Nationbuilder Administrative FAQs

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PURPOSE! This is a set of Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQs) for anyone in the Party requiring further information about how to sign up for and use a NationBuilder account. All of the information in this document can be shared with anyone inside the Party, however, it is not for forwarding or publishing to any 3rd party. !


The majority of these FAQs will be contained within the new Oskar section of the Federal Party website ( These FAQs will be updated as the need arises, however, the updates will only be made to the FAQs in Oskar (i.e. please do not rely on this document being updated and redistributed - always refer to Oskar). !

CONTENTS! Terminology:! • • •


What is a 'Local NationBuilder Account’?! What is the 'Federal Party NationBuilder Agreement’?! What is a ‘NationBuilder Local Administrator’?!

The NationBuilder software:! • • •


Tell me about the benefits of using NationBuilder?! Tell me how we know NationBuilder works really well for the Lib Dems?! Tell me about the rich information NationBuilder offers me when I use it?!

NationBuilder & the Lib Dems:! • • • • • • •


Is there a new Lib Dem design for my NationBuilder website and emails?! I’ve heard the new Lib Dem template works on phones & tablets - how?! How can I change the appearance of the new local Lib Dem template?! Can you confirm I have full control over the content in my local Lib Dem template?! Is it obligatory for me to use NationBuilder?! Can I use NationBuilder on my own without the Federal Party?! Can I use a dual-language version of NationBuilder in Wales?!

Pricing and payment:! • • •


How much does NationBuilder cost?! Tell me about the discount we get on the NationBuilder fees?! How do I pay these NationBuilder fees?!

Availability:! •


How soon can I get a NationBuilder account for my local area?!

Getting Started:! • • • •

How do I get a local NationBuilder account?! How does the ‘Federal Party NB Agreement’ protect us?! How do I set-up NationBuilder for an MP/AM/MSP in my area?! How do I set-up NationBuilder for a local party in my area?! Page 1





How do I set-up NationBuilder for a Councillor in my area?! How do I set-up NationBuilder for an MEP in my area?!

Training and support:! • •


What training will you give?! Tell me about the ‘help’ information I can get hold of if I’ve got a problem I can’t solve?!

Emails:! • • • • • • •


How can I get my existing campaigning email contacts into NationBuilder?! How can I get my existing casework email contacts into NationBuilder?! What’s the benefit to local organisations in letting the Federal Party use their emails?! How will I get hold of these new emails that the Federal Party gathers in my area?! How will the Federal Party treat my local emails with care?! If someone unsubscribes from one of the Federal Party emails can I still email them?! What information can I get from NationBuilder about the emails I send?!

Donations:! • •


How will I receive any donations made to my local NationBuilder website?! How will local organisations benefit from donations the Federal Party raises?!

Privacy:! • • • • • •


How do I get my Casework emails into NationBuilder?! How do I use your standard ‘opt-in’ wording on my local website?! If I have existing email addresses, where the owner has already opted-in to receiving Lib Dem emails, can I transfer those into NationBuilder?! NationBuilder is based in the US, so is it ‘Safe Harbor’ compliant?! Is ‘Safe Harbor’ compliance still legal?! How do you help us comply with current cookie legislation?!

Sharing data with other Lib Dems:! • • •


Does NationBuilder share MP/AM/MSP or local party data with MEPs?! Does NationBuilder share MP/AM/MSP or local party data with Regions?! Does NationBuilder share MP/AM/MSP or local party data with local councillors?!

Connect and NationBuilder:! • • • • •


How do I keep emails in Connect updated with new emails I receive in NationBuilder?! How do I keep emails in NationBuilder updated with new emails I store in Connect?! How do I identify a group of people in Connect then email them from NationBuilder?! How do I update Connect with information I capture via NB in petitions, surveys and events?! How will I get my emails from NationBuilder into Connect?!

Membership and NationBuilder:! • •

How will you copy member information from SalesForce into NationBuilder?! How will you copy member information from NationBuilder into SalesForce?!

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How will you copy member information from SalesForce into Connect?!

TERMINOLOGY! What is a ‘Local NationBuilder Account’?! Local Lib Dem organisations (MEPs, MPs, AMs, MSPs, regions, local parties, councillors) can run their own local version of NationBuilder - this is called a ‘Local NationBuilder Account’.!


What is a 'Federal Party NationBuilder Agreement’?! This is a formal agreement that each Local Lib Dem organisation (MEPs, MPs, AMs, MSPs, regions, local parties, councillors) needs to sign in order to use NationBuilder. !


What is a 'NationBuilder Local Admin’?! This is a single person who acts as the actual owner of the local NationBuilder account for that local area - they are responsible for the payment of the NationBuilder fees and the secure running of the NationBuilder account on behalf of the relevant local Lib Dem organisation.!


ABOUT NATIONBUILDER! Tell me about the benefits in using NationBuilder?! 1) a range of campaigning features:! • simple set-up of campaigns: petitions, surveys, events, donations, newsletters, membership! • integrated communication through social media and personalised email! • simple content publishing: websites, webpages, short-term campaign pages, email newsletters, news, video, audio! • insight to tell you everything about your donors and supporters, how well your petitions performed, the success of your surveys, the popularity of your events, how many of your emails were opened, how many of your opened emails had clicks through to your website! • no technical skill or experience is required to do the above.! 2) a range of financial benefits:! • a greater amount of donations if you actively campaign with NationBuilder! • a discount off the publicised NationBuilder rates* ! • a likely cost saving compared to other combinations of email, website and hosting providers ! • a share of the digital donations the Federal Party receives via NationBuilder from people in a local party’s area will be paid to that local party* ! 3) other benefits:! • more email addresses - as part of its national campaigning the Federal Party will gather new emails, which will automatically be added to the relevant local party’s Nationbuilder account! • a website that automatically re-sizes itself to adapt to the screen size of the phone, tablet or computer the person is using - neither you or the visitors to your website need to change any settings for this to work - it works immediately! Notes:! * full details of the discount off the NationBuilder rates, and the share of donations that will be paid to you, will be 
 provided when you apply for a NationBuilder account via
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Tell me how we know NationBuilder works really well for the Lib Dems?! NationBuilder has been used extensively to campaign across a number of US elections. We’re satisfied that NationBuilder gives us a best-in-class, all-in-one, digital campaigning tool that makes us much more competitive leading up to the next elections, as we’ve tested and used it extensively in a variety of circumstances:! • in 2012: the Fairer Taxes campaign! • in 2013:! - the Eastleigh by-election! - the Team 2013 local elections website! - the Jobs campaign! - the Manifesto consultation website (Manifesto 2015).! During the Eastleigh by-election NationBuilder was instrumental in helping us grow the number of supporters who helped us win the election, as well as powering a campaign to gather the largest amount of donations we’ve ever received in a by-election. !


Tell me about the rich information NationBuilder offers me when I use it?! NationBuilder lets you do numerous things ‘behind the scenes’, including identifying:! • Donations - donations/person, total donations, donations/email campaign, top donors.! • Contacts - email addresses, telephone numbers, membership status.! • Events - RSVPs, contact details for recipients.! • Emails - number of recipients, contact details of recipients, open rates, click-through rates.!


NATIONBUILDER AND THE LIB DEMS! Is there a new Lib Dem website design for my NationBuilder website and emails?! Yes - we’ve spent a significant amount of time creating a newly-designed appearance for local Lib Dem websites that matches the main Lib Dem brand (e.g. logo and colours). This new design is available for free as the template to use with your Local NationBuilder Account. It provides a much more contemporary appearance for local websites and is only available via NationBuilder.!


I’ve heard the new Lib Dem template works on phones & tablets - how?! We’ve designed the new template to work on any size screen, regardless of whether this is a computer, phone or tablet - web pages automatically adjust themselves when viewed through a smaller screen. Neither you or the visitors to your website need to change any settings for this to work - it works immediately.!


How can I change the appearance of the new local Lib Dem template?! NationBuilder websites need to retain the new template design, to ensure general consistency:! • the branding (i.e. the logo design and placement)! • the font face of the ‘Liberal Democrats’ name and across the website! • the design of the navigation (i.e. the placement, colours and workings of the navigation)! You can however, change all of these aspects of the appearance:! • the wording that appears within the navigation! • the photos and imagery anywhere in the website! Page 4





the text anywhere in the website!

Can you confirm I have full control over the content in my local Lib Dem template?! You have full control over the content in your website and emails - the choice of words, pictures, text and video is entirely down to you, as you know your local supporters and potential voters better than anyone else. !


Is it obligatory for me to use NationBuilder?! No, it is optional.!


Can I use NationBuilder on my own without the Federal Party?! No. NationBuilder will only give access to Lib Dem organisations as part of the Federal Party setup (i.e. after signing a ‘Federal Party NationBuilder Agreement’).!


Can I use a dual-language version of NationBuilder in Wales?! Yes you can from early Summer 2014 - this would allow you to do the following:! • display two versions of the same website, one in each language! • identify whether someone who interacted with one of these websites and provided their email address did so in the English or Welsh language version of the website! • email supporters in the language of the website in which they initially entered their email address!


PRICING AND PAYMENT:! How much does NationBuilder cost?! NationBuilder charges licence fees on a monthly basis, starting at around £11/month. The size of this fee is based on a combination of two things: (i) the number of people you have in your Local NationBuilder Account and (ii) the number of email addresses you have within it. This means you only pay for what you need. In addition the Federal Party has negotiated a discount off these rates. Full details of these prices and the discount will be provided when you request your Local NationBuilder Account via!


Tell me about the discount we get on the NationBuilder fees?! Yes you do - there is a good discount available, the actual percentage of which will be provided to you on request (via at the time you request your Local NationBuilder Account.!


How do I pay these NationBuilder fees?! When your Local NationBuilder Account is set up you will be required to set up a direct debit between yourselves and the Federal Party to automatically pay your NationBuilder fees each month.!

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AVAILABILITY:! How soon can I get a NationBuilder account for my local area?! We will prioritise the rollout of NationBuilder in the following manner. These dates show the start of each phase, however, they are dependent on the number of organisations that need to be set up at the same time (i.e. if we receive too many requests at any one time we might need to defer the setting up of some NationBuilder accounts to a slightly later date):!



Lib Dem Organisation

Start of rollout*



Feb 2014



Mar 2014


Westminster candidates

Apr/May 2014


AMs and MSPs

June 2014



July 2014


Local parties

July 2014



Sept 2014

! * Notes:! - These represent the dates when the first organisation in each phase starts the process of using NationBuilder.! - Many of the phases will overlap.! - Many phases will take a number of months to complete.!

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GETTING STARTED WITH NATIONBUILDER! How do I get a local NationBuilder account?! You need to do four things to get your Local NationBuilder Account set up:! (i) apply to use NationBuilder via the form at: in which you need to:! • identify a person who will be your ‘Local NationBuilder Administrator’ - this person will be responsible for the payment of the NationBuilder fees and the security of your Local NationBuilder Account on behalf of your local organisation! • identify the person in your local area who is going to put the content into your new NationBuilder website! (ii) sign a ‘NationBuilder Local Agreement’, which LDHQ will supply ! (iii) set up a direct debit for the payment of the monthly Nationbuilder licence fees! (iv) commit to a date by when you will have created your new website - usually 3-4 weeks after it is set up for you (it has taken some Lib Dems only 3 days to create their new website using a person with no technical skill or prior NationBuilder knowledge).!


LDHQ will subsequently let you know when you are likely to have your Local NationBuilder Account setup so that you can start creating your new Nationbuilder website.! Page 6




! How does the 'Federal Party NB Agreement’ help protect us?! A ‘Federal Party NB Agreement’ is a formal agreement that each Local Lib Dem organisation (MEPs, MPs, AMs, MSPs, regions, local parties, councillors) needs to sign in order to use NationBuilder. The agreement covers a number of areas including safeguarding the use of the personal data of your voters/supporters (so we can help you comply with Data Protection legislation); access to the local NationBuilder account by local volunteers and staff (keeping your account secure); usage of the NationBuilder service (a contractual issue); the payment of the local fees owed to NationBuilder and the provision of the discount each local organisation obtains from NationBuilder. A signed agreement is required before any local volunteers or staff are given access to their Local NationBuilder Account.!


How do I set up NationBuilder for an MP/AM/MSP in my area?! • • •

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If your constituency is served by more than one local party you need to nominate a ‘Lead Party’ who will take overall responsibility for your NationBuilder account and payment.! If more than one party serves the constituency then all those parties, as well as the MP/AM/ MSP, will have access to each other's contact data (e.g. names & addresses).! Identify a single person (either in your single local party, or from the Lead Party) to be the ‘NationBuilder Local Administrator’ - the person responsible for the NationBuilder account on your behalf (e.g. to make payments, add/delete others who can access your NationBuilder account).! Identify if there are any Lib Dem Councillors in your area, then for each establish:! - if you want them to access the voter contact data (e.g. names and email addresses) of that NationBuilder account (i.e. the data of the MP/AM/MSP and all local parties who have access to the account)?! - if they require their own web page (you can give them a webpage, for their own publicity, without granting them access to the contact data)! - if you don't grant a councillor access to the voter contact data for the NationBuilder account, yet you're happy the councillor uses NationBuilder's data-gathering campaigning tools, such as petitions, that data will automatically be stored in the NationBuilder account but the councillor will not be able to access it (you will have to manually export the contact data they gather whenever they require it and email it to them separately)! Identify if you want the local Lib Dem Region to have access to your voter/supporter contact information, such as names/emails (if you do nothing the Region will not have access).! If you have a local MEP identify if you want them to have access to your voter/supporter contact information, such as names/emails (if you do nothing the MEP will not have access).!

How do I set up NationBuilder for a local party in my area?! •

Establish which of these approaches you wish to take:! a) with an MP/AM/MSP: you join with your MP/SM/MSP to share NationBuilder:! - the website will be displayed as the MP/AM/MSP website! - there are two options for you to have a local party website:! - within the MP/AM/MSP website will be an ‘About Us’ section, under which you can display local party information! Page 7






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- you can set up a separate 'satellite' website for the local party! you and the MP/AM/MSP have access to each other’s contact info, such as names/ emails! the local party is the owner of the NationBuilder account! the local party is responsible for complying with the Federal Party NB Agreement! the local party is responsible for the payment of the NationBuilder account fees.!

b) with other local parties: you join one or more other local parties on a shared NationBuilder account:! - you have a single NationBuilder account! - you create a separate website for each party ! - each party has access to each other’s voter/supporter contact information, such as names/emails! - the NationBuilder account fees are shared amongst the local parties! - one local party needs to be identified as the ‘Lead Party’ ! - the lead party is the owner of the NationBuilder account! - the lead party is responsible for complying with the Federal Party NB Agreement! - the lead party is responsible for the payment of the NationBuilder account fees.! c) as part of a Region: you, and possibly other local parties, join with the local Region on a shared NationBuilder account: ! - you have a single NationBuilder account! - you create a separate website for each local party! - you create a separate website for the Region! - each party has access to each other’s voter/supporter contact information, such as names/emails! - each party has access to the Region’s voter/supporter contact information, such as names/emails! - the Region has access to each local party’s contact info, such as names/emails! - the NationBuilder account fees are shared amongst the parties and the Region! - one local party, or the Region, needs to be identified as the ‘Lead Organisation’ ! - the Lead Organisation is the owner of the NationBuilder account! - the Lead Organisation is responsible for complying with the Federal Party NB Agreement! - the Lead Organisation is responsible for the payment of the NationBuilder account fees.! d) standalone: you become the sole NationBuilder account holder:! - you have a single NationBuilder account and website! - you are the owner of the NationBuilder account! - you are responsible for complying with the Federal Party NB Agreement! - you are responsible for the payment of the NationBuilder account fees.!

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Whichever of the above options you choose you need to:! • Identify a single person (either in your local party, or from the Lead Party) to be the ‘NationBuilder Local Administrator’; this is the person responsible for the NationBuilder account on your behalf (e.g. to make payments, add/delete others who can access your NationBuilder account).! • Identify if there are any Lib Dem Councillors in your area, then for each establish if:! - You want them to share your voter contact data (e.g. names and email addresses)! - They need their own web page (you can give them a webpage with or without granting them access to your contact data).! • Identify if you want the local Lib Dem Region to have access to your voter contact data (e.g. names and email addresses). If you do nothing the Region will not have access.! • If you have a local MEP identify if you want them to have access to your voter contact data (e.g. names and email addresses). If you do nothing the MEP will not have access.!


How do I set up NationBuilder for a councillor in my area?! •


Establish which of these approaches you wish to take:! e) with an MP/AM/MSP: you join with your MP/AM/MSP to share NationBuilder:! - the website will be displayed as the MP/AM/MSP website! - there are two options for you to have a councillor webpage/website:! - within the MP/AM/MSP website will be an ‘About Us’ section, under which you can display local party information! - you can set up a separate 'satellite' website for yourself! f)



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with one or more local parties: you join one or more other local parties on a shared NationBuilder account:! - there are two options for you to have a councillor website:! - within the relevant local party's website will be an ‘About Us’ section, under which you can display local party information! - you can set up a separate 'satellite' website for yourself!

g) as part of a Region: you, and possibly other local parties, join with the local Region on a shared NationBuilder account: ! - there are two options for you to have a councillor website:! - within the relevant local region's website might be an ‘About Us’ section, under which you can display local party information! - you can set up a separate 'satellite' website for yourself! h) standalone: you become the sole NationBuilder account holder:! - you have a single NationBuilder account and website! - you are the owner of the NationBuilder account! - you are responsible for complying with the Federal Party NB Agreement! - you are responsible for the payment of the NationBuilder account fees.!

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Whichever of the above options you choose you need to:! • be aware the decision regarding whether, or how much, you contribute to the NationBuilder fees for this account is a matter between you and any other organisation with whom you might be sharing the NationBuilder account (e.g. parties, MP/AM/MSP, region)! • be aware you will only have access to the voter contact data (e.g. names & emails) gathered by other relevant local organisations, such as local parties, the MP/AM/MSP, the region, if (i) that organisation is part of this NationBuilder account you're part of and (ii) each of those organisations decides to allow you to access their data ! • identify a single person (either in your local party, or from the Lead Party) to be the ‘NationBuilder Local Administrator’ - this is the person responsible for the NationBuilder account on your behalf (e.g. to make payments, add/delete others who can access your NationBuilder account).!


How do I set up NationBuilder for an MEP in my area?! •


Identify a single person to be the ‘NationBuilder Local Administrator’ - the person responsible for the NationBuilder account on your behalf (e.g. to make payments, add/delete others who can access your NationBuilder account)! be aware you will only have access to the voter contact data (e.g. names & emails) gathered by other relevant local organisations in your area, such as local parties, the MP/AM/MSP, the region, if each of those organisations decides to allow you to access their data.!

TRAINING AND SUPPORT! What training will you give?! To minimise the need for ‘training’ we will ensure each new NationBuilder account will already have the following set up so you don’t have to do so:! • the newly-designed Lib Dem template installed within it! • a set of most popular webpages ready for you into which you can quickly add your content (you can, of course, remove or alter these pages if you wish)!


In addition the owner of each Local NationBuilder Account will be enrolled onto an initial one hour online induction given by NationBuilder’s own staff, the purpose of which is to help you get up and running, if you feel you need that assistance.!


In the new Federal Party website you’ll find a redesigned ‘Oskar’ ( where we publish a variety of training and support material for members. Inside Oskar you’ll find a NationBuilder section that contains our simple ‘Quicksheets’ - these are designed to give you bitesized help on a range of tasks in using NationBuilder, for example: how to make new website pages and how to use NationBuilder’s email tool.!


Tell me about the ‘help’ information I can get hold of if I’ve got a problem I can’t solve?! In the first instance take a look at ‘Oskar’ ( to see if we’ve answered your question there.!

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! There is additional help information available via a ‘help’ button at the bottom of the ‘dashboard’ that your Local NationBuilder Administrator has access to.!


Alternatively, there is a very wide range of material available on NationBuilder’s own website that they have created to assist people in using NationBuilder: (it also contains a useful search tool that picks up a lot of answers from other NationBuilder users around the world). !


A NationBuilder Facebook User Group has been set up for use by Liberal Democrats:! • use it to ask a question amongst others to help solve any issue you might encounter! • use it to seek advice on running a campaign with NationBuilder! • find the group by searching for ‘Nationbuilder Users’ within Facebook! • the Connect Facebook User Group has been running for a number of years and now has over 1,000 registered members and has proved very valuable to those involved. !


If that doesn’t help, the Local NationBuilder Administrator of each NationBuilder account will have been given the email address of a member of NationBuilder’s staff who will be able to answer problems and help solve issues.!


EMAILS! How can I get my existing campaigning email contacts into NationBuilder?! You can easily do this, however, there are two conditions - these apply regardless of whether you use NationBuilder or another email provider:! a) you have previously asked the owners of those email addresses to opt-in and allow the Liberal Democrats to email them (i.e. a Data Protection legislation issue).! b) if these are casework/parliamentary emails addresses you can only move them into NationBuilder after asking the owners of those email accounts to allow you to do so - this is because you are:! • changing the purpose behind those emails away from their original parliament-focussed intention to a party campaigning intention (i.e. a Parliamentary Standards issue)! • changing the legal ‘Data Controller’ from Parliament to the Liberal Democrats (i.e. a Data Protection legislation issue).!


How can I get my existing casework email contacts into NationBuilder?! You can do this after you’ve confirmed with the recipient that they are happy about the following, if they agree - you do this by making them each opt-in to the Federal Party opt-in wording (we will supply a link to this - you will be notified about it within the Local NationBuilder Agreement):! • that you will be using their email address to campaign to them.! • that the ‘Liberal Democrats’ will be the data controller regarding the use of their email address.!

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What’s the benefit to local organisations in letting the Federal Party use their emails?! When you use NationBuilder you will benefit from any new email addresses the Federal Party gathers as part of its national campaigning. The Federal Party will automatically copy any new emails for any of voters/supporters living in your area into your NationBuilder account (updated daily once you’re on NationBuilder, starting in Summer 2014). The owners of these email addresses will have already given their approval for you to use their emails (i.e. they will be ‘optedin’ email addresses).!


How will I get hold of these new emails that the Federal Party gathers in my area?! As part of our Federal Party campaigning we will gather new email contacts. The emails of any voters/supporters living in the area of your NationBuilder account will be copied into your NationBuilder account by LDHQ (updated daily by Summer 2014). Depending on the volume of emails copied across this might have an effect on your NationBuilder fees, if it causes your account to move up into the next tier of fees (you should not be overly-concerned about this, as it provides you with more people you can easily ask for donations, which could offset some or all of the fees).!


How will the Federal Party treat my local emails with care?! Any emails gathered locally will be available for the Federal Party to use, but only on a controlled basis (i.e. it’s in everyone’s interests that the Federal Party uses these email addresses carefully). !


Any new emails available to the Federal Party will enter a 10 week ‘warm-up’ period. During that time they’ll typically receive 1-2 emails a month from the Federal Party, but no more. These messages will be positive in tone and seek to establish a relationship between the recipient and the party (no explicit donation requests will be made during this period).!


Recipients will move onto the Federal Party’s main Supporters List if:! • they’ve pro-actively engaged in campaigns in the warm-up period (within the initial 10 weeks).! • they’ve not unsubscribed by the end of the warm up period (week 11 onwards).!

! Once on the Federal Party’s Supporters List recipients will receive around 1 email/week.! !

If someone unsubscribes from one of the Federal Party emails, can I still email them?! Yes you can. Any Federal Party emails will include the standard option for the recipient to unsubscribe. However, this option only removes the recipient from the Federal Party email - it will not remove the recipient from your local emails - to do that they’d need to opt-out of your specific emails themselves.!


What information can I get from NationBuilder about the emails I send?! You’ll see a range of information for email ‘campaigns’ you send from your NationBuilder account:! • the number of email addresses the email was sent to.! • the number of people who opened the email, as well as the ‘open rate’ (= % sent vs opened). ! • the number of people who clicked in the email, as well as the ‘click rate’ (= % sent vs clicked). !

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! DONATIONS! How will I receive any donations made to my local NationBuilder website?! Once a month LDHQ will make a payment equal to 100% of the donations obtained via that Local NationBuilder Account to the associated bank account. !


How will local organisations benefit from donations the Federal Party raises?! When you use NationBuilder you will earn a share of the digital donations the Federal Party receives via NationBuilder as follows:! • you will keep all of the donations you receive through any local campaigning you do via your NationBuilder Account’s website and emails, minus a modest transaction charge made because of the payment provider! • a proportion of the donations the Federal Party receives through the national campaigning it does via the Federal Party NationBuilder Account* will be shared with the ‘relevant local party’ within which the email’s owner is resident - this is called the ‘Federal Donation Share’ (FDS)! • the proportion of the Federal donation that will be shared with you will be confirmed to you at the time your Local NationBuilder Account is set up via! • the payment of the FDS from the Federal Party to the relevant local party will be made on a quarterly basis at the same time as the payment of any quarterly ‘Membership Service Fee’ and to the same bank account! • exclusions to the payment of this FDS:! - we will suspend the reimbursement of any donations during any by-election for a Westminster seat - this is to ensure any national donations during that period form part of the ‘fighting fund’ of the by-election concerned (i.e. during a Westminster by-election no reimbursements will be ‘earned’ or paid anywhere in the country, regardless of whether a local party is inside or outside the by-election constituency)! - these payments will not be made to parties who have chosen not to use NationBuilder! - postal, phone or in-person donations to the Federal Party are excluded from the FDS.! Notes:! * the sharing of Federal Party-generated donations is only from those donations received via NationBuilder, not from elsewhere, such as by post, in-person or by phone.!

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PRIVACY! How do I get my Casework emails into NationBuilder?! You can do this after you’ve confirmed with the recipient that they are happy about the following, if they agree - you do this by making them each opt-in to the Federal Party opt-in wording (we will supply a link to this - you will be notified about it within the Local NationBuilder Agreement):! • that you will be using their email address to campaign to them.! • that the ‘Liberal Democrats’ will be the data controller regarding the use of their email address.!


How do I use your standard ‘opt-in’ wording on my local website?! Each local NationBuilder account will be provided with a link to the standard Lib Dems privacy statement and a link to the opt-in text for each Local NationBuilder Account. It is important that you do NOT copy and paste this wording into a page on your website, but that you link through to it. The reason for this is for your own protection - if we need to update the wording of either of these, due to any changes in Data Protection legislation, it will allow us to do so and ensure you remain compliant with the current law without you needing to update these statements yourself.!


If I have existing email addresses, where the owner has already opted-in to receiving Lib Dem emails, can I transfer those into NationBuilder?! Yes you can easily do this.!


NationBuilder is based in the US, so is it ‘Safe Harbor’ compliant?! Yes NationBuilder are ‘Safe Harbor’ compliant (see:!


Is ‘Safe Harbor’ compliance still legal?! We have had legal advice that the EU ‘Safe-harbor’ agreement is still valid until such time as the EU determines otherwise. Even if it is renegotiated at some point it is felt by those involved that it wouldn’t suddenly be revoked. Our legal advice on this matter is that as long as NationBuilder is a ‘Safe Harbor-certified organisation’ (which it is) we can lawfully exchange data with NationBuilder.!


For further information:! • NationBuilder’s Safe Harbour approach:! • NationBuilder’s Safe Harbor certification: id=18289 ! • Safe Harbour legislation: !


How do you help us comply with current cookie legislation?! The Lib Dem NationBuilder template that is supplied to each local NationBuilder account includes a cookie notification method that is presented to (i) each new visitor to that local website and (ii) each returning visitor who has turned off cookies on their browser. This complies with current cookie legislation, whereby visitors are to be made aware when websites use tracking cookies.!

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SHARING DATA WITH OTHER LIB DEMS! Does NationBuilder share MP/AM/MSP or local party data with MEPs?! No - the default position is that any data held within a NationBuilder account is not shared with anyone until the owner of that account gives authorisation for it to be shared. However, the owner of a NationBuilder account can choose to share data from their account with as many other NationBuilder Accounts as they wish.!


Does NationBuilder share MP/AM/MSP or local party data with Regions?! No - the default position is that any data held within a NationBuilder account is not shared with anyone until the owner of that account gives authorisation for it to be shared. However, the owner of a NationBuilder account can choose to share data from their account with as many other NationBuilder Accounts as they wish.!


Does NationBuilder share MP/AM/MSP or local party data with local councillors?! No - the default position is that any data held within a NationBuilder account is not shared with anyone until the owner of that account gives authorisation for it to be shared. However, the owner of a NationBuilder account can choose to share data from their account with as many other NationBuilder Accounts as they wish.!

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CONNECT AND NATIONBUILDER! How do I keep emails in Connect updated with new emails from NationBuilder?! On a monthly basis the Federal Party will update Connect with any emails* for your area that you or the Federal Party capture via NationBuilder. For any person with an email in NationBuilder:! • if a person matches a record in My Voters their email will be copied into My Voters. ! • if a person does not match a record in My Voters their email will be copied into My Campaign.! • if a person matches a record in My Campaign their email will be copied into My Campaign.! Notes:! * We will only copy email addresses to Connect where we are confident of a match between the record of that person in NationBuilder with a corresponding record in Connect. This means we need to have a name and significant amount of their postal address (as a minimum the first line of their address and their postcode) in order to be confident of a match. We will then update NB with the relevant VAN ID or My Campaign ID of any email address added to Connect.!


How do I keep emails in NationBuilder updated with new emails I store in Connect?! On a monthly basis the Federal Party will update NB with any emails for your area that you or the Federal Party capture via Connect.!


How do I identify a group of people in Connect then email them from NationBuilder?! Like today, if you are using Connect to identify a group of people who you want to email, once you have done so you will have to export these emails into your email tool (in this case NationBuilder). It’s an easy process - one that should take no more than 10 minutes once you know what you’re doing. !


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NationBuilder will identify for you any emails it couldn’t send (e.g. if it didn’t have an opt-in for that recipient, or that email address no longer existed). If you wanted to phone them, or post them a letter, you could import those failed emails back into Connect to record that contact within Connect.!


How do I update Connect with any information I capture via NationBuilder in petitions, surveys and events?! If you wanted to do this you would need to export that data from NationBuilder and import it into Connect (once a month the Federal Party will be copying the VANID and/or MyCampaignID into NationBuilder to help you do so).!


How will I get my emails from NationBuilder into Connect?! Once your local NationBuilder website is live, within four weeks of you importing your (opted-in) emails into NationBuilder then the Federal Party will copy these emails* into Connect on your behalf so that your NationBuilder and Connect contacts are in sync. !

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MEMBERSHIP AND NATIONBUILDER! How will you copy member information from SalesForce into NationBuilder?! The Federal Party will update NationBuilder with any changed membership details in SalesForce that are relevant to NationBuilder (e.g. changed name, phone, email) on an ongoing basis (weekly from April; daily from Autumn).!


How will you copy member information from NationBuilder into SalesForce?! The Federal Party will update SalesForce with any changed membership details that occur in NationBuilder (e.g. someone changes email address). This will be carried out on an ongoing basis (weekly from April; daily from Autumn).!


How will you copy member information from SalesForce into Connect?! The Federal Party will update Connect with any changed membership details that occur in NationBuilder (e.g. someone changes their email address). This will be carried out at least quarterly.

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