Is multitasking bad antoaneta
March 22, 2019
Is multitasking bad? The concept that leads to unfulfilled life. “Multitasking is overrated – I’d rather do one thing well than many things badly. Quality supersedes quantity every time.” ― Stewart Stafford In a world where time is money, it is important to be effective with your time so you can get the most out of it. Unfortunately, such a way of life has more counterfeits than benefits. To understand the idea of multitasking we have to travel back in time. Long time ago life looked completely different. It was simpler and slower, and the problems were different. The focus was about gathering food, surviving winter and similar difficulties. In fact, our only goal was to maintain the species and survival. To achieve this goal, a mechanism such as stress production is needed. If our life is in danger, production of stress 1/4
hormone cortisol is a key. The purpose of this process is to activate the parts of the body that are needed for survival. There is no need for other systems such as the immune system, the digestive system, etc. As we don’t need those systems to escape, they will we shut down temporarily until we get to a safe mode. Everything that is not needed is not working at the minute and the natural activation starts when we stop being stressed and we continue with the normal way of life. Can you imagine a life stuck in the stress phase for years? The naturally perfect mechanism called our body has been in the state of survival for years and we cannot live full potential. It is important to understand how our body works to understand the impact of multitasking on it. We have been taught that in order to become a valuable worker or a member of society, it is crucially important to have control at all times and to accomplish this is inevitable to do several things at the same time. Take an example of our everyday lives. You’re finally home after at least 8 hours of work and you’re preparing a family meal, at the same time you’re listening to the radio, cutting the vegetables, and probably counting what else you have to do before sleep. You do all the chores at the same time to finish it as early as possible so you can finally take a break.
We are doing ourselves even more harm! By doing so many things at the same time, we create a sense of pressure. We are in a situation where our focus is scattered on so many sides and we cannot focus on any of them. Leaving under impression of now having enough time leaves us stressed and in a rush. Now we know effects of those emotions on our body. We live under the illusion that there is not enough time and to accomplish anything it is necessary to do several things at the same time. That is completely wrong!
Is multitasking bad for us? By doing things at the same time the quality is far smaller. Lack of presence in the moment leads to not enjoying the process of fulfilling the tasks and therefore the life itself. Actually, instead of living the life, unfortunately we choose to live the “to do list” without being present. Imagine the life in which we devote ourselves to everything 2/4
we are experiencing. 100% of attendance and dedication to anything we do has far greater effect than multitasking. Results are far better but more important, we are present in what we do and that gives us the feeling of awareness. Instead of focusing on the ultimate result of the job we are enjoying the whole journey. We feel more relaxed and enjoying the process of life instead of running to finish the “to do list”. Therefore, instead of living our “to do list”, live consciously at every moment with a 100% dedication to the moment. Observe your life with your whole being and watch the transformation of your existence. “We are the generation capable of doing many things at once, without enjoying any of them..” ― Dinesh Kumar Biran With love,
Antoaneta Kozic No labels, just human