2 minute read
Earth Club Takes Root


New club focuses on environmental awareness and cleanup opportunities
by Paige Bostic, Co-Editor-In-Chief of The Ledger
Liberty offers a plethora of extracurricular activities for the interested student, from athletics to the fine arts to aviation. As more and more student-led organizations emerge, younger students are taking on the opportunity to form their own clubs. The observant schoolgoer may have recently caught flyers in the hallways for the Earth Club, a new club founded by freshman Clara Walker.
The Earth Club seeks to organize fundraisers and cleanup opportunities to promote sustainability and purification of the planet. It meets in room 447, supervised by Mrs. Hall, on Wednesdays during A.I. every other week.
LHS Publications interviewed Walker, club founder and president, on the budding club and what goes on during its meetings.
“I came up with the idea for the club about a month ago, but it took me a couple weeks to come up with ideas and make sure I had everything figured out,” explained Walker. “We had our first meeting last week, [February] 23!”
The club serves as a haven for young environmentalists who are interested in programs that tackle issues like pollution and our carbon footprint. “l knew there were a lot of ways we around the school can improve our waste and footprint, so I figured I’d make a club dedicated to it,” Walker said.
Though the club is just starting out, it seeks to spread awareness about issues such as climate change and global warming.
“I hope that by spreading awareness of global warming issues, how people contribute to them, and how they can improve people will be encouraged and informed,” Walker remarked. The club also seeks to spread awareness on how small everyday tasks can add up to a weighty carbon footprint, which overall adds to higher greenhouse gas emissions, perpetuating global warming.
On current projects, Walker said: “We are working in conjunction with Garden Club to plant in the community garden, plant shrubs in front of school and host a special Earth Day activity on April 22!”
Any student interested in joining Earth Club can visit club sponsor Mrs. Hall in room 447 and find information on the bulletin boards in the hallways.
photo by Paige Bostic photo by Jax Drezek

Club founder and president Clara Walker stands with a flyer promoting Earth Club. Earth Club participants discuss the group’s plans during a meeting.