren, PhD
ADVERTISING SALES National Sales Manager: Tim Hockley, 1.866.764.1212 ext.110 Tim@RedstoneMediaGroup.com Display and Marketplace: Ann Beacom, 1.866.764.1212 ext.222 AnnBeacom@RedstoneMediaGroup.com Becky Starr, 1.866.764.1212 ext.221 Becky@RedstoneMediaGroup.com Marketplace and Breeder Sales: Kat Shaw, 1.866.764.1212 ext.315 KatShaw@RedstoneMediaGroup.com
Joanne Culley Audi Donamor Kyle Dupont
Breeder Sales: Fern Flett
Jeanette Embree Maya Hockley Jean Hofve, DVM Stephanie Horan
Sandra Murphy
Like most Cairn Terriers, this little guy is full of fun and joie de vivre. These hardy little dogs originated on the Isle of Skye in Scotland and were bred to hunt among the rocky cairns found in the area, hence the breed’s name. The Cairn Terrier has been around for approximately 500 years, and today is valued as a pet rather than a working dog. He’s affectionate and stout-hearted, and makes a good family companion – in fact, fanciers of the breed refer to the Cairn as “the best little pal in the world”. These resilient, sometimes stubborn dogs are active and love to play outdoors, just like the one pictured on our cover.
Laureen Osborne Paul Owens Michael Rappaport Kim Robinson Lisa Wagner
SUBMISSIONS: Please send all editorial material, advertising material,
photos and correspondence to: Canadian Dogs Annual, 160 Charlotte St., Suite 202, Peterborough, ON, Canada K9J 2T8. We welcome previously unpublished articles and color pictures either in transparency or disc form at 300dpi. We cannot guarantee that either articles or pictures will be used or that they will be returned. We reserve the right to publish all letters received. Email your articles to: info@redstonemediagroup.com. TO PURCHASE: Copies can be purchased at most major retail outlets
across Canada or online at CDNDogs.ca/order. CDN MAIL: Canadian
Dogs Annual
160 Charlotte St., Suite 202 Peterborough, ON, Canada K9J 2T8
The material in this magazine is not intended to replace the care of veterinary practitioners. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor, and different views may appear in other issues. Redstone Media Group Inc., publisher of Canadian Dogs Annual, does not promote any of the products or services advertised by a third party advertiser in this publication, nor does Redstone Media Group Inc. verify the accuracy of any claims made in connection with such advertisers. Canadian Dogs Annual is published once a year by Redstone Media Group Inc.. Entire contents copyright© 2016. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, without prior written permission of the publisher. Publication date: November 2015. Canadian Dogs Annual is a division of Redstone Media Group.
Editorial Friends and family I recently returned from a veterinary conference that I’ve attended almost annually for 15 years. As always, it was an eye-opening experience, with lectures on the latest veterinary medical advances, and integrative and conventional techniques for keeping our canine companions healthy and happy. Wandering through the exhibitor hall, I was amazed at the number of high quality products aimed at the same goal. Booths overflowed with foods, supplements, therapeutic equipment, dental products and more. Looking at all the options available, I couldn’t help but observe yet again how our dogs have become such integral members of our families. For most of us, that means companionship and unconditional love. For others, it means much more. Take the wonderful lady who pops into our office sometimes. She’s always accompanied by her Labrador Retriever, not just because they’re devoted to each other, but because he’s a certified seizure alert dog. He knows when she is about to experience an epileptic seizure and signals her to get down on the floor. The warning also gives her time to call a close friend, who will drop everything to come to her aid and ensure she’s okay. The dog used to give her a three-minute warning, but he has become so attuned to her that he has actually sensed a seizure coming on more than ten minutes beforehand. There’s no trace of his heroic behaviour on the days he visits us – he is all tail wags and smiles. In my home, our dogs have jobs too. Kitchen cleanup is high on the list, especially after dinner when we play “leftover veggie toss”. Then there’s cajoling my husband and me into a walk, even on the days we humans would rather not go out. And both dogs do a great job of scaring away any imaginary “zombie” that may be lurking when my son needs to venture into the basement storage room, or my teenaged daughter just needs a cuddle after a stressful day. In short, my dogs lead busy lives, and I can’t imagine my life without them! In this issue of Canadian Dogs Annual, we celebrate the canines in all our lives, as well as those who may be joining us in the near future. Despite what they say, when it comes to dogs, you can “choose your friends and your family” – all at the same time.
Warmest wishes,
Editor-in-chief 10
The stages of puppyhood
Neonatal – from birth to 2 weeks
Newborns are completely dependent on their moms (or surrogate) for food and warmth, since they can’t regulate their own body temperature yet. They spend 90% of their time sleeping and the remaining time eating. At this stage, they find their mother’s teats through smell and touch. In the early days, they get colostrum from their mother, which builds their immune systems. Puppies can be handled gingerly at this stage but it’s important not to stress out the mother.
Transitional – 2 to 4 weeks
Puppies grow quickly, and growing up brings many changes. Your puppy will change not only physically, but intellectually and emotionally, too. As a new doggie parent, you can better understand and anticipate your puppy’s needs if you recognize where she’s at in her development. Remember to be patient – she’s only a kid once!
At this age, puppies add two new senses to touch and smell. Ears start functioning at two weeks and eyelids open at between ten and 16 days. Communication goes from mews and grunts to barks. They start walking and wagging their tails, and their baby teeth begin emerging. Soft food can be introduced towards the end of this phase. Now more independent from Mom, the puppies will start to play together and explore what’s around them. Increased human interaction is also important at this age.
STAGE 3 Socialization – 4 to 12 weeks
Puppies begin socializing in earnest during this phase, learning social skills from their littermates during playtime, as well as acceptable activities such as inhibited biting. Ensure your puppy has lots of interaction with a wide variety of humans, from young to old, male and female. Handle the puppy all over so he becomes used to being touched. Limit exposure to dogs outside the family until after vaccinations (your
vet can make recommendations on this). Weaning is usually complete by week seven or eight. Somewhere between the eighth to 12th week, puppies go through a “fear period”. Instead of being curious about everything, they may be frightened of everyday items and experiences. Don’t fret – your puppy will get through it – but take care not to overstimulate your new buddy with too many new situations. CDNdogs.ca
Puppies begin losing their baby teeth around three months so you may find your puppy chewing on anything he can find to alleviate the discomfort of adult teeth erupting. Introduce age- and sizeappropriate chew toys. Hormone levels may factor
into behaviour too, since an unneutered male puppy’s testosterone level increases fivefold toward the end of this stage. This level will remain elevated for several months and occurs so that adult dogs can recognize the puppy’s age and teach him the ropes about dog etiquette. Some puppies go through a second fear phase during these months. If you notice some aberrant protective or fearful behaviour, don’t shower your pup with more attention since that may encourage the unwanted behaviour. Use positive training to make your puppy more confident. As the human in your puppy’s life, you will require lots of patience, but puppies are so darn cute – and the rewards are worth it.
Be prepared for daily changes during this stage. Puppies grow very quickly in these weeks, and may test boundaries with other animals and with you. If you have other dogs, expect some play fighting as the puppy learns where he fits into the group. You can count on an abundance of curiosity, affection and maybe even some stubborn behaviour. Start positive training with your pup at this stage but be careful not to over-exercise him.
Rapid growth – 3 to 6 months
Adolescence – 6 to 12 months
Your puppy should achieve his maximum height by the end of this stage, although he’ll likely still be building muscle and adding weight. He’ll also have boundless energy so provide lots of opportunities for exercise and play time. Continue the training and socialization processes so he becomes well adjusted and well behaved in situations with other animals, as well as kids and adults.
Male puppies will start to show an interest in girls at this point, while females may experience their first heat as early as five or six months. Recent research has shown health benefits to waiting until after one year of age to spay and neuter so do some research and speak to your veterinarian about this.
Social maturity – 1 to 2 years
By the end of this stage, your puppy will be physically mature. The breed plays a role in this, with larger dogs taking longer to attain maximum physical growth. For most dogs, social maturity takes place during this time period too. Your puppy’s experiences up to this point will have an impact on his relationships in the future. Continue positive training to reinforce good behaviours and ensure a respectful dynamic between your dog and his human family members.
to ask a breeder before you buy
There’s nothing cuter than a puppy, but don’t be so dazzled by that irresistible little bundle in the breeder’s arms that you forget to ask the right questions. Asking questions will help determine if this is the right breeder from whom to buy your new family member. A reputable breeder won’t mind and she or he will have likely have questions for you too. After all, a breeder wants to ensure you and your puppy are a good match!
Your questions should include the following:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
How long have you been involved with this breed? Ideally the answer should be several years. Membership in breed clubs can indicate a deep interest in the breed and its activities.
What dog-related activities do you participate in? A breeder should have some criteria for measuring the success of her breeding stock, and this should be reflected in participation in conformation or performance events such as obedience, agility, field trials, etc.
Is the puppy registered? In Canada it is an offence to sell a puppy described as purebred without a registration certificate issued by the Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) under the Animal Pedigree Act. Among other things the certificate describes the puppy’s breed, colour, date of birth, sire and dam, and registered name. The certificate may not be available at the time of sale as it takes time to process, but it must be forwarded to the buyer by the breeder within six months of the date of sale. Other associations may issue registration certificates for breeds not recognized by the CKC. These include the Fédération Internationale Cynologique (FCI), the Canadian Border Collie Association (CBCA) and the Canine Federation of Canada, which recognizes rare breeds.
Do you offer guarantees or references? A contract can spell out the responsibilities of both buyer and seller, such as what the breeder will do if the puppy develops a debilitating hereditary condition, or if the buyer can no longer keep the dog. A breeder may also expect the buyer to spay or neuter the dog, or to attend obedience classes with the dog. Read the contract carefully and be sure you are comfortable with the wording before you sign – you may consider some of the conditions unreasonable. Ask for references from previous buyers and check them out.
Where are the puppies raised? The best place to raise a litter is inside the breeder’s home. The puppies experience the usual household sights and sounds, and have contact with people and lots of handling. Commercially bred puppies are raised in isolation and this lack of socialization can lead to later behavioural problems. If the puppies are raised in outbuildings, ask how they are exposed to household activities and human contact. CDNdogs.ca
6. 7.
Can I see the puppy’s parents? Usually the dam will be available but she may be quite protective about her puppies and view you with suspicion. Away from her puppies she should be well-mannered and calm. She should appear in good health, though she may look a little scruffy – raising puppies is hard work! The sire may not be available if he lives elsewhere; if the litter was conceived using frozen semen, he may even be in another country! Ask to see pictures of him.
What health tests are done on your breeding stock?
Research your chosen breed so that you know what the common genetic health problems are. There are tests such as x-rays for hip and elbow dysplasia, exams for eye problems, heart checks for cardiac disease, etc. The appropriate checks should have been done on the sire and dam.
8. 9. 10.
Has the puppy been vet checked? Your puppy should be examined by a veterinarian before leaving the breeder. He or she should also have been de-wormed; the breeder may do this at home – ask what was used and when.
When can I take my puppy home? Most puppies go to their new homes between seven and nine weeks. Beware of any breeder offering puppies younger than this. Many breeders of the Toy breeds keep them longer – up to 12 weeks – as these puppies are small and often fragile and need some extra growth time.
Will you take back this puppy if I can’t keep it?
Reputable breeders care very much for the puppies they produce, and if a dog does not work out, or if the buyer can no longer keep it, the breeder should be willing to take it back at any age, or at the very least assist you in finding it a good new home.
Stephanie Horan and her husband Terry got their first Puli in 1969 when they lived in England, and immigrated to Canada in 1974. They have been breeding and showing Pulis ever since, and compete in conformation in Canada and the USA. Stephanie is an award-winning writer and lives in Nova Scotia.
Monitor your dog’s well-being by adding a quick and simple health check to his grooming routine.
Regular veterinary exams are vital to your dog’s wellness. In between visits, you can keep tabs on his health at home by giving him this simple 9-step check-up during grooming sessions. All it takes is ten minutes, once a month. While you brush your dog, examine his coat, skin, teeth and eyes. Knowing what he looks like in good health will help you quickly identify any changes.
Start by weighing him. Your vet can tell you what the normal weight range should be for your dog. You can also check out the breed description in this publication (see p. xx) for an ideal range. Try to keep him within those parameters. You may not notice his weight creeping up, so weigh him when you do your monthly check up. If you have a smaller dog, weigh yourself first, then pick up your dog and weigh both of you together. Subtract your weight from the total. The difference is your dog’s weight. If he’s too big to lift, drop by your vet’s office and ask to use their “walk-on” scale. Record his weight and compare it to last month. If he’s overweight, he may need more exercise and/ or a change in diet.
Look at your dog’s coat. One of the biggest indicators of health is coat condition. Is the hair shiny or dull? Shine indicates oil – a good thing, although too much can mean a problem. A dry, dull coat with brittle hair may point to poor nutrition or a mineral deficiency. Dogs require certain amino acids, minerals and the right amount of protein in their diets to produce and maintain a healthy coat.
Every dog benefits from regular brushing. If you establish a regular grooming routine, you’ll notice any changes in the quantity of hair your dog sheds. His particular breed may be subject to “seasonal shedding” during the spring and fall. If he starts shedding more frequently it could indicate a change in health.
While you’re brushing, take a look at your dog’s skin. Is it dry and flaky with dandruff? Dry skin can result from over-bathing or allergies. Is the skin hot or red in areas? If he has a thick heavy coat, he may have “hot spots”. Dogs may also get a rash if the skin is damp for a long time.
As you examine your dog’s skin, keep an eye out for any lumps or abscesses. Don’t panic if you do find a lump. It’s very common for dogs to develop lumps as they age or if they’re overweight. Many lumps are lipomas, which are harmless fatty tumors. It’s always a good idea, though, to have any lump checked by a vet. An abscess will look red or swollen and may have a discharge of pus. It can be caused by a foreign body penetrating the skin (your dog may have been scratched by a cat, stung by a bee or have picked up a thorn). Things like lumps and abscesses can be difficult to see if your dog has a thick coat so it’s best to “let your fingers do the walking”. Use your fingers to gently feel the entire length of your dog’s body. If you feel anything you’re not sure about, part the hair and have a look at his skin.
Does your dog scratch a lot? It could be a sign of dry skin or allergies. More and more dogs are becoming sensitized to allergens and environmental irritants. Your vet can help you determine if it’s an allergy and pinpoint the cause. It’s not normal for a dog to scratch continuously. It’s a sign that something is wrong.
Have a good look at your dog’s mouth and teeth. His gums should be a healthy pink color and not red or swollen. The teeth should not have any tartar buildup. Plaque and tartar will eventually weaken the tooth’s structure and cause decay. Once the tooth is compromised, bacteria can enter your dog’s bloodstream and cause kidney or liver problems. Dental decay can also give your pet “doggie breath”. Avoid dental decay by regularly brushing your dog’s teeth (use doggie toothpaste only) and/or using a dental spray to prevent and loosen tarter.
Now let’s take a look at your dog’s eyes. Watch for excessive tearing (you may see wet patches running down either side of your dog’s muzzle from the corners of his eyes). Depending on the breed, some tearing may be normal. What’s not normal is a colored discharge or redness around the eyes or lids. Many dogs suffer from seasonal allergies just as people do. Redness or tearing can also be caused by an injury to the eye or an ingrown eyelash.
One of the most overlooked areas on your dog is his ears. If he’s scratching his ears compulsively, there’s a problem. Get in there and take a look. If your dog has upright ears you may only need to check periodically. But if your dog has floppy ears that hang down over the ear opening, you need to look in on a regular basis (especially if he’s had ear infections before). Some chronic ear infections are caused by allergies. Your dog can also have very small ear canals that don’t allow earwax to drain properly. The ear should not have a strong odour, the skin should be a healthy colour and texture, and there should be no coloured discharge.
Once you get used to doing this monthly check-up, it’ll become second nature. And the more you do it, the more you’ll know what’s normal for your dog and what might signal a change or problem. Your dog will thank you for it! 22
YEARLY January February Weight Coat condition 1 Shedding 1 Skin condition 1
Lumps 2
Scratching 1 Teeth 3 Gums 2
Eyes 1, 2
Ears 4
Health Checklist for your Canine Companion May
September October November December
____ lbs ____ kgs
____ lbs ____ kgs
____ lbs ____ kgs
____ lbs ____ kgs
____ lbs ____ kgs
____ lbs ____ kgs
____ lbs ____ kgs
____ lbs ____ kgs
Shiny/ Healthy
Shiny/ Healthy
Shiny/ Healthy
Shiny/ Healthy
Shiny/ Healthy
Shiny/ Healthy
Shiny/ Healthy
Shiny/ Healthy
Shiny/ Healthy
Shiny/ Healthy
Shiny/ Healthy
Shiny/ Healthy
Hot spots
Hot spots
Hot spots
Hot spots
Hot spots
Hot spots
Hot spots
Hot spots
Hot spots
Hot spots Hot spots Hot spots
____ lbs ____ kgs
____ lbs ____ kgs
____ lbs ____ kgs
____ lbs ____ kgs
Tartar buildup
Tartar buildup
Tartar buildup
Tartar buildup
Tartar buildup
Tartar buildup
Tartar buildup
Tartar buildup
Tartar buildup
Tartar buildup
Tartar buildup
Tartar buildup
Red or bleeding
Red or bleeding
Red or bleeding
Red or bleeding
Red or bleeding
Red or bleeding
Red or bleeding
Red or bleeding
Red or bleeding
Red or bleeding
Red or bleeding
Red or bleeding
Excessive running
Excessive running
Excessive running
Excessive running
Excessive running
Excessive running
Excessive running
Excessive running
Excessive running
Excessive running
Excessive running
Excessive running
Dischange Dischange Dischange Smelly
When things are not normal:
1. Consider a change of diet and adding Omega 3 Fatty Acids. Try a topical for hot spots as well. 2. Visit your veterinarian. 3. Start brushing or use a doggie dental spray. 4. Consider an ear wash. This chart is not intended to replace regular veterinary care. If you suspect your dog is not well, make an appointment with your veterinarian.
Dischange Dischange Smelly
This chart is not intended to replace veterinary care.
Laureen Osborne was born and raised in Ottawa and has been living in Greely with her husband and two dogs since 2009. She owned her own dog grooming business for 13 years, and in 1995 became the 47th Master Groomer in Canada. She wrote three books on dog grooming, and was the editor of Canadian Groomer for three years. Laureen has been interested in art since high school and started painting again in 2014.
Photo courtesy: Citynews - Toronto www.citynews.ca/2015/09/14/air-canada-pilot-divertsinternational-flight-to-save-dog/
Air Canada pilot diverts flight to save dog
Blissfully unaware of all the fuss, Simba is happily reunited with German Kontorovich in Toronto.
n Air Canada pilot made international headlines in September when he diverted a flight heading from Tel Aviv to Toronto in order to save a canine passenger’s life. Simba, a seven-year-old French bulldog and firsttime flyer, was riding in the cargo hold of the plane. Just prior to heading over the Atlantic Ocean, where temperatures plummet to well below freezing, the pilot noticed there was a malfunction with the cargo hold’s heating system. With Simba’s life on the line, the pilot took swift action and redirected the flight to Frankfurt. Simba was then placed on another flight and safely continued his journey home. The ordeal cost approximately $10,000 in fuel and added an extra 75 minutes to the flight, but the 200+ passengers didn’t seem to mind the delay once they were aware of the little dog’s situation. Simba was happily reunited with his owner, German Kontorovich, a few hours later at Pearson International Airport.
Quanto’s Law takes effect: harsh new consequences for killing service dogs
n the summer of 2015, two years after the tragic stabbing death of Quanto, an Edmonton Police Service Dog, a new federal law was enacted to further protect service animals in the line of duty. Quanto was killed while helping to apprehend a fleeing suspect in 2013. The Quanto Law, which institutes a maximum jail sentence of five years for anyone intentionally killing a service animal, took effect in July. Prior to
the Quanto Law, anyone who harmed or killed a police service dog or animal could only be charged for animal cruelty. The new law is intended to send a strong message to those who would hurt a service animal, and speaks to the important role these dogs play in law enforcement. The new law also extends to other service animals used by the military, as well as to those used by individuals with disabilities or specific medical needs.
Photo courtesy: Edmonton Ploice Service
The tragic death of Quanto, pictured left just weeks before the fatal stabbing, and below on duty, motivated authorities to push for harsher punishments.
Photo courtesy: The Canadian Press
Canadian Beagle Miss P wins Best in Show at Westminster
agging her tail all the way to victory, Miss P made Canada proud when she earned top dog status by winning Best in Show at the 139th Westminster Kennel Club in New York City last February. The BC-born four-year-old Beagle, handled by William Alexander of Ontario, beat out 2,700 other competitors, becoming only the second Beagle and sixth Canadian in history to win top prize at the world’s most prestigious dog show. Miss P, short for Peyton, boasts an impeccable pedigree. Owned by Lori and Kaitlyn Crandlemire, along with American Eddie Dziuk, she is the grandniece of Uno, the first ever Beagle to take home Westminster’s top title in 2008.
Miss P patiently poses for the cameras after her surprise win at Westminster.
Unlike Uno, who barked and bayed his way to becoming a crowd favourite, Miss P (registered name Tashtins Lookin for Trouble) quietly went about her business, wooing judges with her undeniable perfection. It was her star quality, though, that helped her beat the 15-1 odds. Post-victory, Miss P visited with Donald Trump, enjoyed a walk-on role in the Broadway musical Kinky Boots, and even made a guest appearance at a Chicago Blackhawks game. Of course, her favourite event was the steak lunch hosted by Sardi’s in New York! Veteran handler Alexander says Miss P made his job easy. “Miss P is a combination of athlete and supermodel,” he stated in an interview with Maclean’s. “She never let me down. She didn’t make any mistakes.”
Kyle Dupont is a freelance writer based in Peterborough, Ontario, who has written on everything from animals and sports, to culture and politics. He is the proud father of two dogs, Ernie and Gwyneth, and two cats, Franny and Zooey. He lives with his partner Kate, who he first met in elementary school.
OVC first in Canada to offer new form of dialysis for dogs and cats
The new dialysis treatment, known as Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT), temporarily replaces the function of the kidneys by removing waste products from the body. Used to treat acute kidney issues, blood is pumped from the animal’s body into a filtering system, then returned to the animal’s system once the blood has been filtered. Shmoo, a seven-year-old Alaskan Malamute, receives continuous renal replacement therapy at the Ontario Veterinary College’s Health Sciences Centre.
Although CRRT is not a long term solution for chronic kidney failure, it can provide time for the kidneys to recover to their full potential. It is used in cases such as toxicity, when an animal ingests foods or substances like grapes, raisins, ethylene glycol, and NSAIDs.
Photo courtesy: Winnipeg Police Service
With more than 500 arrests in over a decade of service, Judge, a Belgian Malinois, and his handler Patrol Sgt. Scott Taylor, were the most successful K-9 team in Winnipeg, if not all of Canada.
remarkable Winnipeg police dog will continue to impact the police force for years to come, thanks to medical technology.
Judge, an 11-year-old Belgian Malinois and one of the most decorated dogs to serve in Winnipeg’s history, passed away in January of 2015 due to kidney failure, only nine months after retiring. The Winnipeg police have since stored his genetic material in the hopes of breeding more amazing service dogs like him.
Late hero police dog’s genes saved for future breeding
Throughout his ten-year career, Judge and his twolegged partner, Detective Sergeant Scott Taylor, were involved in over 500 arrests, making them the most successful K9 unit in the force’s history. Judge has already proven his pedigree is top notch. Currently, dozens of his puppies and grand-puppies are working as police service dogs throughout North America.
Photo courtesy: Dr. Alexa Bersenas, OVC
anine medicine took another step forward in May of 2015, when the Ontario Veterinary College Health Science Centre (OVC HSC) in Guelph, Ontario, announced a new advancement for kidney treatment in cats and dogs -- the first facility in Canada do so.
Safety and reliable recall are the two most important factors.
Letting your dog off-leash is fun and exhilarating for both of you. But there are a lot of distractions and potential dangers lying in wait for off-leash dogs. For example, unexpected loud noises such as backfiring trucks, wailing sirens, or exploding firecrackers can cause a dog to bolt. So if you’re going to let your dog run free, you need to be able to control him, so he’ll stay safe and come when he’s called.
1 2 3
START WITH A SAFE ENVIRONMENT Off-leash training is just like school. It starts at kindergarten, then progresses to grade school, high school and finally college level reliability. Setting up an environment that’s safe is the most important step in all training, and the first and best environment in which to begin off-leash training is in your house and backyard. Before letting your dog off-leash anywhere beyond your yard, carefully survey the area to ensure its safety. Look for possible hazards such as broken fencing, busy roads, garbage, or animal burrows that could cause serious injury to a running dog.
MOTIVATE YOUR DOG TO LISTEN TO YOU If Mother Nature is sitting on your dog’s shoulder whispering, “Chase the bird!” and you’re dozens of yards away yelling, “Come back, I have a biscuit!” – who is he going to listen to? That’s your competition. In order to get your dog to choose you over Mother Nature, you have to first convince him you’re worth it. In the beginning, the quickest way to have your dog form a positive association with you is to liberally use highly-valued treats (e.g., chicken, cheese) and play, so that he sees you as the best provider of fun things ever. He learns what to do to get you to give him what he wants, like treats, toys, games, freedom to play with other dogs, and saying hello to people he likes. In fact, fun and games is another term for training.
TEACHING RELIABLE RECALL Compare behaviour to a tomato plant. It takes time for a tomato plant to take root, grow, spread out, and produce fruit. The process is similar to neural pathways growing in a dog’s brain during training. It takes time, fertilization (great rewards) and cultivation (consistency and repetition) to CDNdogs.ca
CONSIDERATION HAS TO BE GIVEN TO LOCAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS. FIND OUT IF AND WHERE DOGS ARE ALLOWED OFF-LEASH IN YOUR AREA. Trick of the trade: Have a friend hold your dog while you run away. As you run, yell “Come!” Variation: let your dog see you hide behind a wall, chair or tree, then move out of sight, excitedly call “Come!” and have your friend release your dog. Trick of the trade: If your dog loves a certain food more than any other, use it as a treat for recall training only. Also, use multiple treats of all kinds and “jackpot” him when he reaches a benchmark and does something especially awesome. Trick of the trade: Have your dog come, and while he’s approaching you, suddenly back pedal as fast as you can until he reaches you.
Paul Owens is a member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers, and a leading proponent of positive, nonviolent training. He authored The Dog Whisperer and The Puppy Whisperer and features in the Dog Whisperer DVDs. Paul is director of the Raise with Praise Teacher Training Program, and founder/director of Paws for Peace. He has appeared on PBS’s Pets Part of the Family, and Pet Files. 30
get results. To get your dog to choose to follow a particular behavioural pathway, such as to come when called, instead of the pathway Mother Nature is growing, like chase the bird, training must begin early and be repeated often. It must also start at a non-distracting, capabilityappropriate level at which both you and your dog can be successful. The most important behaviour to teach your dog in preparation for being off-leash is “come”. There are a few ways you can do this.
This is something you can do everyday from the first day you bring a puppy or newly adopted dog into the home. This is pure Pavlov. Say a word like “treat”, “here” or “bingo” and within one second, stick a treat in your dog’s mouth. You must be close enough to the dog that the treat gets right to him; you don’t want him walking towards you. Do this every day for the rest of his life.Think of it this way: by doing this exercise, you are putting money in your savings account so if an emergency hits during an off-leash walk in the park, you can make an emergency withdrawal. Is your dog running at a skunk? Make an emergency withdrawal and say the word you used during training.
Test him: It is important to let your dog’s neural pathways grow without interruption. Do a test after the first 30 to 60 days of initiating this particular training. Watch him playing and suddenly say “Here!” If he doesn’t immediately stop what he’s doing and come to you, do not repeat the word. Continue your daily practice and try again in 15 to 30 days. Make it fun, and be consistent and precise with signals. Start at a kindergarten level and gradually add more challenges with various distractions and increased distance and duration.
Many trainers use the word “touch” to have a dog touch something with his nose. I use the same idea to teach “come” by saying the word and having the dog touch my hand. If my dogs see my hand move down to my side, even from 100 yards away, they know it’s the hand signal for “come” and will respond by returning to me. Start by first rubbing a little chicken (or other treat) on your hand, then put your hand one inch from your dog’s nose. As soon as he touches his nose to your hand, click and/or exclaim “Yay!” or “Good job!” and reward with a highly-valued treat. Once your dog figures out that touching your hand gets him a reward, add the vocal cue “come” and present your hand. Gradually add distance, a foot at a time, until he comes all the way across a room to touch your hand. If he gets confused, go back to the point where you were successful. When he starts responding within three seconds, and does what you ask three times in a row, progress to the next level. When you take it outside, start again from a distance of one inch and work up until you are across the yard. Gradually add more challenges in the form of various distractions and increased distances.
Play the “look what I have” game. Get a friend to a hold a treat and show it to your dog. Stand right next to your friend, say “come”, and put your hand an inch or so away from the dog’s nose. If he turns his head away from the treat to touch your hand, get your friend to immediately reward him with the treat. Gradually progress to moving further and further away from each other, even to the point where you’re out of sight, using the “come” cue to get your dog to move from your friend to you. This is important because you want your dog to respond not only to your hand signals, but also to the sound of your voice. If a dog won’t turn away from a piece of chicken, he will never turn away from a squirrel.
Not all dogs can become off-leash reliable, due to their health, age, previous training and history. But if you start consistently training your dog from an early age, and keep safety and responsibility in mind, you’ll be able to let him run free without worry.
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At Christmas time, transform your tree into one that’s dog-friendly. Glass ornaments, string, elastic bands, artificial snow, tinsel, and metal ornament hooks can spell trouble for your buddy if he swallows them. Instead, use unbreakable non-toxic alternatives hung with short pieces of ribbon. If you love your glass ornaments too much to part with them, hang them out of your dog’s reach, and/or keep him away from the tree by surrounding it with a barrier, such as a baby gate. Skirt tree stand problems. If you have a real tree, tightly cover your tree stand with skirting so your dog doesn’t decide to quench his thirst from the tree water, which may contain sap or chemicals. Take a pass on edible decorations. Popcorn strings and gingerbread cookies look lovely, but they’re just too much of a temptation for any dog. Be bright about special lighting over the holidays — make sure cords are tucked out of reach of your companion’s teeth. If you use candles, place them above tail-wagging level and always blow them out before you leave the room.
TOP Holiday TIPS
Holidays are busy and exciting but they can be a little stressful for everyone, including our dogs. This handy list will help ensure your holidays stay healthy as well as happy.
Set up a safe haven for your dog. If you’re having friends or family over for a holiday celebration, consider setting aside a quiet room where your dog can ”hide”. Put his bed and some toys in there and let your guests, especially children, know that this room is out of bounds to everyone except your dog. Check his ID. In all the busyness of entertaining guests or preparing a meal, it’s easy to lose track of your dog. Make sure he’s wearing up-to-date identification. Keep canine numbers small. Don’t encourage your guests to bring their own dogs unless they already know each other and get along well. The extra stress could lead to snarling and scrapping. Celebrate but don’t overindulge. It’s tempting to include your dog in the eating festivities but stay away from rich gravy, fat scraps, candy and cake, so you don’t end up cleaning up unwanted messes. While some raw bones are okay for dogs, cooked bones can splinter and injure an animal’s throat or intestines so make sure green bin and garbage cans are tightly closed. Take away the temptation. Remove or place chocolate, nuts, candies, chips, etc. out of reach whenever you leave the room. Set a timer. If you’re in the habit of letting your dog out to play in the yard, set a timer to remind you he’s out there. During holiday get-togethers, time passes quickly and you might inadvertently forget he’s standing at the door waiting for you to let him in! CDNdogs.ca
greet your dog?
Scientific studies reveal how our dogs feel about the way we say “hello”.
ooner or later, it seems science gets around to answering those basic questions that interest so many of us. At the same time, we may not realize how important some of those questions really are. For example, have you ever asked yourself if there’s an ideal way to greet your dog after you’ve been away from him for awhile? Whenever I return home, or come downstairs in the morning, I go through a bit of a greeting ritual with my dogs. This involves talking to them in a happy voice while using their names. At the same time, I am touching and patting them on their heads and flanks. I developed this habit partly because it makes me feel good, and the dogs seem to respond positively.
I am also trying to incorporate a bit of science. Back in the 1960s and 1970s, the psychologist Harry Harlow did an extensive series of studies that showed touching was an important part of establishing warm and affectionate bonds between individuals. He showed that the depth of love a child has for its mother is partly due to the amount and quality of touching the child and mother engage in. As a practical extension of his findings, clinical psychologists who work with married couples or families are trained to observe whether or not the individuals casually touch each other during therapy sessions, since this is a positive sign that indicates there is still a measure of affection and emotional bonding in the relationship. More recent research published in the journal Physiology and Behavior confirms the importance of touching. This time, the study looked at the emotional response of dogs when a familiar person greeted them after a period of separation. A team of researchers headed by Therese Rehn from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences conducted the study using 12 Beagles as test subjects. The general setup involved a fixed sequence of actions. A study dog was taken into the testing room by a person he was very familiar with. The person then exited, leaving the dog behind for 25 minutes before returning. While in the room, each dog was accompanied only by an unfamiliar veterinary student who sat quietly and did not interact with him (except when called upon to draw blood samples). Even though the dogs were familiar with the test area in which they were left, this was potentially a stressful period of separation. Other research has shown that when dogs are under stress, they (like young human children left in similar situations) are usually comforted by, and often seek the presence of, a familiar friendly person.
When an individual greeted a dog using both voice and touch, oxytocin rose to much higher levels than when the greeting involved voice alone.
In the Swedish study, when the familiar person returned after the separation, the manner in which she greeted the dog was scripted. In one condition, the person greeted the dog by talking to her in a friendly tone of voice and petting her. In another condition, the same verbal greeting was given but the dog was not touched. Finally, in a control condition, the individual did not greet the dog in any way, but simply entered the room, sat down on a chair, and began to read a magazine. CDNdogs.ca
The experimenters measured the emotional response of the dogs using a technique that is becoming more common among behavioural researchers. It involves determining the concentration of oxytocin in an individual’s blood stream. Oxytocin is produced in our bodies in various social situations. It is sometimes referred to as the “love hormone”, since our bodies release it in high concentrations during positive social interactions, such as falling in love, experiencing an orgasm, or breastfeeding. Changes in the amount of oxytocin are believed to be an indication of the positive affectionate feelings an individual is experiencing at the moment.
The researchers also looked for another hormone that reflects the flip side of the coin – namely, the amount of stress the dogs were feeling. This involves measuring the concentration of cortisol in the blood. Cortisol is often referred to as a “stress hormone” since it appears in times of unease, fear, tension or anxiety. The results of the study were rather straightforward. At the sight of the familiar person returning to the room, the dogs became more active, with tails wagging. The sight of that familiar person was obviously a positive event, since the concentration of oxytocin in the dogs’ blood increased and the concentration of cortisol decreased. Remember, the aim of this study was to see if the way the familiar person greeted the dog made any difference. It did. When an individual greeted a dog using both voice and touch, oxytocin rose to much higher levels than when the greeting involved voice alone. The mirror image occurred for cortisol levels; the decrease in concentration of this stress-related chemical in the blood was sharpest when the person used physical touching as well as voice when greeting the dog. An interesting finding was that positive emotional effects persisted for a long time after the actual greeting, when both voice and touch were used. Positive changes and emotions dissipated much more quickly when the dog was greeted only by voice, and most quickly when the familiar person returned but did not interact with the dog. In this last condition, where there was no social interaction, the dogs actually seemed bothered, and would often wander over to the unfamiliar person in the room to try and make physical contact with them. This study indicates that the sight of a familiar person is a positive event for a dog, and the sound of that person’s voice is even better. But it’s the sensation of actually being touched that helps boost the levels of good feeling in a dog, and allows that warm glow to continue beyond those few brief moments when the dog and her loved one reunite. For this reason, I will continue to greet my dogs by bending down to touch them, even though it’s a bit painful for me given my arthritis, combined with the fact that my dogs are small. The positive emotional effect it has on my dogs is more important to me than the momentary ache I get from my old bones!
Stanley Coren is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Psychology at the University of British Columbia. He is an award-winning behavioral researcher, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. He has written books on dog behavior and human-canine interactions, and received the Maxwell Medal of Excellence from the Dog Writers Association of America for his book Born to Bark. His newest book is Do Dogs Dream? 34
toxinS Dogs are opportunistic omnivores, which means they sometimes ingest things they shouldn’t. To keep your buddy safe, avoid these “doggie dangers” altogether or keep them well out of reach. BY LISA WAGNER
Keeping track of items that are toxic to your dog might seem a little overwhelming. The good news is it doesn’t have to be! Just a few simple modifications to your home and garden can keep your dog safe from these potential dangers. Check out these lists for what you should help your pooch avoid. You’ll also find Pet First Aid advice where applicable.
Plants While there are too many toxic plants to list in full, here are a few common ones to avoid in your garden. Please also be cautious when giving plants to dog owners as gifts! • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Aloe vera (white sap or latex, not gel) Apple (leaves, seeds, stems) Azalea Baby’s breath Chamomile Cherry (leaves, seeds, stems) Daffodil English ivy Iris Lily of the valley Mistletoe Poinsettia Rhubarb (leaves)
PET FIRST AID: Contact a veterinarian or Animal Poison Centre. They will ask you a series of questions and advise you how (and whether) to induce vomiting and if your animal needs to see a veterinarian.
Acid, Alkali, and Petroleum Products “Why on earth would my pet eat any of these?” you might wonder. Well, they actually might not intend to. Sometimes it’s a matter of the dog stepping on a toxin, or accidentally rubbing his coat against it. Your dog may then want to clean himself and subsequently ingest the toxin. • • • • • • • • •
Lizards and Toads While they are certainly cute to look at and listen to, not all lizards and toads are safe for dogs to touch. Some can cause problems when your dog picks them up in her mouth or licks them.
PET FIRST AID: Do your best to identify the creature in question. Snap a photo if you are safely able to. Immediately flush out your animal’s mouth with water. Call a veterinarian or Animal Poison Centre for advice.
Motor oil Gas Diesel fuel Asphalt Lubricants Fertilizer Paint thinner Lye Glue
PET FIRST AID: With these toxins, DO NOT induce vomiting. Immediately contact a veterinarian or Animal Poison Centre for advice.
Keep yourself armed with the latest information When it comes to keeping our dogs safe, the best thing we can do is arm ourselves with credible knowledge and then act on it. You hold a lot of power when it comes to your dog’s health, so use it! Prevention is the best form of first aid! CDNdogs.ca
Foods While many foods can be safely shared with our furry friends, some are definitely not. Store the items below safely out of reach and locked away. Remember, some of these items may travel around with you in your purse or carry bag, so always keep these out of reach too! • • • • • • • • • • •
Chocolate Raisins Grapes Macadamia nuts Coffee and tea Onions Garlic Xylitol (artificial sweetener) Avocado Salt Sugar-free chewing gum
Health and Hygiene Products There are many common health and hygiene products that humans utilize regularly. Please ensure they are stored out of reach and locked away to avoid temptation.
PET FIRST AID: Retain any packaging (if available) and try to determine the volume or weight of toxin ingested. Contact your veterinarian or Animal Poison Centre for advice on whether vomiting should be induced, or if veterinary care is required.
RESOURCES Two 24-hour call centres are available to assist you in your dog’s time of need. Each one has staff on hand who are specially trained in animal toxicology. For veterinary advice, you can also try an app such as Vets Plus More, which puts you in touch with a veterinarian 24/7.
It’s easy to make the mistaken assumption that medications that are safe for us would also be for one’s dog. Many medications are in fact species-specific, meaning that what is safe for you might not be safe for Fido. Here are some medications and home remedies commonly used for humans that shouldn’t be given to pets without veterinary advice:
ASPCA Animal Poison Control Centre 1-888-426-4435 Cost: $65 USD
• • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Pet Poison Helpline 855-764-7661 Cost: $49 USD
Acetaminophen Antacids Aspirin Antidepressants Antibiotic ointment Antihistamines Birth control Cold medication Cough syrup Eye drops Ibuprofen Laxatives Inhalers Insulin
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Antiperspirant Body lotion Essential oils Hand sanitizer Makeup remover Nail polish and remover Soap Sunscreen Toothpaste Vitamins Perfume Laundry sheets (for dryer)
PET FIRST AID: Because medications, health and hygiene products are made from such a variety of ingredients, it is important to seek out veterinary advice or assistance from a Pet Poison Centre.
• Sleeping aid
Lisa Wagner is Operations Director for Walks ‘N’ Wags Pet First Aid, based in Vancouver, BC. She has worked in the pet first aid industry since 2003 and is an active international volunteer with World Vets International. To find a Walks ‘N’ Wags Pet First Aid Course in your area visit walksnwags.com. 38
OVC Pet Trust to help create world-class facility The Ontario Veterinary College (OVC) at the University of Guelph is home to Canada’s first charitable fund solely dedicated to improving the health of companion animals: OVC Pet Trust. In 2016, OVC Pet Trust proudly celebrates 30 years of giving back to our four-legged friends and the special bond between people and their pets. Through the tremendous dedication of our volunteers and generosity of pet owners, their veterinary caregivers, friends and other supporters, we have raised over $20 million to advance pet care options, and improve the quality of our pets’ lives. OVC is part of a top comprehensive university that has a long history of solving complex health problems in animals, and ranks fourth in the world, and best in Canada, for veterinary science. Pet Trust donors have helped fund innovative discoveries which
have led to major improvements in veterinary medicine, including anesthesia and pain control, heart treatment and monitoring techniques, infection control, and advancing cancer diagnosis and treatment. Our latest endeavour is to help create a new world-class facility, raise the standard of care, and provide the most advanced surgical options, pain control, diagnoses and treatment in Canada. The new facilities will include leading-edge technology with specialized areas for surgery, anesthesia and recovery. The impact will be far reaching as we educate and equip the veterinary specialists of the future with the latest knowledge and techniques. Because the animal companions in our lives mean so much to us—whether we live with them, care for them professionally or simply love them—we want them to have the best care possible.
Kim Robinson is the Managing Director of OVC Pet Trust, a charitable fund dedicated to ensuring our pets live longer healthier lives through learning, healthcare and discovery. Her canine companion is a very energetic, two-year-old mixed breed puppy named Juno.
plants that
There’s an old adage: “you are what you eat”. It applies to all of us, including our dogs. While dogs are opportunistic omnivores who need a good source of protein, they also thrive on a diet that includes wholesome, nutritious plants. Fortunately, nature has provided us with some power-packed options that are good for you and your dog. Look for them in fresh, dried, oil or supplement form. BY AUDI DONAMOR
HEMP for health
In 1606, a French botanist named Louis Hebert planted the very first hemp crop in North America. Hemp was cultivated for its fibre well into the 20th century, and many immigrants from Eastern Europe brought hemp seeds to their new homes in Canada, planting them for their fresh oil and using them in a variety of baked dishes.
getting help from
Juliette de Bairacli Levy first introduced seaweed to the veterinary world in the early 1930s, but kelp and other seaweeds have enjoyed a long history all over the world. In the East, the Chinese used these sea plants as medicine as long ago as 3,000 B.C. Kelp is the richest single source of trace minerals, which benefits pituitary, adrenal and thyroid glands. Kelp supports the immune system, helps regulate blood sugar levels, soothes the gastrointestinal tract, and helps alleviate joint pain. It contains protein, iodine, calcium, sulphur, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, sodium, and potassium, along with Vitamins A, B, E and D. Kelp reduces cholesterol levels, helps flush harmful bacteria from the bladder, reduces inflammation in injured tissues, and supports healthy skin and coat. Always seek out sustainably harvested sea vegetables that have been tested for heavy metals, herbicides, PCBs, fuel oil, and bacteriological contaminants.
Hemp Trade Canada tells us that hemp is botanically classified as Cannabis sativa L. (Cannabaceae), but cannabis is a diverse plant species with over 500 different varieties. Marijuana is a “distant cousin”. Regulations stipulate that hemp be defined as having less than 0.3% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is recognized as the primary psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. This very low level makes hemp unsuitable for drug and therapeutic purposes. However, hemp is a super food with great nutritional benefits. Hemp’s fatty acid profile is closer to fish oil than any other vegetable oil, and it provides a healthy and environmentally-friendly alternative to fish oil. It is also a valuable source of gluten-free protein, vitamins C and E, and chlorophyll, and has an excellent amino acid profile. Hemp does not contain the gas-producing substances found in many legumes. It’s a super-food that can help ease joint pain and inflammation, support cardiovascular health, improve the condition of skin and coat, and even act as a digestive aid.
checks all the boxes
Chia appears on many of the world’s “healthiest foods” lists, but this is nothing new, since the Aztecs, Mayans and Incas cultivated it centuries ago. In the Mayan language, “chia” means “strength.” It’s the perfect descriptor for this super-food, which is a member of the mint family. In Aztec and Mayan times, chia seeds were part of the warrior diet, and they were also used during religious ceremonies. Chia seeds are a rich source of B vitamins, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, protein and zinc, and they are packed with antioxidants. Chia is also a very valuable source of alpha linolenic acid (ALA), a plant-based form of Omega-3 essential fatty acids. Chia seeds are gluten-free, a popular alternative to flax seeds, and a valuable source of fibre. These tiny seeds support healthy skin and coat, and their high levels of Omega-3 help combat inflammation. They help boost the immune system, fight stress, promote healing, stabilize blood sugar levels, and are the perfect food for endurance, since they keep dogs hydrated and support electrolyte balance.
Oregano is often referred to as the “cure in the cupboard”, since it’s recognized for both its nutritional and medicinal properties. While native to northern Europe, oregano has been cultivated in France since the Middle Ages. It is integral to Mediterranean cuisine, and only became popular in North America when World War II soldiers brought home a taste for the plant after the war.
Known as one of the most powerful healing herbs, oregano is an excellent source of vitamin K and a very good source of iron, manganese and dietary fibre. It is also a good source of calcium, magnesium, vitamins A and C, and even Omega-3 fatty acids. Preliminary evidence suggests oregano may be able to induce death in cancer cells, because of its rosmarinic acid. Research also demonstrates that beta-caryophyllene, a chemical found in oregano, may inhibit inflammation. Scientists believe this anti-inflammatory effect may have an impact on the treatment of osetoporosis, arteriosclerosis, and Crohn’s disease. Oil of oregano has powerful antibioticlike properties so it can be used both internally and externally as a topical. Its strong phenol antioxidants and volatile oils have been shown to destroy bacteria, viruses, and yeast overgrowth.
is packed with nutrition More than just a garnish, parsley is recognized as the world’s most popular herb and is one of the most concentrated food sources. It originated in the Eastern Mediterranean and has a long history as a medicinal herb, going back over 2,000 years. In fact, parsley was used medicinally before being considered a food source. Parsley is rich in vitamins A, C and K, iron, folate, and a variety of minerals. It also contains a variety of volatile oils, including myristin, which is thought to inhibit tumor formation, especially in the lungs. Histadine, an amino acid found in parsley, has also been found to inhibit tumor growth. Parsley is referred to as a chemoprotective food because it may help neutralize a variety of carcinogens, including the benzopyrenes found in cigarette smoke. Parsley helps support the bladder and kidneys, and is great for freshening breath.
Audi Donamor has been successfully creating special needs diets for companion animals for nearly 20 years. She founded the University of Guelph’s Smiling Blue Skies® Cancer Fund and Smiling Blue Skies® Fund for Innovative Research, and is the proud recipient of a variety of awards, including a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal.
Annual 2015
WINNERS Check out all the great winners from our 2015 photo contest! Sponsored by LifeFORCEâ„¢
All First Place winners receive a bag of LifeFORCE Super Nutrition Nuggets
Most Artistic
Nancy Lucassen Beachville, ON
Most Adorable
Analysha Stevens
Best Eyes
We laughed. We “ooohed” and “ahhed”. And we thoroughly enjoyed each and every entry. Thanks to everyone who participated in our photo contest. We loved all of your photos, and it was difficult to choose the winners. It all came down to content, focus, and originality. Thankfully, we have two trained photographers on staff, who helped us in the decision-making process.
Nikki Gibson
Mississauga, ON
Lianne Matieshin Saskatoon, SK
Best Pals
Sierra Soffiaturo
Gracie & Monty Chelsea Tyrer
Niagara Falls, ON CDNdogs.ca
Best Smile
Abbey Jill Bristow
Winnipeg, MB
Lianne Matieshin Saskatoon, SK
Frankenstein Mickey Truelove Toronto, ON
Titan Mike Pace London, ON
Ross Longacre Courtenay, BC
Most Athletic
Jigsaw & Indy Marie Heodebrecht St. Catharines, ON
Marley Rick Main
Thunder Bay, ON
Most Canadian
Duchess 1ST
Gary Billard
Hayley Duffield Hudson Bay, SK
Birdie & Chester
Birdie Colleen Trafford Stratford, ON
Just like us, dogs benefit from additional supplements in their diet to ensure optimal health. Thankfully, you can now find pet-formulated supplements at many pet food and online stores. Here are the top picks you should consider. BY JEAN HOFVE, DVM
1 Omega-3 fatty acids Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) play many roles in the body, but only two fatty acids are considered essential: linoleic acid (LA, an Omega-6) and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA, an Omega-3). All others can, at least theoretically, be produced in the body from those two precursors. The Omega-3s that get the most buzz are eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA). Neither is considered essential, although DHA is needed during growth in puppies. But the only meat that contains any EPA/DHA (and even then, perhaps not enough) is 100% grass-fed meat. The vast majority of plant-based oils are in the form of Omega-6 fatty acids, which are typically over-supplied in our animals’ diets. Flaxseeds and a few other seeds and nuts do contain Omega-3 in the form of ALA, which has beneficial effects of its own, particularly on skin and coat health. However, even though ALA is technically a precursor of EPA and DHA, dogs have limited capacity for converting it. Only marine-sourced oils (fish oil, cod liver oil, krill oil, green-lipped mussel oil, and some algae oils) contain the pre-formed EPA and DHA that our carnivorous companions can absorb and utilize. Dogs must receive EPA and DHA directly.
Why EPA & DHA are important 1. EPA is important for cell membrane fluidity, circulation, skin health and immune system function. It has powerful anti-inflammatory effects, is helpful for many inflammatory and degenerative conditions, and is specifically beneficial for chronic kidney disease, arthritis, feline asthma, dermatitis and cancer. 2. DHA is the most abundant fat in the brain, and the main component of myelin. It is crucial for nervous and visual system development. Research suggests that DHA deficiency may play a role in anxiety, hyperactivity and aggression; supplementation may be helpful in these cases.
KEYS TO SELECTING A GOOD OMEGA-3 PRODUCT • Look for products made from wild (not farm-raised) fish that are harvested sustainably, or from clean, cultivated mussels or algae. • Cod liver oil should be free of added vitamins A and D, which can reach toxic levels in small animals. • Products should be independently tested for freshness. • They should be free of toxins such as mercury, PCBs and dioxin, which are widespread in the world’s oceans.
2 Digestive enzymes Digestive enzymes break down foods so they can be absorbed and utilized by the body. When food is not properly broken down, larger particles can enter the bloodstream and set off an immune response that may lead to inflammation, allergies, and other chronic health problems. Digestive enzymes also improve digestion, reduce gas, help regulate weight, and in the case of proteolytic enzymes, decrease inflammation throughout the body. Normally, the pancreas supplies these needed digestive enzymes, although production slows as animals get older. Raw foods contain many enzymes, including an array of digestive enzymes within cellular lysosomes. Cooking denatures enzymes. Supplementing digestive enzymes is especially important for animals eating processed pet food (in addition to any enzymes listed on the label). Geriatric animals may also benefit, even if they’re on a raw food diet.
KEYS TO SELECTING A GOOD DIGESTIVE ENZYME PRODUCT • Look for one from a plant or fungal source, in order for it to work in the widest range of pH and temperature. • It should contain, at least: protease, amylase, lipase and cellulase.
KEYS TO SELECTING A GOOD PROBIOTIC PRODUCT • Look for a supplement containing at least Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria. • There should be a label guarantee of live microorganisms. • The product should be of sufficient potency (at least 100 million per dose).
3 Probiotics
• Many products combine digestive enzymes with probiotics, and these can be a good, cost-effective choice, especially for fussy animals who are difficult to supplement.
Probiotics include beneficial bacteria such as L. acidophilus and certain Bifidobacteria, Enterococcus and Streptococcus species. Probiotics help keep normal gut bacteria balanced and healthy. The intestinal microbiota is an essential part of overall health. Constant backand-forth interaction occurs between the gut bacteria and brain through neural, endocrine, immune and humoral links. A balanced gut ecology has implications for not only physical but also emotional and mental health. It prevents pathogenic bacteria from gaining a foothold; produces B vitamins, vitamin K, and short-chain fatty acids; and supports normal immune system function. Supplemental probiotics have benefits for allergies, including atopy and food allergies. They are also helpful for animals with any type of digestive problem, including vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, IBD, and colitis. Probiotics are also essential for animals who are, or have been, taking antibiotics (including natural antimicrobial therapies such as herbs, medicinal mushrooms, colloidal silver, etc.). Continue probiotic supplementation for at least two weeks after treatment.
Dr. Jean Hofve is a retired holistic veterinarian, and co-author of The Complete Guide to Holistic Cat Care with nutritionist Dr. Celeste Yarnall. They are currently working on a book about the complete holistic lifestyle for dogs. Dr. Hofve has written hundreds of articles, lectured on pet topics, and appeared on radio and TV. Her award-winning website (littlebigcat.com) is a respected source of information on pet health, nutrition and behaviour. 50
4 Antioxidants The function of antioxidants is to scavenge and neutralize free radicals. Cells make controlled quantities of free radicals as weapons against viruses, fungi, bacteria and abnormal cells. However, excess unbalanced free radicals create oxidative stress, which can damage normal cells and create chronic inflammation. Processed pet foods are typically high in pro-inflammatory Omega-6 fatty acids, so supplementing with antioxidants is very important. Free radical damage is at the root of virtually all degenerative and inflammatory diseases, as well as many we don’t necessarily think of as involving inflammation, such as diabetes, cancer, hypothyroidism, heart disease, and cognitive dysfunction. By reducing oxidative stress, antioxidants likely have value in disease prevention as well as treatment. However, the mechanisms are complex, and robust scientific proof is still lacking. Nevertheless, antioxidants can universally be considered helpful for most inflammatory and immune-mediated diseases.
KEYS TO SELECTING A GOOD ANTIOXIDANT PRODUCT • It should contain multiple antioxidants, such as vitamin E, carotenoids (e.g. beta carotene and lycopene) and flavonoids (like vitamin C and quercetin). • Look for a natural or whole foodderived product, rather than one that’s chemically synthesized. Natural products are typically found in l-form as opposed to dor dl-form; for example, d-alpha tocopheral is a synthetic product. • Plant and fungal sources may be more bioactive.
Dogs REAPING THE REWARDS Michael Wekerle, the eccentric rock star of the Canadian financial scene, and TV personality from the hit series Dragons’ Den, is a “full throttle” kind of guy. So it should come as no surprise that Wek, as he likes to be called, is not only a devoted father of six, but also an extreme dog lover. The self-made financial guru and his kids have their own dogs, and they foster others. “We’ve had as many as 16,” explains Michael. “Right now we have 11 and we just try to find good homes for them.” Described by some as Mick Jagger meets Warren Buffet, Michael says his dogs bring many rewards to his life, including helping him stay grounded when his lavish lifestyle and hectic business schedule get to be too much. “Having the dogs creates a lot of peace,” he says.
“The more love and work you put into it,” he says with a smile, “the better the dog is.”
It’s a peace that extends to his kids’ lives too. “They have been good for the children. Having a sense of taking good care of something and being responsible for the dogs has been great.” Seeing Michael out of his designer suit, playing on the grass with his dogs Zeus, a Doberman Pinscher, and Margaret, a Bernese Mountain Dog, shows that Wek is not much different from the rest of us. These dogs are part of his family, and he knows there’s no fast track to raising a new best friend. “The more love and work you put into it,” he says with a smile, “the better the dog is.”
Club Monaco and Joe Fresh founder Joe Mimran, and his wife Kimberley Newport-Mimran of fashion label Pink Tartan, found the perfect fit when they welcomed Max, a French Bulldog, into their fashion forward home. The couple bought Max from a registered breeder as a surprise for their daughter, Jacqueline, but clearly the whole family is smitten by their Frenchie’s charm and good looks. “This is a fashion dog,” says Joe, the newest Dragon on Dragons’ Den, with a chuckle. “Look at him, he’s spotted. And the way he behaves, he is so Club Monaco.”
According to Canada’s first family of fashion, Max’s love of mud is surpassed only by his devotion to his family. “He is such a sweetheart,” says Kimberley affectionately. “He is so loving and always wants to be with you.” Joe agrees, noting how much the little dog has come to mean to them. “He waits at the window the entire time when Kim goes out of town. He is truly a family member.”
Photos by: Piotr Organa
While Max, who’s sporting an ear-to-ear grin, looks particularly dapper today, apparently he has no problem getting down and dirty. The mischievous and fun loving Frenchie adores mud puddles, the bigger the better. Fortunately, pampering is part of the deal at the Mimran household, and monthly trips to the doggie spa help manage the little dog’s favourite pastime.
“He waits at the window the entire time when Kim goes out of town. He is truly a family member.” CDNdogs.ca
Oh, those wild and crazy dogs and puppies! Tugging on clothes, biting the leash, chewing everything in sight, and good old-fashioned body-slamming akin to WWF Wrestling are some of the more common issues brought to behaviourists and trainers.
Here’s how to help him relax These crazy capers are are often labeled “impulse control” issues or even impulse aggression, but are they really as simple as that? What’s going on? Often, the answer is stress. Although many dogs seem to “have it made”, they can still suffer from stress. Thankfully, animal stress is now being studied in greater depth. Science is learning more about how stress (good and bad) can affect animals, while behaviourists and trainers are beginning to understand that many impulse control behaviours might actually be stress-related.
WHAT IS STRESS? Stress comes in two forms: good stress, such as when you are newly in love or starting an exciting new job; and bad stress, which is brought on by fear, worry or anger. Either way, the sympathetic nervous system releases adrenaline and other chemicals into the bloodstream, causing the heart, lungs and blood pressure to “stand on the gas” and get ready to take action. When this happens, other things start to shut down. Digestion is slowed or inhibited, the immune system is depressed, and even growth, as in a puppy, can be stymied to conserve energy in case he needs to flee or fight. This same process also happens during aroused play. Of course, the stress response was never intended to keep running for days on end. It evolved to help animals protect themselves or to flee from danger. This is not always an option when dogs are confined by leashes, doors and fences, or when the same stressors keep presenting themselves day after day, perhaps in the form of the mailman or visits to the dog park. Constant adrenaline rushes can deplete the body of natural chemicals, such as serotonin and endorphins, that help the dog calm down and relax. This depletion eventually generates physical and mental fatigue, which further stresses the body and mind and can even lead to muscle and brain atrophy if allowed to continue.
“To further help your dog relax, you can ‘mirror’ many of these calming behaviours back to him.” LEARN CANINE BODY LANGUAGE You will really help your dog travel the road to calm behaviours by learning to understand and use the language canines understand best: body language. Norwegian dog trainer Turid Rugaas has studied the physical behaviours and body language of dogs for many years. She coined the term “calming signals” when referring to the displacement behaviours dogs use to communicate with other dogs and humans. Unfortunately, humans don’t always grasp the meaning of these signals, which only adds to their dogs’ anxiety. “Nobody understands me,” is the underlying message from many dogs.
The most frequently used “calming behaviours” seen in dogs are: • Tongue licking • Sniffing the ground • Scratching as if they have fleas, when you know they don’t • Shaking like a wet dog • Yawning -- wide, sometimes shaky yawns • Multiple eye blinks • Averting eyes -- not making direct eye contact • Doing something else – it might look like you are being ignored Dogs use these behaviours to tell us and other dogs that they are uncomfortable or trying to resolve what is going on.
To further help your dog relax, you can “mirror” many of these calming behaviours back to him. For example, try yawning several times when your dog seems anxious. Don’t cover your mouth, since you want your dog to see the gesture. Most dogs will yawn back and start to settle down. For this approach to work, you need to detach yourself when you mirror these behaviours. Don’t make eye contact, and don’t touch or talk to your dog.
Averting eyes
“Balance is the key to keeping your dog in good physical condition.” BALANCE IS ESSENTIAL It’s natural to assume that the more exercise you give your dog, the calmer he’ll become. In actual fact, trainers and behaviourists see many dogs that are “out of control” even though they’re getting lots of exercise each day. Many experts are now saying that balance is the key to keeping your dog in good physical condition. That way, you don’t add extra stress by over-taxing his body or encouraging high arousal states of play, both of which are capable of triggering a stress response. Providing a balance of mental and physical exercise is proving successful for many dogs that were once unable to get their impulses under control. Stress affects us all, and our companion animals are no different. Recognizing it and implementing stress-reduction techniques not only helps dogs live longer and healthier lives but also strengthens the incredible canine-human bond.
Nan Kené Arthur is a Certified Pet Dog Trainer. She has been involved in the behaviour and training field for more than 17 years. She has fostered more than 70 dogs and over 100 cats, and shares her home with three dogs and three cats.
WHAT ARE THE SIGNS OF STRESS IN DOGS? Common indicators of stress often include red eyes, panting, diarrhea, dilated pupils, sweaty paws, muscle tightness, drooling, shivering, vomiting, and drinking excess water, to name just a few. Dogs will also display behaviours that express anxiety, such as biting the leash, jumping on people, reactivity towards people or other dogs, pacing, digging, barking, and excessive tail wagging. It’s easy to mistake many of these signs for impulse control issues, or even overfriendliness. Unchecked, however, they become learned behaviours. Helping dogs learn how to “unwind” requires behaviour modification and training, together with a good stress reduction plan.
Take our stress test on the next page CDNdogs.ca
Poor = 1 Fair = 2 Good = 3 Very Good = 4 Excellent = 5
Circle the number that best fits your dog: Dog is relaxed with all noises/sounds
Will allow anyone to approach you and remains friendly
Is at ease around all men
Never displays belly when people approach
Is calm around toddlers/babies
Allows hugs from strangers
Never jumps on people
Never begs or barks for attention
Loves attention from strangers if you are present
Is able to sleep while you are away from home
Is comfortable being touched all over
Rarely shows signs of stress – e.g. excess panting, yawning, sniffing, shaking, etc.
Is relaxed around all other dogs
Never growls or shows teeth to strangers
Unperturbed by delivery people
Has never submissively urinated
Happy being left with someone he/she knows
Never looks frightened when leaving the home
Comfortable being left with a stranger
Never hides behind you in public
Will eat no matter what is going on
Never chews or licks himself excessively
Is calm in crowds of people
Doesn’t tuck his tail when outside the home
Mostly 1-2s – Your dog needs a stress reduction program Mostly 3-4s – Not too bad, but there’s room for improvement
Mostly 2-3s – Could use some behaviour modification in troubled areas Mostly 4-5s – Good for you! Your dog is relaxed!
Dog owners go digital!
From veterinary advice to online shopping, this app puts everything canine at your fingertips.
ver notice how emergencies seem to happen on weekends, holidays, or at night, when your vet’s office is closed? Wouldn’t it be nice if you could get access to veterinary help 24/7?
Leon Kruger saw a real need for this after losing his beloved Rottweiler, Mercedes. “Leon was on a business trip when he received a frantic call from his wife that Mercedes was seizuring,” says Vanessa terVeld, VP of marketing and media relations for Vets Plus More. “She tried calling the vet several times, but they were busy, and Mercedes was too big to transport in her current state.” It was an hour before a vet was able to come to the house, and by then it was too late to save Mercedes. “That was when Leon started to think about a way to help pet owners, not just during a crisis but after hours when they are concerned about their animals’ behaviour and health,” says Vanessa. The result? An app called Vets Plus More that gives users access to a veterinarian 24 hours a day, via text, audio or video call, and that lets you locate the closest emergency clinic in your area. The app doesn’t stop with veterinary care. “It also has a full referral section allowing you to find dog walkers, pet sitters and breeders,” says Vanessa, adding that the company is adding more features to the app on a monthly basis. “Up and coming features will include instant access to pet insurance; a Lost and Found service for missing animals; a video library of health, safety and training information; a Pet Portal for buying and selling pet items; and a chat forum.” “Pairing innovative technology for today’s instant-access society with a vital service enhancing the health and care of all our four-legged companions was our main goal,” says Leon. “We wanted the app to be the ‘go-to spot’ for anyone needing help with their animals.”
The Vets Plus More app is available to download on Google Play or the App Store, or visit vetsplusmore.com.
Looking for a new dog? It’s important to consider your lifestyle, and breeders can help you determine a dog that’s right for you and your family. These lists may give you some ideas. Many breeds fall into multiple categories, but due to space, we’ve highlighted one breed per category.
Bedlington Terrier Bolognese Brussels Griffon Cavalier King Charles Spaniel English Toy Spaniel Havanese Keeshond Pug Welsh Springer Spaniel Whippet
Running room needed
Afghan Hound Airedale Terrier Alaskan Malamute American Eskimo Dog Australian Kelpie Australian Shepherd Bearded Collie Belgian Shepherd Black-and-Tan Coonhound Canadian Eskimo Dog Dalmatian Entlebucher Mountain Dog Finnish Lapphund Finnish Spitz German Long-haired Pointer German Pinscher German Short-haired Pointer German Wire-haired Pointer Gordon Setter Irish Red & White Setter Irish Setter Irish Terrier Karelian Bear Dog Kleine Munsterlander Lagotto Romagnolo Norwegian Buhund Norwegian Elkhound Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Polish Lowland Sheepdog Portuguese Sheepdog Saluki Schapendoes Shikoku Siberian Husky Standard Schnauzer Vizsla (Smooth & Wire-haired) Weimaraner Wire-haired Pointing Griffon
Dogs for young Basset Hound Beagle Clumber Spaniel Cocker Spaniel Collie (Rough & Smooth) English Springer Spaniel Eurasier Flat-coat Retriever Iceland Sheepdog Kerry Blue Terrier Leonberger Samoyed Shiba Inu Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier Spinone Italiano Staffordshire Bull Terrier Welsh Corgi (Cardigan & Pembroke)
DOGS ON THE GO Small but busy & active Australian Terrier Border Terrier Cairn Terrier Cesky Terrier Dandie Dinmont Terrier Fox Terrier (Smooth & Wire) Jack Russell Terrier Lakeland Terrier Miniature American Shepherd Miniature Australian Shepherd Norfolk Terrier Norrbottenspets Norwich Terrier Parson Russell Terrier Puli Schipperke Swedish Vallhund Welsh Terrier West Highland White Terrier
LOW Maintenance Basenji Boxer Brittany Bull Terrier Greyhound Ibizan Hound Italian Greyhound Manchester Terrier Miniature Pinscher Pharaoh Hound Pointer Rhodesian Ridgeback
Border Collie Canaan Dog Dutch Shepherd German Shepherd Dog Golden Retriever Poodles (Toy, Miniature & Standard) Shiloh Shepherd Tibetan Terrier Toy Fox Terrier
SPACES Affenpinscher Bichon Frise Bulldog Chihuahua (Smooth & Long-haired) Dachshunds (especially miniatures) French Bulldog Japanese Chin Lhasa Apso Maltese Miniature Poodle
Miniature Schnauzer Papillon Pekingese Pomeranian Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka Sealyham Terrier Shih Tzu Tibetan Spaniel Toy Manchester Terrier Toy Poodle Yorkshire Terrier
ZEN Dogs
Bernese Mountain Dog Bloodhound Borzoi Deerhound English Setter Field Spaniel Irish Wolfhound Sussex Spaniel
Barbet Chesapeake Bay Retriever Irish Water Spaniel Labrador Retriever Newfoundland Otterhound Portuguese Water Dog
American Cocker Spaniel Boston Terrier Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Chinese Crested Coton de Tulear English Foxhound Lowchen Norwegian Lundehund Old English Sheepdog Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen Shetland Sheepdog
Akita American Bulldog American Staffordshire Terrier Anatolian Shepherd Dog Australian Cattle Dog Beauceron Black Russian Terrier Bouvier des Flanders Briard Bullmastiff Cane Corso Chinese Shar-Pei Chow Chow Doberman Giant Schnauzer Great Dane Great Pyrenees Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Irish Terrier Komondor Kuvasz Mastiff Neapolitan Mastiff Rottweiler Scottish Terrier St Bernard Tibetan Mastiff
(suitable for a multi-pet household) American Cocker Spaniel Boston Terrier Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Chinese Crested Coton de Tulear English Foxhound
Lowchen Norwegian Lundehund Old English Sheepdog Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen Shetland Sheepdog
NEW CAR SHOPPING? Dogs are natural road warriors. It seems as soon as they see you grabbing the car keys, they’re on their feet, ready to act as your co-pilot. So if a new car is in your plans, consider these dog-friendly features:
EASY TO CLEAN. Dogs love to go to the park, swim, hike or take part in other activities that can result in muddy feet and hair. Other dogs, meanwhile, may get motion sick. Look for stain resistant, pleather or leather seats, easy to clean flooring and vinyl floor mats.
TINTED WINDOWS. It’s not just about looking cool, it’s about staying cool. A car can be 60% cooler with tinted windows. They also protect the driver and passengers from glare and 99% of harmful UV rays. Laws vary from province to province, with some provinces stipulating a percentage of light that must be let in.
REMOTE START. This allows you to start the car while you’re still in the house, leashing your dog.
POWER LIFT GATE. A power lift gate can be opened as you walk to the car so you can seamlessly load your dog into the car.
SEATS THAT FOLD DOWN FLAT. These work great for big dogs who may travel in the back with other cargo.
CEILING OR SIDE VENTS IN THE REAR OF THE VEHICLE. Hot air can easily get trapped in the back of a vehicle, especially an SUV. Additional vents make sure air circulates to the rear of the vehicle to keep your dog cool and comfortable.
CHILDPROOFED WINDOW SWITCHES. Excited dogs can accidentally step on window switches and open them by mistake. Childproofed switches eliminate the risk of your dog jumping or falling out an open window.
VEHICLE HEIGHT. While SUVs may be roomy for dogs, jumping in and out can be hard on their knees, especially those of older dogs, unless you use a ramp or steps.
AIRBAG SENSORS. If your small dog likes to ride shotgun in the front seat, look for vehicles that have a weight detector so he won’t be in danger of being hit with an airbag in case of an accident. Do remember, though, that dogs are safest if they’re wearing a doggie seat belt in the back seat.
CARGO SEPARATORS. If your dog travels in the back of your SUV or van, consider getting a cargo separator to protect him from falling items. When she’s not writing, Sandra Murphy works as a pet sitter.
GUIDE AND SERVICE DOGS – Everyday Heroes Make a Difference to Those With Disabilities
Photos courtesy: Shanell Mouland
Oakley, a graduate of the Certified Service Dog for Autism Program, is never far from Kate Mouland’s side.
The Canadian Association of Guide and Assistance Dog Schools, an umbrella group for member organizations accredited by the International Guide Dog Federation (IGDF) and/or Assistance Dogs International (ADI), has developed a list of industry-accepted definitions for service dogs:
It was difficult for the Mouland family to go to the grocery store, the movies, or even just walk down the street – activities many would consider part of normal family life. Their daughter Kate, aged five, was diagnosed with autism at age two, and doesn’t have a sense of fear. She didn’t like holding hands and would run off and make loud noises.
• GUIDE DOG – guides a person who is blind or visually impaired so they can navigate safely through pre-learned routes, with changes in elevation, stairs, curbs, and obstacles such as low-hanging branches;
“Everywhere we went we had an escape plan – we would go with two vehicles, and my wife and I would take turns going home with Kate,” says her father, Al. Everything changed for the Mouland family, who live near Saint John, New Brunswick, when they received Oakley, a service dog from National Service Dogs, a non-profit organization that developed the first Certified Service Dog for Autism Program of its kind in
or hard of hearing to specific sounds such as smoke alarms or telephones; •
Photo courtesy: Kate Mouland (age 5)
“Now when we go out, Kate is tethered to Oakley and she has an easier time of it – we call Oakley her ‘intelligence anchor’,” says Al. “She doesn’t run away and she is a lot calmer.”
“Our service dogs for children with autism increase safety levels for families, many of whom can now go on vacation for the first time,” says Danielle Forbes, Executive Director of National Service Dogs. “The dogs interrupt self-injuring behaviour by providing tactile stimulation. They also help children manage anxiety so they may be able to sleep through the night for the first time.”
SERVICE DOG – works for a person with a disability other than blindness or deafness. These dogs are trained to perform a wide variety of tasks including, but not limited to, pulling a wheelchair, bracing, retrieving, and alerting to or providing assistance in a medical crisis. Service dogs help people in wheelchairs, those with balance issues such as MS, people with autism, and those with less visible disabilities and illnesses such as epilepsy, type 1 diabetes, and post-traumatic stress disorder. The dogs can be trained to fetch items such as a phone or stylus, assist with dressing and undressing, retrieve food from a refrigerator, turn lights off and on, activate emergency buttons, detect changes in body chemistry, and more.
the world.
Over the last few years, there has been a growing demand for service dogs to support children with autism spectrum disorders. These dogs can help prevent a child from “bolting” or wandering off, as the child is anchored to the dog. Some children with autism are prone to meltdowns and don’t handle change well; during those times, they can go to the dog to selfsoothe. In addition, having a dog often provides a point of contact with others, giving the child an opportunity for social interaction.
HEARING DOG – alerts a person who is deaf
Kate, a budding photographer, snapped this photo of Oakley when she was just five years old.
Specially-trained canines assist individuals with a range of disabilities Photo courtesy: Jim Craigmyle Photography
Labrador Retrievers and Golden Retrievers seem particularly suited to service work.
Guide and service dogs help those with disabilities lead more independent lives, while keeping them safe so they are able to get out into the community to work and attend school or social events. Traditionally, guide dogs helped those with visual impairments, but canine programs have now expanded to provide assistance to those with a wide range of disabilities across a broad spectrum of ages. Along with National Service Dogs, there are a number of national and regional associations throughout Canada dedicated to training guide and service dogs, and connecting the animals with those who need them. Many organizations use specific breeds, chosen for their suitability to this demanding work.
“We use mainly Labrador Retrievers, and occasionally Golden Retrievers, as well as Standard and Miniature Poodles, which are good if there are allergies in the family,” says Jenny Gladish, Communications Manager of the Lions Foundation of Canada. “We find these breeds are well suited to the job.” John Wheelwright, Executive Director of Dogs with Wings Assistance Dog Society in Alberta, agrees that Labs are particularly good at being service dogs. “They’re easy to train, are social
and healthy, and can work with more than one person,” he says.“They bond with volunteer families and respond to instructors, then transfer their loyalty to clients.” Some organizations, including National Service Dogs and the Lions Foundation, even have their own breeding programs. This allows them to breed for the traits they look for in a good service dog. Sandra Cramer, Puppy Raising Supervisor with BC & Alberta Guide Dogs/Autism Support Dogs, chooses breeds that are balanced, have a desire to work and want to please people. “We pick dogs
with these traits for the breeding stock, and if they are healthy, to go through the training,” she says. “If the dogs aren’t suited to the work, we don’t force them.” Photo courtesy: BC & Alberta Guide Dogs
Jane Boake, founder and teacher of The Canine Opportunity, People Empowerment (COPE) program, which uses high school students to train service dogs, adds that she chooses dogs for their calmness, willingness to work, and low prey drive (such as running after squirrels).
Special training starts early Typically, at the age of eight weeks, puppies enter a program with volunteer families under the guidance of a supervisor. This lasts about 18 months, during which puppies learn obedience, manners, socialization and how to behave in public spaces. After that, the 68
Photo courtosy: BC & Alberta Guide Dogs
dogs go into several months of adult training before being selected for their guide or service dog specialties. They are then matched with clients, who either travel to the training facility, or work with a trainer in their own homes, to learn about living with their animals. A COPE service dog is paired twice – first with a high school student who learns job skills while training the dog, and then with a person using a wheelchair. During their training, the dogs are reading buddies for elementary students and visit seniors in care residences. Most organizations have waiting lists for those who need dogs. “Our wait time for autistic support dogs is about two years,” says John.“Our goal is to get dogs for
children when they’re aged five to seven years. We encourage families to apply early, but for some, it’s hard to get a diagnosis.”
Asher and his Autism Support Dog, Landon, recently graduated as the 33rd team from BC & Alberta Guide Dogs’ Autism Support Dogs division.
Getting involved Most non-profit organizations provide guide and service dogs at no charge to their clients. Therefore, since it costs between $25,000 and $40,000 to train each animal, there is an ongoing need for funding.
“Approximately 25% of our donations come from Lions Clubs across Canada, and we raise the remainder from donors and at events,” says Jenny. Dogs with Wings aims to expand their program to meet the demand. “We now have between 40 to 60 dogs
in our training program, which we are hoping to increase by about 30,” says John. To ensure that guide and service dogs continue providing help to those in need, there are many ways you can get involved – by volunteering as a puppy raiser, making a donation, or taking part in a fundraiser. For the Moulands, having Oakley in their home has made a world of difference.“Having a service dog has taken
the stress off my wife and myself, knowing that Kate is safe,” says Al. “Oakley has given our family peace of mind and the freedom to relax.”
Joanne Culley received her MA in English Literature from the University of Toronto. She is an award-winning writer and documentary producer whose work appears in the Globe and Mail, Peterborough Examiner, Kawartha Cottage, Our Canada, Zoomer Magazine, CBC, Bravo, and TVOntario. Her book, Love in the Air: Second World War Letters is available at friesenpress.com.
IDENTIFYING AND BEHAVING AROUND GUIDE AND SERVICE DOGS Dogs from many organizations have distinctive harnesses and crests, with logos from the International Guide Dog Federation (IGDF) and Assistance Dogs International (ADI), and sometimes a “Do not pet” sign. Guide dogs for those who are blind typically wear just a harness. Others, such as COPE service dogs, wear backpacks with a logo. “When our dogs are in training, they wear jackets that say BC & Alberta Guide Dogs in Training,” says Sandra. “Our autism service dogs wear blue jackets and certification logos.” When you’re around guide and service dogs, it’s important not to disrupt the bond between the handler and the dog. “Do not pet the dog, call out, offer food or otherwise distract him,” she says. “Keep a safe distance away, and speak just to the person if you need to. Guide dogs learn regular routes, so it is not necessary to intervene, unless asked.” Legislation regarding guide and service dogs varies from province to province. In Alberta for instance, the Service Dog Act allows public access to restaurants and other public spaces but requires handlers to carry an ID card with the name of the program and organization they’re associated with. In Ontario, the Disabled Persons’ Service Dog Act ensures access to accommodation, services and facilities in any place where the public is admitted.
GAME TIME! Spending time with your best buddy can be as simple as curling up together on the couch. But if you’re looking for something a bit more active and a lot more fun, why not consider getting involved in one of the many canine sports out there. Your dog will love the exercise and mental stimulation, and you’ll both benefit from a stronger bond. Here are a few of the latest pastimes that canines are giving a big “paws up”:
Sniffing out fun with Nose Work No matter what size or shape, dogs everywhere love to catch a scent. Nose Work, a relatively new sport on the scene, provides a positive outlet for a dog’s natural ability. The goal of Nose Work is for the dog to locate a hidden target scent, then alert his handler to its exact location. Boasting 225 million olfactory cells compared to our measly five million, canine noses out-sniff ours by miles, so it’s not surprising dogs love and excel at this sport. With a little practice, anyone can do Nose Work in any setting. It’s a great way to build your dog’s confidence, provide mental and physical exercise, and strengthen the bond between you.
How to do it You’ll need a collection of small 4. Leave some of the boxes that cardboard boxes and a handful formerly had treats empty so of healthy treats, such as pieces of he knows to find actual treats dehydrated meat or raw carrot. and not just old smells. 1. Put a treat in an open box where your dog can get at it. Leave the lid open.
5. Now the fun begins. Put a lid on the boxes, fold the flaps shut, turn a box upside down, put a box inside another box, 2. When he finds the treat, reward and/or reduce the number of him with a couple more treats. boxes containing treats. This way, your dog will have to use 3. Slowly add more open boxes his nose to find the treats, and and more treats. not simply rely on sight. This is the basis of Nose Work.
THE NEXT LEVEL If you want to go further with Nose Work, and perhaps even compete in events, consider enrolling your dog in a National Association of Canine Scent Work class. Nose Work is not just for fun or titles. It also forms the basis for bomb, drug, arson or search and rescue training. And it all starts with a treat in a box! For more information about Nose Work, check out k9Nose Work.com, nacsw. net and youtube.com (search canine or dog Nose Work)
Give Treibball a try! Sometimes referred to as urban herding, Treibball (pronounced “try-ball”) combines herding and obedience, but instead of using live animals like sheep or ducks, participants “herd” balls – ranging from soccer-sized to giant Pilates balls – into goals. Treibball is a great way for dogs and their people to have fun together, work on problem-solving skills, practice obedience, and form a stronger bond. It’s especially good for dogs that crave and enjoy activity and challenge. Border Collies, Shetland Sheepdogs, Corgis and Australian Shepherds are among the breeds recognized as herding dogs but Treibball also appeals to many other breeds as well. Titles have even been won by a Papillon as well as a Cairn Terrier.
Getting started
To learn the basics, take a Treibball class. Usually the classes begin indoors, where the dogs learn the skills that they’ll transfer outdoors. Obedience is a prerequisite because your dog must work off-leash in order to learn the sport. Treibball training is all positive, with lots of rewards such as treats or a chance to play with a favourite toy. A basic Treibball class involves training your dog to go to a designated spot, to walk and wait, move left or right, stay at a distance, touch the ball with his nose or shoulder (no biting), push it in a straight direction into the goal, and to stand.
Graduating to competition Although Treibball classes start with just one ball per dog, experienced canines work with as many as eight in preparation for competition. The handler stands near the goal and works with the dog to bring each of the balls to the goal in a specific order. Speed is also important – you and your dog have ten minutes to get all eight balls in the goal.
Many benefits Treibball is great exercise for a dog’s mind and body, and is perfect for dogs who excel at obedience and love both herding and chasing.
TO LEARN MORE Visit Treibballcanada.yolasite.com, americanTreibballassociation.org or worldTreibballleague.com, or check out the ATA’s YouTube channel at youtube.com/user/AmericanTreibball. 72
Making a splash with Dock Diving Calling all water babies! If your dog enjoys the water, Dock Diving, aka Dock Jumping, might tick all the boxes for you and your best friend.
Dock Diving simulates a fun day at the cottage, with canines leaping, jumping and soaring from a 40-foot dock into a 40-foot pool. The dogs compete to see who can bound the farthest or highest, depending on the discipline. There are four disciplines in all:
Big Air – essentially a long jump for dogs, where canines compete for the longest distance.
Extreme Vertical – basically a high jump competition for dogs. The bumper is suspended above the water. Dogs are required to “grab” or knock down the bumper.
Speed Retrieve – starting with a big jump off the dock, dogs swim to the other end of the pool to retrieve a bumper. Fastest time wins.
Iron Dog
-- similar to a triathlon, dogs compete in all three disciplines – Big Air, Speed Retrieve and Extreme Vertical. The goal is to achieve the highest number of points.
Where to begin Dock Diving is easier if your dog has a natural “toy drive”. Floatable toys are permitted in the sport and essential when first teaching your dog to jump off the dock. Use your dog’s favourite floatable toy – the one she really absolutely loves – so when you throw it in the water, your dog will want to jump in after it. As you get more experienced, you’ll find the technique that works best for you and your dog. Once your dog has mastered his part of the fun, you can take the time to perfect your own skills. After all, the pros say “it’s all in the throw”!
TO LEARN MORE dockdogs.ca, ultimateairdogscanada.ca, ontariodockdogs.com or search “Dock Jumping” on youtube.com.
Skijoring in a winter wonderland” Looking for a winter activity for you and your dog? How about Skijoring? If it sounds European, that’s because it is! Derived from the Norwegian word for “ski-driving”, Skijoring (pronounced skee-johr-ing) is a popular competitive sport in Scandinavia, where dogs and their people have been “skiing” together for generations. Canada’s snowy climate makes it a natural for this exciting winter sport, which involves harnessing yourself to a dog or two, and hitting the cross-country trails in style. While some dogs seem to have a natural inclination for this kind of winter exercise, any dog over 30 pounds can participate. And don’t fret if you’re not a great skier. You can learn as you go. For beginners, start out on well-groomed trails with a fair amount of space. Once you’ve got the hang of it, you can advance to backcountry trails. Since you can work your way up to quite a speed, it’s important your dog is welltrained, and listens to your directions.
What you’ll need 1. A Skijoring belt, which hooks to a quick-release line. The Skijoring line has an internal bungee at one end that absorbs the shock when you start out, or if you fall. 2. An x-back harness for each dog. The quick-release line attaches to this. 3. Cross-country skis. Beginners can use regular track skis, while more advanced
Skijorers use skate skis for speed or back country skis for off-trail adventures. 4. Doggie equipment. Depending on your dog’s breed, you may wish to outfit him with properly-fitted dog boots to protect his pads on the trail. If it’s particularly cold, you may consider a lightweight coat. 5. Water and a collapsible bowl for breaks along the trail.
To learn more Check out one of the regional organizations by googling your area, and catch some videos on youtube.com. There are several online stores that offer equipment. Sandra Murphy is a freelance writer who also works as a pet sitter. 74
Dog coat shopping Finding the balance between quality, fit and fashion. BY ANN BRIGHTMAN
Whatever the weather, it’s important to make sure your dog gets some outdoor exercise every day. When it’s cold or wet, you can make his walks more comfortable and enjoyable by fitting him out with a warm, waterproof coat. “Domestic dogs are no longer bred to withstand the tough climates they are often exposed to,” says Stephanie King, Marketing Coordinator for Greenhawk, makers of Shedrow dog coats. “Coats prevent moisture buildup on wet and cold days.” The coat you choose depends on your dog’s breed and hair type, although protection against the elements is helpful for any pooch. “If you have a dog with shorter hair, he will need a coat with more fill, while a dog with thick hair may only need a shell or other lighter material,” says Stephanie.
3 Look at how the coat fastens. Is it going to be easy to put on and take off? Are the fasteners durable and adjustable? Does it have stretchy back leg straps to keep the coat from twisting and turning during wear? Some coats have reflective piping, great if you walk your dog late at night or early in the morning.
4 The
coat must also be properly fitted to your dog. If it doesn’t fit right, it’ll be uncomfortable and could even be harmful if it’s too tight around his middle, or so loose he can wriggle out of it. Check the company’s sizing chart to find the right back length and chest measurement for your own dog. Check the fit on a regular basis and adjust or replace the coat when it gets too small for him.
5 Now that the practicalities have been taken care of, you can SHOP SMART consider fashion. “A coat with fun patterns and colours is a 1 The first rule of thumb when shopping for a dog coat is to great way to show off your style,” Stephanie says. go for good quality. Look for top quality materials finished with practical details to make them functional.
“You also need to determine how much fill you want the coat lined with (or if you need any fill at all),” adds Stephanie. A Beagle will need a warmer and thicker coat than a Siberian Husky, for example.
By fitting your best friend out with a good quality weatherproof coat, you’ll be protecting him from the worst of the elements when you’re out and about. A warm, dry dog is a happy dog!
GETTING HIM USED TO IT If your dog or puppy has never worn a coat before, Stephanie recommends: • Getting your dog accustomed to the sound of the Velcro fastening before putting the coat on. Each time you “rip” the Velcro, give him a treat so he comes to associate the sound with something good – this is positive reinforcement training.
• Gently placing the coat on your dog and using positive reinforcement to help get him acclimatized to the sensation. Make sure he is completely accustomed to the coat before you take him out for his first walk in it.
HOUSEHOLD CLEANERS These non-toxic alternatives to chemical-laden cleaners keep your house fresh and sparkling – and your dog safe and healthy.
GREEN IS IN! And that’s wonderful news for our four-legged friends, whose shorter life spans and proximity to the ground make them more susceptible to pollutants. One place we can make a really positive impact is inside our homes. 76
According to the Ottawa Humane Society, household cleaners such as detergents, bleaches, disinfectants and floor cleaners are among the top products that can negatively impact canine health. Depending on whether they’re touched, inhaled or ingested, they can cause a wide range of problems, from skin irritation to respiratory issues, and over the long term, even genetic damage and cancer. Fortunately, you don’t have to use these products!
Read labels. When looking for a household cleaner that’s both safe
and effective, it’s important to do some research – and make sure that research comes from a reliable source. “There is a lot of misinformation on the Internet about cleaners and disinfectants,” says Michelle Woolf, CEO of EMebKo Enterprises Inc./OdorTECH of Canada, makers of the NokOut odor eliminator and BioCleanz disinfectant. “Reading labels is important. Make sure the label says the product is safe for pets, and apply it as directed.” She adds that companies often change their ingredients and cautionary statements, so it’s important to check labels on a regular basis to make sure nothing has been altered.
Bad guys
Chlorine Creosol Ethylene glycol Formaldehyde Hydrochloric acid Nitrobenzene Perchloroethylene Sodium hydroxide Sodium hypochlorite Trichloroethane Triclosan Turpentine Xylene
Know what to avoid. The problem is, how do you determine what’s safe and what isn’t? Commercial household cleaners typically include a long list of unpronounceable chemical names and most of us have no idea what they are or what they do. To help, see the sidebar for a list of some of some ingredients to steer clear of, along with some safer alternatives.
Consider efficacy. Are “natural” non-toxic cleaners as effective as the “big guns” when it comes to killing germs? “It all depends on the efficacy you’re looking for and the germs you want to kill,” says Michelle. “One disinfectant is not equal to another and ‘natural’ does not necessarily mean not harmful. Some are better at killing certain germs, others may contribute to the creation of superbugs. “In Canada, we have checks and balances to ensure disinfectants are as effective as they claim. A product claiming disinfection must be a Health Canada registered product with a DIN (Drug Identification Number). They must go through rigid tests to prove they can do what they claim, and must disclose any dangers associated with the product.” Michelle recommends buying a cleaner that is not only labelled safe for pets, but is effective on a broad spectrum. “This gives you the best of both worlds, ensuring you are safe from dangerous germs, and your pets are safe from dangerous chemicals. Also remember that efficacy is only as good as the application in a real world environment, so follow the instructions on the label.”
Good guys
Baking soda Beeswax Cornstarch Distilled white vinegar Enzymes Hydrogen peroxide Lemon juice Sodium perborate Sodium percarbonate Zeolite
HOW TO MAKE A CLEANER There are a variety of wonderful natural cleaning products on the market these days. If you have some time, you can even try your hand at making your own cleaners. All you need are a few simple ingredients that you probably already have on hand: baking soda, vinegar, lemon juice, salt and a few essential oils. There’s just one caveat when it comes to these cleaners, according to Michelle. “They may not be effective for certain strains of harmful bacteria and viruses,” she cautions. “For example, vinegar will not kill staphylococcus bacteria.” For basic cleaning and sanitizing, however, the following are great choices.
Vinegar is a great all-purpose cleaning agent. It can be mixed with warm water (one cup of vinegar per gallon of water is a good combination) to wash counters, floors, tubs, porcelain sinks, faucets, and other surfaces. For extra sanitizing oomph in the kitchen and bathroom, add a few drops of pure tea tree or eucalyptus oil, both of which have disinfecting and antiseptic qualities. As your mother can probably attest, vinegar has also long been regarded as an excellent glass cleaner for windows and mirrors.
Baking soda is mildly abrasive and has antiseptic properties. When mixed with vinegar, it froths up to form a good all-round cleaner. For a blocked drain, put in equal parts of baking soda and vinegar, wait awhile while the mixture works its magic, then pour in some boiling water to clear the blockage. A vinegar and baking soda mix can also be used to clean the toilet. Let it sit awhile before brushing and flushing.
Lemon juice is antiseptic and antibacterial, has a fresh clean scent, and is good for imparting sparkle to surfaces. It can be used in place of vinegar to clean glass – four tablespoons in half a gallon of water should do the trick. A mixture of one part lemon juice to two parts olive oil makes an effective furniture polish.
today’s market offers a number of non-toxic cleaners.
is more abrasive than baking soda and can be added to cleaning mixtures when extra scrubbing power is required. It’s also good for polishing metal when combined in equal parts with vinegar and flour.
Essential oils
are a natural alternative to the synthetic scents found in many commercial cleaners, many of which can cause unpleasant reactions in both people and dogs. Some essential oils also have antiseptic, antibacterial or anti-fungal properties, which makes them ideal as cleaner ingredients. Along with tea tree and eucalyptus oils, you can use citrus, lavender, rose, cinnamon, geranium or rosemary oils. Keep in mind, however, that even essential oils need to be used with care. Your dog’s sense of smell is many times stronger than yours, so you only need to add a few drops to your cleaning recipes. Essential oils should always be diluted and not used neat, especially around pets. Also be sure to buy pure, high quality oils.
Ann Brightman is Managing Editor for Animal Wellness Magazine and Integrative Veterinary Care Journal. A lifelong animal lover, she has also been a writer and editor for over 25 years. Ann is a member of the Professional Writers Association of Canada and lives in Cobourg, Ontario.
Heading out on a holiday? Chances are, you’re planning to take your furry friend along with you. 80
• Let your dog approach other people unless they express an interest in greeting and petting her. Not all your fellow guests will love animals as much as you do. • Allow your dog to get too close to another doggie guest without asking permission first.
Whatever your destination, you’ll most likely find at least one hotel, inn, cottage or B&B that will accept animals. The following “pet etiquette” suggestions will help ensure a relaxing and enjoyable stay for everyone.
• Call ahead to make reservations, and to find out if there are any restrictions on the size and number of animals the accommodation will accept. Some won’t take dogs over a certain weight, or may charge extra. • Ask about extra amenities that may be provided for doggie guests. Some offer blankets, towels, bowls, and/or toys. • Find out ahead of time what rules and regulations are in place for animals. And be sure to follow them. For example, health regulations require that animals be kept out of areas where food is being prepared or served. Swimming pools are usually also off-limits. • Ensure your animal is house-trained and able to obey basic commands. • Keep your animal quiet, especially at night. • Pack some safe, clean chew toys so your dog won’t be tempted to try her teeth out on a table leg. • Keep doggie poop bags on hand at all times. Always pick up after your animal, especially if she has an accident indoors.
• Leave your dog alone in your room. Some become stressed when left on their own in a strange place and may bark, damage furnishings, or try to escape if a housekeeper opens the door. There’s also the danger that your companion could be stolen while you’re out. • Let your animal sleep on beds or chairs. Some places provide bedding for animals, or you can bring your dog’s own bed, a blanket or a crate for her to sleep in (if she’s crate-trained). • Permit your dog to run loose in the halls. You never know who you’ll run into. Keep her leashed whenever you’re in common areas. • Place water and food bowls on carpeting in case of spills. Instead, bring along a placemat for feeding time, or place bowls on tile floors. • Allow your dog to track dirt and mud into the accommodation. Carry a small towel or pet wipes to clean her feet before you go inside.
eona Helmsley, the billionaire hotel heiress (nicknamed the “Queen of Mean”), left a $12 million trust fund to her Maltese dog, Trouble, and nothing for two of her grandchildren, when she died at age 87 in 2007. Not surprisingly, the disinherited grandchildren challenged Trouble’s trust fund in court on the grounds that Grandmother was not of sound mind. A judge reduced the trust fund to $2 million, leaving Trouble considerably poorer, but still a pampered pooch by any measure. Of the remaining funds, $4,000,000 went to a charitable trust while the grandchildren who had been cut out of the will each received $3,000,000.
L eona Helmsley’s decision to leave $12 million to her dog made Fortune Magazine’s list of “101 Dumbest Moments in Business” of 2007 (it actually appeared as number three on the list). Nevertheless, Trouble’s legal travails hold important lessons for everyone concerned about the welfare of their pets when they are gone. More than half of all Canadian households have a dog or cat, according to stats from a 2001 IPSOS-REID study on pet ownership (Paws & Claws). Furthermore, eight in ten pet owners (83%) consider their pets family members. So it only makes sense that we would want to provide for these “family members” should something unexpected happen.
WHAT IS THE LEGAL STATUS OF DOGS IN CANADA? The charitable trust Leona Helmsley established for Trouble is valid in 40 US states. In fact, the US is currently the only country in the world that recognizes statutory pet trusts. In Canada, under the common law, pets are considered property. Since property can’t own property, you cannot transfer property to your dog in your will. In most jurisdictions, you also can’t make an animal a beneficiary to a traditional trust. A beneficiary has to be able to enforce the trustee’s duties, something an animal can’t do. An animal does not have standing in court. While minors and mentally incompetent people may be represented by a litigation guardian, this legal protection has yet to be extended to animals. Canadian dog lovers shouldn’t despair, however. There are other means of providing for your dog when you’re gone. 1. Rather than establishing a trust, people can make informal arrangements for their dogs such as finding a caregiver and making a handshake agreement. If you want to give the arrangement legal teeth, you can make a conditional gift to the caregiver in trust. For example, the trust might stipulate that for every year the caregiver maintains the dog in good health, he or she shall receive $3,000.
2. You can also make bequests for the greater good of pets in general. This may be done through a specific bequest in a will, such as gifting a Humane Society $10,000, or through a gift over clause. These clauses are also referred to as “disaster clauses”. They address the following scenario: in the event that everyone named in your will predeceases you, who do you want to leave your estate to? I generally advise clients to name charitable organizations they support as beneficiaries in the gift over clause, and non-profits dedicated to animal welfare and rights are certainly worthy potential beneficiaries. 3. You may also consider naming your lawyer in the gift over clause, though to date I have not yet had any clients take me up on this suggestion!
Even when a pet owner employs proper legal instruments to provide for a pet, the decision may sometimes be challenged in court. The charitable trust Leona Helmsley created for Trouble was legal in New York as a statutory pet trust. But Manhattan Surrogate Court Judge Renee Roth substantially reduced the size of the trust on the grounds that it was not reasonable. The court did uphold many of the provisions in the charitable trust, including the annual $100,000 earmarked for full-time security for Trouble, the $60,000 annual guardian fee, $8,000 for grooming and $1,200 for food. The takeaway lesson is that a court has the power to reduce the size of a legally enforceable charitable trust established for a pet, if it is considered excessive.
Michael Rappaport is a family and estates lawyer in Ottawa. If you want to learn more about estate planning for pets please read Fat Cats and Lucky Dogs – Leaving (Some of) Your Estate to Your Pets by Toronto lawyer Barry Seltzer and Texas Tech Law Professor Gerry W. Beyer.
How to create a
When I welcome a new client at my grooming salon, the first thing I ask is “Do you have a grooming plan?” Most people usually do a double take. “A grooming what?” they ask. The undeniable truth of the matter is that in between visits to the grooming salon, you and your family are responsible for maintaining your dog’s coat. But how do you manage that coat? That’s where a customized Proactive Grooming Plan comes in.
Here’s the Plan
You have a vision of the way you want your dog to look. Do you like a breed-specific trim? Long, flowing hair? Do you want your dog to “dog”…meaning play in the off-leash park, swim in the river? Hike? This lifestyle generally isn’t conducive to long hair.
You have consulted with a groomer in advance of the appointment. Have you selected a groomer yet? It’s a good idea to interview several, check credentials and experience, and get references. Also, make sure your pet stylist is familiar with your breed.
You know how frequently you must come in for maintenance. Again, your pet stylist can help you with this. For example, a wire-haired breed (Scottish Terrier, for example) must have his coat “rolled” at specific intervals in order to develop the proper look and coat texture. Other coats, like a Poodle’s, require professional sculpting every four to six weeks, with brushing and combined sessions at home to maintain the coat condition.
Proactive Grooming Plan can
Dogs with a expect a:
Beautiful, healthy coat with no mats. Matted, dirty coats often create and camouflage skin problems. More comfortable experience without painful dematting. De-matting, if it can be done, involves lots of pulling and can cause discomfort and complications, including brush burn. Grooming experience that feels like pampering instead of punishment. Good relationship with the stylist, who gets to know your dog (and who your dog gets to know) rather than visiting a stranger every time. Regular routine, which reduces stress for everyone.
You know how much and how often to brush between visits. Your stylist can design a customized schedule for your needs. For example, the average Shih Tzu in a 1” scissor cut requires 20 minutes of brushing and combing three times each week.
You have the proper tools for your dog’s coat. Single and double coats require different tools. Your stylist can recommend the tools you specifically need.
You have had a brushing/ combing lesson so you know the proper techniques. Many dog owners brush the “top coat” and don’t get to the problematic mats at skin level. Your stylist can show you how to reach these problem areas.
What a Reactive Grooming Plan looks like: • You wait until the hair gets out of control to visit a salon.
• You assume that while the coat is growing out, you don’t need to brush. •
You call several salons to see who can squeeze you in rather than pre-booking.
• You don’t have the same stylist. • You don’t understand why your groomer keeps shaving your dog. • You are often angry/unsatisfied with the appearance of your dog after
a groom.
• You find it stressful to bring your dog to a salon.
You have a designated area in your home for coat maintenance. It’s a good idea to keep your grooming tools here so you always know where they are. Using the same space reinforces the “routine” aspect for your dog.
You see the same stylist every time. This allows for a more open dialogue and reduces anxiety for your dog.
You have pre-booked appointments at a salon up to a year in advance. That’s not to say you can’t reschedule, but having set appointments takes away the stress of remembering to book an appointment.
You are not stressed bringing your dog to a salon. If you are calm and relaxed coming in, your dog will be too!
You’ve thought about any seasonal changes you might want, and know what will be required to get there. If you are growing out your dog’s coat for the winter, visit your stylist frequently so she/he can help you train it. Waiting until it is long enough, and then coming in, is a recipe for disaster.
Slicker brush
(for most breeds)
Grooming factoids • A Standard Poodle in Show Coat can take up to 19 hours/week of
Greyhound metal comb
(exposes tangles and mats)
maintenance. If you can’t make this kind of commitment, you may need to adjust your expectations.
• A good breeder can teach you how to maintain your pet’s coat. • Most salons offer their regular clientele complimentary brushing and
combing lessons.
Undercoat rake
(removes thick shedding undercoat)
• Regular grooming at home can be a fun bonding experience for you and
your dog.
• Training your dog to accept grooming and handling is an important part
De-shedding tool (for double coated breeds to remove shedding hair)
Bristle brush (for bringing up natural oils)
of his social and behavioural development.
• If your dog doesn’t enjoy grooming, don’t give up! Consistent, regular
reinforcement is key.
Jeanette Embree is an award-winning pet stylist and owner of A Royal Touch Pooch Parlour in Calgary, AB. She has 21 years’ experience as a pet stylist, and obtained her National Certified Master Groomer Designation from the National Dog Groomers Association of America in 1997. Jeanette is owned by a posse of Parti-Pomeranians.
ost dogs love attention – especially from their families. But did you know it’s beneficial too? Appropriate touching not only helps lower your dog’s stress hormones, it can also help bring down your own blood pressure! Dr. Rebecca Johnson, director for research at the Center for the Study of Animal Wellness at the College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Missouri, and her colleague, veterinarian Richard Meadows, have been researching how gentle touching and stroking affects dogs. Their preliminary findings show positive changes in the production of stressrelieving chemicals such as serotonin, beta-endorphins and dopamine, and a decrease in the stress hormone, cortisol. Healthy touching pays off in another way as well. Biofeedback and other brainwave tests have shown that gentle touching heightens the brain wave patterns associated with learning and logical thinking. In other words, soft touching and stroking can make your dog smarter!
sweet potato and honey crisps These are so delicious you’ll want to share them with your whole family!
note: For extra crispy treats, let the oven cool to 250ºF,
then return them to the oven for a further 20 minutes, checking regularly to ensure they don’t burn. Store as below. ingredients 3 sweet potatoes (about 1 pound), thinly sliced 1/4 cup cold extracted extra virgin olive oil 1½ teaspoons local honey 1 tablespoon (or more to taste) of seasoning blend (e.g. organic dulse with garlic, Herbés de Provence, cinnamon and carob)
instructions Preheat oven to 425ºF. Line two cookie sheets with parchment paper. Baste sweet potatoes with olive oil and honey blend. Gently warming the oil and honey first will make basting very easy. Sprinkle potatoes with selected seasoning blend. Bake for 15 minutes, then take the cookie sheets out of the oven, gently turn over the sweet potatoes, sprinkle with a little extra seasoning, and return to the oven for another 15 minutes. Transfer sweet potatoes to a plate lined with a paper towel, let them cool completely, then store in an airtight container in the fridge. (That is, if they last that long - I won’t tell you how many of ours disappear before they even find their way to a plate!)
Recipe from The Animal Wellness Natural Cookbook for Dogs AnimalWellnessMagazine.com/cookbook
The benefits of sweet potato:
Sweet potatoes are very rich in antioxidants, and they are also referred to as an “anti-diabetic food” because recent research has demonstrated that sweet potatoes can help to stabilize blood sugar levels and lower insulin resistance. They also have anti-inflammatory properties and are soothing to the digestive tract. Sweet potatoes contain vitamin A, in the form of beta carotene, vitamin C, vitamin B-6, vitamin E, copper, dietary fibre, iron, manganese, and potassium. CDNdogs.ca
Connect with us online for the latest on breeds, events, fun stories, and tips and tricks for a healthy, happy dog. Want to learn more about your favourite dog breeds? Join us on social media for our Breed of the Week series!
Congratulations to Cheryl Michaud and Charlie aka Charming Charlie of Saint Basile, NB on winning our “2015 Free Dog Food for a Year” contest. Four-and-a half-year-old Charlie is a bundle of energy whose favourite exercise is walking, especially on the treadmill. “When he is ready for his walk,” says Cheryl, “he will sit on the machine until someone flicks the switch. He also enjoys spending time with his furry friends at the local dog park. Charlie is just so adogable (adorable) that everyone easily falls for his charms!” 90
Petplan’s Fur-st Class Pack
gives puppies a paw up on perfect health!
pup’s first few weeks at home are exciting, but as Rover sniffs out his new house, there’s a chance he’ll dig up health trouble. The last thing a new pet parent wants to worry about is paying for unexpected veterinary care – and that’s when Petplan saves the day. No matter what the health hiccup – whether it’s an accidental poisoning, a run-in with the neighborhood cat, or tummy troubles from trying new food – Petplan helps pets get the care they need, at a cost that’s easy to swallow. The Fur-st Class Pack lets breeders sign puppies up for 30 days of free Petplan protection. This special policy reimburses 80% of unexpected veterinary expenses after a $100 deductible, with up to $1,000 in coverage – and it costs nothing for breeders or pet parents to try it. The free trial gives pet parents peace of mind that their costs can be cut without sacrificing care, and reduces the chance that they’ll return a pup because of a health problem. Petplan’s pack is open to all North American breeders, and signing up is simple. Just register online, sign the Responsible Breeder Charter and start enrolling puppies. Membership gives you the backing of one of the most trusted providers of pet insurance, and helps galvanize your reputation as a bestin-class breeder. Find the Fur-st Class Pack at GoPetplan.com/breeders and put your pups on the road to good health for life.
breed DIRE
WELCOME TO OUR BREEDER DIRECTORY. This is a wonderful resource if you’re looking for a purebred dog or a rare dog. The breed summaries give you a brief but fascinating
glimpse into the history, appearance and care of each breed. Please note we’ve rated exercise and grooming requirements based on the legend below.
BEFORE YOU START HUNTING FOR YOUR NEW BEST FRIEND, we suggest reading through our “10 questions to ask a breeder before you buy” on page 12. It’ll help ensure that you enjoy success with your new pup. This is a paid advertising section and we’ve made every effort to ensure the information is presented accurately. The publisher cannot be held responsible for any claims made in the advertising listings, or any issues that arise as a result of errors or omissions.
the groups GROUP 1 - SPORTING DOGS Bred to assist hunters on land or in water Barbet Griffon (Wire Haired Pointing) Lagotto Romagnolo Pointer (German Long-Haired) Pointer (German Short-Haired) Pointer (German Wire-Haired) Retriever (Chesapeake Bay) Retriever (Curly Coated) Retriever (Flat-Coated) Retriever (Golden) Retriever (Labrador) Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling) Setter (English) Setter (Gordon) Setter (Irish) Setter (Irish Red and White) Spaniel (American Cocker) 92
legend Very minimal Minimal Average More than average Maximum
DOGS HAVE LIVED ALONGSIDE HUMANS FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS. Over that time, they’ve been bred to serve many roles, from helping hunt game, to containing vermin, to snuggling. The Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) categorizes dogs based on seven different groups. Though the breeds in our Rare Breeds Directory are not yet recognized by the CKC, we’ve included them in their own section.
Spaniel (Brittany) Spaniel (Clumber) Spaniel (English Cocker) Spaniel (English Springer) Spaniel (Irish Water) Spaniel (Welsh Springer) Spinone Italiano Vizsla (Smooth-Haired) Weimaraner
GROUP 2 - HOUNDS Bred to hunt by scent or sight Afghan Hound Basenji Basset Hound Beagle Black and Tan Coonhound Bloodhound Borzoi Dachshund (Miniature Long-Haired)
Dachshund (Miniature Smooth-Haired) Dachshund (Miniature Wire-Haired) Dachshund (Standard Wire-Haired) Deerhound (Scottish) English Foxhound Finnish Spitz Greyhound Ibizan Hound Irish Wolfhound Norrbottenspets Norwegian Elkhound Norwegian Lundehund Otterhound Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen Pharoah Hound Rhodesian Ridgeback Saluki Shikoku Whippet
CTORY GROUP 3 - WORKING DOGS Bred to guard, pull and rescue Akita Alaskan Malamute Bernese Mountain Dog Black Russian Terrier Boxer Bullmastiff Canaan Dog Canadian Eskimo Dog Cane Corso Doberman Pinscher Entlebucher Mountain Dog Eurasier Field Spaniel Great Dane Great Pyrenees Karelian Bear Dog Komondor Kuvasz Leonberger Mastiff Newfoundland Portuguese Water Rottweiler Samoyed Schnauzer (Giant ) Siberian Husky St. Bernard Tibetan Mastiff
GROUP 4 - TERRIERS Bred to hunt and kill vermin Airedale Terrier American Staffordshire Terrier Australian Terrier Bedlington Terrier Border Terrier Bull Terrier Bull Terrier (Miniature) Cairn Terrier Cesky Terrier Dandie Dinmont Terrier Fox Terrier (Wire) Irish Terrier Kerry Blue Terrier
Lakeland Terrier Manchester Terrier Norfolk Terrier Norwich Terrier Parson Russell Terrier Schnauzer (Miniature) Scottish Terrier Sealyham Terrier Silky Terrier Skye Terrier Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Staffordshire Bull Terrier Welsh Terrier West Highland White Terrier
GROUP 5 - TOYS Bred for companionship Affenpinscher Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Chihuahua (Long Coat) Chihuahua (Short Coat) Chinese Crested Coton de Tulear Griffon (Brussels) Havanese Italian Greyhound Maltese Papillon Pekingese Pomeranian Poodle (Toy) Pug Toy Fox Terrier Yorkshire Terrier
GROUP 6 - NON-SPORTING A diverse group of dogs that don’t fit into other groups American Eskimo Dog Bichon Frise Boston Terrier Bulldog Chinese Shar-Pei Chow Chow Dalmatian French Bulldog German Pinscher
Keeshond Lhasa Apso Lowchen Poodle (Miniature) Poodle (Standard) Schipperke Shiba Inu Shih Tzu Tibetan Spaniel Tibetan Terrier
GROUP 7 - HERDING Bred to manage the movements of other animals Australian Cattle Dog Australian Kelpie Australian Shepherd Bearded Collie Belgian Shepherd Dog Border Collie Bouviers des Flandres Briard Collie (Rough) Collie (Smooth) Dutch Shepherd Dog Finnish Lapphund German Shepherd Dog Iceland Sheepdog Norwegian Buhund Old English Sheepdog Polish Lowland Sheepdog Portuguese Sheepdog Puli Schapendoes Shetland Sheepdog Swedish Vallhund Welsh Corgi (Cardigan) Welsh Corgi (Pembroke)
RARE BREEDS Bolognese Miniature Australian Shepherd Pumi Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka Schappandoes (Dutch Sheepdog) Shiloh Shepherd CDNdogs.ca
History In the 1600s, dogs resembling the Affenpinscher were bred in Germany to rid homes and stables of vermin. Over the next hundred years, selective breeding produced a slightly smaller dog with superb ratting skills and a lively, sociable nature. It’s likely the German Pinscher, the Schnauzer and the Pug all played a part in the Affenpinscher’s development. The spirited, black-bearded terriers became part of the household -- a position documented in European art from the 15th to 18th centuries. Studying the Affenpinscher’s bearded face, it’s easy to see the origin of the breed’s nickname: “Monkey Terrier”.
History Originating around the borders of Afghanistan, India, and Pakistan, the Afghan Hound is one of the oldest sighthound breeds. Rich and poor alike prized these dogs for their protective nature but most of all for their ability to hunt. Afghans were bred to be supreme hunters, pursuing everything from gazelles to hares, and even their traditional quarry, leopards. Hunted alone or in braces, Afghans relied on their independent thinking skills to successfully bring down the big cats.
Princedale’s Highlight Harley. Devoted to the breed since 1978. American/Canadian Champion bloodlines. Bred/Owned by Ginette Miron & Yvon Legault, Princedale Perm. Reg’d. princedale@videotron.ca; http://pages.infinit.net/princdal
Personality Interested in everyone and everything, the Affenpinscher is a social fellow who needs interaction with people, places and other animals. He is smart and attentive, so a stimulating environment brings out the best in him. As bold and stubborn as he is playful and charming, the Affenpinscher benefits from knowledgeable training. Appearance 9 ½-11 ½” (24.13-28 cm) 7-8 lb (3-3.36 kg) Black or black and tan, grey, red or other variations. Wiry coat, shaggy and longer on the legs and around eyes, nose and chin. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
Very minimal
Tokabout Reg’d, Diedre Devins. Mono, ON L9W 6S4. (519) 941-8688; ddevins@acn.net; www.tokaboutafghans.com
Minimal Average More than average Maximum
History In the mid 1800s, middle class workers in the Aire Valley of Yorkshire, England were plagued with pests such as rats and otters. Normally, the problem was managed with terriers for the rats and water dogs for the otters. However, most people could not afford the cost of keeping multiple dogs. In 1853, breeders The breed came to Europe in the late 19th sought a solution by crossing rough-coated Black century after British soldiers spotted them in and Tan Terriers with Otterhounds. The result India. While Afghans are known for their long was the Waterside Terrier, a keen terrier-type hunter who could swim. The breed took off, and elegant coats, initially there were two varieties: was renamed the Airedale Terrier in 1879. the lean short-coated desert-bred hound, and the heavier-coated mountain hound. These two The Airedale was first brought to North America types were interbred after their introduction in the 1880s, and Airedales are now one of the to the Western world, and the result was the most versatile terriers, hunting fur or feather, acting as a retriever, herding and guarding. impressive hound we know today. Airedales were one of the earliest police dogs Personality Elegant and sometimes aloof, the and an active presence in the First and Second Afghan Hound can seem standoffish at first. World Wars. The breed’s great versatility and But this breed is loyal to his people, and has a size truly make the Airedale “King of Terriers”. surprising sense of humour. Incredible athletes, Personality An intelligent and brave dog, Afghans require adequate exercise, but don’t Airedales have big personalities and huge be surprised to find them curled up on the hearts. While they can be aloof with other dogs couch afterwards. They have a high prey drive, and strangers, they are lively and playful with so Afghans should be watched around cats or their own people. Regular exercise both on other small animals. and off leash keeps these energetic dogs happy. Their versatility and intelligence make them Appearance 24-29” (61-73 cm) good for obedience or similar work. 50-60 lb (22-27 kg) Long fine coat, silken in texture, topped with Appearance 22-24” (56-61 cm) 40-45 lb (18-30 kg) short hair from the shoulder along the length of Dense wiry outercoat with soft downy the back. Face is short-coated, head is crowned with a topknot of long hair. All colours are undercoat. Coat lies straight and close to the acceptable, but white markings are discouraged. body, with some wave or crinkle acceptable. Tan body with saddle of black or dark grizzle Quick Facts on midsection. Exercise Requirements Quick Facts Grooming Exercise Requirements Grooming ON
Questions for breeders? P. 16
AB Aireheart Airedale Terrier, Jorien Becker. We at Aireheart are a small dedicated breeder. Our family-raised Dales are our families’ heartbeat. Homeraised, socialized, cratetrained. From European Champion Bloodlines. Check our website and Facebook for complete details. Box 702 Coaldale, AB, T1M1M6. (403) 345-5062; airedalesofaireheart@gmail.com; www.aireheart.com
Appearance 23-27.5” (58-70cm) 75-120 lbs (34-54.5 kg) Straight, harsh outer coat; short, dense undercoat; any colour is acceptable. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
History The regal Akita is the largest Japanese Spitz breed and has been around for approximately 300 years. He is related to the Ainu and the Shiba Inu, and as his name suggests, comes from the Akita region of northern Japan. He was originally used to hunt large game like bear, deer and boar.
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
Gardenaire Reg’d, Pat Morris. We breed excellent, healthy champions with wonderful temperaments and exceptional conformation. All puppies are home raised & crate-trained from champion lines. RR 3, 936117 Airport Road, Mansfield, ON L0N 1M0. (705) 434-0205; magic@distributel.net QC Princedale Perm. Reg’d, Ginette Miron & Yvon Legault. Devoted to the breed since 1978. American/Canadian Champion bloodlines. Quality, healthy home-raised puppies with excellent temperament. Written guarantee. Inquiries/reservations welcomed. 907 Rang 5, Lochaber Ouest, QC J0X 3B0. (819) 986-2225; princedale@videotron.ca; website: pages. infinit.net/princdal (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)
History Some 4,000 years ago, when the Bering Strait provided access from Siberia to Alaska, an Inuit tribe known as the Mahlemuts came to North America, bringing along their dogs. Strong, hardy and exceptionally suited to harsh northern conditions, these dogs hauled sleds and carried packs, allowing the Inuit to travel where food was most plentiful. The dogs were prized and never sold to non-Inuit homes until the Klondike Gold Rush of 1896 when American prospectors bought good dogs for hundreds of dollars.
History A member of the Spitz family, which originated some 6,000 years ago with the Peat Bog Dog, the American Eskimo Dog arose from a line of dogs from Switzerland that came to be known as German Spitz. The breed came to North America in the early 1900s. Possibly due to anti-German sentiment during the First World War, the breed’s name was changed to American Spitz in 1913, and then to American Eskimo Dog in 1917. The American Eskimo Dog’s popularity arose from its widespread use in circuses from the 1920s through 1950s. Famous Eskimo Dogs performed amazing acts like walking the tightrope or dancing with clowns. With three different sizes to choose from, they appealed to a wide range of people and situations. Personality These lively dogs are highly attached to their owners and prefer not to be left alone. Energetic and intelligent, they require daily runs and enjoy opportunities to exercise their minds. They make good watchdogs and are an excellent choice for obedience or as trick dogs.
Appearance Standard 15-19” (38-48 cm) 18-35 lb (8-16 kg) Miniature 11-15” (28-38 cm) Personality The Alaskan Malamute is a 10-20 lb (4.5-9 kg) friendly dog who loves all people equally Toy 9-12” (23-30 cm) and does not bond particularly closely. Early 6-10 lb (3-4.5 kg) socialization and training will teach him where he stands in his family “pack”. Bred to work Long straight outercoat with dense undercoat. White hard, the Alaskan Malamute needs lots of is preferred, but biscuit or cream are acceptable. exercise, and a large fenced yard is a necessity. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Appearance 23-28” (58-71 cm) Grooming 75-85 lb (34-39 kg) Thick coarse outercoat. Dense, oily wooly undercoat. Solid white, mostly white with shadings from light grey to black, sable, red. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
In 1931, the breed was declared a natural monument worthy of careful preservation. The AMERICAN BULLDOG first Akita arrived in North America in 1937 - See Rare Breed Directory with Helen Keller, who was given one on a visit to Japan. But it wasn’t until after World War II AMERICAN COCKER SPANIEL when soldiers stationed in Japan brought a large number of Akitas home with them that the breed - See Spaniel (American Cocker) really gained popularity in North America. Personality The Akita is dignified, fearless and very loyal to his owner. He likes to dominate
American Eskimo Dog
ON Debonaire Reg’d, Debbie & Bill Klemp. Can/ Am Champion and Obedience bloodlines. Our puppies are raised in our home, in an enriched environment paying special attention to the critical imprint and socialization needs of puppies. Well-socialized show, obedience and companion puppies available to loving homes. Burlington, ON. (905) 639-6337; debonaire42@ hotmail.com; www.DebonaireAiredales.com.
other dogs, and is reserved with people he doesn’t know. An alert, quiet dog who only barks occasionally, he makes a good family companion, but he’s also active, powerful and athletic and needs lots of outdoor exercise.
AB Kiskapoo Kennels, Virginia Collins. Priority to structure and temperament. Health guarantee. Show and companion pups available. Miniatures and Toys. All adults tested for PRA by OptiGen. (403) 362-7399; kiskapoo@eidnet.org; http://kiskapoo.eidnet.ca White Phantom Reg’d, Susan Noden. Toy, Miniature and Standard sizes. Optigen tested. RR 2, New Norway, AB. T0B 3L0. (780) 8552577; (780) 781-4706; scrane@syban.net; www.whitephantomkennels.com ON Phantomrun Reg’d. (705) 969-8546; Hanmer, ON pepin@isys.ca; www.phantomruneskies.com
Zsuzse Airedales, Suzanne Zwarun. Top quality puppies for all activities. Full of deviltry and humour. Seventh generation of an exceptionally intelligent maternal family. Homeraised, health guaranteed, OFA certified. Rocky View, AB. (403) 279-5815; zwaruns@telus.net; www.airedale-zsuzse.com
sheepdog trial. Thereafter, the famous dog’s offspring became known as Kelpie’s pups.
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
American Staffordshire Terrier
History As his name suggests, the Australian Cattle Dog was bred to work cattle in the “land down under”. The stockmen needed a rugged herding dog that could move the wily, free range cattle over long distances, across tough terrain and in unseasonable weather. They carefully developed the Australian Cattle Dog from a variety of breeds, including blue merle Smooth Collies, the native Dingo, and the Kelpie. Before settling on the current name, the breed was known as the Queensland Heeler, the Blue Heeler and the Australian Heeler.
History Like its cousins, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier and the American Pit Bull Terrier, this slightly larger breed also originated from ancient Greek mastiff-type dogs. These were the powerful canines who fought in arenas throughout the Roman Empire. Butchers used the determined dogs to help control bulls; hunters used them to catch and hold wild boar and other game. In England, these roles changed to bull- and bearbaiting until each “sport” was banned in 1835. Out of the ring, the breed won Personality Courageous, intelligent, and admiration for its handsome appearance and alert, the Australian Cattle Dog’s innate loyalty lasting affection for its owner. makes him a natural watchdog and guardian. It was this affable nature that made the breed Not surprisingly, his devotion to duty can make popular with North American settlers as guard him wary of strangers. Training and exercise are and hunting dogs. In 1936, the AKC recognized crucial, and fortunately, this breed is eager to the American Pit Bull Terrier but altered the learn and please! name to Staffordshire Terrier. In 1972, the Appearance 17-20 in (43-51 cm) name was amended again. The American 33-50 lbs. (15-23 kg) Staffordshire Terrier sets the breed apart from Sturdy, compact strong and muscular with its smaller cousin. a moderately short, straight outer coat and a Personality The American Staffordshire short dense undercoat. Coat is not clipped or Terrier can make a stable, loyal and loving friend trimmed. Recognized colours are Blue, which when socialized at an early age, and trained by can include blue or blue-mottled, with or someone knowledgeable. He responds quickly without black, blue or tan markings, and Red, and eagerly to instruction. He may be aggressive which features a coat with an even red speckle with other dogs. He needs multiple daily walks to keep him fit and stimulated, and walks that Quick Facts bring a “Staffie” in contact with other dogs and Exercise Requirements people contribute to his socialization. Grooming Appearance 17-19” (43-48 cm) 57-67 lb (26-30.5 kg)
Close, glossy coat of any colour. Solid or patched is permissible, but all white, or more than 80 percent white, black and tan, or liver are discouraged.
Exercise Requirements Grooming
Personality A tireless dog “who would rather work than eat”, the Kelpie requires an environment that challenges his intelligence, agility and stamina. He will thrive at Agility, Disc Dog and Flyball, and his eagerness to please qualifies him for obedience work. As long as he is properly socialized around children, he is a calm and friendly pet at home. Appearance 17-23” (43-58 cm) 26-45 lb (11-20kg) Short-coated either black, red, blue, fawn or cream, in solid or with tan markings, with or without minimal white markings. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
History The Australian Shepherd had its beginnings in Spain and Andorra with Basque shepherds who used Pyrenean Shepherds to care for their herds. These dogs followed the Basques as they travelled first to Australia, then to the United States in the 1840s. Once in North America, the dogs were assumed to have originated in Australia and were named accordingly. By the late 1800s, the breed became quite popular in the western states. The dogs were known for their intelligence, versatility, and of course, their excellent herding ability. Over the years, the breed has been augmented with others such as Smithfields, Border Collies and Collies, eventually producing the Australian Shepherd we now know and love. Personality With their smart and friendly personality, Australian Shepherds do equally well as family pets or working herders. Because of their working origin, these dogs require lots of exercise. They make excellent obedience and sporting dogs, learn quickly and love their jobs.
Quick Facts
BC Charger Reg’d. Since 1992. Breeding to the standard for sound minds and bodies. Strong, athletic, intelligent and driven to please the Am Staff is diverse but does require positive social interactions and ongoing experienced training. Quality home raised puppies from champion and working bloodlines available to loving approved homes. Health guarantee and lifetime breeder support. April & Matt Perrin, Quesnel, BC. (250) 249-5070; cell (250) 682-0948; cast@ chargeramstaffs.com; www.chargeramstaffs.com
Today, Australian Kelpies herd sheep with uncanny instinct, but the breed is equally skilled at working cattle.
History Few breeds can trace their ancestry as directly as the Australian Kelpie. Brutus and Jenny were two black and tan Smooth Collies brought to Australia from Scotland in the 1870s. One of their pups was bred to a clever, female Australian dog named Kelpie (Gaelic for “water sprite”). One of this litter was the image of her mother and christened Kelpie II. In 1872, Kelpie II outperformed her competitors at New South Wales’ first
Appearance 18-23” (45-58 cm) 40-65 lb (18-29 kg) Weather-resistant double coat whose undercoat varies seasonally. Moderate mane and frill. A variety of colours including black, red, blue merle and red merle. Various white and/or tan markings and points. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
Photo: Tidewalker Reg’d
History The Australian Terrier appeared in the late 19th Century and was the first Australianbred dog to be recognized in Australia. Rugged, hardy and fearless, with short legs, sturdiness, and speed, the Australian Terrier was an ideal hunter who helped control rodent problems. In addition to his hunting skills, he served as a devoted companion and helper during tough times and in tough terrain. The breed comes from a mix of terriers brought to Australia by Scottish and Northern English settlers. He gets his blue fading colour from the Yorkshire Terrier, his short legs from the Scottish Terrier, and his adorable topknot from the Dandie Dinmont Terrier. Other breed influences include the Skye and the Old Black and Tan Terrier. Personality This all-purpose, high energy dog is cheerful, friendly, and always up for an adventure. They are quick learners, highly intelligent, and have a strong desire to please, which makes them ideal for training. Their intelligence means that they can get bored if not stimulated, so it a good idea to keep an Australian Terrier fairly busy. As born hunters, they are prone to chasing after small animals, so keep an eye out if squirrels are around! Australian Terriers build strong bonds with their families, but can appear aloof to outsiders. They’re also quick to defend their families from other dogs or strangers, which makes them an ideal watchdog. Appearance 10-11” (25-28 cm) Approx. 14 lb (6.5 kg) Harsh, straight outercoat with soft undercoat. Silky, light-coloured topknot. Distinct ruff and apron. Colours include solid red, solid sandy, various shades of blue and tan. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming BC ORRU Reg’d, Ladysmith, BC deb@orru.ca; www.orru.ca Tidewalker Reg’d, Top Quality. CKC Reg. Champion CKC & AKC pedigree. Producing puppies for temperament, health, and intelligence and conformation; current vaccinations, worming, vet checked. Contract, Health warranty. Family-raised and socialized puppies for pet or show home. Contact us for
Ambassador advertisement at left and our advertisement in the Breeders Spotlight.) RoVer Barbets, Veronica Matthews. Our goal is to provide happy balanced family companions. Parents are health tested. Puppies are raised in a home environment and are available occasionally to approved homes. (705) 783-1106; roverbarbets@gmail.com; www.roverbarbets.com (See our advertisement in the Breeders Spotlight.)
your next companion pet, performance prospect or show special. References available on request. Vancouver Island, BC. (250) 655-8868; caren@tidewalker.ca; www.Tidewalker.ca
Tree Beard Reg’d. Dedicated to using only sound health-certified dogs of excellent temperament, type and structure. OFA hips and elbows, CERF eyes, and DNA’d. Home-raised, well socialized puppies occasionally available to approved homes only. 125 Thare Cres., Nepean, ON K2J 2J1. (613) 823-6256; treebeardbarbets@ rogers.com; www.treebeardbarbets.com Ch. Flacon D’Paris of Neigenuveaux. Versatile beyond imaginable belief. Suited for almost every family. Bred/ Owned by Florence Erwin, Neigenuveaux Perm. Reg’d, Mississauga, ON. www.4paws4u2.com
History An ancient breed, the Barbet is the likely progenitor of many modern dogs, including Bichons, Griffons, Otterhounds, Newfoundlands, Briards and Poodles. References to this French water dog, named for its characteristic “barbe” or beard, date back as early as the 14th century, though the breed is believed to be far older than that. Originally used to retrieve at sea, the Barbet’s thick wooly coat and webbed feet make him an ideal gun dog in swamps. Unfortunately, as breeds like the Poodle gained popularity, the History This ancient breed originated in Barbet was forgotten and nearly became extinct the Democratic Republic of Congo, where in the late 19th century. Fortunately, breed its intelligence and speed made it an ideal enthusiasts worked to preserve it. hunting dog. Devoted to its owners, Basenjis Personality This brave and loyal dog is a provided protection, as well as companionship. loving pet and truly devoted to his family. Like The breed is thought to have descended from any water dog, he enjoys a swim no matter what the earliest pariah dogs and it has evolved for the weather. Eager to please, he loves a good survival. Basenjis possess a marked sturdiness. romp outside and is easy to train. “The African Barkless Dog” was brought to the Appearance 20-25” (51-65 com) UK in 1936. The breed’s unique qualities and 33-55 lb (15-25 kg) appearance piqued interest there and in North Long wooly coat, forms cords naturally. America, and Basenjis soon gained popularity. Hair on head reaches to the nose and covers Personality The Basenji’s inquisitive nature is eyes. Thick beard and moustache. Comes in reflected in his alert, curious expression. He is a variety of solid colours: black, grey, white, an intelligent dog who thrives in a stimulating tawny, chestnut, red fawn, sandy, pied. environment where he can use his acute sense Quick Facts of sight and smell. The Basenji benefits from Exercise Requirements exercising in large, safe areas. Aloof toward Grooming strangers, but eager to accompany their owners, Basenjis do not like to be left alone. And despite ON their nickname, Basenjis do vocalize; they can Neigenuveaux Perm Reg’d. Home of “chortle”, yodel and crow like roosters. Another MBIS, MBISS, GCHEX Flacon D’Paris of unique feature of the breed is their cleanliness. Neigenuveaux. #1 Barbet, #2 Sporting Dog, Basenjis groom themselves like cats, and are #10 All Breeds 2013. Happy, healthy puppies essentially odourless. are home raised from certified healthy, well tempered parents. Let our 30 plus years of breeding experience help guide you to your new best friend. For more information, please contact us. (905) 821-9028; eflorence@bell. com; www.4paws4u2.com/ (See our Breed
Appearance 16-17” (40.5-43 cm) 21-24 lb (9.5-11 kg)
Basenji continued on next page.
BC ORRU Reg’d, George & Debra Verzyl. Bred first and foremost for health and temperament from health tested champion stock. Home-raised puppies and adults available occasionally to show, coursing and pet homes. Reservations suggested (250) 245-0271; orru@shaw.ca; www.orru.ca
GCH Ace Ventura Vejas Gluosniuose. Bred by Tomus Uznys. Owned by Mary Greenwood, GoldenAsset Kennel Reg’d. www.goldenassetkennels.ca
History “Basset” is based on the French word “bas”, which means “low”. The dog we now know as the Basset Hound originated in France. It was founded on two Basset Artésien Normand littermates named Fino de Paris and Model, who were imported to England in 1874. In an effort to define the new English Basset, the breed was greatly inbred and began to fail. In 1892, judge and breeder Everett Millais decided to revive the breed by adding Bloodhound lineage. The result was the large, low-slung droopy-eyed dog now known as the Basset Hound. While Basset Hounds were initially bred for dog shows rather than sport, they were unique hunting dogs whose slower pace allowed for a different style of hunting. Bassets were primarily used to hunt badger and hare. The breed was first imported to North America in 1883, but didn’t gain popularity here until the 1920s. By the 1950s, the Basset Hound was a familiar sight, appearing in many films and TV shows and acting as the logo for Hush Puppies.
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements (possibly 2.5 – energy = 2, exercise = 3) Grooming ON Golden Asset Reg’d, Mary Greenwood. Home of the 2013 #1 Basset Hound in Canada. We have been caring for and breeding quality champion Bassets since 1998. Our Bassets are Canadian/European Lines. All our dogs conform to CKC breed Standard, and have had their clearances on their eyes, and checked yearly. Our pups come with CKC Registration, 12 months guarantee, shots, vet checked, health record, and lots more. Show and pet puppies available occasionally. RR 1, Everett ON, (705) 434-0242; mjg@goldenassetkennels. ca; www.goldenassetkennels.ca (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)
History Primarily used as a rabbit-hunting dog, the Beagle may have been around since 430 BC, when Xenophon referred to a small hound that hunted hares by scent and was followed on foot. During the time of Henry VIII, the Beagle was small enough to be carried to the hunting Personality Super easy-going, the Basset ground in a sleeve or saddle bag. This small size Hound is a great family pet. He can be stubborn was impractical, however, and the use of Beagles at times, but is generally a well-behaved pleasant in hunting greatly declined by the reign of companion. Like any scent hound, he may get Elizabeth I. The breed was kept alive by the distracted by an interesting smell. While he farmers of southern England, where the dogs enjoys a good romp, the Basset is known for were favoured for their skill at hunting rabbits. 98
Beagles were brought to North America during the 1840s, and continued to be used for hunting. In England, efforts to create a breed standard were underway, but a similar effort didn’t begin in the United States until the 1870s. Interestingly, the new breed became more popular in North America than England, and has remained among the top ten most popular dogs for well over 30 years. Personality With his outgoing personality, the Beagle is quick to win over the human heart. He is confident, playful and always cheerful. Being a hunting hound, the Beagle does have a loud voice and can be a bit noisy at times. He loves to get out and about, exploring the world around him. Beagles are relatively easy to train, and particularly enjoy their treats. Appearance 13-16” (33-40 cm) 22-35 lb (10-16 kg) Dense, hard weatherproof coat of medium length. Any typical hound colour or combination of colours. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
Pennies Logo’n Basset Hounds, Penny Bernas. Breeder of Top Quality Basset Hounds excellent bloodlines and temperaments. CKC registered. References available. Top Canadian Basset Hound for 2009 to 2012. 325 Governors Rd East Paris, ON N3L 3E1 Text or call (519) 755-2597; Home (519) 753-0288; pennieslogo@hotmail. com; www.penniesbassethounds.com
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
stamina rather than speed. Basset Hounds love their food, and should be watched for excess Short, sleek coat in four colour variations: weight gain. red and white, black and white, brindle and white, and tri-colour, all markings with distinct Appearance 13-15” (33-38 cm) 50-70 lb (22-32 kg) demarcations. Prick ears, unique forehead wrinkles and tight, curly tail give them an Short smooth coat. Generally tri-colour (black, appealing look. white, tan) or bi-colour (lemon, white) but may come in any typical hound colouring. Skin is Quick Facts elastic and somewhat baggy (this loose skin Exercise Requirements needs to be kept clean, particularly around the Grooming eyes and ears). Long droopy ears. Long back with short stocky legs.
History Bearded Collies were first developed in Scotland, where for centuries they were bred as a herding and droving dog. The breed’s specific canine antecedents are uncertain, though some claim Polish Lowland Sheepdogs were a primary ancestor. Whatever their history, the breed became very popular in the Victorian era. Efforts to create a registry for Bearded Collies in the late 19th century met with difficulty. While several dogs met the breed description, few were ever registered. The breed as we now know it descends from the efforts of Mrs. G.O. Willison, who purchased her first Bearded Collie in 1946. When the dog was two years old, she had it inspected for registration and Jeannie of Bothkennar became the first Bearded Collie to be registered in nine years. The first Bearded Collies in North America likely arrived in the 1890s, but they were not established as a breed until 1970. Personality Full of bounce and general good spirits, the Bearded Collie is a fun-loving dog. This charming fellow enjoys the outdoors, and doesn’t mind if the weather is wet or grey. A
ON Larkslane Reg’d, Eleanor Teplin. Hamilton, ON. (905) 692-1537; lteplin@rogers.com
with sound temperament based on top North American and English lines. Member of the BTCA and life member of the CKC. Puppies and Adults available occasionally. Nanaimo, BC. (250) 753-7279; boulvar@shaw.ca
BELGIAN SHEPHERD Photo: Alice Van Kampen
QC Dovmar Reg’d, Diane Newman. Montreal, QC. (514) 488-1966; dovmar@sympatico.ca
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
History Hailing from the Rothbury Forest region of Northumberland in England, the Rothbury Terrier was originally a versatile allround pest-controller who kept the coal mines free of rats. Though an excellent rat and badger dog, his versatile nature led breeders to add Otterhound bloodlines to allow the dogs to swim down otters, and Whippet bloodlines to add speed, allowing them to run down hares. The longer-legged type became known as the Bedlington Terrier. The new Bedlington Terriers were exceptional game dogs that didn’t tolerate other dogs interfering with their work. Their speed and versatility endeared them to poachers, and the breed is still sometimes called the “gypsy dog”. When introduced to the show world, breeders developed the dog’s characteristic lamb-like clip.
History One of four types of Swiss Mountain Dog, the Bernese Mountain Dog (also known as the Berner Sennenhunde) was a working animal, History Known worldwide as the Belgian commonly seen driving livestock or hitched to Gorenendael, the Belgian Shepherd is the a cart and pulling goods to market. The breed most popular of the four breeds of Belgian likely originated from the crossbreeding of Sheepdogs. The name comes from the village Mastiffs, brought to Switzerland by the Romans, of Gorenendael in Belgium, where the Belgium with local herding dogs. breeder and restaurateur, Nicholas Rose, As technology improved, working dogs were no refined this noble breed. Belgian herding longer necessary, so the breed saw a significant dogs have existed for centuries, but the breeds decrease in numbers in the late 19th century. were not distinguished from one another until In 1892, a group of Swiss nationals founded the 1800s. These black herding dogs found a breeding colony in an effort to preserve the their calling in World War I when their sharp Swiss Mountain Dog. The breed was imported instincts and intelligence proved useful for to North America in the 1930s and has gained finding wounded soldiers, detecting bombs, and popularity over the years. carrying messages to the front lines. They have Personality A very loyal dog, the Bernese since been used in police and detective work, Mountain Dog is an even-tempered fellow who search and rescue, and as service dogs for the makes an excellent family dog. He is a good blind and people with special needs. watchdog with a teddy-bear personality. This Personality The hardworking Belgian dog is slow to mature, and retains his playful Shepherd was born to serve, and loves personality as he grows. As a working breed, the having a purpose in life. Typically utilized by Bernese Mountain Dog benefits from having a job. professionals for his detective skills and keen Appearance 23-28” (58-70 cm) nose, he is also a loyal family dog. Sensitive and 80-110 lb (36-50 kg) intelligent, he does much better with a gentle, positive approach rather than stern guidance. Long, thick soft coat, slightly wavy or straight. Quick to learn, the Belgian Shepherd excels at Undercoat varies according to the season. agility sports and activities, and is suitable for Tricolour (black, white, tan). someone who leads an active lifestyle. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Appearance 21-26.5” (53-67.5 cm) Grooming 44-66 lb (20-30 kg)
Personality Versatile and intelligent, the Bedlington Terrier can learn to do just about anything. He is intensely loyal to his people, though this can change to protectiveness if he feels his family is threatened. With great spirit and a playful charming nature, the Bedlington is said to have the heart of a lion in the body Long, black, double-coat with straight guard of a lamb. hairs. Undercoat is soft, wooly, and dense. Will Appearance 15-18” (38-45 cm) occasionally have white markings on outercoat. 17-23 lb (7.5-10.5 kg) Collarette around neck. Crispy, thick and linty, with mixture of hard Quick Facts and soft hair that stands away from the body. Exercise Requirements Tendency to curl, particularly on head and Grooming face. Topknot. Blue, blue and tan, liver and tan, sandy, sandy and tan.
AB BLoemco Reg’d, Hank & Grace Bloemert. Box 1081, Picture Butte, AB T0K 1V0. (403) 7384261; bloemcos@telus.net; www.pets4you.com/ pages/bloemcos.html
Bernese Mountain Dog continued on next page.
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
QC Elevage de la pagaille Reg’d, Viviane Mongeau. Elevage de la pagaille only breeds Groenendaels. Type, movement, beauty and personality. They are fun for the active semi or full retired owners. They love to be part of the everyday activities. Showing is my passion. Breeding is my vacation. Home raised with love. Support for the new owners. (438) 490-7310; vivpagailles@live.ca; www.elevagedelapagaillegroenendaels.com
Bernese Mountain Dog
loving family pet, the bubbly Bearded Collie Quick Facts also makes a wonderful therapy dog. Exercise Requirements Grooming Appearance 20-22” (51-56 cm) 40-60 lb (18-27 kg) BC Shaggy flat overcoat. Soft close undercoat. Boulevardier Reg’d, M. Gail Gates. Breeder Beard. Black, blue, brown, grey or fawn in and Owner of Top Performing CKC and AKC colour, with or without white and tan markings. registered Bedlington Terriers for over 40 Colour tends to fade with age. years. We Breed for healthy, quality puppies
Bernese Mountain Dog
ON Goldenbreez Reg’d, Patricia Parkinson. Home raised, well socialized, quality pups. Selected for temperament, soundness, and longevity. Parents cleared, many generations of certifications. Several imported champion lines. Pups sold with health and temperament written guarantees. Breeding for 25 years. After purchase support. Naturally reared, some raw. Dealers for Healthy Paws. Approved families/individuals only. Palmerston, ON. (519) 343-3013; Fax: 519-343-4482 pat@goldenbreezkennels.com; www.goldenbreezkennels.com QC Helvetica Reg’d, Hans & Annemarie Bahler. Elevage naturel, notre but depuis 25ans longevité, super temperament, bonne santé. Parents certifiés 5 générations. Garanties et suivies, de nos bouviers bernois. 421 ch Gore, Ulverton, QC J0B 2B0. (819) 826-3158; amhelvetica@hotmail. com; www.helvetica-dogs.com
Ch. Normandy’s Supermann (“Clark”), pictured with granddaughter “Tuuli”. Bred by Norma & Bill Dirszowsky, Normandy Perm. Reg’d. Owned by Laurie Mann, Snowmann. General Delivery, Udora, ON
History It’s difficult to track the history of many “small white dogs” since they thrived around the world, but the Bichon Frise is thought to have its origins with the Bichon Tenerife, named after one of the Canary Islands off the coast of Spain. Sailors in the region became enamoured with the breed and often took the dogs with them when they sailed. In France, the Bichon Frise was popular with Royals, including King Henry III of France, who was said to carry his Bichon in a tray-like basket that he hung from his neck with ribbons. During the French Revolution, however, the dogs were tossed out on the streets, where the breed’s intelligent and playful nature made it a natural performer for organ grinders and circuses. The Bichon Frise was threatened during the World Wars, but a group of French breeders got together in the early 1930s to define and protect it and in 1956, a French couple brought their breeding Bichons to North America. Personality A bubbly and happy dog, the Bichon Frise is a delightful companion to have around the house. He is quite attached to his 100
owner, and loves to be the center of attention. Normandy Perm. Reg’d, Norma & Bill A gentle nature and good manners make him Dirszowsky. Award winning Bichons! Outstanding bloodlines! Breeding for the betterment of the suitable for a variety of homes. Appearance 9-12” (23-30 cm) 7-12 lb (3-5.5 kg) Coarse curly outercoat undercoat. White.
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming Bichon Frise Club of Canada, Inc. For Bichon Frise referrals and information, please contact” BFCC secretary Marilyn Torrence, Carp/Ottawa, Ontario. (613) 839-7716; bichons@xplornet. com; www.bichonfriseclubofcanada.com
breed since 1982. Greater Toronto Area location. Visitors welcome by appointment. General Delivery, Udora, ON L0C 1L0. (705) 228-1148; normandy@bichons.net; www.bichons.net (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.) Starlit Reg’d, Heather Wippler. Whitby, ON. (905) 665-9246; www.starlitbichon.com
BC Herman, Suzanne. Home-raised, healthy, happy puppies guaranteed. Do not hesitate to call for more information. 53859 McGregor Road, Rosedale, BC V0X 1X1. (604) 794-7119; hermans@uniserve.com MB Dalnavert Kennels Perm Reg’d. Breeding since 1978. Well known for breeding top quality, healthy, outgoing puppies that come from parents who have met their health clearances. Puppies are CKC reg., micro chipped, vet checked, and vaccinated prior to careful placement in their “forever” homes. Members of the BFCC and BFCA. Winnipeg, MB area.(204) 878-3268; blucas@mts.net; www.dalnavertkennels.ca.
History This tracking breed is a descendant of the Bloodhounds brought to colonial Virginia to help farmers rid their land of raccoons. Thought to have been crossed with American Foxhounds, the combination produced a powerful, alert dog with the stamina to hunt prey all night long. The Black and Tan Coonhound’s trademark long ears help capture and retain scent, enabling it to drive quarry up a tree and hold it there until ON hunters arrive (called “treeing”). Determined Bichon Lovers are reputable breeders, and and courageous, Black and Tan Coonhounds they’re acknowledged by their puppy owners for hunt bears, deer and even mountain lions. They being responsible and trustworthy. References continue their reputation as exceptional trackers. are available. They are highly regarded for the health, temperament, beauty, and size of their adults and puppies. They take a Holistic approach to their breeding program choosing food for nutritional value and not price. They provide personal service, years of knowledge and ongoing guidance at no extra charge. Puppies complete a Veterinarian wellness exam. Exclusive welcome package with each adoption. All adults and puppies are CKC registered with Canadian and International Championship bloodlines. Puppies are born and raised in a smoke free home and well socialized. Bichon Lovers are natural rearing breeders. Visitors are always welcome. Call Fern Flett at (519) 875-1482 for a puppy information pack, Langton, Ontario, N0E 1G0. bichonlovers@sympatico.ca; www.bichonlovers. com; www.facebook.com/BichonLoversAngels; www.linkedin.com/in/bichonlovers; www facebook. com/bichonloverspuppyowners Campion Reg’d, Marilyn & Alan Torrance. Beautiful bichon puppies from Canadian and American top breed lines; well bred, healthy, CKC registered, well-socialized, home-raised puppies. We have been the proud owners of Bichon Frises since 1980 and we would be pleased to answer inquiries about our lovely breed! Carp, ON. (613) 839-7716; bichons@xplornet.com
Personality A consummate Southern gentleman, the Black and Tan Coonhound is a sociable dog of stable temperament. He is an intelligent, faithful dog who enjoys a country lifestyle with lots of activity. As he is bred to work with other scent hounds, the Black and Tan Coonhound is not aggressive with other dogs or people. He can be excited, but off the trail, he is a mellow companion – kind and confident. Appearance 23-27” (58-69 cm) 65-100 lb (29-45 kg) Dense short coat – and true to his name -- black with tan marking. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
Check his health monthly P. 20
introduced herding with dogs, herders began selecting canines for the task and interbred a variety of specialized breeds to produce the best working sheep dog, generally called a Collie. In 1894, a dog named Old Hemp, who was considered the ideal sheep dog, became the founder of what is now known as the Border Collie. Prized for his trainability and “eye” (the hypnotic way he stares at sheep to will them to move as desired), the Border Collie was imported to North America in the early 1900s and proved himself an essential working farm dog.
History The Bloodhound can trace its ancestry to the Norman conquest of 1066. Originally from Belgium, the Schweisshund was crossed with Talbot Hounds and Southern Hounds to produce this superb tracking dog with the distinctive voice. This “king” among scent hounds was used by nobility to hunt stag. The name Bloodhound refers to the owners’ high status. The Bloodhound appeared on the English Kennel Club’s first register in 1873, and over a century later, it is still renowned for tracking criminals, fugitives and missing people.
Personality Considered one of the most intelligent breeds, the Border Collie can think for himself and is first and foremost a working dog. He needs mental stimulation to be happy, whether working with sheep or in obedience and agility trials. Because of his herding instinct, a Border Collie tends to herd anyone and everyone around him. This makes him more appropriate for older children.
Personality Lots! Extremely affectionate, sensitive -- even shy, the Bloodhound needs company. An aristocrat who is not above being a clown, he makes a loyal family dog. Bloodhounds can be a challenge to train, but Personality The Black Russian Terrier because following a scent is his priority! A is a calm confident dog who is loyal to his contained yard will keep him from following people, yet aloof with strangers. He is highly his nose into uninvited territory. intelligent and takes well to training, though Appearance 23-27” (58-69 cm) early socialization is necessary to curb over80-110 lb (36-49.5 kg) protectiveness. Outdoors he is a happy bouncy 3 colours: black and tan, liver and tan, and red. fellow, while indoors he is content to relax and White marking acceptable on chest, feet and tip of follow his family around the house. The Black tail. Facial wrinkles and loose upper lips (or flews). Russian Terrier is very attached to his people Quick Facts and does not do well if left alone. Exercise Requirements Appearance 25-31” (64-77 cm) Grooming 80-143 lb (36-65 kg)
Double coat that varies in length. Outercoat can be long, medium or short. Innercoat is short and dense. All colours and mixes of colours acceptable: black and white, blue and white, chocolate and white, red and white, blue merle, tricolour (black, tan, white).
Red Star maintained exclusivity of the breed until 1956, when second and third generation puppies became available to private breeders. Black Russian Terriers remain uncommon outside their native Russia.
Hard, rough, ample broken outercoat. Thick BOLOGNESE soft undercoat. Moustache and beard. Black, - See Rare Breed Directory black with grey hairs.
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
Very minimal Minimal
More than average Maximum
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Bur Hill Border Collies, Russ & Tracey Salamon. Family raised puppies. Well socialized by our children. Wonderful temperament. Excellent for families with children. Written health guarantee. Parents are hip, CERF and DNA tested. Our dogs are smart, great to live with and easy to train. Please see our website. RR7, Tillsonburg ON N4G 4H1. (519) 765-4708; tracey@burhillbordercollies.com; www.burhillbordercollies.com Hollowshot Border Collies, Maxine Netherway. Hollowshot Border Collies. I am a Breeder of Merit with the American Kennel Club and bred Show Champions, Working dogs and sport dogs all successful in their field, for the pet home they have a wonder temperament and known for their off switch. Hastings, ON K0L 1Y0. (705) 696-1926; hollowshot@yahoo.ca; www.hollowshotbordercollie.com. (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)
Appearance 19-22” (48-56 cm) 30-45 lb (12-20 kg)
Grand Champion Hollowshots A Twist of Fate, Bred by Maxine Netherway, Hollowshot Kennel, Owned by Debbie Arnold
History Sheep herding was a significant occupation in the border country between Scotland, England and Wales. When Romans
Marley. With seven generations and over 30 years’ breed experience for quality, health, temperament and training. Always available for help and advice. Please visit my website. (519) 523-9663; marleysheepdogs@hurontel.on.ca; www.marleysheepdogs.com
History During the 1930s, the Russian military searched for a large terrier-type dog to become a part of their national security force. They started the Red Star Kennel, dedicated to locating suitable breeds and combining them to produce the perfect military dog. While the Second World War delayed their efforts, the experiment, which involved crossing some 17 different breeds, eventually produced a suitable large, tough and agile dog they named the Black Russian Terrier.
Border Collie
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
Border Terrier
History A common problem for shepherds in Scottish-English border regions were foxes and other sheep-stealing animals. To counter this problem, they needed a dog fast enough to keep up with these animals but small enough to get into their dens. Concerned farmers from the Northumberland valley of Coquetdale worked to breed a dog long-legged enough to course with horses, yet short enough to be able to go to ground. These dogs were originally called Coquetdale or Reedwater Terriers after the locales where they lived and worked. They have the same ancestry as other terriers in northern England, and were hunted alongside Border Foxhounds. Border Terriers came to North America in the early 1900s.
History This speedy and agile dog has origins dating back to the early centuries of Russian history. Used to course wolves, foxes, and hares in the open Russian terrain, the modern Borzoi is the result of a Russian Duke’s efforts to create a fast, durable hunter by crossing Arabian sighthounds with native coursing hounds and shepherds. Since the Borzoi had to rely more on sight than scent while hunting, the dogs needed to be light and quick on their feet as well as intelligent and independent thinkers.
Can. Ch. Sassy’s Loyal Luigi CKC, Three Decades of Champions. Bred/Owned by Sharon & Stuart Hicks, Sassy Kennels Reg’d.
Appearance 26-33.5 in (66-85 cm) 60-105 lbs (27-47.5 kg)
ON A A & T Boston Terriers, Pat Shropshall. Home raised puppies, health guaranteed, CKC reg’d. 17 Mill St, York, ON. (905) 765-2009; bostons4you@aol.com
Personality Like most terriers, the Border Terrier is a big dog in a small package. He is tough and full of energy while hunting and working, but calmer in the home than many other types of terrier. Obedient and affectionate, he is a pleasant family dog. Appearance 11-16” (28-50 cm) 11-16 lb (5-7 kg) Wiry, broken-looking outercoat with short dense undercoat. Black and tan, grizzle and tan, red, wheaten. May have white markings. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Wimberway Kennels & Farm Perm. Reg’d, Sandy Briggs. Puppies sometimes available. Stud Service to approved bitches. All adults have hip, elbow and eye clearances. Powassan, ON. sandy@wimberway.com; www.wimberway.com/ borter.html.
History As its name suggests, the Boston Terrier originated in Boston, Massachusetts. A product of crossing Bulldogs with Bull Terriers, the Boston Terrier was originally bred for dog-fighting and bull-baiting. In fact, Boston resident Robert C. Hooper purchased an English Bulldog in the mid-1800s for this very purpose. When these sports were banned, those who loved the breed worked to redefine the Boston The Russian aristocracy was particularly fond Terrier. After many generations of careful of the Borzoi due to its exotic and elegant selection, a stable breed with a “gentlemanly” appearance. Unfortunately, this meant that the temperament was produced. Then known as breed was a target during the Russian Revolution the Round-Headed Bull and Terrier, the breed and was almost eradicated. However, the did not acquire its current name until 1891. breed has since regained its popularity and is a Since then it has remained a highly popular dog. favourite at dog shows. Personality Although the Boston Terrier’s Personality The Borzoi often behaves more ancestors were bred for fighting, he is now like a cat than a dog. Quiet, dignified, and known for his docile, biddable temperament. He agile, he is self-aware, independent and fond of is intelligent and can adapt to any living situation refined behaviours. You won’t usually find him he finds himself in. While he enjoys a good romp, engaging in rough or boisterous play but he can he’s not overly active and is happy to exercise by be quite affectionate and extremely loyal. His following his people around the home. stubborn streak is just his way of communicating Appearance 15-17” (38-43 cm) that he wants to be treated like an intelligent 15-25 lb (7-11.5 kg) being capable of making good decisions. This trait dates back to having to think quickly while Short smooth coat. Black or brindle with white hunting in open terrain. The Borzoi loves to give markings. chase and is even more beautiful when in full Quick Facts stride, but is happy with daily walks or runs in Exercise Requirements Grooming enclosed areas.
Silky outercoat is long. Can be wavy, flat, or curly. Undercoat is soft and dense. Curly frill around neck. Long legs and body. Variety of A & D Boston Terriers, A & D Richards. Breed colours and patterns
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
WHAT’S A PUREBRED DOG? In Canada, a purebred dog is defined as “a dog of proven lineage that is registered by an accepted registry.” If you’re buying a purebred dog, remember that, under the “Animal Pedigree Act”, the dog must be entitled to registration papers. 102
for companionship.796 Fourth Line, Caledonia, ON N3W 2B3. (905-765-4188). Brenheather Reg’d. Champion lines, quality home-raised puppies occasionally. (613) 476-7587; (613) 822-0509; terrym@kos.net Hornerbrook Reg’d, Jacques R. LaPierre & Nathalie L. LaPierre. PO Box 88, Verona ON, K0H 2W0. (613) 372-1544; hornrbrk@kingston. net; www.hornerbrook.com Sassy Kennel Reg’d, Sharon Hicks. Our goal is to produce bostons true to the standard. We have been breeding Bostons for 3 decades.
QC Élevage Belletruffe, Louise Bois. SteMarie-Madeleine, QC (450) 355-0168; belletruffe@hotmail.ca; www.belletruffe.sitew.ca
Chris York, Owned by Kari & Collin Skinner, Kaco Boxers Reg’d. 100% European Import from Hungary. Cameron, ON. www.kacoboxers.com
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
History The Boxer’s ancestors were called Molossians; they were large, strong dogs used by the Assyrians in battle thousands of years ago. A cross between Bulldogs and the small Mastiff-type Bullenbeisser, which was used to bait bulls, hunt and pull carts, the true Boxer was born in Germany in the late 1800s. Bred to be a capable fighting and hunting dog and protector, the Boxer is a versatile breed used as a messenger, pack carrier, attack dog and guard dog throughout World War I. Canadian and American soldiers were attracted to these History In the plains of Flanders, Belgium, brave handsome dogs and brought them home people needed a dog that could do it all. The to North America. Today, they work well as Bouvier was expected to herd and drive cattle, service dogs and excel at obedience. act as a watch and guard dog, kill vermin, pull Personality The boxer is a high-spirited dog a cart, and be a family companion. By 1910, who loves to get physical when playing. Possibly there were four different varieties of Bouvier named for his tendency to use his feet while in Flanders. Because of their brave and willing roughhousing, the Boxer is brave and willing spirit, Bouviers were used as messenger and to take on any challenge. Despite his energetic ambulance dogs during the First World War, nature, he remains a loving family dog who’s but the breed was decimated and only preserved good with children, and adores his people. through the efforts of Belgian army veterinarian, Because he can be suspicious of strangers, it is Captain Darby. By the end of the war, the four important to socialize him well when young. varieties of Bouvier had been combined, creating the Bouvier des Flandres. The dogs continued Appearance 21-25” (53-64 cm) 55-70 lb (25-32 kg) their military duties in the Second World War, where their keen noses made them suitable for Short shiny coat that lies flat against the body. scenting land mines and ammunition dumps. Fawn, brindle. May have white markings, Arriving in North America in the 1920s, these black mask. versatile dogs also work as seeing-eye dogs, therapy dogs, search and rescue dogs, police dogs and more.
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
Personality Big and initially intimidating, the Bouvier des Flandres is actually a loyal family dog. He is even-tempered and loves his people. His keen nose and intelligence mean he can be trained for a variety of jobs, and he loves to work. It is important he is well socialized and has basic training when young; his large size can make it more difficult when he matures.
ON A B C Ambato Boxers of Canada Reg’d. Ambato Boxers is proud to offer you top quality boxer puppies CKC. Also occassional adults for adoption. Our Boxers are made and raised with love. They are home raised. We have the whole Boxer family to meet them. 10 years life expectancy guaranteed. Boxers are our passion. Visitors Welcome. 32573 Feeder Road W., Wainfleet, ON L0S 1V0. (905) 899-1179;abc@ ambatoboxers.com; www.ambatoboxers.com
Appearance 23-28” (59-70 cm) 60-100 lb (27-45 kg) Tousled-looking, weatherproof double coat. Outercoat is thick and rough. Innercoat is soft and thick. Moustache and beard. Shades ranging from fawn to black. May have white markings. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
Kaco Boxers Reg’d is a reputable breeder located in the Kawartha Lakes. We pride ourselves on importing only the highest quality and healthiest lines found in Europe. Our puppies are produced from multiple generations of health tested parents with proven longevity. We health test for Hip Dysplasia, Sub-Aortic
Stenosis, Cardiomyopathy, Thyroid Disease and Degenerative Myelopathy. Our goal is to produce the healthiest, temperamentally sound and best looking European Boxers in all of Canada. We offer a 3 year health guarantee and life long breeder support. Please feel free to check out our website at www.kacoboxers.com (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.) Legacyk Reg’d. Nancibeth Koutstall. Our goal is to produce quality dogs with great temperaments, structure and health. Parents are all health tested. Puppies home raised and guaranteed. 324 8th Concession, RR1. Burford, ON N0E 1E0. (519) 755-6088; bethgsp@yahoo.com; www.legacyk.com Loyal Comrade Boxers Perm Reg’d, Tony Gingrich. Happy and healthy boxer puppies for your loyal companionship. We focus on health and temperament. Written health guarantee. Our breeding program includes European and American boxers. Stud service available to approved females. Atwood, ON; 519-580-3653; tony@loyalcomradeboxers.com; www.loyalcomradeboxers.com.
History Big, bold and intelligent, the Briard is an ancient breed of herding dog born in France. History is full of praise for this hardy breed. Famed personalities like Charlemagne, Napoleon and Thomas Jefferson promoted the Briard. The Briard was a superb sheepdog, and his bravery made him an ideal working dog for the French war effort -- so much so that he was named the official dog of the French Army. Though the need for sheep-herding dogs has declined, the Briard remains a distinct and well-loved breed. Personality The Briard is known for having a strong, unique personality. Described as having “a heart of gold wrapped in fur”, he is an intelligent, sensitive dog who needs a consistent and caring person. With good socialization and considerate training, he makes a loving companion. Briards love children, have a strong sense of justice, and enjoy having a job to do. Appearance 22-27” (56-69 cm) 65-100 lb (29-46 kg) Long, hard shiny outercoat, slightly wavy and lying flat against the body. Fine tight undercoat. Moustache and beard. Black, shades of grey, tawny. May have white markings. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
Home-raised for companions, conformation, and performance dogs. Vet checked with the first vaccination and micro-chipped. Registered with the CKC. Our puppies are well socialized from our Chanpion lines. Fenwick ON L0S 1C0. (905) 892-6781; sassykennel@gmail.com; www.sassykennel.com. (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)
- See Spaniel (Brittany)
History The Bull Terrier originated in England in the 1800s and was bred for bull baiting and dog fighting. This distinctivelooking dog, which initially came in a variety of colours and sizes, is said to be a cross between the traditional Bulldog and the now-extinct White English Terrier. After blood sports were banned, breeders focused more on the dog’s temperament and appearance. James Hinks was instrumental in developing the breed as we know it today – his pure white dogs were also known as “White Cavaliers” and were popular as both show dogs and pets. In the early 20th century, these dogs were crossed with brindle Staffordshires to produce the Coloured Bull Terrier, which came to be recognized as a separate breed.
Photo: Jewels Reg’d
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
Bull Terrier
History Bull Terriers originated in the age of bull-baiting and dog-fighting in the1800s. A cross between the Bulldog and the now extinct English White Terrier, these strong and fierce dogs came in all sizes from 3 lb to 50 lb. In 1835, blood sports were banned in England and breeders sought to redefine the breed, making it a tractable family pet. While the tiniest examples of the breed eventually died out, both the fullsized Bull Terrier and the Miniature Bull Terrier were welcomed into the home. For a long time, Miniature Bull Terriers remained a “type” of Bull Terrier, but in 1991 they were recognized as a distinct breed.
Personality Energetic and full of childlike curiosity, the Miniature Bull Terrier requires lots of exercise and stimulation. He loves his family and is protective in nature. Consistent training and good socialization will keep him Personality He looks intimidating, but the from becoming jealous or overprotective of his Bull Terrier is actually a friendly, easy-going and people or things. While he will adjust to most sometimes clownish breed. He loves affection types of family situation, he needs to keep active and attention and makes a good family and wants to be a part of everything. companion. He requires lots of excercise. Appearance 10-14” (25-35 cm) 23-35 lb (11-16 kg) Appearance 19-20” (48-51 cm) 45 lb (20.5 kg) Short, flat glossy coat. Solid white, may have Close, flat coat; white or white with coloured markings. May come in other solid colours with markings. markings. Quick Facts Exercise requirements Grooming
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
ON Breton Perm Reg’d, Catherine Landsborough. Socialized, home-raised puppies and occasional young adults. Temperament and health are top priorities. All adults are OFA certified BAER, Cardio and Kidney. Written guarantee. 2 litters planned for 2016. Seaforth, ON N0K 1W0 (519) 233-3194; jclandsb@tcc.on.ca; www.bretonkennel.com
ON Jewel’s Reg’d, Mike & Julie Muchnick. We focus on raising quality Miniature Bull Terriers with an optimum balance of health, temperament and conformation. Health tested, champion lines, CKC registered. Home-raised show potential/pet stock puppies and occasionally young placements to approved homes. PO Box 1009, Thornton, ON L0L 2N0. (705) 719-2849; jewelsmb@live.ca; www.jewels-mbts.com
Protect your pup from these everyday household toxins P. 36
Can-Am GCH MBIS MISS Delencos Cherokee Milton. Bred/Owned by Christine & Knut Pelzer, Cody Sickle, Delencos Bulldogs. Fitch Bay, QC. www.delencosbulldogs.com
History Truly a symbol of Britain, many believe the Bulldog dates back to the Molossian dog brought there by the Phoenicians in the 6th century BC. Others suggest the Bulldog descended from a butcher’s dog called the Alaunt. Wherever he originated, the Bulldog is the result of centuries of breeding for bull-baiting. While the Bulldog’s features may seem unusual compared with those of many other dogs, each characteristic was specifically chosen to make him the premier fighter in the bull-baiting ring. After bull-baiting was banned in the 1800s, the Bulldog lost popularity and might have died out if a group of concerned breeders hadn’t worked together to save the breed. The first Bulldog club was formed in 1864; it defined the breed and began efforts to preserve it. Now the Bulldog, also known as the English Bulldog, is a kind companion and a symbol of courage and tenacity. Personality With his history as a fighting dog, the Bulldog’s kind and gentle personality might come as a surprise. He is a loving pet who craves his family’s attention. Though protective in nature, he loves children and usually gets along well with other family pets. Overall he is an easy-going dog who quickly charms with his steady temperament and friendly face. Appearance 12-16” (30-40 cm) 40-55 lb (18-25 kg) Short, straight flat coat. Brindle, piebald, red, fawn, fallow, white. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming MB Dickson’s Bulldogs. Champion-sired puppies. Box 209, Melita, MB R0M 1L0. (204) 522-3173 Day; (204) 522-8424 Evenings; sunseten@mymts.net www.dicksonsbulldogs.ca ON Ausabull Reg’d Bulldogs. 20 years breeding, since 1996. Breeding ONLY top quality C.K.C. registered Bulldogs from champion bloodlines. Bred to the correct standard with lifetime
Macarols Bullies. Carol Law. macarolsbullies@bellnet.ca. bullies.simplesite.com
(519)-534-0640 www.macarols-
QC Delenclos Perm Reg’d, Knut & Christine Pelzer. Since 1995. Selective breeding from top Canadian and American bloodlines. Home of grand champions with Best in Show titles in Canada and the United States. Offering unlimited counseling to our puppies’ adoptive families. Stud service occasionally. Fitch Bay, QC. (819-843-0527; kmp.agriconsult@gmail. com; delenclosbulldogs.com (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
Appearance 24-27” (61-69 cm) 90-130 lb (41-59 kg)
becoming the Cairn Terrier. They came to North America in 1913, imported by Mrs. Henry F. Price. Personality Like most terriers, the Cairn Terrier is an active dog, full of joie de vivre. He loves to play outside, and can be a bit of a digger in the yard. An affectionate nature and kind heart make him a loving family member, though he can become a bit stubborn when it comes to training. He is affectionately known by breed fanciers as “the best little pal in the world”.
Cairn Terrier
Hoyas Reg’d, Attard, Darina. Healthy home raised puppies available sometimes to forever loving homes. Each raised with individual love and attention and to the highest British standard. Our puppies are strictly sold on CKC Non-Breeding contracts. Home of some of the best champion bloodlines from UK. (905) 846-8882; (416) 605-7558; hoyas@rogers.com; www.hoyasbulldogs.com
Personality The Bullmastiff is still used as a guard dog and family pet. His highly stable temperament and ability to tolerate discomfort make him surprisingly safe around children. Loyal and protective, he bonds closely to his family. Because he is such a large dog, training at a young age is essential, as is good socialization.
Short hard coat, lying flat to the body. Black muzzle. Appearance 9-12” (24-31 cm) Brindle, fawn or red. May have white markings. 13-17 lb (6-7.5 kg) Quick Facts Mid-length, harsh, weather-resistant outercoat. Exercise Requirements Short furry undercoat. Cream, wheaten, red, Grooming grey, nearly black. Brindling acceptable. AB Bolder Bullmastiffs, Marilyn Blanchette. I am a small kennel that strives to produce healthy and correct bullmastiffs. My dogs are shown in conformation, obedience and some agility. All have passed their health testing and puppies come with health guarantees. Only those dogs that have completed their championships and pass health testing are used for breeding. Please email me to receive a puppy application if you are interested. Streamstown, AB (780) 808-9868; bolderbullmastiffs@yahoo.ca; www.bolderbullmastiffs.ca. QC Masbul Enterprises. Depuis 20 ans. 47 chemin des Mines Bristol (Région Ottawa-Gatineau) Bristol, Québec. Élevage familial. Lignée originale et reconnue. Préférence aux réservations. (819) 647-6263; linelafo@hotmail.com
History Poaching was an ongoing problem in England throughout the 19th century. As penalties increased, the poachers’ desperation to avoid capture made gameskeeping a high risk job. The gameskeeper needed a strong silent dog that could find and take down a poacher Am.Ch./ Can.Ch. Foxglove Red Rascal At Syryn Bred by without savaging him. The solution was to cross Helen Timmerman, Foxglove Cairns. Owned by Cindy the Mastiff, a powerful, trustworthy, loyal and MacLean, Syryn Reg’d (1992) brave dog, with the Bulldog, a tough, tenacious no-fuss animal. The result was the History Originating on the Isle of Skye in Scotland, the Cairn Terrier was bred as a hunter “Gameskeeper’s Night Dog” or Bullmastiff. of vermin. The rocky land sheltered numerous As poaching became less of a problem, the badgers and foxes, and a small hardy dog was need for Bullmastiffs waned. But interest in needed to brave the stony cairns and remove this powerful yet calm-natured dog continued. the pests. The breed has been around for People held contests in which a man would be some 500 years, and developed along the same given the chance to try to outwit a Bullmastiff. timeline as the West Highland White, Skye, and The man received a sizeable head start, but Scottish Terriers. the result was inevitable. He would soon be knocked down and held to the ground by the It was first exhibited in 1909 when it was called valiant dog, only to be released when the dog’s the Short-Haired Skye Terrier. Breeders of the preexisting Skye Terrier objected and the dog was handler arrived on the scene. renamed after the rock piles he hunted among,
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Cabaret Cairn Terriers, Jan Morgan. Puppies raised with love in my home to approved families. Breeding Cairn Terriers for health, temperament and type since 1995. Champion dogs from Canadian and Scandinavian lines. Proud member of CTCC, CTCA, CTAO and CKC. Hand stripping grooming services also available. Accredited professional dog trainer, we offer family oriented puppy classes in Oshawa and Ajax. 924 White Ash Dr. Whitby, ON L1N 7S8. (905) 430-3647; pawsitivepuppies@gmail.com; www.cabaretcairns.com Carickfergus Reg’d, Diana Hunter. Puppies occasionally. Home raised with love, to approved homes. Puppies have first vaccines, micro chipped and tested at Guelph Veterinary College Markdale, ON N0C 1H0. (519) 986-4380; carickfergus1@gmail.com Magisterial Cairn Terriers Reg’d. At Magisterial, we provide a life-enhancing experience for each of our clients. Our Cairn Terrier puppies are highly socialized, joyful, and raised with children. They have gorgeous good looks, are healthy and temperament tested, and very eager to learn! Your new family member will have been raised in luxury and given nothing but the very best during their crucial first 8 weeks of life. Magisterial Cairn Terrier puppies will be fully crate trained and will have begun lead breaking. Their most important role is being loving, loyal companions to families worldwide, delivering immeasurable amounts of joy, love, and magic! Roblin, ON (613) 388-2628; adam@magisterialkennels.com; www.magisterialkennels.com (See our advertisement in the Breeders Spotlight.) Syryn Reg’d, Cindy Maclean. Consistent winners in the show ring, and human hearts. Proud member of the Cairn Terrier Club of Canada and the Canadian Kennel Club. Health tested, and guaranteed, lovingly raised in our home, we occasionally have puppies available to approved loving homes. Stud service to approved females. (705) 842-3733; syrynkennels@gmail.com; www. syrynkennels.com (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)
breeder support. Our entire Bulldog family lives in our clean country home for you to come and meet. Gorgeous puppies available occasionally from our couch to yours! Ailsa Craig, ON N0M 1A0. 519-232-9928; bulldoggie@3web.com; www.ausabullkennel.blogspot.com
MBPIS GR. CH. Arcticice Qimmiq Ek Chau. Number 1 CED in Canada. 3 BPIS MBPIG. Arctic Ice Reg’d. Assiniboine, AB www.arcticicekennels.tripod.com
History A direct descendant of the Roman Molossus Mastiff, the Cane Corso is a guardian dog whose name comes from the Latin “cohors”, meaning guardian/protector. Used to hunt large game, drive cattle and protect the family, the Cane Corso held popularity in Italy for centuries. But as large game dwindled and farmers turned to more modern technology to move their herds, the need for the Cane Corso disappeared, and so did the breed. In the 1970s, Italian dog fanciers searched the country, seeking good examples of the old Mastiffs, and began reconstructing the Cane Corso breed. Arriving in North America in the 1980s, the breed is slowly gaining a reputation as an excellent guard dog and family companion.
Photo: JayKay Canaan Dogs
Canaan Dog
History An ancient breed, the Canaan Dog is the product of natural selection rather than human intervention. There’s evidence the breed existed in pre-Biblical times. When the Jews were dispersed from their homeland the dogs remained, reverting to a wild and feral state until the 1930s. When Dr. Rudolphina Menzel was asked to develop a dog to guard the kibbutz, she selected native wild dogs of a “collie type”, tamed them and created the Canaan Dog. The breed proved highly intelligent and versatile, and was used as a mine detection, sentry and messenger dog in the Second World War. Canaan Dogs were first brought to North America in the late 1960s. Personality Highly intelligent and trainable, the Canaan Dog is quite versatile to different situations. Because of his long history as a feral dog, he tends to be somewhat independent and wary of strangers, barking to warn his family of danger. However, he is devoted to his people and loves to play. He thrives on having a job to do and is a fun, loving companion.
History Accompanying the Inuit people during their 12th century migration through the Canadian Arctic, the Canadian Eskimo Dog hauled, carried, hunted and protected. Such willing performance made the robust sled dog crucial to Arctic explorers through the ages. By the 1950s, though, snowmobiles, other technology and weakening bloodlines had taken their toll. It took funding by the Canadian Kennel Club, the Canada Council and private donations to save the Canadian Eskimo Dog from extinction. After enduring in a harsh environment for centuries, the Canadian Eskimo Dog remains a breed fighting for its survival. Personality His long connection with humans has made the Canadian Eskimo Dog affectionate and gentle with people he loves, but he can be aloof with strangers. His independence, determination and heightened response to stimuli make him suited to an adult-only home.
Personality First and foremost a protector, the Cane Corso bonds closely with his family, particularly young children. He is alert and naturally suspicious of strangers, and can readily judge when he should be protective, or when he should back down. His steady temperament and Appearance 19.5-27.5” (50-70cm) eager-to-please attitude make him a pleasure to 40-88 lb (18-40 kg) Appearance 19-24” (48-61 cm) train. Early socialization and training allow him 35-55 lb (16-25 kg) Thick hair with dense undercoat. All white or to learn to assess people and situations. Short to medium-length straight outercoat. all red, buff, cinnamon, grey or sable with white Appearance 23-28” (58-70 cm) Straight, short flat-lying undercoat. Slight ruff. markings. 84-110 lb (38-50 kg) Sand to red-brown, white, black or spotted. May Quick Facts have mask. Short, stiff shiny outercoat. Light undercoat. Exercise Requirements Black, fawn, red, blue, chestnut. Brindling Quick Facts Grooming allowed. May have eye mask or white markings. Exercise Requirements Quick Facts Grooming AB Arctic Ice Reg’d, Beverley Arseneau. Raising Exercise Requirements ON top-quality, multiple-group-winning champion Grooming JayKay Canaan Dogs. Breeding devoted family companions since 2003. Home-raised puppies for pet, show or obedience. CKC registered. Canaan Dogs are adaptable to a variety of lifestyles, from always on-the-go to a more laid-back home life. Visit us in Markham or just outside Kingston. Come see the dogs in action at MrSpotDogCamp.com (613) 377-6955; gml. mktg@rogers.com; www.jaykaycanaandogs.com
dogs from proven Arctic working lines. Striving to continue to produce the best attitude, work ethic and conformation. Fort Assiniboine, AB (780) 584-2506; wolfwalkersibs@xplornet.com; www.arcticicekennels.com (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement above.)
Visit our website at cdndogs.ca for • Breeder listings • Health and lifestyle info • Great products 106
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Chrys-haefen Perm Reg’d, Jennifer McAuley. Cavaliers since 1998. We strive to produce healthy, well socialized puppies that are raised in our living room among children. Primarily Blenheim and Tri colour puppies, occasionally black & tan. Written guarantee provided. Lifetime member of CKC and member in good standing with CKCSCC. Shipping is available. 93 Bishopsgate Rd RR#2, Scotland, ON N0E 1R0. (519) 751-9015; jennifer@chrys-haefen.com; www.chrys-haefen.com
Cesky Terrier
children. Our dogs are on a natural diet. Puppies go to their new homes after 8 weeks; dewormed, tattooed, vet checked, first set of shots and health guarantee. We breed all colours and champion stud service is available. Featured on Pick a Puppy show. 295159 8th Line, Amaranth, ON L9W 0K1. (519) 925-2827; info@cedarcreekkennels.ca; www.cedarcreekkennels.ca
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
History In his search for a mild-tempered terrier that still excelled at hunting, Czechoslovakian geneticist Frantisek Horak bred together a number of terrier breeds, including the Sealyham, Scottish Terrier and History Bred originally as hunters, toy spaniels Beal, Lorelei, Country Care Cavaliers. Dandie Dinmont. The result, in 1949, was the became companions to royalty in the 1500s. Healthy, correct puppies of German lineage. Cesky Terrier. While his narrow head and chest In the 1600s, Kings Charles I and II both took 8019 Hwy 7, Guelph, ON N1H 6H8. (519) made it easier for the Cesky to enter burrows, a liking to the adorable little dogs, and were 823-5839; countrycarecavaliers@live.ca; his friendly, well-mannered attitude gained him a reputation as a good family dog. The Cesky often portrayed with toy spaniels at their sides. www.countrycarestables.com Terrier was shown for the first time in 1959 and During the Victorian era, people fell in love with EUROPEHEART CAVALIERS REG’D. All colours, since then has been utilized as a hunting dog, the higher skulls and shorter noses of oriental high quality puppies, health guaranteed, with guard dog, show dog, and beloved family breeds, and selectively bred spaniels to Pugs proof of health and show history for all our companion. and Japanese Chin, producing the King Charles breeding dogs going back 4 generations plus. Spaniel, or English Toy Spaniel. Personality This versatile breed excels at a Can Ch. Imonty Filip Z Usedlosti Ujezdec. Breeding all colours for health and type. Bred by Jundra Diblikova, Z Usedlosti Ujexdec Reg’d. Owned by Mila Bosche, Europeheart Cavaliers Reg’d. Niagara Falls, ON. www.europeheart.com
We are members of CKC and European CKCS Club with happy customers across Canada and US. Niagara Falls, ON (905) 384-1865; www. europeheart.com (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)
number of tasks. The Cesky is often a winner at terrier den trials and loves playful, sporty activities. As well, the Cesky is a devoted family member and makes an excellent watchdog. This friendly pooch is good with children and Glenire Reg’d, Valerie Toth. Since 1984. Ruby, happy to be around family and strangers alike. Black & Tan, Tricolour and Blenheim puppies for The well-mannered, enthusiastic Cesky is also a Personality A long history as a noble lap dog pet, show or breeding. Purebred, pedigreed, pleasure to train. This dog strives to please and has made the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel microchipped and Canadian Kennel Club will not disappoint. particularly well suited as a companion. With registered. No time limit, written genetic health enough size to enjoy a good romp alongside guarantee. Champion stud service in all four Appearance 10-13 in (25.5-33 cm) 13-22 lbs (6-10 kg) his owner, the Cavalier is a happy dog who is colours to registered, health certified females. ready to greet everyone with his ever-wagging We show our dogs CKC, UKC. Visitors welcome. Long, soft coat often with a silky sheen. Slightly tail. He is not overly active, enjoying cuddle time Life member CKC. Member CFSO & CKCSCC in wavy, with beard around muzzle. Non-shedding good standing. Glenire Acres, 10 Clanbrassil Rd, coat. Colours include light coffee brown and as much as walks. It wasn’t until the 1920s that an American, Roswell Eldridge, began searching for the longernosed flatter-skulled breed so often portrayed in portraits of Kings Charles I and II. His efforts were successful, and the new breed of Cavalier King Charles Spaniel was recognized in 1946.
Appearance 12-13” (30-33 cm) 11-18 lb (5-8 kg)
RR 3, Hagersville, ON N0A 1H0. (905) 768-4190; lesvalt@hotmail.com; www.glenireacresfarm.com.
grey-blue, with yellow, grey, or white markings.
Quick Facts Old School Cavaliers, Danielle Van Maanen. Exercise Requirements Long silky coat, straight or with a slight wave. Specializing in top German and UK lines, Old Grooming Feathering. Colours: Blenheim (chestnut on School Cavaliers are family raised and CKC white), tricolor (black and tan markings on registered. Blenheim and tri-colour puppies white), ruby, black and tan. CHESAPEAKE BAY
AB Bohshar K-9’s, Sharen Sztym. Breeding for quality, temperament and soundness. Genetic guaranteed/Home raised. Four colours. Shipping Available. Box 8, Site 3, RR # 1, Rocky Mountain House, AB. T4T 2A1.(403-729-2625; bohshar@yahoo.ca, www.bohshar.com ON Cedar Creek, Laryssa Sawyer. We’re a small family kennel located just over an hour north of Toronto. Puppies are raised in our home with our
available, registered, vaccinated, dewormed, microchipped and health guaranteed. We provide good old fashioned service and well-socialized and healthy puppies. Please visit our website and we welcome you to our home. Fenwick, ON L0S 1C0 (905) 892-1730; oldschoolcavaliers@gmail.com; www.oldschoolcavaliers.ca.
Tallygold Cavaliers. Home raised cavaliers, health testing on all breeding stock, puppies sometimes available. Health guarantee. RR 3, Mulmur, ON. (519) 925-6865; tallycavs@gmail. com; www.tallygold.ca
- See Retriever (Chesapeake)
Buying a new car?
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
Look for dog-friendly features P. 64 CDNdogs.ca
History The long coated Chihuahua’s history is the same as the Chihuahua’s until after the breed reached the United States. There, breeders sought a softer fluffier dog and decided to cross the short-coated Chihuahuas with established long-coated toy breeds such as the Papillion, Pekinese, Pomeranian and Yorkshire Terrier. The result was a dog with the same spunky personality as the short-coated variety, but in a fluffier package. Like his smooth counterpart, the long coated Chihuahua is one of the world’s most popular breeds – both also rank as the smallest breeds in North America. Personality A truly tiny dog, the long coated Chihuahua loves to be with his person at all times. He’s a great lap dog, and happily trots around the home, following his family. Because of his size, this breed maybe a bit timid with loud and active children, and supervision is a good idea. Good socialization is important for a well-rounded individual. Appearance 6-9 in (15-23 cm) 1-6 lb (0.5-3 kg) Soft, silky, flat or slightly wavy. Neck ruff. Any solid colour with or without markings. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
AB Jones Perm. Reg’d, Theresa Gilchrist. Well known for breeding top quality, healthy, happy, outgoing, CKC-registered Short and Long Coat Chihuahuas for show/breeding or family pet. Breeding Chihuahuas since 1995. We also board Toy breed dogs. RR 1, Pickardville, AB T0G 1W0. (780) 349-2868; uspecial@mcsnet.ca BC Summer Knight Kennels. Litter trained Chihuahua Long Coat puppies. CKC registered, veterinary checked, first shots, de-wormed, a written health guarantee. We provide a loving in home environment, best nutrition, litter training and socialization as part of raisingf your fur-baby. We will ship depending on size. Call Roxanne. (250) 962-6265; roxanne@classykennels.com; www.chihuahua.classykennels.com
ON Bloomsbury Chihuahuas Perm Reg’d, Lynn & Jeff Hurd, DVM. Veterinarian bred and owned in Whitby, ON. Long & Short coat Chihuahua puppies or adults sometimes available. Health, temperament, breed type and structure are our main focus. Our chihuahuas have won many awards at dog shows all over North America. Health guarantee and lifetime support. Vaccinated, dewormed and microchipped. (905) 449-8194; bloomsbury@rogers.com (preferred contact); www.bloomsburychihuahuas.com
BC Hilaire Perm. Reg’d, Edna St. Hilaire. A respected name. Home of Multi BIS/BISS, Can. Am Int’l Record Winning Champions. Quality for the most discriminating. Founder and President of the Chihuahua Club of Canada. All Breeds Judge - International. New Westminister, BC. (604) 521-0922; hilaire@shaw.ca.
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
Photo: Jones Chihuahuas Perm Reg’d
Chihuahua (Long)
History Hairless dogs existed wild in many of the hottest parts of the world. The Chinese Crested is likely descended from an African variety of hairless dog called the African History Theories about the Chihuahua’s Hairless Terrier. Chinese sailors took these dogs origins abound. Some believe this tiny breed’s on ships to take care of the vermin. As they predecessors date back to ancient Egypt. The sailed around the world, the dogs were traded most likely theory is that it developed from a at various ports, soon establishing populations of Mexican breed known as the Techichi, and was Chinese Cresteds throughout the known world. used in religious ceremonies as far back as the Not all Chinese Cresteds are hairless. In fact, the 16th century. Other theories suggest that dogs gene that allows for hairlessness is an incomplete imported from China were interbred with native dominant gene that is lethal when homozygous breeds, or came with Spanish traders. Whatever (two copies of the gene). Long-haired Chinese their history, Chihuahuas as we know them were Crested dogs are known as Powderpuffs. Both discovered in the Chihuahua region of Mexico, varieties can be found within the same litter due gained popularity in Mexico City in the late 19th to the nature of the genes involved. century, and shortly thereafter were brought to Personality A lively playful dog, the the United States via Texas where they were Chinese Crested is a lovable and loving family developed into the modern Chihuahua. companion. Because of a tendency to be timid Personality The Chihuahua is a tiny dog with with strangers, it is important to socialize him at a huge personality. He is lively and alert, playful an early age. He is moderately active, trotting and affectionate. Quick to bond with his human, around the home to follow his people. His the Chihuahua hates to be left on his own. longer-than-usual feet, known as hare feet, allow Because he is so small, he is nervous of large or him to grip toys and “hug” his people with an quick movements, and tends to be easily startled. unusual grip when held. Early socialization is essential to make sure he is Appearance 9-13” (23-33 cm) not overly stressed by strange situations. under 12 lb (5.5 kg) Appearance 6-9 in (15-23 cm) Hairless: silky flowing hair on head, tail, feet. 1-6 lb (0.5-3 kg) Powderpuff: long, straight silky outercoat; short silky Soft, glossy short coat. Neck ruff. Any colour.
undercoat. Any colour or combination of colours.
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming Hairless
AB Jones Perm. Reg’d, Theresa Gilchrist. Well known for breeding top quality, healthy, happy, outgoing, CKC-registered Short and Long Coat Chihuahuas for show/breeding or family pet. Breeding Chihuahuas since 1995. We also board Toy breed dogs. RR 1, Pickardville, AB T0G 1W0. (780) 349-2868; uspecial@mcsnet.ca;
Keep your dog safe and happy. See our Holiday Tips P. 31
www.mipao.com (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)
CLUMBER SPANIEL - See Spaniel (Clumber)
History Named for its sandpaper-like coat, the Shar-Pei is an unusual breed that originated in China some 2,000 years ago. He was used for a variety of tasks including hunting, guarding and herding, and was prized as a fighting dog. The rough texture of his coat made him hard to grip, his loose folds of skin allowed him to turn on his opponent even when solidly held, and his tiny eyes and ears were protected from harm.
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
Photo: Dragonsblood
Can. Gr. Ch. Exc./ Am. Ch. Mi Pao’s Thor, CGN MBIS, Top Winnign Chow Chow for Canada 2012,2013 & 2014. Bred/Owned by F. Paul A. Odenkirchen (Int. Master Breeder) Mi-Pao Kennels Perm. Reg’d. Waterdown, ON. www.mipao.com
History Perhaps one of the oldest breeds, the Chow Chow may have existed as early as the 11th century BC. These dogs were used as hunting, draft, guard and flock dogs. The thick fluffy coats were prized for warm clothing.
Collie (Rough)
History This Scottish native is thought to have originated with the herding dogs the ancient Romans brought to Britain, and has been documented in writings dating as far back as the 1300s. Used primarily for herding down through the centuries, the Rough Collie became popular in England when Queen Victoria brought some of the dogs back from Scotland. The Rough Collie is best known in North America from the books by Albert Payson Terhune and the subsequent Lassie movies and popular television show, which premiered in the 1950s and ran for 20 years, forever immortalizing this distinctive breed. The Rough Collie is distinguished from his cousin by his abundant and luxurious outer coat.
For many years, the Chow Chow was never seen outside China. But around 1780, sailors smuggled some dogs among their cargo and exported them to Europe. Not knowing what to call the dogs, they used the generic name for all assorted cargo: chow chow. The unusual nature of the Chow Chow made it a spectacle in England, and the breed was displayed at the London Zoo as the “Wild Dog of China”. Personality With his cute and cuddly Queen Victoria saw the dogs there and decided appearance, the Shar-Pei easily works his to keep some as pets. The Chow Chow gained way into people’s hearts. But his guard dog its popularity in North America during the background makes him cautious, so he requires roaring 20s, when several movie stars kept them Personality Loyal and easy to train, the Rough good socialization at an early age. Calm and as pets. Collie is a wonderful family companion. He is steady in nature, he is an independent fellow kind and affectionate, and thrives on affection who loves his people, but is aloof with strangers. Personality Truly a one-person dog, the and activity. He needs plenty of outdoor Chow bonds solidly to his chosen person, and Positive training and active socialization make may remain a bit aloof with others. He is loyal exercise, so is best suited to homes with a bit of him a happy and enjoyable family member. and dedicated, and benefits from positive and space around them. Appearance 17-20” (44-51 cm) consistent training. The Chow Chow is a natural Appearance 22-26” (56-66 cm) 40-60 lb (18-27 kg) guardian and loyal protector. 50-75 lbs (22.5-35 kg) Harsh straight coat with sandpaper texture. Can Straight, harsh, abundant outer coat with short be short and bristly (horse coat) or long and Appearance 17-22” (43-56 cm) smooth hair on head and legs. Soft dense 45-70 lb (20-32 kg) thick (brush coat). Solid and sable colours. No undercoat. Sable and white, blue merle and white. Blue-black tongue. Rough: abundant dense outercoat that stands off white, sable merle and white, tricolour and the body, wooly undercoat. Neck ruff. Smooth: white with coloured markings. Quick Facts hard, dense smooth outercoat with definite Exercise Requirements undercoat. Red, black, fawn, blue, cream. Quick Facts Grooming Exercise Requirements Blue-black tongue and lips. Grooming BC Quick Facts Dragonsblood Reg’d, Sonja Davis. Proudly Exercise Requirements breeding Shar Pei for over 30 years now! Family Grooming raised, healthy, happy, well socialized puppies with great personalities. Available all year. Wide colour and coat variety to choose from, with complete Health Policy. Our dogs welcome visitors into our home, so please call or email to book your visit. PO Box 153, Deroche, BC V0M 1G0. (604) 814-0038; sonjassharpeiss@ gmail.com; www.sharpeisbysonja.ca (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight)
ON Mi-Pao Perm Regd, Minnie & Paul Odenkirchen. Canada’s oldest and consistently successful Chow Kennel since 1957. Providing Breeding, Companion and Show stock to over 30 Countries.We specialize in reds, blacks and creams of the long coated variety, with emphasis on soundness and affectionate disposition. 705 Parkside Dr, P.O Box 863 Waterdown, ON L0R 2H0, (905) 335-1712; mipao@sympatico.ca;
When China became a Communist country, dogs were not considered a valuable commodity and the Shar-Pei nearly died out. Dog lovers appealed to American breeders to rescue the breed in the 1970s. The Shar-Pei’s unique appearance and rarity drew attention, and soon the breed made a comeback in North America.
Very minimal Minimal Average More than average Maximum
History Developed centuries ago as a herding and guarding dog, the Collie is thought to be named after the Scottish black-faced sheep he protected, called Colleys. Two types developed - the Rough Collie and Smooth Collie. Both were working dogs until Queen Victoria took an interest in them in the 1860s and brought them to England. Smooth and Rough Collies share the same lineage and breed standard, but in 1830, show breeders wanted a more elegant dog with an elongated head, and crossed the breed with the Borzoi, leading to a separation of work and show lines. The Smooth Collie remained the favourite in England; in North America, the Rough Collie’s popularity grew in the 20th century thanks to the Lassie movies and television shows. Personality Like the Lassie of television fame, the Smooth Collie is a brave and loyal dog, whose intelligence makes him seem to read his owner’s mind. He is highly sociable, and excellent with children and other pets. Alert and conscious of his family’s safety, the Collie is a good watchdog. Lots of exercise and activities to occupy his mind help keep him relaxed and happy. With training he can participate in nearly any canine sport, and he makes an excellent therapy dog. Appearance 20-26” (51-66 cm) 40-75 lb (18-34 kg)
UKC Champion Cottoncandy’s Gummie Bear. ‘Sweet as Spun Sugar’ and everything a Coton should be. Bred/ Owned by Sonja Femia, Cottoncandy Cotons Reg’d. Brampton, ON. www.cottoncandycotons.com
History The royal dog of Madagascar, the Coton de Tulear is likely a combination of small Bichon-type dogs brought there by Portuguese and Spanish sailors in the 16th century. They were favoured companion dogs of the wealthy. They weren’t well known until 1853 when French dog fancier and governor of Fort Dauphin, Etienne de Flacourt, recorded the small mostly white dogs. He named them Coton, for their cottony texture and colour, and de Tulear, for the coastal city where they were said to originate. The dogs were then imported to France, where the breed standard was set in 1969. Coton de Tulears didn’t arrive in North America until 1974, and they quickly gained popularity as a lap dog. Personality Adorable and affectionate, the Coton de Tulear makes a wonderful family pet. He is sociable and gets along well with children and other animals. Highly bonded to his people, he doesn’t like to be left alone. He responds well to positive training, though he does have a stubborn streak at times. The Coton de Tulear is a capable watchdog who will let his people know of any possible intruders or unusual activity. Appearance 10-12” (23-28 cm) 8-13 lb (3.5-6 kg)
Thick, supple single coat. Cottony texture. Short, hard dense outercoat. Soft, dense furry Slightly wavy. White ground colour, also black, undercoat. Sable and white, tricolour, blue merle grey, yellow, tricolour and white markings. and white. May have white and/or tan markings. Quick Facts Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Exercise Requirements Grooming Grooming ON THISTLE BRAE COLLIES: We have both Rough and Smooth coats. Our great looking Smooth Collies are energetic, outgoing and family friendly. Just like Lassie but with less work. We are a CKC reg’d breeder with many years’ experience and we offer a written guarantee and lifelong breeder support. Palgrave, ON. (905) 880-1770; www.thistlebraecollies.com
Keep her busy: check out Game Time P. 70 110
Crown Jewel Reg’d, Judy & John Chapman. Luxury on a leash. Home raised, intelligent, nonshedding, hypoallergenic. All pups come vet checked and microchipped. Health guarantee. We are always available for assistance with your puppy. RR 6, St. Marys, ON N4X 1C8. (519) 229-6954; jchapman1@quadro.net; www.crownjewelcoton.ca Riverport Reg’d, Demetrius & Corinna Yannoulopoulos. Since 1980. Breeding quality Coton de Tulear for show, obedience, therapy work or loving friend. We emphasize type, soundness and health in our breeding program. Home raised puppies available occasionally by reservation. Two year guarantee. Inquiries welcome. Visit our website for information on coming litters or adult dogs available. (613) 838-3674; demcor@sympatico.ca; www.pickofthelitter.org SK JOMARANS Reg’d, Cathy Enns. JOMARANS Cotons (since 1996) and Havanese (since 1990). Adorable show and pet quality puppies, and occassionally adults. Our well socialized puppies are GUARANTEED, registered, microchipped, vet checked and vaccinated prior to careful placement in their new homes. Lifetime return policy. Email jomarans@sasktel.net for photos, references and application. (306) 232-5105; www.jomarans.com.
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
COTON DE TULEAR Photo: Thistle Brae Collies Reg’d
Collie (Smooth)
History A German breed, the Dachshund was bred to be a hunter, followed on foot by his handler. The long sleek profile typical of the breed allows him to get inside the burrows of his ON prey. Miniature-sized Dachshunds were primarily Cottoncandy Reg’d, Sonja Femia. Dedicated used to hunt rabbits and similar small prey. The to providing beautiful, healthy puppies with Long-Haired variety may have originated from the that typical charming “Sweet as Spun Sugar” selective breeding of longer-haired individuals. temperament. Top European champion Others suggest that breeders incorporated Field bloodlines. Raised in our home with TLC to Spaniels into their breeding programs, thus adding ensure a happy, highly-socialized companion. a longer softer coat to the sleek long-bodied dogs. Written health guarantee and continuous after- Whatever their origin, Long-Haired Dachshunds sale support. Member: CFC, CKC, CCTC, are prized for their elegant appearance. ACC and UKC. A “Code of Ethics” breeder. Reservations recommended. Located 20 minutes from Toronto’s Pearson Airport. Brampton, ON. (905) 451-7518; femias@sympatico.ca; www.cottoncandycotons.com (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement above.)
Personality Fun-loving and easy to get along with, Dachshunds do well in a variety of homes. With their short legs and small size, Miniature Long-Haired Dachshunds do well as apartment dogs. Like most scent hounds, Dachshunds like to
Dachshund (Miniature Wire-Haired)
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
follow their noses, and are likely to investigate any Personality A bright and friendly family DACHSHUND favourite, the Miniature Smooth Dachshund interesting holes in the ground. (MINIATURE WIRE-HAIRED) may be small, but not in personality. He has Appearance Up to 14” (35 cm); chest plenty of energy, though his short legs make it circumference 12-14” (30-35 cm) easy to keep him well exercised. Because he was Up to 11 lb (5 kg) bred to be a hunter, it is important to remember Double coat with soft straight or wavy outercoat. that he loves to follow a scent, and will dig if he Solid (red, cream), two-coloured (black, finds something interesting in the yard. chocolate, grey or white with rust-brown or Appearance Up to 14” (35 cm); chest yellow markings), dappled (brown, grey or circumference 12-14” (30-35 cm) white background with irregular patches of Up to 11 lb (5 kg) black, grey, brown, red or yellow) or striped Smooth, shiny short coat. Solid (red, cream), (red or yellow with darker striping). two-coloured (black, chocolate, grey or white Quick Facts with rust-brown or yellow markings), dappled Exercise Requirements (brown, grey or white background with irregular Grooming patches of black, grey, brown, red or yellow) History Born to hunt, the Dachshund was or striped (red or yellow with darker striping). ON bred in Germany to go to ground after Bournecrest Reg’d, Christine Bourne. Quality Quick Facts burrowing prey such as badgers. Miniature puppies, with excellent temperaments. Five Exercise Requirements varieties were used to hunt rabbit and hare, year congenital health guarantee. Most colours Grooming which their larger cousins couldn’t reach. Its including cream and white piebalds. Give popularity in North America declined during us a call and come and meet all the dogs. ON the First and Second World Wars, when its Bournecrest Reg’d, Christine Bourne. Quality 8435 Concession 8, Moorefield, ON N0G German origins caused people to turn against puppies, with excellent temperaments. Five 2K0. (519) 638-3445; shadyrillcb@gmail.com; the breed. The wire-haired variety of year congenital health guarantee. Most colours www.bournecrest.on.ca including cream and white piebalds. Give us Dachshund was the last to be developed. It Dreanhund Kennel, Diane Horvat. (905) 536- a call and come and meet all the dogs. 8435 isn’t certain whether the wire hair came from 6820; dhorvat4@xplornet.com Concession 8, Moorefield, ON N0G 2K0. selective breeding, or if hard-coated Terriers Sniffntell Perm. Reg’d, Shirley Thompson. (519) 638-3445; shadyrillcb@gmail.com; www. and Pinschers might have been added to the bloodlines. Either way, the breed’s Terrier-like Ch. lines. Beautiful Creams BC.BT, bournecrest.on.ca Reds. Good Temperament Guaranteed. Careanuff Reg’d, Tammy L. Brown. ALL my looks combined with its Dachshund body Conformation Show and Pet. Woodstock, ON. Dachshunds LIVE in my home. Pups are BORN shape appealed to North Americans and has (519) 539-0658; sthompson@execulink.com; in my Bedroom and come to you Pre-Spoiled, helped increase its popularity in recent years. Socialized and Loved. Choose from a Variety of Colours and Patterns. I look forward to filling your Arms, Heart and Home with the Pitter Patter of little Dachshund feet!! Newbury, ON N0L 1Z0. (519) 695-6596; careanuff@hotmail.ca; www.careanuff.webs.com
from quality, championed, health tested parents with an emphasis on temperament, health and conformation. Reservations recommended as we only breed occasionally. Actively participating in the conformation, earth dog and obedience rings. Wellandport, ON, L0R 2J0; (905) 3861778; longears@yahoo.ca; www.arnellfarms.com
Appearance Up to 14” (35 cm); chest circumference 12-14” (30-35 cm) Up to 11 lb (5 kg)
Double coat with uniform short harsh outercoat. Beard. Solid (red, cream), two-coloured (black, chocolate, grey or white with rust-brown or Grand-Gables Perm Reg’d. Let our puppies yellow markings), dappled (brown, grey, or History All Dachshunds originated in be part of your life tool! Home-raised, healthy, white background with irregular patches of Germany, where they were used as go-to-ground reasonably priced with guarantees. Stud service black, grey, brown, red or yellow) or striped hunting hounds. Different sizes specialized in available. Milton/Guelph area. (905) 854-4148; (red or yellow with darker striping). different prey, with larger dogs pursuing badgers grandgables@sympatico.ca Quick Facts and smaller ones going after rabbit and hare. To Sniffntell Perm. Reg’d, Shirley Thompson. Ch. Exercise Requirements differentiate Dachshund sizes, the Germans lines. Beautiful Creams BC.BT, Reds. Good Grooming measured the circumference of the dog’s chest. Temperament Guaranteed. Conformation Show and A smaller chest meant the dog could pursue Pet. Woodstock, ON. (519) 539-0658; sthompson@ smaller prey; the smallest were called rabbit- execulink.com; www.sniffntellkennels.com sized. In North America, we do not recognize the rabbit-sized dogs, and measure their sizes by weight rather than girth. The Miniature Smooth Dachshund is the small version of the original Standard Smooth Dachshund; it’s believed these P. 84 “minis” were developed by breeding together smaller-than-usual Standard Dachshunds.
Learn more about grooming
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
Personality With his short legs and cheery tail, the Dachshund is sure to bring a smile to his people. He is loyal and loving, though he does have a bit of a stubborn streak at times. Like most small breeds, the Dachshund can be a bit snippy with children, but if well socialized Disguise Reg’d, Tanya McCarthy. Pre-spolied does very well with them. He also loves to and pre-loved beautiful dachshunds, raised in follow his nose and may attempt to “hunt” in our home as part of our family. Breeding only the yard, digging at interesting holes.
History Believed to be the original ancestor of the other Dachshund breeds, the Standard Smooth-haired Dachshund hunted badger and fox from as early as the 16th century in Germany. A true terrier, the Dachshund was bred for its long, narrow body that could easily fit into the holes of its prey. When Prince Albert introduced the breed to Britain, confusion over the translation of “hund” caused it to be classified as a hound, and the Dachshund has remained in that group ever since. Personality Friendly, alert and outgoing, the high spirited Dachshund makes a good watchdog as well as a great companion. Because of his terrier qualities, he likes to take charge of situations, so early, consistent training, lots of patience and early socialization is important. A fenced yard will help contain this fearless fellow, who may find himself following his gifted sense of smell if given the opportunity. Regular exercise will keep the Dachshund happy as well as trim. This is a breed that does well in the city or the country. Appearance 8- 9 inches (20-23 cm) 12-32 lbs. (5.5-14 kg) Short, smooth, odourless and shiny coat. Solid (red, cream), two-coloured (black, chocolate, grey or white with rust-brown or yellow markings), dappled (brown, grey or white background with irregular patches of black, grey, brown, red or yellow) or striped (red or yellow with darker striping).
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
History The Dalmatian has been known in History Named for their prey, the “dachs” Europe since the Middle Ages and takes his or badger, the Dachshund is a hardy hunting name from Dalmatia (now a part of Croatia), dog from Germany. The breed was selected for where the earliest records of the breed exist. His its long, narrow body that could easily fit into origin is unclear, although some histories portray narrow holes in the ground. The dog’s long him as a gundog, a herding dog, a draft dog, a floppy ears protected the ear canals from dirt guardian and a ratter. when going to ground, and his long wavy tail signaled his location while hunting, and offered When the Dalmatian made his appearance a grip should he become wedged in a hole. The in England in the 18th century, he became Standard Wire-Haired Dachshund was created immensely popular as a carriage dog, the aristocracy’s ornate by adding Terrier blood to produce a spunky accompanying conveyances and horses around town and on dog with a more weather-resistant coat. long treks through the countryside. He could also Personality Big personality in a little body certainly describes the Dachshund. A happy, be found in the stables of the working class, and sometimes opinionated fellow, he is an in fire stations with horse-drawn water wagons. affectionate and cheerful member of the family. The four-legged “siren” would help clear the His history as a hunter makes it important to streets by running ahead of the wagon barking. socialize him with cats or small pets, though When the Dalmatian arrived in the New World he will accept them as family if introduced at (the U.S.), he automatically endeared himself to a young age. Outside, the Dachshund likes firefighters, and no station was complete without to follow his nose and dig when things smell one of these spotted mascots. interesting. Overall he is an easy-going family Personality Intelligent and enthusiastic, pet who is happy to be with his people. with lots of joie de vivre and a good demeanor. Appearance 14-18” (35-46 cm); chest Socialization, positive training and an abundance circumference 14” (35 cm) of exercise make this athletic fellow a happy, 11-20 lb (5-9 kg) loyal companion. Double coat with uniform short harsh outercoat. Appearance 21-24” (56-61 cm) 53-70 lb Beard. Solid (red, cream), two-coloured (black, chocolate, grey or white with rust-brown or Pure white with black or liver coloured spots, yellow markings), dappled (brown, grey or ranging from a dime to half-dollar in size. Short, white background with irregular patches of sleek, dense and glossy coat. black, grey, brown, red or yellow) or striped Quick facts (red or yellow with darker striping). Exercise requirements Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
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Photo: Alice Van Kampen
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
Dachshund (Standard Smooth)
Grooming AB Taylor Ranch Kennels Perm. Reg’d, Twyla Taylor. CKC registered Top quality pups available to loving family homes from European imported show lines. All breeding dogs are health tested and all pups come with a written guarantee. CKC registered since 1994. Visit our website for more information and availability. Sherwood Park, AB. (780) 922-3985; taylorranch@xplornet.com; www.taylorranchkennels.com. NS Cocoabeach Reg’d, Jennifer Stockman. CKC-Registered Dalmatian puppies. Puppies occasionally, adults sometimes. Championship stock producing puppies of sound quality and beautiful personalities. Canadian and American
Personality Intelligent, loyal and adaptable, the Dandie Dinmont is at home in city or country. He is protective, with a loud bark for such a little dog. Good with children, he can be independent and distant with strangers. Early training and socializing will reinforce his natural responsiveness and serenity. Appearance 8-11” (20-28cm) 18-24 lb (8-11kg) Non-shedding coat. “Pepper” (light grey to blue-black) or “mustard” (light fawn to reddish brown), his distinctive top-knot is always white. Round head. Expressive “liquid” eyes. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
Check out what’s new in Social Media P. 90
History The regal Scottish Deerhound has a centuries-old history with Scottish landowners, developing as a descendant of the most northern types of British greyhounds known in the 18th and 19th centuries as Highland greyhounds or rough Scotch greyhounds. These rough haired Deerhounds were traditionally used to hunt the 250-300 pound Highland Red deer by coursing over treacherous rocky heath and hill country. Today, Deerhounds are primarily companions and family members. Their grace, dignity, and beauty have been faithfully depicted by numerous artists over the years, including Sir Edwin Landseer. Novelist Sir Walter Scott was also a fan, describing the Scottish Deerhound as “the most perfect creature of Heaven”.
History Karl Freidrich Louis Dobermann was a tax collector in Germany during the mid1800s. Tax collectors were understandably not well liked, and the job was very dangerous. Personality Calm, dignified, devoted and To keep himself safe, and to make his job gentle-natured, the mature Scottish Deerhound easier, Dobermann decided to produce a large makes an excellent family pet when its exercise Pinscher-type dog who could work by his side. needs are satisfied. While their large size might By combining a variety of breeds such as the intimidate some, the Scottish Deerhound is German Shepherd, Rottweiler, Weimaraner, neither a barker nor a watchdog, and is far too German Pinscher, Greyhound and Manchester kind hearted to be a guard dog. Not surprisingly, Terrier, he produced a dog that was lean, he loves to run and needs a securely fenced brave, loyal and decidedly protective. The type stabilized remarkably quickly and the breed was yard or a safe place to exercise off leash. recognized as the Doberman Pinscher by 1900. Appearance 28-32” (71-81 cm) Over time, the Doberman’s brave and intelligent 75-110 lb (34-50 kg) nature has made him an excellent working dog. Coat is harsh, shaggy and close-lying with some He has been used for police work, search and beard and moustache. Dark blue-grey and rescue, guiding, guarding and much more. various shades of grey brindle prevail with the He is a favourite of the military. While he was old original colours of yellow, sandy red or red originally bred to have a fierce temperament, fawn with black points now lost in time. modern breeders have selected for levelheadedness and responsiveness. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Personality Today’s Doberman Pinscher is a Grooming far more tractable dog than Herr Dobermann’s original breed. He is intelligent and loyal, and BC dedicated to his person. Bred to be a working Ironstone Reg’d, Dr. Shelley Bosetti-Piche. dog, the Doberman does best when he has a Elegant deerhounds from champion bloodlines. purpose, and excels at obedience and police Vancouver, BC V4P 2C2. (604) 535-0465; work. He remains a protective individual who ironstonedeerhounds@gmail.com serves his owner with a dedication few other breeds can match. ON Fernhill Perm. Reg’d, Barbara Heidenreich. Committed to breeding healthy guaranteed, quality, high-performance (coursing and show) Deerhounds for more than forty years. My “Primer” on understanding and raising Deerhounds is available from www.fernhill. com. Visitors welcome. Bailieboro, ON. (705) 939-6831; bh@fernhill.com; www.fernhill.com
Doberman Pinscher
Appearance 24-29” (61-72 cm) 70-99 lb (32-45 kg) Short, smooth hard coat. Black, red, blue or fawn with rust markings.
Doberman Pinscher continued on next page.
History First-named of the terrier breeds, the Dandie Dinmont hails from the rugged border country between England and Scotland. Local farmers developed the fearless little dog to root out badgers and otters. Jealously guarded by a limited number of owners, the sturdy breed performed without any specific name or pedigree until it was immortalized in literature. Writer Sir Walter Scott was so charmed by these affectionate little dogs that he incorporated them into his 1812 novel, Guy Mannering. The book’s main character, a farmer named Dandie Dinmont, owned a whole family of the terriers, and soon the breed became as famous as the book. Queen Victoria owned and bred “Dandie Dinmont’s terriers”.
QC Caretta Reg’d, Susan Trow. Dedicated to the breed I have loved for many years. Home-raised, well socialized puppies occasionally available. My breeding is done with careful consideration for health, temperament, conformation and performance, from North American, Scottish and Australian bloodlines. Lifetime owner support. Une elevage deliberee avec les chiots disponibles occasionnelement. (819) 688-5697; strow@sympatico.ca
Photo: Fergus Reg’d.
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
championship bloodlines! Health-guaranteed puppies that are reasonably priced. Check us out on the web! 3229 Hwy 325, Wileville, NS B4V 5H5. (902) 543-7474; jenniferstockman@hotmail.com; www.cocoabeachdalmatians.com
Doberman Pinscher
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
Shepherd, but with three different weatherresistant coat variations: short-haired, longhaired or wiry/rough-haired. Black with streaks of gold and grey.
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements AB Grooming Shorthaired Fergus Reg’d, Edmund & Deanna Ferguson. Long- and Wiry/Rough-haired European Doberman Pinschers. Excellent working bloodlines. Bred for quality and temperament. Health tested parents. Breeding for 22 years. Full Breeder support. Serbian Females, Romanian Male. Visitors Welcome. (780) 662-3713; fergusdobes@hotmail.com
ON McCartney Ron, Ultrasound Reg’d. 39 years of dedication, breeding for longevity. Health tested. Quality and temperament-plus, brains and beauty. Canadian and American bloodlines. Show and companion prospects. Written health guarantee. Home-raised with children. Puppies occasionally to responsible homes. RR 4, Owen Sound, ON N4K 5N6. (519) 794-3456; ultrasoundkennel@ gmail.com; www.ultrasoundkennels.com
DUTCH SHEEPDOG -See Shapendoes
ENGLISH COCKER SPANIEL - See Spaniel (English Cocker)
ENTLEBUCHER MOUNTAIN DOG History When stags grew scarce in the 13th century, aristocratic English hunters turned to pursuing the quick and clever fox. Tracking hounds of the original Bloodhound type lacked enough speed and agility for this livelier chase, so astute breeding produced the lighter and more surefooted English Foxhound. Records of specialized Foxhound kennels date back to1696, with 50 more kennels established in the next five decades. This handsome breed made its way to North America in the late 18th century and was the predecessor to the American Foxhound, History Originating in the valley of Entlebuch Coonhound and other scent hounds. in Switzerland, the Entlebucher is the smallest Personality The archetype pack animal, the of the four Swiss Sennenhunds (mountain English Foxhound is a congenial creature. As dogs). Like all of the Sennenhund breeds, he is affectionate as he is, the Foxhound may not thought to be descended from the large always suit a family home. His lineage gives him molossers brought to Switzerland by the a powerful instinct, and for this reason, training Romans in the first century B.C. This hardy should start in puppyhood. Ancestry almost Alpine breed was used primarily for herding always ensures that the English Foxhound may cows, but also occasionally for hogs and horses. be happiest in a pack, running daily to keep fit The Entlebucher was recognized as a separate Swiss Mountain Dog breed in the late 1800s, for the activity he loves: the chase. and received breed club status in 1926.
History In the early 1600s, when much of the Netherlands was devoted to sheepherding, the Dutch Shepherd Dog excelled at tending to flocks. But as sheep farming diminished, so did the breed itself. In the last few decades, however, dedicated Dutch Shepherd breeders have kept this smart and active dog thriving at farm work and, more extensively, at police and guard duty. Because of the popularity of his German Shepherd cousin, the Dutch Shepherd is considered a rare breed in North America.
Personality Alert and quick to learn, the Dutch Shepherd Dog does best with early training, followed by ongoing pursuits such as agility, field training and herding. He is exceedingly smart and requires ongoing mental and physical challenges. Naturally protective, loyal and tireless, this is a dog best paired with a strong, confident, active owner. Appearance 22-24.5” (55-62 cm) 65-67 lb (29.5-30.5) The Dutch Shepherd looks much like a German 114
Personality This strong-muscled, independent, confident dog is happiest when he is providing work for his family. Give him a job to do and he’ll gladly come through! The naturally bobtailed Entlebucher is highly-intelligent and has the ability to be well-focused, so positive training from an early age is important. Adventurous and determined, this dog is a great companion for outdoor activities, sports, hiking, and long city strolls. This friendly dog is devoted to his family, and despite being quite independent, thrives when given lots of attention. The Entlebucher is a perfect breed for someone who can be a positive leader and wants an active canine companion. With socialization, they are usually good with children, strangers, and other dogs.
Appearance 23-25” (58-64 cm) 65-70 lb (29.5-31.5 kg) Short, dense, glossy coat. Black, tan and white colour in any combination. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL - See Spaniel (English Springer)
Appearance 16.5-19.5” (42-50 cm) 55-65 lb (25-29.5 kg) Male is longer than the square-shaped female. Soft, fluffy chest and blaze, with smooth, shiny outercoat. Undercoat is soft and dense. Muscular, sturdy body. Symmetrical tricolour markings are black, white, and tan, or black, white, and yellow. Can also have brown, white, and yellow markings. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
History The Eurasier is a recent breed whose development is credited to Julius Wipfel of Germany. He crossed the Wolfspitz (Keeshond)
Medium-length, harsh loosely-lying outercoat. Thick undercoat. All colours and colour combinations except pure white, white patches or liver. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
History For centuries, Spaniels have provided humans with companionship and performance. While smaller types enjoyed hearth and home, larger Spaniels flushed game from field and stream. It was only a dog’s size and job that determined a Spaniel “breed”. With the introduction of dog shows in mid-19th century Britain, breeders developed a more nuanced system. While some Spaniel types continued to work, the larger Field Spaniel found itself assigned to the show ring. The breed was a hit. But in trying to improve on perfection, breeders developed the well proportioned
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
Appearance 19-24” (48-60 cm) 39-71 lb (18-32 kg)
Appearance 16-20.5” (40.5-52 cm) 33-53 lb (15-24 kg) Dense, insulating double coat. All colours, with one colour dominating.
Finnish Spitz
and intelligent, the Finnish Lapphund has an intuitive nature that picks up direction almost before his trainer supplies it.
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
History Originating in Lapland (the northern regions of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia), the Finnish Spitz, also known as the Lapinkoira, was a hunting dog who tracked large prey such as bear and elk. For many years the breed remained pure, but as technology and transportation improved, Lapland dogs spread southwards and interbred with local dog populations. Crossbreeding deteriorated the breed so much that by 1880 the Lapinkoira was nearly extinct. Finnish breed fanciers searched the northern regions for purebred examples of the breed, and by the 1890s began a concerted effort to recreate the pure Finnish Spitz.
The original dogs were used to hunt large game, but modern Finnish Spitz are primarily bird History The Finnish Lapphund originally dogs. Called the “barking bird dog”, he has a hunted reindeer and provided protection for the unique hunting style in which he alerts hunters Sami people who lived above the Arctic Circle. to where he finds the birds with a continuous When the semi-nomadic tribes established bark, called a yodel. settlements in a region that included parts of Personality Reserved with strangers, yet Norway, Sweden, Finland and northwestern playful and even clownish with friends, the Russia, this spitz-type dog turned from hunting Finnish Spitz is a vocal breed who likes to make reindeer to herding them. As reindeer declined, his presence known. He is highly loyal to his the Lapphund was invaluable in herding cattle people, and can be protective at times. Early and sheep. socialization helps him feel comfortable with In the 1940s, Finnish breeders established new people, though he will always show caution standards under the dog’s original name, among strangers. Like many hunting breeds, the Lapponian Shepherd Dog. The name the Finnish Spitz is an athlete, and makes an encompassed both long- and short-haired types. excellent jogging companion as long as the Currently, it is the long-haired breed we identify weather isn’t too hot. as the Finnish Lapphund, or the Lapinkoira, as Appearance 15-20” (39-51 cm) it’s sometimes called. 15-35 lb (7-16 kg) A familiar companion dog in Finnish homes, the Lapphund’s worldwide popularity is on the rise. Straight, long harsh outercoat. Short, soft dense undercoat. Shades of reddish brown, golden Personality The Lapphund’s strongest trait is red. May have white markings. his tendency to herd. This is a dog who likes to be in on the action, and as his ancestors were Quick Facts capable of herding all day long, he thrives in Exercise Requirements an active environment. Courageous, faithful Grooming
with the Chow Chow, known for his calm, canine into an awkward, heavy headed dog. affectionate and independent yet loyal nature, Health problems followed, and for a time, the breed fell out of favour. A century ago, and called the resulting dogs Wolf-Chows. committed breeders restored the Field Spaniel Some breeders chose to select more for type, to his original build, sustaining the breed neglecting temperament. When these lines and meeting the standards that dog fanciers were culled from the breed, the remaining dogs recognize and appreciate today. became too inbred. To correct this, Wipfel crossed his dogs to Samoyeds because of their Personality The Field Spaniel’s sporting ancestry, coupled with an abiding love for “his friendly temperament and natural vigour. people”, make the breed a desirable family The Zuchmeinschaft für Erasier was founded dog. Calm and affectionate, he is also game in 1973; the name was changed to Eurasier, for a romp. The Field Spaniel is intelligent, reflecting the combination of European and and adapts to an urban or country setting. Asian breeds. The Eurasier was recognized by The Field Spaniel is sensitive, so early gentle the CKC in 1995, but remains unrecognized in training ensures his affection will extend to the United States. strangers. Personality The primary goal of Wipfel’s Appearance 17-18” (43-45.5 cm) breeding program was to produce a Spitz with 35-50 lb (16-22.5 kg) a consistently excellent temperament. The resulting even-tempered, friendly, intelligent Moderately long, flat or wavy coat. Glossy with and calm-natured Eurasier is a supreme family moderate feathering. dog. He is neither timid nor aggressive, though Black, liver, golden-liver, mahogany red or roan. he can be aloof with strangers. At home he is Tan markings acceptable. deeply attached to his family, and hates to be Quick Facts left alone. Because he was always intended as a Exercise Requirements companion, the Eurasier does not need a lot of Grooming exercise, though regular walks are a necessity to keep him healthy and fit. FINNISH LAPPHUND
Fox Terrier (Wire)
- See Retriever (Flat Coated)
History The Fox Terrier has been around since the early days of mounted fox hunts. Hounds were used to scent and follow prey, but were not suited to taking the fox in its den. For this, hunters would carry a Fox Terrier in a sack or box as they rode, letting him out when the fox had gone to ground so he could pursue the fox into its den and chase it out. The breed existed for many years before being defined in the late 1800s when dog shows became popular. Two varieties were recognized -- the smooth coated and wire coated Fox Terrier. The ancestry of each is likely different, with the Greyhound, Beagle and Bull Terrier founding the Smooth Fox Terrier, and the now extinct Welsh Black and Tan Terrier founding the Wire Fox Terrier. Despite their differing origins, the two varieties were not recognized as separate breeds in North America until the 1980s. Personality Alert and active, the Wire Fox Terrier is a fun dog to have around the home. He is a hunter at heart and should be watched with smaller pets that might be considered prey. Early socialization helps him become more confident and easy to manage when confronted with new people and situations. He is quite intelligent and with positive training can do well in obedience or agility. The Wire Fox Terrier gets quite attached to his people, prefers to not be left alone for long periods, and can be a bit of a barker.
The French Bulldog became popular in North History One of the original English terriers, the America in the 19th century. At that time, Fox Terrier has been ferreting out small animals both the English-style “rose” (folded) ears and since the 1400s. When fox hunting became the the newer “bat” (erect) ears were considered British aristocracy’s favourite sport in the 18th acceptable. American breeders greatly preferred century, hunters carried the compact dog on the bat ears. Eventually they won out. Bat ears horseback, setting him down when the prey are now the accepted breed standard. took cover. The scrappy little dog was sure to go to ground -- and have something to show for Personality Cheerful and full of playful joie it. In 1862, the breed made its first appearance at de vivre, the French Bulldog or Frenchie is a a dog show in the English manufacturing centre wonderful family pet. He gets along with of Birmingham, thereby guaranteeing its place everyone, including other pets. His shortened muzzle tends to make him snore and drool, as “the working man’s” favourite. The breed made its North American debut at and he shouldn’t be exercised heavily in the turn of the century. Not long afterwards, it hot weather. With his happy disposition was immortalized in the record company logo and good-hearted nature, he enjoys positive training and is generally an obedient soul. for “His Master’s Voice”. Personality Scrappy, happy, plucky and personable, the Fox Terrier’s compact size makes him a natural city dweller, providing he gets plenty of fun and exercise. True to his breeding, the Fox Terrier can be a digger, which makes him a candidate for early training. Appearance 14.5-15.5” (36.8-39.5 cm) 15.5-18 lb (7-8 kg)
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
Wiry, hard dense outercoat. Soft dense undercoat. Mostly white with black, black and tan, or tan markings. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
Appearance 12” (30 cm) 22-28 lb (10-12.5 kg) Short, smooth glossy coat. Brindle, fawn, cream, white, brindle and white, brindle pied or blackmasked fawn. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
Smooth, thick, hard coat. Mostly white with AB black, tan or ginger markings.
Appearance Up to 15.5” (40 cm) Up to 18 lb (8 kg)
SK Paigewyre Reg’d, Patricia E Garling. Quality homeraised puppies and adults occasionally for pet or show. Stud service available. Health guaranteed. 938 1st St, Estevan, SK S4A 0G6. (306) 634-1252; paigewyre@sasktel.net; www.paigewyre.com
varieties were best for fighting, many people preferred the smaller ones, which became much-loved house pets. The Nottingham region of England, known for its lace-making, was particularly enamoured of these smaller Bulldogs. When the Industrial Revolution and economic downturn of the 1860s forced lacemakers to move to France in pursuit of work, they took their dogs with them. These animals were then crossed with local dogs, producing the breed now known as the French Bulldog.
Karendon’s Ch. Over the Moon & Karedon’s Ch. Lunar Eclipse. Luna & Esme represent 10 generations of Karendon Perm. Reg’d French Bulldogs. Bred/Owned by Karen E. Cram. www.karendonfrenchbulldogs.com
History The Bulldog was very popular in England during the 1800s. While the larger
Alberta French Bulldogs is a joint site between French Bulldogs by Gernada and Taylor Ranch Kennels Perm. Reg. We strive to bring you top quality French Bulldogs in structure, temperament, health and pedigrees. Pups will be CKC registered with written health guarantees. For more info visit our website. www.albertafrenchbulldogs.com BC Goldenpond Perm. Reg’d/Collindobes Reg’d, Linda Marie Kent. Stud services available in blue, cream, fawn or brindle by private treaty. Puppies to special homes. Written health guarantee. Registered breeder since 1969. Shipping available. Health and temperament given top priority. Ask the person who owns one. 1720 Koksilah Rd, Cowichan Bay, BC V0R 1N1. (250) 748-0469; Fax (250) 748-0486; goldenpondreg@gmail.com ON Foxmoor Reg’d, Dr. William Stoyka, Anne McIntyre, Pat Berry. Home of the #1 French Bulldog in Canada 2005, 2008-2014 and multiple Best in Show winners in Canada and the US.
multi Group Winners. They are always lovingly breeder/owner handled in the Conformation Show Ring. However, most importantly, our French Bulldogs are amazing pets with average lifespans of 13 to 14 years.(613)7522382; karen@karendonfrenchbulldogs.com www.karendonfrenchbulldogs.com (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left)
SECRET in DOGDOM!! “. “THE PERFECT Ideal Medium size breed!.” Devoted, super smart, loving family companions and guardians. “THIS breed LIVES for you and WILL die for you!”. Easily trained, versatile, low care with good health and longevity. 4 colours and ear cropping available. Pups are vet checked with 3 year written guarantee. UKC Internationally Registered. Producers of Grand Champions. Shipping Available. Doberman and Mini Pinschers pups available. (780) 986-6877; pinscher@telus.net; www.tri-pinscher.com (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left and our advertisement in the Breeders Spotlight.)
Personality An intelligent and poised dog, the German Shepherd is prized for his quickthinking, brave and observant nature. He is easy to train, and loves to work. To stay happy, he Hornerbrook Reg’d, Jacques R. LaPierre & Appearance 17-20” (43-51 cm) needs regular exercise for both mind and body. Nathalie L. LaPierre. PO Box 88, Verona ON, 31-44 lb (14-20 kg) German Shepherds make great family dogs, K0H 2W0. (613) 372-1544; hornrbrk@kingston. Short, dense, smooth close-lying coat. All solid and do well with children. net; www.hornerbrook.com colours ranging from fawn to stag red, black and Appearance 21-26” (55-66 cm) KARENDON PERM. REG’D. For over 22 years blue with reddish-tan markings. 48-88 lb (22-40 kg) and 12 generations, we have focussed our select Quick Facts Medium-length, dense harsh outercoat. Thick breeding program on health, temperament Exercise Requirements undercoat. May have ruff. Most colours accepted and type. Our pedigrees represent the Grooming except white. White German Shepherds do finest bloodlines in the world. In addition to exist, but are undesirable. Some breeders select being Canadian and American conformation AB Champions, our beautiful French Bulldogs Tri-Pinscher Kennels, Donna Smith. Established for white shepherds and promote them as a are Best In Specialty Show, Best In Show and 1996. Customer comments: “Thee BEST kept separate breed.
UKC Internationally registered, devoted, loving and protective companions. Producing Grand Champions with excellent temperaments. Bred/Owned by Tri-Pinscher Kennels, Donna Smith. Leduc, AB
History Although he looks like a miniature Doberman, the German Pinscher goes back centuries and was the inspiration for Louis Dobermann when he created his breed. The progenitors of the Pinscher were Terriers, too large to chase prey underground but suited to hunting beaver, badger and otter. By the 15th century, the breed developed into the Rattler, which came in two varieties: smooth and rough. The German Pinscher is descended from the smooth Rattler.
V Conner vom Bauhofer-Land IPO3. Bred/Owned by Sheila MacLeod, Rivergreen Shepherds Reg’d. Marksdale, ON. www.rivergreenshepherds.com
History One of the world’s best known breeds, the German Shepherd was created by Rittmeister Max von Stephanitz. In the 1890s, von Stephanitz sought to create a superb German herding dog. He selected the best dogs from local farm stock, and the result was the German Shepherd. When the need for herding The breed was not recognized officially until dogs decreased, von Stephanitz continued 1879. Like many German breeds, the Pinscher promoting his breed by encouraging the military nearly died out during the First and Second and police to use them. They did so well that World Wars. In 1958, Herr Werner Jung 48,000 German Shepherds were enlisted in the undertook the effort of rebuilding the breed, German Army during World War I. searching Germany for good representatives of The German Shepherd’s intelligence and the Pinscher type. All modern German Pinschers versatility have kept him popular, despite the are descendants of Jung’s breeding program. boycotting of German breeds during the First Personality Always alert and at the ready, the German Pinscher is a multi-talented dog who needs strong leadership and a job to keep him happy. He is intelligent and assertive, quick to
German Shepherd Dog
learn, and able to think for himself. German Pinschers do well in many dog sports, and benefit from early socialization.
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming AB Guardian Angels Shepherds Reg’d, Mary Ann Marcellus. Breeding for health & temperament. All European working lines with no American show lines. German Shepherds the way they used to be! Three generations on site. Specializing in strong, sound and courageous partners! Bowden, AB T0M 0K0. (403) 556-3656; k9trainer@dogwhisperer.ca; www.myguardianangelshepherds.com. (See our advertisement in the Breeders Spotlight.) MottoPride Shepherds Reg’d, Sandi Evjen. We offer oversized Shepherds that are intelligent, smart, loyal loving companions. All pups come with a health guarantee. All breeding stock OFA’d. We live on 80 acres of grass and bush for exercising and training. Climate controlled kennel with large outdoor grass runs. We raise confident, happy, healthy, socialized puppies. Stony Plain, AB. 780-963-1697; sandi@mottopride.ca; www.mottopride.ca NB Stormymagic Reg’d, Roxanne Harker. We breed top-quality, imported working-line German Shepherds. Our puppies have good solid nerves, outstanding temperaments and a lot of drive, which develop into awesome personal and family companions and excel in protection, Schutzhund, SAR and law enforcement. 3861 Rte 16, Melrose, NB E4M 2H1. (506) 8990234; stormymagicshepherds@hotmail.com; www.stormymagicshepherds.com (See our advertisement in the Breeders Spotlight.) ON Abernot Linda, Winning Ways German Shepherd Dogs. Gorgeous, mentally and physically sound German Shepherd Dogs. OFA hips and elbows, eyes normal, obedience titled, therapy dogs, excellent DDR and working lines. Five-year nose-to-tail guarantee, lifetime support. Over 30 years in same location! 568 Old Goulais Bay Rd, Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 5K8. (705) 759-6366; winningways@shaw.ca; www.winningways.org (See our advertisement in the Breeders Spotlight.)
and Second World Wars. He now is used for many purposes including police work, search and rescue, scent discrimination, guide and assistance duties and military work. He is also a German Shepherd Dog continued on next page. prized companion dog.
Breeders of quality, healthy and sound Frenchies. Mississauga ON (905) 826-3613; stoyka@ sympatico.ca; www.foxmoorfrenchbulldogs.ca
German Shepherd Dog
Armstrong-Purnell Janice & Murray Purnell, Sanhedrin Reg’d. Quality home raised puppies from sound, health champion & obedience OFA certified clear stock. Our dogs do well in Obedience & Shows, but most of all, are loving family companions. 8676 Hwy 9, Tottenham, ON L0G 1W0. (416) 441-3724 Cell; (905) 936-3236 Home; willysammi@hotmail.com; www.sanhedringermanshepherds.com Burgimwald Reg’d. Excellent temperament with high drive and happy disposition living on our forested 60 acre estate. Our dogs are from Germany’s top world famous bloodlines. Zamp, Farbenspiel, 14 generations of Trienzbachtal bloodlines and many more. All of our dogs are Canadian Champions. Our puppies are outstanding. Born and raised in our home puppy nursery. Puppy inquiries welcome. Young dogs and trained adults from Germany available occasionally. burgimwald@gmail.com; www.burgimwald.com (See our advertisement in the Breeders Spotlight.) Carmspack. Good temperament, strong, confident, clear headed. Energetic when required, calm when not. Strong nerves with high thresholds, acting appropriately to a situation, not out of stress or perception of threat when there is none, has been a priority since that first litter in 1978. That temperament allowed Carmspack dogs to serve in almost any job you can imagine. Bomb dogs, securing the safety of World and Religious leaders, valued members of law enforcement k9 teams, as guide dogs, provided comfort and support to returning vets, and cherished as trustworthy loyal family pets. Conformation? Natural – normal, functional, athletic, that which serves a working breed best. Not influenced by trends, or exaggerations for structure, and that applies also to drive. They have graced the covers and pages of BrownTrout calendars for decades. They are seen in Shaw’s “The Illustrated Standard for the German Shepherd Dog” www.shawlein.com, a classic reference book in the making. Carmspack dogs have been raw fed for 30 years and fuelled by Feed-Sentials for k9. Each generation is built on Carmspack foundation, most dogs going back to that first litter. Breedings are done remembering the original description and use of this breed which was to be a versatile dog. Carmspacks selects for working biddability, instinctive tracking and heritage herding genetics to ensure that this kind of dog, these virtues, remain available, conservation and preservation. You know my priorities. So what are yours? (905) 655-3833; www.Carmspack.com (See our advertisement in the Breeders Spotlight.) Casa Abelardus German Shepherds Reg’d. Family Companion * Protector * Utility * Show * All Purpose * Beautifully Noble. Breeding exclusive top proven imported German/Italian lines for Pet Companion or Show. All our dogs health certified ED/HD - Hips & Elbows. Puppies Health Guarantee. Home Raised. Shipping Worldwide.
Canada (416) 662-1611; lou@casaabelardus. com. US (917) 734-4492. International (416) 662-1611; lou@casaabelardus.com (See our advertisement in the Breeders Spotlight.) Committed to Canine, Lucescu Reg’d. 100 % European Lines. Health Guaranteed. Puppies and adults for family companions, police and competition. (905) 386-6993; www.committedtocanine.com (See our advertisement in the Breeders Spotlight.) CrossHill Kennels, Peter Cadman. Top European bloodlines, Old fashioned style, Family-friendly German Shepherds. 4862 Wm Hastings Line, Milbank/Crosshill (Kitchener/Waterloo area), ON N0K 1L0. (519) 699-5589; (519) 897-6757 Cell; peter_cadman@hotmail.com; www.crosshillkennels.com (See our advertisement in the Breeders Spotlight.) Deep Hollow Kennels breeds for confident, intelligent, loyal working German Shepherds. Suitable for sport or as a family pet. Puppies, occasional adults, and stud service available. Port Colborne, ON. (905) 941-3176; brittany@deephollow.ca; www.deephollow.ca (See our advertisement in the Breeders Spotlight.) Harkleen Reg’d, Bill Harrison. Breeding Registered German Shepherds for over forty years. Puppies occasionally. Hillsburgh ON. (519) 855-9980; harrtay@bell.net Lindenhof Reg’d, Charlie Schmidt. 50 years of experience training and breeding dogs. 804 Stewartville Rd, RR 2, Arnprior, ON K7S 3G8. (613) 622-5599; lindenhof@bell.net; www.lindenhof.ca (See our advertisement in the Breeders Spotlight.) Rivergreen Reg’d. Proudly continues to produce your canine companions, your protectors and many successful show dogs. We take great care to offer you healthy, happy puppies with beautiful structure and promising trainability. With over 30 years of Shepherd breeding. We appreciate our many contacts and friendships with wonderful people and their dogs. RR 3, Markdale, ON N0C 1H0. (519) 538-0910; rivergreen@xplornet.com; www.rivergreen-shepherds.com (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement on page 117 and our advertisement in the Breeders Spotlight.) Wild Winds German Shepherds, Kathy Cecchin. Quality family-raised puppies suitable for all competitive disciplines, as well as excellent family companions. All parents “Cert” hips/elbows and clear of DM. 3 year written warranty for Hips/Elbows. Imported German Working Lines. Extra large pups available in black, black/tan and sable. Visitors Welcome. RR 3, 7489 First Line, Arthur, ON N0G 1A0. (519) 848-5554; windbakfund@rocketmail.com; www.wildwindsgsds.ca/ (See our advertisement in the Breeders Spotlight) SK Backstromhus Reg’d, Edith Norling. Top European bloodlines. Generations of health/ hip certified dogs. Guarantee. Stud service (live cover or fresh chilled/frozen semen),
Puppies and/or custom importing. Bred for their willingness to please, beauty, athletic ability and intelligence. Saskatoon, SK (306) 653-2324; gnilrone@sasktel.net; www.backstromhus.com.
GOLDEN RETRIEVER, -See Retriever (Golden)
GORDON SETTER - See Setter (Gordon)
CH Quicksilver’s Blue Morpheus. Quicksilver Reg’d breeder of quality Blue Great Danes since 2000. Bred/ Owned by Sylvia Haavisto, Quicksilver Danes Reg’d.
History The Great Dane got his name from an 18th century French naturalist who believed the breed originated in Denmark and called it the “Grand Danois”. In actuality, the breed was developed in Germany where it was called the “Deutsche Dogge” or German Mastiff. This is a far more suitable name since the Great Dane likely descended from the ancient Alaunt, a Mastiff-type dog depicted in tomb drawings as early as 2200 BC. Over time, Irish Wolfhound and English Mastiff bloodlines were likely added, giving the breed added size. Strong and brave, the Great Dane was a war dog for Germans and Celts, but over time, the Germans refined the breed, which was so well loved that it was declared the national dog of Germany in 1876. By the mid-1800s, Great Danes were imported to North America where breeders worked to tone down their sometimes fiercely protective nature, producing an eventempered though still protective dog. This made North American Great Danes the most desirable in the world. Personality Big, bold and a bit goofy, the Great Dane is a loving dog who adores his people. He is a leaner, preferring to be right up against his owner, and if he had his way he’d be a lap dog too. He enjoys going for long and often brisk walks, and without training can be difficult to hold onto once he gets going. Given his great size and independent thinking, it is important to start training early, keeping sessions short and sweet. Appearance At least 28” (71 cm) At least 100 lb (46 kg) Short, thick glossy coat. Brindle, fawn, black, harlequin, mantle.
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
ON Quicksilver Danes Reg’d. Since 2001 Member of the Great Dane Club of Canada. Breeder of quality blues show and pet. Temperament and longevity are our priorities. Reservations are required. (705) 989-6514; quicksilverdanes@ yahoo.com; www.quicksilverdanes.com (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)
ON Goodwin Ruth A, Aragon Reg’d. 10 generations of champions and Companions bred for type, soundness and temperament. Member of CKC, Great Pyrenees Clubs of Southern Ontario. Fully guaranteed. Puppies occasionally. 72 Hwy 141 Seguin, ON P2A 2W8. (705) 732-2498; aragon@ vianet.on.ca; www.aragonpyrs.com
Personality This mellow breed makes for an ideal family dog. Patient, friendly, and intelligent, the Swissy is a good companion and a good guard dog without having aggressive traits. His consistent temperament makes him good Glenire Reg’d, Valerie Toth. Since 1963. with children and other dogs. While mellow, Purebred, pedigreed, microchipped, tattooed, the Swissy remains puppy-like into its second Canadian Kennel Club registered puppies or third year. They enjoy lounging with their and older dogs. Temperament tested for best family, as well as engaging in group activities. fit as pet, show or livestock guardians. No Socialization from a young age is also important, time limit, written genetic health guarantee. since they can be naturally protective. Champion stud service. We show our dogs CKC, UKC. Visitors welcome. Life member CKC & GPCOntario. Founding member GPCC. Glenire Acres, 10 Clanbrassil Rd, RR 3, Hagersville, ON N0A 1H0. (905) 768-4190; lesvalt@hotmail.com; www.glenireacresfarm.com
History Born in the Pyrenees Mountains of France and Spain, the Great Pyrenees protected the sheep and cattle that supported native peoples. Brave, sure-footed and utterly reliable, these white giants cared for their charges like no others. In 1675, the French Prince, later King Louis XIV, fell in love with a dog named Patou, who he brought home with him when he returned to France. Other nobles wanted a dog like Patou, and the breed soon became known as the “Royal Dog of France”. The Great Pyrenees remained popular as a herder. He was also favoured as a guard dog. In the mid-1600s, several Great Pyrenees were exported by Basque fishermen who brought them to the Canadian Maritimes. There they became founders for the Newfoundland dog. More recently, Great Pyrenees were exported to North America in the 1930s, where they gained new popularity among breeders. Personality Bred to be a herd guardian, it’s no surprise the Great Pyrenees is a protective dog dedicated to his family. He is kind and gentle with his flock, human or otherwise, but cautious with strangers. It is important to socialize Great Pyrenees at a young age. He has a tendency to want to patrol his territory, as he would livestock, so a well-fenced yard or leash walks are essential. Overall he is a serious conscientious family member who will protect his family with his life. Appearance 25-32” (63-81 cm) over 88 lb (female) or 100 lb (male) (40 kg or 50 kg) Long, flat thick outercoat. Dense wooly outercoat. Neck ruff. White, white with grey, badger, reddish brown, tan markings.
Medium-length, thick outercoat with short, thick undercoat. Symmetrical black, white, and tan markings on face. Body is black with rust and Woolmarsh Perm Reg’d, Dr. Carol Graham. Erin white coloured markings. Soft, floppy ears. Fourth Line, Acton, ON L7J 2L8. Well socialized, Quick Facts home raised puppies occasionally from OFA Exercise Requirements certified parents. We also help with Great Pyrenees Grooming rescue for the Great Pyrenees Club of Southern Ontario. Inquiries welcome. (519) 853-3005; (519) 855-6439 Bus; (519) 855-4408 Fax. (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)
QC Pitous du Val Perché, Marianne Glofcheski. Chiens de montagne des Pyrénées. Compagnons et gardiens. Reproducteurs certifiés OFA. Companions and guardians. Canadian and European champion bloodlines. 134 rte 148 Est, Lochaber, QC J0X 3B0. (819) 985-1044; valperche@live.ca; www.DuValPerche.ca
History The Greyhound is one of the world’s oldest breeds. It dates back to nearly 3000 BC when its image appeared in ancient Egyptian carvings, although the first real description of the breed didn’t appear until 43 BC, when an ancient Roman named Ovid wrote about these sleek hunting dogs. The Greyhound has changed very little since those early times. These fast, streamlined dogs were for royalty only, and originally used as sight hounds for hunting every type of game from hare to deer to foxes. It wasn’t until just over 200 years ago that Greyhound coursing became popular. Greyhounds were brought to North America by History The oldest of the four Swiss Spanish explorers in the 1500s and were among Sennenhund varieties, the Greater Swiss the first dogs to be recorded at American dog Mountain dog is a descendant of the mastiff shows in the late 19th century. Among the dogs used by the ancient Romans during their famous personalities who own Greyhounds are conquests. Swiss farmers used the dogs as George Washington and General Custer. guardians, herders, and as draft and butcher’s dogs. Despite being a popular all-purpose Personality Beautiful, lean and lively, working dog, their numbers declined the Greyhound is today mostly valued as a dramatically and by the late 19th century only a Greyhound continued on next page. Photo: Alice Van Kampen
Can & UKC Woolmarsh Prestonfield Matisse. Bred by Dr. Carol Graham & Norma Eddinton, Woolmarsh Perm. Reg’d. Owned by Dr. Carol Graham, Woolmarsh Perm. Reg’d. 5039 Erin Fourth Line, Acton, ON L7J 2L8
Appearance 23.5-28.5” (60-72 cm) 110-154.5 lb (50-70 kg)
few remained. In 1908, a man named Franz Schertenleib rediscovered the breed and implemented a breeding program based on the recommendation from Dr. Albert Heim. In 1910 the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog (aka “Swissy”) was accepted by the Swiss registry and the breed flourished once again.
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
Indoors he is relaxed and happy to spend time with his family. His stable disposition makes him a good playmate for children. Respectful and responsive, the Wire Haired Pointing Griffon is easy to train.
companion animal. Not surprisingly, he’s the fastest of dog breeds and relies on sight and AB speed to make his way through the world. He Manitoba Brussels Griffons, Maggie Blackman. Calgary’s home of the BRUSSELS GRIFFONS. Appearance 19-24” (49-61 cm) has a sweet nature and makes a loving pet. 50-60 lb (23-27 kg) 23 Years’ experience. Take the rough with the Appearance Height and weight 26-28 in Smooth. All colours. Show and pets. Home Medium-length, straight coarse outercoat. Fine, (66-76 cm) 60-75 lb (27-29.5 kg) bred healthy smart people friendly pups..Many thick downy undercoat. Moustache. Steel grey Black, fawn and red, often with white or Champions Europe,Canada,USA/ Big show wins. with liver patches, liver roan, liver, liver and brindle markings. Health guarantees/grass mat potty training... white, orange and white. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
Registered. (403) 271-9751; (403) 589-8956; brusselsgriffon@shaw.ca; www.griffsandchins.com
ON Somershire Reg’d, Blanche Somers. We breed for quality, health and excellent temperament. Well socialized and home-raised from pups, we carefully breed from Champion bloodlines and produce show and loving family companions. We occasionally have smooth coats but rough coats are our specialty. Inquires welcome. (905) 478-8880, somershiregriffs@gmail.com; www.somershirekennel.com (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming NB PAGESKA’S Griffon Town Kennel. Producing Supreme Gun Dogs for serious hunters. Home of the All Time Number One Griffon in the History of Canada. Producing 100% Authentic Korthals Griffons. Puppies and started dogs available with bilingual services. The Canadian Supreme Gun Dog Training Center on site at our kennel with Professional Hunting Dog Trainers. (506) 208-4868; griffontownkennel@hotmail.com; www.griffontownkennel.com
HAVANESE Canadian Ch. Somershire Distinctiveprints. Bred by Blanche Somers, Somershire Kennel. Sutton, ON. Somershiregriffs@gmail.com
History In the past, stable masters often had problems with rats that thrived off spilled grain left by horses as they ate. To counter this problem, fierce ratters like the Affenpinscher were common in stables. These dogs came to be known as Griffon D’Ecurie, or Stable Griffons. Lively and friendly, they were often taken along for rides as the coachmen left the stables for their duties. Nobles saw these cute canine companions and soon took them into their own homes as pets. Over time, other breeds such as Pugs and Toy Spaniels were crossed with Stable Griffons, giving them a higher skull and smaller size. Three varieties of coat and type developed: the rough red became known as the Brussels Griffon.
The First and Second World Wars were hard on the Brussels Griffon. Fortunately, the breed was preserved in both Europe and in North America. Personality Distinguished by his human-like face, the Brussels Griffon is a bright, confident and curious imp. He bonds strongly with his person and can be shy with strangers, so benefits from early socialization. Intelligent, affectionate and sensitive, the Brussels Griffon needs an owner who trains in a positive manner and is attentive to his needs.
History Around 1870, a Dutchman named Korthals decided to create a sporting dog that could compete with English gun dogs. Beginning with Griffon stock, which he carefully inbred to set the traits he desired, he then combined other sporting breeds such as the French Pointer, French Barbet, German Short-Haired Pointer and various spaniels and setters. The resulting dogs were strong, versatile and excellent birding dogs that could point, track and retrieve their prey. Though slower than many other breeds of gun dog, the Wire Haired Pointing Griffon had the advantage of being easy to work in small farm fields. It also had the ability to track injured birds that ran, ensuring the kill was not lost. The breed did well in Europe and gained a great following in France, which is credited as its country of origin. However, it did not gain popularity in North America, where its slower speed didn’t suit the wide open regions frequented by hunters. This dog is equally suited to retrieving on land or in water.
MBIS, CKC Grand Champion Excellent, AKC/Int’l Champion Eddie Murphy at Misty Trails CGN call name, Eddie. Top MBIS CKC Grand Champion, winning Havanese in 2012. Winning in Hawaii 2013 with RBIS and multiple group placements. Bred/Owned by Bev & Emily Dorma, MistyTrails Reg’d. Box 343, Cobble Hill, BC V0R 1L0.
History A descendant of one of many “small white dogs” of Bichon type, the Havanese was developed on the island of Cuba. The hot climate and customs of the region produced a smaller breed with a unique silken coat, which people called the Blanquito de la Habana or the Havanese Silk Dog. The breed’s silken hairs insulated the dogs, protecting them from the heat and sun.
The breed caught the eye of Europeans in the mid-1700s. Queen Victoria, a great fancier Appearance 7-8” (18-20 cm) of unusual dogs, was said to have owned two 7-13 lb (3-6 kg) Havanese. Charles Dickens also owned a Havanese named Tim. In Cuba, the breed went Rough: wiry, hard dense coat. Beard and from being a favourite of the sugar barons to moustache. Smooth: short, straight glossy Personality A lover of the outdoors, the Wire a popular family dog among the bourgeois. coat. Black, red, reddish-brown, or black with Haired Pointing Griffon is an active dog who The Cuban revolution might have spelled the reddish-brown markings. thrives on long walks in any kind of weather. end of the breed, except for a handful of dogs 120
Personality The cheerful, loving Havanese is an easy breed to fall in love with. He is outgoing and friendly, though alert and willing to warn his people of danger. He is a Velcro dog who needs to be with his people at all times. A natural showoff, the Havanese loves to play and wants to be the center of attention. Training is easy and the Havanese loves to learn new tricks. Appearance 8.5-11.5” (21-29 cm) 7-14 lb (3-6.5 lb)
Everspring Reg’d. Joanna Swayze. Member of the Canadian Kennel Club. Puppies bred for health and temperament. Puppies will be registered with the CKC. Puppies will be dewormed, vet checked, micro-chipped and will have had their first set of shots prior to going to their new homes. Tweed is between Ottawa and Toronto, just north of Belleville. Can deliver your puppy to Ottawa or Toronto. Tweed, ON K0K 3J0. (613)478-1881; jswayze@sympatico.ca; www.everspringhavanese.com
the Egyptian god, Anubis, and the Egyptian Pharaoh Hound. A hunter of rabbits and other small game, the Ibizan helped supplement the food supplies of islanders for over 5,000 years. Thanks to their great speed and hunting ability, Ibizans brought to Europe became favourites among poachers, and the breed was eventually banned in France. By the 20th century, the Ibizan Hound was considered a native Spanish breed. The Marquesa de Belgida of Barcelona kept a large kennel of Ibizans on the island of Majorca Kapatria Havaneses Reg’d. Is a small in and promoted the breed throughout the world, home kennel dedicated to producing puppies where the dogs continue to be successful hunters, according to breed standard. Health and coursers, show dogs and companions.
Iceland Sheepdog
that escaped with refugees to the United States. American breeders purchased the dogs to keep the breed from dying out. These 11 dogs became the founders of the Havanese breed as we now know it.
personality are a priority. Pups for family pets or show. We will be introducing our Chocolate pups this year! Visit our website for show results and available puppies! (519) 261-1160; kapatriahavanese@gmail.com; www.kapatriahavanese.com
Personality Though he may look aloof and aristocratic, the Ibizan Hound, or Beezer, is an Long, silken, flat, wavy or curly outercoat. affectionate and sensible companion. He is an Wooly underdeveloped undercoat. All colours. exceptional jumper, known for clearing up to 6’ in height, and an amazing runner, reaching up Quick Facts to 40 miles an hour. Because he is traditionally Exercise Requirements Matalsha Companions, Darlene Eckhart. a hunter, it is essential to actively socialize him Grooming Exceptional quality home raised puppies. to other pets as he may see them as prey. The Havanese Fanciers of Canada. Cuddly Health and temperament are our priorities. Ibizan is an active dog who is happiest if he has longhaired lap-sized charmers with endearing Our adorable affectionate companions are a secure area with 8’ high fences where he can sunny dispositions. Learn more about this lovingly raised, CKC registered and have a safely run and exercise.
BC ELITE Havanese Reg’d, Bev & Emily Dorma + Gail Dame. CKC Premium Registered Breeders Outstanding top quality kitchen raised puppies. World Champion + Pure Cuban bloodlines. Westminster Winnier 2012, Multi Best-in-Show + Multi Top Havanese in the country for several years. Bred for health, temperament, structure and longevity. All dogs are ANNUALLY healthtested, with results posted ONLINE + Vet files are open. Show, Pet-Companion, Agility, Therapy puppies occasionally available. Experience on your side. Bev, MistyTrails Havanese of Box 343, Cobble Hill, BC V0R 1L0. (250) 743-5370; mistytrails@uniserve.com; www.elitehavanese. com + Gail, Seantiago Havanese of Crofton, BC at (250) 984-1310; seantiago@telus.net (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left and our advertisement in the Breeders Spotlight.)
health guarantee. Holstain, ON N0G 2A0. (519) 334-3923; matalsha@hotmail.com; www.matalshacompanions.com
Merry Moments, Judy Treischl. Home raised, healthy, well socialized puppies, CKC registered, health checked. (519) 273-0004; jtreischl@ yahoo.ca; www.merrymomentshavanese.com Talemaker Havanese, Darlah and Nathan Potechin. Member of Havanese Fanciers Club of Canada (www.havanesefanciers.com). Toronto, ON. darlah@potechin.com; nathan@potechin. com; www.talemakerhavanese.com
Smooth: strong, hard shiny coat. Rough: wiry, hard dense coat. May have beard and/or moustache. White or red, either solid or in combination. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Rough Grooming Smooth
SK Jomarans Reg’d, Cathy Enns. JOMARANS Havanese (since 1990) and Cotons (since 1996). Adorable show and pet quality puppies, and occassionally adults. Our well-socialized puppies are GUARANTEED, registered, micro-shipped, vet checked and vaccinated prior to careful placement in their new homes. Lifetime return policy. Email jomarans@sasktel.net for photos, references and application. (306) 232-5105; www.jomarans.com.
ON Bonnieview Reg’d, Lorraine Bain. Mount Forest, ON. (519) 323-6071; dlbain@bonnieviewkennels. ca; www.bonnieviewkennels.ca Diggity Dog’s Perm Reg’d, Michelle Simpson. CKC Registered purebred Havanese puppies. Two year health guarantee. All colours, best temperament, well socialized, crate trained and beginning house training at 6 weeks. First vaccinations and veterinarian checked. Puppies are born and raised in the living room. Raised on raw food. Adult dogs available sometimes. Toronto/West. (416) 536-4694; www.diggitydog.ca
Appearance 22-29” (56-74 cm) 40-55 lb (18-25 kg)
History Brought to Ibiza (a Balearic Island off the coast of Spain) by Phoenician traders, the Ibizan Hound has a remarkable resemblance to
Pineridgice Meyja. Affectionate, intelligent, friendly temperament, loyal companion, hardy and healthy and ideal family pet. Trainable as a working and/or therapy dog. Bred/owned by Jill Fike, Pineridge Icelandics. Reg’d. 1049 Hepburn Road, Chase, B.C., V0E 1M1 (250)679-3540
History Brought to Iceland with the Vikings in 880 CE, the Iceland Sheepdog is a hardy breed greatly influenced by the harsh environment it developed in. Prized for its ability to herd and guard sheep in the hostile terrain of Iceland, the breed is known for its ability to scent lost sheep, even when buried in over a foot of snow. The Iceland Sheepdog gained some popularity in England during the Middle Ages, but because of
Iceland Sheepdog continued on next page.
special breed at the Havanese Fanciers of Canada website, home of the CKC-recognized national breed club. Breeder contacts, breed information, puppy buying tips, rescue, heartwarming stories, outstanding breed publications, newsletter, Havanese happenings and more. www.havanesefanciers.com (See our advertisement in the Breeders Spotlight.)
Iceland Sheepdog
helped bring food to the dinner table. For practical reasons, the Irish Terrier came in a wide variety of types and sizes, so when it was import and export restrictions, it has remained a first introduced to the dog show world in 1875, very pure breed. it was clear a breed standard needed to be Though decimated over the centuries because defined. This was accomplished by 1900, after of famine, a distemper epidemic, and disfavour, much discussion and effort, and the large red the breed avoided extinction thanks in part Irish Terrier became the accepted norm. The to Mark Watson, an Englishman who lived in breed spread to North America in the late 19th California. From 1930 to 1970, he exported century and remains a useful and versatile breed several of these dogs and worked to rebuild the with a distinct look and temperament. decimated breed. In 1969, the Icelandic Kennel Club was founded to watch over the breed and Personality Nicknamed the “daredevil” of the canine world, the plucky Irish Terrier is a promote its place in Iceland’s history. courageous and charming dog with a heart of Personality The Iceland Sheepdog is an alert gold. He is attached to his family, loyal and and active dog. He’s also vocal, with a unique affectionate, devoted and full of pizzazz. He is herding style that involves barking to alert the always “up” and can be a bit distracted at times. shepherd to his location. He is playful and He needs lots of opportunities to get out and friendly, and adores children. As a working play, and consistent training. breed, he requires lots of exercise to keep him Appearance 18-19” (45-48 cm) happy, and enjoys learning new things. 25-27 lb (11.5-12 kg) Appearance 16-18” (40-46 cm) Wiry, stiff dense outercoat. Softer undercoat. 20-30 lb (9-13.5 kg) May have slight beard. Bright red, golden red Shorthaired: medium-length, straight or or red wheaten. wavy, weatherproof outercoat with thick soft undercoat. Neck ruff. Longhaired: longer- Quick Facts length, straight or wavy, weatherproof outercoat Exercise Requirements with thick soft undercoat. Neck ruff. Tan shades, Grooming chocolate, brown, grey, black. White markings. ON Tan and grey dogs have black mask. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming Shorthaired Longhaired BC Pineridge Reg’d, Jill Fike. Family raised puppies for 18 years, bred for unique breed characteristics. Show, working, breeding and family pets. Health guarantee. 1049 Hepburn Road, Chase, BC V0E 1M1. (250) 679-3540; www.pineridgeicelandics.com (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement on page 121.)
Windeire Reg’d, Pat MacDonald, Canadian, American champion bloodlines. Adult and sound home-raised puppies occasionally. Bred for health, temperament, show and obedience. Excellent companion dog for a family with a fenced yard. Sold with contracts. Experienced breeder since 1991. Visitors welcome, appointment only. RR1, Ilderton, ON N0M 2A0. (519) 666-0195; imacd@uwo.ca
IRISH WATER SPANIEL - See Spaniel (Irish Water)
- See Setter (Irish)
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
Photo: Windeire Reg’d
History Ireland’s history would not be complete without the giant sighthounds now known as the country’s national dog. Likely descended from the giant rough-coated History One of the oldest breeds of terrier, the Greyhounds of pre-Christian times, known as the Cu, the Irish Wolfhound could only be Irish Terrier originated in County Cork, Ireland. owned by nobility. Legends of Irish Kept by peasants to keep rats at bay, the Irish Wolfhounds abound, including Ailbhe, who Terrier doubled as a soft-mouthed retriever who defended the entire populace of the King of 122
Leinster, and Gelert, who saved his master’s son from a wolf yet paid for it with his life. Originally used as dogs of war, guardians, and hunters of boar, stags and elk, Wolfhounds became specialists in hunting wolves in the 15th and 16th centuries. At that time, wolves were such a problem that it was illegal to export Irish Wolfhounds from the United Kingdom. By the late 1700s, the wolf was extinct and Irish Wolfhounds no longer needed. During the Great Irish Famine of 1845, there was no food to spare for dogs, and the Irish Wolfhound nearly disappeared. In 1859, Captain George Augustus Graham made the breed’s restoration his life’s work. Personality Truly a gentle giant, the Irish Wolfhound is an even-tempered, intelligent and affectionate dog. He loves his family, and despite his large size is completely trustworthy with children and friendly with other animals. Slow to mature, the Wolfhound remains a puppy until two years of age, growing rapidly throughout this period. Being a sighthound, a Wolfhound may give chase if he sees something interesting, and should always be kept in a fenced yard. While enjoying a good run, these dogs are happy to lounge around the house when they’re done. Appearance Females min. 28” (71 cm). Min. 90 lb (41 kg) Males min. 32” (79 cm). Min.120 lb (55 kg) Rough hard outercoat. Longer and more wiry around beard and eyes. Grey, brindle, red, black, white, wheaten, fawn, or any other colour acceptable in Deerhounds. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Brairwood Reg’d, Anne Wright. International bloodlines carefully chose for health, temperament and conformation. Home-raised, quality puppies for approved homes. Vet checked, microchipped, vaccinated and regularly dewormed. Weekly video updates. Visitors and questions always welcome. 6880 Side Road Three, Mount Forest, ON N0G 2L0. (519) 3239346; anne@briarwoodconsulting.com Curiann Reg’d. Breeding North America’s finest Irish Wolfhounds for type, temperament, movement and longevity. Canadian, US and European bloodlines. Quality puppies for show and companionship. Young adults available occasionally. Visitors welcome by appointment. Contact Judith Ryan. Member IWCC, IWCA, IWCI, IWAGS, IWAWC, RMIWA, IWBASO. PO Box 550, Rockwood, ON N0B 2K0. (519) 8562223; (519) 856-2047 Fax; jpmryan@aol.com; www.curiann.com Kaldaun, Kyreen Shorey. Breeding with Canadian and European champion bloodlines for conformation, temperament and health. Puppies available occasionally. Enquiries welcome.
Blue Iggy. This small, affectionate companion is hypoallergenic with a bright, kind spirit. RegalHounds.com, Regal Hounds. Leduc, AB
History The Italian Greyhound’s origins do not begin in or even near Italy. The breed actually started out in Egypt, where a toy-sized hound was produced by breeding small Greyhounds to one another. Early Romans fell in love with the breed and brought the dogs back to Rome, where they quickly became attached to high-ranking officials. The Italian Greyhound earned its name as a companion dog in the 16th century, and it spread throughout Europe as the lapdog of royals such as Mary, Queen of Scots, Anne of Denmark, and Queen Victoria.
History Terriers were a popular fox hunting breed in England during the 1800s. The Parson John “Jack” Russell developed a particular strain of terrier that he determined was the ideal type of fox hunting dog. This dog was predominately white and possessed qualities of intelligence, stable temperament, and quick, determined instincts. Parson Jack bred a dog that could chase a fox and rush it from its den without being too aggressive and ruining the hunt. For many years, several Terriers were grouped together as Jack When the popularity of Italian Greyhounds Russell Terriers, but in 1904 a group of Terrier peaked in Victorian times, breeders attempted fancies set the breed standard for recognizing the to further reduce the size of the already tiny Jack Russell as a unique and distinct breed. dog, but this led to a weakening of the gene pool and unhealthy dogs. The First and Second Personality Feisty, fearless, and enthusiastic, World Wars further reduced the breed’s the Jack Russell is up for any challenge. numbers. Fortunately, a strong population Training and maintaining even-paced activities of Italian Greyhounds remained in North is important for this high-energy dog. He makes America, where the true breed type, size and a great companion for someone with an active lifestyle. Bred specifically to rely on hunting bloodlines were maintained. instincts, the Jack Russell loves to explore, play, Personality Curious and gentle, the Italian and chase. Luckily, their small size means they Greyhound is affectionate and bonds strongly are easy to bring along on outings and trips. to his family. Because of his small size and tiny structure, the Italian Greyhound is a delicate Their quirky, attention-loving personalities companion who does not suit homes with provide amusing and delightful entertainment. boisterous children and aggressive dogs. He Training should be positive and highly-focused. actually loves to socialize with his own kind. Appearance 10-12” (25-30 cm) 11-13 lb (5-6 kg) Appearance 12.5-15” (32-38 cm) 8-10 lb (3.5-4.5 kg) Predominately white with black and/or tan Short, fine glossy coat. All shades of black, grey, markings; also all white. Three types of coat: fawn, cream, blue, red, chocolate, bronze, blue- smooth, rough, broken. Dense, double-coats. fawn, red-fawn and white. Almond-shaped eyes. Quick Facts Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Exercise Requirements Grooming Grooming
Karelian Bear Dog
SK Decho Reg’d, Don Schaffer. Selectively breeding for quality, type, soundness and temperament. Champion line bred bloodlines. Lovingly home-raised show and companion puppies occasionally. Temperament and health guarantee. Regina, SK. (306) 522-2426; cell: (306) 537-1017 decho@myaccess.ca
History Named for his ability to hunt and provide protection from bears, the Karelian Bear Dog is bold enough to go after large game such as elk, moose and wolves, and tough enough to withstand the harsh northern climates from whence he came. Thought to be descended from northern Spitz breeds, the Karelian Bear Dog thrived for generations in Karelia, a region presently encompassed by Finland and Russia, where isolation kept its genes pure. The arrival of World War II almost destroyed the breed, but fortunately, a group of Fin and Russian supporters took steps to bring it back. The Finnish Kennel Club recognized the Karelian Bear Dog in 1946, and today it’s one of their most popular breeds. Personality Courageous and athletic, the Karelian Bear Dog’s connection with his “person” is affectionate and unfailing, and for this reason he is beloved by many hunters. The dog’s affection does not extend to other pets, though. Intelligent, independent and possessing acute instincts, the Karelian Bear Dog needs exercise and space that an urban environment cannot offer. He respects a fair, intuitive relationship with those accustomed to, and confident with, his breed. Appearance 19-23.5” (48-60 cm) 37.5-61.5 (17-28 kg) Distinct white markings on thick, black outer coat. Soft insulating undercoat. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Viking Hunter Kennels, Richard Good. Our pedigreed line of PUREBRED, KBD’s, have been bred for over 40 years for their gentleness towards their immediate human family and the PRIMITIVE PREY-DRIVE instinct of a good hunter/protection dog. When they are at work, they will protect you with their VERY LIFE! AI Services also available. Guelph, ON N1E 2X1. (519) 831-3989; vikinghunter@blackbearcanada.ca; www.karelianbeardog.info
Sweet potato & honey crisps – yum yum! P. 88 CDNdogs.ca
Kalkinny Kennels, Louise Bouchat-Laird. It is our goal to produce the highest quality Irish Wolfhounds. All our dogs are C.E.R.F. & O.F.A tested for eyes, hips, elbows and heart disease. All puppies are liver shunt tested. If you are interested in an Irish Wolfhound, please contact us at any time. We are situated just south of Ottawa, Ontario. (613) 258-9987; (613) 2580996 Fax; kalkinnyirishwolfhounds@yahoo.ca; www.kalkinnykennels.com
AB Regal Hounds, This small, affectionate companion is hypoallergenic with a bright, kind spirit. Bred/Owned by Regal Hounds. Leduc County, AB (780) 986-6877 See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)
Photo: Viking Hunter Kennels
Kingston, ON K7M 4T8. (613) 389-6907; kyreen. shorey@sympatico.ca; www.kaldaunkennels.com
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
Photo: Keesrich Perm Reg’d
History The Keeshond is an ancient, Spitztype breed originating in the Netherlands. The Kees or Spitz “honds”, as they were known, were common watchdogs that cared for the wagons, carts and barges used to transport goods. In 1781, Holland was divided into two political factions: the Orangists and the rebellious Dutch Patriots, who adopted the Keeshond as their emblem. When the rebels were defeated, people were afraid to be seen with this trademark symbol of the rebellion, and many Keeshonds were discarded.
History When Spanish ships went down off the Irish coast in 1588, the dark spaniel survivors likely made it to shore and bred with local terriers. These are the probable forebears of the Kerry Blue Terrier, although there may be other bloodlines, including the “Russian blue dog”, who surfaced after a shipwreck off Tralee Bay in the late 1770s. Some even suggest the Kerry Blue originated when locals crossed terriers with Irish Wolfhounds to produce a large strong hunter. Whatever his bloodlines, the hardy Kerry Blue Terrier became the perfect working dog of Farmers and barge owners quietly retained County Kerry people and was indispensible as a these useful dogs, however, and continued to ratter, herder, hunter, fighter and guarder. breed them. When Baroness van Hardenbroek The Kerry Blue Terrier’s popularity grew in the took interest in the Keeshond in 1920, she was mid-1920s when he became the mascot of the amazed to find the farmers and bargemen had Irish Patriots in their struggle for independence kept the breed type intact. Soon the Keeshond from Britain. Initially a shaggy beast with an was recognized throughout Holland, and by unkempt coat, the dog show world popularized the 1930s it made its way into Europe and the modern sculpted and elegantly cut coat. North America. Personality A compact and sturdy dog, Personality Sometimes called the “laughing the Kerry Blue Terrier is a rough-and-tumble Dutchman”, the Keeshond is an outgoing family- playful fellow who loves to interact with his friendly dog. He thrives on affection and loves people. His intelligent and confident nature to be a part of family life. A vocal watchdog, he benefits from socialization and training. He is is playful and learns quickly as long as there is great with children and an effective guardian, sufficient motivation to learn. Cuddly and full of watching over his charges and alerting the cheer, the Keeshond is excellent with children, family to potential dangers. and dedicated to his family. Appearance 18-19” (46-48 cm) 33-40 lb (15-18 kg) Appearance 17-18” (43-46 cm) 55-66 lb (25-30 kg) Wavy, soft dense coat. Any shade of blue-grey
History The King Charles Spaniel has the benefit of a steady, sociable spaniel-type temperament in a compact size. Small dogs of the King Charles type were recorded in the court life of 15th century Europe. Back then, toy breeds were essentially hunting/setting dogs in miniature. It wasn’t until the 1800s that a more distinct look became desirable in a dog, and a small canine with a more rounded head, prominent eyes and shortened muzzle became the fashion. These charming little “comforters” would curl up in a lap, or warm one’s hands and feet. England’s King Charles II became so enamoured with his spaniels that he was accused of ignoring matters of state. The breed took on the king’s name, except in North America, where it is called the English Toy Spaniel. Confusion exists between the King Charles Spaniel and the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, and some distinction here may be helpful. Apart from having the same coat colours, the King Charles Spaniel/English Toy Spaniel is a smaller dog, with a domed head, an undershot jaw, and fused pads. Personality Joyful, enthusiastic and sociable, the King Charles Spaniel adores “his people”. He is quiet and almost naturally well-behaved, apart from some willfulness when it comes to housetraining. As much as he loves being around people, he may be shy with strangers. Extending respect and kindness will draw him out.
Appearance 10” (25.5 cm) Long, straight harsh outercoat. Thick downy or grey-blue. May have small white markings. 8-14 lb (3.5-6.5 kg) undercoat. Neck ruff. Mixture of black, grey May have black points. Fine, silky, feathered coat. Colour names reflect and cream. Quick Facts the breed’s regal history: Exercise Requirements Quick Facts Grooming Black and tan (King Charles), tri-colour (Prince Exercise Requirements Grooming Charles), red and white (Blenheim), solid red ON (ruby) BC Keesrich Perm Reg’d, Gail Riches. Dedicated to breeding to the standard. Emphasis on temperament, soundness and type. Puppies lovingly home raised from champion bloodlines. (604) 476-1110; griches@shaw.ca; www.keesrichkennels.com
Kelbrier Reg’d, Christine Vink. Health checks, OFA Hips & Patellas, CERF Eyes, Thyroid, Von Willebrands Disease Temperament tested pups placed in loving homes. 13003 River Line,Thamesville, Ontario. (519) 692-9117; kelbrier8@hotmail.com
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
Delwyn Ica: Bred/Owned by Johanna Koudstaal, Delwyn Komondors (since 1973.)
History For thousands of years, nomadic Magyar tribes brought guard dogs with them as they moved into the land now known as Hungary. Likely descended from the ancient Tibetan Mastiff, the Kuvasz is believed to have guarded herds of horses. In addition to guarding, these brave and loyal dogs ran alongside warriors as they went into battle, and took down dangerous prey such as wild boar. Settlers in Hungary favoured the Kuvasz for guarding sheep in the wetter mountainous regions. In North America, the breed gained popularity in the 1920s as a patrol dog and guardian of livestock out west.
Lagotto Romagnolo
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
History This ancient breed of dog is a descendant of the ovtcharkas, which made the trip with the Magyars over a thousand years ago. Commonly known as the Kom, this dog was an expert at guarding flocks, as his corded coat could withstand the harsh elements as well as bites from predators. The Kom was bred to think for itself, and little training was required to teach him how to determine what and who was a threat to the flock. As a working dog, the Kom is often matted and shaggy, and looks much like the sheep he guards. After Koms came to the U.S. in the 1930s, people took an interest in grooming and showing the breed. The groomed coat takes the form of long, white cords that give the Kom a look that is very much distinct from most other dogs. Personality Tough, serious and loyal, the Komondor is an excellent guard dog, and looking after his family makes him feel important. He is affectionate with family members, including children, and responds very well to positive training and praise. As an unusually intelligent dog, the Komondor can quickly determine whether someone’s intentions are good or bad, so positivity within his household is a must. Strong, large, and muscular, the Komondor makes a great companion for long walks and hikes, and enjoys many athletic activities. Appearance 23.5-31.5 inches (59.5-80 cm) 80-134.5 lb (36.5-61 kg)
Levante, out of Roy dei Re D’abruzzo, best head in Italy. Lagotto Romagnolo, the Italian Water Dog or Italian Truffle Dog. Bred/Owned by Rebecca Parker, Middle Kingdome Farm and Lagotto.
History The Lagotto Romagnolo’s documented history dates back to 16th century Italy, where these water dogs were used for hunting waterfowl in the marshes and wetlands of the Romagna region, which is present day Emilia-Romagna in Italy. Their excellent sense of smell also earned the Lagottos the task of sniffing out truffles, a culinary delicacy in Italian cuisine. The Lagotto Romagnolo existed amongst mixed breeds for centuries, until a group of breeders and fanciers got together in the 1980s to establish the dogs as Kuvasz numbers in Europe were decimated an official breed. The Italians still depend on the during World War II. After the 1956 Hungarian Lagotto to hunt truffles, but here in North America, Revolution, fresh interest arose in the national he’s known as a good family companion. breed, and dedicated breeders worked to Personality The Lagotto is known for his bring it back from near extinction. gentle manner, affectionate personality and Personality Intensely loyal and dedicated will to please. He lives life as if everyone is to his family, the Kuvasz remains a guardian his best friend, and makes a good companion breed. He is wary of strangers, and will protect for children and other animals. Training is a his family should he feel it’s threatened. Careful pleasure since he loves to please and listens socialization is essential. Like most working well. His intelligence and keen nose make him dogs, he is happiest when he has a job. a good retriever, too. The Lagotto is happiest in the great outdoors, where he can explore, dig, Appearance 26-30” (66-76 cm) 66-137 lb (30-62 kg) and play with the family and other dogs. He is Medium-coarse, wavy or straight outercoat. Fine also fond of swimming and excels at competitive sports. His high energy and stamina is balanced wooly outercoat. Neck ruff. White or ivory. by a mellow and easy-going nature. Quick Facts Appearance 16-19 in (41-48 cm) Exercise Requirements 24-35.5 lbs (11-16 kg) Grooming Double coat is waterproof. Outercoat is dense, curly, and woolly. Variety of colours, including white and brown, white and orange, off-white, parents that have physical and temperamental brown. Sometimes has a brown mask.
Long, coarse and curly outer coat that is ON groomed into cords, with a wooly, soft, and Huron Reg’d, Amber Kunz. Puppies come from dense undercoat. Colour is white.
BC Delwyn Komondor exclusively since 1973. Puppies occasionally from proven working show quality parents with hip and health clearances. All enquiries welcome. Phone calls preferred. Buyers receive ongoing support plus a complimentary copy of the book Komondor by Joy C. Levy. 2437 272nd Street, Aldergrove, BC V4W 3N3. (604) 857-4120; jwk3koms@hotmail.com (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement above.)
soundness, and generations of certified clear hips. Nearly 25 years of successfully placing pups and older dogs into both pet homes and working environments. Written guarantee for health and temperament, and lifetime support for your kuvasz. Also many families have tested the fact that these dogs are hypo-allergenic. Goderich, ON N7A 3X8. (519) 524-2962. Home of the gentle guardian. rakunz@hurontel.on.ca; www.huronkennels.com
LABRADOR RETRIEVER -See Retriever (Labrador)
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming BC Lagotto Romangnolo of Canada at Duckett Truffieres. Ducketts’ Breed Standard Lagotto, continue to lead in the revival of this ancient, rare, non-shedding waterdog breed in Canada - Lagotto Romagnolo. Registered, Vet Health Certified, Champion JE clear, GD Hip lineage, Premium working lagotto for Service, Show, Breeding, or Pet. Lagotto make excellent Family
Lagotto Romagnolo continued on next page.
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
ON Middle Kingdom Farm and Lagotto, Rebecca Parker. We are breeders of traditional, home raised Lagotto puppies from health certified and DNA tested Italian parents that are part of our family. Full health check, vaccines and microchip done on all puppies. This breed is non-shedding and very intelligent and they love to be with people. Check out our website. middlekingdomfarm@gmail.com; www.sites. google.com/site/middlekingdomfarm/ (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement on page 125.)
ON McKinlay, Scott & Pam, Kinlayke Reg’d. We have been breeding and showing quality Lakeland Terriers for 35+ years. Our family home raised, personality-plus puppies/adults make wonderful companions for those who love and appreciate the terrier spirit. We breed to combine top bloodlines for great health, conformation and temperament. Non-shedding. Puppies available occassionally. 12297 Talbot Trail (Morpeth), PO Box 1111, Ridgetown, ON N0P 2C0. (519) 6742331; kinlayke@ciaccess.com
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
History Following his dream to produce a large leonine dog to help promote his business and hometown of Leonberg, Heinrich Essig decided to cross a Landseer Newfoundland with a Saint Bernard. The resulting dog was then crossed back to a Great Pyrenees, and likely had a bit of German or Austrian scent hound and Greater Swiss Mountain Dog mixed in. The result: a giant that could be used as an all-purpose farm and family dog, with a natural love of water. Essig was a good businessman and succeeded in bringing the Leonberger into many royal homes, including those of the Prince of Wales (later Edward VII), King Uberto of Italy, Napoleon the Personality Loyal, protective, and intelligent, III, and Empress Elizabeth of Austria. the Lakeland Terrier is a devoted family Like many giant dogs, the Leonberger suffered companion and a good watchdog. With his during the First and Second World Wars, when playful and inquisitive nature, he is both food shortages forced breeders and owners to amusing and fun to train. The Lakeland abandon them. After the war, it took over 25 Terrier thrives with positive, encouraging, and years of dedicated work to bring the breed back diverse training methods, so that he does not to a stable population. become bored. While his hunting instincts can occasionally make him a little territorial with Personality Huge and cuddly, the Leonberger food and toys, this is easily directed with puppy is the supreme canine teddy bear. He is eventraining. Friendly and affectionate with children, tempered and adores children, though his the Lakeland loves to socialize. He will happily giant size can be intimidating. As a puppy he get his exercise from long strolls and trips to the is playful and energetic, but he calms down as he matures. Because of his size, it is important park with his family. to train and socialize him at a young age. The Appearance 13.5-14.5 in (34.5-37 cm) Leonberger is a family-oriented dog who wants 15-17.5 lbs (7-8 kg) to be with his people at all times. Hard, wiry outercoat that stands up to the Appearance 25-32” (65-80 cm) elements. Soft, short undercoat. Variety of 80-150 lb (36-68 kg) colours, including blue, black, wheaten, red, History The Lakeland Terrier gets his name from the lake districts of northern England, where the breed originated. These dark-coloured terriers were categorized as a member of the Fell Terriers, and the English used them to hunt foxes. Unlike the fox terriers, these dogs would go to ground and face down the foxes, which required high stamina and perseverance. The Lakeland Terrier was also a popular farm dog, since he would keep the farm free of vermin and yet remain loyal to the flocks and other farm animals. Today, this breed is used less as a hunting dog and more as family or show dog.
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Concorde Ridge Leonbergers, Cindy Hunt. Healthy, beautiful family dogs with stellar temperaments. CR puppies are from health tested, stable parents out of top European and North American show lines.Our Baby Bergers go to approved homes only. Grimsby, ON. (905) 945-4951; (905) 516-1739 Cell; cindyhunt4@ hotmail.com; www.concordridge.com Disguise Reg’d, Tanya McCarthy. Pre-spolied and pre-loved beautiful leonbergers, raised in our home as part of our family. Breeding only from quality, championed, health tested parents with an emphasis on temperament, health and conformation. Reservations recommended. Members of the LCO, LCC, LCA actively partcipating in the conformation, draft and obedience rings. Wellandport, ON, L0R 2J0; (905) 386-1778; longears@yahoo.ca; www.arnellfarms.com
LHASA APSO Photo: Lhasa Apso Club of Ontario
Companions. Parksville, BC. (250) 586-5133; lagottocanda@shaw.ca; www.ducketttruffieres. com/;www.lagottoromagnoloofcanada.com (See our advertisement in the Breeders Spotlight.)
Long, slightly coarse, close-fitting water-resistant outercoat. Thick soft undercoat. Feathering. Mane. Lion yellow, golden to red-brown, sand and all combinations between. Black mask.
Photo: Concorde Ridge Leonbergers
Lagotto Romagnolo
black and tan, blue and tan, and grizzle. Fur slightly longer around muzzle.
History Descended from ancient Tibetan Spaniels and Terriers, the Lhasa Apso was a favorite of both monk and nobility. Kept indoors, the Lhasa would bark to alert people of potential intruders, while the Tibetan Mastiffs tied outdoors were responsible for active guard duty. The lion represents the power of Buddha, and the Lhasa Apso’s leonine appearance caused people to believe they were harbingers of good luck. Visiting dignitaries were often gifted with male Lhasa Apsos; females were kept in Tibet to prevent the breed from spreading to other areas. Some of these gifted Lhasa were taken to Chinese courts where they were integrated into the bloodlines of Chinese dogs such as the Pekinese and Shih Tzu. In the 1920s, the Dalai Lama gave several Lhasa Apsos to European friends, and from there it made its way to North America, where it has remained popular ever since. Personality Distinguished and self-possessed, the Lhasa Apso is certain he is special and
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON The Lhasa Apso Club of Ontario. Breeders and breed lovers of registered, well-reared Lhasa Apsos. The only Ontario based Lhasa Breeders organization affiliated with, and adhering to the Canadian Kennel Club standards for breeding and code of ethics. Referrals for available puppies and, occasionally, adults. (613) 3955324; don.quan@sympatico.ca
Chenoka Reg’d, Nadine Baldwin. Small, respected hobby show kennel has home-raised puppies from Champion bloodlines occasionally available to approved loving homes. Bred for health and temperament. Inquiries welcome. Kaledon, BC. (250) 497-5463; chenoka@shaw. ca; www.chenokalowchen.com.
AB Carboncopy Perm. Reg’d, Kathy Slifka. 20 Minutes South of Calgary. Over 30 years’ experience breeding toy dogs. All dogs raised in our home. Box 764, Black Diamond, AB T0L 0H0. (403) 938-0990; slifka@telusplanet.net; www.carboncopymaltese.com
deserving of respect. He has an uncanny sense Appearance 10-13” (25-33 cm) of friend and foe, and will vocally announce his 8-15 lb (3-6 kg) concern if someone bothers him. Friendly with Long, moderately soft wavy coat. All colours his family, the Lhasa can become territorial if and combinations acceptable. not socialized. Quick Facts Appearance 10-11.5” (25-29 cm) Exercise Requirements 13-18 lb (6-8 kg) Grooming Long, straight, heavy hard outercoat. Undercoat. BC All colours or combinations acceptable.
NB Stationone Reg’d, Maureen Gladstone. Puppies for field/show/companion. Written health guarantee. 27 years of breeding White orange/white liver particolour. Brittany’s are the most versatile hunting dog. Also excel at agility, flyball and therapy. They are also a wonderful choice for a family pet. Easy to train and a pleasure to own. Waterford, NB (506) 433-6601; stationonekennels@gmail.com; www.dogcatbreeder.com ON Dufour, Kathryn. CKC registered. Microchipped with CKC. Vet checked. 1st immunizations. Ch lines. Pet and show quality. Small size. White silky hair. Good points. Excellent temperament. Parents on site. Home bred - experienced breeder may be reached at phone number listed. Newmarket, ON L9N 1J1. (905) 853-1458, (905) 717-8165; kathys.maltese@rogers.com
Photo: Chenoka Reg’d
EverDear Perm Reg’d, Jessica Thompson. We are passionate and dedicated to producing what we call our, Marvellous Maltese, companions that are true to the breed standard. Puppies range in size from very small to regular toys. Each puppy receives the correct veterinarian care with checkups, needles and microchips, and of course they are all lavished with love! Puppies are sired by American Canadian Double Champion. Ask about transportation options. New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0 (705) 647-6394; everdearpermregd@hotmail. com; www.everdearmaltese.wix.com/everdear.
History The Maltese is believed to be the oldest European Toy breed. Whether the name comes from the Island of Malta, or the Sicilian town of Melita, the breed was widespread in the Mediterranean from ancient times, appearing on art objects as early as 3,000 years ago. The breed may have arrived History The Löwchen is an ancient breed, in Britain with the Roman invaders, or with most likely a member of the Bichon family, and the returning Crusaders. Many famous Royals possibly descended from Tibetan toy breeds. In owned Maltese, including Queen Elizabeth I Fierheller Vicki, Four Halls Perm Reg’d. A the 1500s, the Löwchen was well established in and Mary Queen of Scots. small highly respected hobby show kennel France, Germany and Spain, where it was a When Maltese were introduced to the dog with a tradition of quality not quantity. Puppies court favourite, used by ladies as “hot water show world in the mid-1800s, a debate arose from our champions are available occasionally. bottles” to keep them warm on cold nights. over the correct classification of the breed. Was Inquiries welcome. Ajax/Pickering area. (905) Numerous art pieces depicting tiny dogs clipped he a terrier, due to his lively personality, or did 619-2750; vfierheller@rogers.com in the characteristic “lion” trim document the his body type and coat make him a spaniel? Maltese Minuet, Denise Stec. (905) 983-8103; breed’s favour through to the 18th century. Eventually, breeders concluded the Maltese
Personality Though small, the Löwchen is a commanding presence in the home. He is playful and responsive, an intelligent dog who is happy to please his owner. He responds well to positive training and enjoys dog sports like agility. Good with children and other pets, the Löwchen easily fits in well with most families.
was in a class of his own.
Personality Spirited, mischievous and undeniably adorable, the Maltese has a personality as big as he is small. He loves to play and thrives on attention. Happy to play with children, as long as they are not too rough, the Maltese delights in learning new tricks and finding ways to entertain and be entertained. The Maltese is an alert and fearless watchdog. Appearance 7.5-10” (19-25 cm) 6-9 lb (2.5-4 kg) Long, flat silky coat. Pure white. Light tan or lemon markings permissible. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
stec_edward@yahoo.ca; planet/maltese-minuet
Donant-Mercer Robin, Pieridae Reg’d. Quality, home-raised puppies available occasionally. RR 1, Campbellcroft, ON L0A 1B0. (905) 797-3074; mercerpaps@sympatico.ca; www.angelfire.com/ok2/rmercer1/
Very minimal Minimal Average
More than average Maximum
By the 20th century, the Löwchen had fallen out of favour and the breed nearly disappeared. In 1945, Madame M. Bennert of Brussels began to revive the breed. This work continued after her death thanks to Dr. Richert of Germany. But the Löwchen’s growth was still so slow that in 1959 it was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the rarest breed in the world, with only 40 recorded dogs alive. Today, the Löwchen is recognized worldwide.
History The ultimate ratter, the Manchester Terrier is descended from the common Black and Tan Terriers of England. He was bred entirely for the blood sport of ratting, in which a terrier would be pitted against 100 rats and timed to see how quickly he could dispatch them. Breeders worked to improve the dog’s performance, first by adding the Bulldog for its tenacity and ability to work through pain, then adding the Whippet, for its speed and agility. The resulting breed was lean, fast, tenacious and an incredible ratter. Two major events greatly affected the breed in the late 1800s: blood sports and ear cropping, which protected the dogs from rat bites, were banned (and many people did not like the dog with natural ears). Fortunately, the dog show world worked to maintain its unique type and namesake colour. Toy and standard sizes are available. Personality Fast, fun, playful and loyal, the Manchester Terrier makes for a spirited companion. Still a ratter at heart, he loves to “kill” small toys, playing vigorously and enjoying games of chase. He is intelligent, and benefits from consistent training. Appearance Standard: 15-16” (38-41 cm) 12-22 lb (5.5-10 kg) Toy: 10-12 “ (25-30 cm) under 12 lb (5.5 kg) Short, smooth glossy coat. Distinct black and tan without dilution. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
Very minimal Minimal Average More than average Maximum
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
Manchester Terrier (Standard & Toy)
ON Baskerville Perm Reg’d, Harrie & Bill Fulop. Breeding for temperament, soundness and type for 20 years. From Champion Bloodlines. Home raised, loveable puppies occasionally. All Breeding dogs fully tested and puppies fully guaranteed. Stud service to approved bitches. Inquiries and visitors always welcome. Come and see the Gentle Giants. Members - CKC, MCOA, Mastiff Association UK. 425193 Irish Lake Rd, RR 1 Markdale, ON. (519) 986-3680; (519) 986-3680 Fax; baskervillemastiffs@gmail.com; www.baskerville-gentlegiant.com. Knighterrant Reg’d, Dave & Joanne Swift. Huggable guardians from champion bloodlines. Puppies occasionally to approved homes. Sound temperament, health guaranteed. Stud service to approved bitches. Members of the CKC and MCOA. Inquiries welcome. 2661 Stagecoach Road, Osgoode, ON, K0A 2W0. (613) 821-6279; kmastiff@ magma.ca; www.knighterrantmastiffs.com.
History The father of many modern dog breeds, the Mastiff originated in ancient Babylonia, where he hunted ferocious prey such as lions. The breed likely came to Europe with Phoenician traders in the 6th century BC. By the time the Roman Empire spread to Britain, the Mastiff was well established as a fierce fighting dog who could hunt wolves, bear and anything else he was set upon. The Mastiff lost his MINIATURE popularity in modern times when dog fighting AMERICAN SHEPHERD was forbidden and wolves were vanquished in - See Rare Breed Directory the U.K. During WWII, any remaining Mastiffs were either used in the war effort or put down, MINIATURE as it was deemed unpatriotic to feed their giant AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD appetites when people were starving in the streets. By 1945, only eight breeding animals - See Rare Breed Directory remained in Britain, where the breed maintained its purest form. Fortunately, a number of Mastiffs NEWFOUNDLAND had been exported to North America, and breeders imported fresh breeding stock to rejuvenate the breed. Personality Despite his history as a fighting dog, the Mastiff is docile and level-headed. He is an exceptional watchdog and protector, and his intimidating size is often enough to scare intruders away. He is gentle with children, but can become overprotective of them. Mastiffs get along well with other dogs and family pets as long as they have been socialized at an early age. Appearance At least 27-30” (70-76 cm) 175-200 lb (79-91 kg)
Ch Tiptop’s Nose No Boundary, Ben. Co-bred and co-owned by Ellen Stomp and Shawn Haas.
Moderately short, straight coarse outercoat. History One of the very few dogs indigenous Short, dense close-lying undercoat. Fawn, to North America, the Newfoundland’s exact apricot, brindle. genealogy is the subject of much debate. Some believe the ancient Tibetan Mastiff migrated Quick Facts to North America; others argue that Leif Exercise Requirements Anderson brought Viking “bear dogs” with Grooming him when he arrived in Newfoundland in 1001. Canadian Mastiff Club & Rescue Service. As Other possible progenitors of the breed are the only Canadian Kennel Club-recognized Portuguese Water Dogs and Great Pyrenees national breed club, our members are proud of brought to Newfoundland on European fishing our commitment to the breed through our strict code of ethics: promoting genetic testing on vessels in the 1600s. Whatever the answer, all breeding stock; rescue service; educational fishermen prized the huge water-loving dogs programs and seminars/clinics. To find out known as Greater St. John’s Dogs. Seemingly more, visit The Canadian Mastiff Club website, immune to icy waters, the Newfoundland’s or contact East: Connie Hachey (705) 932-2518; duties included hauling in nets, dragging boat gallantmastiff@nexicom.net / West: Shannon lines to shore, and rescuing overboard sailors. Low (604) 858-3100; shannon@resolutemastiffs. com; www.mastiffcanada.org
The Newfoundland is famed for his bravery, but despite the breed’s success, it nearly died
Appearance Averages 26-28” (66-71 cm) 100-152 lb (45-69 kg) Moderately long, coarse, oily water-resistant outer coat. Soft dense undercoat. Black or white with black markings (also called Landseer after Sir Edwin Henry Landseer, who featured the dogs in his paintings). Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Ashmoor Reg’d, Jill Francis. Quality Newfoundlands from Canadian/ American champion bloodlines. Our focus is raising healthy dogs, with sweet gentle temperaments in our home, and always with a holistic approach! Parents have passed all health clearances and are OFA certified for hips, elbows, patellas, heart, eyes, cystinuria and thyroid. All puppies are screened by a certified cardiologist before going to their homes. Visitors welcome by appointment. Member of the CKC, NDCC and NDCA. RR4, Cobourg, ON, K9A 4J7. (905) 377-1140; jill@ashmoornewfoundlands.ca; www.ashmoornewfoundlands.ca Bodnieks Carol & Jacqueline, Newfhill Reg’d. Lakefield, ON K0L 2H0. (705) 652-3647; newfhillkennels@gmail.com; www.newfhillkennels.on.ca HunterHill Reg’d, Dr. C. Stuart & Jane Hunter. At Hunterhill we breed Newfoundland dogs for family pet and therapy clients. We breed outside the CKC breed standard to include the bronze and the gray Newfoundland that is recognized elsewhere in the USA and Europe. RR 2, Mount Forest, ON N0G 2L0. (519) 323-9552; newfsofhunterhill@ gmail.com; www.hunterhill.com QC Élevage Noir & Blanc, Rollande Rainville. Chiots élevés en milieu familial. Parents certifiés OFA: hanches, coudes, coeure, cystinuerie, thyroide. Guarantie écrite santé et tempérament. Visiteurs bienvenue. Puppies raised in a family environment. Parents are OFC certified: hips, elbow, heart, cystinuria, thyriod. Health and temperament come with a written warranty. Visitors are welcome. St. Pie De Guire, QC. (450)784-2417; info@elevagenoiretblanc.com; www.elevagenoiretblanc.com.
Undercurrent Reg’d, S.J. Haas. We at Undercurrent Newfoundlands embrace all of the historical colours that Newfoundlands occur in. This includes brown and grey as well as black and landseer. Our breeding stock is health tested and we provide a written health guarantee with our puppies. So if you are looking for great temperament and conformation and a unique colour, we may have your next best friend. (306) 441-3979; undercurrentnewfs@yahoo.com (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)
Appearance 9-10” (23-26 cm) 11-12 lb (5-5.5 kg) Straight, wiry close-lying outercoat. Definite undercoat. Mane. Slight whiskers. All shades of red, wheaten, black and tan, grizzle. Folded ears. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
Socialization is important but this should be natural for such a sociable guy.
ON Dralion Perm Reg’d, Peter & Linda Dowdle. Quality, healthy, lovingly home-raised puppies from champion bloodlines. Bred for soundness, health and temperament. Occasionally available to approved homes. 474237 County Road 11, Amaranth, ON L9W 0R4. (519) 938-8663; linda@dralionkennels.com; www.dralionkennels.com
History Like many terriers, the Norfolk Terrier likely started out as a cross between various breeds such as small Irish Terriers, Cairn Terriers and Border Terriers. They were “ordinary” farm dogs bred to go to ground and take care of vermin, so it took time for the breed to acquire its current name. Some incarnations include Cantabs, Thrumpington Terriers, and Jones Terriers (after Frank “Roughrider” Jones sold some to the U.S. sporting crowd). In 1904, when asked what the dogs were really called, Jones answered “Norwich Terriers”, since that was where they came from.
History Norrbottenspets share ancestry with the Finnish Spitz, originating in the Scandinavian northlands of Sweden, Finland and Lapland. The dogs found in Finland developed into the Finnish Spitz, but those in Sweden were called Norrbottensskollandehund. An excellent hunter, the breed had the unique ability to listen for a bird’s flight, and locate that bird when it landed in the snow. Used as all-round hunting and farm dogs, their breeding was purely functional and little effort was made to maintain these dogs as a pure breed. As foreign specialist breeds grew in popularity, the Norrbottensskollandehund became less common. Out-crossing diluted the breed until it was declared extinct in 1948. However, interested breeders in Sweden and Finland made an effort to seek good specimens by combing remote northern villages. Eventually, a breeding population was cobbled together and the Norrbottenspets was reinstated around 1970. Their popularity is growing as Sweden and Finland work to support their native breed.
At the time, there were two intermingled varieties of Norwich Terrier -- prickeared and fold-eared. Over time, breeders decided to separate the types. They kept the name Norwich Terrier for the prick-eared variety, and renamed the fold-eared dogs Norfolk Terriers. The new names were Personality Never shy, nervous or aggressive, recognized in 1964. the Norrbottenspets is a friendly and funPersonality Feisty and energetic, the loving companion who is great with children. Norfolk is one of the smallest terriers. Because A hunter at heart, he is happiest when he has he was used to hunt in packs, he’s quite social and agreeable. He is a great traveler and Norrbottenspets continued on next page. loves to spend lots of time with his family.
Personality A giant goofball, the Newfoundland is perhaps the most gentle of all giant breeds. He adores children, is eventempered, supremely loyal, responsive and willing to be trained. His entire purpose is to serve his people, and he’s a truly honest and hardworking dog that excels in sports such as obedience, water trials, weight pulling, carting and backpacking.
SK Prairie Home Reg’d, Heidi Ball. Family-raised Newfoundlands. We breed for gentleness and health from quality champion lines. CKC registered and well-socialized blacks. Parents are OFA certified (hips/elbows/heart/cystinuria and thyroid). Puppies to pre-approved homes only, with ongoing support. This includes vet checked/ vaccinations, wormed, micro-chipped and a well-prepared puppy package. Stud services available. Boarding/grooming facility available. Visitors always welcomed! Box 1329, Watrous, SK S0K 4T0. (306) 944-4448; (306) 946-6630; jhnewfs@sasktel.net; www.prairiehomesask.com
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
out because a law passed in 1780 forbade the ownership of more than one dog. The Newfoundland may not have survived if not for the efforts of the Honourable Harold MacPherson.
NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND the opportunity to use his hunting skills, though he can be taught to enjoy alternate sports such as agility. The Norrbottenspets needs lots of exercise, particularly in a safely fenced area where he can run and hunt to his heart’s content. Appearance 16-18” (42-46 cm) 26-33 lb (12-15 kg) Short, hard close-fitting outercoat. Dense undercoat. Ideally white with yellow or red/ brown markings, but all colours are permitted. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
History An ancient breed that accompanied northern people into Scandanavia, the Norwegian Buhund herded their flocks and safeguarded their homes; in fact, Bu means “homestead” in Norwegian. The dogs conformed to the sturdy Spitz shape, with the characteristic prick ears and curled tail. Although the Buhund was recognized as a distinct type even before the Viking era, the breed was not formally recognized in Norway until 1939.
CH. RUTERFEM WEST OF THE MOON true Norwegian bloodlines; proven sire; beloved family pet. Bred by Anne Boychuk, Ruterfem, Reg’d. Owned by Murray and Cindy Madill, Brandon, MB. absolute@wcgwave.ca
History The national dog of Norway, the Norwegian Elkhound is an ancient breed that hasn’t changed much over the last 5,000 years. A supreme hunter, the Elkhound works to track and quarry his game, holding it at bay until the human hunters arrive to dispatch it. In Norwegian, the breed is called the Elghund, or “Moose” hound. In fact the Elkhound was used to hunt moose and many other large animals including wolves, bear and even mountain lions. He was also an all-round working dog, pulling sleds and guarding homes and flocks. Though just one of many moose and bear dogs at the time, the Norwegian Elkhound came into his own in 1865 when foundation sire Gamle Bamse Gram was born. Considered ideal for the Gray Elkhound, his build and type became the breed standard in 1887. The Norwegian Elkhound came to North America in the early 20th century.
Personality Brave and even-tempered, the Norwegian Elkhound is an all-round companion. He is a good watchdog who will alert to strangers The Norwegian Buhund’s numbers are by barking and quickly discern the difference between friend and foe. With his family, he is declining in its native land; however, the breed’s kind and affectionate. Like most working dogs, family-friendly qualities are making it more the Norwegian Elkhound is happiest when he recognizable around the world. has a job, be it tracking, pulling sleds, herding Personality The Buhund is a sweet-natured or doing agility. Good socialization with other canine who wants to please. Like most herding dogs is important. dogs, he is intelligent, and friendly with children Appearance 19-21” (49-52 cm) and other dogs. He is alert, but not noisy. The 44-55 lb (20-25 kg) Buhund adapts to country or city, as long as he gets sufficient mental and physical exercise. Medium-length, coarse smooth-lying outercoat. Soft, He has the exceptional habit -- some would say dense wooly undercoat. Various shades of grey. Quick Facts virtue! -- of cleaning himself like a cat. Exercise Requirements Appearance 16-18” (40.5-46 cm) Grooming 26-40 lb (12-18 kg)
puppies come with health guarantee. Litters planned for Fall 2015 and Fall 2016. RR 4, LCD 1, 37239 Range Road #13, Red Deer, AB T4N 5E4. (403) 886-2649; ninatait@taitoverscaig.com; www.taitoverscaig.com (See our advertisement in the Breeders Spotlight.) MB Ruterfem Reg’d. Anne Boychuk. As a hobby breeder dedicated to the true breed standard, my puppies are home-raised with the focus on structurally correct, well-socialized puppies of sound temperament. Breeding stock are imported from excellent kennels in Norway. All puppies come with health guarantee. Stud(s) available to approved females. Suite 111 Unit 100-1300 18th Street, Brandon, MB R7A 6X7 (204) 725-5852 absolute@wcgwave.ca; www.ruterfem.com (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left)
History Lunde is Norwegian for “puffin”. This translation lies at the heart of the Lundehund’s story. These quick, agile dogs originally scoured the Arctic island cliffs off Norway in search of puffins, a colourful bird that feeds in northern oceans and breeds in rock crevices. It took drive and flexibility to navigate those rock caves, and the Norwegian Lundehund was bred for the job. A “canine contortionist”, his head stretches back to reach his spine, his forelegs flex out to 90°, and he has several toes on each foot (polydactyl), some of which are double- and triple-jointed. The Lundehund’s dexterity helped provide their owners with valuable puffin meat and feathers. The breed’s numbers decreased mid-1800, when hunters began using nets to catch the birds. When the puffin came under national protection, the Lundehund’s numbers declined further. Only a group of devotees kept the courageous little dog from extinction. Currently, in Norway and beyond, the Norwegian Lundehund’s popularity is again on the rise.
Personality Lively, fun and friendly, the Short, harsh outer coat with soft undercoat. AB Lundehund gets along with children and other Wheaten or black, with white markings Overscaig Perm. Reg’d, Allen and Nina Tait. dogs. Bred for a demanding job, he retains acceptable on the black. We have been hobby breeders for 35 years – all the traits that made him so successful: exclusively Elkhounds. We breed selectively courage, tenacity and agility. He can be Quick Facts for type, soundness, temperament. We stubborn; house-training requires patience. Exercise Requirements have imported dogs/used import lines from The Norwegian Lundehund needs a secure Grooming respected Norwegian kennels to maintain our space to exercise; however, as dynamic as he standard of consistency and excellence. All is, he is not hyperactive. 130
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
History Gregarious and fun-loving, the Norwich Terrier’s ancestors originated in England, possibly in East Anglia (Cambridge University), where small terrier-type ratting dogs were very popular in the 19th century. First whip to the Norwich Staghounds Frank Jones bought and started breeding a number of these terriers, taking some time to find a true type. He distributed the dogs far and wide, even into America, where they originally became known as Jones Terriers. Until 1964, the Norwich Terrier and the Norfolk Terrier were grouped together as one breed. However, the Norwich Terrier is now recognized as a separate breed based on its prick ears, which are distinct from the Norfolk Terrier’s fold ears. Personality Don’t let his size fool you – the Norwich Terrier is pure personality! This tiny dog is intelligent, affectionate, energetic and quick to learn tricks, especially if training is short, fun, and rewarding. The Norwich is a devoted family companion and thrives on companionship. As with most working dogs, he does best when given a job to do, whether he’s participating in obedience, agility or simply chasing squirrels around the yard. His small size may give the impression that he will tire easily, but these dogs can go many hours before needing a break. Great fun to bring along during outings and walks.
ON Dralion Perm Reg’d, Peter & Linda Dowdle. Quality, healthy, lovingly home-raised puppies from champion bloodlines. Bred for soundness, health and temperament. Occasionally available to approved homes. 474237 County Road 11, Amaranth, ON L9W 0R4. (519) 938-8663; linda@ dralionkennels.com; www.dralionkennels.com Norkel Perm. Reg’d, Thomas & Lorraine Kelemen. Quality, loving home raised puppies from Champion bloodline. Puppies occassionally available; veterinary exams and vaccinations included. Red Deer, AB T4N 5E2. (403) 3463427; Fax (403) 346-3626. Souyen Reg’d, Patti, Mark & Sarah Paquette. Azilda, ON (near Sudbury) (705) 983-2207; markpaquette@ sympatico.ca; www.souyenkennels.com
NOVA SCOTIA DUCK TOLLING RETRIEVER - See Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling)
Personality A natural herder, the Old English Sheepdog continues to practice his herding duties within the home, herding and protecting his family by gently bumping them together. He is even-tempered and kind, patient and loving with all who treat him with kindness. The Old English Sheepdog loves to be outdoors and with his heavy coat can tolerate winter weather very well. Appearance 21-24” (53-61 cm) 60-100 lb (27-46 kg) Shaggy, harsh profuse outercoat. Waterproof pile undercoat. Any shade of grey, grizzle, blue, blue merle with or without white markings, or in reverse. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Breton Perm Reg’d, Catherine Landsborough. Quality home-raised puppies and occasional young adults. Breeding OES since 1983. Hips and eyes certified - all adults C.A. clear. 1 litter planned for 2016. Seaforth, ON N0K 1W0 (519) 233-3194; jclandsb@tcc.on.ca; www.bretonkennel.com Ladykin Old English Sheepdogs, Sandra Crowne, Dr. Sandy Crowne & Dinko Cvitanovic. OUR PUPPIES KEEP THEIR TAILS! Ethical, responsible breeders of show & pet Sheepies, occasionally available only to approved FurEver homes. Babies loved to pieces, well socialized, training underway, veterinary care up to date, come with health guarantee. Adults & Rescue OES sometimes available. Waterloo, ON (226) 749-2749; info@ladykinoes.com; www.LadyKinOES.com
History Despite his name, the Old English Sheepdog is in fact a relatively new breed. His exact progenitors are unknown, but he was likely a mix of various herding dogs found in England’s West Country. At the time, taxing excluded working dogs so farmers would Appearance 10” (25.5 cm) dock their dogs’ tails, signifying that they were 12 lb (5.5 kg) herders or drovers. The Sheepdog earned its Straight and wiry outercoat with a thick common name, the Bobtail, from this practice. undercoat. Ruff that frames the face. Prick ears. Since his thick hairy coat might interfere with History The Otterhound was bred to hunt Colouring includes shades of red, wheaten, his work, farmers would shear him with the the otters that were depleting fish in England’s grizzle, black and tan. sheep so he could see and work more easily. rivers. To appreciate the Otterhound’s aquatic Quick Facts When dog shows came into fashion at the end skills, consider that the European otter weighs Exercise Requirements of the 19th century, the “Shepherd’s Dog”, 20 pounds (9 kg), lives mostly underwater and Grooming as he was then known, became a popular surfaces only occasionally for air. The otter’s entry. Breeders would spend hours trimming and back-combing his huge coat to create
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
the perfect image of the breed. Old English Sheepdogs made their way to North America in the 1880s, and by the turn of the century, five of the ten wealthiest families in the United States owned and bred them.
Otterhound continued on next page.
Rough double coat. Extends from red to fawn to grey, often with black-tipped hairs.
BC Amblegreen Reg’d, Heather Tomlins. Quality Norwich Terriers from health-tested champion bloodlines. Puppies and young adults are available occasionally to approved homes by reservation. We CERF test annually and certify hips/patellas/hearts with the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals. References are available. Our Norwich are bred for spoiling! Victoria, BC (250) 915-1600. heather@amblegreen.com; www.amblegreen.com
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
Appearance 12-15” (30.5-38 cm) 13-16 lb (6-7 kg)
Some British royalty (including Elizabeth I) even bore the title Master of Otterhounds -- quite a testament to the breed’s significance. But in time, the otter population dropped so dramatically that the species fell under protection, and hunting was banned. The Otterhound was then out of a job. The owners of two solitary packs committed themselves to keeping the breed alive, and established the Otterhound as a show dog.
horses. He was able to spook a fox from his den by following him in and baying at and worrying him without killing him. When the fox bolted, the hunters could continue the chase.
Personality Bubbly and full of life, the Papillon is a social dog who loves to get out and about. Early socialization helps him stay confident with new situations and strangers. With his high energy levels and intelligence, the Papillon is happiest when he has things to do, and is an excellent choice for obedience or agility. He is a quick learner, and loves to try new things.
A lot of people could not afford to hunt with horses, so many terriers were trained to dig into the dens of prey, attacking and killing them. More aggressive than Parson Russell Terriers, these little dogs were often called Jack Russell Terriers, even though they didn’t meet the standards Russell first aimed to produce.
Appearance 8-11” (20-28 cm) Under 5.5 lb-11 lb (2.5-4.5 kg) Long, straight, fine flowing coat. Chest frill. Feathering, particularly on ears. Parti-colour or tricolour with patches of any colour on white.
In North America, the Otterhound has hunted Quick Facts game, but today’s breed fanciers remain more Exercise Requirements enamoured with the Otterhound’s looks, voice Grooming and temperament. Personality Friendly, even-tempered and exuberant, the Otterhound loves to play in water --especially if people are included in the fun. He has a distinct baying voice, but is not a barker. He is intelligent, but his attention span can be short. Scent-driven, the Otterhound does best in a secure country setting. Appearance 23-27” (58-69cm) 65-115 lb (29-52 kg) Rough outer coat, woolly water-resistant undercoat. “Grizzle” or sandy colour with black and tan. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
health, temperament, and correct Papillon breed characteristics. Bluechip Papillons have been top notch companions, performance exhibitors and conformation contenders. Puppies are vaccinated and health guaranteed, ready to be happy members of your household! St. David’s, ON, L0S 1P0. (905) 262-4682; bluechip149@ sympatico.ca; www.bluechippapillons.com.
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
History The Papillon is a long-standing favourite of royalty, and is depicted in paintings dating back to the 13th century. Likely descended from toy spaniels, these cheerful little dogs earned their name from their unique ears. Pricked ears were named Papillon, after the butterfly, while folded ears were named Phalène, after the night moth. Drop ears History Originally bred by Parson John “Jack” Russell in the late 1800s, the Parson Russell prevailed until the late 1800s, when fashions Terrier was a hunting terrier designed to follow changed and pricked ears were favoured. horses and hounds during fox hunts. His great Though historically a lap dog, the Papillon is stamina ensured he could keep up with the 132
Personality Always up for a challenge, the Parson Russell Terrier is a vibrant and fearless fellow. He is lively and engaged in family activities, and loves to be the center of attention. This smart and energetic dog loves the outdoors and does well with training such as obedience or agility. Early socialization is important to help develop his manners and social skills. Appearance 10-15” (25-33 cm) 13-17 lb (6-7.5 kg) Smooth and broken coats acceptable. Harsh, dense close outercoat. Short dense undercoat. May also be wiry.
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements ON Grooming Bluechip Perm. Reg’d, Olga Gagne. Breeding for
Donant-Mercer, Robin, Pieridae Reg’d. Quality, home-raised puppies available occasionally. RR 1, Campbellcroft, ON L0A 1B0. (905) 797-3074; mercerpaps@sympatico.ca; www.angelfire.com/ok2/rmercer1 Photo: Alice Van Kampen
BC Stromarlyn & Truluv Papillons Perm. Reg’d. All our paps are much loved house pets and are health checked for PRA., physical soundness and good temperaments. Quality home raised puppies occasionally available to approved homes. We are the home of the happy, healthy, social butterflies. 604-820-7367; kayr@telus.net
In 1904, Arthur Heinemann attempted to purify the breed. He wrote up a breed standard based on Russell’s original taller terrier, and this became known the Parson Russell Terrier in 2003.
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
underwater scent trail is called “a drag”, and to follow it, Otterhounds needed to swim for hours. Such a keen nose and staying power support the belief that Bloodhound and Southern Harrier genes found their way into Otterhound DNA.
also remarkably agile and trainable. In recent times, the breed’s popularity has increased as the dogs excel in obedience, agility, tracking, and as hearing ear or therapy dogs.
History As the “Lion Dog”, a fierce protector against evil spirits, the Pekingese belonged exclusively to the Chinese Imperial Court. “Foo Dog” idols representing the breed existed as early as the Tang Dynasty of the 8th century. Highly popular with the nobility, thousands of these little dogs lived in Imperial palaces; 4,000 eunuchs were housed in Peking solely for the purpose of managing their breeding. No one outside the nobility was permitted to own one, on pain of death. In 1860, the British invaded Peking. Fearing capture of their precious dogs, the Imperial family ordered them to be destroyed. When one lady committed suicide, however, her five “sleeve dogs” remained behind, fiercely defending their fallen owner. Soldiers caught the little dogs and brought them back to England where Queen
Originally, both small and large Basset Griffons could be found in the same litter. In 1950, however, the Petit Basset Griffon received separate breed status, and by 1975 the Personality Always the pampered dog interbreeding of the two sizes was forbidden. of royalty, the Pekingese was born to be The PBGV came to North America in the 1970s a comforting companion. Confident and and has since gained popularity worldwide. charming, he bonds strongly with his person Personality Bred to be a pack hunter, the and can become protective and jealous. Careful PBGV is a friendly dog who gets along with his socialization at a young age helps him gain pack, whether human or canine. He is especially the confidence so characteristic of the breed. good with children. Happy and enthusiastic Because of his short muzzle, he can’t handle a about life, he loves to follow his nose. Time lot of exercise, though short walks are essential outdoors in a safely fenced area is important. to keep him fit and healthy. Appearance 13-15” (33-38 cm) Appearance 6-9” (15-23 cm) Under 45 lb (20.5 kg) under 14 lb (6.5 kg) Long rough outercoat. Thick undercoat. Beard Long, straight, coarse stand-off outercoat. Thick and moustache. White with any combination of soft undercoat. Mane. Some feathering. All lemon, orange, tricolour, grizzle, black or sable. colours and markings. May have black mask. Quick Facts Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Exercise Requirements Grooming Grooming
AB Amonvhar Reg’d, Pat Corsiatto. Involved with PBGVs since 1991. Home raised puppies available occasionally. Most parents from Europe and are health tested. Puppies are registered, have microchips and have their eyes tested. Older dogs available occasionally. The breed is very social, excellent at tracking, excels in therapy work. Breeder support for life of dog. 3502 Township Rd 360, Red Deer County, AB T4G 0N2. (403) 728-3590; pbgv4u@xplornet.ca; www.amonvhar.com (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.) ON Auriga CKC Perm Reg’d, Martin & Wendy Doherty. (519) 941-5075, pbgv1@sympatico.ca, www.aurigakennel.ca
Ch. Amonvhar Tess. A very versatile companion excelling in therapy, tracking, agility, hunting and show. Bred by Pat Corsiatto.3502 TWP 360, Red Deer County, Alberta, Canada, T4G 0N2. 403-728-3590 www.amonvhar.com
History The Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen is one of four types of scent hound founded around the 1st century in the French region of Vendéen. The types are separated by size: Grand Griffon, Briquette Griffon, Grand Basset Griffon, and Petit Basset Griffon. The Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen, named for its characteristic “small, low, rough” appearance, was bred to hunt in packs, trailing small game such as rabbit, hare and the occasional fox.
Personality The Pharoah hound is goodhumoured and affectionate, especially with children. He is an intelligent dog who is easy to train. True to his ancestry, the active Pharoah Hound loves the excitement of agility and lure coursing, but when he is not hunting, he is a calm and attuned member of the family. A safe, secured area will allow the Pharoah Hound to exercise and indulge his playful side. Appearance 21-25” (53.5-63.5 cm) 45-55 lb (20.5-25 kg) Short, glossy, rich tan colour coat with white markings. Eyes, eye rims, nose and lip colour blend with coat colour. Nose and ears “blush” when excited. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Osiris Pharaoh Hounds, Kathy & Brittany Carella. Breeders of quality Pharaoh Hounds in Canada. Striving for excellence in health, temperament and conformation. Home of the #1 Pharaoh Hounds in Canada & the USA. 2014 Breed winner at the prestigious Westminster Kennel Club. Home raised puppies occasionally to approved homes. Inquiries welcomed. Uxbridge, ON. (905) 862-2882; kcarella@live.ca; www.osiriskennels.com
Photo: Osiris Pharaoh Hounds
Arriving in North America in 1967, the first Pharoah Hound litter on this side of the Atlantic was born in 1970. The breed’s distinctive colouring, and the fact that it remains odourless, is renewing interest.
History One of the most ancient of domesticated dogs, the Pharoah Hound originated in Egypt. Phoenician traders brought the breed to Malta in exchange for goods, and there the breed continued unadulterated for more than 2,000 years. A sight and scent hound, the dog hunted fowl, hare and rabbit and was known in his native land as the Kelb tal-Fenek (Maltese Rabbit Dog). When the breed arrived in the UK in the
History A rare breed in North America, the German Long-haired Pointer has long been a favourite sporting dog in its native country. Originally a hunter of big game -- some say as early as medieval times -- it later moved to farm and field. When the heavier version of the dog was crossed with English Setters and French
Pointer (German Long-Haired) continued on next page.
AB Weitoi Reg’d, Danny DeTonnancour. Dedicated to the preservation, promotion and protection of the Pekingese breed for over 25 years! Breeding for type, health, soundness and temperament. Home of BISS Grand Champion Weitoi Daragon. Where Champions and loving companions are produced from very selective breedings. Quality, not Quantity! Morinville, AB T8R 0A4; (780) 903-9195; weitoi2@yahoo.ca
1920s, fans thought these exceptionally elegant dogs resembled the Egyptian dog-god, Anubis, so they were renamed Pharoah Hounds.
Pointer (German Long-Haired)
Victoria received one as a gift. As the conquest continued, soldiers found other Pekingese and brought them to England, forming the foundation of the breed we know today.
Pointer (German Long-Haired)
his hunting instincts. He loves his family, and is affectionate companion in the country or the good with children. city -- as long as he gets plenty of work out-ofdoors. He is more introverted than his cousin, Appearance 21-26” (53-66 cm) Spaniels, German clubs registered standards the German Short-haired Pointer, so ongoing 45-70 lb (20-32 kg) for this more agile Long-haired Pointer. This socialization will keep him confident in a Short, rough hard outercoat. Dense short gathering. classification dates to 1879. undercoat. Solid liver or black, liver or black The breed made its way to North America in and white spotted and/or ticked, liver or black Appearance 22-26” (55.8-66 cm) the 1950s, but their numbers remained low as roan. May have tan markings. 45-75 lb (20.5-34 kg) Germany applied limits on who could import Wiry coat of solid liver, liver roan, or liver and these dogs. Today, many North American Quick Facts white. Bushy eyebrows, beard and whiskers Exercise Requirements breeders also prefer to keep the breed in the bestow character. hands of those who ensure the German Long- Grooming Quick Facts haired Pointer receives the outdoor activity to ON Exercise Requirements which he is accustomed. Fogelhund Reg’d, Susan & Mike Riemer. Home of Grooming Personality Strong and possessing lots of American and Canadian hunting-titled Shorthairs. stamina, the German Long-haired Pointer thrives All-purpose, proven, quality gun dogs that also in an environment where his mind and body are perform in conformation and obedience. Four- POLISH LOWLAND SHEEPDOG stimulated by new challenges. He loves to run titled, proven stud available. Puppies occasionally and swim. As well as being a superb athlete, he by reservation. 4452 11th Line, RR 4, Cookstown, is a good-natured, calm and steady dog. ON L0L 1L0. (705) 458-1663; sriemer@fogelhund. Appearance 23-27.5” (58-70cm) 66 lb (29.9 kg)
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
Legacyk Reg’d, Nancibeth Koutstaal. Home of some of Canada’s Top GSPs. Our goal is to produce quality dogs with great temperaments, structure and health to give the best results in the field, show ring and as loving family members. We pride ourselves in producing Dual Quality GSPs that can do it all. (519) 755-6088; bethgsp@yahoo.com; www.legacyk.com
History When game hunting was opened to the general populace in the 1800s, people wanted an all-round hunting dog that could take on any prey. Prince Albrecht zu SolmesBraunfels combined several successful breeds such as the German Bird Dog, Spanish Pointer and English Pointer. He selected for function and hunting ability rather than breed type and appearance - a deleterious practice. The result was an intelligent hunting dog who would willingly work in water, retrieve and track. Popular with hunters worldwide, the German Short-haired Pointer spread to North America in the early 1900s.
History While several types of gundog existed in late 19th century Germany, hunters wanted an even more rugged breed. It’s believed they crossed the German Short-haired Pointer with either the Airedale, the Poodle, or the Griffon, and the result was a sort of all-terrain canine who could track all kinds of game. The German Wire-haired Pointer is more rugged than his short-haired cousin; he has a weather-resistant coat, and rates high in courage and stamina.
Slightly wavy, weather-resistant coat. Solid liver colour, liver with white markings, or white with liver markings.
com; www.fogelhund.com
The German Wire-haired Pointer came to North America in the 1920s, but was not registered until much later. In its native Germany, the “Drahthaar” breed club demands breeders Personality Enthusiastic and full of energy, meet conformation and performance tests, the German Short-haired Pointer is an intelligent which accounts for some variation between the dog and a joy to train. He loves to work, whether European and the North American types. by hunting, doing obedience, playing flyball or running agility courses. Always up for a run, Personality Energetic and eager to please, the he needs opportunities to get out and exercise German Wire-Haired Pointer makes a sound, 134
History Dating to the 16th century, the Polish Lowland Sheepdog, or Polish Owczarek Nizinny (PON), is descended from the Hungarian Puli. He is likely the link between the corded breeds and long-coated herding dogs of Eastern Europe such as the Scottish Bearded Collie. An excellent herder, the PON was also a guard and watchdog. Like many breeds, the PON nearly died off during the Second World War. These dogs were preserved thanks to Dr. Danuta Hryniewicz and her dog Smok, who sired ten litters in the 1950s. All modern Polish Lowland Sheepdogs descend from Smok, whose type became the breed standard in 1959. The PON only gained recognition in North America during the last decade. Personality Loyal and devoted to his family, the PON is a herding dog at heart. He protects and cares for his “flock”, and can be pushy if not well trained and socialized. His calm nature and easy intelligence make him pleasant to be around. He likes to work and benefits from activities such as obedience, rally, flyball and agility. Appearance 16-20” (40-51 cm) 35-50 lb (16-23 kg) Long, shaggy thick outercoat. Soft dense undercoat. Long hair over eyes. All colours and patches acceptable. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
History The smallest Spitz-type breed, the German Zwergspitz, or Pomeranian as we know him, wasn’t always tiny. In the 18th century, the Pomeranian weighed around 30 lb. When Queen Victoria took an interest in the breed, however, she preferred smaller specimens, so breeders soon produced dogs weighing closer to 12 lb. Other famous Pomeranian owners include Marie Antoinette and Amadeus Mozart. Modern breeders have reduced the average size of the breed to around 5 lb. The Pomeranian remains a highly popular toy breed, well loved for his foxy face and fluffy coat. Personality A true feisty Spitz in temperament, the Pomeranian is an alert intelligent dog who believes he is as large as his ancestors were. A natural watchdog, he is suspicious of strangers and will let you know if he believes something is not quite right. The Pomeranian wants to be involved in all aspects of life, though is not clingy. His intelligence and willingness to please make him easy to train. Pomeranians love to learn tricks and do well in obedience, rally and agility.
Miniature Apricot Poodle. 8 Weeks Old. Bred/Owned by Maria Almedia, Calvary Kennels.
History To the surprise of some, poodles are actually working water dogs. The name comes from the German term “pudel”, which refers to his love of splashing and playing in water. In France, the breed is known as “Caniche”, a combination of the words “chien” for dog and “canard” for duck. A Poodle’s clip allowed him greater freedom of movement in the water, yet kept vulnerable regions warm and protected. A long tradition of artists have enjoyed creating ever more flamboyant clip designs. Today, Poodles are still a favourite of grooming competitions because their ever moldable coats support incredible coiffures, often with bright colours. There are four sizes of Poodle: Standard, Medium, Miniature and Toy. The Miniature is very popular, large enough to remain sturdy while fitting into most homes, yet small enough to be picked up and be a lap dog.
Appearance 7-12” (18-30 cm) 3-7 lb (1.5-3 kg)
Personality One of the most intelligent breeds, the Miniature Poodle is a lively fellow Long, straight harsh outercoat. Soft, fluffy thick who enjoys having something to do. He can undercoat. Neck ruff. All colours, patterns, variations. be a bit shy and sensitive, and requires good socialization to bring out his confidence and Quick Facts cheerful nature. Excellent trick dogs, Miniature Exercise Requirements Poodles are great fun to train, and this helps Grooming keep their minds occupied. AB Rangelandz Reg’d, Martina Melnyk. Welcome to Rangelandz! We have quality Pomeranians with champion bloodlines based on Cheyenne and Lenette show lines. Family raised, vet checked, health guaranteed and microchipped puppies occasionally available. We strive for health, temperament and breed standard. Have a “Pawsitive” experience with Rangelandz Pomeranians. Visit our site at: www.rangelandz.com ON WINTERHAVEN Perm Reg’d. Sandra Beisel 7240 2nd Line R.R. #3 Arthur, Ont. Distinctive, Quality, Champion Bloodlines, Pet/Show Pomeranians. Rich Correct Coats, variety of colors. Vet Checked Guaranteed Healthy, Excellent Temperament, 3 to 5 1/2 lbs. Shipping Available. Located 1 1/2 hours from Toronto. (519) 848-2982; info@winterhaven.ca; www.winterhaven.ca
Appearance 10-15” (25-38 cm) 15-20 lb (7-9 kg) Curly coat has naturally harsh texture, dense throughout. Corded coat hangs in tight, even cords of varying lengths. Any solid colour. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Calvary Kennel Reg’d. Our puppies are home raised with children. We have miniature and toy sizes to choose from in various colours. From champion lines. Shipping and delivery available. – Dundalk ON. (519) 923-6767; calvarykennel@gmail.com; www.calvarykennelpoodles.webs.com (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement above.)
GLOW. We breed quality Miniature Poodles puppies of all colors in a loving home environment. We are looking forward to the first litter of our white GCH, and our Ch. brown females. Our breeding dogs are champions from the top lines of Europe, USA and Canada. Health tested CERF/PRA/OFA. Contract has health guaranty. Special custom coats, collars, leg-guards and panties for show dogs. E-mail: Gloria Koolsbergen. Montreal, QC H9C 1T8. (514) 357-2163; poodlesglow@live.com; www.poodlesglow.com
Poodle (Miniature)
QC Bonvivant Reg’d, Dawn Cullen. Apricot/Red/ Silver puppies. Also Toys. Home-raised for 42 years. 3800 Chemin Riviere Beaudette, St. Telesphore, QC J0P 1Y0. (450) 269-2470; bonvivantdawn@hotmail.ca; www.skjennagard. ca/bonvivant.html
QUESTIONS? A qualified, reputable groomer will make sure your canine companion looks his best, and can also assist you with suggestions and tips for maintaining that look in between salon appointments. By working with your groomer to create a Proactive Grooming Plan, you’ll be able to take pride in your dog’s appearance and avoid any unpleasant grooming experiences. Learn more on page 84.
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
Poodle (Standard)
Giselle, Bursee, Highprofile Perm. Reg’d. Lovingly home-raised puppies from genetically screened top champion bloodlines. Health and temperament a priority. Excellent as a family pet, for show and performance sports. After sale support is always available. 11 Droxford Avenue, Scarborough, ON M1R 1K1. (416) 755-3780; highprofilepoodles@ sympatico.ca; www.highprofilepoodles.com
Gr.Ch.Syquefine’s Pabst Blue Ribbon. Bred/Owned by Christina Pierce, Syquefine Reg’d
History Though sometimes called the “French Poodle”, this breed does not come from France but instead has its roots in Germany. A water dog, the poodle hunts and retrieves fowl from swamps and lakes. The distinct poodle clip keeps the dog warm while working in cold waters, without slowing him down as he swims. Poodles have many claims to fame, not the least of which is their intelligence and highly trainable nature. The Standard Poodle is the largest. He is highly versatile and has been used for many purposes, including as a guide dog, hearing ear dog, seizure detector, cancer detector, mobility assistant and therapy dog. Poodles also succeed at herding, hunting, pulling sleds, obedience, agility and pretty much anything else they are asked to do. Personality A proud intelligent dog, the Standard Poodle is an exceptionally versatile companion. He is good with children and other animals, with an affectionate nature and desire to please. Happy outdoors or in, he enjoys both mental exercise while training and doing tricks, and good old-fashioned runs outside. Appearance Over 15” (38 cm) 45-70 lb (20-32 kg) Curly coat has naturally harsh texture, dense throughout. Corded coat hangs in tight, even cords of varying lengths. Any solid colour. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
country home. Available for your next ring champion or champion of your heart. (705) 228-1164; cantope@cantope.ca; www.cantope.ca
MB Brovalla Kennel, Barbara Svenson. Beautiful, large, black, intelligent, health tested Standard Poodles. Canadian Champions. Puppies require deposit. Brovalla Kennel also operates the Manitoba Standard Poodle Rescue. 27 Ferry Road, Cartier, MB R4K 1B2. (204) 864-2044; brovallakennel@aol. com; www.brovallakennel.com ON CANTOPE Perm Reg’d, Peter & Diane Welsh. Invitation is open to tour the Cantope facility and meet the poodles of colour. Carefully selected, genetically tested parents produce health guaranteed puppies. Wonderfully socialized in our
Kalchan Reg’d, Glenna Mae Breckenridge. Stud service available including Champion silver. Puppies home raised with love for family pets, show, obedience, agility, therapy and fun. Silver, black, blue, white and cream. Genetically tested, intelligent with sound temperament. (705) 357-3330; glennamae@hotmail.com; www.pets4you.com/pages/kalchan/
History The Toy Poodle is the smallest, and was created from the Standard Poodle by breeding for small size. Originally waterdogs, Poodles are now prized for their versatility. Many performing artists in circuses preferred poodles over other breeds. Highly intelligent, Magisterial Standard Poodles Reg’d. the dogs could be trained to do any trick, and Experience for each of our clients. Our Standard worked well in combinations using all their Poodle puppies are highly socialized, joyful, and different sizes and types. Circuses are turning raised with children. They have gorgeous good away from the use of animals, but Poodles looks, are health and temperament tested, and remain popular as entertainers. Toy Poodles are very eager to learn! Your new family member will particularly popular due to their tiny size. have been raised in luxury and given nothing but the very best during their crucial first 8 weeks of life. Magisterial Standard Poodles are suitable for: therapy, obedience, agility, show, flyball, service dog training, or herding/hunting. Their most important role is being loving, loyal companions to families worldwide, delivering immeasurable amounts of joy, love, and magic! Roblin, ON (613) 388-2628; adam@magisterialkennels.com; www.magisterialkennels.com (See our advertisement in the Breeders Spotlight.) Syquefine Reg’d, Christina Pierce. Est. 2004. Stunning Reds, Apricots, Blacks and Silvers. Health tested. Written Health Guarantee. Family-raised, well-socialized and well-loved puppies for pet or show from champion lines. Emphasis on health, temperament, intelligence and trainability. Lifetime of breeder support. Visitors welcome. Napanee, ON. (613) 354-7048; cell: (613) 328-4511; syquefine@gmail.com; www.syquefinestandardpoodles.com (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left and our advertisement in the Breeders Spotlight.) Mary Jane T. Weir, Tyldesley-Titian-Amar Kennels Reg’d. Poodles since 1948. Founding member Poodle Club of Canada; 50-year lifetime member CKC. Kennel partner Beverly Tufford, Amar Kennels. Home-raised black, blue, silver, cream, apricot, red. Breeding stock mainly outcrossed; lower risk of immune diseases validated by UC Davis genetic profile. Health tested, performance potential tested. Omemee, ON. (705) 799-0999; t.t.a.kennels@gmail.com
Personality A lapdog in size, the Toy Poodle is an intelligent dog who loves to perform tricks for his people. He needs to be mentally stimulated to keep him happy, and good training and socialization help moderate his sensitive nature. Like many toy breeds, he is cautious around young children, who tend to be loud and boisterous. The Toy Poodle loves to be with his people. Appearance Under 10” (25 cm) 4-8 lb (2-3.5 kg) Curly coat has naturally harsh texture, dense throughout. Corded coat hangs in tight, even cords of varying lengths. Any solid colour. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming BC Pomroth Reg’d, Helen M. Hamilton. Home raised, solid coloured toy poodles in black, brown, or silver. Trained young adults sometimes available. See pictures of our dogs on website. Kelowna, BC pomroth@bell.net; www.pomrothtoypoodles.com (250) 764-5450 Calvary Kennel Reg’d. Our puppies are home raised with children. We have miniature and toy sizes to choose from in various colours. From champion lines. Shipping and delivery available. – Dundalk ON. (519) 923-6767; calvarykennel@gmail.com; www.calvarykennelpoodles.webs.com
WHAT’S A PUREBRED DOG? In Canada, a purebred dog is defined as “a dog of proven lineage that is registered by an accepted registry.” If you’re buying a purebred dog, remember that, under the “Animal Pedigree Act”, the dog must be entitled to registration papers.
Personality A fearless, lively and dedicated service dog, the Portuguese Water Dog loves his family and will do anything to keep them happy. Although easily trained, he likes to History The Portuguese Sheepdog was born think for himself and can get distracted if he doesn’t know what is expected of him. The to herd. Sheep, goats, cattle, horses, pigs...the Portuguese Water Dog loves to work, and breed’s driving instinct and long coat served it needs to have a job. He excels at obedience, well in harsh climates. Of uncertain origin, it’s agility, water sports and any other sport his possible the Portuguese Sheepdog descended owner might want to try. from a pair of Briards in the early 1900s. Then again, it resembles both the Pyrenees from Appearance 16-23” (42-59 cm) 35-60 lb (16-27 kg) France and the Catalan Sheepdog from Spain. By the end of the 20th century, the Portuguese Curly coat: compact, cylindrical curls, little Sheepdog had faded in popularity, and only its shine. Wavy coat: falls gently in waves, slight devotion to his family and his purpose kept the sheen. Black, white, brown or combinations of breed from disappearing altogether. black or brown with white.
Appearance 16.5-22” (42-55cm) 26-40 lb (12-18kg) A tousled coat of yellow, fawn, chestnut and grey -- from light to dark. Scant white on chest. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
History An old breed, the Portuguese Water Dog, or Cão de Agua, helped drive fish into fishermen’s nets. He was an essential member of the Portuguese crew. He served the vessels by retrieving things from the water, sometimes even diving for them, and delivering messages
QC MacDuff PWD Reg’d, Glenda Newton, member of the CKC since 1986, breeding PWDs since 1996. Puppies expected winter 2015/16. Inquiries are always welcome. Hudson, QC. (450) 458-2111;newton.glenda@gmail.com (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.)
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming Portuguese Water Dog Club of Canada. Visit www.pwdcc.org for information on pwds including temperament and health issues, club activities, and to find a reputable breeder. (See our advertisement in the Breeders Spotlight.)
History Originating in China alongside the Pekingese, the Pug was always a companion dog, and was reserved for the Imperial family and their friends. As the Dutch East India Company made its way across the world, they were able to obtain ON Belouro Reg’d, Gillian & Frank Goldschmidt. some Pugs and bring them back to Holland. Breeding from generations of fully health-tested, There the Prince of Orange claimed them as multi-titled championed parents. Committed the official breed of the House of Orange after a to producing sound healthy puppies, lovingly Pug saved his life from Spaniards in 1572. Later, home raised and correctly socialized. Available when the Prince’s grandson William III took the to approved homes. Full health guarantee. English throne, he brought several Pugs with Home of Best in Show(s), Top Show Dog Award him. Later Royals to keep Pugs included Queen winners in Canada and U.S., titled in water, Victoria, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, and agility and therapy. Recognized for the health, Napoleon’s wife, Josephine. temperament, structure and trainability of our offspring. 10 Forestwood Lane, Oro Medonte, ON L0L 1T0. (705) 329-1299; belouro@rogers. com; www.belouropwd.com (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left and our advertisement in the Breeders Spotlight.)
MBIS GCH Ex Belouro’s Areia Da Costa, CKC CGN, AWD - photo credit: Todd Foley. Bred/Owned by Gillian Goldschmidt, Belouro Reg’d, Hawkestone, ON www.belouropwd.com
com; www.portuguesewaterdogsatricelake.com.
Pugs came to North America in the mid 1800s and it’s now one of the most popular and recognized breeds in the world.
Personality The Pug is a small dog full of character. He is even-tempered, clever and curious, and attracts attention with his unique Claircreek Perm Reg’d, Donna Gottdenker. appearance and pleasant personality. Friendly Breeder/Owner of PWD - Claircreek Impression and good with people of all ages, he is affectionate de Matisse - #1 All Breed dog in USA for and enjoys a good cuddle. He can’t work too 2013, 2014. One litter per year, only breed hard due to a shortened nose that can give him PWDs, top quality pets and show, home breathing problems. However, it is still important raised, health guarantee, always available to get him out and about to prevent obesity. for training, grooming help. Appointments welcome. Arthur, ON N0G 1A0. (519) 241-5353; Claircreekpwds@gmail.com
Kyessiline Reg’d. Portuguese Water Dog, Puppies are raised in the house. The parents have all their health clearances. Fully Registered with the CKC. Puppies are seen by a vet, vaccinated, dewormed and microchipped. We give a two year full refund or replacement guarantee. Anna Kyessi,
Appearance 10-14” (25-36 cm) 14-18 lb (6.5-8 kg) Short, smooth fine coat. Fawn, black, silver, apricot. Black mask. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
Personality A quick and lively outdoor worker, the Portuguese Sheepdog is a good companion for a knowledgeable owner who can appreciate and channel his strong driving instinct. He is faithful to his family, and can be protective of them.
from the ship. By the early 1900s, technology (613) 674-5580; anna@kyessilinekennels.ca; made the Portuguese Water Dog’s role www.kyessilinekennels.ca redundant, and the breed fell by the wayside. Rice Lake Portuguese Water Dogs, Cathy In the 1930s, a wealthy Portuguese shipping Gonzalez. Home raised Portuguese Waterdog magnate took an interest in the breed and pups on occasion. Parents are health tested and began efforts to save it from extinction. A mere pups leave with full health guarantee. Please see 35 dogs were brought to North America in the our site for puppy availability and info on us and 1960s, where dedicated breeders continued the our dogs. Stud Service also available. Warkworth, ON K0K 3K0. (705) 924-2509; c_reg_4@hotmail. effort to revive the Portuguese Water Dog.
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
History The Puli immigrated to Hungary in the early 9th century with the Magyars and their flocks of sheep. The early dogs varied widely in type and are the progenitors of the Puli, Komodor, Kuvasz and Tibetan Terrier. Pulis are the ultimate sheepherding dog. Darker-coated dogs guarded flocks during the day, while lighter-coated dogs guarded at night. The dogs were so valuable that a shepherd might save a year’s wages just to purchase one. Their unique technique of jumping on the backs of sheep made them an unusual and effective flock manager. Interbreeding and wars decimated the purebred Puli until 1912, when Emil Raitsits recognized the dog’s value. In 1915, he wrote up a breed standard and worked to reconstruct the Puli, specifically by preserving its size, colour and coat. While there were originally four sizes of Puli, the middle-sized dog was most versatile and became the true breed type. Personality Like many guardian breeds, the Puli is an excellent watchdog and guardian. He is cautious with strangers, and takes time to develop trust. But he is affectionate and devoted to those he calls his own. A working dog, the Puli likes to be kept occupied, and responds well to training. Early socialization with a variety of people and places will be a plus. Appearance 14-18” (37-46 cm) 22-33 lb (10-15 kg)
Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay thrived on huge flocks of waterfowl native to the region. Taking hundreds of birds at a time, they needed dogs that could work for hours in the frigid waters, retrieving birds and bringing them to shore. In 1807, a ship carrying two Newfoundland-type dogs sank near the Maryland shore. The two dogs, named Canton and Sailor, were bred to local dogs including other types of retriever, water spaniels and otter hounds. The resulting dogs were long-footed with short water-resistant coats, and could tolerate cold water without becoming chilled.
History A favourite of English gamekeepers, the Curly Coated Retriever is one of the oldest Retriever breeds. Known fondly as “the Curly” for his thick mass of tight curls, his ancestry is a bit unsure, though experts The Chesapeake Bay Retriever remains a prized believe his background includes the St. water bird hunter, and they are also excellent John’s Newfoundland, the Old English Water search and rescue dogs, trackers, guide dogs and Spaniel and the Poodle. The Curly gained sled dogs. Current breeders focus on keeping popularity when hunters needed a working the working traits that make the Chesapeake companion to find and retrieve the birds in Bay Retriever so valuable, and promote their the field, regardless of the conditions. He’s still dogs both in the show ring and the field. recognized as an excellent gun and hunting Personality The Chesapeake Bay Retriever dog, and is exceedingly popular in Australia is a tough, tenacious and strong-minded dog. and New Zealand. He is a working dog that needs a job to keep Personality Gentle and even-tempered, the happy. When not working, he is an affectionate Curly is also loyal and protective of his family. and family-friendly companion that is easy to care for. While content indoors, he loves to be While he can be a bit reserved with strangers, his playful side peeks out with people he knows outside and of course adores swimming. and loves. Known for his good manners, the Appearance 21-26” (53-66 cm) Curly is also hard-working and intelligent, and 55-80 lb (25-37 kg) makes a wonderful companion for outdoorminded families, particularly those who like to Short, hard, oily water-resistant outercoat. swim! Training sessions for these quick-minded Wooly, dense fine undercoat. Any shade of brown, sedge (red-gold) or deadgrass (straw to dogs tend to work better if they’re kept short bracken). White markings acceptable. and interesting.
Weather-resistant coat with long, wavy or curly coarse outercoat. Fine, soft dense undercoat. Mature coat naturally forms cords. Solid black, Quick Facts rusty black, all shades of grey, white, apricot. Exercise Requirements Quick Facts Grooming Exercise Requirements Grooming NS Immerzu Perm Reg’d, Terry & Stephanie Horan. We are proud to be Canada’s winningest Puli breeders. Puppies are occasionally available for showing, performance events and as lively, loving companions. Older dogs are sometimes available. All breeding stock health checked. Delighted to offer advice and information from over 40 years’ experience with the breed. 14924 HWY 6, RR 2, Malagash, NS B0K 1E0. (902) 257-1143; stephanie@immerzupuli.com; www.immerzupuli.com
conformation, health and retrieving ability, with great temperaments being especially important to us. Breeding stock certified clear for eyes, hips, elbows. Written health guarantee. Puppies available occasionally. 12297 Talbot Trail (Morpeth), PO Box 1111, Ridgetown, ON N0P 2C0. (519) 674-2331; kinlayke@ciaccess.com
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
ON Conroy Reg’d Kennel, Rita Jones. Working bloodlines bred for temperament, retrieving ability, structure and good work ethics. Breeding stock have certified health clearances. Puppies come with a written guarantee, they are well socialized and raised in our home. Stud service available to approved bitches. Woodville, ON (705) 439-2747; deadgrass@sympatico.ca. McKinlay, Scott & Pam, Mossbank, Reg’d. Breeders of quality Chesapeake Bay Retrievers for 40+ years, with many repeat guyers. We breed to combine top bloodlines for temperament,
Appearance 23-27 in (58-69 cm) 65-80 lb (29.5-36.5 kg) Distinguished from other Retrievers by its uniquely textured, curly coat. Coat is water resistant and requires only occasional bathing and towelling after getting wet. Coat colour can be black or liver. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
Stanley O’Neill revived the breed in the 1960s. Today, the Flat-Coated Retriever remains uncommon, though he is recognized as an effective sporting dog. Efforts to maintain both type and working traits allowed the breed to remain consistent through working and showing lines. Personality Sometimes referred to as the Peter Pan of the dog world, the Flat-Coated Retriever has a puppy-like personality he maintains throughout his life. He is a keen and intelligent hunter who loves children and bonds closely to his family, preferring to be around them as much as possible. The Flat-Coated Retriever is quick to learn and does very well in sports such as agility, flyball or obedience. Appearance 22-25” (56-62 cm) 60-80 lb (27-37 kg)
Photo: Gray Valley Goldens
History In the mid 1800s, the English preferred black Retrievers, but Sir Dudley Majoribanks decided to develop a golden-coloured WavyCoated Retriever. He purchased a yellow FlatCoated Retriever and bred it to the Tweed Water Spaniel, a now-extinct, curly-coated lightcoloured breed. The resulting dogs were then crossed to other light-coloured breeds such as Yellow Labradors, Red Setters and other WavyCoated Retrievers. In time, the “Golden Flat Coat” type was established, and in 1920 renamed the Golden Retriever.
QC Norsen dogs, Yolaine Boisvert. Quality dogs with good temperament. Breeding for show, field, obedience and good family companion. Health clearance. Black and liver puppies expected late fall 2015. 6545 Rue de la Bataille, La Prairie, QC J5R 0K9. (450) 907-3046; fcrnorsen@hotmail. com; www.flatcoated.ca.
Goldenbreez Reg’d, Patricia Parkinson. Home-raised, healthy, happy, well socialized, quality pups with exceptionally sweet, quiet temperaments. Selected for temperament, soundness and intelligence. Pups sold with health and temperament written guarantees. Parents cleared, many generations of certifications. Several offspring with agility, obedience and conformation titles. Breeding for 25 years. After purchase support. Naturally reared, some raw. Dealers for Healthy Paws. Palmerston, ON (519) 343-3013 Home; (519) 343-4482 Fax; pat@goldenbreezkennels.com; www.goldenbreezkennels.com
Golden Retrievers came to North America in the 1920s and immediately gained a following. Golden Retrievers are one of the world’s most popular breeds, and frequently used as service Golden Asset Reg’d, Mary Greenwood. We dogs because of their kind and intelligent have been caring for and breeding quality champion English Golden Retrievers since 1996. personalities. Personality Known worldwide for his easygoing nature, the Golden Retriever is said to be born wanting to please. He is an intelligent dog and one of the easiest to train. Energetic, but not excitable, the Golden enjoys a good run and some games. He is wonderful with children of all ages, and pets of all sizes. Appearance 20-24” (51-61 cm) 55-75 lb (25-34 kg)
Straight or wavy, firm, dense water-resistant Moderate length coat, straight or slightly wavy, outercoat. Good undercoat. Neck ruff. Various flat-lying, weather resistant. Feathering. Black or shades of gold and cream. liver colour. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Quick Facts Grooming Exercise Requirements Grooming
Chrys-haefen Perm Reg’d, Jennifer McAuley. Pride and dedication since 1967 producing quality Golden Retrievers that are healthy, well-tempered dogs with good breed type. Breeding the English/ European style, countless generations of hip, elbow, eye and heart clearances behind every puppy. Written guarantee and lifetime of support. Lifetime member of CKC and GRCC. Shipping is available. 93 Bishopsgate Rd. RR 2, Scotland, ON N0E 1R0; (519)751-9015 information@chryshaefen.com; www.chrys-haefen.com (See our advertisement in the Breeders Spotlight.)
ON Blackpool Perm. Reg’d, Darryl Tuominen. We breed for temperament, health and longevity. We clear parents for hips, elbows, eyes, heart, DNA test all our dogs for PRA 1 and 2, plus PRDC PRA and the skin disorder Lchthyosis. Our home raised puppies come with a three year guarantee and 6 weeks of pet insurance plus a comprehensive puppy training kit. Our champion Goldens are found throughout Canada and the USA. We offer champion stud service to select girls. Visit our site for more information. www.blackpoolkennels.com Bonnieview Kennel Reg’d, Lorraine Bain. Blonde, bright and beautiful. Bred and socialized for great family temperament and longevity. Good history of genetically healthy parents. Also breeder of purebred Havanese,
We are a family based kennel located just west of Alliston, ON. All of our dogs conform to CKC breed standard, and have had their clearances on their hips, elbows, eyes and heart. Our pups come with CKC Registration, health guarantee, shots, vet checked, and lots more. Show and pet puppies available occasionally. Let us help you find your next furry friend. RR 1 Everett ON, (705) 434-0242; mjg@goldenassetkennels.ca; www.goldenassetkennels.ca Regalgoldens Reg’d. English Style Goldens Championship lines imported from Europe. Litters are carefully planned to produce quality puppies - health, temperament, structure & longevity. CKC Reg’d, (647) 519-2888; info@ regalgoldens.com; www.regalgoldens.com (See our advertisement in the Breeders Spotlight.) Tibsen Reg’d, Lise & Tim Nesbitt. Tibsen kennels is a home based kennel situated south of North Bay. Our goal is to breed well socialized, healthy, beautiful English-type Golden Retrievers. Puppies are the result of a carefully planned breeding program focusing on health, temperament and soundness. All breeding stock have health clearances. We offer written guarantee, 6 weeks of pet insurance and lifetime support. Our dogs and puppies live in our home and are part of our everyday lives. Bjorne, our Swedish import from Rossmix Kennels, has all clearances and is available to approved bitches. Callander, ON P0H 1H0. (705) 752-1926; tibsenkennels@ hotmail.com; www.tibsengoldens.com Wimberway Reg’d. Ivan Paul. Puppies occasionally. Adults have hip, elbow and eye clearances. sandy@wimberway.com. www.wimberway.com/golden.html
History In the mid to late 1800s, S.E. Shirley produced a close-working gun dog he called the Flat-Coated Retriever. Crossed from a variety of breeds such as Newfoundland, Labrador, Setter, Water Spaniel and Collie, the Flat-Coated Retriever became a popular show and working breed at the turn of the century. Later interest in Labrador Retrievers and Golden Retrievers saw a decline in the breed, and many remaining dogs did not survive the two World Wars.
Goldendoodles and Aussiedoodles. See website for available puppies. Mount Forest, ON. (519) 323-6071; dlbain@bonnieviewkennels.ca; www.bonnieviewkennels.ca
Retriever (Golden)
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
Ch. Asklar’s Mistle Toe Rocker Two Year old Black Male, Call Name Jimmi. A typical Labrador, eager to please and ready for life. Bred/Owned by Laurie Warvill, Asklar Perm. Reg’d
History One of two breeds originating in North America, the Labrador is possibly descended from native dogs that interbred with those arriving in the 1600s with European fishing vessels. Like the Newfoundland, the Labrador is a hardy breed uniquely designed to withstand the difficult climate of Canada’s coastline. Often called the Lesser St. John’s Dog, Labradors had thick water-resistant coats with longish wavy fur, and a thick undercoat. Smaller than the Newfoundland, the Labrador had excellent retrieving abilities, and became popular with waterfowl hunters worldwide. His type and talents were so desirable that the Labrador was used in many breeding programs, producing breeds such as the Flat-Coated, Chesapeake Bay and Golden Retrievers.
pet insurance. We are here for you, offering our support to provide you with our care and attention to assist you in raising a well-mannered puppy which will become a well-mannered adult dog. We offer LIFETIME return policy, and LIFETIME support for you and your new family member. Princeton, BC (250) 295-7939; labs@nethop.net; www.whiterobin-kennels.com NB Stationone Reg’d, Maureen Gladstone. 27 years of breeding the dual Lab (the best of English and North American bloodlines combined) black/ chocolate/yellow. Home of the Miniature Lab. Our lines are wonderfully suited for hunting, agility, show and family companions. Written health guarantee. All puppies are puppy aptitude tested before going to their home. Waterford, NB (506) 433-6601; stationonekennels@gmail.com; www.dogcatbreeder.com ON Asklar Labrador Retrievers Perm Reg’d. Breeding Quality Labrador Retrievers since 1991, we are dedicated to the breed, located one hour north of Toronto on Lake Simcoe, breeder of 42 champions to date and 3 Grand Champions. We breed blacks, yellows, chocolates and fox reds. Clearances on all breeding stock. Temperament is our TRADEMARK. (705) 426-5154; asklar.warvill@ sympatico.ca (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left and our advertisement in the Breeders Spotlight.) Devonsleigh Kennels, Joanne Fernall. We are a country hobby kennel that produces black, yellow and chocolate Labrador Retrievers. We have owned and produced dogs that have accomplished Best in Show, High in Obedience Trial and that have won Retriever Trials. All puppies come with a written warrantee for health and temperament. 1280 Webster Road, Norwood, ON (705) 639-1210; www.devonsleigh.com; devonsleigh@sympatico.ca.
Though the breed originated in Canada, the first Labrador Retrievers registered in Canada were found on the west coast, and were imported from the US and England. But the breed soon gained popularity in Canada and now stands as Dora Lee Reg’d, Betty Small. Chocolate, yellow the most popular dog in the world. Personality Perhaps a perfect family dog, the Labrador Retriever is known for his sensible, affectionate, even-tempered nature and his intelligence and willingness to please. He is highly trainable and excels in a wide range of sports. An energetic dog, the Labrador needs a good run to work off steam, as well as things to do to keep his mind occupied. He is friendly with other animals, and excellent with kids. Appearance 21-25” (54-62 cm) 55-80 lb (25-37 kg)
Short, straight dense outercoat. Soft weatherresistant undercoat. Black, yellow, chocolate. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming BC Whiterobin Kennels, Cynthia White. All puppies come Canadian Kennel Club registered, 1st set of shots, dew claws done, de-wormed, microchipped, some crate conditioning, very well socialized, a health guarantee, and 6 weeks
and occasionally black lab puppies for wonderful companions and/or field dogs. Certified clearances and puppy guarantees. 6734 6th Line, RR 3, Harriston, ON N0G 1Z0. (519) 338-2077; doraleegenetics1@ sonicwaves.ca; www.doraleelabradors.com Evenstar Labradors Reg’d, Jacklyn Hayhurst. Puppies are home-raised naturally, well socialized with a head start on learning experiences. Guaranteed. Our girls and puppies excel in Show, Obedience and Field or as loving companions. Hips, Elbows, Eyes are certified clear on breeding stock. Fenwick, ON L0S 1C0. (905) 892-3012; jhayhurst@sympatico.ca; www.evenstarlabradors.com Goshen Ridge Reg’d, Ken & Cathy Pellizzari. Reg’d Breeders of quality black, chocolate, yellow & fox red Labrador Retrievers. Well temperamented for a family. Also great for hunting, agility, or fly ball. 565 Goshen Road, Tillsonburg, ON (519) 842-0960 cell: (519) 688-8815, www.goshenridgelabs.com; goshenridgelabs@hotmail.com MooseLake Perm Reg’d, Mike & Laurie Quenneville. Producing quality Labradors with exemplary temperament, breed type
and structural soundness from certified parents. Black, chocolate and yellow available by reservation. Written health guarantee. Stud service available. Visitors welcome by appointment. Please see our website. Located in Kanata, ON. (613) 832-3087; lgquenne@ rogers.com; www.mooselakelabs.com (See our advertisement in the Breeders Spotlight.) Ruttan, Don & Mary Lou, Loudonlabs. Yellow and Chocolate puppies. Home raised and well socialized. Written guarantee. All breeding stock have appropriate health clearances. Soundness and temperament are a priority. RR 2, Wroxeter, ON, N0G 2X0 (519) 335-6948; loudonlabs@gmail.com; www.loudonlabs.ca Wimberway Kennels & Farm Perm. Reg’d, Sandy Briggs. Puppies sometimes available. Stud Service to approved bitches. All adults have hip, elbow, eye, CNM, and EIC clearances. Powassan, ON. sandy@wimberway.com; www.wimberway.com. SK Prairiestorm Kennels, Danielle Greanya. Breeder of American Field Labs.Pups are home raised by a veterinary technician/obedience instructor and excel at hunting, hunt tests, field trials, search/rescue, and drug detection. CKC registered, dewclaws removed, health checked, microchipped, dewormed, first vaccine, 6 week health insurance, and 30 month guarantee. Introduced to birds/gunfire/cats/children/other dogs. Lifetime support. Saskatoon, SK S7K 3J8. (306) 931-2026; prairiestormkennels@gmai.com. Windara Reg’d, Lila June Johnson. We donate for psychiatric service dogs, and also have aptitude tested black and chocolate puppies for sale throughout the year. Check us out today for availability. Reservations accepted now. Air transport can be arranged. Our puppies will meet or exceed your expectations! Next litters ready spring 2016. Windthorst, SK S0G 5G0. (306) 736-7413; windarakennel@gmail.com; www.windarakennels.blogspot.com
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
Retriever (Labrador)
History After observing the antics of foxes, hunters in Little River, Nova Scotia decided to breed a dog that could imitate this hunting style, called “tolling”. One fox would play by the water’s edge, drawing the curiosity of the geese, while another would hide in the brush, ready to pounce. The “Little River Duck Dog” worked in a similar way, fetching an object thrown by the
Personality Playful and exuberant, the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Dog loves to retrieve. He needs lots of exercise and a way to make use of his talents. At home, he is affectionate and devoted to his people. His tolling ability is natural, though regular training is needed to enable him to become a consistent hunting dog. Appearance 17-21” (43-54 cm) 37-51 lb (17-23 kg) Water-resistant, medium-length, moderately soft outercoat. Soft dense undercoat. Whiskers. Feathering. Various shades of red or orange. May have white markings. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming BC Redfox Reg’d, Stephanie & Joyn Halse. Homeraised puppies occasionally available. All breeding stock is health tested including the most current tests available. Please call or email to come and visit our dogs and to find out if we have any litters planned. North Vancouver, BC V7T 3G7 (604) 980-0705; shalse@shaw.ca; www.redfoxducktoller.com NB Yellowrose Reg’d. Alec & Evelyn Hoyt. Home raised puppies from hip- and eye- (DNA) cleared stock. Stud dogs to approved bitches. Hunting, show and obedience. Lutes Mountain, NB E1G 2T4. (506) 852-7107; yeloros@nb.sympatico.ca NS Littleriver Perm. Reg’d, Jim Jeffery. Founded in 1969, Littleriver Kennels is the world’s longest serving Toller breeder, and always only Tollers. The Jeffery Division is proudly located in Yarmouth County, birthplace of the Toller breed and birthplace of Littleriver Kennels. Tollers have been in the Jeffery family for more than 125 years, an important part of our heritage. Yarmouth, NS. (902) 742-1493; littleriver@ eastlink.ca; www.littlerivertollers.com Redland Reg’d, Sandy Bruce. Occasional puppies from sound bloodlines of hip and eye cleared breeding stock. Stud dogs to approved bitches. Inquiries and visitors welcome. Mahone Bay, NS. (902) 624-0168; nsdtr@iname.com; www. redlandkennels.net; www.redlandkennels.com ON Ardbrae Reg’d. Family raised, well socialized puppies. Health cleared parents. We breed for temperament and health. Our dogs are raw
319, RR 3, Selkirk, MB R1A 2A8. (204) 757-2876 (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)
History Roman soldiers travelling across Europe took their food along with them “on the hoof”. “Stalkmoor Glen Lyon” OFA – R.R. DM 2107/36 The herds were driven by huge Mastiffs. As cattle M-NOPI “The Charmer” – “Toby” a Friend to all with were eaten, or left at outposts, the dogs remained a heart of gold. Bred/Owned by Mrs. M.J. Apostle, behind at drop points, one of which was the town Stalkmoor Perm. Reg’d, PO Box 28, Group 319, RR 3, of Rottweil in Germany. Roman Mastiffs and Selkirk, MB R1A 2A8. local dogs interbred, producing an imposing dog History The Rhodesian Ridgeback’s history known as the German Butcher’s Dog, or begins in South Africa, where his ancestor, Rottweiler. These dogs carted goods to market, the Khoikhoi dog, was prized as a sighthound then drove new purchases of cattle back home. that could hold his own against large game. Improved methods of transportation such as the The symmetrical ridge of hair that grows back railroad made the Rottweiler’s job unnecessary, along the spine, giving the Ridgeback his name, and the breed’s numbers dropped significantly. came from these early sighthounds. As English But the Rottweiler’s reputation caught the emigrants came to South Africa, they crossed interest of the police and military in the 1900s the native dogs with other breeds like Mastiffs, and this association made the Rottweiler one of Bloodhounds and Pointers. No matter what breed the most popular breeds in North America. was added, the ridge was predominant, and the Personality A well-bred Rottweiler is a calm, Rhodesian Ridgeback was born. These large confident and courageous dog. He trusts his dogs were used both as hunters and protectors. owner implicitly, and is highly dedicated to In the 1870s, Reverend Helm brought some of his family. Naturally cautious of strangers, the these dogs to Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) where Rottweiler remains on guard until shown there he continued to breed them as large game is no danger to his family. When not on the alert, hunters. With the nose and endurance to track he is a mellow dog who is loving and playful for hours, and the size and courage to hold a and makes a superb companion. Good training lion at bay so a hunter could come in for the and socialization make the Rottweiler a pleasure kill, the Rhodesian Ridgeback was a supreme to have around. His intelligence and trainability make him a fun friend who excels in obedience, large game hound. agility, cart pulling and many more active jobs. Personality Protective and brave, the Rhodesian Ridgeback is fiercely loyal to Appearance 22-27” (56-69 cm) 92-110 lb (42-50 kg) his owner. He is good with children when socialized with them. He remains an excellent Medium length, coarse dense outercoat. Black hunter and excels at lure coursing. Because he with rust to mahogany markings. is an independent thinker, he will benefit from Quick Facts training and socialization at an early age. Exercise Requirements Appearance 24-27” (61-69 cm) Grooming 65-85 lb (29-39 kg) Short, sleek, glossy, dense coat. Light wheaten to red wheaten. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming MB Stalkmoor Perm Reg’d, Mrs MJ Apostle. Rhodesian Ridgebacks only since 1967. Homeraised for loving and kind dispositions, gentle hearts and noble minds. Not selling for guard or hunting purposes. Approved homes only. PO Box 28, Grp
BC Trojan Perm Reg’d, Debbie Cornell-Charneski & Chris Charneski. COE breeder. Quality, not quantity, is our goal. Award-winning champion Rottweilers. Show, working and companion. OFA, CHIC and guarantees. Top pedigrees. Naturally raised. Puppies occasionally by reservation. Lifetime breeder support. Members: CKC, RCC (Gold Breeders), and WCL. Mission, BC. (604) 820-2655; trojanrottweilers@shaw.ca; www.trojanrottweilers.com
Rottweiler continued on next page.
Bred specifically to look like and imitate foxes, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers come from a combination of breeds including Flat-Coated Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, Cocker Spaniels and Irish Setters. The breed is recognized as Nova Scotia’s Provincial Dog, and is gaining popularity.
fed and have a minimum vaccine protocols.2 yr guarantee. Stud to approved bitches. Visitors welcome by appointment.Visit us on Facebook Ardbrae Kennels. 208 Haynes Rd, Castleton, ON. K0K 1M0 (905) 344-7093 jctait66@gmail.com
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
hunter, who would hide in a blind. Dancing and playing as he retrieved, the dog would attract the birds’ curiosity. The hunter would shoot once the birds were close enough, and the dog would then retrieve them.
fawn, golden, red, grizzle and tan, black and tan, fanciers worldwide. Health and temperament a top priority. Please complete the questionnaire tricolour or any variation of these colours. ON KJAQ Reg’d. We have been breeding quality Rottweilers for over 20 years in the same location. Our dogs have proven themselves in conformation, obedience, tracking, Schutzhund, therapy, and agility. First and foremost, they excel as loyal and loving family companions. Check our website to learn more about us. 1361 Hendrie Rd, Minesing, ON L0L 1Y2. (705) 737-0026; judy.maechtel@sympatico.ca; kjaqrottweilers.ca. (See our advertisement in the Breeders Spotlight.)
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Feathered Grooming: Smooth
in our website ‘Nursery’ section. We only want the best homes for Vanderbilt puppies and dogs! Written health guarantees, microchipped. Experienced shipper. Home-raised with TLC. Like us on Facebook. www.Facebook. com/Vanderbiltsamoyeds Millbrook, ON L0A 1G0. (705) 932-2559; samoyeds@gmail.com; w w w. v a n d e r b i l t s a m o y e d s . c o m / 0 2 . www. Facebook.com/vanderbiltsamoyeds
RUSSIAN TSVETNAYA BOLONKA – See Rare Breed directory
History Born in the bitterest regions of Russia and Siberia, north of the Arctic Circle, the Samoyed was an irreplaceable hunter, herder, sled dog and companion to the Samoyede people. The Samoyed was a member of the family, and was allowed to live indoors when not herding reindeer or transporting people across the tundra.
Europeans discovered this useful sled dog during their expeditions to the Arctic in the mid-1800s. In 1889, zoologist Ernest KilburnScott spent time with the Samoyede people and took home several dogs, calling them Samoyeds. They quickly gained popularity with History The Saluki is possibly the first breed the nobility, and were prized by expeditionary ever domesticated by humans. Originating in forces. The first dogs to explore Antarctica were Syria, it was imported to Egypt, Persia, India Samoyeds. Despite their cold weather heritage, and Afghanistan. Its image has been found in Samoyeds adjust well to warmer climates. tombs well over 5,000 years old. The name likely Personality Always a family dog, the Samoyed came from the Arabian town of Saluk, but may is wonderful with all his people, young and old. have an earlier origin with the Syrian town of He is easy-going and affectionate. Though he Seleukia. The dog’s impressive speed made him will bark at strangers, he is too friendly to be a superlative hunter of fast game such as deer, much of a guard dog. He likes to play, and fox, hare and gazelle. Considered a sacred gift of enjoys a daily run. While his thick coat makes Allah, the Saluki could never be sold, only gifted. him tolerant of cold weather, the Samoyed does The Saluki came to Europe when Wilfred not like to be left outdoors for long periods and Jennings-Bramly obtained some from the prefers to be inside with his family. Tahawi tribe in Northern Egypt. Despite her Appearance 18-24” (46-60 cm) best efforts, the breed was not recognized by 35-65 lb (16-30 kg) the Kennel Club until after the First World War, in 1923. Around the same time, several dogs Long, harsh, stand-off weather-resistant were brought to North America, and the breed outercoat. Short, thick, wooly undercoat. Neck ruff. White, biscuit, white and biscuit, cream. received recognition in 1927. Personality Dignified and independent, Quick Facts Exercise Requirements the Saluki has a deep affection for his people. Grooming Sensitive to noisy active children, the Saluki is best in a fairly quiet home. He is a true hunter ON and sighthound, and will chase any small prey Snowybear Perm Reg’d. Home raised, happy that catches his eye. Daily runs in a safe highpuppies. Sound temperaments, hard working fenced area are important to keep a Saluki happy. Appearance 23-28” (58-71 cm) 29-66 lb (13-30 kg)
Samoyeds. All puppies vet checked. Breeding since 1986. 156 Cheapside Road, PO Box 135, Selkirk, ON N0A 1P0 (905) 776-2115; gibson.snowbear@ xplornet.com; www.snowybearkennels.com
Ch Jerrie Storm Brederwiede. Best of breed at 2016 Canadian speciality, right structure, balance and beautiful coat. Bred/Owned by Colette Peiffer, Elevage du Bouleau Blanc Reg’d
History The hardworking Schapendoes has protected flocks in the Netherlands for hundreds of years, and enjoyed great popularity in the late 1800s and early 1900s. He is related to a variety of breeds in the sheepdog family, including the Bearded Collie, the Puli, and the Briard. After the First World War, Schapendoes numbers declined, but a Dutch inspector named P.M.C. Toepoel launched a campaign to resurrect the breed and by the 1930s interest in breeding the Schapendoes increased. In the 1940s, the Schapendoes made his first appearance in the show ring, which demonstrated that this breed could be reliable and durable in a variety of situations. Personality The Schapendoes is a loyal, intelligent breed that exudes friendliness and kindness to all that he meets. His high energy level is channeled into playful antics and he excels at agility sports, such as running and jumping over obstacles. He has a jovial personality, which makes him a friend to all, and his versatility makes him a good dog for a number of activities. The Schapendoes’ devoted nature and herding instincts means that he can be a good watchdog without being aggressive. He is fantastic in the show ring, hardworking on the farm, and affectionate in the home. Appearance 15.5-20 in (40-51 cm) 33 lbs (15 kg) Slightly wavy, long, thick outercoat with sufficient undercoat. Top knot, mustache, and beard. Fur sometimes gathers in tufts. All colours.
Feathered: smooth, soft silky coat with slight Quick Facts feathering on legs, back of thighs and tail. Smooth: Vanderbilt Perm Reg’d, Blair & Judi Elford. Exercise Requirements same coat type, but no feathering. White, cream, Source for discerning pet owners and breed Grooming 142
make the Schipperke wary of strangers. He has a high energy level, which can be satisfied in the city with frequent visits to the dog park or long walks. He’s also a great farm dog, since he gets along well with larger animals such as horses (though he’ll chase smaller animals such ON as rabbits). Eager to please and intelligent, the SchapAnnRo Reg’d, Anne & Robert Harvey. Schipperke is very adaptable and easy to train. Small breeder of quality, lovingly home-raised, well-socialized puppies, selectively bred for temperament, health, trainability and structure. No 1 obedience Schapendoes 2006 to 2010. Available to approved homes, crate-trained (puppy crate included), health guarantees and lifetime breeder support. Visitors welcome. Reservations recommended. 423311 25th Sideroad, Amaranth, ON L9V 1M3. (416)420-3425 or (416)347-7796; schapannro@rogers.com; www.schapannro.com QC Elevage du Bouleau Blanc Reg’d, Colette Pieffer. Our dogs are bred for health, temperament, conformation, trainability and companionship. Our line is from European Championship lines. Health guarantee, home raised puppies and socialization program. Crate trained. Reservations recommended. Breeder for 25 years of experience and dog trainer. (819) 425-8845; cpeiffer@cgocable.ca; c.pieffer@icloud.com; www.schapendoesdubouleaublanc.com (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)
was crossed with the Standard Schnauzer and called the Munich Schnauzer, later renamed the Giant Schnauzer. Because of their size and bravery, Giant Schnauzers became staunch defenders in both World Wars.
Personality Big, bold and full of spirit, the Giant Schnauzer takes his job seriously. At Appearance 10-13” (25.5-33 cm) the same time, he is loyal and loving with his 12-19 lb (5.5-8.5 kg) family. Intelligent and energetic, he needs a job Black double-coat, with soft undercoat and to keep him happy and thrives on activities such harsh, dense outercoat. Neck ruff and perk ears. as flyball, agility and obedience. He is a natural protector, and needs careful socialization and Usually all black, medium-length fur. training at a young age. Quick Facts Appearance 23-28” (60-70 cm) Exercise Requirements 75-104 lb (34-47 kg) Grooming Harsh, wiry dense outercoat. Soft undercoat. BC Beard and moustache. Solid black, salt and Island West, Sharon Medforth. We strive to pepper. Dark mask in salt and pepper colour. breed top working, and show schipperkes of all colours. Ladysmith, BC (250) 722-3911; schippmast@outlook.com. ON Armstrong-Purnell Janice & Murray Purnell, Sanhedrin Reg’d. Quality home raised puppies from sound, health champion & obedience OFA certified clear stock. Our dogs do well in Obedience & Shows, but most of all, are loving family companions. 8676 Hwy 9, Tottenham, ON L0G 1W0. (416) 441-3724 Cell; (905) 936-3236 Home; willysammi@hotmail. com; www.sanhedringermanshepherds.com
Schnauzer (Giant)
Dutch Sheepdog (Schapendoes) Club of Canada. Originally bred to herd sheep the Schapendoes is a lightly built. Lively breed with an attractive cheerful power that cannot be resisted by many owners. Website: http://schapendoesclub.ca
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Bluechip Perm. Reg’d, Olga Gagne. Breeding for health, temperament and correct breed characteristics. Over the decades, Bluechip Giant Schnauzers have been wonderful family companions, protectors and ambassadors for the breed. They are versatile in performance events, family activities and conformation shows. Puppies are vaccinated and fully health guaranteed. St. David’s, ON, L0S 1P0; (905) 269-4628; bluechip149@sympatico.ca; www.bluechipgiants.com.
History The Schipperke has existed within the Flemish provinces of Belgium for hundreds of years. Whether the breed hailed from an old breed of black Belgian Sheepdog called the Leauvenarr or from the northern spitz-type dogs is still debated. The Schipperke’s original purpose was to clear farms, factories, and homes of rats, which earned them the name “Spitske” (little Spits). Quite successful at this task, Schipperkes moved from land to water, where they took care of vermin on boats and barges. By the 1880s, that earned them the new name – the Schipperke – which means “little captain.” The Schipperke became a popular pet in Belgium after Queen Marie Henriette acquired one at a dog show in 1885.
Can/Am Ch Lindsayleigh’s Stars of Orion. Lindsayleigh’s Orion Bred/Owned by Derrick Wood, Lindsayleigh Kennels, Conn ON www.lindsayleigh.ca
History The Giant Schnauzer may seem a larger copy of the Standard and Miniature Schnauzer, but each breed has its own unique origins. Giant Schnauzers originally come from the mountains of Bavaria and were primarily cattle drovers. Their ancestry is mixed, likely stemming from Great Danes, Bouviers des Flandres and various other droving and shepherd dogs of the time. Mostly found around Munich, he was a popular farm dog from the 15th century until the arrival Personality A loyal family dog, the Schipperke of railroads made him obsolete. Butchers is active, agile and continually occupied with in town took a liking to the large protective what is going on around him. While he is kind dogs and they became guardians of butcher with children, his excellent watchdog skills shops and pubs. Around this time, the breed
Magisterial Giant Schnauzers Reg’d. At Magisterial, we provide a life-enhancing experience for each of our clients. Our Giant Schnauzer puppies are highly socialized, joyful, and raised with children. They have gorgeous good looks, are health and temperament tested, and very eager to learn! Your new family member will have been raised in luxury and given nothing but the very best during their crucial first 8 weeks of life. Magisterial Giant Schnauzer puppies will be fully crate trained and will have begun lead breaking. Their most important role is being loving, loyal companions to families worldwide, delivering immeasurable amounts of joy, love, and magic! Roblin, ON (613) 388-2628; adam@magisterialkennels.com; www.magisterialkennels.com (See our advertisement in the Breeders Spotlight.)
Lindsayleigh, Derrick & Idona Wood. Breeding Giants since 1977. Its most important to PICK your breed, PICK your breeder, WAIT for your pup. Your buying type, health, temperament and breeder support. Pups are suitable for whatever your heart desires. (519) 923-0224; lindsayleighgiants@hotmail.com; www.lindsayleigh.ca. (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)
MB Oak Valley Schnauzers, Roger Main. 30 Years raising Minis with Exclusive bloodlines selectively bred for companions and therapy dogs. All colours, some with smaller size, superior colour. Many of my minis live well into their teens. Generations of repeat customers. Also breeding European Giant Schnauzers occasionally. Salt/Pepper and Blacks. Health guarantee. Vet References and Naturally Reared. Box 268, Oak Lake MB R0M 1P0. (204) 855-2844. www.Pets4you.com/Pages/OakValley.html
History The only Schnauzer breed classified as a terrier, the Miniature Schnauzer worked on farms where he was responsible for reducing rat populations. The breed was created in Germany in the late 1800s when fanciers of the Standard Schnauzer desired a smaller dog of similar type. By crossing the Standard Schnauzer with Miniature Pinschers, Wire Fox Terriers, Affenpinschers and small Poodles, they were able to maintain the Schnauzer type in a smaller size while adding the desired ratting traits. Bart – Am Can Ch Gyver Original Sin. Breeder-Owners Unlike many terrier breeds, the Miniature Karen Prokopetz and Kate McMillan Schnauzer did not go to ground when hunting, History Feisty, small dogs have helped but dispatched his prey above ground. Scottish highlanders root out prey for centuries. No longer needed for farm work, the Miniature Early writings reference “earth dogs” who Schnauzer’s good looks and pleasant personality likely descended from the Scottish Terrier. made him a desirable and popular indoor pet. An ideal companion, he wants to be included in The “Scottie” shares bloodlines with the Cairn Terrier and West Highland White Terrier, but everything that goes on. his exact origin remains unknown. Personality A bright and charming dog, the Miniature Schnauzer is a devoted companion In the late 1870s, the Scottish Terrier travelled who gets along with children and other dogs. He outside his native Scotland. Soon the little is fearless and alert and makes an excellent non- powerhouse was killing badgers and vermin on aggressive watchdog. He is friendly and easy English farms. A decade later, breed criterion to socialize. Regular exercise is important to was established and the Scottish Terrier gained keep this active fellow occupied. The Miniature popularity for his distinguished looks and Schnauzer is easy to train and enjoys activities loyal companionship. In the U.S., President such as obedience and agility. Roosevelt’s dog “Fala” captured public attention Appearance 12-14” (30-36 cm) throughout the Depression and WWII. 9-18 lb (4-8 kg) Personality The Scottish Terrier’s nickname, Hard wiry outercoat. Soft close undercoat. “Diehard”, captures the breed’s courage and Beard and moustache. Salt and pepper, black tenacity. The scrappy nature that served him and silver, black. well in the past is best tempered in the present Quick Facts day, notably when he is with other dogs. He is Exercise Requirements independent, so establishing boundaries early Grooming is prudent. “The Scottie” is bright and willing to please so fair and positive training ensures BC good behaviour. Gleneflyk Miniature Schnauzers, Sandra Wilson. Ladysmith, BC. gleneflyk@shaw.ca; www.gleneflyk.shawwebspace.ca
ON Ashlyn Reg’d, Lynn Bryden. Home-raised puppies for show or pet with exceptional temperaments from champion bloodlines. Health guaranteed. Eyes tested. Stud service to approved bitches, by appointment. Grafton, ON K0K 2G0 (905) 349-3212; lynn@ashlyns.ca; www.ashlyns.ca
Appearance 10-11” (25.5-28 cm) 18-22 lb. (8-10 kg) Hard, wiry outer coat in black, grey, brindle, or wheaten. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming SK GyverScots, Karen Prokopetz. Scottish Terriers bred for health, beauty, and temperament. Regina, SK. (306) 550-1510; gyver@myaccess.com (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement above.)
History While seeking the “perfect terrier” for his estate in Pembrokeshire, Wales, Captain John Edwards created the Sealyham Terrier. The dog was fast enough to keep up with hounds on the hunt, small enough to go to ground after badgers, brave enough to face whatever prey he might encounter, and white in colour so the hounds wouldn’t mistake him as their prey. Edwards spent four decades during the 1800s putting together his terrier, using Dandie Dinmount Terriers, Wire Fox Terriers, West Highland White Terriers, Corgis and even Bassets. The breed’s popularity soared in the 20s and 30s, when the Sealyham became the “must have” dog of Hollywood celebrities. Famous people like Humphrey Bogart, Elizabeth Taylor and Alfred Hitchcock sported Sealyhams. Personality Despite being a brave and tenacious hunter, the Sealyham Terrier is quite a low-key fellow. He is proud and self-confident, secure of his place in the world. A bit of a clown, he loves to entertain his owners. Appearance 10-12” (25-31 cm) 17-25 lb (8-11.5 kg) Long, hard wiry outercoat. Soft, dense weatherresistant undercoat. All white with lemon or badger pied markings on head and ears. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
SETTER (GORDON) Photo: Gordonstar Perm. Reg’d.
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
Schnauzer (Miniature)
History The Gordon Setter is a descendant of the setting spaniels that were popular in 15th century Scotland. The black and tan setting dogs were crossed with local dogs to create
and later Purcell Llewellin, created breeding programs that led to the development of the English Setter as we know him today on both sides of the Atlantic – a skilled, elegant-looking gun dog who’s a winner in the show ring as well as at field trials.
Personality Despite their history as hunters, English Setters are friendly, affectionate and mild-mannered. They enjoy playing with children, make good household companions, and are willing to please. The English Setter loves to run and hunt, and may become a Personality Both patient and adventurous, digger and a roamer if allowed free rein. the Gordon Setter has all the makings of a good family dog. His loyal qualities make him Appearance 24-27” (61-64 cm) 50-70 lbs (22.5-31.5 kg) a decent guard dog, but he is also gentle and affectionate. While he is in his element when Flat, silky, relatively long coat with feathering. on hunting excursions, hiking, long walks, and Colouring can range from white mixed with swimming will also keep him happy. He also black, orange, lemon or liver, but can also be enjoys sports, but is known more for his stamina solid white or tri-colour. than his speed. Training and socialization can Quick Facts be quite enjoyable with Gordon Setters, since Exercise Requirements they tend to be well-mannered and sensible. Grooming Appearance 23-27 in (58.5-68.5 cm) 45-80 lbs (20.5-36.5 kg)
Soft coat is either straight or slightly wavy. Shiny black fur with tan markings. Long, soft ears.
exercise to keep him happy. Given his hunting roots, the Irish Setter enjoys active sports like agility, and remains an excellent bird dog. Appearance 21-27” (54-69 cm) 60-75 lb (27-34 kg) Moderate length, straight flat coat with feathering. Rich chestnut or mahogany red with no trace of black. May have white markings.
Setter (Irish)
unique breeds that were suitable for the harsh Scottish terrain. It was the Fourth Duke of Gordon, Alexander, who set the foundation for the Gordon Setter. His kennel dogs became excellent bird hunting dogs, since they had the ability to stealthily track and alert hunters to the location of birds without startling the birds into flight. In the mid-1800s, two direct descendants of the Duke of Gordon’s kennels came to North America and the development of the breed was refined.
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Carannagh Reg’d, Anne Perkins. Sound, loving Irish for family, conformation, obedience, field and just fun. Puppies occasionally to approved homes. Written guarantee. 35 years owner/15 years breeder of these wonderful redheads. Breeder of top quality Rally Obedience dog all setters (Canada 2014) Box 538, Osgoode, ON K0A 2W0 (613) 826-3297; anne@carannagh.ca; www.carannagh.ca (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.) Crimsonacre Perm Reg’d, Ron Perry. OFA and PRA clear. Pups and adults occasionally. Wonderful temperaments. Written health guarantee. (905) 892-3551; crimson1@vaxxine.com
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
SCOTTISH DEERHOUND -See Deerhound (Scottish)
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
History The name “setter” comes from the practice of “setting”, a game bird hunting style that involves the dog stealthily creeping up on his prey. As this working breed’s name indicates, the English setter has been used all over the U.K. since the 1300s, although it’s believed to be a descendant of the Spanish land spaniel. In the 19th century, Edward Laverack,
SUPPLEMENTS? Group winner Ch Carannagh’s Georgia FDJ RN, mother of 5 champions & 2 grand champions. Owned/bred by Anne Perkins Carannagh Reg’d. Osgoode, ON. www.carannagh.ca>www.carannagh.ca
History The origin of setters in Ireland is uncertain. As the breed gained popularity in the early 19th century, Irish Setters came in combinations of red and white. Occasionally, a puppy would be born with an all-red coat. When breed showing became popular in the mid-1800s, the flashy all-red colouring caught people’s attention, and breeders soon sought to focus on type. They cut out the red and white colouring and founded the Irish Red Setter Club in 1882. All-red Irish Setters were very popular in their native Ireland, and in North America where they were excellent gun dogs. In recent history, breeders have returned their emphasis to the qualities that made the Irish Setter a successful birding dog. Personality A playful happy-go-lucky fellow, the Irish Setter is an upbeat companion whose brilliant red coat is sure to turn heads. He is friendly to all he meets, and always enthusiastic. He has a short attention span, and does best with short training sessions. He needs a lot of
Every dog can benefit with some key supplements added to his diet. Omega-3s, probiotics, digestive enzymes and antioxidants are the “fab four” when it comes to nutritional supplements. They’ll give him an overall health and energy boost, and also ensure that his coat looks its absolute best. See page 48 for more details.
QC Gordonstar, Brigitte Grise. Gordon Setter breeder located in Québec/Canada, show line, hunting line, family-raised puppies, health guarantee and good temperament, you can visit our website for more information and for upcoming litters. Lac Superieur, QC. (819) 688-6499; brigitte.grise@cgocable.ca; www.gordonstar.com
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
Setter (Irish Red and White)
Wildmore Reg’d, Lou-Ann & Jim Wild. Healthy, home-raised puppies. CKC registered, first shots, microchipped. Health and temperament guarantee. Available to approved homes. Thirty years of enjoyment in the breed. 142 Hummingbird Hill Road, Midland, ON. L4R 4K3. (705) 835-5046
History The Setter is a specialized birdhunting dog that flushes prey then remains still so the hunter can shoot the birds without risk of shooting his dog. Irish Setters were developed in the early 1800s when gun-hunting became popular. The original breed was mostly red and white with the odd all-red dog born in a litter. As showing became popular, the all-red colour came into vogue, and the red and white dogs nearly became extinct.
History Natives of the sparsely-vegetated Shetland Islands bred small hardy miniature cattle, dwarf sheep and Shetland Ponies. Since they didn’t require large dogs to maintain their herds, they selectively bred King Charles Spaniels, Yakki dogs from Greenland, and Scandinavian Spitz-type dogs to produce a small sturdy herder.
Irish hunters preferred working with the red and white dogs because they were easily seen. Several breeders maintained Irish Red and White Setters, with a focus on working characteristics rather than colour. Today, nearly all Irish Red and White Setters are steadily gaining popularity around the world.
At first, there was a lot of variety in these dogs, but in the early 1900s James Loggie standardized the Shetland dog’s type, adding in Collie blood. He introduced the dog in 1906 as the “Shetland Collie”, but when Collie breeders objected, the dog was renamed the Shetland Sheepdog.
Am Can CH Morningstar Hoshi at Koyote Perm. Reg’d. Cochrane, AB www.koyotekennels.com
Personality With an independent cat-like personality, the Shiba Inu is affectionate and playful, yet reserved with strangers. He is vocal and makes a good watchdog, and can make a fun and enjoyable companion.
History The Shiba Inu is the smallest Japanese Spitz-type breed. Bred as a hunter of small game, he would be sent out to flush, run and hold game until the hunter arrived for the kill. While usually used to hunt rabbits, grouse Personality The Irish Red and White Setter is Personality A lively and intelligent fellow, and wild boar, there are accounts of Shiba a happy-go-lucky fellow, bursting with energy. the Shetland Sheepdog, or Sheltie, makes a fun Inu hunting bear and deer. The breed’s name He loves the great outdoors, and his high- family companion who excels in obedience, comes from the Japanese words for “small” spirited nature makes him a fun and exciting agility and other similar sports. He is a gentle (shiba) and “dog” (inu). dog to be around. He needs consistent training, dog who is attached to his family, though is In 1928, the Nihon Ken Hozonkai, or Nippon, in short bursts suited to his short attention span, reserved with strangers. Early socialization is was founded to register and preserve native important to prevent shyness. and opportunities to burn off his energy. Japanese dog breeds. It recognized the Shiba Inu as a “natural monument” in 1936 - a Appearance 22-26” (57-66 cm) Appearance 13-16” (33-41 cm) distinctly Japanese dog requiring preservation. 50-75 lb (22-34 kg) 14-27 lb (6-12 kg) The devastation wracked on Japan during Long, straight, silky fine coat with feathering. Long, straight harsh outercoat. Short, furry dense World War II decimated the dogs. After the White with solid red patches. undercoat. Mane. Black, blue merle, shades of war, the Japanese gathered dogs from all Quick Facts sable, all with various degrees of white and/or tan. over the country in an effort to rebuild its Exercise Requirements native breeds. The Shiba Inu arrived in North Quick Facts Grooming America in the late 1900s. Exercise Requirements
ON Aislingcudo CKC Perm Reg’d. Since 1993 AKC breeders of merit. Puppies are very well socialized and live in our home until they go to their forever homes. Our puppies are placed in loving pet, show and hunting homes. www.irishredandwhitesettes.ca Clancuddy Reg’d, Barbara & Tom Riedel. Our dogs are home-raised and have done well in the show ring as well as make wonderful family companions. Inquiries welcome. New Hamburg, ON N3A 2W2. (519) 662-2503; tombarbriedel@gmail.com; www.clancuddysetters.ca Harrison, Gail & Leslie, Caniscaeli Reg’d. Knowledgeable, experienced breeders emphasizing health and good temperament to produce excellent family companions. Homeraised puppies have excelled in conformation, field and obedience. Inquiries welcomed. RR #3, Mitchell, ON N0K 1N0 Telephone (519) 348-8267; caniscaeli@gmail.com; www.caniscaelisetters.com
ON Grand-Gables Perm Reg’d, Guy Jeavons. Let our puppies be part of your life too! Home-raised, healthy, reasonably priced with Guarantees. Stud Service available. (905) 854-4148; grandgables@sympatico.ca Sharls Shelties Reg’d. Top quality CKC reg. championship blood lines. Bred for show, performance and companionship. Happy, Intelligent, Home-raised puppies. Vet checked, microchip, health guarantee, occasionally for sale. All inquiries welcomed. Sharon MacLean, 607 Dorchester Drive, Oshawa, ON. Phone: (905) 728-1352 or sharlsshelties@bell.net; www.sharlsshelties.com Shondba Reg’d, Sharon Dunbar. Happy, healthy, home-raised puppies available occasionally to approved, loving homes. Our puppies are up-to-date for vaccines, health checked, and guaranteed. Stratford, ON N5A 6S5. (519) 272-2806; shondbas99@hotmail.com; shonbasshelties.wix.com.
Appearance 13-17” (34-42 cm) 17-23 lb (7.5-11 kg) Straight stiff outercoat. Soft thick undercoat. Red, black and tan, sesame. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming AB Koyote Perm Reg’d, Laura McKenna Lange. Pups home-raised with lots of love and affection. Twenty years’ experience with numerous imported and home-bred champions. All health clearances including hips, knees and eyes. Written guarantee and lifetime support. Puppy training CD included. Cochrane, AB. (403) 932-6376; koyotekennels@velocitynetworks. ca; www.koyotekennels.com. (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement above)
be a happy lap dog one moment, and a playful Spitz type is so rare and treasured that in 1937, companion the next. Despite his small size, he is the Japanese government declared the breed “a national monument”. The Shikoku survived sturdy and does well with children. WWII, and continues to be bred for the hunt. Appearance 8-11” (20-28 cm) Outside its native country, the Shikoku is a rare 9-16 lb (4-7.5 kg) breed; even inside Japan, its numbers remain low. Long, flowing luxurious outercoat. Dense good Personality The Shikoku is alert, tough and undercoat. All colours permissible. energetic -- yet owners say he possesses a certain BC Quick Facts innocence. Calm indoors, especially around Mountain High Shiba, Stu Laurie. Companion / Exercise Requirements his family, he needs an active outdoor life. The Performance / Breeding / Show. We have worked Grooming Shikoku does have a tendency to dominance, for generations to produce puppies who have so early socialization is required. A fenced yard great dispositions and mind-set as well as super BC provides safety for this unique dog, who, after conformation. Our dogs are companions and Ovations Reg’d. Selective breeding of top all, has running in his genes.
ON Carol Williamson, ShyGuy Shibas. Written guarantees on all pups. Superb quality and temperament. Durham Road 13, S2316, Sunderland, ON L0C 1H0. (705) 357-2194
BIS Ch Schutzu’s Saint Elmo’s Fire. Elmo” BIS, MBP/ BBEIS, puppy 2014. Breeder/owner/presented/ handled. Freelton, ON (905) 659-3922.
champion bloodlines to produce superior companion and show puppies with excellent temperament and conformation. Veterinarian examined. Written agreement and after sale support. Surrey, BC (778) 885-4353 ON Chopin Reg’d, Sandra Veitch. We breed our CKC champions in our home to produce wellsocialized puppies that come with a health guarantee. Vet-checked, shots and microchipped as well as CKC registered. London, ON N6J 3L8 (519) 474-4387; chopinshihtzureg@hotmail.com Muskoka Paws Reg’d. We come with first shots, microchipped and house trained in warmer weather. We live right in the house with our breeders; there aren’t too many of us and they are very careful who we go home to; we are glad they do! We come in specialty sizes too! Contact Anita (705) 498-2828 cell; (705) 386-0345 home; muskokapaws@gmail.com or see (videos too) at www.muskokapaws.com Schutzu Reg. Karen Schut. Small show kennel dedicated to producing beautiful, healthy, intelligent puppies from Champion lines. Gold/ whites and Black/whites well-socialized Shih Tzu’s to approved homes on non-breeding contracts. Show puppies, foster adults, stud service available occasionally. 241 Freelton Rd, Freelton, ON L0R 1K0. (905) 659-3922; karen. schut@cogeco.ca. (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.) Souyen Reg’d, Patti, Mark & Sarah Paquette. Azilda,
History These little dogs came to be known ON (near Sudbury) (705) 983-2207; markpaquette@ as “lion dogs” or Shih Tzu. They came to sympatico.ca; www.souyenkennels.com China in the 7th century, where the breed was highly prized by the court. In the late 1800s, SHIKOKU the Dowager Empress T’zu His took an interest in the breed, crossing it with the Pekinese and creating the breed type we know today.
In the 1920s, Lady Brownrigg brought a pair of Shih Tzu home to England from a visit to China. A few dogs were exported abroad until 1940, when the Communist takeover of China closed the borders to new bloodlines. Only seven dogs and bitches were available for breeding; they are the founders of all existing Shih Tzu. With so few dogs available, the breed developed various health issues that later breeders corrected through judicious out-crossings. The Shih Tzu is now one History A medium-sized breed that existed in ancient times, the Shikoku hunted deer and of the most popular toy breeds in the world. boar on the smallest and least-populated of Personality Used to being a dog of nobility, Japan’s four islands. In this isolated, mountainous the Shih Tzu is a friendly loving animal who can region, Shikoku bloodlines remained pure. This
Appearance 18-20.5” (46-52 cm) 40-60 lb (18-27 kg) Known for his “sesame-coloured”, harsh outer coat. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
SHILOH SHEPHERD - See Rare Breed Directory
History The nomadic Chukchi people of Siberia needed durable dogs capable of pulling sleds or hunting reindeer. Because food was scarce, these sled dogs not only needed great endurance but had to be small enough not to require a lot of nourishment. Known as the Siberian Chukchi, they were first brought to North America in 1909. The Siberian Husky came to the world’s notice thanks to Leonhard Seppala, who with his dog team delivered serum 600 miles to Nome, Alaska in the winter of 1925, narrowly averting an outbreak of diphtheria. Seppala toured the United States with his famed dogs, including team leader Balto, who has a statue in New York’s Central Park. During his tour, Balto entered several races and proved the Siberian Husky’s superiority. Since then, the breed has remained popular in North America. Personality Bred to live and work in a team, the Siberian Husky does not like to be left alone. He is loving and friendly, playful as a puppy, yet dignified as he matures. With his great endurance, the Siberian Husky requires regular exercise. He is a bit of an escape artist, and requires a securely fenced yard to run in. Historically expected to help earn his own keep, he is an effective hunter of small prey and may not be safe around smaller pets like cats.
Siberian Husky continued on next page.
excel in performance -Rally-O, Agility, Tracking, Scent, Flyball, Obedience, Etc. See our website for regular up-dates on Ch Asgoodasitgets At Mtn High, aka Castle. Jodi Maki - Kennel Manager. Box 70, 4182 Skookumchuck River Road, Skookumchuck BC V0B 2E0. (250) 422-3522; mtnhighshibas@gmail.com; www.mtnhighshiba.ca
Siberian Husky
Smilingbear Shibas Reg’d. Doreen M. Fitchett. Raising the Shiba Inu for 15 years. Pups from OFA & CERF tested parents. Our babies are carefully vet checked and come with a 3 year health guarantee. Our grand daughter pre-spoils your pup for you! Quality puppies for quality families. Hanna, AB. (403) 854-2154; smilbear@netago. ca; www.telusplanet.net/public/smilear
Appearance 20-34” (51-60 cm) 35-60 lb (16-27 kg)
Coat is long, flat, lustrous, fine and silky (hence the name), with a topknot. Blue with tan markings.
Medium length, straight soft outercoat. Soft dense undercoat. All colours from black to white. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Various markings on the head are common. Grooming Quick Facts Exercise Requirements SOFT COATED Grooming
ON Okiok Reg’d, Carol Lindsay. Quality pups, adults. Colour choices. Over 50 years selectively breeding intelligent companions to put love in your life. Socialized, gentle temperament, great conformation, longevity. Training started. Dams and sires on site. Females bred only occasionally. Available for the life of your dog for advice. To caring, permanent, responsible homes. Grandfather was a Disney “Snow Dog”. Stud service. All-breed boarding facility, in-floor heat, large indoor/outdoor runs, huge in-door exercise arena. Private boarding cattery, lots of TLC! Pet shop for all your canine, feline and equine needs. Specializing in husky and wolf items - clothing, jewelry, art plus. Near Grand Bend. 35619 Salem Rd., RR 8, Parkhill, ON (519) 294-0494; fax (519) 294-0820
Can/Am Ch Rathdrum’s Winnie il Puh. Champion European lines combining loving temperament with genetic soundness. Rathdrum Wheatens, Maureen Marinelli, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0.
History As Ireland’s poor man’s hunting dog, the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier was an effective ratter, herder, hunter and watch dog. In the early 19th century the breed was so common it was considered beneath notice. Because of its lowly heritage, no one took interest in the breed until the 1930s, when a group of fanciers formed a breed club. The dog was initially called the Irish Wheaten Terrier, but the club decided the name was too similar to Irish Terrier, and changed it to Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier. The dogs were first presented at breed shows in their natural coats, only to receive derisive comments that they looked like “walking haystacks”. It was History: This breed originated in Australia consequently decided to “top and tidy” their in the early 1800s, and is a mixture of the coats into the trim now seen in the show ring. The Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier did not gain Australian and Yorkshire terrier, although the recognition in North America until the 1970s. Dandie Dinmount, Cairn and Skye terriers may also figure in the Silky’s ancestry. Two separate Personality Quieter than many smaller standards initially resulted in two names – the terriers, the Wheaten is enthusiastic and Sydney Silky terrier and the Victorian Silky obedient. He loves kids, though his energetic – but a single standard was adopted in 1959 nature makes him a better match for older children. He bonds strongly to his family and and the breed became known as the Silky makes a good watchdog. Terrier. Bred as a companion dog, he’s also skilled at killing vermin. He was brought to Appearance 17-20” (43-49 cm) 35-45 lb (16-27 kg) North America by WWII soldiers serving in Australia. Soft, silky, waved or curly abundant coat. Any Personality Because he was bred to be a shade of wheaten.
Rathdrum Wheatens, Maureen Marinelli. Happy, home-raised puppies from champion European lines noted for health. Breeding on a small, select scale. Thorough health testing of parents and pups. Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0. (905) 327-7722; rathdrum@yahoo.ca; www.rathdrumwheatens.com (See our Breed Ambassador & Breeder Spotlight advertisement at left.) Valoriel Perm Reg’d, Heather Baulk-Smith. Breeding for gentle temperament and sound health. Quality home raised puppies available for adoption from parents who are thoroughly health screened. Written health guarantee. All pups are well socialized, CKC registered and come with puppy books and years of breeder support. Raising Wheatens for over 25 years. Palmerston, ON. (519) 343-3918; cavy@wightman.ca; www.valoriel.weebly.com/index.html
household pet, the Silky Terrier is affectionate, playful and friendly, though he isn’t known as a lapdog. He’s intelligent, alert, curious and lively, can occasionally be mischievous and vocal, and may get into trouble if left on his own too long. The Silky is good with kids, but doesn’t like to be teased.
and socialized puppies available occasionally to approved homes. Thorough testing and selective breeding for health and temperament. Three year written health guarantee. Visitors welcome. 8 Shire Court, Carlisle ON L0R 1H2. ph/fax 905 689 3428; doghillwheatens@cogeco.ca
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
Wheat n’ Honey Reg’d, Donna Smith. Selectively bred for great health, conformation and temperament. CKC registered, homeraised puppies from health-screened, champion lines. Well-socialized, healthy, companion puppies available occasionally to approved homes. Written health guarantee. Please call to arrange a visit. Elmira, ON; 519-669-1007; wheat.n.honey@gmail.com; www.wheat-n-honey.com
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
Siberian Husky
Appearance 9-10” (23-25 cm) 8-10 lbs (3.5-4.5 kg)
History When Cocker Spaniels were imported to North America from England, breeders began to select for a different type of dog, choosing smaller animals with more leg and a shorter body. By the 1930s, the two breed types had become so different they were split. The original type was called the English Cocker Spaniel, and the new one the American Cocker Spaniel (or just Cocker Spaniel in the US).
Because he was both an excellent family dog and useful hunter’s companion, the Cocker Spaniel’s popularity soared. As demand ON increased, many unscrupulous breeders Doghill Wheatens Reg’d, Susan & Stephen Collins. Home-raised, happy, well-mannered sprung up and the breed suffered from
(506) 433-6601; stationonekennels@gmail.com; www.dogcatbreeder.com
History Developed in the Brittany region of France, the first Brittany dogs were recorded in the town of Pontou in the mid-1800s, and were Medium length, silky, flat or wavy outercoat. used for hunting and retrieving birds. Small Undercoat adequate for protection. Ears, chest, and naturally bobtailed, the Brittany’s stocky abdomen, legs well feathered. compact frame and vigorous hunting ability made him one of the most popular hunting Quick Facts dogs in France. The breed type wasn’t settled Exercise Requirements until 1908. In spite of being called a “spaniel”, Grooming the Brittany functions more like a small setter or pointer. Indeed, the AKC has removed BC Aladdin Reg’d, Carol Edwards. Breeder of quality “spaniel” from the breed’s name. black, black/tan and buff American Cocker Spaniels When the Brittany Spaniel came to North for Show, Performance or Pet homes. All breeding America in the 1930s, hunters preferred a dogs are health tested OFA hips, patellas, and lighter-bodied dog with a longer leg. Over eyes. Located in Coldstream, BC 250-545-5269; time, American and French breeding stock spaniels@telus.net; aladdinacs.net. differed enough in shape and hunting style that some clubs now separate the two and consider ON them different breeds. American Brittany Brinlook Reg’d, Doug or Janet. American Cocker Spaniels are discouraged from having the Spaniels. All colours but chocolate. Home raised. black colouring acceptable in French Brittanys.
SK Prairiestorm Kennels, Brittany Greanya. Home of the #3 Brittany Spaniel in CKC conformation in 2014. All of our dogs are Show Champions with hip and eye certification done and have good hunting drive. Our puppies are great for pet/hunting/show. Home raised by a veterinary technologist/obedience instructor and raised with children/cats/other dogs. Lifetime support. Saskatoon, SK. (306) 931-2026; prairiestormkennels@gmail.com
Spaniel (Clumber)
Personality A well bred American Cocker Spaniel has a sweet easy-going temperament. He is happy, trusting and intelligent, easy to train and good at a range of dog sports like agility, flyball and obedience. He is big enough to enjoy long walks, swims and hikes, yet small enough to be portable when travelling. After enjoying some exercise, the American Cocker Spaniel is happy to sit back and relax.
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
temperamental and constitutional problems. Dedicated breeders worked to promote and maintain sound breeding practices, preserving a true breed type and temperament. The breed remains popular to this day.
Countrydream’s Reg’d, Cindy Bousfield. Well socialized puppies and adults, health and temperament guaranteed, SLT yearly. Selectively bred, Champion bloodlines from American/ Canadian lines. Home raised puppies with love. RR 2, 244 Meadows Rd, Cayuga, ON N0A 1E0 (905) 772-3538; bousfield@xplornet.com, countrydreamscockers.tripod.com
History There are several theories about the origins of the Clumber Spaniel, but what we know for certain is that this breed was popular amongst 18th Century English nobility. The Clumber Spaniel was imported either from Spain or from France, and became a favourite of princes, kings, and dukes as a game fowl hunter. The breed earned its name from Personality An excellent hunter who loves Clumber Park, which was an estate owned by the outdoors, the Brittany Spaniel is a delightful the English Duke of Newcastle who was quite fellow, quite happy to relax once his work is fond of this Spaniel. Some early ancestors of done. He settles in well with family activities, the Clumber may have been the Basset Hound and loves to be around his people. With a and the Alpine Spaniel. keen mind and desire to please, the Brittany Personality Slow but steady wins the race. Spaniel is easy to train. He is a happy dog who The Clumber Spaniel is a good family dog is always ready to have fun and be part of his who has good endurance, but likes to take his time. He spreads out his stamina rather people’s lives. than maintaining a high level of energy. This Appearance 17-20” (44-52 cm) breed is sweet, affectionate, and mellow and 30-45 lb (13-21 kg) is content to stroll along or lounge with his Dense, flat or wavy coat. Feathering. Liver and family. He also loves to swim, and his retriever white, orange and white, tricolour (liver and instincts make him great at playing fetch. Bred white with orange markings). Markings may be to be a working and sporting dog, the Clumber clear or roan. May have ticking. French lines Spaniel is happiest when he is enjoying the great outdoors. He sometimes may require may be black and white. socialization training with strangers because he Quick Facts can be protective but his intelligence and mild Exercise Requirements manners makes all training easy. He responds especially well to a gentle approach. Grooming NB Stationone Reg’d, Maureen Gladstone. Puppies for field/show/companion. Written health guarantee. 27 years of breeding White/ orange, white/liver particolour. Brittany’s are the most versatile hunting dog. Also excel at agility, flyball and therapy. They are also a wonderful choice for a family pet. Easy to train and a pleasure to own. Puppies are all aptitude tested before going to their home. Waterford, NB
Appearance 17-20 in (43-51 cm) 55-85 lbs (25-38.5 kg) Medium-length coat is silky, straight, and dense. Well-feathered around legs and chest. Primarily white with orange or lemon markings. Freckles are common. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
Top quality, long history of cockers. Puppies available occasionally. Aylmer, ON. N5H 3E8 (Box 405), (519) 773-2428.
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
Appearance 13-15” (33-38 cm) 15-30 lb (7-14 kg)
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
History Described in 1677 as dogs with “active feet, wanton tail, and busy nostrils”, the term “spaniel” became a common name for birdhunting dogs originating in Spain. These avid hunters spread across Europe. By 1800, spaniels had been divided into land and water spaniels, with their specific names deriving from their jobs. At first, many types might be born from the same litter, and were selected by size. The smallest were called Cocker Spaniels for their ability to hunt small fowl such as woodcock. The breed type was not set until the late 1800s. The Cocker Spaniel came to North America in the 1870s. While breeders continued to select for sporting ability, over time some chose to breed for a smaller shorter-legged type, while others chose to maintain the British type. Eventually, the two styles of Cocker Spaniel were so differentiated that separate registries were required by 1940. Breeders of English Cocker Spaniels selected for taller lighter-coated dogs that retain their hunting instincts.
History Early spaniels were named according to their size and the jobs they did. The smallest were Cocker Spaniels, mid-sized were Field Spaniels, and the largest were Springer Spaniels. All three sizes could be born in the same litters, and sometimes dogs would change types as they outgrew their old standards. This proved confusing at times, and in the late 1800s the three types were separated and interbreeding banned. The English Springer Spaniel was officially named a breed in 1902. Breeders brought it to North America in 1907, where it faced difficult competition with pre-existing pointers and setters. Interest in the breed increased in 1922 when the English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Association was founded. Over time, a division between field-bred and show-bred lines developed; stronger working instincts and more white coverage are typical of working lines.
BC Misko Reg’d, Linda Murray. Home-raised puppies occasionally from parents with certified health clearances. Breeding for temperament, health and versatility to produce devoted companions and excellent obedience, agility, rally and therapy dogs. 1261 McLeod Rd, Fruitvale, BC V0G 1L0 (250) 367-7211; lmurray@netidea.com ON Ruskate Reg’d, Bonnie Bristow. English Springer Spaniels - Since 1989 - Temperament-Plus, Show/Companion Quality puppies - With Classic Springer Style - Written Guarantee - Black and white, and liver and white raised with lots of TLC on fresh country sunshine. Like us on Facebook. 8667 10th Line Essa Township, RR#2, Barrie, Ontario, L4M 4S4 (705) 733-5768; bonniebristow@ sympatico.ca;www.englishspringerspaniel.ca
Personality Thanks to their similar heritage, the English Springer Spaniel is much like the English Cocker Spaniel in personality. He is happy and easy-going, a quick learner, and deeply bonded to his family. He loves to swim and play, and is sure to end up wet if a pond or puddle can be found. With regular exercise, the Springer is ready to relax at home, enjoying a comfy snooze on his bed. Because of his deep History Water spaniels have been used in family bond, the English Springer Spaniel does Appearance 15-17” (38-43 cm) Ireland for centuries to retrieve waterfowl not like to be left alone at home. 26-34 lb (12-16 kg) felled by hunters. In the 1930s, Irishman Justin McCarthy bred his dog Boatswain, a Medium-length, flat or slightly wavy, silky Appearance 19-20” (48-51 cm) 40-50 lb (18-23 kg) typical southern Irish water spaniel, in what double coat. Well feathered. Various colours including: black, red, liver, golden, black and Medium-length, straight water-resistant was either an effort to resurrect a dying breed tan, tricolour, blue roan, liver roan, red roan, outercoat. Short, soft dense undercoat. that had existed since the early 16th century, orange roan or lemon roan. Moderate feathering. Black and white, liver and or create a new breed of Irish Water Spaniel, white, tricolour (liver or black and white with utilizing a variety of bloodlines he kept secret Quick Facts all his life. Likely prospects for this breeding tan), blue or liver roan. Exercise Requirements program included Poodle/Barbet type dogs Grooming Quick Facts and Portuguese Water Dogs. The resulting Exercise Requirements breed remained remarkably true to type, and Grooming completely distinct from other dogs. Personality Happy and easy to get along with, the English Cocker Spaniel loves to do just about anything with his owner. Whether it’s going for a long walk or taking a bath, he’s happy as long as his person is there. He likes to retrieve and is a quick study. Many English Cocker Spaniels excel in dog sports and games like obedience, rally, agility and flyball.
and Eye OFA’d clear. Puppies home-raised. 8 year written health guarantee against disabling hereditary diseases. Members of ESSCC, WRESSAA, ESSFTA. Also, SPCA (2012) inspected breeders and two time Pedigree Breeders of the year. Puppies available occasionally to approved homes. Calgary, AB T2J 6H8 (403) 860-9292; synergy@telus.net; http://gillianchapman.com/ restaurant/welcome/
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
Spaniel (English Cocker)
AB Synergenic English Springer Spaniels, Ron & Gail Chapman. Humanely raised pups with full tails and phalanges dewclaws left natural. The focus of 30 plus years of breeding has been for workability; show, field, obedience, agility and therapy dogs. All stock is Hip/Elbow/ Heart
The Irish Water Spaniel is an excellent waterfowl hunter, with fanciers in both his native Ireland and North America. With a unique water-resistant coat that keeps him warm even in the coldest conditions, and webbed toes that allow him to swim with great efficiency, he is a true water dog. Although not highly popular, he
Appearance 20-24” (51-61 cm) 45-65 lb (20-30 kg)
Coat can be flat, slightly crimped or wiry, and is tough and dense. Distinguished beard and Straight, flat, soft weatherproof coat. Moderate mustache. Colours include white, white with feathering. Rich red and white colouring. Any brown or orange markings, brown roan, and brown roan with brown markings. pattern is acceptable. Quick Facts Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Exercise Requirements Grooming Grooming AB
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
History Like English Cocker and English Springer Spaniels, the Welsh Springer Spaniel comes from mixed birding-bred spaniel stock common to Europe in the 15th to 19th centuries. During this time, all spaniel types were interbred, with preference given to hunting ability over breed type. When litters arrived, puppies would be separated by size and type. In Wales, smaller dogs with characteristic deep red and white colouring, a more tapered head and smaller ears were called Welsh Springers. In the late 1800s, various types of English spaniel were separated and interbreeding was forbidden. Over time, each breed became unique. By 1906, the Welsh Springer Spaniel was officially recognized. The breed came to North America in the early 1900s, but didn’t catch on and was virtually extinct by the end of the Second World War. Breed fanciers imported fresh bloodlines and brought the Welsh Springer Spaniel back to sustainable numbers. It remains an uncommon breed. Personality A lovely mix between hunting dog and couch potato, the Welsh Springer Spaniel is equally happy working or relaxing at
bred Welsh Springer Spaniels. Bred from US& European championship bloodlines. Superb pets and amazing field dogs that flush birds. Contact us to reserve a puppy from an upcoming litter. Red Deer County. (403) 227-4632; bnstigings@ live.ca; www.springerspanieldogs.ca. ON Upland Creek Reg’d, Lawrence & Mary Labatt. Home-raised and field bred Welsh Springer Spaniels. Bred from UK and European championship blood lines. Superb pets, amazing field dogs that hold birds before flushing. RR 1, Concession 8, ENR, Clear Creek, ON N0E 1C0. (519) 586-8514; labatt@xplornet.com, www.uplandcreek.com (See our advertisement in the Breeders Spotlight.)
St. Bernard
Appearance 17-19” (43-49 cm) 35-45 lb (16-21 kg)
Double coat with abundant hair falling in tight, Shore ‘N Cliff Welsh Springer Spaniels, Bruce & Nola Stigings. Home-raised and fieldcrisp ringlets or waves. Solid liver. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
Appearance Height: 56-70 cm (22-27.5 in) Weight: 28-39 kg (62-86 lbs)
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
for lessons he showed no signs of learning in his youth. Though somewhat reserved with strangers, he’s boldly affectionate to those he cares about most. Bred to work long hours in cold, sometimes miserable conditions, the Irish Water Spaniel benefits from plenty of exercise rain or shine, and never hesitates to jump into the nearest pond or puddle.
docile, and is happiest when spending time with his family. People of all ages are drawn to his unique appearance and many comment on his soft, almost human-like eyes.
History The Hospice du Grand St. Bernard of Switzerland is home to the St. Bernard dog. Named for Bernard of Menthon, an Augustine Monk who established the monastery some 1,000 years ago as a rest point for travelers, the St. Bernard started out as a draft and guard dog in the 1600s. These large dogs were exceptional rescuers, scenting trapped travelers under several feet of snow.
A combination of inbreeding, loss and disease led to the near extinction of the breed by 1830. In an effort to save it, the monks brought in other breeds like the Newfoundland, resulting in a larger and longer-coated variety of St. Bernard. Because dogs with long coats became weighted down with snow, the monks gave away their longer-haired puppies. The first breeding of St. Bernards outside the monastery began in 1855 in Switzerland, and produced both long and short-haired puppies. Today, there are three breed standards: a modified version of the 1884 standard used in the United States, the English History The Spinone Italiano, or Italian Pointer, is an ancient hunting breed popular standard, and a much revised Swiss standard in Italy during the 16th and 17th centuries. His developed in 1993. great appeal even earned him a spot in Italian Personality Big, friendly and patient with frescoes and paintings. As a gundog, the Spinone children, the St. Bernard is truly a people was a cautious and discreet hunter, famous for dog. Though he can be aloof with strangers, his excellent nose and ability to endure harsh particularly if not socialized, he generally loves climates and terrains. Today, the Spinone is a everyone equally. As with all big dogs, early versatile hunter, retriever and companion dog training is important when he is young as he who enjoys a variety of sports and activities. grows quickly. Personality The Spinone Italiano lives up to his reputation as a reliable and noble dog. Appearance 26-36” (65-90 cm) 120-200 lb (55-91 kg) This all-purpose breed is loyal, friendly, and intelligent and is good with children and other St. Bernard continued on next page. animals. The Spinone can be both playful and
has a strong following as a proficient hunter and home. Because he was bred as a birding dog, his fun-loving friend. hunting instincts are excellent. Outdoors he’s a Personality He’s full of clownish antics, so tireless explorer, seeking birds to spring. He is training the young Irish Water Spaniel may easy to train and very attached to his people, seem an exercise in futility. As he matures, though without good socialization he can be shy however, he shows an amazing retention of strangers.
St. Bernard
to be popular among the working classes. Most Staffordshire Bull Terriers in North America didn’t arrive until after the Second World War. Shorthaired: coarse, smooth, dense close-lying The breed wasn’t recognized in Canada until outercoat; profuse undercoat. Longhaired: 1952. medium-length, plain to slightly wavy outercoat; Personality Gentle and playful, few would profuse undercoat. Neck ruff. Red and white in guess at the Staffordshire Bull Terrier’s past. various shades of red and varying amounts of He adores his family, especially the children, each colour, brindle and white. White markings. and has even been nicknamed the “Nanny Dog”. Quite intelligent, he is very capable of learning tricks. Early socialization is beneficial, particularly with other dogs and animals.
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming Shorthaired Longhaired
Personality A natural showoff, the cheerful Vallhund is happy to be alive, and doesn’t hesitate to tell you. He is clever and takes to training quickly. Early socialization is important to keep the Swedish Vallhund from becoming overprotective as he matures. His even temperament makes him a pleasure to be around, and he is good with other pets and children as long as he is properly socialized. Appearance 12-14” (30-36 cm) 20-35 lb (9-16 kg)
Medium-length, harsh, tight water-repellent outercoat. Wooly, soft dense undercoat. Steel grey, greyish brown, reddish yellow, reddish BC Simplysaints Reg’d, Lana Smith. Quality dogs, Short, smooth, close coat. Red, fawn, white, brown, black sable with lighter shading. May raised on our farm in a family environment. Show black, blue, brindle, may be mixed with white. have white markings. quality and companion dogs available. Health Quick Facts guarantee. Happy, loyal and loving puppies. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Approved homes only. 13500 Hwy 97 South, Exercise Requirements Grooming Prince George, BC V2N 6B5. (250) 301-1281; Grooming Appearance 14-16” (35-41 cm) 24-38 lb (11-17 kg)
lana-smith@live.ca ON Nerthus Perm Reg’d, Barb Koeppe. Stud service. Puppies available in both coat types. Excellent temperaments. Written health guarantee. 40 years breeding saints. St. Pauls, ON N0K 1V0. (519) 272-8913; nerthustriple7@ gmail.com; www.nerthuskennels.ca
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
History Staffordshire Bull Terriers have a long history as fighting dogs, starting in Roman times. By crossing large mastiffs with terriers, a smaller yet brave and fierce dog was produced that could manage bulls for butchers or hold wild boar or bear for hunters. Because of their strength and ferocity, these dogs were a favourite of bull and bear baiting rings. When these sports were outlawed in 1835, the new blood sport of dog fighting rose to popularity, and the breed continued successful thanks to his ability to take down dogs of all sizes. When dog fighting was banned in the 1930s, Joseph Dunn preserved the breed, renaming it the Staffordshire Bull Terrier to separate it from the Bull Terrier. His fighting days over, breeders selected for good temperament, and the breed continued 152
ON Barkey Sylvia, Rolona Reg’d. Breeder of the most-titled Stafford in the world. Rolona has been producing winners both in the show ring and more importantly in family homes since 1976. Toad Hall, RR 6, Claremont, ON L1Y 1A3. (905) 649-3718; email: sybarkey@gmail.com)
History The Tibetan Mastiff is the consummate guardian – the protector of his family, home and livestock. These dogs are famous for their role as sentinels of Tibetan monasteries. During Marco Polo’s 13th century explorations, he recorded seeing “dogs as big as donkeys”. It is this sturdy, History The origins of the Swedish Vallhund ancient breed that engendered the are uncertain. The breed is similar to the Newfoundland, the Great Pyrenees, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi, and some theories Dogue de Bordeaux and the Great Dane. In suggest it was brought to Wales by marauding the late 1800s, Queen Victoria received a Vikings and became the foundation of the Tibetan Mastiff as a gift. Corgi breed. Others believe Corgis came first, The Dalai Lama presented a pair of them to and that they were brought back to U.S. President Eisenhower in the 1950s, and Scandinavia to become the progenitors of the the breed finally got established in North Vallhund. Whatever his origin, the Swedish America in the 1970s. Vallhund was a hardworking multipurpose farm dog in Sweden, and an adept drover, Personality The Tibetan Mastiff displays affection only to his family since his role is ratter and watchdog. to protect. He is intelligent and independent. In the 1930s, the Vallhund might have died The puppies are quite playful so this is the out if not for Karl-Gustav Zettersten and perfect time to socialize them. The Tibetan Count Björn von Rosen, who worked together Mastiff is powerful, and while he does not gathering what dogs they could find to rebuild require rigorous exercise, he does need the breed. The breed was officially recognized “purpose” and room to romp. A fenced yard in 1948. The Vallhund dog arrived in North is a must -- ideally in a rural setting, as he can America in the late 1980s. The breed is known be a nocturnal barker. The Tibetan Mastiff as Västgötaspets in Sweden, named for the suits a confident, informed person or family province of Västergötland.
History This storied breed originated in the Lost Valley of Tibet. Considered a holy dog that bestowed good fortune, the Tibetan Terrier was not to be sold, only presented as a gift. This breed is not a terrier, however. Descending from the ancient North Kunlun Mountain Dog and Inner Mongolian Dog, the Tibetan Terrier was a robust herder of sheep; perhaps his size and agility suggested a terrier bloodline. As well as herding, this breed provided protection and companionship for Tibetan monks.
History The Toy Fox Terrier is a North American darling. The breed originated in the U.S., when breeders crossed the Smooth Fox Terrier with various toy breeds, including the Chihuahua, Miniature Pinscher, and Manchester Terrier. The resulting breed retained the game instincts of the terrier and the more mellow characteristics and smaller size of the toy breeds.
Appearance 24-26” (61-66cm) 75-160 lb (34-72.5kg) Photo: Loving Angels Reg’d
Weather-resistant, double coat. Black, black and tan, or golden. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
History The Tibetan Spaniel is not a true spaniel but shares ancestry with other Oriental lap dogs such as Pekingese, Shih Tzu and Lhasa Apso. Tibetan monks kept them as watchdogs and companions. Legend suggests Tibetan Spaniels were trained to turn the monks’ prayer wheels. Considered lucky, the dogs were never sold, and very rarely given as gifts. Though one or two may have left the monasteries before the 20th century, the first Tibetan Spaniels to come to Great Britain and catch the public’s eye were brought by medical missionaries in the 1920s. Plainer than other types of lap dog, they didn’t gain much of a following at first. But interest grew in England after the Second World War, when they became firmly established as show dogs and pets. Tibetan Spaniels came to North America in the mid-1960s and were finally recognized in 1983. Personality A born watchdog, the Tibetan Spaniel loves to find a high place to watch for strangers and warn his family. He is very attached to his owners, but at the same time independent in nature. Playful and very intelligent, the Tibetan Spaniel gets much of his exercise playing games with his people. Lots of socialization is important to accustom him to different people and places. Appearance 10” (25 cm) 9-15 lb (4-7 kg) Silky outercoat. Fine dense undercoat. All colours and combinations acceptable. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
Toy Fox Terrier
Personality The blend of toy and terrier breeds makes the Toy Fox Terrier a wellrounded dog. This little lap dog has the It was the Dalai Lama who presented a devotion and affection of the toy breeds and Western doctor with some “TTs”, and along the athletic hunting instincts of the terriers. with other pups she’d received from a patient, Highly energetic and intelligent, this dog easily Dr. Agnes Grieg established a kennel in her masters tricks and loves to entertain. Toy Fox native England. There, the Tibetan Terrier was Terriers are very social and love to spend time formally recognized in 1937. engaging in activities with their families. Their independent streaks mean they can be finicky, In North America, the Tibetan Terrier gained but it also means they have distinct and unique notice in the 1970s. They likely contributed personalities. Toy Fox Terriers are very wellto other Tibetan breeds that enjoy popularity suited to high agility sports, such as Frisbee and today, namely the Lhasa Apso and the Shih Tzu. flyball. Their size and friendly temperament Personality The Tibetan Terrier is a quick, make them good travelling companions. intelligent student, so stimulating training Appearance 8.5-11.5” (21.5-29 cm) keeps him from getting bored. Good with 3.5-7 lb (1.5-3 kg) children, cheerful and loyal, he makes as fine a companion in a city condo as he does in the Short, flat coat that requires little grooming. countryside. Naturally protective, he likes to Slight neck ruff. Coat is usually glossy and predominately white. Tricolour (black, tan, bark, but less so than most true terriers. white or chocolate, tan, white), as well as white Appearance 14-16” (34-41 cm) and tan or white and black blends. Can also be 18-30 lb (8-13.5 kg) all white. Erect, pointed ears. Thick, long outer coat in any colour or Quick Facts combination of colours. Exercise Requirements The nose must be black. Large, round feet act as Grooming winter “snowshoes”. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
ON Loving Angels Reg’d, Joan Hamel. Puppies and adults are home raised and also entered into public educational and competitive venues. Planned breedings focus on health and personality. Written health guarantee and health certificates provided. Puppies receive early training, also carrier training. Companion or show quality to approved homes. References available. Inquiries welcomed. Shipping available. 27-1300 King Street #281, Oshawa, ON L1H 8J4. (905) 725-2637; lovingangels@bell.net.
who appreciates his time-honoured role as defender of those he loves.
ON K0E 1R0 (613) 659-4888; onpointvizslas@ outlook.com; www.onpointvizslas.com.
History The Vizsla is one the oldest sporting and birding dogs – the breed has been documented as early as the mid-13th century. Used by the nomadic Magyar tribes of the Russian Steppes, the Vizsla is a hunter, pointer and retriever rolled into one. Over the centuries, various hounds and pointers were added to the foundation Vizsla stock. Vizslas were companions to early Hungarian warlords, barons and kings. This aristocratic connection made the Vizsla a target during the many upheavals that ripped across Hungary, and the breed nearly became extinct after World War II. Several fleeing aristocrats smuggled their precious dogs and pedigree records out of the country. Modern Vizslas are descended from these refugees, who were established in kennels in Europe and North America. In 1987, a Vizsla captured the first triple American championship for conformation, field trial and obedience. Personality Naturally energetic, the noble Vizsla is a hunter at heart, and requires lots of exercise to keep happy. He gets along with other dogs and animals, and can be excellent with older children. Active socialization at a young age can be beneficial. Appearance 21-25” (53-64 cm) 44-66 lb (20-30 kg) Short, smooth, dense close-lying coat. Shades of golden rust.
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Chukar Reg’d, Ildiko & Garry Hughes. Since 1986. We pride ourselves on home-raised, well socialized, happy and healthy puppies. Fully guaranteed. Truly versatile for show, hunting or best friend. 8066 5th Line, RR 1, Angus, ON L0M 1B1. (705) 424-0502. chukarkennels@gmail.com Onpoint Perm Reg’d, John Reid & Kimberly Dunn. With over 28 years of experience with the family, hunting, and field companion, we are Canada’s only kennel to win five US National Field Championships. Our puppies, born and raised in our home, come with a five-year written health guarantee. 72 Hutchison Rd, Mallorytown
QC Akar Reg’d, Jacqueline Veillette. Home of Grand Champions and Top Canadian Vizslas. Health, temperament and structure are my priorities. Family-raised puppies available occasionally to approved homes. Champion stud service available. Quebec, QC, G1Y 1A1 (418) 658-6025; akar@videotron.qc.ca; www.akarvizsla.com
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
Vizsla (Smooth)
bloodlines, health guarantees, Show, Working & Pet Puppies occasionally available. Thirty years of Breed experience. 516243 County Rd 124, Melanchthon, ON L9V 1T9 (519) 925-0699; fax (519) 925-2811; bheuman@sympatico.ca; www.echobarweimaraners.com. SK Prairiestorm Kennels, Danielle Greanya. Our dogs are from Dual lines (show and field) and are great for pet/show/hunting. Titled parents with comprehensive health testing completed. Puppies are home raised by a veterinary technician/ obedience instructor and grow up with children/ cats/other dogs. Extensive socialization process. Lifetime support. Saskatoon, SK. (306) 931-2026; prairiestormkennels@gmail.com
History A truly exclusive breed, the Weimaraner was created by the Grand Duke Karl August of Weimar, Germany, as an all-purpose gun dog for the nobility. Perfected around 1810, the breed was a closely guarded treasure, with breeding and Esrohollow Simply Jerseymilk. Daughter to the 2012 ownership strictly protected. The Weimaraner CCCC National BISS winner. Bred & owned by Kathryn was recognized in Germany in 1896, and its Arthur, Esrohollow Reg’d Cardigan Corgis. breed club formed a year later. Ownership was History With a history that may date back to restricted to club members. 1,000 BC, the Welsh Corgi’s name probably In the 1920s, American Howard Knight derives from the Celtic word for dog, “corgi”. became a member of the club and brought a Others believe the name comes from a breeding pair to the U.S. The breed continued combination of “cor” (dwarf) and “gi” (dog). exclusive until the 1940s, when its skill as a Corgi were used as cattle dogs. They herded gun dog brought it to the public’s eye. Modern cows with a technique called heeling; their Weimaraners continue to be excellent athletes short stature allowed them to nip at the cows’ with many top dogs having championships in heels without being kicked. both the show ring and the field. The Welsh Corgi comes in two types: the Personality Quick to learn, the Weimaraner Cardigan (long-tailed) and the Pembroke is an energetic dog who can handle many (tailless). Cardigan Welsh Corgis are stockier situations. He is friendly, obedient and and longer than the Pembroke type. The affectionate with his family. As an athlete, Cardigan also has larger rounder ears and nothing makes him happier than lots of comes in a wider range of acceptable colours. exercise and attention from his people. The Weimaraner makes a loving and enjoyable Personality The Cardigan Welsh Corgi is an intelligent dog who is easy to train and loves companion. to have a job. He is devoted to his family, Appearance 22-28” (57-70 cm) and loves to spend time with them as much 55-88 lb (25-40 kg) as possible. Early socialization helps him deal Shorthaired: short, dense and smooth. with unfamiliar situations and makes him safe Longhaired: long, flat or slightly wavy. Solid in with children. Cardigan Welsh Corgis do well colour ranging from mouse-grey to silver-grey. in a variety of living situations, as long as they Quick Facts get adequate exercise and attention. Exercise Requirements Appearance 10-13” (27-32 cm) Grooming Shorthaired 25-38 lb (11-17 kg) Longhaired Short or medium-length, dense, slightly harsh ON weather resistant outercoat. Short, soft thick Echobar Reg’d, Barbara Heuman. Home raised undercoat. Slight ruff. Any colour, with or puppies, sound temperaments, champion without white markings.
Welsh Corgis continued as popular farm pets, Wiry, close, abundant coat. Black-and-tan, or though, and Queen Elizabeth II owns several, black, grizzle-and-tan coat. all descendants of a pair of puppies given by Quick Facts King George VI to his daughters. Exercise Requirements AB Personality The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is Grooming Bluetrix Reg’d, Lore Lee Bruder. Bluetrix playful and affectionate, bonding closely with Cardigan’s home raised on the edge of the Rocky’s. his people. He is an athletic dog, and enjoys No kennels, few dogs, one breed, only occasional long walks and the mental stimulation of WEST HIGHLAND breedings! These are performance dogs that win dog sports. He is responsive and enthusiastic WHITE TERRIER in the ring. Temperament and health comes first. about training, learning quickly and retaining Active national club member, breeder, competitor what he learns.
ON Esrohollow Reg’d, Kathryn Arthur. Breeding quality dogs raised underfoot as part of the family. Home of CKC and AKC Champions, Grand Champions, Herding and Rally-O titled dogs Inquiries about the breed welcomed. 5263 Line 10, RR 1, St Marys, ON N4X 1C4 (519) 229-6138; esrohollow@quadro.net; www.esrohollow.com. (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.) Yasashiiikuma Perm Reg’d, Shelley Camm. Recipient of CKC Master Breeder award, known worldwide for health, quality and impeccable temperaments. All breeding stock tested for hips, DM, PRA. Yasashiikuma dogs have won multiple specialties, Crufts and the World Dog Show.Home of the first American Grand Champion female and the only Canadian Grand Champion excellent. Melancthon, ON L9V 2P8. (519) 923-2681; kennel@yasashiikuma.com. YT Welgem Reg’d, Al & Lynn Alcock. Healthy and hardy Cardigans from the North. Whether it is tracking, flyball, therapy, hoof and woof, agility, obedience, conformation, rally-o or just plain fun, our Cardigan’s do it all with zest and vigor. Championship Lines. PO Box 20612, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 7A4. (867) 633-3758; fax (867) 633-4843; alalcock@northwestel.net; www.welgem.com.
Appearance 10-12” (25-31 cm) 20-30 lb (9-13.5 kg) Longish coarse outercoat. Short, thick weatherresistant undercoat. Red, sable, fawn, or black and tan. May have white markings. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
WELSH SPRINGER SPANIEL -See Spaniel (Welsh Springer)
Lady is a Gift. Look for Lady on CMT Canada’s Season 2 of Pick a Puppy. Bred by Bruce and Pat Martin. Owned by Jennifer Walter, A Perfect Gift Reg’d.
History One of several short-legged terriers bred in Scotland, the West Highland White Terrier, or Westie, originated some 300 years ago. Breeders selected white puppies from their litters and crossed them together to produce an all-white terrier whose colour would distinguish him from the terrain and game.
The Westie we know came from a line of white terriers bred by the Malcolm family in Poltalloch, Argyllshire. A second strain of terriers was bred by the Duke of Argyll in Roseneath. “Poltalloch Terriers” and “Roseneath Terriers” were shown together; judges favoured the Poltalloch dogs and they became the recognized breed type. Colonel Malcolm came up with a new name for History The Welsh Terrier likely inherited the breed in 1907 -- the West Highland White his bold spirit from the Old English Terrier, Terrier. Westies came to North America in an ancient black-and-tan dog esteemed for 1906, and were recognized in 1908. hunting otter, fox and badger. From this Personality Despite his cute looks, the Westie strain, Welsh hunters developed a dog with is all terrier. He is hardy and spunky, with lots of longer legs and a wider girth. Early British energy and “big dog” attitude. Like most terriers sporting prints of the 1700s show dogs of this he is a good watch dog. The Westie is a quick description. But in the 19th century show ring, study and loves to learn new tricks. He does all Old English Terriers fell under the same very well in sports like agility and obedience. classification -- at least until 1888 when a sturdy, long-legged dog named Dick Turpin Appearance 10-11” (25-28 cm) 15-22 lb (7-10 kg) outshone his competitors and the Welsh claimed him as one of their own. The Kennel Straight, harsh outercoat. Short, soft close Club concurred, and Welsh Terrier fanciers undercoat. White. have Dick Turpin’s DNA to thank for the handsome, whiskered gent they admire today. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Personality Lively and curious, the Welsh Grooming Terrier thrives with an active family who enjoys sharing his energy. His eager, intelligent mind ON responds to positive, short bursts of regular A Perfect Gift Reg’d, Jennifer Walter. Breeding training. Socialization from an early age will healthy, happy Westie pups from our family to keep the Welsh Terrier well-mannered and yours. Pups are CKC registered, come with a confident. He benefits, too, from having a health guarantee and lifetime breeder support. large, safe yard. When he is played-out, the Also, watch for us on CMT Canada’s ‘Pick a Puppy’. Welsh Terrier wants nothing more than to Home: (519) 638-8943; Cell: (519) 589-8051; aperfectgift@live.ca; www.aperfectgift.biz. (See our relax with his people.
History Theories about the origin of Welsh Corgis abound. One suggests they might have been Vallhunds who arrived with the Vikings; another that Vallhunds descend from Corgis taken as spoils during Viking raids. Corgis were used by the Celts as cattle dogs. By nipping at the heels of cows, Corgis drove them further apart, spreading them across the countryside and helping the Welsh lay claim to larger stretches of common land. Later, traditional herding dogs were needed to keep the herd Appearance 15” (38 cm) together, and the Welsh Corgi lost his job. 20-21 lb (9-9.5 kg)
Breed Ambassador advertisement above.)
West Highland White Terrier continued on next page.
20 years. Chatting welcome! cardiganlore@gmail. com; www.bluetrixcardigan.ca.
West Highland White Terrier
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
a small family kennel that raises our puppies in home with our children. Our dogs are on a natural diet. Puppies go to their new homes dewormed, tattooed, vet checked, first set of shots and health guarantee. 295159 8th Line, Amaranth, ON L9W 0K1. (519)925-2827; info@cedarcreekkennels.ca; www.cedarcreekkennels.ca. Milady Perm. Reg’d, Lisa Roessler-Pritchard. 30+ years’ devotion! Healthy, home-raised puppies from bloodlines noted for health and longevity. Always beloved family members. True ambassadors, award-winning conformation (multi-titled), obedience, CGC, registered therapy dogs. Written guarantee, lifetime return policy, continued breeder support and comprehensive puppy package. Occasionally adolescents/mature adults. Member CWHWTC, WHWTCA, TBAC, CKC. Delivery available. PO Box 940, Harrow (Windsor Area), ON N0R 1G0 (519) 736-9411; miladywesties@hotmail.com
QC Terryhall Perm Reg’d, Diane & Jean c. Broseau. Breeders of 46 champions to date. From the top am. & can, English champion bloodlines. Most beautiful temperament and conformation, StUrbain-Premier, QC (514) 915-3531; jcanne@ dsuper.net. (See our advertisement in the Breeder spotlight.)
him through 12 sea rescue missions and 150 air raids.
Personality Energetic and full of life, the Yorkshire Terrier is a bold and tenacious dog whose personality outweighs his tiny size. He Personality Though a racing Whippet is the is brave and loyal, attached to his family and perfect picture of speed, he is an easy-going prepared to defend it with his voice. Early and relaxed individual, always ready to curl up socialization and consistent training is essential. on the couch and snuggle. He is attached to his Appearance 6-7” (15-18 cm) people and gets along with children, strangers under 7 lb (3 kg) and other dogs. Outdoors, it is important to keep him in a safely enclosed area or on a Long, straight, silky fine coat. Steel blue and tan. Quick Facts leash. Exercise Requirements Appearance 17-22” (44-56 cm) Grooming 25-40 lb (11-18 kg) Short, smooth fine coat. Any colour or combination of colours is acceptable.
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Jetstream Reg’d, Lorraine Burch. Carlisle, ON. (905) 659-4498; www.jetstreamwhippets.com
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
West Highland White Terrier
When Lancashire textile workers immigrated to New England in the early 1900s, they brought their Whippets, and the sport of lure Cedar Creek, Laryssa Sawyer. We are located on coursing, with them. The Whippet can run up a farm just over an hour North of Toronto. We are to 35 miles an hour.
History Some believe the Yorkshire Terrier is a cross of Maltese, Skye Terriers, Manchester Terriers and possibly Dandie Dinmont Terriers. Others say the documentation points to a mixture of three now-extinct breeds: the Clydesdale Terrier (a silken type of Skye Terrier), the Waterside Terrier, and the Old English Terrier (toy-size with a rough and History Also known as the “poor man’s broken coat). First known as Broken Haired racehorse”, the Whippet’s origins stem from the Scotch Terriers, the Yorkshire Terrier acquired sport of setting “snapdogs” after rabbit. These its current name in 1874. snapdogs were released in a small pit where Yorkshire Terriers quickly gained popularity they were timed to see how quickly they could throughout England and North America. dispatch several rabbits. By crossing terriers The story credited for bringing the breed into with small greyhounds, breeders produced an the limelight involves William Wynne and a agile and capable dog that soon dominated the Yorkshire Terrier he found in a shell hole near sport. When it was banned, Whippets were New Guinea during World War II. Wynne used in lure or “rag” racing. named the dog Smokey and backpacked with
ON Adanta Reg’d. Marilyn Burleson. Champion bloodlines, beautiful, healthy, intelligent, prespoiled, quality, home-raised puppies. Health guarantee. Canadian Kennel Club Registered. 30 minutes south of Hamilton (519) 426-4638 cell (519) 860-2381; adanta@adantayorkshireterriers. com; www.adantayorksireterriers.com Dayjuel Perm Reg’d, Julie Baird. We have puppies available occasionally to approved homes. In house boarding and grooming available. (905) 242-6562; dayjuel@sympatico. ca; www.dayjuel.com Judawn Reg’d, Judy Van Dusen. Home raised CKC reg. puppies from Champion bloodlines. Microchip, Vet. Check, Health guarantee. We breed quality not quantity. Pickering, ON L1V 3M7 (905) 831-8885; judawn@rogers.com; www.judawnyorkies.com. Muskoka Paws Reg’d, Anita Oliveira. We are a small Ma and Pa kennel where we keep our dogs as pets. We strive for quality pups with no health issues. Champion bloodlines. House trained (in warm weather). 4 Year health guarantee! Call Anita (705) 489-2828 cell; (705) 386-0345 home; muskokapaws@gmail.com; award winning site www.muskokapaws.com Nanway’s Yorkies Reg’d, Wayne & Nancy Blackman. Home-raised quality puppies from champion bloodlines. Well-loved and socialized. CKC registered, vet checked, health guarantee. Our puppies go to their new home at 12 weeks of age after their second of three vaccinations. All puppies sold on a non-breeding contract and must be spayed or neutered. Hamilton, ON L8H 3W6. (905) 549-6258; nanway.yorkies@sympatico.ca. www.nanway-yorkies.yolasite.com
American Bulldog
Rare breeds typically have breed clubs or associations and are working toward official recognition by one of Canada’s registering organizations, e.g. Canadian Kennel Club. They may be recognized by other official organizations outside of Canada.
Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
History This delightful toy breed originated in Bologna, Italy but much of the breed’s past is unknown, since it’s tangled up with the history of related breeds such as the Maltese. The dogs were generally cultivated as pets for the upper class, and presented as cherished gifts to help establish trade and good relations Changes in technology and farming left the with European noblemen. In one well known American Bulldog nearly extinct by the end example of this, the Duke d’Este gave two of WWII but the breed was revived by John Bolognese dogs to King Philip II of Spain in D. Johnson and Allen Scott (who preferred a the late 1500s. Pleased with his gift, the King smaller body type). replied “these two little dogs are the most royal Personality A hardworking fellow, the gifts one can make to an emperor”. American Bulldog is a brave and determined The breed didn’t arrive in North America dog who will loyally protect his family and until the 1980s. Here, the dogs are loved for livestock. Johnson-type dogs are larger and their docile personalities and are prized as more overt guardians, while Scott-type dogs companions. tend to be smaller and more athletically inclined. Both benefit from lots of socialization Personality Cute and cuddly, the Bolognese is a fun and loyal pet. He does need regular and training at an early age.
QC BoloBabies Reg’d, Laurine Jarvis. There have been changes at Bolobabies! Visitors welcome by appointment. No strings attached! A deposit will hold a puppy until it’s ready to leave its dam. Home raised, our pups have their vaccinations, are microchipped, are well bonded to humans and are prepared to bring pure joy to their forever families. Reservations recommended. Older pups and adults often available. Ottawa area, QC. (613) 832-4250; laurine@BoloBabies.ca; www.BoloBabies.com (See our advertisement in the Breeders Spotlight.)
History When colonists came to North America in the 17th century, one of the dogs they brought with them was the Bulldog, commonly used for the blood sport of bullbaiting. The traits that made this breed so effective in the sport also made it highly suitable for managing the tough free-range hogs and cattle typical in the southwest. Some believe the American Bulldog remains true to the original English Bulldog that arrived off the ships, free from the changes brought to the breed in England. Others believe these dogs evolved through selective breeding and the addition of Bull Terrier bloodlines. Either way, the American Bulldog closely resembles English Bulldogs pictured in the early 1800s.
exercise but is fairly laid back and serious for a toy breed. While he will alert to strangers, he Short, close stiff coat. Any colour, pattern is not a big barker and quickly warms to new or combination except black, solid blue and people once he gets to know them. tricolour. Appearance 9-12” (25-30 cm) 5-9 lb (2.5-4 kg) Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Long fluffy coat, slightly shorter on the muzzle. Grooming White in colour.
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
Photo: Alice Van Kampen
Appearance 20-27” (51-69 cm) 60-125 lb (27-57 kg)
Very minimal Minimal Average More than average Maximum
Kleiner Münsterländer
site. 21133 Kennedy Rd, RR 2, Queensville, ON L0G 1R0. (905) 473-9395; ralf.bothe@xplornet. com; www.smallmunsterlanders.net. (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)
Jago Vom Grenzwall. NAVHDA field tested. Prize 1 Natural Ability in versatility. Bred by Von Der Linde Reg’d. Owned by Ralf Bothe. RR 2, Queensville, ON. www.smallmunsterlanders.net
History The Kleiner Münsterländer Vorstehhund originated 500 years ago in Münsterländer, northwest Germany, where they were used to retrieve birds killed by falcons. Over time, as bird dogs became more specialized, the Kleiner (or Small) Münsterländer’s versatility was less valued, and the breed nearly died out. This changed when commoners were allowed to hunt freely, and a small dog that could hunt both bird and small game became an essential source of food and income. The Kleiner Münsterländers’ flexibility and aptitude for hunting made them highly valuable to their owners, who kept them close to home and family.
While the breed remains rare, its recognition as a versatile and effective hunting and birding dog as well as a kind and even-tempered family pet continue to bring it a new popularity.
CH. EFK Be Stella my Ach’in Heart (AKC) Bred/Owned by Shelley English, English Farm Kennels Norwood, ON. www.englishfarmkennels.com
History To appreciate the story of the Miniature American Shepherd, it helps to remember that its Australian Shepherd forerunners were developed in the U.S., not Australia. These herding dogs tended sheep with great skill, and it was the livestock that came from “Down Under,” not the dog. In the late 1960s, some smaller-sized Australian Shepherds found their way to a California dog breeder. Doris Cordova liked their compact size, and bred more “Mini Aussies.” They worked as diligently as their larger counterparts, and the breed found favour. Miniature Australian Shepherds were registered with rare-breed organizations until 2011, when the American Kennel Club FSS (Foundation Stock Service) granted them a new name: the Miniature American Shepherd. The breed is on-track for full AKC designation in July, 2015. Although the Miniature American Shepherd is not yet acknowledged by the Canadian Kennel Club, given the breed’s popularity, official recognition is likely not far off.
Personality Happy and outgoing, the Kleiner Münsterländer is an exceptional hunting dog. He works closely with his handler, and then happily returns home to relax with his family. Eager to please, and quite intelligent, the Münsterländer is quick to learn. He is successful in a variety of dog sports like obedience and agility. Personality Eye-catching for its size, there is nothing diminished about the breed’s Appearance 20-22” (52-54 cm) intelligence and drive. The Miniature 33-64 lb (15-29 kg) American Shepherd loves to accomplish the Medium-length, dense, close-lying, water task set before him - be it herding, competing repellent coat. Brown-white or brown roan with brown patches, brown mantle, or brown ticking. at flyball, or minding the children. This loyal family dog adapts to city or rural living, Quick Facts providing a mental and physical challenge is Exercise Requirements at hand. Grooming Appearance Male - 14” to 18” Female - 13” to 17” ON Von Der Linde Reg’d, Ralf Bothe. Breeder of premium Small Münsterländers. German imports of high performance breeding of the truly versatile German hunting dog. Specializing in pointing, tracking and retrieving and a great family pet! Started gun dogs available on request. NAVHDA NA tested. Training and assistance available on
ON English Farm Kennels, Shelley English. Proudly breeding quality, home raised Miniature American Shepherds & Miniature Australian Shepherds. Thoughtfully bred for exceptional companions, conformation, and performance dogs. Canadian & American Champion bloodlines. Miniature American Shepherds are AKC registered, fully recognized in AKC Herding Group July 1, 2015. Extensive written health guarantee. We test for Hips (OFA or PennHip), CERF annually, and genetic test for PRA, HC, DM, & MDR1. Norwood, Ontario (705) 639-8964; englishfarmkennels@gmail.com; www.englishfarmkennels.com Follow Me Aussies Reg’d, AKC & UKC Miniature American Shepherds (formally known as Mini Aussies). Health tested parents. Breeding for Show, Performance and Companions. Your well socialized and loved Puppy comes with first vaccinations, microchipped and three year written health warranty. CKC & MASCAN Member. Peterborough, ON. (705) 749-4885. loka@nexicom.net, www.miniatureamericanshepherds.ca. (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)
BIS CH Follow Me Thee Adore My Hart HIC. Lovingly known as “Freddy.” Bred and shown by Lisa Hartjes of Follow Me Aussies. Champions producing champions. Registered MASCA, NAMASCUSA, NSDR and ASDR. Peterborough, ON. www.followmeaussies.com
History Australian Shepherds are not truly native to Australia, but when Basque shepherds immigrated there they brought their Pyrenean Shepherd dogs with them to herd Australian sheep. These dogs were crossed with other herding breeds such as the Collie and Border Collie to produce the Australian Shepherd. Eventually, in the 1840s, these shepherd dogs came to North America, where their efficient herding ability made them popular with Americans, particularly in the West.
In the 1960s a breeder named Doris Cordova Double coat. Blue merle, red merle, solid purchased several small working Australian black, or solid red. All colours accepted with, Shepherds. Liking their small size, she bred or without white markings and/or tan points. them together, striving for a miniature version that stood consistently less than 18” tall. Other Quick Facts breeders took a liking to the little Aussies, Exercise Requirements and by 1990 the breed had its own breed Grooming Requirements
Moderate length, straight to wavy, weather resistant outercoat and undercoat. Blue merle, red (liver) merle, solid black, solid red (liver). With or without white markings or tan (copper) points.
Personality The Bolonka is a happy-golucky, even-tempered dog that bonds deeply with his family but loves to be best friends with everyone he meets, including children and other animals. This dog’s versatile personality means he will eagerly participate in group Quick Facts activities, but is also content to sit on the Exercise Requirements sidelines. Often described as a “bundle of joy,” Grooming the Bolonka is very affectionate and trusting, but he’s no pushover since he often thinks ON EFK Reg’d, Shelley English. Quality, home he’s bigger than he is. Walking and playing raised puppies. Well socialized with children are the Bolonka’s preferred forms of exercise, and other pets. Thoughtfully bred for which make these dogs great for both city and exceptional companions, conformation, and country. performance dogs. Canadian & American Champion bloodlines. Extensive written health guarantee. We test for Hips (OFA or PennHip), CERF, and genetic test for PRA, HC, and MDR1. Norwood, ON. (705)-639-8964; shelleyenglish@sympatico.ca; www.englishfarmkennels.com (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)
Appearance 9.5-10” (24-26 cm) 8-10 lb (3.5-4.5 kg)
Shiloh Shepherd
club. Today breeders of Miniature Australian Napoleon’s army and those Bichon Frises Shepherds consider them a unique breed, and gifted to Russian nobility towards the end of the Renaissance period. When the French army strive to maintain their working ability. retreated, the little dogs, including Bichons, Personality A working dog at heart, the Shih Tzus and long-haired Yorkshire Terriers, Miniature Australian Shepherd remains an became the foundation stock for this breed. active and capable athlete who excels at sports Russia’s utilitarian attitude toward dogs (for like agility or competitive obedience. He is a herding and hunting) made the toy dogs rare smart and friendly dog who loves to please. and prestigious. In the 1960s, post-Khrushchev, Appearance 14-18” (35-46 cm) the Soviet Union loosened restrictions on dog 20-40 lb (9-18 kg) breeding, resulting in more toy breeds.
Guardian’s Midnight Jetsetter, Selectively breeding for health and temperaments providing exceptional companions. Bred/owned by Vanessa Dutton, Guardian Kennels, Brooks, AB
History The Shiloh Shepherd is a very new breed developed by Tina Barber in the early 1970s. Having grown up around German Shepherds, Barber sought a return to the large, square-bodied physique she remembered in Germany. She set out to create her ideal dog – one who was smart, loyal and easy to train, while being strong enough to herd and guard, and gentle enough to trust with children. She focused on both soundness of body and mind.
Silky, thick, soft outercoat with dense undercoat. Dense outercoat often forming waves or curls. Barber’s efforts were very successful, and Long fur on both face and body, with beard demand for her “new” breed of Shepherds grew. and mustache requires daily grroming. All By 1990, the shepherds from her Shiloh kennel colours except white. proved to differ enough from classic German Quick Facts Shepherds that she formed the International Follow Me Aussies Reg’d. Miniature and Toy Exercise Requirements Shiloh Shepherd Registry and lobbied for sized Australian Shepherds. Health tested dogs Grooming: Smooth the acceptance of the Shiloh Shepherd by the for Show, Performance and Companions. Your American Rare Breed Association. The breed well socialized and loved Puppy comes with ON first vaccinations, micro-chipped and three year BoloBabies Reg’d, Laurine Jarvis. There have continues to develop under Barber’s careful written health warranty. CKC, MASCA and CMASA been changes at Bolobabies! Visitors welcome guidance, with strict registration guidelines and Member. Peterborough, ON. (705) 749-4885; by appointment. No strings attached! A deposit breed standards.
Photo: Bolobabies Reg’d
History The true ancestry of this breed is unknown, but one common belief is that the Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka (translation – coloured lapdogs) is descended from the French Bolonka brought into Russia by
will hold a puppy until it’s ready to leave its dam. Home raised, our pups have their vaccinations, are microchipped, are well bonded to humans and are prepared to bring pure joy to their forever families. Reservations recommended. Older pups and adults often available. Ottawa, ON. (613) 832-4250; info@BoloBabies.ca; www.BoloBabies.com (See our advertisement in the Breeders Spotlight.)
Personality Bred to compete in Schutzhund trials in the morning, babysit the kids in the afternoon, and guide the blind in the evening, the Shiloh Shepherd is an intelligent dog who works hard and wants to be your best friend. He is easy to train, and can learn anything set before him. A workaholic at heart, the Shiloh
Shiloh Shepherd continued on next page.
Enter to win free dog food for a year. Visit CDNdogs.ca/contests CDNdogs.ca
loka@nexicom.net; www.followmeaussies.com (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)
Shiloh Shepherd
Shepherd is happiest when he has a job to do, and can easily excel in as many jobs as his owner may desire. Appearance 26-32” (66-82 cm) 100-160 lb (45-73 kg) Plush: medium-coarse outercoat; soft undercoat; mane. Smooth: medium-length, dense, closelying outercoat; undercoat; mane. Golden, silver, red, dark brown, dark grey, black sable, black, white, shades of black with tan, golden tan, reddish tan, silver or cream. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming
AB The International Shiloh Shepherd (ISSR) sponsors breeder training and breed-wide health initiatives. For reputable breeders and healthier dogs, look for an ISSR licensed Shiloh Shepherd breeder! We have hundreds of pages of breed information, history and photos on our online info centre at www.shilohshepherds. info. For even more information, visit our club (SSDCA - Shiloh Shepherd Dog Club of America) website at www.shilohshepherdclub. com or join our friendly public forum at www. shilohshepherdfriends.com. We look forward to meeting you online or in person at one of our events. (See our advertisement in the Breeders Spotlight.) Guardian Kennels, Vanessa Dutton. Exclusively ISSR registered and following the guidelines and rules as set out by the Breed Founder.
Outstanding temperaments, exceptional size and conformation. Home-raised puppies to approved homes only. Health guarantees. Shipping available. Visits to our kennel are welcomed. Early reservations on litters are recommended. (403) 362-4381; idutton@telusplanet.net; www.guardiankennels. ca. (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement on page 159.) PEI MIRACLE SHILOHS, Jan DiAngelo. Beautiful puppies from Maritime Canada’s top Shiloh Shepherd breeder! Our Shilohs live indoors, and are members of our family. All puppies are lovingly home-raised. Contact us about our 2016 breeding plans! … Are you ready for a Miracle? (800) 540-8760; jan@miracleshilohs.com; www.miracleshilohs.com
SPEAK Use this handy translator to determine some of the more common terms and acronyms: Reg’d
Means a kennel name is registered with an accepted registry
Thyroid stimulating hormone – a test to determine hypothyroidism
von Willebrand’s disease – a bleeding disorder that affects some breeds
Perm. Reg’d Means a kennel is permanently registered
Brain Auditory Evoked Response. Measure the brain wave activity that occurs in response to clicks or certain tones. Certifies hearing.
Canine Eye Registration Foundation. Tracks and records ocular diseases in dogs and maintains databases on known conditions and pre-dispositions. Certifies vision.
Genotype Refers to a dog in the sense of his genetic composition HD
Hip dysplasia is affected by heredity and environmental factors. Sires and dams in breeds known for HD should be X-rayed clear Orthopedic Foundation for Animals. Tracks and records information pertaining to genetic and orthopedic diseases. www.offa.org
Phenotype Refers to the collective appearance of a dog, based on physical and
psychological traits PennHlP
The University of Pennsylvania Hip Improvement Program. Performed by veterinarians specially trained in the procedure. This method determines hip joint laxity, which can then be used to predict the likelihood of an individual developing hip dysplasia. www.pennhip.org
REGISTRIES AKC American Kennel Club (U.S.-based) ARBA American Rare Breeds Association: the American equivalent to CRBA. CBCA Canadian Border Collie Association CKC Canadian Kennel Club CRBA Canadian Rare Breeds Association FCI Fédération Cynologique Internationale (Europe, Latin America, Africa, Asia and Australia) UKC United Kennel Club TITLES BIF BIS BISS BPIS HIT
Best in Field – the top coursing hound at a trial Best in Show – the best dog at a conformation show Best in Specialty Show – the best dog at a specialty show Best Puppy in Show – the best puppy at a conformation show High in Trial – the best performer at an obedience trial
Canine Good Citizen – determines if a dog is well trained and obedient in public Temperament Tested – shows if a dog has stable temperament
spot light
WELCOME TO OUR BREEDER SPOTLIGHT! Buying a puppy is an exciting time. But it’s important to research the breed that’s right for your lifestyle and your family situation. That’s where reputable breeders can help. Unlike puppy mills, which provide substandard care for their breeding animals, and produce puppies prone to health issues, reputable breeders care deeply about their litters, and want to find the right match for you and their puppies. In this section, we turn the spotlight onto various breeders, who wish to share information on their dogs and kennels with you. The breeds are listed alphabetically, as much as possible. Please note these are advertisements paid for by the breeders and/or kennels.
Rover Barbets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p162 Neigenuveaux Perm Reg’d . . . . . . . . . p163
Bolobabies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p164
Magisterial Cairn Terrier Reg’d . . . . . p165
Dragonsblood Chinese Shar Pei . . . p164
Havanese Fanciers of Canada . . . . p174-175 Elite Havanese Reg’d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p176
Lagotto Romagnolo of Canada . . . . . . p176
Burgimwald German Shepherds Reg’d . . . . . . . . . p167 Committed to Canine/Lucescu Kennels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p168 CrossHill Kennels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p169 Rivergreen - Shepherds . . . . . . . . . . . p170 Stormymagic Shepherds . . . . . . . . . . p171 Casa Abelardus German Shepherds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p172 Deep Hollow Kennels . . . . . . . . . . . . . p172 Guardian Angel Shepherds . . . . . . . . p172 Lindenhof Shepherds Reg’d . . . . . . . p173 Wild Winds German Shepherds . . . . p173 Winning Ways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p173
KJAQ Rottweilers Reg’d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p187
Rutherfem Reg’d/Overscaig Perm Reg’d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p178
Bolobabies Reg’d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p186
Magisterial Giant Schnauzers Reg’d . . p188
International Shiloh Shepherd Dog Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p189
Winterhaven Distinctive Pomeranians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p178
Tri-Pinscher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p166
Asklar Labrador Retrievers . . . . . . . . . . . p185 Mooselake Perm Regd’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p186
Syquefine Standard Poodles . . . . . . . . . p178 Magisterial Standard Poodles Reg’d . . p179
Rathdrum Wheatens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p191
Belouro Reg’d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p180 MacDuff Portuguese Water Dogs . . . . p181 Portuguese Water Dog Club of Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p182
Upland Creek Welsh Springer Spanials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p191
Terryhall Perm Reg’d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p192
Chrys-Haefen Perm Reg’d . . . . . . . . . . . p183 Gray Valley Goldens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p184 Regal Goldens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p185
Glenire Reg’d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p173
SPOTLIGHT Bolognese | Chinese Shar Pei
Cairn Terrier
German Pinscher
German Shepherd Dog
German Shepherd Dog
German Shepherd Dog
German Shepherd Dog
German Shepherd Dog
German Shepherd Dog
German Shepherd Dog | Great Pyrenees
Lagotto Romagnolo
SPOTLIGHT Norwegian Elkhound | Pomeranian | Poodle (Standard)
Poodle (Standard)
Portuguese Water Dog
Portuguese Water Dog
SPOTLIGHT Portuguese Water Dog | Retriever (Golden)
Retriever (Golden)
Retriever (Golden)
Retriever (Golden) | Retriever (Labrador)
Retriever (Labrador) | Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka
Shiloh Shepherd
Shiloh Shepherd
Schnauzer (Giant)
Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier | Spaniel
West Highland White Terrier
LifeFORCE Pet Nutrition is offering top quality breeders the opportunity to sell our air dried dehydrated food to their clients and local community. Earn excellent money selling the best quality Canadian Made Raw Food on the market that doesn’t have the mess of blood or need to thaw. LifeFORCE provides all the benefits of a traditional raw diet but with the convenience of kibble. Our Program Offers:
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FREE Trial Sample available for qualified breeders. Contact us today and let’s get you started! Toll Free (888) 224-2446 Orders@LifeFORCEpet.com. LifeForcePet.com | see our video!
The living quarters of this home are vast and sure to impress! With over 4000+ square feet of living space, there is certainly no lack of options. There are 3 bathrooms and 4 bedrooms including a massive master bedroom with updated full en-suite and balcony with staircase leading to pool oasis. There is also a very large loft area, which could be used as a 5th bedroom, playroom, or rec. room with separate entrance and staircase to exterior. The large office area is located immediately upon entry into the home, which works perfectly for hosting visitors. The gigantic kitchen has been updated with granite counter tops and comes equipped with stainless steel appliances (fridge, double oven, dishwasher and built-in convection oven) and features an over-sized island, ceramic floors and an eat-in area overlooking the beautiful back yard. The formal dining room has been tastefully remodeled and is sure to inspire. The vast living room features an airtight fireplace, and plenty of space for relaxing or entertaining with garden doors leading to pool area/patio.
The exterior has been very well cared for, with a new roof and decking recently completed. The over-sized 2 car garage has been updated with new overhead doors/ openers, and new man doors at both the front and rear. The home has a total of 6 exterior doors, making it ideal for life with dogs. The home works brilliantly for a breeding program, and is currently set-up for easy raising of K9s with built-in wooden gates throughout, a grooming room with raised professional stainless steel dog tub, separate laundry facilities (washer/dryer included) for the dogs, and a 1000 square foot nursery (not part of 4000+ square feet of living space) on lower level of home. The property is equipped with a Dog Watch Hidden Fence system, which works beautifully for the dogs to live a life of freedom.
Other great features include an artesian well with new state of the art water treatment system (maximum capacity water softener, UV sterilization system, reverse osmosis, and over-sized hot water tank). Also included is a new central vacuum system and commercial grade front load washer and dryer (separate from dog laundry facilities). Recently added is an advanced touch screen home security system. Many more great details about the property that simply can’t be put into words!
Situated on 34 stunning acres of diverse landscapes, including Salmon River frontage near Napanee, Ontario, this 4000+ square foot home is ideal for a high quality K9 breeding program. It boasts a beautiful fenced in-ground heated swimming pool with large patio area and custom built gazebo and change room. The property itself is loaded with desirable features including koi pond with waterfall surrounded by a mature perennial oasis, greenhouse, new garden shed, tons of poured concrete walkways and large fire-pit area, 2 chicken coops with heritage heirloom breeds, several high quality covered stainless steel puppy pens with patio stone foundations, paved driveway with separate guest parking area, and covered porch at main entrance, all among a meticulously groomed setting. The home is set back 1/3km off of the road, which makes it extremely private and serene. The house is surrounded by stunning and mature gardens with hundreds of gorgeous perennials, shrubs, and trees.
If you are interested in learning more or seeing photos of this gorgeous property, please call or text 613.453.1773 today!
TRAINING CDNdogs.ca 193
ONTARIO Diggity Dog and Lonesome Kitty Grooming Spa
ONTARIO Committed to Canine
Including Teeth Cleaning without Anesthetic for both dogs and cats! Our unique service that we offer both dog and cat owners is to remove plaque and tartar, on their pets’ teeth, without the use of anesthetic. Expert grooming for both dogs and cats – cats are kept separate from dogs. Whether it’s a custom cut to breed standard or a variation thereof, we do offer individual styling according to our clients specification. Hand fluffed, never cage dried, de-shedding, nail cutting also available. Toronto West (Bloor Subway). (416) 536-4694; TF (877) 344-4489; www.diggitydog.ca; www.lonesomekitty.ca
K911 training – specializing in behaviour modification, all breeds – any age. From family puppy training to high levels of competition/police dogs. We offer our services in Canada and the USA. All training is one-on-one with our clients, we do not do classes. In business for 25 years, doing what we are passionate about. We teach humans how to clearly communicate and understand their dogs. “That is what brings success.” Renée Lucescu. Committed to Canine, Fenwick, ON. (905) 386-6993; www.committedtocanine.com
MARKETPLACE Chambly-Montreal
Canine Semen Bank Dre Angelika Stock, mv, Dr. med. vet., PhD, DES, Dipl ACT
Board certified veterinarian in small animal rteproduction Dedicated to clinical and scientific reproductive veterinary medicine for 30 years
•Prebreeding consultations, genetic testing, ovulation timing •Insemination (vaginal, trans-cervical or surgical) •Female and male infertility, detailed semen analysis, •Semen collection, import and export of chilled or frozen semen •Semen freezing center (freezing in straws or pellets, storage of semen) •Medical treatments of pyometra, mismatings •Consultations via e-mail to breeders and veterinarians Centre DMV-Sud, 1655 BLVD Promenades, Saint Hubert, QC, Canada 514-371-1762, therio.montreal@gmail
Look for these words below! BY MAYA HOCKLEY
Whiskers Obedient
Affection Agility Behaviour
Grooming Four Legged
Best Friend
Go to CDNDogs.ca/woofsearch to check results.