Law of attraction not working?

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Law of attraction not working

Law of attraction not working? Or you have to change something? The law of attraction is an extremely powerful technique, if we know how to use it. Let’s start from the beginning, for all of those who may have not heard about the law of attraction, it is one of the basic laws of the universe and works on a principle that you can attract whatever you focus on. If you put your focus on positivity as a result you will attract positive manifestation such as positive people, situations… Basically, what you think is what you get. There is more to it than just our focus. We’re the energy that vibrates at a certain frequency. The range of our vibration can be wide and it depends on what kind of life we will lead. Vibration determines our thoughts; our thoughts then become feelings and cause certain situations in our lives through the pronounced words. Everything we see or experience comes from the vibration.


Our vibration attracts things to our life that are on the same frequency as our vibration. Have you ever noticed that the rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer, this is the result of this law!

Is the law of attraction working? Well, the right question would be: Do we know how to use it? If we understand the way law of attraction functions, we can manifest whatever we want in our life. Sounds too good? Suddenly, you are not victim anymore, you become a creator. There is a catch that most people forget about. To understand the law, we must go into the psychology of a human. Besides our thoughts, vibration is reflected in feelings, inner programs, and spoken words. It is not enough just to repeat the words because most often our internal frequency is completely different from these words. We are repeating those words but our whole being vibrate on another frequency. These might be the reasons why the law of attraction is not working for you: Imagine a man who have heard about the law of attraction and decided to change his financial condition by repeating the words: “I am rich; I don’t have any debts…”. As we sad before, words have vibration but our feelings or emotional engagement have a vibration as well. The same man has a subconscious belief that money is bad, that money breaks people apart… That belief is created through the experience during his lifetime. Though he speaks words at a certain vibration, his feelings says different and draws a different. The same man says “I want more money” but actually thinks about lack of money as that is his current situation. It is our ability to have personalized experience. We are very much aware of our current problems and it became hard to separate. Seeing life and being emotional is what makes as humans. Separate from our perception and emotional engagement to attract what we like is the key to manifest. The third situation is when a man does visualization practice, but forgets to do the action. Law of attraction is not a technique that justifies laziness and lets us be a couch potato wishing to manifest all that happens when we leave comfort zone. The law of attraction helps us to make things happened as easy as we want if we resonate with it, but he will not do all the work for us. Let’s imagine as it is opening the door, but we’re the ones that need to go through. 2/3

Once I observed myself in these situations, it became much easier to practice Law of attraction as I finally understood how it works. Suddenly I was able to manifest huge changes in my life without any effort. I can recommend you the book The secret which is a great start to prosperity and growth. There is a movie The secret inspired by the book as well. Be prepared to be inspired!!


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