How to deal with fail antoaneta
February 13, 2019
How to deal with fail- understanding background is the first step to overcome it Dare I say there is no person in the world that at some point in their life is not feeling like a failure or is dealing with a situation that has been failing. In order to break the old pattern of behaviour it is necessary to understand why we all feel this way, the feeling of the missed opportunity. Only when we understand our psychology and the inner programs of our mind, we can deliberately decide that the next time we do not play the role of a failure, we rather uphold the lesson learned. The feeling of failure or failing in a determined situation comes from the belief that there is only one chance to do something and if we did not succeed this time, we missed the opportunity and feel like losing. We must not ignore the fact that at this moment the universe may be saving us from something we do not need at this moment. There are things we can control like our thoughts and our actions, while circumstances outside are not on that list. It is very important to understand that to put pressure on ourselves to always succeed because it is “a characteristic of successful people�. This can not be further from the truth. The characteristics of successful people are that each time they are failing in any way 1/2
they continue further: persistence and work. But the other people do not see that part, they only see the successes. Before that success, there were a lot of work and patience. It is the best for you and your development when you make a “mistake” because only then you can really learn. When everything goes down the line, it is a great feeling, but there are no knowledge and development. As you “fail”, the path of learning and growing show itself. And as a result of your work and persistence, the next time you will succeed.
To know how to deal with fail is to know why do we feel it. It is crucial to change our definition of failure. We can see it as: something is wrong with us, we are not good enough. Or we can look at it as a chance to learn something new, to overcome new knowledge or skill. The only way you will fail is if you give up. If work on something long enough, there’s no way you won’t succeed. There are only two options: to succeed or to learn. Failure is not one of them. Share Tweet Share +1