Liberty Newspost Feb-14-10

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E-reader News Edition

13/02/10 - 14/02/10

Anti-whaling activists face trial in Japan by Justin McCurry (World news and comment from the Guardian | Submitted at 2/14/2010 6:18:25 AM

Junichi Sato and Toru Suzuki were arrested after intercepting consignment of whale meat they claimed had been stolen by whaling ship crew member Two Greenpeace activists who were arrested after attempting to expose embezzlement in Japan's whaling fleet will go on trial tomorrow in a case campaigners hope will spark a domestic backlash against the heavilysubsidised industry. Junichi Sato and Toru Suzuki were detained in June 2008, two months after intercepting a consignment of whale meat they claimed had been stolen by a member of the crew on the Nisshin Maru, the Japanese Antarctic whaling fleet's mother ship. The activists – who claimed the meat was destined for the black market – face up to 10 years in prison if found guilty of theft and

trespass. They said the package, retrieved from a warehouse in Aomori, northern Japan, was marked "cardboard" but contained 23kg of salted whale meat worth around 350,000 yen (£2,477). Greenpeace said it had evidence to prove that at least 23 of the ship's crew smuggled more than 90 boxes of salted whale, disguised as personal baggage, and accused them of defrauding the Japanese taxpayer with the approval of Kyodo Senpaku, which operates the whaling fleet. Kyodo Senpaku insisted the packages were a "bonus" for crew members who had spent several months in the inhospitable waters of the southern ocean. Prosecutors, who initially agreed to pursue the embezzlement claims, dropped the investigation on the day Sato and Suzuki were arrested in early-morning raids on their homes. According to Greenpeace,, Japanese taxpayers contribute an estimated 500m yen to the

"scientific" whale hunts each year. Earlier this month, a UN human rights body condemned the detention of Sato and Suzuki and warned Japan that it had breached several articles of the UN declaration of human rights. During their 26 days in custody, 23 of which saw them held without charge, the suspects were denied access to lawyers, strapped to chairs and interrogated for up to 12 hours a day. Their interrogators likened them to members of Aum Supreme Truth, the doomsday cult that carried out the fatal gas attacks on the Tokyo subway in 1995. Suzuki protested by going on hunger strike for nine days and refusing to talk to investigators for four more. "They have taken a stand in the public interest," Kumi Naidoo, Greenpeace's executive director, told reporters in Tokyo. "It has come at a personal and professional cost. To be in detention day after day, tied

down, with no lawyer, is a terrifying thing for anyone to endure. "To have that happen to them when all they were trying to do was draw attention to the abuse of public funds is beyond scary. It is wrong." Naidoo urged the Japanese prime minister, Yukio Hatoyama, to reopen the investigation into alleged embezzlement by the whaling crew and to ensure Sato and Suzuki were given a fair trial. "The eyes of the world are on Japan," he added. Since the arrests, more than 250,000 people have signed a petition demanding justice for 32 -year-old Sato and Suzuki, 42. Anti-whaling campaigners have accused the authorities of staging a politically motivated trial, designed to depict peaceful activists as "terrorists", with the eventual aim of closing down Greenpeace's office in Japan. In an interview with the Guardian after he was released on bail, Suzuki remained

unrepentant. "Since my arrest, I have not lied once about what I did," he said. "But the whalers have had to make up one story after another. Their lies will come back to haunt them." Two years ago, Greenpeace abandoned its pursuit of the whaling fleet to focus on building an anti-whaling coalition among the Japanese people. A provision in the International Whaling commission's 1986 ban on commercial whaling permits Japan to conduct "lethal research" into about 1,000 whales in the Southern ocean each year. • Japan • Greenpeace • Whaling Justin McCurry© Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions| More Feeds


World/ Politics/

E-reader News Edition

We have let Barack Obama down | Clancy Sigal by Clancy Sigal (World news and comment from the Guardian |

after Obama's inauguration the new president appears to have muzzled Axelrod in favour of Rahm Emanuel, a ferociously Submitted at 2/14/2010 8:00:00 AM combative, rightwing When Obama came into office Democratic political assassin. with a mandate for change, the The enforcer Emanuel has so far left sat back and waited. Instead, failed to enforce much of we should have mobilised anything for Obama by way of Both Barack Obama and I are decent legislation, and Axelrod is Chicago boys, schooled in the sidelined except as a mouthpiece. tough-minded, arm-twisting No wonder that at home on my don't-mess-with-me attitude of desk is a manila folder file c r u s h i n g r a t h e r t h a n labelled OBAMA BETRAYALS c o m p r o m i s i n g w i t h y o u r OF CAMPAIGN PLEDGES, so unforgiving enemies. We are full it's bursting apart. I was b o t h p r o d u c t s o f m a c h i n e about to start a fresh new file of politics, I from the west side's h i s l a t e s t m i s s t e p s w h e n "rotten borough" 24th ward suddenly I caught myself. Hey, loyally turning out Democratic wait a minute, I'm falling into the party majorities of almost, and same old tired habit of reflexive sometimes exceeding, 100% negativity honed in the Bush ("Vote early, vote often!"), and years. B a r a c k f r o m a s o u t h s i d e Howard Zinn, the historiancommunity-organising operation activist who before his recent that got things done door-to- death was probably the wisest door, block by block. mind on the US left, told us he In the 2008 election campaign was not disappointed in Obama P r e s i d e n t O b a m a ' s m o s t because he never expected much important strategist was the in the absence of a national Chicago fixer David Axelrod, a movement to push him in a good m a s t e r o f h a r d - k n u c k l e direction. Zinn – a lifelong progressive neighbourhood s t u d e n t o f t h e A m e r i c a n politics who had masterminded abolitionist, labour, civil rights, the re-election campaign of f e m i n i s t a n d g a y r i g h t s Chicago's first African American movements – preached that real mayor Harold Washington. But change "will have to work its

way from the bottom up". Alas, we at the "bottom" have not really been there for Obama to fight for his ear, which currently belongs to Wall Street. Franklin Roosevelt, the president we hoped that Obama would be like, had a huge advantage over our new president. At FDR's disposal were powerful mass movements – Huey Long's "Share the Wealth", Father Coughlin's radical racist anti-capitalist broadcasts, the elderly Townsend Clubs, the veterans' bonus marchers and militant labour unions with their sit-down strikes – that were an effective threat, a countervailing force to rich rightwingers eager to destroy the New Deal. FDR's good angel, his wife Eleanor, constantly reported to him about just how bad it was in the real world of the Great Depression. But Roosevelt told Eleanor and anyone else who came to him with demands for progressive change: "OK, you've convinced me. Now go out and put pressure on me." That's where we've let Obama down. We on the American left – in a dysfunctional marriage with a bought-and-paid-for Democratic party, tamed by leechlike dependence on "non-

24 hours in pictures

Video: Women, Know Your Limits!

(World news and comment from the Guardian |

A selection of the best images from around the world

(Little Green Footballs) Submitted at 2/13/2010 6:16:49 PM

Timeless words of wisdom from

profit" liberal foundations themselves funded by corporations, a women's movement obsessed by the abortion issue, a gay movement fixed on gay marriage – simply aren't up to the job. We have not backed up Obama with a serious antiwar movement (there isn't any), and our Big Labour is too weak to fight for itself, let alone for the rest of us. Grassroots activism still exists, but during the 2008 presidential campaign we slipped into the habit of allowing ourselves to be used purely as fundraising vehicles. Fundraising is no substitute for hell raising, as the Palin-loving Tea Baggers and Town Hallers are teaching us. Obama came into office with a mandate for change. That should have been our signal not to sit back and wait for him to deliver but to mobilise to make sure he followed through. Instead, we relaxed our "Chicago muscle", the hard volunteer work that elected him. And I started my self-satisfying, ultimately pointless OBAMA BETRAYAL file. Last week in America's northwest, Oregon voters, who are traditionally anti-taxincrease, showed how Chicago

BBC comedian Harry Enfield.[Video]

muscle works. Against fierce opposition led by Nike and other big businesses, they delivered a huge progressive victory by approving tax-raising measures on the wealthy and corporations. They did it the low-tech way, slogging door to door, volunteers from an improvised coalition of unions, community groups and small businesses, working together to overcome a wellfunded rightwing scare campaign. Sooner or later we on the American left will rise again and look beyond single-issue obsessions, sever our dependence on corporate charity, and – as FDR and Howard Zinn advised – relearn the lesson of how to apply pressure on a president who needs us more than we need him. • Barack Obama • Obama administration • Democrats • US politics • United States Clancy Sigal© Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions| More Feeds

World/ Business/

E-reader News Edition


Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili questions Vancouver luge safety (World news and comment from the Guardian |

be fatal." He also dismissed suggestions that the 21-year-old slider was inexperienced. Submitted at 2/14/2010 7:29:04 AM "Nodar was a very rapidly • 'No sports mistake is supposed p r o g r e s s i n g s p o r t s m a n , " to be fatal' says Saakashvili Saakashvili said. "He won • Nodar Kumaritashvili's father qualification on his own merits. will not watch footage of He didn't come here because he accident represents some country. He The president of Georgia has came here because he had to questioned the safety of lugers at compete. He had to go through ... t h e W i n t e r O l y m p i c s i n international competitions. He Vancouver in the wake of the was training all around Europe. death of his countryman Nodar Y o u c a n n o t s a y i t w a s Kumaritashvili. An investigation i n e x p e r i e n c e . b y t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l L u g e "We were told by our sportsmen Federation concluded the crash there was some suggestion that that killed Kumaritashvili was walls should have been higher the result of human error but the there because there was [the Georgian president, Mikheil chance] of this happening." Saakashvili, responded by saying Near the site where "no sports mistake is supposed to Kumaritashvili lost his life, lead to a death". officials had covered the exposed The president of the ILF, Josef steel beams with a 12-foot-high Fendt, described that track as wooden wall. Other posts were "safe" after the investigation wrapped with padding. The f o u n d t h a t " t h e r e w a s n o contour of the final, sweeping indication that the accident was t u r n w a s a l s o c h a n g e d a s caused by deficiencies in the workers shaved the thick ice to track". stop racers from drifting too high B u t S a a k a s h v i l i , w h i l e on to the curved walls. acknowledging that he was not Saakashvili said it was "good competent to talk about the news" that the changes were technical details of the sport or made to the track. "But I think the accident, said: "One thing I the best news would be in the know for sure: no sports mistake future they listen more to the is supposed to lead to a death. grievances of sportsmen, they No sports mistake is supposed to listen more to the sensitivities ...

without having to do things in the aftermath. "If this death, which is very tragic by itself, leads to improved security and improved response to people expressing their concerns ... maybe then it was not ... in vain. Any human death is not acceptable, certainly." He emphasised, however, that he was not accusing the officials of negligence. "Common sense tells me that, yes there can be mistakes," he said. "I don't think mistakes in this sphere should lead to human deaths, that's for sure." Kumaritashvili's father, meanwhile, has said he won't watch the accident and that organisers shouldn't have used the lightning-fast course. "I can't and I won't see the footage of my son's last minutes," said David Kumaritashvili, his voice overcome by emotion. "The course was bad. They shouldn't have built the track allowing such a speed. It was a serious mistake." In Georgia, entertainment events were cancelled and TV shows were dedicated to the late Olympian. Saakashvili said he was proud of the decision by Georgian athletes to stay in Vancouver and compete despite

Kumaritashvili's death. Ramaz Goglidze, the vice president of the Georgian Olympic Federation, said the team was in shock. "We have felt a terrible pain but decided to stay despite that terrible tragedy," Goglidze said. "I think Nodar Kumaritashvili would have approved our decision." The figure skater Otar Japaridze added that these Olympics are "the lowest and at the same [time] the highest point of our careers". "Despite this tragic event, our team will carry on in the dream of Nodar and compete in his honour," Japaridze said. "I would like to thank everyone again for their support, and on behalf of Nodar and the Georgian nation, me and our team will try to show our best performance." Saakashvili said a luge facility will be built there and named for Kumaritashvili. The Georgian National Olympic Committee said an annual luge competition will be held in his honour. • Winter Olympics 2010 • Georgia© Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions| More Feeds

Magic Johnson in Talks to Buy Jet, Ebony Magazines by Zac Bissonnette (BloggingStocks) Submitted at 2/14/2010 11:20:00 AM

Filed under: Starbucks (SBUX), Marketing and Advertising, Entrepreneurs Magic Johnson is in talks to acquire Johnson Publishing Co., the parent company of magazines Jet and Ebony, as well as Fashion Fair Cosmetics. An executive for the company confirmed to Bloomberg that there have been "discussions." A spokesman for Johnson told Bloomberg that the chairman of the company, Linda Johnson Rice, "has never talked to Magic Johnson with respect to his interest in buying." Continue reading Magic Johnson in Talks to Buy Jet, Ebony Magazines Magic Johnson in Talks to Buy Jet, Ebony Magazines originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Sun, 14 Feb 2010 11:20:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments


World/ Popular News/

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Yulia Tymoshenko to appeal against Ukraine election results by Luke Harding (World news and comment from the Guardian | Submitted at 2/14/2010 8:14:31 AM

Current prime minister and proEuropean presidential hopeful believes Viktor Yanukovych's 3.5% lead caused by vote rigging Yulia Tymoshenko has spoken in public for the first time since her defeat in Ukraine's presidential elections a week ago, alleging that the poll was rigged and declaring that she intends to appeal in court. In a television address, the prime minister said that she did not recognise the victory of her opponent, Viktor Yanukovych. "I want to make it clear. Yanukovych is not our president, and he will never become the legitimately elected president," Tymoshenko said. The Russia-leaning Yanukovych won last weekend's election by a 3.5% margin, according to preliminary election results, in a poll described by international observers as an "impressive display" of democracy. Western leaders including Barack Obama and Gordon Brown have congratulated him on his win. Speaking on Saturday night, however, Tymoshenko said there had been violations at polling

stations in several regions of Ukraine including Crimea and Donetsk – both Russianspeaking Yanukovych strongholds. These, together with a deficient legal framework, "significantly affected" the results, her aides argue. "I have made the only decision I can make to challenge the results in court," Tymoshenko said, reappearing after six days of silence. Announcing that she would not call her supporters onto the streets, she said: "Not going to the courts today would mean leaving Ukraine to criminals without a fight." Tymoshenko's legal appeal seems ill-fated, however. Today, Ukraine's central election committee unequivocally rejected her complaints of fraud and said it would not consider them. The committee's majority supports Yanukovych and his Party of the Regions. Tymoshenko's refusal to concede defeat has exasperated many of her pro-European supporters. Her strategy appears to have twin goals: to undermine Yanukovych ahead of his inauguration as president next month, and to try and hang on to her job as prime minister. Yanukovych has already called for Tymoshenko's resignation.

He has, moreover, signalled that he has the numbers to topple her fragile parliamentary coalition – by luring away deputies from the faction of Viktor Yushchenko, Ukraine's defeated outgoing president, and other minority parties. Some businessmen have jumped ship already. Sources suggest a debate is now going on inside the Party of Regions between hardliners – who want all posts for themselves – and pragmatists who favour a broader-based coalition that would include economic technocrats and market reformers. Sergei Tigipko, who came third in the election, may get the prime minister's job. Today Andrew Wilson, senior fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, said it was not yet clear whether Yanukovych intends to reach out to his opponents, or simply to reward key oligarchic supporters. "There is a faction that wants to monopolise the spoils of victory. The kind of coalition he puts together will be key," Wilson said. Russia's response to Yanukovych's election has been surprisingly low-key – a reflection of tensions between Yanukovych's party and Moscow in the run-up to the polls – and

amid strong signs that the Russian prime minister, Vladimir Putin, would have preferred to deal with Tymoshenko. Speaking last week, Yanukovych hinted that he is likely to renew the contract on Russia's Black Sea fleet, which is due to expire in 2017. There are even rumours he is planning a 30 -year Guantánamo-style lease. During the campaign he also promised to recognise the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia – Georgia's Russian-occupied rebel regions. Wilson noted: "Both Ukrainians and world leaders will have to get used to their often boorish new president – and to the fact that he will preside over the European championship football final in 2012." • Ukraine • Yulia Tymoshenko • Viktor Yanukovych • Russia Luke Harding© Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions| More Feeds

53 tips for becoming a successful entrepreneur (Holy Kaw!) Submitted at 2/13/2010 9:23:47 PM

Successful entrepreneurs typically possess dynamic qualities. And the good news is—so can you! Here are some points to keep in mind if you want to master the art of the startup. The tips range from the brilliant to the obvious to the surprising—but every one of them is useful. • Hiring employees won’t solve most of your problems. • There is no such thing as a safe bet. • Being too aggressive can backfire. Full story at Quick Sprout. Get your idea off the ground with more resources for startups. Photo credit: Fotolia Permalink| Leave a comment »

World/ Business/ Popular News/

E-reader News Edition

Burma frees pro-democracy deputy leader Tin Oo (World news and comment from the Guardian |

generals want to score points with the international community, and are then arrested again later." Submitted at 2/14/2010 7:19:53 AM Speaking after police officers National League for Democracy entered his house and announced c o - f o u n d e r T i n O o f r e e d his release, a defiant Tin Oo told prompting hopes that Aung San reporters: "I will continue to Suu Kyi will also be released work for democracy." Burma's ruling junta has Tin Oo, whose latest term of released the deputy leader of the detention expired yesterday, had country's pro-democracy party spent nearly seven years in from nearly seven years in prison and under house arrest. d e t e n t i o n , b u t o f f e r e d n o The junta renewed his detention indication that he or still- on an annual basis since his detained party leader Aung San arrest in 2003. Suu Kyi would be allowed to Wearing the peach-coloured take part in this year's elections. traditional jacket of the league, The release yesterday of 82-year Tin Oo said he was "very -old Tin Oo, who helped found hopeful" Aung San Suu Kyi t h e N a t i o n a l L e a g u e f o r would also soon be released, Democracy with Aung San Suu noting that in 1995 he was Kyi, comes shortly before a UN released from an earlier stint in envoy visits Burma to evaluate prison not long before Suu Kyi the regime's progress on human herself was set free. rights. Tin Oo said he would ask "The release of Tin Oo is very authorities to allow him to visit welcome, but we should not Aung San Suu Kyi, and thanked attach any political significance the UN, EU and others for to the release," said Mark pressing for his release. Farmaner, director of the rights In a statement, UN secretarygroup Burma Campaign UK. general Ban Ki-moon welcomed "Burmese democracy activists Tin Oo's release and said he are regularly released when the h o p e d i t w o u l d p r o m o t e

"substantive dialogue" between the National League for Democracy and the government. He also urged the lifting of restrictions on Aung San Suu Kyi "without further delay" and the release of other political prisoners. The UN's special envoy to Burma, Tomas Ojea Quintana, is to arrive in the country tomorrow. Human rights groups say the junta still holds some 2,100 political prisoner, including Nobel Peace laureate Aung San Suu Kyi. "The fact that there still are over 2,100 political prisoners in Burma and if the elections are to be credible, they need to be able to participate along with all representative groups in the elections," said the British ambassador Andrew Heynes shortly after Tin Oo's release. • Burma • Aung San Suu Kyi© Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions| More Feeds

Size Matters and Twitter's Got It with Tweet Volume by Tom Johansmeyer (BloggingStocks) Submitted at 2/13/2010 3:10:00 PM

Filed under: Internet, Google (GOOG), Microsoft (MSFT), Media World, Technology Twitter is at a crossroads right now. What it does in the next few months will either solidify it as a long-term contributing member of the global economy ... or relegate it to a history that includes and talking sock puppets. The company posted solid growth stats in 2009, but most of the upside came in the first half of the year, leaving the company flat from the beginning of July through the end of the year. Revenue came into the company in October through real-time search deals with Microsoft ( MSFT) and Google ( GOOG), but they involved multiyear deals, which means the company needs to find new ways to make money. Maybe its advertising

How to follow the Winter Olympics (Holy Kaw!) Submitted at 2/14/2010 8:05:57 AM

Here are two great ways to stay

on top of the Winter Olympics: A Bag of Information: The 2010 Winter Olympics and WinterOlympics.Alltop.

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model will be accelerated as a result. With the user trend flat, however, and the dearth of Twitter use occurring on the website, there are flaws in the advertising model ... unless there's another way to look at the market. Continue reading Size Matters and Twitter's Got It with Tweet Volume Size Matters and Twitter's Got It with Tweet Volume originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Sat, 13 Feb 2010 15:10:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments


Business/ Popular News/

United Airlines Buys On-Time Success by Tom Johansmeyer (BloggingStocks)

Valentine's Day Stock #7: Carmike Cinemas (CKEC) by Louis Navellier (BloggingStocks)

Submitted at 2/14/2010 10:20:00 AM

Filed under: Southwest Airlines (LUV), UAL Corp (UAUA), Delta Air Lines (DAL) The silver lining to the travel slump last year was that fewer flights made it easier for airlines to hit their deadlines. In 2009, the airline sector had its best year for on-time arrivals since 2003, largely because many routes were cut as passenger traffic fell and companies looked for ways to cut costs. According to the Department of Transportation, airlines hit a 79.5% on-time rate last year (which includes flights that were within 15 minutes of their arrival time). Hawaiian Airlines had the best record, but it's a small regional, lacking the challenges of the major carriers. Among the big guys, Southwest's ( LUV) 83% on-time rate was best, and

E-reader News Edition

16 quirky anti-theft gadgets

Submitted at 2/14/2010 10:00:00 AM

Filed under: Stocks to Buy How about a nice romantic United's ( UAUA) 81% was tops comedy on Valentine's Day? for traditional air carriers. Of Carmike Cinemas( CKEC) and course, these airlines and the rest operates a total of about 250 of the sector were helped along movie houses in the U.S. and is a by the fact that they pad their frontrunner to capitalize on the schedule, which makes it a hell movie spending that is sure to be of a lot easier to show up on strong on Sunday. time. The company saw a nice boost Continue reading United after the recent blockbuster Airlines Buys On-Time Success Avatar hit the silver screen and United Airlines Buys On-Time should keep that momentum Success originally appeared on going through the coming BloggingStocks on Sun, 14 Feb months. 2010 10:20:00 EST. Please see Next: Steak 'n Shake (SNS) our terms for use of feeds. At the time of this writing, Permalink| Email this| Louis Navellier did not own Comments shares of CKEC in personal or client portfolios. Valentine's Day Stock #7:

(Holy Kaw!) Submitted at 2/13/2010 9:00:00 PM

Whether you’re looking to thwart co-workers from stealing your lunch or looking to protect your cd player from a potential C a r m i k e C i n e m a s ( C K E C ) parts-jacker—here is a great o r i g i n a l l y a p p e a r e d o n collection of inventive anti-theft BloggingStocks on Sun, 14 Feb gadgets to guard your personal 2010 10:00:00 EST. Please see belongings. our terms for use of feeds. These anti-theft lunch bags will P e r m a l i n k | E m a i l t h i s | certainly turn off a hungry thief. This clever mock tape deck Comments likely won’t entice anyone to break into your car. And this plug mug is a cool way to prevent people from stealing your mug while you’re away. See all sixteen gadgets at (WFMI) Walyou. Valentine's Day Stock #6: Get your strange on with more Whole Foods (WFMI) originally oddities. appeared on BloggingStocks on Permalink| Leave a comment » Sun, 14 Feb 2010 09:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments

Valentine's Day Stock #6: Whole Foods (WFMI) by Louis Navellier (BloggingStocks) Submitted at 2/14/2010 9:00:00 AM

Filed under: Whole Foods Market (WFMI), Stocks to Buy Speaking as a guy who normally eats out or watches my wife do all the cooking, I can say that

nothing is more appreciated by hardworking wives and mothers than a great meal they didn't have to prepare. That's where Whole Foods( WFMI) comes in with gourmet meats and cheeses that make simple recipes delicious -- even for inexperienced chefs.

Continue reading Valentine's Day Stock #6: Whole Foods

Business/ Popular News/ Politics/

E-reader News Edition

Valentine's Day Stock #8: Steak 'n Shake (SNS)

Judge Finds Grounds to Sanction Ariz. Sheriff's Office (

policies, including housing inmates in canvas tents, and pushing the bounds for how local by Louis Navellier Message from If law enforcement agencies can (BloggingStocks) you can, please donate to the full confront illegal immigration. Submitted at 2/14/2010 11:00:00 AM -text RSS service so we can The U.S. Justice Department continue developing it. said it's investigating his office Filed under: Stocks to Buy PHOENIX A federal judge has for alleged discrimination and Not everyone can afford a fancy found grounds for sanctioning an for unconstitutional searches and restaurant this Valentine's Day, Arizona sheriff's office for its seizures, but won't provide any so casual dining outfits are sure acknowledged destruction of details of its examination. The to see the lion's share of the records in a lawsuit that accuses sheriff believes the inquiry is profits. Near the front of this deputies of racially profiling focused on his immigration group is Steak 'n Shake( SNS). c o u n t l e s s H i s p a n i c s i n efforts. With more than 400 locations in immigration patrols. Arpaio has repeatedly denied the the U.S., this comfort food U.S. District Judge Murray racial profiling allegations, 'n Shake (SNS) originally company provides great Snow held off on imposing the saying people pulled over in the American fare at great prices. appeared on BloggingStocks on sanctions against the office of sweeps were approached because Sun, 14 Feb 2010 11:00:00 EST. Continue reading Valentine's Maricopa County Sheriff Joe deputies had probable cause to Please see our terms for use of Day Stock #8: Steak 'n Shake feeds. Permalink| Email this| Arpaio in the Friday ruling, but believe they had committed (SNS) indicted he would do so at a later crimes. It was only afterward Valentine's Day Stock #8: Steak Comments date once related issues were that deputies found many of ironed out. them were illegal immigrants, he Since early 2008, Arpaio has has said. run 13 immigration and crimes Some sheriff's officials have sweeps consisting of deputies acknowledged deleting their eand posse volunteers who flood mails about the patrols and (Little Green Footballs) How is it possible to be that an area of a city — in some cases throwing away and shredding blind to the huge elephant of bad heavily Latino areas — to seek officers' records of traffic stops Submitted at 2/13/2010 10:00:14 AM craziness in the room? Like this: out traffic violators and arrest made during the sweeps. Snow said the sheriff's office Amazingly, Glenn Reynolds Glenn Harlan Reynolds: What I other offenders. (Instapundit) manages to write a S a w a t t h e T e a P a r t y The handful of Latinos who was negligent for not holding filed the lawsuit against Arpaio's onto the documents and that the puff piece for the Wall Street C o n v e n t i o n . Journal about the National Tea This is why the extremists have office alleged that officers based failure to preserve them is Party Convention in Nashville had such an easy time taking some traffic stops on the race of enough to justify sanctions. The without even mentioning Tom over the tea party movement — Hispanics who were in vehicles, judge asked plaintiff's attorneys Tancredo’s racist call to bring people like Glenn Reynolds are had no probable cause to pull to suggest unspecified "adverse back literacy tests or Joseph determined to pretend they don’t them over and made the stops so inferences" that could be drawn they could inquire about their from the destruction of officers' Farah’s Birther/theocrat speech even exist. immigration status. records of traffic stops made and resulting standing ovation. Arpaio is known for tough jail during the sweeps.

Glenn Reynolds in Fantasyland


Submitted at 2/14/2010 4:42:45 AM

Peter Kozinets, one of those attorneys, said Saturday that the document destruction deprived his clients of records that would have shown deputies were selective in whom they approached during the sweeps. The sheriff's office said the destruction was an honest error that sprung from a top official not telling others in his office to preserve the documents. The office also said the trafficstop records were thrown away after supervisors tabulated statistics from them and that thousands of other documents have been handed over. "We thought the ruling was extremely fair and we are pleased to cooperate," said Dave Hendershott, chief deputy of the sheriff's office. "It clearly shows that the judge understood that it was an unintentional oversight. We are very pleased with the ruling." Snow also said that plaintiff's attorneys can again depose Arpaio to question him about his own 800-page immigration file, which was covered by a documents request but wasn't handed over before his first deposition in mid-December. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Accused Alabama prof shot, killed brother in 1986 (AP) (Yahoo! News: U.S. News)

violinist, in the chest in 1986, said Paul Frazier, the police chief in Braintree, Mass., where the Message from If shooting occurred. you can, please donate to the full Both William Setzer, chairman -text RSS service so we can of chemistry department at UAH, continue developing it. and university police Chief HUNTSVILLE, Ala. – More Chuck Gailes said they had not than 23 years before a college heard about the Massachusetts p r o f e s s o r w a s a c c u s e d o f incident until being asked by shooting six of her colleagues, reporters Saturday. her teenage brother died from the The Norfolk County District blast of a shotgun she held in the Attorney's office released a 1987 kitchen of her family's home in report with details of their Massachusetts. investigation, based on The 1986 shooting was ruled interviews with Amy Bishop and accidental and no charges were her parents conducted by a state filed against Amy Bishop. The trooper after the shooting. The case could get a closer look as report concluded Seth Bishop authorities try to explain why was killed by an " accidental t h e y b e l i e v e t h e H a r v a r d - discharge of a firearm." educated neurobiologist opened Amy Bishop told investigators fire Friday, killing three. she was trying to learn how to Bishop, a rare woman suspected use a shotgun that her father had of a workplace shooting, had just purchased for protection in the months left teaching at the home after a break-in. She said U n i v e r s i t y o f A l a b a m a i n she did not know how to use the Huntsville because she was w e a p o n a n d b r o u g h t i t denied tenure. downstairs to the kitchen for Some, including the husband of help unloading it. one victim and one of her She said she was raising it when students, have said she was upset "someone said something to her after being denied the job-for-life and she turned and the gun went s e c u r i t y a f f o r d e d t e n u r e d off" while her brother was academics. Authorities have walking across the kitchen, refused to discuss a motive, and according to the report. school spokesman Ray Garner She then ran out of the house said the faculty meeting wasn't with the weapon. When she called to discuss tenure. talked to investigators 11 days It appeared the violent episode after the shooting, she told them in Bishop's past wasn't known to she could only remember hearing her colleagues in Huntsville. her mother scream and she didn't Bishop shot her brother, Seth, an know the gunshot struck her 1 8 - y e a r - o l d a c c o m p l i s h e d brother until later. Submitted at 2/14/2010 3:43:29 AM

The report by Trooper Brian Howe said Bishop's "highly emotional state" immediately after the shooting made it impossible to question her. The report said she was 19 at the time. Police say she is 42 now, though the university's Web site lists her as 44. The handling of the case prompted back-and-forth claims from the current Braintree police chief, Frazier, and the former chief, John Polio. Frazier said Polio instructed officers to release Amy Bishop to her mother, who had once served on a police personnel board. That move upset officers who remembered the 1986 shooting, Frazier said. "The police officers here were very upset about that," said Frazier, who was a patrolman at the time and spoke to officers who remembered the incident that day, including one who filed a report on it. Frazier also said the police records of the shooting have disappeared and he planned to meet with the local district attorney over the possibility of launching a criminal investigation into how the Bishop case was handled. Polio, now 87, said Saturday at his Braintree home that he was astonished at any implication of a cover-up. He said he didn't instruct officers to release Bishop and wasn't close to her mother, who he said served on the police board years before the

shooting. "(There's) no cover-up, no missing records," Polio said. "If they're missing, they're missing since I retired." Polio said that at the time there were questions about whether Amy Bishop intended to kill her brother because of conflicting reports about whether the two had argued or had just been horsing around when the gun was fired. Polio said the officer who took Bishop into custody told Polio he was upset she was released but "it was an isolated cop, telling me something. It wasn't a big movement." Attempts by AP to track down addresses and phone numbers for Bishop's family in the Braintree area weren't immediately successful Saturday. The current police chief said he believed her family had moved away. In Huntsville, students, faculty and the community struggled to explain the violence. The three killed were Gopi K. Podila, the chairman of the Department of Biological Sciences, and two other faculty members, Maria Ragland Davis and Adriel Johnson. Three people were wounded. Two of them — Joseph Leahy and staffer Stephanie Monticciolo — were in critical condition early Sunday. The third, Luis CruzVera, had been released from the hospital. Bishop was arrested shortly after the shooting and was charged

with capital murder. It wasn't immediately known if she has an attorney. No one was home at the couple's house. Her husband, James Anderson, was detained and questioned by police but has not been charged. She is the mother of four children. A 9 mm handgun was found in the bathroom of the building where the shootings occurred, and Huntsville police spokesman Sgt. Mark Roberts said Bishop did not have a permit for it. Descriptions of Bishop from students and colleagues were mixed. Some saw a strange woman who had difficulty relating to her students, while others described a witty, intelligent teacher. Students and colleagues described Bishop as smart, but someone who often had difficulty explaining complicated concepts. Bishop was well-known in the research community, appearing on the cover of the winter 2009 issue of "The Huntsville R&D Report," a local magazine focusing on engineering, space and genetics. Setzer, the chemistry chairman, said Bishop was appealing the tenure decision made last year. "Politics and personalities" always play a role in the tenure process, he said. "In a close department it's more so. If you have any lone wolves or bizarre ACCUSED page 14

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Prof. Charged in Ala. Shooting Killed Brother in 1986 ( Submitted at 2/14/2010 7:43:35 AM

Message from If you can, please donate to the full -text RSS service so we can continue developing it. HUNTSVILLE, Ala. More than 23 years before a college professor was accused of shooting six of her colleagues at an Alabama university, her teenage brother died from the blast of a shotgun she held in the kitchen of her family's home in Massachusetts. The 1986 shooting was ruled accidental and no charges were filed against Amy Bishop. The case could get a closer look as authorities try to explain why they believe the Harvardeducated neurobiologist opened fire Friday, killing three. Bishop, a rare woman suspected of a workplace shooting, had just months left teaching at the University of Alabama in Huntsville because she was denied tenure. Some, including the husband of one victim and one of her students, have said she was upset after being denied the job-for-life security afforded tenured academics. Authorities have refused to discuss a motive, and school spokesman Ray Garner said the faculty meeting wasn't called to discuss tenure. It appeared the violent episode in Bishop's past wasn't known to her colleagues in Huntsville. Bishop shot her brother, Seth, an

18-year-old accomplished violinist, in the chest in 1986, said Paul Frazier, the police chief in Braintree, Massachusetts, where the shooting occurred. Both William Setzer, chairman of the chemistry department at UAH, and university police Chief Chuck Gailes said they had not heard about the Massachusetts incident until being asked by reporters Saturday. The Norfolk County District Attorney's office released a 1987 report with details of their investigation, based on interviews with Amy Bishop and her parents conducted by a state trooper after the shooting. The report concluded Seth Bishop was killed by an "accidental discharge of a firearm." Amy Bishop told investigators she was trying to learn how to use a shotgun that her father had purchased for protection in the home after a break-in. She said she did not know how to use the weapon and brought it downstairs to the kitchen for help unloading it. She said she was raising it when "someone said something to her and she turned and the gun went off" while her brother was walking across the kitchen, according to the report. She then ran out of the house with the weapon. When she talked to investigators 11 days after the shooting, she told them she could only remember hearing her mother scream and she didn't

know the gunshot struck her brother until later. The report by Trooper Brian Howe said Bishop's "highly emotional state" immediately after the shooting made it impossible to question her. The report said she was 19 at the time. Police say she is 42 now, though the university's Web site lists her as 44. The handling of the case prompted back-and-forth claims from the current Braintree police chief, Frazier, and the former chief, John Polio. Frazier said Polio instructed officers to release Amy Bishop to her mother, who had once served on a police personnel board. That move upset officers who remembered the 1986 shooting, Frazier said. "The police officers here were very upset about that," said Frazier, who was a patrolman at the time and spoke to officers who remembered the incident that day, including one who filed a report on it. Frazier also said the police records of the shooting have disappeared and he planned to meet with the local district attorney over the possibility of launching a criminal investigation into how the Bishop case was handled. Polio, now 87, said Saturday at his Braintree home that he was astonished at any implication of a cover-up. He said he didn't instruct officers to release Bishop and wasn't close to her

mother, who he said served on the police board years before the shooting. "(There's) no cover-up, no missing records," Polio said. "If they're missing, they're missing since I retired." Polio said that at the time there were questions about whether Amy Bishop intended to kill her brother because of conflicting reports about whether the two had argued or had just been horsing around when the gun was fired. Polio said the officer who took Bishop into custody told Polio he was upset she was released but "it was an isolated cop, telling me something. It wasn't a big movement." Attempts by AP to track down addresses and phone numbers for Bishop's family in the Braintree area weren't immediately successful Saturday. The current police chief said he believed her family had moved away. In Huntsville, students, faculty and the community struggled to explain the violence. The three killed were Gopi K. Podila, the chairman of the Department of Biological Sciences, and two other faculty members, Maria Ragland Davis and Adriel Johnson. Three people were wounded. Two of them — Joseph Leahy and staffer Stephanie Monticciolo — were in critical condition early Sunday. The third, Luis CruzVera, had been released from the hospital.

Bishop was arrested shortly after the shooting and was charged with capital murder, which can bring the death penalty if she is convicted. It wasn't immediately known if she has an attorney. No one was home at the couple's house. Her husband, James Anderson, was detained and questioned by police but has not been charged. She is the mother of four children. A 9 mm handgun was found in the bathroom of the building where the shootings occurred, and Huntsville police spokesman Sgt. Mark Roberts said Bishop did not have a permit for it. Descriptions of Bishop from students and colleagues were mixed. Some saw a strange woman who had difficulty relating to her students, while others described a witty, intelligent teacher. Students and colleagues described Bishop as smart, but someone who often had difficulty explaining complicated concepts. Bishop was well-known in the research community, appearing on the cover of the winter 2009 issue of "The Huntsville R&D Report," a local magazine focusing on engineering, space and genetics. Setzer, the chemistry chairman, said Bishop was appealing the tenure decision made last year. "Politics and personalities" PROF. page 15


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Civilians die in Afghan offensive (BBC News | Americas | World Edition) Submitted at 2/14/2010 8:05:39 AM

Message from If you can, please donate to the full -text RSS service so we can continue developing it. Nato has confirmed that two rockets fired at militants during its offensive in Helmand, south Afghanistan, missed their target and killed 12 civilians. The rockets struck a house in Marjah as thousands of Nato troops continued their operations to oust the Taliban. Nato's commander Gen Stanley McChrystal said that "we deeply regret this tragic loss of life". Coalition forces are aiming to build on gains in Operation Moshtarak, tackling snipers and booby-traps on day two. A third Nato death related to the operation has also been confirmed. Operation Moshtarak, meaning "together" in the Dari language, is the biggest coalition attack since the Taliban fell in 2001. The operation is also the first big test of US President Barack Obama's new "surge" strategy for Afghanistan. Rocket system suspended Civilian casualties have been a key concern for the Nato-led offensive. Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. ABC's Miguel Marquez embedded with US Marines as they journey into Marjah

The regions targeted were leafleted well in advance to minimise casualties. Building by building, compound by compound, US Marines and British troops are trying to clear Marjah and Nad Ali district of hundreds, possibly thousands, of booby traps planted by insurgents. The US military told me they had started receiving tipoffs from local residents about where the bombs were hidden. Many of those residents are believed to be cautious about welcoming government forces for fear they will soon depart again. Tribal councils are being held in both districts with the aim of persuading the population to back their government and not the Taliban.

According to a senior Nato officer joint Afghan-Nato patrol bases will soon be set up in the area, and 900 newly trained Afghan police are poised to come into re-establish government control. President Hamid Karzai has called for an investigation into the civilian deaths, his office said. Mr Karzai had urged Nato ahead of the operation to be careful to avoid civilian casualties. His office said in a statement that it believed at least 10 of those killed were from the same family. Nato said in a statement: "Two rockets from a High Mobility Artillery Rocket System launched at insurgents firing

upon Afghan and [Nato] forces impacted approximately 300 metres (980ft) off their intended target, killing 12 civilians." Gen McChrystal said: "The current operation in Central Helmand is aimed at restoring security and stability to this vital area of Afghanistan. "It's regrettable that in the course of our joint efforts, innocent lives were lost. "We extend our heartfelt sympathies and will ensure we do all we can to avoid future incidents." The use of the the rocket system involved has been suspended pending a review. The Ministry of Defence has said that British troops were not involved in the incident.

Meanwhile, US, UK and Afghan forces have faced gun battles and numerous boobytraps on day two of the offensive in Marjah and Nad Ali in Helmand province. In Marjah, US Marine commander Brig Gen Larry Nicholson told Agence FrancePresse his forces had "blown up a lot of IEDs" and come up against "a lot of sniper fire". He said it could take up to 30 days to make the area safe. Another Marines spokesman, Lt Josh Diddams, told Associated Press that US forces were in the "majority of the city". "We're starting to come across areas where the insurgents have actually taken up defensive positions. Initially it was more hit and run." Nato officers and Afghan troops are holding shuras (meetings) with tribal leaders, and plan to bring in hundreds of Afghan police in the coming days to help secure the captured areas. Casualties Operation Moshtarak began before dawn on Saturday when more than 15,000 troops flew into central Helmand. American forces, led by 4,000 Marines, are focusing on Marjah, while 4,000 British troops are in Nad Ali. A large Afghan force, as well as Canadians, Danes and Estonians, is also involved. CIVILIANS page 15

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Luge resumes with changes (BBC News | Americas | World Edition) Submitted at 2/13/2010 7:29:35 PM

Message from If you can, please donate to the full -text RSS service so we can continue developing it. Olympic luge track changes explained The team-mate of Georgian luger Nodar Kumaritashvili, who was killed in a training accident on Friday, has withdrawn from the Vancouver Games. Levan Gureshidze pulled out before the event at the Whistler Sliding centre on Saturday following the death of 21-yearold Kumaritashvili. The event went ahead after safety changes were made to the track. Britain's Adam Rosen was one of 36 entrants to go down the track, where he dislocated a hip in October. Rosen conceded he had had reservations before making his opening practice run on Saturday, while there were three non-starters in training, including Gureshidze, who later decided not to compete at all. Officials respond to luge tragedy "It was difficult as someone lost their life," Rosen, 25, told BBC Sport. "But I'm sure that he would have liked us to race and we all put a black stripe on our helmet this morning. "It's a new track and it's a dangerous sport so sometimes bad things happen,

unfortunately." The men's event was moved to the lower women's start, which was expected to cut speeds by around 10kph (6.25 mph). Kumaritashvili died when his sled flipped and he hit a steel pole during a training run on Friday. International Luge Federation president Josef Fendt told a news conference: "We have been competed for almost 50 years and it was the worse event that has happened. "We have not had a fatal accident in 35 years on artificial tracks. "We are all sad and very shocked by the tragic accident and I would like to express my condolences to the family and

correct entrance into curve 16. "This resulted in a late entrance into curve 16 and although the athlete worked to correct the problem he eventually lost control of the sled resulting in the tragic accident. "The technical officials of the FIL were able to retrace the path of the athlete and concluded there was no indication that the accident was caused by deficiencies in the track. "Based on these findings the race director, in consultation with the FIL, made the decision to reopen the track following a raising of the walls at the exit of curve 16 and a change in the ice profile. "This was done as a preventative measure, in order to avoid that such an extremely exceptional the Georgian association." tragedy accident could occur again." The starts for the women's and Wolfgang Staudinger, coach of The crash happened hours d o u b l e s l u g e e v e n t s w e r e the Canadian luge team, put the before the opening ceremony, lowered, while a decision on blame firmly on Kumaritashvili which was dedicated in his skeleton and bobsleigh on the himself. honour. same track will be made by that "It was not a track issue, it was a Georgia confirmed they will sport's governing body. driving error, 100%," said compete in the Games as a The decision to continue was Staudinger, a German. tribute to Kumaritashvili and taken after probes by local "We had issues like this before marched as scheduled at the coroners and the International and that happens when you have ceremony, wearing black arm Luge Federation (FIL). so-called exotic sliders. bands and looking visibly upset. Officials concluded the track "The guys must know when they During the past week there have was not unsafe but that the enter a track like this that it's been several accidents, including athlete "did not compensate serious business, it's not a joke. one involving gold medal properly" going into a bend. "The International Federation favourite Armin Zoeggeler of As a precaution, the walls at the has to put much tighter rules into Italy and several during women's exit of the final curve, where place to avoid this in the future." luge training runs on Kumaritashvili was thrown from A statement on the Vancouver Wednesday. the track, have been raised. 2010 website said: "It appears Among those who crashed, Please turn on JavaScript. Media after a routine run, the athlete requires JavaScript to play. came late out of curve 15 and did LUGE page 12 Devastated Rogge reacts to luge not compensate properly to make


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CA surf contest reminds bystanders of sea's power (AP) (Yahoo! News: U.S. News)

Africa to Half Moon Bay. "I took the worst beating of my life out there." Message from If He said he will spend part of the you can, please donate to the full prize money paying back his -text RSS service so we can brother and two friends, who continue developing it. loaned him money to buy his HALF MOON BAY, Calif. – airplane ticket. The Mavericks Surf Contest was Many of the spectators brought n o d a y a t t h e b e a c h f o r their children, pets and coolers p a r t i c i p a n t s o r s p e c t a t o r s . with plans to pass a sunny Unexpected waves breaking on Saturday watching elite surfers shore Saturday swept dozens of compete atop monster waves one spectators from their perches on -half mile from shore. t h e m a n m a d e j e t t y a t t h e "We were very lucky that southern tip of Mavericks beach. nobody was swept out to sea," Most escaped with minor said California Department of i n j u r i e s b u t t h r e e w e r e Forestry and Fire Protection hospitalized with broken bones. Battalion Chief Scott Jalbert, Others needed plucking from the whose department tended to water. The near tragedy stood as most of the wounded. a reminder of how dangerous the A shaky and wet Pamela sea can be. Massette left the contest almost Authorities spent the rest of the immediately after arriving from day warning the thousands her Corte Madera home 50 miles attending the event about the away. dangers of the ocean. They "It just came out of nowhere and closed off vast portions of the wiped us all out," she said, beach, ushered people from the showing her bloody left hand edges of nearby cliffs and shook and left knee. Her Nikon camera their heads at what might have was destroyed. Many other been. spectators lost cameras, cell While the debate over spectator phones and backpacks as the safety raged on shore, South waves swept the seawall. African Chris Bertish beat 23 Attendees and some competitors other surfers and carried home q u e s t i o n e d t h e w i s d o m o f the $50,000 first-place prize. allowing people so close to the "It's hard to explain how much waterline when high tides and water was moving around out epic surf were predicted. there," said Bertish, who spent "It was stupid," said Grant 36 hours traveling from South Washburn, a big-wave veteran Submitted at 2/14/2010 7:03:11 AM

and an original Mavericks surfer. "It was totally predictable and anyone who knows the spot knows not to put anything on the jetty. Keir Beadling, chief executive of the company that manages the event, did not return several telephone and e-mail messages Saturday seeking comment. Others said that no one could have predicted that several waves would have jumped over the jetty and injured people. "It's a force of nature that can't be predicted," said the fire chief Jalbert. The dangerous situation was recognized, but too late. Additional firefighters were on the way to clear the beach when the waves washed over spectators, he said. Only after the unexpected large waves swept in during high tide did the National Weather Service post a high surf warning until 10 p.m. Saturday. The agency previously posted a less severe high surf advisory. The surfing contest offers a $150,000 purse, making it the most lucrative big-wave contest in the world, even though it is held only when conditions are prime. Competitors voted to schedule it because forecasts called for record-breaking waves, despite warnings that strong winds could make those breakers dangerously

unpredictable. Finishing behind Bertish were: Shane Desmond, Santa Cruz, second place; Anthony Tashnick, Santa Cruz; third place; Dave Wessel, Kailua, Hawaii, fourth; Carlos Burle, Brazil, fifth; and Kenny Collins, Santa Cruz, sixth. The surf in the lineup reached 40-foot faces, and a shore-break of five to six feet washed over the beach and a seawall. Two surprise waves knocked out barricades, a spectator platform and a large scaffold holding speakers broadcasting the contest, held in this tiny harbor town 25 miles south of San Francisco along Highway 1. Marsha Poulin, of nearby El Granada, was at the water's edge minutes before the first rogue wave struck. She said she was concerned that organizers were letting spectators get so close to the ocean, given the conditions. "Just because they were letting us be here doesn't mean it was safe," said Poulin, who left for higher ground just in time. ____ Associated Press Writer Don Thompson contributed to this report from Sacramento. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

LUGE continued from page 11

Romania's Violeta Stramaturaru was knocked unconscious for a few minutes and taken to hospital. Former luger had safety fears over Olympic track Former luger Patrick Singleton, who inspected part of the track a few months ago, said he didn't feel it was adequately tested. "I just don't think there were enough training runs allowed in advance of this competition to properly check the track and allow athletes time to get used to it. "I can't imagine what some of those athletes must be thinking. "There will be some who are able to shut it out of their minds and compete, but there will be others for whom this will have terrible consequences." Print Sponsor Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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Spacewalking astronauts turn plumbers, hook hoses (AP) (Yahoo! News: U.S. News)

got Tranquility surging with power; most of its systems could not be turned on without a way Message from If to get rid of the heat generated you can, please donate to the full by the equipment inside. -text RSS service so we can Mission Control passed up the continue developing it. good news about the temperature CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. – dropping in Tranquility and the The International Space Station's power kicking in. newest room came alive with "We're so happy our feet are off p o w e r S u n d a y a f t e r the floor," said astronaut Stephen s p a c e w a l k i n g a s t r o n a u t s Robinson, who coordinated the managed to hook up plumbing spacewalk from inside the shuttle despite an ammonia leak. -station complex. Even though Nicholas Patrick's It was unwieldy work because suit got hit with ammonia, none of the extra-long hoses and of the frozen toxic drops stuck to potentially hazardous because of him. The mishap forced a the ammonia. s l i g h t l y e a r l y e n d t o t h e Patrick said the ammonia was spacewalk, however, so the solid by the time it bounced off spacewalkers could go through h i s v i s o r a n d r i g h t g l o v e safety procedures. Saturday night, as he was It was the second excursion in undoing a connection. three days for Patrick and Robert "It was about the kind of quantity Behnken. They have one more of stuff that you would expect if spacewalk to complete work on you didn't empty the straw at the the Tranquility room and its end of your drink bag," Patrick attached observation deck, the reported. last major building blocks of the "Yeah — if you were drinking 11-year-old space station. Shuttle ammonia," Robinson said from Endeavour carried up the pieces inside. Patrick had a good laugh. last week. Mission Control said slight With the throw of a few leakage was expected. As a switches, Behnken and Patrick precaution, Behnken inspected got ammonia coolant flowing Patrick's suit at the end of the through the newly routed p l u m b i n g j o b , b u t n o Tranquility hoses. That, in turn, contamination was spotted. Submitted at 2/14/2010 1:08:26 AM

Nevertheless, the spacewalkers were instructed to wrap up everything early to allow extra time for safety procedures back in the air lock. "I know you guys can't see it, but the lights are on" in Tranquility, shuttle commander George Zamka said as the six-hour spacewalk wrapped up. The $400 million-plus Tranquility and lookout — supplied by the European Space Agency— will hold life-support systems as well as exercise equipment and a toilet. The domed lookout is essentially an enormous bay window that will provide breathtaking views of Earth. Its seven windows includes the largest ever flown in space: a round one 31 inches across. While preparing the observation deck for its planned move to another side of Tranquility, the astronauts could not put on an insulating cover at the hatch. It simply did not fit; something interfered with the lock-down bars. Late Saturday, the space station's commander, Jeffrey Williams, reported that bolts seemed to be causing the interference. He removed all eight bolts, saying the clearance

Video: Tea Party Convention Attendees Speak (Little Green Footballs)

A little slice of tea party life, Convention in Nashville.[Video] from the National Tea Party

would be tight but that the cover likely would fit. It did, with some coaxing Sunday. The cover is needed to protect a seal and docking mechanisms from getting too cold when that port is unoccupied. Mission Control had some good news for the six shuttle astronauts before the spacewalk got under way: They will get to spend an extra day at the space station. Mission managers added a 14th day to the mission to give the crew time to move waterrecycling equipment into Tranquility. NASA wanted to see if repairs to the broken urine processor worked before moving the equipment. They apparently did. Endeavour is now scheduled to return to Earth on Feb. 21. ___ On the Net: N A S A : ges/shuttle/main/index.html Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

How to avoid these bad dating habits (Holy Kaw!) Submitted at 2/13/2010 9:35:44 PM

Advice and suggestions are reminders to utilize common sense, however often times it's not so common. So, before you go on your Valentine's Day date, I offer you a list of reminders: • Eye contact: It's important, but don't stare wide eyed like a deer in headlights. • Intoxication: Does this really need an explanation? • Cellphones: Don't fondle them or that's all you may be fondling. Turn them off. Full story at MainStreet. More advice on Dating. Photo credit: Fotolia Permalink| Leave a comment »


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Alabama suspect 'killed brother' (BBC News | Americas | World Edition)

But his account was disputed by Mr Polio, now 87, who insisted he had not told officers to release Submitted at 2/13/2010 7:34:29 PM Ms Bishop and denied records Message from If had gone missing. you can, please donate to the full "Nobody was trying to cover -text RSS service so we can anything up. We had a job to do. continue developing it. We did it, we used our own The biology professor charged judgement under the with shooting dead three staff at circumstances," he said, adding an Alabama university on Friday that the district attorney had not is alleged to have also killed her complained at the time. brother 24 years ago. Please turn on JavaScript. Media Amy Bishop shot her 18-yearrequires JavaScript to play. old brother in the chest, US educational establishments according to the current police have seen numerous fatal chief of the Massachusetts town shootings of Braintree where this occurred. The authorities in Massachusetts The case was logged as an say they are talking to police in accident and never came to Alabama about the older case. court, Paul Frazier said. No decision to reopen that Earlier, local media reported investigation has yet been made. that Ms Bishop had opened fire k i l l e d w e r e t h e h e a d o f and the revelations about Ms and fled the scene before being US educational sites have seen during a faculty meeting after d e p a r t m e n t a n d t w o o t h e r Bishop's past in Massachusetts arrested at gunpoint. numerous fatal shooting attacks professors. Two of the three are sure to increase that feeling Mr Frazier alleged she was being denied a promotion. in recent years. never charged after the then Former colleagues have said the injured, also biology department of unease. The most serious occurred at neurobiologist, who is in her 40s, members, are said to be in a At a news conference in her police chief, John Polio, or Virginia Tech University in was upset after losing out on a critical condition in hospital. former hometown of Braintree, someone acting on his behalf, 2007, when a student killed 32 tenured position at the University Ms Bishop could face the death Police Chief Paul Frazier said the intervened and told officers to people before turning the gun on penalty if convicted of murder, biology professor had killed her release Ms Bishop. He added of Alabama in Huntsville. himself. that detailed records of the Police have refused to discuss a officials said. Her husband is brother in 1986. Print Sponsor m o t i v e , a n d u n i v e r s i t y also reportedly being questioned. It was reported as being an incident had been missing for Five Filters featured article: accident at the time, but he said more than 20 years. spokesman Ray Garner has said 'Different story' Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: The BBC's Madeleine Morris in officers who were serving then "It is a far different story than the meeting was not called to PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Washington says the shooting had told him that Ms Bishop shot what was reported at the time," discuss tenure. Term Extraction. The three people who were has shocked many Americans, the young man after an argument Mr Frazier said.

ACCUSED continued from page 8

personalities, it's a problem and I'm thinking that certainly came into play here." ___ Lindsay reported from

Braintree, Mass. Associated Press Writers Kristin M. Hall in Huntsville and Thomas Watkins in Los Angeles contributed to this report.

Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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Man Sets World Record for Most Hugs in 24 Hours in Vegas

CIVILIANS continued from page 10

Three Isaf deaths related to Operation Moshtarak have been confirmed. ( her father's hugs with a manual He said he embraced all kinds of On Saturday, a British soldier, counter at the start of his attempt people throughout Friday night of 1st Battalion Grenadier Submitted at 2/14/2010 4:54:01 AM on Friday, came up with his and Saturday and was tired from Guards, died in a bomb blast in Message from If pseudonym to make his spectacle being on his feet and not eating. Nad Ali, while a US soldier was you can, please donate to the full a bit more fun. As Teddy But Ondash said he wasn't killed by gunfire in Marjah. -text RSS service so we can McHuggin, Ondash sports a red planning to go to sleep right On Sunday, another service member was killed in an IED continue developing it. NASCAR-style driver's suit with away. LAS VEGAS A 51-year-old hugging logos and a wrestling- "I'm going to go and enjoy the attack. Ohio man has embraced the style championship belt. town tonight," he said Saturday. At least 20 Taliban fighters were Valentine's Day spirit faster than "Jeff Ondash breaking a record Ondash said he did not expect killed and another 11 detained on anyone before, giving 7,777 hugs really doesn't mean a lot," he Guinness World Records to Saturday, an Afghan commander in 24 hours for a new world said. "Teddy McHuggin on the certify his record for several said. record. other hand, he's the reigning weeks. The organization did not 'Going well' At a Ministry of Defence Jeff Ondash, who sought the world speed hugging champion, have a judge present at his squeezes under the costumed now going after the world attempt. Instead, independent briefing in London on Sunday, alter ego Teddy McHuggin, marathon hugging champion. judges who tracked Ondash in Maj Gen Gordon Messenger said broke the record Saturday night "No one on earth has ever shifts were to submit affidavits to the operation overall had so far "gone to plan". outside the Paris Las Vegas hotel attempted something like that the organization. -casino on the Las Vegas Strip. before," he said. Ondash says he, as McHuggin, " N o t h i n g h a s s t o p p e d t h e "When you hug somebody, they Ondash, of Canfield, Ohio, is now eyeing both the world's mission from progressing," he all walk away from each other already held the record for most longest single hug — currently said, although UK troops had smiling," Ondash said. "They say hugs in one hour with 1,205, 24 hours and 1 second — and taken small-arms fire. an apple a day keeps the doctor according to Guinness World breaking his current two records AFP quoted President Obama's away; a hug a day — it's just Records. consecutively, which he said was PROF. fun." The previous record of 5,000 "unheard of." continued from page 9 Ondash said he wanted to hugs in one day was set last year "I don't even know if I can do always play a role in the tenure become the world's hugging by Siobhan O'Connor in Dublin, that but I'm going to attempt it," process, he said. "In a close champion to raise money for the Ireland, Guinness spokesman Ondash said. "It's like climbing department it's more so. If you American Heart Association Philip Robertson said. Mount Everest twice — same have any lone wolves or bizarre during American Heart month. To break O'Connor's mark, thing." personalities, it's a problem and The cause is important to him Ondash needed more than 208 Five Filters featured article: I'm thinking that certainly came because his brother and father hugs per hour — or about 3 1/2 Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: into play here." both died relatively young hugs per minute. Ondash logged PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Five Filters featured article: because of heart problems, he just over 700 hugs during his Term Extraction. said. first hour of embraces on Friday His daughter Carlie, who tallied night.

Olympic Chat With Johnny Weir ( The Daily Fix)

Figure skater Johnny Weir chats with WSJ’s Geoffrey Fowler and

tells him who he’s listening to on his iPod:


See related article: Johnny Weir’s Ice Capades

top security adviser, Gen James Jones, as also saying the offensive was "going well". President Obama will be briefed on Sunday by the US commander in Afghanistan, Gen Stanley McChrystal. Are you in Helmand province? What will the military operation there achieve? Send us your views using the form below. The BBC may edit your comments and not all emails will be published. Your comments may be published on any BBC media worldwide. Print Sponsor Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Popular News/ Tech News/

E-reader News Edition

Police: Alaska oil firm head dies in avalanche (AP) (Yahoo! News: U.S. News)

In another Alaskan avalanche Saturday, police said a skier was killed after being buried in a Message from If slide in the Hiland valley area you can, please donate to the full near Anchorage. -text RSS service so we can Members of the Alaska continue developing it. Mountain Rescue Group reached ANCHORAGE, Alaska – The the man who was pronounced president of ConocoPhillips dead by a physician with the Alaska was killed and another group. His name was being person was feared dead after the withheld pending notification of two were swept away while relatives. snowmobiling on Alaska's Kenai Bowles, 57, has headed Conoco Peninsula, state police said. Phillips Alaska since November Jim Bowles, the head of the oil 2004 and oversaw roughly 900 giant's Alaska operations, was employees in the state, said with a dozen snowmobilers in spokeswoman Natalie Lowman. the Grandview wilderness area "He was a great leader for our near Seward when an avalanche company," she said. roared down a slope Saturday, Gage, 40, is a member of the burying him and Alan Gage. company's capital projects team Bowles' body was recovered in Anchorage, Lowman said. before nightfall, but Gage Gov. Sean Parnell issued a couldn't be located before the statement early Sunday saying he search was suspended because of and his wife, Sandy, were darkness. The search was to saddened by Bowles' death and r e s u m e S u n d a y w e a t h e r lauded his work in Alaska. permitting. "Jim brought so much to our Rescuers from his party pulled state: his love of the great Bowles from the snow and used outdoors, his leadership of CPR for 30 minutes to revive ConocoPhillips Alaska, and his him but he was pronounced dedication to making Alaska a dead, troopers said. better place for all of us to call Submitted at 2/14/2010 2:46:04 AM

home," Parnell said. A group of about a dozen were traveling together in the Grandview area when the avalanche struck, troopers spokeswoman Megan Peters said. Forecaster Carl Skustad with the Chugach National Forest's Avalanche Information Center said the party was in moderate terrain, with probably a 35-40 degree slope. But with the weak layer underneath, that can be enough for snow to let loose, he said. At least one member of the party drove back to the railroad tracks to call in the accident around 12:30 p.m. The response included a trooper helicopter and a Forest Service crew. ___ Information from: Anchorage D a i l y N e w s , Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Wired for the iPad to Launch by Summer by Kim Zetter (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 2/13/2010 10:01:00 AM

LONG Beach, California —

Wired Magazine Editor-in-Chief Chris Anderson announces at the Technology, Entertainment and Design conference that the publication would be releasing

its content for the iPad by summer.

Color Test: How do your results compare to CEOs? (Holy Kaw!)

Psychiatry professor Rense Lange an expert in tests said that the results "all but prove that USA Today gathered a panel of CEOs are wired differently." nearly 900 CEOs and had them L a n g e a l s o b e l i e v e s t h a t take The Dewey Color System® eventually, marketers will be test. The entire test takes about a able to target consumers based minute and based on your on color preferences. selections, the results provide a I took the test as well and my summary of your skills and results were that I'm an organizer personality as well as suggested which is quite accurate. What occupations. Not surprisingly, are your results? the results of the group as a Full story at USA Today. whole scored them in leadership More about Leadership. occupations, however many were Photo credit: Fotolia also suitable for positions as Permalink| Leave a comment » social workers and teachers. Submitted at 2/13/2010 8:44:54 PM

Popular News/ Politics/

E-reader News Edition


President of ConocoPhillips Alaska Dies in Avalanche (

revive him but he was pronounced dead, troopers said. In another Alaskan avalanche Message from If Saturday, police said a skier was you can, please donate to the full killed after being buried in a -text RSS service so we can slide in the Hiland valley area continue developing it. near Anchorage. ANCHORAGE, Alaska The Members of the Alaska president of ConocoPhillips Mountain Rescue Group reached Alaska was killed and another the man who was pronounced person was feared dead after the dead by a physician with the two were swept away while group. His name was being snowmobiling on Alaska's Kenai withheld pending notification of Peninsula, state police said. relatives. Jim Bowles, the head of the oil Bowles, 57, has headed Conoco giant's Alaska operations, was Phillips Alaska since November with a dozen snowmobilers in 2004 and oversaw roughly 900 the Grandview wilderness area employees in the state, said near Seward when an avalanche spokeswoman Natalie Lowman. roared down a slope Saturday, "He was a great leader for our burying him and Alan Gage. company," she said. Bowles' body was recovered Gage, 40, is a member of the before nightfall, but Gage company's capital projects team couldn't be located before the in Anchorage, Lowman said. search was suspended because of Gov. Sean Parnell issued a darkness. The search was to statement early Sunday saying he r e s u m e S u n d a y w e a t h e r and his wife, Sandy, were permitting. saddened by Bowles' death and Rescuers from his party pulled lauded his work in Alaska. Bowles from the snow and "Jim brought so much to our administered cardiopulmonary state: his love of the great resuscitation for 30 minutes to outdoors, his leadership of Submitted at 2/14/2010 7:24:23 AM

ConocoPhillips Alaska, and his dedication to making Alaska a better place for all of us to call home," Parnell said. A group of about a dozen were traveling together in the Grandview area when the avalanche struck, state troopers spokeswoman Megan Peters said. Forecaster Carl Skustad with the Chugach National Forest's Avalanche Information Center said the party was in moderate terrain, with probably a 35-40 degree slope. But with the weak layer underneath, that can be enough for snow to let loose, he said. At least one member of the party drove back to the railroad tracks to call in the accident around 12:30 p.m. The response included a trooper helicopter and a Forest Service crew. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

How to promote social learning (Holy Kaw!)

groups and projects that interest and energize. • Create a culture of service and This new Fast Company article wonder. suggests that social media is only • Ask the questions, “How can I one part of the bigger picture of help you learn and make new social learning, which “combines connections? How can I help you social media tools with a shift in serve the larger group, of which the corporate culture, a shift that we are both a part?” encourages ongoing knowledge Read the full story at Fast transfer and connects people in Company. ways that make learning a joy.” Read more articles about The writer shares useful tips for buildling a small business. c r e a t i n g a n e n v i r o n m e n t Photo credit: Fotolia conducive to social learning, Permalink| Leave a comment » such as: • Give attention to individuals, Submitted at 2/14/2010 3:49:00 AM

Video: Has the Earth Been Cooling for 10 Years? (Little Green Footballs) Submitted at 2/13/2010 3:11:00 PM

Here’s an excellent video

presentation by potholer54 that debunks several very common false claims made by climate change skeptics, tracking them

back to original sources and showing the deceptive tactics used by the denial industry. For example, the claim to which the

title of this post refers (“Has the Earth Been Cooling for 10 Years?”) is based on a deliberate misinterpretation of temperature



Popular News/ Tech/ Gadgets/

E-reader News Edition

Waves hit surf contest spectators (BBC News | Americas | World Edition) Submitted at 2/13/2010 9:39:01 PM

Message from If you can, please donate to the full -text RSS service so we can continue developing it. Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. Waves swamp spectators at surfing event Thirteen spectators at a leading surfing contest in California have been hurt, some seriously, after big waves hit the seawall they were standing on. Two 6m (20ft) walls of water crashed into the breakwater at Mavericks Beach, destroying scaffolding and sweeping dozens of people onto the rocks below. The most serious injuries involved broken bones, emergency personnel said. After the incident, one stretch of the beach was evacuated and the main viewing area was closed to newcomers. Hundreds of people nevertheless remained to watch South African Chris Bertish win the $50,000

At Least Office for Mac Has *Four* People Who Love It... [Microsoft] by Kat Hannaford (Gizmodo) Submitted at 2/14/2010 5:00:56 AM

(ÂŁ32,000) first prize. 'Came out of nowhere' The Mavericks Surf Contest is the most lucrative big-wave contest in the world, but is only held when conditions are ideal, such as on Saturday. Some of the waves were reportedly 12m (40ft) high. California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection Battalion Chief Scott Jalbert said firefighters had been on the way to clear parts of the beach

because of the potential danger for spectators, but had arrived too late. He said a couple of hundred people had been on the seawall at the southern tip of Mavericks Beach, located about 25 miles (40km) south of San Francisco, when the waves struck. "Nobody was swept away into the water. They were just swept onto the beach area pretty hard," he told the Associated Press. "It's pretty rocky."

"It's a force of nature that can't be predicted," he added. An injured spectator, Pamela Massette, said the massive waves "just came out of nowhere and wiped us all out". Print Sponsor Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

So the preceding tweet from Office for Mac's official Twitter account asked for Macworld attendees to swing by the Microsoft booth and say "I love Office for Mac," but to an uninformed reader, that reads like something else entirely. [ ChrisPhin]

Macworld 2010: TUAW livestream from the show floor by Mike Schramm (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

Internet, TUAW Business TUAW is broadcasting live from the show floor of Macworld 2010. Stay tuned all Submitted at 2/13/2010 6:09:00 PM day long for live video from the Filed under: Macworld, Video, show floor, including interviews,

demos, and hands-on with vendors, friends, and luminaries. On the schedule today: Blue Microphones, the makers of the Gorillapod, Telltale Games, Shawn King of Your Mac Life,

and many more. TUAW Macworld 2010: TUAW livestream from the show floor originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Sat, 13 Feb 2010

18:09:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments

Tech/ Gadgets/

E-reader News Edition


When Gmail ads get too intimate (CNET

referenced a much more intimate type of Valentine's gift. Who could not be amused by Message from If such creative thinking from a you can, please donate to the full mere algorithm? It is such -text RSS service so we can beautiful and lateral thinking. continue developing it. Um, iPod. Um, Valentine. Yes, It's marvelous how wickedly vibrator! clever engineers are at finding As Keegan ruefully told me: ways of placing ads next to just "An iPod Touch may be a about everything you do online. personal pleasure device, but the Cookies are stealthily slipped apps have not yet reached the into your laptop like roofies into same level of satisfaction that a margarita. Suddenly, you are [another device] may provide." reading an English newspaper Keegan's case does not appear to w h e n u p p o p s a h e l p f u l be isolated or necessarily new. advertisement offering you a Gmail user Sucan complained rather model-featured companion that when an e-mail about a sick ready to curl up with you in your cat arrived, an ad about "estate ZIP code. planning and funeral planning" It seems, however, that some appeared. Gmail users are becoming It is one thing, perhaps, to see increasingly disconcerted by the mildly annoying ads next to ads that Google is placing searches. But the very nature of e around their more personal -mail demands a certain privacy, communications. I received, for one that seems to interest Google example, an e-mail from a reader not in the least bit. Indeed, if you called Keegan. His story is a read Google Help, you begin to simple one. realize that the company really He was reading an e-mail from does seem to believe in the Apple regarding iPods and the "goodness" of its ads. However, perfect Valentine's gift. That's this "goodness" may well have when he noticed the related something to do with the very information line at the top of the good relationship between screen. It had nothing to do with engineering and money. Apple or iPods. Instead it Last month, Google made Submitted at 2/13/2010 7:28:05 PM

changes to its Gmail ad sprinkling. Google Help helpfully indicates that these targeted ads are now even more, well, good: "Until now, the ads you've seen next to a message were picked based on the content of that message only. For example, if you're looking at a confirmation e-mail from a hotel in Chicago, you might see ads about flights, restaurants or other things relevant to your trip to Chicago." But hark at this excitement: "Sometimes, the ads related to a particular message aren't good enough." That cannot be possible. Surely that must be system error. Not GOOD enough? Google has a solution that improves on its astonishing advertising excellence: "Rather than show less relevant ads, Gmail can now instantaneously serve ads based on another recent message on the same page of your in-box, helping make the ads more relevant to you." Google's example of this improvement is blissfully simple: "If your friend sends you a message to say happy birthday, but there aren't any good ads to show related to birthdays, you

might see ads related to another message in your in-box instead -like flights to Chicago." You mean they wouldn't be able to find an ad that related to "happy" instead? I am mesmerized, though, by the phrase "aren't any good ads." What makes an ad "good"? What, indeed, makes a vibrator ad good with respect to an e-mail about iPods and Valentine's Day? I tried an experiment--out of the goodness of my heart. I sent three e-mails, one after another, from my usual e-mail account (not Gmail) to a Gmail account that doesn't carry my own name. I allowed time for each to be received and read. The first read: "I don't know what to do with my iPod for Valentines. Should I listen to it? Should I give it away? Or should I buy my Valentine something better? What do you think?" Having received the e-mail, the Gmail account offered the fine suggestion of "Frye's shoes at Zappos." I sent a second e-mail in the same way. This one, following the Google example of Chicago and birthdays, read: "I have a birthday and I am going to

Good Morning, Sunshine [Space] by Jack Loftus (Gizmodo) Submitted at 2/14/2010 9:29:54 AM

I don't have a Valentine, so

instead I woke up to this image of the Endeavour on approach to the ISS, courtesy a Facebook friend's Wall. Bad Valentine?

wake up and get busy. [ NASA] Nah, just a great image. Now

Chicago. What do you suggest I do? And should I do it with Laura?" Google offered me the exact same ad about Frye's shoes (which I have never worn or bought) at Zappos. However, I then sent a third email: "I don't know whether I should have sex with my girlfriend on Valentines. Do you think it's a good idea? Or should I just get her something at Zappos?" This was sent within a minute or two of the previous two. Surely I would get the same Zappos ad again. Surely not. Please see the screenshot. The Google machines suddenly ignored my clear mention of Zappos and tried to inspire me with a couples massage in San Jose, which is more than 50 miles from where I live. We allow ourselves to participate in some strange mindgames if we live by the logic (and the goodness) of Google. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



E-reader News Edition

Macworld 2010: Frog Design shows off their iPhone apps by Mike Schramm (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 2/13/2010 6:00:00 PM

Filed under: Macworld, Internet, Apple, iPhone, App Store, iPad Frog Design is here on the show floor at Macworld 2010, and we stopped by their booth earlier in the week to check out what they've been up to on the iPhone. They're a storied design firm(they worked on the Apple II series back in the day) that is diving headfirst into the App Store, with two apps out already and one more on the way. We've talked about Postcard Express on the site before, but they ran us through the latest version of the app, which has fixed a lot of the problems that users originally had -- the picture size has been tweaked a bit, and the geotagging has been updated and smoothed out to work much better. The most intriguing part of the iPhone app is of course the design -- everything, including emailing out the actual postcard, works completely within the app and is as intuitive as possible. While the actual act of sending a virtual postcard might not appeal to everyone (the charm of postcards is that they actually come through the mail), the app itself makes the process easy and fun. We also saw two more apps from Frog Design: tvChatter, which is a TV-centered Twitter app, and the upcoming Temptd,

a "health-based social networking app." Read on for more about both. tvChatter is an interesting twist on Twitter apps: it's centered around television-related tweets. The first thing you see when you log in is a grid of various shows and discussion topics, which you can slide around and browse to see what's hot in television

lately. After clicking on your favorite show, you'll get a slowly scrolling list of tweets about those shows, which is generated from a constantly-updated search by Frog Design themselves. In other words, click on "Lost," and you'll get a list of tweets about the show, the latest episode, and any other news about that show. You don't actually need a Twitter

account to use the app, as they just pull in tweets with the API, but if you have a Twitter account, you can reply and send messages straight from the app while you're browsing the TV zeitgeist. What's most interesting about tvChatter is actually behind-thescenes: Frog Design actually has real-life people working on the

ever-changing content for each show, so every time you log in, you'll be able to see updated news and information about the shows you're viewing. And while the app is free, they pay for that content choice with paid placement -- the top level of shows on the app is actually MACWORLD page 24


E-reader News Edition


Macworld 2010: Hands-on with Algoriddim's djay 3 by Mike Schramm (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 2/13/2010 5:00:00 PM

Filed under: Macworld, Hardware, iTunes, Music DJ software tends to be hit or miss - the ability to make a music player match beats on songs, even with different tempos, has been around for a while. For most software designed to allow you to mix and play music, the interface is the important part. What you want is a nice clean interface that's simple enough for almost anyone to pick up and use, but complex enough that DJs who know their stuff can take advantage of deeper features and functionality. Fortunately, that's exactly what Algoriddim has put together in the newest version of their app, djay 3. The app offers an excellent interface with quite a few nice touches of flash, and also offers up solid functionality for those who know their way around the ones and twos. The app opens on the standard two-turntable view, with an iTunes interface sitting right on the side of the window. That's important, the Algoriddim rep told us, because many DJ apps require you to import your songs, or put them in certain formats that might not be compatible with the most popular music player on the Mac. But djay 3 actually uses your iTunes music and playlists right in the app, so

right at startup, you can just drag and drop songs onto the turntables, and start mixing right away. Of course, everything can be adjusted manually, but there are also buttons that allow you to automatically match the speed (beats per minute) and gain of the two songs, and a fader at the bottom allows you to switch back and forth between them just as a DJ would in the club. Everything else works as expected as well: you can drag the needles on the records to

travel within a song, twist the records themselves to move around, or set EQ or balance as you'd expect. That's the basic functionality of the app, and it works well -- I asked the rep to mix two random songs, and while Michael Jackson's "Thriller" and Natalie Imbruglia's "Torn" didn't exactly sound good together, they did beat match and gain match perfectly. Which makes sense: we were also told that the point of the app is to turn DJing into

something that doesn't require hours of practice with turntables in a bedroom, but rather that the point of playing music is music choices, not just how fast you can flip the fader or spin the record back. Of course, for DJs who have spent those hours of practice, Algoriddim has built in plenty of advanced features. There's a very impressive looping system, that allows you to create loops of any length, lined up right to the beat of a given song, and then adjust

or cut those loops on the fly. There's also a full-fledged cue point system, so you can instantly jump to a cue point in any song, and all of your cue points are saved as metadata, so the next time you want to play that killer breakdown right in the middle of one of your favorite songs, it'll be there when you want it. And perhaps most awesome, the djay 3 software works with the multitouch MACWORLD page 24


Tech/ Entertainment/ Gadgets/

E-reader News Edition

Control Your iPhone From Your Couch With Bowtie by Christina Warren (Mashable!)

minimized, you can still see what’s playing and rate, skip or view album art. Submitted at 2/13/2010 4:15:05 PM Bowtie 1.0 has received a big One of our favorite little Mac overhaul on the backend. It uses utilities, the iTunes controller l e s s m e m o r y , c o n n e c t s t o Bowtie has just hit version 1.0! in a new way and is fully Bowtie lets you easily control extensible in the future. The one i T u n e s w i t h c u s t o m i z a b l e big difference is that search — a shortcuts, view album art and much-loved feature in the alpha automatically send songs to and beta releases — has been mark songs you removed. Search was great love and songs you want to ban). because you could search for a Even better? There’s now a song from Bowtie and start Bowtie iPhone app that you can playing it. Unfortunately, as the control using Mac or Windows! developer says, that created some A C u s t o m i z a b l e i T u n e s performance problems, led to Controller crashes and was just buggy. The When Bowtie first hit the scene feature will be coming back, but in the Fall of 2008, it was a when it does, it’s going to work s i m p l e , t h e m e a b l e i T u n e s the right way. controller. If you’ve never used Bowtie is still ultra themeable a n i T u n e s c o n t r o l l e r l i k e (you can create your own themes CoverSutra or Ecoute, you’re by reading this guide), which is missing out. Simply put, it’s a one of the things that first drew really nice way to customize me to the app. I like being able to y o u r i T u n e s p l a y b a c k customize my desktop and lots experience, plus you can modify and lots of designers have how album art and playback created some pretty awesome information is displayed on your themes. You can check out Mac desktop, so when iTunes is MacThemes and Iconpaper to get

what’s playing, why not use your computer? It’s really nice and it works incredibly well. Check out these screenshots, which show how what you select in Bowtie will play or pause what’s playing on your iPhone or iPod touch. Bowtie for the iPhone is 99¢ in more skins. Bowtie for iPhone the App Store. It’s a pretty cool The newest edition to the program if you ever find yourself Bowtie family is Bowtie for the using your iPod or iPhone as a iPhone. With this iPhone app, music player. Another thing to you can control the music note — Bowtie for iPhone will playing on your iPhone or iPod work with the iPad on day one. touch using Bowtie for Mac or The developer says that other the Bowtie iPhone Controller for iPad-centric features will be Windows. added too. Why would you want to do that? Bowtie for Mac and the Bowtie Here’s a scenario that isn’t Remote for Windows apps are unfamiliar to me: Say you have free. All three apps are available some really badass speakers that now. have an iPhone connector dock. Do you use any iTunes You like to plug your iPhone c o n t r o l l e r s ? W h a t ’ s y o u r into the dock to pump music favorite? Let us know! Reviews: through your living room or Windows office or whatever. However, the Tags: apple, bowtie, iphone big problem is when you want to apps, itunes, mac, software change tracks or pause the music. Rather than walk to the device to manually change

Lego Minifig Solar Flashlight Requires No AC Adapter Charging Brick [Lego] by Jack Loftus (Gizmodo) Submitted at 2/14/2010 11:00:00 AM

I know next to nothing about this oversize Lego minifigshaped solar flashlight, other than it appeared in the official Lego booth at the 2010 Nuremberg Toy Fair. I assume the discerning Lego collector would illuminate their darkened home with nothing less. Also, AC adapter charging brick...get it? [ Hobby MediaThanks, Francesco]

Late Athlete Honored at Olympics Opening Ceremony (ETonline - Breaking News)

during the 2010 Winter Games' opening ceremony in Vancouver, and ET has details on the Nodar Kumaritashvili, the 21- ensuing death investigation. year-old athlete who died in a The deadly crash occurred high-speed luge crash on Friday, during a training session at the was remembered last night W h i s t l e r S l i d i n g C e n t r e Submitted at 2/13/2010 9:26:00 AM

yesterday morning. Kumaritashvili was taking a curve in the track and traveling close to 90 mph when he collided with an unpadded steel support pole, says the Associated Press. Luge officials have

delayed the reopening of the track. The Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games tells ET the investigation on Kumaritashvili’s cause of death

is being led by the Coroners Service of British Columbia and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. A second investigation is underway by the Federation International de Luge.


E-reader News Edition


The site that lets you compete against Google Buzz Gets Some Olympians Serious Privacy Tweaks (CNET

smiles are as rare as a French steak. Perhaps knowing that NBC's TV Message from If offering is but a stale bagel you can, please donate to the full dipped in yesterday's chai, the -text RSS service so we can Olympic committee has created a continue developing it. site where you can post your Which is better? Watching half- own videos and see if you are baked highlights of the Winter better than a whole host of Olympics or competing against Olympic luminaries. Are you Michael Phelps? better than U.S. snowboarder The answer might not seem Lindsay Jacobellis, for example? obvious to you. After all, At hula-hooping for 30 seconds. perhaps you're not a terribly You are? Good gracious. Well, good swimmer and you're sure prove it by shooting the footage you'd embarrass yourself, your o f y o u r p e r f o r m a n c e a n d family and anyone who might be uploading it to the site by interested in you on a come- February 28. hither basis. Before your enthusiasm shades However, what if you competed toward arrogance, I should warn against the great Olympic you that Jacobellis is a rather swimmer to see who was better good hula-hooper. Tennis star at putting golf balls into a plastic Rafael Nadal's challenge is no cup? Surely you would have a easy volley either. He seems to chance. Phelps has terribly short believe he is a genius at, well, legs and a long torso. This might picking up tennis balls and encourage him to overbalance. placing them about his person. I Are you now emboldened? have no idea if this talent has Astonishingly, this fun, at a site ever helped him evade TSA c a l l e d scrutiny., This whole wheeze was inspired has been created on behalf of the by a Seattle-based ad agency, I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c and I have therefore also C o m m i t t e e . Y e s , t h o s e embedded footage from King5 frightfully exciting people whose TV in Seattle that reveals some Submitted at 2/13/2010 5:09:00 PM

of the motivation behind this newest and most engaging of online entertainments. I stumbled upon this footage only to discover that I actually knew two of the larger brains behind this remarkably sane escapade. They are both in the video and are very nice people, if a little on the odd side. The more oddly competitive among you will watch all this and immediately want to know the competition rules and what you can win. Well, the main rule appears to be: please don't use your technological skills to shoot video that suggests you are in possession of bionic capabilities. And please don't hurt yourself. As for the prizes, they seem to include all sorts of Olympic memorabilia and a trip to the Youth Olympic Games in Singapore in August. So please take the opportunity to choose your weapon wisely and upload your finest videos. Let's face it, you won't be missing much on TV while you do. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

by Christina Warren (Mashable!) Submitted at 2/13/2010 5:46:27 PM

GMAIL USERS: You’re welcome to join the discussion over on Mashable’s Google Buzz account. Google Buzz only launched four days ago but it’s already taking off in a big way. Google already made some changes to how Buzz works on Thursday but today the company has created a blog post highlighting some additional changes — including some ways to turn Buzz off altogether. Here are some of the big changes that Google is making to buzz, that it plans to roll out over the next few days: Auto-follow will become autosuggest— Based on privacy concerns from users who aren’t happy with the current autofollow structure, Google Buzz will instead prompt users with some suggestions of what users they want to follow, based on who they e-mail most. This is what that screen will look like. Existing Buzz users will be able to review and confirm their followers via similar screen over the next few weeks. Buzz will no longer connect to Google Reader or Picasa Web Albums automatically— Although only public items were

shared via these two connect options, due to feedback from concerned users and confusion, Google Reader and Picasa Web Albums will have to be added manually to your Google Buzz profile just like Twitter or Flickr. New Buzz tab in Gmail Settings— You can see what the Buzz tab looks like below, but it offers you a chance to decide to show or exclude who you follow on your public Google profile and gives you the option to hide Buzz from Gmail. You can also disable Buzz completely. One other note — at the bottom of the page in Gmail, you can select a turn-off Buzz button. This will hide Buzz from your Gmail account, although you can turn it back on without losing your information. Reviews: Flickr, Gmail, Google, Google Buzz, Google Reader, Twitter Tags: gmail, google buzz, privacy



E-reader News Edition



continued from page 20

placed according to ad payments from television networks. There is a separate section where you can browse an unfiltered list of television shows, but the main app page, with the cool graphics and the hip interface, is all paid placement. Unfortunately, tvChatter isn't much more than you'd get just browsing Twitter yourself -while Frog Design told us that their searches for tweets to include are done professionally, they didn't look much more different than browsing for "Lost" and "24" on the regular Twitter site. And the paid placement might rub a few users the wrong way -- in our short hands-on time with the app, we didn't see that area marked as advertising at all. While it's an intriguing way to support a content-driven app, consumers might not vibe with it, especially with so many other sources for TV news and views out there. Finally, we were shown an app called Temptd, which is still in beta and scheduled to come out

continued from page 21

later this year. The idea behind it is a "health-based social networking app" -- basically, when you feel tempted by something unhealthy, be it food or smoking or anything else, you can send out a message that you've been Temptd, and those messages then hook into your Facebook account (so your page will say something like "Mike's been tempted by pizza"). Being tempted starts a timer, and if you can make it through that time without succumbing to temptation, you get a certain amount of points that go into your stats, called Willpower, Karma, and Overall. It's a very social app, so you can also support and congratulate others on fighting or overcoming their temptations, and your own actions are rewarded and affect both yours and others' stats. Frog Design told us that their work in the medical field suggested that social networking would be a good outlet for support on this issue, so they put together this game-style social

networking app to help connected users overcome their main temptations. Will it work? We're not sure -- the app (and the concept) was still in beta, and some details (like what rewards you'll eventually get if you do overcome your temptations) haven't been decided yet. But like all of Frog Design's other work, it is an interesting idea. Stay tuned -- Temptd should be out on the App Store soon, and we'll see if it makes the splash they hope for. TUAW Macworld 2010: Frog Design shows off their iPhone apps originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Sat, 13 Feb 2010 18:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

trackpad on your MacBook Pro, so you can move the fader, turn the records, switch tracks, and do almost everything else just with gestures on the trackpad. And djay 3 doesn't require extra soundcards for more technical ouput -- with the in-app settings, you can plug in any USB headphones, and send the precue sound out to a separate sound source. And if you're not an experienced DJ, djay 3 goes the other way, too -- you can turn on the Automix feature, and the app will actually beatmix your songs for you, like an enhanced version of iTunes DJ. You can even program it to run certain transitions, like a full stop, a hip hop-style reverse twist, or a number of different options, all that run automatically. Obviously it won't be perfect, but even if you're just looking for a little more smooth party mix than the standard iTunes DJ, Algoriddim will help out with that, too. And the company is working on an iPhone app that will let you remotely control the

mix via Wi-Fi -- while we didn't get to see it in action on the crowded floor, they're hoping to release it later this year. The app is available now for $50 on the website and in stores. It's an excellent DJ app, and one of the best you will find on the Mac. It won't turn you into an amazing DJ right away, but if you're an experienced DJ looking for a way to mix music straight from your Mac, it's a great solution. And even if you're a music fan who wants to experience music in a different way, it's more than worth a look. TUAW Macworld 2010: Handson with Algoriddim's djay 3 originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Sat, 13 Feb 2010 17:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

proxy fight and sought to oust Yahoo's board in order to influence the deal. In the end, he reached a settlement that placed him and two others of his choosing on the board. In October, the activist investor stepped down from Yahoo's board, in part citing his belief

that CEO Carol Bartz had been "doing a great job" and noting that Yahoo had signed a search deal with Microsoft. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Carl Icahn selling off Yahoo shares (CNET Submitted at 2/13/2010 8:22:00 PM

Message from If you can, please donate to the full -text RSS service so we can continue developing it. Carl Icahn has substantially cut his stake in Yahoo, according to

regulatory filings made public Friday. Carl Icahn(Credit: The billionaire investor had just under 12 million shares of Yahoo at the end of 2009, according to the new filing with the Securities and Exchange

Commission. That compares with more 60 million shares he held last summer. Two years ago when Microsoft was attempting an acquisition of Yahoo, Icahn amassed a huge stake in the Internet pioneer. When Yahoo turned down Microsoft's offer, Icahn started a

Tech/ Entertainment/

E-reader News Edition

Verizon Plans to Put Skype on its Phones [REPORT] by Christina Warren (Mashable!)

faces stiff competition from AT&T. Although AT&T’s service is pretty universally Submitted at 2/13/2010 6:55:12 PM reviled, AT&T has the iPhone Bloomberg is reporting that and that continues to drive Verizon is planning on adding customers to the carrier. While official support for Skype to its AT&T is expected to lose handsets. The two companies are exclusivity at some point, it is expected to announce a unclear when or if Verizon will partnership at the Mobile World range of low and high-end get to carry the device. As it Congress on February 16, which handsets — might mean that stands, AT&T will be the 3G will allow Skype calls to be instead of paying for a voice plan data provider for Apple’s iPad made from Verizon phones using (or a more expensive voice plan), this April. the option to get a better data Skype works on AT&T’s WiFi the provider’s 3G data plan. This would be a shrewd move plan and just use Skype when network and a 3G version is in on the part of Verizon. Voice making calls might make more the works as well. Depending on calls are becoming a less and less sense. which carrier can offer 3G access of a profit center for wireless Bloomberg quotes IDC analyst to Skype first — and on what carriers. Look at the big price Rebecca Swensen: phones — could depend on how cuts that both Verizon and “ W h a t ’ s i m p o r t a n t i s t h a t valuable this feature is. AT&T introduced last month: Verizon understands that, at If given the choice, would you The biggest area of price savings some point, they are going to be drop your voice plan and just use is in unlimited voice plans. Data losing voice minutes to the data Skype over 3G data for making is still a premium, and in the case world. This makes their platform and receiving calls? Let us of Verizon, there are still data more valuable for end-users. It know! Reviews: Skype, iPhone could be a differentiator for Tags: 3g data, mobile voip, caps for mobile data usage. For consumers, having Skype Verizon Wireless.” Skype, verizon, voip pre-loaded on a phone — which Although Verizon is the largest Bloomberg says is to be on a wireless carrier in the US, it

Someone's 'Fro's Been Given One Too Many Drunk "Nuggies" [Sigh] by Foster Kamer (Gawker)

blackout drunk. Really, man? Really?

Submitted at 2/13/2010 7:15:00 PM

take the fun out of getting Malcom Gladwell managed to


Tweeting Dog Collar Posts Your Dog’s Movements to Twitter by Samuel Axon (Mashable!) Submitted at 2/13/2010 5:15:19 PM

Mattel is about to launch a toy that will brighten the lives of some dog lovers — but act as a sign of the coming apocalypse for folks who aren’t so keen on cute pet gimmicks. It’s called Puppy Tweet, and it gives your dog the ability to send Twitter updates about what he or she is doing. Well, sort of. The collar detects when your dog moves or make a sound, then randomly selects one of 500 pre-written tweets to post to Twitter. Your dog has to be within a reasonable distance of the room with your computer in it, though; the tweets are sent wirelessly from the collar to a USB receiver that has to be plugged into a supported Internet -connected device. Since the selection is random, the tweets don’t really represent what your dog is doing. It’s more a placebo that reminds you that your beloved pet is out there doing something, whatever it is. They’re cute though. A couple

examples: “I finally caught that tail I’ve been chasing, and . . . OOUUUCHH!” and “I bark because I miss you. There, I said it. Now hurry home.” It sounds like it would get redundant, but Mattel Brands President Neil Freidman said “”Eventually it will certainly repeat itself, but people repeat themselves, too.” True enough. Puppy Tweets will cost $29.99 when it launches in the United States this fall at e-tailers like Amazon. We’d be remiss not to mention when seeing this that it resembles the talking dog collar in the Pixar film Up— everybody else has mentioned it! Sadly, Puppy Tweets isn’t nearly as advanced as that one. Reviews: Twitter Tags: dogs, mattel, pets, twitter


Tech/ Entertainment/

E-reader News Edition

Google Co-Founder: China Issue Could Be Resolved in a “Year or Two”

PHP and Perl crashing the enterprise party (CNET

about "...why did I not get an interview.." 1) No skills in the areas clearly by Samuel Axon (Mashable!) but bloggers and journalists have Message from If outlined in the posting. widely speculated that the you can, please donate to the full Submitted at 2/13/2010 3:18:20 PM 2) FAILURE to follow attacks were executed by the -text RSS service so we can instructions by applying when Google co-founder Sergey Brin Chinese government itself. Brin continue developing it. Not with you did not have the requisite said in a Q&A at the TED b e l i e v e s t h e q u e s t i o n o f me... and just like all the others skill set. conference in California that he government involvement is t h a t w o u l d a p p l y a n d b e " ms..that...." and Google “want to work irrelevant. He said “if there were rejected... how are you going to WE DO NOT USE IT! within the Chinese system” to a C h i n e s e a g e n t , i t m i g h t use that on my Linux systems? ? Its also policy not to hire any bring uncensored results to the represent a fragment of policy” ? B Z Z T m o n o i s N O T one with ms backgrounds with Chinese people. Though he’s flipped the switch off yet, the that wouldn’t necessarily reflect PERMITTED! Its specifically the required skills, as we don't not expecting immediate success, a n n o u n c e m e n t h a s p l a c e d on the government as a whole. banned from use.. have the time to undo the he said “maybe in a year or two.” considerable pressure on China Other web services have been Post job with very clear skills brainwashing.. Brin was answering a question internationally. The country has hacked in the past, and Brin said that very specifically outline use I am sitting on a major web about his responsibility to the been criticized by U.S. Secretary their failure to come forward has of Apache, MySQL, C, C++, based project that is worth $$$$ Chinese people who Q&A host of State Hillary Clinton and led to unpreparedness in their php, ECMAScript, java, python, that had to be scrapped after 2 Chris Anderson said would “feel others. peers. “It turns out a number of tcl, perl, etc.... for LINUX years worth of asp sludge... It all completely abandoned” if It’s pertinent to note that Brin is companies were aware of certain BASED server environment and will be developed 100% on Google leaves. Brin went on to believed to have been the major attacks on their systems … if desktops moving to LINUX in Linux servers for Linux servers say: “A lot of people might think figure at Google who pushed for more companies were to come the future.... using php, MySQL, etc.. I am naive and that might be t h e d e c i s i o n t o a n n o u n c e forward in respect to these What do I get.. resumes littered Five Filters featured article: i n t e n t i o n s t o l e a v e C h i n a . security incidents, I think we’d true.” with .net, asp, C#, mssql, iis, Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: Google released a statement of The decision was announced all be safer.” etc... each one is routed straight PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, intent to pull out of China rather a f t e r h a c k e r s o f u n k n o w n [ img credit: jurvetson] Reviews: > /dev/null Term Extraction. than acquiesce to the Chinese a f f i l i a t i o n w o r k i n g w i t h i n Gmail, Google Then a few weeks later emails g o v e r n m e n t ’ s m a n d a t e s o f mainland China broke into the Tags: china, Google, politics, political censorship of search Gmail accounts of human rights Sergey Brin, TED, ted 2010 results and other Internet data. a c t i v i s t s . T h e C h i n e s e Though the company hasn’t government denies involvement, Submitted at 2/14/2010 6:00:00 AM

Officials: Luge Athlete's Mistake Led to Deadly Crash (ETonline - Breaking News) Submitted at 2/13/2010 11:00:00 AM

The Coroners Service of British Columbia and the International Luge Federation have issued a

joint statement about the death of luge athlete Nodar Kumaritashvili, who suffered a fatal crash during a training session for the Winter Olympics on Friday.

After inspecting the track where the fatal crash occurred and reviewing tapes, officials say they’ve reached the following conclusion: "It appears after a routine run,

the athlete came late out of curve 15 and did not compensate properly to make correct entrance into curve 16. This resulted in a late entrance into curve 16 and although the athlete

worked to correct the problem he eventually lost control of the sled resulting in the tragic accident.

Tech/ Entertainment/

E-reader News Edition

Macworld 2010: Hands-on with the 4iThumbs keyboard for iPhone by Brett Terpstra (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

Woman Sues Anderson Cooper After Allegedly Taking a Spill (ETonline - Breaking News) Submitted at 2/13/2010 11:10:00 AM

Submitted at 2/13/2010 8:00:00 PM

Filed under: Macworld, iPhone, iPod touch I stopped by the 4iThumbs booth to check out their product that would purportedly increase my (admittedly dismal) typing speed on the iPhone/iPod touch. It consists of a plastic overlay that puts small ridges between the letters of the standard iPhone keyboard, available in both portrait and landscape formats. The product comes with some tabs that you affix to the top and bottom of the device, and you can then slip the plastic overlay on and off. You can touch through the overlay and use the phone as usual while it's attached, although the bumps aren't terribly comfortable for


swiping. There's a matching set of tabs for the back of the device which can hold the overlay when it's not in use. I tested it out, and it works. I never texted much on any device other than the iPhone, so I can't make a direct comparison of typing speeds between an iPhone and, say, a Blackberry. I do type a lot on my iPhone, though, and I

can readily say that my typing speed and accuracy increased dramatically while using the 4iThumbs overlay. 4iThumbs is $19.95US online for 1 set, which includes portrait and landscape versions and the tabs to attach them to your iPhone/iPod touch. At Macworld, you can pick up 2 for $15US, but you'll have to get

there quick to take advantage of the show pricing. TUAW Macworld 2010: Handson with the 4iThumbs keyboard for iPhone originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Sat, 13 Feb 2010 20:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

Anderson Cooper is facing a lawsuit from an interior designer who claims she took an unusual spill at the site of the CNN anchor's new home in NYC. Killian O'Brien alleges that last September she plummeted 17 feet down a hole in the old fire station that Cooper is converting into his new home, says the Associated Press. The fire pole that once jutted from the hole had been removed, but the hole purportedly remained uncovered. O'Brien is also suing the developer of the building, and her lawyer claims she's lucky to have survived. Cooper's rep declined to comment.

Wired Magazine for iPad Will Launch By Summer by Samuel Axon (Mashable!)

publisher Condé Naste announced that it would be working on an edition of Wired Wired Magazine Editor-in-Chief for the Apple tablet before Apple Chris Anderson showed off the even confirmed the existence of iPad edition of Wired at the TED such a tablet. Other Condé Naste conference yesterday. He says it publications were expected to will be available by the summer; follow. the iPad itself is expected to The announcement drew some launch in late March. ridicule since the iPad was just a Back in November, Wired rumor at the time, but it turns out Submitted at 2/13/2010 3:51:25 PM

Dadich and Adobe’s Jeremy Clark have been working on the Wired iPad app for six months now. The fruits of their labor: a digital version of the magazine on which you can flip horizantally to move between stories and vertically to read whatever story the publisher wasn’t bluffing; you’ve settled on. Rich media Wired’s Creative Director Scott like expandable images, 360-

degree ad views, and embedded videos are also part of the presentation. While specific pricing hasn’t been announced, expect it to cost less than a subscription to the print version. Tags: Apple iPad, media, Wired


Tech/ Economy/

E-reader News Edition

Macworld 2010: TypeDNA by Brett Terpstra (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 2/13/2010 7:00:00 PM

Filed under: Macworld, Graphic Design On the last day of Macworld, I caught up with the guys from TypeDNA to take a look at what I soon realized was going to be a revolutionary bit of software magic for designers of any ilk. TypeDNA is a series of plugins for Adobe CS4 applications (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator) which makes finding the right font a simple matter. It has several methods for navigating font collections, starting with a search by name, which is handy on its own. The functionality expands from there, doing such things as automatically offering suggestions for similar fonts and font harmonies. The harmonies feature is especially interesting, and the suggestions it offered while they were demoing it were very good. You can pick a font from the suggestions and search for similar fonts to find exactly

by Steven Sande (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 2/13/2010 10:30:00 PM

the right typeface for your project. TypeDNA always offers a variety of suggestions, and recognizes that font choice is entirely subjective ... you make all the decisions, it just helps you navigate a large font collection quickly and intuitively. I'll be doing a more in-depth review as soon as the demo version comes out (soon). The full version will be available in March, and will run $59US per plugin, or $89US for a full set (3

plugins) and two licenses so you can use them on two separate machines. TUAW Macworld 2010: TypeDNA originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Sat, 13 Feb 2010 19:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

Taliban fighters resist Nato-led forces (Financial Times - US homepage) Submitted at 2/14/2010 6:03:31 AM

Message from If you can, please donate to the full

Macworld 2010: TUAW talks with App Cubby's David Barnard

-text RSS service so we can continue developing it. By Fazel Reshad in Kabul, Matthew Green and Agencies Published: February 14 2010 14:03 | Last updated: February

14 2010 14:03 Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Filed under: Macworld, Video, iPhone, App Store App Cubby has some of the more popular apps in the App Store. Whether it's Gas Cubby for tracking car maintenance, Trip Cubby for capturing mileage information, or Health Cubby for motivating ourselves to get into better shape, the company keeps customers coming back with well-executed and full-featured software. We talked with App Cubby's David Barnard at Macworld Expo 2010 to see what's new from the company. While we won't tell you about the new and completely different app he has recently submitted to Apple, David told us a lot about the free version of Gas Cubby -- Gas Cubby by FRAM-- that provides the functionality of Gas Cubby in an ad-sponsored format. Check out TUAW blogger Steve Sande's video interview with David by clicking the Read More button. We apologize for the sound quality, which was hindered by

interference picked up by the microphone. TUAW Macworld 2010: TUAW talks with App Cubby's David Barnard originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Sat, 13 Feb 2010 22:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

Politics/ Gadgets/ Fashion/

E-reader News Edition

We Got Mail! (Little Green Footballs) Submitted at 2/13/2010 6:56:19 PM

So far this week, we’ve filed 31 emails in the “Abuse” folder, and here are a few of the most vitriolic and/or inadvertently funny ones. Profanities and pathetic grammar left intact for full effect. First up, we have a reader in New York City who followed a link from a Google search for “little green footballs,” feels in his soul that global warming is a hoax, and has an aversion to typing spaces after punctuation marks. Poignantly titled “AGW:” So you are falling for the money grab also.I knew you were a shcmuck.TIME magazine knows best?Was it not the lefties when they were basking in Al Gores warm shadow that every

hurricane was because of AGW?We poke fun during a blizzard but it is because we know it is stupid to blame any extreme weather act as proof for anything.It is just it always seems to come at bad times for the libs.During conferences and protests it always seems to snow hardest.Charles,just because you fell for the Himalayas disappearing in 35 years,don’t take it out on the rest of us.Now go ride your bike into a moving bus and save us all from your stupidity. Our New York admirer followed this up with a postscript, 40 minutes later, titled “Dummy Charles:” That Baqua guy made you look like the little scummy faggot I always knew you were.

As always, homophobia is a very common theme among right wing rage-a-holics. And they often show a disquieting familiarity with the more abstruse details. Case in point: one of our creepy obsessed stalkers is still at work, sending frequent emails with our contact form using proxy IP addresses, with innocuous titles intended to manipulate me into reading the hate messages; here’s one of his latest, titled “Global warming sample size:” Hey little green fudgepacker. Let me ask you, when you’re gently parting the ass cheeks of a hirsute Latino in order to tongue his hickory nut, what goes through your mind? Will I go with the overhand reach-around next? Walk me through that.

LG 15-inch EL9500 OLED TV Arrives In U.S. Later This Year [Oled] by Jack Loftus (Gizmodo) Submitted at 2/14/2010 10:30:00 AM

The world's largest production OLED TV is headed Stateside later this year, said LG reps at the ISE-2010 LG Electronics show this week. LG is aiming for mid-2010, with an expected stratospheric $2,500 price tag. Presumably, given what LG has said on the subject, the 15-inch EL9500 would be a precursor to the 19- and 20-inch OLEDs they alluded to on February 1. In any event, these gorgeous,

Providence Mayor to Run for Patrick Kennedy Seat (Newsmax - Politics)

seat. Kennedy announced this week that he would not seek a ninth Message from If term. you can, please donate to the full Providence Mayor David -text RSS service so we can Cicilline (sis-uh-LEEN'-ee) says continue developing it. he's in the race. In 2002, the 48The mayor of Providence, R.I., year-old attorney became the and a former state Democratic first openly gay man elected Party official are running for m a y o r o f P r o v i d e n c e . H e Patrick Kennedy's U.S. House promised to clean up city Submitted at 2/13/2010 12:06:56 PM

government after a City Hall corruption scandal. Former Democratic Party chairman Bill Lynch, a 52-yearold attorney, also formally declared himself a candidate for Kennedy's seat on Saturday. Both candidates cited job creation and the economy as important issues. The unemployment rate in Rhode


Island is nearly 13 percent. © Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

petite TVs are on track for later this year, with a 40-inch unaffordable-for-the-commonman version arriving in 2012. [ OLED-Info]

Fashion Week Fall 2010 Runway Visions: Jason Wu by (ELLE News Blog) Submitted at 2/13/2010 6:52:41 PM

This week we spent" One hour with Jason Wu..." while he prepped for his runway extravaganza. Wu’s hard work, evident in the pretty and polished designs he debuted at the Waterfront in NYC, clearly paid off. All Photos: Kelly Stuart Click here for our complete fall 2010 Fashion Week coverage


Tech News/

E-reader News Edition

ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 13 February 2010 by Admin (ReadWriteWeb)

Florida The Future of Web Apps Miami The Future of Web Apps Miami This week we added three new is a three day event for Web events to the ReadWriteWeb application developers and calendar - all of which are in San entrepreneurs, and includes Francisco. That makes seven t u t o r i a l s , i n s p i r a t i o n a n d conferences in the Bay Area in workshops taught by leading the next three months. It also figures at the cutting edge of makes for a California events- today's Web. Companies at the plosion on our world map of event include Twitter, Facebook, Web tech events., Palm, FreshBooks, You can download this calendar Reddit and Mozilla. Topics as an iCal (and Google Calendar- include HTML5, jQuery, online importable) file, or import marketing, funding strategies, individual events using the link measuring the success of your beside each entry. Know of W e b a p p , a n d F a c e b o o k something cool taking place that Connect. Find more information should appear here? Let us know at in the comments below or ReadWriteWeb readers use the contact us. code "RWW" and get $50 off. Sponsor 25 February 2010: Miami, 18 February 2010: Silicon Florida Valley, California Miami VC and Angel Event Future of Funding At FundingPost's next event, a Active limited partners, top panel of investors who will focus rated venture capitalists, and on early-stage venture investing. successful entrepreneurs are We will be discussing trends in invited to Silicon Valley on early-stage investing, sectors that February 18, 2010 to discuss the these Angels and VCs look at, Future of Funding. The venture things that are most important to capital bubble has burst, and them when they are considering change is coming. Now is the an investment and the best and time to have a constructive worst things an entrepreneur can dialog about the future with all d o t o g e t t h e i r a t t e n t i o n . of the stakeholders at the table. Entrepreneur summaries will be Don't miss the opportunity to given to the investor speakers partake in this exclusive event and attendees - all of the hosted by TheFunded. Please investors will get your company visit description and contact info! to see speaker and event details. Additionally, there will be an ReadWriteWeb readers use the optional pitching workshop code "RWW" and get 10% off. lunch where we will completely 22 – 24 February 2010: Miami, deconstruct your elevator pitch, Submitted at 2/13/2010 1:09:06 PM

optional pitching workshop lunch where we will completely deconstruct your elevator pitch, and work with you on formulating a clean and concise elevator pitch giving the important information that investors need to hear to make an educated decision on your company! Then you get to give your new elevator pitch in person to the panel of investors a n d w o r k w i t h y o u o n during the event! Click here for formulating a clean and concise more information. e l e v a t o r p i t c h g i v i n g t h e 11 March 2010: Los Angeles, important information that California investors need to hear to make an Los Angeles VC and Angel educated decision on your Event company! Then you get to give At FundingPost's next event, a your new elevator pitch in panel of investors who will focus person to the panel of investors on early-stage venture investing. during the event! Click here for We will be discussing trends in early-stage investing, sectors that more information. these Angels and VCs look at, 4 March 2010: Silicon Valley Silicon Valley VC and Angel things that are most important to them when they are considering Conference At FundingPost's next event, a an investment and the best and panel of investors who will focus worst things an entrepreneur can on early-stage venture investing. d o t o g e t t h e i r a t t e n t i o n . We will be discussing trends in Entrepreneur summaries will be early-stage investing, sectors that given to the investor speakers these Angels and VCs look at, and attendees - all of the things that are most important to investors will get your company them when they are considering description and contact info! an investment and the best and Additionally, there will be an worst things an entrepreneur can optional pitching workshop d o t o g e t t h e i r a t t e n t i o n . lunch where we will completely Entrepreneur summaries will be deconstruct your elevator pitch, given to the investor speakers a n d w o r k w i t h y o u o n and attendees - all of the formulating a clean and concise investors will get your company e l e v a t o r p i t c h g i v i n g t h e important information that description and contact info! Additionally, there will be an investors need to hear to make an educated decision on your

company! Then you get to give your new elevator pitch in person to the panel of investors during the event! Click here for more information. 15 – 16 March 2010: London, England 2nd Annual Social Networking World Forum — London The 2nd Annual Social Networking World Forum takes place at the Olympia Conference Centre in London. The two-day event features four dedicated conference streams: • Social Networking World Forum • Enterprise social media • Social TV World Forum • Mobile Social Networking Forum The event features key speakers from global brands, organizations, social networking publishers and developers, pioneering social media leaders, top agencies, content producers, and more. • Full workshop program within exhibition area • Evening networking reception • Pre-show online meeting planner for delegates • Free pass for exhibition only 26 March 2010: San Francisco, California Freemium Summit The first Freemium Summit is a one day event focused on READWRITEWEB page 31

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READWRITEWEB continued from page 30

exploring what it takes to succeed under the freemium business model. Across all segments of the media landscape, entrepreneurs and executives are pioneering models that combine a free offering with a premium, paid offering. This hybrid business model is one of the most exciting areas of business model innovation impacting the world of media and the Freemium Summit will explore the most important topics on the minds of leading practitioners. Confirmed Speakers: Toni Schneider, Automattic (WordPress); Matt Brezina, Xobni; Aaron Levie,; Phil Libin, Evernote; Tom Conrad, Pandora; Drew Houston, Dropbox; Ranjith Kumaran, YouSendIt; Ben Chestnut, Mailchimp; Lance Walley, Chargify; Isaac Hall, Recurly; and Lincoln Murphy, Sixteen Ventures. 7 – 9 April 2010: Sydney, Australia ConnectNow ConnectNow brings together international specialists and thought leaders in social media, emerging technologies and their intersection with business. Learn how the realtime web, location based services, augmented reality, ubiquitous computing and personalised services are changing marketing and

communications. Understand the importance of trust in relationship marketing and what is "social currency". For more i n f o e m a i l 16 April 2010: Mountain View, California Under the Radar: Cloud Under the Radar: Cloud is mustattend event for dealmakers and heads of IT from large enterprises, SMBs, service providers, carriers and media companies who are responsible for helping their companies leverage new technology and innovation in the fast-evolving IT ecosystem. Join us for the 15th Under the Radar conference, featuring a handpicked selection of the world's most innovative cloud startups among 350 top tech, media, telcom and finance executives. For ticket and more information, v i s i t 16 – 17 April 2010: Royal Oak, Michigan FutureMidwest FutureMidwest is the region's largest technology and knowledge conference. Founded by Adrian Pittman, Jordan Wolfe and Zach Lipson, FutureMidwest is the fusion of two successful conferences held in Michigan in 2009 - the Module Midwest Digital Conference and

TechNow. Both conferences highlighted how technology and digital tools have dramatically changed the way we do business and the effect this transition has had on companies. FutureMidwest kicks things up a notch with presentations, group breakout sessions, relationship-building opportunities and influencers who are taking action to redefine business in the digital age. Register here. 19 – 21 April 2010: San Francisco, California DrupalCon DrupalCon is the premier conference focused on Drupal, the award-winning open source content management framework that is galvanizing social publishing and web development today. For a registration fee of $195, attendees get three full days of sessions led by the best and brightest Drupal experts. Drupal has been downloaded over 2 million times since its inception, and project growth has doubled annually for several years. Drupal is used to deliver a wide variety of application types including blogs, wikis, community networks, digital media portals, and web content publishing and management. 26 April 2010: San Francisco, California Future of Money and

Technology Summit The Future of Money & Technology Summit will bring together the best and brightest thinkers around money, including visionaries, entrepreneurial business people, developers, press, investors, authors, solution/service providers, and organizations who work where cash and commerce collide. We meet to discuss the evolving ecosystem around money in a proactive, conducive to dealmaking environment. Featured speakers include Jolie O'Dell from ReadWriteWeb, as well as representatives from Wells Fargo Bank, Kiva, SharesPost, Jambool, Founders Fund,, SoftTech VC, and many more. Use discount code "rww" to get 10% off registration. 11 May 2010: San Francisco, California FinovateSpring FinovateSpring 2010 will again showcase the most cutting-edge financial and banking technology innovations to Silicon Valley and the world. With Finovate's signature mix of short, fast-paced onstage demos (no slides are allowed) from handpicked companies and intimate networking time with their executives, this conference packs a ton of unique value into a single day.

Come see the cutting edge of banking and financial technology and network with hundreds of the leading financial executives, venture capitalists, press, industry analysts, bloggers and fintech entrepreneurs. Early bird registration rates are available. 5 October 2010: New York City FinovateFall FinovateFall will return to Manhattan on Tuesday, October 5 to showcase dozens of the biggest and most innovative new ideas in financial and banking technology from established leaders and hot young companies. The Fall event is the original and largest Finovate and features a single day packed with our special blend of short, fastpaced onstage demos (no slides are allowed) and intimate networking time with top executives from the innovative demoing companies. FinovateFall is a unique chance to see the future of finance and banking before your competition and find the edge you need in today's market. Early bird registration rates are available. Download this entire events calendar in iCal format. Discuss


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This Week's Top Downloads [Download Roundup] (Lifehacker) Submitted at 2/13/2010 5:00:00 PM

• LookInMyPC Is a Must-Have Tool for Computer Troubleshooting(Windows) LookInMyPC generates a complete report of what's going on in a computer-from hardware to software, and everything in between. After playing around with it, this writer wouldn't start troubleshooting a PC without it. I'm not kidding. • iPhone Explorer Turns Your iPhone or iPod touch into a Disk Drive(Windows/Mac) Unfortunately the iPhone and iPod touch lack the ability older iPods had to run in Disk Mode. That's where iPhone Explorer steps in, allowing you manually manage files on your device, or just use it as a flash drive, without jailbreaking. • Data Crow is a Cross-Platform Manager of All Your Media(Windows/Mac/Linux) Data Crow doesn't just catalog your movies with IMDB lookups, organize your MP3s and CDs with discographies, or handle pictures. It handles all three, plus contacts, software, books, and much more, and runs

on any system. • 3.2 Improves Startup Times, Office 2007 Compatibility(Windows/Mac/Li nux) The latest version of, the free and open-source office suite, improves startup times by over 40 percent (by some tests), improves importing and support for password-protected and 2007 office files, and improves many areas of the Calc spreadsheet. • PwnageTool 3.1.5 Jailbreaks iPhone 3.1.3(Mac) Last week Apple pushed out a minor update to the iPhone OS, and, naturally, the update re-jailed any jailbroken devices. Yet again, the iPhone dev-team is back with a new version of PwnageTool that's compatible with the latest update. • Easy Poster Printer Slices and Dices Your Posters for Standard Printers(Windows) If you want to print a large image off your home printer and be able to reassemble it, it takes some enormous photo editing cut 'n crop patience-or a copy of Easy Poster Printer. • UltraDefrag Is a Portable and Open-Source Disk Defragmenter(Windows) If you like your software open-source,

you'll definitely want to check out UltraDefrag, a snappy opensource Windows disk defragmenter. • Firefox 3.7 Alpha is a Really Rough Look at Firefox 4.0(Windows/Mac/Linux) It doesn't look that different, and the version number is certain to change, but Mozilla is offering a "Developer Preview" of the rendering engine inside Firefox 3.7, which will actually become 4.0. If you're down with unstable alphas, it's all yours. • Brewtarget Helps You Create and Manage Your Homebrew Recipes(Windows/Mac/Linux) Brewtarget is a free, open-source application designed to help homebrew enthusiasts create and organize their beer recipes. • Pinta Brings Paint.NET's JustEnough Image Editing to Every Computer(Windows/Mac/Linux) If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, the coders of Pinta love the heck out of the Windows-only image editor Paint.NET. Luckily, they also want to make it available on every OS, and are faithful to its just-enough interface methodology.

Make Images 3D sans Goofy Glasses [Photography] by Jason Fitzpatrick (Lifehacker) Submitted at 2/13/2010 4:00:00 PM

3D pictures are interesting, but they rely on glasses that alter the way your left and right eye perceive images. This cool 3D image-creation technique doesn't require glasses but still produces a 3D illusion. Click on the above image to see the animation effect. Instead of taking two images and combining them into one with each image highlighted in red and blue—or cyan and magenta, or any other color used for anaglyph images—the two images are animated and "wiggle" back and forth, which

creates the illusion of depth. All you need to make an wigglestereoscopic image is two pictures taken from one location roughly four inches apart or so to mimic the positioning of the human eyes. You can combine the images in one of two ways. The most traditional way would be to make an animated GIF—check out previously reviewed GifNinja—although at the link below they show you how to use Javascript and two JPEG images to do it. Have your own experience creating stereoscopic or other 3D images? Let's hear about it in the comments. Wiggle Stereoscopy[via Geek Are Sexy]

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Buzz Drops Auto-Following, Won't Automatically Connect to Google Services, Adds Better Disable [Updates] by Adam Pash (Lifehacker)

It's been an exciting and challenging week for the Buzz Submitted at 2/13/2010 5:11:12 PM team. We've been getting After a week's worth of feedback via the Gmail help complaints and confusion, forums and emails from friends Google is updating Buzz to and family, and we've also been address many of the privacy able to do something new: read concerns and annoyances raised the buzz about Buzz itself. We by the new social networking quickly realized that we didn't service. The update brings three get everything quite right. We're major changes. very sorry for the concern we've First, they've replaced the autocaused and have been working follow feature with autohard ever since to improve things suggestions, letting you choose based on your feedback. We'll who you follow individually continue to do so. rather than automatically What do you think? Do these turn off B u z z changes make Buzz a little more following everyone Google Buzz tab to your Gmail settings o r thinks you'd want to. Second, to give you finer control over completely—something I suspect attractive, or are you already Buzz will stop automatically how Buzz integrates with Gmail. a lot of people will want to do. turned off by all the negative connecting to public Picasa Web From there, you can easily (The Buzz tab isn't available yet, buzz about Buzz? Let's hear it in Albums and Reader shared change whether or not other and they do say "we're adding", the comments. A new Buzz startitems. You can still connect u s e r s c a n s e e w h o y o u ' r e but hopefully it'll be there soon.) up experience based on your these things, but you've got more following via your Google The mea culpa from the Official feedback[Official Gmail Blog] choice. Finally, they've added a Profile, turn off Buzz in Gmail, Gmail Blog:


New 'We Are the World' Makes World Premiere (ETonline - Breaking News) Submitted at 2/13/2010 9:39:00 AM

A sneak peek at the star-studded re-recording of "We Are the World" debuted Friday night during the 2010 Olympic Winter Games opening ceremony. A three-minute version of the remade charity anthem aired during NBC's coverage of the opening ceremony last night. The full, seven minute version is expected to beam out to televisions around the world on Saturday. "We Are the World: 25 For Haiti" features the vocals of stars such as Barbra Streisand, Celine Dion, Josh Groban, Wyclef Jean, Jennifer Hudson, and, thanks to the power of technology, Michael Jackson performing his solo from the original anthem alongside sister Janet.

Add a Self-Portrait Mirror to Your Camera [Camera Hacks] by Jason Fitzpatrick (Lifehacker) Submitted at 2/13/2010 2:00:00 PM

If you want to see what you're actually framing when you turn your camera around for a self portrait, this cheap and simple hack will have you composing

better photos in no time. Some camera phones and small cameras have a little convex mirror attached to the front the facilitate self-portraits, and the Dual View TL220 even has a second screen built into the front so you can see a live feed of what the lens sees. Over at

Instructables NoahW already had a perfectly good camera that he

wasn't about to replace over a lack of mirror—or fancy dualscreen!—so he set to work. His solution involved a cheap inspection mirror from the hardware store and piece of velcro. Check out the video below to see his build and how it improved his pictures:

Have a clever camera hack of your own to share? A great way to take superior self portraits? Let's hear about it in the comments. DIY Self-Portrait Camera Mirror[Instructables]


Tech News/ Sports/

E-reader News Edition

How a Simple URL Hack Can Expose Your Gmail Address [Privacy] by Adam Pash (Lifehacker) Submitted at 2/13/2010 3:00:00 PM

Google raised a lot of privacy concerns this week over things like allowing people to figure out your private email address in Buzz replies. Security weblog Social Hacking details another method your Gmail address can be exposed using a URL hack. The Social Hacking post points out that users with numeric profile address (e.g., 104424237445852766735--the numeric address of the post's author) may think that means their Google account username is still hidden. Turns out with that number, it's actually very easy to divine a user's account id. Here's how it works (from ReadWriteWeb): First, you simply copy the numbers from a user's Google profile and then append these n u m b e r s t o[nu mbers]. For some users who haven't customized their Picasa page, the

TeleKast Is a Snazzy Open Source Teleprompter App [Downloads] username (which is also their Gmail address) will come right up. If the user has customized the account and added a nickname, you simply have to replace the URL in the address bar with javascript:alert(; and a small pop-up window will show you the username. The solution, from Social Hacking: To protect yourself from this access, visit the Picasa settings page. Under "Your gallery URL," add a new username and

select the new username for your gallery URL. Also, you may want to edit your nickname. I suppose the point here isn't that Google's done you wrong in every way, but it's worth recognizing that when you go public with Google accounts, they really are public, and they tie together in more ways than you might realize. Using Google Buzz Can Expose Your Gmail Address[Social Hacking via ReadWriteWeb]

by Adam Pash (Lifehacker)

the video below: TeleKast if a free download for Windows and Linux only. It's Windows/Linux: Whether you currently an alpha release, so you want to produce an amateur news m i g h t e x p e c t a l i t t l e segment, deliver a teleprompted bugginess—but it worked like a speech, or just record a video charm in my tests. If you'd prefer message without a lot of "ums", a little teleprompter action free, open-source application without installing an application, TeleKast is a solid desktop check out previously mentioned teleprompter worth checking out. C u e P r o m p t e r . Over at cool-stuff blog Cool TeleKast[SourceForge via Cool Tools, former TV commercial Tools] director and producer Jeff Bragg gives TeleKast a runthrough in Submitted at 2/14/2010 8:00:00 AM

Olympic Snapshot: Kearney Beats Heil for Gold ( The Daily Fix) Submitted at 2/13/2010 8:42:34 PM

Reuters Hannah Kearney has won America’s first gold medal of the

Vancouver Olympics, winning

the women’s moguls by defeating Canadian Jenn Heil.


E-reader News Edition


How many of you would pay a monthly fee to play Call of Duty? by Nicholas Deleon (CrunchGear)

player mode already has some of the aspects that make MMOs so popular: by playing the game Submitted at 2/13/2010 11:00:12 AM more and more, your character N o b o d y h a s c o n f i r m e d grows stronger and gets access to anything, but let’s assume power-ups. People would be s o m e o n e o n A c t i v i s i o n motivated to play the MMO so Blizzard’s payroll is currently their toy soldier could be decked creating a massively multi-player out in the military equivalent of C a l l o f D u t y g a m e . T h e Tier 10 plate. Then all you’d company’s CEO, Bobby Kotick, need is a world or setting and recently expressed enthusiasm some sort of “story.” The toward subscription-based games developers could try to re-create during the company’s fourth W o W ’ s sense of quarter conference call. “If you struggle—Horde v. Alliance, think about the success that r o a r — b y p i t t i n g , s a y , t h e we’ve had in other product combined US+UK forces against categories on subscription u l t r a - n a t i o n a l i s t s f r o m [presumably World of Warcraft, somewhere Over There. Nobody which had as much to do with likes an ultra-nationalist. Activision as I did with the But those are details, and we Manhattan Project], you can get don’t want to get lost in details a sense of the direction that we over something that might not want to take that franchise [ Call even exist. All we need to of Duty],” he said. Or translated envision is a persistent, growing f r o m c o r p o r a t e - s p e a k i n t o (new maps/areas every so often) English: “You’re damn right we world wherein you take your want to make a Call of Duty character on some sort of MMO. Monthly fees to have calculable progression while people play pew-pew-pew? Yes, filling your enemies with manly please.” But is that a wise move? bullet holes. First, what would a Call of Duty Now let’s talk price. Let’s MMO look like? Would it be, as assume the game is amazing. its detractors claim, nothing Somehow, by the grace of God more than WoW with guns? The and all his little helper gods, the fact is, the game’s online multi- developers actually make a game

point of this little exercise—, they’d have to find a monthly fee that people would be willing to pay. WoW costs $15 per month—do you really think the average person who plays Call of Duty is willing to pay $15 to play it? What about $10? Maybe $5? I’d say right around the $5$7 mark would be the sweet spot—is anyone really going to miss $7 from their bank account each month? I should rephrase that so as not to sound so crass: will enough people be cool with spending $7 per month to play a game they enjoy? I’d be OK with that both fans and cynics can say that. I mean, $7 is the cost of two without hesitation, “Yeah, it’s large coffees in New York; it’s pretty good, actually.” Where is not going to put me in the poor most of the Call of Duty fan base house. (Well, I’m already in the these days? I’m going to guess, poor house, so I can’t, like, go generally, on consoles, and, there twice or anything.) more specifically, on Xbox 360. But still, is that wise? It’s not as That presents a bit of a problem if Call of Duty is without its for Activision. Xbox 360 gamers flaws. Yes, Modern Warfare 2 already pay $50 per year to play sold a boatload of copies, with games online (with nary a more than $1 billion in sales to dedicated server in sight!), so date, but how many of those Activision would have to first people are still dedicated multiconvince these people that player mode players, a mere paying to play Call of Duty isn’t three months after its release? as ridiculous as it sounds. And The game’s multi-player mode is since Bobby Kotick is all about r i d d l e d w i t h b u g s a n d monthly fees—it’s the whole glitches—imagine how many an MMO would have! How many

people soured on the franchise after suffering through its singleplayer campaign? By the end I was like, “You know, Russia is totally in the right here…” I don’t know, it just seems like the rush to a Call of Duty MMO, based on the broad, consolebased success of Call of Duty 4 and Modern Warfare 2, may be a little crazy. It really does come down to this: would you be willing to pay a monthly fee to play pew-pewpew over and over again? Considering how broad Call of Duty’s audience is—not all of these people are comfortable with the idea of a subscriptionbased game, surely—I really do wonder. Well, “wonder”—I m pretty sure I’ll forget all of this as soon as I hit “publish.” Never mind that MMOs tend to be giant time-sinks in order to for you to “get good.” A quick round or two or two of multiplayer before going to work? Sure. $XX + many hours required per month, every month (lest your character disappear into the void)? Not too sure. Image swiped from NeoGAF



E-reader News Edition

Here comes the 9-inch TRUtablet Windows 7 running tablet PC by Tablet ( Submitted at 2/13/2010 6:06:29 PM

Message from If you can, please donate to the full -text RSS service so we can continue developing it. The TRUtablet tablet PC Did anyone ever watch the Eliza Dushku show “Tru Calling?” It was about this morgue worker who kept reliving the same day until she could solve that episode’s plot point. Think of it as an “eh” version of “Groundhog Day” with a prettier lead and Zach Galifianakis. We only bring this up because of the similarity of title in the TRUtablet and “Tru Calling.” Maybe they decided to pay tribute to the TV show by making a tablet that is more of the same. It seems like we keep reliving the same tablet design again and again – the Archos 9 PC Tablet, LBook T9, ExoPC Slate, Netbook Navigator Nav 9 and now the TRUtablet. All share a 9-inch touchscreen and feature Windows 7 as its operating system. After the Archos 9 got lambasted in reviews (mostly due to its limited Windows 7 OS and

performance) we’d hope to see a different approach to tablet PCs. Anyway, point made. Let’s move on to the TRUtablet’s specs. In addition to its 8.9-inch 1024 x 600 resolution resistive touchscreen and Windows 7 Home Premium OS, the TRUtablet features a base model that runs off an Intel Atom N270 1.6GHz processor with 1GB of RAM, 16GB SSD, 1.3MP webcam, WiFi, Bluetooth, a SD card, SIM and USB ports for $649. There will also be upgrade options for 32GB, 64GB and 128GB SSDs, doubling of the memory to 2GB, 3G and GPS. There’s no word on how much each of those upgrades could cost. It measures 10 x 6.6 x 0.8 inches and weighs 2 lbs. The 1700mAh Li-Ion battery is only rated for 2 to 2.5 hours although you can upgrade to a 2200mAh Li-Ion that will get you 3.4 to 4 hours per charge. TRUtablet is currently accepting preorders for the product (once their website is fixed) and they also have a 7-inch tablet with 1GB DDR2 RAM, 8GB SSD and Windows 7 Home Premium coming in mid-2010. No price listed as of yet. Source: Liliputing 2 Responses

to “Here comes the 9-inch TRUtablet Windows 7 running tablet PC” • Sounds like tablets are simply expensive, touchscreen netbooks with the keyboard removed. When do you expect to see some innovation? • That’s the real question. When are we going to see something truly innovative or a tablet capable enough to be our one and only computer? I wish I knew. First, someone has to make a new (or majorly revised) OS. Second, there needs to be improvements on existing input forms (like voice recognition) or a completely new way to input data on a tablet form factor. Finally, someone needs to make a tablet powerful enough to multitask, run common programs (like Adobe Creative Suite) and be a great media player. We’re not that far off, but who knows when the manufacturers will wake up and unlock the tablet’s full potential. Leave a Reply Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

CrunchDeals: THQ Complete Pack on Steam for $50 by Doug Aamoth (CrunchGear)

Hammers Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights Red Faction Submitted at 2/13/2010 12:22:18 PM Red Faction Guerrilla Yum, look at this deal. You can Red Faction II get almost 20 THQ titles on S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Steam for $50 – down from the Chernobyl regular price of $100. If you Saints Row 2 w e r e t o b u y a l l t h e t i t l e s Titan Quest separately, it’d set you back over Titan Quest – Immortal Throne $350. Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of The following games and War II expansion packs are included: Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of Company of Heroes War – Dark Crusade Company of Heroes: Opposing Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of Fronts War – Gold Edition Company of Heroes: Tales of Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of Valor War – Soulstorm Frontlines: Fuel of War Package- THQ Complete Full Spectrum Warrior Pack[Steam via FatWallet] Full Spectrum Warrior: Ten


E-reader News Edition


Review: A10 Cyclone (NSFW) by John Biggs (CrunchGear)

of washable silicone. Then there’s a USB cable. Now before you get all excited, So once you become a reviewer this USB cable connects to the R of Tenga Jars it seems you -1 controller and not your PC. become the go-to guy for folks That’s right. You need an add-on trying to sell Tenga Jars. I feel for your add-on. The controller like Malcom’s dad in Breaking makes the brushes spin in Bad. You get into something for different ways – back and forth, noble reasons and you end up fast around, slow. You can really killing a dude in the desert after treat yourself. There’s a quick blowing up his headquarters with turn-off feature for when the fulminated mercury. Anyway, m a i l m a n c o m e s . Y o u w i l l please bear with me. Someone probably also need some of o u t t h e r e m a y n e e d t h i s JList’s special lubricants. It’s information. like climbing Mt. Everest. Do Drumroll please: Just in time for you go unprepared? No. Valentine’s Day, I present my Here’s my honest opinion: I review of the A10 Cyclone. personally didn’t like the So what is the A10 Cyclone? sensation. It’s kind of allThink of it as a shoe cleaner for encompassing and you get your weenus. This onahole has a quickly overwhelmed. I mean series of brushes that rotate back seriously, people. This is a and forth over the item in motorized tenga jar. We’re not question. The brushes are made talking butterfly kisses. You Submitted at 2/13/2010 5:00:56 PM

either like it or you don’t. If you can’t handle lots of stimulation at once, maybe stay away. The thing that I’m most confused about, however, is the Japanese fascination with these things. I mean if you’re down

horizontal bop, fine. But seriously: do you need this level of simulation in your onanism? Do you? You really have to make a production out of things when you use this. It’s like cooking yourself a gourmet meal – it’s fun, but wouldn’t you rather order some wings and drink a beer? You’ll at least get more done around the house instead of chopping shallots and braising pheasant. Anyway, this machine is $80 and the R-1 (which actually comes with a little vibrating egg and looks like an iPod Mini) is with putting it into a robot, do it. $60. For my money I’d stick By all means. But seriously: with a Tenga jar(a little less these things do nothing for the overwhelming) but you do what self-esteem. If you can’t shave, you feel, dude. meet a nice lady, maybe go to Product Page dinner and a movie, and maybe go back to her place and do the

There are shotgun revolvers by Devin Coldewey (CrunchGear)

What? It’s kind of a gadget. It looks like it’s meant to be held by the stock there, at least if Submitted at 2/13/2010 2:53:26 PM you’re a girly-man. I’d straightIf you’ve played Borderlands, arm this piece like a Chinese you’ve probably chuckled at gangster while smoking in slow some of the hybrid guns they’ve motion with my other hand created — shotguns that shoot (Johnnie To style). Speaking of rockets and all that. Well, as it which, it was actually found not turns out, there really is some in some gangster’s possession, sort of unholy cross-pollination but apparently in the “gun room” least, that’s what I gleaned from going on in the underground gun of a hotel in a dangerous area, Google’s translation of the trade, because there are shotgun where the employees gangsters original article. revolvers. are required to carry weapons. At Obviously you can’t really buy

these things at your local gun shop, but a competent metalworker could probably put one together — it seems to be a

pretty simple mechanism, though probably not very comfortable or accurate. I mean, I know there are those tactical barrel shotguns, but this is way more pistol-y. Apparently the black market price for one of these bastards starts at $6000 over there. Reminds me a bit of the gun in “Sympathy for Lady Vengeance.” [via Everyday, No Days Off and Neatorama]


Gadgets/ Entertainment/

E-reader News Edition

Celebrate Valentine’s Day with SteelSeries + Jinx loot

New Details on the Alec Baldwin 911 Call

by Nicholas Deleon (CrunchGear)

(ETonline - Breaking News)

Submitted at 2/14/2010 4:00:55 AM

Rumor has it that today is Valentine’s Day. Better check Techmeme to be sure. While I’ll be celebrating by watching Atletico Madrid v. Barcelona later on, alone, you may not be so boring. The point is—there is a point, as hard as that may be to believe—that SteelSeries and Jinx would like to help you make the best of what may be a very awkward day for many of you, or us, as it were—as it is. The professional gaming accessory company and the nerdy t-shirt company (not that there’s anything wrong with that) have put together a little contest where you can walk away with SteelSeries + Jinx loot. Makes

sense. Cupid descends, shoots an arrow through your heart, then steals your wallet. So here’s the deal: you need to post a photograph of yourself on SteelSeries’ FaceBook fan page showing you with a sad face. The gimmick is that the person

(well, one gentleman and one lady) with the saddest, most lovelorn look about them wins a small mint. La dolce vita! The prizes are as follows: Gentlemen can win: SteelSeries Siberia v2 (Red) 8 Bit X-Ray T-Shirt

Will You Be Mine T-Shirt Side Hack Flexfit Hat Ink Blot T-Shirt Sorcery and Technology T-Shirt Ladies can win: SteelSeries iron.lady Ikari Laser Bundle Will You Be Mine Women’s Tee I Love my Gamer Women’s Tee Username Password Boy Brief Panties Ink Blot T-Shirt Sorcery and Technology T-Shirt Keep in mind that this isn’t a CrunchGear contest, but something that SteelSeries and Jinx have put together; don’t yell at us if you’re not picked. The contest runs through Monday, February 15 (tomorrow!) at 11:59pm CST.

Submitted at 2/14/2010 6:36:00 AM

ET has the latest... New information has emerged regarding the February 11 911 call made by Alec Baldwin's teenage daughter Ireland. "Ireland was talking to her dad and they got into an argument," Skip Basinger, the brother of Alec's ex-wife Kim Basigner, tells People."He got upset. She tried to call him back and she couldn't reach him, so she called 911." But Basigner says the whole situation has been blown out of proportion.

Leaked Google Nexus One Firmware Upgrade Could Address Spotty 3G Reception [Google Nexus One] by Jack Loftus (Gizmodo) Submitted at 2/14/2010 10:00:00 AM

Remember the Google Nexus One's"sorely needed" 3G reception fix? Remember how Google promised a quick fix? Yes? Well, Happy Valentine's Day! A solution has tentatively arrived in the form of a leaked

firmware upgrade. But don't get *too* excited just yet, dear readers. While the firmware update does appear to address the Nexus One radio issue that plagued some users since they picked up their shiny new Google kit, it doesn't appear to be what will finally be pushed out to the mainstream.

signs that this fix should arrive soon, but it's not quite ready just yet. Notably, the ROM includes Google Maps 3.4, not the most up-to-date 4.0 version that Google released for Buzz. It's half-baked, in other words, but at As Engadget correctly notes, least it proves Google is nearly there are a number of telltale ready to attend to its customers' reception woes. Probably.

The folks at XDA apparently have this build available for download, should you be the DIY tinkering type. [ XDA Forums via Engadget]


E-reader News Edition

TED Talks mischief: lasers killing mosquitoes by the hundreds by Laura June (Engadget) Submitted at 2/14/2010 9:02:00 AM

Malaria is a huge problem worldwide, so it's no surprise to anyone that plenty of people spend lots of time trying to think of ways to rid the world of mosquitoes, prime movers of the disease. Nathan Myhrvold's company Intellectual Ventures Labs (and former chief technology officer at Microsoft) is focusing on just that. Using widely available and common electronics parts, Intellectual Ventures has made lasers which can kill mosquitoes mid-flight -at a rate of about 50 to 100 per second. Myhrvold first publicly demonstrated this laser (which is made of parts of printers, digital cameras, and projectors) at the

TED conference the other day, using hundreds of mosquitoes in a clear glass case to make his point. The laser's software determines the size and shape of the target before deciding whether or not to shoot, so, for instance -- it wouldn't take aim at

a person or a bumblebee. The lasers could be used to protect hospitals and clinics in areas with high mosquito populations and in areas with a high rate of malaria infestation. Now, this is surprisingly not the first time we've seen such a trick-- though

it is the first time we've seen video evidence of it working. There are some insanely informative (and murderous) videos at the source link. Be sure to check them out. Update: Video is after the break. Continue reading TED Talks mischief: lasers killing mosquitoes by the hundreds TED Talks mischief: lasers killing mosquitoes by the hundreds originally appeared on Engadget on Sun, 14 Feb 2010 09:02:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink New York Times| Intellectual Ventures Labs| Email this| Comments

features, suggesting HTC isn't quite done yet tuning this thing to get proper HSPA without Remember that hand-waving freaking out from time to time. trick that got a Nexus One to Whatever this update is, it may give up the 3G ghost way, way never see the official light of day too easily? Well, we don't want in its current form -- it includes to pop the champagne just yet, Google Maps 3.4, for one thing, but there's a new non-over-the- while Google's already gone air firmware update floating ahead and upped the ante to 4.0 trying to make this thing work around that includes yet another for Buzz support -- but at least it properly. radio bump among its sundry seems engineers aren't done [Thanks, b3ast] Submitted at 2/14/2010 5:59:00 AM

Google Continues Damage Control With More Buzz Security Updates [Google] by Kyle VanHemert (Gizmodo) Submitted at 2/13/2010 8:27:09 PM

Though the dust has hardly started to settle after the privacy shitstorm that immediately followed the launch of Google Buzz—Google claiming it was going to untangle Buzz from Gmail and then denying that it had any such intentions didn't help matters—the Don't Be Evildoers have in fact made some tweaks to the system. Here's what's changed so far: As of this morning, private email addresses that were left out there naked for all to see in @replies are now covered up by asterisks. Starting this week, Google will switch its auto-follow function to a suggestion-based system. Those fixes are a good start, but at this point it's possible that Buzz's bad vibes are so pervasive New Nexus One ROM leaks, that people won't be able to f i x e s m o r e r a d i o i s s u e s ? forgive and forget. At least not originally appeared on Engadget until Facebook's next privacy on Sun, 14 Feb 2010 05:59:00 blunder. [ TechCrunch and EST. Please see our terms for Business Insider] use of feeds. Permalink| xdadevelopers| Email this| Comments

New Nexus One ROM leaks, fixes more radio issues? by Chris Ziegler (Engadget)




E-reader News Edition

Garmin-Asus Nuvifone M10 and A50 hands-on by Chris Ziegler (Engadget) Submitted at 2/14/2010 11:25:00 AM

So, we had a few precious moments to play around with Garmin-Asus' latest Nuvifones here in lovely Barcelona today -the M10 and A50, running on Windows Mobile 6.5.3 and Android 1.6, respectively -- and even better, we did so in the back of a black Mercedes expressly purposed for testing out the integrated turn-by-turn capabilities. Follow the break for our quick impressions! Gallery: Garmin-Asus Nuvifone the past, parts which iResQ uses to why it's taller, since the Beats us. The flip side of the M10 hands-on for repairing products -- even if screens themselves seems very screen can be seen after the Gallery: Garmin-Asus Nuvifone those products don't exist yet. similarly sized. We're also break. A50 hands-on Interestingly, the LCD is factory incredibly curious as to whether [Thanks, Todd F.] Continue reading Garmin-Asus glued to the digitizer on this 4G this here face would line up with Continue reading Is this the face Nuvifone M10 and A50 handswannabe (like on the original that supposed 4G midboard we of the iPhone 4G? on iPhone), as opposed to them saw a little while ago. So, Is this the face of the iPhone Garmin-Asus Nuvifone M10 being separate elements on the elaborate scam by iResQ to get 4G? originally appeared on and A50 hands-on originally 3G and 3GS, meaning higher its name up in lights? Prank Engadget on Sat, 13 Feb 2010 appeared on Engadget on Sun, replacement costs. But most played by a fun-loving parts 23:45:00 EST. Please see our 14 Feb 2010 11:25:00 EST. notable about this face part is the supplier? Earth shattering iPhone t e r m s f o r u s e o f f e e d s . Please see our terms for use of fact that it's roughly 1/4-inch form factor change unearthed? Permalink| Comunidad Moviles| feeds. Permalink| | Email this| taller than previous generations. And just what is that "reflective Email this| Comments Comments Your guess is as good as ours as surface" supposed to be for?

Is this the face of the iPhone 4G? by Paul Miller (Engadget) Submitted at 2/13/2010 11:45:00 PM

There's very little to go on at this point, just a series of photos posted to a forum by a device repair company, but if their suspicions are correct, this could be the front panel of the presumably upcoming"iPhone 4G." iResQ claims to have obtained the sample part from a "reputable source" that has provided genuine parts to it in


E-reader News Edition


Construct your own Head Mounted Display for fun and profit by Matt Burns (CrunchGear) Submitted at 2/13/2010 1:01:18 PM

While you jerks are wasting away watching the Olympics this weekend, I’m going to attempt to make this sweet-ass Head Mounted Display. The Instructable doesn’t seem that hard. Basically I’ll just be transplanting the screens from my busted Myvu personal media glasses into some utility or ski glasses. Maybe I’ll make one for

me and one for the wife, solving my Valentine’s Day shopping conundrum. Now don’t hate on the kid that

came up with this idea. Yes, it’s simply reusing parts from a production HMD to make a somewhat inferior product. But that doesn’t matter. This project could lay the foundation for some spectacular mods. Rearmounted cams, night vision, and even augmented reality applications could all be fitted into the design. Major props, dude. Well done.

Intel's 'Huron River' 32nm laptop platform to LG's 15-inch OLED TV on track for pack WiMAX in 2011 mid-year US release by Paul Miller (Engadget)

The platform will be powered by the new Sandy Bridge 32nm Submitted at 2/14/2010 2:44:00 AM processor, a followup to It's not easy to be a buyer of Nehalem's Core i Series of chips. c o m p u t e r s w i t h a l l t h e s e We should be seeing this in Q1 technology roadmaps flying 2011, which will probably be about, but in case you're brave minutes after Apple finally enough to peer into the future, decides to upgrade to Core i7. Fudzilla has word on Intel's Intel's 'Huron River' 32nm upcoming laptop chips. The laptop platform to pack WiMAX "Huron River" platform will in 2011 originally appeared on replace Calpella (the current crop Engadget on Sun, 14 Feb 2010 of mobile chipsets), and continue 02:44:00 EST. Please see our Intel's fine work with WiMAX terms for use of feeds. Permalink and WiFi integration, in addition SlashGear| Fudzilla| Email this| t o n e w I n t e l B l u e t o o t h Comments connectivity and that crowdfavored Intel Wireless Display.

by Thomas Ricker (Engadget) Submitted at 2/14/2010 9:58:00 AM

It's a little sad when the world's largest production OLED television measures just 15inches diagonally but that's the unfortunate state of the panel business at the moment. Nevertheless, there are still plenty of fans (including us) South Korea. According to waiting for LG's EL9500 OLED OLED-Display, LG hopes to television to ship outside of bring the flat-panel wonder to the

US sometime in the middle of 2010. Of course, it'll still cost somewhere around $2,500 by the time it lands but hey, at least you'll have the option for local retail and support. LG's 15-inch OLED TV on track for mid-year US release originally appeared on Engadget on Sun, 14 Feb 2010 09:58:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| OLEDDisplay| Email this| Comments


Tech Blog/ TV/

E-reader News Edition

Google did something seriously wrong

Right now on Cinematical

(Scripting News)

by Kona Gallagher (TV Squad)

possibly be so stupid as to not understand what they revealed about users of Gmail. It's just the "Privacy" seems like such an kind of weaselly response to a abstract concept. building crisis that PR pros tell So your privacy was violated. you not to do, that covering up Get over it. will only make it worse when Here's what happened. When people realize what's really been Google rolled out Buzz last week going on. But that assumes a they activated an unknown he does, did they reveal the list competent and vigilant press. number of users and chose o f p e o p l e h e e m a i l s m o s t That would be too much to people for them to follow frequently? I can think of all assume in the case of Google and automatically based on who they kinds of problems that might its coverage. email most frequently with. cause, with the stock market, or The Don't Be Evil smokescreen Presumably these people had to t h e S E C , p a r t n e r s , w i v e s , was pure brilliance. As Michael also be on Gmail. And the list of despots, girlfriends. I imagine Gartenberg pointed out on people you follow is public. Nick Denton at Gawker would Twitter, if Microsoft had done Therefore the list of people you like to see that list, and that what Google did, there would email with most frequently is Schmidt would not want him to. already be lawsuits. It would be a now public. They are now trying We all have those kinds of scandal of huge proportion. to close this hole as quickly as concerns. People might get the The NY Times won't call it a possible. But the damage is wrong idea if they saw the list of breach of trust by Google. done, people have to realize that people I email most frequently Instead they attribute the claim to -- the information was already with. Or they might get the right "privacy experts." I raised this disclosed. You can close the idea, that I don't want them to point, and predictably people say door after the horse gets out but get. that the Times shouldn't make Sometimes as I'm entering a f a c t u a l s t a t e m e n t s a b o u t that doesn't get the horse back. T h i s n e v e r s h o u l d h a v e message into Gmail, I wonder if c o m p a n i e s w h o s c r e w u p happened. But now that it has, it the ethics of Google prohibit anywhere but in editorials. That's requires a CEO-level apology them from reading the mail. ridiculous. A fact is a fact, and and statement of contrition and Sometimes I email with execs at belongs in reporting. It's a fact an explanation of what policies companies that compete with that Google revealed sensitive he's putting in place to be sure Google. I think "They'd probably information about millions of like to know this." I wonder if users, and now they're scurrying this never happens again. That has not happened, and does they look. to try to cover it up. And the Yet Google, so far, has only said press is helping them buy time. not appear likely to. What if it were Eric Schmidt's they're sorry for the "concern" Why? I have no clue, but I don't privacy. I wonder if he'd feel they've caused. That shows that like it. differently about that. Gotta they're not owning up to the wonder if he uses Gmail, and if breach they caused. They can't Submitted at 2/14/2010 6:55:58 AM

Submitted at 2/14/2010 11:05:00 AM

from seeing it. However, I'm not sure if it's a good idea to make a franchise out of the thing. • Cinematical reviews 'Twelve' and calls it "a very special episode of'Gossip Girl,'" which is fitting, as it stars 'Gossip Girl''s Chace Crawford. • I'm not sure that the fact that Benecio Del Toro reportedly • Even though Sandra Bullock is m u m b l e s h i s w a y t h r o u g h nominated for an Academy 'Wolfman' makes me want to see Award for her role in ' The Blind it. Side,' it certainly doesn't mean • Look out world, there's a new that she can't make mistakes. Coppola in town: Gia Coppola, Cinematical discusses Bullock's Francis Ford's granddaughter, is Oscar nom as well as her taking a stab at directing. simultaneous Razzie nomination Filed under: Site for'All about Steve.' • I haven't heard good things Announcements, Reality-Free, about the new film'Valentine's Gossip Girl Permalink| Email this| | Day,' although as a sucker for star-studded ensemble casts, that C o m m e n t s certainly isn't going to stop me The folks at our sister site, Cinematical, are working hard to give you news and reviews of the best -- and worst -- the silver screen has to offer. Here are some of their musings on the latest blockbusters, indies, and everything in between:


E-reader News Edition

What's On Tonight: 'Cops,' 'Elevator Girl,' 'Survivors,' 'The Dish'


WWE Will Have Its Own Network Soon by Brad Trechak (TV Squad) Submitted at 2/13/2010 9:00:00 AM

by Bob Sassone (TV Squad)

World Wrestling Entertainment will soon have their own cable network. That's what you do Here's tonight's TV lineup (all when you own one of the hottest times Eastern). properties on cable television. Ask Oprah. Of course, Vince • Bravo has a'House' marathon McMahon has been wanting this all night. since last year. Given their • Travel Channel has Samantha dominance of pay-per-view, it's Brown specials all night. surprising that they don't have • At 7, TNT has the basketball their own PPV network as well. H.O.R.S.E. Contest, then'NBA Or maybe they do and my Tip-Off' and'The 2010 All-Star information is outdated. Skills Competition.' This makes sense. WWE owns • At 8, NBC has The Olympics. millions of hours of wrestling • FOX has a new'Cops' at 8. • At 10, CBS has a new'48 footage from the last six or so • HGTV has a new'Divine Hours Mystery.' decades from the various Design' at 8, followed by new • HBO has'Bill Maher ... But I'm properties it's acquired. They episodes of'The Outdoor Room Not Wrong' at 10. could have all kinds of wrestling with Jamie Durie' and'Curb • Also at 10: Style has a new s h o w s o n t h e i r n e t w o r k , Appeal: The Block.' episode of'The Dish.' including either 'Raw', • At 9, FOX has a 'Smackdown', WCW, ECW ... new'America's Most Wanted.' Check your local TV listings for the list goes on. They could even • BBC America has the premiere more. have retro 80's shows for old of'Survivors' at 9. Filed under: Programming, fogies like myself. For reality • Hallmark has'Elevator Girl' at What To Watch Tonight, Reality television, they could show 9. -Free • The Weather Channel has a Permalink| Email this| | new'Weather Proof' at 9. Comments • At 9:45, Disney HD has a new'Kick Buttkowski: Suburban Daredevil.'

Jane After Dark: I Believe in the Power of 'Supernatural'

Submitted at 2/13/2010 12:03:00 PM

by Jane Boursaw (TV Squad) Submitted at 2/13/2010 10:00:00 AM

reruns of'WWE Tough Enough', or have new seasons of the show. Eventually Channel Drift will kick in and they'll have shows like Doctor Phil but with "Rowdy" Roddy Piper. Whatever happens, I can rest in the comfort that my cable company will never have this network. It's too good for them. Filed under: Industry, Programming, OpEd, RealityFree Permalink| Email this| | Comments

'Supernatural' is one of those shows I've been hearing about since it first premiered in 2005. I was never a fan of shows with demons and ghosts and the like until I finally watched'Buffy the Vampire Slayer.' Now I'm sort of hooked on them. I'm not gonna lie, though. I'm just a few episodes into 'Supernatural,' and so far, it's terrifying. It could be a good long while before I'm able to swim in a lake ('Dead in the Water'), go camping ('Wendigo'), fly on a plane ('Phantom Traveler'), or look in a mirror ('Bloody Mary'). And I'm convinced that my husband is probably a shape-shifter ('Skin'). Continue reading Jane After Dark: I Believe in the Power of 'Supernatural' Filed under: TV on DVD, OpEd, Supernatural, RealityFree, Jane After Dark Permalink| Email this| | Comments


TV/ Entertainment/ Fashion/

E-reader News Edition

Tracy Morgan and Stevie Wonder Play Punch Dub by Allison Waldman (TV Squad) Submitted at 2/14/2010 9:44:00 AM

The Full Video for the 'We Are the World' Remake by Kona Gallagher (TV Squad)

There was a commercial for Volkswagen that aired during Super Bowl Sunday last week, but it didn't make Kona's best of the best. Still, having seen it a couple of time since, perhaps it should have been. Do you remember it? It's based on a game called punch dub, and every time a person sees a Volkswagen before the other person, they get to punch their partner and call out the color of the car. I had some friends who played a car game like this, punching each other each time one saw a vehicle with one light not working. They called it pediddle. Ridiculous name, but then punch dub is just as silly. But it's real. And that's a big part of why this

version is populated by mostly new faces including Jennifer Hudson, Josh Groban, Wyclef Submitted at 2/13/2010 4:02:00 PM Jean, and Kanye West, among The original 'We Are the World' many others. In fact, there were was recorded almost exactly 25 so many artists featured in this years ago to benefit the charity, v i d e o , t h a t I d i d n ' t e v e n USA for Africa. Recently, 80 recognize them all. The new stars got together, including co- version is about a full minute w r i t e r L i o n e l R i c h i e a n d longer than the original, and the producer Quincy Jones, to real question is, how does it remake the classic song to help stack up? with Haiti relief efforts. The Continue reading The Full video was supposed to debut last Video for the 'We Are the World' by (ELLE News n i g h t d u r i n g t h e O l y m p i c Remake Blog) opening ceremonies, but they Filed under: Video, Watercooler Submitted at 2/13/2010 4:15:30 PM just showed an excerpt. We have Talk, Celebrities, Reality-Free the full video here. Permalink| Email this| | Models usually zone out with It's nice to see some of the same C o m m e n t s earphones plugged in, typing people involved in making the away into their smart phone of first video in the remake, but this choice—but I love when I catch them wrapped up in books. I just

The Na'Vi Dicktails of Avatar Take a Side in Palestine Conflict, Probably Not a Viral Oscar Campaign [Pic Of The Day] by Foster Kamer (Gawker) Submitted at 2/13/2010 5:15:00 PM

[ Demonstrators dressed up as commercial is so good. You can Avatar's Ferngully People and relate to it. Everyone can play. protested on behalf of evicted T h e r e ' s t h e k i d w i t h h i s Palestinians yesterday in the grandfather. The two Amish West Bank. Image via AP folk. The drunk guys in the limo. Photo/Dan Balilty.] Continue reading Tracy Morgan and Stevie Wonder Play Punch Dub Filed under: OpEd, Video, Commercials, Celebrities, 30 Rock, Reality-Free Permalink| Email this| | Comments

Backstage Reading at Prabal Gurung avid reader myself, I’m happy to saw Katrin Thormann backstage see people are still giving books at Prabal Gurung enjoying Becks as presents! Letzter Sommer(“Beck’s Last — M a u r a L y n c h , E L L E Summer”), a novel from young, A s s o c i a t e B e a u t y E d i t o r German author Benedict Wells. Click here for our complete fall She says it was a Christmas 2010 Fashion Week coverage present from her parents. An Follow ELLE on Twitter Become our Facebook fan

Entertainment/ Sports/

E-reader News Edition

The Fiercest, Fabulousest, Glitteriest Olympian Johnny Weir Battle with 'Crazy Fur People' [Johnny Weir] by Foster Kamer (Gawker)

receiving death threats and the like, but never renounced the Submitted at 2/13/2010 3:00:00 PM Real McCoy, and now appears to ...has produced the best wire have crossed the threshold again. report maybe ever. Johnny Weir This man's safety must be has to stay in the Olympic protected. Village with all the funky "I decided to stay in the village Eastern Europeans and people and my team has made it as w h o d o n ' t s p e a k a w e s o m e comfortable as possible. I don't because he is being threatened by want any outside influences to fur activists...for being fierce. hurt my chances here. Even Johnny Weir is terrified of the t h o u g h I ' m n o t a l w a y s same passionate furpeople who c o m f o r t a b l e r o o m i n g w i t h like to throw paint on catwalks s o m e b o d y o r b e i n g i n a and pie Michael Kors because c o m m u n a l v i l l a g e s o r t o f Canada's full of crazies who situation, it's what I've got to show up to the Olympics that deal with." The American figure might wild out or something and skater had talked about staying in who definitely send him crazy a hotel because he didn't enjoy angry letters. Vogued Weir: his experience in the Olympic "All these crazy fur people village four years ago. definitely changed my mind. Your passe, pedestrian, protie Security wise, staying in a hotel Olympic Villages simply aren't would be very difficult," Weir fab enough for Johnny Weir, told reporters after turning up for bottom line. So instead Johnny an 0800 news conference s Weir is rooming with Olympic porting a striking red and white Ice Dancer Tanith Belbin, who silk scarf looped around his neck will help Weir do Weir things, and with his nails manicured. like, I don't know, eat brunch? That's an actual quote, with H e ' s a l s o s p r u c e d u p h i s actual context ("a striking red previously underwhelming pad: and white silk scarf," Reuters?), The self-styled diva makes no from a wire report. And if you secret of liking his own space can't trust an Olympian whose and creature comforts but for the style icons include Dr. Frank N. s e c o n d W i n t e r G a m e s i n Furter and Liberace, who can succession, he has been forced to you trust? Weir's actually "rough it" — albeit in a room lit switched to faux before after w i t h s c e n t e d c a n d l e s a n d

the Olympics prime time to get their cause out in the spotlight, and are capitalizing on Weir for their cause. Well, yes. Exactly. But on the other hand, Weir's got a significant bone to pick, and we're not talking about Lady Gaga's penis: "There are humans dying everyday. There are thousands if not millions of homeless people in New York City. Look at what just happened in Haiti. I tend to focus my energy, if there is a cause, on humans. While that may be callous and bad of me, it's my choice." While it's not the "eat it, bitches" I wanted to hear: well, yes. Exactly. decorated with pink bath mats. No, Johnny, they can't read your Also, via the AP, this: Poker Face, 'cause you're gonna Weir is sharing a room with keep rocking that fur, and in American ice dancer Tanith spite of the assholes putting Belbin, which will feature "our death threats his way, can you icon," Lady Gaga, on the wall. blame him? "She needs to be there watching Tell 'em, girl. Requisite video of over us, protecting us," Weir Johnny Walker/Lady Gaga said. fabulousness in action: Our Lady of the Immaculate How can you not like this Penis will indeed protect you, person?* Johnny. But all of this begs the Previously: That Dude Geigh? question: What the fuck is the *I have no doubt some of you big deal on either side that this humorless awfuls will find a warrants death threats and/or way. And for that, I'm sorry. For standing your ground like Weir? you. Weir notes that fur activists find


Possible Plan Revealed for New Olympics Ski Schedule ( The Daily Fix) Submitted at 2/13/2010 12:28:38 PM

The International Ski Federation is considering a new schedule for the Vancouver Olympics that would entail holding seven races on consecutive days. Men’s race director Guenter Hujara revealed the tentative plan after the men’s downhill was postponed Saturday. The men’s downhill already has been rescheduled for 10:30 a.m. local time Monday. Hujara says the men’s super-combined then could be held Tuesday, the women’s downhill race Wednesday and the women’s super-combined race Thursday. The schedule then could pick up as normal with the men’s and women’s super-G races Friday and Saturday Feb. 19 and 20, and the men’s giant slalom Sunday Feb. 21. After that, only three races would remain. Except for the men’s downhill, however, the rest of Hujara’s proposal has not yet been confirmed.– Associated Press



E-reader News Edition

Mysterious Creator of ChatRoulette Revealed: A 17 Year-Old Kid, Naturally [The Youngs] by Foster Kamer (Gawker) Submitted at 2/13/2010 4:45:00 PM

If you aren't already familiar with it, ChatRoulette's the hot new form of extreme internet voyeurism (and insanity). Essentially, it's video-chatting with total strangers, and flying through them with a "next" button. And now, its creator's been revealed... a 17 year-old Russian kid. Via the New York Times' Bits blog, who, capturing a common sentiment, were "utterly fascinated with, and sometimes repulsed by" Chatroulette, emailed its creator, and finally, heard back: The question was answered on Saturday when Andrey Ternovskiy responded to the questions we sent to an e-mail address on Chatroulette. Mr. Ternovskiy said he was a 17year-old high school student in Moscow. "I was not sure whether I should tell the world who I am mainly because of the fact that I am under age. Now I think that it would be better to reveal myself," Mr. Ternovskiy wrote. Of course ChatRoulette was created by a computer whizkid. It's at both so ingenious—and so insane—that it would take the sense of wonder, whimsy, and mischief of a teenager's mind;

"entrepreneur" thinks ChatRoulette is for the birds: Chatroulette is a catalogue of real time phalluses. It's in your face priapicness. It's jack-off central. It's really quite astounding. And if a Vanity Fair columnist calls it "jack-off central," than you know it must be true. Meanwhile, Sam Anderson at New York muses on its potential past "jack-off central" after spending too much time on it (which is besides, arguably, "any"): It felt like I'd experienced the full range the site had to offer: the shock porn, the dance parties, the weirdly aggressive homoerotic banter. Quite frankly, if ChatRoulette teaches us anything, one certain less we know—for the the spare time of a teenager to do problems."), but rather—as as advertisements. And what is moment—is that kids are doing it; and someone who grew up someone who knows nothing i n t e r e s t i n g , i s t h a t t h e s e fun things because they like with the coding that most web about coding—the way in which advertisements almost cover all them, and adults are endlessly sites use now to come up with it: he coded ChatRoulette with expenses, just those four links on fascinated by these things that were created for kids to have someone who, like Ternovskiy, speed and economy, and also, the bottom! started coding when they were the way he's not raking it on the He does it because he loves it. after-school fun with. Also, that 11. Most interesting isn't his site: Meanwhile, that sound you just screengrabbing is the best thing motivation ("for fun") or his Advertising on Chatroulette is heard are hands slapping the ever, and that while ChatRoulette inspiration behind it ("a certain kept to a minimum, because foreheads of many a web sales won't bring us world peace feeling of what other teenagers there are a lot of sites full of team. That said, does anybody anytime soon, it will bring would want to see on the advertisements, which distract really know what the potential of humanity priceless moments like Internet"), or even why he does it you from what you want to do on ChatRoulette actually is, or what this. Via Buzzfeed: ("I enjoy what I do. It is like a t h o s e s i t e s . I a l s o l o v e it can be past a voyeuristic game for me. I discover new minimalism. That's why I have e x p e r i m e n t ? V a n i t y F a i r things and solve interesting put only four links on the bottom c o l u m n i s t a n d N e w s e r

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Updated: What the Hell Did Sarah Silverman Say at Her TED Talk? [Questions] by Foster Kamer (Gawker)

the mentally challenged. Unfortunately they don't leave the nest - ever. Therefore, Sarah Must've been good, because plans to adopt a retarded person Chris Anderson thought it was that is terminately ill. Who does "god-awful," and one blogger that? Amazing people. wonders if she "took a dump on Everyone deserves to have a stage." The TED website song. This is for the inner porn describes her talk as " a new stars in the audience. All the perspective on the number penises in the galaxy… 3000." But...what perspective? TED's traditionally pretty Update: Wow. grandstanding about the nature The annual conference of of their speakers and what they supposedly important people have to say. For example, a with supposedly important things totally square (America Online to say supposedly took a turn for founder) Steve Case: the worst when Sarah Silverman And more: got up on stage to speak. And even shock from Silverman Seriously, if TED "curator" Chris herself: Anderson is talking shit on his So while she may not have some kind of idea, now. Via We need religion. It's a way to see them anymore… probably own speaker... "taken a dump on stage," but MediaPost, a fairly rough report: cope with the unanswerable. because of computers. "Just ...And then, according to one Sarah Silverman definitely put Sarah learned she was Jewish Because if Sarah thinks about the please don't think I care." asskisser, apologizing for her... something on TED's reputation because everyone else treated her fact that she was just a spec that We live in a world of excess. ...With other bloggers noting that and speakers. Defiant mockery, like a Jew. She was a very deep exploded up out of her dad's Population doubles every 40 "Sarah Silverman is being too perhaps? Not exactly child. It's not like the Jews killed balls, that's fucked up. years (Sarah read that on a blog) honest :-)"... revolutionary, but in that setting, Baby Jesus, and btw: You are Insecurity can humble us. It's a - that's crazy! How is it not total ...and some saying she had them definitely a little welcome for the Jews having survival skill. It can protect us. vanity to give birth when there's " pissing (themselves) laughing" groundbreaking. killed the 39 year old, otherwise From things like aging. When so many kids to adopt? and "killed it".... [ Thanks to Paolo at NYC The h e w o u l d n ' t b e f a m o u s Sarah was nineteen, there were Sarah plans to adopt a mentally We kind of have to know what Tumblr for links.] (Everyone knows you gotta die s o m a n y o f f i c i a l p u s s y challenged child, because she happened. If you do, hit us up. young to be famous). inspectors, and now, you never really does enjoy the company of Update: Well, we might have Submitted at 2/13/2010 5:45:00 PM

Peter Som's Purple Hues by (ELLE News Blog) Submitted at 2/13/2010 12:18:31 PM

Backstage at Peter Som, purple was the dominant color beauty-

wise. The lip was a dark matte plum created by M.A.C Makeup Artist Tom Pecheux, who blotted My Dark Magic Mineralized Eyeshadow over lipstick. (If OPI turned their popular Lincoln Park

After Dark nail polish into a lipstick shade, it would be a dead ringer for Pecheux's handiwork!) The nails were painted a much

lighter color: The metallic, dusty purple hue was Charity by Zoya. –Janna Johnson, ELLE Beauty Assistant Click here for our complete fall 2010 Fashion Week coverage

Photo: Courtesy



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The Gawker Employment Agency: Helping Hire Barack Obama's Twitter Presence [Twitter] by Foster Kamer (Gawker) Submitted at 2/13/2010 3:45:00 PM

Here at G.E.A., we take out "Not afraid to be servicey" mantra very, very seriously (or "srsly"). And today, we have a totally serious job opening for you: Be Barack Obama's Presidential Twitter-er. Okay, so, if you thought Obama was manning his Twitter, I'm sorry to rip open a hole in the delicate fabric that is the universe you occupy, but, shocker: he doesn't. That job would belong to one Mia Cambronero, who sent out an email recently to a listserv regarding her recent job opening that we ended up with. The full text: Friends, Wanted to firstly let everyone know that at the end of the month, I will be stepping down from my infamous role as "Barack Obama's twitterer", otherwise known as Social Networks Manager for the Democratic National Committee and Organizing For America.

While I have very much enjoyed my time here, I've never really wanted to stay in domestic politics in the long term, and I'm really excited to get started on the international work that I've long wanted to do. (Won't bore everyone with the details, but feel free to shoot me an email if you're interested — would love to catch up with y'all anyway!) Secondly, wanted to ask for

your help in finding someone awesome to fill my position. (We're looking for someone who is available to start immediately. ) Here's the link to the application. Feel free to forward it far and wide. etsmanager And if any of you are interested

in applying, please let me know!! Would be happy to give you a little more insight into what the job is all about. Much love, Mia Well, now we know a few things: 1. Ms. Cambronero has a very warm, charming email style! Which is probably necessary if you want to control the

Bharti Airtel buys Zain for $10.7bn (Financial Times - US homepage) Submitted at 2/14/2010 5:19:18 AM

Message from If you can, please donate to the full

-text RSS service so we can continue developing it. Bharti Airtel has agreed to acquire the African assets of Zain, the Kuwaiti telecom group for $10.7bn in one of the biggest

cross-border deals in the Middle East. India’s biggest telecoms group is set to pay $10bn to Zain by mid-April, with another $700m due to be paid before the end of

the year, according to people familiar with the situation. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

presidential Twitter. 2. The job of presidential Twitter is being left for "international work," which is apparently something you can go on to after doing lots of exciting this: 3. Which is probably one of the reasons why she's leaving. But if you can spew straight-message dribble that's essentially directfeed grade stuff with the occasional uncolored aside about basketball or whatnot, you're pretty qualified for the job. Just don't be a psychopath or illiterate or someone prone to the occasional Tweakout and you should be good to go. Essentially, don't#suckatlife. Of course, there are those who might not make the grade despite seemingly obvious qualifications: So make sure you're not too overqualified or something, either. And now you know! Gawker Employment Agency: Not afraid to @whatever.


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2010 Vancouver Olympics: Apolo Anton Ohno's 6th career medal ties U.S. winter mark by Associated Press ( Submitted at 2/14/2010 4:32:32 AM

Message from If you can, please donate to the full -text RSS service so we can continue developing it. NyQuil Winter Games Recap: Day 2 NyQuil Winter Games Recap: Day 2 VANCOUVER, British Columbia -- Apolo Anton Ohno held up all five of the goldtipped fingers on his left hand. Tucking the American flag into his arm, he put up another finger on his right hand. Make it six. The American who made the soul patch fashionable pulled out a silver medal in the 1,500-meter final Saturday night when two South Koreans took each other out on the final turn, allowing Ohno to tie Bonnie Blair for most medals won by a U.S. Winter Olympian. Korea still got the gold, which went to Lee Jung-su, out front and out of the trouble that gobbled up his teammates. But Ohno had no complaints about being the runner-up, especially when he swerved into the final turn in fourth, all hope of a medal appearing lost. "Pretty intense," Ohno said. "This is what this sport is all about." In short track, the most freakish

of Olympic sports, it's never over until everyone's across the line -and, sometimes, even then it's not over. Disqualifications are common, and Ohno thought he might benefit from one after jostling with Sung Si-bak with a few laps to go, even grabbing at the South Korean to keep from falling. Turns out, Ohno didn't have to rely on the judges. The Koreans took themselves out, costing themselves a sweep of the medal podium. Instead, the Americans wound up with both spots behind Lee -- Ohno and 19 -year-old bronze medalist J.R. Celski, skating in his first meet since a bloody, gruesome crash at the U.S. trials in September. It's the first time the Americans have put two skaters on the podium in an Olympic short track event. "We thought Korea would get not only gold, but silver and bronze," Lee said through a translator. "Short track is a game that is very unpredictable. Even though you've had a lot of practice, you don't know what's going to happen." Ohno, who now has two medals of each color, moved past Eric Heiden as the most decorated American male at the Winter Games and also claimed the mark for most short track medals since the wild-and-wooly sport joined the Olympic program in

1992. Heiden, the team doctor for U.S. Speedskating, told The Associated Press he was "glued to the television" while working in the training room at the Olympic Village. "The thing that really sets him apart is he's been doing this for a number of years," Heiden said when reached on his cell phone. "We've learned to appreciate what dedication and hard work he's had to put in. He's a product of both those things." Ohno has three more events at the Vancouver Games to pass Blair -- two individual races, plus the relay. "I've come prepared, more than I've ever prepared for anything in my life," Ohno said. "I'm in a very, very good place. Obviously, I know I have six medals now and I have no regrets about this entire Olympic Games experience. This is going to stay with me for the rest of my life." Ohno eliminated Canadian favorite Charles Hamelin in the semifinals with a daring inside move, drawing groans from many of the red-clad fans in the packed house at Pacific Coliseum. But there was still plenty of red-white-and-blue cheering for the 27-year-old American, who is practically a hometown favorite at these games.

“ Obviously, I know I have six medals now and I have no regrets about this entire Olympic Games experience. This is going to stay with me for the rest of my life.�-- American Apolo Anton Ohno Vancouver is just a three-hour drive north of suburban Seattle, where Ohno was born and raised by a single father, getting his start in skating with wheels under his feet rather than blades. "I just feel so blessed to be here, healthy, competing," he said. "It feels like home soil to me. We just have so much support in the crowd." Yuki Ohno cheered on his son and afterward took plenty of pictures with his cell phone. "We didn't come here to break the record. It's kind of a bonus to him," his dad said. "His confidence level is just way up there." When young Apolo watched short track make its Olympic debut 18 years ago, he decided that's what he wanted to do. Clearly, the ice suited him, and he quickly learned to deal with the capriciousness of his newfound sport. Sometimes, it works out just fine. Ohno won his first medal at the 2002 Salt Lake City Games when a crash on the final turn took out every skater but one,

Australia's Steven Bradbury, who coasted across the line as perhaps the flukiest gold medalist ever. Ohno, his leg gashed by a skate blade, crawled across the line for a silver. Talk about symmetry. Ohno's sixth medal was claimed under similar circumstances, though this time he didn't have to spill any blood. The powerful South Koreans put three skaters in the final, and it looked as though they would sweep the medals when all of them shot ahead of Ohno on the final lap. "Myself and everybody here thought it was finished and done with," Heiden said. "Typical short track. It's never over 'til it's over. It's sort of deja vu with what happened in Salt Lake City with Bradbury." Ohno nearly crashed when he got tangled up with Sung, actually sticking out his right arm to fend off the South Korean -- and perhaps keep himself up as he stumbled. Once Ohno regained his balance, it looked as though the Koreans were gone. Then came the final turn. Lee was out front and avoided trouble. But Lee Ho-suk cut in on Sung while trying to set up a last-second pass on Lee, and they both slid into the padded barrier, their medal hopes dashed in a heap. Ohno skated right on by, as 2010 page 53



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All-Star Weekend: Paul Pierce wins 3-Point competition; Steve Nash wins Skills; Team Texas wins Shooting Stars by Associated Press (

No, no, no, no, no. I don't think I can bear that anymore. I'm just happy with this third one. This is Submitted at 2/14/2010 7:01:55 AM the last one.”-- Slam dunk Message from If champion Nate Robinson you can, please donate to the full After bringing several Dallas -text RSS service so we can Cowboys cheerleaders on the continue developing it. Pierce court with him, Robinson's final Wins Three-Point Contest Pierce dunk came when he threw the W i n s T h r e e - P o i n t C o n t e s t ball off the backboard, grabbed it VIDEO PLAYLIST and turned midair for a two• Pierce Wins Three-Point handed backward slam. Contest Pierce Wins Three-Point "The best thing I brought with Contest me, the Dallas cheerleaders of • Nash Wins Skills Nash Wins course," Robinson said. "I asked Skills if they could help me out with • Durant Wins H-O-R-S-E the dunk. They did their job and Durant Wins H-O-R-S-E I did mine." While not using the cheerleaders DALLAS -- Nate Robinson is as props -- "They're way too the NBA's first three-time slam beautiful for that," he said -dunk champion, and that's Robinson celebrated his final enough for him. The 5-foot-9 dunk by grabbing a pair of silver New York Knicks guard says and blue pompoms from one of he's done with the marquee event them and waving them in the air. of Saturday night's All-Star Fan voting determined the final festivities. round after DeRozan advanced "No, no, no, no, no. I don't think by getting five 10s from a I can bear that anymore. I'm just judging panel that included happy with this third one," he former dunk champions Spud said. "This is the last one." Webb and Dominique Wilkins. Robinson barely won another The 5-foot-7 Webb, a Dallas title, garnering 51 percent of the native, won the event the only fan vote to hold off Toronto other time it was held in his rookie DeMar DeRozan in a hometown in 1986. largely forgettable dunk contest. Robinson won the dunk title as a DeRozan advanced to the final rookie in 2006, then beat Dwight round after getting a perfect Howard to win again last year. score of 50 on his second dunk DeRozan's perfect score came of the first round. after he caught a pass off the side “ of the backboard and slammed it

with his right hand on the other side of the hoop. DeRozan got a spot in the competition by winning the firstever All-Star Slam Dunk-In, beating Los Angeles Clippers guard Eric Gordon at halftime of the rookie challenge on Friday night. Charlotte's Gerald Wallace and Shannon Brown of the Los Angeles Lakers were eliminated after the first round in Saturday night's marquee event. While Robinson reigned again, Boston's Paul Pierce arrived for All-Star Weekend wanting to make up for an embarrassing performance. Consider it done. Pierce won the 3-Point Shootout, proving his lackluster performance the last time he was in the competition was an aberration. "I worked on it, I really took pride in it. In '02 I stunk it up. I wanted to come in here and put on a show," Pierce said. "I had to work on getting the technique down and knowing what side to pull the ball from, stuff like that. I knew if I got hot I could win it." Pierce had 20 points in the final round, making all five of the 2point money balls, to beat Golden State's Stephen Curry(17) and Denver's Chauncey Billups(14). When Pierce last competed in

the Shootout in 2002, he scored only eight points -- what he called leading into this week's competition "almost a record low." Phoenix Suns guard Steve Nash also was a winner Saturday night, beating a trio of 20somethings to capture another Skills Challenge title six days after he turned 36. With a time of 29.9 seconds in the final round of the obstacle course-like skills competition, Nash beat Dallas native and 2008 champion Deron Williams of Utah, who is 11 years younger. It's been quite a run this weekend for the Canadian, who helped light the Olympic cauldron at Friday's opening ceremonies in Vancouver, British Columbia. He also will be on the court Sunday for the All-Star Game in the same area where he played from 19982004. "I got my second wind," said Nash, who jokingly asked his younger opponents before the competition if he could start from the second station instead of doing the entire course. Nash, whose other Skills Challenge title came in 2005, didn't have any practice on the course before the competition. "I tried my best without my warmup," Nash said. "I missed the run-through because I was a little disjointed from the trip. ... I

was kind of hoping for the best." Nash completed every obstacle in the final round in one try -save for a second shot from the top of the key. Williams was perfect until needing five shots at the outlet pass, when he had already exceeded Nash's winning time. Milwaukee rookie guard Brandon Jennings and Oklahoma City's Russell Westbrook, who is 21, were eliminated after the first round. Westbrook replaced defending champion Derrick Rose of Chicago, who sat out with a bruised right hip. Defending 3-point champion Daequan Cook of Miami was eliminated after the first round. His 15 points were the same as Phoenix's Channing Frye and New York's Danilo Gallinari. Curry had 18 points in the first round, while Pierce and Billups had 17. In Saturday night's opening event, hometown favorite and former Nash teammate Dirk Nowitzki hit a shot from midcourt to cap Team Texas' victory in the Shooting Stars competition. Texas, which also consisted of San Antonio Silver Stars player Becky Hammon and former Houston guard Kenny Smith, beat Team Los Angeles with a time of 34.3 in the finals. The ALL-STAR page 54


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Danica Patrick's Nationwide debut ends in 12-car crash by Associated Press (

more intense than this. Regardless, crew chief Tony Eury Jr. says Danica Patrick Submitted at 2/13/2010 5:03:28 PM passed her first NASCAR test Message from If with flying colors, writes David you can, please donate to the full Newton. Story -text RSS service so we can Making her NASCAR debut, continue developing it. Danica Patrick ran outside the top 20 for Crashes In Nationwide Debut most of Saturday's Nationwide Danica Crashes In Nationwide S e r i e s r a c e a t D a y t o n a Debut VIDEO PLAYLIST International Speedway before • Danica Crashes In Nationwide getting caught up in a 12-car D e b u t D a n i c a C r a s h e s I n wreck just past the race's Nationwide Debut halfway point. • Danica Crashes In NNS Debut, Patrick was hoping to learn as Stewart Wins Danica Crashes In much as she could about a new NNS Debut, Stewart Wins style of racing. She ended up • Danica Crashes, Stewart Wins going to the school of hard At Daytona Danica Crashes, knocks. Stewart Wins At Daytona "It's important to have realistic • Earnhardt, Harvick Involved In expectations," Patrick said. Huge Wreck Earnhardt, Harvick "There's going to be spikes in Involved In Huge Wreck performance, I don't doubt that. But there's also going to be tough DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- days. And today, I would say, Even as her mangled race car was more of a tough day." belched steam from its radiator Tony Stewart went on to win the in the background, Danica race for the fifth time in six Patrick remained confident she years. w o u l d h a v e g o o d d a y s i n And it was an expensive day for NASCAR. Dale Earnhardt Jr., who went This wasn't one of them. airborne in a frightening wreck More from later in the race. He and Patrick Remember Danica Patrick's both escaped without significant meteoric rise after her Indy 500 injuries. debut in 2005? Her disappointing Earnhardt is a co-owner of the exit from the Nationwide race at JR Motorsports team, which now D a y t o n a s h o u l d c u r b t h e must find the money to repair enthusiasm this go-round. And Patrick's car and completely that's a good thing, writes Ed r e p l a c e t h e o n e E a r n h a r d t Hinton. Story wrecked -- a bill that could total Life in a fishbowl doesn't get $200,000.

But budget concerns aside, Earnhardt praised Patrick's ability. According to Earnhardt, the fact that she wasn't running near the front Saturday doesn't mean she can't be competitive in NASCAR right away. "This is such a different kind of racing than she'll do the rest of the season," Earnhardt said. "I think that everybody should just take Daytona for what it is." Debut Debacles Both Danica Patrick (right) and Chrissy Wallace made their NASCAR Nationwide Series debuts on Saturday and, like the last three women, struggled. Stewart said the experience Patrick gained was more important than the result. "She got a lot of laps in today, and that's what needed to happen," Stewart said. "It would have been a disaster if she had been taken out on the second lap and didn't get a chance to learn anything." Patrick finished sixth in last week's ARCA event at Daytona, and felt comfortable enough to move her NASCAR debut up a week to the Nationwide opener. The IndyCar star went into Saturday's start saying her main goals were finishing the race, staying out of trouble and learning as much as she can. One out of three wasn't what she had in mind. After slipping outside the top 20 in the first few laps of the race,

Patrick made a nice move to narrowly avoid a big wreck early on. Trevor Bayne was turned into the wall, touching off a seven-car crash. The accident happened right in front of Patrick, who swerved to the low side of the track to miss it. Patrick fell to the back of the pack after that, running a long stretch of the race outside the top 30. Her team made suspension adjustments during a pit stop in an attempt to improve the car's handling. Patrick then moved up to the middle of the pack before several cars wrecked in front of her. She tried to duck low to avoid the spinning cars but was unable to dodge everything, slamming into the outside wall. Patrick regained control and drove to the pits. Her crew pushed the car back to the garage with heavy damage to the front. "I wish I would have run up there at the beginning and felt more comfortable, but I just didn't," Patrick said. "And that just proves how hard it is out here, and how much there is to learn and how good all these drivers really are." She's scheduled to run the next two Nationwide races, at California and Las Vegas. "We'll go to these other tracks where she'll literally be driving the car, it'll be handling good or bad," Earnhardt said. "Then people can start forming their

opinions on what kind of learning curve she has. But I feel pretty confident. She's been in a tough situation with the media and the pressure and the attention, I couldn't have done it." And if Earnhardt -- NASCAR's most popular and rock star-like driver -- is balking at the attention Patrick received this week, it clearly was a big deal. Patrick took center stage before the race, receiving warm applause during prerace driver introductions and attracting a swarm of fans with cell phone cameras around her car on pit road. Michael Waltrip cut through the crowd to speak briefly with Patrick just before the race started, then posted a photo of the horde on his Twitter account. "I could not believe all the attention," Earnhardt said. "It's just amazing. But it's great for the sport. It's good for our company. But I'm really pleased. I think she's attacking this opportunity." Copyright 2010 by The Associated Press Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



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David Stern projects $400 million in losses for the NBA by Associated Press (

thrown around, and our proposal appropriately denounced. Our response is, 'You can denounce Submitted at 2/13/2010 11:45:04 PM it, tear it up, you can burn it, you Message from If can jump up and down on it, as you can, please donate to the full long as you understand that it -text RSS service so we can reflects the financial realities of continue developing it. NBA where we are," Stern said during Projects Loss, Needs New CBA h i s a n n u a l A l l - S t a r p r e s s NBA Projects Loss, Needs New c o n f e r e n c e . CBA "And if you would like to have DALLAS -- David Stern said your own proposal, as long as it Saturday the NBA is projecting comes back and deals with our league-wide losses of about $400 financial realities, that's OK with million this season and has lost us. That's fine with us. In fact, hundreds of millions in each that's what we would like to do." previous year of the current Stern criticized the union's collective bargaining agreement. behavior at the session, saying it The commissioner said it has earned "high marks on the list of shown the players' association theatrical negotiations." He those numbers in hopes of revealed that the players' side demonstrating why the league b r o u g h t i n a l a w y e r w h o feels it needs "significant threatened that the union would changes" in the next deal. b e d e c e r t i f i e d , m a k i n g The NBA's first proposal for a negotiating more difficult. deal to replace the one that He also had sharp words for his expires on July 1, 2011, was o w n s i d e , d e n o u n c i n g thrown out Friday after what anonymous comments made by players association director Billy team executives that served to Hunter called a "contentious" 90- inflame the bargaining process. minute meeting. Hunter said the "If you know me, and you know proposal called for harsh changes our owners, that's not what we that would affect every NBA do. That's not us. And the players player. were upset with those quotes, "The right adjectives were which I find cowardly, if they

were actually said," Stern said. "And if I ever found out who said them, they would be dealt with; they would be former, former NBA people, not current. And we assured the stars of that." Stern refused to details specifics of the league's proposal. A person who had seen it told The Associated Press on Thursday that it called for first-round picks to have their salaries cut by about one-third, would reduce the minimum salary by as much as 20 percent, and would guarantee contracts for only half their value. Also, the total value of a maximum salary would drop sharply, as would the total years players could sign for, and the players would see a reduction in their share of the basketballrelated income, of which they currently receive 57 percent. Stern defended sending the proposal shortly before the AllStar break, saying the plan all along was to start the process early. Hunter said the league would like to get a deal done before this July, but the union won't be in any rush to send its own.

"I never have told Billy how he should negotiate or how he wants to negotiate, any more than I tell his lawyer what words he uses to threaten us," Stern said. "That's their choice. We have been, you know, myself, I have only been at this since 1966. I started when I was in a crib." The sides met twice last summer and exchanged financial documents. Stern made it clear that the league has shown the players all the facts they need to understand the difficulties owners are facing, losses he estimated at "at least" $200 million a year for the first four years of the current deal. "Our response to the players was: We don't want to play any guessing games about that, all of the data which supports that will be made available to you," Stern said. "Certified financial returns, whatever you need, so that we can have a robust and open dialogue about how we are going to develop together a sustainable business model." Hunter has argued that the league can fix its problems with expanded revenue sharing among teams. Stern said there

will be a revenue sharing plan, but that needs to be implemented in conjunction with a new deal. The recent economic downturn has been seen as a reason for the league's financial woes, but Stern denied that things will improve just because the economy does. "Based upon the last several years, we have seen that the -we have shown the players the facts, and at our current level of revenue devoted to players salaries, it's too high," Stern said. "I can run from that, but I can't hide from that, and I don't think the players can, either. Those are the facts, and that's what we are dealing with." But he said the differences won't prevent a new agreement, saying, "we will manage to get to a place where we always get to. There is always a deal and we plan to make a deal this time, too." Stern also predicted the Charlotte Bobcats would be sold in about two months. Copyright 2010 by The Associated Press Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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In Speed Skating, Anything Can Happen ( The Daily Fix) Submitted at 2/13/2010 10:05:15 PM

Even the athletes admitted the outcome was “pretty crazy, but two Americans were thrilled to take Americas first medals in Vancouver on Saturday. Apolo Anton Ohno won silver and J.R. Celski took the bronze in the 1500 meter mens speed skating race on Saturday, but only after a tumble by two South Korean skaters in the final turn allowed the Americans to advance. For Ohno, the win was especially sweet, since it moved him into a tie with Bonnie Blair for the most medals won by an American athlete in the Winter Olympics.

Speaking with reporters, the laid -back Ohno - wearing his trademark bandanna — called his performance the cherry on top of my sundae. It is an historical occasion for me not just because of my medal count, he said. He first began speed skating in Vancouver, and now he could likely finish his career full circle, he said. This was the most relaxed I have been for any competition in my life, he said - though he noted that earlier in the day he had read a prediction in Sports Illustrated that Koreans were supposed to sweep the event. Still, the skaters fans had come out in full force, including one woman spotted by the venues cameras wearing a bandanna and

a painted-on goatee, just like Ohno. South Korean Jung-Su Lee won the gold — but even he expected to be joined on the podium by his Korean teammates. The country has won more medals in

the sport than any other. Short track is a sport that is very unpredictable, said Lee. Ohno agreed: Short track is, in my opinion, one of the craziest events in the Winter Olympic Games. He noted that there had

overcome plenty of lingering fears and doubts. "I knew right after I got injured that if I kept my head down and I pushed through that whole rehab process and stayed determined, I'd get here tonight," he said. "I'm thankful to be skating." As for the race, he said: "I can't even explain what happened. It was just a blur to me. All I knew was there was a lot of movement in front of me, so I just stayed out of the mess. It's short track, so stuff like that happens all the time."

Heiden didn't feel too bad about giving up his record. His five medals were nothing but gold, all won in a sweep of the long-track events at the 1980 Lake Placid Games. "I've never thought of it as a contest," Heiden said. "I just look at Apolo as a great skater, and also a good friend, someone I've been able to spend some time with. I'm very happy with what he's done." Heiden skated short track before it was an Olympic sport. He gave it up after breaking his

left leg in a crash when he was 14. "That was it," Heiden said, chuckling. "I told myself, 'That's enough of this stuff." Copyright 2010 by The Associated Press Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

been a lot of pushing and grabbing between the athletes on the ice. Unpredictability - and danger come with the territory. Celski told reporters hes been carrying around a photo on his phone to show other athletes of a huge gash in his leg that he got a year ago requiring surgery and rehab. “If I went out here every day thinking I was going to get cut, I wouldnt progress at all, he said. Each of us knows in the back of our minds that injury is possible. But injury is possible in anything you do in life.”

2010 continued from page 49

did Celski. "I skated a very aggressive race. I was battling with some of the best skaters in the world. It was a crazy race," Ohno said. "I saw Ho-suk set up a pretty wild pass. It did not work out well for him." It worked out just fine for Ohno and Celski, who didn't even know if he'd be able to compete at the Olympics after ripping open his left thigh with his own skate blade in that crash at the U.S. trials. He underwent surgery and resumed training as soon as possible, but still had to

Postcard From Vancouver: Day 2 by Lisa Olson (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 2/13/2010 1:24:00 PM




E-reader News Edition



continued from page 53

Columbia -- Because the East coast blizzard made a mess of my travel plans, I did not arrive here until very late Friday night (technically Saturday morning), meaning I missed the Opening Ceremonies, always one of my favorite events. But the long, cross-country adventure did have a silver lining: cramped into the very last row of the plane, hard next to the toilet, I had the pleasure of sitting next to a lovely couple from Norway. Turns out they were the proud parents of biathlete Ann Kristin Aafedt Flatland, a 27-year-old making her Olympic debut. My gripes about missing the Opening Ceremony sounded silly once I heard about their difficult, interrupted journey to North America, and how they

continued from page 50

feared they would not arrive in time to witness their daughter's event, which began early Saturday morning. When we finally landed in Vancouver, as we were stuck on the plane for another hour because of a gate malfunction, I checked my BlackBerry and read for the first time about the horrible death of Georgian luger Nodar Kumaritashvili. I debated whether I should share the news with the Flatlands. Imagine if this had been Nodar's parents, flying around the world to share their child's dream? I decided the Flatlands didn't need to hear it, not now, not when they'd surely see loop after loop of the horrific crash in the next few days. As we trudged through customs, large TV screens showed

highlights of the Opening Ceremonies. No surprise that The Great One, No. 99, Wayne Gretzky was the last to receive the flame in this hockey-crazed country. But how cool to see he was joined by such a diverse group of fellow athletes: Nancy Greene, alpine queen of the slopes; speed skater Catriona Le May Doan; basketball god Steve Nash; and Rick Hansen, winner of 19 international wheelchair marathons. Love how the Canadians don't define sporting success by an athlete's bank account or the size of their muscles.

Texas trio needed 13 shots to complete the final round. Lakers All-Star Pau Gasol, former NBA player Brent Barry and Marie Ferdinand-Harris of the Los Angeles Sparks came in second, finishing in 55.2 seconds. Los Angeles hit its first five shots in the finals in less than 30 seconds, but only had a couple of chances from midcourt to beat Texas' time. Atlanta ( Joe Johnson, former Hawks guard Steve Smith and Angel McCoughtry of the Atlanta Dream) and Sacramento ( Tyreke Evans, former All-Star Chris Webber and former Sacramento Monarchs player Nicole Powell) were eliminated in the first round. Saturday night's events were at

the American Airlines Center, but Sunday's All-Star Game will be at Cowboys Stadium, where more than 90,000 people are expected to attend. "The whole weekend is special because Dallas can showcase what we have. The new stadium is going to be amazing," Nowitzki said. "We'll all be part of history in the biggest crowd and this is a good way to start it off." Copyright 2010 by The Associated Press Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

No, Canada: First Home Gold Must Wait ( The Daily Fix)

Instead, Heil, Harper and an army of fans oblivious to the rainy weather watched American One moguls run, not even 28 H a n n a h K e a r n e y e x t e n d seconds long, was all Canada Canada’s frustration for at least needed to let out a giant, one more day. Kearney snatched collective exhale. Home favorite the gold from Heil’s, and Jennifer Heil had grabbed first Canada’s, grasp with a run she place in the freestyle event with later labeled as close to perfect just one skier to go. Even a s a n y s h e ’ d m a d e i n Canadian prime minister Stephen c o m p e t i t i o n . Harper stood among the crowd at Before the Olympics’ host Cypress Mountain in anticipation country can live up to its stated of the history he’d hoped to take goal of owning the podium, it in. Getty Images Doing this first needs to get past the wasn’t enough for Jennifer Heil bugaboo of never having own to earn Canada its elusive first any podium on its home soil. home gold. Canada had gone goldless in Submitted at 2/13/2010 10:23:43 PM

both the 1976 Summer Games in Montreal and the 1988 Winter Games in Calgary. This year was supposed to be different - and almost certainly still will be. As Matt Futterman has reported, the Canadians are loaded in several disciplines, from ice hockey and curling to, yes, freestyle skiing. Alexandre

Bilodeau could be the man to end the streak in the men’s moguls Sunday. But on a day that also saw another moguls contender, Kristi Richards, wipe out in the final round, and short-track speedskater Charles Hamelin also fall short, Canada would have keep waiting. “I know how much work goes into winning a medal,” Heil said after the race. “Canadians can be assured that the gold medal is coming on home soil.”

Cypress Mountain: Now With Snow! ( The Daily Fix) Submitted at 2/13/2010 5:35:39 PM

CYPRESS page 55


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CYPRESS continued from page 54

The most fretted-over patch of hill in the Pacific time zone is hosting actual Olympic competition. Reuters Canada’s Chloe Dufour-Lapointe skis on a substance other than hay during the freestyle moguls event at Cypress. The women’s freestyle moguls event is underway at Cypress Mountain, and no, there aren’t any brown patches for the skiers to avoid as they bounce down the hill. They’re pretty much everywhere else around the hill. It took 20 minutes to see any patch of white from the time my shuttle bus reached the mountain’s base. But the

seemingly Sysiphean task of choppering powder in to battle the warm, wet conditions appears to have paid off, at least early. That’s not to say those conditions are ideal. The weather is as Vancouver-ish as anywhere else around here: temps are in the mid-40s with rain. It didn’t stop American Hannah Kearney from a successful first run during qualifying. Asked about the conditions, she replied, “The moisture in the snow is making it a little slick, so it’s faster than it was at training.” (Speaking of Kearney, the WSJ’s Reed Albergotti did a great segment with her for his “The

Olympics: How Hard Can it Be?” series where she gave him a crash course in her sport.) Despite the general unpleasantness of the weather, the house was already crowded at the start of qualifying with loooooong lines for hot chocolate and anything else to keep the cold away. Those moguls are already looking kind of mushy. It’ll be interesting to see how battered they are by the end of the competition.

Bledsoe Breathes Life Into Kentucky by David Steele (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 2/13/2010 4:53:00 PM

Filed under: Kentucky, Tennessee, SEC LEXINGTON, Ky. -- The latest Kentucky freshman to gawk at was Eric Bledsoe, on Saturday night against Tennessee. Granted, it's a long line, and Bledsoe might have only himself to blame for not getting to the front of it sooner. Still, it's the last thing Kentucky opponents need to see, after an eyeful of John Wall and DeMarcus Cousins all season. Wall and Cousins had cast huge shadows, but not on this night,

with a limping and winded Tennessee team threatening to deflate everything that had been puffed up about Kentucky all day long. The Volunteers, with Wayne Chism kept out of the

starting lineup because of his sprained ankle and Scotty Hopson dragging with a flu bug that had kept him out of recent practices, led third-ranked Kentucky in Rupp Arena, 52-50 with just over 10 minutes left. Then, Bledsoe -- who likely would be one of the marquee freshman guards in the country if not for the guy starting in the Kentucky backcourt with him -suddenly found his shooting stroke, figured out the soft spots in the 3-2 zone Tennessee had handcuffed the Wildcats with, and had his best game in a month as the Wildcats went on to a convincing 73-62 win.


It's Finally Race Day for the 52nd Daytona 500 by Holly Cain (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 2/14/2010 2:30:00 AM

Filed under: Daytona Int'l Speedway, Sprint Cup DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -With new rules increasing horsepower, loosening oversight and adding up to three overtime periods, NASCAR drivers are more hesitant than usual to make any predictions about Sunday's 52nd running of the Daytona 500. "I'll be honest, I really don't know what to expect,'' driverowner Tony Stewart said Saturday after his win in the Nationwide Series race. "I mean, I assume it's going to be something similar to the qualifying races. But, you know, with having the full field, obviously you're gonna have a lot more good quality cars that are right." Stewart's win Saturday gives him 15 at NASCAR's most

famous track, Daytona International Speedway -- only Dale Earnhardt (34) and Bobby Allison (16) have more victories. "There's one I haven't won, and that's the Sunday show,'' said Stewart, who will start sixth in his No. 14 Office Depot Chevrolet. "So, you know, I would trade a couple of races, I'd let anybody pick which ones they want to trade out, I'd trade any one of 'em for a Sunday race for sure.''


Sports/ Fashion/

E-reader News Edition

This Time, Ohno Finds Mavericks 'Ready to His Lucky Turn Lock Horns' After 7Player Trade by Kevin Blackistone (FanHouse Main)

Filed under: USA, Speedskating, Short Track, Medals VANCOUVER, British Columbia -- On the last turn of the men's gold medal 1,000meter sprint at the 2002 Winter Olympics at Salt Lake City, Apolo Anton Ohno and three other speed skaters jostling for the highest platform on the podium slipped and crashed. An Australian named Steven Bradbury slid by the human pileup to victory. Bradbury was lucky. Eight years later on Saturday night at the Canucks' old Pacific Coliseum, Ohno was lucky, too. When two of three Korean skaters -- Lee Ho-Suk and Sung Si-Bak -- got tangled and slipped and crashed in front of him on the final turn in the men's 1500meter race, Ohno got a medal that looked to have gotten past him. How appropriate.

Go, Go Goydos at Pebble Beach

by Chris Tomasson (FanHouse Main)

Submitted at 2/13/2010 6:30:00 PM

Submitted at 2/13/2010 3:55:00 PM

Filed under: Mavericks, Wizards, NBA Transactions DALLAS -- Leave it to Mark Cuban to try to upstage his own All-Star Weekend. The trade deadline is Thursday, and the Dallas Mavericks got the real action started Saturday by hooking up with Washington in a seven-player deal. After all, Ohno is no Bradbury. OK, so maybe it won't upstage He has an Olympic career that Sunday's All-Star Game, an has now seen him medal in three event where Dallas owner Cuban consecutive Winter Games. His plans to pack more than 90,000 silver medal on Saturday tied into Cowboys Stadium. But it him with Bonnie Blair for the sure upstaged Mavericks forward most medals ever won by a U.S. Dirk Nowitzki helping lead a athlete in the Winter Olympics. Texas team to victory in Ohno was deserving of having Saturday night's Shooting Stars one fall his way after all his competition. success beating the pack for so The big pieces in the deal were many years. the Mavericks picking up forward Caron Butler and center Brendan Haywood and

by Mick Elliott (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 2/13/2010 1:05:00 PM

Filed under: PGA, Ryder Cup PEBBLE BEACH, Calif. -- For the most telling critique of U.S. dispatching forwards Josh Howard and Drew Gooden. Ryder Cup team captain Corey Also, guard DeShawn Stevenson Pavin's recent selection of PGA went to Dallas and swingman Tour worker bee Paul Goydos as Quinton Ross and forward James an assistant for this autumn's matches in Wales, we provide Singleton to the Wizards. "You pull the trigger when the this insight from the very man d e a l p r e s e n t s i t s e l f , ' ' s a i d chosen. Mavericks general manager "He briefly talked about it last Donnie Nelson. "Look, it's All- year. I was like, 'Is he insane?' " Star Weekend. It's not the perfect Goydos said. "He came back to timing, but the deal was right. me [in January] at Sony and Both sides felt it was good so the asked me to do it, and I said, 'Are deal got executed.'' GO, page 57

Sleek Strands at Alexander Wang by (ELLE News Blog)

Guido said, “I don’t think big hair is that cool, necessarily.” With that in mind, he plastered Submitted at 2/13/2010 5:02:32 PM models’ hair as closely to their Big hair is all the rage right scalps as possible with hairspray now, but at Alexander Wang, and took out even more weight Redken Creative Consultant by braiding a section close to the

head and covering it up with strands, making the hair look thinner. As someone with frustratingly fine hair, I’m excited that someone’s

replicating my hair type on the runway (at Alexander Wang’s always “coolest girl in school” show, no less), but I don’t know many people who will be looking to copy this any time soon. There’s a reason I swear

by volumizer—big is beautiful! —Maura Lynch, ELLE Associate Beauty Editor Photo: Imaxtree Click here for our complete fall 2010 Fashion Week coverage

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GO, continued from page 56

you insane?' I was flabbergasted. I was astonished. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what he sees, but he's a pretty smart guy." Pavin obviously looks at Goydos as something more than a 45-year-old tour journeyman with two career victories and not one single minute of Ryder Cup experience. Take a good look at this week's AT&T Pebble Beach National

Pro-Am and you should see it, too. "He's fun to be around," Phil Mickelson said. "I like him. He's a quality guy that people like to be around."

PopCap thinks iPad will change gaming, but not for years by Ben Gilbert (Joystiq) Submitted at 2/13/2010 5:30:00 PM

Are you ready for the upcoming revolution (in approximately three years), when Apple's iPad begins to deliver on the "magical" capabilities that Steve Jobs promised not so long ago? We're not exactly on board yet either, but PopCap's co-founder John Vechey believes that we should be prepared for such a possibility. In speaking with Eurogamer, he says, "The iPad's important, but I think it's going to be more important in three years ... it's probably going to

take the second generation to make it really, like, 'Wow!'" Before addressing gaming, he admits, "This is my opinion ... it's not like it has a magical set of features, just a great package." His perception is that the device will be perfect for both children and ... his mom? "Because she can't screw it up, she can't download a bunch of stuff ... that's the perfect mum computer, right?" (We're inclined to agree with Vechey's claim, for the record.) It's also a question of accessibility though, he says. "Here's this new device that gets to more people with a really

great e-commerce model attached to it ... it's really easy to buy on the iPhone -- that's part of what makes it successful." And yes, like PopCap's Andrew

or my word, but we're certainly going to support it -- I want to play Plants vs. Zombies on that." In the meantime, we'll be playing PvZ on our iPhone while waiting for that (and the revolution). PopCap thinks iPad will change gaming, but not for years originally appeared on Joystiq on Sat, 13 Feb 2010 17:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Stein told us earlier this year, Read| Permalink| Email this| Vechey reaffirms the developer's Comments interest in games being redeveloped for the iPad. "I don't know if this is a PopCap position

ANTM News: Heidi and Tyra Backstage at Elise Øverland by (ELLE News Blog) Submitted at 2/13/2010 8:03:45 PM

The backstage rumor at Elise Øverland's show was that Heidi Klum and Tyra Banks would be

in attendance to not only watch the runway show, but also to film America's Next Top Model Germany. Sure enough, Heidi and camera crew rushed in several minutes before the show started, ducked backstage to the

dressing area and re-emerged to take a front row seat. Tyra was no where to be found. Other front row attendees included Kelly Osborne, looking adorable

with a big bow headband, and Malin Ackerman sporting a cute curly lob. Click here for our complete fall 2010 Fashion Week coverage —Janna Johnson, ELLE Beauty Assistant

Photo: Getty Images Follow ELLE on Twitter Become our Facebook fan



E-reader News Edition

Weekly Webcomic Wrapup wants to be your Valentine by Griffin McElroy (Joystiq)

Family) You Know What I'm Talking About(Penny Arcade) Well? How 'bout it? There's ValentiNES(2P Start) really no reason not to accept the Scanning Also Causes Weekly Webcomic Wrapup as C a n c e r ( V i r t u a l S h a c k l e s ) your Valentine. It's super low- It's a Game About People(Ctrl maintenance, it won't get upset if Alt Del) you fail to bring it any flowers or Yellow Journalism(Monday candies, and it always tries its Night Crew) best to keep you entertained, if On Helmet Laws(Three-Panel only for a few moments. Sure, Soul) it's a tad unconventional to build Continue reading Weekly a relationship with a weekly Webcomic Wrapup wants to be feature on a video game news your Valentine site, but hey -- there's nothing Weekly Webcomic Wrapup conventional about love. wants to be your Valentine Posted below are our seven originally appeared on Joystiq on favorite webcomics from this Sat, 13 Feb 2010 23:30:00 EST. past week. Check them out, and Please see our terms for use of vote for your favorite in the poll feeds. after the jump. If we missed any Permalink| Email this| notable strips, drop a link in the C o m m e n t s comments! Classic Sonic(Brawl in the Submitted at 2/13/2010 11:30:00 PM

'The Tester' contestants should probably have read this account first by Ben Gilbert (Joystiq)

seems to agree with us in his lengthy account of the life of a tester, detailing long hours of Ever since Sony first announced monotonous game playing paired its game industry reality show w i t h " a n o f t e n g r i m l y for PSN named The Tester back bureaucratic process," that can in 2009, we've been a bit wary of s o m e t i m e s l e a d t o s u b p a r the idea. Can you really blame p r o d u c t s . us? The show pits various While offering plenty of gripes personalities against each other with the job, we should point out in a variety of challenges, all that he prefaces his complaints with the end goal of becoming an with the open admission that entry-level game tester -- a job "entry-level game testing would o f t e n v i e w e d i n t h e g a m e not be found near the top of a list industry as less than pleasant. of the world's most demanding And ex-tester Matthew Burns livelihoods," also repeatedly Submitted at 2/13/2010 10:00:00 PM

noting its importance in the development of good games. That said, we can't help but wonder how Sony's reality show winner is going to feel when the reality of their "prize" sets in. [Thanks Matthew!] 'The Tester' contestants should probably have read this account first originally appeared on Joystiq on Sat, 13 Feb 2010 22:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments


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Command and Conquer Classics free to download, tricky to install by Griffin McElroy (Joystiq) Submitted at 2/13/2010 8:30:00 PM

Resonance of Fate launches March 16 (yes, one week Buy your love a Flower after Final Fantasy XIII) by Ben Gilbert (Joystiq) Submitted at 2/13/2010 7:00:00 PM

We've already pointed out a handful of times that there are just a few too many JRPGs boldly standing up against Final Fantasy XIII's near-guaranteed dominance in terms of sales. It seems that at least one of those is moving out of its previously believed same-day release date with FFXIII, with Sega telling us in a press release yesterday afternoon that the it's "happy to announce that Resonance of Fate, the next RPG coming from tri-Ace, will be launching in North America on March 16" on both Xbox 360 and PS3.

Clearly Sega is counting on diehard FF fans to rush through the big release in under 168 hours, just in time for its bullet-riddled affair. We'll certainly see how it all shakes out in a few months when the sales numbers arrive, but we're betting the ground will be littered with chocobo feathers when it does. Gallery: Resonance of Fate Resonance of Fate launches March 16 (yes, one week after Final Fantasy XIII) originally appeared on Joystiq on Sat, 13 Feb 2010 19:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments

for half price today by Ben Gilbert (Joystiq)

take your digital gift as well as you hope -- simply explain that you wanted to give something As if yesterday's free copy of m o r e e m b l e m a t i c o f y o u r flOw weren't enough for you, relationship! Maybe something thatgamecompany has decided to like, "It's digital, so it'll never extend its love to PSN users that die, baby! Just like our love!" much further today by dropping Yeah, that should do it. the price of Flower to $4.99. For Gallery: Flower the price of 1/20th of a rose (hey, Buy your love a Flower for half it's Valentine's Day and those price today originally appeared prices skyrocket!), you can give on Joystiq on Sun, 14 Feb 2010 your love a flower that doesn't 11:30:00 EST. Please see our wither and die over the next terms for use of feeds. week. In fact, we highly suggest Permalink| Email this| you go with that route of C o m m e n t s explanation should he/she not Submitted at 2/14/2010 11:30:00 AM

The free game wagon just keeps on a-rolling -- our PC-obsessed sister site Big Download recently directed our attention to three classic installments in the Command & Conquer franchise which are currently available to download for nary a penny: Tiberian Dawn, Tiberian Sun(with the Firestorm expansion pack), and Red Alert. Installing the games might exact a price upon your patience -Dawn and Alert both require a fair amount of tinkering to work on your futuristic computing rig. Still, we'd rather pay for games with patience than hard-earned dollars any day of the week. Download: Command & Conquer Classics Command and Conquer Classics free to download, tricky to install originally appeared on Joystiq on Sat, 13 Feb 2010 20:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments


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Crouching Tiger, Hidden Valentine by Heather Champ (Flickr Blog) Submitted at 2/14/2010 6:51:25 AM

Lacoste’s Calm & Cool Fall 2010 Collection at New York Fashion Week by (ELLE News Blog)

made way for sporty bursts of red, blue, yellow, and green in sexy silhouettes (body-con polo Submitted at 2/13/2010 6:59:27 PM dress anyone?). The chunky knit Sleek trench coats, pencil-thin gloves, leggings, and scarves are pants, and boxy jackets in cool just the thing for a day like shades of stone, oatmeal, and today—20 degrees and cloudy vanilla opened the Lacoste fall with strong winds. 2010 show today in New York. Click to view exclusive photos Calm and cozy sophistication o f t h e L a c o s t e F a l l 2 0 1 0

collection. —Violet Moon Gayn or Three zen-like looks from Lacoste's fall 2010 collection Photos: Imaxtree Follow ELLE on Twitter. Become our Facebook fan!

Message from If you can, please donate to the full -text RSS service so we can continue developing it. Gung Hay Fat Choy! Happy Valentine’s Day! Holidays collide today with Chinese Lunar New Year occurring on February 14th, the day traditionally set aside for lovers that involves copious

amounts of hearts, flowers chocolate. Either way, the Flickrverse will be awash with red (ahem, Red Rule!). View more new year and valentine photos. Photos from shanespencer, Kimberly Chorney, Rames Studios, Marie’s Shots, Sabee Kazmi, and Ula …. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Economy/ E-reader News/

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The coming days: The week ahead (The Economist: News analysis)

weak currency, could worsen. Barack Obama will meet Tibet’s spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, Submitted at 2/14/2010 12:43:55 AM during his two-day visit to Message from If Washington, DC, that starts on you can, please donate to the full Wednesday February 17th. Mr -text RSS service so we can Obama cancelled a meeting in continue developing it. October ahead of his first official The coming days European trip to China to avoid annoying finance ministers meet to discuss his hosts. China routinely bailing out the Greek economy condemns any meeting between Feb 14th 2010 | From The the Dalai Lama and foreign Economist online leaders as an unwarranted • EUROPE'S finance ministers interference in its affairs. How meet for two days, beginning on China reacts to this meeting may Monday February 15th, to be instructive. China’s president, discuss the details of a plan to Hu Jintao, may possibly rethink support Greece as it struggles a planned visit to Washington in with its public finances. A April. political deal pledging support • JOYFUL North Koreans are for Greece, agreed at a summit of sure to be in evidence celebrating European leaders in Brussels, the 68th birthday of Kim Jong Il, was intended to reassure the hermit state’s oddball financial markets fearful of a dictator, on Tuesday February default and the doubt it cast over 16th. A public holiday allows the long-term prospects for the North Koreans to observe the euro area. But after a vague rallies, parades and fawning promise of aid for Greece did adulation of the state media that little to lessen uncertainty, are customary on such occasions. f i n a n c e m i n i s t e r s w i l l b e But dancing in the street may not e x p e c t e d t o p r o d u c e m o r e appeal to everyone. A crackdown concrete measures. on private enterprise last year • R E L A T I O N S b e t w e e n sent rice prices soaring. This America and China, already recently forced the Dear Leader frosty over arms sales to Taiwan, to lift some of his regulations on sanctions on Iran and China’s trading in the country’s markets;

he even apologised for failing to feed his people. • UGANDA’S plans to implement a draconian antihomosexual law that calls for life imprisonment or the death penalty for some gays met with widespread international condemnation. But evidence of its popularity in the country may emerge on Wednesday February 17th. Pastor Martin Ssempa, a Ugandan preacher, is planning a “million-man” march in support of the legislation. Mr Ssempa has links both to American evangelical churches and the family of the country’s president, Yoweri Museveni, who has sought to distance himself from the bill complaining that the foreign leaders he meets want to talk about nothing else. But in a big leap forward for tolerance in Uganda a government minister recently said revisions to the law would cut the maximum penalty from death to life in jail. Readers' comments The Economist welcomes your views. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


PBL's new press no longer just talk (The Australian) (Yahoo! News Search Results for e-readers)

documents with the NSW Department of Planning proposing a significant print Submitted at 2/14/2010 5:00:00 AM operation in Smithfield in Message from If Sydney's west. you can, please donate to the full Start of sidebar. Skip to end of -text RSS service so we can sidebar. continue developing it. End of sidebar. Return to start of A T f i r s t b l u s h , i t s e e m s sidebar. improbable. While most media Its proposal, which went on companies obsess about online, public display 10 days ago, is for iPads and e-readers, PBL Media a 54,000sq m facility that would chief executive Ian Law is include up to seven presses, enthusiastic about the future of . . employ 200 people and be able . the printing press? to run 24 hours a day, seven days For the best part of two years a week. now, Mr Law has been enthusing The facility would also act as a about the prospect of PBL distribution base, consolidating setting up a press to handle the A C P ' s N S W , V i c t o r i a a n d enormous print needs of its Q u e e n s l a n d o p e r a t i o n s . wholly owned ACP Magazines PBL said its capital investment arm. It's just that few people i n t h e p r o j e c t w o u l d b e believed he meant it. approximately $150 million, Instead, there was widespread most of it in the printing press suspicion Mr Law was mainly lines and associated equipment. trying to squeeze a better deal Despite the detail, some remain from ACP's existing printer, sceptical, noting PBL has still to PMP Ltd. commit itself. "At first, there was a fair degree "The initiative to establish their of scepticism it would proceed," own print facility is a strategic s a i d P r i n t i n g I n d u s t r i e s alternative at this stage," said one Association chief executive industry executive. Philip Andersen. "But it has been "They haven't ordered any going on a while now and there's equipment, signed any leases or a growing feeling it may actually carried out an action. (Given) happen." there's more capacity in the Recently, PBL has gone beyond PBL'S page 62 talk. Late last year, it lodged


E-reader News Edition

PBL'S continued from page 61

market now than demand would require, it's unusual that someone would want to put more in." But Mr Law told Media he expected to be signing agreements with suppliers within two months. "I'm acutely aware of the capacity in the printing industry at the moment," he said. "But I'm also acutely aware of the total cost of our existing printing and distribution. We are intending to proceed with the press plant." Mr Law said ACP's internal work would be "more than adequate to provide a return for the investment", although the print operation would also seek external customers. The biggest loser from a PBL printing business would be PMP, which relies on ACP's magazines for about 10 per cent of its

revenues and a "fair share" of its capacity, according to chief executive Richard Allely. PMP's share price has slipped from 78c in mid-December to as low as 65c, although it recovered last week to close at 70c. With PBL's contract with PMP still having two years to run, Mr Allely emphasised "(nothing) is going to happen overnight". "They're making sure they have options. And re-signing PMP for a longer-term contract (is also) still a viable option," he said. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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