Liberty Newspost Feb-20-10

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19/02/10 - 20/02/10

Has U.S. “missed the boat” on long-range renewable energy planning? by Deborah Zabarenko (Front Row Washington)

make your cars more fuelefficient. Ultimately, you end up seeing jobs and businesses Submitted at 2/19/2010 3:00:15 PM thriving in response to the There was President Barack regulation that’s been put there,” Obama, working a friendly Obama told the town hall crowd in Henderson, Nevada, meeting. not far from Las Vegas. And Putting a price on carbon then a sympathetic comment emissions could have the same from a French businessman who effect by spurring innovation and wants to see U.S. regulation of ultimately creating jobs, he said. climate-warming greenhouse The transition to cleaner emissions seemed to get the renewable energy isn’t going to president all wound up. happen overnight, the president After noting that the weather has said. been particularly wild lately — “But what we should be doing is five feet of snow in Washington planning over the next 20, 30 DC, rain at the Vancouver years to move in that direction. Olympics — Obama said the That’s what countries like China best way to “unleash” dynamism are doing. That’s what countries in the energy market is to set fuel like France are doing. That’s efficiency standards, notably for what countries all across Europe cars. are doing, and all across Asia are “If you’ve got a fuel-efficiency doing. We don’t want to be left standard in place that says your behind. We’re the only ones car needs to get 20 miles a gallon who have kind of missed the or 30 miles a gallon, suddenly all boat. So we’re still using 20th these engineers are thinking, c e n t u r y t e c h n o l o g i e s a n d well, how do we do that? And everybody else is producing 21st all these companies start coming century technologies.” up with new technologies that Strong language, but the crowd

seemed to be with him. And he went on: “Look what happened with the car. We started getting our clock cleaned when consumers decided they wanted a cleaner car and suddenly everybody was buying their cars from Japan, or now South Korea. And we want to make sure that that doesn’t happen when it comes to wind turbines, it doesn’t happen when it comes to solar energy, et

cetera. “So the ideas that are being talked about is how do we provide more incentive for clean energy companies … to operate profitably, and over time how do we start shifting away from less efficient ways of using energy? That’s a pretty straightforward thing to do. There’s nothing radical about it.” Straightforward or not, these kinds of measures to curb climate change have been having a tough slog in Congress, where a new bipartisan effort is just getting going. When it comes to renewable energy, where will the United States be in 20 or 30 years? And where will the rest of the world’s powerhouse economies be? Photo credit: REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque (President Barack Obama at a town hall meeting in Henderson, Nevada, February 19, 2010)

Pa. school official defended in webcam spy case (AP) (Yahoo! News: U.S. News) Submitted at 2/20/2010 8:59:23 AM

Message from If you can, please donate to the full -text RSS service so we can continue developing it. Robert B buzzed up: Cat food latest weapon against Australia's cane toads (Reuters) 11 seconds ago 2010-0220T09:10:03-08:00 Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Live CPAC Video: The Coulter Show (Little Green Footballs) Submitted at 2/20/2010 9:04:50 AM

It’s Ann Coulter time at CPAC 2010, the John Birch Society Edition.[Video]


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Obama outs mother-in-law as big fan Alexander Haig, former of Las Vegas US Secretary of State, dies in hospital aged 85 by Steve Holland (Front Row Washington) Submitted at 2/19/2010 1:28:44 PM

By trying to soothe Las Vegas’ hurt feelings about some remarks he made recently, President Barack Obama outed his motherin-law, Marian Robinson, as a big fan of the gambling city. “Now, before I go any further, let me set the record straight: I love Vegas,” Obama told a town hall meeting. He had angered the mayor of Las Vegas, Oscar Goodman, by saying in New Hamsphire recently that, “You don’t blow a bunch of cash on Vegas when you’re trying to save for college.” Goodman had been demanding an apology and said Obama needed to buy him a martini. Campaigning for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Obama told a Las Vegas audience that his comment “doesn’t mean I don’t love Vegas.” “It wasn’t meant to be a shot. I think everybody here would

(Latest news, breaking news, current news, UK news, world news, celebrity news, politics news)

been a soldier, fighting in Korea and Vietnam where he was decorated. He became Nato Supreme Commander for five years until 1979. Submitted at 2/20/2010 7:07:46 AM He never lived down his Message from If televised response to the 1981 you can, please donate to the full a s s a s s i n a t i o n a t t e m p t o n -text RSS service so we can P r e s i d e n t R o n a l d R e a g a n . continue developing it. Hours after the shooting, thenBy Telegraph reporter in Secretary of State Haig went Washington before the cameras intending, he Published: 3:07PM GMT 20 said later, to reassure Americans Feb 2010 that the White House was agree that the only place where here first,” he said. “She comes Mr Haig was put in charge of functioning. people should spend their college q u i t e f r e q u e n t l y . M a y b e US foreign policy in 1981 at a "As of now, I am in control here savings is in college,” he said. shouldn’t say that in front of the time when the Cold War was in the White House, pending the heating up with hot conflicts in return of the vice president," Mr Doing his best imitation of a Las press.” Vegas lounge comedian, Obama For more Reuters political C e n t r a l A m e r i c a a n d Haig said. He was widely A f g h a n i s t a n , a n d g r o w i n g mocked, with critics accusing said he enjoys himself every time coverage, click here he goes to Vegas. Photo credit: Reuters/Steve nuclear tension in Europe. him of exceeding his authority. He was Secretary of State The Haig family said he died at “In fact, just last night I drew a Marcus (pedestrians on Las flush on the river and cut the Vegas Strip watch TV coverage during the Falklands War and the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore from complications budget deficit in half,” he said. of Obama giving acceptance Israeli invasion of Lebanon. Somehow he wound his way s p e e c h N o v . 4 , 2 0 0 8 ) , A hardliner who often clashed associated with an infection. around to his mother-in-law. R e u t e r s / K e v i n L a m a r q u e with the moderate defense Five Filters featured article: “I’m looking forward to coming (Obama at town hall meeting in secretary Casper Weinberger, he Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: unsuccessfully contested for the PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, back to Vegas. I think my Henderson, near Las Vegas) Republican nomination for Term Extraction. mother-in-law’s going to get president in 1988. Before going into politics he had

17 incredible LEGO creations (Holy Kaw!) Submitted at 2/19/2010 7:28:16 PM

The Huffington Post pulls

together a slide show of 17 amazing LEGO creations for your viewing pleasure. Here’s just a sampling:

See the full feature at The

Huffington Post. Tons more articles about LEGOs. Permalink| Leave a comment »


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Alexander Haig (Latest news, breaking news, current news, UK news, world news, celebrity news, politics news) Submitted at 2/20/2010 8:03:24 AM

Message from If you can, please donate to the full -text RSS service so we can continue developing it. Published: 4:03PM GMT 20 Feb 2010 Long before comedians began poking fun at George W Bush’s inventive neologisms and syntax, they were mocking Haig’s frequent “Haigisms”. He was famous for reviving Winston’s Churchill phrase “terminological inexactitude” — Haig’s offending sentence ran: “That’s not a lie. It is a terminological inexactitude. Also, a tactical misrepresentation.” On another occasion he remarked: “The warning message we sent the Russians was a calculated ambiguity that would be clearly understood.” In 1981, when President Reagan was in hospital after a failed assassination attempt, Haig famously appeared to blunder on television, claiming: “I am in control here” — when, in fact, the order of succession places the secretary of state below the vice-president and the speaker of the House. The quotation became seen as an attempt by Haig to exceed his authority, although the full text acknowledged the constitutional

niceties (“As for now, I’m in control here, in the White House, pending the return of the vicepresident”). In Britain, Haig is probably best remembered for his attempt at shuttle diplomacy following the Argentine invasion of the Falklands but prior to the arrival of the British fleet in the war zone. Haig met Mrs Thatcher in London and the Argentine leader General Galtieri in Buenos Aires, but talks broke down. Many felt that this was inevitable given the intransigence of both sides, though some considered that Haig had not helped with his clumsy negotiating style. His frequent lack of clarity was compounded by sometimes conflicting comments made by other senior American officials. Moreover, his mediation technique, in which he took it upon himself to negotiate directly rather than merely convey proposals between the two sides, meant that both sides ended up distrusting him: the Argentines saw him as an agent of Britain and the British as irritatingly neutral in a situation in which he should have been on their side. In 1997, however, Haig claimed in an interview with an Argentine newspaper that Mrs Thatcher had been prepared to agree to cede sovereignty of the islands in 1997 if the Argentines withdrew their forces

immediately. The plan failed, he said, because Galtieri was unable to win the backing of his armed forces. Although Haig’s account was backed up by several sources, including an unnamed Foreign Office official, many commentators remained doubtful as to whether Mrs Thatcher could possibly have accepted such a deal; and the Haig account was contradicted by Lord Pym, Foreign Secretary at the relevant time. Whatever the truth, Haig’s perceived mishandling of the Falkland negotiations added to concerns over his judgment and effectively put paid to his political career. He resigned in July 1982. When he ran, unsuccessfully, for the Republican presidential nomination in 1988 he remarked: “I probably carry more scar tissue on my derrière than any other candidate” — quickly adding: “that’s political scar tissue.” Of Scottish and Irish ancestry, Alexander Meigs Haig was born into a Roman Catholic family on December 2 1924 at Balacynwyd, Pennsylvania. His father, a lawyer, died when he was 10 years old. From Lower Merion High School at Ardmore, Pennsylvania, he went on to Notre Dame University, then obtained an appointment at West Point Military Academy in 1943. He was not a brilliant

student — he graduated 214th out of 310 in his year — but was notable for his burning ambition. Later he pursued graduate studies in Business Administration at Columbia University and a degree in international relations from Georgetown University. After graduating, Haig served as a rifle platoon commander in Japan and Korea, seeing combat in the early stages of the Korean War. A bout of hepatitis resulted in his being sent home and he served, successively, as a tank commander at Fort Knox, tactical officer at West Point, and then exchange company officer at the US Naval Academy at Annapolis. From 1956 to 1959 he was assigned to the 899th Tank Battalion then to US Army Headquarters in Europe. After a series of desk jobs, in 1964 he was appointed deputy secretary of defence under Cyrus Vance and later Robert S MacNamara. Two years later he was assigned to Vietnam, where he won a Distinguished Service Cross for his heroism while commanding a battalion of the 1st Infantry Division at the battle of Ag Pu. On his return to America in 1967 he was appointed a regimental commander with the corps of cadets at the US Military Academy and, a year later, deputy commander at West Point in the rank of colonel. In late 1968, Henry Kissinger, then Assistant to the President

for National Security Affairs, appointed Haig his military adviser on the National Security Council, where, as Kissinger recalled, he soon made himself indispensable: “He disciplined my anarchic tendencies and established coherence and procedure in a National Security Council staff of talented prima donnas”. Though he had little formal authority, Haig’s effectiveness and Kissinger’s high regard made him one of the key men in Washington. In 1969 he was promoted to brigadier-general. The following year President Nixon sent Haig on the first of several trips to Vietnam to report on developments, and appointed him deputy assistant on national security affairs, authorised to conduct presidential briefings when Kissinger was abroad. In 1972 he travelled to China to smooth the way for Nixon’s historic visit to the country later that year. He was promoted major-general in March 1972. In September that year Nixon promoted him from two-star to four-star general rank and named him to succeed General Bruce Palmer as army vice-chief of staff under General Creighton Abrams. Haig’s transfer to the Pentagon was, however, delayed until January 1973 since he was in the middle ALEXANDER page 6



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Chick flicks back in fashion as Hollywood cashes in on girl power (Latest news, breaking news, current news, UK news, world news, celebrity news, politics news) Submitted at 2/20/2010 8:16:54 AM

Message from If you can, please donate to the full -text RSS service so we can continue developing it. By Philip Sherwell in New York Published: 4:16PM GMT 20 Feb 2010 They will not be in line for any Oscars. But to the surprise of studios and disdain of reviewers, “chick flicks” often reliant on sappy storylines have emerged as Hollywood’s unexpected new celluloid success story. Valentine’s Day, a film as packed with stars as it is devoid of plot, stormed to number one at the US box office when it opened last weekend – taking more than $56 million (£36m) despite dreadful reviews. A week earlier, Dear John, a romantic number without big name buzz and only slightly better critical reception ousted the James Cameron hit Avatar from top spot. Yet the fact that near every film to top the box office for more than three months has been female-focused does not reflect a growing enthusiasm among women for films: instead, it marks what Hollywood film

moguls now refer to as the “Xbox” factor, in which young men and teenage boys are increasingly prefer playing sophisticated video games to watching movies. “A lot of young males are spending much more time on the internet, games and UFC [ultimate fighting],” Peter Guber, chairman of Mandalay Pictures production company and former studio chief at Sony Pictures, told The Sunday Telegraph. “They have not abandoned movies but they have diminished as a target, while the female audience has remained robust.” Mr Guber, who has femalefriendly films such as The Colour Purple and Flashdance to his name, said that women “have often been an underserved audience”, but “if you speak to the heart with a powerful emotional narrative, you will pull in a strong female audience”. The shift in the balance of gender power has accompanied the explosion in the maledominated video game market – worth about $21 billion in the US in 2008. The same year, American box offices takings were nearly $10 billion, with another $22 billion spent on DVDs. The predominantly male bosses of the film industry are now working out how to develop

the lucrative new demographic in their business after hitting on a winning formula apparently by accident. “Nobody saw it coming. Why not? One simple reason: Hollywood still doesn’t understand how to market to women,” noted Amanda Sloane Murray, a Los Angeles-based script consultant, in a commentary for The Wrap website that covers the entertainment industry. The breakdown of the audiences for Dear John is striking. Some 84 per cent of the moviegoers were female and 64 per cent were under 25. There was a similar mix for Valentine’s Day, which had the added benefit of an all-star cast that included Julia Roberts, Jennifer Garner, Jessica Alba, Shirley MacLaine, Anne Hathaway, Ashton Kutcher, Jamie Foxx and Bradley Cooper. They were certainly not turning out in such droves as a result of the reviews. The Rotten Tomatoes website, which aggregates reviews in America and Britain, recorded just 26 positive write-ups out of 151 for Valentine’s Day– or a dismal 17 per cent on its “tomatometer”. Dear John fared slightly better with a 28 per cent rating – the same score as Twilight Saga.

“ Valentine’s Day is being marketed as a date movie,” noted Roger Ebert, the doyen of US film critics. “I think it’s more of a First-Date Movie. If your date likes it, do not date that person again. And if you like it, there may not be a second date.” Plenty of others were even harsher. But fans of the film were spreading the word via Twitter and text message rather than reading such uncompromising commentary. The result for Dear John was a movie that brought in nearly twice as much as the industry had expected. “Following a weekend like this, studio executives inevitably walk into their Monday morning meetings and exchange confused looks,” said Miss Murray. “They talk about the success of the latest chick flick, shrug, chalk it up to serendipity and move on. “Women are not one bloc of moviegoers whose needs can be pre-fitted into a predictable movie mould. Give us good movies, sexy movies, genuinely romantic movies. If you make them, we will come.” Martha Lauzen, executive director of the Centre for the Study of Women in Television and Film, reached a similar conclusion about out-of-touch male executives.

“There is a lot of pent-up demand for films featuring female protagonists,” she told The Sunday Telegraph. “For years, female audiences have been starved of the chance to see their lives portrayed on the big screen. “The studios are run by men who just don’t get it when they see a female lead. For too long, the conventional wisdom among these male bosses has been that women don’t go to films featuring women for too long. Even when a movie like Sex And The City was a success, they thought it was a fluke.” Of course, there have always been “chick flicks” and simply targeting female audiences is not an automatic guarantee of success. But studio bosses are now changing their attitudes. “For as long as anyone can remember, it’s been taken as a given that the movie industry’s holy grail is 13-year-old boys,” said Nicole Laporte, who covers the business for The Daily Beast. “Hence: Transformers, Iron Man, Ninja Assassin.” “But the jaw-dropping success of films such as Twilight, High School Musical, and now, Dear John are proving that these days, it's girls who rule the entertainment industry. "The movies may be alternately CHICK page 5


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Amy Williams: "I love this track. The speed is your friend" (Top stories from Times Online)

was quite excited. It doesn't feel like an Olympic Games - it just feels like a normal World Cup Submitted at 2/20/2010 3:04:16 AM race except with more people Message from If shouting for me. you can, please donate to the full "I'm not very good at statistics so -text RSS service so we can I didn't realise I'm the first continue developing it. [individual] gold medallist for a Amy Williams gave Great long time. But I think it shows Britain a gold medal shot in the t h a t i f you have the arm on day eight of Vancouver determination any country can be Winter Olympics and admitted good at any sport and you just her love for the Whistler track, have to concentrate and do your on which the Georgian luger best." Nodar Kumaritashvili was killed Williams shrugged off a bid by last week. some rival nations to scupper her Williams, leading after the golden moment by lodging opening day of the women's protests that her grooved helmet skeleton, held her nerve contravened International brilliantly to seal victory with Bobsleigh Federation guidelines. two more lightning quick runs to The first protest made by the get Britain's medal haul up and United States was quickly running. thrown out on Thursday night, "I love this track," she said after while a second, lodged by the winning. "Once you get over the Canadian team moments after fear factor you learn to love it Williams' victory, suffered the and the speed is your friend. same fate. You've got to work with it and Hinting strongly at relax and if you do that it's a gamesmanship, Williams said: great track to slide." "It doesn't surprise me - if Williams insisted she had never someone's quick people want to let her position as overnight bring them down. I wasn't leader play on her mind. "I worried about it because surprised myself because I wasn't everything I have had been really nervous," she said. "I checked by the jury. Everyone slept absolutely perfectly and I likes to play head-games."

CHICK continued from page 4

cheesy and sappy, and the scripts PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, laughable, but teen and tween Term Extraction. girls don’t care.� Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools:

Kristan Bromley could not repeat Williams' success in the men's skeleton. In fifth place after the opening two heats, the 37-year-old former world champion slipped down the rankings after his third run of 52.7sec and finished in sixth place after a final run of 52.80. Canada's Jon Montgomery took the gold with Latvian Martins Dukurs taking silver and Russian Alexander Tretyakov the bronze. Britain's women curlers endured a mixed day, losing 11-4 against Japan, having earlier beaten European champions Germany 7 -4. Britain have now won three and lost two of their five matches. Nineteen-year-old skip Eve Muirhead produced a hammer that gave Britain two scoring stones and cut the Japanese lead to 4-3 after five ends. Japan extended their lead to 6-3 after seven ends. Muirhead, Jackie Lockhart, Lorna Vevers and Kelly Wood battled hard and pulled a point back in the eighth end for make it 6-4. But Japanese skip Moe Meguro's hammer chalked up five points in the ninth end to wrap up victory. Muirhead had been inspirational

against the Germans. She effectively settled the match in the ninth end when her hammer stone left Britain scoring three stones and gave them a 7-4 lead going into the final end. There was no way back for the Germans who conceded the match midway through the final end. Figure skating brother and sister pairing John and Sinead Kerr launched their Olympic campaign with a new season's best performance in ice dance's compulsory dance programme at the Pacific Coliseum. The Kerrs, second but last to skate, scored 37.02 points and finished in eighth place. "We skated pretty good and we were pretty happy with it," John Kerr said. "We're confident we can build on this and we're pretty tight with the two teams above us so hopefully we can have two more clean skates and see what happens." Sinead added: "We've been training really well leading up to this and we've got a personal best so we can't ask for more than that. We've got some good crowd pleasing routines to come so that's when we hope everyone will get excited and get behind

us. "We just need to keep relaxed, not get too tight and nervous thinking about it being the Olympic Games and just skate how we know we can skate." Britain's other pairing, Nick Buckland and Penny Coomes scored 25.68 points and finished in 21st place. Russian pair Oskana Domina and Maxim Shabalin led the way with 43.76 points. In the men's Super-G alpine skiing competition Britain's Ed Drake finished 32nd clocking up a time of 1:33.20. Drake, 24, who will be back in action in the rescheduled super combined event on Sunday, said of his run: "I skied some sections really well, but there were too many mistakes. I didn't ski as well as I hoped to or wanted to, but I had some good turns in there. It's just a case of stringing them all together. "It's no secret that these Games are not really where I'm looking to peak - it's definitely a springboard to the next Games." Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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ALEXANDER continued from page 3

of negotiations to end the Vietnam conflict. It was Haig who persuaded the South Vietnamese president, Nguyen Van Thieu, to agree to a final ceasefire. Haig’s return to the Pentagon was short-lived. In May that year, as Nixon sunk into the mire of Watergate, he asked Haig to return to the White House as chief of staff following the resignation of HR Haldeman. In August 1973 Haig retired from the military to devote himself full time to White House administration. As the regime disintegrated, Haig helped to bolster morale and ensure that vital administrative tasks were carried out. By Kissinger’s later account, when the Soviet-backed Arab attack on Israel threatened to become a full-scale military crisis, with President Brezhnev threatening unilateral action, Nixon was incapacitated and incapable of action. It was Haig and Kissinger who called a meeting of intelligence and military chiefs who sent a letter to the Soviet president in Nixon’s name, persuading them to back off. “Al Haig is keeping the country together, and

I am keeping the world together,” Kissinger remarked. Characteristically, Haig put a loyalist spin on events, claiming that he had taken Brezhnev’s threatening message to Nixon, who had called it “the most serious thing since the Cuban missile crisis” and called for action. Later, told of the decision to hold an emergency meeting, Nixon “expressed no enthusiasm for attending... As usual, he preferred to let others set the options... With a wave of the hand, he said, 'You know what I want, Al, you handle the meeting.’” Haig remained with Nixon until his resignation in 1974 and prepared the ground for the transfer of power to Gerald Ford. In their book Silent Coup (1991), Len Colodny and Robert Gettlin suggested Haig as a leading candidate for the part of “Deep Throat”, the inside source for the Washington Post as the paper exposed the cover-up of the Watergate break-in. Haig’s vehement denials were generally believed, even before Mark Felt, the former associate director of the FBI, owned up in 2005. Except where the interests of the President were at

stake, Haig was not one of nature’s dissemblers. In September 1974 Haig returned to the armed forces as commander-in-chief of the US forces in Europe and, in December, as Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, in charge of Nato’s forces. During his four years at Nato, Haig devoted his energies to modernising the Western military to counteract the Soviet build-up in eastern Europe and won universal praise for his sensitive handling of Nato members. In 1979, though, he resigned and later retired from the army because of disagreements with the Carter administration over what he regarded as its excessively accommodating approach to the Soviets. After a short period pursuing various outside interests, in 1980 the incoming President Ronald Reagan named Haig his Secretary of State, a decision warmly endorsed by his old boss Richard Nixon, who described him, approvingly, as “the meanest, toughest, most ambitious s.o.b.” he had ever known. Haig promoted a tough posture against the Soviet Union

Digsby update brings Windows 7 features by Seth Rosenblatt ( Submitted at 2/19/2010 2:26:00 PM

Build 76 beta test version of the

multiple-protocol instantmessaging client includes enhancements focused on Windows 7 and social networking.

Originally posted at The Download Blog

and a pro- Israel policy in the Middle East, but often found himself at odds with the more emollient Secretary of Defence Caspar Weinberger. After leaving the State Department in 1982, Haig established his own consulting firm, Worldwide Associates, and served as director of various major financial and manufacturing firms; he was a founding board member of America Online (AOL). He was the author of Caveat: Realism, Reagan and Foreign Policy (1984) and an autobiographical memoir, Inner Circles, How America Changed the World (1992). Alexander Haig married, in 1950, Patricia Fox, with whom he had two sons and a daughter. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

This Is How Washington Works: Most Times, It Doesn't by Joseph Lazzaro (BloggingStocks) Submitted at 2/20/2010 9:40:00 AM

Filed under: Politics In the past year, President Barack Obama has been introduced to Washington's realpolitik. As MarketWatch Washington Bureau Chief Rex Nutting aptly put it: This is how Washington works. The truth is, most times, it doesn't. In theory, congressional lawmakers and the executive branch should be able to find common ground, aided by that long-standing American habit of compromise, to solve the nation's problems. Continue reading This Is How Washington Works: Most Times, It Doesn't This Is How Washington Works: Most Times, It Doesn't originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Sat, 20 Feb 2010 09:40:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments

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Prime Minister ask voters to give Labour a 'second look' (Top stories from Times Online)

for, and I know who I came into politics to represent. “And if you, like me, are from Submitted at 2/20/2010 5:54:07 AM Britain’s mainstream majority — Message from If from an ordinary family that you can, please donate to the full wants to get on and not simply -text RSS service so we can get by, then my message to you continue developing it. today is simple: take a second Gordon Brown appealed to look at us and take a long hard disillusioned voters today, look at them.” admitting Labour had made Outlining Labour’s four main mistakes but deserved a “second campaign priorities the prime look”. minister defended the Prime Minister accused the g o v e r n m e n t ’ s s t r a t e g y f o r Conservatives of being out of economic reform, warning that touch with the majority of proposed Conservative cuts British voters as he escalated could plunge Britain back into Labour’s campaign to be re- recession. elected. Brown, who also celebrated his During a speech to party 5 9 t h b i r t h d a y t o d a y , t o l d activists and cabinet members at activists: “First, we must secure Warwick University, he said: the recovery, not put it at risk. “My message to the people of “Second, we must support new Britain today is simple.” industries and future jobs. Third, “I know that Labour hasn’t done while we will reduce the deficit, everything right. And I know — we must protect and not cut really, I know — that I’m not frontline services. perfect. “But I know where I “Fourth, we must stand up for come from, I know what I stand the many not the few.”

Brown made light of speculation that today’s speech would be used to announce an early election. He told the audience there were “76 campaigning days left”, before revealing that he was referring to the local elections. Many are currently predicting a May 6 polling day. Brown’s address today was part of Labour’s "Operation Fightback” strategy, which includes sending out thousands of mailshots to voters in marginal seats and giving local parties campaign outlining “key doorstep messages”. This weekend he also unveiled their election slogan, pledging a “Future Fair for All”. However the Conservatives have attacked the new slogan saying it only highlights the government’s poor record on promoting fairness. A party spokesman said: “Gordon Brown’s election slogan tells you everything

about where Labour themselves know they have failed: instead of creating a fair society over the last 13 years, Britain has become more unfair. “Five more years of Gordon Brown won’t change anything. Only real change with the Conservatives will put Britain back on its feet again.” A new poll shows the Conservatives have reestablished their double digit lead over Labour. The ComRes poll showed the Conservative lead had increased by two percentage points, to 40 per cent, while backing for Labour fell two, to 29 per cent with The Liberal Democrats up two, on 21 per cent. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Google Shopper: Just another Android shopping app? by Jessica Dolcourt ( Submitted at 2/19/2010 10:48:00 AM

Google disappoints with a thin clone on the shopping app that could have been so much more straight out the gate. Originally posted at Android Atlas

Friday Night Music: O'Connor, Pattituci, and Lage (Little Green Footballs) Submitted at 2/19/2010 5:40:57 PM

Tonight’s musical main course: some crazy-ass gypsy swing from Mark O’Connor (violin), John Patitucci (bass) and Julian Lage (guitar). Django would have liked it.[Video]

Deadly mudslides hit Madeira (Latest news, breaking news, current news, UK news, world news, celebrity news, politics news) Submitted at 2/20/2010 8:15:02 AM

Message from If you can, please donate to the full -text RSS service so we can

continue developing it. Published: 4:15PM GMT 20 Feb 2010 At least five people were killed by floods and mudslides caused by torrential rains on the Portuguese island of Madeira, a popular tourist destination, local media said.

State-run news agency Lusa quoted officials at the mayor's office in Madeira's capital Funchal as saying five people died and 17 were in hospital. SIC television and Publico daily newspaper's website said as many as seven people were killed and several were missing.

Civil protection officials could not immediately confirm the number of those killed, saying the authorities were holding an emergency meeting. "We're overwhelmed by calls from people asking for help after the torrential rains," a duty officer at the civil protection

service said. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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MoD names soldiers who died in Operation Moshtarak (Top stories from Times Online)

Lieutenant Colonel Lincoln Jopp MC, Commanding Officer 1st Battalion Scots Guards said Submitted at 2/20/2010 3:47:18 AM his overwhelming memory of Message from If Lance Sergeant Walker was that you can, please donate to the full he was “quite simply, as tough -text RSS service so we can as old boots.” continue developing it. He said: "We are proud of the Tributes have been paid to fact that David was prepared to Lance Sergeant David Walker, of do his duty helping the people 1st Battalion Scots Guards, who of Afghanistan. was killed while leading a “He will be sadly missed by his "crucial operation" against the wife Teresa and by all family Taliban in Afghanistan. and friends." The 36-year-old, from the “He died during a crucial Strathclyde area of Glasgow, was operation as part of Operation shot on Thursday while leading Moshtarak leading his men in his men beyond of the lines of their task of air assault, flying Taliban explosives in Nad-e-Ali and landing beyond the IEDs in as part of Operation Moshtarak. order to extend the reach of the His family said in a statement: Government forces.” "We are devastated by the loss of Lance Sergeant Walker had David, who was a terrific previously served in Dungannon, husband and father. Belfast and in Iraq and was also “We are proud of the fact that employed as an instructor at David was prepared to do his Catterick. duty helping the people of Defence Secretary Bob Afghanistan. He will be sadly Ainsworth paid tribute today missed by his wife Teresa and by saying Lance Sergeant Walker all family and friends." was a “highly respected” man of

“great character and skill”. Lance Sergeant Walker is the third British soldier to have died during Operation Moshtarak — a massive assault on Taliban strongholds, involving UK, US and Afghan troops. Last night the MoD named another soldier killed in the operation. Lieutenant Douglas “Dougie” Dalzell from Hamstead Marshall in Berkshire, died on his 27th birthday on Thursday in an explosion in Babaji, Helmand province. Paying tribute to Lieutenant Dalzell, Lieutenant Colonel Toby Gray, Commanding Officer, 1st Battalion Coldstream Guards, said he was “assured, confident, utterly professional and hugely popular with his men and held in the highest regard by his seniors”. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Earnings Highlights: CBS, Deere, HP, Kraft, MGM, Walmart, Whole Foods ... by Trey Thoelcke (BloggingStocks)

shares sharply higher. • Gap Inc.( GPS) received a downgrade from an analyst that Submitted at 2/20/2010 11:40:00 AM foresees contracting earnings, Filed under: Earnings Reports, returns and margins. Hewlett-Packard (HPQ), Wal- • Hewlett-Packard Co.( HPQ) Mart (WMT), CBS Corp 'B' better-than-expected Q1 results (CBS), Whole Foods Market were accompanied by a better(WFMI), Gap Inc (GPS), Intuit than-expected outlook. Inc (INTU), Deere and Co (DE), Kraft Foods'A' (KFT) Continue reading Earnings Here are some highlights from Highlights: CBS, Deere, HP, t h i s p a s t w e e k ' s e a r n i n g s Kraft, MGM, Walmart, Whole coverage on BloggingStocks: Foods ... • Apollo Group Inc.( APOL) Earnings Highlights: CBS, second quarter EPS guidance fell D e e r e , H P , K r a f t , M G M , short of analysts' estimates, W a l m a r t , W h o l e F o o d s . . . sending shares lower. originally appeared on • CBS Corp.( CBS) higher Q4 BloggingStocks on Sat, 20 Feb earnings were in line with 2010 11:40:00 EST. Please see analysts' expectations but free our terms for use of feeds. cash flow declined. Permalink| Email this| • Deere & Co.( DE) posted C o m m e n t s higher Q1 earnings that easily topped expectations, sending

End in Sight for the Foreclosure Crisis? by Michael Fowlkes (BloggingStocks)

of the economy has been the ailing housing market, and in particular the large volumes of Submitted at 2/20/2010 12:10:00 PM homes that have fallen victim to Filed under: Housing, Recession the foreclosure crisis. Finally we Over the past couple of years, get some evidence that things one of the most troubling aspects may be moving in the right

direction again.

While no one will argue that we are out of the woods just yet, it does appear as things are at least starting to recovery slightly. Continue reading End in Sight for the Foreclosure Crisis? End in Sight for the Foreclosure

Crisis? originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Sat, 20 Feb 2010 12:10:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments

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Dutch government collapses after row over troop deployment (Top stories from Times Online) Submitted at 2/20/2010 6:58:42 AM

Message from If you can, please donate to the full -text RSS service so we can continue developing it. THE Dutch government has collapsed over a row to extend their troop deployments to Afghanistan. The two largest parties in the coalition government have been unable to resolve a deadlock over whether to withdraw Dutch forces from the country. After 15 hours of talks Christian Democrat Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende announced today that the left-wing Labour Party, who opposed extending their deployment, had quit the government. The collapse of the coalition has increased the likelihood that the 2000 Dutch troops serving in

Afghanistan will be returned home this August as planned, despite a Nato request to extend their stay. Their deployment was originally scheduled to end in 2008, but they remained there because no other Nato nation offered replacements. Balkenende, whose centre right party wanted to extend the deployment, said: “I unfortunately note that there is no longer a fruitful path for the Christian Democrats, Labour Party and Christian Union to go forward.” He said he would offer the cabinet's resignation to the Dutch Queen Beatrix later on Saturday. It is the fourth collapse of a government led by Balkenende in eight years and came just two days before the third anniversary of the latest coalition’s formation. As one of top ten contributing

nations to the Afghanistan mission Dutch service personnel have been serving in the southern province of Uruzgan since 2006, suffering 21 fatalities in the process. Nato Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said today he hoped at least a small deployment of Dutch troops would remain, but that he could not interfere in the Dutch government’s discussions. He said: “The Secretary General continues to believe that the best way forward for the mission would be a new smaller Dutch mission to consolidate the progress that the Dutch have made until now, and to help the process of transition to Afghan lead.” Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Comfort Zone Investing: Successful Stocks -More Than Numbers by Ted Allrich (BloggingStocks) Submitted at 2/20/2010 10:30:00 AM

Filed under: Microsoft (MSFT), Cisco Systems (CSCO), General Electric (GE), Comfort Zone Investing If investing were only about numbers, then the math Ph.D.s would have all the money. But they don't. While numbers are very important and provide the majority of an investment decision, other elements come into play that are critical to any stock's success. They're hard to find sometimes but always worth the effort. If you can discover these elements in a stock and great numbers, too, you've got all the odds for investing success in your favor. The number one, most important piece of the investing puzzle is management. Management is everything. It's where all ideas

begin and execution of them is implemented. Management can turn around a bad company and make it great. Management can take a good idea and turn it into a successful business. Continue reading Comfort Zone Investing: Successful Stocks -More Than Numbers Comfort Zone Investing: Successful Stocks -- More Than Numbers originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Sat, 20 Feb 2010 10:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

4 tools for Twitter data visualization (Holy Kaw!) Submitted at 2/19/2010 7:57:00 PM

Harvard Business Review discusses an interesting chap named Jeff Clark who has

created four tools for Twitter data visualization. Even more than handsome graphics, the Web apps offer a fascinating new tool to visually summarize the relationship of terms on Twitter

For instance, one might use Twitter Venn (example graphic shown above) to assess the volume of conversation around or even the perception of them. your brand in comparison to, say, a competitor.

Read the full story at HBR. More on Twitter. Permalink| Leave a comment »



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Superintendent of Pennsylvania School Accused of Spying on Students via Webcam Responds to Allegations by Dan Nosowitz (Fast Company)

procedures.Laptops are a frequent target for theft in schools and off school property. Submitted at 2/20/2010 1:27:56 AM District laptops do contain a Dr. Christopher McGinley, security feature intended to track superintendent of the Lower lost, stolen and missing laptops. Merion, Pennslvania school The security feature, which was district that is currently disabled today, was installed to embroiled in a national scandal help locate a laptop in the event over alleged spying via webcams it was reported lost, missing or in school-provided laptops, stolen so that the laptop could be replied to the allegations in an returned to the student.Upon a email sent out to parents today. report of a suspected lost, stolen Some background: Lower or missing laptop, the feature Merion School District, located was activated by the District's in the stretch of the Philadelphia security and technology suburbs known as the departments. The security Pennsylvania Main Line, is one feature’s capabilities were of the wealthiest and most limited to taking a still image of decorated public school districts the operator and the operator's in the country. It's even able to screen. This feature was only provide Apple MacBook laptops used for the narrow purpose of to all 2,300 students in its locating a lost, stolen or missing Harriton High School--a luxury laptop. The District never that's increasingly looking more activated the security feature for creepy than admirable. Students any other purpose or in any other had been reporting for the last the high school's vice principal the "improper behavior" session records. In fact, many of you manner whatsoever.As a result year that the tiny green LED for "improper behavior in his R o b b i n s e n d u r e d . A r t i c l e s may remember the heated of our preliminary review of light next to their school- home," with the vice principal appeared in the AP, Philadelphia debate over whether to have security procedures today, I provided laptop's webcam had citing photos taken by his laptop Inquirer, the New York Times, security cameras monitor some directed the following actions:-been lighting up at random as evidence of this vague and all over the blog world, all o f o u r f o o d v e n d i n g Immediate disabling of the times, indicating the webcam wrongdoing. After some digging, o u t r a g e d . T o d a y , t h e machines.Privacy is a basic right security-tracking program.-- A itself was in use, for no clear it was discovered that the school superintendent of the school in our society and a matter we thorough review of the existing reason. That problem was waved had installed software on the district responded with this take very seriously. We believe policies for student laptop use.-that a good job can always be off as a technical glitch by the laptops that allowed the security letter: A review of security procedures D e a r L M S D done better.Recent publicity school's security and technology and technology department to to help safeguard the protection remotely take photos using the Parents/Guardians,Our history regarding the District’s one-todepartment. of privacy; including a review of But two days ago, sophomore laptops' webcams--they say the has been to go to great lengths one high school laptop initiative, the instances in which the Blake Robbins filed a disturbing software is only used in case of a to protect the privacy of our and questions about the security security software was activated. lawsuit against the school stolen or misplaced laptop, students; whether it comes to of student laptops prompted our SUPERINTENDENT page 11 district. He was disciplined by which doesn't entirely mesh with student health, academic or other administration to revisit security

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SUPERINTENDEN continued from page 10

We want to ensure that any affected students and families are made aware of the outcome of laptop recovery investigations.-- A review of any other technology areas in which the intersection of privacy and security may come into play.We are proud of the fact that we are a leader in providing laptops to every high school student as part of our instructional program. But we need to be equally as proud of the safeguards we have in place to protect the privacy of the users, as well as to safeguard district-owned property while being used by students.We regret if this situation has caused any concern or inconvenience among our students and families. If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at Additional information has been posted on o u r w e b s i t e , you for y o u r t i m e a n d attention.Sincerely, Dr. Christopher W. McGinleySuperintendent of SchoolsLower Merion School District I contacted a teacher at the Lower Merion School District, who told me that the teachers and other staff are under "a very severe gag order" not to speak to press--it is an ongoing legal case, after all, and the school district is being very careful not to say anything to incriminate themselves. I spoke to a few other people in the community (I grew up on the Main Line myself, just down the road from

Lower Merion) who said that the story has been dominating local news--the Main Line Times seems to be camped outside the high school--and that parents are extremely concerned about the possibility of school officials being able to spy on their children outside school grounds. The school maintains its statement that while the terms of use are incomplete, their intentions were good and the ability to spy was never actually misused, even though the possibility was there. We'll update the story as events unfold. [Via Main Line Times]


Netflix Goes Down by Adam Ostrow (Mashable!) Submitted at 2/19/2010 6:13:02 PM

Hopefully your Friday night plans didn’t consist of streaming a movie via Netflix, because the service appears to be suffering a widespread outage. Twitter users have been buzzing about the downtime for the past 30 minutes or so (as of 9:10 ET), and Netflix’s entire website is offline, other than a homepage message that says “The Netflix website is temporarily unavailable due to scheduled maintenance. During the maintenance period, you may be able to instantly watch movies on

an intermittent basis.” Friday night seems like an odd time to schedule maintenance for a popular movie streaming website, but that’s their story for the moment. We’ll update when we know more. Reviews: Twitter Tags: netflix

Rotten Corps: Biggest Cos Cause $2.2 Trillion in Environmental Damage Each Year by Ariel Schwartz (Fast Company)

Trucost, claims that the activities of the world's 3,000 biggest public companies are responsible Submitted at 2/19/2010 5:54:47 PM for a staggering $2.2 trillion in We spend a lot of time heaping environmental damage each praise on companies that have year. The damage stems mainly greened their business practices. from greenhouse gas release, But the truth is that the world's local air pollution, and water and corporations have a long way to fishery pollution. go according to an unpublished More details will emerge when UN report uncovered by the UK the report is released this a l u m i n u m p r o d u c e r s , a n d Guardian. The report, conducted summer, but power companies, clothing companies are likely to by London consulting firm food and drink companies,

end up as the biggest offenders. The actual cost of environmental damage is probably even higher than $2.2 trillion when long-term effects like toxic waste are taken into account. The situation isn't entirely hopeless--corporations just need to be made accountable for environmental damage. A second UN study set to be released later this year will recommend that companies should be made

financially responsible for their messes. Among the probable recommendations: abolition of subsidies to polluting industries, increased regulations, and higher taxes for guilty corporations. What do you think--how should companies be asked to pay for their pollution? [Via UK Guardian]



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Infographic of the Day: What's Your Social Currency? by Jesse Ashlock (Fast Company)

cells exert in forming capillaries which will appear on the cover of the new Science. Submitted at 2/19/2010 10:12:05 PM One of our favorites is Data pulled from the Web site Northwestern students Christian Where's George?, which charts Thiemann and Daniel Grady's the travels of American money, "Follow the Money: Human can help reveal hidden patterns M o b i l i t y a n d E f f e c t i v e of human behavior. Community," winner of the NonT h e N a t i o n a l S c i e n c e Interactive Media category. It's a Foundation just announced the video (the above image is a still) winners of its 2009 Science and based on data culled from Engineering Visualization W h e r e ' s G e o r g e ? , t h e Challenge, all of which appear in collectively powered Web site the latest issue of the journal where users enter their zip code Science, out today. There are a and the serial number and series ton of great photos, illustrations, of any U.S. bill in order to chart videos, and graphics among the the zany misadventures of bunch, including this beauty, an American currency. illustration of the forces lung The information it presents

helps reveal the different ways money travels through the country and the true behavioral boundaries of American communities. Better understanding these patterns

could shed light on a host of biological and anthropological phenomena, from the origins of dialects to the spread of disease. In fact, the two students were part of the Northwestern team

The New York Times reported on last spring, which used Where's George? to track the potential spread of swine flu. The image also calls to mind the visualization Pete Warden recently released based on data pulled from 210 million public Facebook photos, which reveals the connections among disparate parts of the U.S. The two maps are far from an exact match but they show similar patterns, offering a reminder that relationships are their own form of equity.

Sugar-Based Plastic Can Be Tossed in the Compost Alongside Banana Peels by Dan Nosowitz (Fast Company)

There are biodegradable plastics on the market now, and some retailers actively use it instead of Submitted at 2/20/2010 1:27:11 AM normal plastic bags. But even It's not yet the norm here in the though it's made of natural States, but if this new sugar- materials like corn, it still takes based plastic actually takes off, as long as a few hundred years to composting might become as decompose--better than vinyl, widespread as it is elsewhere-- sure, but not exactly ideal. This because this stuff, unlike current new type of plastic, developed "biodegradable" plastics, breaks by researchers at Imperial down in a matter of months, College London, is created from instead of centuries. This is a big glucose polymers extracted from deal. trees and grasses. Not only is it

faster to decompose, but it would halt dependency on fossil fuels, which are used to make 99% of today's plastics, and it's said

(though no details are provided) that its production is more energy-efficient than typical plastic.

The development team is currently engaged in creating a market-ready version of the tech, but is optimistic that it can be done. Hopefully sometime soon we'll be able to toss plastic wrappers and packaging into the compost bin along with our banana peels. [Via the Telegraph UK]

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Coffee Stock #1: Starbucks (SBUX) by Louis Navellier (BloggingStocks) Submitted at 2/20/2010 11:00:00 AM

Filed under: Starbucks (SBUX), Stocks to Buy, Stock Picks The big news in the coffee world recently has focused around brewing behemoth Starbucks( SBUX) as it has bounced back big-time. The company bested Wall Street earnings estimates in late January thanks to 4% growth in same-store sales and a fiscal first -quarter profit that more than tripled over last year. Cost-cutting efforts and the downsizing of underperforming stores have really paid off. Starbucks has now closed 676 U.S. locations and almost 100 abroad, but has managed to see stronger sales. This may sound counterintuitive, but a rejuvenated product line with affordable options and low-fat drinks like the Skinny Latte have made consumers fall in love with Starbucks once more. In addition, just this week

Starbucks announced they will offer their Seattle's Best Coffee at Burger King ( BKC) restaurants starting later this year. Continue reading Coffee Stock #1: Starbucks (SBUX) Coffee Stock #1: Starbucks (SBUX) originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Sat, 20 Feb by Ariel Schwartz (Fast 2010 11:00:00 EST. Please see Company) our terms for use of feeds. P e r m a l i n k | E m a i l t h i s | Submitted at 2/19/2010 5:55:38 PM Comments Looking for a green job and have the freedom to relocate? You might want to think strategically about where you by How-To Wiki (Wired Top the web, live from Vancouver — move. According to the Center Stories) regardless of your time zone! for American Progress, these are There’s streaming video from the top 5 cities for green jobs: Submitted at 2/19/2010 3:00:00 PM official sources, and unofficial 1. San Francisco Catch all the skiing, boarding, options as well. 2. Boston skating, hockey and curling on 3. Detroit 4. Portland

Watch the Winter Olympics Online

The Top 5 Cities for Green Jobs 5. New York City San Francisco, Boston, and NYC aren't too surprising-they're all high-tech, highlyeducated hubs--but Portland and Detroit? Portland generated 20,000 new clean tech jobs in 2007 alone, and the city shows no signs of slowing down. And Detroit is set to employ thousands of people in the burgeoning hybrid vehicle sector. The Center for American Progress reports that a mechanical engineer with a

bachelor's degree working on electric cars in the city can expect to make approximately $63,600. Of course, you don't necessarily need to pack your bags for Detroit to get a green job. Pew Charitable Trusts also lists Seattle, Denver, and Austin as some of the best cities for cleantech companies. [ Center for American Progress]


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Repentant Woods sorry for affairs (BBC News | Americas | World Edition) Submitted at 2/19/2010 2:09:55 PM

Message from If you can, please donate to the full -text RSS service so we can continue developing it. Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. Tiger Woods news conference in full A tearful Tiger Woods has made a frank apology for cheating on his wife. The world number one golfer was talking publicly for the first time since the scandal surrounding his private life erupted in late November last year. "I was unfaithful, I had affairs and I cheated. What I did was unacceptable," said the 14-time major winner. The 34-year-old added: "I hurt my wife, my kids, my mother, my wife's family, my friends, my foundation and kids all around the world who admired me." Woods said he did not rule out returning to golf this year but indicated he did not as yet have a date, adding he would be undergoing further therapy for his problems on Saturday. "I do plan to return to golf one day," said the American. "I just don't know when that day will be. "I don't rule out that it will be this year. When I do return I need to make my behaviour more respectful to the game."

Friday's media event at PGA Tour headquarters at the TPC Sawgrass clubhouse in Florida was tightly controlled, with only a few journalists allowed access. Woods spoke for more than 13 minutes, addressing about 40 people in the room, including his mother, friends, colleagues and close associates. His wife, Elin, was not present. Addressing his personal issues, Woods said: "I am the only person to blame. I stopped living by the core values I was taught to believe in. "I knew my actions were wrong but I convinced myself that normal rules didn't apply. I never thought about who I was hurting, instead I thought only about myself. I ran straight through the

boundaries a married couple should live by. "I thought I could get away with whatever I wanted to. I felt that I had worked hard my entire life and deserved to enjoy all the temptations around me. I felt I was entitled, and thanks to money and fame, I didn't have to go far to find them. "I was wrong and I was foolish." Woods claimed therapy had helped him start to deal with his problems and vowed there would be no repeat of his infidelities. "I've had a lot of time to think about what I've done," he continued. "My failures have made me look at myself in a way I've never wanted to before. It's now up to me to make amends. And that

starts by never repeating the mistakes I've made. "It's up to me to start living a life of integrity. It's hard to admit that I need help but I do. "For 45 days from the end of December to early February I was in in-patient therapy receiving guidance for the issues I'm facing. I have a long way to go. I have taken my first steps in the right direction." Woods said he and his wife were attempting to work through their problems and made an appeal for privacy. "I know people want to find out how I could be so selfish and so foolish," he continued. "People want to know how I could have done these things to my wife, Elin, and to my

children. And, while I have always tried to be a private person, there are some things I want to say. "Elin and I have started the process of discussing the damage caused by my behaviour. We have a lot to discuss and what we say to each other will remain between the two of us." Woods also vehemently denied allegations his car crash was caused after Elin attempted to attack him with a golf club following revelations about his affairs. "I have a lot to atone for but there's one issue I really want to discuss," he said. "Some people have speculated that Elin somehow hurt or attacked me on Thanksgiving night. "It angers me that people would fabricate a story like that. Elin never hit me that night or any other night. There has never been an episode of domestic violence in our marriage. "Elin has shown enormous grace and poise throughout this ordeal. Elin deserves praise not blame." Woods also expressed his gratitude for the messages of support he and his wife have received. "In recent weeks I have received many thousands of emails, letters and phone calls from people expressing good wishes," he said. "To everyone who has reached REPENTANT page 19

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Using ladder, vet rescued people from Texas office (AP) (Yahoo! News: U.S. News)

one other person were killed when the software engineer fueled with rage against the IRS Message from If slammed his plane Thursday you can, please donate to the full m o r n i n g i n t o t h e h u l k i n g -text RSS service so we can E c h e l o n 1 b u i l d i n g . continue developing it. "When you look at the building, AUSTIN, Texas – Robin De it's hard to say we were lucky, Haven was driving the company b u t w e w e r e , " s a i d E r n i e truck to a job when he saw Rodriguez of the Austin/Travis something that didn't look right County EMS. He credited the — a s m a l l p l a n e , f l y i n g actions of "many heroic" people extremely low over a heavily who were at the scene. congested area of Austin. Stack, 53, apparently targeted The 28-year-old Iraq war the lower floors of the office veteran recalled Friday how he building, where nearly 200 IRS then saw black smoke billowing employees worked. Thirteen from the glass building and people were injured and one rushed to the scene. There, where remained hospitalized at an the plane had exploded into Army burn unit in San Antonio. flames in a suicide attack fueled Authorities have not identified by anti-government hatred, De the other person killed. But in a Haven found five people trapped message to employees Friday, on the second floor of the I R S C o m m i s s i o n e r D o u g burning office housing Internal S h u l m a n s a i d t h e a g e n c y Revenue Service employees. believes an IRS worker was "I wanted to go help," said De killed, though he cautioned it Haven, who works for a glass hadn't been officially confirmed. company. "I thought, 'I'm going "It has left many of them and to go ahead and do it.' I thought their families anguished and my boss would understand." traumatized and seeking answers He quickly hurled his 17-foot as to why anyone would commit ladder onto the building, climbed such a wanton act of violence up and went inside to help the and why anyone would take such workers escape. cruel action against innocent Authorities have credited stories men and women," Shulman said. of heroism like De Haven's for In a ranting manifesto posted on keeping the death toll so low in a Web site, Stack lashed out at Thursday's crash. The pilot, the government — especially its Andrew Joseph Stack III, and tax code — claiming they robbed Submitted at 2/20/2010 6:33:39 AM

him of his savings and derailed his career. In the note, Stack says he realizes "violence not only is the answer, it is the only answer." U.S. law enforcement officials were trying to determine if Stack put anything in the plane to worsen the damage. One law enforcement official also said they were looking into whether a marital dispute precipitated the attack. All officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation was ongoing. Six miles away from the charred office building Friday, arson crews inspected Stack's home — which he apparently set on fire before taking off Thursday from an airport 30 miles north. Across the street, a representative for his wife, Sheryl Stack, told reporters that she thanked her friends and family for their kindness. "Words cannot adequately express my sorrow or the sympathy I feel for everyone affected by this unimaginable tragedy," the statement read, adding there would be no further comment. The grandmother of Sheryl Stack's adolescent daughter said the family "had nothing" after the fire. "I was with her all day yesterday. How would you expect she is doing? She's totally distraught,"

Jacquelyn "Jackie" Mann said as she was rushing out the door Friday to bring the family clothes. In a suburb of Los Angeles, the husband of Joseph Stack's exwife said she also was distraught and unwilling to answer questions. Wiggs Mendoza said Ginger Stack only occasionally mentioned her former husband — who she divorced in 1999 after 18 years of marriage — but said he was a kind man who had deep affection for the children of her daughter from another marriage. In the Austin area, the IRS made counselors available to workers and extra security measures were being implemented, said Colleen M. Kelley, the head of the National Treasury Employees Union. She warned that federal tax employees and law enforcement officers were at an increased risk of being targeted by irate citizens. "It can be dangerous for federal workers to try to carry out their missions; still, they do because they know the public depends on them for vital services," she said in a statement. A glass workers union said Friday it wants to honor De Haven, the Army veteran, in Washington, D.C., while the company he works for said it has been flooded with phone calls

and e-mails calling him a hero. De Haven said after he extended his ladder and climbed to the second floor, he realized his ladder was unsteady and he couldn't help people down. So, he said he climbed inside the building and helped find a better escape route. Once inside, he found four men and a woman trapped. De Haven said he and another man broke open a window with an iron rod and made their way to a lower ledge where the ladder would be more secure. "I don't feel like a hero," he said. "I was just trying to help." ___ Associated Press writers April Castro and Jim Vertuno in Austin; Michelle Roberts in Georgetown; Linda Stewart Ball, Danny Robbins, Jeff Carlton and John McFarland in Dallas; Devlin Barrett in Washington; Amy Forliti in Minneapolis; and Elliot Spagat in Hemet, Calif., contributed to this report, along with the AP News Research Center. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Judge sets stage for trials over 9/11 illnesses (AP) (Yahoo! News: U.S. News)

Public sentiment has landed largely on the side of the workers, but the details of these Message from If first cases suggest that not every you can, please donate to the full one will be a slam dunk with a -text RSS service so we can jury. continue developing it. One Consolidated Edison NEW YORK – A federal judge worker in the group, Richard has picked 12 ground zero Calderon, never worked on the responders whose cases will be debris pile, wore a full respirator the first to go to trial over for almost all of his time near the illnesses caused by ash and dust site and acknowledged in a from the World Trade Center deposition that he might not following the terrorist attack. actually be sick. More than 9,000 people who "I don't know if there's any played a role in the massive injuries," he said, when asked rescue and recovery operation why he was suing. He added that after 9/11 have filed lawsuits he was still worried about his against New York City, claiming health. "I don't know what's they developed a wide variety of going on inside my body." health problems after being Utility worker Robert Galvani exposed to soot at the site. also donned a respirator for all U.S. District Judge Alvin his work near the trade center Hellerstein on Friday announced and weighs around 400 pounds, the select few that will go first, raising questions about whether and perhaps serve as bellwethers his breathing problems were due for resolving the rest. to 9/11. The group includes a firefighter Other plaintiffs have more who died of throat cancer and compelling stories. another who needed a lung Firefighter Frank Malone, 39, transplant, several police officers commandeered a city bus to get with asthma, and a sampling of to the trade center from Brooklyn other laborers worried about on Sept. 11 and arrived just after their health. the second tower collapsed. Collectively, the workers have He found chaos, a smashed argued that the city and the chain of command and a sky dozens of contractors it hired to dark with ash. move mountains of debris should "Everything was on fire," he said shell out more than $ 1 billion in i n a d e p o s i t i o n . " A l l t h e damages for failing to give surrounding buildings were just responders proper protective burning. I've never seen anything equipment. like it in my life." Submitted at 2/20/2010 3:04:09 AM

He stayed for two days, digging with his hands with only a flimsy painter's mask for protection, stopping occasionally to blow black soot from his nose. "I slept for probably two hours on the sidewalk," he said. Later he returned for another eight days on the pile, searching for body parts and passing buckets of dust. There was no respirator for him then, either. He finally got one when he returned for a third tour in December. Lawyers for the city have argued that it can't possibly held accountable for what happened in the initial hours and days after the attacks, given the enormity of the disaster. From the start, they say, the city tried its best to protect everyone, working with federal authorities to ultimately provide 130,000 respirators to the workers — more than three for each person. The city's legal team has also complained that thousands of people have added their names to the lawsuits even though they aren't sick or have health conditions unrelated to Sept. 11. One plaintiff — not included among the 12 selected for trial — was a woman who suffered a heart attack while watching the trade center attack at home on television. Another was a limo driver who had nothing to do with the recovery effort and wasn't in the vicinity of the site

until 2003. An Associated Press review of dozens of ground zero cases revealed that some contained legal papers with inaccurate descriptions of worker illnesses or time spent at ground zero. Some plaintiffs were listed as having cancer, when they do not. Others were recorded as having worked nonstop at the trade center for many months, when other documents showed they spent only occasional days there. The trials, set to start in May, will likely include testimony from experts who will question why some plaintiffs seemed healthy for years after the attacks, and only recently developed health problems. Malone said in his deposition that he felt fine for years, until he began wheezing while out for a jog in 2004. Within days he was treated in an emergency room for shortness of breath and tightness in his chest. He was diagnosed with asthma and spent months on medical leave before returning to light duty. His lawyer, Andrew Carboy, said he was looking forward to trials that would showcase "the city's systemic, deeply rooted dysfunction" when it came to protecting workers. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Fantastic cheese sculptures (Holy Kaw!) Submitted at 2/19/2010 8:23:00 PM

The Chicago Sun-Times profiles the incredible work of a professional cheese sculptor who has for 14 years made carvings from 100 percent cheese. “I didn’t like cheese until college,” the Wisconsin native (go figure) says in the article. “I didn’t like it at all as a kid, but now I like all the different kinds of cheese, even the stinky ones like Gouda.” Check out the full story at the Sun-Times and see the impressive slide show. More on cheese. Photo credit: Fotolia Permalink| Leave a comment »

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Hearsay Hearing for Drew Peterson Ends (

dead doesn't mean she's dead," defense attorney George Lenard said. "The reason she is not here Message from If with Mr. Peterson is that she left, you can, please donate to the full and she left with another man." -text RSS service so we can The former Bolingbrook police continue developing it. sergeant is charged with Savio's JOLIET, Ill. A hearing for death, but no charges have been Drew Peterson ended Friday f i l e d i n S t a c y P e t e r s o n ' s night with the same question it disappearance. Friday's closing began with a month ago: Is there statements marked the first time enough evidence to convince a they said outright they believe he judge that the former police killed Stacy Peterson. officer may have killed his third The unprecedented hearing is and fourth wives to keep them easily the most extensive use of a from testifying before a jury? state law allowing a judge to In dramatic closing statements admit hearsay evidence in firstafter the last of more than 70 d e g r e e m u r d e r c a s e s i f witnesses testified, prosecutors p r o s e c u t o r s c a n p r o v e a portrayed Peterson as a cold- defendant may have killed a blooded killer who took the lives witness to prevent him or her of Kathleen Savio in 2004 and from testifying. The law was Stacy Peterson three years later passed after authorities named to keep them from getting his Peterson a suspect in the 2007 money. disappearance of his fourth wife, "They are killed so they can't Stacy, then exhumed Savio's take the witness stand in a body and reopened her death divorce proceeding," said Will investigation. C o u n t y A s s i s t a n t S t a t e ' s The statements that prosecutors Attorney John Connor. want Judge Stephen White to But defense attorneys said the admit as testimony are those in case against Peterson is built on which the women allegedly lies. expressed to friends and family Savio's death was a tragic that they were afraid Peterson accident, they said, and Stacy would kill them. Peterson may have vanished in Prosecutors want friends and 2007, but she's not dead. relatives of Savio to be allowed "For someone to say five, six, to testify about a threat she seven, eight, nine times that she's described, in which Peterson Submitted at 2/20/2010 5:15:53 AM

reportedly held a knife to her throat and allegedly told her he could kill her and make it look like an accident. They also want the judge to allow a friend of Stacy Peterson to testify Peterson had told her he killed Savio. Defense attorneys argued that many of the statements shouldn't be admitted. For example, they pointed to statements Savio gave police after the alleged knife incident in which Savio never said Peterson had a knife. "She describes things the way she wants in order to make people feel sorry for her," said Andrew Abood, saying Savio wasn't a credible witness. White also must consider testimony from three pathologists. They all agreed Savio drowned, but two — including Dr. Michael Baden, a former New York City chief medical examiner who testified Friday — contended Savio's death was a homicide. The other pathologist backed the original finding that her death was an accident. Throughout the hearing, it became clear the hearsay evidence is critical for prosecutors. They presented no physical evidence linking Drew Peterson to Savio's death, and Stacy Peterson remains missing. Abood characterized the

weakness of the case against Peterson this way: "They (prosecutors) want to come in here and say it's a staged crime scene because they have no evidence." But prosecutors said the only explanation for the deaths of both women is that Peterson killed them. Both, they said, posed a threat to Drew Peterson. They said he was worried his property settlement with Savio would wipe him out financially, and that Stacy Peterson's planned divorce from him would do the same. What happened, Connor said, is exactly what Savio and Stacy Peterson feared would happen, as friends and family described. "Mr. Peterson's wives are twofor-two in predicting their own murders," he said. White did not say when he would rule on the hearsay, but he did say he would order the ruling sealed until a jury is selected. He explained that he didn't want his decision to influence potential jurors. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Gallery: Robot Bartenders Sling Cocktails for Carbon-Based Drinkers by Priya Ganapati (Wired Top Stories)

From cosmos to appletinis, a competition of cocktail robots

demonstrates some neat machines mixing drinks for

human masters.

12 awful Photoshop mistakes (Holy Kaw!) Submitted at 2/19/2010 6:56:59 PM

Photoshop gurus are like social media gurus. There are a ton of experts… who may not be quite so expert after all. Oddee collected the fruit of their loins, a dozen Photoshop travesties. Here’s a sampling: Who can think of the funniest captions? See all all the images at Oddee. Tons of Photoshop articles to brush up on your skillz. Permalink| Leave a comment »


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White House veteran Haig dies (BBC News | Americas | World Edition) Submitted at 2/20/2010 8:12:01 AM

Message from If you can, please donate to the full -text RSS service so we can continue developing it. Former US Secretary of State Alexander Haig has died at the age of 85. Mr Haig had been admitted to Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore on 28 January with complications associated with an infection, his family said. He was chief-of-staff to President Richard Nixon during the Watergate scandal in the early 1970s. Mr Haig was perhaps best known for his bungled response when President Ronald Reagan was shot in 1981, erroneously telling reporters he was "in control". Mr Haig maintained that he was simply trying to keep the country calm, but he was widely derided for apparently trying to overstep his authority. Cold War warrior A spokesman for Johns Hopkins Hospital, Gary Stephenson, said that Mr Haig had passed away at

about 0130 (0530 GMT) on Saturday. BBC defence correspondent Rob Watson says Mr Haig was the ultimate Cold War warrior. A decorated hero in both the Korean and Vietnam wars, he rose to the rank of general before continuing the fight via the conservative politics of the Republican Party of the 1970s and 80s, our correspondent says. In 1973, he was asked to take over as President Nixon's chief of staff at a time when the administration was in serious trouble. Mr Haig was widely credited with saving the presidency from complete collapse over Watergate, and persuading Nixon to resign. He then stayed on as chief of staff to Gerald Ford, Nixon's successor. After a brief return to the military as Nato's Supreme Allied Commander, Mr Haig was back in Washington in 1981 as President Reagan's hawkish secretary of state. During that time, he courted controversy by suggesting the possible use of nuclear weapons as a warning to the Soviets.

"There are contingency plans in the Nato doctrine to fire a nuclear weapon for demonstrative purposes, to demonstrate to the other side that they are exceeding the limits of toleration in the conventional area," he said. He also led failed US diplomatic efforts to negotiate between the UK and Argentina before the Falklands War, in the so-called "peace-shuttle" talks. In 1988, he ran for the Republican presidential nomination but was beaten by the more moderate VicePresident George H W Bush, a loss which marked the end of his political career. What are your memories of Mr Haig? Send us your comments using the postform below: The BBC may edit your comments and not all emails will be published. Your comments may be published on any BBC media worldwide. Print Sponsor Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Ambitious 'Forty-Five' Probes Superheroes' Psyches by Scott Thill (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 2/19/2010 2:54:00 PM

Interviews with superpowered

i n d i v i d u a l s - - s o m e c r i m e comment for your chance to win fighters, some criminals -- make a copy of Forty-Five. up the meat of this graphic novel. Stunning imagery by 45 different artists skins the project. Leave a

Bandmates Shocked by Texas Pilot's Rage (

difficulty. It seemed like a very typical sort of suburban life." Furley and Parker said they Message from If were stunned to hear of Stack's you can, please donate to the full Thursday morning air attack and -text RSS service so we can the anti-government suicide continue developing it. screed he posted on the Internet The crazed pilot who launched a beforehand. kamikaze air attack on a Texas Click to read the "manifesto" IRS office hid his anger so published on Stack's Web site. deeply, friends say they had no Stack and one other person died idea of his anti-establishment in the explosion and fire at the rage or the money woes he said b u i l d i n g w h e r e 2 0 0 I R S were behind it. employees worked. Thirteen Joseph Stack, 53, had a nice people were injured, one of home in middle-class Austin, whom was still in the hospital Texas. He owned a single-engine yesterday with burns. airplane and had enough money An official told CNN that Stack to pursue a passion for country may have replaced some of the music that led him to produce his seats in the plane with a fuel own album several years ago, drum order to cause maximum pals told The Post. damage. LIVESHOTS: Victim in Austin Click for chilling eyewitness Plane Crash Identified accounts of Texas plane crash. " W e d i d n ' t t h i n k h e w a s Click here to watch video of struggling financially, the way he Joseph Stack playing in a band. presented himself. He never Investigators were trying to aired any grievance. He was real figure out if marriage woes easygoing," said Ric Furley, who played a part in Stack's attack. played with Stack in an altHis wife and stepdaughter country band. reportedly spent the night before "He had the airplane. He had a his attack in a hotel. lot of nice musical equipment," For more news, entertainment said Pam Parker, who managed and sports coverage, click here Stack's band, which was fronted for by her husband, Billy Eli. Five Filters featured article: SLIDESHOW: Small Plane Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: Crashes Into Austin Office PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Building Term Extraction. "There wasn't any indication that we saw that there was any Submitted at 2/20/2010 5:35:23 AM

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Top US commander sees progress in 2 campaigns (AP) (Yahoo! News: U.S. News) Submitted at 2/20/2010 8:33:32 AM

Message from If you can, please donate to the full -text RSS service so we can continue developing it. PRINCETON, N.J. – The U.S. commander overseeing troops in Iraq and Afghanistan said Saturday that the military is on pace in its plans to shift away from a combat mission in Iraq, but he warned that casualties will worsen in Afghanistan. Army Gen. David Petraeus said in a speech at Princeton University that after more than eight years of fighting in Afghanistan, the U.S. finally is getting enough troops, diplomats and organizational structure to be able to keep extremist groups from taking over again there. "We've gotten the inputs right, now we are embarking on what's going to be the output," he said. "The reality is it's going to be hard, it's going to be hard all the time. We're going to have tough losses." Petraeus, who was the top commander in Iraq before

becoming head of the U.S. Central Command in October 2008, said the U.S. has done more than commit more resources to Afghanistan. It's also changed big ideas about how to handle the war, he said. One key, he said, is recognizing the Afghani people as part of the terrain of war. Last year, for example, the military cut back on use of air power as civilian casualties piled up. He said that tactical decision was made because the Taliban used the civilian deaths as propaganda. He says the policy change shifted that dynamic. "We're going to be able to beat the enemy around the head with civilian casualties that he is causing," Petraeus said. Petraeus said some of the approaches to Afghanistan come from Iraq, where he commanded the troop surge and where strategies were tested. Despite growing political problems there, the violence is down and the U.S. is on course to shift from a combat mission to one where the military will provide support and advice as of August.

"Touch wood on that, if you please," he added. In the past week, the number of U.S. troops in Iraq dropped below 100,000 for the first time since fighting began there in 2003. Petraeus was in Princeton to receive the Madison Medal, the highest award given by the graduate school there. The general received a master's degree from Princeton in 1985 and a Ph.D. in 1987. He's so proud of his alma mater that he often signs his e-mails with "PITNS," shorthand for the school's motto, "Princeton in the Nation's Service and in the Service of All Nations." Former U.S. Rep. Jim Leach, a Republican from Iowa, who now heads the National Endowment for the Humanities, received the Woodrow Wilson Award, a top honor for undergraduate alumni. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

It's Official: Google Can Sell Power Like a Utility by Michael Kanellos (Wired Top Stories)

The Federal Regulatory Energy Commission has granted Google Energy, a wholly owned


REPENTANT continued from page 14

out to me and my family, thank you. Your encouragement means the world to Elin and me. "I want to thank the PGA Tour, commissioner (Tim) Finchem and the players for their patience and understanding while I work on my private life. I look forward to seeing my fellow players on the course. "Finally, there are many people in this room and there are many people at home who believed in me. I want to ask for your help. I ask you to find room in your heart to one day believe in me again." Woods then embraced his mother as he left the stage. Shocking revelations about his infidelity were triggered after he was injured when he crashed his car into a fire hydrant and a tree near his Florida home on 27 November. Two days later, he released a statement in which he said the issue involved was "private ... and I want to keep it that way". After missing his own tournament, the Chevron World Challenge, he released a statement following persistent allegations over extra-marital affairs. At the time a statement to his

website read: "I have let my family down and I regret those transgressions with all of my heart." Amid continued allegations of affairs, several high-profile sponsors announced they were ending their links with Woods. A further statement in which he admitted his "infidelity" followed but this month speculation of his return to golf heightened ahead of the WGCAccenture Match Play Championship in Arizona. On Tuesday, it was announced Woods would make a statement on Friday but the timing - during a tournament backed by one of his former sponsors - was criticised by several leading figures in the game, among them Ernie Els and Sergio Garcia. Woods said, however, that the timing of his apology was to allow him to return to therapy on Saturday. Print Sponsor Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Canon's 7D DSLR Makes Serious Power Its Focus

subsidiary of the search giant, the right to behave like a utility. by Jackson Lynch (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 2/19/2010 4:00:00 PM

Sport shooter looking to upgrade to a DSLR for not much money? Your camera is here.


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Sex hormone trial for head injury (BBC News | Americas | World Edition)

normal development of neurons in the brain, and that the hormone has a protective effect Submitted at 2/19/2010 11:44:33 PM on damaged brain tissue. Message from If Dr Wright told BBC News: you can, please donate to the full "Traumatic brain injury is a -text RSS service so we can complex condition - there's continue developing it. swelling, and neuronal death and Natural progesterone, the sex damage occurring all at the same h o r m o n e u s e d i n t h e f i r s t time. contraceptive pills, is to be tested "The beauty of progesterone is on patients with severe head that it seems to work on all of injuries. those things." Scientists will begin a phase III In earlier tests, the Emory clinical trial in March and say University researchers found that the drug could save patients' progesterone reduced the risk of lives and reduce damage to their death in patients with brain brains. injuries. They announced the trial at the Dr Wright hopes that, following annual meeting of the American this trial, progesterone will Association for the Advancement become the first drug treatment of Science. in 30 years to be approved It will involve 1,000 patients in specifically for severe traumatic 17 trauma centres across the US. brain injury. Dr David Wright, associate Yams professor of emergency medicine The active ingredient, natural at Emory University in Atlanta, progesterone, is very similar to will lead the trial. that used in the first Complex condition contraceptive pills. This has now Previous studies have shown been superseded by a synthetic that progesterone supports the p r o g e s t e r o n e k n o w n a s

progestin. But, for brain injury, only the natural hormone appears to have the desired protective effect. During the trial, patients with blunt trauma head injuries will be given an infusion of natural progesterone that will last for four days. The hormone is extracted from yams - also known as sweet potatoes. "The dose is probably about three times what would be found in [the blood] of a female in the third trimester of pregnancy," Dr Wright explained. The US Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has made a special allowance for the team to administer the drug without patients' consent - so it can be given as soon as possible and have the maximum protective effect. Print Sponsor Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Police Intensify Search for Missing N.Y. Woman (

Sosa yesterday insisted "I'm cooperating," but investigators have suggested he's been less Message from If than helpful. you can, please donate to the full Sosa told friends and relatives -text RSS service so we can that McCleneghan was the last continue developing it. guest to leave. Investigators climbed into " I t h i n k s o m e t h i n g b a d Dumpsters and inched over happened, and I think it was in rooftops yesterday as the search that house," said McCleneghan's intensified for a Brooklyn, N.Y., mom, Barbara Sullivan. "The woman who vanished two weeks clothes she was wearing the ago after arguing with her night of that party weren't in her boyfriend. apartment. She never went Marion McCleneghan, 40, home." vanished at about 2 a.m. on Feb. For more news, entertainment 7 leaving a party at Richard Eric and sports coverage, click here Sosa's home on 14th Street and for Seventh Avenue in Park Slope. Five Filters featured article: Sources said that she was Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: spotted twice since then — once PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, in a deli and once outside her Term Extraction. home. Submitted at 2/20/2010 6:59:23 AM

Top-rated reviews of the week (photos) (CNET Submitted at 2/20/2010 6:00:00 AM

Message from If you can, please donate to the full -text RSS service so we can continue developing it. Here's our weekly roundup of the new products CNET

reviewers liked best. 2010 Mercedes-Benz S400 Hybrid Editors' rating: 4 out of 5 The good: Maps in the 2010 Mercedes-Benz S400 Hybrid show fully rendered 3D urban centers. The Harman Kardon stereo delivers excellent audio

quality. Blind spot detection warns against unsafe lane changes. Massage seats are icing on the cake. The bad: The hybrid system's start-stop feature runs a little rough. The suspension and power train Sport mode buttons are separate, and placed far apart.

The bottom line: The 2010 Mercedes-Benz S400 Hybrid bundles a wide array of very useful tech, and its hybrid system helps the car avoid the gas guzzler tax. Read CNET's full review Price: $87,950 Photo by Josh Miller/CNET

Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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US calls on Cuba to release 'spy' (BBC News | Americas | World Edition)

on migration issues. Afterwards the Cuban government said the meeting had Submitted at 2/19/2010 5:46:14 PM taken place "in an atmosphere of Message from If respect", but made no mention of you can, please donate to the full Mr Gross's case. -text RSS service so we can The US says he went to Cuba on continue developing it. a programme funded by the US American diplomats have called A g e n c y f o r I n t e r n a t i o n a l on Cuba to release a US citizen Development, and he had visited held since December without the country before on the same charge. programme. The release of Alan Gross, 60, Easing tensions was discussed during talks about Cuban President Raul Castro migration in Havana, the US h a s s a i d M r G r o s s u s e d said. "sophisticated" communications Cuba's president has accused equipment to help opposition him of spying, but his family say g r o u p s i n t h e i r r o l e a s h e w a s d i s t r i b u t i n g "mercenaries" for the US, AFP communication equipment to news agency reported. Jewish groups. Apart from the issue of the The issue has overshadowed the d e t e n t i o n , t h e U S S t a t e resumption of high-level talks Department said that "engaging b e t w e e n t h e C o l d W a r in these talks underscores our adversaries. interest in pursuing constructive Top diplomats from both discussions with the government countries held talks for about of Cuba to advance US interests five hours in Havana, focusing on issues of mutual concern".

The US delegation was led by Craig Kelly, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs - the most senior US official to visit Cuba in many years. The two sides used to hold regular, twice-yearly immigration talks, aimed at avoiding the mass exodus of Cubans. But the Bush administration froze all contacts with Cuba. Relations have eased under President Barack Obama with the resumption of direct negotiations on areas of mutual interest. He has also lifted all restrictions on Cuban Americans visiting and sending money to relatives on the island. Print Sponsor Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Connecting With Fans Is An Ongoing Process: Do Something Small Weekly, Big Monthly by Mike Masnick (Techdirt)

they should:"Do Something Small Weekly, Something Big Monthly." The specific I've been meaning to write about implementation doesn't fit for all T o p s p i n C E O I a n R o g e r s ' content creators (or even all " m o o n l i g h t i n g " f o r a y i n t o musicians), but the concept is a managing the band Get Busy good one. It's a recognition that Committee. Given Ian's close the old way a content creator involvement with new music related with fans was through business models, it's no surprise major one-off "releases" (new that he's been doing a lot of album, new book, new concert, interesting things, from selling etc.). But times have changed, uzi-shaped USB keys with the and the way you connect with album (the album is called "Uzi fans is an ongoing process, and Does It") to using Kickstarter to like it or not (and plenty don't fund a vinyl picture disc-- like it), there is a sense of "what including an offer for $1,000 to have you done for me lately." have the band write a song about But if you're going to thrive in the buyer, which would go on that sort of world, you have to the release. It turns out that keep doing stuff and keep option sold out in a day (though experimenting. Setting a specific it looks like some of the other pace (something small weekly, options are still a bit short on something big monthly) is quite buyers). a useful way for many to think What's really great, though, is a b o u t t h i s s o r t o f that Ian is revealing as much of experimentation in small, easy to the process as he has time for in comprehend and implement s e m i - r e g u l a r b l o g p o s t s . steps. Recently, he explained part of Permalink| Comments| Email the general thinking that he's This Story been pushing on the band, that Submitted at 2/19/2010 5:32:22 PM

And Now, Your CPAC Homophobia Moment (Little Green Footballs) Submitted at 2/19/2010 3:00:04 PM

Ryan Sorba of California Young Americans for Freedom, who participated in the San

Bernardino ACORN investigation, condemns CPAC for allowing gay Republican group GOProud to attend, then gets into a screaming match with part of the audience, yelling,

“The lesbians at Smith College protest better than you do.”[Video] This is a sign of a growing schism in the ranks — the libertarian members of the new


hard-edged conservatism are more inclined to be tolerant on the “social” issues like homosexuality, while the religious right contingent has an antipathy for gay rights that has

reached a fever pitch recently.


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Gameloft says they've got iPhone locked down by Mike Schramm (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

Day 4: Vancouver Winter Olympics (Holy Kaw!)

startup accelerator and seed fund, bought breakfast for us. Submitted at 2/19/2010 10:19:00 PM Then it was on to the U.S. The day started with a game of versus Norway game. hockey at the North Shore Hockey moms are tough in Winter Club. This is where the Canada. They don’t let the lack Hulls and Paul Kariya played as of elevators stop them. kids. Our celebrity guest was Lo and behold, Bret Hedican Bret Hedican, formerly of the was interviewed at the game. Canucks, Panthers, Hurricanes, Later, I went to the Canada Ducks, and U.S. Olympic team versus Switzerland game which a s w e l l a s t h e E s s e l m o n t was much more exciting than brothers. most people expected. This time We played for ninety minutes. we sat in the NHL suite. This was the largest sheet of ice I met Gary Bettman, the I’ve ever skated on. commissioner of the NHL. Afterwards, Bootup Labs, a I met the social-media team of

Molson. If there’s a way to make Canadians cry (other than getting beaten by Switzerland), this is it. Next stop: Caprice for a tweetup. The tweetup gang. This was the scene outside Caprice when I left. Walking home, I saw the most beautiful light display for a hospital. More Winter Olympics coverage/a>. Permalink| Leave a comment »

following based simply on gameplay, not necessarily marketing or other factors. But despite Gameloft's bragging, Submitted at 2/20/2010 9:00:00 AM some of the most popular titles Filed under: iTS, Software, on the App Store, from Rock iTunes, Developer, iPhone, App Band to Call of Duty: World at Store Gameloft is one of the War Zombies, are able to tie a bigger iPhone-specific (or at successful brand into an app that least mobile-specific) game features solid gameplay. Yes, developers out there, and in fact Gameloft has been able to shine they're so big, they tell Mobile on the App Store. But I wouldn't Entertainment that they're not count big developers out yet -scared of their development they're still learning how to use partner Ubisoft and other big the iPhone's marketplace, and I game developers headed to the think we'll continue to see big iPhone. Ubisoft developed the successes from bigger developer most recent Assassin's Creed in the future. g a m e f o r t h e i P h o n e , b u t [Via Slide-to-play] Gameloft developed the first, and TUAW Gameloft says they've Gameloft's Gonzague de Vallois g o t i P h o n e l o c k e d d o w n says that their game had better originally appeared on The ratings and sales. Unofficial Apple Weblog To a certain extent, yes, the App (TUAW) on Sat, 20 Feb 2010 Store creates a level playing field 09:00:00 EST. Please see our for game developers, and allows terms for use of feeds. companies even smaller than Read| Permalink| Email this| Gameloft to get their games out Comments to a mass audience and gain a


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HOW TO: Keep Your Facebook Updates Private by Samuel Axon (Mashable!)

friends into lists. Before the new privacy features went live, that was just for helping you check in We’ve already shared some of on the news feed updates for the basics about how to use people you were interested in Facebook’s privacy settings to without the clutter of people you keep your personal updates, well, weren’t. But now you can show personal. Now it’s time for some some profile info and updates to more advanced techniques using some lists and not to others, so the newer features Facebook it’s doubly functional. implemented only a couple of To create a list, just click on months ago. “Account” at the top right of the If you have a lot of Facebook Facebook interface and select friends, you probably have some “Edit Friends” from the dropwork friends, some family, and down menu that appears, as other groups in the mix. You pictured below. You’ll be taken don’t want to block any of them to the advanced friends page, and out completely, but sometimes at the top there will be a button you want to share some info with labeled “Create New List” — one group but not with the other. that’s pictured in our header Previously, we showed you how image above. to set privacy rules for each list, Note that even if your cobut Facebook recently added the workers or another group you ability to make each individual want to hide your update from post or status update visible only are part of a network, you can’t to the people you want. Here block out a network, so you’ll we’ll show you how to use that still have to create a list. It’s odd, feature in tandem with friends because you can say that only a lists to get the most out of particular network can see your Facebook without worrying updates; you just can’t say only a about stepping on any toes or particular network can’t. We’re sharing information with an not fans of this distinction. unwanted audience. Maybe this Creating a list is easy, though. HOW TO will even prevent you Just type in the names of the from getting fired! Step 1: people you want to narrow down Divide Your Friends Into Lists your options then click on a You might have done this portrait to highlight it and add it. already — if you have, you can Once you have everyone you skip to Step 2 — but we want to need, click “Create List” and make sure we explain everything you’re done! here. Facebook lets you sort your Create lists for each group of Submitted at 2/19/2010 4:04:36 PM

We’re posting an update to invite our team to play volleyball with us at the lake since we called in sick for work, but we don’t want our co-workers to know that our sick day is a fake one. To accomplish that, we’ll select Custom and then choose exactly which lists or individuals people you want to reach. For can see the update. example, we’re going to say Once you’ve clicked “Custom,” we’re calling in sick to work in you’ll see a drop down menu that order to play volleyball with the defaults to “Only Friends.” If volleyball team, so we have two that’s selected, only your friends lists — Volleyball Team and will see the update, and you can Work. We’ll target our status type names in the bottom field to update to Volleyball Team but prevent specific individuals and hide it from Work. Note that lists from seeing the update. We we’re not recommending faking could type “Work” in that field sick days — we just thought it to add our Work list, and then all would be an amusing example! our friends except those in the Step 2: Choose Who Can See Work list could see the update. Your Posts Or let’s say you’re about to take Here’s the real meat of it all: someone out on a date and it’s You can control exactly who your turn to choose the venue, sees each of your updates, but you’re drawing a blank. If whether they’re links, status you’re Facebook friends with updates, notes, or just about your date, you can send out an anything else. update to all the rest of your When you’re about to post an friends asking for advice on update from either the Facebook where to go, but make it so only home page news feed or your your date can’t see the update own wall, you’ll see a small lock and its comments by entering his icon below and to the right of the or her name. field. Click on this and you’ll be If you want to be more careful, able to choose who to show this you can specify that only a update to: Everyone, Friends and certain list or specific friends can Networks, Friends of Friends, see the update — that is, name Only Friends, or Custom. We’re the people who can see it rather going to use Custom. The rest than naming the people who are self-explanatory. can’t. To do that, click on the

drop-down menu and select “Specific People.” You’ll see an interface like the one pictured above. This is where you choose who can see your update. In the image above, we added the list “Volleyball Team” to the top field so only that list can see it. Anyone who’s not a part of that list will never see the update, including all our work friends — unless they’re part of the volleyball team, too! You can use these techniques to target each update at exactly the people you want to read it without worrying about causing problems for others. It’s useful if you have friends from many different backgrounds. It’s one of our favorite features in Facebook, and we’d love to see it in more social websites. If you have any questions or additional ideas about how to use Facebook’s advanced privacy features, let us know in the comments. More Facebook resources from Mashable: - HOW TO: Integrate Facebook With Your Blog - 8 Essential Apps for Your Brand’s Facebook Page - 30+ Apps for Doing Business on Facebook - Top 10 Applications for Music Lovers - The Facebook Guidebook Reviews: Facebook Tags: facebook, how to, privacy



E-reader News Edition

Reporters' Roundtable Podcast: Buzz vs. privacy by Rafe Needleman ( Submitted at 2/19/2010 5:29:00 PM

Last week, Google launched Buzz, a status update tool that has elements of Twitter, Facebook, and FriendFeed. Google launched it inside the Gmail app, giving it an instant installed base of millions of people. More importantly, Google gave Buzz access to your Gmail contacts. When the app first launched, it's fair to say that the Buzz app was a little too eager to use and share the details of users' personal networks. Furthermore, privacy controls for Buzz were spread over multiple configuration screens. Some necessary controls, like the off switch, were just flat-out missing. To Google's credit, within days, the company corrected the major privacy failings of Buzz. More than once, in fact: Google tweaks Buzz privacy settings Google changes Buzz privacy settings--again But the question remains: what was Google thinking? How did this giant search company, with more lawyers than most Web companies have engineers, get itself into a situation that required it to revise the product almost immediately after it

launched? And what does the Buzz experience say about social networks and privacy on the larger scale? That's what we're going to discuss today, and we have two great guests to do it. First, we have a taped interview with Mike Yang, senior product counsel for Google. I taped this interview earlier. Then I have a discussion with Jared Kaprove, a fellow at EPIC, The Electronic Privacy Information Center. Listen now: Download today's podcast Subscribe with iTunes (audio) Subscribe with iTunes (video) Subscribe with RSS (audio) Subscribe with RSS (video) Show notes and talking points 1. Mike Yang Yang is managing product counsel at Google, focusing on global privacy, copyright, and content regulation issues for Google's products. Prior to joining Google, he worked as counsel for the California State Senate Judiciary Committee and as counsel to Congressman Henry Waxman. Questions we ask: From your perspective at Google, what happened with the Buzz launch? Was it what you expected? What has changed with Buzz in reaction to the feedback you've gotten? ( Official Google Blog

post) Reports are that Google tested Buzz internally extensively, in a process called "dogfooding." Have you reconsidered the importance of that process for future products? Google must have studied Facebook, in particular, and Twitter, to some extent, with regard to how to deal with user privacy in social networks. What did you learn from those sites? And what did you learn from Orkut and Wave that influenced Buzz? The idea of unified messaging is one thing, but do you think that personal-communication information such as e-mail and instant-messaging contact lists should be closely intermingled with broadcast or microblogging tools such as Buzz or Twitter? There are many different forms of privacy: Privacy of identity, privacy of ideas, privacy of behavior, etc. How does Google deal with these different concepts? What about location privacy? Google collects location data from Latitude users. You've been e-mailing users warnings about sharing that data. What are the dangers, and what are you doing to protect people? What has changed at Google since the Buzz launch? Will Google be hiring a chief privacy

officer, as Facebook did? What will Google do to avoid this kind of issue for future products? 2. Jared Kaprove Kaprove is a fellow at EPIC, The Electronic Privacy Information Center. We asked him the following questions: What is your take, as a privacy watchdog, on Yang's replies to the Buzz questions? EPIC this week filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission stating, among other things, that Buzz "violated user expectations, diminished user privacy, contradicted Google's privacy policy, and may have violated federal wiretap laws." We're going to discuss that complaint(PDF), as well as social-network privacy overall. Now, about this complaint--do you feel that you may have jumped the gun? Even before you filed it, Google was scrambling to fix the issues. One complaint made is that Google "violated user expectations"--is that against the law? Tell us your view of the state of online and social privacy on the Internet right now. Discuss the changing nature of privacy of association--the list of people with whom we connect. Facebook made that open for a while, as did Google. Why didn't

these companies get how important that is, when others do get that privacy of behavior is so important? Discuss changes in privacy of location--Google Latitude, iPhone, mobile phones in general. What's a Web user to do? You advise to balance openness and connection with online privacy. Readings What Google needs to learn Rafe and Josh argue Buzz Google boss says 'nobody was harmed' by Buzz debacle Wrap-up That's it for this week's Roundtable. Thanks for watching or listening. And thanks to my guests Mike Yang of Google and Jared Kaprove of EPIC. Next week, as the run-up to the Academy Awards gets under way, we'll have a discussion about the future of digital effects in movies and TV. Guests will be announced shortly. For updates, watch my Twitter feed. E-mail comments to, and get all the show notes, as well as replays and downloads of the podcast, on the blog. Originally posted at Reporters' Roundtable Podcast

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E-reader News Edition


Pair says 'iDo' in Apple store wedding (CNET

Eastern or Western Districts of New York, the NYS Court of Appeals, the Appellate Division Message from If of the NYS Supreme Court, the you can, please donate to the full NYS Supreme Court, the Court -text RSS service so we can of Claims, the Family Court, a c o n t i n u e d e v e l o p i n g Surrogates Court, the Civil and it."Interesting, I thought that Criminal Courts of New York NYC had a law about marriage City (including Housing Judges ordination that was restricted to of the Civil Court) and other m a i n l i n e r e l i g i o u s courts of record; a village, town d e n o m i n a t i o n s a n d c o u r t or county justice; officials." ? a member of the clergy or Such a law may have existed at minister who has been officially one time, but these days it ordained and granted authority to probably would not pass a perform marriage ceremonies Constitutional test from a governing church body in T o b e v a l i d , a m a r r i a g e accordance with the rules and ceremony must be performed by regulations of the church body; a any of the individuals specified member of the clergy or minister in Section 11 of the New York who is not authorized by a State Domestic Relations Law. governing church body but who These include: has been chosen by a spiritual ? the mayor of a city or village; group to preside over their ? the city clerk or one of the spiritual affairs; deputy city clerks of a city of ? other officiants as specified by m o r e t h a n o n e m i l l i o n Section 11 of the Domestic inhabitants; Relations Law. ? a marriage officer appointed by The person performing the the town or village board or the ceremony must be registered city common council; with the City of New York in ? a justice or judge of the order to perform a ceremony following courts: the U.S. Court within the New York City limits. of Appeals for the Second The officiant does not have to be Circuit, the U.S. District Courts a resident of New York State. for the Northern, Southern, Ship captains are not authorized Submitted at 2/20/2010 5:00:00 AM

to perform marriage ceremonies in New York State. Officiants: Marriages may be Performed by a clergyman or minister of any religion. However, a 1972 court case said that in order for a marriage to be valid, the minister must have an actual church or at least a stated meeting place for worship or any form of religious observance. Ministers do not have to be licensed except that before performing marriages in New York City, the minister must register his or her name and address in the office of the city clerk of the city of New York. Ministers must complete a marriage certificate and return it to the town or city clerk who issued the marriage license within 5 days after the marriage.To be valid, a marriage ceremony must be performed by any of the individuals specified in Section 11 of the New York State Domestic Relations Law. These include: ? the mayor of a city or village; ? the city clerk or one of the deputy city clerks of a city of more than one million inhabitants; ? a marriage officer appointed by the town or village board or the

city common council; ? a justice or judge of the following courts: the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, the U.S. District Courts for the Northern, Southern, Eastern or Western Districts of New York, the NYS Court of Appeals, the Appellate Division of the NYS Supreme Court, the NYS Supreme Court, the Court of Claims, the Family Court, a Surrogates Court, the Civil and Criminal Courts of New York City (including Housing Judges of the Civil Court) and other courts of record; a village, town or county justice; ? a member of the clergy or minister who has been officially ordained and granted authority to perform marriage ceremonies from a governing church body in accordance with the rules and regulations of the church body; a member of the clergy or minister who is not authorized by a governing church body but who has been chosen by a spiritual group to preside over their spiritual affairs; ? other officiants as specified by Section 11 of the Domestic Relations Law. The person performing the ceremony must be registered

Daily Crunch: Green Bottle Edition by Bryce Durbin (CrunchGear) Submitted at 2/20/2010 12:00:42 AM

Metal Gear Arcade gets head-

tracking VR goggles Get ready NASCAR fans, Mario Kart is coming Baby Bidou mp3 player. You

know, for kids

Plant-based plastics promise perkier peat Zibits: Awwwww, so cute!

with the City of New York in order to perform a ceremony within the New York City limits. The officiant does not have to be a resident of New York State. Ship captains are not authorized to perform marriage ceremonies in New York State. Officiants: Marriages may be Performed by a clergyman or minister of any religion. However, a 1972 court case said that in order for a marriage to be valid, the minister must have an actual church or at least a stated meeting place for worship or any form of religious observance. Ministers do not have to be licensed except that before performing marriages in New York City, the minister must register his or her name and address in the office of the city clerk of the city of New York. Ministers must complete a marriage certificate and return it to the town or city clerk who issued the marriage license within 5 days after the marriage. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



E-reader News Edition

Students'-eye view of Webcam spy case (CNET

explained that "upon a report of a suspected lost, stolen or missing laptop, the feature was activated Message from If by the district's security and you can, please donate to the full technology departments. The -text RSS service so we can tracking-security feature was continue developing it. limited to taking a still image of Student Blake Robbins says his the operator and the operator's school spied on him via Mac screen." The district claims it has Webcam(Credit: CBS Evening "not used the tracking feature or N e w s ( v i a c b s n e w s . c o m ) ) Webcam for any other purpose Students at Herriton High School o r i n a n y o t h e r m a n n e r in Lower Merion School District w h a t s o e v e r . " near Philadelphia are given Subsequently, district Apple MacBook laptops to use Superintendent of Schools both at school and at home. Like Christopher W. McGinley sent a all MacBooks, the ones issued to letter to parents saying that the the students have a Webcam. security tracking feature is being And, in addition to the students' disabled and that there will be "a ability to use the Webcam to take thorough review of the existing pictures or video, the school policies for student laptop use" district can also use it to take and a "review of security photographs of whomever is procedures to help safeguard the using the computer. protection of privacy, including a In a civil complaint(PDF) filed review of the instances in which in federal court, a student at the t h e s e c u r i t y s o f t w a r e w a s school, Blake Robbins, said he a c t i v a t e d . " received a notice from an In the mean time, the Associated assistant principal informing him Press is reporting that the FBI is that "the school district was of investigating the district and the belief that minor plaintiff was "will explore whether Lower engaged in improper behavior in Merion School District officials his home, and cited as evidence a broke any federal wiretap or photograph from the Webcam." computer-intrusion laws," The district said in a statement according to an unnamed official that the "security feature was who spoke to the AP. installed to help locate a laptop In an interview with CBS in the event it was reported lost, Evening News, plaintiff Blake missing or stolen so that the Robbins said he was unaware laptop could be returned to the t h a t t h e c a m e r a c o u l d b e student." The district further activated at his house. "I thought Submitted at 2/19/2010 7:55:00 PM

also commendable that the school put some thought into a recovery system to help locate lost and stolen laptops but it's quite unfortunate that they used a system that enables administrators to take photographs of students using the machines away from school. Of course, no judge has yet ruled on the plaintiff's claim and the school has denied that it has used the cameras for anything other than helping recover missing machines. But even if that turns to be the case, the mere fact that staff members had the that there was no way that they students. In a podcast interview, ability to turn on the camera could do that at my home," 16-year-old junior Jon Brodo remotely is problematic. While Robbins said, adding that the said "I don't think anyone knows it's fair to assume that the school assistant principal "thought I was the true story...the problem is in could monitor what students do s e l l i n g d r u g s , w h i c h i s this case is that there are so many with district owned equipment completely false." rumors going around." He said (just as employers can with On the CBS Early Show, that he is somewhat concerned, equipment used by employees H a r r i t o n H i g h s o p h o m o r e but "I do trust that the school even when they're away from the Savannah Williams said she district knows its bounds." Brodo office), I can understand why keeps the laptop in her bedroom said that most students, however students and their parents would and says that its on while she is ,"it's been pretty hectic. It's the be shocked to learn that officials "getting changed, doing my conversation of everybody. I've could remotely turn on the homework, taking a shower, seen the kid (plaintiff Blake camera. everything." She said she takes it Robbins) in the hallways. The Listen now: Download today's into the bathroom with her to atmosphere is definitely pro the podcast listen to music while showering. kid and antischool district." Subscribe now: iTunes (audio)| "I was shocked," she added. She On its Web site, Lower Merion RSS (audio) said "everyone is talking about it School District says that it was Five Filters featured article: at school...everyone was really one of the first districts in the Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: worried about 'what are they country to issue laptops to all PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, watching me doing.'" high-school students. And that is Term Extraction. At least one student at Harriton an extremely laudable effort on isn't particularly worried about the part of the district to bring the administration spying on learning into the 21st century. It's


E-reader News Edition


Shuttle Endeavour undocks from space station (CNET Submitted at 2/19/2010 6:18:47 PM

Message from If you can, please donate to the full -text RSS service so we can continue developing it. The space shuttle Endeavour undocked from the International Space Station Friday, leaving behind a new habitation module and observation deck that virtually complete the U.S. segment of the lab complex after more than 11 years of construction. With pilot Terry Virts at the controls, Endeavour pulled directly away from the station's forward docking port at 7:54 p.m. EST after nine days of joint activity. The International Space Station, as viewed by the shuttle Endeavour's crew during a flyaround after undocking. The new Tranquility module and cupola are visible just to the left of the Soyuz capsule in the center.(Credit: NASA TV) "Zambo, it's been good having you, sorry to see you guys leave," station flight engineer Timothy Creamer radioed to shuttle commander George Zamka. "We'll watch and wave." "T.J. from Endeavour, thanks very much for the great hospitality," Zamka replied. "We're sorry to go. Hope you get to enjoy Tranquility and the new view."

Station commander Jeffrey Williams, following naval tradition, formally announced the separation, saying "United States space shuttle Endeavour, departing," before ringing the ship's bell in the forward Harmony module. The shuttle Endeavour flying high above Australia.(Credit: NASA TV) At a distance of about 400 feet directly in front of the station, Virts initiated a 360-degree photo-documentation fly-around, looping up above the complex,

extension to the shuttle's robot arm, the astronauts planned to look for signs of any micrometeoroid impact damage that might have occurred since an identical inspection the day after launch. "After undocking we have to perform another inspection like the one we did on flight day two, this time to check for damage that might have happened on orbit," Patrick said in a NASA interview. "And then we'll spend an entire day turning our orbiter back into a winged vehicle that can re-enter the Earth's atmosphere. "So we'll get out all our suits and hang them up, ready to go the next morning for entry," he said. "We will set up all the seats and the communications lines and the oxygen lines and so on and we'll start putting away everything we've used during the mission." directly behind, and then below behold. Looking forward to you Landing back at the Kennedy before firing a rocket to leave the guys seeing it when we get on Space Center is scheduled for area for good. the ground." 10:16 p.m. Sunday, but nearby "You guys are looking absolutely Zamka, Virts, Kathryn Hire, showers could cause problems. marvelous down there against f l i g h t e n g i n e e r S t e p h e n The forecast also calls for rain the backdrop of the ocean and Robinson, and spacewalkers near the shuttle's backup landing the clouds," Williams called. Robert Behnken and Nicholas site at Edwards Air Force Base, "Terry, it looks like you're doing Patrick plan to spend the rest of Calif. some smooth flying." their "day" packing and Five Filters featured article: "Terry is making this an absolute i n s p e c t i n g t h e s h u t t l e ' s Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: p l e a s u r e t r i p a r o u n d t h e reinforced carbon nose cap and PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, International Space Station," wing leading edge panels, which Term Extraction. Zamka said. "You guys look experience the most extreme great as well. We had you back- heating during re-entry. lit tremendously by the Using a laser scanner and Himalayas and it is just a sight to camera on the end of a 50-foot


Tech/ Consumer Reports/ Entertainment/

E-reader News Edition

Get a TUAW discount on Mac theft recovery service from hidden by Steven Sande (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 2/19/2010 8:00:00 PM

Filed under: Software, iMac, Reviews, MacBook Apple's laptops and iMacs are attractive targets for thieves, since they're easy to move and have a good resale value. We've seen several Mac applications or services that work to help you retrieve your favorite Apple product if it is ever stolen; LoJack for Laptops(US$39.95 per year), Undercover($49.00 per year), and MacTrak($24.95 per year) are all perfect examples of these programs. Most of these apps have two things in common; they will attempt to locate the whereabouts of the computer and also send a picture of the thief using the built-in iSight camera. Now a new name has appeared in the field; hidden. The name is apt, since there's no visible sign on the computer that the software has been installed. There's no app in the applications folder, and no preference pane. To use the application, you simply download and install it, then

restart your Mac. Most of the time, your Mac won't be sending out updates of its location. When it is stolen or lost, you go to the website, log in, and then change the status for the tracked computer from "not stolen" to "stolen." The service begins looking for your Mac, and within minutes the site displays a Google map showing its approximate location (determined through Wi-Fi geolocation) and, more importantly, photos of the person using the Mac and screenshots of what they are doing. Location updates happen every 10 minutes and also include traceroute information including the public IP address of the Wi-Fi network being used by the thief. This information can be provided to ISPs and local police to help you get your computer back. Apple's laptops and iMacs are attractive targets for thieves, since they're easy to move and have a good resale value. We've seen several Mac applications or services that work to help you retrieve your favorite Apple product if it is ever stolen; LoJack for Laptops(US$39.95 per year),

Most of the time, your Mac won't be sending out updates of its location. When it is stolen or lost, you go to the website, log in, and then change the status for the tracked computer from "not stolen" to "stolen." The service begins looking for your Mac, and within minutes the site displays a Google map showing its approximate location (determined through Wi-Fi geolocation) and, more importantly, photos of the person Undercover($49.00 per year), using the Mac and screenshots of and MacTrak($24.95 per year) what they are doing. Location are all perfect examples of these updates happen every 10 minutes programs. and also include traceroute Most of these apps have two information including the public things in common; they will IP address of the Wi-Fi network a t t e m p t t o l o c a t e t h e being used by the thief. This whereabouts of the computer and information can be provided to also send a picture of the thief ISPs and local police to help you using the built-in iSight camera. get your computer back. Now a new name has appeared TUAW Get a TUAW discount in the field; hidden. The name is on Mac theft recovery service apt, since there's no visible sign from hidden originally appeared on the computer that the software on The Unofficial Apple Weblog has been installed. There's no (TUAW) on Fri, 19 Feb 2010 app in the applications folder, 20:00:00 EST. Please see our and no preference pane. To use terms for use of feeds. the application, you simply Read| Permalink| Email this| download and install it, then Comments restart your Mac.

Tops & Flops: A Week in Fashion! (ETonline - Breaking News) Submitted at 2/20/2010 7:00:00 AM

From the star-studded bashes to Hollywood's hottest donned their g l i t t e r i n g M e r c e d e s - B e n z most daring duds. Who's outfit F a s h i o n W e e k e v e n t s , was super lame and who's got


You Rate!

PMA camera trade show starts this Sunday by Nicholas Kolman-Mandle (Consumer Reports) Submitted at 2/19/2010 2:41:49 PM

PMA camera trade show starts this Sunday The PMA camera trade show starts this Sunday, February 21 and runs through Tuesday, February 23. It promises to be an exciting event, with many of the latest point-and-shoot cameras, SLRs and micro Four-thirds models all on view. I’m sure there will be a wide variety of camcorders on view as well. Be sure to check out the Electronics Blog for my posts on any new cameras, camcorders and SLRs that are announced at the show. –Terry Sullivan Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences

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E-reader News Edition


The Role Of Curation In Journalism Ahoy! Celebrity Cruise Lines welcomes an Apple Store on board by Mike Masnick (Techdirt)

Now, this is interesting in a few respects. First, many "reporters" today don't really do what is Jay Rosen points us to an article described as reporting above. out of France that takes a stab at That is, they often do try to take p r e s e n t i n g w h a t a m o d e r n wire copy or stories that were internet-era newsroom should written elsewhere, and go look like. The point that I find through the wasted process of "re most interesting, that helped -reporting" them just to pretend clarify a few different ideas for it's a new and unique story for me, is that it splits "journalism" that publication. In many ways, into three distinct categories, all this is a waste of resources. of which have a role in the What would be better is if they newsroom: actually encouraged #3 above -• Reporters -- who go out and do let a "curator" handle that sort of first person reporting -- creating news. o r i g i n a l s t o r i e s , n o t j u s t Unfortunately, for the most part, reposting rewritten wire copy. newspapers seem to look down • Columnists -- who "start on "curating" as if it's some sort conversations and give stories of lesser form of journalism, and another perspective." this is a sticking point that • Curators-- who "'cover' the they're going to need to get past news by sorting, verifying and if they want to understand how editing live everything good people engage with the news existing on the web and in the today. These days, everyone is a m e d i a . T h e y m a k e l i n k curator of the news in some journalism, they make the news f a s h i o n : t h e y s h a r e n e w s , more accessible." comment on it, post about it, etc. But they also look to the "pros" Submitted at 2/19/2010 7:39:00 PM

to add more value to it as well. But if the traditional press looks down on this function, they won't do a particularly good job of it. It's sometimes tough for a press who used to want itself to be "the final word" on every story to admit that others may have reported it better/faster, as well as the fact that sometimes it's better to involve the community, rather than treating the community as riffraff waiting for the word from the god-like journalists. If a newsroom were set up with a focus on those three roles (I would add editors as well...), with the understanding that they work together as a team to both bring the most information and community to a particular story, I doubt we'd see newspapers struggling as much as they are today. Permalink| Comments| Email This Story

by Mel Martin (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 2/20/2010 10:00:00 AM

Filed under: Retail, Cult of Mac, Odds and ends, Apple Having withdrawal from all things Mac while on a sea voyage? Here's some future therapy. The Celebrity Cruise ship company has announced a new Internet Cafe on the new 2,850 passenger Celebrity Eclipse which sets sail in April. The iLounge, as Celebrity has named it, will include a mini Apple Store where passengers can buy MacBooks, iPods and other accessories. Passengers will also be able to sign up for courses in iPhoto, iMovie, iDVD, and iWeb. Two other new ships are coming on line in 2011 and 2012, and both will have the iLounge aboard. Celebrity operates ships that cruise to Alaska, The Caribbean, Europe, South America, Canada and New England.

The Secret Sex Lives of Robots [Geek Fashion] by Rosa Golijan (Gizmodo) Submitted at 2/19/2010 11:20:00 PM

I've always thought that even robots secretly have active sex lives, but this shirt shows just

how dirty those piles of metal and screws can be after the kiddies go to bed. The shirt is appropriately named "While the Kids Are in Standby Mode" and you can have one for

look at plugs and outlets the same way again. [ Go Ape Shirts via Fashionably Geek via Technabob] $18. Just don't expect to ever

This isn't the first time Macs have gone to sea. Back in 2008 we reported on Macs being installed on Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines for passenger use. Macs are also showing up in hotels and other places where tourists gather. It sounds like a cool idea. Note to potential passengers: check out those internet costs when aboard. They are just a bit high. TUAW Ahoy! Celebrity Cruise Lines welcomes an Apple Store on board originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Sat, 20 Feb 2010 10:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments


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E-reader News Edition

Time To Change (Or Ditch) The USTR Special 301 Process That Pressures Other Countries To Adapt US IP Laws by Mike Masnick (Techdirt) Submitted at 2/19/2010 4:34:11 PM

A few days ago, you may remember, I posted the comments I submitted to the USTR on the Special 301 report, where I pointed out the value of allowing countries to set their own intellectual property policy, rather than forcing everyone to follow US faith-based intellectual property policy. Traditionally, the Special 301 process was a way for industry lobbyists to get the US gov't to put countries they didn't like on a special "watch list," that would lead US diplomats, who didn't even understand the lack of factual basis for the report, to start putting pressure on other countries to change their intellectual property policies to make them more draconian (funny, isn't it, that they only went in one direction?).

Basically, lobbyists would submit the details of countries whose IP policies they didn't like, and the USTR would basically turn around and put out a list based on what was submitted, with little effort to actually look at the situation. This year, at least, the public was able to submit comments (such as mine, linked above), but it's unclear how much of an impact that will have. In the meantime, EFF and Public Knowledge have teamed up to ask the USTR to change the process and, at the very least, stop taking the word of industry lobbyists as if it were gospel. They also suggested that the USTR be more flexible in allowing countries to set their own IP policy -- noting, amusingly, that the US itself famously didn't implement its "international obligations" in the Berne Treaty for decades,

School District Says It Only Turned Spy Cameras On 42 Times; FBI Now Investigating by Mike Masnick (Techdirt) Submitted at 2/19/2010 3:33:00 PM

More details are coming out about the case we wrote about yesterday concerning the school b e c a u s e t h e c o u n t r y f e l t district that could (and did) turn differently about certain aspects on webcams on student laptops. of copyright law. Hell, even The district is now claiming that, t o d a y w e ' r e n o t i n f u l l yes, it had the ability to do so, compliance with Berne. But for a n d i n f a c t d i d s o 4 2 some reason the USTR acts as if times(though, it never told other countries need to fall in students or parents it could do line with US IP policy, even as this). However, the district we've chosen to go in a different claims that it only did so to try to direction when we felt it was track down lost or stolen laptops. warranted. That doesn't explain how this Of course, the best thing to do resulted in a student being isn't to change the Special 301 reprimanded for "improper process, but to ditch it entirely. behavior in his home" though. It serves no reasonable purpose Either way, it looks like this is and has been abused by industry going beyond a civil case of the representatives for years. It puts families suing the school district. a strain on US relations with The FBI is now investigating the other countries, and harms the case as well, to see if the district ability for other countries to craft IP policy in the way that they feel will best serve culture and innovation. Permalink| Comments| Email This Story

violated either wiretapping or computer-intrusion laws. Now, it's not unheard of to have capabilities like this turned on to find lost or stolen laptops -- so perhaps that is understandable. But the fact that this kid was reprimanded for stuff he did in the privacy of his home while caught on camera definitely seems questionable. No one seems willing to say if this particular laptop was ever reported "lost or stolen," so perhaps the district's argument is that the student had taken the laptop. But if that's the case, you would think they would have come out and said so, rather than the vaguely worded denials put forth already. Permalink| Comments| Email This Story

Hilary Duff Engaged (ETonline - Breaking News) Submitted at 2/19/2010 3:13:00 PM

Hilary Duff has accepted her

hockey-player boyfriend's proposal! "Hilary Duff and Mike Comrie were engaged this weekend

while vacationing in Hawaii," excited to share this happy news. the NHL's Edmonton Oilers. Duff’s rep tells ET Canada. They are thankful for all of your "After having been together for warm wishes." over two years, they are very Comrie, 29, plays hockey with

Tech/ Tech News/

E-reader News Edition

Facebook Acquires a Third Startup, Shuts it Down by Pete Cashmore (Mashable!) Submitted at 2/19/2010 10:03:43 PM

Facebook appears to have made a third acquisition — this one smaller than its two previous buys. What’s more, Facebook has shut down the company’s service immediately. Octazen is a Malaysian company comprising two employees. It provides scripts to import a user’s contacts into a website upon sign up, reports Gigaom. Why would Facebook acquire the makers of an address book importer? It appears to be a talent buy, with Facebook employing the team and shutting down their service (aka acq-hiresition). Liz Gannes quotes Facebook’s Larry Yu explaining: This is part of our ongoing effort to add experienced,

accomplished technical talent to help drive the company forward in its efforts to be the central way for people to connect and share information. A statement on the Octazen site reads: The Octazen team wanted to let you, our valued customers, know that the company recently received an offer to acquire most of the company’s assets and to employ those assets in a different direction. After carefully evaluating this offer, our team believes this is a wonderful opportunity of which we must

take advantage. As a result, effective immediately, Octazen will no longer accept new service contracts or renew existing service contracts, and will enter a transition period to wind down operations. Facebook’s previous two acquisitions — Parakey(a web operating system) and FriendFeed(social aggregation and search) — both added excellent engineers to the Facebook team at the cost of the original services. While FriendFeed still exists, it’s barely used and the site’s features have largely been merged into Facebook, to the disappointment of loyal FriendFeed users. Reviews: Facebook, FriendFeed Tags: acquisition, business, buy, facebook, octazen, trending


Couple marries at 5th Avenue Apple Store on Valentine's Day by Mike Schramm (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

more than this" with a picture of an iPhone on it). Why did they choose to have their wedding in an Apple temple? The couple Submitted at 2/20/2010 11:00:00 AM even met at an Apple Store. We Filed under: Humor, Odds and don't know the details of that, but ends, Steve Jobs, Holidays we'd like to think their eyes We've seen robberies at Apple found each other over a 17" Stores before, we've seen kids MacBook Pro. rapping and we've even seen Very cute. Congrats to the death threats, but I don't know happy couple -- we would hope that I've ever heard of a wedding that they got AppleCare for the in an Apple Store. That's what marriage, but we doubt they'd newlyweds Ya Ting Li and need it. Joshua Li decided to do at TUAW Couple marries at 5th midnight in the Fifth Avenue A v e n u e A p p l e S t o r e o n Apple Store on Valentine's Day - Valentine's Day originally - right there among the iMacs appeared on The Unofficial and Macbooks, they got their Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Sat, w e d d i n g o f f i c i a t e d b y a 20 Feb 2010 11:00:00 EST. turtlenecked Steve Jobs stand-in. Please see our terms for use of The rings came in on an original feeds. i P o d , a n d t h e c a r d s a n d Read| Permalink| Email this| decorations were Apple-themed Comments as well (one says "I love you

Turn Yarn Into a Modern Lampshade [DIY] by Jason Fitzpatrick (Lifehacker) Submitted at 2/20/2010 8:00:00 AM

If you're impressed with "string shades" that have been appearing in trendy décor magazines of late—but not impressed enough to spend $$$$ on one!—this

simple DIY project will help you make your own lampshade with a modern flair. You won't need to buy any fancy tools or chemicals for this project. All you'll need is a ballon—the rounder the better if you want a nice spherical vaseline, and a place to mix s h a d e — s o m e y a r n , g l u e , things together.

Coat the ballon with a light covering of vaseline, soak the yarn in the glue mixture, and then wrap the ballon to create what will eventually dry into your crazy shadow-casting light fixture. Check out the link below for step by step details with photos and tips. If you have a

crafty tutorial to share—trendy or not!—let's hear about it in the comments. Whirl-it Lampshade[via Re-Nest]


Tech/ Gadgets/

E-reader News Edition

Google Buzz Makes Popular Users Less Overwhelming by Pete Cashmore (Mashable!) Submitted at 2/19/2010 10:50:47 PM

The Google Buzz team made changes today that prevent popular postings from overwhelming your inbox – that’s good news if you follow popular feeds like the Mashable Google Buzz account. The problem: since Google Buzz pushes items into your inbox whenever new comments are left after yours, popular postings can become noisy. Today the Buzz team announced that they’ll “bump” popular postings less frequently to keep them out of your inbox. The team writes: If you’re following someone with a ton of followers, you’re probably used to seeing their posts at the top of your stream all the time, since we’ve been

Turns Out That People Are Actually Pretty Honest About Themselves Online by Mike Masnick (Techdirt)

sites, rather than social networking sites. On a social networking site, you're Many people think that when connecting with a lot of people people set up their online social you probably already really networking profiles, they may be know in real life. As such, it prone to... exaggerating a bit. makes little sense to present Given that they can control what much of an idealized version of they say about themselves, many yourself, because your friends have posited that those profiles already know you -- and might bumping them back up with really represent an idealized even call you out for being fake. every new comment. Starting a version of themselves. Yet, Still, as the report notes, there few hours ago, we made some perhaps that's not true. Jose Luis are still some people who believe changes to not bump them up as Campanello points us to a recent that the norm is for people to lie often. study that found that people about themselves, when the truth Blogger Louis Gray praises the actually tend to be pretty honest is that, in such realms, people move, and we agree. However, in their social networking really do tend to be pretty honest. this doesn’t address the more profiles. This really doesn't And that's a good thing. pressing complaint we have seem all that surprising when Permalink| Comments| Email about Buzz – that threads need to you think about it. I would guess This Story be collapsible when they get that the results might be a bit long. Given the speed at which different if they looked at dating Google is making changes based on user feedback, that’ll come soon too. Tags: buzz, Google, google buzz, trending Submitted at 2/19/2010 6:35:00 PM

HP V1020h Pocketcam Is Less Pricey Than Its Peers [Pocketcams] by Kyle VanHemert (Gizmodo) Submitted at 2/20/2010 9:00:00 AM

Yesterday HP announced the V1020h, a 720p-recording, SDHC card-reading pocketcam. It has a built-in USB plug and an HDMI port for sharing, but the real noteworthy tidbit here is the pricetag: $109. There's not much more info on the V1020h's specs quite yet, but at $109 it's a good $30 cheaper than the least expensive pocketcams we tested in our most recent Battlemodo. It's purple and it's slated to hit shelves this summer. [ Nexus404]

Sezmi Open For Business in L.A. [HomeEntertainment] by Kyle VanHemert (Gizmodo) Submitted at 2/20/2010 10:58:22 AM

Sezmi, a company that seeks to offer an affordable alternative to cable TV providers and their

bloated packages, has now opened shop for those living in the Los Angeles area. For the last few months Sezmi has quietly been wrapping up beta testing, but now Californians in the area can head into a local Best Buy

and free themselves from the chains of the TV tyrants. The hardware costs $300, which includes an indoor antenna and a 1TB hard drive, and the montly fee is $5 for for the broadcast digital channels or $20 for basic

cable, all of which are rolled into Sezmi's DVR. The system includes on demand movies and YouTube content if you plug into ethernet, all of which is accessible through an individually-tailored homepage.

If you're fed up with your provider, Sezmi might be someone to turn to. [ Sezmi via NY Times]

Tech/ Gadgets/ Entertainment/

E-reader News Edition

Foursquare Achievements Become Fashion Statements With Nerd Merit Badges [PICS]

Gear4 ups the iPhone alarm clock ante with SmartDock

by Samuel Axon (Mashable!) Submitted at 2/19/2010 7:56:28 PM

Remember those real-world merit badges based on the virtual achievements you get for checking in to places using Foursquare that we told you about? They’re approved and on sale now. The 1.5-inch embroidered badges have Velcro on the back for attaching them to your jacket, backpack, or whatever other fabric you want to decorate. Options include Mari Sheibleydesigned badges “Local,” “Superstar,” “Crunked,” and “Super Mayor” for $5.99 each. Seller Nerd Merit Badges is also offering a 17-inch laptop sash with several badges so you can show off your location-aware cred at your next meeting or social media conference.

by Darren Murph (Engadget) Submitted at 2/20/2010 8:46:00 AM

Macworld 2010: Telltale Games live in our booth

These things are a dime a dozen, sure, but you can't fault Gear4 for trying. In fact, it has managed When we reported on the badges to create something that's earlier this week, we were waiting to see if Foursquare by Mike Schramm (The two parts after the link below. In marginally unique in a world full would give Nerd Merit Badges Unofficial Apple Weblog addition to telling us about his of me-toos, as the SmartDock the go-ahead to put them on sale. (TUAW)) company and their big Mac relies on hardware and software The photo below was apparently Submitted at 2/20/2010 1:00:00 AM Revolution, Bruner also shared aspects in order to shine. At first all it took to get the company’s with us his own passion for blush, the actual dock isn't much approval: Filed under: Gaming, Hardware, Apple's machines, including how to look at, but the bundled app We also found this photo of the Software We're cleaning out the he went into hock to buy a enables you to search through badges on a real live clothing video files from the chaos of Newton on day one, and what he stations using the iPhone's item in an update from Nerd Macworld last week, and while thinks of the iPad as a gaming touchscreen and pause / rewind Merit Badges’s Twitter account. we've already shared with you an device. Click on to see our chat, at will. You can also sync the alarm clock to play through the Reviews: Foursquare interview that we did with Dan won't you? Tags: foursquare, nerd merit Connors of Telltale Games(who T U A W M a c w o r l d 2 0 1 0 : dock's speakers, and it'll work badges just recently announced that Telltale Games live in our booth just fine on the iPod touch. We they're bringing their whole originally appeared on The certainly wish a remote would've catalog over to the Mac), his co- U n o f f i c i a l A p p l e W e b l o g b e e n t h r o w n i n f o r g o o d founder Kevin Bruner also (TUAW) on Sat, 20 Feb 2010 measure, but hopefully the whole stopped by our booth live on the 01:00:00 EST. Please see our package will be cheap enough to make us overlook the omission. show floor to chat about gaming terms for use of feeds. on the Mac and why Telltale has Read| Permalink| Email this| Wink, wink. Gear4 ups the iPhone alarm made the leap to our side. Comments clock ante with SmartDock You can watch the interview in originally appeared on Engadget on Sat, 20 Feb 2010 08:46:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| reactions of people watching Getty] Recombu| Email this| Comments Tiger Woods' press conference on every screen in a Manhattan absence of waitresses. Image via restaurant today. Notice the

Into the Woods [Pic Of The Day] by Brian Moylan (Gawker) Submitted at 2/19/2010 5:58:53 PM

[ Camera crews film the



Politics/ Gadgets/

E-reader News Edition

N.Y. Gov. Paterson Launches Election Bid (Newsmax - Politics)

campaign account and hasn't even said yet whether he'll run; Paterson has about $3 million. Message from If Reflecting the possibility of an you can, please donate to the full internal party fight, the lone -text RSS service so we can politician on stage with Paterson continue developing it. on Saturday was the mayor of David Paterson launched his the village of Hempstead, Wayne campaign for a full four-year Hall. Some Nassau County term as New York's governor Democratic legislators and other Saturday with a combative local officials were in the campaign speech that mocked audience. recent reports about his job "I think the turnout is about what performance and personal life. we expected," said state party "After all you have heard, there's chairman Jay Jacobs, who also one rumor I will confirm, I am serves as Nassau County. "It's a running for governor this year," nice welcome for the governor." Paterson said to a crowd of about Paterson became governor in 400 at Hofstra University. "They March 2008 after Eliot Spitzer haven't knocked us down yet and resigned amid a prostitution they never will." scandal. Early on, the "accidental Paterson becomes the first governor" won warm reviews for Democrat in the race, but his collegial relations with the probably not the last. legislature, where he spent 20 Attorney General Andrew years as a dealmaking senator. It Cuomo is expected to challenge was a sharp contrast to the surly Paterson in a primary. Cuomo is Spitzer who tried unsuccessfully more popular in polls, among to bully his agenda through the Democrats and, perhaps most partisan state Capitol. importantly, with well-heeled Voters, too, seemed to like the campaign donors. He's currently affable Paterson, responding s i t t i n g o n a $ 1 6 m i l l i o n favorably to his calls for fiscal Submitted at 2/20/2010 3:30:42 AM

restraint and unique televised address, warning of financial calamity unless lawmakers got serious about cutting spending. Then, a series of missteps started to chip away at his popularity. His chief of staff admitted not paying income taxes for five years and ultimately resigned. In January 2009, Paterson was panned for his muffed handling of a U.S. Senate replacement for Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. The early front-runner, Caroline Kennedy, made a messy withdrawal from consideration and a person close to Paterson later leaked information to try to smear her, angering America's pre-eminent Democratic family and others within the party. The governor ultimately chose a little known upstate representative, Kirsten Gillibrand, to succeed Clinton. Amid the clamor, he wasn't getting his agenda or his fiscal controls through the legislature. Democrats bickered about their newly won power in the Senate and he was criticized for being

unable to broker a peace. Special interest groups ran multimillion dollar TV ads that can punish even a governor who's riding high in the polls, and Paterson wasn't. For the past two weeks, aides have been knocking down unsubstantiated rumors about his personal life and this week publicly criticized a lengthy New York Times profile that portrayed him as distracted and disengaged. On the Republican side, former Long Island congressman Rick Lazio is the only declared candidate. Paterson planned a campaign stop later Saturday in Rochester and on Sunday in western New York. Š Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Get ready NASCAR fans, Mario Kart is coming by Dave Freeman (CrunchGear) Submitted at 2/19/2010 6:30:22 PM

Despite what my co-workers believe, the fact that I live in Northern Nevada does not automatically make me a fan of NASCAR. I am a fan of MarioKart though, and the fact that Nintendo has teamed up with the Number 20 GameStop car for this weekend’s Slater Bros. 300 is pretty darn cool. I wonder though, will the GameStop car be throwing turtle shells or bananas at the other cars?

Sharp crams digiframe into JD-4C1CL/CW telephone by Darren Murph (Engadget) Submitted at 2/20/2010 11:59:00 AM

Face it, kids -- it's tough to make a landline telephone hip in the age of cellular telephony, but somehow or another Sharp has managed to do just that. For the

second time in a year, no less. The new JD-4C1CL/CW is a rather typical cordless phone, but the super-dee-duper docking station has a 4.3-inch digital photo frame and 64MB of internal storage space. Beyond under wraps, but we're told that that, most everything else is it'll ship in brown, red and white

this April for an undisclosed amount. Continue reading Sharp crams digiframe into JD-4C1CL/CW telephone Sharp crams digiframe into JD4C1CL/CW telephone originally appeared on Engadget on Sat, 20

Feb 2010 11:59:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink Akihabara News| Sharp| Email this| Comments

Politics/ Sports/

E-reader News Edition

Live CPAC Video: The Reagan Banquet, with John Birch Society Updates

Virginia Challenges EPA Greenhouse Gas Finding

(Little Green Footballs)

(Little Green Footballs)

wacky and extreme by conservative leaders. William F. Buckley famously A G e o r g e W . B u s h denounced the John Birch impersonator is doing some Society and its founder Robert labored political schtick as I post Welch in the early 1960s as this… “idiotic” and “paranoid. ” [Video moved to newer Buckley’s condemnation thread…] effectively banishing the group ABC News blog The Note takes f r o m t h e m a i n s t r e a m note of the John Birch Society at conservative movement. Welch CPAC: Far-Right John Birch had called President Dwight D. Society 2010. Eisenhower a “conscious, ABC’s Jonathan Karl reports: d e d i c a t e d a g e n t o f t h e T h i s w e e k ’ s C o n s e r v a t i v e communist conspiracy” and that Political Action Conference in the U.S. government was “under Washington has a co-sponsor o p e r a t i o n a l c o n t r o l o f t h e from the far-right fringe of Communist party.” Buckley American politics: The John argued that such paranoid Birch Society. rantings had no place in the According to Ian Walters, a conservative movement or the spokesman for CPAC, it’s the Republican party. first time the John Birch Society Two years after Buckley’s has sponsored the conference. death, the John Birch Society is T h a t ’ s n o t s u r p r i s i n g , no longer banished; it is listed as considering that the Birch one of about 100 co-sponsors of Society has long been considered the 2010 CPAC. Submitted at 2/19/2010 5:18:41 PM

Why is the Birch Society a cosponsor? “They’re a conservative organization,” said Lisa Depasquale, the CPAC Director for the American Conservative Union, which runs CPAC. “ Beyond that I have no comment.” Dave Weigel has more on the Birchers: The Birchers Are Real & # # x 2 0 1 4 ; a n d They&##x2019;re Spectacular. To understand just how much of a shift this represents for the mainstream right, consider — two years ago, blasted Ron Paul for endorsing the “conspiracy nuts” of the JBS. One year ago, National Review’s John Derbyshire implied that it was a vile smear to connect Ron Paul to the Birchers. And yet here they are at CPAC…

Speaking at a news conference on Wednesday, Mr. Cuccinelli called the E.P.A.’s finding “an T h e a t t o r n e y g e n e r a l o f incredibly far-reaching decision” Virginia, Ken Cuccinelli, has arising from what he called filed a petition to block the uncertain data and a “flawed E n v i r n o m e n t a l P r o t e c t i o n process.” A g e n c y f r o m d e c l a r i n g “The potential impact of the greenhouse gases to be a threat finding on Virginia agriculture, to public health: Virginia Files t h e e n e r g y i n d u s t r y , Challenge to E.P.A. Greenhouse manufacturing jobs, and in truth Gas Regulation. the cost of living for every single Mr. Cuccinelli, seeking to block Virginian,” Mr. Cuccinelli said, the decision, also filed a petition “would create a staggering with a federal appeals court for a burden.” review of the December E.P.A. Mr. Cuccinelli also added that finding, in which the agency the E.P.A. should consider new asserted that carbon dioxide and information, including recently five other greenhouse gases publicized e-mail messages from emitted from automobiles, power a British climate research plants and factories “threaten the institute. Mr. Cuccinelli said the public health and welfare of the e - m a i l m e s s a g e s s h o w e d American people.” scientists using faulty data to In part, the move was aimed at support the notion of manmade encouraging Congress to enact global warming. l e g i s l a t i o n t o m a n a g e t h e This, of course, was the ultimate distribution of these gases into aim of whoever planned the the atmosphere — essentially C l i m a t e g a t e e x p l o i t — t o telling lawmakers, as John position it as a wedge issue to Broder reported late last year, a d v a n c e t h e i r a g e n d a o f Reb, 4 Ast, 1 Stl that if they do not act to control confusion, and ultimately use it Five Filters featured article: greenhouse gas pollution, the as a weapon to thwart climate Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: E.P.A. would “use its rule- change legislation. PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, making power to do so.” Term Extraction.

Jamison makes forgettable debut in Cavs' loss by Associated Press ( Submitted at 2/20/2010 4:57:18 AM

Message from If you can, please donate to the full

-text RSS service so we can continue developing it. Top Performers Cleveland: L. James 22 Pts, 3 Reb, 9 Ast, 4 Stl Charlotte: S. Jackson 29 Pts, 8


Submitted at 2/19/2010 7:18:37 PM


Consumer Reports/ Gadgets/ Entertainment/

E-reader News Edition

For the weekend: Learn to love beans by (Consumer Reports)

they’re so versatile, beans can stand alone as your main course, or transform your favorite Submitted at 2/20/2010 4:59:59 AM dishes—from salads to soups to For the weekend: Learn to love dips. Here are some beanbeans friendly ideas from the editors of Louis Armstrong is said to have the new Consumer Reports Food loved red beans and rice so much & Fitness guide:• Give soups a that he ended some of his kick by adding in canned, personal letters with "Red beans d r a i n e d k i d n e y b e a n s a n d and ricely yours." Perhaps beans g a r b a n z o s . aren't as near and dear to your • Make use of bean leftovers by heart as they were for this jazz mashing them into patties for great, but your heart would thank burgers or sandwiches the next you for sprinkling more of them day. into your meals. Beans of all • For a delicious dip, mix a can v a r i e t i e s p r o v i d e h e a l t h y of black beans, garlic salt, amounts of folate, an essential cumin, and a bit of tomato juice nutrient that helps protect against or salsa. heart disease, and they are a • Try an herbed bean spread in simple and inexpensive way to place of mayonnaise or mustard get more fiber. And if you’re on a sandwich. diabetic, the fiber levels and low • For a tasty Mexican meal, glycemic index of beans can help make tacos or burritos with you maintain normal blood cooked pinto beans or black glucose levels and a healthy beans, accented with reduced-fat body weight. cheese, lettuce, and lots of salsa. Whether canned or dried, beans • Create a super healthful pasta are packed with protein with sauce by blending cannellini very little fat and no cholesterol, beans with chicken stock. Add so they make a great substitute fresh basil, chives, garlic, for meat and dairy. And because oregano, fresh tomatoes, and

-producing substances in beans. And as with adding any type of fiber to your diet, drink plenty of fluids and maintain regular physical activity to help your gastrointestinal system handle the increased fiber.– Ginger Skinner For more on the nutrient profiles for different varieties of beans tomato sauce and pour over and tips and recipes, check out the U.S. Dry Bean Council web s whole-grain pasta. • Top a green salad with a ite. And for more ideas and tips colorful mix of beans, like lima, on cooking better meals for your family, making better food chickpeas, and adzuki. A word on digestive discomfort: choices at the supermarket, If you’re one of many people and keeping the healthy habits who avoid beans for fear of going, pick up our special issue flatulence, you can still enjoy the of Consumer Reports Food & flavor of beans from time to Fitness magazine, on newsstands time. Gradually increase the now. amount of beans in your diet so Photo: colecamp as to give your body a chance to Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o adjust to them. If you’re making beans from scratch, be sure to for expert soak and rinse them thoroughly Ratings, buying advice and before cooking and try adding a r e l i a b i l i t y o n h u n d r e d s o f splash of vinegar after cooking. products. Update your feed A l s o t r y B e a n o , a n o n - preferences prescription product available in many pharmacies. It contains an enzyme that breaks down the gas

Johnny Depp to Make Surprise Appearance at 'Alice in Wonderland' Ultimate Fan Event Tonight! (ETonline - Breaking News) Submitted at 2/19/2010 3:20:00 PM

The secret is out! Walt Disney Pictures is throwing a great big ultimate fan event celebrating Tim Burton's highly anticipated 'Alice in Wonderland' at Hollywood & Highland Center in Hollywood, CA -- and Johnny Depp will be there! Watch the ultimate fan event streaming live HERE on ETonline starting at 5 p.m. PT. "I'm very excited to have the opportunity to present the film to [the fans]," says Johnny. "Those people have stood behind and supported Tim and certainly myself for a long time, so yeah, that's very gratifying. It's always exciting to present the film that first time out of the gate and to feel the reactions of the people around you, so that's always exciting."

Metal Gear Arcade gets head-tracking VR goggles by Devin Coldewey (CrunchGear) Submitted at 2/19/2010 7:00:09 PM

It’s been a long time since I’ve been in a modern arcade. Since I suck at Street Fighter 4 and the like, and most of the games are

huge money sinks, I’ve been avoiding them for years now. But I might have to drop by and check out Metal Gear Arcade when it drops, because these VR goggles look totally awesome. Tactical espionage combat in You can watch a trailer for the stereoscopic 3D? Yes please. game here, where it (briefly)

shows the glasses, but that’s not pretty much fooling you into really what it’s going to be like. thinking you’re actually there. You’re going to be strapped in [via Joystiq] with a 5.1 system wrapped around your head, a gun in your hands, and freaking VR goggles on your eyes with the excellent graphics of the latest Metal Gear

Consumer Reports/

E-reader News Edition


Keep current with the Toyota recalls Take a tour of our new and remedies Home Remodeling & Improvement Guide by Consumer Reports on Safety (Consumer Reports) Submitted at 2/19/2010 1:01:01 PM

Keep current with the Toyota recalls and remedies Keeping up with the recalls of millions of Toyotas has proven to be a challenge for car owners and buyers. But our Cars Blog has been keeping pace with the fast moving story and recently offered this update. Sticking pedals Toyota officials told Consumer Reports that almost all vehicles in dealer stock and coming off the assembly line have had new accelerator pedals installed. However, millions of Toyota owners affected by this recall still await work on their vehicles, including replacement pedals scheduled to arrive in April. Owners are encouraged to schedule appointments—many dealers are extending their hours. Braking issues Regarding the recall of 2010 Prius and Lexus HS 250h hybrid cars with braking issues, Toyota said that the Prius software upgrade has been performed either at the factory or on dealer lots, and that the 2010 Prius is on sale. The Lexus HS 250h

upgrade became available for dealers to download this week and already hundreds of cars have been fixed. Floor mat recall Toyota is still recommending that owners of vehicles recalled for potential floor mat entrapment remove the driver'sside mat. You can follow updates on the Cars blog ( RSS) and Twitter (@CRcars) to keep up with the latest developemtns. And for safety's sake, see our unintended acceleration guide. Related reading • Eight things that can dramatically improve auto safety • Five key fixes automakers should make now to reduce unintended acceleration • Unintended acceleration stories wanted • How to tell if your Toyota is affected by the recent recalls

• Consumer Reports suspends recommendations for recalled Toyotas • Toyota suspends sales, production of recalled vehicles • More than floor mats: Toyota recalls 2.3 million vehicles for sticking accelerators • Analysis shows over 40 percent of sudden-acceleration complaints involve Toyotas • Toyota recalls 3.8 million cars to modify gas pedals, carpets, and software • More than floor mats: NHTSA report gives more details on Lexus crash • Putting a car in Neutral might save your life • Putting stuck floor mat survival strategies to the test • Floor mat survey reveals problem with all-weather mats • Toyota and Lexus floor mat recall is official • Toyota advises 3.8 million Lexus and Toyota owners to remove floor mats Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences

by Consumer Reports Shopping Blog (Consumer Reports) Submitted at 2/19/2010 2:38:47 PM

Take a tour of our new Home Remodeling & Improvement Guide Take a room-by-room tour of your home. We’ve just unveiled a new Home Remodeling and Improvement Guide with one purpose in mind: To help you get the easiest-to-use and most complete listing of the products and projects that can improve your home’s safety, livability and value. Working from the top down, the “In the Spotlight” Section collects six of the strongest seasonal recurring features, such as videos of the hottest products from the International Builders’ Show and our just- updated ratings of interior paints and flooring. To let you better undertake (and understand) both basic and more challenging projects, we’ll be posting Tips of the Day, Weekend Projects, Buzzwords and longer 10 Questions for... interviews with remodeling experts. Directly underneath the “In the Spotlight” box is an interactive home tour (detail pictured above)

that lets you view all our product ratings and project plans for a every room in the house. Below that, you’ll find our latest videos, which provide quick and vivid summaries of our product testing. More interaction is on tap via our Community box, which links to our forums on kitchen and bathroom remodeling, paints and stains, and a very active discussion of heating, cooling, and air conditioning products. Essential information: Our Kitchen-Planning and Energy Saving & Green Living guides provide a similarly empowering summary of our features on those topics. Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences


Consumer Reports/ Gadgets/ Sports/

E-reader News Edition

The controversy heats up—is more health care always better? by (Consumer Reports) Submitted at 2/19/2010 2:31:59 PM

The controversy heats up—is more health care always better? We welcome the controversy sparked by this week’s New England Journal of Medicine article and reported by the New York Times regarding the hospital intensity data published by the Dartmouth Atlas and used in Consumer Reports hospital ratings. It is our hope that this encourages U.S. hospitals and doctors to make better information available on the quality, costs, and results of various types of medical treatments so that consumers can make better choices. For decades the independent studies conducted by the Dartmouth Atlas have been raising concerns that hospitals in some regions of the country used two or three times the medical and financial resources than those in other regions on treating Medicare patients with chronic diseases, with no noticeable increase in life span or quality of life.

despite a rash of state laws and the opportunity for hospitals in any state to report their infection rates to the Leapfrog organization, only a minority of hospitals have been willing to do so. Hospitals and doctors should not be surprised if those of us who These studies attracted p a y for medical widespread support and little care—consumers, taxpayers and comment from hospitals that did employers—want to use quality, not perform well until recently, safety, and outcome measures to when the Obama administration make economic decisions. Those and others have considered using who believe, for example, that t h e i n f o r m a t i o n t o a d j u s t more medical tests, procedures, payment rates. Then, suddenly, days spent in the hospital, and vocal critics have emerged. specialist visits at the end of life Here at Consumer Reports, we indeed create better or longer still feel that the Atlas data lives for patients should be shines a light on an issue that happy to report their data consumers should be aware of publicly and to compare it to when choosing a hospital— and other institutions so that they get we're not the only ones. There is paid fairly for their superior little or no data to support the results.—John Santa, M.D., idea that very intense hospital M.P.H., Director, Health Ratings treatment for chronic diseases, Center Subscribe now! even at the end of life, benefits S u b s c r i b e t o patients. Most hospitals and for expert doctors resist collecting data on Ratings, buying advice and patient outcomes or making their r e l i a b i l i t y o n h u n d r e d s o f data public. For example, we products. Update your feed recently added certain hospital preferences infection measures to our hospital ratings and found that

UMich gurus greatly reduce gadget energy consumption (at the expense of awesomeness) by Darren Murph (Engadget) Submitted at 2/20/2010 10:33:00 AM

Mama always told us that there'd be trade-offs in life, but we aren't so sure we're kosher with this one. As the story goes, a team of Wolverines from the University of Michigan figured out a solution to an age-old problem: effectively lowering power consumption by a significant amount in electronic devices. Anyone with a smartphone yearns for better battery life, and while Stevie J may argue that no one reads for ten hours straight, we'd still rather have the option than not. The development revolves around "near-threshold computing" (NTC), which allows electronic wares to operate at lower voltages than normal, in turn lowering energy consumption. Researchers estimate that power energy requirements could be lowered

by "10 to 100 times or more," but unfortunately, that lowvoltage operation would lead to "performance loss, performance variation, and memory and logic failures." We appreciate the hard work, folks, but could you hit us back when the side effects are somewhat less daunting? Filed under: Science UMich gurus greatly reduce gadget energy consumption (at the expense of awesomeness) originally appeared on Engadget on Sat, 20 Feb 2010 10:33:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Physorg| Email this| Comments

Olympic Chat: The U.S. Hockey Team’s Winning Breakfast ( The Daily Fix)

Members of the U.S. ice hockey team chats with WSJ’s Christina

Jeng. They tell her what they’re listening to and what makes a

winning breakfast:

Tech News/

E-reader News Edition


Top 10 Windows Media Center Plug-Ins and Boosters [Lifehacker Top 10] by Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 2/20/2010 9:00:00 AM

Microsoft's powerful home theater centerpiece, Windows Media Center, is easily one of the best applications that ships for free with Windows. But you can still make it better—and take it into new realms—with these plug-ins, helper apps, and tweaks. Photo by ryaninc. We've previously covered a couple of these as part of our feature of top 10 apps that boost your media center, but we thought that Windows Media Center (WMC from here on) deserved its own special loving list. It also fills out the capabilities and powers of WMC, as many commenters felt our media center comparison chart didn't give the big picture when it came to their Windows boxes. Fair enough—here's an extended list of powers that the little blue-green app can pull off. Note: Unless otherwise stated, most of these apps and plug-ins are intended for use with Windows 7's Media Center. Many keep older versions, compatible with Vista's WMC and the "Media Center Edition" XP systems, available at their sites, but some may not. Similarly, one or two apps may only work with an older WMC edition, and that's been noted in

the text as well. 10. Start WMC in live TV mode It's a small little hack, but this tip for starting Windows Media Center in live TV mode is really helpful for those who see their WMC setup as more of a DVR box first, picture/movie/music player second. By starting up in live TV mode, you can instantly start recording something you were watching and wanted to capture, or just instantly start your channel surfing with the ability to pause. ( Original post) 9. Stream Netflix to older Media Centers Vista only: Windows 7 sports built-in Netflix streaming, but if you're rocking a Vista Media Center and haven't made the jump to 7 yet, you can still

manage your Watch Now queue and stream content whenever you'd like with MyNetflix. The free plug-in looks pretty darned good for a work-around, and covers all the functions you'd want out of a Netflix box. ( Original post) 8. Play more video formats on your Xbox 360 Media Center Extender The Xbox 360 makes for a pretty killer Windows Media Center extender, allowing televisions not directly hooked to a computer to still deliver the Media Center experience. While the Xbox by itself can play XviD and DivX files, an Xbox working as an extender can't work that magic—unless you're up and running with an app like

left-hand channel column, making it easier to recognize and sort through what's on. ( Original post) 6. Switch instantly to Hulu Desktop, Boxee, or XBMC If you were to ask us what's missing from Windows Media Center, we'd say, mainly, streaming media like Hulu and YouTube, and killer local file handling. One smart and generous hacker has solved those deficiencies by making it easy to switch over to Hulu, Boxee, and XBMC right from WMC's main menu, and then switch back when you've closed those apps. That creates a nearly seamless Transcode 360, which runs from media experience, controlled your computer and converts entirely from the couch by movies to an Xbox-extender- remote. Between these four apps, friendly format as they stream to you've got pretty much the the Xbox. It's not an app that entirety of TV and the web sees frequent, regular updates, so available whenever you want if you're having trouble working them. (Original post: Hulu Transcode 360 from Windows 7, Desktop Integration, Boxee, try this guide to getting it XBMC) 5. Kill commercials, inside or running. ( Original post) 7. Add channel logos to TV outside WMC If you wanted commercials, listings The nation's television entities you'd watch live TV. If you want have spent a lot of time and them gone from your media m o n e y m a k i n g s u r e y o u center experience, and you don't r e c o g n i z e t h e i r c o r p o r a t e mind the subtle karmic shift in branding. You may as well put doing so, there's apps to tackle that subconscious recognition to that, both inside and outside use when browsing your TV WMC. Lifextender does a great listings from afar. My Channel job of automating commercial Logos does just what it sounds TOP page 44 like, adding familiar icons to the


Tech News/ TV/

E-reader News Edition

Weekly Wrap-up: The Week in Web Technology by Richard MacManus (ReadWriteWeb) Submitted at 2/20/2010 5:00:00 AM

The big news of the week came out of the annual Mobile World Congress, from companies such as Adobe, Facebook, Google and Skype - read on for our extensive coverage and analysis. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010, including Real-Time Web, Mobile Web and Augmented Reality. You may've noticed that we've refreshed the format for our longest running feature, the Weekly Wrapup. It now focuses more explicitly on the key trends that ReadWriteWeb is tracking in 2010, as well as giving you the highlights from the leading story of the week. Let us know your thoughts on the new format. Sponsor Story of the Week: Mobile World Congress 2010 • Adobe Prepares for a World without Apple's Blessing • Facebook Goes Extra-Light: Announces Stripped-Down Mobile Site • The New Windows Phone • Skype Comes to Blackberry & Android With Verizon Partnership • Mobile Phones to Serve as Doctors in Developing Countries

Other Mobile Stories • The 5 Most Interesting Things About Google's ReMail Acquisition • PleaseRobMe and the Dangers of Location-Based Social Networks • Social Networking Now More Popular on Mobile than Desktop • 2010 Winter Olympics iPhone Apps

New York City • Build Business Cases, Not Business Plans • We're Still Not Facebook: Lessons from Late Adopters

ReadWriteEnterprise O u r c h a n n e l ReadWriteEnterprise is devoted to 'enterprise 2.0' and using social software inside organizations. More Mobile coverage o p p o r t u n i t y o n t h e W e b • CEO Eric Schmidt at World Check Out The ReadWriteWeb s u p p o r t e d b y r e a l - t i m e Mobile Congress: Google's iPhone App t e c h n o l o g y ! G e t Future is in the Enterprise We recently launched the ReadWriteWeb's report, The • Information Blocked: The official ReadWriteWeb iPhone Real-Time Web and its Future. Racial & Gender Makeup of app. As well as enabling you to Augmented Reality Google & 4 Other Tech Giants read ReadWriteWeb while on the • Yahoo! and Total Immersion go or lying on the couch, we've Bring Augmented Reality to the ReadWriteCloud m a d e i t e a s y t o s h a r e Olympics Our channel ReadWriteCloud, ReadWriteWeb posts directly • AR App Development: Metaio sponsored by VMware and Intel, from your iPhone, on Twitter Releases Unifeye Mobile SDK IS dedicated to Virtualization and Facebook. You can also • Wikitude Brings Augmented and Cloud Computing. follow the RWW team on "Worlds" to the iPhone • Will One Company Become Twitter, directly from the app. the Dominant Player in Cloud We invite you to download it More Augmented Reality Computing? now from iTunes. coverage. Also ReadWriteWeb is • Dilemma: Cloud Computing Is Real-Time Web currently working on our next Disrupting Microsoft Office • How I Loved, And Lost, an premium research report on the 2010 and its Profit Margins Aardvark topic of AR marketing. Watch • F a c e b o o k a n d T w i t t e r : • OneRiot Launches New API this space for that. Offers Social, f o r R e a l - T i m e S e a r c h a n d ReadWriteStart Real Time Enterprise Tools Introduces Twitter-Style Ads Our channel ReadWriteStart, • G o o g l e N o w I n c l u d e s s p o n s o r e d b y M i c r o s o f t That's a wrap for another week! MySpace Status Updates in Real B i z S p a r k , i s d e d i c a t e d t o Enjoy your weekend everyone. -Time Search Results p r o f i l i n g s t a r t u p s a n d Discuss entrepreneurs. More Real-Time Web coverage. • Never Mind the Valley: Here's Don't miss the next wave of

'Smallville' 'Persuasion' Recap by Brad Trechak (TV Squad) Submitted at 2/20/2010 2:05:00 AM

(S09E14) There goes that possible future. Actually, the destruction of the solar tower was probably a good thing. Since we already saw where that would lead in that"future" storyline, we now have no idea where the season will go. Obviously, there will be some sort of Clark/Zod confrontation down the line, but the context remains a complete blank. Here's hoping the writers think of something good and it doesn't become one of those 30-second final confrontations with the season's Big Bad in order to save on the special effects budget (so much for'Doomsday'). Continue reading'Smallville' 'Persuasion' Recap Filed under: Smallville, Episode Reviews, Reality-Free Permalink| Email this| | Comments

Tech News/ Entertainment/

E-reader News Edition

Where Are the Women Bloggers? They're Driving Your Sales by Dana Oshiro (ReadWriteWeb)

Fortune 500 board seats and reach parity with men." Page explains that the market Submitted at 2/19/2010 3:57:58 PM was ripe for BlogHer from the If an agency has ever pitched very beginning as media began you on outreach to women's to latch on to the idea of blogs and they don't mention the w o m e n ' s r e p r e s e n t a t i o n i n BlogHer network, there's technology, science and something wrong with them. business. In 2004, Page and coB l o g H e r a n d i t s 2 , 5 0 0 founders Lisa Stone and Jory contributing blog affiliates are Des Jardins created the BlogHer celebrating the network's 5 year Conference in an effort to answer anniversary with the combined the media question - where are traffic of 21 million unique the women bloggers? As the visitors per month and some conference came to fruition, the huge lessons learned along the three were immediately flung way. ReadWriteWeb spoke to co into the spotlight with media -founder Elisa Camahort Page to c o v e r a g e f r o m C N N a n d find out what it's like to run a MSNBC. Says Page, "We knew women's network in a man's then we were on to something world. and we decided to make it a Sponsor business." According to the Catalyst A year later the conference lead Census, "From 1995 to 2005, the to a publishing network and a average rate of increase in diverse range of female bloggers women's representation on joined forces with the trio to Fortune 500 corporate boards promote discussion across their was, on average, one-half of one domains. After 18 months of percentage point per year. At bootstrapping with their own that rate of growth, it would take funding, the co-founders raised another 70 years for women to $3.5 million from Venrock and hold approximately 50 percent of have since raised an additional

way. It differs from week to week, but for instance, in 2008 $13 million to build out the 20+ the keywords all revolved around topic channels. The network the election or the economy. The currently syndicates to iVillage, areas of interest that drive traffic and are not much different than other While other publishing networks blogging networks." of this size often opt for a wholly The one topic that rally's Page's automated system of content diverse community is female aggregation, home page features representations in the media, and related blog links, BlogHer workplace and of course, on the has a commitment to curation. Web. In the backlash against a Says Page, "It's not just about the p a r t i c u l a r l y b a d Y o u T u b e traffic, we want to ensure that campaign launched by Motrin, diverse voices come through in BlogHer was among the first o r d e r t o g e n e r a t e m o r e communities to retaliate with a discussion. We've got a headline Motringate. The consumer trust, editor who looks for topics we distribution and collective want to explore and we take care spending power of the BlogHer community is enough to make or to feature interesting content." Featured pieces are then served break a household brand. As across the publishing network to Page and her co-founders begin the 2,500 affiliate blogs and experimenting with targeted feed relevant pieces are linked a n d p o d c a s t p r o g r a m s , alongside a blog owner's own advertisers may find even more content. When asked what opportunities to test their mettle keywords (other than "BlogHer") in this female media landscape. drive the most traffic to the To check out the network visit network, Page replied, "Women Discuss are not a monolithic block who think, act or buy in the same

Live Stream: 'Alice in Wonderland' Ultimate Fan Event (ETonline - Breaking News) Submitted at 2/19/2010 5:00:00 PM

Walt Disney Pictures is throwing a great big ultimate fan event celebrating Tim Burton's 'Alice in Wonderland' at Hollywood & Highland Center in Hollywood, CA. Watch the live stream now! Director Tim Burton and select members of the 'Alice in Wonderland' cast, including Johnny Depp(The Mad Hatter), Anne Hathaway(The White Queen), Helena Bonham Carter(The Red Queen), Crispin Glover(The Knave of Hearts) and Alice herself, Mia Wasikowska, are in attendance.

Front-Row Fashions! Stars Show Off Their Sizzlin' Styles at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week! (ETonline - Breaking News) Submitted at 2/19/2010 3:30:00 PM

Oooh! Aaaah! Fashion! The hottest names in Hollywood, music and fashion

have come together in glittering NYC to soak up all the glitz and glamour of Mercedes-Benz

Fashion Week. Take a look at the celebs taking their fashion to the streets and looking stylish in


their front-row seats!


Tech News/

E-reader News Edition

From the Tips Box: Chrome Awesomebar, Flyaway Cables, and Food Defrosting [From The Tips Box] by Whitson Gordon (Lifehacker) Submitted at 2/19/2010 5:00:00 PM

Readers offer their best tips for adding missing Firefox features to Chrome, keeping cables from slipping behind your desk, and defrosting food faster in the fridge. Don't like the gallery layout? Click here to view everything on one page. About the Tips Box: Every day we receive boatloads of great reader tips in our inbox, but for various reasons—maybe they're a bit too niche, maybe we couldn't find a good way to present it, or maybe we just couldn't fit it in—the tip didn't make the front page. From the Tips Box is where we round up some of our favorites for your buffet-style consumption. Got a tip of your own to share? Add it in the comments, share it here, or email it to tips at Use I'm Feeling Lucky in Chrome's Address Bar Anthony Sarkees shows us how to get I'm Feeling Lucky into Google's address bar, à la Firefox: I love Chrome's speed and stability, but one thing I sorely missed from firefox was being able to just type something into the awesomebar, and have it

"just show up." If the Google pagerank is high enough, it loads the first result, skipping the results pages. So, if you type Lifehacker, it doesn't give you a google search for lifehacker, it just loads the page. Chrome can replicate this functionality by changing its default search to I'm Feeling Lucky. You do that by adding this entry to your search engines, and then making it the default: =%s&btnI=Im+Feeling+Lucky

Use Binder Clips to Keep Unplugged Cables from Falling Away Christian shows us a simple office hack that keeps cords organized and stable: I keep a couple of these big paper clips attached to the back of my desk in order to hold cords and cables that I want to make sure don't slide back behind my desk when they're not attached to something. Since I'm frequently switching between laptops disconnecting then reconnecting

way to defrost food in the fridge: Usually, when I freeze meat/vegetables, I freeze them in individual portions using ziplock bags. To unfreeze them quickly(less than a night), I put them in the butter compartment in the refrigerator door with the setting on "Soft Butter". Use Your Phone to Keep Track of Credit Spending vault14 tells us the quick and simple way that he keeps an eye on his spending: To keep track of my credit card expenses every month, I enter how much I want to spend on credit into my phone's calculator on the 1st of every month. Then whenever I use my credit card, I pull out my phone and subtract how much I just spent. It makes spending money on credit much multiple cables - this technique more "real" and removes the has saved me a huge amount of abstraction inherit in credit cards. time and frustration. No more Even if you use a service like grabbing at cables as they slip Mint to keep track of your away behind the desk, then spending, this trick is nice trying to fish them back up. because you have to actively I use another one of these clips subtract the spent funds and with my nightstand since I have w a t c h t h e m o n e y g o several cables secured there, as away—good if, even with money well (phone charger, Kindle -tracking services, you still have charger, and laptop cord). trouble reigning in spending. Defrost Food in the Butter Compartment for Quicker Fridge Defrosting SimonEyez shows us a quicker

Tech News/ Fashion/

E-reader News Edition


This Week's Most Popular Posts [Highlights] by Adam Pash (Lifehacker)

power and lightweight mininotebooks that have surged in popularity—practically beg for some tweaking and customization to increase the functionality of their diminutive screens and relatively wimpy processors. Find yourself the perfect netbook operating system from this fine selection. • Full Screen Weather Is a Giant, No-Frills Weather Map We've always liked Weather Underground for its no-

minimal start page that's easy on the eyes. • Adjust Your Car Mirrors to Fully Cover Your Blind Spots The way most drivers, and car makers, keep their side mirrors doesn't actually cover the blind spot outside the driver's vision. Car and Driver illustrates a car mirror setup that, once you get used to it, could prevent lane change freak-outs. • Which Social Network Is Right For You? Between Twitter, Facebook, and Google's new social networking tool, Buzz, it's hard to turn a corner without running into another social network. But how do you know which networking tool fits you best? We're here—with big charts and all—to help. nonsense, real-time weather info. • Remains of the Day: Why Today they've released a new Piracy Works Edition A fed up service called Full Screen movie-watcher explains in Weather that mashes up Google pictures how buying is more Maps with weather data for h o s t i l e t o c o n s u m e r s t h a n nothing but maps and up-to-the- pirating, a school spies on minute weather info. students at home through • Is a Dead Simple but webcams, and Bill Gates gives a Very Attractive Start Page Start great presentation. pages are a dime a dozen, but considering how many times you open a new tab every day, it's nice to have something attractive to look at. Web site is a

launched. Today’s features

include the latest news on Proenza Schouler’s Lazaro Hernandez and Jack McCollough, spring fashion finds from Kirna Zabête’s

Submitted at 2/19/2010 4:00:00 PM

This week we highlighted 10 Google settings you should know, helped you find a good place to catch the Olympics online, helped you share large files with your friends, and a whole lot more. • Top 10 Google Settings You Should Know About As the outcry over Google Buzz's privacy has shown us, it's smart to explore settings in Gmail, along with other places you're sharing data with the search giant. Let's take a look at 10 privacy, convenience, and annoyance fixers you should know. • Where Can I Watch the Olympics Online? Dear Lifehacker, I'm a huge fan of the winter Olympics and I don't want to miss a minute of coverage. Where can I watch the games online? • Make Images 3D sans Goofy Glasses 3D pictures are interesting, but they rely on glasses that alter the way your left and right eye perceive images. This cool 3D imagecreation technique doesn't require glasses but still produces

a 3D illusion. • What's the Easiest Way to Share Large Files and Media with Friends? When you want to to share music, movies, photos, or other files online, you've got countless options. We've examined most, and for our money, one tool emerges on top of the heap for its ease of use, wide support, and all-around excellence. • Five Best Netbook Operating Systems Netbooks—the low-

Sign Up for ELLE Access! by (ELLE News Blog) Submitted at 2/19/2010 1:46:10 PM

Want to receive special offers

and discounts, go behind-thescenes with ELLE editors, and get exclusive scoop from industry insiders? Then register for ELLE Access, which just

owners, and the chance to win a limited-edition Emporio Armani handbag. Click here now to join!


Gadgets/ Economy/

E-reader News Edition

TOP continued from page 39

stripping, but hasn't been updated to run all that well in Windows 7 yet—or so our commenters have noted (it should work fine for Vista and earlier Windows editions). On the other hand, DVRMSToolbox is a stand-alone program, so those with Windows Media Center setups where getting outside the main media window isn't hard can bulk-strip their commercials. (Original posts: Lifextender, DVRMSToolbox). 4. Convert recordings for iPods We're really glad DVRMSToolbox has gotten updates and attention, because that means it can feed our other favorite non-plug-in WMC tool: iPodifier. Used together, they can strip WMC's video files of their copy protection, kill commercials, and, most helpfully, convert those files to a format friendly to iPods and iPhones and patch them right into iTunes for syncing. For a quick walk-through of the process, at least as it ran on an older WMC, check out Rick's guide. ( Original post) 3. Customize menus and rip DVDs If all you're looking for is a way

to see metadata and fancy graphics around your movies, Media Browser does the job beautifully, and it's oh-so-free. (See more details at the number one slot below.) My Movies 3 also organizes and info-tizes your downloaded and ripped files, but offers a host of other unlock-able features to those who donate a bit of cash. Rip DVDs or Blu-Ray discs directly from inside WMC, skip those ultra-annoying mandatory previews and advertisements at a disc's beginning, customize your menus and backdrops, and do a whole lot more as your rack up points. ( Original post) 2. Control WMC from anywhere with WebGuide Windows Media Center is built for the at-home experience, but why shouldn't you be able to tell it what to record, watch what it's already recorded, and otherwise manage your media from anywhere? WebGuide does that, providing you with the ability to decide at work that you want to record something you're going to miss at home. Want to watch live, streaming TV? WebGuide can push it to you through your browser. It's a must-have add-on

for any Windows Media Center setup hooked up to a TV signal. ( Original post) 1. Get the best view of downloaded and ripped files As Lisa put it, this is pretty much a required add-on. Media Browser somewhat evens the playing field between Windows Media Center and its opensource XBMC/Boxee competition by providing movies, TV shows, video podcasts, and other ripped or downloaded files with a rich look, web-provided data, and a general sense of shine and polish. For the winning bonus, this plug-in itself is also opensource, so expect further updates and improvements as more people take up the cause. ( Original post) What'd we miss in the way of Windows Media Center add-ons, plug-ins, and tweaks? What other apps make your own WMC setup the kind of thing you brag to friends (and random internet commenters) about? Tell us in the comments.

Submitted at 2/19/2010 2:26:03 PM

Message from If you can, please donate to the full

-text RSS service so we can continue developing it. By Jamie Chisholm, Global markets commentator, and Telis Demos in New York Published: February 19 2010

by Kyle VanHemert (Gizmodo)

blockbuster, the more closely the length of its shots followed this fluctuation. Submitted at 2/20/2010 11:00:00 AM Whereas Detour, made in 1945, A Cornell University professor has shots that only vaguely analyzed 150 of the highest correspond to the 1/ f fluctuation, grossing movies of the last 70 the 2005 King Kong remake years. The more recent the stays surprisingly snug with the movie, he found, the closer it attention span wave. adhered to the mathematical As Cutting explains, this formula that describes the human increasing correlation means that attention span. films "resonate with the rhythm In the 1990s, researchers at of human attention spans," but University of Texas in Austin j u s t b e c a u s e m o v i e s a r e determined that our attention increasingly pleasing to our spans could be described by the subconscious minds doesn't 1/ f fluctuation, a pattern mean that we will necessarily representing the ebb and flow of like them more: the Star Wars our concentration over a period prequels strictly followed the 08:29 | Last updated: February o f t i m e . I n a n e w s t u d y , formula. [ PhysOrg and PopSci] professor James Cutting found 19 2010 22:26 Five Filters featured article: t h a t t h e m o r e r e c e n t t h e Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Rally persists in spite of early anxieties (Financial Times - US homepage)

The Formula For a Perfect Movie [Science]

Tech News/ Sports/ Fashion/

E-reader News Edition


Will Windows Phone 7 Be Better Than the iPhone for the Enterprise? by Alex Williams (ReadWriteWeb)

earnings report for the fourth quarter thanks in good part to sales of the iPhone to people Submitted at 2/19/2010 3:49:46 PM who use it for work. The Windows Phone 7 news But here's the catch. We really kind of threw us a bit this week. have not seen any bona fide use It had almost no mention about of mobile collaboration tools as h o w i t w o u l d s e r v e t h e of yet across any device. People enterprise. It almost seemed like are using smartphones to check Microsoft had given up. messages and use applications. Now we are starting to see some The applications they do use are reports about how Windows services like Twitter. Phone 7 would fit for the mobile When mobile collaboration does enterprise. And it makes us find its place in the market, it's wonder. Will the Windows not going to be a one application P h o n e 7 b e t t e r s e r v e t h e world. It will require the ability enterprise than the iPhone? t o m a s h u p d a t a , p u l l i n g Sponsor information from multiple The Blackberry is the leader in sources. Our daily work requires the market. For our purposes, we us to use multiple applications a r e l o o k i n g a t h o w t h e simultaneously. That's not challengers compare to each possible with the iPhone. And it other. Android may become the will not be possible with the biggest rival to the Blackberry iPad. This issue will become with its tight integration into even more pronounced as more Google's enterprise suite and the enterprise applications enter the a b i l i t y t o u s e m u l t i p l e mobile market. applications at the same time. In comparison, Windows Phone I's the iPhone that looks a bit 7 is an information centric vulnerable. Without a doubt, the device. Information is stored in iPhone is showing success in the hubs and you can view the enterprise. Apple had a robust different hubs as a panorama on

the device screen. That makes it potentially better than the iPhone or the Nexus One, which do not have that capability. People want to see the information without having to go from application to application. A panorama is more akin to the experience we get on a device

like a laptop. That's far more suitable for the enterprise. Gizmodo:"Out of the box, this information is organized into areas called hubs, which follow the user's areas of interest. Accessible through live tiles in the home screen, the Me (the user), people, pictures and video, music, and games--plus the omnipresent search--hubs give views into several data sources, connecting and presenting them into an interweaved panoramic stream. These hubs dig heavily into many databases, both locally and into the cloud." Ironically, Microsoft often get labeled as a company that creates silo environments. From our view, the mobile applications of today have a certain silo effect. Windows Phone 7 and its hub structure means that it can draw from deep databases from onpremise and the cloud. That to us seems like a powerful combination that is well suited to an enterprise world. Discuss

Street Chic: New York Fashion Week by (ELLE News Blog) Submitted at 2/19/2010 2:10:12 PM

A fitted bomber gives a hippie-

chic skirt a tough edge. Photo: Anne Ziegler Click here for our complete fall 2010 Fashion Week coverage Think you are Street Chic? E-

mail us your photo and you

could appear in's Street Chic Daily. Follow ELLE on Twitter. Become our Facebook fan!

Bode Miller Likely to Take Silver in Super-G ( The Daily Fix) Submitted at 2/19/2010 1:09:38 PM

AFP/Getty Images Bode Miller With all the best skiers down the hill, Bode Miller is likely to take silver and Andrew Weibrecht bronze in the men’s Super-G. Norway’s Aksel Svindal, winner of the silver in the downhill, will likely take the gold. It would be Mr. Miller’s fourth Olympic medal, making him the most decorated U.S. Olympic skier in history. Update: Svindal won the title in 1 minute, 30.34 seconds on a tough, icy course. Miller was second, trailing by 0.28 seconds, and Andrew Weibrecht of the U.S. was 0.31 behind Svindal in third. Miller’s fourth career Olympic medal makes him the most decorated American Alpine skier in history.– Associated Press


Tech News/ Gadgets/

E-reader News Edition

Kevin Rose's 10 Tips for Entrepreneurs by Elyssa Pallai (ReadWriteWeb) Submitted at 2/19/2010 2:30:00 PM

Kevin Rose, Digg's founder, spoke this week at Webstock in Wellington, New Zealand and covered 10 amazing tips for entrepreneurs. They were truly insightful- and obviously came straight from the heart and soul of someone who worked a day job and built his dream after hours. This is our take of what he had to say. 1: Just Build It: You don't need anyone's approval and in fact, you probably won't get it, so don't even try. Sponsor 2: Iterate: Build, release and iterate. Make a list of the features you want to create over the next six months and get going! For small companies, once a week; for larger companies, maybe twice a month. 3: Hire Your Boss: Make sure you hire people that you would want to work for, who challenge you and you can learn from. 4: Demand Excellence: Ensure staff are committed to and understand your vision. Passionate, committed staff have a tendency to rub off on people.

lower-end bloggers at your favorite tech blog. They have just as much opportunity to write about your product as any other blogger on the team. Attend the after-event parties. The same crowd that attends the events also goes to the parties, but the parties are free. 7: Invest in Advisors: Give away a small amount of stock to advisors (which they can vest There is nothing like a new after a few years) who you can junior developer who runs circles call on in a pickle or for general around everyone to get people advice as issues arise. Set the hyped up and raise the bar! Stay ground rules so you and the involved in the hiring process as advisor know how much time you have access to. long as you possibly can. 8: Connect With the 5: Raising Money: The higher your evaluation is, the more Community: Hold a live town equity you have to work with. hall where you can collect Beg, borrow and steal. Be feedback and get advice from creative about finding ways to your users. cut costs. For example, tell the 9: Leverage Your User Base to bar you are having a "birthday Spread the Word: Facebook party" instead of a corporate notifications is a great example event (which they would charge of how to do this. you $5,000 for). Rent servers, 10: Analyze Your Traffic: Pay don't buy them. Don't just take attention to how people are using t h e c a s h , m a k e s u r e y o u r your site, and then learn and investors can add value. Stick evolve. Use Google Analytics to with angel investment. Venture understand and track traffic capital mean board meetings, sources and entrance and exit which is a huge sap on time and paths. Photo credit: althecat Discuss resources. 6: Hack the Press: Hit up the

A Robotic Band With a Wiimote-Wielding Frontman [Robots] by Kyle VanHemert (Gizmodo)

and pitch of the three different drums. The D-pad determines which part of the drum is struck Submitted at 2/20/2010 10:00:00 AM (and thus the sound it makes) In what may be a precursor to while turning the Wiimote side the hippie/robot showdown to side controls the tempo of the w e ' v e a l w a y s h o p e d f o r , notes and pointing it up and musician Patrick Flanagan has down controls their volume. founded Jazari, a three-piece Other buttons allow Flanagan to robotic drum circle with some record loops on the fly and impressive grooves. If that's not manipulate those patterns live. fun enough, it's all controlled by Flanagan's software even allows two Wiimotes. the other drums to analyze the Last week we looked at Marv, a g r o o v e s h e ' s c r e a t i n g a n d robotic vibraphone that banged improvise their own patterns, out an impressive rendition of though he doesn't spend too "Flight of the Bumblebee." This much time talking about this week's robotunes come courtesy capability. I think, as frontmen of an ensemble. often do, he likes the control. [ Flanagan wields two Wiimotes PopSci] to control the rhythm, volume,

Tech News/ Gadgets/

E-reader News Edition


A Sign of Arrival: CloudCamp Tour India by Alex Williams (ReadWriteWeb) Submitted at 2/20/2010 12:19:12 AM

CloudCamp Tour India will feature five CloudCamp events over the next eight days, illustrating the the growth of the movement in one of the largest technology communities in the world. India is on the edge of seeing significant adoption for cloud computing. Janakiram MSV works with Alcatel Lucent as Deputy General Manager, Bell Labs-India. He makes a few points about why India is poised for significant growth in his post about the battle ahead in the cloud computing market. Sponsor "Why should Cloud vendors take India seriously? Here are some points: 1) India hasn't hit the saturation levels yet. Unlike Americas and EMEA, India and APAC have ample scope for IT adoption. This market has a huge, untapped potential at every level - Let that be enterprise, Public Sector or ITES.

2) India is a playground and a test bed to pilot strategic adoption techniques. No other geography will give the platform vendor access to the whole ecosystem. Want to engage with ISVs and excite them to develop on your platform? Well, India is the place to go. Do you need a mature developer community to pilot a SDK adoption plan? Want to setup a Center of Excellence to showcase the capabilities of your platform? Go, talk to Infosys or Wipro! 3) The Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) story is just warming up. Some of the inherent problems that India has been grappling with can now turn into a great opportunity for Cloud vendors. Think of how you can empower the clusters of small businesses through the Cloud and you have a winning story there." Interest in India and the Asia Pacific Region is growing. For example, Amazon Web Services recently appointed Simone

Brunozzi as an evangelist for the Asia Pacific region. Its the first time Amazon has had an evangelist for the Asia Pacific region. Microsoft's Windows Azure is sponsoring a number of the cloud computing events. Yahoo!'s R&D group will hold the first India "hadoop Summit," on February 24 at the event in Bangalore. These are all signs that cloud computing is growing as rapidly in India as other parts of the world. Events are scheduled throughout the country, starting with CloudCamp Delhi, which is now underway. Here's a schedule of CloudCamp events taking place through next week: February 23, 2010 in Chennai, India February 25, 2010 in Hyderabad, India February 27, 2010 in Pune, India February 28, 2010 in Bangalore, India Discuss

ModisTech to commercialize cheap, flexible OLED lighting this year by Donald Melanson (Engadget) Submitted at 2/20/2010 6:51:00 AM

It's far from the only one working on flexible OLED lighting, but it looks like ModisTech could be among the first to actually bring something to market, as its now announced that it will begin commercialization of its 150 x 150mm flexible OLED panels this year (seemingly ahead of its original 2011 schedule). Those will apparently be used for various indirect lighting applications including desk lamps and car lighting, and

promise to provide a more natural light than LEDs while maintaining some of the same power savings. Still no word on any actual products using the OLED panels, unfortunately, but they will supposedly be inexpensive for companies to adopt (and very cheap to manufacture). ModisTech to commercialize cheap, flexible OLED lighting this year originally appeared on Engadget on Sat, 20 Feb 2010 06:51:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink OLED-Info| OLED Net| Email this| Comments


Tech News/ Tech Blog/ Economy/

E-reader News Edition

VoxOx Translates Foreign-Language What we don't Instant Messages On-the-Fly understand [Downloads] (Scripting News)

have to enter your special password to get it to do that. But don't click OK when you're at a It would be easy to read this and web site or in an email. How do feel superior, but don't. you know which you're in? Imagine you knew nothing And icons. Sometimes you click about computers and somehone them once and sometimes you handed you a Macintosh and told click them twice. you to figure it out. You don't see all of these layers How long would it take you to of complexity either because you figure out what each of the were around when each one applications did, or even what an came online (I was) or you just application is, and how they forgot what it was like to be differ and how they're similar. presented with it for the first Suppose you found your way all time. I have no idea what it was the way to WordPress, think like to be a child who had these about how many layers of menus things since before they can and user interfaces you had to remember, but I know a few master just to get there. undergrads at NYU who I'm There's the menubar at the top going to ask about this. of the screen. The dock at the My mother, on the other hand, bottom of the screen. Then, has been using computers since when you launch the web before they were born, she browser, there's a new menu at started with the Mac in 1985 or the top of the screen (and did so, but like someone who learned you notice or did you just think it to speak another language as a was the same menu). Then when child, she sees the bewildering you get to WordPress, it has its complexity of our language own menu at the top of its whenever she does things that screen. But above that menu we take for granted. there are things you click that You might say don't worry, her kind of act like menus that take generation won't be here much y o u a w a y ( t o o l b a r i c o n s ) . longer, but that's my mom you're WordPress has several kinds of talking about. And further, how menus. The one running across much effort are we wasting the top of its screen and the one p u s h i n g a r o u n d a l l t h e s e running down the left. unnecessary concepts? Too Okay, someone told you to click much. OK when the machine asks you to install new software. You Submitted at 2/20/2010 6:47:39 AM

by Lisa Hoover (Lifehacker) Submitted at 2/19/2010 3:00:00 PM

Windows/Mac: VoxOx is a snazzy chat and social networking app for keeping in touch with your friends. We've mentioned it before, but VoxOx is even more useful now that it has a real-time translation tool. The latest from VoxOx makes it easier to overcome language barriers. When you use it to communicate with foreignlanguage-speaking friends, it automatically translates messages you send and receive into the language of your choice. You can opt for multi-directional translation or, if one of you knows the other's language, you can choose to have only sent or received messages translated. The tool works across all the services VoxOx supports, so you can use it to chat with your friends on Facebook, Google Talk, SMS, and more. It even

translates your tweets to other languages, but be advised: unless you send someone a direct message with VoxOx, your tweet will show up in the public timeline. You can even use the VoxOx universal translator to send email—replies will be automatically translated for you. If you've never taken VoxOx out for a spin, it's worth checking

out. In addition to keeping you connected to all your social networking services, it also does video conferencing, file sharing, and VoIP calling with a dedicated phone number. If you've been looking for ways to communicate more easily with your international friends, VoxOx might be just the ticket. VoxOx[via Gizmodo]

Boom-dee-ah-da, boom-dee-ah-da by Barry Ritholtz (The Big Picture) Submitted at 2/20/2010 7:00:08 AM

Message from If you can, please donate to the full

-text RSS service so we can continue developing it. Discovery Channel – -I Love the World Commercial Part II The World Is Just Awesome

Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


E-reader News Edition


Review: HP TouchSmart 600 by Dave Freeman (CrunchGear) Submitted at 2/19/2010 7:00:39 PM

Short version: HP’s TouchSmart 600 isn’t the perfect solution for a touchscreen based home computer, but it comes pretty damn close. The TouchSmart system works well as an internet home appliance, but the thing that makes it special is also where it starts to show some problems. Features: • 23-inch touchscreen • Blu-ray playback • Multiple inputs for video devices • Wireless keyboard, mouse, and Media Center remote • MSRP $1479.99 as reviewed Pros: • TouchSmart interface is fun to use • Perfect for a media appliance • Clean design keeps clutter to a minimum Cons: • Integrated graphics lack processing power • Appliance style case could hamper repairs • Fingerprints on the touchscreen can be distracting Full review: The TouchSmart 600 is one of the next generation of touch screen computer appliances developed by HP. While it’s not the ideal computer for a business

or gamer user, it is ideal for a casual user or someone who wants easy access to media, or has a limited amount of space and needs something that can fulfill multiple roles. The system I reviewed came in a fairly decent configuration, sporting an Intel Core 2 Duo 9600, 4GB of RAM, and an Nvidia GT230. This makes the TouchSmart a fairly capable machine, albeit mainly useful

from a media and internet appliance standpoint. It is worth noting, however, that HP recently came out with an upgraded version of the hardware, including a option to select a Core i7 720QM or Core i7 820QM processor. The part that makes it stand out from other systems is, of course, the touchscreen. HP built a custom interface over the top of Windows 7, and it works really

well. The interface allows you to access Hulu, Twitter, Netflix, and a really nice recipe program. For the most part, the Hulu and Netflix interfaces are customized and optimized to work with the touch screen. The Netflix interface is particularly well done, and scrolls by nicely with the flick of a finger. I also (being a photographer) enjoyed the Canvas program. It really takes advantage of the multi-touch

functionality, allowing you to shrink, enlarge, drag, and otherwise manipulate your images on the touchscreen. If you move at a slower pace, the screen is about 98% accurate. If you move too fast though, you do lose a bit of accuracy. The screen is responsive, but you do have to be careful not to flick too fast. Running programs in the REVIEW: page 50


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REVIEW: continued from page 49

background will definitely have an impact on the responsiveness. Cosmetically, the TouchSmart looks good. The black plastic shell fits in well no matter where you want to put it, and the 23 inch screen doesn’t have too much glare, though as you may be able to see in the pictures, it is extremely glossy and reflective. When I first took this machine out of the box, I immediately thought it would be ideal for in a den, dorm room, and even potentially in the kitchen. The TouchSmart comes with a low profile wireless keyboard and a standard wireless mouse. You technically don’t have to use the keyboard or mouse, due to the touchscreen having a keyboard,

but don’t expect to be able to type with any speed using the on -screen keyboard. I supposed it’d be fine for Tweets or Facebook updates, but I’d be reluctant to use it for anything more strenuous. It’s worth noting that the TouchSmart 600 also came with some Microsoft Surface programs, which, while pointless, are quite fun as technical demos. The Globe in particular is nicely executed, using multi-touch to rotate, zoom, and generally manipulate the world. The bottom line: The TouchSmart 600 is a cool computer. The touchscreen is fun to play with, if not entirely

practical for everyone. The custom interface makes it an ideal media platform, and I’d recommend for pretty much everyone except a power user. Casual games work great, but the TouchSmart lacks the computing power needed to run anything too graphically intensive. Prices start at $1049 directly from HP, but you can get it from other retailers at better prices. Click here for HP’s TouchSmart 600 website and for more information.

The Value of the “Too Big to Fail” Fashion Week Fall 2010 Runway Big Bank Subsidy Guest Author (The Big Visions: Anna Sui by Picture) by (ELLE News Blog) Submitted at 2/19/2010 2:11:14 PM

Patterns, fur, and lace grace the runway at Anna Sui's fall readyto-wear collection. All Photos: Kelly Stuart Click here for our complete fall 2010 Fashion Week coverage

Submitted at 2/20/2010 6:47:27 AM

Message from If you can, please donate to the full -text RSS service so we can continue developing it. The Value of the “Too Big to Fail” Big Bank Subsidy Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

What I did today: Nintendo DS case replacement by John Biggs (CrunchGear) Submitted at 2/20/2010 9:03:45 AM

Not a big deal but I just wanted to write a bit about replacing parts on your valuable and delicate electronics. Friends, I’m here to tell you that while it’s hard, it’s not impossible to fix things yourself. Our old DS, the one my son uses, fell in an airport a few weeks ago and the hinge cracked. I decided to try to repair the case. A quick perusal of eBay found a bright blue replacement

case for the DS for 2 cents (plus $12 shipping LOL!). A search for “DS replacement case” or something like that will bring up similar models. When it arrived I put the whole mess away for a while. They all come from the same knock-off Shenzhen factory anyway. Heck, this even came with a “real” Nintendo sticker with serial number. I cracked the thing open and slowly worked through all of the screws and parts. I’m not that handy. I like electronics but I don’t like them when they’re in

pieces. My buddy Paul is great at taking things apart while our own Doug Aamoth is a whiz at PC repair. I’m just a dilettante. Anyway, a few hours later and I

have a brand new DS. Post of the parts didn’t quite fit at first – I trimmed them with a pocket knife – and the stickers are a joke but it’s a good feeling to fix

something that broke. I remember repairing cars with my Dad when I was a kid and since we don’t have a garage here where we can really tear down breaks or change oil, I expect to do little projects like this with my son over the next few years. Hopefully complexity doesn’t prohibit us from this sort of thing.

Gadgets/ TV/

E-reader News Edition

Sharkoon's USB 3.0 SATA HDD dock doubles up, now handles two drives

What's On Tonight: 'Cops' 'The Troop,' 'Wanda Sykes Show'

by Darren Murph (Engadget)

by Bob Sassone (TV Squad)

Submitted at 2/20/2010 4:47:00 AM

We tell ya, these HDD docks... they sure know how to keep pace with the latest and greatest of technological innovations. Shortly after Sharkoon busted out a USB 3.0-enabled version, along comes this fellow: a dualdrive version of the same device. Packing a pair of SuperSpeed USB sockets and room for two 2.5- or 3.5-inch hard drives (or a combination, if you prefer), this

device makes it dead simple to clone drives and ready a new one to supplant your existing platter. It's available now for €59.90

($81), but if you wait a fortnight or so, we're almost certain the next iteration will be out to take its place. Sharkoon's USB 3.0 SATA HDD dock doubles up, now handles two drives originally appeared on Engadget on Sat, 20 Feb 2010 04:47:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink Everything USB| TweakTown| Email this| Comments

by Kona Gallagher (TV Squad) Submitted at 2/20/2010 11:18:00 AM

gets to avoid questions about her next project, 'Breaking Dawn,' which is the final installment in the 'Twilight' saga. • A new Martin Scorsese film should be cause for excitement, right? So why do I feel so apathetic about'Shutter Island?' Cinematical reviews the new Leonardo DiCaprio film, here. • 'Twilight' star, Kristen Stewart, • As a woman who Loved'Live Filed under: Site is appearing in a new film Free or Die Hard' because of the Announcements, Reality-Free called,'The Y e l l o w copious amount of crap that blew Permalink| Email this| | Handkerchief.' But that, of up, but also really kind of wants C o m m e n t s course, doesn't mean that she to see'Valentine's Day,' I have no The folks at our sister site, Cinematical, are working hard to give you news and reviews of the best -- and worst -- the silver screen has to offer. Here are some of their musings on the latest blockbusters, indies, and everything in between:

Submitted at 2/20/2010 12:09:00 PM

Here's tonight's TV lineup (all times Eastern).

• Discovery has a'Deadliest Catch' marathon all night. • CSPAN2 has new episodes of'Book TV' all night. • At 8, NBC has The Olympics. • FOX has a new'Cops' at 8. • HGTV has a new'Divine Design' at 8. • At 8:30, Nickelodeon has a new episode of'True Jackson, VP,' followed by a new episode of'The Troop.' At 9, FOX has a idea what women want when it • c o m e s t o t h e m o v i e s . new'America's Most Wanted.' Cinematical tries to figure it out. • CNBC has a new'Suze Orman • My favorite Serious Slo-Mo Show' at 9. Walk? It has to be when the crew • There's a new'Survivors' on walks together in'Reservoir BBC America at 9. • HGTV has a new'The Outdoor Dogs.' What's yours? • I'm honestly kind of surprised Room with Jamie Durie' at 9, that it's taken this long to get a then a new'Curb Appeal.' Kurt Cobain biopic, but now that • Also at 9: The Weather we have one in the works, who Channel has a new'Weather should play the title character? Proof.'

Right Now On Cinematical


• At 10, CBS has a new'48 Hours Mystery.' • Style has a new episode of'The Dish' at 10. • At 11, FOX has a new'Wanda Sykes Show.' Check your local TV listings for more. Filed under: Programming, What To Watch Tonight, Reality -Free Permalink| Email this| | Comments


Apple/ Game/

E-reader News Edition

Macworld 2010: In Closing by Weldon Dodd (TheAppleBlog) Submitted at 2/19/2010 4:00:09 PM

In the first year that Macworld Expo San Francisco did not see Apple attend, the speculation leading up to the show was centered on what Macworld Expo would be like without its best known exhibitor. David Pogue gave us a look at the world without Apple, and then the show itself gave us a look at Macworld Expo without Apple. The results in both cases were still pretty enjoyable. In any other year, the start of Macworld Expo would mean looking forward to a riveting Stevenote with all sorts of product announcements. This year, the Expo started with David Pogue of the New York Times leaping on stage to do his best Steve Ballmer impersonation. The highlight of the opener was a clever and entertaining stage play of “It’s a Wonderful Mac” which riffs on the premise of“It’s a Wonderful Life” starring Jimmy Stewart by imaging what the world would be like without Apple. The Gregory Brothers(who are actually three brothers, Andrew, Evan, Michael and Evan’s wife, Sarah) from Auto-Tune the News on YouTube nailed the parts of Old Man Potter, Uncle Billy and others while the part of George Bailey was replaced by

Steve Jobs, played by LeVar Burton (Roots, Star Trek: The Next Generation, and Reading Rainbow). Steve is placed into a situation where he laments that the world might be better off if he had never created Apple. “Claris” the guardian angel shows him what the world would be like — a world where DOS 27.0 is the standard and Windows was never invented because the Mac was never created for Microsoft to copy. Ultimately, a world without the graphical web browser because the concept of “clicking” on the screen was never imagined. The stage play was clever and entertaining, and the Gregory Brothers are immensely talented and funny, but the irony of the moment was that the actual Expo gave us a real look at life without

Apple. And you know what? It wasn’t that bad. Actually, it was pretty darn good. Macworld is About Mac People I’ve been to a few Macworld Expos (I still have my VHS of Independence Day, velcroed to the bottom of our seats at the 1997 keynote), and while I miss seeing Steve Jobs, I was really pleased at seeing the friends (both individuals and companies) that I have made over the years. I even had a chance to get accosted by some random Mac fanatics that are every bit as addled and creepy as some of the interesting folks haunting the sidewalks of downtown San Francisco. At least no one took a leak in the aisle like I saw happen on the street one day walking back from lunch. Was It as Good for You as It Was for

Me? The value of Macworld depends a lot on who you are. Media Types Macworld Expo provides a great opportunity to see products, talk with vendors, and attend special briefings on upcoming products. Here at TheAppleBlog, I have several interesting bits of information to share with you over the next few weeks. Vendors The Expo is a chance to show off your wares to the above media types, but also a chance to interact with some of the most die-hard Mac users out there. Yes, it is only a small sampling of the Mac community, but these people care about telling you what they think of your product. Users The conference sessions still represent a good value because of the chance to mix and mingle with other Mac professionals. The speakers often target their talks to beginner/intermediate levels to hit a wide audience, but the guy sitting next to you could be an absolute expert on Aperture, Mac OS X Server, Photoshop, etc. If you’re not talking to people at the show, you’re missing out. I Will Be There Next Year, Will You? If you went to Macworld Expo last week, I would love to hear about your thoughts in the comments. Also, let us know if you plan to be there next year.

Shattered Horizon is free to play this weekend on Steam by Griffin McElroy (Joystiq) Submitted at 2/20/2010 11:30:00 AM

Independently-developed FPS Shattered Horizon isn't the most high profile action game on the market right now, but it's got two things going for it which we're betting will capture your attention. The first is that until 4 p.m. EST tomorrow, you can download and play the game for free over Steam. It requires DirectX10 and Windows Vista or 7 to play -- but if you've got the tech specs to run the game, you can give it a free trial run until tomorrow afternoon. Oh, the other thing? It's a firstperson shooter that takes place in the zero-gravity environs of the moon. If a cooler premise for a game exists, we've yet to hear it. Shattered Horizon is free to play this weekend on Steam originally appeared on Joystiq on Sat, 20 Feb 2010 11:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

Apple/ TV/

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Steve Jobs Labels Adobe’s Flash a Dying Technology, But Is It? by Chris Brandrick (TheAppleBlog)

away from the format is seen. So what alternatives could Apple be hoping to replace Adobe’s Submitted at 2/19/2010 3:34:06 PM prevalent plugin with? Steve Jobs has been badHTML5 is the immediately mouthing Adobe’s Flash once obvious choice for replacing again, according to a recent Flash, with Apple itself already Business Insider report. The using it. But as TheNextWeb Apple head honcho recently points out, the technology is not visited the Wall Street Journal to quite ready yet, with a number of demonstrate the iPad. During his issues holding it back. Currently stay he allegedly criticized only a few browsers support it, Adobe’s Flash technology, with and full integration is not in the intent to move the popular sight. Feedback from early broadsheet newspaper away from experiments have also not been using the web display overly positive, with users of technology. YouTube’s HTML5 demo The report details that Apple’s on Mac platforms as it does on claiming it to be unsatisfactory CEO attempted to convince the Windows, with Adobe’s CTO and slow. Journal by downplaying Flash, Kevin Lynch even accepting that Beyond HTML5, Apple is also describing it as a “CPU hog” that t h e r e a r e s o m e p r o b l e m s . known for its love affair with the has “security holes.” He then H o w e v e r , d u e t o F l a s h ’ s H.264 video standard. The video added that Apple does not widespread adoption, it seems compression format is what “spend a lot of energy on old that labeling it as a dead makes YouTube work on your technology” comparing Flash to technology now is a premature iPhone, and is also integrated o t h e r d e a d t e c h n o l o g i e s , move. into QuickTime. However due to including Floppies, Firewire and The iPad’s widely reported lack hefty licensing rules imposed by even the humble CD. This of Flash means you can’t watch MPEG-LA, the standard is not continued dislike for Flash your favorite shows on Hulu, going to become mainstream comes after Jobs downplayed crop your corn on FarmVille or anytime soon. Adobe’s technology at a town watch the latest video on the So, with other standards not h a l l m e e t i n g w i t h A p p l e New York Times. Of course quite ready to step up to the mark employees earlier this month. these are just a few examples of and Flash not disappearing But could the typically forward- what a future without Flash anytime soon, it seems that Jobs’ thinking Steve Jobs, and in turn would be like. But with hundreds campaign of hate will have to Apple, be acting too quickly in of thousands of web sites playing remain just that, purely vocal. It d i s r e g a r d i n g F l a s h ? I t ’ s host to flash content, it could be seems that iPhone and future commonly accepted that Adobe’s years before Apple’s desire iPad users will just have to get Flash does not run as effectively becomes reality and a move used to those blue Lego bricks.


Bill Pullman Joins Jay Harrington in 'Nathan vs. Nurture' by Allison Waldman (TV Squad) Submitted at 2/20/2010 10:16:00 AM

NBC seems anxious to bounce back in a significant way. The network has a long way to go, but casting Bill Pullman in the sitcom pilot 'Nathan vs. Nurture' was a good step. It's not just that Pullman, who's a terrific actor and extremely funny, will be on the show. It's that he's going to play opposite Jay Harrington, who was announced as the star a few days ago. Those two guys together equals potential hysteria... in a good way. The premise of 'Nathan vs. Nurture' is promising. Jay's character is a successful heart surgeon who discovers that he was adopted and meets his biological family. And Bill Pullman is his real dad, Arthur. There are also siblings that Nathan's never met before, and between Arthur and the sibs, there's nothing that matches his level of accomplishment. How is it possible if they have the same

genes? Well, that's where the comedy kicks in. Continue reading Bill Pullman Joins Jay Harrington in 'Nathan vs. Nurture' Filed under: Other Comedy Shows, OpEd, Celebrities, Casting, Reality-Free Permalink| Email this| | Comments


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Get Noticed with Your Own 'Colbert Report' On-Notice Board

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The Week We Went on an Acquisition Spree [Week In Review] by Pareene (Gawker) Submitted at 2/19/2010 6:00:00 PM

by Danny Gallagher (TV Squad)

Honestly, who the hell knows what went on this week? It was a Submitted at 2/20/2010 9:00:00 AM weird one! Figure skating, like everything Something really cool found its and everyone else in the world, is way to my mailbox the other racist. Netflix wants to be HBO day. No, not porn. but it cannot be HBO because of The'Colbert Report's' online economics. Everyone wants to shopping hub at debase themselves for TV! has a neat, Valentine's Day is a nightmare. interactive and (most importantly There are lots of wonderful ways to me) dirt cheap little bit of flair to die. The internet is confusing for your refrigerator or office: and upsetting. JFK's love letters your very own "On-Notice" need some updating. The crazy board. it's also a great stress reliever. professor who killed those It's a dry-erase board that lets You know why, Don Cheadle. people just didn't want to drive a you write in and therefore write van. Brian categorized all The Don't pretend like you don't. off anyone or anything that's Filed under: Other Comedy Gays. The Times is fighting pissing you off in life. It's not about Steve Jobs new slab thing. Shows, Web, Reality-Free only a great way to pledge your P e r m a l i n k | E m a i l t h i s | | Science is real even when allegiance to the mighty and scientists write the wrong thing Comments awesome Stephen Colbert, but in a book. There was a New York Times story about David Paterson but it was the wrong one.(We had our own!) Then they ran another one. Tumblr is in bed with Big Music Criticism. Ice Skating is dangerous. Alec Baldwin is problematic. Marc Jacobs: gay rights hero. Weird people committed a weird

murder. There were swears on the NBC channel. Everyone cheated on their spouses. There was an ironic mustache at the Olympics. The Palins tried to steal Levi Johnston's porn money. Another crazy person killed a bunch of people and wrote a crazy note about it. But was he a liberal? Ladies can't get laid. Steve Jobs hates Flash. A woman with Down Syndrome made fun of Sarah Palin. What shall we watch on the Olympics, now? Hedge funds lost a lot of

money on MGM. The CEO of Google had a ladyfriend and she is writing about it. Plus, TV: Big Love, Kell on Earth, RuPaul's Drag Race, American Idol, Project Runway, and Real Housewives of Orange County. And our boss got fired! So we gave him some advice. Bye, Gabriel! You should probably just pitch a tell-all to someone or other. The world must know what went on here!


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Some Sound Career Advice for Mr. Gabriel Snyder [Colored Parachutes] by Gawker Staff (Gawker)

Friends or something. This is probably not going to happen, because Gabe is a It's no big secret that today is tireless and eager thinking Gawker EIC Gabriel Snyder's machine — one I'd follow to the last day. We suck at goodbyes, ends of the internet — but I but we are great at telling other thought I'd say it anyway. people what to do, so here are Doree "Gimlet-Eyed Appraiser" our suggestions for our former Shafrir: boss' next big step. Everyone knows that when God R i c h a r d " D a z z l i n g C o p y closes a door, He opens a Superhuman" Lawson: window. I'd like you to think of My advice to Gabriel Snyder is this as a window not in cold, to give his brain a rest for a few dark, wintry New York City, but weeks. His oft-wild hair and a window into God's heart. beard are sort of the external That's right—I think you should physical manifestation of what I become a missionary. You could imagine the inside of his head take the wicked ways you must feel like. The man knows learned at this "website" and turn basically everything about them into forces for good. Just everything. We'd have edit because Denton and the rest of meetings and I'd marvel at how us are going to burn in hell he can hold forth on pretty much doesn't mean you have to. SAVE any topic put before him, YOURSELF WHILE YOU recognize any name, recall an STILL CAN. And think of the unending amount of interesting children, etc. Love, Doree little anecdotes that played on a Brian "Conversation-Starting theme. I've honestly never seen Enunciator" Moylan: anything like it. I think I've My suggestion is to get out of bested him only on knowledge of the game altogether. Don't you Gossip Girl, which says far read this fucking site? Media is worse about me than it does dying! Instead, become a high about him. Gabe's mega-brain is school guidance counselor. It's a tremendous asset for this kind basically what you've been doing o f w o r k , b u t i t m u s t g e t anyway: corralling a bunch of *exhausting* sometimes, just ungrateful brats to do their best knowing all that stuff. So my work, making their ideas better advice is to just turn it off, if with your skill and experience, possible, for a few weeks. Just and letting them know when they turn the notch down to our level have really bad ideas and sharing for a bit and watch reruns of some great ideas of your own. Submitted at 2/19/2010 4:41:52 PM

years from now we'll all get together and laugh about this, because of wet brain. So have fun now! Alex "Incisive Political Commenter" Pareene: While it's tempting, during any period of uncertainty, to jump at the first opportunity that presents itself, it's wise to be as patient as you can afford to be. I took a questionable job shortly after dropping out of college, and now There is also a British I've been working for Nick headmaster involved. Like a Denton for five years. With that guidance counselor did long ago, in mind, I offer a brief list of you took a shot on me and hired jobs I'm sure you've been me out of nowhere, and I will offered, Gabriel, that you should forever be thankful. So, yes, definitely turn down. eduction! Might I suggest a tony • Printout collator, Daily Beast UES institution with lots of • Managing editor, Guest of a asshole parents you can tips us Guest off about. And one with a lax • Communications director, dress code, because you only office of the Governor of New own one pair of shoes. York Hamilton "Humorous • Location scout, Real Workhorse" Nolan: Housewives of New York With the caveat that my own • Stylist, NonSociety career knowledge has only • Fact checker, landed me here, my important career advice to Gabe is this: • Host, Tonight Show 1. Print is dead, unless you can get a sweet per word rate. That about covers it. Be careful 2. Don't take any wooden out there. nickels. "Dog Reporter" John Cook: 3. Never work for the British. Gabriel: Outside of that I'm sure you'll do Here are some lessons for your great. Working here has given future endeavors I think we've you more than enough skills to learned together: bullshit your way through any 1) Whatever you do, do NOT situation you'll face. Twenty double traffic. In fact, don't

double anything at all. Try to keep everything at like 180%. Or 160% to be safe. 2) Don't assemble and hold together a talented staff of the type of people who get lured away by bigger operations and then decide to return to work for you anyway. 3) Try to avoid generating any plaudits or recognition from the press commenting on the quality of work you're producing. 4) Stay away from publishing any exclusives involving nude semi-celebrities that draw 3.5 million pageviews ( and uniques!) and generate loads of press. 5) Likewise, if anyone calls you claiming to have evidence that one of the most bizarre and compelling media firestorms of the past decade was in fact a grand hoax, just hang up the phone. 6) Don't feel like you have to be so nice, or friendly, all the time! Try to be more of a dick. 7) If you end up running a blogtype thing, maybe make it really self-involved and navel-gazing and insidery? 8) In all seriousness, stay away from British people. Sorry for all the mean things I muttered under my breath about you, that's just the way I am with bosses. Thanks for everything. SOME page 58



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The Google CEO and His Mistress: The Tell-All Blog [Rumormonger] by Ryan Tate (Gawker) Submitted at 2/19/2010 4:46:45 PM

Eric Schmidt has long campaigned for free-flowing information, and even against the very idea of secrecy. But we doubt the Google CEO loves disclosure so much he'll approve of an indiscreet blog-cummemoir by his sometime mistress. Schmidt parted ways with Bohner last summer, but that hasn't kept him out of what a tipster in his ex-girlfriend's social circle called her "pet project:" a multimedia confessional autobiography, including a Google-hosted blog called "Recovery Girl 007", and eventually a book. On the blog, Bohner writes about Schmidt, dubbing him "Dr. Strangelove" and disclosing that he gave her a prototype iPhone. She also calls Steve Jobs a "stoned Jesuit preist" (more below). That aside, the intricate online memoir-in-progress primarily details Bohner's recovery from cocaine and alcohol addiction via 12-step programs and yoga. It's not clear how Bohner is funding the project, which has seen the former CNBC correspondent hire an art director, webmaster and editor, all prominently credited here and at the bottom of this post in what

might just be the most crowded masthead ever assembled for a personal Blogspot. One gossip thinks Schmidt's money is somehow behind the project, but we're not so sure; barely a year ago, when he was still dating Bohner, the married

billionare was showering her with little more than love and jewelry, despite an overture for him to put money into the documentary company where Bohner worked. Maybe Bohner's hocked some of those gifts, or is simply relying on savings. It

certainly rattling stuff of the sort that would pull a caring lover's heartstrings. She writes about snorting cocaine in Hyde Park, London; bingeing on tequila in Los Angeles; sipping brandy at age eight; quitting booze and then relapsing; shaking and heaving at a friend's house when trying to go dry; and getting checked in to a detox center. (It is a"Colonel Stevenson" who introduces Bohner to brandy as a child in Southern Spain. That this same Colonel Stevenson appears on Bohner's more public blog is, along with a pointer from our tipster, how we know the former Donald Trump ghostwriter is also responsible for the Recovery Girl 007 blog.) We assume Bohner will also eventually give the backstory behind her criminal record. Using her birth day and year, gleaned from her blog, and a public records search, we found she'd been sentenced to just under three years (of probation?) in South Florida (where she now resides) for aggressive assault with a weapon, no intent to kill, in a 2005 Florida incident. In certainly doesn't seem as though New Jersey she got three years she's become reentangled with probation for a crime we've not Schmidt; our tipster wrote that yet determined. the couple are "hitting it too Then there were Bohner's occasionally for her liking" — landlord issues in New York which could well mean not at all. City. After two civil filings from What Bohner has so far detailed GOOGLE page 58 of her personal autobiography is


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In Which Two Men Fight Over Paris Hilton: An Existential Consideration of The Distance Between Foothills [Gossip Roundup] by Foster Kamer (Gawker)

for people like us to look at and try to extrapolate some greater knowledge of the cosmos out of, does anything happen? Is some kind of super celebrity bacteria transferred? Do protons freak out somewhere? I'm convinced there has to be some kind of physiochemical reaction somewhere in some other part of the universe, like a star being aborted in the second term, or something. Anyway. Pedicures on my toes, toes is a really catchy line. I wish I can explain why. [ NYDN] • The same club that saw Adam Lambert get pissed on by a burlesque tranny performer—The Box—has now seen Susan Sarandon get puked on by a burlesque tranny performer. Basically, if there's a celebrity who needs to get their freak on in public but can't because they have an image to maintain, they should hit the box. Also, "puked on by a burlesque tranny performer" is how it feels every time I cash a paycheck from this job. There is, without a doubt, an awful joy to the experience, but the novelty can wear (though getting paid is getting paid, and you know, dollah dollah bills, y'all). By the way, this is the first of my last

Submitted at 2/20/2010 11:30:00 AM

Paris Hilton's mans and ex-mans got into a fight and hopefully punched each other in the face. Adam Lambert and Ke$ha sucked face. Susan Sarandon got puked on by a tranny. Hillary Duff: engaged. Presenting your Saturday Morning Gossip Roundup: • So, in case you didn't realize this, Paris Hilton is Alive and Kicking and On Ice, and her and Doug Reinhardt and Brandon Fuckface Davis (his Hebrew name, for the record) had some kind of drams at her birthday party when F. Davis and Reinhardt, her current "squeeze," got into some kind of beef over Paris, and by "beef" I mean it was ostensibly a fight over Paris but really just something to do with their strange penises. Anyway, the point is, two rich assholes got into a fight and one of them got kicked out of a party for being too drunk (F. Davis). So, really, who's worse: the Asshole getting kicked out of the Asshole Party, or the guy who gets to stay? Related: there are questions in life, and then, there are questions that matter. [ Page Six] • Adam Lambert made out with Ke$ha at a club. Now, tell me: when HumongoFace-N-Furter

and Shift-4 make out in a club

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four days on the job. [ Page Six] • Kelly Osbourne got really thin and her diet did not involve her father's patented Bat-Eating Cleanse. [ NYDN] • Kate Moss made the first lady of Foggy London Town move out of the way at a fashion show. Remember when Kate Moss used to be edgy? Back when she was dating Pete Doherty, this item would've been about Kate Moss shiv'ing someone. Or being eaten by a sandwich. [ Page Six] • Hilary Duff is getting married to a guy from the Edmonton Oilers. He could probably kick my ass so I won't talk any shit. Mazel tov, kids. For what it's worth, you don't have my blessing without a pre-nup. It's just that I care about everyone, here. [ NYDN] • Someone pointed out the fact that Roman Polanski's new movie is about people "confined" to a "compound" on Martha's Vineyard, and that he's currently

on house arrest at a Swiss Chalet. Except the difference is that one's real and one's fake and one involves a guy who's about to be sentenced for raping a girl and the other one involves a guy who's about to be sentenced for raping a girl making money for being a movie director. So, there's that. [ Page Six] • Audrina Patridge has an accused stalker and he was arrested. To be crazy enough to stalk someone is bad enough, to be that crazy and to know who Audrina Patridge is and have a reason to stalk her is another thing entirely. It sucks to be some people, and it really sucks to be other people. [ NYDN] • You know what's awesome about Olympic skiier Julia Mancuso? Everything. [ People] • Mick Jagger was doing his awesome trademark cockeyed dirtybird dance for all the cool kids at Kenmare earlier this week, which is supposed to be

the new Beatrice Inn, which you don't give a shit about, and really, you shouldn't. What you should care about, though, is this: What if the cool new dance crazy became Mick Jagger's oldschool peacock-on-acid routine? Is this something that would make hipsters or whatever we're calling them these days at least moderately likable to you? This world is set so far apart and it'd be nice to see some of us meet in the middle, so, you know, I'm trying to negotiate something here. You can't knock me for trying. Maybe you can, but whatever. Just do it. I don't care. [ Page Six]

Truly. Yesterday was his last day, and Monday is Remy's last day, which means that technically (or something) I just moved up to Editor-In-Chief of this here website for the next 48 hours. SO, if you have something we can spend lots of money on, like a good story or pictures of George W. Bush molesting a Muppet, we'll buy it and make you rich and put it all over this website, and I'll probably throw s o m e C A N H A Z CHEEZEBURGER nonsense on there for good measure. But seriously, Nick already emailed me to tell me to "keep the anarchy in the comments," and Another one in the bin! And yes, I'm not sure what that means, but I'm leaving. I'd deliver a more you know, that's all on you guys. formal announcement and maybe A n y w a y . W e l c o m e t o T h e I will but honestly, we've got B r e a k f a s t S h o w ! four more days, let's just have fun and play some really great jams for my departed boss Gabriel, who, well, was the man.

your all-too-human staff against unpredictably manic, sometimes lethal robotic overlords. And certain Valley wags (ahem) will continue to accumulate credit for your ideas and hard work. But out here when your generate massive growth and big buzz, you can actually get rich in the process. Or at least have

enough to buy a fancy car to use for sitting in traffic. Also, never accept a big story assignment from your editor on Friday night at 5 p.m. after the end of your shift, because you will probably be up literally all night interviewing, transcribing, rearranging,

SOME continued from page 55

Ryan "Cliche-Free Coverer" Tate: Go West, young man, and I don't mean Tinseltown again. I'm talking Silicon Valley. You'll still be living out your professional life in public, because tech dons respect privacy even less than the New York media. You'll still have to buffer

writing and editing and cutting audio. In fact, it's probably best to just not pick up the phone. Unless, you know, you want to have another awesome story to tell people over beers for years to come.

Departing climate chief pessimistic on Cancún (Financial Times - US homepage) Submitted at 2/19/2010 3:00:24 PM

Message from If you can, please donate to the full -text RSS service so we can continue developing it. Hopes that the world’s biggest polluters will strike a deal to cut greenhouse gas emissions this year have been dashed by the outgoing United Nations official in charge of the talks. Yvo de Boer, whose unexpected resignation as the UN’s climate change chief this week dismayed policymakers and campaigners, said there was a “big question mark” over whether a meeting of the world’s biggest economies in December would produce a treaty to tackle global warming. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

GOOGLE continued from page 56

a building management company in late 2005 and early 2006, Bohner was forcibly evicted in May 2006, according to a public records search. Despite repeated attempts, we were not able to elicit any quote or rebuttal from Bohner on her GOOGLE page 59

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project or background. On her website, Bohner writes about turning her life around with help from a Buddhist monastery in Thailand, where she worked, and from a popular Los Angeles yoga instructor, Keith Fox. Schmidt has good reason to hope that turnaround sticks: On Bohner's site, the former business journalist writes repeatedly about the men in her life; it's not hard to imagine Bohner burning an ex who falls out of her good graces. In addition to Schmidt, Bohner's dated author Michael Lewis(to whom she was briefly married) and Lazard executive Steve Langman. Among the lovers on the Recovery Girl site is someone code-named Dr. Strangelove, who is often in Los Angeles. "Dr." Eric Schmidt holds a Ph.D. as well as a home in Santa Barbara County. Dr. Strangelove and Eric Schmidt are one in the same, as the first of several excerpts below makes clear. During a trip to the U.S. Virgin Islands(emphasis added): I haven't thought about Dr. Strangelove in such a long time-I

try to sweep all of that data completely under the Persian carpet. That's a lie. I think about him every so often in these fleeting cinematic flashes...I have completely stopped sleeping. My friend Jason is so worried about it that he confiscates my Blackberry... I've been sleeping with my Blackberry just in case Strangelove might send an email. If I was really smart I ditch the Blackberry for the iPhone he gave me – the prototype version. But I have yet to arrive. Stephen Jobs is not St. Stephen. He's just a stoned Jesuit priest lost in his garden. Strangelove still has his stranglehold on me and nothing is new under the sun. Later in the same post: The dream is always the same... strolling through winding paths at a government insane asylum in northern Massachusetts.I've been committed-against my will. It is Strangelove, my genuinely caring, concerned boyfriend. He has convinced me, or, he has convinced me that I've convinced him, that I am suicidal. The dream always begins with me walking the grounds of the campus. I look for the cafeterias

with the free food. I can't find the line for the free bus back to Santa Monica. I keep pulling on the locked doors. At the Buddhist temple in Thailand: How did I get here? There was the phone call. There was the betrayal. Dr. Strangelove had lied about his involvement in it all. And then there were a couple of conversations that followed. And all I remember feeling was that I had to get out of L.A. After detox in South Florida: You see I wasn't going to go back to Los Angeles. That part was clear. The L.A . experiment hadn't worked. Game over. Case closed. The work thing had ended when I went to the monastery in Thailand. And the relationship was officially over; Dr. Strangelove was dead. Next chapter. We'll certainly be reading Bohner's future installments closely. And we're sure Schmidt will, too.


Learn the history of Street Fighter in upcoming book by JC Fletcher (Joystiq) Submitted at 2/20/2010 1:30:00 AM

Street Fighter is one of the most popular (and populous) game series of all time. If you'd like to know more about the long history of the series -- which is surprisingly complex for a game about two guys punching each other in the face until one falls over -- Chronicle Books and author Chris Carle have just the thing for you. Street Fighter: The Complete History, out March 17, features the history of the fighting series told through interviews with the developers responsible for it, as well as an exploration of the insane fan culture that has popped up around the series. However, if looking at all those words sounds too tiresome, it also comes loaded with "more than 200 pieces of artwork." And unlike playing the game, you'll be able to enjoy this for as long as you want, without some dude

ending your reading session in ten seconds with an unblockable combo. Learn the history of Street Fighter in upcoming book originally appeared on Joystiq on Sat, 20 Feb 2010 01:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

Fed move reinforces recovery hopes (Financial Times - US homepage) Submitted at 2/19/2010 11:27:33 AM

Message from If you can, please donate to the full

-text RSS service so we can continue developing it. US equities recorded their first successive weekly gains since late December on Friday as a discount rate hike by the Federal

Reserve helped reinforce hopes that the economy was on the mend. The rise in the emergency lending rate from 0.5 per cent to 0.75 per cent briefly sent the

dollar to a nine-month high PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, against the euro, before losing Term Extraction. 1.2 per cent in late New York trading. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools:



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Tiger Woods apologizes for 'selfish' behavior by news services ( Submitted at 2/19/2010 10:15:19 PM

Message from If you can, please donate to the full -text RSS service so we can continue developing it. Tiger Woods' Full Statement Tiger Woods' Full Statement VIDEO PLAYLIST • Tiger Woods' Full Statement Tiger Woods' Full Statement • PTI Reacts To Woods' Statement PTI Reacts To Woods' Statement • Public Reaction To Woods' Statement Public Reaction To Woods' Statement • Finchem Describes The Mood In The Room Finchem Describes The Mood In The Room PONTE VEDRA BEACH, Fla. -- Missing his smile and aura of invincibility, Tiger Woods finally showed his face to a waiting world Friday and apologized again for cheating on his wife, without revealing the scope of his infidelity or when he will return to golf. Woods analysis ESPN Page 2 columnist Bill Simmons watched Woods' statement and found little positive that came out of it. To him, Woods is still playing by his own rules. Story Tiger Woods has spoken, but Elin wasn't there to hear it. And that might have been the most authentic element in Friday's public apology, ESPN columnist

Jemele Hills says. Story Tiger Woods' golfing future is a good news, bad news kind of thing. He does plan to return. As for when? That's still up in the air, as's Bob Harig notes. Story Tiger Woods' first public statement in months spilled over with talk of apologies and fixing his behavior. So will anything change?'s Jason Sobel writes that the coming months will be telling. Story That was much, much more than a pound of flesh Tiger offered up in his public apology Friday. It should be enough, writes's Gene Wojciechowski. Story Standing at a podium before a presidential-blue backdrop in a hushed room of his closest associates, Woods stumbled a few times as he read a 13½minute statement. He offered no new details of what happened or what's next, except that he was leaving Saturday for more therapy. "I have made you question who I am and how I could have done the things I did," Woods said. Woods' wife, Elin, did not attend his first public appearance since he crashed his car into a tree outside their home three months ago, setting off shocking allegations of rampant extramarital affairs. "I was unfaithful. I had affairs. I cheated," Woods said. "What I did was not acceptable." Woods alternately looked into

the camera and at the 40 people in the room, raising his voice only to deny that his wife ever hit him and to demand that the paparazzi leave his family alone. Beyond that, there were stretches when Woods -- with his formidable business empire -could have been reading from a tough corporate report. He entered the room alone. When he finished, he stopped for a long embrace with his mother, Kultida, who said she whispered in his ear, "I'm so proud of you. Never think you stand alone. Mom will always be there for you, and I love you." Regaining trust and support from everyone else might not be so easy. Woods already has lost two corporate endorsements -Accenture and AT&T -- and he has gone from being perhaps the most famous athlete in the world to a punch line in nightclubs and on talk shows. "It's now up to me to make amends, and that starts by never repeating the mistakes I've made," Woods said. "It's up to me to start living a life of integrity." Woods left therapy on Feb. 11 and has been spending time with his two children and his mother - but not his wife -- in Orlando, Fla., according to a person with knowledge of Woods' schedule. The person, not authorized to release such information, spoke on condition of anonymity. Woods did not say how much

longer he would be in therapy, only that "I have a long way to go." Pool photos were released Thursday of Woods hitting golf balls on the practice range. "I do plan to return to golf one day," Woods said. "I just don't know when that day will be. I don't rule out that it will be this year. When I do return, I need to make my behavior more respectful of the game." Woods talks "I am deeply sorry for my irresponsible and selfish behavior I engaged in." "[My wife] Elin and I have started the process of discussing the damage caused by my behavior. As Elin pointed out to me, my real apology to her will not come in the form of words; it will come from my behavior over time." "I have made you question who I am and how I could have done the things I did. I am embarrassed that I have put you in this position. For all that I have done, I am so sorry." "I was unfaithful. I had affairs. I cheated. What I did was unacceptable and I am the only person to blame." "I thought I could get away with whatever I wanted to. I felt that I had worked hard my entire life and deserved to enjoy all the temptations around me. I felt I was entitled. Thanks to money and fame, I didn't have to go far to find them." "I was wrong. I was foolish. I

don't get to play by different rules. The same boundaries that apply to everyone apply to me. I brought this shame on myself. I hurt my wife, my kids, my mother, my wife's family, my friends, my foundation, and kids all around the world who admired me." "Elin never hit me that night or any other night ... Elin has shown enormous grace and poise throughout this ordeal. Elin deserves praise not blame." "Some people have made up things that never happened. They said I used performanceenhancing drugs. This is completely and utterly false." "I do plan to return to golf one day, I just don't know when that day will be. I don't rule out that it will be this year. When I do return, I need to make my behavior more respectful of the game." "Today I want to ask for your help. I ask you to find room in your heart to one day believe in me again." • Full transcript of statement Just as unpredictable is the future of his marriage. Woods said he and his wife have started discussing the damage he has done. "As Elin pointed out to me, my apology to her will not come in the form of words. It will come from my behavior over time," Woods said. "We have a lot to TIGER page 61

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TIGER continued from page 60

discuss. However, what we say to each other will remain between the two of us." After an embrace with his mother, Woods hugged the two women who sat on either side of her -- Amy Reynolds, formerly of Nike who now works for Tiger Woods Design, and Kathy Battaglia, who is Woods' administrative assistant at ETW Corp. He made his way down the front row and greeted others -- his chief financial officer, Web site administrator, PGA Tour commissioner Tim Finchem and Notah Begay, who played with Woods at Stanford and withdrew from the PGA Tour event in Mexico. Begay said Woods had a long, tough recovery ahead of him -not only at home, but before thousands of fans behind the ropes. "It's a little bit harder than making a swing change," Begay said. Woods remained composed throughout the statement, pausing briefly before the first of several apologies. At times, however, he looked into the camera almost on cue. Begay said he got choked up listening, and felt Woods' words were sincere.

"This is as emotional as I've ever seen him in public," Begay said. The only employee not on the front row was Bryon Bell, Woods' friend from junior high who now is president of his design company. Mark Steinberg, Woods' agent at IMG, sat in the last of three rows with 14 PGA Tour executives. "He's an American hero. And he's had his issues," Finchem said. "At the end of the day, he's a human being. We all make mistakes. My personal reaction was that his comments were heartfelt. He clearly recognizes that there has been serious impact to a wide range of individuals and organizations." Some of the eight players at the Accenture Match Play Championship in Arizona watched the coverage before the third round. "From a guy that's done a lot of tough things in golf over the years, it was probably one of the most difficult things he's ever had to do," British Open champion Stewart Cink said. "And it was something probably that's going to help him along the way of healing." In Sweden, Elin's father, Thomas Nordegren, saw Woods' confession. "I watched it but I have nothing

to say right now," Nordegren told The Associated Press. Elin's mother, Barbro Holmberg, declined to comment through her spokeswoman. Jesper Parnevik, who introduced Woods to Elin Nordegren in 2001 and has been highly critical of the player since the scandal broke, declined comment to ESPN through his management agency, IMG, on Friday. Friday's event was tightly controlled, with only a few journalists allowed to watch Woods live. The confession became a major television event with the networks breaking in to show it. Certainly, no other PGA Tour player could command this kind of attention. But Woods has always been special on the course and in popular culture. Television ratings double when he is in contention, which has happened a lot on his way to winning 71 times on the PGA Tour and 14 majors, four short of the record held by Jack Nicklaus. Nicklaus watched the announcement, but a spokesman said he would have no comment. Most of the associates left the room when Woods finished speaking. Among those who stayed were Mrs. Woods, who

rarely gives interview but in this case said, "I would like to talk." She said her son has a "good heart and good soul" but made a mistake. Mrs. Woods, raised in Thailand, also claims the media showed a "double standard" by keeping the sex scandal in the news for so long. "Some of media, especially tabloid, hurt my son bad," Mrs. Woods said. "He didn't do anything illegal. He didn't kill anybody. But he try to improve himself. He try to go to therapy and help. He change that and making better. When he go do all this thing, he will come out stronger and a better person." Woods said part of his rehab would include a return to his Buddhist faith. Woods said his mother raised him as a Buddhist, and he practiced his faith "until I drifted away from it in recent years." "Buddhism teaches that a craving for things outside ourselves causes an unhappy and pointless search for security," Woods said. "It teaches me to stop following every impulse and to learn restraint. Obviously I lost track of what I was taught." The companies that have stuck most closely by Woods, Nike Inc. and Electronic Arts Inc., reiterated their support.

"Tiger has apologized and made his position clear. Nike fully supports him and his family. We look forward to him returning to golf," the company said in a statement. EA Sports president Peter Moore said: "It was good to see Tiger address the public today, and we're supportive of his focus toward family and rebuilding his life." Veronica Siwik-Daniels, one of Woods' alleged mistresses and a former pornographic performer, watched the event with her attorney in a Los Angeles radio studio. She said she wants an apology for the unwanted attention the scandal has brought her. "I really feel I deserve to look at him in person, face to face, in the eyes because I did not deserve this," she said. Information from The Associated Press was used in this report. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Sports/ Economy/ Picture/

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The Count: LeBron and Carmelo’s Big Night ( The Daily Fix) Submitted at 2/19/2010 2:52:56 PM

Two of the NBA’s biggest stars — and two of its three leading scorers — met on Thursday night in Cleveland, playing for two of the top five teams in the NBA. The result was a game that lived up to its billing and didn’t require judges to tabulate the final score. Associated Press Carmelo Anthony got the better of LeBron James in the final score, but not in the box score. LeBron James scored 43 points, handed out 15 assists, grabbed 13 rebounds, made two steals and had four blocks for the Cavaliers before their home crowd. No player before him had reached or exceeded all of those totals in a single game, according to the Elias Sports Bureau. Carmelo Anthony didn’t fill up the box score to the same extent, but he did collect six rebounds, dish seven assists, block two shots and make a steal. Most importantly, two of his 40 points came with a second left in overtime, breaking a tie and giving his Denver Nuggets the

lead. James missed a jumper at the buzzer, his fourth miss on six field-goal attempts in overtime, and the Nuggets ended the Cavs’ 13-game winning streak that buoyed Cleveland to the NBA’s best first-half record. Anthony is no stranger to the game-winning shot. The last time broke down such buzzer beaters as well as late game-tying buckets, during last season, Anthony was 13 of 27 for his career, good for the best percentage on such shots among players who had taken 10 in their career. (The overall percentage on such shots is just 30%, because many are taken from disadvantageous positions with just a couple of seconds left.) James at the time was just 17 of 50. Overall last season, both players were very good in the clutch— final minutes of close games — according to, with each connecting on more than 55% of their field-goal attempts and 80% of their free throws. This year, James has continued to excel— shooting 49% with 15 assists — but Anthony has struggled,

Basketball Reference. None had more than nine rebounds, and three did so in games that reached overtime. Over the last 19 years, only Allen Iverson has done so in the playoffs (with three rebounds). Meanwhile, just twice in that same span of the shooting 34% with just one regular season has a player with 37 points and 13 rebounds assist. While Anthony’s game-winner reached 14 assists (none reached was impressive, James’s well- 15). One was Jason Kidd, in a rounded performance may be double-OT game. The other was more so. He assisted on four James himself, two and a half three-point shots and 11 two- years ago. (Interestingly, those pointers, for a total of 34 assisted two efforts were in losses, as was points to go along with his 43. James’s last night.) And James is That’s a hand in 66% of the tops in assists for a 37-point, 13Cavs’ points. He also assisted on rebound game in the playoffs seven shots at the rim, which has over the last 19 years, with 12 been a strength of his passing against Orlando in last May’s Eastern Conference finals. game. Certainly the overtime period Last night also marked James’s helped James achieve that first- 27th regular-season triple-double ever box score. But he had six of his career. Anthony has just points and no other positive box- one, with exactly 10 rebounds score elements in the extra and 10 assists. Kobe Bryant has period. James’s regulation stats 16 over his 14-year career. remained quite impressive. In the last 24 seasons, just six other players reached 37 points and 15 assists in a regular-season game, 11 total times, according to

Greece set for critical test with bond issue (Financial Times - US homepage) Submitted at 2/19/2010 3:00:08 PM

Message from If you can, please donate to the full

-text RSS service so we can continue developing it. Greece is close to attempting a multibillion-euro bond issue, in what will be a critical test of the country’s credibility in financial

markets as it battles with a spiralling debt crisis and strikes. Bankers in Athens expect a syndicated bond issue to be launched within days after the government appointed a senior

Coffee Splash by Zack Sheppard (Flickr Blog) Submitted at 2/19/2010 1:34:00 PM

Message from If you can, please donate to the full -text RSS service so we can continue developing it.• About Flickr Flickr is a revolution in photo storage, sharing and organization, making photo management an easy, natural and collaborative process. Get comments, notes, and tags on your photos, post to any blog, share and more! Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Judging the Olympic Parties: A Taste of Sochi 2014, With 5 Varieties of Vodka

( The Daily Fix) commercial banker on Friday as Submitted at 2/19/2010 3:45:34 PM new head of its debt agency. Five Filters featured article: Journal reporters sample the Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: parties hosted by companies and PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, national delegations and, since Term Extraction. JUDGING page 63

Game/ Sports/

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JUDGING continued from page 62

this is the Olympics judge them. Out of allegiance to our host, scores are based not just on vibe and VIPs, but also on the presence of salmon, maple products and other Canadian delicacies. ( See more in the series here.) EPA Sochi World Russky Dom We’d been hearing whispers that, of all the delegation houses hosting celebrations, Sochi World is fast becoming The Place to get into — a label no doubt solidified by Wayne Gretzky’s visit there this week. The Russian house has more at stake than most of the others: Sochi World is not only a home away from home for Russian athletes and officials, but a massive promotion for and preview of the Sochi Olympics. So what will the scene be like at Sochi in 2014? Visitors are lining up to get a glimpse. Attendance has been averaging around 6,000 people a day, and last weekend, the line

outside stretched 1,000 people long throughout the afternoon, moving officials to send out performers to keep the waiting masses company. Inside, there’s information on the regions of Russia, a model of the Sochi Olympic venues, a shop where you can buy a stuffed Sochi mascot and Russiabranded gear, and a holographic Russian couple donning traditional garb welcoming you, in the creepiest way possible, to their country. Female attendants in very short skirts and red-andwhite jackets roam the floor; security guards wearing long black coats and stern expressions guard the doors. The real fun begins, however, when you score a nighttime pass to access the VIP lounge area on the second level. On a recent weeknight, as the Russian men’s hockey team took on Latvia, the mood at the Sochi World lounge was festive. EPA Sochi merchandise on display in

Whistler Guests tried to score goals of their own in the interactive slapshot game across from the bar. First a group of clowns and then a group of cheerleaders entertained the crowd. The Russian glam band Gorky Park performed, looking decidedly less glam and more aging punk rock. Where else in Vancouver can you go to see a human jumprope, taste-test five varieties of Ukrainian vodka and schmooze with the Prince of Monaco? Party: Sochi World lounge Vibe: Your typical low-lit lounge ambiance, with leather banquette seats and flat-screen TVs. The entertainment (clowns, cheerleaders, two emcees) was over the top, but unabashedly so. 9 points. VIPs: Prince Albert of Monaco has stopped by, as has the Great One. In Canada, you can’t get much more VIP than that. 10 points.

Salmon: Though they boast of having Russian food to taste and a daytime visit once yielded three varieties of salmon, our most recent stop in found no food to be had at all. A tray of shrimp and fish canapes circulated at one point, but was swept away by an overprotective waiter. That averages out to 5 points. Maple: If only there had been maple-flavored vodka. Zero points. Canadian delicacies: None. But given that this is, after all, a Russian affair we give 5 points for the vodka variety, which included original, honey pepper, birch, cranberry and the premium “LEX.” Total points: 29


New York Knicks to start Tracy McGrady on Saturday vs. Oklahoma City Thunder by Associated Press ( Submitted at 2/20/2010 8:43:51 AM

Message from If you can, please donate to the full -text RSS service so we can continue developing it. GREENBURGH, N.Y. -- Tracy McGrady will be in the starting lineup in his New York Knicks debut on Saturday night against Oklahoma City. Coach Mike D'Antoni said he doesn't know what the complete lineup will be, but it will include McGrady. The Knicks acquired the seven-time All-Star on Thursday in a three-team deal with Houston and Sacramento. McGrady played only limited minutes in six games for the Rockets this season after coming back from microfracture knee NEW page 64

Readers pick best webcomic: It's a Game About People by Griffin McElroy (Joystiq) Submitted at 2/20/2010 3:00:00 AM

Though we're sure Ctrl-Alt-Del's " It's a Game About People," the winner of last week's Webcomic Wrapup, is taking some comedic liberties with the contextsensitive control scheme of

Heavy Rain, there have been some moments in the game where we wish we could sock the person we're talking to right in the kisser. We're not sure if it's because of every character's infuriatingly unhelpful disposition, or because of those ridiculous fake accents.

Second and third place went to Three Panel Soul's " On Helmet

Laws" and Virtual Shackles " Scanning Also Causes Cancer," respectively. If you've got a favorite strip you'd like to see in this week's Wrapup, drop a link in the comments of this post, or send in a tip! Readers pick best webcomic: It's a Game About People originally

appeared on Joystiq on Sat, 20 Feb 2010 03:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments



E-reader News Edition

U.S. bronze medalist Scotty Lago leaves Olympic Games after picture hits Web by Associated Press (

ESPN and Olympic contributors write about all things Vancouver in's Submitted at 2/20/2010 8:09:39 AM Winter Olympics blog. Message from If Lago apologized to officials at you can, please donate to the full the U.S. Olympic Committee and -text RSS service so we can the U.S. Ski and Snowboard continue developing it. Association and decided to go V A N C O U V E R , B r i t i s h home. Columbia -- American halfpipe "Scotty Lago is a great athlete, bronze medalist Scotty Lago b u t w i t h t h a t c o m e s a v o l u n t e e r e d t o l e a v e t h e responsibility of proper conduct, Olympics on Friday after risque and his involvement in this pictures of him showed up on the situation is not acceptable," U.S. Internet. Ski and Snowboard Association Lago, who was awarded his President and CEO Bill Marolt bronze medal Thursday night, said in an e-mail. "Scotty realizes was at a party, wearing a Team his conduct was inappropriate. USA T-shirt when somebody He has formally apologized and snapped a photo of a woman also made a decision to leave kneeling below Lago's waist to Vancouver today." kiss his medal. That picture, and In the aftermath of several outanother showing him sticking the of-competition incidents in medal in the woman's mouth Turin, one of which resulted in while teammate Greg Bretz the dismissal of freestyle skier looks on, appeared Friday on the Jeret Peterson, the USOC has TMZ Web site. made extra efforts to emphasize Winter Olympics blog athletes be on their best behavior

when they're at the Olympics. Before the Beijing Games, the USOC began its "Ambassador Program" that athletes are made to complete before they travel to the games. Lago was a member of a group of snowboarders called the "Frends," that included Kevin Pearce and Danny Davis, both of whom were badly injured before the Olympics and couldn't make the trip. "I put all that aside and rode," Lago said. He said he put together one of the best runs of his life to win the surprise bronze on a night overshadowed by Shaun White and his gold-medal performance. Copyright 2010 by The Associated Press Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

NEW continued from page 63

surgery. He said he hopes he can play 25 to 30 minutes Saturday in what will be his first action since Dec. 23. "Physically I feel good, but then again I haven't played in a year and a half," McGrady said. "Even the eight minutes I was playing, you really can't get a feel of how long I can play. But yeah, I think I'm ready to go." D'Antoni wasn't sure either, since McGrady was limited to only about 7½ minutes a game this season after surgery last February. The swingman has played 41 games over the last two seasons. "I asked him about everything and he says 'I have no idea,' " D'Antoni said. "We'll talk about it during the game and there's no restrictions on him from a medical standpoint, only how he feels and the way he looks and all that. But he'll communicate with me when he wants to come out." The Knicks held their first morning shootaround at home this season so their new acquisitions could become more

familiar with the offense. They also brought in point guard Sergio Martinez in the threeteam trade, and acquired Eddie House, Bill Walker and J.R. Giddens in a deal that sent Nate Robinson to Boston. The biggest piece was McGrady, more for his $22.5 million expiring contract than for the talents that won him two scoring titles. Even McGrady acknowledged that he'll be rusty and expects his timing and rhythm to be off. "I don't think a lot of people expect a lot out of me anyway. So, it's really no pressure," McGrady said. "I'm just looking forward to going out there and playing." Copyright 2010 by The Associated Press Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Cogs, Gear win first annual Indie Game Challenge at DICE by Alexander Sliwinski (Joystiq)

Cogs, which won in the professional studio category, also took the $2,500 prizes for Submitted at 2/20/2010 12:01:00 AM Achievement in Art Direction Although they sound like they and Achievement in Gameplay. came from the same mechanical Designed by Lazy 8 Studios, the naming bin, Cogs and Gear(two addictive (and challenging) totally different games) have puzzle game took the prize for its won the first annual Indie Game original PC incarnation, however Challenge at the conclusion of there's a version of it available DICE. Sponsored by the AIAS, on iPhone and team lead Rob GameStop and The Guildhall at Jagnow tells us that an iPad and SMU, the winners will receive Mac port are planned. Jagnow $100,000 to build more games ... also informed us he's "staying on or to go on the most epic the Cogs train for a while," but B l u e b e r r y M u f f i n T o p s the studio's next project will be a consumption bender in history. "foray into social gaming, maybe

agreed they'll stay in school -except for Halbrooke, who recently graduated and is looking for a job. To check out all the winners and nominees, head on over to the Indie Game Challenge site. Cogs, Gear win first annual Indie Game Challenge at DICE originally appeared on Joystiq on Sat, 20 Feb 2010 00:01:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of a Facebook game." Frazier and Mike Halbrooke. feeds. Winning the non-professional Most of the members have Read| Permalink| Email this| category, Gear was designed by several years of school still Comments Digipen students Josh Maiche, ahead of them. Asked if they'd Brian Lee, Andrew Hill, Ben drop out if they'd won, the team

Report: Games industry to $65 billion by 2013 by Richard Mitchell (Joystiq)

increase of $18.4 billion, or 39.5% over the next three years. The report notes that sales of According to IndustryGamers, a packaged software will increase, report from market intelligence but increased sales of digital firm Strategy Analystics predicts g o o d s , i n - g a m e a d s a n d that the video game industry is subscriptions will play the primed for some serious growth p r i m a r y r o l e i n g r o w t h . in the coming years. Specifically, Specifically, online games are t h e r e p o r t s t a t e s t h a t t h e expected to grow to $24.8 billion worldwide game industry will by 2013, accounting for 38 virtual goods for use in online like reach revenues of $64.9 percent of the overall games games (think Farmville). billion by 2013. As the industry market. The firm expects social Now, if you'll excuse us, Joystiq just recently reached a value of games to take up a major portion Publishing really needs to get to 46.5 billion in 2009, that's an of growth, specifically the sale of Submitted at 2/19/2010 11:00:00 PM

work on Social Networking Town, the social networking game in which you buy virtual people to fill your virtual in-

game social networking friends list. Once that's done, you can play virtual social networking games, in which additional virtual goods are available. The only way to win is to never stop playing! Report: Games industry to $65 billion by 2013 originally appeared on Joystiq on Fri, 19 Feb 2010 23:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments



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Sarah Jessica Parker and Joe Zee Host Brunch in NYC by (ELLE News Blog) Submitted at 2/19/2010 2:45:00 PM

Earlier today, Sarah Jessica Parker and ELLE creative director Joe Zee hosted a brunch for beauty bloggers at Sweetie Pie in New York City’s Greenwich Village. The purpose: To celebrate Parker’s latest fragrance, SJP NYC—available exclusively at Macy’s—and its arresting ad campaign(styled by Zee, who also worked with Parker on her Lovely and Covet campaigns). Here, a peek at what the Sex and the City icon and Zee had to say about the scent, the photo shoot, and more. —Emily Hebert Photo: Left: The floral Oscar de la Renta dress that Parker wore for the SJP NYC campaign; Right: Zee and Parker at Sweetie Pie Parker’s SJP NYC Dress SJP: When Joe and I met about the campaign and what we wanted to achieve visually, we thought there’d be no one better than Oscar de la Renta. We went to him to design the dress for SJP NYC because he’s the best

at what he does—he also designed the dress for Lovely. It just felt right and it was a real privilege. JZ: Sarah’s so smart about everything that goes on in fashion that by the time we sat down she already had some ideas in mind. She wanted to do a mix of patterns and new Bohemia. Mr. de la Renta made a one-of-akind design—it was the first dress she put on and she just knew right away that this was the one she wanted to represent the brand. She wanted something that represented Sarah, Carrie, and New York City, all in a dress. So you can only imagine how much pressure that one dress had—but it turned out to be phenomenal. Inspiration Behind SJP NYC SJP: What I really wanted to do was capture a snapshot in my head of Carrie Bradshaw—a freeze-frame of her walking down a New York street in an idyllic time of year in a floral dress, on her way to meet somebody or do something, surrounded by her women friends. I associate Sex and the City with the beginning of

something and immediately summer since it always aired that know it’s Sarah. first weekend in June, and I SJP(on her perfect purse): In thought the fragrance should real life, if I’m getting my son to s m e l l l i k e t h a t f e e l i n g o f school I try to stuff as much as I freedom; like the bell ringing can in my parka pocket. That’s when school lets out. How SJP the truth. But I like bags a lot. NYC Differs From Parker’s It’s exciting to go to a fitting for Sex and the City where there are Other Scents SJP: Lovely was this incredibly nothing but tables and shelves of polite fragrance—it was very bags. It’s unbelievable. I don’t well-mannered and knew how to have a favorite, but I love be in a room and not linger carrying all of them. When I’m uninvited. And Covet was very with my kids I tend to use a bag bold, very aggressive and far that has a deeper well so that I more restless. SJP NYC is like a can have a book in it or snacks or party in a bottle—it’s whimsical, pacifiers or a pen—I want to be fun, and has a youthful quality. I a b l e t o f i t t h i n g s l i k e a don’t really connect it to the newspaper and book in my bag. others because there is this Beauty Must-Haves surprising strawberry note that SJP: I put a lot of moisturizer on makes it unique. The notes in my face and any kind of lip SJP NYC aren’t ones that I balm. And mascara—I’m on an generally tap into. It’s really endless search for the right one. surprising to me, but I love it. It’s like the Holy Grail. And every time I find one I like, they Parker’s Real-Life Style JZ: Sarah’s so directional and so discontinue it. I also try to forward—she loves fashion, squeeze in some time at Angel she’s not afraid of it, and knows Feet, a tiny spot on Perry what’s going on. But she’s also Street—it’s this reflexology not a slave to trends. She has place. Someone rubs your feet such a strong, innate sense of for an hour. You just have to find personal style. You can look at the hour… Hair Secrets

SJP: I try to take care of my hair and not do anything to it when I’m not working. I try not to color it if I don’t have to. And I like to wear wigs a lot for movies because it protects your hair and you can have a head-full of conditioner in your hair all day long underneath. Makeup Confession SJP: I confess—I’m very bad at makeup. I don’t really wear any in my personal life; there’s no time, and I’m not good at it. I can cover a zit, put mascara on, and apply eyeliner inside my eyeball, but that’s basically it. I work with makeup artist Leslie Lopez as much as she’ll be around me. She’s a master at the mouth. And I always say, she should teach a master class about the mouth because it’s very hard to do well and I don’t really know what lipstick looks good on me or how to apply it. She can also do any eye under the sun. I’ve learned a lot from working with her, but I wouldn’t want to do makeup on myself. I wouldn’t know where to begin! Follow ELLE on Twitter Become our Facebook fan

Fashion/ Picture/

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Oh Canada, see you at the Vancouver meetup! by Tara Kirchner (Flickr Blog) Submitted at 2/19/2010 4:14:24 PM

Message from If you can, please donate to the full -text RSS service so we can continue developing it. The Vancouver 2010 Winter Games are shaping up to be a breakthrough moment for community coverage of the Olympics! But to chronicle our world, we need you … to see, capture and share your photos. Please join us at the Yahoo! Sports Studio in Yaletown on Monday evening, February 22, from 5-8 pm for a Flickr meet and greet! Details and RSVP are here. Please be sure to RSVP as we cannot guarantee your entrance without it. Photos by jonwick04, kk+, Russ

Tommy Hilfiger’s City Take on a Classic Country Boot by (ELLE News Blog)

Bean duck boot. Hilfiger’s version was shown in knee-high and ankle varieties, both with a Submitted at 2/19/2010 1:02:33 PM very city-appropriate 5-plus inch New York fashion week closed heel. As he made his way out at out with a bang last night as the end of the show for a bow Tommy Hilfiger presented his and a nod to the 18-year history “ P r e p p y W i t h a P o p ” f a l l of fashion week at the tents, collection (behind the scenes Hilfiger said “Onward and note: Peter Som consulted on the upward to Lincoln Center.” And, line for fall). The footwear was a fittingly, the packed house h i g h l i g h t , e s p e c i a l l y t h e (including Ed Westwick, Hayden sexy/chic take on the classic L.L. Panettiere, Ashley Olsen, and

Rosario Dawson) exited the tents for the last time with Jay Z’s “Empire State of Mind” blaring through the speakers. —Violet Moon Gayn or Photos: Imaxtree Click here for our complete fall 2010 Fashion Week coverage Follow ELLE on Twitter. Become our Facebook fan!

Beinder and s.yume in the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Photo Group. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



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How Much Are We Subsizidizing Banks (beyond TARP) ? by Barry Ritholtz (The Big Picture)

compares it to the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and to US Foreign Aid Submitted at 2/20/2010 7:43:49 AM Spending. Not including TARP, Message from If the “ TBTF bank subsidy” was you can, please donate to the full more than twice as large as the -text RSS service so we can TANF grant for 2009; the bank continue developing it. subsidy is almost 20 percent Dean Baker of the Center for larger than spending on foreign Economic Policy Research aid. looked beyond the TARP to see Here is something to think h o w m u c h U n c l e S a m i s about: Even after the TARP has s u b s i z i d i z i n g t h e b a n k s been fully paid back, the US considered “too big to fail” — Government is STILL bailing beyond TARP. Call it the Value out TBTF banks more than we of the “Too Big to Fail” Big a r e g i v i n g b a i l o u t s t o U S Bank Subsidy. families with hungry kids, and His conclusions? more than all of our overseas aid -The spread between big banks’ . . . (1.15%) and smaller banks’ > (1.93%) cost of funds is 0.78%: Sources: -The annual boost to profits of Value of the “Too Big to Fail” 18 biggest banks from that funds Big Bank Subsidy. -cost advantage: $33 billion; DEAN BAKER AND TRAVIS -Pre-2008 spread in big and MCARTHUR small banks’ funds-cost: 0.49%: Center for Economic and Policy -Part of big banks’ profits from Research, September 202009 rate “subsidy” (1H09): 48%: The Big Bank Theory To give this some context, Dean How government helps financial


giants get richer Dean Baker Boston Review, JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2010 aker.php Job-Creation Cacophony BILL ALPERT BARRONS FEBRUARY 22, 2010 review.html See also: The Cost of Saving These Whales GRETCHEN MORGENSON NYT, October 3, 2009 0/04/business/economy/ ml Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Are Mathematical Models the Cause for Financial Crisis in the Global Economy? by Barry Ritholtz (The Big Picture)

continued from page 68

programmed or just human PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, nature? Term Extraction. click for video Runtime:00:44:55 Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools:

Submitted at 2/20/2010 9:13:11 AM

Message from If you can, please donate to the full -text RSS service so we can continue developing it. Andrew W. Lo, director of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Laboratory for Financial Engineering, breaks

down the hot debate over the current financial crisis and how math may have played a part. Explore the arguments for and against the claim that the mathematical models used to manage specific complex financial securities are responsible for the Great Recession. Was it systematically ARE page 68

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