E-reader News Edition
18/02/10 - 19/02/10
Dalai to Washington special syntax brings by Andrew Quinn (Front Row Washington)
it doesn’t matter.” Hundreds of Tibetan wellwishers gathered outside the Submitted at 2/18/2010 2:21:46 PM hotel, waving Tibetan flags and The Dalai Lama, fresh from his prayer banners and chanting controversial meeting with slogans including “Long Live the President Barack Obama, greeted Dalai Lama” and “Thank You the U.S. press corps during a Obama!” blustery press conference on China, meanwhile, expressed T h u r s d a y o u t s i d e h i s “strong dissatisfaction” and Washington hotel, and delivered “resolute opposition” to the his pearls of wisdom with a Dalai Lama-Obama meeting. brand of syntax that sometimes The Dalai Lama said he was leaves listeners scratching their h a p p y w i t h t h e O b a m a heads. administration’s open support for “Important is truth,” the grinning his efforts, although he noted Dalai Lama told reporters, when that “time will tell” whether it asked if he ever got discouraged will have any impact. a b o u t C h i n a ’ s i m p l a c a b l e He also appeared satisfied with resistance to his cause. his relations with Obama (”quite “This is not question of justice young, energetic, tall”), noting how soon achieved. Something that since exiled Tibetans began worthwhile, make attempt. Then, electing leaders in 2001, the U.S. whether materialize this goal president had something to teach within one’s own lifetime or not, him.
People’s Republic for its own economic interests, it should also be allowed to maintain its own unique cultural heritage. Beijing “childish” policies, including censorship, had left the world’s most populous nation with some unrealistic expectations, he said, adding that China was taking the wrong model — the Soviet Union — in its drive to become a superpower. “Open society. Democratic. Independent judiciary. That superpower brings more trust, “In political field he is my boss. more comfort,” the Dalai Lama In spiritual field, I am his boss. I s a i d . “ S o C h i n a s h o u l d mentioned this to the president eventually be such a superpower and to the secretary of state,” the w h i c h b r i n g s h a p p i n e s s , Dalai Lama said, before letting s a t i s f a c t i o n , c a l m , e a s e . ” loose one of his trademark Photo Credit: Reuters/Yuri giggles. Gripas (The Dalai Lama greets He had sterner words for China, supporters outside Washington however, saying that while Tibet D.C. hotel) should remain a part of the
Disney's Own Superheroes (Fast Company) Submitted at 2/19/2010 11:25:54 AM
Disney's purchase of Marvel Entertainment was perhaps its boldest act this year. From the creators of "Lost" to the wizards at Pixar, we've given a full Marvel treatment to those who have helped put Disney on our Most Innovative Companies list this year.
ADVERTISEMENT: (BloggingStocks) Submitted at 2/19/2010 12:30:00 PM
Hollywood is 100 years old: a history of Tinseltown in pictures (Latest news, breaking news, current news, UK news, world news, celebrity news, politics news) Submitted at 2/19/2010 9:15:33 AM
Message from fivefilters.org: If you can, please donate to the full -text RSS service so we can continue developing it. The Hollywood film industry is 100 years old this year. In early
1910, director DW Griffith was sent by the Biograph Company to the west coast to take advantage of the Californian sunshine. Pictured here is a still from The Birth of a Nation, the
first ever feature-length film, which was directed by DW Griffith in 1914. Actors costumed in the full regalia of the Ku Klux Klan chase down a white actor in blackface
Picture: GETTY Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.