This book includes the process of using the 10x10 method to gain a clearer understanding of my final major project. This method is very beneficial and involves chosing 10 words which I can apply to my chosen concept. With these words I have created seperate moodboards of secondary imagery. This method is a great way of giving me a visual narrative to follow and provides a great starting place.
CONT ENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Community Acceptance Positive Culture Streetwear Accessible Inclusive Expression Equality Identity
Community is a huge part of my campaign and I want this to be apparent throughout my campaign. Now more than ever I feel it is important to create a sense of community with consumers. I want my brand to create a place where people can come together and share the same attitudes towards the same topic. I hope for my 360 campaign to help women feel more inclusive and accepted in the womens streetwear community. I will use Instagram to create my social media campaign. This will allow my audience to feel connected with my brand and it will also create a sense of community.
From my brand me module I learnt a lot about myself including that the message of acceptance is very important to me and what I stand for. As an individual I strive to treat everybody equally and with acceptance. I want my final major project to show throughout the message of acceptance to my consumer. I want to use my social media campaign to create a space where women can feel accepted in the streetwear industry and feel proud for being their self.
Another one of my key messages I want to convey in my fmp is positivity. Similarily to the message of acceptance, positivity is something I always strive for and belive is key. I want my consumers to feel an overall sense of positivity about themselves and the clothes they feel good in. I want my fmp to present women in streetwear in a positive light.
As I want to convey the message of acceptance and positive it is also important to to be culturally aware throughout my fmp. “Someone’s cultural awareness is their understanding of the differences between themselves and people from other countries or other backgrounds, especially differences in attitudes and values.” (Vulture, 2022) Throughout my research one of my main influences has been Samuel Ross, the founder of A-Cold-Wall who has been heavily influenced by his cultural background and the working class he was brought up in.
Streetwear, or at least the more broadly termed urban fashion, refers to a distinctive style of street fashion, which has its roots in Californian and skate culture, but also involves elements of hip-hop fashion, modern high fashion and haute couture. When initially thinking about where I fit in the industry, I immediately thought streetwear as that is what I'm most interested in. Streetwear plays a huge part in influencing my style and it’s an area which greatly inspires me with its meaning and messages. Streetwear brands are a prime example of engaging today’s youth and have a very open and diverse attitude. Virgil Abloh said “My approach is to make the creative industry inclusive, not exclusive, shifting the veil of secrecy feels new.” Through drop culture streetwear brands have created clothing which is both accessible and exclusive.
I want my social media campaign to be easy accessible for my consumers, therefore I will be using Instgagram which is an extremely popular and beneficial social media platfrom. Generation Alpha are an accepting generation and will continue to strive for this. They will seek to purchase into brands who appeal to a diverse and inclusive audiene and will not stand to support brands who do not meet these needs. I believe it is important for brands to have a more accessible attitude in order to resonate with the more politically engaged, globally aware consumer who values diversity and ignores the status quo.
I want my fmp to allow every woman to feel included in the streetwear market. I want to highlight the lack of representation of women in the market and show them they can feel represened and confident. In the fashion industry, inclusivity is a constant hot-topic, and we have been fighting for more diversity in models. And though there is now a stronger sense of inclusivity in the industry than there was in years prior, we still have a long way to go (The Fashion Industry, Body Image, and Representation, 2022).
I want my social media campaign to encourage and allow consumers to be expressive and represent themselves in their own individual way. My social media campaign will allow a space wheere women can feel free in a safe space to express themselves with no fear of judgement.
Gender inequality in the fashion industry is an invisible issue, hiding behind the guise of a heavily female consumer base and women-dominated field (Fashion has a gender problem, so what can we do about it?, 2022). For many years, streetwear has primarily catered to men, leaving women left on the sidelines. The communities who originally commenced streetwear were mainly male dominated. Therefore, the streetwear style was originally embraced and driven by men, creating masculine looks. While it was mainly men who adopted streetwear early on, females also contributed to this however went unrecognised. I want my fmp to show the recognition for females in the streetwear market and show that women are equal and deserve to be treated the same.
I hope for my campaign to allow women to represent themselves in their own individual way without fear of judgmement. Fashion shapes identity in a number of different ways, I want women to feel comfortable wearing what they feel best in. Clothing is an “identification” tool that functions in determining the symbolic boundaries between people in a sense. Fashion and clothing is a field where clothes are used to create and reveal a cultural and social identity (2022).
Libby Chamberlin 1903788 Brand Management AD6606 10x10 Brand Development Book