Liberty Newspost Apr-22-10

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E-reader News Edition

- 22/04/10

Honk! Wheeze! Atchoo! It’s getting hot in Washington, and it’s not just the weather Deborah Zabarenko (Front Row Washington) Submitted at 4/21/2010 11:38:45 AM

Spring in Washington means cherry blossoms, azaleas and a collective wet sneeze from the hundreds of thousands of allergy sufferers in the region. This year, a long snow-covered winter may actually have protected plants while an early burst of summer-like temperatures called forth the blossoms, creating what felt to many like a pollen bomb. Plants that would usually have bloomed in an orderly sequence — forsythia, daffodils, tulips, cherry blossoms, dogwood, azaleas and lilacs — are all flowering together. Cars, streets, pets and other plants are covered with a gritty yellow-green sneeze-inducing residue.

Allergy symptoms are the common result, and they cost a bundle. It doesn’t help that Washington is part of a U.S. trend spurred by climate change, with the signs of spring coming about 10 days earlier than they did two decades ago. That means some missed connections in the natural world, as some plants and animals adapt better than others to the early onset of spring. There’s another kind of early heat settling in over the U.S. capital, and that’s the run-up to new legislation to curb planetwarming greenhouse gas emissions, the next priority for the Obama administration now that health care reform has passed through Congress. The compromise legislation is expected to be unveiled next

over the 150 years or so simply can’t be accounted for. Lots of this extra heat is stashed in the world’s oceans, scientists report. But the rest of it has to go someplace and researchers haven’t figured out where. Is there any possibility that this missing heat is what’s fueling those volcanic eruptions in Iceland? “The answer is a definite no,” says Kevin Trenberth, a climate scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Colorado. The volcanic heat week, a few days after Earth might help solve the missing Day on April 22. heat conundrum if it were As Washington deals with this substantial enough, but it isn’t. meteorological and legislative “On a global basis, the amount warming trend, scientists are (of heat from the Icelandic concerned about some heat that volcano) is very tiny and at least has apparently gone missing. an order of magnitude too About half of the excess heat small.” generated by human activities The volcano has been enough

Deadliest Catch Videos (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed) Submitted at 4/21/2010 1:00:00 PM

(more info) PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Five Filters featured article: Term Extraction. Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools:

to have an impact on some events in Washington, including this weekend’s meeting of global financial leaders. Some participants have been stranded elsewhere or delayed in arriving, even as the volcanic ash cloud moved off and air travel from Europe resumed. They’ll participate by videoconference if they can’t get here, meeting organizers at the World Bank and International Monetary Fund say. For more Reuters political news, click here. Photo credits: Reuters/Jim Young (cherry blossoms, Washington, March 25, 2010); Reuters/ Lucas Jackson (Lava spews from a volcano as it erupts near Eyjafjallajokull, Iceland, April 19, 2010)


Headline/ News Wire/ Culture/ Business/

E-reader News Edition

Senate Republicans keeping powder dry on START treaty Susan Cornwell (Front Row Washington) Submitted at 4/21/2010 4:27:00 PM

There appears to be no rush among Senate Republicans to finish what President Barack Obama STARTed when he signed the new arms reduction treaty recently with Russia’s Dmitry Medvedev. At a closed-door meeting Wednesday on Capitol Hill, Senate Republicans listened to arms experts and leaders in their caucus discuss the deal, a follow -on to the 1991 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty. But the general feeling in the room was that it was way too early to decide whether the new START merited a thumbs-up or thumbs-down from the Senate, some participants said. “I think everybody wants to see the full language before making a decision,” said Senator George LeMieux of Florida after the meeting. “There are all the appendices (to the treaty) that we have not seen,” he said. Those are expected to be sent to the Senate

by the Obama administration next month, along with the treaty itself. Senator Jon Kyl, the Republican party’s whip in the Senate, told Reuters it would “undoubtedly” be months before he announces his decision on whether to back the new START. “There is a long way to go

Obama’s Democrats have the majority in the Senate but will need some Republicans to approve the treaty, for which a two-thirds vote is required. The administration, and Senate Democrats, would like to get the pact approved by the end of this year. But the chamber has a large workload, including tougher regulation of the financial industry and confirmation of a Supreme Court nominee. Only one Republican senator, Richard Lugar, has said that he expects to support the new START. Lugar is the ranking Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Kyl and another high-profile Republican senator, John before anybody can really make McCain, have warned that it an informed judgment about the will be difficult for the Senate to treaty,” he said. approve the arms reduction pact The new START treaty, which w i t h o u t a “ f u l l y f u n d e d ” cuts the arsenals of deployed program to modernize the nuclear warheads in both r e m a i n i n g U . S . n u c l e a r countries by about 30 percent, w e a p o n s . must be approved by the Senate Photo credit: Reuters/Jason a s w e l l a s t h e R u s s i a n Reed (Obama and Medvedev parliament before it can go into after signing new START) force.

deed. What is there to say about sex? It fuels entire industries, destroys political careers and Making love. A roll in the hay. results in a whole lot of babies. The mattress mambo. Doin' the Ready to test how much you Submitted at 4/21/2010 1:00:00 PM

(Reuters: Top News) Submitted at 4/22/2010 8:13:05 AM

Thomson Reuters is the world's largest international multimedia news agency, providing investing news, world news, business news, technology news, headline news, small business news, news alerts, personal finance, stock market, and mutual funds information available on, video, mobile, and interactive television platforms. Thomson Reuters journalists are subject to an Editorial Handbook which requires fair presentation and disclosure of relevant interests. NYSE and AMEX quotes delayed by at least 20 minutes. Nasdaq delayed by at least 15 minutes. For a complete list of exchanges and delays, please click here. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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The Ultimate Sex Quiz (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed)

European flights back to normal Thursday

Submitted at 4/22/2010 9:30:00 AM

know about sex? As Marvin Term Extraction. Gaye would say, let's get it on. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS,

Headline/ Technology/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition

No head-butting, judge tells Blagojevich Andrew Stern (Front Row Washington) Submitted at 4/21/2010 3:38:32 PM

No head-butting, no fighting, no macho posturing, the judge overseeing former Illinois G o v e r n o r R o d Blagojevich’s upcoming corruption trial said on Wednesday. If the federal courtroom is sounding more like a boxing r i n g , t h e disgraced politician suggested as much. On Tuesday Blagojevich called out prosecutor U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, telling reporters “I hope you’re man enough to be there (in court) tomorrow too.” Blagojevich adopted a calmer tone after Judge James Zagel told both sides he alone would decide which evidence would be heard and that he would “not permit the legal equivalent of head-butting.” Boxing matches have rules, just like trials, the judge said, noting combatants can retreat to a

neutral corner. “I’m relieved,” Blagojevich said. “The judge appears to be a very fair man.” Blagojevich, indicted and ousted from office last year, says he is innocent of trying to sell the U.S. Senate seat once held by President Barack Obama and other charges. He urged anyone willing to listen to judge him

said. Prosecutors have asked the judge to prevent the defense from arguing during the trial that not all the tapes were being played. In a recent filing, prosecutors also said Blagojevich’s wife, Patti, received thousands of dollars in real estate commissions without doing any work, though she has not been charged. “Those are fighting words,” Blagojevich’s attorney Sam Adam Sr. said. “If you attack Patti, that’s it… . We had to hold him (Blagojevich) back.” Blagojevich had reacted by calling prosecutors “liars and based on a hearing of all the cowards.” government’s tape recordings of Fitzgerald was not in court on him while he was in office. Wednesday. His spokesman had He says he was engaged in no comment. “political horse-trading” and The fight, er, trial, is set to nothing more. begin June 3. Zagel said he would determine Photo credit: Reuters/Jeff how many of the roughly 500 Haynes (Blagojevich addresses hours of court-approved tapes reporters at a news conference would be heard. “The rules are in Chicago in December 2008) determined by the referee. I’m the referee. I decide,” Zagel


Wise Words: Live Like Nobody's Watching Editors (Daily Woman's Day Blog) Submitted at 4/22/2010 6:30:00 AM

Here's a little bit of inspiration to make your day fun, fabulous and full of joy. When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It's to enjoy each step along the way. —Wayne Dyer What's been your favorite step in life so far? Have a favorite quote? Send it t o u s a t with your name, city and state. You might be featured in an upcoming Wise Words post! Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Posterous Adds "Like" Buttons Curt Hopkins (ReadWriteWeb)

and the blog it's on is "shared" to Facebook For designers, inserting a "like" B u i l d i n g o n F a c e b o o k ' s tag in a theme and adjusting the OpenGraph API, Posterous has href attribute to whichever page added Facebook Like buttons to they want a user to Like will all of its standard themes today. create a Facebook-facing button Click a Posterous Like button for that theme. Submitted at 4/21/2010 10:50:00 PM

Sponsor Facebook's recent changes include proliferating the number of pages in its system by transforming profile fields and interest areas into discrete pages

and allowing app developers to retain user data for a longer period of time and, of course, the out-of-the-box Like function. Facebook's size, and the likely increase in its web gravity, is no doubt inspiring developers from

horizon to horizon to include Like buttons and like features in their products. Expect a significant upturn in Jack Horner references. Discuss


Headline/ Technology/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition

Bristol Palin says she got calls after Mom’s e-mail hacked Andrew Stern (Front Row Washington)

year-old son of a Democratic state legislator. Kernell faces several years in prison if Submitted at 4/21/2010 5:10:53 PM convicted of fraud, identity theft By Robby O’Daniel and other charges. A Tennessee college student on Prosecutors say Kernell was trial for hacking into Sarah angling for information to Palin’s e-mail account and damage Sarah Palin, Republican posting it on the Web during the John McCain’s running mate in 2008 presidential campaign the campaign. heard from Palin’s daughter, Kernell has pleaded not guilty Bristol, who testified she was t o w h a t h i s l a w y e r s a i d flooded with phone calls as a amounted to a misguided prank. result. Kernell had been intrigued by One call to the then-17-year- published reports that Palin used old’s cell phone came in the the e-mail account for state middle of the night at the family business as governor of Alaska, home in Wasilla, Alaska, from and he had managed to guess “a bunch of boys” who claimed the answers to the account’s to be outside the house and security questions and changed wanted to be let in. the password. “That was scary because we Some of the e-mails Kernell lived in the middle of nowhere,” made accessible on the Web Bristol Palin told the jury at the included Bristol Palin’s cell trial of David Kernell, the 22- phone number, and others had

photographs of Palin’s children. Bristol Palin testified she had been frightened by the flood of calls she received in September 2008, and turned over the cell phone to Secret Service agents after the contents of the account were posted online. Both her parents were on the campaign trail at the time and, after the cell phone was canceled, she had difficulty contacting them, she said. Palin’s former assistant, Frank Bailey, testified that he had set up the e-mail account for his boss, but warned Palin’s husband Todd that it was not secure. Among the security questions were where Todd attended high school: Wasilla High.

Fix Gadgets and Contribute Repair Tips at The New iFixit [Gadgets] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker)

relaunched the site with a wiki focus, letting everyone read and write about fixing all their electronics. More »

Submitted at 4/22/2010 7:00:00 AM

iFixit is the site you might know for tearing apart, and offering detailed fix-it guides

and parts suppliers, for Apple products. On Earth Day, they've

New York Times Reports Q1 Profit, Digital Ad Revenues Now 26% Of Total Robin Wauters (TechCrunch) Submitted at 4/22/2010 8:27:26 AM

After significantly scaling down costs, The New York Times Company this morning announced upbeat Q1 2010 results, reporting a profit and growing digital advertising sales. NYT’s operating profit grew more than fivefold in the first quarter of 2010, to$83.3 million compared with $16.4 million in the first quarter of 2009. Total revenues were down 3.2% in Q1, to $587.9 million from $607.1 million in the same period last year. That’s not bad news, considering that the media company reported a decline of 11.5 percent in last quarter before that (Q4 2009). Could this be signs of a turn-around? Interestingly, The New York Times Company reported solid growth in digital advertising revenues (up 18 percent), offsetting an expected but rather significant decrease in print advertising across the board as revenue dropped 12 percent. Total revenues for the quarter declined ‘only’ 6 percent in the first quarter of 2010 compared to the same period the year before, in large part thanks to

the rise in digital sales revenue. Noteworthy: online advertising revenues now make up more than a quarter of the company’s total advertising revenues: it rose to 26 percent in the first quarter, up from 20 percent in the year before and 23.5 percent in the third quarter of 2009. The company’s Internet businesses include,, and other Web sites. In the first quarter, total Internet revenues increased 15.5 percent to $90.4 million from $78.2 million, and online advertising revenues increased 18.3 percent to $80.0 million from $67.6 million. Internet advertising revenues at the News Media Group increased 11.2 percent to $46.9 million from $42.2 million due to strong growth in national display advertising, while classified advertising is still hurting. The paper intends to start charging for some of its content next year. CrunchBase Information New York Times Information provided by CrunchBase

World News/ Food/

E-reader News Edition


Taleban defectors 'are rejoining insurgency' (World News from Times Online) Submitted at 4/22/2010 5:12:52 AM

Almost a quarter of the lowranking Taleban commanders lured out of the insurgency in southern Afghanistan have rejoined the fight because of broken government promises and paltry rewards, a scathing report on reintegration claims. Nato plans to spend more than $1 billion (£648 million) over the next five years tempting Taleban foot soldiers to lay down their arms. But research by a Kabul-based thinktank warns that those efforts could make matters worse by swelling the ranks of the insurgency, exacerbating village level feuds and fuelling government corruption. The report, titled Golden Surrender, by the independent Afghanistan Analysts Network, is highly critical of the Britishbacked Peace and Reconciliation Scheme (PTS), established in 2005, which it says has been left to flounder under bad leadership with neither the political nor the financial capital it required. It is those rotten foundations on which Nato and the Afghan

government must now build as part of its two-pronged negotiation strategy of reaching out to insurgent fighters while offering political accommodation to their ideological masters. Nato claims there are up to 36,000 Taleban foot soldiers, most of them are fighting in southern Afghanistan. The PTS claims to have reconciled just 646, less than 2 per cent, over five years, including 33 commanders. “Several of these have reportedly rejoined the insurgency, including a number of low to mid-level commanders who are currently active in Helmand…Uruzgan and Kandahar," the report says. One man identified as Mullah Mirza was reported to have returned to fight in Marjah, in Helmand, where thousands of US, British and Afghan troops launched Operation Moshtarak earlier this year. A second commander, identified only as Azizullah, is reportedly fighting in Kajaki, also in Helmand, where British troops are repairing a massive hydroelectric dam. Their efforts have been put on hold because engineers cannot get enough

concrete through Taleban-held towns nearby. Two others are fighting in Uruzgan, where US, Dutch and Australian troops are based, and the remaining four are active in Kandahar, the research found. Nato plans to launch a major operation in Kandahar in the summer. “Most of these commanders were inactive for six to 18 months, waiting for the PTS to deliver on its promises,” the report says. “Once it became apparent that no support would be forthcoming they simply rejoined the fight.” The Times was unable to corroborate the report’s findings, partly because Taleban commanders change their names every few months and the eight men referred to are not well known. But officials in southern Afghanistan said it was known that fighters had reconciled and then reverted to the insurgency in the past. “During my tenure as governor, two or three times the Taleban came through PTS and then went back to the Government,” the former governor of Uruzgan province, Engineer Assadullah Hamdam, told The Times.

Fighters are rarely motivated by money alone, the report says, but a complex mix including status, grievances with the Government, anger at civilian casualties and long-held personal enmities. Reports of millions of dollars available to lure these people out of the fight risks tempting more people to join the insurgency – albeit temporarily – to benefit. Meanwhile, loyal government supporters “may become resentful, even hostile, if they see resources being channelled to antigovernment groups”. Protecting fighters who opt to swap sides will also prove difficult if the Taleban carry out threats of retribution. Major General Richard Barrons, who heads Nato’s reintegration taskforce, told The Times last month that Nato would back community defence initiatives, which critics have branded militias, to protect communities who swap sides. “Until we have grown the police we need a mechanism that delivers security, without fixing all the force that we have now,” he said. “It’s very likely that the Local Defence Initiative will be part of

the reintegration solution.” A report by the Afghan NGO Safety Office, which provides independent security advice to charities across Afghanistan, warned that the first such scheme in eastern Afghanistan “not only devastated those areas with inter-tribal conflict but also appears to have ignited a power struggle within [a] neighbouring... district as tribal leaders there vie for a similar deal”. The bleak quarterly assessment warns charity staff to prepare for Nato’s withdrawal by late 2011. “We note that International military forces have made their withdrawal contingent on being able to demonstrate two key… conditions: a degraded armed opposition and an improved government security force,” it states. “We assess, perhaps cynically, that there is an awareness neither of these conditions can be genuinely extant in time and so strategies to create the perception of them are being pursued instead.” Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

seasonal flavor. Learn to choose and use each season's best.

Five Filters featured article: Term Extraction. Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS,

Spring Clean Your Diet (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)

What's in Season?

Winter, spring, summer, and fall each offer their own unique fruits and vegetables for distinct


World News/ Technology/

E-reader News Edition

German bishop ‘who beat orphans’ resigns (World News from Times Online) Submitted at 4/22/2010 6:01:28 AM

The resignation of the conservative Bishop of Augsburg – accused of thrashing orphans with a carpet beater – has given a powerful boost to reformers in the German Catholic Church who are trying to stop the mass desertion of believers. It took almost three weeks to persuade the controversial bishop, Walter Mixa, 68, to step down and restore the credibility of the Church as it attempts to tackle and contain the growing scandal of physical and sexual abuse of children in its care. The bishop is a close ally of Pope Benedict XVI and he had evidently counted on papal support as he stood firm against claims from at least six former pupils at a Catholic-run orphanage in Bavaria. At an Easter service he declared that he had a "clean heart." Yesterday evening he surrendered. " I beg forgiveness from all those to whom I may have been unfair, from all those to whom I have caused anxiety, " the bishop said. A special investigator and a Munich lawyer are now investigating the claims against him. He has also been accused of using church funds to buy artworks.

The resignation of the bishop – part of a conservative axis that includes Bishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller of Regensburg and Cardinal Joachim Meisner in Cologne – is the culmination of a power struggle in the hierachy. Conservative clergy have been trying to maintain a strict boundary between church and state – and thus resist the meddling of state prosecutors in the abuse scandals. For them church power still rests on its ability to keep its secrets and thus its authority over believers. Reformers such as the Bishop of Fulda, Heinz Josef Algermissen, have been pressing for a more open institutional investigation. "It is a relief for the Catholic Church in Germany. It had become a heavy burden," said Alois Glueck, chairman of the Central Council of Catholics yesterday. The resignation of the bishop was a personal tragedy for Bishop Mixa, he said. "A more open approach from the start could perhaps have led to a different outcome." The resignation may have come just in time for the Church. One opinion poll shows that 45 per cent of German Catholics believe that the Pope is doing a bad job. Many parishes are reporting large numbers of their flock

officially renouncing their religion – one in five Catholics in Germany says he or she is considering leaving the church. The number of Catholics in Germany has dropped from 28 million in 1991 to 25 million in 2009, with the steepest decline since the Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger assumed the papacy. Bishop Mixa was for many younger Catholics a symbol of what was wrong. He seemed to enjoy high-level protection and certainly seemed free to make outspoken comments about society in and out of the pulpit. He has railed against the German Government for making "birth machines" out of women. Its plans to expand the creche network and allow women to return to work smacked, he said, of East German communist practices. He compared abortion to the Holocaust – a particularly shocking statement when made by a senior cleric in Germany. He also accused Israel of racism in its treatment of Palestinians in the Occupied Territories and saId it was setting up ghettoes. His view of the latest child abuse scandal sweeping the Cchurch was characteristically pugnacious. "The sexual revolution of the 1960s is at least partly to blame for this," he said. The bishop has not been accused of sexual molestation.

Former residents of the Schrobenhausen children’s home claim that they were beaten by him with a wooden spoon until it broke, with a carpet beater, or punched hard on the upper arm where bruises would not be visible. The special investigators acting on behalf of the victims are having to decide whether this kind of physical abuse should be designated an unfortunate normality in the church and state school systems of the 1970s and 1980s, or whether it should be treated as part of a spectrum of abuse that included sexual assault. Some victims from that era say that the violent atmosphere in the classrooms of that period allowed sexual abuse to flourish. "The paedophiles were often the 'good ones'," an Austrian playwright saidrecently. "They were the ones who treated us, however perversely, as individuals and understood our home sickness." That was one reason why child victims – who understood that they were being violated – did not denounce their teachers, even after they had left school. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Another iPhone ad debuts, "Family Man" Michael Grothaus (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 4/22/2010 9:00:00 AM

Filed under: iPhone Following on the heels of the"Backpackers" and "Dog Lovers" ads earlier this week, Apple has released another iPhone ad titled " Family Man." The ad details how a man has, apparently, lost control of his iPhone to his family. As usual, the ad features three third-party apps. The wife uses the man's iPhone for Jamie Oliver's 20 Minute Meals($7.99), his son uses it for Elmo's Monster Maker($3.99), and when he actually get his own phone back he uses it for ... opening his car trunk with Viper SmartStart(free). The ad ends with the family man saying, "Yep, I think we'd all be lost without my iPhone." TUAW Another iPhone ad debuts, "Family Man" originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Thu, 22 Apr 2010 09:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

World News/ Culture/

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Analysis: Walter Mixa’s resignation can be a new beginning for Catholics (World News from Times Online)

cover-up. But another light must be shone on an almost equally important Submitted at 4/22/2010 6:09:40 AM debate unfolding within the Walter Mixa’s resignation is a Church. refreshingly prompt response to As numbers of priests dwindle the allegations of child abuse in the West and worshippers made against him, although no soar in the South, the scandals doubt it could never have come of child sex abuse are throwing soon enough for those children, open once more the divide in the now adults, who report that he Catholic Church between liberal beat them with sticks, a carpet progressives and orthodox beater and, when that broke, his traditionalists. fists. In the 1960s, two of the The Pope must now accept that brightest young radical priests resignation, or all the apologies of their generation were together pouring forth from bishops’ as theologians at the Second conferences worldwide will Vatican Council. seem meaningless. Hans Kung and Joseph Bishop Mixa is totemic in this Ratzinger are now the oldest and sorry saga because, although no only ones still active. claims of sex abuse are alleged As reformers they were friends against him, the charges of then, but went in different b e a t i n g s a r e s e r i o u s . theological directions after the Importantly, he is a staunch young Ratzinger witnessed conservative and a friend and student riots in 1968. ally of his fellow German, Although he has always denied Benedict XVI. taking a different theological So far, much of the focus d i r e c t i o n , t h e t w o p a r t e d outside the Church has been on company, with Kung moving to the victims of the abuse, or the liberal wing while Ratzinger survivors as they prefer to be embraced conservatism with a known, and allegations of a zeal that became notorious

during his guardianship of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. That he was as zealous against child-abusing priests as against liberation theologians is just one aspect of the present debate that is too easily overlooked. Kung, meanwhile, lost his teaching licence when he challenged the doctrine of papal infallibility. These two former colleagues from Tubingen University took tea together at the Pope’s summer residence of Castel Gandolfo shortly after Benedict’s election in 2005 but hopes of a reconciliation were soon dashed. Conservatives who want Vatican II rolled back believe many of the Church’s present troubles can be dated to its reforms and to the influence it heralded of a secularising, increasingly godless society. Liberals see it from the other side, and attribute some of the Church’s present problems to an innate conservatism which they fear promotes cover-up at the cost of justice.

Professor Kung, in an open letter to all Catholic bishops published last Friday, took the Pope to task for a multitude of such sins. He acknowledged the value of his three encyclicals on faith, hope and charity but added: “When it comes to facing the major challenges of our times, his pontificate has increasingly passed up more opportunities than it has taken.” Among these were missed opportunities for rapprochement and reconciliation with Protestants and Jews. He ended by urging Catholic bishops worldwide to push for a third Vatican council. “In this urgent situation, the eyes of the world turn to you. Innumerable people have lost their trust in the Catholic Church. Only by openly and honestly reckoning with these problems and resolutely carrying out needed reforms can their trust be regained,” he wrote. What a dramatic signal such a council would send to the world, and what a voice it would give to all those silenced for so long

– the conservatives, the liberals and liberationists, the survivors of abuse, the laity, women. The list is tragically long. He might never find himself in agreement with him again, but if this Pope is truly concerned about leaving a strong legacy for the future, maybe Kung’s solution of a Third Vatican Council might be the answer. Then, if the conservatives are right, they will carry the day, and if the liberals are right, it will be them. Somewhere amid the fighting, the Church’s valuable doctrines drawn from more than a century of social thought might get a look-in. The final arbiter of who was right, the conservatives or the reformers, would of course be God. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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Street Chic: New York (ELLE Fashion Blogs) Submitted at 4/22/2010 6:00:00 AM

Style is a cinch, with a wide belt, colorful jacket, and liquid leggings. Photo: Kelly Stuart


World News/ Technology/

E-reader News Edition

Sarath Fonseka rails against ‘injustices’ at opening of Sri Lankan parliament (World News from Times Online)

after being escorted into the chamber by guards. “The citizens must have Submitted at 4/22/2010 7:58:58 AM freedom of movement, freedom General Sarath Fonseka, Sri of expression and freedom from Lanka’s opposition leader and illegal detention. I’m also a former army chief, demanded victim of these injustices.” his freedom and called for President Rajapaksa’s ruling democracy and the rule of law coalition won 144 of 225 seats t o d a y i n h i s f i r s t p u b l i c in the new parliament, leaving it appearance since being arrested just six short of the two thirds in February. majority it needed to change the General Fonseka, who led the country’s constitution. Army to victory over the Tamil Mr Rajapaksa says he will use Tiger rebels last year, is in the the strongest mandate since the midst of a court martial trial that late 1970s to rebuild Sri Lanka’s he says is his punishment for economy – especially the tourist challenging the President, s e c t o r – a n d a d d r e s s t h e M a h i n d a R a j a p a k s a , i n a concerns of the ethnic Tamil presidential poll in January. minority after 26 years of civil But he was allowed to attend war. the opening of parliament today Opponents accuse him of a f t e r w i n n i n g a s e a t i n prolonging emergency rule to parliamentary elections two suppress political dissent, and weeks ago as he has not yet p l a n n i n g t o c h a n g e t h e been convicted of any charges. constitution to extend his own “The protection of democracy rule beyond the end of his must begin here in parliament,” second term in 2016. General Fonseka told lawmakers They also accuse him of trying

to establish his family as a political dynasty. His older brother, Chamal, was unanimously elected today as the Speaker of Parliament – a powerful post that gives him control of the legislature’s agenda and to decide whether an impeachment motion can be brought against the President. The President’s 23-year-old British-educated son, Namal, was also sworn in as an MP for the first time after winning a seat in the Rajapaksa clan’s home district of Hambantota. President Rajapaksa’s youngest brother, Basil, also retained his seat in parliament and continues to act as a presidential advisor. Another younger brother, Gotabaya, is not an MP but is in charge of all security issues as Secretary of the Ministry of Defence, Public Security and Law and Order. Gotabaya Rajapaksa has accused General Fonseka of plotting a coup, and betraying

the Army by planning to testify to an international investigation into alleged war crimes during the civil war. General Fonseka was taken back into custody at the naval headquarters in Colombo after the opening of parliament, according to one of his key political allies, Tiran Alles. But Mr Alles told The Times that the General, as an elected MP, would be allowed to attend parliament whenever he wanted until he was convicted. “That could take three to four years once the appeals are heard,” he said. “If there is justice in this country, I’m sure the courts will send him home on bail before then.” Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

eBay's forecast disappoints Wall Street (CNET Submitted at 4/22/2010 8:13:36 AM

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Hulu Will Offer $10 Hulu Plus Service John Biggs (TechCrunch) Submitted at 4/22/2010 7:36:59 AM

It seemed like only yesterday that Joost and Hulu were seen as also-rans. Surprisingly, the latter online video streaming service has taken off and is now

offering a $10 per month "plus" service and will be rolling it out to select markets by May 24. The LA Times writes that the service will offer a "more comprehensive selection" over the current one limited episode information. The suggestion model. There is, sadly, no more here is that Hulu, in the end, will

be the source for streaming TV. The company is a joint venture of NBC, Fox, and ABC and, as such, has become a clearing house for popular broadcast television. The question here is what constitutes a more comprehensive selection - I

suspect full seasons as well as almost immediate simulcasting of broadcast programming - but that has yet to be decided.

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Earth Day: No more burning rivers, but new threats (AP) (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed) Submitted at 4/22/2010 6:11:32 AM

WASHINGTON – Pollution before the first Earth Day was not only visible, it was in your face: Cleveland's Cuyahoga River caught fire. An oil spill fouled 30 miles of Southern California beaches. And thick smog choked many cities' skies. Not anymore. On Thursday, 40 years after that first Earth Day in 1970, smog levels nationwide have dropped by about a quarter, and lead levels in the air are down more than 90 percent. Formerly fetid lakes and burning rivers are now open to swimmers. The challenges to the planet today are largely invisible — and therefore tougher to tackle. "To suggest that we've made progress is not to say the problem is over," said William Ruckelshaus, who in 1970 became the first head of the Environmental Protection Agency. "What we've done is shift from the very visible kinds of issues to those that are a lot more subtle today." Issues such as climate change are less obvious to the naked eye. Since the first Earth Day, carbon dioxide levels in the air have increased by 19 percent, pushing the average annual world temperature up about 1 degree Fahrenheit, according to the National Oceanic and

Atmospheric Administration. "We've cleaned up what you can see and left everything else in limbo," said Kathleen Rogers, president of the Earth Day Network. Improvements took shape in the form of the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act and changes in the way businesses treat the environment, said Denis Hayes. Those reforms, he added, grew out of the first Earth Day, an event Hayes helped coordinate. "It is the most powerful, sweeping, society-wide change America has had since the New Deal," Hayes said. "The air is cleaner despite the fact that we have twice as many vehicles traveling twice as many miles." Nancy Sutley, head of the White House Council on Environmental Quality, said progress in the past 40 years is about more than just laws. It's also about innovation that made cleaner cars. And that innovation, Sutley said, "is going to be the answer for tackling climate change." No place illustrates progress more than the Cuyahoga River. Cleveland's main river used to periodically catch fire. On June 22, 1969, trash and an oil slick ignited. The river burned for half an hour, drawing national attention to water pollution nationwide. People didn't swim in the river at the time, and anyone who fell

in needed to be checked by a doctor. "The river bubbled like a cauldron. There were all kinds of chemicals in there, and that was what was bubbling at the bottom," said Wayne Bratton, a boat captain then and now, and the first president of the Cleveland Harbor Conservation Committee. On Tuesday, Wayne Bratton was aboard his boat, The Holiday. He looked over the starboard side at Collision Bend and described by telephone what he saw: "I'm looking at a lot of gulls, there's a loon, a lot of black heron." People now fish in the river, which holds 60 species. There's a spiffy amphitheater on the river bank, which never would have been built when the water had a dreadful stench, Bratton said. It's not just the Cuyahoga. In 1957, the Public Health Service declared the Potomac River unsafe for swimming. Now Rogers lets her children swim in it. "I don't even wash them off any more," she said. In Los Angeles in the 1960s and 1970s, the joke was that if you moved in during the summer you wouldn't notice the nearby mountains until the winter. Now peak smog levels are only one-third as high as 40 years ago, he said.

"Unfortunately, it leads some people to think that we don't have a problem any more," said Sam Atwood, spokesman for the South Coast Air Quality Management District. The region still has 6,000 yearly premature deaths linked to unseen tiny particles in the air that cause heart and lung problems, Atwood said. In 1970, Ruckelshaus said, about 85 percent of pollution was from places like factories or power plants that the government could regulate. Now such sites account for only 15 percent, with most pollution coming from sources like farms that are harder to control. That makes fixing the remaining problems politically difficult, said Russell Train, chief environmental adviser in 1970 to President Richard Nixon. "Back in the '70s, people felt the threat of environmental mistakes and misbehavior," Train said. "There was a real threat to your health and people knew that. Today, people will accept that as a general principal, but don't feel any immediate threat from climate change or indirect source pollution from farmers." Last month was the hottest March on record worldwide. It was 1.4 degrees warmer than March 1970, according to NOAA. The average temperatures for

the last 40 years are higher than the rest of the 130 years of record-keeping, said Deke Arndt, head of climate monitoring at NOAA's National Climate Data Center. And, this week, German scientists published an analysis in the scientific journal Nature that says the greenhouse gas agreement reached by some international leaders last December in Copenhagen would lead to a 10 to 20 percent increase in carbon dioxide levels in 2020. That puts "in dire peril" chances for limiting the effects of warming, the researchers said. Still, the White House's Sutley is optimistic. "The Cuyahoga River is not on fire anymore, and air quality in Los Angeles is not as bad as it was 40 years ago. I think people get those connections," Sutley said. "People get that something is changing about our climate." ___ On the Net: Earth Day Network: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on the Cuyahoga River fire: Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Air search resumes for 11 missing in oil rig blast (AP) (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed)

eventually be used to stop the flow of oil or gas to the rig, cutting off the fire. He said PORT FOURCHON, La. – A officials have not decided when Coast Guard helicopter and that will happen. rescue plane resumed the search Seventeen others hurt in the T h u r s d a y m o r n i n g f o r 1 1 blast had been brought to shore workers missing after a massive Wednesday with burns, broken explosion aboard an oil platform legs and smoke inhalation. Four off the Louisiana coast. of those were critically injured. The rig continued to burn as A slow trek across the water supply vessels shot water into it brought most of the uninjured try to control the flames enough survivors to Port Fourchon, to keep it from sinking. where they were checked by Rescue crews have covered the doctors before being brought to 1,940-square-mile search area a hotel in suburban New Orleans by air 12 times and by boat five to reunite with their relatives times, Petty Officer Casey early Thursday. Baker said Thursday. The boats One worker said he was continued searching all night. a w a k e n e d b y a l a r m s a n d Officials hoped the 11 missing scrambled to get on a life boat. workers might have been able to "I've been working offshore 25 get to a covered lifeboat with years and I've never seen enough supplies to survive for anything like this before," said an extended period. the man, who like others at the Transocean Ltd. spokesman hotel declined to give his name. Guy Cantwell said 111 workers Stanley Murray of Monterey, who made it off the Deepwater La., was reunited with his son, Horizon safely after Tuesday Chad, an electrician aboard the n i g h t ' s b l a s t w e r e a s h o r e rig who had ended his shift just Thursday, and four others were before the explosion. still on a boat that operates an "If he had been there five underwater robot. A robot will minutes later, he would have Submitted at 4/22/2010 8:08:48 AM

been burned up," a relieved Stanley Murray said. The rig owned by Transocean was under contract to oil giant BP and was doing exploratory drilling about 50 miles off the coast of Louisiana. The 400-by-250-foot rig is roughly twice the size of a football field, according the Transocean's website. A column of boiling black smoke rose hundreds of feet over the Gulf of Mexico. Officials said environmental damage appeared minimal so far. Adrian Rose, vice president of Transocean, said the explosion appeared to be a blowout, in which natural gas or oil forces its way up a well pipe and smashes the equipment. But precisely what went wrong was under investigation. A total of 126 workers were aboard. Seventy-nine were Transocean workers, six were BP employees and 41 were contracted. The blast could be one of the nation's deadliest offshore drilling accidents of the past half -century.

One of the deadliest was in 1964, when a catamaran-type drilling barge operated by Pan American Petroleum Corp. near Eugene Island, about 80 miles off Louisiana, suffered a blowout and explosion while drilling a well. Twenty-one crew members died. The deadliest offshore drilling explosion was in 1988 about 120 miles off Aberdeen, Scotland, in which 167 men were killed. Rose said the Deepwater Horizon crew had drilled the well to its final depth, more than 18,000 feet, and was cementing the steel casing at the time of the explosion. "They did not have a lot of time to evacuate. This would have happened very rapidly," he said. According to Transocean's website, the rig was built in 2001 in South Korea and is designed to operate in water up to 8,000 feet deep, drill 5 1/2 miles down, and accommodate a crew of 130. It floats on pontoons and is moored to the sea floor by several large anchors. Workers typically spend two

weeks on the rig at a time, followed by two weeks off. Offshore oil workers typically earn $40,000 to $60,000 a year — more if they have special skills. Working on offshore oil rigs is a dangerous job but has become safer in recent years thanks to improved training, safety systems and maintenance, said Joe Hurt, regional vice president for the International Association of Drilling Contractors. Since 2001, there have been 69 offshore deaths, 1,349 injuries and 858 fires and explosions in the Gulf, according to the federal Minerals Management Service. ___ Associated Press Writers Mike Kunzelman and Alan Sayre contributed to this report. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

was satisfying overall.

In fact, thinking more about it, Continue reading'South Park' certain aspects of the show's '201' Recap history were conspicuously Filed under: OpEd, South Park, absent. But like Tom Cruise Episode Reviews, Reality-Free avoiding the press, they only Permalink| Email this| | had less than an hour to cram in C o m m e n t s as much as they could.

'South Park' - '201' Recap Brad Trechak (TV Squad) Submitted at 4/22/2010 8:36:00 AM

(S14E06) This episode was a continuation of the 200th episode and definitely a treat for those who have been following

'South Park' for the past 14 years. There were a myriad of references to several famous episodes and while the ending could have been better (I would have tried to incorporate Imaginationland), the two-parter

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Iran begins war games in Gulf, Strait of Hormuz (AP) (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed)

Hormuz if attacked by the West, something that makes holding war games there a particularly TEHRAN, Iran – Iran's elite s e n s i t i v e m o v e . S o m e 4 0 R e v o l u t i o n a r y G u a r d o n percent of the world's oil and Thursday started large-scale war energy supplies pass through the games in the Persian Gulf and narrow waterway at the mouth the strategic Strait of Hormuz, of the Persian Gulf. state television reported. In Washington, Pentagon press Iran has been holding military secretary Geoff Morrell played maneuvers in the gulf and the down the significance of the Strait of Hormuz annually since maneuvers, saying "they don't 2006 to show off its military seem out of the ordinary" from capabilities. The last four what Iran's military has done in editions of the games were held the past. in the summer, but there has Asked Wednesday — the day been no official explanation the maneuvers were announced why they were brought forward in Tehran — what concerns he this year. had about the Iranian war The war games have routinely games, Morrell said: "I haven't heightened tension in the region, heard any particular concerns." but they have more recently "They conduct exercises and taken added significance as the tests and war games with some standoff between the West and frequency," he told a Defense Tehran over Iran's nuclear Department news conference. "I program grows deeper. think any sovereign state is The West suspects the program obviously within its rights to c o n c e a l s a n u c l e a r a r m drill and prepare and make such production drive, a charge that preparations for their own Iran denies. defenses." Iran has in the past signaled that The Iranian television report it would close the Strait of said naval, air and ground units Submitted at 4/22/2010 6:51:26 AM

from the Guard were participating in the three-day games codenamed "The Great Prophet." It said the war games will witness the commissioning of what it described as an "ultraspeed" vessel called "Ya Mahdi" and a total of 313 speedboats with the capability of firing rockets and missiles also would participate. On Wednesday, Defense Minister Gen. Ahmad Vahidi said "new weapons" would be test-fired in the war games, but did not give any details. Tehran, said Morrell on Wednesday, often makes exaggerated claims about its weapons testing. "What's always been interesting is how much what they do comports with what they say," he said. "It's more often the case with testing of weaponry than it is with exercises and drills, but often they profess and claim to have capabilities which are not demonstrated in reality based upon our review of intelligence after the fact." Tehran was angered by

President Barack Obama's announcement this month of a new U.S. nuclear policy in which he pledged America would not use atomic weapons against nations that do not have them. Iran and North Korea were pointedly excluded from the non-use pledge, and Iranian leaders took that as an implicit threat. Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said Wednesday that the U.S. "nuclear threat" is a "Stigma in the U.S. political history," saying Iranians will not allow the U.S to dominate the country. Iran's archenemy, Israel, has not ruled out military action against Iran's nuclear facilities. >___ Associated Press Writer Pauline Jelinek contributed to this report from Washington. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Green Eating (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)

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Vietnamese cuisine with quick and easy soup. The broth, aromatic herbs, tender steak will leave wanting more.

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See Recipe Term Extraction. more Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS,

How to Make it in America Renewed for Season 2 ( Breaking News) Submitted at 4/21/2010 6:50:00 PM

• Apr 21, 2010 07:50 PM ET • by Natalie Abrams • How to Make It in America How to Make It in America has been renewed, HBO announced on Wednesday. How Bryan Greenberg made it to How to Make it in America The series, which focuses on two guys ( Bryan Greenberg and Victor Rasuk) trying to start their own clothing company, will return for Season 2 in summer 2011 with eight new episodes. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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McAfee antivirus program goes berserk, freezes PCs (AP) (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed)

the error happened "and will take measures" to prevent it from recurring, the company NEW YORK – Computers in said in a statement. c o m p a n i e s , h o s p i t a l s a n d The computer problem forced schools around the world got about a third of the hospitals in stuck repeatedly rebooting Rhode Island to postpone themselves Wednesday after an elective surgeries and stop antivirus program identified a treating patients without traumas normal Windows file as a virus. in emergency rooms, said Nancy McAfee Inc. confirmed that a Jean, a spokeswoman for the software update it posted at 9 Lifespan system of hospitals. a.m. Eastern time caused its The system includes Rhode antivirus program for corporate Island Hospital, the state's customers to misidentify a largest, and Newport Hospital. harmless file. It has posted a Jean said patients who required r e p l a c e m e n t u p d a t e f o r treatment for gunshot wounds, download. car accidents, blunt trauma and McAfee could not say how other potentially fatal injuries many computers were affected, were still being admitted to the but judging by online postings, emergency rooms. the number was at least in the In Kentucky, state police were thousands and possibly in the told to shut down the computers hundreds of thousands. in their patrol cars as technicians McAfee said it did not appear tried to fix the problem. The that consumer versions of its National Science Foundation s o f t w a r e c a u s e d s i m i l a r headquarters in Arlington, Va., problems. It is investigating how also lost computer access. Submitted at 4/21/2010 4:45:30 PM

Intel Corp. appeared to be among the victims, according to employee posts on Twitter. Intel did not immediately return calls for comment. Peter Juvinall, systems administrator at Illinois State University in Normal, said that when the first computer started rebooting it quickly became evident that it was a major problem, affecting dozens of computers at the College of Business alone. "I originally thought it was a virus," he said. When the tech support people concluded McAfee's update was to blame, they stopped further downloads of the faulty software update and started shuttling from computer to computer to get the machines working again. In many offices, personal attention to each PC from a technician appeared to be the only way to fix the problem because the computers weren't

receptive to remote software updates when stuck in the reboot cycle. That slowed the recovery. It's not uncommon for antivirus programs to misidentify legitimate files as viruses. Last month, antivirus software from Bitdefender locked up PCs running several different versions of Windows. However, the scale of this outage was unusual, said Mike Rothman, president of computer security firm Securosis. "It looks to be a train wreck," Rothman said. ___ AP Business Writer Daniel Wagner in Washington contributed to this report. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Set Firefox to Use Google Results for Default Address Bar Searches [Firefox] Jason Fitzpatrick (Lifehacker) Submitted at 4/22/2010 6:30:00 AM

When you type a non-address into the Firefox address bar it uses Google's "I'm Feeling Lucky" search to match the keyword with something. Switch it from feeling lucky to showing actual search results with this simple hack. More Âť

'Wicked Summah' Headed to TruTV? Brad Trechak (TV Squad) Submitted at 4/22/2010 9:15:00 AM

Get ready for a 'Wicked Summah' on TruTV. According to Broadcasting & Cable, 'Summah,' which is being described as an unofficial

spinoff of MTV's runaway hit,'Jersey Shore,' is in the "very early stages of development" at TruTV, according to a network spokesperson. Filming will be set on Cape Cod, though no word on when the series will actually hit the


Doron Ofir Casting, the company behind 'Shore,' is casting the show. (For a taste of who might wind up on the show, check out its casting website.) And speaking of 'Jersey Shore,' MTV recently announced that

the show, which will be filming in Miami and Jersey, will return for a second season on Jul. 29. Filed under: Other Reality Shows, Programming, OpEd, Pickups and Renewals Permalink| Email this| | Comments

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Obama: Financial reform key to avoiding crisis (Reuters: Top News)

banks to get behind the Democratic package of reforms that appears headed for a Senate WASHINGTON(Reuters) - vote next week. President Barack Obama will One of Obama's aims in the urge the Congress on Thursday speech will be to put pressure on not to let the chance for an Republicans to support the bill o v e r h a u l o f W a l l S t r e e t amid signs their opposition to it regulations slip away and will has softened. warn of the risk of another Financial reform is a popular financial crisis if reforms are not issue with voters and Democrats enacted. believe it could help them in the Barack Obama November congressional In a speech in New York laying e l e c t i o n s . T h e l e g i s l a t i o n out his case for legislation to appears to have gotten a boost crack down on Wall Street from fraud charges brought regulation, Obama will tap into against Wall Street powerhouse widespread anger at large Goldman Sachs last week. f i n a n c i a l i n s t i t u t i o n s b y Obama will deliver his speech highlighting the impact of the at the historic Great Hall at 2008-2009 financial crisis on C o o p e r U n i o n c o l l e g e i n the broader economy. The Manhattan, the venue for several speech is scheduled for 11:55 important addresses by leading a.m. EDT Americans, including Abraham "One of the most significant Lincoln who argued there contributors to this recession against the expansion of slavery was a financial crisis as dire as in a speech that helped assure a n y w e ' v e k n o w n i n his 1860 presidential victory. generations," Obama will say, Obama spoke at Cooper Union according to excerpts from his in March 2008 in a campaign speech released by the White speech in which he outlined House. principles for financial reform. "And that crisis was born of a On Thursday, he will address failure of responsibility -- from an audience of about 700 Wall Street to Washington -- people, including financial that brought down many of the industry leaders, members of the world's largest financial firms President's Economic Recovery a n d n e a r l y d r a g g e d o u r Advisory Board, local officials economy into a second Great and Cooper Union students and Depression." faculty. Obama will also call on big OVERSIGHT TO HEDGE Submitted at 4/22/2010 6:42:04 AM

FUNDS "It is essential that we learn the lessons of this crisis, so we don't doom ourselves to repeat it. And make no mistake, that is exactly what will happen if we allow this moment to pass -- an outcome that is unacceptable to me and to the American people," Obama will say, according to the excerpts. The 1,336-page bill authored by Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd would bring new oversight to hedge funds and derivatives while cracking down on risky bank trading and putting in place protections for consumers of financial products. It would also establish a system for unwinding troubled financial companies to prevent a repeat of catastrophes such as the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008 and the near-failure of insurance giant AIG. A White House official said Obama will list five essential elements to the reform legislation in his speech. Those include the "Volcker Rule," which would ban banks from engaging in proprietary trading, or trading for their own account. It is named after former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker, an outside adviser to Obama. Obama also wants to see a system for winding down large

firms whose failure could disrupt markets, transparency for derivatives, strong consumer protections and a provision giving shareholders more say on executive pay. Democrats hold a 59-41 vote majority over Republicans in the Senate -- one vote short of the number needed to overcome procedural hurdles to the bill's passage. Obama therefore needs at least one Republican vote. The White House has signaled increasing optimism about garnering Republican support and is targeting several moderate Republican senators, including Scott Brown of Massachusetts and Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe of Maine. Several Republicans have taken aim in particular at the mechanism for winding down failing financial institutions, saying it would lead to perpetual bailouts of Wall Street. The White House says that is not true. The House of Representatives approved a bill in December that called for the most sweeping regulatory changes since the Great Depression of the 1930s. The House bill embraced most of a comprehensive package of financial reform proposals introduced by Obama in 2009. The Senate version, if passed, would have to be reconciled in

joint committee with the House before it goes to Obama for his signature and becomes law. Few, if any, chief executives of the big U.S. banks will be in the Cooper Union audience. JPMorgan Chase & Co executives, including Chief Risk Officer Barry Zubrow, will attend Obama's speech, but Chief Executive Jamie Dimon is speaking in Chicago, a spokesman said. Morgan Stanley said its chief financial officer Ruth Porat and chief operating officer Thomas Nides are expected to go to the speech but there are no plans for chief executive James Gorman or Chairman John Mack to attend. Bank of America said chief risk officer Bruce Thompson will be there but chief executive Brian Moynihan will not attend because of a long -standing scheduling conflict. Goldman Sachs did not immediately respond to emails seeking comment, Citigroup declined to comment and an official at Wells Fargo & Co said they are not aware of anyone from the bank attending. (Editing by Mohammad Zargham) Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Greek workers strike, challenge EU/IMF talks (Reuters: Top News)

a million workers. Many in Greece fear strings attached to the 40-45 billion ATHENS(Reuters) - Greek euro ($53.8 to 60.5 billion) aid public sector workers walked package, if the cash-strapped off the job on Thursday to nation decides to tap it, will hit p r o t e s t a g a i n s t a u s t e r i t y living standards in a country m e a s u r e s a n d p r e s s t h e where one person in five lives government not to agree to below the poverty threshold, further cuts as it discusses an aid according to EU data. package with the EU and IMF. "We won't tolerate any more Doctors, nurses, teachers, tax measures because we cannot officials and dockers stopped make ends meet. I have a w o r k , p a r a l y z i n g p u b l i c mortgage, two children, I have services, while thousands are cut down on every luxury," said expected to march to parliament 38-year old civil servant Pavlina at midday as European and IMF Parteniou. "Why don't they officials meet for the second day catch those who stole the of talks that could lead to a money? Is my salary or my financial bailout for Greece. mother's pension of 300 euros Workers are protesting public going to save the country?" wage cuts, a pensions freeze and Parteniou said she agreed with tax hikes imposed by the the strike but would not take government to try to pull Greece part because she could not out of a fiscal crisis that has afford to lose a day's pay. shaken markets worldwide and The socialist government, driven Greece's borrowing costs pressured by markets and EU to a 12-year high. policymakers to tidy up its "These bloodthirsty measures finances, has vowed to go ahead won't help Greece exit the crisis. w i t h r e f o r m s b u t F i n a n c e A tragic period begins," said M i n i s t e r George Ilias Iliopoulos, secretary P a p a c o n s t a n t i n o u s a i d o n general of public sector union Wednesday no more austerity ADEDY, which represents half measures would take place this Submitted at 4/22/2010 8:05:56 AM

year. AID PACKAGE Newspaper editorials showed little sympathy for the strike, saying the government had no choice but to enact austerity measures and tap the aid package after the yield on Greece's 10-year bond jumped to 8.4 percent on Wednesday. "We have to find the money somewhere because the civil servants that are striking today will have to be paid at the end of the month," center-left daily Ethnos wrote in an editorial. Investors and policymakers are closely watching the protest -the fourth nationwide strike organized by the public sector union this year -- as concerns grow over whether Greece will honor its plan to slash its double -digit budget deficit to under 3 percent of Gross Domestic Product in 2012. Opposition to the measures has so far been relatively muted, although polls show most Greeks oppose them. Violence has been much less frequent than in 2008 riots that paralyzed Athens for weeks after the police killing of a teenager.

Worries about the recession and a surge in unemployment highlight the delicate balance Athens needs to strike in meeting international demands for cutbacks while maintaining enough support at home to ensure it can implement the reforms. On Wednesday, the IMF said unemployment would rise to 13 percent in 2011, and Greece would be the only euro zone country to see its economy contract next year with a 1.1 percent drop. Air traffic controllers have decided not to strike on Thursday, saying they did not want to further burden travelers and aggravate flight disruptions caused by the cloud of volcanic ash that caused havoc this week across Europe. (Additional reporting by Harry Papachristou; Writing by Ingrid Melander; Editing by Mark Trevelyan) Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Android Running on iPhone Promises Great Things to Come [Hacks] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 4/22/2010 6:00:00 AM

It's only working on a firstgeneration (2G) iPhone, and it's not quite fully functional, but the hackers at Linux on the iPhone have demonstrated a dual-booting iPhone with a working Android installation. The developer says in the clip above that "pretty much everything works," although at an "alpha level." Next up is the iPhone 3G, followed by the harder-to-crack iPhone 3GS and the next iPhone hardware you might have heard about. The next big thing in jailbreaking may just be Android access. [ Linux on the iPhone via Boy Genius Report] More »

Download the New ELLE Astrology for iPad App (ELLE Fashion Blogs)

weekly, and monthly horoscopes from the convenience of your iPad? Submitted at 4/21/2010 12:32:59 PM ELLE’s brand-new astrology Want to access your daily, App offers daily readings in a

guidance on health, love, and career, advice on romantic compatibility, and the chance to play matchmaker with your friendly, conversational tone, Facebook friends based on their

signs. Click here to download it from the iPhone App Store now! —Erin Clements

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Iran tests speed boats in "major" Gulf war games (Reuters: Top News) Submitted at 4/22/2010 8:14:19 AM

TEHRAN(Reuters) - Iran's Revolutionary Guards successfully deployed a new speed boat capable of destroying enemy ships as war games began on Thursday in a waterway crucial for global oil supplies, Iranian media reported. World The Islamic Republic, which is locked in a dispute with the West over its nuclear activities, often announces advances in its military capabilities in an apparent bid to show its readiness for any attack by Israel or the United States. On Wednesday, the Pentagon said U.S. military action against Iran remained an option even as Washington pursues diplomacy and sanctions to halt the country's atomic activities. Iranian media said naval, air and ground units of the elite Guards force would take part in the three-day exercise in the Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz. About 40 percent of the world's

traded oil leaves the Gulf region through the strategic narrows. Western military analysts say Iran may resort to "asymmetric warfare" if it comes under attack, for example by deploying swarms of speed boats to disrupt enemy operations in the Gulf. State broadcaster IRIB said the Guard put into operation for the first time its "smart and unique" Ya Mahdi vessel. "The radar-evading, high-speed Ya Mahdi vessel is able to track and target the enemy's surface vessels in a smart way and destroy them," it said, adding it was now being mass produced. A spokesman for the maneuvers, Ali-Reza Tangsiri, said Ya Mahdi was a remotecontrolled vessel whose missiles could blow 7-meter holes in any enemy ship. US SANCTIONS PUSH State Press TV said the Guards' exercise in the Gulf would show off Iran's defensive capabilities and its determination to maintain security in the region. The ILNA news agency said

more than 300 various highspeed vessels took part in the drill, equipped with missiles and rockets and carrying Guards commandos. "These vessels are regarded as the enemy's nightmare," ILNA said. A hypothetical enemy war ship which had entered Iran's territorial waters was targeted, seized and destroyed, it said. Theodore Karasik, research director at the Institute for Near East and Gulf Military Analysis, said the use of swarms of speedboats can be an "effective tool" against the enemy. "It plays to their strengths. What they are trying to do (in case of conflict) is deny and deter access to the strait and surrounding areas," Karasik told Reuters in Dubai. "However, the U.S. and other navies know how to counter this," he said. The drills coincided with rising tension between Iran and the West, which fears Tehran's nuclear program is aimed at developing bombs. Iran denies

the charge. The United States is pushing for a fourth round of U.N. sanctions on Tehran over its refusal to halt sensitive nuclear activities as demanded by the U.N. Security Council, including proposed moves against members of the Guards. Israel, widely believed to have the Middle East's only atomic arsenal, has described Iran's nuclear program as a threat to its existence. Iran, a predominantly Shi'ite Muslim state, has said it would respond to any attack by targeting U.S. interests in the region and Israel, as well as closing the Strait of Hormuz. (Additional reporting and writing by Fredrik Dahl in Dubai; Editing by Angus MacSwan) Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Every Time Zone Makes Elegant Sense of International Time [Webapp] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 4/22/2010 5:30:00 AM

Managing two or three time zones in your head should be easy, but the brain just doesn't seem to like living in more than one place. Every Time Zone helps make sense of the time, and date, anywhere in the world. More Âť

'Next Food Network Star' Goes Hollywood Laura Prudom (TV Squad)

According to a press release, season 6 of the reality talent search will be based in Set your tastebuds to tingle, Tinseltown itself, which means food fans: The latest season t h e r e w i l l b e p l e n t y o f of'The Next Food Network Star' Hollywood-style twists, turns is almost upon us, and it and guest stars to spice up the Ray and Eva Longoria Parker. promises to be blockbuster big. proceedings, including Rachael Submitted at 4/22/2010 9:00:00 AM

Premiering on Jun. 6, the series will feature 12 new contestants battling it out in the hopes of winning their own Food Network show under the mentorship of Giada De Laurentiis, with Bobby Flay once again playing host.

Continue reading'Next Food Network Star' Goes Hollywood Filed under: Other Reality Shows, Food/Home/DIY, Programming Permalink| Email this| | Comments


Technology/ Politics/

E-reader News Edition

One Approach to Growth: Build Your Own Cloud with vCenter in the Middle

Geithner: Bill Would Avoid Bank Supersizing

Mike Kirkwood (ReadWriteWeb)

(Newsmax - Inside Cover)

the three tiers (front-end, business logic, database) run in virtual containers that are Submitted at 4/22/2010 2:30:00 AM monitored with vCenter. Today, we got the chance to sit Performance is the question that down with Aprimo, an on- Aprimo studied when bringing demand marketing automation v e n d o r s o n b o a r d . The company that has built their company has relationships with s o f t w a r e b u s i n e s s a r o u n d 3Com, Cisco, and HP for the s c a l i n g t h e i r o w n c l o u d three key parts of the technology infrastructure with VMware stack. vCenter. Aprimo has optimized vCenter joins these offerings its offerings to scale with together and offers the company customer growth and leverage quick response to new customer best-in-class hardware to match requests. Like many business, innovation in the software layers marketing can come in waves it develops. and this architecture is designed In this discussion, we found to scale around the unknown less need for discussing private and to be agile enough to vs. public cloud. Instead, we support the marketing calendar. f o u n d m o r e f o c u s o n Here is a diagram showing the performance and speed-to- core services VMware vCenter market as key drivers for is focused on: moving a virtualization strategy We had the chance to explore i n t o p e r s o n a l c l o u d the customer experience of build i n f r a s t r u c t u r e r e a l i t y . -your-own-cloud with John Sponsor Gilmartin, Director of Product The story of Aprimo starts with Marketing at VMware. We virtualization - and has led to asked him if VMware sells the company defining the clouds, or if instead its tool boundaries of its cloud offering build clouds. and product architecture around What we found is that it is a bit the benefits of scaling resources of both. Like a data center on demand. itself, or a complex application, Aprimo uses a Microsoft .Net building your own cloud can be three-tier architecture with a m u l t i - f a c e t e d e v e n t . MSSQL in the back-end. All of Customers are using vCenter as

• Processes for spinning up new users automatically across all resources

a building block to manage the resources and enabling automation around business processes. By thinking of automation as the line in the sand between virtualization and cloud, we can easily see how connecting business processes focuses on the best place in harnessing ondemand resources for business benefit. Some of the areas of focus we the Aprimo team took on as the company to optimize its virtual resources into its cloud. • Design and optimization of resource pools • Database tier optimization and support new dynamic customer scaling • Designing for performance with vendor evaluations • Leveraging best practices from VMware on tuning and finding bottlenecks

Out of these focus areas, we found database scaling the most interesting to consider. It seems clear that as build-your-ownclouds grow, database performance, concurrency, and process integration are ripe for further optimization. What we learned from Aprimo and VMware vCenter is that launching a cloud infrastructure is a combination of virtualizing computing resources and designing the automation of the right business and technical processes. Reaching the stage of an effective cloud depends on how the team thinks about connecting software, sales, and infrastructure together as a process. Making a commitment to your own cloud can bring a company together - from sales manager to developer. This join can position an organization to win customers and grow the business due to an increase in the end to end agility of the organization. Is your business ready to cook up a cloud recipe of your own? Discuss

Submitted at 4/22/2010 2:49:13 AM

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner says a key goal of financial reform is to avoid the supersizing of banks while reining in unreasonable risktaking. Geithner tells ABC there is "enormous resistance" to a regulation bill pending in Congress and says "that's why it's been so hard to get this done." The secretary said in an interview broadcast Thursday that the government must "make sure that you're limiting" how big banks can get. Geithner said Washington must "put them out of existence, dismember them," without a taxpayer bailout "if they mess up and they take themselves to the edge of the cliff again." He said he's confident Congress will come to agreement on sweeping financial overhaul legislation. © Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

E-reader News Edition



Why Apple might want to buy ARM Sang Tang (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

ARM could provide Apple the ability to better integrate and leverage ARM technologies in Submitted at 4/22/2010 9:30:00 AM order to stay ahead and Filed under: Apple Corporate, differentiate from the Rumors competition. The A4 chip in the --- Last January, Apple COO iPad is based on an ARM Tim Cook stated, "We believe design, which was first we need to own and control the whispered about almost two primary technologies behind the years ago. products we make." That In the last two years, Apple has motivation, backed by Apple's made several notable 41 billion cash on hand, makes acquisitions: of semiconductor its rumored acquisition of ARM company P.A. Semi, mapping Holdings so compelling. --company Placebase, music What would you do if you had streaming service Lala, and $41.7 billion in cash reserves? mobile ad firm Quattro That's what Apple has and, as Wireless. So far, the Quattro Ken posted earlier, the rumor du Wireless acquisition has jour suggests the company produced the most visible might use a modestly large results, in the form of iAds. If an chunk of it to acquire ARM ARM acquisition is indeed I n t h e L o n d o n E v e n i n g designs. It would also help happening, it'll be fascinating to Holdings. If such a deal is in the powering the iPad and iPhone, works, it would be Apple's ARM processors power other Standard article, a trader was Apple's other recent buyout, see what comes out of it. largest purchase ever by an smartphones, including those quoted as saying "A deal would chip shop Intrinsity, make the TUAW Why Apple might want o r d e r o f m a g n i t u d e ; t h e r u n n i n g o n t h e S y m b i a n , make a lot of sense for Apple .... most of its expertise. to buy ARM originally appeared suggested ÂŁ5.2 billion (US$8 Windows Mobile/Windows That way, they could stop Back in January 2009, Apple o n T h e U n o f f i c i a l A p p l e billion) sticker price dwarfs the Phone 7, and yes, Android ARM's technology from ending COO Tim Cook stated, "We Weblog (TUAW) on Thu, 22 biggest prior buyout, which operating systems. An Apple up in everyone else's computers believe we need to own and Apr 2010 09:30:00 EST. Please brought NeXT into Apple for acquisition of ARM, therefore, and gadgets." That may be control the primary technologies see our terms for use of feeds. $400 million and delivered the c o u l d h a v e f a r - r e a c h i n g taking it a bit far -- ARM's behind the products we make." Read| Permalink| Email this| foundations for Mac OS X i m p l i c a t i o n s o n c o n s u m e r licensing and product lineup As the processor plays a pivotal Comments (along with a certain iCEO). electronics, especially when it couldn't be made completely r o l e i n s h a p i n g t h e u s e r ARM licenses its chips to many comes to competitive access to private in the short term -- but it experience on mobile devices c o n s u m e r e l e c t r o n i c s the latest and greatest ARM would make Apple the most- (think performance and power favored customer for ARM's consumption) an acquisition of heavyweights; in addition to chips.



E-reader News Edition

Facebook Data & Privacy: So Much TUAW's Daily App: Has Changed in Two Years Powder Marshall Kirkpatrick (ReadWriteWeb) Submitted at 4/22/2010 12:01:18 AM

Facebook today announced that application developers will be allowed to store user data for more than 24 hours, removing a major restriction that the company had imposed on its ecosystem for years. Competitors like Twitter and MySpace had no such restrictions and now Facebook is in the same boat. Founder Mark Zukerberg used to say that the rule against storing data was essential to protect users and their privacy. Where are those now? Privacy, Zuckerberg told me in a March 2008 interview, "is the vector around which Facebook operates." Two years later, not so much. Sponsor In a December 2009 interview, Zuckerberg said that Facebook's new public-by-default privacy settings reflected how he would build the site if he were to do it again from scratch today. Compare below what Zuckerberg said in 2008 and what today's new Developer Terms of Service say about

holding on to user data now. I believe that the Facebook policy change on storing user data is a net win for the web: it will enable all kinds of new innovation. It was that kind of innovation that I was asking about two years ago when I got the following answer about privacy that just doesn't sound right anymore today. Zuckerberg on Data Portability, March 10th 2008 interview with ReadWriteWeb: "If you export your friends list, does their contact information come with that? What if they change their privacy settings later? Right now if you take an action that gets published to your friends' news feeds, but then if you change your privacy settings later to be more restrictive - then those events disappear from the news feeds. If that data is published off-site,

then there's no longer any control over the data for users." (emphasis added) And today, on the new Developers' Terms of Service: You must give users control over their data by posting a privacy policy that explains what data you collect, and how you will use, store, and/or transfer their data....You may cache data you receive from the Facebook API in order to improve your application's user experience, but you should try to keep the data up to date...You will delete all data you receive from us concerning a user if the user asks you to do so, and will provide a mechanism for users to make such a request. (emphasis added) One thing that remains the same? "You cannot use a user's friend list outside of your application, even if a user consents to such use." Facebook doesn't want you taking your data out of the Facebook ecosystem, to other competing services, but it doesn't insist that 3rd parties under its shadow check in with you daily anymore, either. It's hard not to feel a little cynical about that. Discuss

Mike Schramm (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 4/22/2010 10:00:00 AM

Filed under: App Store TUAW's Daily App spotlights one great App Store app, every single weekday. Powder probably isn't the most polished roguelike RPG experience on the App Store ( Sword of Fargoal is generally considered to be among the best), but what it lacks in graphical quality, it makes up for in ease-of-use. The genre is sometimes tough to get into, but Powder, originally designed for the Game Boy Advance, uses easy buttons and icons to let you guide your turn-based RPG character through random dungeons, killing monsters, gaining XP, and drinking weird potions of various colors, all while trying to avoid cursed gear. It's still not easy (roguelikes are notoriously ruthless affairs, and permadeath is still the rule), but the controls are surprisingly intuitive, and the included tutorial makes an often steep learning curve much more gentle, even if you're new to the genre. Plus, Powder wins points from me for its flexible save state process; it's very easy to work your way through a dungeon floor, exit out to make a call or

do something else on your iPhone, and then dive back in and pick up right where you left off. Best of all, it just recently went free; that makes sense, considering the other versions are free as well. If you still want to support programmer Jeff Lait, you can do so by donating on his Web site. Meanwhile, Powder is a free download in the App Store, and definitely worth checking out. TUAW TUAW's Daily App: Powder originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Thu, 22 Apr 2010 10:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments


E-reader News Edition


As Kids' Media Use Increases, Will Ed-Tech Investment Follow?

Verizon profits dip, subscriber growth slows

Audrey Watters (ReadWriteWeb)


The Venture Capital in Education Summit is "designed for the innovators in the K-20 Submitted at 4/22/2010 12:00:00 AM education markets, and those A recent study by the Kaiser committed to providing the Family Foundation found that capital and resources to support the amount of time young these change agents." The people spend with entertainment difference between consumer media has risen dramatically, technology markets and school with 8- to 18-year olds devoting technology markets are an average of seven hours and important, and the summit seeks 38 minutes a day to media use. to share this and other insights And because they spend so into developing and marketing much of that time "media multito the education sector. tasking," young people actually The announcement yesterday manage to pack a total of 10 that Netflix chief executive hours and 45 minutes worth of some of the key trends in Reed Hastings and the nonmedia content into those 7½ e d u c a t i o n t e c h n o l o g y a n d profit venture capital firm showcases some of the leading- Charter Fund had acquired math hours. With this key role that media edge ed-tech entrepreneurs and -game company DreamBox plays in children's lives, it is investors. Keynotes speakers Learning, and the announcement crucial to support the creation of include industry, education and last week that language learning i n n o v a t i v e e d u c a t i o n a l government experts, along with company Babbel had its first technologies that can be used for investors. profitable quarter (notably after The recent National Education a b a n d o n i n g t h e f r e e m i u m teaching and learning. T e c h n o l o g y P l a n ( N E T P ) model) point to education Sponsor Are you the parent of a child 12 i n d i c a t e s t h e O b a m a technology as a promising area years old or under? Click here to Administration's support for a for tech startups. take a survey about how kids number of key technologies, As ed-tech blogger Kirsten perceive the Web. With this in including open-source software, Winkler says, "People are mind the Venture Capital in v i r t u a l w o r l d s a n d c l o u d w i l l i n g t o p a y f o r w e l l Education Summit 2010 will be computing. But funding for d e v e l o p e d e d u c a t i o n a l held in New York City on June these recommendations remains p r o d u c t s . " D i s c u s s 8 and 9. The summit examines uncertain.

Subscriber growth has slowed in wireless. Verizon reported that it added a total of 1.6 Verizon Communications saw million wireless subscribers in its first-quarter 2010 earnings the quarter. Rival AT&T said fall 29 percent as the company Wednesday that it added 1.9 was hit with one-time charges million wireless customers. and saw slower subscriber Like AT&T, Verizon added growth. fewer postpaid customers. Profits plunged to $2.28 billion, During the quarter it added only or 14 cents per share, from 423,000 of these highly valued $3.21 billion, or 58 cents per contract customers. Analysts share, during the same quarter a had expected to company to add year ago. Results for the threee- 582,000 postpaid customers. month period included a $970 AT&T reported Wednesday million charge related to U.S. that it added 512,000 contract health care reform. customers, most of whom were Verizon previously received a iPhone subscribers. t a x - f r e e b e n e f i t f r o m t h e On the wireline side of the government to subsidize health business, Verizon said it added care costs for retirees, who 185,000 FiOS TV subscribers w o u l d o t h e r w i s e b e o n a during the quarter, pushing the Medicare Part D plan. Under the total customer base to 3 million. new legislation, Verizon is no Five Filters featured article: longer be able to deduct that Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: subsidy. PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Revenue was up about 1.2 Term Extraction. percent to $26.92 billion. Submitted at 4/22/2010 8:00:26 AM


Technology/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition

CenturyTel makes $22.4 billion bid for Qwest (CNET Submitted at 4/22/2010 7:34:45 AM

CenturyTel agreed to buy Qwest Communications International in a $10.6 billion all-stock deal, the companies announced Thursday. CenturyTel will also assume $11.8 billion of Qwest debt, making the merger worth about $22.4 billion, one of the biggest in telecom history. After its successes in the 1990s, Qwest saw its fortunes take a turn for the worse.(Credit: Qwest Communications International) Qwest and CentruryTel are two of the biggest landline phone companies in the country, with combined network assets in about 40 states. The deal comes as Qwest, which abandoned its wireless efforts years ago, has struggled to keep up competitively with other former Baby Bell companies AT&T and Verizon Communications. While these companies do not compete directly when it comes to traditional consumer phone

service, they do compete in the business service market. Qwest, which provides broadband and phone service to consumers in sparsely populated states throughout the West, has struggled over the years to compete with its cable counterparts. As other phone companies focused on building a wireless network, Qwest

darling in the 1990s when the company's value soared to over $60 billion. Then the telecom bubble burst toward the end of the 1990s, and Qwest's fortunes took a turn for the worse. The company was plagued by accounting scandals and its CEO was forced to resign. In 2005, when it was well past its prime, the company got into a bidding war with Verizon for the long-distance phone company MCI. Eventually, Qwest pulled out of the race and Verizon bought MCI. When the deal closes, CenturyTel shareholders will own about 50 percent of the new company, and Qwest shareholders will own about abandoned its wireless efforts. 49.5 percent of the company. And while AT&T and Verizon The deal is subject to regulatory have upgraded their networks approval and is expected to with fiber and have begun close in the first half of 2011. offering bundled TV service, Five Filters featured article: Qwest has chosen not to invest Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: heavily in new infrastructure. PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Things were different some Term Extraction. years back. Qwest had built an extensive fiber-optic nationwide network and was a Wall Street

StatCounter: Facebook, StumbleUpon Generate More Traffic Than Twitter Robin Wauters (TechCrunch) Submitted at 4/22/2010 8:55:53 AM

According to StatCounter’s GlobalStats research arm, Twitter now generates almost 10% of social media driven global hits to websites, while Facebook still reigns supreme as the primary source of traffic to global websites with almost half (48%) of ‘Social Media hits’. Surprisingly, the number two social media traffic generator is not Twitter, but StumbleUpon with almost a quarter (25%). Furthermore, StatCounter claims StumbleUpon was number one ahead of Facebook in the US STATCOUNTER: page 21

Lit Fix: The Summer We Read Gatsby by Danielle Ganek Editors (Daily Woman's Day Blog) Submitted at 4/21/2010 4:00:00 PM

Today's book review is from Woman's Day's copy editor Lauren Kuczala. She read The

Summer We Read Gatsby by Danielle Ganek: A beach read set on the beaches of the Hamptons, this book was a pleasant enough escape. The quirky cast of characters and tinge of mystery kept me

reading to the satisfying—yet

f a i r l y predictable—conclusion.—Laur en Kuczala We'd love to hear about what you're reading, too. Send your r e v i e w s t o and

we'll post them right here on the blog. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Technology/ Food/

E-reader News Edition

Biofuel company Codexis opens at low end in IPO


STATCOUNTER: continued from page 20

last month, in terms of traffic generation. The data for March 2010 is said to be based on 13 billion page (CNET views across the global Submitted at 4/22/2010 8:26:39 AM StatCounter network of member sites. The company only Biotech company Codexis, recently added social media which sells catalysts for biofuel services to its GlobalStats tool, production, went public on the and notes that its market share stock market on Thursday, appears to fluctuate way more opening at the low end of its than browser or search statistics. anticipated price range. As you can tell from the graph The Redwood, California-based above ( larger version here), company sold 6 million shares Facebook peaked around in the for $13, raising $78 million. It company. Among its investors is Battery maker A123 Systems holiday period at the end of the had planned to sell them year and is actually losing share between $13 and $15. The oil giant Shell, which is working went public last fall. company, which has a market with Codexis on enzymes to The performance of the IPOs fast, although still dominant capitalization of about $441 speed up production of biofuels for these companies is being with roughly half of social c l o s e l y w a t c h e d a s m a n y media traffic coming from the million, had originally planned from non-food sources. to go public in 2008, according The company had revenue of venture investors are eager for social network. StumbleUpon $82.9 million last year, which r e t u r n s o n t h e i r p o r t f o l i o and Twitter have enjoyed a to reports. Codexis is a biotech company was a 64 percent increase from companies. But there is some similar growth curve since the that produces enzymes and the year before. Its losses fell 55 c o n c e r n t h a t t h e s e i n i t i a l end of last year, although the biocatalysts that can be used to percent in that period to $20.3 companies seeking to go public former’s growth is clearly make chemical process cleaner million. In its prospectus, the do not have a clear path to a c c e l e r a t i n g f a s t e r i n and more efficient.(Credit: company expects it will not be profitability, which could give c o m p a r i s o n t o T w i t t e r . profitable until 2011. sour investor sentiment towards StumbleUpon’s large share is Codexis) surprising because it usually Codexis has customers in the Codexis is one of a few U.S.- green-tech. pharmaceutical industry for its based clean-energy companies Five Filters featured article: flies under the radar when it custom enzymes and catalysts seeking to go public this year. Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: comes to traffic generation from which make industrial chemical Others include solar company PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, social services on the Web. Perhaps it owes its high rank to processes more efficient and Solyndra, Tesla Motors, and Term Extraction. A m y r i s B i o t e c h n o l o g i e s . the fact that its main reason of cleaner, according to the

being is having users discover third-party websites, while Twitter and Facebook are not only about sharing links but also status, location and activity updates as well as media like photos and videos. Then again, Digg didn’t even make it to the top 5 in StatCounter’s research. The top Social Media sites to generate global website traffic after Facebook, StumbleUpon and Twitter are YouTube (6%), reddit (4%), Digg (2%) and MySpace (2%). LinkedIn was ranked at 12 out of 25 monitored services with 0.34%, while Google Buzz was not yet included in the research. On a sidenote: in June 2009, we posted a statistical breakdown of where our traffic comes from (not limited to social media sites). CrunchBase Information statcounter Facebook StumbleUpon Twitter Information provided by CrunchBase

Quick Chicken Dinners (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)

Time: 40 minutes Simple Sub: Use red wine vinegar or sherry vinegar for a sauce with a sharper edge.

Serve with Mascarpone Mashed Potatoes: Place 1½ pounds cubed peeled Yukon gold potatoes in a large saucepan; cover with -water. Bring to a boil; reduce heat, and

-simmer 15 minutes or until tender. Drain; return to pan. Add 13 cup 2% milk, 3 tablespoons mascarpone cheese, and ½ t e a s p o o n salt. Mash to desired

consistency. View Recipe: Roast Chicken with Balsamic Bell Peppers • Watch Video Demo

Next Chicken-Butternut Tagine Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



E-reader News Edition

Sobees Launches Twitter Client For Android, iPad App On The Way Leena Rao (TechCrunch) Submitted at 4/22/2010 8:50:00 AM

Twitter client Sobees, is working to create the best social media client on the market, competing with both TweetDeck and Seesmic. Sobees offers a native Windows client, a webbased client and is now venturing into the mobile space for the first time with a Twitter client built for Android phones. You can download the app here. Sobees’ Android app allows you to access multiple Twitter accounts, share photos and your locations, shorten URLs, read Tweets when you are offline, search recent messages using Twitter Search and see profiles, pictures, maps and more directly in the app. Sobees is also monetizing the app by adding Riotwise ad s from realtime search startup OneRiot to the app.

startup has also updated its desktop client, adding an RSS reader and New York Times content (integration using their API) within the client. And the desktop app will feature Riotwise ads as well. Of course, Sobees’ Android app will face competition from Twitter’s official Android App, which was announced at the microblogging network’s conference last week. It’s unclear however, if Twitter will be developing the app internally, or will be acquiring a mobile app developer, as it did with iPhone Twitter client Tweetie. Twitter could also partner with a mobile client developer like Sobees plans to add other social Sobees or Seesmic with the networks, including Facebook, Android app, similar to the and LinkedIn, in the future and agreement Twitter has with RIM is in the process of developing for the official Twitter app for clients for the iPhone and BlackBerry phones. CrunchBase Windows phone. And Sobees is Information sobees Information readying an iPad app. The provided by CrunchBase

UK rumor has Apple eyeing takeover of ARM Ken Ray (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 4/22/2010 8:00:00 AM

Filed under: Rumors Say hello to the rumor du jour: Apple is considering a bid for ARM Holdings. The Web site for the London Evening Standard says that investors across the pond seem to like the Apple/ARM idea; so much so that shares of the chip designer jumped from by 8 pence to just over £2.51 by midday, a 3.2% gain. [Share prices corrected -Ed.] It's hard to tell where, exactly, the rumor came from. According to the paper, "the takeover speculation was fueled by stellar second-quarter figures from Apple (on Tuesday) smashing Wall Street's forecasts," though there was nothing about such a buy mentioned on Apple's earnings call. Still, Apple is ARM's biggest customer, and traders in the UK

seem to think the idea is a good one. The price would be pretty steep for an Apple acquisition, though. Traders mentioned in the piece say that ARM could fetch more than £5.2 billion, or roughly US$8 billion. While Apple's got the cash, its recent purchases have cost much less, such as the Quattro Wireless buy in January for around $275 million, and the 2008 purchase of P.A. Semi for a rumored $278 million. TUAW UK rumor has Apple eyeing takeover of ARM originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Thu, 22 Apr 2010 08:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments


E-reader News Edition


Super PreKernel is the one-touch way to make your Pre or Pre Plus fly (video) Tim Stevens (Engadget) Submitted at 4/22/2010 8:43:00 AM

If you're a Pre or Pre Plus owner who has been watching longingly as we've covered the recent spread of overclocking hacks for the thing, but didn't quite feel up to wading through page after page of forum discussions to figure out just how to apply them, the process just got a easier. Like, a whole lot easier. Super PreKernel enables you to go to 550, 600, 720, and even 800MHz with just a single tap. And, when it's time

to put on those fake glasses and play Clark Kent, you can drop back down to 500MHz just as easily. It's all thanks to a number of Palm-loving hackers who have put together a truly

moving video demonstration of the whole process that's embedded below. We encourage you to enjoy it now, because the selection of copyrighted musical accompaniment for the clip will

probably result in it surviving about as long as a bottle of Superman's chosen hair product. Continue reading Super PreKernel is the one-touch way to make your Pre or Pre Plus fly (video) Super PreKernel is the onetouch way to make your Pre or Pre Plus fly (video) originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 22 Apr 2010 08:43:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| PreCentral Forums| Email this| Comments

HP takes chisel in hand, mulls over Android and Linux slates Sean Hollister (Engadget)

is, erm, slated to run Windows 7, The Grey Lady reported last week that a six-inch Android Feelings about the leaked HP tablet was also on the way. Slate notwithstanding, the Now, a prominent magazine company's already considering editor reportedly tells the paper its tablet PC successors -- and if a Linux version may also be in The New York Times' sources development. For its part, HP future as they are a very are right, they may be of isn't denying the claims. "I'm interesting area for us," said Android and Linux varieties. c e r t a i n t h a t w e w i l l b e media relations director Marlene Where the forthcoming HP Slate announcing new Slates in the Submitted at 4/22/2010 9:09:00 AM

Somsak, whose only added caveat was that HP isn't currently announcing an

Android slate. HP takes chisel in hand, mulls over Android and Linux slates originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 22 Apr 2010 09:09:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| New York Times| Email this| Comments


Technology/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition

Telus Milestone users finally get a taste of Android 2.1's custard filling Tim Stevens (Engadget) Submitted at 4/22/2010 9:52:00 AM

If you're on Telus and you've been longingly waiting for your turn to jump onto the Android 2.1 bandwagon, that time is now. However, you're going to have to take a few steps to get aboard, as this update is not coming OTA. According to MobileSyrup, where you can find the full update instructions, you'll need to hit Motorola's site directly, accept an agreement, then download a software updater to your PC. After that you'll get a taste of multitouch in Maps, a new Facebook widget to clutter your desktop,

and the option to enable up to nine homescreens -- something you can gloat about to your Droid-owning neighbors to the south. We're still making do with just 3. [Thanks, Sean] Telus Milestone users finally

Top 10 Camping Tips (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed)

paced lifestyle, camping offers outdoor enthusiasts the opportunity to live the simple Turn on the TV, and you won't life. be hard-pressed to find a reality If you're embarking on the show that has something to do camping adventure of a lifetime, with camping. But, you may be the following 10 tips will help wondering what life in the guide your preparations and wilderness is really like once the ensure your safety once you've cameras are turned off. Are you wandered into the wild. Whether ready for a behind-the-scenes you're planning a staycation in look into the authentic world of your backyard or hitting the living up close and personal A p p a l a c h i a n t r a i l , t h e r e ' s with nature? something here for every wouldget a taste of Android 2.1's Although few things are as be and seasoned camper. c u s t a r d f i l l i n g o r i g i n a l l y polished as they seem on the flat Five Filters featured article: appeared on Engadget on Thu, screen, camping is a popular Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: 22 Apr 2010 09:52:00 EST. pastime for people of all ages, PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Please see our terms for use of all over the world. Whether they Term Extraction. feeds. Permalink| MobileSyrup| seek a test of true grit or simply a temporary escape from a fastEmail this| Comments Submitted at 4/21/2010 1:00:00 PM

MiLi's Powerskin claims coveted 'thinnest iPhone battery case' title Chris Ziegler (Engadget) Submitted at 4/22/2010 9:31:00 AM

And here you were, stylin' in your Juice Pack Air, thinking you were the king of the charging iPhone case hill with the sleekest hardware money can buy... but guess what? Life isn't fair, and MiLi intends to

prove it by undercutting Mophie's solution by right around a twentieth of an inch of thickness. It's still packing 1200mAh of power -- the same that the Juice Pack Air offers -which MiLi claims should be enough to just about double your run time. It's available now in a choice of eight scintillating

color combos for ÂŁ47.99 (about $74).

MiLi's Powerskin claims coveted 'thinnest iPhone battery case' title originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 22 Apr 2010 09:31:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink Wired| MiLi| Email this| Comments


E-reader News Edition

Kelly Clarkson Responds to Criticism About Tobacco Company Sponsorship ( Breaking News)

Indonesia In print, TV and online ads for Clarkson's April 29 concert, the Submitted at 4/21/2010 7:58:00 PM tobacco company PT Djarum has also prominently featured • Apr 21, 2010 08:58 PM ET their L.A. Lights brand of • by Kate Stanhope cigarrettes. Many of these ads • include health warnings for cigarettes. Kelly Clarkson "This is a lose-lose situation for Kelly Clarkson responded to me and I am not happy about it criticism from fans and anti- but the damage has been done t o b a c c o g r o u p s a b o u t a n and I refuse to cancel on my Indonesian tobacco company's fans," wrote Clarkson. "I think sponsorship of an upcoming the hardest part of situations like concert in Jakarta. this is getting personally "I was not made aware of this attacked for something I was and am in no way an advocate completely unaware of and or an ambassador for youth being used as some kind of smoking. I'm not even a smoker, political pawn." nor have I ever been," the 27- Check out photos of Kelly year-old "Since You've Been Clarkson Gone" singer wrote on her blog The American Idol Season 1 Wednesday. "Unfortunately, my winner's comments come a day only option at this point was to after the Indonesian National cancel the show in order to stop C o m m i s s i o n o n C h i l d the sponsorship. However, I Protection, the Campaign for can't justify penalizing my fans Tobacco-Free Kids, and the for someone else's oversight." Southeast Asia Tobacco Control See Kelly Clarkson's tobacco Alliance released a statement company-sponsored ads in a d v o c a t i n g t h a t C l a r k s o n

and around the world that they, too, should reject the tobacco industry's deadly products and marketing." Watch videos of Kelly Clarkson Besides pressure from antitobacco organizations, selfproclaimed Clarkson fans have set up a website to encourage visitors to write messages urging her to reject the tobacco sponsorship. "Kelly, because of you, young people will be exposed to tobacco promotions, but you have the power to change that," the website states. Last month, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued new remove the sponsorship. "If Kelly Clarkson goes ahead national limits to tobacco with this concert, she is c o m p a n i e s o n s i m i l a r choosing to be a spokesperson advertising tactics such as for the tobacco industry and merchandise sales and event h e l p i n g t h e m t o m a r k e t sponsorships to reduce the cigarettes to children," said marketing of cigarettes to M a t t h e w L . M y e r s , t h e children and teenagers. Campaign for Tobacco-Free Five Filters featured article: Kids' president. "If she rejects Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: tobacco industry sponsorship, PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, s h e c a n s e n d a p o w e r f u l Term Extraction. message to children in Indonesia



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E-reader News Edition

Cartoon Network Announces Fall Lineup, Including Its First Awards Show ( Breaking News) Submitted at 4/21/2010 9:51:00 PM

• Apr 21, 2010 10:51 PM ET • by Mickey O'Connor • Andrew W.K., Destroy Build Destroy Cartoon Network unveiled plans for a 25 new shows and many more returning programs targeted at young boys for next fall. Among the highlights announced Wednesday: NEW -- Hall of Game, the network's first awards show to honor sports personalities, will feature a full red-carpet presentation also featuring celebrities from movies, music and television. It's scheduled for early 2011. -- The Looney Tunes Show is a 3-D reimagining of the classic 'toon for the CGI-animation generation. A fully rendered sneak preview of the new Road Runner was slick and sculptural, like the movie Ice Age, but kept

the bird's legs a decidedly lowtech blur. Cartoon Network renews Robot Chicken -- Scooby-Doo Mystery Incorporated, a similar update of the groovy Hanna-Barbera sleuth series. -- Tower Prep, a live-action mystery series about a rebellious teen who is forced to enroll in a secret boarding school for kids with supernatural gifts (think XMen meets Harry Potter). -- Firebreather, a special movie

breakout hit Destroy Build Destroy— its star, Andrew W.K., performed his hit "Party Hard" at the network's announcement. -- More episodes of Dude, What Would Happen?— kind of like a mini- Mythbusters. Watch full episodes of Cartoon Network programming in our Online Video Guide -- A second season of My Dad's a Pro, an NFL-produced documentary series, this time starring 8-year-old Nikko Gonzalez, the son of Atlanta Falcons tight end Tony event that sounds like Teen G o n z a l e z . Wolf, except the half-human Anything catch your eye? high school kid's dad is a Which Cartoon Network shows dragon, thus giving him the will you tune in to? (My titular very special ability. favorite: the network's hit -- Generator Rex, a new series surreal animated buddy comedy f r o m t h e c r e a t o r o f t h e Adventure Time-- check it out!) successful Ben 10 franchise. Five Filters featured article: -- The network also announced Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: that it is developing a series of PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, 15-minute blocks of animated Term Extraction. shows designed to capture kids' short attention spans. RETURNING -- A second season of the

Baseball Game Draws Together a Father's Life, Son's Love Jim Henry (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 4/21/2010 7:05:00 PM

Filed under: College Sports TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -Jimmy Everett stepped slowly and carefully, clutching a cane in his right hand and his son's arm in his left hand. Everett was determined to take the 40 steps from near Florida State's dugout along the first base line to a patch of green grass in front of the pitcher's mound at Dick Howser Stadium here Wednesday night. Everett took those dramatic steps for son Tyler Everett. And for ALS, which is also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease. FSU, in conjunction with the ALS Association, Florida Chapter, staged ALS Awareness Night for its game against Charleston Southern. It was part fund-raiser and part-tribute for Everett, a former Seminole football player and the father of current Seminole pitcher Tyler Everett. Jimmy Everett, 56, was diagnosed in March 2009 with ALS.

TV/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition

Ray, Lagasse, Flay to Launch the Cooking Channel, a Food Network Spin-Off ( Breaking News) Submitted at 4/21/2010 7:43:00 PM

• Apr 21, 2010 08:43 PM ET • by Mickey O'Connor • Rachael Ray Rachael Ray, Emeril Lagasse and Bobby Flay are joining the Cooking Channel, a spin-off of the Food Network scheduled to debut this spring. The three Food Network stars have developed new shows that will serve as the centerpieces of the new network, parent company Scripps Networks announced Tuesday. Martha Stewart: What Rachael Ray does is "not good enough for me" On Week in a Day, Ray will

Fresh Food Fast, which will focus on simple recipes made with fresh, local ingredients. Bobby Flay gets on board with America's Next Great Restaurant The Cooking Channel will introduce six other new shows, including three that simplify popular Chinese, Italian and French dishes. Another will show viewers what one chef cooks for himself on his day off. The channel will also broadcast several popular international cooking shows. The new network is scheduled show viewers how to prepare to launch May 31. s e v e n m e a l s a t o n c e f o r Five Filters featured article: a d v a n c e d m e n u p l a n n i n g . Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: Bobby Flay's Brunch will go PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, beyond eggs and bacon to focus Term Extraction. on more innovative early-day eats. Lagasse will host Emeril's


NBC Tweaks Summer Schedule Rich Keller (TV Squad) Submitted at 4/22/2010 8:00:00 AM

NBC is making some lastminute tweaks to its summer schedule, The Wrap is reporting. Though not totally confirmed, network programming executives have decided to make Thursday nights allcomedy with additional episodes of'The Office' and'Parks and Recreation' in the 10PM hour. Some say this is a sign of more scripted comedies down the line, like the new anthology 'Love Bits'. In addition, recently renewed dramedy'Parenthood' will begin to air at 8PM on Saturdays. The other tweak involves'Minute to Win It.' The network will air original episodes Wednesdays at 8PM, beginning Jul. 7 (as a lead-in to'America's Got Talent'). If that

works, NBC may add a second airing in August -- 9PM on Mondays. Executives need to be careful with this one, as viewers can easily burn out on multiple, weekly viewings of a show (the 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire' effect), which will make the show's renewal dead on impact. Filed under: Industry, Programming, The Office, Reality-Free, Parks and Recreation Permalink| Email this| | Comments

Snack Smart: Chocolate Morsels Editors (Daily Woman's Day Blog)

but eating an entire chocolate bar is not a great idea since all the calories and fat cancel out Submitted at 4/21/2010 2:00:00 PM the benefits of any antioxidants Sometimes (OK, often) after you're getting. To keep my dinner I'll be craving something chocolate cravings in check, I've sweet, and I usually go hunting started keeping a bag of Nestle for chocolate. Yes, chocolate Semi-Sweet Chocolate Morsels can be healthy in small amounts, in my freezer.

Although I was initially worried that I might end up devouring

the whole thing at once (and gaining 50 pounds in the process), I've been working on the same bag since February. My secret: I never eat directly out of the bag. Instead, I grab a tablespoon, fill it with chocolate morsels, and dump in on a plate or napkin to enjoy with a hot

cup of tea. —Barbara Brody, Health Editor Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



E-reader News Edition

Hu, Wen—what, why and how (The Economist: Daily news and views)

democratic reform. Since the bloody suppression of the protests, Hu has been Submitted at 4/21/2010 7:24:31 PM referred to sparingly by Chinese China's leaders China's prime officials; and the liberalism with minister Wen Jiabao praises Hu which he was associated has Yaobang, a former Communist a l s o b e e n p e r m i t t e d o n l y Party chief sparingly. Of late, it has been Apr 22nd 2010 | BEIJING | notably absent, as the party From The Economist print cracks down on human-rights edition activists, tightens controls on the ON APRIL 15th the arcane and internet and frets about unrest in neglected art of reading China’s Tibet and Xinjiang. Yet China’s political tea leaves suddenly leaders are preparing for a surged back into fashion. The change of guard in 2012-13. Mr Communist Party’s turgid Wen will be stepping down. broadsheet, the People’s Daily, C o u l d i t b e t h a t , h a v i n g published an article on the top established China as a global of its second page by the prime economic power, he and his m i n i s t e r , W e n J i a b a o . I t s colleagues are at last thinking of glowing praise for Hu Yaobang, trying to make it politically a politically incorrect former more respectable? p a r t y c h i e f w h o s e d e a t h Hu’s reputation has sometimes triggered the Tiananmen Square been used in arguments about protests 21 years ago, struck a the direction of the country. In remarkably liberal note. an exception to the general rule Hu’s death on April 15th 1989 that he has been neglected by prompted thousands of students his successors, a symposium t o t a k e t o t h e s t r e e t s i n was held in the Great Hall of the mourning. They bore aloft People in Beijing in November pictures of the late leader, who 2 0 0 5 t o m a r k t h e 9 0 t h though still a member of the anniversary of his birth. It was ruling Politburo when he died widely interpreted as an attempt had been forced to resign as the by President Hu Jintao to boost party’s general secretary two his own public standing by years earlier for being too soft allowing open tributes to his still on dissent. Because Hu had not -popular namesake. A speech by been fully purged, the party had China’s then vice-president, no choice but to hold an Zeng Qinghong, lavished praise elaborate funeral for him. This on Hu Yaobang’s career as one provided cover for the students, o f t h e C o m m u n i s t s t a t e ’ s w h o s o o n s w i t c h e d t h e i r revolutionary founders, tactfully attention to demands for avoiding mention of his

dethronement. But by and large the leadership has ignored Hu Yaobang’s death. Last year’s 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen movement made officials especially nervous of anything that might revive memories of that period. Even though the milestone passed with little more than token attempts inside China to observe it, the authorities have yet to ease their grip. Last December a prominent dissident, Liu Xiaobo, was jailed for 11 years for “inciting subversion”. This made the appearance of Mr Wen’s more than 3,000character essay especially striking. Unlike Mr Zeng’s formal-sounding 2005 speech, Mr Wen’s article marked the first time since 1989 that a top leader has been willing to write of a personal connection with the former party chief. It recalls a trip he made with Hu in 1986 to a rural area of the poor southern province of Guizhou. “Every time I think back on this, Comrade Yaobang’s sincere, magnanimous and amiable expression keeps appearing before my eyes. Cherished feelings stored in my heart for all these years swell up like a tide, and it takes a long time for me to calm down,” Mr Wen wrote. A few other official newspapers also published reminiscences, this time apparently less

restrained than in 2005, when the party’s propaganda bureau responded furiously to a liberal magazine’s articles related to the anniversary. Thousands of Chinese internet users have praised these latest pieces in online forums. But hope that Hu’s partial rehabilitation might lead to any reassessment of the Tiananmen Square protests will certainly be dashed. Hu’s political views have been notable for their absence in the recent articles, suggesting that only his affable character is open for discussion. This is a safe topic for Mr Wen, who prides himself on the same man-of-the-people quality that his article praised in Hu. From anecdotal evidence, it appears Mr Wen enjoys some popularity for his caring image—it has been on display again with his visit to the epicentre of an earthquake on April 14th in Qinghai Province on the Tibetan plateau that killed more than 2,000 people. Tea-leaf readers are divided over what, if any, further political message might have been intended. Few believe Mr Wen would have published such an article without consulting his colleagues. But there is a school of thought that Mr Wen, feeling that his own political career is drawing to an end (he is due to step down in 2013, if not before, as will President Hu), is trying to signal a yearning for political

reforms which have not been pursued more vigorously. President Hu has kept silent on Hu Yaobang, but both he and Mr Wen owe earlier promotions to the late leader. In his article, Mr Wen revealed that he had visited Hu Yaobang’s home every year since his death, a gesture that readers would interpret as showing considerable loyalty. Bao Tong, who was a top aide to the late Zhao Ziyang, Mr Hu’s equally liberal successor, believes there could be an ultrasubtle message in the party’s reembrace of Hu. Officials—he points out—like to encourage the idea that Zhao helped topple Hu (though Mr Bao says he did not). Far from being a sign of yearning for reform, support for Hu could indicate repudiation of Zhao, about whom reminiscences remain strongly discouraged. Zhao was thoroughly purged after Tiananmen and died under house arrest five years ago. Mr Wen’s article, however, does hint strongly at a huge problem in China’s political system. It describes how Hu instructed Mr Wen to sneak out of an official guesthouse and visit a village under cover of darkness, to find out what peasants were really thinking. “Remember, do not inform the local government”, Hu was HU, page 29


E-reader News Edition


Playing for time (The Economist: Daily news and views) Submitted at 4/22/2010 3:20:41 AM

South Korea’s sunken warship If North Korea did deliberately destroy a South Korean warship, what next? Apr 22nd 2010 | SEOUL | From The Economist print edition IT WAS a dignified address. Before wiping tears from his eyes with a folded handkerchief, President Lee Myung-bak (above) read out the names of 46 sailors who died last month when their ship, the Cheonan, exploded in South Korean waters. He carefully avoided pinning the blame on anyone, but on April 22nd, Yonhap, South Korea’s news agency, reported that the government’s military-intelligence agency, using intelligence gathered jointly with America, had concluded the regime in North Korea had deliberately attacked and destroyed the 1,200-tonne warship. Even if tangible evidence of North Korean involvement emerges, the president’s caution on April 19th will nevertheless be understandable. Hot-blooded retaliation against a nucleararmed despot would be fraught with danger for the peninsula, and for relations between America and China, the main backers of south and north respectively. But ever since a preliminary

investigation of the Cheonan’s salvaged stern concluded that the blast did not come from on board the vessel, suspicions have turned towards North Korea. This, analysts say, puts Mr Lee in the most delicate position of his two-year-old administration. If the suspicions prove correct, a tough response would be expected and perhaps unavoidable. Yet Mr Lee had been hoping to focus on showing off South Korea’s economic prowess as host of the Group of 20 this year—not the missile threat on its doorstep. The pressure on Mr Lee is all the greater because local elections are due on June 2nd, and they may serve as an unofficial referendum on his handling of the crisis. So far, the regime in Pyongyang has only indirectly denied involvement. After three weeks of silence on the incident, it said on April 17th in a news report: “Failing to probe the cause of the sinking of the ship, the puppet military warmongers, right-wing conservative politicians and other traitors in South Korea are now foolishly seeking to link the sinking with the North at any cost.” A nondenial denial. Signs of aggression continue. On April 21st South Korea said it had arrested two northern agents who, it claimed, had been sent to assassinate a prominent defector to the south. And


continued from page 28

speculation abounds, fed by defectors and South Korean analysts, that the north may be preparing for a third nuclear test in defiance of United Nations Security Council resolutions. The government in Seoul is publicly discussing its options, but these look limited. Yu Myung-hwan, the foreign minister, has said South Korea would take the matter to the UN Security Council for additional sanctions if there were hard evidence that North Korea was involved. But North Korea is already subject to stiff sanctions. Mr Yu also says stalled sixparty talks on the north’s nuclear disarmament might be suspended indefinitely. But he has flatly ruled out calls from conservative politicians in the south for nuclear weapons to counter the threat from the north. The hawks are taking wing. On April 20th the Chosun Ilbo, the south’s biggest-selling daily, urged the government not to rule out military action. However, as an official notes, there is as yet little support in the south for warmongering, and the stockmarket has held firm. That suggests people believe the crisis will be defused, as happened after previous flareups on the UN-mandated Northern Limit Line, the disputed maritime border. Mr Lee, who hopes to show off South Korea’s economic

prowess as host of the G20 summit this year, is a conservative more interested in economic strength than the military sort. Some analysts commend him for his handling of the crisis so far. He has bought himself time by refusing to speculate publicly on the cause of the blast. Yet as commander-in-chief, he bears responsibility for the military shortcomings if, as some suspect, North Korea torpedoed the Cheonan from a semisubmersible vessel and got away with it. If that is indeed what happened, many will wonder what lies behind North Korea’s aggression. Kim Jong Il, its despotic leader, is desperate for financial aid and his government had recently signalled that it was keen to return to the six-party talks. Of all recent South Korean presidents, Mr Lee has taken the hardest line against bailing out Mr Kim’s bankrupt regime unless it pledges to destroy its nuclear weapons first. The senseless murder—if that is what it was—of 46 young sailors under his command is hardly likely to soften his line. Readers' comments The Economist welcomes your views. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

quoted as saying. A quarter of a century later, Chinese leaders remain almost as prone to deception by their underlings. Readers' comments The Economist welcomes your views. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Winners and losers (The Economist: Daily news and views) Submitted at 4/22/2010 1:14:11 AM

Europe.view Normal politics, and hard questions, loom in Poland Apr 22nd 2010 | From The Economist online IN THE churches of Warsaw and other Polish cities, the funerals continue but questions are looming. Why were so many of the country’s top brass on the plane that crashed on April 10th, killing President Lech Kaczynski, his wife and 94 others, including some of the country’s brightest and best military officers? Some of the WINNERS page 30


E-reader News Edition

WINNERS continued from page 29

relatives are, privately, furious. They say that their menfolk were ordered to travel to the Katyn memorial service as a backdrop for the launch of Mr Kaczynski’s re-election campaign. Bosses often waste busy people’s time for reasons of their own. But every decision that led to the crash now looks questionable. The decencies of mourning mean that media and political opponents are behaving gently. But that won’t last, especially when an even bigger question is in the air: what made the pilot decide to try to land at fog-bound Smolensk? He could have landed at Minsk, which would have been safer but would have ruined the commemoration ceremony by making the president late. Was that just the pilot’s decision? Did he have doubts? Was there any pressure from Mr Kaczynski? (In 2008 the president publicly berated a pilot for “cowardice”.) The answer may never be known. The cockpit voice recorder includes only the crew’s

preceding 30 minutes of conversation; the decision to ignore an air-traffic controller’s suggestion to land at Minsk was made nearly 45 minutes before the disaster. A third question is whether Mr Kaczynski deserved burial at the Wawel Cathedral in Cracow. That honour is normally reserved for Poland’s greatest heroes: the most recent to be buried there was Wladyslaw Sikorski, the country’s legendary wartime leader. Mr Kaczynski’s death was tragic. But he was a divisive figure, not an epitome of Polish greatness. The answers to these questions may determine another: who wins the June presidential election. Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the late president’s twin, could stand, perhaps buoyed by a sympathy vote. But his chances look fragile. If some of the blame for at least the scale of the disaster ends up falling on the late president, the Kaczynski legacy would look even flimsier. Mr Kaczynski’s rival, Bronislaw Komorowski, is leading the opinion polls. In

accordance with the constitution, Mr Komorowski, the speaker of the Sejm (the lower house of parliament) is already acting president. He should be a shoo-in. But his two public appearances since the crash have seemed wooden and unsympathetic. Some wonder if a cross-party candidate would be a good move, epitomising the new mood of national unity. But who? Despite the largely trivial political differences between the country's two main parties, Polish politics is sharply polarised. Away from the backbiting world of domestic politics, the immediate question is whether Poland’s relations with Russia have been genuinely transformed or if the changes are just cosmetic. Some see realpolitik at work, assuming that Vladimir Putin, the Russian prime minister, considers it worth making minor concessions over historical questions in order to fix relations with its large western neighbour, particularly given growing awareness of Poland's

potential gas reserves. As for the Polish business lobby, profits in Russia loom larger than fiddly questions about history and justice. The biggest question is about Russia. Openness about Katyn and Stalinist crimes against Poland inexorably leads to questions about the still greater crimes of the communists against Russians themselves. Pull on the thread of truth and all sorts of things will start to unravel. Why is the mass murderer Lenin, the author of the Red Terror, still venerated on Red Square? Answers on a postcard to Mr Putin. Readers' comments The Economist welcomes your views. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


E-reader News Edition


Accessories Feature: SIHH/ Basel Round-up (ELLE Fashion Blogs)

Limited Edition" Stainless steel case, black rubber bezel set with diamonds, Submitted at 4/21/2010 8:40:26 PM black rubber crown and Richemont's SIHH Watch Fair pushpieces, on black Hornback and the Baselworld watch fair in crocodile strap. Limited edition Switzerland, are the two most o f 1 5 0 - p i e c e s w o r l d w i d e important industry events of the ($26,800 at Audemars Piguet year for the luxury watch NYC or sector. This year both Fairs Bertolucci "Bella Costa" reported better than expected Black PVD case with 80 turnout and, by extension, diamonds and diamond index at better than expected on-site 12 o’clock, chronograph dial, sales. From a design standpoint, black rubber strap ($4,000 call the emerging trends in new toll-free corporate number 1-866 launches centered on: -706 6271 for retail locations) • Return to the classicsBoucheron "Ladyhawke simplified dials with vintage T o u r b i l l o n H i g h J e w e l r y inspired numerals and stylist W a t c h " details White gold set with 833 multicolored diamonds and rubies, Girard-Perregaux • Color- purple, orange, fucshia, Tourbillon with three gold and gray registered as some of bridges (price available upon the strongest stories in women's request timepieces Bulova (Prive available upon request BVLGARI "Serpente Tubogas • Sporty- rubber bracelets and Watch" 18kt pink gold and the introduction of chronograph diamonds styles made the case for a ($29,900 available at BVLGARI s p o r t i e r t a k e o n l u x u r y stores nationwide; please call timepieces 1.800.BVLGARI or visit Here are some of the highlights: Captive de Cartier watch Louis Vuitton "Tambour 18k white gold set with Lovely Cup" black face, black diamonds with blush-beige damier strap ($3850 please call brushed canvas strap 8 6 6 . V U I T T O N o r v i s i t ($31,900. Available at Cartier w w w . l o u i s v u i t t o n . c o m ) boutiques nationwide starting in AUDEMARS PIGUET May. Please call 1-800"ROYAL OAK OFFSHORE C A R T I E R or visit 5 7 t h S t r e e t C h r o n o g r a p h for more

information) Chanel "J12 Basel Star" watch 18k white gold, black ceramic, baguette cut rubies and white diamonds ($545,000 available in CHANEL Fine Jewelry Boutiques,for more information call 1-800-550-0005) Chopard "Polar Bear Watch from the 150th Anniversary Animal World Collection" 18ct white gold watch from the Animal World Collection. Mother of pearl dial with a diamonds set mobile polar bear. Bezel and crown set with diamonds. Quartz movement. Water-resistant to 30 metres. Light grey satin strap. ($54,350 please visit Grisogono "Novantatre S24S2" 18kt white gold set with 282 baguette-cut blue sapphires of 25.60 carats ($250,000 available at de Grisogono, New York and Crystal, Las Vegas please visit DIOR CHRISTAL HAUTE COUTURE “PASSAGE N°1” 33MM One-of-a-kind piece White gold, Crown set with a rose-cut diamond, Sapphire crystal case-back with Dior Christal metallized logo dial, white mother-of-pearl marquetry dial set with diamonds, black lacquered

bracelet, Swiss made ($155,000 please call 1-866-675 - 2 0 7 8 o r v i s i t Ebel Classic Sport Automatic 40 mm stainless case and bracelet, silver dial with striped central motif, date at 6’oclock ($2490 please call 800-9203153 or visit Gucci 27mm stainless steel case and bracelet with brown diamond pattern dial G-Timeless watch ($695 please visit Harry Winston (Price available upon request, p l e a s e v i s i t Hermès (Prive available upon request, please visit IWC Portuguese Automatic in rose gold on brown crocodile strap ($18,600 available at IWC Beverly Hills boutique please call 310-734-0520 or visit Movado "Master" 44 mm stainless steel case with black PVD coating, black rubber strap, automatic movement ($3495 available at Movado Boutiques or by calling (888) 4MOVADO) Speedmaster Moonwatch “Apollo-Soyuz” Limited Edition Stainless Steel case & bracelet, Meteorite dial* ($8,400 available at OMEGA Flagship Boutique NYC please

call 212-207-3333) Patek Philippe Ladies Calatrava 18k rose gold case set with 54 flawless, Top Wesselton diamonds. Vanilla brushed satin strap. Gold signature hobnail style hour markers. ($25,400.00 for more information please visit or call 212.218.1240) Piaget Altiplano 43mm 18k rose gold with a white dial and small seconds hand at 4 o'clock, presented on a brown alligator strap ($18,900 available at Piaget boutiques please call 1-877-8PIAGET or visit Rado "eSenza" Blue satin strap, case covered in sapphire crystal with blue metallic detail, dial covered in blue sapphires ($8400 please visit for more information) Raymond Weil "Parsifal 20th Anniversary" 41.4 mm Automatic Chronograph with black full skin alligator strap; Pink gold and steel case ($3895 available at Tourneau or visit Rolex "Oyster Perpetual Submariner Date" 40mm, stainless steel, pressure proof to 1,000 feet, special ceramic time-lapse bezel, 31 jewel chronometer movement with Oyster bracelet ACCESSORIES page 37



E-reader News Edition

New Graphics Tech Promises Speed, Hyperrealism Priya Ganapati (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 4/22/2010 7:00:00 AM

Chipmakers have spent billions of dollars over the decades to create specialized processors that can help make computer graphics ever more realistic and detailed. Now an Australian hobbyist says he has created a technology that can churn out high-quality, computer-generated graphics for video games and other applications without the need for graphics chips or processorhungry machines. “Major companies have got to a point where they improve the polygon-count in graphicsrendering by 22 percent a year,” says Bruce Dell, 32, the creator of the new technology, which he calls Unlimited Detail. “We have made it unlimited. It’s all software that requires no special hardware, so you get truly unlimited detail in your scenes.” Dell is an unusual candidate for a computer-graphics revolutionary. He’s an autodidact who’s never been to a university and who ran a supermarket chain for about eight years. But he claims to have found a way to search through trillions of voxels, the 3-D counterparts to pixels, to render a scene quickly. Voxels have so far been used largely in medical- and mining-graphics applications,

not video games. Bringing voxel-based rendering to the world of video games is an interesting idea, says Jon Peddie, founder of Jon Peddie Research. That’s because voxels

could take a middle ground between two current rendering techniques: the fast but not graphically realistic world of polygon rendering (used by most video games today) and

computationally resourcehungry and comparatively slow ray-tracing technology. “With voxels, you create a volume of points and look at those points to see what the

picture is all about,” says Peddie. “That gives a very accurate representations of the world you are trying to render, NEW page 33

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NEW continued from page 32

without taking up too much computational resources.” Creating lifelike images through graphics-rendering usually requires major computing power. To recreate three-dimensional objects on a computer screen, programmers define a structure in terms of its geometry, texture, lighting and shading. The resultant digital image is an approximation of a real-life object, but has a computergenerated–graphics feel to it. It also requires intensive computing power, which means graphics programmers must have state-of-the art machines with special chips from companies such as Nvidia and AMD. In most 3-D graphics-modeling programs, the virtual depiction of almost every real-life object, such as a trees or a stone, starts as a little flat polygon. Morepowerful processors can help the software have more of these polygons, which means increased roundness to the objects on screen. With enough computing power, billions of little polygons can be generated, and each made so small that it’s almost a dot. Another alternative is to use ray

tracing, a method in which the computer traces the path of light through space, simulating the effect on the light as it encounters different objects. That approach creates much more visually attractive scenes, but it is extremely intensive in its need for computational resources. Dell says Unlimited Detail has an alternative to these systems. It uses billions of “point cloud” dots, or voxels, to accurately represent a world. To render an image, Unlimited Detail then acts as a search engine. Dell says his algorithm can quickly figure out the dots needed to render a scene, search the data to find only those points, and pull them up quickly enough for smooth animation. He calls it “mass connected processing.” “Instead of putting a trillion dots on screen and covering the ones you don’t use, we show only what needs to be done and how you can manipulate those dots,” says Dell. It’s all so new that Dell, who claims to have single-handedly written the software, is still in the process of forming a company. So how legitimate are his

claims? It’s hard to evaluate. Few graphics programmers or industry analysts have actually seen his software at work. Dell says those who have are bound by tight nondisclosure agreements limiting their ability to talk about it. And graphics chip makers such as Nvidia are not impressed. “Voxel graphics have been around for quite some time, but they are not considered to be as precise as polygon-based graphics,” says Ken Brown, a spokesperson for Nvidia. Graphics rendered using voxels can run on less-resource-hungry machines, but they can’t offer the same level of quality as ray tracing or rasterization, he says. “With voxels, there are issues that come up with shading and coloring the images properly,” says Brown. “If you look at the screenshots that Unlimited Detail has posted, the images don’t look all that realistic.” Some of those problems can be ameliorated by using better tools, but it can’t be done by a one-man band, say Brown and Peddie. “There needs to be an infrastructure around every new rendering technique,” says Brown. “There have to be

SDKs, tools and drivers, and these are things that teams of people from many different companies come together to create.” As for claims that Unlimited Detail can do real-time graphics rendering on a machine with a single-core processor and no graphics card, Nvidia people say they’re skeptical. Searching through trillions of points of data would require large amounts of RAM (random access memory), and Dell isn’t sharing any details on how his algorithm deals with that problem. Even if Dell can validate his claims, it could be years before graphics programmers start using the voxel-based technique that Dell is advocating, says Peddie. “It will be evolutionary, rather than revolutionary, because there are too many entrenched systems and legacy files to be managed,” he says. “Anybody who is making graphics-creation software like Adobe, Autodesk and Maya will have to change their way of doing things. That’s a pretty big thing to change.” Major companies such as Microsoft and HP also have patents around voxels, and if

Dell wants to go professional, he’ll have to make sure he’s not infringing on the work of other researchers. “The jury is still out on this idea,” says Peddie. “But Bruce Dell seems real, very sincere, and the idea looks solid.” To preview Dell’s technology check out his own video: See Also: • Graphics Chips Gun for Supremacy in Silicon Showdown • The Game Graphics Chip Race • Personal Supercomputers Promise Teraflops on Your Desk • Ray Tracing the Future of Game Graphics? Photo: Unlimited Detail Rendered Artwork Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



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April 22, 1993: Mosaic Browser Lights Up Web With Color, Creativity Michael Calore (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 4/21/2010 11:00:00 PM

1993: NCSA Mosaic 1.0, the first web browser to achieve popularity among the general public, is released. With it, the web as we know it begins to flourish. The web in the early 1990s was mostly text. People were posting images, photos, and audio or video clips on web pages. But these pieces of “multimedia” were hidden behind links. If you wanted to look at a picture, you had to click on a link, and the picture would open in a new window. A team of students at the University of Illinois’ National Center for Supercomputing Applications, or NCSA, decided the web needed an experience more stimulating and userfriendly than that, so they set to work to build a better browser. Borrowing design and user interface cues from some other early prototype browsers, they went through a handful of iterations before arriving at the final 1.0 release April 22, 1993. The result, NCSA Mosaic, was the first web browser with the ability to display text and images inline, meaning you could put pictures and text on the same page together, in the

same window. It was a radical step forward for the web, which was at that point, a rather dull experience. It took the boring “document” layout of your standard web

page and transformed it into something much more visually exciting, like a magazine. And, wow, it was easy. If you wanted to go somewhere, you just clicked. Links were blue

NCSA Mosaic was free software, but it was available only on Unix. That made it common at universities and institutions, but not on Windows desktops in people’s homes. The NCSA team put out Windows and Mac versions in late 1993. They were also released under a noncommercial software license, meaning people at home could download it for free. The installer was very simple, making it easy for just about anyone to get up and running on the web. It was then that the excitement really began to spread. Mosaic made the web come to life with color and images, something that, for many people, finally provided the online experience they were missing. It made the web a pleasure to use. And after viewing dozens of pages with photos on them, people felt compelled to learn how to do the same thing with their pictures. Pretty soon, everyone had to have their own homepage on the web. Gary Wolfe described the general euphoria in the October 1994 Wired magazine: and underlined, easy to pick out. With Mosaic, the online world You could follow your own a p p e a r s t o b e a v a s t , virtual trail of breadcrumbs interconnected universe of backwards by clicking the big information. You can enter at button up there in the corner. APRIL page 36 At the time of its release,


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Facebook Adopts Open Standard for User Logins Michael Calore (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 4/22/2010 8:06:00 AM

SAN FRANCISCO, California — As we predicted, Facebook is switching to an open standard to handle user authentication across its entire platform of connected websites and applications. Facebook is ditching its proprietary Facebook Connect system, which lets people use their Facebook username and password to log in to other sites around the web. In its place, the company will implement OAuth 2.0, an open source (and soon to be IETF standard) protocol for user authentication. Viewed along side the barrage of other major announcements unleashed by Facebook at its F8 developer conference here on Wednesday, the move may only seem like a minor data point. But it is one with the potential to make a broad and deeply significant impact on the social web. Right now, users expect three choices for logging in to a site with an existing ID: Facebook Connect, Twitter or OpenID. That forces publishers to implement three separate systems — one for OpenID, one for Twitter, which uses OAuth, and one for Facebook, which uses Facebook Connect. But once OAuth 2.0 is up to speed and more sites move over to it,

things get simpler for site owners. Where there used to be three options — Facebook Connect, OAuth and OpenID — there will now only be two. And the two that are left are both open source. There are still details involving token management, autoregistration and other the other

bits of complex backend plumbing to be sorted out that Wednesday’s events don’t change. But the move towards OAuth is a step towards interoperability the social web sorely needs. Most importantly, it will be easier to build pathways connecting OAuth and OpenID, since both are fully transparent,

open standards and the proprietary Facebook Connect system has been removed from the equation. The switch paves the way for further integrations between existing technologies. During a panel discussion about OAuth on Wednesday afternoon, Facebook engineer Luke Shepard said that by adopting OAuth, he hopes

Facebook will “help drive it to become such a core part of the web, all the tools will end up supporting it.” Twitter also recently began supporting OAuth 2.0 with last week’s launch of @anywhere, its suite of social interaction tools. But what about OpenID? It was one of the key technologies responsible for pushing the idea of single sign-on forward, so why isn’t Facebook supporting it yet? “Developers aren’t asking for OpenID,” Shepard said when the question was posed to the panel. “They’re explicitly asking for us to make logins simpler and easier, not for us to implement OpenID. So now we’re doing that by implementing OAuth 2.0, because it’s simple and easy. Adding OpenID on top of it would just add a layer of complexity nobody is asking for.” OpenID is indeed very complex, and because of that, it suffers from usability problems that have kept it from being widely adopted. “It’s very easy to do user authentication over OAuth 2.0,” Shepard said. David Recordon, the moderator of the panel who develops open technologies at Facebook, asked the audience of about 60 or 70 FACEBOOK page 37



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APRIL continued from page 34

any point and begin to wander; no internet addresses or keyboard commands are necessary. The complex methods of extracting information from the net are hidden from sight. Almost every person who uses it feels the impulse to add some content of his or her own. Since Mosaic first appeared, according to the NCSA, net traffic devoted to hypermedia browsing has increased ten-thousandfold. Marc Andreessen, the Mosaicbrowser project leader, left NCSA in 1993 and founded Mosaic Communications with Jim Clark, the co-founder of Silicon Graphics, Inc., or SGI. Under their new corporate banner, they continued to develop their browser, licensing its page-rendering technology to other companies. Andreessen and Clark renamed the company Netscape

Communications in 1994 and released the flagship Netscape Navigator browser. The newer, more powerful browser soon grew to dominate the fledgling web, quickly surpassing Mosaic. It drew accolades from almost everyone — except those anxious to kill it. Netscape enjoyed a short reign as king of the hill before ceding the browser throne to Internet Explorer. The downtrodden Netscape was reborn as Mozilla, but it failed to take off. The Mosaic-Netscape-Mozilla browser eventually found new life as Firefox, released a decade after the first Mosaic browser. Source: Various Image: National Center for Supercomputing Applications See Also:

Mother You Love Her • June 24, 1993: Concert Goes Live on Net • July 9, 1993: Yes, They’re the Romanovs, DNA Tests Confirm • Aug. 21, 1993: Mars Probe Disappears, Never To Be Found • Sept. 2, 1993: U.S., Russia Ink Space Pact • Sept. 24, 1993: Beautiful ‘Myst’ Ushers In Era of CDROM Gaming • Nov. 3, 1993: Theremin Fades Out • Dec. 8, 1993: Location, Location, Location Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

• April 22, 1915: A Fearful Word in the Trenches: 'Gas!' • April 22, 1970: Tell Your

10 Ways to Keep Employees Happy (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed) Submitted at 4/21/2010 1:00:00 PM

The pull and tug of managing employees' happiness is like a game of blackjack. As the metaphorical dealers, employers carefully scrutinize what's on the table and hedge their bets accordingly. They must satisfy the bottom line while retaining the best and brightest around. At the same time, workers don't

want to settle for a low hand. But demanding too much may get them axed. Who wins after the cards are dealt? On the employee side, the Harvard Business Review wagers its chips on the upbeat crew [source: Fleischauer]. The team players who contribute cheerfully around the office have the greatest chances of surviving lay-offs. During economic downturns,

employers benefit from a drop in absenteeism, according to a study published by The Academy of Management Journal. But the odds aren't solely in favor of the bosses. Dissatisfied, disengaged workers show up more, which hurts productivity [source: Cornell University]. Also, the office stars may look to jump WAYS page 38

Portable Fire Starter Is a Spark of Genius Bryan Gardiner (Wired Top Stories)

included four Tinder Quik fuel tabs, which are waterproof, relatively Submitted at 4/21/2010 7:00:00 PM odorless and burn for minutes. Portable Fire Starter Is a Spark But the Survival Spark doesn't of Genius stop at fires. TAD Gear has Lighters run out of fluid, leak thoughtfully placed a small and occasionally explode. channel along the body that can Matches get house a wet and are, well, no match for needle for sewing up flesh, the wind. If you're serious about clothing — really anything with starting fires in all conditions, a tear in you need TAD Gear's Survival it. Simply wrap thread around Spark. the needle and secure with a Modeled after the emergency piece of fire starter your dad may have scotch tape. Or, if you're feeling humped particularly ambitious, use through the shit in Vietnam, electrical heat-shrink wrap to TAD's updated version remains seal the needle and thread in Zen-like place. in its simplicity. So go ahead and feel free to Comprised of a hollowed out flick your Bic. Right into the solid brass billet, a screw-on end trash. cap and a WIRED Fits easily into any hardened striker wheel, this 2.4- s u r v i v a l / e m e r g e n c y p a c k . inch stick works in rain or shine, R e f i l l a b l e f l i n t ( j u s t providing a lifetime of reliable like your favorite Zippo). spark-ups in a pinky-sized Knurled end cap for easy flint package. swapping. We channeled our inner Ronald TIRED Cylindrical shape Bartel on a particularly wet makes it difficult to use with weekend in one hand. the Bay Area and had no • Manufacturer: TAD Gear trouble igniting various pieces • Price:$20 of toilet paper, napkins and other combustibles Five Filters featured article: in seconds. No kindling handy? Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: The folks PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, at TAD have conveniently Term Extraction.


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ACCESSORIES continued from page 31

($7,725.00 for more information please call 1-800-36-ROLEX or visit Watch will not be available until later this year) Swarovski "Octea Sport Watch in Crystal, Orange" Stainless steel, 39mm; bezel clear crystal; dial - white silver sunray with a matt white silver coloured outer ring and glossy circular pattern; numbers - hand -applied orange indexes and Arabic numerals; strap - orange rubber strap with six clear crystals, movement - Swiss quartz.

($810 available at Swarovski boutiques nationwide please 800 -426-3088 for locations, also a v a i l a b l e o n TAG Heuer "Formula 1" White ceramic and stainless steel watch ($1200 for retail availability, visit Timex "Originals" Stainless steel case with timeworn finish, nylon canvas strap, 38mm case, water resistant to 50 meters, date function, INDIGLO® night light. ($95 available at Nordstrom and

FACEBOOK continued from page 35

people: “How many of you here want Facebook and Twitter to adopt OpenID?” Five people raised their hands (I was one of them). Another panelist, Raffi Krikorian from Twitter, quipped, “That answers your question right there.” Krikorian did offer a ray of hope for OpenID, though, noting that browser makers may provide the missing links that solve OpenID’s complexity problem. “Since the browser exists in between the web service and the

user, it makes perfect sense for the browser to handle those identity management tasks,” he said. “I think that would be a huge step forward for the web.” Another panelist, Yahoo’s Allen Tom, another long-time OpenID advocate, agreed that browser makers could definitely help fix OpenID’s UI problems. “If browsers can eliminate the confusion in the whole authorization flow around OpenID, that would be ideal.” See Also: • Up Next For Facebook: Expect More Open Interactions Vacheron Constantin "Historiques 1955" "Currently the world’s thinnest watch measuring just 4.10 mm thick." 18KT Gold, black handstitched, saddle-finished, square -shape scales alligator leather strap ($22,900 available at


Dinner Diary: Cajun Rice Editors (Daily Woman's Day Blog) Submitted at 4/21/2010 3:00:00 PM

This is where the leftover andouille went, a fly-by-the-seat -of-my-pants recipe that included all the wilting vegetables in my fridge along with chicken from the weekend and sausage from Monday. Maybe I should've called it kitchen sink rice. I started by cooking diced celery, onion and carrots in oil in a deep skillet. Then I diced an andouille sausage and heated it • Facebook Shows Off New i n t h e s k i l l e t w i t h t h e Tools to Socialize the Entire vegetables. I added a cup of rice Web and stirred to coat the rice with • Facebook Tags Everyone at the oil in the skillet, then added F8 with RFID Chips 1 1/2 cups chicken stock and some diced cooked chicken. Five Filters featured article: Brought it all to a simmer and Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: covered then cooked according PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, to the rice package directions Term Extraction. (about 15 minutes). When the rice was tender and had

absorbed the liquid, I stirred in some peas. I had hoped to add roasted red pepper, too, but the ones I had in the fridge looked a little too over-the-hill, so I left it out. Didn't miss it, either. Check out this roundup of chicken and rice dishes, which was an inspiration for my creation: 10 Takes on Chicken and Rice — Kim Walker Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Politics/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition

WAYS continued from page 36

ship for companies that can better fulfill their needs. Whether the Dow soars or plummets, employers bear the burden of protecting their human capital. In addition to trimming the chaff, businesses must cultivate a satisfied, engaged workforce to succeed. Job satisfaction defends against daydreams of greener pastures, and engagement propels employees to perform above and beyond baseline expectations. In return, businesses profit from markedly higher customer

satisfaction, lower turnover and greater returns on investments. The following 10 tips illustrate that making employees happy usually doesn't include dollar signs, either. Rather, it's intangible incentives that produce the concrete results. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Hoyer Regrets Calling Tea Party UnAmerican (Newsmax - Inside Cover)

Congress were sometimes shouted down at town halls by constituents furious over the House Majority Leader Steny health care bill, Mr. Hoyer and H. Hoyer said Thursday he and Mrs. Pelosi wrote an op-ed Speaker Nancy Pelosi made a article in USA Today decrying mistake when they called "tea the tenor of the debate and p a r t y " p a r t i c i p a n t s " u n - complaining about baseless American" last year. charges. "That was not a good phrase, The leaders called the protests not a good use of language, it "an ugly campaign" and said it was not correct," Mr. Hoyer, was clear some were trying to Maryland Democrat, said, disrupt "a civil dialogue." adding that he did not see "Drowning out opposing views anything wrong with vigorous is simply un-American," the two debating of philosophies. wrote. The charge became a In August, in the middle of a rallying cry for tea partiers. summer in which members of Mr. Hoyer said he made a Submitted at 4/22/2010 4:31:16 AM

Shop Spring’s Chicest Street Style Looks—From Military to Makeup Colors (ELLE Fashion Blogs) Submitted at 4/21/2010 2:35:00 PM

The perfect feminine-with-anedge leather jacket. Legelongating skinny jeans. Killer perforated platforms. These are just a few of the to-die-for spring looks I spotted on New

York City women while shooting a recent Street Chic video. Along my multineighborhood jaunt around the city, I fell hard for Lilia’s laidback sandals and bodyskimming bag, Marina’s punchy bangles and perforated boyfriend cutoffs paired with platforms, Grace’s tough-chic sky-high stilettos. take on military, and Erin’s

Click here to check out their style and shop their looks. —Violet Moon Gayn or Enviable style spotted on chic New York women Photos: Kelly Stuart Follow ELLE on Twitter. Become our Facebook fan!

mistake in reading the op-ed too quickly and approving it. But he also said there are some tea party activists that go beyond the acceptable level of debate, and he gave as one example rallies where speakers accuse Democrats of being communists. © Copyright 2010 The Washington Times, LLC Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Living Without Stevens Tom Goldstein (The New Republic - All Feed)

just uninformed speculation about posturing by competing ideologues. Submitted at 4/21/2010 3:22:15 PM That does not mean that the Tom Goldstein is a partner at public should just go about its Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & b u s i n e s s a n d i g n o r e t h e Feld, and lecturer at Stanford nomination until the President and Harvard Law Schools. He is makes his choice. There is the founder of SCOTUSblog. A valuable substantive analysis to version of this piece was be done. But it has to do with originally posted there on April the Court’s jurisprudence. We 18, 2010. can identify the areas of the law Supreme Court retirements that could change as a result of inevitably produce much more Justice Stevens’ departure. With c o v e r a g e o f p r o c e s s t h a n that information in hand, we can s u b s t a n c e . T h e p r e s s i s look at potential nominees and dominated by political rather try to figure out how they would than legal reporters. Politics is rule on those issues (a far more also more familiar and therefore difficult project) so that we more accessible to the public know what the effect of any than are court decisions. particular nomination would be. The irony is that this attention To be clear, this effort does not t o p r o c e s s i s n o t v e r y consider an important but meaningful—at least at this largely unquantifiable piece of stage, when there is no nominee. the retirement puzzle: Justice In comparison to a complicated Stevens’ significant influence on piece of legislation, the the Court because of his President’s choice of a nominee seniority and his longstanding is simultaneously pretty simple r e l a t i o n s h i p s w i t h h i s a n d l a r g e l y p r i v a t e . colleagues. Rather, my focus is Theoretically, likely Senate vote on the more concrete and counts could be done for a b s o l u t e q u e s t i o n o f t h e potential nominees, but that instances in which Justice would itself require detailed Stevens has been a part of fivestudy of the substance of the to-four majorities. In those nominees’ positions, which cases, if his successor instead requires significant effort. (The agreed with the dissent, the exception is a nominee like r e s u l t w o u l d h a v e b e e n Elena Kagan, who has recently different. Although those cases been before the Senate.) With have already been decided, and relatively little to talk about the Court hesitates to go back until the nomination is and overrule itself, this announced, most coverage is analytical exercise is important

because related questions with similar divisions among the Justices are likely to come up again. I am also taking the short-term view, looking at only how Justice Stevens’ successor might vote differently from him in close cases. But that does not attempt to account for the effect on later changes in the Court. Even if President Obama’s nominee shared Stevens’ views precisely and thus caused no immediate shift in the Court’s jurisprudence, later retirements and appointments—in particular, the replacement of a conservative by a liberal in a second Obama term—could make the nominee to the “Stevens seat” extremely important. My approach has one remaining big assumption, which I think is unavoidable. Almost all of the cases I consider were decided when Justice Souter was on the Court, and he was often in the five-Justice majority with Justice Stevens. Souter is of course now gone, replaced by Justice Sotomayor. So if she votes differently than he did—which will no doubt happen in some cases—the balance in the relevant cases will have already shifted. But because the evidence thus far suggests that Sotomayor will often come out the same way as Souter did, I think we can draw important conclusions from the

close cases in which Justice Stevens provided a fifth vote for the majority. With all those caveats, in this brutally long post, I try to address the most significant questions that come before the Supreme Court, with an eye to the issues on which the Stevens retirement could realistically produce a material change in the law. There are not many, but each is important. I’m sure as well that I’ll have updates to this analysis as I have the chance to reflect on it. I. Summary of My Conclusions The single largest body of cases in which Justice Stevens’ retirement could hypothetically shift the balance on the Supreme Court involves ideological issues on which the four most liberal Justices (Stevens, plus Souter, Ginsburg, and Breyer) joined with Justice Kennedy to create a majority. But although these cases involve very important issues, most of them are not very relevant to an examination of how the Court might shift because for that to occur Justice Stevens’ successor would have to be more conservative than not just him but also each of the other four members of the majority: Souter, Ginsburg, and Breyer, but also (the reasonably conservative) Kennedy. That is very unlikely. An example illustrates the point. Those five Justices

formed a majority to hold that the mentally retarded cannot be executed. Justice Stevens’ successor could take the opposite position and flip that result if s/he adopted a narrow reading of the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment. But that is largely hypothetical: because views on questions like eligibility for the death penalty generally track ideology, it is unlikely that a Democratic appointment would move in fact the Court to the right in that area. As a consequence, the appointment of Stevens’ successor by a Democratic President with a Democratic Senate is unlikely to shift the Court’s rulings on most important social issues, such as abortion, affirmative action, religion, and gay rights. On those questions, either the Court already is controlled by a conservative majority, or Stevens’ successor is unlikely to move the Court further to the right. There nonetheless are a couple of issues on which the Court’s majority followed that just-cited line-up—the left plus Justice Kennedy—but for which a new appointment could realistically change the result because the issues do not necessarily track the traditional liberal-versusLIVING page 40


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LIVING continued from page 39

conservative breakdown: executive power and preemption. Thus, the Court has been narrowly divided, with the left prevailing, in cases relating to the rights of military detainees to have access to the federal courts, including particularly on federal habeas corpus. A nominee who had a substantially more robust view of presidential powers, or even greater confidence in this Administration’s approach to detainee questions, could shift the course of those rulings. In addition, other important presidential-power questions are headed towards the Supreme Court, including with respect to the NSA wiretapping program. On preemption, Justice Stevens recently had significant success in securing a majority for two important opinions limiting the extent to which federal law trumps state law. His successor could take a broader view of the extent to which federal law controls, which would allow fewer state-law tort suits to proceed. The next body of cases involves less traditional alignments among the Justices—generally, the Court’s left (Stevens, Ginsburg, and Souter) and right (Scalia and Thomas) wings joining together to form a fiveJustice majority. This grouping has produced dramatic shifts in the Court’s Sixth Amendment

jurisprudence relating to the jury trial right (which has significant effects on how prison sentences are determined) and a defendant’s right to confront witnesses against him. The recent departures of two members of that majority—first Souter and now Stevens—create a significant prospect that the tide of those cases will now be slowed and perhaps reversed. It is also possible to identify areas of the law in which Justice Stevens’ departure may have an effect, even though he was not traditionally a part of a majority on the merits of a particular legal issue. Most prominent among these is campaign finance. Justices Stevens and Souter were the two strongest voices on the left resisting the trend towards the more aggressive application of the First Amendment to invalidate campaign finance laws, and the combined absence of their voices may speed the trend towards more decisions like Citizens United. Another example is the death penalty, where Justice Stevens (who late in his tenure concluded that the death penalty is unconstitutional) was relatively willing to provide a vote in favor of stays of execution. His replacement might be less willing to do so. For ninety percent of readers, everything you’re going to want to know about this post appears

above. The thousands of words that follow are the “show your work” sections, in which I provide considerably more detail on the hot-button issues that come before the Supreme Court. I try to address briefly almost all of the significant areas of current controversy that continue to arise in the Court’s docket. Simply to provide some organizing principle, I have broken the issues down according to whether they rise under the body of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, or statutes. II. Cases Involving the Articles of the Constitution The first set of issues the Supreme Court confronts relates to the body of the Constitution. Cases under the Constitution generally require the Court to determine or define the power of another part of the government, such as the power of Congress or a State to pass a law. Congressional Power is provided by Article I of the Constitution, which vests “[a]ll legislative Powers . . . in a Congress,” which has certain “Powers,” including (most importantly for the Supreme Court) the power “[t]o regulate Commerce . . . among the several States.” After some decisions suggesting that it might impose genuine limits on Congress’s power, the Supreme Court has declined to do so. Justice Stevens has been on the

pro-Congressional power side of those rulings (and indeed wrote the leading modern opinion), but the margin of decision has been wide enough that his departure would not be significant. See, e.g., Raich v. Gonzales(2005) (joined by Justices Kennedy, Souter, Ginsburg, and Breyer; Justice Scalia concurred in the judgment). Executive Power is provided by Article II of the Constitution, which vests “[t]he executive Power . . . in a President.” Recently, executive power issues have generally related to military detainees. Justice Stevens has consistently voted on the left, which has prevailed in several closely divided rulings. He wrote the opinion in the five-to-three Hamdan v. Rumsfeld(2006) decision (which we know would have been five-to-four absent the Chief Justice’s recusal), as well as the six-to-three Rasul v. Bush(2004) ruling (although there were only five votes for his opinion in that case). His retirement could be significant if his successor has a broader view of the President’s power, or a more limited take on the role of the courts, in this area. See, e.g., Hamdan v. Rumsfeld(2006); Boumediene v. Bush(2008). Although the current Administration is less likely to push the bounds of executive power with respect to detainee policy (including because of

Congress’s own greater involvement in the field), other important issues are still headed to the Court—for example, litigation over the NSA wiretapping program. Judicial Power is provided by Article III of the Constitution, which vests “the judicial Power . . . in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress” creates. Judicial power issues most often relate to “standing,” which is the right to bring a lawsuit in light of the requirement of Article III that courts can only decide “Cases” and “Controversies,” as opposed to abstract disputes. In recent years, several difficult standing issues have been decided by a five-to-four vote on ideological grounds, with Justice Stevens on the losing side. See, e.g., Hein v. Freedom From Religion Foundation(2007). One significant exception was the “global warming” case in which Justice Kennedy joined Justice Stevens’ majority opinion to hold by a five-to-four majority that Massachusetts had standing to challenge the refusal of the Bush Administration’s EPA to regulate tailpipe emissions. Massachusetts v. EPA(2007). But generally speaking, accessto-courts questions like standing are ideological, so it is unlikely that Stevens’ successor would change the balance on these LIVING page 41

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issues. Separation of Powers is the division of responsibility between the three branches of government: Congress, the President, and the judiciary. The Court has decided separation-ofpowers questions in the context of detainee issues, discussed above. Beyond that, the Court has long taken a flexible approach by a broad majority. See, e.g., Mistretta v. United States(1989); Clinton v. Jones(1997). In sum, in cases that involve the body of the Constitution, Justice Stevens’ retirement realistically is only likely to affect questions of executive power, including with respect to detainee policy. III. Cases Involving the Bill of Rights The next set of issues relates to the Bill of Rights. First, a note about “incorporation”: Several constitutional amendments discussed below, including the First Amendment, literally apply to “Congress” rather than state and local governments. But the Supreme Court has ruled—with only a couple of exceptions not relevant here—that the same constitutional restrictions apply to state and local governments. Speech is protected by the First Amendment which forbids a “law . . . abridging the freedom of speech.” Speech rulings are difficult to categorize because they arise in many diverse contexts, such as pornography,

student expression, and anonymous commentary. Justice Stevens has written the majority opinion in several seminal free speech cases. See, e.g., United States v. National Treasury Employees Union(1995); NAACP v. Claiborne Hardware(1982); McIntyre v. O h i o E l e c t i o n s Commission(1995); Ladue v. Gilleo(1994). Generally speaking, however, traditional free speech cases do not involve five-to-four alignments with Justice Stevens in the majority. Commercial Speech is a subcategory of free speech that involves advertising and similar expression. Commercial speech claims have often been resolved in the Supreme Court by narrow votes, but Justice Stevens voted on both sides of the issue. Compare 44 Liquormart v. Rhode Island(1996); United States v. United Foods(2001) (favoring such a claim) with Thompson v. Western States Medical Center(2002) and Glickman v. Wileman Bros. & Elliot(1997) (rejecting it). It is therefore difficult to predict the effect of the retirement on this area of the law. Campaign Finance is a subcategory of free speech that involves financial campaign “contributions” to specific candidates and parties and other “expenditures” regarding candidates and issues. The momentum in the law is

strongly in the direction of recognizing greater First Amendment limitations on campaign finance regulation. Those cases are often decided five-to-four, with Justice Stevens in the minority. See, e.g., Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission(2010). Importantly, Justices Stevens and Souter were the intellectual leaders of the left’s effort to sustain campaign finance regulation; they wrote most of the opinions upholding regulation when Justice O’Connor was on the Court ( see, e.g., McConnell v. Federal Election Commission(2003)) and the principal dissents after she was replaced by Justice Alito ( see, e.g., Citizens United, supra). As litigation pushes towards greater invalidation of campaign finance regulation, their departure may speed the shift towards recognizing a greater First Amendment right to participate in elections through campaign-related spending. Once quasi-campaign finance case in which Justice Stevens was in a majority was the Caperton v. A.T. Massey Coal(2009) ruling setting due process constraints on contributions to judicial candidates. Stevens’ successor could take a narrower view of the role of the federal courts in this area, and at least limit Caperton’s reach. It is unlikely

that Caperton will be overruled, if only because it has not yet proven to generate significant disruptive litigation. Religion is addressed by the First Amendment, which forbids a “law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” The first clause limits the government’s involvement with religion; the latter protects individuals’ own religious beliefs and activities. The Court has decided religion cases by narrow majorities—most notably the split-the-baby approach to the two Ten Commandments cases ( compare McCreary County v. ACLU(2005) (invalidating display) with Van Orden v. Perry(2005) (upholding display)—with Justice Stevens in one case part of a majority to limit the relationship between government and religion. But Justice Alito’s replacement of Justice O’Connor likely has already moved the Court to the right on that question. In close religion cases, Justice Stevens is already in a dissenting position. Gun Rights are protected by the Second Amendment, which provides that “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” The Supreme Court recently held that the Second Amendment protects a right to bear arms apart from service in a militia. The four more liberal Justices,

including Stevens, dissented. See District of Columbia v. Heller(2008). The Court is considering this Term whether the Second Amendment restricts state and local gun laws; the answer will almost certainly be yes. McDonald v. City of Chicago(2010). Privacy takes different forms in the Constitution. The “constitutional right to privacy” is protected by the Fourteenth Amendment, which is discussed below. Physical privacy—for example, in the home or walking down the street—is protected by the Fourth Amendment, which provides that “[t]he right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated.” The most significant trend in this area is the narrowing (and perhaps eventual elimination) of the “exclusionary rule” that requires the suppression of evidence gathered in violation of the Fourth Amendment. Results in Fourth Amendment cases have varied, although the left has occasionally won cases by a five -vote majority ( e.g., Georgia v. Randolph(2006)), including in a recent important opinion by Justice Stevens ( see Arizona v. Gant(2009), and Justice Kennedy has declined to LIVING page 42


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provide a fifth vote for dramatically narrowing the exclusionary rule ( Hudson v. Michigan(2006) (concurring opinion)). The law could move in a more conservative direction if Stevens were replaced by a justice who reads the Fourth Amendment more narrowly, but such a development is unlikely given that more liberal judges tend to have a relatively broad view of the Amendment’s privacy protections. Property Rights are protected by the Fifth Amendment, which provides that “private property” shall not “be taken for public use, without just compensation.” The most (in)famous “takings” case read the “public use” requirement to broadly permit the government to condemn land for redevelopment. See Kelo v. City of New London(2005). In theory, a different Justice could make a difference, as the case was decided by a vote of five to four, with Justice Stevens writing for the majority. But in the years since that case was decided, two of the Justices most concerned about property rights (who were among the four dissenters)—Rehnquist and O’Connor—have left the Court, and it seems unlikely that their replacements—Roberts and Alito—have views on the issue that are as strong. So Stevens’ departure is unlikely to significantly affect the Court’s

property rights jurisprudence. That said, Justice Stevens was one of the intellectual leaders in this area, authoring two significant opinions that construed property rights narrowly. See Kelo v. City of New London(2005); Brown v. Legal Foundation of Washington(2003). Criminal Defendants’ Rights are protected in several parts of the Constitution. Most relevant, the Fifth Amendment provides that a person shall not “be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb [the double jeopardy clause]; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself [the self -incrimination clause], nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law [the due process clause].” The Sixth Amendment furthermore guarantees a defendant the right to “a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury; . . . [and] to be confronted with the witnesses against him.” There recently have been close cases that involved the confrontation right, and Justice Stevens has been part of an unusual five-Justice majority favoring defendants, joined by Justices Ginsburg, Souter (with Justice Sotomayor now holding that seat), Scalia, and Thomas. See, e.g., Melendez-Diaz v. Massachusetts(2009). Stevens’ departure (together with the

retirement of Justice Souter) very well could change the direction of these cases. That seems to be the obvious implication of the fact that a Democratic appointee—Justice Breyer—was in the dissent in both cases. I don’t think that it’s likely that the Court would undo all of its recent rulings expanding the confrontation right, but it could overturn the Melendez-Diaz decision relating to the admission of tests (such as tests showing that substances are illegal drugs) or otherwise halt the expansion of the confrontation right. Another hotly contested aspect o f t h e S i x t h Amendment—which has produced the same unusual alignment of Justices just cited—is the right to a jury trial. Here, the five-member majority has issued several rulings that have revolutionized criminal sentencing, narrowing the power of federal judges (as opposed to juries) to find facts that may dramatically increase a sentence. Justice Stevens has been particularly influential, having written three of the seminal opinions. Apprendi v. New Jersey(2000); United States v. Booker(2005); Gall v. United States(2007). As with the confrontation right, the retirements of Justices Stevens and Souter could significantly shift this area of the law. I doubt that the Court would

want to go through the process of undoing the massive sentencing revolution it triggered with this line of cases. The original process was wrenching; the overruling of those rulings would be equally so. But it is certainly a possibility. Effective Defense Counsel is provided by the Sixth Amendment, which gives a criminal defendant the right “to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.” These claims often arise in death penalty cases, when it is alleged that the defendant’s counsel failed, for example, to investigate the crime or circumstances that would have made it less likely that the jury would impose a death sentence. Particularly since Justice O’Connor’s retirement, close cases in this area have tended to go in favor of the government, with Justice Stevens in dissent. Death Penalty questions generally arise under the Eighth Amendment, which provides that “cruel and unusual punishments” shall not be “inflicted.” There are many different issues in this area. Two principal categories are (i) claims that certain classes of defendants are categorically ineligible for the death penalty (for example, the mentally retarded, individuals who committed the offense while minors, and persons who

committed non-capital crimes); and (ii) claims that the death penalty should not have been imposed on the particular facts of the case. In the first category, Justice Stevens has been a part of five-Justice majorities in several significant cases, and authored the Court’s opinion holding that the execution of the mentally retarded is unconstitutional. See Kennedy v. Louisiana(2008); Roper v. Simmons(2005); Atkins v. Virginia(2002). It is unlikely, however, that Justice Stevens’ successor would vote to expand eligibility for the death penalty. Towards the end of his tenure, Justice Stevens concluded that the death penalty is unconstitutional; no other sitting member of the Court shares that view, which is likely to no longer be represented among the Justices. Baze v. Rees(2008) (Stevens, J., concurring in the judgment). More significant, Justice Stevens is (in no small part because of his now-strong views about the death penalty) a reliable vote to secure a stay of an execution. Justice Souter also had a relatively sympathetic approach to such requests. Their combined departure may make it materially more difficult to secure orders from the Court halting executions. States’ Rights are addressed by the Tenth Amendment, which LIVING page 43

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provides that “[t]he powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” Also, the Eleventh Amendment protects states’ sovereign immunity from suit, providing that the federal judicial power does not “extend to any suit . . . against one of the United States by Citizens of another State.” The Court decided a number of cases in favor of states’ rights by a five-to-four majority, with Justice Stevens in dissent, but with the departure of William Rehnquist and Sandra Day O’Connor it has shown less interest in the area. Before moving on to an analysis of the Fourteenth Amendment, a note about the “constitutional right to privacy” and “substantive due process”: the Constitution does not discuss abortion or certain other contentious legal issues relating to personal autonomy and fairness. In a hotly contested series of decisions, the Supreme Court has located those rights in the Bill of Rights broadly and in particular in the Fourteenth Amendment’s requirement that individuals not be deprived of “liberty” without “due process,” which the Court has said confers “substantive” protections. Another note about the Fourteenth Amendment: Both it and the Fifth Amendment

provide that individuals have a right to “due process.” The Fifth Amendment applies to the federal government; the Fourteenth Amendment applies to states and localities. Because most cases are brought against the latter, I discuss the Fourteenth Amendment to make things simpler. Abortion is addressed by the Supreme Court as a question of substantive due process and the constitutional right to privacy. The Court is closely divided on abortion. It appears likely that there are currently five votes to narrow the abortion right materially, but not enough votes to completely overrule Roe v. Wade because Justice Kennedy has not disavowed his position that the Constitution does recognize some form of abortion right. Compare Gonzales v. Carhart(2007) (upholding the federal partial-birth abortion statute and narrowly reading the right) with Planned Parenthood v. Casey(1992) (plurality opinion) (reaffirming but narrowing Roe). Justice Stevens has favored abortion rights. Theoretically, a successor who believed that Roe should be overruled could alter the balance on the Court on that issue, but it is essentially unimaginable that President Obama would appoint such a nominee. Gay Rights issues arise under two constitutional headings. One is substantive due process;

the other is the Fourteenth Amendment’s requirement that no state “deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” The Court’s modern decisions in this area—invalidating state sodomy laws and a referendum that uniquely restricted antidiscrimination protections for homosexuals—were both decided by a vote of six to three, with Justice Stevens in the majority. See Lawrence v. Texas(2003); Romer v. Evans(1996)). However, the Court has not considered these issues since one member of that majority (Sandra Day O’Connor) was replaced by Justice Alito. Thus, although it is very unlikely, Justice Stevens’ departure could tilt the Court away from the recognition of gay rights. It nonetheless remains true that Justice Stevens’ successor could play a significant role on the next major issue arising in this area: gay marriage. If the challenge to California’s Proposition 8 now pending in the trial court has a chance of prevailing in the Supreme Court, it is by a whisker at best, and Justice Stevens would have been among the Justices most willing to vote in favor of such a claim. Punitive Damages, although very different from abortion and gay rights, implicate the same constitutional provision. The Supreme Court has recognized a

due process right not to be subject to extreme and unanticipated money damage awards. This area of the law is somewhat unstable and uncertain. Three Justices who favored the Court’s current doctrine (Stevens, O’Connor, and Souter) have retired, while three who solidly oppose it (Scalia, Thomas, and Ginsburg) remain on the Court. It is therefore impossible to tell whether Stevens’ successor might tip the balance in this area of the law. Affirmative Action and other issues relating to race (most of which are discussed below in the statutory section) arise under the just-quoted Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. On affirmative action and similar issues (such as the use of race in school assignments), the Court has generally been hostile to racebased government decision making in five-to-four rulings in which Justice Stevens has been in dissent. See, e.g., Ricci v. DeStefano(2009). But because Justice Kennedy has declined to embrace a truly “color blind” interpretation of the Constitution ( see, e.g., Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1(2007) (concurring opinion)), it is (as with the discussion of abortion above), theoretically possible—but as a practical matter exceptionally

unlikely—that Justice Stevens’ replacement would move the Court significantly to the right. In sum, with respect to issues arising under the Bill of Rights, Justice Stevens’ departure is most likely to make a difference in cases involving the Sixth Amendment. IV. Non-Constitutional Cases The next set of issues that the Supreme Court confronts involves interpreting federal statutes that Congress adopts (and in one instance, a court rule), as well as issues relating to Native American tribes. Antitrust is the field of law encouraging business competition. The principal statute is the Sherman Act, which prohibits “[e]very combination . . . or conspiracy[] in restraint of trade” (Section 1) and makes it illegal to “monopolize, or attempt to monopolize, or combine or conspire with any other person or persons, to monopolize any part of [] trade or commerce” (Section 2). The Court’s decisions in this field have tended to narrow the application of the antitrust laws by relatively wide majorities. Habeas Corpus generally involves a court’s power to consider the legality of a criminal conviction after the completion of ordinary appeals, although habeas corpus LIVING page 44


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questions also arise in highprofile cases as the procedural mechanism for challenging military detentions. Article III of the Constitution provides that generally “[t]he privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended.” But the details are spelled out in a complicated statute, the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act (AEDPA), through which Congress has repeatedly narrowed habeas corpus. Certain issues—such as the rigorousness of the requirement that Supreme Court precedent be well established before serving as a basis for habeas corpus relief—have generated broad majorities in the Court. Other questions have created ideological divisions. Irregularly, Justice Stevens has been a member of five-Justice majorities that have included Justice Kennedy, but it is unlikely that his successor would shift the Court’s balance on those questions. See, e.g., A b d u l - K a b i r v . Quarterman(2007). Racial Discrimination issues can arise under the Fourteenth Amendment, as discussed above, but most often involve statutory claims, including particularly claims of employment discrimination. The principal statute is Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which forbids covered employers from discriminating

on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. The Supreme Court has had surprisingly few straightforward Title VII race-discrimination claims over the past ten years. It is unclear how close the cases would be. But in general it is unlikely that President Obama would nominate someone who would move the Court materially to the right on such a central civil rights question. Gender Discrimination is like racial discrimination: the issue can arise under the Fourteenth Amendment, but most often involves statutory claims. In addition to the employment discrimination provisions of Title VII, another important statute is Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which provides that no person “shall, on the basis of sex,” be subject to discrimination in “any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” Sandra Day O’Connor was generally the swing vote on gender discrimination claims. See, e.g., Jackson v. Birmingham Bd. of Educ.(2005). Recent experience indicates that her replacement by the more conservative Justice Alito will likely mean that Justice Stevens and his successor would be on the losing end of five-to-four cases. See, e.g., AT&T Corp. v. Hulteen(2009); Ledbetter v.

Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.(2007). Age Discrimination is addressed by the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), which makes age discrimination against employees over the age of forty presumptively unlawful. In general, age discrimination claims have not fared well in the Supreme Court. Justice Stevens was, however, part of a fiveJustice majority which held that the employer can be liable under the ADEA for unintentional age discrimination—so-called “disparate impact” claims. Smith v. City of Jackson(2005). Justice Stevens was also a member of a five-Justice majority that upheld an employer disability benefit plan which awarded higher benefits to workers injured before retirement age. Kentucky Retirement Systems v. EEOC(2008). Although his successor might find the statute violated in that circumstance, it is not a particularly significant area of the law. Disability Discrimination claims are presented under the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), which prohibits discrimination (i) in employment by a covered employer against a qualified person with disability (Title I); (ii) by public entities (Title II); and (iii) in public accommodations (Title III). The

Court has had very few ADA cases: it adopted a middleground reading in applying the Act to cruise ships by a five-tofour majority composed of the left plus Justice Kennedy ( Spector v. Norwegian Cruise Lines(2005)) and it held that states could be sued for money damages under a provision of the ADA in an opinion by Stevens for five Justices that included Sandra Day O’Connor ( Tennessee v. Lane(2004)). It is extremely unlikely that an Obama appointee would take a materially narrower view of the ADA. Environmental Law issues can arise under a number of different statutes that address different forms of pollution (for example, the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act) at different sites (for example, hazardous waste dumps). In general, recent environmental cases have been closely fought and decided largely along ideological lines, with the left in dissent. See, e.g., Coeur Alaska v. Southeast Alaska Conservation Council(2009) (6-3; environmental claim fails); Entergy Corp. v. Riverkeeper, Inc.(2009) (5-4; environmental claim fails); National Ass’n of Home Builders v. Defenders of Wildlife(2007) (5-4; environmental claim fails). Voting Rights issues can arise under the Fourteenth Amendment, which the

Supreme Court has applied to claims of racial discrimination and unequal distribution of voting power. But these issues most often arise under the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The leading provisions are Section 2, which prohibits electoral systems with discriminatory effects, and Section 5, which requires covered jurisdictions to receive federal permission before changing their voting systems. Recently, in close cases under the act, Justice Stevens has been in dissent. At oral argument in Northwest Austin Mun. Util. Dist. No. One v. Holder(2009), it seemed that the Court’s conservatives were seriously considering invalidating the current version of Section 5 as unconstitutional. The Court divided on ideological lines, with the left in dissent, on whether the Act requires the recognition of minority influence districts. Bartlett v. Strickland(2009). On the other hand, Justice Kennedy joined the left to invalidate changes to a Latino district in LULAC v. Perry(2006). One area of voting rights law that Stevens’ retirement could implicate is that Justice Kennedy has in principle joined with the left to recognize the plausibility of a “partisan gerrymandering” claim— i.e., that district lines were LIVING page 48


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The Bomb Squad Michael Crowley (The New Republic - All Feed) Submitted at 4/21/2010 5:55:20 PM

Imagine for a moment that it is late 2010, perhaps a few weeks after the midterm elections. Barack Obama has scheduled a surprise prime-time televised statement from the Oval Office. Looking grave, even shaken, behind the presidential desk, Obama fixes his gaze into the camera and speaks: When I said that it would be unacceptable for Iran to produce a nuclear weapon, I meant it. Over the past several months, it has become clear that neither engagement nor isolation and sanctions have slowed Iran’s determination to build a bomb. And recent, solid intelligence has confirmed that Iran may now be much closer to nuclear weapons capability than anyone believed possible. So tonight, I have authorized air strikes against several facilities integral to Iran’s nuclear ambitions. This is a decision I make with a heavy heart and a clear-eyed understanding of the risks involved. It’s not an easy scenario to envision. The Brookings Institution’s Michael O’Hanlon and Bruce Reidel recently wrote that it’s “simply not credible that we would use force [against Iran] in the foreseeable future.” But in Washington of late it’s been possible to detect a slight

uptick in bellicose talk, even within the non-neocon set. At a Senate Armed Services hearing on Iran last week, the Pentagon’s under-secretary for policy, Michele Flournoy, assured the committee’s normally dovish chairman, Carl Levin, that military options are indeed “on the table.” At the same hearing Joe Lieberman warned that “if sanctions do not work we have to be prepared to use military force to stop the unacceptable from happening.” Sure, Lieberman’s a hawk. But last weekend CNN reported that Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Michael Mullen has told the military to update contingency plans for such an attack. All of this comes in the context of a leaked secret memo by Defense Secretary Robert Gates warning that the Obama team lacks a clear plan for dealing with a nuclear-armed Iran, which has renewed calls in some quarters for taking the military option more seriously. Simply put, even with Washington consensus leaning strongly against attacking Iran, nobody likes the idea of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his master, Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, sitting atop a nuclear arsenal. There is, however, a widespread belief that we might not need to consider bombing Iran because, should diplomacy and sanctions fail, Israel will do the job for us. The Israelis

bombed Saddam Hussein’s nuclear program at Osirak in 1981, after all, and also flattened a nascent Syrian nuclear project in late 2007. Maybe they can do it again—and in a way that allows Obama to claim that America played no role. That’s exactly what some people thought Joe Biden was hinting at last summer when the vice president answered a question about an Israeli attack by saying that the U.S. “cannot dictate to another sovereign nation what they can and cannot do.” But the reality is less convenient. Obviously, a diplomatic solution to Iran’s nuclear march would be vastly preferable to a military one. And even if, as seems likely, tough international sanctions are either unattainable or fail to change Iran’s course, it may well be that air strikes aren’t worth the potentially terrible consequences. Yet if someone is going to bomb Iran, it makes more sense for America, and not Israel, to handle the job. The main reason is this: America is simply in a far better position to cripple Iran’s nuclear program. Consider the analysis of a possible Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities published last year by Abdullah Toukan and Anthony Cordesman of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. The authors imagined a scenario where Israeli jets flew

through southern Turkish airspace and then cut across Iraq’s northern tip to strike several facilities within Iran. Toukan and Cordesman were not optimistic about the results. “[I]t would be complex and high risk in the operational level and would lack any assurances of a high mission success rate,” they concluded. Israel would face an array of problems, they argue, from the limited range of its aircraft—requiring multiple refuelings—to the limited ability of its warheads to penetrate Iran’s deeply buried nuclear facilities. By contrast, last month Toukan and Cordesman released a similar report, this one examining a possible American attack on Iran. Their assessment was far more bullish. Such an attack would involve American B-2 stealth bombers based in Diego Garcia. The B-2 has exponentially longer range than Israel’s F-15 and F-16 fighterbombers. Conveniently, last summer the B-2 completed an upgrade allowing it to carry the GPS-guided 5,300-pound Massive Ordinance Penetrator bomb. And the bomber’s stealth nature will make it far less vulnerable to Iran’s air-defense system than the Israeli Air Force’s traditional jets. As Cordesman and Toukan conclude, the U.S. is “the only country that can launch a successful Military Solution.”

Chuck Wald, a retired four-star U.S. Air Force General who worked on a Bipartisan Policy Center task force on Iran, argued in a Wall Street Journal op-ed last summer that the U.S. military option is “a technically feasible and credible option.” Perhaps most significantly, even joint chiefs chairman Mullen, who has often warned of the possible grave consequences of hitting Iran, conceded last weekend that a U.S. attack would “go a long way” toward setting back (though not eliminating) Iran’s nuclear program. Let us stop here to make clear that a U.S. attack on Iran might well be a disaster. Iran could incite its Shiite allies in Iraq to sow violence and chaos even as tens of thousands of American troops remain in the country. Tehran could also step up support for the Afghan Taliban; in a nightmare scenario, Iran might supply the Taliban with surface-to-air Stinger missiles, the weapon that drove out the Soviets. “The regional security consequences,” Cordesman and Toukan concluded in their latest report, “would be catastrophic.” What’s more, while some Arab regimes might quietly celebrate a blow against their Persian rival, it’s not clear how many ordinary Muslims will see things that way. And any attack BOMB page 49



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Ariz. Immigration Debate Pressures McCain (Newsmax - Inside Cover) Submitted at 4/22/2010 3:31:38 AM

Republican Sen. John McCain, who once championed a path to citizenship for the nation's roughly 12 million undocumented immigrants, is now pushing for a crackdown on illegals amid the toughest reelection fight of his career. McCain's hardline stance on immigration comes in the face of a credible GOP primary challenger, former Rep. J.D. Hayworth, and the possibility that the party's 2008 presidential nominee could lose his Senate seat because many conservatives don't consider him one of their own. Engaged in a fierce contest with the tea party-backed Hayworth, McCain has moved to the right on numerous issues, including gay rights and climate change, and disavowed his long-standing maverick label. The killing of an Arizona rancher last month stoked conservatives' emphasis on fighting illegal immigration. The state Legislature on Monday sent Republican Gov. Jan Brewer one of the toughest immigration laws in the country; Brewer hasn't said what she will do. The turn of events has moved immigration to the forefront for voters — and Hayworth has used the issue as a cudgel against McCain. On March 27, rancher Rob

Krentz, 58, was found dead on his all-terrain vehicle after making a garbled call about encountering someone apparently needing help. Authorities say they believe Krentz was shot by an illegal border-crosser, possibly someone working for a smuggling cartel, although they haven't made arrests in the case. Hayworth has assailed McCain's work on a 2005 bill that included providing a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants, a provision Hayworth calls amnesty. McCain co-sponsored the bill with the late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., and argued in 2007 when the effort failed that he wouldn't give up because "the American people will not settle for the status quo — de facto amnesty and broken borders." Facing pressure from conservatives in his own party, he began backing off his support of an immigration overhaul during his presidential primary campaign. Early in 2008, McCain privately told congressional Republicans that he had been hurt politically by his push for immigration reform and had learned that sealing the border should be a top priority. In his bid for a fifth term, the 73-year-old lawmaker has made clear that he understands the political reality. McCain was on the air this

week to pitch a tough crackdown on illegal immigration, renewing a call to deploy 3,000 National Guard troops to the Arizona border, the busiest stretch for illegal border crossings. He also wants 3,000 additional Customs and Border Protection agents, new fences and increased aerial surveillance. The plan was released with fellow Arizona Republican Sen. Jon Kyl, but it was McCain who went on Fox News Channel to sell it. The plan was similar to a proposal released a week earlier by Arizona ranchers who went to the state Capitol after Krentz's death. Hayworth called the senators' plan an "election-year gimmick." McCain's campaign spokesman, Brian Rogers, accused Hayworth of using the rancher's death "to exploit a family's tragedy to score cheap political points." Hayworth also said McCain's actions are too little, too late. "Had McCain supported my efforts in 2005 to secure the U.S. border, rather than stubbornly supporting amnesty, we would not be trying to apply quick fixes today," Hayworth said. McCain argued that he's been working for years on securing the border and says he's worked directly with Mexican President Felipe Calderon on the issue.

"I have a long record of legislative efforts as well as other efforts to try and get the border secured," he said. Hayworth has pressured McCain to support the bill passed by the Legislature. It makes it a crime to be in the state illegally, requires police to question people about their immigration status if there's reason to suspect they're in the country illegally and makes it illegal to hire undocumented immigrants for day labor or knowingly transport them. Arizona has an estimated 460,000 illegal immigrants. Many argue the bill promotes racial profiling and will lead to civil rights abuses. The head of the nation's largest Roman Catholic archdiocese, Los Angeles Cardinal Roger Mahony, condemned the legislation, calling it meanspirited and wondering whether Arizonans would revert to "German Nazi and Russian Communist techniques" of turning people into authorities based on suspicions. McCain on Monday called the bill "a good tool" for law enforcement that "needs to be used." But his office later clarified that his statements didn't amount to an endorsement. Discussing the bill Tuesday with Fox News' Bill O'Reilly, McCain said he would be "very sorry" if the bill results in racial

profiling. But he also argued that "homes and property are being violated" and "cars with illegals in (them) are intentionally causing accidents on the freeway." McCain added, "Look, our border's not secured, our citizens are not safe." The flip-flops on the thorny issue of immigration reflect McCain's struggle to take a tougher stance without alienating moderates in his party. Illegal immigration has also reverberated in other Arizona races. Republicans hoping to unseat Gov. Brewer swiftly endorsed the ranchers' border plan. State Treasurer Dean Martin said Brewer "has done little to secure our border, but simply point the finger at Washington." Brewer hasn't said whether she will sign the bill, veto it or just let it become law. Like McCain, Brewer is locked in a tough GOP primary to keep her job. She assumed the office more than a year ago when Democrat Janet Napolitano resigned to become President Barack Obama's homeland security secretary. Š Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. ARIZ. page 48


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Internal RNC Probe Finds Disarray (Newsmax - Inside Cover) Submitted at 4/22/2010 2:13:56 AM

Barely 6 1/2 months before the midterm elections, an internal investigation by the Republican National Committee has revealed that the organization is beset with questionable financial management and oversight and is spending more money courting top-dollar donors than it raises. The investigation found that the Republican Party's national governing body is losing money on its major-donors' fundraising program -- spending $1.09 for each $1.00 raised, according to RNC members privy to the investigation's findings. It typically costs about 40 cents for every dollar raised from donors who give more than $1,000. The investigation also found that the RNC has allowed employees to forge Finance Director Rob Bickhart's initials on expense-reimbursement request approvals, according to an RNC member who spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation. The RNC's top elected and appointed management have united in defense of the committee's practices. RNC Chairman Michael S. Steele can withhold or increase RNC contributions

to a state party. The Washington Times obtained a copy of a report on the investigation -- prepared by RNC Treasurer Randy Pullen -that he sent to the 28-member RNC Executive Committee before a conference call hastily scheduled for Wednesday afternoon by Mr. Steele's office. It includes some of the findings. RNC communications director Doug Heye disputed the fundraising figures when reached for comment about the report. He said year-to-date the RNC has received $2,649,586 from major donors at a cost of $1,832,642, netting the organization more than $800,000. The report says several RNC Finance Department employees have been forging Mr. Bickhart's signature for reimbursement for the purchase of clothing, wine and entertainment expenses, including some that were labeled as office supplies. One such expense was the nearly $2,000 that a Finance Department employee named Allison Myers -- since fired -received for money spent by a friend and non-employee at an Los Angeles nightclub that featured a sexual-bondage theme. Many small and large RNC donors alike were not

amused. The report also said widespread employee abuse of RNCprovided American Express cards prompted a recommendation at the end of last year that the cards be yanked from all employees and officers except for Mr. Steele and his chief administrative officer, Boyd Rutherford. Mr. Pullen's report noted that although the recommendation was first made in December, the cards were not yanked until April 12. The RNC's Mr. Heye, however, said that date is inaccurate and that the committee started phasing out credit cards last year. That was the same day The Washington Times reported that Mr. Pullen said an RNC check had been "forged" by an RNC employee with Mr. Bickhart's permission to cover the cost of an entertainment tab that turned out to be the sex-club incident. The check was made out to a friend of Ms. Myers, who headed a young major-donors fundraising program for the RNC. In his written report on Wednesday, Mr. Pullen said that Mr. Bickhart's contract as RNC finance director calls for his company, eCapitol Direct LLC, to be given $22,500 for every $9 million raised through "direct

marketing sources every two months." This is in addition to Mr. Bickhart's salary as finance director. Mr. Pullen found that Mr. Bickhart shows up at RNC headquarters about three times a week but exercises little or no financial control and gets paid well over a half-million dollars, more than twice the $223,500 in salary Mr. Steele gets as chairman. "Based on budgeted direct marketing revenues for 2010," Mr. Pullen said in his report, Mr. Bickhart's extra compensation arrangement "will result in over $270,000 in additional compensation to Mr. Bickhart." Mr. Pullen noted that the way Mr. Bickhart structured his RNC contract, it provides the wrong incentives, allowing Mr. Bickhart to increase his take even as the RNC loses money through his efforts. "This contract does not take into consideration the cost to generate the revenue; therefore, there is no incentive for costs to be minimized as he receives compensation regardless of the net cash generated," Mr. Pullen wrote. "This contract was not reviewed and approved by an officer or the Executive Committee," he wrote, noting that Mr. Bickhart's

contract "can be canceled at any time by written notice to the other party." "This contract should be canceled," he added. Since Mr. Steele's term as national chairman began in January 2009, there has been controversy over his fiscal management of the committee. Over Mr. Steele's objection, members have ordered that all contracts worth more than $100,000 be authorized by an officer or by the whole Executive Committee. Mr. Pullen said he found more instances of the RNC's "good governance" rule being ignored under Mr. Steele's leadership. "The prior contract with eCapitol Direct LLC that called for $37,500 per $9,000,000 had not been approved," Mr. Pullen said. "I also discovered a third contract with GKV LLC that called for a fundraising consulting fee of $10,000 a month for the period September 2009 through November 2010. This contract had not been approved by an officer or the Executive Committee." Š Copyright 2010 The Washington Times, LLC Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



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Obama on Offense E.J. Dionne Jr. (The New Republic - All Feed) Submitted at 4/21/2010 11:00:00 PM

SANTA BARBARA, Calif. -What does President Obama's visit to California this week on behalf of embattled Sen. Barbara Boxer have to do with passage of the financial reform bill? Far more than you'd imagine. That Boxer is in any trouble says much of what you need to know about this year's election. California has become a Democratic bastion and Boxer has been a liberal institution who never before faced a serious re-election challenge. Now she is seen as sufficiently vulnerable that Obama will come to the state for another fundraiser for her next month. The threat to Boxer is grim news for Democrats. Is this sense of the election about to be overtaken? That's where financial reform comes in. If health care legislation had to fight uphill against a public mood that is skeptical of government's capacities, the financial reform bill Democrats are pushing has the advantage of flowing with a public view devoutly critical of Wall Street, bankers and all their works. And for the first time in Obama's presidency,

Republicans are uncertain as to whether resolute opposition to a Democratic idea is in their political interest. There are strong indications that the GOP would prefer to avoid an all-out confrontation over re-regulating the financial system, and several Republican senators are saying that they would like to negotiate with Democrats on this one. Suddenly, it's Democrats -- and, in particular, the often conflictaverse Obama -- who are relishing a fight. This raises what may be the essential question for the campaign: Can Democrats finally put the Republicans on the defensive? Obama is betting that they can. His speech at a fundraiser for Boxer in Los Angeles on Monday offered a template for a new Happy Warrior president. After a year in which he repeatedly and almost apologetically insisted that he was -- really, really -- trying as hard as he could to work with Republicans, he turned the beat around and asked why Republicans weren't willing to work with him. He used his praise of Boxer -"she wants to cooperate with folks on the other side of the aisle where she can, but she's willing to fight where she has to" -- as a pivot to what he

continued from page 46

hopes will be a central theme of this year's national election campaign. His words about Boxer, he said, were "not a bad adage ... for the Democratic Party. "In this entire year and a half of cleaning up the mess, it's been tough because the folks very responsible for a large portion of this mess decided to stand on the sidelines," Obama declared. "It was as if somebody had driven their car into the ditch and then just watched you as you had to yank it out, and asked you, 'Why didn't you do it faster -- and why do I have that scratch on the fender?' And you want to say, why don't you put your shoulder up against that car and help to push? That's what we need, is some help." In one paragraph, Obama did what many of the dispirited in his party have long been urging him to do: He linked the economic mess to past Republican policies -- much as Ronald Reagan blamed the economic downturn of the early 1980s on Democrats and liberals -- and turned the tables on bipartisanship by asserting that it is Republicans who are blocking concord. And then he connected this argument to the struggle over financial reform, aimed at changing "a situation where

people are allowed to take wild risks and all the downsides are socialized even as the profits are privatized." Obama said that "some of the rhetoric that's coming out of the other side of the aisle" suggested that Republicans "so far, at least, don't seem to acknowledge that we're going to have to make some tough decisions and reform the system." Note the words "so far, at least." Democrats clearly see financial reform as a winner either way. With Republican cooperation, they have a bill. With Republican obstruction, they have an election issue. For once, Democrats are negotiating from strength. No one doubts the Democrats are in a deep electoral hole. But Obama has now joined the battle with a strategy to transform the election from a referendum on his own party into a contest with a Republican Party the public doesn't much like, either. Boxer's fate, but also the fate of a lot of other Democrats, hangs on its success. E.J. Dionne's e-mail address is ejdionne(at) (c) 2010, Washington Post Writers Group For more TNR, become a fan on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

LIVING continued from page 44

unlawfully drawn to favor a particular political party—although that recognition has not had any practical effect thus far because he has not identified a sufficiently extreme district to be unlawful. Stevens’ successor could reject such a claim outright, and close the door to such a possibility. But generally speaking, it is very unlikely that a Democratic appointee would move the Court to the right on voting rights issues. Preemption is the principle that federal law trumps state law. It is grounded in the Supremacy Clause of Article VI of the Constitution, which provides that “[t]he Constitution, and the Laws of the United States . . . and all Treaties . . . shall be the supreme Law of the Land.” Although formally a constitutional issue, preemption questions most often involve the construction of a federal statute (or sometimes a regulation) to determine whether it precludes a state (or local) law. The Court’s preemption decisions have not LIVING page 49


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continued from page 45

might shore up Ahmadinejad’s grip on power, in a rally-roundthe-flag effect. The potential effects on the oil market and a recovering world economy are hard to predict. Awful as those consequences may be, there’s plenty of reason to think that an Israeli attack would have a similarly negative effect on American interests. The U.S. can always deny a role in or even knowledge of an Israeli attack. But Iran’s leaders are almost sure to assume the nefarious American-Zionist machine at work anyway. Moreover, the Council on Foreign Relations’ Steven Simon wrote in November, “[R]egardless of perceptions of U.S. complicity in the attack, the United States would probably become embroiled militarily in any Iranian retaliation against Israel or other countries in the region.” Unintended consequences might also drag America into a fight that someone else started.


continued from page 48

Consider an Iran war game conducted in December by the Brookings Institution which imagined a unilateral Israeli attack on Iran. Things got nasty fast. Iran unleashed a slew of attacks against Israel, including launching ballistic missiles at Israel’s air bases and its Dimona nuclear facility. Hezbollah and Hamas began new rocket campaigns, drawing Israel back into Lebanon. And Iran began a campaign of international terrorism in Europe designed to undermine western support for Israel. The game’s American team hoped to stay on the sidelines. But because Iran understood this, Tehran overreached, launching attacks on oil facilities in Saudi Arabia, whom Iran’s leaders perceived as having supported the strike. (The game’s Israeli jets had crossed Saudi airspace.) When Iran began to mine the Strait of Hormuz, a key choke point for the global oil trade, it crossed a U.S. “red line.” The game ended

with the U.S. “massively” reinforcing its forces in the region and the prospect of a substantial conventional war between the U.S. and Iran. That may be a nearly worstcase scenario, and it is possible that the U.S. could avoid clashing with Iran in the wake of an Israeli strike. (Tehran might tread more carefully than imagined in this war game, understanding that a fight with Israel alone would bring more international support and less military risk.) At a minimum, however, since we can’t just walk away from the Middle East—our stake in Iraq’s future, alliance with Israel, and dependence on Gulf oil, among other things, simply won’t allow us —any new problems there will be our problems as well. None of this means that America should attack Iran. After all, virtually no one thinks that even an American strike can end Tehran’s nuclear program. Instead we could could set back

the Iranians and buy a few years’ time—time in which a more moderate government might assume power, or in which the West might convince Iran and other watchful nuclear aspirants that the benefits of going nuclear are outweighed by the diplomatic (and military) punishment it entails. That would be a massive gamble, however. And everyone knows how America’s last big gamble in the region turned out. But if Barack Obama really believes that an Iranian bomb is unacceptable, and that only bombs can prevent it, then he needs to face the grim truth that this is a burden for America to shoulder—and resist the temptation to let someone else handle the grim job for us. Michael Crowley is a senior editor of The New Republic.

pointed in a consistent direction and have tended to turn on their particular context. Two significant recent decisions have ruled against preemption claims, however, and Justice Stevens authored the majority opinion in both. One was decided six to three, but only five members of the Court joined Justice Stevens’ opinion. Wyeth v. Levine(2009). The other was five-to-four. Altria Group v. Good(2008). Preemption is thus an important area of the law that could shift with Justice Stevens’ departure towards finding greater federal preemption and thus reduced state authority. The principal consequence would be to allow fewer state tort suits to proceed. Substantive Criminal Law involves determining whether particular conduct is a crime under any of many dozens of different criminal statutes. The Court’s cases are too varied to LIVING page 50

E-Trade Still Speculative After Q1 Steven Mallas (BloggingStocks)

Charles Schwab ( SCHW) and TD Ameritrade ( AMTD), is a low-priced stock. It closed on Submitted at 4/22/2010 9:30:00 AM Wednesday at $1.82, Filed under: Earnings Reports, representing a rise of 2.8%; the Charles Schwab Corp (SCHW), move was backed by strong T D A m e r i T r a d e H o l d i n g volume. The company reported (AMTD), E*TRADE (ETFC) first-quarter earnings yesterday E*Trade ( ETFC), an online after the bell. What should we According to MarketWatch, things seem to be improving. A broker whose colleagues include make of the results?

loss of 2 cents per share compared very favorably to the loss of 41 cents per share booked in the year-ago period. As for estimates, the analysts were thinking that a loss of 3 cents per share was in the offing. Continue reading E-Trade Still Speculative After Q1

E-Trade Still Speculative After Q1 originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Thu, 22 Apr 2010 09:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments



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LIVING continued from page 49

categorize and depend on particular circumstances. Generally speaking, Justice Stevens was relatively more sympathetic to claims of criminal defendants, but relatively rarely in cases that produced a narrow, nonideological majority in favor of the defendant. This field does contain, however, a rare case in which Justice Stevens was a member of a five-Justice majority, of which he took the most conservative position. See United States v. Santos(2008) (Stevens, J., concurring in the judgment) (concluding that “proceeds” under the money laundering statute means “profits” in some cases, but not all). His successor could move the Court to the left in such a case, but the issue is not significant. Criminal Sentencing issues can arise in many contexts. The Sixth Amendment right to a jury

trial, which is discussed above, has significant implications for sentencing. Other sentencing issues generally involve the interpretation of federal laws—for example, statutes providing for mandatory minimum sentences. This category does include a rare (and not terribly important) case in which Justice Stevens joined four more conservative colleagues to form a majority, rejecting a defendant’s claim of a right to notice of a particular sentence. See Irizarry v. United States(2008). But in general, statutory sentencing cases have not consistently involved narrow five-to-four majorities. Pleading Standards are the rules governing the amount of detail that must be included in a “complaint” in order to pursue a civil lawsuit in federal court. That standard is governed by Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 8, which requires “a short and

plain statement of the claim showing that the pleader is entitled to relief.” The Court has recently applied more stringent pleading requirements as a broad requirement in a five-tofour ruling in which Justice Stevens joined a dissenting opinion by Justice Souter. Ashcroft v. Iqbal(2009). Native American issues arise under federal statutes and also principles of tribal sovereign immunity. The current Court has generally ruled against the Tribes, although Stevens’ departure will make their position even more tenuous because he was among the most likely to vote in their favor. In sum, in statutory cases, Justice Stevens’ retirement is most likely to have an effect on preemption claims.

Before the Bell: Futures Lower on Earnings, Mixed Economic Data Melly Alazraki (BloggingStocks) Submitted at 4/22/2010 9:00:00 AM

Filed under: Before the Bell, International Markets, Microsoft (MSFT), (AMZN), Market Matters, Nokia Corp. (NOK), American Express (AXP), Verizon Communications (VZ), QUALCOMM Inc (QCOM), Economic Data, Qwest Communications Intl (Q), Housing U.S. stock market futures fell Thursday on renewed concerns over Greece's debt problems. Several earnings report, particularly in the telecom sector, disappointed, while a big merger in the sector is also in focus. Investor are also digesting mixed economic data reported today. Global markets declined Thursday after Eurostat, the EU's statistics office, said Greece's budget deficit would be

wider than first estimated. This drove Greek bond yields higher, widening their spread over benchmark euro zone bonds. The cost of insuring Greek debt against default also rose. The euro also fell following the news. Continue reading Before the Bell: Futures Lower on Earnings, Mixed Economic Data Before the Bell: Futures Lower on Earnings, Mixed Economic Data originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Thu, 22 Apr 2010 09:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments

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Netflix Had a Great Quarter, but Be Cautious About Stock

GM and Volvo continue Toyota conquest deals

Steven Mallas (BloggingStocks)

Submitted at 4/22/2010 5:59:59 AM

Consumer Reports Shopping Blog (Consumer Reports)

GM and Volvo continue Toyota conquest deals The push continues by Filed under: Earnings Reports, automakers to lure disgruntled Netflix, Inc. (NFLX) Toyota owners to purchase a Not long ago, I wrote about new car with attractive Netflix ( NFLX) hitting a 52incentives. General Motors and week high. At that time, the 1.6% to $88.40, in response to Volvo are both offering an extra shares were around the $75 the first-quarter earnings report. $1,000 incentive on top of level. I cautioned that one had to Continue reading Netflix Had a already aggressive rebates on a be careful about buying an Great Quarter, but Be Cautious number of models in their overbought stock. I mean, how About Stock lineup. much further could the equity Netflix Had a Great Quarter, Toyota continues to offer their but Be Cautious About Stock climb? own deals, which includes zeroYeah, right. At the close of o r i g i n a l l y a p p e a r e d o n percent financing, cash back, trading on Wednesday, the BloggingStocks on Thu, 22 Apr and lease deals, all of which shares were priced at $86.98. 2010 08:30:00 EST. Please see helped them post a 35-percent The current 52-week high stands our terms for use of feeds. Read| increase in sales in March over at $89.10 (as of this writing). P e r m a l i n k | E m a i l t h i s | the previous year. And during yesterday's after- C o m m e n t s This cat-and-mouse game will hours session, the stock climbed likely continue as Toyota is still in the news with the recent Sienna minivan recall, Lexus GX recall and government scrutiny. All the deals below expire on April 30th. The vehicles listed are considered Best Deals, meaning notable discounts on models that meet Consumer Reports criteria to be recommended. Other trims on the vehicles listed below may also present good deals. The full pricing information is available Submitted at 4/22/2010 8:30:00 AM

to online subscribers through the model overview pages. Make & model Expires MSRP Invoice price Customer rebate Dealer incentive Bottom line price Potential savings below MSRP 2009 Buick Enclave C X L A W D 4/30/2010$39,380$37,214 Yes Yes Get the Bottom Line Price 15%+ 2010 Buick Lucerne Super 4/30/2010 42,515 40,814 Yes Yes Get the Bottom Line Price 15%+ 2010 Chevrolet HHR LT 4/30/2010 19,720 18,931 Yes No Get the Bottom Line Price 20%+ 2009 Chevrolet Malibu LTZ 4/30/2010 26,880 25,402 Yes No Get the Bottom Line Price 25%+ 2010 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 1LT 4x4 Crew Cab 4/30/2010 34,615 32,192 Yes No Get the Bottom Line Price 20%+ 2010 Chevrolet Traverse 3.6 4WD 1LT 4/30/2010 33,745 32,058 Yes No Get the Bottom Line Price 15%+ 2010 GMC Sierra 1500 4WD Crew Cab SLT SWB


4/30/2010 42,275 39,316 Yes No Get the Bottom Line Price 20%+ 2010 Volvo C30 T5 M 4/30/2010 24,100 22,654 No Yes Get the Bottom Line Price 15%+ 2010 Volvo C70 T5 M 4/30/2010 40,000 37,600 No Yes Get the Bottom Line Price 20%+ 2010 Volvo S80 3.2 FWD A 4/30/2010 39,200 36,848 No Yes Get the Bottom Line Price 15%+ No matter what vehicle type you are currently seeking, it’s best to do your research and choose a Consumer Reports recommended model; these are vehicles that score well in our testing, have good reliability, and perform well in crash tests. See our new car selector to compare model Ratings, reliability, safety, fuel economy, and more. For a full list of best new car deals on recommended models from all manufacturers, see our report. Also check out Car buying incentives: Are they a good deal? — Liza Barth Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences



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Best “green” cleaners, paper products for your family Artemis Dibenedetto (Consumer Reports)

environmentally unfriendly phosphates, which boost algae growth in fresh water, Submitted at 4/22/2010 1:59:59 AM threatening fish and plants. But Best “green” cleaners, paper greener, phosphate-free options products for your family held their own in our latest test. This Earth Day, you may want More than three brands scored to turn over a new leaf and opt very well and cost less than a for “green” products—not just few conventional cleaners. for your kids and family, but for Smart Picks Biokleen With the sake of the environment. But Natural Oxygen Bleach Powder, you may have noticed that when 26¢ per load; Method Smarty it comes to “green" products, Dish, 25¢ per load; Ecover quality can vary a lot and that Tablets, 24¢ per load. most of them cost extra. Here at Laundry detergents: Go green? C o n s u m e r R e p o r t s , w e ’ v e Maybe noticed the same thing. Green update None of the ecoBut we've also found a handful friendly laundry detergents we of green products that perform recently tested earned our top a s w e l l a s o r b e t t e r t h a n scores, but we found a couple traditional ones. They’re listed that are worth trying, especially below. (Keep in mind, however, for your less grungy loads. And t h a t t h e r e ' s n o s t a n d a r d one of them is about half the definition for claims like price of other brands. (For really "green," "natural," or "nontoxic" dirty laundry, Tide 2X Ultra on any product, and that those w i t h C o l o r C l e a n B l e a c h claims often go unverified, as Alternative for HE and regular well.) machines is best.) Green cleaners Smart Picks For conventional Dishwasher detergents: Go top-loaders: Method Squeaky green? Yes Green 3X Concentrated HE 31¢ Green update The detergents per load. For high-efficiency that perform best in our tests washers: Seventh Generation (Cascade Complete products get Natural Powdered HE, 36¢ per t o p s c o r e s ) u s u a l l y h a v e load.

Dishwashing liquids: Go green? Yes Green update In our latest tests of dish detergents with ecofriendly claims, most did a very good job cutting grease and removing food. One by Ecover was excellent overall and costs less than the top-performing conventional dishwashing product. Smart Pick Ecover Ecological Dishwashing, 6.2¢ per tablespoon. Shower cleaners: Go green? Maybe Green update Most "green" shower cleaners haven't wowed us. We found one decent choice by Green Works, but it wasn’t great on mildew removal. So for really slimy jobs, you might want to pick a conventional cleaner like Comet. Smart Pick Green Works Natural Bathroom Cleaner, $3.50. Paper products Nonrecycled TP and paper towels still get the top overall scores in our tests. But we recently found that a few recycled brands are catching up in price and performance. Toilet paper: Go green? Maybe

Green update Recycled TP brands we’ve tested haven’t proven as soft or durable as conventional TP. But they broke down easily in our disintegration tests—that’s good news if your home’s plumbing system is sensitive. And some brands can save you money. Smart Pick If you’d like to give recycled TP a whirl, try Marcal Small Steps, 8¢ per 100 sheets. Paper towels: Go green? Maybe Green update In our recent tests most recycled paper-towel brands were trounced by big national brands like Bounty and Viva as well as store brands from CVS and Walgreens. Only one product held its own, and it didn’t cost more than top-rated Bounty. Smart Pick White Cloud Green Earth, $2.07 per 100 sq. ft. Sheets and towels Textiles like sheets and towels with green claims are now easier to find and more affordable. But there are no standards for terms like "natural" or "eco-friendly." Here’s how to find legit green products: • Look for organic labels USDA-certified organic textiles must be grown without most

synthetic pesticides or fertilizers. Organic cotton is an especially green choice because regular cotton is one of the most pesticide-intensive crops.• Check processing methods"Organic" textiles can be processed with chemicals like formaldehyde or synthetic dyes. The "Oeko-Tex Standard 100" certification offers some assurance that formaldehyde and other chemicals are restricted.• Don’t be misled by claims on "bamboo" products The origins may be natural, but turning those fibers into fabric isn’t. It usually takes strong chemicals to convert bamboo into rayon fabric—a process that’s not environmentally friendly.

Get more great green shopping advice from ShopSmart magazine. Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences

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Earth Day 2010: How to drive green every day Consumer Reports Shopping Blog (Consumer Reports)

• No idling. A number of schools across the country have instituted a no idling rule to Submitted at 4/22/2010 1:59:59 AM reduce children breathing in Earth Day 2010: How to drive exhaust, but you can stop green every day unnecessary idling every day. It’s been 40 years since the first There is no need to warm up Earth Day was celebrated, and your car or keep your car we’ve come a long way toward running while waiting for a greener automotive world. passengers. The general rule-ofCars are more fuel efficient than thumb is to turn off your car if ever before, have more stringent you know you’ll be stopped for emissions that will be enhanced more than 30 seconds. Stopping in the coming years, and more idling helps air quality, saves vehicle energy options are gas, and reduces pollutants. q u i c k l y e n t e r i n g t h e • Keep your tires properly marketplace. While this is all inflated. In our tests, we found good news, there is still more fuel economy is reduced when work that can be done to make tires are not inflated to where transportation more green. they should be. Do this when the P r o b a b l y t h e m o s t tires are cold (before the vehicle environmental thing consumers has been driven or after no more can do is not drive or reduce than a couple of miles of your vehicle travel, but that is driving). Use the inflation not very realistic for many pressure recommended by the people. Consider taking mass- vehicle’s manufacturer, not the transit whenever possible or maximum pressure embossed on riding a bike to work. However, t h e t i r e ’ s s i d e w a l l . T h e there are other earth-friendly r e c o m m e n d e d p r e s s u r e i s things you can do now in your usually found on a placard on a current vehicle. front doorjamb, in the glove

or ride with other families to school or sporting events. Better yet, ditch the car altogether and use public transportation or bike/walk to do errands or get to work. If you’re in the market for a new car, check out our list of the compartment, or in the owner’s most fuel-efficient cars and manual. SUVs. Hybrids, diesels and • Slow down. Slowing from 75 small cars provide the best fuel to 55 mph boosted gas mileage economy, but new technologies 33 percent in testing performed such as electric vehicles are on a family sedan and a large heading to dealerships in the SUV. coming months. (See our • Combine trips. Avoid making preview of the Chevrolet Volt multiple short trips or try to and Nissan Leaf.) combine all errands into one For more information on trip. If you can, avoid rush hour alternative fuels, see our guide. as sitting in traffic burns more For tips on saving fuel, check gas and emits more pollutants. out our guide to fuel economy. • Drive light. Reduce the — Liza Barth Subscribe now! amount of cargo you have in S u b s c r i b e t o your vehicle--clean out all the for expert useless junk in the trunk--and Ratings, buying advice and take off your roof rack when reliability on hundreds of you’re not using it. This will products. Update your feed lighten your load, reduce drag, preferences and aid fuel economy. • Ride share. Carpool to work


Daily electronics deals Paul Eng (Consumer Reports) Submitted at 4/22/2010 6:02:51 AM

Daily electronics deals Today's electronics deals, courtesy of The Consumerist: • Office Depot: 17.3" Toshiba Satellite L555D Notebook $549.99 + free shipping • Amazon: 15.6" HP G62140US Core i3 Bronze Notebook $669.99 + free shipping • Amazon: Motorola Motonav TN555 4.3-Inch Widescreen Bluetooth GPS $169.99 + free shipping • LED22VF60 22-inch 1080p LCD HDTV $198 + free shipping • Dell: Nokia E72 Unlocked Smartphone for $274.99 [w/ Coupon 5W1MW6SQCCL3T5] DAILY page 54

Compromising with Facebook (Scripting News) Submitted at 4/22/2010 6:50:46 AM

I love flow, so there's a temptation to put a Facebook "Like" button on every Scripting News story, but I'm resisting the temptation for the same reason I

never used Feedburner to host my RSS feeds. They were offering a benefit, but I didn't want to cede all that power to them or trust them not to sell out to a big company that I don't trust. Or (as with Facebook and Google) be a company that I

don't trust. So perhaps there's a

compromise? Let me implement my own Like feature and have it connect up to Facebook through a feed. And let it connect up to Facebook's competitors just as easily. I'm sure the smart guys at Facebook could figure out how to do this, perhaps they already

have? I'm willing to do a little extra work to keep the web independent of any one company.



E-reader News Edition

DAILY continued from page 53

w/ Free Shipping • Buydig: Toshiba 55" LED 1080p HDTV for $1799 [w/ Coupon 55UX600U] w/ Free Shipping • Newegg: TomTom ONE 140 Portable GPS (3.5in Touchscreen) $69.99 + $1.99 Shipping • Adorama: LG Infinia 50PK750 50 inch Plasma HDTV (1080p, THX Certified, Netflix Streaming, 1-inch thin!) $1099.99 • Dell Vostro 1320 Intel Core 2 Duo T6670 2.2GHz 13.3in Laptop (3GB/250GB/Win7 Pro) $469.99 Entertainment • Wii + Wii Sports + Mario Kart w/ Wheel $199 • Amazon: DJ Hero Renegade

Turntable Bundle feat. Jay-Z & Eminem $101.36 + free shipping • Deep Discount: Mission Impossible Complete Series DVD Set for $149.98 w/ Free Shipping • Amazon: Xbox 360 Elite Final Fantasy XIII Bundle for $359.99 w/ Free Shippinga Neither Consumer Reports nor The Consumerist receive anything in exchange for featuring these deals; the posts are intended to be purely informational. These deals are often fleeting, with prices changing or products becoming unavailable as the day progresses. These posts are not an endorsement of the featured products or the Web sites that sell them—though some of the

sites may be included, and recommended, in our Ratings of retailers for computers and other major electronics(both available to subscribers). Price shouldn't be your only criterion. Be wary of lower-priced deals that seem too good to be true, and check return policies for restocking fees and other gotchas. For general buying advice for many of the products on sale above, check out our free Buying Guides. Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences

Miroslav Satan, From Practice Rink to Playoff Hero Christopher Botta (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 4/21/2010 6:40:00 PM

Filed under: Bruins, Sabres The setting, appropriately enough for the head-scratching transaction, was Fenway Park on New Year's Day. The Bruins and Flyers had wrapped up the NHL Winter Classic about 90 minutes earlier, and then the United States Olympic Hockey team was introduced. The hockey writers in the Fenway press box were, to put it mildly, a little dazed -- as if we just sat through confusing. a 20-inning baseball game. MIROSLAV page 55 That's when it got really

The Pickup Artist: Gettin' Wiggy With It Paul Bourdett (FanHouse Main)

baffling. He's an everyday player, he eligible at second, and he's 9-for-28 with five homers, Submitted at 4/21/2010 5:00:00 PM 11 RBI and eight runs scored Filed under: MLB Sleepers, over his last eight. Do people MLB Waiver Wire Need help think he's a fluke? He's hit no navigating the waiver wire each lower than .275 in each of the week? Let the Pickup Artist be last four seasons with at least 22 your guide. HR and 58 RBI in three of the Infielders last four ... as a part-timer. Brian Ty Wigginton(1B/2B/3B, BAL) Roberts isn't due back anytime Orioles will find a way to get - 29% soon and even when he does Wiggy's bat into the lineup. Wigginton's availability is come back, you can be sure the

Make the move already. Russell Branyan(1B, CLE) 10% Power-starved owners, take notice. After spending the first few weeks of the season on the DL (back), Branyan quietly returned to go 1-for-3 against the Twins Tuesday night. There's legitimate concern he might not make it through the entire season healthy, but for the time being, the Indians are

committed to Branyan as their everyday first baseman. He'll play about four games a week in the field to start, and will DH in the others, making a repeat of last season's 31 HR a real possibility. Just don't expect a batting average north of .250; he's a career .234 hitter with a .210 mark against southpaws.

Sports/ Featured/

E-reader News Edition

Capital Gains in Net as Washington Takes Game 4 A.J. Perez (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 4/21/2010 6:00:00 PM

Filed under: Canadiens, Capitals, Eastern, NHL Playoffs Montreal Canadiens coach Jacques Martin tapped Carey Price, a move that had both goalies who began the series in net on the bench at Bell Centre Wednesday night. The back-up plan worked for only one squad. Semyon Varlamov's 20 saves in a harried second period allowed the Washington Capitals to pull away in the third for a 6-3 victory and a 3-1 lead in the series. Meanwhile, Price was stung for two third-period goals, and his frustration boiled over as he was whistled for two unsportsmanlike penalties over


MIROSLAV continued from page 54

"Hey, didja hear this?" said one Boston scribe to no one in particular. "The Bruins are signing Satan." Yeah, right. Miroslav Satan. The 35-year-old former big-time goal scorer who seemed to have lost his fastball a few years ago? The Miro Satan who Pittsburgh signed a year ago, maybe to play with Crosby, and instead spent a portion of the season playing for the Wilkes Barre/Scranton Penguins of the American Hockey League? (He ended the year holding the Stanley Cup over his head).

the final eight minutes of regulation. The Capitals allowed 21 shots in the second period, tying the mark for the most in the playoffs in franchise history. (Scripting News) The lone goal allowed came off Submitted at 4/22/2010 6:44:25 AM the stick of Brian Gionta on the Pretty sure there's no way to power play. really turn off the Mac screen. Capitals Lead Series, 3-1 Capitals 6, Canadiens 3: Recap| I now live in a small onebedroom apartment. My desk, Box Score| Series Page and main computer, are in the bedroom. So the fact that the computer turns the screen back on at apparently random times is not only a waste of energy, it's a wake-up call. I have the Energy Saver preference set to turn the screen off after 15 minutes of no use. That does happen, but the screen just comes back on. I've tried quitting all the apps, thinking it

The Miro Satan who had spent the last six months skating at the Islanders' practice facility near his home on Long Island, sometimes shooting on rehabilitating goaltender Rick DiPietro, often skating all by himself? Bruins lead series, 3-1 Bruins 3, Sabres 2 (2OT): Recap| Box Score| Series Page

How to (really) turn off Mac screen? wakes up, on its own. When it wakes up, the monitor turns on, full brightness. I've tried running the Brightness Control app. The computer ignores the fact that the monitor is turned down. When it wakes up it turns the monitor up to full brightness. I did a search and read various threads with comments from Mac users with the same might be one of them that is p r o b l e m . asking for the screen to be re-lit, In the old days the monitor had but it makes no difference. an on-off switch. When you Okay, so I thought -- let's just turned it off, it stayed off until put the computer to sleep using you turned it back on. the Sleep command in the Apple So when people say Macs "just menu. It doesn't help. It just work" -- you gotta wonder.



E-reader News Edition

NYT: PS3 to stream live Major League Baseball games Sega to reveal Natal, Move projects at E3 suited for 'PS2 type' audience Griffin McElroy (Joystiq)

president Mike Hayes explained that the company's Natal and Move plans would be revealed Last September, Sega promised at E3 2010. to clue the world into its plans Though we haven't heard much f o r P r o j e c t N a t a l a n d about Sega's feelings on the PlayStation Move in early 2010. upcoming wave of new motion Actually, back then, we were control technology, Hayes still calling it the PlayStation explained the company is Motion Controller. Oh, so excited about "the fact that young and naive! Now that we Move and Natal will bring in and Sega are both a few months more of what I'd call the PS2 older and wiser, the latter's plans type of consumer for those have been pushed back a bit -- platforms, which then suits very in a recent interview with much the IP that Sega has." IndustryGamers, Sega West We've hypothesized that the PS2 Submitted at 4/22/2010 9:45:00 AM

Justin McElroy (Joystiq) Submitted at 4/22/2010 7:45:00 AM

According to a report in the New York Times, Sony will IP he's referring to is the already announce today that PS3 users motion-infused Sega Super will gain access to live streams Stars(pictured above) -- in our of Major League Baseball heart of hearts, though, we're games. By week's end the secretly hoping for a motion- c o n s o l e w i l l e n a b l e controlled Ecco the Dolphin: subscriptions to the MLB.TV service, which provides access Defender of the Future. Sega to reveal Natal, Move to out-of-market contests, but projects at E3 suited for 'PS2 not local games or others that t y p e ' a u d i e n c e o r i g i n a l l y are broadcast on TV. appeared on Joystiq on Thu, 22 The NYT doesn't have the Apr 2010 09:45:00 EST. Please scoop on pricing, but a web subscription to the service will see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

run you between $100 and $120 annually, or $20 to $25 per month, depending on the features. Count on more details when the official announcement drops. Sony has been considering new subscription services for PSN since the end of last year. [Thanks, Ryan G.] NYT: PS3 to stream live Major League Baseball games originally appeared on Joystiq on Thu, 22 Apr 2010 07:45:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

Gaming/ Featured/

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To Facebook the answer must be no (Scripting News) Submitted at 4/21/2010 5:11:39 PM

Retailer listing points to ESRB: Joe Danger popping wheelies on the 'James Bond: Bloodstone' as title of Bizarre's Bond PC Justin McElroy (Joystiq)

David Hinkle (Joystiq)

fun), but the ESRB listing makes no mention of an Xbox Submitted at 4/22/2010 3:00:00 AM 360 release. We've reached out Hello Games always planned to to Hello Games for clarification release Joe Danger on all digital on which platforms Joe will distribution channels (Xbox light up with that million dollar 360, PSN and PC) but, as of smile of his. We'll keep you right now, the game is only posted. confirmed for release on PSN. ESRB: Joe Danger popping However, according to an ESRB wheelies on the PC originally certification, the time for Joe to appeared on Joystiq on Thu, 22 shine on the PC could be nigh -- Apr 2010 03:00:00 EST. Please a move we endorse entirely. see our terms for use of feeds. Based on our time with the title Read| Permalink| Email this| back at GDC, we think the game Comments should be on every platform imaginable (y'know, because it's

Wii. With the next Bond film currently on hold, it's up to According to a Gamespot Activision to keep the spy in report, a retailer website slip-up active duty. But just how much may have outed "James Bond: blood can you squeeze from a Bloodstone" as the title for the stone cold killer? long-awaited " racing and Retailer listing points to 'James driving focused" 007 game from Bond: Bloodstone' as title of Bizarre Creations. HMV Bizarre's Bond originally reportedly posted a listing for a appeared on Joystiq on Thu, 22 game with that title (though it's Apr 2010 09:12:00 EST. Please nowhere to be found now) in the see our terms for use of feeds. "driving and racing" category. It Read| Permalink| Email this| was also tagged for release on Comments Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Submitted at 4/22/2010 9:12:00 AM

I am very familiar with the Friendfeed API, so when I saw the presentation today by Bret Taylor, who is now one of the leading guys at Facebook, it felt very familiar. They design clean and simple APIs. This one is no exception. I would be playing with it right now except for two things: 1. My programming environment doesn't have a JSON serializer or deserializer. I could write one, but I'm not going to, at least not this week. And next week we'll be looking at something else. I wish they had provided an XML serialization for their data, if they had, I would have spent the rest of the week poking around so I could provide details here on Scripting News. Would have been an interesting report. 2. They are part of the push to reinvent OAuth. They say it's simpler, but nothing could be simpler than the previous version, which I have already implemented. This is the problem with corporate platforms and the standard bodies that help them FACEBOOK page 58



E-reader News Edition

FACEBOOK continued from page 57

achieve their goals. They throw out our investment with idea they're making things easier. They're smart people so I think they must know they're not actually doing that. The developer base gets winnowed, which must be what they actually want. Anyway, once you get past the political stuff, Bret and his guys implement a nice API. And Zuckerberg -- what a character! I had never seen him speak before today. He's honest, open, bares his soul in amazing ways. He's like a young Bill Gates, who I knew when he was "Zuck's" age -- but without the guile. He lays it all out there. Watching his presentation I was struck with an idea. Ballmer and Ozzie should find a way to get Zuck to buy Microsoft and they should reboot the company with Zuck as the leader. I know FB would never go for it, why should they, but what an interesting chemistry experiment that would be. Could Microsoft reboot with a BG workalike at the helm? It would make for a fascinating science fiction story. But I digress. The actual Bill Gates figures in

this story. In 1997, I had a phone talk with Bill G, about the subject that Mark Z addressed in today's presentation. Bill had realized that the big thing missing from the web was an idea of identity. He wanted my help to figure this out and then make a presentation to the industry, but only after we did a lot of thinking. I remember meeting with one of his lieutennants in New Orleans later that year, but nothing came of the proposed collaboration, probably because I didn't have any ideas about how to get everyone to line up behind Microsoft (mostly because I didn't think it was a good idea). So now we know what Zuckerberg's megalomania is, and he's brilliant, and hired the right guys (the FF team) to make it happen. But think about the role he's cast himself in for a minute. Facebook is to be the identity system for the web. A company? That just can't work. I can't believe he doesn't know that. Even Bill Gates didn't have the audacity to propose that! I'm sure their software will scale. It certainly is welldesigned. But Facebook is a

company and we just can't go there. That's about all I have to say right now. Probably will have more to say later. PS: The OPML Editor is a distro of Frontier, which has been GPL'd for 5 years. I think it sucks that it has no JSON support. But it works for me, there's no other environment that's even remotely as rich, so I'm not switching. If you want to avoid missed opportunities like this in the future, get on board, fill in the gaps. We need JSON support, one of many things that are needed. If you can make it happen, you will be an official good person. PPS: According to Abraham Vegh the Twitter API will shortly be JSON-only. I didn't know that. Well, that'll be the end of my code working with their code. Even if we had JSON support in Frontier, I am under no circumstances going to recode all my glue code. What a freaking waste of time that would be.

Simple Peas and Onions (Simply Recipes)

peas from your mouth into your hand (or as dad would say, "one Submitted at 4/21/2010 6:25:26 PM of your grubby little paws"), I wasn't always a lover of peas. slyly open the drawer, and place When I was a kid, on the days the peas in the drawer. Yes! peas were being served for Mission accomplished! "See dinner, my siblings and I would mom and dad, I finished my jockey for a particular seat at the peas!" I think they finally dining room table. This spot had c a u g h t o n o n e d a y w h e n a secret drawer in the table. cleaning the table they came (Well maybe not so secret, but across some shriveled up old good enough to not catch the peas, but the ruse was good notice of our unsuspecting while it lasted. parents.) The trick was to take a Continue reading "Simple Peas spoonful of peas, cover your and Onions" Âť mouth as if you were wiping something away, extricate the


E-reader News Edition


Study of Vets Finds Ecstasy an Effective Treatment For PTSD Jeremy Hsu (Popular Science - New Technology, Science News, The Future Now)

for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), which launched in 2004. Of 21 patients, 13 took ecstasy Submitted at 4/21/2010 3:31:23 PM A combination of the party a n d t h e n t a l k e d w i t h drug and talking with therapists psychiatrists about their wartime allowed a majority of war vets traumas. They saw huge drops to overcome their PTSD to a in PTSD symptoms compared to great extent the eight-person placebo group. War veterans suffering from Seven out of the eight in the post-traumatic stress disorder placebo group also eventually have found unexpected relief c h o s e t o r e c e i v e e c s t a s y from the banned drug MDMA, f o l l o w i n g t h e s t u d y . known more commonly as After three and a half years, 13 ecstasy. The psychedelic drug out of 16 patients who kept in typically associated with hard- touch still appeared free of the partying clubbers appears to c r i t e r i a f o r P T S D . O n e cure PTSD entirely in some psychiatrist who worked with a cases, Scientific American Veterans Affairs Medical Center reports. told Scientific American that The findings were presented at should definitely try ecstasy as a a conference held in San Jose therapeutic tool, if it were not last month, titled "Psychedelic illegal. Science in the 21st Century," This wasn't a complete victory and have psychiatrists excited over PTSD -- two patients over the unprecedented results. suffered clear relapses, and They came out of a study several of the other patients sponsored by t h e remained on antidepressants or Multidisciplinary Association s i m i l a r p s y c h o a c t i v e

medication. Still, the patients required lower amounts of the psychoactive drugs compared to before their treatment. Physicians and scientists have long struggled with pinpointing the causes of PTSD among individual warfighters, as well as diagnosing and treating the condition. We imagine the recent successes of using ecstasy therapeutically might cause the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to rethink its prior five rejections of proposals from MAPS to work together. The blog of American Veteran Magazine adds a helpful note that war vets should not take ecstasy on their own, given that it remains illegal -- the MAPS study was conducted under psychiatrist supervision and with FDA approval. [via Scientific American]

SETI Releases Its Collected Data to the Public, Wants Open-Source Search for Whatever's Out There Clay Dillow (Popular Science New Technology, Science News, The Future Now)

source contribution to the search. Tarter says: In the future, we hope that a Submitted at 4/21/2010 4:39:21 PM Your chance to spot 50 years' global army of open-source worth of sneakily concealed code developers, students and aliens other experts in digital signal Over the past decade, those processing, as well as citizen who wished to contribute to scientists willing to lend their SETI's mission of locating life intelligence to our exploration, elsewhere in the universe could will have access to the same l e a v e t h e i r c o m p u t e r s o n technology and join our quest. running a special screensaver SETI's data, compiled from 25 a n d d o n a t e t h e i r u n u s e d years of scanning the skies with computing power to the cause. a d v a n c e d a s t r o n o m i c a l Now, SETI director Jill Tarter is t e l e s c o p e s , w i l l b e m a d e asking people around the globe available on a special SETI to get more involved in the website this summer, at which Search for Extraterrestrial point users can take whatever Intelligence by opening up data sets they wish and comb SETI's servers to the public SETI page 60 calling for a worldwide, open



E-reader News Edition

SETI continued from page 59

through them looking for patterns or noise that SETI's algorithms may have overlooked. The site is currently configured for those with some kind of background in signal processing and the like, but SETI is working to make it more accessible to users of all backgrounds and ages. Whether or not this shift represents frustration within SETI or simply a change in tactics befitting of the time, it vastly increases the raw brainpower that the organization has at its disposal, and that can't

Gold Nano-Bombs Deliver BacteriaKilling Therapy Directly to Acne Jeremy Hsu (Popular Science - New Technology, Science News, The Future Now) Submitted at 4/21/2010 4:14:59 PM

Nanotechnology's bright future has finally come up with a possible treatment for the dreaded pimples of our teen years. That has arrived in the form of gold nano-bombs which deliver a lethal dose of lauric acid to skin-dwelling bacteria responsible for that unsightly acne, according to UPI. Lauric acid can convert into a compound which essentially destroys the outer lipid walls of bacteria, and is found in coconut

oil and human breast milk. Bioengineers at the University of California-San Diego packaged the lauric acid inside of artificial microscopic sacs to become bacteria-busting nanobombs. Gold nanoparticles studding the outside of the nano-bombs prevent the sacs from fusing together, and also help them act as smart bombs to track down bacteria based on the skin's pH level and other microenvironment factors. The nano-bomb liposomes shed their gold nanoparticles once they reach the acidic

microenvironment of the bacterial membranes, and allow the lauric acid to do their dirty work and help clear up acne. Such nanoparticles have also helped other researchers aim their lasers at brain parasites responsible for "crazy cat lady" syndrome. But we hope that researchers are keeping an eye out for any potential safety issues with applying gold nanoparticles to human faces. [via UPI]

be bad for an organization that has a lot of universe to cover. In Tarter's words, "all of the SETI searching over the past 50 years is equivalent to examining one 8 -ounce glass of water from the Earth's oceans." Maybe this change in policy will tip the scales ever so slightly in our favor. [ CNN]


E-reader News Edition

NASA Reveals Solar Dynamics Observatory's First Fiery Images Clay Dillow (Popular Science New Technology, Science News, The Future Now) Submitted at 4/21/2010 2:23:34 PM

More than three months after being hurled into orbit, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory is snapping some breathtaking images of the Sun, the first of which NASA released this afternoon. The mission designers have to be happy with them: the pics capture huge looping prominences lashing out from the surface and the kinds

of massive explosions one might expect from a giant, churning ball of cosmic gas. Click to launch the photo gallery SDO launched in February to help researchers on the ground gain a better understanding of how processes taking place on the sun affect life on Earth. NASA and its international partners hope that in time SDO current means allow. SDO provides a wealth of solar data views the sun with a resolution that will help them predict solar ten times greater than that of an weather more accurately than

HD video camera and carries four telescopes as well as instruments for measuring magnetic motions on the surface and ultraviolet energy output. Science aside, NASA researchers must be pretty pleased with what SDO is sending back thus far if only from an aesthetic standpoint. [ NASA]




E-reader News Edition

How to Buy the Best Organic Foods (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)

environmental effects of chemical fertilizers and Randy Mayor pesticides, which can spread far Click to Enlarge from the fields where they are Americans spent close to $28 a p p l i e d . billion in 2008 on organic Today organic farmers advocate edibles, up from $1 billion in m a i n t a i n i n g a s u s t a i n a b l e 1990, according to The Organic environment by using natural T r a d e principles to maximize crop and Association. And organic foods l i v e s t o c k remain an area of growth even yield instead of turning to with the rising cost of grocery artificial and chemical methods. items and tougher economic • USDA certification: In 2002, times. If t h e U . S . D e p a r t m e n t o f you’re fueling these double-digit A g r i c u l t u r e i m p l e m e n t e d sales, you likely already have uniform standards for American your reasons for buying organic. o r g a n i c f a r m e r s a n d Even so, recent changes m a n u f a c t u r e r s . to America’s food buying Organic foods must be grown or habitsthe rise of the local-food produced without chemical movement, increased awareness pesticides or fertilizers, and, in about foods’ carbon footprint livestock, without the use of ( t h e antibiotics or growth hormones. amount of greenhouse gasses O r g a n i c f o o d s c a n n o t b e released when producing and genetically modified, irradiated, transporting goods)may leave or cloned. Further guidelines you wondering where organic g o v e r n f o o d s f i t specific foods. For instance, i n t o a b e t t e r - f o r - t h e - organic chickens must be raised environment equation. If you’re with outdoor access. not an organic shopper, perhaps • Growing market: In 1990, the you have questions about United States had less than 1 w h e t h e r o r million acres of organic not these products are worth farmland. By 2002, that number their premium price tag. Here had doubled, and it doubled you’ll learn the lowdown. again in 2005, the most recent Organic basics year for which USDA data is • H i s t o r y : T h e o r g a n i c available. As organic farming m o v e m e n t , w h i c h g a i n e d has spread, it has adopted some momentum in the 1960s and of the 1970s, was a reaction to p r i n c i p l e s t h a t g u i d e growing awareness about the conventional farming. Today u n i n t e n d e d some organic farms are large-

scale operations that manage t h o u s a n d s of acres. As farming has grown, so have market share, crop yields, and distribution channels. Organic-themed g r o c e r y s t o r e s , such as Whole Foods, have expanded around the country, and even mainstream food purveyors, such as Safeway and W a l - M a r t , h a v e developed organic brands. Organic food can now be found in every corner of the grocery store. • Growing complexity: Organic certification does not cover

many issues that have emerged as consumers have become more knowledgeable. Today o r g a n i c food may be locally grown or it may be grown in a foreign country and shipped to the United States, resulting in a l a r g e r carbon footprint. Or it may be produced under less-than-ideal conditions for livestock or laborers. In response, some f a r m e r s are shifting to what is called “beyond organic” to practice sustainable farming, build a local clientele for foods raised

in season, and provide a living wage to workers. Also, some farmers may follow organic principles yet forgo USDA c e r t i f i c a t i o n . That’s one reason why you sometimes find uncertified organic goods at your local grocery or farmers’ market. Nutrition and health Farmers, food producers, and scientists debate whether organically grown and produced fruits, vegetables, meats, and milks are more nutritious than conventional ones. The Organic Center (TOC), a nonprofit research organization in Foster, Rhode Island, recently issued a review of 97 studies on the subject to draw the conclusion that organic foods, on average, offer a 25 percent higher nutrient level over c o n v e n t i o n a l ones. The premium may be an extra measure of a nutrient like vitamin C or higher levels of compounds like antioxidants, which are produced by plants to act as natural pesticides. The TOC is a pro-organic organization, so it’s not surprising they found a nutritional edge. However, their review is complemented by emerging research from independent scientists. For example, University of California at Davis HOW page 63


E-reader News Edition



continued from page 62

researchers have found higher levels of nutrients in organic tomatoes, kiwifruit, corn, and s t r a w b e r r i e s grown side-by-side with conventional versions. Because this research is preliminary, most -major public health organizations like the American Dietetic Association a n d t h e Mayo Clinic hold that an organic label is not an assurance that a food is nutritionally superior. What’s more, organic


continued from page 63

s w e e t s and snack foods don’t warrant a nutritional halo just because they’re organic. In excess, fat, sugar, and calories can have adverse health effects, whether or not the food that contains them is organic. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

I called it. After the shit he said on the show I really wanted to [fight]. I still really want to knock him out. It is what it is. He ran his mouth and now I get to say 'I told you so' to Dana. I told him that he wouldn't fight me and that he was just going to use this to get on TV. Do you still hope to fight him one day? I don't care. Honestly. I mean I've already knocked him out twice. All I want though is, if he decides to come back to the

UFC, he should have to fight me to get back in. If he wants to fight in the UFC he has to get past me first. Just call me and let me take care of it. A lot of people are interested now in getting into MMA, but it's such a mixed medium that it can be hard to find a starting point. What's your advice for starting up? You can actually find a lot of gyms that do teach mixed martial arts. But it's just like with any martial art — you've

got to look at the coaches, go watch some classes, see how people treat each other and how the coaches treat the students. Pay attention to the details. What's your diet like right now? I eat a balanced diet. I actually have a guy who cooks for me at home. It's 40/30/30 — so 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat. It's healthy. It's clean. It's real simple. When I'm training at home I have five meals for the CHUCK page 64

Chuck Liddell (

time in New York promoting for UFC and now helping Reebok Submitted at 4/21/2010 11:00:00 PM demo their latest shoe. Do you The Iceman on his diet, reality like spending time in the city? TV, and upcoming fight I love it. I always have a good by Dean Stattmann time out here. My grandpa is | Print Page| Email to Friend from Brooklyn and my grandma From appearing in TV shows is from Syracuse so I used to and movies to taking on some of come down here quite a bit. the toughest badasses in the You're coaching a team on this UFC, there's not much that season of Spike's hit show The legendary fighter Chuck Liddell Ultimate Fighter. Are you guys can't handle. It's no wonder still filming? tickets for his upcoming UFC No, it's all done except for the 115 event with Rich Franklin finale. It was cool. I'm not a big sold out in a record-setting 30 fan of reality shows but I liked minutes after going on sale. working with the guys. It taught Fortunately, Men's Fitness was me a lot about teaching. We're able to catch up with The working with guys that are Iceman recently at the Reebok already pretty good at what they Sports Club in New York City do, so if they don't understand to get his thoughts on The what to do then I'm not teaching Ultimate Fighter, UFC 115 and them right. It also taught me a his best moment in the Octagon. lot about what I do. It reminds You've been spending a lot of you of the way you fight. You

harder, but I've been in shape for a while so now we're picking it up. I had to switch to southpaw though, because he's a southpaw. You were supposed to fight Tito Ortiz, but now obviously that's not happening. Have you had to adapt your training for the new card? There's not much of a difference other than the fact that he's a southpaw. I've got to get ready because he's good everywhere. He's decent at have to learn your own details to what you're doing. I used to everything. But he's not really a before you can teach them. And have that problem with a couple big threat to take me down, so if especially at this level, with of moves I used to do, so it's a it goes to the ground it's because these types of guys, that's what good learning process, for them I decided it should. But he is a much better striker than Tito. you need to teach them. They and for me. know most of the basic moves, You're getting ready to fight A lot of people are upset that but you need to teach them the Rich Franklin in UFC 115. you won't be fighting Tito. How details. The details are what What are you doing to prepare? do you feel? make a difference. To teach the It's everything. My training is CHUCK page 63 details you have to pay attention ramping up, getting harder and



E-reader News Edition

CHUCK continued from page 63

day that I just heat up. It's all planned and that's what I eat. There are enough calories in there for me for the day, and each week as my weight goes up and down we'll add or lose calories. Lastly, what is your best memory from inside the Octagon? You know, it's hard to say. I've had a lot of good ones and I've had a lot of bad ones. Any time I've lost has been devastating to me, but the best would probably have to be when I beat Randy for the first time. I had already lost to him and I came back with a first round knockout for the title. It was the biggest Pay Per View that the UFC had had at the time by far and it was just a big day for me. That was my

best moment inside the Octagon. Chuck Liddell takes on Rich Franklin in UFC 115 on June 12, 2010, at General Motors Place in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Related articles: The MMA Workout Lyoto Machida: MMA's Dragon Photo Gallery of MMA Fighter Gina Carano in Action [on Facebook, Digg, Reddit and more] Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Faith-free drama in Afghanistan tmatt (GetReligion) Submitted at 4/21/2010 1:26:55 PM

At the end of the Time cover story about efforts to reopen the Pir Mohammed School in Senjaray, Afghanistan, the commander of the 120 U.S. soldiers located there gets caught up in an all-to-common tragedy. As an American convey passed through the town, a civilian bus raced up behind it. The soldiers, fearing an ambush, repeatedly signaled for the bus to slow down or stop — using hand signals and flares. Under revised rules of engagement, the U.S. forces fired no warning shots. The bus continued to rush toward them. The soldiers opened fire, killing five civilians and wounding 18 more. The troops treated and evacuated the wounded. Then Captain Jeremiah Ellis, leader of Dog Company of the 1st Battalion, 12th Infantry Regiment of the 4th Infantry Division, guided a patrol into the tense, hostile local bazaar to meet with the village elders. Later, he sent an email to Joe Klein of Time about those meetings that ended like this: “I explained the following. … The thing that pains me the most is that the people killed were innocent people that were caught in a dangerous situation. You know, from our past, that

my Soldiers will put themselves into harm’s way before endangering your lives, because that is our responsibility as Soldiers … to keep the fight away from your businesses and your homes.’ I covered my heart and said, ‘I wish to God that I could undo the things that happened this morning, but

nothing ever will.’ ” This is the only direct reference to religion in this entire piece, which is a gripping account of the challenges facing Americans as they try to earn the trust of the locals in a region that is at the heart of U.S. military and FAITH-FREE page 67


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A market for Tebow Sarah Pulliam Bailey (GetReligion)

mechanics, as if any quarterback leaves college without further need of instruction? Submitted at 4/21/2010 5:00:08 PM Then you have columnists who Two weeks ago, my husband think Tebow could help the Ben informed me that April 22 was Rothlesburger situation(The his second favorite day of the NFL suspended Rothlesburger year. What’s so special about for violating the personalthis day, you ask? The NFL conduct policy after someone draft, and he plans to plant made a sexual assault allegation himself in front of a television a g a i n s t h i m ) . H e r e ’ s t h e set most of the day. (His favorite sarcastic scenario from Jason day is the NFL’s opening day, Gay at the Wall Street Journal. which might coincide with our “Well, where do you want to S e p t e m b e r a n n i v e r s a r y roll tonight, Teeb?” Mr. someday). Roethlisberger says The Palm Beach Post’s Dave “That’s a great question,” Mr. George is pretty sure former Tebow says. “I’ve never been to Florida Gators quarterback Tim Pittsburgh. I was thinking we Tebow will be the big news of might start by building a the draft. That’s bad news for birdhouse for the local nursing sports reporters suffering from home. Then we could make Tebow fatigue. some jambalaya and serve it to If all of that is part of some those fellows I saw beneath the elaborate smoke screen, again underpass on the way from the and always it is Tebow at the airport. And then, if we’re still center of the flame. up to it, we could get a couple When Jerry Jones slurred his hammers, go to those vacant words on a pirated YouTube buildings and free any feral cats video last week, it was Tebow that might be trapped in the who the Cowboys’ owner drywall.” slurred with his words. Coming right up, we have yet When the NCAA ruled recently another case of the media that printed messages no longer skimming over the details of will be allowed to be written on Tebow’s faith. The Associated a college player’s eye black, Press examines this Tebow Tebow was the name everyone obsession with a story from associated with the practice. Antonio Gonzalez on his There is no offseason, you see, m a r k e t a b i l i t y . for those suffering from Tebow Tim Tebow’s marketing power fatigue. How many months is already reaching its potential, already have been burned even if his NFL future isn’t studying his elongated throwing quite so certain.

When Tebow strolled through a gym recently with a five-man entourage for an EA Sports video game photo session, the polarizing figure drew stares from people and clicks from cell -phone cameras. Toddlers jumped when he passed the day

paragraph—and no mention of the Focus on the Family advertisement. I guess his image is just, as the reporter puts it, “too-good-to-be-true.” Tebow understands some might disagree with his personal views. No longer restricted by the NCAA, he has ventured into the marketplace. Just don’t expect to see him pitching beer or male -enhancement pills anytime soon. But he said he won’t shy away from his beliefs. Tebow will stick to companies that he deems have a positive message. Besides “Christian,” what are his beliefs again? Has Tebow said he won’t advertise for beer or male-enhancement pills or is that an assumption made by the reporter? Unless the reporter helps fill in some more religious background clues, we don’t really feel the tension. Perhaps reporters working on future stories could ask Tebow about his claim about companies who wouldn’t represent him after the Focus on the Family ad. Here’s Ben Volin’s blog post for the Post. As to his first tenet, standing care center, nudging their noses for what he believes in, Tebow against the windows. Even they told the crowd that multiple seemed to recognize his appeal companies told him before the was something special. Super Bowl that they could not So why is Tebow so polarizing let him represent their products a g a i n ? T h e r e ’ s o n e m e r e if he went ahead with his promention that Tebow is a MARKET page 66 Christian—in the 15th



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More than samosas and saffron Mollie (GetReligion) Submitted at 4/21/2010 12:31:27 PM

Did you read this Sunday New York Times story about Swami Ramdev headlined “ Indian Who Built Yoga Empire Works on Politics”? I don’t know if it was worse as a religion news story or as a political news story but it really failed to even begin to adequately explain either the religious or political situation in India. A veteran religion reporter submitted the story as a particularly bad example of reporting that plagues Hinduism. Of all the world’s major religions, none are so diversified in character as Hinduism. There are tons of schools of philosophy and theology and even in those there are offshoots, sects and local cults. Hinduism’s pantheon is fairly unrivaled, with avatars and devas and countless deities symbolizing the many attributes of a single god. But the Times doesn’t explain that Hinduism is diverse, much less anything about where the subject of the story fits in with the religion. Here’s an explanation of some

of Swami Ramdev’s politics: “What the people need is honest, brave and responsible leadership,” he said in an interview at the sprawling campus of his rapidly expanding yoga, natural foods and medicine empire in northern India. The country’s political system is riddled with corruption and riven by the deep divisions of religion and caste, he said. Tapping into the ancient Indian wisdom that gave birth to yoga, and the holy texts like the Vedas and Upanishads, is the only way to excise those cancers, he contended. Oh, he’s tapping into the Vedas and Upanishads? That’s like running a story that says “(fill in the random politician’s name) says he’s inspired by the Bible.” It means almost nothing. And here’s how the subject of the story is described: In some ways Swami Ramdev harks back to India’s earliest leaders with a message of selfreliance, national pride and traditional Indian values. But with his vast yoga empire and legions of followers on television and the Web, he is also a product and symbol of the New India, a yogic fusion of

Richard Simmons, Dr. Oz and Oprah Winfrey, irrepressible and bursting with Vedic wisdom. A yogic fusion of Richard Simmons, Dr. Oz and Oprah Winfrey? This “description,” if it can be called that, does little other than dismiss the swami as a silly pop culture reference point. And a meaningless Western pop culture reference point at that. It frames the entire story in a manner that makes the religious views of the swami seem false and ridiculous. The reader who submitted the story had a few other criticisms: To start with, there’s no explanation of what yoga means (remember, most Western readers regard yoga as little more than a physical exercise), no explanation of what the title swami means (again, its a term most Westerners have absolutely no understanding of, no knowledge that it means he is a monk in some lineage with a history all its own) or the esteem it carries in traditional Hindu society. The story treats Hinduism, yoga, the swami and the Indian religious and political culture in a confusingly superficial

continued from page 65

manner: Swami Ramdev plans to do for the body politic what he has already done to the country’s creaky physiques: whip it into shape. He announced last month that he would found a political party that would field candidates for each of the 543 parliamentary seats in India’s next general election in 2014. But beyond the silly phrasing, the story gives the impression that the swami’s politics are either overtly Hindu Nationalist or at least in less conflict with Hindu nationalism than some other prominent politicians. But we need to know more about the specifics. Perhaps instead of namedropping Oprah and Richard Simmons, we could get some decent analysis that explains where Swami Ramdev’s religious views and politics fit in relation to other prominent Indian leaders of past and present. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

life commercial at the Super Bowl. But Tebow said losing sponsors was a small price to pay for the ability to spread his message about family and faith. Tebow hasn’t been too hurt by the commercial, though, which was sponsored by the controversial group Focus on the Family. Tebow has already been linked to major sponsorships with Nike and EA Sports, and likely has several more in the works. Can Tebow offer any examples of companies who said so? Hopefully someone will followup on these statements. Tebow is probably not going away, so its important to keep some sort of religious context in future coverage. There’s no need to hammer away, reminding people every single detail about his faith, but the story would be more interesting if the background is explained a little bit more. Another paragraph or two explaining the tensions would go a long way. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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FAITH-FREE continued from page 64

cultural strategies in that ravaged land. As the story says, “If Senjaray can’t be won over, Kandahar won’t be.” Kandahar is at the heart of the Obama administration’s plans in Afghanistan. The enemy is the Taliban — an explicitly theocratic opponent. Afghanistan is, of course, 99 percent Muslim and for generations has been known as one of the world’s most uniquely impenetrable and hostile nations, when it comes to encounters with outside cultures. One of the primary goals of the U.S. troops in this village is to reopen a school, built by Canadians, that was shut down because it represented an invasion of Western values and freedoms — perhaps because it allowed girls to attend classes, as well as boys. The locals say they want the school to reopen, but cannot afford to assist in this process for fear that Taliban informers will see their actions, report them and that this will

lead to their deaths. Heads will literally roll. At one point, Ellis and company learn that the local elders are actually crossing the border into Pakistan to consult with Taliban leaders about which projects to allow the Americans to complete and which ones should be opposed. It’s all about improving the local infrastructure for the return of Taliban rule, which will take place in a few months, years, decades or whatever. Readers can see the big picture in the following encounter between the U.S. commander and a young local man whose family controls a crucial piece of property. … (Ellis) asked Rahman why he thought the Americans were in Afghanistan. The boy said he didn’t know. Ellis asked if he had heard about the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. The boy said no. He asked what Rahman thought about the Americans. “I’ve heard that they bomb civilians from the air,” the boy said. But

the Taliban bomb and boobytrap schools, Ellis pointed out. “Why would they do that?” Rahman didn’t know. Ellis asked the boy how he thought the war would end. “Whenever you guys get out from here, things will get better,” he said. “The elders will sit down with the Taliban, and the Taliban will lay down their arms.” That is that. It is one thing to say that there is a religion “ghost” in this story, a ghost rooted in the clash between the Western outsiders and the form of Islam that is proclaimed and enforced by the Taliban. Read the article for yourself and then answer this question: Where are the voices of the locals, when it comes to answering basic questions about the school and the conflicts that it represents? Perhaps there were translation problems. I can understand that. But it is also possible that the locals talked about the role of religion in their lives and that this was not the way that the

Time team wanted to frame the story. Thus, the story is dominated by columns of paraphrased material. Where are the local voices? If there are loaded questions that they cannot answer (Why are the Americans in Afghanistan?), this may provide insights into the nature of the cultural conflict in the village, the region and the nation. But it appears that religion has nothing to do with this story about the Pir Mohammed School, nothing to do with the iron-clad belief among those living in the area that a Taliban victory is inevitable. Religion has nothing to do with it. Nothing. At. All. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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