Brand Me Summer Research Book

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Over the summer of 2021 I was given tasks to complete in order to successfully respond to my ‘Brand Me’ module. These tasks included research to help find out about myself in more depth. When we were initially given this brief I was extremely apprehensive and overwhelmed as I have never been one to speak about myself and my feelings in this much depth. Although I am unaware of what this research will uncover, I am excited and hopeful to see where this journey will take me. My summer research and answering various questions will combine and be able to truthfully tell myself who I really am when doors are closed. I have made a digital sketchbook using both primary and secondary images to present my summer research findings. I decided to create my sketchbook digitally as after I graduate I would like to go into a social media/ marketing role. My skills are also stronger with digital content creation so this way of presenting my findings will be the most successful.


Do you ever consider your digital footprint? _________________________

When answering this first question I have found myself struggling slightly as I have never really considered my digital footprint before and its full meaning. Once I understood the meaning: ‘the information about a particular person that exists on the internet as a result of their online activity’ I was able to answer the question. I think I am quite conscious when it comes to what I post on my social media accounts and the fact that what you post is online for life, as a sort of ‘permanent record’. I take

How safe are you as a communicator? ________________________________________

For myself I believe it is very important to be a strong and effective communicator in order to be considered trustworthy and successful. When communicating something It is crucial that I am 100% sure on the matter I am speaking about before sharing the message. Before communicating and putting out a message to a group of people I research the topic thoroughly to ensure I am confident with what I’m saying. This also helps avoid the chance of getting anything wrong. In terms of how safe I am as a communicator I would say I don’t tend to take big risks but equally I don’t think I am particularly safe.

I believe taking risks is what makes us become better humans and if you only ever stick to what you know you will never develop. However, taking risks takes me a lot of courage to face my fear of uncertainty. The biggest thing for me is the fear of failure however I am starting to learn that no matter what the outcome I will have learnt something and become stronger and more resilient. Now that I have had time to think about how safe I am as a communicator, I have realised that I would like to push and challenge myself more than I have been doing in the past. Pushing myself more to take more risks will help me to be a more successful communicator. If I think back to times where I have communicated messages I would say generally I am more safe, however I have taken slight risks at times. Overall, I would say when it comes to communicating I am in the middle between safe and taking risks. Going forward I would still like to keep a balance between the two but also pushing myself more and taking more risks. I believe if I start taking more risks with how I communicate I will be more successful in my work.

What’s your message? ____________ Throughout my life so far I have been taught and shown what is morally right and most important. As I have grown through some of my most pivotal years in the digital era I have been able to understand what is important through social media platforms and various social media influencers. Social media has played a huge part in giving people my age voices to express their opinions and beliefs. Through past experiences and events I have gained strong beliefs and gained an understanding as to what I deem most important to myself. There are many messages I would like to elaborate on however I am going to talk about the ones which are most important to me. A quote which I find inspiring and take great inspiration from is “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind”. — Bernard M. Baruch. The main message which I go by within my work is positivity, perseverance and equality. Through my upbringing I have found how important it is to remain positive and persevere through tough times. I also believe it is extremely important to stand up for what you believe to be right and to never let anyone bring you down. I want my brand to be aligned with these values as well as promoting equality and cultural acceptance. I had a very privileged upbringing into a cultured family and therefore want to use my platform to create cultural awareness and positivity. Most probably my message will evolve and adapt throughout this module. However, I do stand by these main messages and will continue to keep these core values in mind whilst working on my “Brand Me” project.

What type of people do you surround yourself with? ______________ Throughout my life I have always tried to surround myself with positive, funny and kind people. It has not always been easy to find these types of people whilst growing up and I am only just discovering the type of people I want to be surrounded with. I have experienced many situations during my teenage years where I thought certain friends were loyal and kind but it actually turned out they weren’t who I thought at all. Since these experiences I have been wary and cautious about the people I surround myself with. In a way I think it’s a good thing I experienced failed friendships so I now know which type of people to avoid surrounding myself with. I’m very grateful that I now have an amazing group of people who I can confidently say will be there for me through thick and thin. My closest friends are loyal, caring and trustworthy. I have always been around funny and charismatic people growing up which really brings the best self of me out. I have come to realise that the people I surround myself with can affect my attitude and how I see things. I think it is so important to surround yourself with people who will lift you up and make you the best version of yourself.

How do your peers see you? _____________________________

I asked my closest friends and family how they see me in order to gain a better understanding of myself. Everyone I asked knows me very well so I knew it would be an accurate representation. I thought it would be interesting to see how people perceive me, I also have many different sides to me and depending how close you are to me depends on which side you see. For example my mum and boyfriend see my sensitive and vulnerable side more than most of my friends do. I asked my closest friends and family members to write a few sentences or a small paragraph about me as a person.

MUM “I’m extremely proud of Libby, she is my daughter and my friend. Libby is beautiful inside and out. She is very caring and fun loving. Part of Libby’s charm is her sometimes state of daydream but she also has a very mature, serious and often sensitive side. Libby is confident but can also be shy of new situations and people at first but that doesn’t stop her from wanting to explore new places and challenges. She is very loyal and cares deeply for her friends and family. Libby has a good work ethic, all the better if it’s something she enjoys, and she likes to add value and solve problems. A positive attitude is constant with Libby and I’m proud of her for sharing her feelings and never being afraid to ask for help. She is kind, brave, and a lot stronger than she thinks.”

FIN (Boyfriend) “Libby is caring, kind and affectionate and makes me very proud. Although she has her own challenges she doesn’t let that hold her back from achieving what she wants. Libby never lets her anxiety and struggles get the better of her and has a very positive outlook on life. She tends to get easily distracted, but when she focuses, she can achieve anything she wants. I have no doubt she will be a very successful and independent woman. Libby has a very keen eye for fashion and is very passionate.”

GEORGIA (close friend) “Libby is a very bubbly person with a friendly nature making her always fun to be around. She is very trustworthy and an amazing companion which is why I’m proud to call her my best friend, not only that but she always adopts a positive attitude even when she may not feel like it and ensures she has a smile on her face even during the hardest times. She takes great pride in the things she enjoys and always strives to achieve the best in everything she sets herself to.” SISTER “You are one of the most selfless people I know and are always looking out for others. You are very passionate about things you love and you are a very good listener. You are always positive even in difficult situations and always manage to make me laugh when I don’t want to. I am very lucky to have you as my sister and best friend.“ HANNAH (close friend) “Libby is extremely loyal and caring towards her friends. I have formed a close friendship with Libby whilst in University and I can always go to her with my problems and rely on her. Libby has a keen eye for fashion which I love and is very creative. Libby is very hard working and tries her best to persevere even when things get tough. Before you get to know Libby she can come across as quite reserved and shy but once she gets comfortable with people she has a very confident and extraverted side to her. “

KATIE (close friend) “Libby is always caring for others and making sure her friends are okay. I have been friends with Libby since year 7 and she has always been there for me and I can always go to her with my problems. Libby is very hardworking and has always worked for what she wants. I can always have a laugh with Libby as she is very funny and has a crazy side around people she’s comfortable with.” CHLOE (close friend) “You are a very outgoing and creative person. I admire your positive outlook on life and you are very generous with your loved ones. You are a very good listener and very trustworthy, I feel comfortable coming to you for advice. I also love how fashionable you are.” FFION (close friend) “Libby is always dressed well and has a great sense of fashion. I have always looked up to how Libby tried her best to remain happy even if something isn’t going to plan. I can always go to Libby for advice and I know she will always be there for me. Libby is very hardworking and determined.”

STRENGTHS This question has helped me to reflect on myself and who I am. I have found this part quite challenging as I tend to doubt myself with a lot of things I do. It also took me a while to understand that in order to grow as a person I need to reflect on myself. When I think about my strengths and weaknesses I think about my past few years in University as well as my personal life. I have gained many strengths over this time as well as realising what some of my weaknesses may be. I tend to be quite hard on myself so thinking about my strengths wasn’t easy, however I have come to realise that I have a lot more strengths than I think I do and they definitely outweigh the weaknesses. In terms of my strengths in my work and studies I would say I work very well in a team and I’m versatile and determined. When thinking about jobs after graduating I think I would work more effectively in a team. However, when required I know I can work very well independently. My time at University has helped me to improve on my independence. Some strengths which I have been able to improve on through being a fashion communicator are creativity, communication, social media and content creation using various computer softwares. I would say my biggest strength is creativity. Throughout my school years I was never the most academic of people, I was definitely a lot more creative. I have always been more creative with how I do things from an early age. I would always be more passionate about creative subjects such as art and english rather than more academic subjects such as maths and science. I believe I have a strength in creativity as it is something which I am very passionate about and is also something which makes me happy. From a personality point of view some of my strengths are being positive, loyal and very caring towards others. I would definitely say I try to be as positive as I can and always try to look for the good in people. I also always try to make sure others are happy and often put others before myself.

WEAKNESSES I don’t really like to think too much about my weaknesses but I do think it’s important to acknowledge them in order to develop as a person. One of my main weaknesses is that I am a big overthinker and sometimes lack self confidence and belief. This is something which I am currently trying really hard to get past as I know it can really affect me and my work. I tend to overthink every little detail and situations which really don’t need to be over thought. Overthinking like this can cause me unnecessary stress which I can avoid. Another one of my weaknesses which I am also trying to overcome is my time management. I think a slight part of me being a perfectionist comes into this. I take too much time at the start of a project and then end up running out of time

FIGHT OR FLIGHT? _____________ The fight or flight response is an automatic physiological reaction to an event that is perceived as stressful or frightening. The perception of threat activates the sympathetic nervous system and triggers an acute stress response that prepares the body to fight or flee. Throughout my life I have had to fight through some difficult challenges. At a young age I was faced with challenges which forced me to become stronger and more resilient. Although I can be wary in new situations these challenges have made me willing and determined to persevere. Sometimes when things don’t go to plan it can be tempting to run away from the problem, however I will never give up in tough situations no matter how hard it may be. Although I have been in situations in the past where I have been scared and chose flight, I believe it all depends on the situation you’re in. I would say I am definitely a fighter as I stand up for the things I find most important and believe in. I think it’s very important to use our voice in situations which we feel passionate about.

How do you think your childhood has influenced how/who you are today? ________________

For the most part, my childhood was very happy and fulfilling. I have been very fortunate to have been brought up surrounded by the most supportive and kind hearted people. I find it quite hard talking about certain parts of my childhood as they were very challenging and I don’t like to dwell on the past. However, my childhood has taught me many things which I still carry with me today. My childhood has influenced me and how I view things today hugely. From a young age I was always told what was right and what was wrong. I was taught to always be kind to people and never judge someone and their situation. I am very lucky that I was brought up in a cultured and happy family, I have also had the chance to experience many travel and lifestyle opportunities. Being able to see different places from a young age has enabled me to learn about different cultures and people. I believe this and my upbringing is why I am such an understanding person today.

I grew up in a small village in Flintshire, North Wales with my mum and younger sister, and then into my teenage years my stepdad. I feel extremely lucky to have grown up where I did, surrounded with beautiful scenery, countryside and wildlife. I have always been grateful that I grew up where I did and not in a heavily built up city. Since an early age I have always loved the countryside and exploring new beautiful places around my area.

During my childhood my mum and dad separated which was a struggle and a very hard time for me. At the time, and for my age this was quite an adjustment but also a learning curve. This was my first main distressing event in my childhood and has really shaped me into the person I am today. My mum and dad separating taught me that nothing is ever certain and things can happen very unexpectedly. However, this also taught me how to be resilient and strong for the first time. Although this was a very upsetting thing to happen, it meant that me and my mum we’re brought closer together. My mum is my best friend and the most supportive and caring person I know. I am very grateful for the bond I and my mum have as I know many people who hardly have any sort of relationship with their mum. I truly believe my mum has helped to shape me into the positive and caring person I am today. I see my mum as my biggest role model and she has helped me to overcome things which I never thought I could come back from. My mum has always taught me to remain positive through tough situations and that things will always get better. My sister and I also have a very tight bond and I see her as one of my best and closest friends. Although we don’t always see eye to eye I’m very lucky to be able to call my sister my best friend. I only have contact with my mum’s side of our family and therefore am extremely close to my grandparents (my mum’s parents). My grandparents have always been so supportive and generous towards me and my sister. I feel very grateful that I have such a close bond with my grandparents and I know that I can go to them with any of my problems.

My time in primary school was content and I was always a very happy little girl. I always had lots of friends and was always having fun. That being said, high school wasn’t as easy for me. In high school I dealt with more than one experience of bullying which I really struggled with and knocked my confidence hugely. I think this is where the majority of my low self confidence stems back from. These events in my teenage years meant I closed myself off for quite a bit of time afterwards and found it hard to trust peopleThese experiences really stuck with me and affected me mentally. Being bullied in my teenage years made me even more resilient and forced me to become even stronger. Even though what I went to was extremely damaging, if I had to take any positives from it I would say it taught me to never let anyone else determine your happiness and to always rise above it.

Overall, I had an amazing childhood filled with love and compassion. My childhood has heavily influenced who I am today and how I view things. I am extremely grateful and blessed to have been brought up the way I was and with the people I had surrounding me. The way I was raised and the life lessons I have experienced have shaped me into the person I am today. Although I faced many challenges growing up I am grateful that they made me stronger and helped define the person I am today.

Myer Briggs Test I took the Myers Briggs type indicator test to discover my personality type so I could ask my family and friends if they believe this is a true reflection of who I am. I would agree with these test results and say they are quite accurate with how I see myself. I would agree with extraversion as 54% as when I am comfortable with those around me I am, however when I am in a new environment or with new people I see myself as an introvert as it takes me a while to come out of my shell.

10 Images I love __________

For the next part of the summer Research I have been asked to choose 10 Images which I love. These images range from fashion related images to images which are more personal to me, each one has a different meaning and reason why I love them. Each image is different however they all mean something to me and relate to who I am as a person.

1. The first picture which I have chosen is an image of New York City. I have always

dreamed of going to New York since I can remember. It is one of the few fashion capitals around the world and is just truly iconic. New York is also where my favourite tv show Gossip Girl was filmed which makes me love this image even more. When I look at this picture it makes me motivated to one day get the chance to go and live my dream.

2. I love this image purely because of the love I have for trainers, especially Nike trainers. I love staying up to date with new drops and growing my collection. I love this image as it has a range of different colours which make me feel positive.

3. This is a photo of the Balenciaga store in Amsterdam. I love this image as it was my first time in Amsterdam and this certain street had all different designer shops on it. When I look at this image it makes me feel happy and it almost looks like an image you would see in a book or magazine. Balenciaga is also one of my favourite luxury brands which one day I hope to own something from.

4. This image is from a SSAW Magazine Spring 2020 Cover. I came across this image randomly on the internet and I just loved how it stood out to me. I love the effect the styling has on the model and the different lighting and tones.

5.This photo is taken from Jacquemus’ ‘Image’ book. ‘IMAGES’ has an effortless, carefree vibe that makes you want to drop everything and run to the beach”. There are many images in this book which I love, however this one in particular makes me feel relaxed and happy. I also love this image because of the love I have for sunsets and pretty skies. Looking at the sunset is one of my favourite things to do.

6. Image six is one of my favourite influencers and youtubers, Cinzia Baylis Zullo. Cinzia is a lifestyle and fashion influencer who also creates youtube videos too. I take a lot of inspiration off Cinzia and love her style. This photo in particular is one of my favourites of hers as I love vintage looking photos which have been taken using a film camera. I also just love her outfit and makeup look. 7. This image was taken at the start of summer in Manchester whilst I was away with my boyfriend. There are many reasons why I love this image, one being that Manchester is my favourite city. I love finding quirky streets with graffiti and street art. I also love how colourful and bright the image is and it reminds me of a very happy time. 8. I have chosen this image of myself as one of the images I love as it is rare that I like photos of myself. As I have mentioned in my previous summer research I can be quite self critical and hard on myself, especially when it comes to my appearance. However, on this day I was feeling confident, I loved my outfit and it was a beautiful sunny day. I love this photo because I felt good about myself and it gives me fond memories of the day I spent with my sister. 9. Similar to image six, this image is another of my favourite style influences, Madison Sarah. Madison is probably my favourite style inspiration. I love this image not only because of her outfit but because of the art piece in the background. I love the contrast between the monochrome outfit and the bright abstract painting. 10. Lastly, image ten is of Virgil Abloh. Virgil is one of my favourite designers with his brand “Off-White” also being one of my favourite brands. I love this image because as previously said I love photos with a film effect to them. I also love this image as it shows Virgil at work creating and designing trainers.

Who do I admire, dead or alive?

I don’t personally admire many celebrities or famous people so the person I would say admires me the most is my mum. Like I have previously said, my mum is like a best friend to me, she is my biggest supporter and has been by my side through everything. I admire my mum so much and I aspire to be like her in the future. From an early age I have always looked up to my mum and idolised her. At an early age my mum and dad separated, now that I am older I understand what happened and what she must’ve been going through. I look up to her for her strength and bravery through these times. My mum took on the role of both mum and dad for me and my sister and never left our side through our hardest struggles. Throughout my life my mum has always taught me what is morally right and most important. I am grateful to my mum for teaching me to always be myself which is something I will always carry with me throughout life.

What do I stand for? _______

This question has taken a lot of thought and consideration as I stand for a lot of things which I deem to be important. One of the main things I stand for is promoting acceptance for all cultures, backgrounds and people in general. Our culture is what shapes us as humans, it shapes our behaviour and our identity. Culture is how we live, it refers to our shared languages, beliefs, values, behaviours and norms. In order to know more about the topic I’m talking about I have done some research to help me gain a better understanding. Below is a section from an article from ‘Partnership International’ which helps to tell the importance of cultural diversity. ‘Cultural diversity is important because our country, workplaces, and schools increasingly consist of various cultural, racial, and ethnic groups. We can learn from one another, but first, we must have a level of understanding about each other. Learning about other cultures helps us understand different perspectives within the world in which we live. It helps dispel negative stereotypes and personal biases about different groups. In addition, cultural diversity helps us recognize and respect “ways of being” that are not necessarily our own. So that as we interact with others we can build bridges to trust, respect, and understanding across cultures. Furthermore, this diversity makes our country a more interesting place to live in. As people from diverse cultures contribute language skills, new ways of thinking, new knowledge, and different experiences’.

What colour am I? _______ It is this instinctive choice of a color that tells you a lot about yourself, how you function and how others see you. It is the means to understanding your behavior and your character traits as well as your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual states. It reflects the way you operate in the world, your strengths and weaknesses, your vulnerabilities, your deepest needs and your challenges at that time in your life. My first instinct when thinking about what colour best suited my personality was blue. The colour blue represents personality traits such as conservative, reliable and trustworthy- I am quite trusting of others, although very wary in the beginning until I’m sure of the other person. At the same time I also have a deep need to be trusted. When researching the true meaning of the colour blue, relating to personalities I found it means you always speak and act and do everything at your own pace. People with the personality colour blue are also known to take time to process and share their feelings. When researching this I was shocked at how much I resonated and related to this. Having a personality colour blue means you have a deep need for peace and harmony in your everyday life- you would benefit from daily meditation and quiet time for reflection.

What building am I? ______ This is a question which I have struggled with for some time and there are so many different types of buildings which I could choose from. When I first saw this question I thought of my house. I would be my house because this is where I feel most comfortable and confident. I can be my complete self when I’m at home without anyone else seeing or judging. If I was to be a more public building I would be Dover Street Market. Dover Street Market is constantly changing their installations and interior. I am always changing and developing myself and showing people different sides to myself. Dover Street Market is also a very creative space, as I am a creative person I think this describes me well.

What flower am I ? ____________ To be honest I don’t really have much knowledge on flowers so this question took some research into which flower best represented myself. I began by researching my birth flowers which are carnations and snowdrops. In general, carnations are meant to signify love, fascination, distinction, protection, healing, and strength. Snowdrops can mean purity, innocence, and sympathy. The white of the snowdrop symbolizes innocence and purity. Because it is the first flower to bloom at the end of winter and the beginning of spring, it also symbolizes hope. I would have to agree with most of these traits as I am a very affectionate and loving person. As well as my finding out my birth flowers I took a few online quizzes to determine which flower best suited my personality. All of these quizzes said I am a sunflower. Sunflowers symbolise loyalty, adoration and because of their association with the sun, sunflowers are well-known for being a happy flower. I would definitely agree with this result and resonate with it. Overall, out of the three flowers I would say I identify best with a carnation and a sunflower.

Am I organic or structure? When thinking about this question I think it’s important to look back at some of my work to get a true indication as to whether I’m organic or structure. As well as this I think it’s important that I research more into what the meanings of these two words mean. Organic describes things that are natural or related to nature. In common usage, organic is used to mean “healthful” or “close to nature. To me the word organic also means for something to be more simple and natural. I would say my work is slightly organic in the sense of it’s stripped back and simplistic. I would say I am quite organic with my work as I like things to be set out simplistic and clear to see. I would also say I am quite an organic person as I like things to be kept simple and I can be a very chilled and laid back person at times.

To be a structured person it means your most content when your day is planned out with lists of things to do. When something is structured, it’s arranged according to a specific plan. When it comes to myself as a person I like to have things planned out due to my anxiety. I like to have things organised and know what’s happening before it happens so I can prepare myself. Having a structured day makes me feel at ease and less stressed. Similarly, I like my work to be structured. I like things to be in place and use bold and defined lines. I think it’s important to have structure in my work as it helps me to stay organised. Being as structured as I can helps me to remain positive with my work and helps me to not get overwhelmed or stressed. Out of organic and structure I would definitely say I am more structure. I like things to be clean and bold in my work. I think being structured helps me to view things clearer and stay focussed with what I’m doing.

What fashion brand am I? ______________ If I had to choose a brand that I would be, I would choose Dior. Christian Dior SE, commonly known as Dior, is a French luxury fashion house controlled and chaired by French businessman Bernard Arnault, who also heads LVMH, the world’s largest luxury group. Dior is best known for its monogram print and monochrome tones. Dior have recently started to add more streetwear pieces to their collections which suits my style much more than their haute couture pieces and Christian Diors ‘New Look’. Dior tends to use monochrome and muted colors in their collections which suits my brand very well. Dior has recently started to collaborate with more streetwear brands such as Sacai, Kim Jones, Kaws and Jordan. Some of my favourite trainers and handbags are Dior’s, I think their monogram print is so iconic and timeless.

Favourite fashion publication? _______________ Personally, I don’t read fashion publications that frequently. However, if I was to choose my favourite It would be Dazed. As well as reflecting culture, Dazed creates it. What began as a magazine went on to provoke a change in consciousness, becoming a manifesto for an audience that wants to be informed and inspired to imagine. Today, Dazed Media encompasses digital, print, social media and talent activations across four titles; Nowness, Dazed, AnOther and Dazed Beauty. Dazed state they are never bored or apathetic, instead they are constantly energised by new ideas, new platforms, and a total belief in the power, attitude, and politics of youth. “This is Generation Forever – a set of values that transcend age groups or individuals, a worldview that will outlast all of us”. I love how Dazed includes some of my favourite celebrities and musicians and I love that I can find out all the latest lifestyle trends and pop/youth culture news.

Who is your fashion Icon/Influence? __________ I have many fashion influences but my biggest fashion influence and icon has to be Rihanna. Rihanna’s impact on the world of fashion has been massive and she has completely changed the fashion game. As well as this, she is the first woman of colour to launch a luxury fashion brand. As well as being a huge fashion icon she is also a singer, songwriter, activist, beauty icon and businesswoman. Rihanna is incredibly influential as she is always pushing the boundaries and making her mark in whatever she does.

I admire Rihanna for everything she stands up for and appreciate how she uses her large social platforms to speak out. Rihanna can literally wear anything and will still pull it off and make it look amazing. If Rihanna wants to clash her bright red hair with a purple jumper, coral trousers and metallic gold shoes, she will, which is what I love about her. Rihanna shows young women that they can wear whatever they want, as long as they feel confident and comfortable it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.

Fashion board _________ I have created a fashion board which encapsulates my style and colour palette. I would describe my style as casual, comfy and versatile. I like to wear clothes which I feel comfortable and relaxed in so I feel my most confident. I wear a lot of tracksuits and oversized clothing. As you can tell from my fashion board my colour palette is mainly monochrome and muted colours such as navy and grey. However, sometimes I do like to add a pop of colour with my accessories. I think this board shows my style well and says “this is me”.

Summer ResearchPart 2 _________

The second and final part of my summer Research includes two tasks. The first task is to choose from a list of brands which we think best fits us and our brand. The aim of this is to start to understand our fit, taste and direction.

The brand I think best fits myself and my brand is A Cold Wall. A Cold Wall is a fairly new brand to the high luxury world of fashion. A Cold Wall has made a massive impact with its aesthetic consistency of innovative structured compositions, blurring the boundaries between streetwear and high end fashion. This brand was founded by Samuel Ross in 2015, he self-funded his clothing line and brought his artistic essence to life. Ross took basic closet pieces and transformed them into unique statement apparel. The title “A Cold Wall” is an ingenious play on words imitating “A Cold War” to establish their niche within the fashion industry. Samuel Ross was brought up in a working class environment and has been influenced by the community around him, public housing and the concept of clashing class systems. This is referenced throughout the high end luxury collection with working class uniforms implicating motives of capitalist retaliation. His collection merges British working-class uniforms with elements of Savile Row tailoring. A Cold Wall’s clothing is constructed with high quality fabric to ensure longevity and comfort with a unique style for all men. Their bold colors are a faultless addition to the best men’s A Cold Wall clothing style, altering the culture of streetwear fashion. A Cold Wall’s collections have a contemporary style due to the architectural theme shown throughout. A Cold Wall only has six stockists worldwide, therefore the brand is very unique and exclusive. These traits increase the popularity and interest of the brand. A Cold Wall is a brand becoming an influential contestant within the fashion industry due to their unconventional aspects such as inside out hoods, detachable Velcro features and eccentric pieces.

From my research I discovered A Cold Wall has collaborated with lifestyle brands such as Nike, Converse and Dr Martens. I found this interesting as it is an example of high luxury brands including cultural references into their brand which will appeal to Generation Z consumers who care about the brands they are buying into rather than the products they buy (DeAcetis,2019). A Cold Wall’s aesthetic and colour palette resonates with how I want my brand to look. I decided this brand was the best fit for me as they use a limited colour palette of grey, black and white, and the occasional tonal colour. The brand has a minimal approach and combined with their colour palette creates a contemporary presence. A Cold Wall also combines high luxury fashion with cultural references which is what I aim to achieve in my brand. I also chose this brand as it lies in the luxury menswear market which also has a strong emphasis on tailoring and streetwear. A Cold Wall is a clear indicator that luxury menswear is the area of the industry which interests me the most.

The final task in our summer research is to choose from a list of fashion publications which we think best fits us and our brand.

The fashion publication which I think best fits my brand is Dazed. As well as reflecting culture, Dazed creates it. What began as a magazine went on to provoke a change in consciousness, becoming a manifesto for an audience that wants to be informed and inspired to imagine. Dazed is the most influential independent fashion and culture title in the world. Today, Dazed Media encompasses digital, print, social media and talent activations across four titles; Nowness, Dazed, AnOther and Dazed Beauty. Dazed state they are never bored or apathetic, instead they are constantly energised by new ideas, new platforms, and a total belief in the power, attitude, and politics of youth. “This is Generation Forever – a set of values that transcend age groups or individuals, a worldview that will outlast all of us”. As Dazed is an alternative style and culture magazine I feel it suits my brand very well. I think this side to their publication fits well with my brand as it shows the light hearted and humorous side to my personality.

In reflection of my summer research I have found it very eye opening and interesting. From my self reflection I have learnt a lot about myself and delved into areas in a depth which I never have before. At the start of my research I was very overwhelmed and unsure about exploring some of the areas spoken about, however now that I have completed it I am very glad I did. I have learnt a lot about myself and had a chance to think about how my childhood and other areas have made me who I am today. Now I have completed this summer research I feel like I have a better understanding about myself to successfully navigate the next part of my degree.

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