Liberty Newspost Jan-30-10

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29/01/10 - 30/01/10

TV team's glimpse behind enemy lines shows confident Taliban is ready to go on fighting By Jon Boone (World news and comment from the Guardian |

composed of men from Gulbuddin Hekmatyar's Hizb-eIslami group as they attempt to ambush US and Afghan police Submitted at 1/30/2010 10:37:06 AM vehicles on the main road from A Channel 4 documentary Tajikistan, one of the US main provides evidence that the west supply routes. It comes amid has a long way to go to bring evidence that the insurgency, far Afghan rebels to the negotiating from faltering under a US surge, table is strengthening and expanding An extraordinary and intimate its operations. documentary depicting the lives The men are seen preparing of fighters within the Taliban's roadside bombs capable of insurgency in Afghanistan disabling armoured vehicles, reveals the challenges faced by p l a n n i n g a n a m b u s h a n d the west if it is to "buy off" the c o n d u c t i n g c o u r t s a n d rebels and persuade them to interrogations. Pashtun villagers re-integrate into civilian life. make clear that they are happy to The most detailed picture to pay taxes to the fighters and have emerged since the Taliban regard them as more legitimate renewed their insurgency in 2006 than the government in Kabul. shows fighters operating freely Operating in Baghlan and in large areas of countryside, Kunduz provinces, the fighters apparently with the backing of claim they can call on 4,000 men much of the local population. at the height of the fighting The documentary, made for season. They all declare they will Channel 4's Dispatches and to be continue fighting until the s h o w n t o m o r r o w n i g h t , Americans and "other infidels" concentrates on a group of are driven out. fighters including Taliban and al- Even more worrying for Nato – Qaida members but largely in an area overseen by German

forces – is the absolute denial by local police that the Taliban are operating near the road, despite the film's ample proof. A crucial proposal at last week's international conference on Afghanistan in London was that responsibility for a number of provinces should be transferred to the Afghan security forces. The scale of the growing insurgency is made clear by one of the leaders of the group, Commander Qalaqub, who explained that 30-35 groups were operating in the region, numbering as many as 150 fighters. "People come to us from all over Afghanistan," he added. "People come to us from other Islamic countries – Chechnya, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. We get special mujahideen from abroad too, but we are not allowed to talk about them." It transpires they are largely from Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Another leader, Commander Mirwais, is a millionaire former

importer of cars from Europe. "Jihad has become the duty for all the Afghan nation, because the foreigners and unbeliever countries have attacked us." Mirwais adds that the local groups control more than 1,000 villages. "We haven't taken control of cities and towns because we don't want civilians to die as there are a lot of people living in these areas." On his travels through the countryside with the fighters, Afghan journalist Najibullah Qureshi notes how a hospital built with US and UN money is under the fighters' control. One villager announces: "They are good. The government does not treat us well. They are good because they do not abuse and oppress us." During an ambush that goes wrong – an attack on the main road – it becomes clear how the group uses children to observe a Nato base and pass on information to an informer. The latter ensures that there is plenty of traffic near the site of the

ambush. When villagers walk past where the men are hiding with their weapons, they seem indifferent to their presence. It is this that will present the biggest challenge to the planned new approach to dealing with the insurgency in Afghanistan which continues to see the fighters as separate from the population. As part of the proposals to emerge from the conference last week, it was announced that the Afghan government is to set up a national council for peace, reconciliation and reintegration to oversee the channelling of funds to provide alternative livelihoods to lure insurgents away from the Taliban. • Taliban • Afghanistan • Hamid Karzai Jon Boone© Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions| More Feeds


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A Tale of Two Tea Parties By Ed Stoddard (Front Row Washington)

Street — or worse. Erick Erickson, who runs the popular conservative RedState Submitted at 1/29/2010 12:47:04 PM blog, had this to say a couple of Is it the best of times or the weeks back about the Nashville worst of times for America’s Tea event: “ Let me be blunt: Party movement? charging people $500.00 plus the The answer may emerge in the costs of travel and lodging to go next couple of weeks. A pair of to a ‘National Tea Party Tea-Party-events-in-the-making Convention’ run by a for profit suggest the movement, which group no one has ever heard of has channeled much of the sounds as credible as an email conservative opposition to from Nigeria promising me a President Barack Obama’s million bucks if I fork over my agenda, has reached a fork in the bank account number.” road. It has been pretty much It made headlines last summer downhill from there for the as “Tea Party” rallies – evoking convention, though Palin has a famous protest in Boston said she still plans to address it against British rule in 1773 — and will give her speaking fee — were held across the country in widely reported to be around opposition to bank bail-outs, $100,000 — back to Obama’s attempted healthcare conservative political causes. overhaul, and other aspects of But the event’s for-profit status the White House agenda. has given conservative This weekend one offshoot of R e p u b l i c a n the movement is holding a get-0ut-the-vote tactics such as congressional elections and the criticism from liberals and R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s M i c h e l e conference in Dallas/Fort Worth ”political direct mail.” The next White House race in 2012. conservatives alike, and high- Bachmann of Minnesota and called“Leadership Tea Party.” It conference is being put on by a The following weekend will see profile pull-outs. It also seems Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee is a low-key, nuts-and-bolts group called the Nationwide Tea an event which some liberal aimed more at the fringe of the excuses to cancel their scheduled affair that is focused on the Party Coalition. c r i t i c s h o p e c o u l d b e t h e movement. For some of the appearances. Bachmann’s office practical side of political training This all suggests the movement movement’s Waterloo or at least coverage see here and here and said she had cancelled on the and winning elections. Sessions — or part of it anyway — which an embarrassing debacle. The here. recommendation of the include: “Tea Parties: Legal last summer portrayed itself as National Tea Party Convention Some of the criticism of the Congressional Committee on Overview for Structures and grassroots and spontaneous, is in Nashville Feb. 4-6 has gotten Nashville event has focused on Standards. Fundraising,” and “Victory in a following a path that has been far more press than the Dallas the fact that the organizing The conference was initially Box.” The latter is about how to w e l l - t r o d d e n b y o t h e r event and its headline speaker is group, Tea Party Nation, is a for- reported to be open to just get out the vote in primary and conservative groups in America none other than former Alaska profit instead of a non-profit. conservative, like-minded media general elections. linked to the Republican Party, governor Sarah Palin, the current The admission price of over s u c h a s F o x N e w s , b u t Richard Viguerie, a leading such as the religious right. rock star of the U.S. conservative $500 for the steak and lobster organizers have since opened it conservative figure and writer, Effectively, it is organizing to movement. dinner that will accompany up to other media outlets and will give the keynote address on push conservative candidates and But it is a convention that has Palin’s speech has struck some Friday night. Among other issues with an eye to the 2010 been plagued by in-fighting, as more Wall Street than Main TALE page 4 things he is seen as a pioneer of

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Texas Tea Partiers organize by zip codes By Ed Stoddard (Front Row Washington) Submitted at 1/30/2010 7:03:57 AM

In north Texas, the conservative protest Tea Party movement has organized itself by zip codes and hopes it is a model that will be used elsewhere in America as it sets out to “take the country back” neighborhood by neighborhood. “ We break down our system by zip codes. This is unique to north Texas I think but we would like to see it adopted elsewhere,” Ken Emanuelson, who is on the steering committee for the Dallas Tea Party, told me on the sidelines of a “ Leadership Tea Party” conference being held this weekend. The movement grabbed headlines last year as it channeled conservative opposition to President Barack Obama’s policies into natwionwide protests against bank bailouts, the drive to overhaul healthcare, and other aspects of the White House agenda. Liberal critics claimed it was all orchestrated from the top down; conservative commentators for the most part claimed it was an

expression of spontaneous anger by patriotic citizens evoking a famous episode of colonial revolt against British rule. Regardless, organizing at such a local level — zip codes are a system of postal codes used by the U.S. Postal Service — suggests at least one part of the movement is becoming more focused and targeted in its political activism and is shedding any pretence of spontaneity.

24 hours in pictures (World news and comment from the Guardian | Submitted at 1/30/2010 10:14:38 AM

30 January 2010: A selection of the best images from around the world

Just holding a conference likes this for scores of dedicated activists from across the country suggests the movement is transforming itself into a more typical sort of political machine aimed ultimately at getting out the vote for conservative — and almost always Republican — candidates. One of the sessions slated for Saturday afternoon is “Victory in a Box” which is about getting out the vote.

volunteer for a conservative opponent,” he said. McCain, the Republican presidential candidate in 2008, is widely loathed by many hard-core conservatives for his perceived departure from the cause on issues like campaign finance and climate change. Emanuelson also said Texas activists could go next door to Arkansas to campaign for the Republican opponent of Democratic Senator Blanche Lincoln, who faces a tough reelection race in November. It all starts with a zip code. Take Paul Strickland, 62, a retired engineer who lives in a Dallas/Fort Worth suburb with the zip code 75048. Talking about his local Tea Party group, The Dallas Tea Party crowd is he said: “ We have 60 people looking at Texas Republican standing by with their muskets, Party primaries in March, from ready to get involved.” races for state house seats to the (PHOTO: People hold signs as governor’s race. But after that, motorists drive by during a “tea with few Texas congressional party” protest in Flagstaff, races in play, Emanuelson said A r i z o n a A u g u s t 3 1 , 2 0 0 9 . Texas Tea Party activists could Organizers say the event is an be deployed elsewhere.“If there effort to work against members is a primary challenge against of Congress who voted for (Arizona Senator) John McCain, higher spending and taxes. I could see bus loads of our REUTERS/Joshua Lott) people going to Arizona to

Chrome 5 debuts more settings options By Seth Rosenblatt ( Submitted at 1/29/2010 5:23:00 PM

Google updated its Chrome

browser's developer's builds to version 5 for Windows and Mac today, the first time any version of Chrome has reached that milestone.

Originally posted at The Download Blog


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TALE continued from page 2

will even have a press conference on Friday, Feb. 5. Eyebrows have also been raised by some of the speakers and the topics to be covered. Conservative activist Ana Puig is to give a talk on “Correlations between the current Administration and Marxist Dictators of Latin America.” Another speaker is Joseph Farah, whose on-line paper World Net Daily is obsessed with the notion that Obama was not born in the United States and so his presidency is unconstitutional. People who hold this view are referred to as “birthers” and many Republicans and leading conservatives have sought to distance themselves from this group.

If nothing else, the two events, organized by different offshoots of the Tea Party movement, show just how diverse it has become — and suggest it could become a key Republican ally or something the party is unable to control. (PHOTO: People hold signs during a “tea party” protest in Flagstaff, Arizona, on Aug. 31, 2009. Organizers said the event was an effort to work against members of Congress who voted for higher spending and taxes. REUTERS/Joshua Lott)

Tinsel and Transit CoStar in New W Hollywood Architecture

Chemistry Creates Self-Stirring Liquids

(Fast Company) Submitted at 1/29/2010 8:02:58 PM

The new W Hollywood opened today, a place where glamorous residences and exclusive suites share space with an embedded subway station and heavy pedestrian traffic on one of the world's most famous streets.

By Laura Sanders, Science News (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 1/29/2010 2:09:00 PM

Simple chemical reactions can cause flows that will stir a mixture of liquids.

E-reader News Edition

Tony Blair accused of putting war with Iran on the electoral agenda By David Batty (World news and comment from the Guardian |

parties made clear in the run-up to the general election that there would be no repeat of Blair's actions in respect of Iran. Submitted at 1/30/2010 7:52:07 AM "One result of Tony Blair's Former prime minister slammed i n t e r v e n t i o n o n I r a n – h e for trying to shift focus onto mentioned Iran 58 times – is to threat from Tehran during put the question of confronting appearance at Chilcot inquiry Iran into play in the election," he Tony Blair has been accused of told the BBC Radio 4 Today warmongering spin for claiming programme. that western powers might be "We need to be much clearer, as forced to invade Iran because it voters, with our politicians and poses as serious a threat as with our candidates that we Saddam Hussein. expect a different behaviour and Sir Richard Dalton, a former a g r e a t e r i n t e g r i t y i n o u r British ambassador to Iran, d e m o c r a c y n e x t t i m e . " accused Blair of trying to make Blair warned that the confrontation with Iran an international community must be electoral issue after the former prepared to take a "very hard, prime minister repeatedly singled tough line" with Iran, a country out its Islamic regime as a global "linked up with terrorist groups", threat in his evidence to the Iraq to prevent it from developing war inquiry yesterday. nuclear weapons. B l a i r s a i d m a n y o f t h e He said that if action had not arguments that led him to been taken in 2003 to topple confront the "profoundly wicked, Saddam, Iraq could be locked in almost psychopathic" Saddam a nuclear arms race with Iran Hussein seven years ago now with potentially devastating applied to the regime in Tehran. consequences for the region and "We face the same problem the wider world. about Iran today," he told the The former prime minister Chilcot inquiry. attacked the Islamic regime for Dalton, the UK ambassador to fomenting the insurgency that Iran from 2002 until 2006, said it followed the invasion of Iraq by was essential that all the political US and UK forces.

iPod Dock Has Killer Looks, Sound to Match By Steven Leckart (Wired Top Stories)

It's no substitute for a banging home theater system but for filling the bedroom with sweet

sounds, this sound dock has little competition.

He claimed that Iran, which follows Shia Islam, had supported al-Qaida, despite it following the rival Sunni branch of the faith, because they both had a common interest in destabilising Iraq. Dalton dismissed as a "piece of spin" Blair's claim that the Iranians almost caused the failure of the coalition mission in Iraq through their support for the insurgency. "To say that Iran was the principal reason seemed to me to be part of a broader argument which he was trying to make, namely that it makes what he did in Iraq look better if he extends it to the future and says the policies then might have to be applied. But Iran is a completely different situation," Dalton said. • Iraq war inquiry • Tony Blair • Saddam Hussein • Iran David Batty© Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions| More Feeds

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Taiwan arms deal: China retaliates By Tania Branigan, Paul Harris (World news and comment from the Guardian |

hopeful that it could win its backing if Russia was on board. Beijing will postpone high-level consultation on strategic security, arms control and nonSubmitted at 1/30/2010 8:09:38 AM proliferation issues, it said. The Tensions rise as Bejing halts Defence Ministry said it was m i l i t a r y e x c h a n g e w i t h suspending military exchanges Washington because of the "harm and odious China and the US are set for effect" of the deal. renewed confrontation after The dispute comes amid Beijing warned of serious growing tensions over issues r e p e r c u s s i o n s f o l l o w i n g including trade, climate change Washington's announcement of a and internet censorship. $6.4bn (£4bn) arms deal with "This is the strongest reaction we Taiwan. have seen in recent years," said Sanctions were imposed on US Stephanie Kleine-Ahlbrandt, companies involved in the deal, North East Asia project director and in one of a flurry of unsually of the International Crisis Group. strong statements condemning But she added: "Our real sense is the American decision the that China is looking to see what Foreign Ministry said: "It will be reaction it will receive from un-avoidable that co-operation Barack Obama." between China and the United US officials made no immediate S t a t e s o v e r i m p o r t a n t response to the Chinese reaction, international and regional issues which seemed stronger than will also be affected." Earlier it expected. had summoned US ambassador The arms deal includes Patriot Jon Huntsman. missiles, Black Hawk helicopters The Foreign Ministry statement and minehunter ships. But, in an will add to concerns about the indication of US concern about knock-on effects of the deal, and Beijing's reaction, it does not whether it will hinder the include F16 fighter jets or a prospect of new sanctions design plan for diesel submarines against Iran at the United – both long sought by Taiwan. N a t i o n s S e c u r i t y C o u n c i l . Taiwan has been self-ruled since Despite China's reluctance to act 1949, but Beijing continues to against its ally, the US was assert sovereignty over it and has

said it is prepared to use military action if the island seeks formal independence. While the US does not technically have diplomatic relations with Taipei, it is legally obliged to ensure that Taiwan can defend itself and has long supplied it with arms. Taiwan's Defence Ministry said the deal "gives us greater confidence in pushing for an amicable outcome in our relations with China, and will help promote peace in the Taiwan Strait". China is believed to have more than 1,000 missiles aimed at the island. Taiwan's relations with the mainland have improved since President Ma Ying-jeou took office in 2008. But Beijing's reaction to the long-expected sale suggests it may have hoped the thaw would reduce US military cooperation. China's Taiwan affairs office said the deal "fanned the flames of Taiwan independence" and sent the wrong message, according to the Xinhua state news agency. Washington and Beijing had boasted of a strengthening of bilateral ties, but in recent weeks the relationship has come under growing strain. China is thought to be concerned that Obama faces growing domestic pressure to

take a tougher line towards Beijing, and was angered by Hillary Clinton's speech on internet freedom last week. Although China warned that the speech could damage bilateral relations, both sides subsequently sought to play down the disagreement. Obama's national security adviser, Jim Jones, said in a speech on Friday that the US was "bent toward a new relationship with China as a rising power in the world". But Jin Canrong, a professor of international studies at Renmin University, said the arms sale would give Beijing a "fair and proper reason" to accelerate weapons testing. • China • Arms trade • United States • Taiwan • Hillary Clinton • Iran • Russia Tania Branigan Paul Harris© Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions| More Feeds

Mozilla releases first mobile Firefox browser By Jessica Dolcourt (

Just two days ago Mozilla pushed out the third release candidate for its first mobile

Firefox browser. On Friday, Originally posted at The Firefox 1.0 for Nokia's Maemo D o w n l o a d B l o g arrived.

Wi-Fi Detecting Bumper Sticker Helps Out the Wardriver Behind You [WiFi] By Kyle VanHemert (Gizmodo) Submitted at 1/30/2010 1:00:00 PM

Here's a neat Instructable for significantly increasing the geek factor in your car's rear windshield, showing how to modify a Wi-Fi-detecting t-shirt into a Wi-Fi-detecting window decal. At some point in some traffic jam, you'll make a fellow nerd's day. Starting with a novelty t-shirt that displays the strength of WiFi signals in the area, an Instructable user lived up to his matching user name and license plate of "MacGeek" by hacking together this Wi-Fi detecting bumper sticker. While it may not be entirely useful for finding access points, except maybe to a laptopwielding driver behind you in a serious bumper to bumper, it will definitely be useful for announcing your geek pride to your fellow drivers. [ Instructables]


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Unknown soldier buried in France By David Batty (World news and comment from the Guardian | Submitted at 1/30/2010 9:38:41 AM

The first of 250 anonymous British and Australian casualties of the western front is laid to rest following the discovery of mass graves near historic battlesite The first of 250 unknown British and Australian soldiers killed in a first world war battle has been reburied at a ceremony in northern France. The soldiers, who died during the 1916 Battle of Fromelles, are being interred with full military honours at a new cemetery near the site of the fighting. The soldiers' remains were

discovered in 2008 among mass graves, where Australian experts believe they were buried by German troops. Hundreds of people watched the first soldier's coffin as it was buried in the Fromelles Military Cemetery today. It is the first Commonwealth War Graves Commission(CWGC) site to be built for 50 years and is still under construction. Kevan Jones, the UK veterans' minister who attended the service, said both the British and Australian governments wished to give "these brave soldiers a fitting place of rest". Similar burials are planned at the cemetery throughout February. A final ceremony is

expected on 19 July to mark the 94th anniversary of the battle. The Battle of Fromelles was the first major battle on the western front involving Australian troops. According to the CWGC, 1,780 Australian and 503 British soldiers died in the two-day battle. • First world war • Military • France David Batty© Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions| More Feeds

Google Sync with phasing out Weave still support for IE6 imperfect By Tom Krazit (

By Seth Rosenblatt (

Submitted at 1/29/2010 3:39:00 PM Submitted at 1/29/2010 4:18:00 PM

Starting March 1st, Internet Explorer users must be running at least version 7 of the browser in order to properly use Google Docs and Google Sites. Originally posted at Relevant Results

Mozilla's Weave leaves beta behind, but it's not yet the problem-free syncing solution for Firefox that it's intended to be. Originally posted at The Download Blog

No Country for Illustrated Covers: McCarthy's Books Get Redesigned By William Bostwick (Fast Company)

brutality of McCarthy's writing. That's why Pearson was a perfect choice. He's a type guy. Unlike, Submitted at 1/29/2010 6:17:01 PM say, John Gall, who uses tons of The great David Pearson gives clever imagery, but only a Cormac the all-type treatment. handful of typefaces (he trained It's a rare day when one of your with Massimo Vignelli, who said favorite book designers goes to designers only really need to use work on one of your favorite five or six), Pearson lets type do authors. But today's the day! all the talking. (Don't get me British designer David Pearson wrong, Gall is brilliant in his has just released his covers for o w n w a y - - c h e c k o u t h i s Cormac McCarthy's entire N a b o k o v C o l l e c t i o n . ) catalog, published in the U.K. by You probably know Pearson's Picador. It's a match made in, work on the awesome Great Penguin. Barely a picture at all, well, hell--the covers perfectly Ideas series, which he designed just author, title, and a quote capture all the bare-bones i n 2 0 0 4 w h i l e w o r k i n g a t from the text. Every one is

perfect--the type totally evokes the content: Freud's matter-offact Civilization and its Discontents, Nietzsche's halfmodern, half-ancient Why I am so Wise. Same thing here. The big, blocky wood type hints at the wild west, of course, but also the eerie mix of pared-down modernism and baroque violence that makes McCarthy's work so great. You can imagine those letters being printed in blood. McCarthy and his covers remind me of another literary recluse: the late J.D. Salinger, who designers will probably always

admire as the most hard-ass client ever. Salinger had a clause in all his contracts that limited his covers to only the book title and his name, absolutely no images. Somehow Little, Brown got away with those rainbow stripes in the corner, which I never understood. Just as words in the hands of a master like Salinger or McCarthy are never just words, type done right can be so much more than letters. [via It's Nice That, more cover images here]


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The Crying Game: How Disney Killed Miramax, Now with Weinstein Co. Layoffs! [Updated] By Alissa Walker (Fast Company) Submitted at 1/29/2010 5:28:12 PM

The storyline is almost Tarantinian. An evil empire enslaves two flashy, fiercelyindependent brothers, and then leaves them to die, while the virtuous duo ironically attempts to buy back their own identity (Miramax, a portmanteau of their own parents' names, Miriam and Max!) as well as the lifetime of groundbreaking work they helped to create. Like so many Tarantino films, this story also ends sad and bloody. The Weinstein Company, forged in Miramax's ashes by those fiercely independent brothers Bob and Harvey Weinstein, reportedly began laying off staff on Friday. The layoffs come hot on the heels of the news that Miramax-responsible for a wide swath of cinematic history, from Pulp Fiction and The Crying Game, to Good Will Hunting and Swingers, to Chicago and Gangs of New York--will be absorbed into Walt Disney Studios, leaving its 80 employees in Los Angeles and New York to search for a script with a happier ending. Such a fate seemed unavoidable after the company Disney bought the company in 1993 and, according to a former Miramax employee who

requested anonymity, sucked the spirit right out of it. Michael Eisner was no fan of the brothers, the source tells Nor did Disney enjoy the meaty blend of violence, sex, and politics delivered by directors like

Michael Moore, Quentin Tarantino, and Robert Rodriguez --clearly they didn't fit the Disney roster. "Disney wanted to greatly cut our marketing budget and were not entirely supportive of the movies we were releasing," the

e m p l o y e e t e l l s Employees got a Disney handbook, informing them about proper ethics for Disney "cast members." "At the end, it ended up just being a 'who had a bigger penis'

kind of thing," says the source. "And finally Harvey and Bob said 'Enough. You know what? At the end of the day, we just want to make movies, and we aren't going to be compromised CRYING page 8


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CRYING continued from page 7

artistically.'" They left their name, a catalog they had worked over a lifetime to acquire, produce and release, and started their own company, the Weinstein Company, in 2005. As a business innovation, there's no doubt about Miramax's legacy, as it spawned some inspired competition when studios opened their own arthouse departments like Sony Classics, Warner Independent, and Universal's Focus Films. But Miramax itself would only have been able to survive--and grow--with the Mouse's cash. "Miramax started as a small company that acquired movies like Clerks and The Crying Game," the source says. "It turned into a mini-major studio that produced titles like Chicago, Gangs of New York, and Kill Bill. This wouldn't have been possible without the financial backing from a larger corporation." Case in point: The Weinstein Company, which hired a financial adviser to restructure the company in 2009. When Inglorious Basterds was released

it came with a whispered ultimatum that if it didn't do box office gold, the Weinsteins would be out of business (it did, but that hasn't seemed to help enough). Miramax's demise means six films in production may be scuttled, the most anxiouslyanticipated being The Tempest, a Julie Taymor-directed picture on which filming is not yet complete. As for the rest of the films in Miramax's archive, it is uncertain whether or not Disney will try to offload them--or if Harvey and Bob can buy their archive back. "I'm sure that is already in the works," says the source before the layoffs began Friday. Audiences on the hunt for original approaches to cinema are the real losers here, says the source, since Miramax's legendary commitment to arthouse will wither within Disney's walls. In 2008, studios Paramount and Warner Brothers closed their arthouse divisions, which doesn't bode well. But that spirit lives on in the Weinsteins--provided they, too,

can stay afloat. "I don't think that Harvey and Bob would ever go down without a fight," says our source. "Their goal is to do what they have always done: bring the arthouse movie that was once seen by a select few in cosmopolitan areas to a level where it is readily available to everyone, even in small town America." The source tells about meeting a gay man from a rural area who said he wished he would have been able to see The Crying Game growing up. "He really had no outlet to express himself or know that there were others like him," the source says. "Miramax's films made people like that know it was okay to be that way. It gave them more confidence and made their experience growing up a little easier." The Princess and the Frog probably wouldn't cut it.

Ongoing Outrageous Outrage: Word Counting (Little Green Footballs)

word counting. The I’s Have It: Obama Uses ‘I’ 43 Times in Baltimore. One of the silliest in a long list Every time they do this I have a of silly wingnut obsessions: *headdesk* moment. Please, Submitted at 1/29/2010 2:41:09 PM

folks. Get a grip. It doesn’t prove Obama’s a “narcissist.” It proves you have way too much time on your hands.

Earnings Highlights: Amazon, Caterpillar, General Dynamics, Netflix, P&G, 3M, Verizon ... By Trey Thoelcke (BloggingStocks)

fell despite better-than-expected Q4 earnings as guidance fell short of the Street view. Submitted at 1/30/2010 2:40:00 PM • DeVry Inc.( DV) reported Filed under: better-than-expected Q2 numbers ( A M Z N ) , 3 M C o r p o r a t i o n due to increasing enrollments, (MMM), Caterpillar (CAT), which lifted shares. Netflix, Inc. (NFLX), Johnson • EMC Corp.( EMC) reported and Johnson (JNJ), Newell strong Q4 results that beat the Rubbermaid (NWL), Procter and Street view and offered full-year G a m b l e ( P G ) , V e r i z o n guidance. Communications (VZ), EMC • General Dynamics Corp.( GD) Corp (EMC), Honeywell Intl Q 4 r e s u l t s f e l l s h o r t o f (HON), United Technologies expectations and its guidance (UTX), General Dynamics Corp was less than estimates. (GD), Potash Corp. of Saskatchewan (POT) Continue reading Earnings Here are some highlights from Highlights: Amazon, Caterpillar, t h i s p a s t w e e k ' s e a r n i n g s General Dynamics, Netflix, coverage on BloggingStocks: P&G, 3M, Verizon ... • Inc.( AMZN) Earnings Highlights: Amazon, better-than-expected Q4 numbers Caterpillar, General Dynamics, due to strong holiday sales of Netflix, P&G, 3M, Verizon ... media products. originally appeared on • B l a c k R o c k I n c . ( B L K ) BloggingStocks on Sat, 30 Jan reported strong Q4 results and 2010 14:40:00 EST. Please see d o u b l e d a s s e t s u n d e r our terms for use of feeds. management due to an Permalink| Email this| acquisition. Comments • Caterpillar Inc.( CAT) shares

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Earnings Highlights: Apple, Boeing, Cisco, Ford, Kodak, Microsoft, Yahoo! ... By Trey Thoelcke (BloggingStocks) Submitted at 1/30/2010 12:10:00 PM

Reverse Psychology: Chinese Knock -Off Firm to Sue Apple Over iPad By Kit Eaton (Fast Company)

iPhone). The Chinese firm accuses Apple of copying it's Submitted at 1/29/2010 4:06:27 PM design, and threatens to sue if You'll need to put your best Apple tries to sell iPads in China. thinking cap on before tackling The news has surfaced over at this one: That Chinese firm Shanghaiist again, where they responsible for the iPhone-clone- e v e n h a v e a q u o t e f r o m esque tablet PC, that predated the apparently incensed president of iPad by several months, is crazy the Shenzen Great Long Brother angry at Apple for copying them. I n d u s t r i a l c o m p a n y , W u And may sue. Xiaolong: "I was very angry and Read that again. Get it? Okay, flabbergasted when I saw the I ' l l t r y a g a i n : A c o m p a n y news of the iPad presentation unashamedly rips-off Apple's two days ago... It is certainly our iPhone design and look-and-feel design. They've stolen because and bolts it into a Windows we present our P88 to everyone tablet PC that's technically not six months ago at the IFA [in too dissimilar from other similar Berlin]." tablet PCs. Apple then releases Erm, Wu? It's not your design, the iPad--a device that's been in mate. Your P88 looks just like a the making, on and off, for over bloody big iPhone, running XP, 20 years, and which builds on and with an absolutely dreadful Apple's already wildly successful battery life. You may well have device designs (mostly the patented it in China (or at least

you've begun that lengthy process) but I suspect Apple's patents are teeny bit more reliable on this front. And thank goodness you're admitting you "must follow the law," but I have to say that if you do go ahead and "sue them this Spring" if Apple sells iPads in China, then you're going to look like a right twit. If you'd come up with a totally original, compelling and consumer-exciting tablet all of your own design, then you'd probably not have anything to be so angry about. And we wouldn't have this intractable Gordian Knot of a who-designed-whatfirst patent problem to think about on a lazy Friday afternoon. [Via Shanghaiist]

Tesla's Going Public By Chuck Squatriglia (Wired Top Stories)

The Silicon Valley automaker files the paperwork needed to get

the IPO ball rolling.

Filed under: Earnings Reports, Microsoft (MSFT), Yahoo! (YHOO), Apple Inc (AAPL), Cisco Systems (CSCO), Ford Motor (F), Halliburton (HAL), Boeing Co (BA), Mattel, Inc (MAT), US Airways Group (LCC), Eastman Kodak (EK), U.S. Steel (X), QUALCOMM Inc (QCOM), Texas Instruments (TXN), Nintendo (NTDOY) Here are some highlights from this past week's earnings coverage on BloggingStocks: • Apple Inc.( AAPL) posted its highest quarterly revenue ever, easily beating estimates, as iPhone sales doubled. • Boeing Co.( BA) swung to a larger-than-expected Q4 profit but guidance fell short of analysts' estimates. • Chevron Corp.( CVX) fell short of analysts' earnings estimates for Q4, sending shares lower.

• Cisco Systems Inc.( CSCO) shares rose after optimistic statements by the CEO ahead of Q2 results. • Eastman Kodak Co.( EK) shares surged after it beat Q4 expectations by a wide margin and cash flow improved. • Ford Motor Co.( F) reported its first annual profit in four years due to cost-cutting and improved market share. • Halliburton Co.( HAL) reported l ower Q4 earnings but beat estimates by a penny, and revenue also fell. Continue reading Earnings Highlights: Apple, Boeing, Cisco, Ford, Kodak, Microsoft, Yahoo! ... Earnings Highlights: Apple, Boeing, Cisco, Ford, Kodak, Microsoft, Yahoo! ... originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Sat, 30 Jan 2010 12:10:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments


Business/ Gadgets/

E-reader News Edition

Is This the Best Economic News in Six Years? By Maccabee Montandon (Fast Company) Submitted at 1/29/2010 4:40:57 PM

That's tough to say. But while we are certainly not out of the woods yet, this sure is sweet: During the fourth quarter of 2009, the U.S. economy expanded at its fastest rate in six years. Six! The GDP--which, yes, we are pretty fired up about -- just crushed it, growing by 5.7%, well above what experts were predicting. That'll teach experts to stop predicting stuff! The main source of the surge came from a measure of businesses' inventories, which remained high--the idea working there is that companies, sensing

heavily on consumer dollars to goose economic good fortune. On the plus side, though, was a large leap in business' spending on equipment and computer goods, which economists often consider an indication that the hiring pace will soon pick up. These infrastructure expenditures were up 13.2% in the fourth quarter, compared with a 1.5% tick in the third. If that is truly a harbinger of new job creation, By Matt Burns (CrunchGear) the recovery's speed will get a Submitted at 1/29/2010 6:22:59 PM meaningful jolt. I m a g e : It seems so elementary to all of us around CrunchGear’s HQ that the iPad should have had three dcomputer// CC BY-SA 2.0 simple features: a camera, SD card slot, and external battery indicator. I mean, the iPad missed the mark by a lot in many areas, but it’s just silly that Apple didn’t included those items. I won’t bother with another rant about the iPad because we already vented our hopefully do good things for a frustration here. Reader Martin heard our cries community. Continue reading Comfort Zone all the way over in Germany and Investing: Not All Banks Are made this mock up that meets our approval. See, Apple, how Equal Comfort Zone Investing: Not hard is that? Just a front facing All Banks Are Equal originally camera, SD card slot and battery appeared on BloggingStocks on meter would make the iPad so Sat, 30 Jan 2010 10:30:00 EST. much more useful while not Please see our terms for use of taking away from the device’s feeds. Read| Permalink| Email aesthetics at all. Thanks, Martin. Wonderful job. this| Comments

Apple, here, this is the iPad we wanted

increased sales of their products, quickly began investing in more production, a welcome positive sign of recovery. (Still, it might be a measure that's easily gamed or short-lived). There was also some less

fantastic news attached to the recent reports. Consumer spending, tied as it is to the unemployment rate, increased by only 2%, after rising 2.8% over the previous quarter. That's not great for a nation that relies so

Comfort Zone Investing: Not All Banks Are Equal By Ted Allrich (BloggingStocks)

offering the same loans. If you're going to invest in banks, be sure you understand who they're Submitted at 1/30/2010 10:30:00 AM lending to and what kind of loans Filed under: Citigroup Inc. (C), they have on the books. B a n k o f A m e r i c a ( B A C ) , The first group of banks is Comfort Zone Investing community banks. As you might A rose is a rose is a rose. Thank guess, they serve specific you Gertrude Stein for that communities, usually within a observation. But a bank is not a fairly narrow geographic region. bank is not a bank. That's They rely on that region for their because not all banks are serving deposits with which they'll make the same market, nor are they all loans, and loan demand. In other

words, they serve a well-defined community. They know all the neighbors, participate in the local activities, have a high profile,

Business/ Gadgets/

E-reader News Edition

Reason #1 to Short the U.S.: Public Debt By Michael Shulman (BloggingStocks)

Filed under: Bad News, ETF Investing Large and rapidly growing deficits and public debt at the federal and state level will eventually lead to a rise in interest rates and to the crowding out of other spending as governments service debt. This will likely start near the end of this year or early in 2011. And please don't blame the Democrats, the party of fiscal rectitude. The Republicans doubled the debt while they controlled the White House and Congress, financing a war off balance sheet, led by a cheerleader in chief who told people to go shopping rather than tighten their belts after 9/11. And historically, red-staters spend more on their key constituents than the Dems, so if

Reason #2 to Short the U.S.: The Housing Market Isn't Recovering By Michael Shulman (BloggingStocks)

Submitted at 1/30/2010 11:00:00 AM

Wii Magic Stick Cover Ditches D-Pad For Analog Stick [Wii]

Submitted at 1/30/2010 1:00:00 PM

Filed under: Bad News, Housing The optimism on Wall Street about housing is surreal given all the public data on housing values, mortgage defaults, foreclosures and new home starts. Housing prices are going to fall nationally for another couple of years as foreclosures hit 6-7 they grab power, nothing will million in the next 30 months, change. and the 600,00 to 800,000 homes Continue reading Reason #1 to foreclosed but not yet listed are Short the U.S.: Public Debt added to housing inventory. The Reason #1 to Short the U.S.: headwinds created by this will Public Debt originally appeared last until foreclosures peak and on BloggingStocks on Sat, 30 those homes hit the market in Jan 2010 11:00:00 EST. Please l a t e 2 0 1 1 t o m i d - 2 0 1 2 . see our terms for use of feeds. F o r e c l o s u r e s w i l l n o t h i t P e r m a l i n k | E m a i l t h i s | historical norms until a year or Comments two from that peak. Continue reading Reason #2 to Short the U.S.: The Housing

By Kyle VanHemert (Gizmodo) Submitted at 1/30/2010 11:19:28 AM

Market Isn't Recovering Reason #2 to Short the U.S.: The Housing Market Isn't Recovering originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Sat, 30 Jan 2010 13:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments

Firefox Mobile For Maemo Officially Launches By Greg Kumparak (CrunchGear) Submitted at 1/29/2010 5:36:29 PM

Good news, everyone! Firefox is officially available for Maemo devices, like the Nokia N900! What’s that you say? Firefox


has been available for Maemo

for a while now? Sure, but now it’s official. Read the rest at MobileCrunch >>

If you can't wait 'til spring, and you want to give your Wiiplaying thumbs a rest with an analog stick, slide the $7 Magic Stick cover on your Wiimote. It ain't pretty but it'll do the trick. [ Brando via Technabob]


Gadgets/ Politics/

E-reader News Edition

Gigantic Music Box Is Finally Finished With Nowhere To Go [Instruments] By Kyle VanHemert (Gizmodo) Submitted at 1/30/2010 12:00:00 PM

Henry Dagg spent four years building this gigantic pin barrel harp, commissioned for a London garden. It's finally finished but is too fragile for the outdoors. Listen to it play "A Long and Winding Road" and reflect on its fate. Dagg, a former sound engineer for the BBC and self-styled sound sculptor, received a £56,000 grant in 2006 to build the solar powered instrument for the garden of the English Folk

Dance and Song Society in London. After four years of "blood, sweat and tears," the instrument is complete, but Dagg is now seeking a permanent indoor home for the creation, which he calls the Sharpsichord. The instrument is a steel monstrosity, with two huge gramophones and over 11,000 holes on a rotating cylinder for pegs that pluck the instrument's tuned strings. Songs are programmed peg by peg, note by note, this rendition of the Beatles' "Long and Winding Road" taking Dagg over a day to put together. In the video Dagg

cranks the Sharpsichord to turn the cylinder but a solar powered motor is intended to power the finished device. As you hear Dagg's collaborator Chris Wood sing the the melancholy lines "many times I've been alone, and many times I've cried," its hard not to think that they're describing the hulking, homeless instrument itself. I just hope there's a place for the Sharpsichord at the end of its long and winding road. [ Telegraph via Neatorama]

Friday Night Music: Erik Mongrain (Little Green Footballs) Submitted at 1/29/2010 4:53:23 PM

The tune is called “PercusienFa,” an excellent showpiece for Canadian guitarist Erik Mongrain’s unique

percussive style. It’s from Erik’s album Fates.(Here it is at the iTunes Store.)[Video] An Amazon widget with more clips from this excellent album:[Video]

The next frontier: Converting 2D to 3D By John Biggs (CrunchGear) Submitted at 1/30/2010 10:26:32 AM

Remember at CES when all of the companies were like “We’ll convert your 2D to 3D?” Yeah, ummm, nah. What will happen is that studios will back-convert some of their old movies – or movies not shot in 3D– to 3D using a time-consuming, partially automated process. Like in love, the first cut is the deepest: The first step is to separate the shot into somewhere between two and eight layers of depth. Take, for example, an image of a man standing in front of a brick wall, with a blue sky behind the wall. The graphic artist might separate the shot into three layers: the man, the wall, and the sky. Then, he would take each layer and draw contour lines around any object that appeared there. He’d start by marking depth lines on the man using a computer, turning the image into a sort of topographical map. He’d repeat the process for any objects in the other layers. (If

there were a bird in the sky, he’d draw lines there, too.) This creates layers that the computer can then ‘tween based on surround frames. If the spot where a character was before is visible later, the computer can approximately assess what should be “behind” the character. While it sounds more like the Turner-ization of black and white movies (you have to be pretty old to remember that golden period in television), it’s the only way you’re going to be able to see Shaft in 3D. Read more about it at Slate. via Giz

Flying Around Mars (Little Green Footballs) Submitted at 1/29/2010 2:25:37 PM

Here’s a very cool animated flight over the Mojave Crater on

Mars, created with accurate terrain data from the University of Arizona’s High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment ( HIRISE). Check out the 720p

version in fullscreen mode.[Video]

Gadgets/ Popular News/

E-reader News Edition


Macmillan books gone from, Steve Jobs grins wryly from his throne of golden iPads By Paul Miller (Engadget) Submitted at 1/30/2010 1:10:00 PM

We hate to iPad-ify the news so bluntly (matching lower back tattoos aside), but the timing of this one is uncanny. Mere days after Apple's announcement of a deal with Macmillan for its new iBooks store, and right after a shakycam video of Steve Jobs predicting some publishers would be pulling books from the Kindle due to a lack of satisfaction with Amazon's prices, Macmillan's books have mysteriously disappeared from Even the paper ones, like the new Wheel Of Time book, pictured to the right. You can of course buy books from the other retailers that Amazon's systems support (along with and, but there's no getting a Macmillan publication straight from Without a peep about the issue from Amazon or Macmillan, it's easy to see this as some sort of wild glitch -- after all, what could possibly cause such a rift between these two companies to

Firefox for Mobile makes Maemo its first home end sales of all Macmillan books, instead of just the e-books for Kindle? Hopefully we find out soon, before our heads implode conspiratorially. Macmillan books gone from, Steve Jobs grins wryly from his throne of golden iPads originally appeared on Engadget on Sat, 30 Jan 2010 13:10:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink New York Times| VentureBeat| Email this| Comments

World's narrowest garage (Holy Kaw!) Submitted at 1/30/2010 9:30:52 AM

Now this is a narrow garage.

(Via TopGear) More car news. Permalink| Leave a comment »

By Vladislav Savov (Engadget) Submitted at 1/30/2010 11:44:00 AM

As if you needed any more evidence of the tech supremacy of your Nokia N900 or N810, here's Firefox making its official mobile debut on the most righteous Maemo OS. Available for download right now, version 1.0 will come with a pretty sweet feature named Weave Sync, which harmonizes your bookmarks, tabs, history and passwords across devices, making for a seamless transition between your desktop computer and your mobile one. We reckon we could get used to that. Alas, Flash support is still somewhat shaky, and does not come

enabled by default, though you're free to flip the switch and ride the lightning as it were. We're sure Mozilla will appreciate any crash reports you might want to throw its way as well. So come on already, download the darn thing and let us know if it improves on the already spectacular browsing experience of the N900. [Thanks, Ross M.] Firefox for Mobile makes Maemo its first home originally appeared on Engadget on Sat, 30 Jan 2010 11:44:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink fone arena| The Mozilla Blog| Email this| Comments

Weekend Giveaway: Sporty Friends Commemorative Olympic Swatch Watch By John Biggs (CrunchGear) Submitted at 1/30/2010 9:00:09 AM

Yeah, guys! Do you like Yetis? Penguin things? Vancouver? Well today is your lucky day because we’re giving away one sexy Swatch watch commemorating the upcoming 2010 Vancouver Olympics. What do you have to do? So very, very little. Simply name those two sporty friends in a comment and we’ll pick one winner at random on Monday. While I’m sure those guys have real names, I prefer to call them Burt Reynolds and Meg Ryan. You? UPDATE – While it does, in fact, seem that these guys are named Quatchi and Miga, I’d prefer it if you gave them your own names. Like Ponch and John.


Gadgets/ Tech/

E-reader News Edition

Publishers Beginning To Recognize The Value Of Free... Even As They Fight $10 eBooks By Mike Masnick (Techdirt) Submitted at 1/29/2010 3:38:00 PM

We've seen how various book publishers have freaked out about the growing popularity of ebooks, often with a price capped at $10 -- arguing that it's cannibalizing the higher margins found on hardcover books. And yet, at the same time, some of expected, the carrier is now also those very same publishers are offering a number of new phones perfectly happy to offer up free that take advantage of the ebooks as promotional items. network, not the least of which While some publishers are include the iPhone 3G and 3GS complaining that this is (in all the usual varieties), and "devaluing" ebooks, others are the BlackBerry Bold 9700. Hit recognizing that free can be quite up the link below to check out useful in helping an author get the complete lineup, and Virgin's By Nilay Patel (Engadget) dollar, so we're hopeful -- but at past the obscurity barrier. We've new smartphone plan offerings, the very least Intel's third-gen already seen how many "top Submitted at 1/30/2010 2:40:00 PM which start at $50 per month X25-M will come in 160GB, s e l l i n g " K i n d l e b o o k s a r e Virgin Mobile Canada lights up Intel and Micron have a history 320GB, and 600GB sizes when it actually free, and it's good to see HSPA+ network, iPhone 3GS, of pushing the state-of-the-art in launches in Q4 using these new publishers looking to take Bold 9700 in tow originally flash storage -- their joint venture chips. Yeah, we're going to want advantage of that, even if they appeared on Engadget on Sat, 30 IMFT was responsible for the one. AnandTech has the full haven't quite figured out that Jan 2010 10:11:00 EST. Please first sub-40nm NAND flash and breakdown, hit the read link for similar economic logic can apply see our terms for use of feeds. bringing it to production-- and it more. to cheap ebooks as well. P e r m a l i n k | V i r g i n M o b i l e looks they've done it again: Intel and Micron start 25nm However, given the success of Canada| Email this| Comments IMFT is now sampling two-bits- flash production; SSDs to get free ebooks, it seems likely that per-cell 25nm NAND, which cheap, huge originally appeared those publishers who are fighting will eventually push prices down on Engadget on Sat, 30 Jan 2010 against the tide will eventually and capacities up when volume 14:40:00 EST. Please see our come around to recognize the production begins in Q2. We'll t e r m s f o r u s e o f f e e d s . benefits of such things. have to see how pricing works Permalink| Anandtech| Email Permalink| Comments| Email out -- 25nm is something like this| Comments This Story twice the storage density per

Virgin Mobile Canada lights up HSPA+ network, iPhone 3GS, Bold 9700 in tow By Donald Melanson (Engadget) Submitted at 1/30/2010 10:11:00 AM

Well, it's a bit earlier than the invitation to the big launch event suggested, but it looks like Virgin Mobile Canada is now officially part of the HSPA+ club, and it's now also selling a couple of new phones you might be interested in. Naturally, the network will give you coverage in line with the Bell network that Virgin is piggybacking on (encompassing 93% of Canadians), and you can expect the same download speeds of up to 21.6 megabits per second and upload speeds up to 5.76 -- in "ideal conditions," of course. As

Intel and Micron start 25nm flash production; SSDs to get cheap, huge

Gadgets/ Tech News/ Entertainment/

E-reader News Edition

Lenovo's G560 and G460 laptops now available to order By Darren Murph (Engadget)

Stealth Jets. Now in Russian! By Jimin Brelsford (CrunchGear) Submitted at 1/29/2010 4:30:48 PM

Air superiority hasn’t been top news in a while. But Russia’s got a nifty new stealth fighter jet they’re showing off. Video after the jump. The Sukhoi T-50 was created jointly between Russia and India, and seems to be aimed at rivaling the United States’ F-22 Raptor. The proposed feature list looks pretty impressive: • All-weather flight • Ability to use a take-off strip of just 300-400 meters

• In-flight refueling capable • Advanced avionics • Simultaneous attacks on air and ground targets. • Minimal radar cross-section But not everyone is raving over it. Military analyst Pavel Felgenhauer only said, “It’s just a prototype lacking new engines and a new radar.” No specifications out yet, and we’ll have to wait on a few more flights to see how it really handles. [ BBC]

Submitted at 1/29/2010 2:09:00 PM

You know you can't obtain an iPad for least three months, but you may not know that the reason you can't even buy one in

advance is because Apple has not yet obtained the necessary Federal Communications Commission approval to unleash

By Brendan I. Koerner (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 1/29/2010 9:00:00 PM

two really boils down to how New Blog: Adam awful your vision is. Got that, Lambert Makes gramps? Lenovo's G560 and G460 Grammy Fashion laptops now available to order Predictions! originally appeared on Engadget on Sat, 30 Jan 2010 08:28:00 (ETonline - Breaking News) EST. Please see our terms for Submitted at 1/30/2010 8:00:00 AM use of feeds. Permalink Laptoping| G560, G460| Email Best-selling singing sensation Adam Lambert is bringing his this| Comments style expertise to the Grammy red carpet this Sunday as ET's fashion correspondent and in this all-new blog, the fan favorite reveals who he's excited to see! Some stars he can't wait to see? Beyonce, Lady Gaga and Ke$ha to name a few. "I'm really excited for the divas," he tells ET. "I'm excited to see it on the nation’s airwaves it what these girls are going to p r o t e c t s . T h a t ' s r i g h t . I t ' s bring to the table -- they always look fabulous. I have a feeling "illegal" to use one ... they're not going to fail, they never really do but if they do I'm gonna call them out on it."

Wondering Why You Can't Pre-Order an iPad? It's Not Legal Yet By Eliot Van Buskirk (Wired Top Stories)

Mr. Know-It-All on Swine Flu, Medicinal Weed, iTunes Sales

Do you hug your kid if you have swine flu? Mr. Know-It-All urges caution and common sense, but no bubble. Do you tell you're boss you're using medicinal marijuana? State and federal drug laws could leave you caught in the middle and out of a job.

Submitted at 1/30/2010 8:28:00 AM

Good news, laptop hunters! No, not those laptop hunters.... Anywho, two of Lenovo's CESannounced machines are now ready for you to customize and order, with the 14-inch G460 packing a 2.13GHz Core i3330M processor, integrated Intel graphics, Windows 7 Home Premium (64-bit), 4GB of DDR3 RAM, a 1,366 x 768 resolution panel, 320GB hard drive, Bluetooth 2.1+EDR, dual-layer DVD writer and a 6-cell battery. The 15.6-inch G560 adds a marginally larger LCD and, well, that's it. Thankfully, both units get going at the same $799 price point, so choosing between the



Gadgets/ Entertainment/

E-reader News Edition

Report: Michael Jackson’s Children to Accept Father's Grammy Award (ETonline - Breaking News) Submitted at 1/30/2010 9:01:00 AM

Michael Jackson's two older children -- Prince, 12, and Paris, 11 – are reportedly scheduled accept a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award on their late father's behalf. Jackson family sources tell CNN that although Prince and Paris are slated to take the stage -making their first public appearance since attending their father’s emotional memorial service in Los Angeles -- 7-yearold Blanket is not expected to appear. There are no plans for Paris or Prince to sing or dance, the By Kyle VanHemert and brown and rugged on the sources say. The Recording (Gizmodo) outside. Academy will honor the late Starcraft and Duke Nukem 3D. Created in the UK, the Archipod By Kyle VanHemert Submitted at 1/30/2010 2:00:00 PM King of Pop with a Lifetime (Gizmodo) Now it gets the benefit of was conceived out of "frustration Achievement Award at the Firefox's first o-fficial mobile If you want your backyard home at the commuting lifestyle, with Submitted at 1/30/2010 12:11:58 PM Special Merit Awards ceremony version. office orb to be minimalist and its attendant road congestion, air tonight in Los Angeles. clean on the inside but woodsy and noise pollution, road rage, Firefox Mobile crawled into its As mentioned above it comes first pockets last night, going live with the Awesome Bar and and natural on the outside, the running costs and time loss." Archipod is the pod for you. Indeed, if you're looking for a on Maemo5. The mobile version synchronization capabilities as There's nothing wrong with home office that will make you retains the full awesomeness of well as tabs, location-aware wanting your sanctuary to take feel like you're several light- the Awesome Bar and includes browsing and some add-ons. the form of a futuristic pod. But years away from modern society WeaveSync for keeping tabs, Flash support is experimental but you have to be willing to find and its discontents, head over to passwords, and bookmarks can be turned on in the settings. one that doesn't disrupt your Archipod's website and prepare straight across desktop and Firefox Mobile 1.0 is currently available for download. You can backyard's harmony with nature. to open the pod bay doors. [ mobile versions. The Nokia N900 sports a lot of find out more at Mozilla's The Archipod, like a coconut, is Archipod via Make] i m p r e s s i v e u n o f f i c i a l Firefox Mobile page. [ Mozilla smooth and white on the inside achievements on its resume, like via ZDNet] dual-booting(sort of) and playing

Archipod Is Pine Cone On Firefox Mobile 1.0 the Outside, Apple Store On Burrows Onto Nokia the Inside [HomeOffice]

N900s [Firefoxmobile]


E-reader News Edition


4 New Mac Twitter Apps You May Have Missed By Christina Warren (Mashable!)

Twitt is a Twitter app for the Mac user who appreciates a good user interface and likes the Submitted at 1/30/2010 7:02:39 AM ability to customize or theme his Just when you think you’ve tried apps. Like Kiwi, Twitt supports every Twitter app out there, a HTML+CSS themes that are few more appear on the scene. easy to install and change For Mac users that might have around. The app has the basic either grown tired of, or are Twitter features covered, but looking for alternatives to, adds a few things that power Tweetie, Twitterrific, Kiwi or users should like too. Socialite, never fear, there are For instance, if you like to share indeed other native Mac OS X photos via Twitter, you can use options out there! the built-in image uploader to While some of the best Twitter send stuff to TwitPic or yFrog. It apps, in terms of power, are still also supports multiple accounts, the Adobe Air-based Seesmic Growl, offline reading, the Desktop and Tweetdeck, there official Retweet button, plus you are also some great, free native can set up notifications for OS X clients (and one that runs certain content and create filters on Mozilla’s XUL platform) to prevent certain stuff from worth checking out. 1. Itsy showing up in your timeline. Itsy is for the Twitter minimalist The only real feature that Twit — someone who wants to have lacks is Lists support, but as it the ability to send a tweet, view stands, most native Mac apps @replies and maybe perform a don’t do that yet anyway. Twitt search, but doesn’t want the app is free. 3. Echofon for Mac to take up tons of real-estate or Echofon for Mac is a desktop attention. The app has a very version of the popular iPhone small footprint, both in terms of app. The two apps share a lot of memory and screen size, and similarities, lots of features, and offers up the basic Twitter a clean, if not mindblowinglyfeatures. Plus, it supports Growl awesome user interface. Echofon notifications and keyboard has a really nice browser drawer shortcuts. If you want something that can slide out of the side of simple and something that will t h e c l i e n t , s h o w i n g o f f stay out of your way, this just conversation history or user might be your app. information or user timelines, Itsy is free and requires Mac OS without obstructing your other X 10.5 or higher. 2. Twitt

screen. This is a great compromise between either having something always open in a browser, or the menu and column madness that some of the more powerful Twitter apps use. Like Twitt, you can easily drag and drop to upload photos, a feature that’s a nice touch and something that many desktop clients ignore. You can also easily look at Twitter trending topics or view your saved searches from within the app, a feature that’s really handy. If you use Echofon Pro for the iPhone, you can sync your unread tweets. And if you send an @reply or direct message to someone using Echofon for the iPhone, they can receive a push notification of your tweet instantly. Again, the only real feature that Echofon lacks is Lists support, but if that gets added, this will be a real competitor to the power-user apps. Update: Echofon for Mac just added list support, making it a very attractive option! Echofon is still in beta and is

free right now. Full pricing details will be announced in the future. 4. Yoono Desktop Yoono Desktop is a desktop version of the popular Firefox add-on and it actually controls more than just Twitter. It also supports Facebook, LinkedIn, Flickr, AIM, Google Talk, Yahoo Messenger, MSN Messenger and MySpace IM. The nice thing about Yoono is that you can update your status across networks and connect to all networks at once. It also supports real-time search across your different networks. As a desktop app, Yoono includes most of the big features that came in the Firefox add-on. Unlike the other apps in this round-up, Yoono is not written using Cocoa — it’s based on Mozilla’s XUL-runner framework. That’s the same base that Firefox and Thunderbird use. I mention this because some of the interface features are going to differ — similar to what happens when you run Adobe Air apps. However, while XUL still tends to be poor with memory management in Mac OS X, it’s nowhere near as bad as Adobe Air. Users who want a powerful client that isn’t Airbased, this might be fore you. Yoonoo can be run in a more compact space, but it really likes

to take over as much of your screen real-estate as you can give it. Depending on what you like to monitor, that may or may not suit your needs. Still, for a power Twitter client that isn’t based on Adobe Air, Yoono is a great option. Mac users should also check out the Firefox add-on if you want a slightly more integrated approach. Your Picks Mac users, what is your favorite Twitter client? Let us know! More Mac resources from Mashable: - 5 Mac Apps to Boost Your Productivity - Mac Gift Guide: 10 Buying Ideas for Apple Fans - HOW TO: Create a Mac Theme for Windows 7 - Top 10 iPhone Apps as Judged by Mashable Readers - 10 iPhone Apps to Avoid Work Disasters - 20 Creative Apps For Your iPhone Reviews: Echofon, Facebook, Firefox, Flickr, LinkedIn, MSN Messenger, Seesmic Desktop, TweetDeck, Twitpic, Twitter, Yoono, adobe AIR, aim Tags: apple, apps, desktop, desktop apps, desktop apps list, echofon, itsy, List, Lists, mac, trending, twitt, twitter, web apps, yoono


Tech/ Entertainment/

E-reader News Edition

Haiti, iPad, and Obama: The Top 10 Twitter Trends This Week By Ben Parr (Mashable!)

topic of discussion. - Unsurprisingly, the #2 topic of discussion was the iPad, along Out of all the social media tools w i t h d i s c u s s i o n a b o u t t h e out there, the one that people go keynote and jokes about the to in order to figure out what’s product’s name. hot on the web has to be Twitter. - Obama’s State of the Union With millions of tweets crossing ranks in at #3. This confirms i t s s e r v e r s a n d c o n s t a n t l y data we published yesterday: updated trending topics, it’s easy Steve Jobs beat Obama in buzz. to find out what’s happening - Sadly, at #9 is “RIP Johnny right now. Depp,” a hoax celebrity death We’re taking it a step further that picked up steam and fooled with a new series, Top Twitter w a y t o o m a n y p e o p l e . Topics, a weekly recap of what Predictions: What Will Be people were buzzing about in the Popular Next Week Twitterverse. Thanks to What 1. The iPad: What, you think The Trend, we know what events people won’t be buzzing about captured our collective attention. Apple’s new device a week from What Was Hot This Week now? Last week, Haiti and the Shorty 2. The Grammys: I was a week Awards topped Twitter trends, off on last week’s prediction; with MLK day, the Golden now the buzz is starting to build. Globes, and the Massachusetts 3. Super Bowl: The big game is special election all making coming appearance. 4. Haiti: The people of the We’ve changed our analysis island nation still need our help. formula a little since then. This 5. Justin Bieber: The 15 year old week, we’ve consolidated top s i n g i n g p h e n o m e n o n w a s trends and are utilizing a point discovered on YouTube, and his system conceived by What the fans are as passionate as Twilight Trend that weighs time spent or Jonas Brothers fans. Be very trending against how high related afraid. 10 Most Popular Topics terms trended. on Twitter, 1/23 to 1/29 Here are some highlights from All descriptions provided by this week’s list: What The Trend. - Haiti, relief efforts, and raising Rank Topic Top Index This money to help remain the top Week Change Description#1 Submitted at 1/30/2010 11:09:04 AM

Haiti 1 On January 12, 2010 an earthquake measured at 7.0 devastated the country’s capital. January 22nd saw a star-studed extravaganza to raise relief funds.#2 Apple iPad 1 Apple announced their newest product, the Apple iPad (a tablet computer). Love it or hate it, many people tweeted their thoughts#3 State of the Union 1 NEW USA President Obama gave his first "State of the Union" address on 1/27/10. Folks are tweeting their thoughts.#4 Super Bowl 1 NEW The Indianapolis Colts play the New Orleans Saints in Super Bowl XLIV, the culmination of a season of National League Football play. The Super Bowl is treated almost as a holiday in the United States, with many people holding parties, some just to watch the commercials during the game.#5 Conan O’Brien 1 Friday, January 22nd was Conan O’Brian’s last Tonight show. People discussed the last show,

as well as adopting a catchphrase of "Dear Internet" in their own tweets.#6 Shorty Awards 5-4 The Second Annual Shorty Awards honor the most popular producers of short content on Twitter. Award winners are recognized in 26 official and 100s of user generated categories. There were some issues with voting irregularities.#7 Justin Bieber 34 The young Canadian R&B/pop singer has a lot of fans who like to tweet about him!#8 Follow Friday 2-3 Follow Friday is a tradition where people tweet people they believe are fun/interesting to follow (on Fridays).#9 RIP Johnny Depp 2 NEW A hoax that Johnny Depp died is circulating once again. (It came from a fake CNN page, in which the article was dated 2004.)#10 RIP JD Salinger 2 NEW J.D. Salinger, the legendary author, youth hero and fugitive from fame whose “The Catcher in the Rye” shocked and inspired a world he increasingly shunned, has died. He was 91. You can also check out the raw data, which includes the top 25 trends of the week. Tags: Top Twitter Topics, trending topics, twitter, What The Trend

Watch Now: Mary J. Blige & Andrea Bocelli Talk Grammy Duet (ETonline - Breaking News) Submitted at 1/30/2010 7:30:00 AM

The Grammys bring together diverse talent for duets and group performances like no other program and this year's show won't disappoint -- Mary J. Blige and Andrea Bocelli are two big names that go great together! "Surprisingly, we have a great chemistry," Mary tells ET. "We work really well together. He's from opera, I'm from soul; but we're both emotional singers. That's the root of the whole thing." "I'm so happy about this. I love the fact that I get a chance to perform with such an amazing voice," she adds.

The Sizzlin' Styles of Grammys' Gorgeous Gals: Beyonce! Taylor Swift! Carrie Underwood! Rihanna! (ETonline - Breaking News) Submitted at 1/30/2010 7:11:00 AM

Beyonce! Taylor Swift! Carrie Underwood! Rihanna! For years, the Grammys' most gorgeous gals have been lighting up the red carpet! Take a look at these lovely ladies as they shine at past Grammys, star-studded bashes and more!


E-reader News Edition

Novozymes to launch ethanol product (CNET

low-carbon fuels. The purpose of alternative Submitted at 1/30/2010 11:41:06 AM transport fuels is to cut DAVOS, Switzerland--Danish this purpose," Riisgaard said. dependence on imported oil and biotech company Novozymes He said the company could cut carbon emissions compared will launch in the first quarter show that its new product would with burning fossil fuels. this year a new enzyme to be competitive with corn-based Ethanol derived from corn has produce transport fuel from ethanol and gasoline. faced criticism for increasing a g r i c u l t u r a l w a s t e , C h i e f "We can demonstrate...a total pressure on agricultural land, Executive Steen Riisgaard told cost including the capital cost for stoking food prices, leading to a building a factory will be in the hunt for potent enzymes which Reuters on Saturday. That was the company's firmest order of 225 cents (per gallon). can break down tough fibers in guidance yet on the timing of the In the U.S. there is a subsidy of wood chips or agricultural wasterelease of the new product, 1 0 1 c e n t s w h i c h m a k e s i t -called cellulosic ethanol. called Cellic, said Riisgaard. certainly competitive with corn- Novozymes made sales of about Novozymes has a 47 percent based, where the subsidy is only 1.2 billion euros ($1.69 billion) market share in the global 46 cents. last year, and was retaining its enzyme industry, for use for " I t ' s g o i n g t o b e a g o o d long-term target to grow 10 example in the food and washing b u s i n e s s . . . i f t h e y ( e t h a n o l percent per year, said Riisgaard. products industry, as well as bio- producers) can rely on the It expected 2 percent to 6 percent continuation of the subsidy," he growth this year, in local ethanol. U.S. ethanol producer POET has said. currencies, following 2 percent He expected a widespread growth in 2009. trialed the Novozymes enzyme on a limited basis for a couple of commercialization of cellulosic Story Copyright (c) 2010 months, but following the launch ethanol production by 2013, "in Reuters Limited. All rights it would be available generally the best case." reserved. Riisgaard was positive about Five Filters featured article: on a commercial basis. "It's going to be ready in demand from China, where he Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: commercial quantities. You have said senior executives at oil PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, to be able to do it at a big scale. company Sinopec had told him Term Extraction. We are building a facility at a they would be credited for new factory in Nebraska just for increasing efficiency and using


Seriously: Where Is The Link Between Copyright Infringement And Terrorism/Organized Crime By Mike Masnick (Techdirt)

access to online files is actually harming the counterfeit DVD Submitted at 1/29/2010 7:39:00 PM business that organized crime Over the past few years, the has used in the past. Based on entertainment industry has been the logic put forth by the pushing hard on the claim that entertainment industry, shouldn't copyright infringement and we cheer on The Pirate Bay for organized crime (or terrorism) putting DVD counterfeiters (and are somehow connected. It's a thus, organized criminals and regular talking point and is often terrorists) out of business? brought up in discussions about Moody goes on to challenge the ACTA. And yet, where is this idea that copyright infringement supposed link? Glynn Moody leads to people being put in discusses what a bogus concept harm's way:*Counterfeiting* can it is, and why a new EU report is certainly be a threat to consumer massively discredited in simply health and safety, and needs to taking the claim at face value: be combated vigorously, but the I've noted several times an idea that copyright infringement increasingly popular trope of the might be is simply risible, and intellectual monopolists: since it's an insult to our intelligence counterfeiting is often linked even to suggest it. Indeed. This with organised crime, and is a problem. So, let's start because counterfeiting and calling the industry on this. Can copyright infringement are they show any actual evidence vaguely similar, it follows as that basic online copyright surely as night follows day that infringement is in any way copyright infringement is linked linked to organized crime or with organised crime. But, of terrorism? course, that's not the case. In Permalink| Comments| Email fact, those who traffic in things This Story like counterfeit DVDs are discovering that unauthorized


Tech/ Entertainment/

E-reader News Edition

How to "clean install" Snow Leopard Firefox for Mobile Makes Its Debut By Lauren Hirsch (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

Submitted at 1/30/2010 2:30:00 PM

Filed under: Hardware, OS, How-tos, Tips and tricks, Troubleshooting, MacBook A friend's MacBook had slowed down to a snail's pace. Despite looking everywhere for the issue, streamlining everything I could, and yelling at it, it failed to accelerate to usable speed. So I recommended we start from scratch and build it back up with only the things she was using, free of all the other downloads and aborted installs of various software she never used or cared about. It also housed a prior system, and a PC migration from a few years back. All told, the computer was a bloated, duplicated whale of files and applications for what was essentially a light-load writer's computer. So I backed up the essential parts of her system using Time Machine: documents (including her novel and decades of prior writing, published and unpublished), ten years of family

photographs, a 41GB iTunes library, among other things, and then....backed it up again elsewhere, outside of Time Machine. And again. And just for good measure, once more time, to yet another drive. I wasn't going to be the (ex-)friend who lost her novel. What I wanted to do was do the ol' "erase and install" that prior system software discs allowed you to do. But clicking around Snow Leopard left no obvious method for this. But instead of booting Snow Leopard while inside of Mac OS X, if you just directly reboot the computer off the disc itself (holding down the "c" button after the system

chime, letting go when you see the Apple logo) you get a few more options. Once you've gone into the installer program, you'll see "Utilities" at the top, and if you select Disc Utility, you can see your hard drive. If you click on "erase" (like I did, with one hand over my eyes) you can wipe the drive clean with various security options, and then you can do a fresh install of Snow Leopard on your computer on a pristine hard drive. Once you've done that, you can either transfer your files back in directly, or use the installer program's built-in migration utility to restore any or all files from Time Machine. And now? The world awaits the Next Great American Novel, untragically unlost by yours truly. TUAW How to "clean install" Snow Leopard originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Sat, 30 Jan 2010 14:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments

By Ben Parr (Mashable!) Submitted at 1/30/2010 9:49:02 AM

Want the power and add-ons of the Firefox browser in the palm of your hands? That dream is quickly becoming a reality, starting with the Maemo OS and owners of the Nokia N900. Mozilla has officially introduced Firefox for Maemo, the first officially launched version of Firefox for Mobile. It’s been in testing for some time, but now it’s available for download for those of you who own an N900 smartphone. The new mobile browser comes equipped with an array of quite awesome features: the awesome bar, weave sync (sync your bookmarks, passwords, tabs, and history between mobile and desktop), tabbed browsing, and location-aware maps are all part of this launch. Our favorite feature of the Firefox for Mobile launch though has to be the inclusion of add-ons. Yes, you’ll be able to customize your mobile browsing experience with add-ons like TwitterBar, AdBlock Plus, and

'Jersey Shore' Back for a Second Season! (ETonline - Breaking News) Submitted at 1/30/2010 8:37:00 AM

Fresh episodes of drama set to wash up on MTV's "Jersey

Shore," and ET's got the details. Good news for fans of the reality series: Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi, Jenni "J-WOWW" Farley, Paul Delvecchio, Mike

"The Situation" Sorrentino and more of their pals will be back for a second season. The twelve new episodes of "Jersey Shore" set to air this

summer will uproot the cast from the chilly northeast and follow their doings in a new destination, an MTV rep tells us.

YouTube Enabler. There is a Firefox mobile add-on website with around 40 add-ons, but the number is growing. If you’re not an N900 owner but want Firefox on your iPhone, Blackberry, Android, or other smartphone, we have some good news and some bad news. The good news: Firefox is investigating Android and launching for other mobile phones soon. The bad news: don’t expect them on the BlackBerry or iPhone anytime soon. Reviews: Adblock Plus, Android, Firefox Tags: Fennec, Firefox, firefox for mobile, firefox mobile, Maemo, mozilla, Nokia, Nokia N900

Tech/ Entertainment/

E-reader News Edition

Multitasking: Intel does, iPad doesn't (CNET Submitted at 1/30/2010 6:00:00 AM

This Aava Mobile design uses the upcoming Intel Moorestown chip. Devices using the chip can multitask.(Credit: Aava Mobile) How important is the ability to multitask on tablet-class devices like Apple's iPad? Important enough that the feature will likely be touted as a trump card for Intel-based smartphones such as a tablet-size phone from LG due later this year. How do we know this? Watch the embedded video below, taken at the Consumer Electronics Show earlier this month, and find out. Toward the end of the video (the 2:55 mark), Pankaj Kedia, director of Intel's Global Ecosystems Program for Mobile Internet Devices and Smart Phones, makes it clear that multitasking is a marquee feature for devices running on Intel's Moorestown chip technology, due sometime in the next few months. Kedia shows three applications running but is quick to add that "you can have more apps running." Of course, on an Apple laptop, where a user can easily have a dozen or more apps active, multitasking is taken for granted. For example, users can watch a

Econ 101: Study Shows That If Record Labels Lowered Prices On Music, They Would Sell A Lot More By Mike Masnick (Techdirt) Submitted at 1/29/2010 5:33:09 PM

video feed while writing an email. For the iPad, however, Apple is betting that the snappy interface, as demonstrated in this CNET video, will more than compensate for the lack of multitasking. On Friday, I asked Keida about the importance of multitasking on Intel-based smartphones and tablets. "Consumers want to do multiple things at the same time: listen to music while browsing the Web, look for directions while looking at your calendar and talking with your friends, and so on," he said in response to an e-mail query. "Multitasking is one of the key differentiators for the LG GW990 smartphone, based on the Intel Moorestown platform,"


Having talked with a bunch of music execs recently, as well as a few different companies that do analytics in the music space, one thing became clear: unlike most other industries, record label execs tend not to be particularly data or analytics-driven. Let's just say they didn't get into the recording industry because they were good at math. There are a few exceptions, obviously, but getting many industry execs to think logically and examine data isn't particularly easy. This isn't that surprising, given how many examples of actions by big record label execs that make little to no sense when thought about analytically. Yet another study has come out

suggesting that the industry has pricing all wrong, pointing out that the increase in sales from dropping the price of music would increase profits. And yet what has the industry been trying to do? That's right: trying to raise the price. The study suggested that the "optimal" price for music might be closer to $0.60 per track. That still seems way too high to me when you look at how people flocked to services like, but in general I think the basic concept makes sense. You can maximize revenue by dropping prices, but it doesn't seem like many record industry execs have realized that. Permalink| Comments| Email This Story

he said. Currently, Intel has gone public with the LG GW990 smartphone, the Aava Mobile smartphone, and the OpenPeak tablet. "The LG GW990 is a product, while the Aava and OpenPeak are two of our leading reference designs, which will generate multiple end-user products," he said. "As we Kreepie Kats in 'Dear God, While You're Busy launch Moorestown in [the first half of this year] and products Killing Famous Authors, Please Don't Forget begin to ship in (the second half to Take Dan Fucking Brown' [Kreepie Kats] of the year), you will hear about By behrle (Gawker) additional customers." Five Filters featured article: Submitted at 1/29/2010 6:19:28 PM at the bookstore. He has little Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: Jim Behrle's kartoon kats talent, but is still a fun guy to PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, present Apple's Newest Sentient have around with a NSFW sense Term Extraction. Robot! It has no camera, but you of humor (he always smells like can listen to Mos Def on a plane. rogaine). Employ him! Send a Also: Hire a Kreepie Kat! note to Jim Behrle has gotten himself shitcanned from his crap-ass job


Tech/ Sports/

E-reader News Edition

Steve Jobs vs. Obama: Who Got the Bigger Buzz? [INFOGRAPHIC] By Ben Parr (Mashable!) Submitted at 1/29/2010 6:03:16 PM

While a lot happened this week, it can be argued that two events captured the most attention: 1) the unveiling of the Apple iPad and 2) President Obama’s State of the Union. Funny enough, both of these events occurred this past Wednesday. We wondered: what would people talk about more? Was the announcement of Apple’s Tablet Steve Jobs potentially more captivating than Obama’s first State of the Union speech? And how did people reach to each? Thanks to social media analytics firm Viralheat, we have the answer. Jobs = Buzz; Obama = Honey In an analysis of social media chatter (Twitter, blogs, YouTube, Facebook, etc.), Viralheat found over 550,000 mentions of either the Apple event or the State of the Union during the 24 hours before and

surrounding it. Now, compare it to chatter about Obama’s address: - Total mentions in social media : 68,201 - Tweets: 50,984 - Impact on Twitter: 13,571,805 This is a bit of a surprise, in fact: we thought that Obama’s after each event. address would get more buzz. Of those 550,000+ mentions However, if you factor in the though, nearly half a million endless rumor mill in the time went to Steve Jobs. Yes, the leading up to the event, as well iPad completely dominated the as the technology bent many President of the United States people on Twitter and social when it comes to social media media channels have, then the chatter. numbers make sense. Here are some state about the Obama can take one thing away Apple Event: though: he had the more positive - Total mentions in social media: response overall, 65% of social 496,842 media chatter, while Steve Jobs - Tweets: 322,974 and the iPad only had a 42% - Impact on Twitter: 22,001,377 rating. Reviews: Facebook, ( U n i q u e p e o p l e t h a t w e r e Twitter, YouTube exposed to one of the above Tags: apple, Apple iPad, Apple search term on Twitter) Tablet, ipad, obama, politics, In the 48 hour time period, there social media, SotU, state of the were 112 tweets per minute union, steve jobs about the iPad and the rumors

memories today with ESPN's Sports Passport. Enter the Did you attend this game? If so, games you attend, upload your start chronicling your sports photos and share your memories! Submitted at 1/30/2010 11:36:40 AM

By Mike Schramm (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

the Bone series and Texas Hold 'Em). They are saying that we'll hear more at Macworld next month, Submitted at 1/30/2010 1:30:00 PM and since TUAW plans to be Filed under: Gaming, Software there en masse, we'll definitely We posted a little while back keep our eyes open for anything about Telltale possibly bringing they're showing off. Good to its games over to the Mac, and hear that one of the more now there's even more rumblings i n t e r e s t i n g a n d q u a l i t y to be interested in. Rumor has it developers out there is planning that since most of their games to come over to the Mac in a big use the same platform, one port way. is the same as all of them, which [via IMG] means we may see the whole TUAW More rumored Telltale catalog released in one fell plans for the Mac originally swoop on OS X, and sold right appeared on The Unofficial alongside their PC brethren. Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Sat, Additionally, Telltale hints that 30 Jan 2010 13:30:00 EST. we may even see iPhone and/or Please see our terms for use of I was there » Five Filters featured article: iPad versions of their games, feeds. Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: including Sam and Max, the Read| Permalink| Email this| PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Monkey Island franchise, and all Comments the rest (with the exceptions of Term Extraction.

No. 19 UConn upended by Butler-led Marquette By Associated Press (

More rumored Telltale plans for the Mac

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E-reader News Edition


Robots evolve to learn cooperation, hunting (CNET Submitted at 1/30/2010 7:00:00 AM

A predator robot, right, faces a prey robot, left.(Credit: Dario Floreano & Laurent Keller) If robots are allowed to evolve through natural selection, they will develop adaptive abilities to hunt prey, cooperate, and even help one another, according to Swiss researchers. In a series of experiments described in the journal PLoS Biology, Dario Floreano of the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne and Laurent Keller of the University of Lausanne reported that simple, smallwheeled Khepera and Alice robots can evolve behaviors such as collision-free movement and homing techniques in only several hundred "generations." The robots were controlled by a neural network that mutated randomly, with input information from the robots' sensors. In an imitation of natural selection, the robots with the best maneuvering abilities were allowed to foster a new generation. Furthermore, selected robots were "paired" by having their neural net

Strikeforce: Miami PreFight Show By FanHouse Newswire (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 1/29/2010 2:51:00 PM

connections mixed and passed to a new generation. Within 100 generations, the robots were able to move through a maze without bumping into anything. Another experiment involved the robots pushing round discs along a wall to get points. Robots were found to cooperate in pushing larger tokens together to earn points for their whole group. The researchers also observed altruistic behavior, in which robots would sacrifice

getting points for themselves in favor of getting points for their whole group of related robots. This was measured by pushing small and large discs into a zone-the large discs required a cooperative effort to move. The researchers described "spider" hunting techniques among the bots in which hunters would lie in wait for prey (which in this case, fortunately, consisted of other robots). The hunted, meanwhile, developed a strategy of "quickly (rotating) in

place, which reduced the probability of being approached from the sides without sensors." I'm glad these guys are experimenting with little robots on wheels, and not military Swords robots. (Via TG Daily) Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Video: Obama Patiently Explaining Things to House Republicans [Politics] By Pareene (Gawker) Submitted at 1/29/2010 6:40:32 PM

This turned out to be pretty awesome: Barack Obama took questions from the House

Republicans today, and it was so

embarrassing that Fox turned it off early. In case you missed it, here's the whole video.

Filed under: Strikeforce, FanHouse Exclusive, Videos SUNRISE, Fla. -- There are lots of intriguing story lines heading into Saturday night's Strikeforce: Miami event: how will Herschel Walker perform in his MMA debut? Is Bobby Lashley for real? Can Marius Zaromskis continue his hot streak against Nick Diaz? And does Marloes Coenen have what it takes to pull off the upset against Cris Cyborg? MMA Fighting's Ariel Helwani and Michael David Smith discussed all these topics and more Friday from the BankAtlantic Center. Check out the video below.


Tech/ Popular News/

E-reader News Edition

iPad CPU may find its way into next- Top-rated reviews of the gen iPhone week (photos) By Chris Rawson (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))


Submitted at 1/29/2010 6:30:00 PM

Filed under: Hardware, iPhone, iPod touch Since the announcement that the iPad comes with a 1 GHz A4 chip developed and owned by Apple (thanks, no doubt, to their acquisition of chipmaker PA Semi), one thing's been on a lot of people's minds: when will this chip make it to the iPhone? The iPhone 3GS runs on an 833 MHz Samsung chip, that, presumably to increase battery life, is underclocked to 600 MHz. While this is better than the original iPhone and iPhone 3G's 620 MHz CPU( underclocked to about 412 Mhz), there's still plenty of room for improvement. Analysts fully expect that improvement will come either from the A4 chip itself or a lower-powered variant of it designed for the iPhone's smaller screen and battery. Early impressions of the iPad's speed from people who have

The bad: Extremely expensive; less accurate primary and secondary colors in non-THX Here's our weekly roundup of modes; minor video processing t h e n e w p r o d u c t s C N E T issues; somewhat limited picture reviewers liked best. controls; uses more power than Panasonic TC-P54Z1 comparable TVs. Editors' rating: 4 out of 5 The bottom line: Panasonic's The good: Superb black-level flagship TC-P54Z1 plasma sails performance with excellent far beyond most buyers' price shadow detail; relatively accurate range, but the yacht enthusiasts color in Custom mode after who can afford it will enjoy a d j u s t m e n t ; s o l i d c o l o r superb picture quality and style saturation; properly handles in a wireless package. 1 0 8 0 p / 2 4 s o u r c e s w i t h o u t Read CNET's full review flicker; improved bright-room Price range: $4,099.88 picture quality; very slim panel $ 4 , 7 9 8 . 0 0 design; wireless connection Photo by Josh Miller/CNET between components and TV Five Filters featured article: works well; VieraCast provides Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: access to select Internet services; PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, plenty of connectivity with four Term Extraction. HDMI and one PC input. Submitted at 1/30/2010 6:00:00 AM

actually handled one are that the device is far faster than any iPhone or iPod touch released so far, with applications opening "instantly," and provides far smoother graphics performance. With Apple now designing and implementing its own "system on a chip" CPU for the iPad, it seems very likely this will be one of many iPad features that will trickle down to Apple's smaller mobile devices. Once the iPad actually finds its way to consumers (and teardown sites), we'll have a much better idea of what Apple's A4 chip is capable

of. As for the next-gen iPhone's CPU, I'm placing my bets on an A4 variant rather than the full iPad CPU, with an operational speed in the neighborhood of 800 - 850 MHz -- more than twice the speed of the iPhone 3G. TUAW iPad CPU may find its way into next-gen iPhone originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Fri, 29 Jan 2010 18:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

Introducing: Snuggies for geeks (Holy Kaw!) Submitted at 1/30/2010 10:57:00 AM

Wish you could lounge in the comfort of a Snuggie while

maintining easy access to all your favourite gadgets? Snuggies for geeks should meet every one of your needs—but please, let’s call them “body technology

respect. (Via BitRebels) Get your design fix. Permalink| Leave a comment » interface designs.” Show some


E-reader News Edition


iPhone OS 3.2 supports video calling, file downloads, SMS and...multitasking? By Michael Grothaus (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 1/30/2010 2:00:00 PM

Filed under: SDK Engadget has just confirmed with "extremely trusted sources" that iPhone OS 3.2 contains rudimentary support for video calling, which could explain that mysterious space at the top of the iPad's leaked pictures they received. Engadget's sources said there are hooks to accept and decline a video conference, flip a video feed (which suggests a front-

facing camera) and -- most importantly -- run the video call in either full screen mode or in just a portion of the screen. Video calling in just part of the screen (the other part left open for other apps) would be indicative of some basic type of multitasking. Engadget also confirms that "iPhone OS 3.2 supports file downloads and local storage in the browser, which means you'll be able to pull files off the web code." and use them in other apps, and While our sister site is quick to there's at least the beginnings of point out that it's not sure if any SMS support buried within the o f t h e c o d e w i l l e v e r b e

implemented, they're starting to get the feeling that Apple didn't tell everything there is to know about their latest creation... TUAW iPhone OS 3.2 supports video calling, file downloads, SMS and...multitasking? originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Sat, 30 Jan 2010 14:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

Analyst: There's a market of four to five million iPhones a year in China By Mike Schramm (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

expects Apple to sell up to four or five million iPhones in China per year. Apple told us on Monday that they've activated Submitted at 1/29/2010 7:30:00 PM about 200,000 iPhones in China Filed under: Apple Financial, so far, but Huberty claims that Apple, iPhone I thought Apple there's a market for maybe 50 sounded a tad bit defensive about million iPhones over there, and China on the conference call echoes Tim Cook's assertion that Monday, but Morgan Stanley p r i c e i s t h e m a i n i s s u e . analyst Katy Huberty says there's "Hardware pricing, service plan payment," she says in her report, nothing to worry about: she pricing and the large up-front "were cited by 85%, 66% and

56% of respondents respectively, as reasons they were not likely to purchase an iPhone." Keep in mind that the four to five million figure is a top end -in the first year, Apple has said that they're aiming for more like one or two million. But there is definitely a solid market to be found in China, and significant sales there could help buoy Apple earnings reports over here

for sure. TUAW Analyst: There's a market of four to five million iPhones a year in China originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Fri, 29 Jan 2010 19:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments


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Retail Giant Tesco Gets Into The Movie Business By Mike Masnick (Techdirt) Submitted at 1/29/2010 4:40:00 PM

Even as the movie business has had yet another record breaking year at the box office, we still hear claims from Hollywood that online downloading of unauthorized movies is going to kill the movie business. And yet, where there's demand, new business models will be created. ethorad points us to the news that UK retail giant Tesco is getting into the business of producing movies itself based on the books of some very famous authors. The movies will be direct-toDVD and direct-to-the-internet, but the idea is for Tesco to use these movies to generate more traffic to their stores (both online and off). In fact, if you look at

E-reader News Edition

New Data Shows No Decrease In Crashes After Driving While Yakking Laws Were Implemented By Mike Masnick (Techdirt)

could be plenty of reasons for this -- such as that people are just switching to ear pieces which the retail business, music and We've been suspicious of can be just as dangerous. Or it movies have long been used as a loss leader of sorts, to drive whether or not "driving while could be that common claims traffic to get them to buy other, yakking" laws actually do any about driving while yakking much higher margin, goods. good. There are already laws leading to more accidents are This is really an extension of against reckless driving, and wrong. Or it could be more that, but all the way to the point picking out specific driving complex, with other variables of helping to fund the production distractions doesn't seem likely having an impact, but which is of the movie itself. Also, while to change things, since people hidden in the data. Either way, it i t w i l l h a v e a w i n d o w o f just switch to other distractions. c e r t a i n l y s e e m s w o r t h exclusivity at the beginning, it A study back in 2006 found that investigating more seriously. If sounds like Tesco is quite open driving while yakking laws don't the goal is better road safety, to other stores selling the movie make the roads any safer, and a then we should make sure that a s w e l l . E i t h e r w a y , i t ' s brand new study has apparently the laws actually lead to that interesting to see other third surprised researchers in showing result. If they don't, then it's parties recognize that they no impact whatsoever on crash important to understand why not. benefit from having movies data even as studies show that Permalink| Comments| Email made, and thus are willing to fewer people are holding phones This Story partially fund the production of to their ears while driving (thanks Chirag). Now, there those movies. Permalink| Comments| Email This Story Submitted at 1/29/2010 6:35:00 PM

Build a Network Rack with an IKEA Table [DIY] By Jason Fitzpatrick (Lifehacker) Submitted at 1/30/2010 8:00:00 AM

Whether it's fate, serendipity, or someone in IKEA's design department really wanted a network rack he could put a table lamp on, the Lack-line of ends tables is perfect network-rack size.

If you work in a commercial setting then, naturally, you'll have commercial network racks. Commercial racks are both overkill in build and price for a home user or a small office with only a few rack devices, this clever hack is a great fit. The Lack end tables from IKEA easily screw rack devices right just happen to be the exact width into their sturdy legs. Over at the of a network rack and you can

wiki of eth0, a group that puts on seasonal conferences for geeks to get together and geek out together with projects and information sharing, they have a tutorial for converting your Lack table into a LackRack. Check out the link below for more information and additional photos. LackRack[via Make]

Freedom Force and X -COM bundles $2 on Steam this weekend By Xav de Matos (Joystiq) Submitted at 1/30/2010 1:00:00 PM

Throughout the weekend, Steam is offering two special packages that include all games in the Freedom Force and X-COM franchises for the insanely low price of $2 for each bundle. That's right, kids! For a two-spot you could pick up a bundle with Freedom Force and Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich or an X-COM collection which includes Apocalypse, Enforcer, Interceptor, Terror from the Deep, and UFO Defense. That's a lot of game for some pocket change, so get on it. Shortcut - Freedom Force Steam bundle Shortcut - X-COM: Complete Steam bundle Freedom Force and X-COM bundles $2 on Steam this weekend originally appeared on Joystiq on Sat, 30 Jan 2010 13:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

Tech/ Politics/

E-reader News Edition

Doppelganger Week on The Salinger Generation Facebook: Better Than Sharing Your Bra Color? By John B. Judis (The New Republic - All Feed)

removing a stain from her Saks blouse and doing her nails when the phone rings. It is her mother Submitted at 1/29/2010 9:00:00 PM who is worried some harm will I was a child of the J.D. Salinger come to Muriel from Seymour g e n e r a t i o n . N o t o f h i s who, she believes, will “lose By Ben Parr (Mashable!) generation, but of his stories and control of himself.” Many Submitted at 1/29/2010 7:28:33 PM one novel, The Catcher in the writers use dialogue to convey an Rye. I read Catcher in Rye in impression of interaction that Facebook users have found a prep school when I was fourteen, they could have gotten across way to top the sharing your bra using a flash light after lights- just as well by leaving out the color meme: Celebrity out. I didn’t get expelled like quotation marks and describing Doppelganger Week. Holden Caulfield did, but my the gist of what each person said. We’ve been seeing status update r o o m m a t e a n d I w o u l d But Salinger was capable of after status update about this new meme pop up into our Facebook way back to Tuesday, but it only sometimes sneak off to New conveying the way people York with phony permission actually spoke to each other—the feeds. A quick search of recently picked up steam. Facebook explains exactly It is actually better than the Bra slips signed by our parents and p a u s e s , b r o k e n s e n t e n c e s , Color Facebook Status meme? fake IDs to roam around bars and interruptions, overlapping trains what’s going on: “Doppelganger week! During We’re kind of fond of the bra dream of escaping to the West of thought—while at the same this week change your profile color meme, but guys and girls (which I eventually did). But of time setting a larger scene for the picture to someone famous a l i k e a r e j u m p i n g o n t h e all Salinger’s writings, Catcher reader. Here is a segment of the (actor, musician, athlete) you doppelganger bandwagon. Let in the Rye made far less of an conversation between Muriel and have been told you look like…. us know what you think of this impression than the Nine Stories, her mother: newest trend in the comments. and particularly the opening “Are you all right, Muriel? Tell and repost this message.” We have no idea how it started, [ v i a I n q u i s i t r ] R e v i e w s : story, “A Perfect Day for me the truth.” Bananafish.” I think of it just “I’m fine. Stop asking me that, and frankly we don’t care: the F a c e b o o k result is still both interesting and Tags: 25 things, facebook, viral, about every time I go up in an please.” elevator with a woman I don’t “When did you get there?” hilarious, depending on who Viral trend know. “I don’t know. Wednesday your friends think they look like. The story is about Seymour morning, early.” We’ve seen posts on this all the Glass, the eldest child of the “Who drove?” G l a s s f a m i l y — F r a n n y a n d “He did,” said the girl. “And Zooey of Salinger’s Franny and don’t get excited. He drove very Zooey are his siblings. Like nicely. I was amazed.” Salinger himself, Seymour “ He drove? Muriel, you gave me suffered some kind of nervous your word of—” breakdown after serving in “Mother,” the girl interrupted, “I World War II and is on a just told you. He drove very vacation in Florida with his wife nicely. Under fifty the whole Muriel. Muriel, as the story way, as a matter of fact.” opens, is alone in the hotel room, “Did he try any funny business


with the trees?” “I said he drove very nicely, Mother. Now please. I asked him to stay close to the white line, and all, and he knew what I meant, and he did. He was even trying not to look at the trees—you could tell. Did Daddy get the car fixed, incidentally?” “Not yet. They want four hundred dollars, just—” “Mother, Seymour told Daddy that he’d pay for it. There’s no reason for—” Muriel’s mother keeps reiterating her concerns about Seymour going out of control, but Muriel keeps shifting the conversation to “that awful dress we saw in Bonwit Teller’s window” or to the guests at the hotel that “look as if they drove down in a truck.” On the beach, Seymour is lying on his back with his bathrobe still on. A little girl, Sybil, who has taken a shine to “See More Glass,” comes over to him. She asks him where his wife is. “That’s hard to say, Sybil. She may be in any one of a thousand places. At the hair dresser. Having her hair dyed mink. Or making dolls for poor children, in her room,” Seymour replies. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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E-reader News Edition

Critics Raise Specter of Foreign Campaign Spending (Newsmax - Politics)

the same protection to multinational corporations controlled by foreigners as to The Supreme Court's decision individual Americans." o n c a m p a i g n f i n a n c e h a s The more complicated question jumbled a seemingly simple rule is how to treat U.S. subsidiaries of American politics — of foreign companies or foreigners should play no role in American corporations that are U.S. elections. controlled by foreign investors. President Barack Obama and Before the court ruling, the issue other critics say the court's w a s m u c h m o r e c l e a r . decision to let corporations Corporations, including some spend their money to directly with foreign ties, could form influence elections opened the political action committees f l o o d g a t e s t o f o r e i g n (PACs), funded with voluntary involvement. In last week's and limited contributions from address to Congress and the their executives and employees. nation, Obama asserted the court But they could not spend money had allowed special interests, from their general treasuries to "including foreign corporations, a d v o c a t e f o r o r a g a i n s t to spend without limit on our candidates for federal offices. elections." For the purposes of determining That was a step too far. At the who could play, U.S. citizens moment, foreign corporations and some legal immigrants may not spend any money in could, and everyone else could U.S. elections under a provision not. of federal election law that was "The court has suddenly made untouched by the high court. the prohibition on foreign The court's majority opinion by n a t i o n a l s a m u c h m o r e J u s t i c e A n t h o n y K e n n e d y complicated affair to enforce," specifically left for another day said Tara Malloy, associate legal "whether the government has a counsel at the Campaign Legal compelling interest in preventing C e n t e r , w h i c h w a n t e d t h e f o r e i g n i n d i v i d u a l s o r corporate ban upheld. "Now you associations from influencing m a y h a v e a m u l t i n a t i o n a l our nation's political process." corporation, and it's unclear who But Justice John Paul Stevens is funding what, or even what said in his dissenting opinion groups in what countries have that the reasoning underlying the what interests." ruling "would appear to afford Floyd Abrams, the First Submitted at 1/30/2010 5:18:44 AM

Amendment lawyer who argued the case in favor of striking down the ban on corporate campaign spending, said existing rules that apply to PACs to limit foreign influence could have the same effect on corporate spending generally. "That said, if it's an American company, it would presumptively be governed by American law," Abrams said. Fred Wertheimer, a longtime advocate of limiting money in politics, said the existing Federal Election Commission rules are inadequate and that the FEC itself is ineffective in enforcing them. The FEC is reviewing the court ruling and has taken no action so far, a commission spokeswoman said. But several congressional Democrats are readying legislation that is aimed at blunting the court's ruling generally and the influence of foreigners specifically. In crafting their response to the decision, lawmakers have focused on the possibility that investment funds controlled by foreign governments, known as sovereign wealth funds, could end up playing a role in U.S. elections. Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., said the bill he is drafting with Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.,

aims to prevent foreign governments from trying to influence elections through investments by their sovereign wealth funds. "That's the potential," Van Hollen said. "If that potential is there, we have to do what we can to shut it down." But less clear, in a world where states compete for foreign investment and giant U.S. firms are happy to attract international money, is whether election law's distinction between domestic and foreign corporate money makes sense. For example, would money tied to Japan's Toyota Motor Corp., which builds cars and trucks in four states and has parts suppliers in many more, be inherently any worse than contributions from Ford Motor Co., the American car maker that also has operations around the world? —— On the Net: Supreme Court's ruling: © Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

White Knight Chronicles costumes coming to LittleBigPlanet By Griffin McElroy (Joystiq) Submitted at 1/30/2010 2:30:00 PM

Further expanding on LittleBigPlanet's catalog of costumes portraying PS3exclusive game protagonists, Media Molecule has revealed that the next set of in-game duds will come from White Knight Chronicles on February 25. According to the PlayStation.Blog post announcing the new content, the costume pack will include the garbs of four of the RPG's legendary heroes: The White Knight, Black Knight, Dragon Knight, and ... Leonard. One of these things is significantly less awesome than the others. White Knight Chronicles costumes coming to LittleBigPlanet originally appeared on Joystiq on Sat, 30 Jan 2010 14:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

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Discoveries By Stanley Kauffmann (The New Republic - All Feed)

usual with this device, eases transitions. As usual, too, it strains credulity, since the story Submitted at 1/29/2010 9:00:00 PM includes much that happened The White Ribbon when the teacher wasn’t presentSony Pictures Classics -he mentions some things that he Creation couldn’t even have learned by Newmarket Films hearsay; but by now the device is Michael Haneke, whose new a workaday easement. film is called The White Ribbon, Haneke’s first achievement is to has given it a subtitle: A German set a small society in place. This C h i l d r e n ’ s S t o r y . T h a t i s village is part of the tail end of warning enough. This Austrian feudalism. Virtually all the local d i r e c t o r i s b y n o w s o farmers depend to some degree distinctively established as a on seasonal employment on the connoisseur of darkness--with farms of the local baron, who is F u n n y G a m e s , a b o u t in effect the government of the neighborliness as murder; with area. Next in rank is the pastor, Caché, about the past seeping authoritative and strict; the last into the present; with The Piano of the eminences is the doctor, Teacher, about the animal in the m i d d l e - a g e d a n d t r o u b l e d civilized--that his dainty subtitle (including by sexual troubles that must be seen as a deadpan tease. t h e t e a c h e r c o u l d n ’ t h a v e And so it proves. known). The teacher, important The white ribbon itself, in a though he is to the village and German village in 1913, is tied devoted to his work, is just an on children by their parents as an employee. incentive to virtue. Haneke, who While Haneke is creating his wrote the screenplay with Jean- very orderly society, he is also Claude Carrière, begins with the launching his anarchic drama. It v o i c e - o v e r o f a f o r m e r starts with the doctor riding schoolteacher in that village home on his horse one day. The speaking today, who says he horse trips on an invisible wire. must tell us what happened back The doctor is thrown, injured, there. The teacher as a young hospitalized. The police briefly man then appears in the story. investigate the wire business-The older voice-over lends clearly a trap--but find nothing. historical perspective and, as is (The police also investigate

subsequent incidents and find nothing.) The film then keeps three levels of action in play, the conventional and two others. In the first line, the teacher proposes to a seventeen-year-old girl, and her father insists, following custom, that the couple wait a year to make sure his young daughter is certain. Some other equally conventional matters of the day: before children go to bed at night, they kiss their parents’ hands. The pastor lectures his adolescent son, Martin, on self-abuse, warning him of disease and death. But along with these runof-the-village scenes come two ugly series. In one of them, a small boy is found tied up and beaten bloody, and a mentally defective boy has his eyes poked out. We know who the perpetrators are; we actually see some of the atrocities committed. The pastor’s daughter kills his pet bird; a boy who is whittling a whistle is peeved because another boy has a perfect whistle and throws him into a stream, nearly drowning him. The teacher is the only one in the village who begins to discover the truth about the children. All this violence, including the horse accident, is

being done by some seemingly normal youngsters. Certainly these children are sternly used by their parents, which has fomented secret resentments in them. (The pastor has Martin’s hands tied to his bedstead at night to keep him from masturbating.) But there is small connection between their treatment, not abnormal for the time, and their terrible acts. It is as if the parents had flipped small switches that set off explosions of latencies in their children. This seems a true Haneke theme--mass malevolence lurking in blandfaced children, waiting for a tick. On the other hand, a second set of violent actions is more predictable. After a woman dies by falling through a rotten floor in the baron’s sawmill, her son then goes out with a scythe and destroys the baron’s field of cabbages. Later the baron’s barn burns down. This second series of actions, where there is some match of motives and results, makes the children’s depredations seem especially grotesque. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Your obligatory violent gameplay video of the day is Dante's Inferno By Xav de Matos (Joystiq) Submitted at 1/30/2010 9:30:00 AM

There is no shortage of buttonmashing action titles coming in 2010, and Dante's Inferno is right around the corner. Promising buckets of blood, brooding and boobs, the team at Visceral Games hope to capture the overlapping fans of both literary masterpieces and punching monsters in the face. It's like an obvious Venn diagram of awesome. Well, until someone finally turns Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret into a collectible card game. Your obligatory violent gameplay video of the day is Dante's Inferno originally appeared on Joystiq on Sat, 30 Jan 2010 09:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments



E-reader News Edition

New Study: US Weather Stations Not Biased Toward Warming (Little Green Footballs)

problems of the U.S. network of weather stations, the publication did not undergo peerF o r m e r T V w e a t h e r m a n review—the process whereby Anthony Watts has been engaged three anonymous scientists who in an ongoing attack on the are experts in the field review a reliability of the US network of m a n u s c r i p t s u b m i t t e d f o r s u r f a c e w e a t h e r s t a t i o n s , publication, and offer criticisms claiming that poor placement of on the scientific validity of the the stations has resulted in data results, resulting in revisions to that’s biased toward the warm the original paper or outright side. Watts set up the website rejection. The Heartland Institute to coordinate is an advocacy organization that p h o t o g r a p h i c e v i d e n c e o f accepts money from corporate problem stations, and many benefactors such as the tobacco climatologists have applauded industry and fossil fuel industry, Watts for demonstrating the need and publishes non-peer reviewed to improve the nation’s weather science that inevitably supports monitoring system. the interests of the groups paying But is Watts correct when he for the studies. Watts did not claims that problems with the actually analyze the data to see if stations caused a warm bias? Jeff taking out the poorly sited Masters of Wunder Blog reports surface stations would have a on a new study from the National s i g n i f i c a n t i m p a c t o n t h e Climatic Data Center concluding observed 1.1°F increase in U.S. that the problems identified by temperatures over the past Watts and his investigators are century. His study would never real, all right — but that the have been publishable in a peerbadly situated stations tend to reviewed scientific journal. have a bias toward cooler Fortunately, a proper analysis of temperatures: Poorly sited U.S. the impact of these poorly-sited temperature instruments not surface stations on the U.S. r e s p o n s i b l e f o r a r t i f i c i a l historical temperature record has warming. now been done by Dr. Matthew While Watts’ publication by the M e n n e a n d c o - a u t h o r s a t Heartland Institute is a valuable NOAA’s National Climatic Data source of information on siting Center (NCDC). In a talk at last Submitted at 1/30/2010 11:31:41 AM

week’s 90th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, Dr. Menne reported the results of their new paper just accepted for publication in the Journal of Geophysical Research titled, On the reliability of the U.S. Surface Temperature Record[PDF]. Dr. Menne’s study split the U.S. surface stations into two categories: good (rating 1 or 2) and bad (ratings 3, 4 or 5). They performed the analysis using both the rating provided by, and from an independent rating provided by NOAA personnel. In general, the NOAA-provided ratings coincided with the ratings given

surprising. While the poor sites had a slightly warmer average minimum temperature than the good sites (by 0.03°C), the average maximum temperature measured at the poor sites was significantly cooler (by 0.14°C) than the good sites. As a result, overall average temperatures measured at the poor sites were cooler than the good sites. This is the opposite of the conclusion reached by Anthony Watts in his 2009 Heartland Institute publication. Figure 2. Annual average maximum and minimum unadjusted temperature change by Of the calculated using (c) maximum NOAA-rated stations, only 71 and (d) minimum temperatures stations fell into the “good” from good and poor exposure siting category, while 454 fell sites (Menne 2010). Poor sites i n t o t h e “ b a d ” c a t e g o r y . showed a cooler maximum A c c o r d i n g t o t h e a u t h o r s , temperature compared to good though, “the sites with good sites. For minimum temperature, exposure, though small in the poor sites were slightly number, are reasonably well warmer. The net effect was a distributed across the country cool bias in poorly sited stations. and, as shown by Vose and The dashed lines are for stations Menne [2004], are of sufficient ranked by NOAA, while the density to obtain a robust solid lines are for the stations e s t i m a t e o f t h e C O N U S ranked by average”. Dr. Menne’s study Andrew Revkin has more, computed the average daily i n c l u d i n g c o m m e n t s f r o m m i n i m u m a n d m a x i m u m Anthony Watts: On Weather temperatures from the good sites Stations and Climate Trends. and poor sites. The results were

Politics/ Popular News/

E-reader News Edition

Proxy War By Barron YoungSmith (The New Republic - All Feed)

American "soft power" in an age when the White House considers the development of antiSubmitted at 1/29/2010 9:00:00 PM American feeling—especially in W h e n P r e s i d e n t O b a m a places that could become failed launched a massive humanitarian states or gravitate toward hostile - a i d r e s p o n s e t o H a i t i ' s powers—a strategic threat. Nor earthquake last month, not is the United States the only everyone took his magnanimity nation that sees humanitarian aid at face value. Hugo Chavez, for as a cutting-edge way to advance e x a m p l e , a c c u s e d h i m o f its interests. Which means that "occupying Haiti undercover" the once cooperative realm of and then upped the ante by d i s a s t e r r e l i e f i s r a p i d l y saying the earthquake had been becoming the new battlefield of caused by an American "tectonic great-power conflict. weapon." A minister from Great powers have occasionally France, Haiti's former colonial used humanitarian aid as a proxy ruler, complained that the U.S. to accomplish their strategic response should be "about goals. During the American h e l p i n g H a i t i , n o t a b o u t Revolutionary War, for example, occupying Haiti." the British Parliament delivered Taken literally, these charges hurricane and fire relief to its are absurd: Why would the Caribbean colonies in order to United States want—let alone remind them of “the good will look for an excuse—to occupy borne them by the people of this and govern such a place? (Let's c o u n t r y , [ w h i c h ] o u g h t t o not get started on the secret remove every ground of jealousy earthquake weapon.) But they do or distrust.” But such efforts get at a larger issue that's worth were sporadic; now they are examining. becoming the norm. China has T h e f a c t i s t h a t — w h i l e employed offers of disaster aid in u n d o u b t e d l y h u m a n e a n d attempts to affect politics in moral—the vast, sophisticated Taiwan (weirdly, Taiwan has U.S. effort hasn't been motivated also tried to do the same to solely by humanitarian concerns. China), and it has been using aid It has also been part of a deliveries to improve its image in calculated attempt to showcase Africa and Southeast Asia. Israel American values and boost has long engaged in high-profile

disaster relief efforts aimed at building international goodwill. And Obama himself has described the Haiti effort as a descendant of Cold War policies like the Marshall Plan and the Berlin airlift, writing in Newsweek that, "above all, we act for a very simple reason: in times of tragedy, the United States of America steps forward and helps. That is who we are. That is what we do." The most high-profile event that sparked the U.S. government's enthusiasm for large, Haiti-style disaster-relief efforts was the December 2004 tsunami that inundated much of South and Southeast Asia. Motivated in part by criticism from the UN, President Bush deployed an array of aircraft carriers, destroyers, and hospital ships on a high-profile relief mission to the area. Meanwhile, the U.S. government and private donors sent over $4 billion—much of it via the internet—in an unprecedented outpouring. Both inside and outside the U.S. government, the effort was considered an unvarnished political success. In contrast with the global surge of antiAmericanism after the 2003 invasion of Iraq—especially in Muslim countries—the tsunami

relief built enormous goodwill in the world's largest Muslim nation: The number of Indonesians who held favorable views of the United States shot up from 15 percent to 44 percent, while the number holding very unfavorable views dropped from 48 percent to 13 percent. Opposition to the war on terrorism dropped from 72 percent to 36 percent. What's more, the devastation, coupled with tsunami aid, actually ended a 29-year-old Islamic-nationalist insurgency in the Indonesian province of Aceh, by enabling Jakarta to rapidly push for a peace agreement. The U.S. response also trumped China's, which was considered ineffectual—even in Beijing—despite what China watchers called a deliberate effort to "project a caring attitude toward Southeast Asia." This, critics and supporters of the president concluded, was a model use of American soft power. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Fla.-Bound Plane Struck by Lightning, Forced to Land ( Submitted at 1/29/2010 10:54:53 PM

MONTGOMERY, Ala. An airport official says a U.S. Airways flight was struck by lightning on its way to Florida, forcing the plane and its passengers to divert to Alabama. Montgomery Regional Airport spokeswoman Lynn Cox said Saturday that the flight was grounded after 9:30 p.m. Friday in Montgomery, where the passengers had been given overnight accommodations. Cox says a replacement plane had not arrived Saturday. She says some passengers arranged rental cars to continue on to Pensacola. Cox says she was not aware of any injuries. Cox did not know how many passengers were on board or where the flight originated. A U.S. Airways spokeswoman said the airline was looking into the incident and had no immediate comment. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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E-reader News Edition

Osama Blames US for Climate Change, Praises Chomsky (2007 Rewind) (Little Green Footballs)

we noted a previous list of grievances against the US filed by Al Qaeda’s long-running The theory of anthropogenic v e r s i o n o f “ W e e k e n d a t climate change got some support B i n n i e ’ s , ” w h i c h i n c l u d e d from an unwanted source, in the environmental damage and the latest anti-US audiotape from “ f a i l u r e t o s i g n t h e K y o t o Osama bin Laden.” agreement. All these themes are “Talk about climate change is repeated in the new tape. not an ideological luxury but a He called for a worldwide reality,” Mr. bin Laden was boycott of American goods and quoted as saying in a report on the dollar. He faulted the United Al Jazeera’s English-language States for failing to sign the W e b s i t e . “ A l l o f t h e Kyoto Protocol, which sought to industrialized countries, curb global warming by especially the big ones, bear restricting greenhouse gas responsibility for the global emissions. warming crisis.” In the latest tape, Binnie also This isn’t the first time a bin gives a thumbs-up to leftist antiLaden audiotape has mentioned American icon Noam Chomsky climate change; in a 2007 post … Submitted at 1/29/2010 1:08:21 PM

And he offered a word of praise for Noam Chomsky, the American linguist and liberal political activist. “Noam Chomsky was correct when he compared the U.S. policies to those of the Mafia,” Al Jazeera quoted Mr. bin Laden as saying. “They are the true terrorists and therefore we should refrain from dealing in the U.S. dollar and should try to get rid of this currency as early as possible.” … and that’s nothing new either. Also in 2007, “Osama” advocated reading Chomsky. Whoever’s doing bin Laden these days needs to get some new material.

Submitted at 1/30/2010 11:00:00 AM

(S0910) This was a halfway decent midseason premiere. I certainly wasn't expecting that. For Smallville, things usually start to drag around the midseason point. Then it's like driving with the parking brake on until the season's final three episodes arrive. But not this year. This week's solid entry and next week's "Absolute Justice" event

are signs that Smallville will sustain the momentum by giving fans exactly what they want - fun episodes that feed into ongoing story arcs, and plenty of geeky superhero action.

By Adam Pash (Lifehacker)

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 as well as other older browsers that are not supported by their More bad news for the browser own manufacturers. that just won't die: Google will We plan to begin phasing out phase out support for Internet support of these older browsers Explorer 6 over the course of on the Google Docs suite and the 2010, starting with Google Docs Google Sites editor on March 1, and ending by dropping support 2010. After that point, certain for Google Calendar and Gmail. f u n c t i o n a l i t y w i t h i n t h e s e From the support email that just applications may have higher landed in my inbox: latency and may not work In order to continue to improve correctly in these older browsers. our products and deliver more Later in 2010, we will start to s o p h i s t i c a t e d f e a t u r e s a n d phase out support for these performance, we are harnessing browsers for Google Mail and some of the latest improvements Google Calendar. in web browser technology. This Google Apps will continue to i n c l u d e s f a s t e r J a v a S c r i p t support Internet Explorer 7.0 and "Disciple" smartly nudged a few processing and new standards above, Firefox 3.0 and above, major plot threads forward, like HTML5. As a result, over Google Chrome 4.0 and above, offered some sweet Lois & Clark the course of 2010, we will be and Safari 3.0 and above. moments, and delivered an p h a s i n g o u t s u p p o r t f o r entertaining self-contained story. Spoilers below. Continue reading Review: Smallville - Disciple Filed under: Smallville, Episode Reviews, Reality-Free Permalink| Email this| | Comments

Review: Smallville - Disciple By Mike Moody (TV Squad)

Google Apps Drops Support for IE6 [Bad Browser] Submitted at 1/29/2010 3:45:00 PM

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Top 10 Tips and Tools for Freelancers [Lifehacker Top 10] By Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker)

meetings, unpaid invoices, and gig hunting expenses, that any independent worker would do Freelancing isn't something you well to look into. ( Original post) should just jump into, but it 5. Find more work makes sense for a good number Cold calling is not fun, and if of workers. If you're looking you think it might be, watch into, or getting started with, Glengarry Glen Ross again. A working on your own, here are good lead comes from knowing 10 resources we think every where people are looking. freelancer can learn from. FreelanceSwitch has compiled a Photo by Mat Honan, who is monster list of freelance job himself a freelancer. sites, though some of them are 10. Make your schedule familygoing to be hired-gun-type, lowfriendly paying grunt work. On the other If you're going to have to hand, a 10-minute call to your entirely ignore your kids and clients can get you all kinds of family when you're working at results you weren't even looking home, you might as well head for. ( Original post) into the office. Career columnist boss, of course, but if you want next order, offer a coupon or different aspects of billing, Toggl 4. Track your pitches with a and Wall Street Journal writer to test the waters of selling discount after receiving payment is a great second-by-second live custom spreadsheet Alexandra Levit offered up six yourself on the freelance market, on a gig, giving them a small bit tracker, and BlinkSale has been Who should you call with a tips for working parents to spend do it without quitting your job. off if they place another order generating crisp-looking invoices reminder that you're available, more time parenting. They were 8. Use discounts to get paid on within a certain time frame. It's for years. Any of them are worth and who needs a quick follow-up aimed at anyone with a job, but time easy for small businesses to lose checking out, and probably fit on a pitch? Those are questions freelancers certainly have an Becoming your own Accounts track of freelance people, but the bill better than a gigundo you should have answers for. easier time of shifting their Payable department is new to they tend to pay attention to spreadsheet. ( Original post) Web Worker Daily's Celine schedules back and ahead, taking most freelancers, and not very dollars and cents. ( Original post) 6. Know what you can write off Rogue explains how to set up a w e b m e e t i n g s i n s t e a d o f fun. If you run into clients who 7. Track your work and generate If you're starting to get actual, spreadsheet with drop-down traveling for in-person summits, are hesitant to pay on time, or invoices simultaneously notable income from your choosers, collated data, and other and involving their children in leave you on the hook waiting The web is full of freelancers freelance work, the first thing tools to become a great pitch, their work. Photo by Amit for their next order, try offering a and contractors, and many of you should do is find someone client, and job tracker. Half of Chattopadhyay. discount or repeat business them have created better systems who know how to handle the life is just showing up, after all, 9. Do it without quitting your incentives, as suggested by Web for tracking time and sending taxes of independent contractors. and some extra percentage is day job Worker Daily. Give clients a 5 bills. There are too many free or Gina proved the value of a good knowing exactly where and Why freelance on the side percent discount if they pay "freemium" services to try and accountant in her human versus when to be present with an offer. instead of full time? The taxes within, say, 24 or 48 hours of compile into one list, but, hey, showdown, but ( Original post) are a lot more simple, the income invoice shipment, or whatever l e t ' s t h r o w o u t a f e w . noted that an experienced filer 3. Get into the estimated tax a bit more stable, and, best of all, you consider prompt—the cash M a k e S o m e T i m e i s s i m p l e , could probably make due with groove your day-to-day job provides you value is almost certainly worth CurdBee handles everything up the tax software solution. The If you don't cover the tax burden with countless opportunities to the time you'll spend tracking it to the Google Checkout/PayPal Freelance Switch blog also offers throughout the year of not meet and greet future clients and down and worrying. If clients payment screen for clients, 10 easy-to-miss freelancer referral helpers. That's assuming make you wait forever for their FreshBooks covers a lot of deductions, like coffeeshop TOP page 36 your side gig is kosher with your Submitted at 1/30/2010 9:00:00 AM


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E-reader News Edition

From the Tips Box: Trial Subscriptions, Distraction-Free Browsing, and Dish Towels [From The Tips Box] By Whitson Gordon (Lifehacker) Submitted at 1/29/2010 5:00:00 PM

Readers offer their best tips for avoiding trial subscriptions that automatically charge your credit card, browsing the web without distractions, and cleaning dish towels overnight. Don't like the gallery layout? Click here to view everything on one page. About the Tips Box: Every day we receive boatloads of great reader tips in our inbox, but for various reasons—maybe they're a bit too niche, maybe we couldn't find a good way to present it, or maybe we just couldn't fit it in—the tip didn't make the front page. From the Tips Box is where we round up some of our favorites for your buffet-style consumption. Got a tip of your own to share? Add it in the comments, share it here, or email it to tips at Avoid Automatic Subscription Charges After Free Trials Jeremy Bensley shows us how he keeps his card from automatically being charged after trial periods: Avoid subscription dues when your "Free Trial" expires by using a temporary credit card number issued by your bank (e.g.

"ShopSafe") that has a lower limit than the subscription amount. When the service tries to charge the card it will be rejected for insufficient funds. Use Multiple Browsers to Avoid Distractions Jo shares her system for staying on task in her web browser: I'm currently writing a 5000 word project for my MBA but kept getting distracted in Firefox. I'm using Google Docs so I can access my work from anywhere, whether or not I have my laptop with me but I'd been finding it hard to concentrate when working on it from Firefox (my default browser) as I've got all sorts of alerts and customisations in place. My tweaks such as

permanent, faviconized tabs for gmail and Google Reader (with unread counts), my blog stats and Remember the Milk kept distracting me and making me 'just quickly go and check them' and find I'd accidentally spent two hours looking at random things online. I've also got a Twitter notifier which tempts me with unread tweet counts (though I did at least get round to disabling the pop-ups as new tweets arrived. Given that I was finding it hard to concentrate anyway, these distractions were too tempting. I'd downloaded Chrome to play with and see if I liked it but hadn't really used it much until I realised that it would be perfect

to use when I wanted to ignore everything else and get on with some writing. I now close Firefox and just use Chrome when I want to thrash through some writing and it works perfectly - no tempting distractions. Using the full screen view and hiding the Google Docs toolbar means I just have a clear screen with just my writing on show (see attached screenshot with my text blurred) and it is much more of an effort to sneak off around the internet and get distracted. Soak Dish Towels Overnight for Clean Washing Tomorrow Photo by Kirrily Robert. sirmeili describes how to keep dish towels clean:

I was reading the article on replacing paper towels with cloth ones and someone mentioned how unsanitary that could be. So I thought I would offer up this tip for Dish towels (the type for washing, not drying). At the end of each night simply boil a kettle of water and pour that, a little dish soap, and a cap full of bleach to the sink. Just add your towels and let them soak over night. In the morning (or when you're ready to use them), just drain the sink, wring them out and they're ready to go! they even have the added benefit of having a little soap in them for when wiping down counters and dishes. You'll also find this helps to keep your sink clean as well. I hope this helps some people out and gets them to drop those pesky paper towels! Google Model Numbers for Details, Archiving quintus314 tells us how he organizes his devices' model numbers: When I get a new device, I like to Google the model number. That way, I know of any oddities it may have, and later, I can go into my search history for the model number instead of finding my device.

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E-reader News Edition

This Week's Most Popular Posts [Highlights] By Adam Pash (Lifehacker) Submitted at 1/29/2010 4:00:00 PM

This week we saw a fancy new tablet from Apple, took a look at the best email clients around, and put the most popular browsers on the market through the paces in a performance face off. • The Problem with the Apple iPad Yesterday, Steve Jobs worked his charm, attempting to wow the world with the Apple iPad, a new, super-slim computer he touted as the missing link between iPhones and laptops. • Five Best Email Clients Email as a technology has been around for decades, and thanks to wide spread adoption and popularity, it isn't in danger of disappearing. Check out the five most popular email clients to help you wrangle your email. • Browser Speed Tests: Firefox 3.6, Chrome 4, Opera 10.5, and Extensions Firefox 3.6 is out, Chrome's stable version got a big upgrade, and Opera 10.5 is inching toward release. It's a great time for us to break out the timer, process manager, and code tracker for some up-to-date browser speed tests. • Apple iPad: Love It or Lump It? This morning Apple released

the much-hyped Apple iPad, and now that you've had time to digest its offerings, we're wondering: Who's interested? • Top 10 Tools for Better Reading, Online and Off Who has the time to read anymore? You do, if you make the time. It's easier than you might think, with these tools and tips that find, recommend, and format good reading anywhere you want

to dive into it. • Don't Wait—Hustle When You Want to Learn New Things Programmer and blogger Matt Nowack tasked himself with learning seven new things of varying degrees of complexity last October, and just a few months later, he's come a long way and learned one very important lesson. • The Apple iPad Is a Super-

Slim iPhone and Laptop Hybrid Apple has just officially announced the Apple iPad, their tablet device that aims to bring the best of the iPhone and laptops to a slim, attractive device. • Facebook for Silverlight Puts a Dark, Stylish Facebook on Your Desktop Windows/Mac: Back in November, Microsoft featured an attractive Facebook client to demo Silverlight 4, and many people wondered where it went. Well, Microsoft has finally released the fancy Facebook client for download, and it has almost everything you could want from Facebook. • From the Tips Box: AutoHotkey and Dropbox, Noisy Hard Drives, and Device Chargers Readers offer their best tips for syncing AutoHotkey scripts between computers, silencing noisy hard drives, and organizing device chargers. • Crank Up the Juice on a Cheap Laser Pointer If you're looking to have a little weekend science-lab fun with lasers it turns out that in the heart of every cheap laser pointer is a fire-starting, balloonpopping, monster.


US GDP growth fastest in six years (Financial Times - US homepage) Submitted at 1/29/2010 3:07:37 PM

The US economy grew at its fastest rate since 2003 in the fourth quarter as investment by business picked up and consumer spending continued to grow, raising hopes that a sustainable recovery is under way. The economy expanded at an annualised rate of 5.7 per cent between October and December, data released on Friday revealed. The strength of the growth surpassed market expectations and marked a sharp acceleration compared with the 2.2 per cent expansion seen in the third quarter. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Paulson claims Russia tried to foment Fannie-Freddie crisis (Financial Times - US homepage) Submitted at 1/29/2010 1:06:09 PM

Russia proposed to China that

the two nations should sell Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bonds in 2008 to force the US government to bail out the giant mortgage-finance companies,

former US Treasury secretary Hank Paulson has claimed. The allegation is in his memoir On the Brink in which he also suggests that Alistair Darling, the

UK chancellor, blocked a rescue takeover of Lehman Brothers by Barclays Bank when he refused to support special treatment by UK regulators.

Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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TOP continued from page 33

having an employer to deduct social security, unemployment, and other taxes for you, the month of April will truly be the cruelest. Read how our own selfemployed readers set aside money for estimated taxpayments four times each year (or in other installments), and read how Gina automates her finances to always have the money on hand, even when her income is very variable. 2. Learn your legalese Besides having to learn the basics of contracts and work rules, freelancers should try to grab the basics of selling and regulating resalable (and different) stock work, as well as know how to stand their ground

on copyright, fair use, and Creative Commons. It is, in short, not enough to simply create cool things—you have to know how to shepherd them through the cloudy worlds of commerce and the web these d a y s . P h o t o b y MikeBlogs.(Original posts: legal resources, stock work). 1. Determine your hourly rate Not every contract will rely on hourly rates, but you'd best be prepared to offer a price if someone asks. The general advice is to aim slightly higher than you figure you should really charge, because you will always, always aim low when you're determining the time and administrative costs of getting

the job done. If you want a more concrete number to base your rate on, try FreelanceSwitch's hourly rate calculator, which takes your office and supply costs, experience, and other factors into account. ( Original post) If you're an established freelancer, what apps, tools, or advice did you find truly helpful when starting out? If you're still green at working for yourself, what do you need the most help with? Swap the tips and stories in the comments.

China threatens sanctions over US arms deal (Financial Times - US homepage) Submitted at 1/30/2010 8:46:42 AM

China threatened to impose sanctions on US arms firms and cut cooperation with Washington unless it cancels a $6.4bn arms sale to Taiwan, in an unprecedented move signalling Beijing’s growing global power.

Beijing said it would sanction US companies that sold arms to Taiwan, a break with past practice. China’s commercial reprisals have in the past been informal. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Is the Real Revenue in Printing Money and Trading Sheep? By Dana Oshiro (ReadWriteWeb)

virtual goods. With China alone representing a $4 billion dollar market, many are looking to Submitted at 1/29/2010 5:31:28 PM gaming and virtual goods as the While many large communities next emerging space. continue to chase ad revenue and Sponsor subscription models, I can't help Few investors know the gaming thinking the real money is in space as well as Benchmark virtual currency and goods. Capital's General Partner Mitch Yesterday we featured an article Lasky. In addition to sitting on about Beijing and the fact that the board of Riot Games, Lasky's TenCent(one of the country's firm invested in both Gaia and most successful social networks) Linden Lab. Linden in particular makes 90% of its revenue from has built an incredibly lucrative

economy. The company's inworld currency trades at about $250 Lindens to the US dollar

with 2009's revenue estimated to be $100 million dollars. With last Spring's rumors that Facebook was considering a virtual currency, we asked Lasky to imagine what a Facebook dollar would do to casual gaming. He explains, "I actually think Facebook could be good for Zynga and other casual gaming groups. Having the Facebook brand behind this type of monetization could help dispel

any Scamville-related issues and create some certification of quality. There would likely be some attacks, but rallying behind a central currency could definitely be beneficial." While a Facebook dollar feels like a far off dream, how can startups profit from the emergence of new virtual economies? Let us know your ideas in the comments below. Discuss

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Is Oracle Really Killing the Sun Open Cloud? By Alex Williams (ReadWriteWeb)

unfold. For example, the post points out how systems integrators are Submitted at 1/29/2010 10:47:18 PM clamoring for a SasS L a r r y E l l i s o n m a y b e environment from Oracle."....In remembered as the one who t h a t w o r l d , t h e S y s t e m steered clear of the "folly" that is Integrators are the gatekeepers cloud computing. Or he may be for the market. They're very remembered for ignoring the real powerful, and the interesting and considerable impacts that the d i s c o v e r y T o n y [ H e m e l k a , cloud brings. Helpstream's CEO] made is that Or he may also be remembered they absolutely love for staying true to what Oracle It's not hard to see why. The does best. And that's providing SaaS model squeezes the SI the underlying infrastructure for ecosystem. The normal meat any platform, be it in the cloud and potatoes business around just or on-premise. getting on-premises software Or it may be that Ellison is installed is greatly reduced. The simply bluffing. Oracle is really business of just keeping the not killing the Sun Open Cloud. lights on is almost non-existant In its marathon event last week for SaaS. Yet SI's have a lot to to discuss its plans for Sun, bring to the table. A good SI Ellison apparently hooted and often understands the Domain, howled about the cloud. He its Best Practices, and the key asked if anyone could explain it Business Processes better even to him at all. He heard little if no t h a n t h e s o f t w a r e v e n d o r . response. He said Oracle is Having access to a SaaS platform discontinuing the Sun Open makes it possible for the SI to Cloud, that they don't want to be turn that valuable knowledge like Amazon Web Services, that into product which can then be they are not a public cloud sold. That's why having a service, and that Oracle is not in platform on which to do that is the business of renting by the so important to them." A Theory minute. About the Open Web Sponsor But even if Oracle does have all We're not so sure. the pieces, is its culture right for Look closer and it's clear Oracle d e v e l o p i n g a c l o u d - b a s e d has many of the pieces for a approach to the enterprise? cloud strategy. The SmoothSpan Earlier this week, we touched on blog has a good vision for how the relationship between the an Oracle cloud strategy might social Web and cloud computing.

Instead, the Sun Open Cloud infrastructure will be configured for providers that want to provide their own public clouds and enterprises that seek to create private clouds. You see? Oracle provides infrastructure - a complete IT services platform. Right now, all Oracle is not considered a Oracle cares about is being the superstar of the social Web. underpinning for all the systems Sure, the company uses the in the enterprise IT environment. s o c i a l W e b , b u t i t i s n o t As Dana Gardner points out:"In experimenting to the degree that doing complete IT package gig, you see with a company like Oracle has signaled the end of IBM, perhaps Oracle's biggest the best-of-breed, heterogeneous, competitor. and perhaps open source IBM is developing a cloud- components era of IT. In the new based collaboration platform. It IT era, services are king. The is developing its own cloud way you actually serve or computing service. It is diving acquire them is far less of a deep into the world of the cloud concern. Enterprises focus on the and how the open Web fits with business and the IT comes, well, e n t e r p r i s e c o l l a b o r a t i o n like electricity. environments. In our view, these This is why "cloud" makes no go hand in hand. It makes a lot sense to Oracle's CEO Larry of sense that if you want to be a Ellison. He'd rather we take out cloud services provider, you the word "cloud" from cloud need to understand the different computing and replace it with ways Web oriented architectures "Oracle." Now that makes function within the enterprise. A sense!" W e b o r i e n t e d a r c h i t e c t u r e It sure does. Oracle sees the requires an online network. With cloud through the vision of its that understanding comes the own technology infrastructure. knowledge how to serve clients The Sun cloud fits into that that depend on cloud-based vision even if for now it is infrastructures for their IT getting mothballed. Discuss services. Oracle does not want to be like Amazon, providing a public cloud infrastructure.

Bankers in favour of paying global fee (Financial Times - US homepage) Submitted at 1/29/2010 4:02:56 PM

Some of the world’s most prominent bankers have come out in favour of a global bank wind-down fund, a concession from the industry after weeks of fighting proposals for new taxes in the US and Europe. Josef Ackermann, chief executive of Deutsche Bank, told the Financial Times on Friday : “To help solve the too-big-to-fail problem I’m advocating a European rescue and resolution fund for banks. Of course, the capital for this fund would have to come from banks to a large degree.” Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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E-reader News Edition

Are you the New Twitter? Services to Help Scale your Business By Mike Kirkwood (ReadWriteWeb)

Pivotal Labs. These highly available applications have called upon Pivotal Labs to assist Submitted at 1/29/2010 8:42:03 PM in scaling and integrating the So, you have a great idea. You stream of code into a harmonious want to move your vision from production environment. whiteboard to web host, but the Pivotal Labs optimizes your trade-offs (resources, time, companies assets by helping money) make it difficult to your team build rock-solid code decide what to spend your hard from day one. One attractive earned capital on. What can you thing about their model is that do to get your idea out to the they operate in coordination with market with the least amount of your small or large team and investment, while also be ready a actually help your processes flood of new users? become stronger. Luckily, it is now less expensive This model seems much more than ever to get started getting an attractive than outsourcing the web application to market. This work of creating the intellectual newest generation of agile, cloud capital for your business. They -based services help prepare your offer a series of software patterns application and team for success. that help solve some of the N o w , y o u r s o f t w a r e a n d scaling challenges no one should hardware can be ready for the find out after it is too late. As time when your app is a hit, so the saying goes, "teach a man to you won't be famous for your fish, and he'll never be hungry". own personal failwhale. We If your product is worthy of take a look at two companies that world-class code, it may be can help both small and large worthwhile to give the team at c o m p a n i e s r a m p u p w e b Pivotal Labs a chance to dig into offerings. your project. Heroku: Rock Solid Sponsor Ruby Platform P i v o t a l L a b s : D i s c i p l i n e . Heroku is an innovative cloud Collaboration. Results. infrastructure for allowing a Pivotal Labs helps companies Ruby development team to design your team and system to provision applications with one scale your app. command. The infrastructure is Companies like Twitter, Best designed to leverage the default Buy, and have mechanics within your Ruby chosen to become clients of application and promises to

databases allow you to choose the performance package that best meets your needs. Heroku looks like a next generation infrastructure provider for model-driven manage the entire back end applications using the Ruby a p p l i c a t i o n f o r y o u r t e a m pattern. It will be interesting to without having to think about the see how many developers turn to details. Today, Heroku claims this class of services for their almost 50,000 applications being cloud infrastructure as time goes on. It seems attractive both as a hosted in their infrastructure. H e r o k u ' s a p p l i c a t i o n f o r way to get started, and to grow. p r o v i s i o n i n g s e r v i c e s i s It is becoming clear that the c o m p e l l i n g a n d v i s u a l l y spark of innovation will be the pleasing. It has an easy to prevailing market advantage for understand menu of capabilities, entrepreneurs. It is going to many of them with catchy names become easier and easier to you'll likely not forget. Get d e v e l o p p r e d i c t a b l e a n d started for free with Blossom a affordable applications that scale single, shared 5 mb database. with services like Pivotal Labs Upgrade to Koi to get a shared and Heroku in the market. If 20gb for an estimated monthly your competitor is ramping up cost of $15. If you feel better with services like this, it is about dedicated services, a single possible they may get there faster "computing unit" is estimated at and also be ready to scale at the $200 per month and can server same time. up to 2TB per month. Heroku What's next? We predict that defines a computing unit like there soon will be a software this: Database performance on layer that takes converts the back Heroku is measured by "CPU -of-the-napkin to an enterprise Units". A CPU Unit is a measure class service. of how fast the CPU and overall What do you think? Would you IO of the underlying machine entrust your idea with these are. Shared databases run on services? Can you afford not to? very high performance machines, Discuss shared among many different applications. Dedicated

Open Thread: What's Your Favorite Tech Nonprofit/Philanthropic Company? By Jolie O'Dell (ReadWriteWeb) Submitted at 1/30/2010 10:39:40 AM

A while ago, I wrote a rather condemning post on how most "social media for social good" efforts were heavy on social media activities but came up short on actual social good. Still, there are organizations such as Kiva, The Extraordinaires or SocialVibe and many others that do turn user microactions and technology to affect change and do good in very tangible ways. Those are just three of the tech nonprofit or philanthropic organizations I can think of at the moment, but we at RWW would love to know more. Tell us in the comment what your favorite tech nonprofit is and why. Sponsor As most of you already will know, Kiva is an organization that allows users such as you and I to make microloans to folks in developing countries. For OPEN page 39

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Weekend Reading: The Dip by Seth Godin By Chris Cameron (ReadWriteWeb) Submitted at 1/29/2010 3:10:00 PM

Quitting is one the easiest things there is to do. When we face a challenge that appears insurmountable we would sooner give up and try something else rather than push through the pain of that challenge. But the truth is, trying something else is only going to lead towards another challenge, and becoming a "serial quitter" is most definitely not the right path to head down. Seth Godin, author of the bestselling books Purple Cow and the more recent Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?, is also the author of 2007's The Dip: A Little Book That Teaches You When to Quit (and When to Stick). According to Godin, while quitting is often a poor snap decision made under stress, under the right circumstances it is a smart choice for turning around a dead-end situation. Sponsor "The Dip," as Godin defines it, is valley between initial luck and long-term success. When learning any skill, the very beginning is fun and exciting as we quickly grasp new

We all know that any venture worth undertaking is bound to be wrought with difficulties, so Godin urges us to embrace The Dip and push through it. The only thing that separates the winners and losers in life is that the winners chose to push information and abilities. But at through The Dip when the going some point shortly after, the got tough. He also provides ways long, slow and difficult climb to identify when The Dip you toward mastery makes us want to think you're in is actually just a give up. This same analogy cul-de-sac, or dead-end. The applies to numerous markets and only thing thats easier than situations, including sports, quitting when times are hard is s a l e s , j o b h u n t i n g a n d sticking with the dead-end easy tasks. While dips are something entrepreneurialism. Godin is a proponent of quitting to be overcome, cul-de-sacs and the short term tasks that aren't "cliffs" are to be avoided like the benefitting a long-term strategy plague. of success. In his book he quotes Godin's The Dip is an excellent Jack Welch of GE who, upon read for any entrepreneur-to-be b e c o m i n g C E O , q u i t a n y looking to plan ahead for the industry the company couldn't be challenges that lay ahead. Godin #1 or #2 in because it was a points out that just as venture waste of time and resources. capitalists make sure a startup Godin explains that quitting is has a solid plan before taking the not the same at failing, and r i s k o f i n v e s t m e n t , t h a t suggests that if one wants to be entrepreneurs need to know at the best in the world, some what point they will quit. "strategic quitting" is in order. It's much easier to decide that "We fail when we give up too now before the pain and struggle soon," writes Godin. "We fail of The Dip sets in. Discuss when we get distracted by tasks that we don't have the guts to quit."


OPEN continued from page 38

example, I could loan $100 to a woman in the Philippines to help her buy supplies and livestock to start pig farming, increasing her own quality of life and improving the local economy around her. Trickle Up is another similar microlending organization. SocialVibe is a company that helps brands and users create positive social change. In a typical SocialVibe setup, a brand "sponsors" users, who take small actions and engagements to raise money for the charity of their choice. In some ways, it's kind of like a broader-in-scope version of The Hunger Site, which gets advertisers to shell out cash to feed hungry people when users click around the site. And The Extraordinaires is a program we just recently discovered while finding out how to help our readers use their personal time and online actions to help folks in Haiti. This site allows organizations to create missions. Users can complete micro-tasks from their mobile devices or computers toward those missions. Currently, the site has around 50 participating organizations and about 6,000 members who have completed in

excess of 35,000 micro-tasks. Missions range from mapping safe places for children to play to helping first-aid responders reduce fatalities. But there are many ways tech can be used to help others, not just the social media-focused, crowdsources companies we've mentioned here. For example, Inveneo helps to give access to information and communications technologies, including phones, computers and Internet access, to people in remote parts of developing countries. And there are many organizations focusing on getting tech hardware into the hands of those who need it, including students and injured veterans. We'd love to know more about similar projects and organizations, whether large or small, new or longstanding. I n this open thread of comments, please tell us your favorite nonprofit or philanthropic tech organization and let us know what they do. And please spread the good word and invite others to share, as well! Discuss


Apple/ TV/ Fashion/

E-reader News Edition

OS X Hidden Gems By Bryan Schuetz (TheAppleBlog) Submitted at 1/29/2010 1:28:51 PM

Have you ever noticed that little dark circle that appears within the close button of a document window in OS X when you have unsaved changes? Yeah, me neither. After years of diligent Mac use, this subtle little element somehow escaped me until now. I guess I remember noticing it at times but never realized it was telling me to save my work. It’s a nice touch and got me wondering about what other subtle elements I might have missed over the years. I spent some time gathering up a number of these hidden gems and figured I’d list them here in the hopes that our readers could add to the list in the comments. Save Dialog When saving a file you can

press/ at the save dialog box to choose from any point in the file system via a file path. Displays You can press Shift + Ctrl + Eject to put external displays to sleep. On a MacBook this will force the system to sleep without having to close the lid. Airport Pressing the Option key when clicking on the AirPort icon in the menubar will display some detailed information about your wireless connection, including the transmit rate. Finder

Pressing Control while clicking on the current location icon at the top of the Finder window opens a menu to let you select any parent location along that particular file path. Screen Pressing Ctrl + Option + Command + 8 will invert the color of your screen. Dictionary Pressing Ctrl + Command + D while hovering over a word in any Cocoa application (Safari, Mail, etc.) will automatically look up that word in the OS X dictionary app. This list just scratches the surface of what I know are a huge number of hidden gems buried inside OS X. If you have any others you want to add to the list, please share it with us in the comments.

Right now on Cinematical By Kona Gallagher (TV Squad) Submitted at 1/30/2010 10:00:00 AM

• There is a large contingent of the moviegoing population who watched the new Sherlock Holmes and wished that Holmes and Watson took their relationship to the next level. They kind of get their wish in Billy Wilder's The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes. • As a huge Veronica Mars and • You may think that basing a Kristen Bell fan, I want to movie on a parenting handbook believe that When In Rome is a called, Eat, Sleep, Poop is a bad good movie. However, the idea, but Mean Girls was based evidence suggests otherwise. on Queen Bees and Wannabees, You can read Cinematical's which was basically a parenting review of When In Rome, here. handbook for older kids. And • Is Edge of Darkness going to be Mel Gibson's comeback film? Mean Girls is awesome. • We're in the middle of awards Read what Cinematical thinks season now, and some critics about it here. think that Paul Rudd was Filed under: Site overlooked for his contribution to the film, I Love You Man. Announcements, Reality-Free Permalink| Email this| | Who do you think should have been on stage accepting an C o m m e n t s award? The folks at our sister site Cinematical are working hard to give you news and reviews of the best -- and worst -- the silver screen has to offer. Here are some of their musings on the latest blockbusters, indies, and everything in between:

RARE Vintage Hits the Road By (ELLE News Blog) Submitted at 1/29/2010 1:38:43 PM

RARE Vintage owner Juliana Cairone is taking some of her exceptional finds on the road. On

February 5, Hong Kong’s Lane Crawford will host a pop-up shop for the New York-based dealer. Not only will her vintage Valentinos and Balenciagas be on sale, but Cairone will also be available for one-on-one style

advice. Considering that some of

Hollywood’s biggest names make her discreet 57th street a must shop, if you’re in the area, we advise you get there early. —Whitney Vargas Valentino Dior

Halston Balenciaga Follow ELLE on Twitter. Become our Facebook fan!

Tech Blog/ TV/

E-reader News Edition

More iPad thoughts (Scripting News) Submitted at 1/30/2010 11:15:56 AM

One recurring theme in defense of the closedness of the iPad is that it gives you access to the web and that's the most open thing around. Maybe, but if I want the web there are much better and less expensive ways to get it that don't compromise on flexibility and the ability to run other software. In other words, if you want the web and only the web, iPad would be a poor choice. Yet I am concerned that it will get a flow of great apps from people who are willing to compromise on their freedom and users' freedom. They may say they're not doing it, but I don't see it that way. I wouldn't want to do anything to discourage them from developing cool apps for iPad, as long as they're not pumping their creativity into a platform that can't be competed with because of patents. If that's the case, it's a very unhealthy situation. Not one a developer should support unless they know for sure that other platforms can challenge

Apple. I suspect there's a problem because Google is not releasing their multi-touch technology very widely.It could be that it's not ready, I hope that's the reason. But it may also be that Apple has a patent. Re the need for simplification, I've watched a close relative struggle with the multiple layers of user interface on today's computers, I recognize the need for a fresh start. Current GUI technology is 40-plus years old. Mac and Windows are equally confusing messes. User interfaces can be vastly simplified. I thought Apple would have done much more in this area by now. It's already been three years since the iPhone's introduction. And I don't think Android has the same commitment to a fresh start, it's more of a hodgepodge. And while Google is a patent offender just like Apple, so has no moral advantage, at least there's no barrier to what developers can put on the Android platform, so Google doesn't have the ability to control what goes on Android as Apple does with the iPad. In the worst case, you can route

around Google totally because Android is open source. Another thought occurred to me -- iPad looks rushed. It seems possible that Apple pushed it out sooner because it got wind of a competitive product. Could it be that Google has a DroidPad in the pipe? One thing's for sure, Apple's competitors are not scared of iPad. Let's hope they make some decent offers to developers. If any of them want my help, I'm here and ready to roll up my sleeves. I want to be sure there are lots of choices, the sooner the better. I can help get developers to pay attention to what you're doing. The stakes are much higher than with the iPhone. No one should underestimate the potential of iPad. That's why I said, ironically, there's no doubt I will buy one as soon as I can. For the same reason I bought an iPhone. You have to understand this product if you want to stay current. But we, as an industry, must have choice. Now is a crucial moment for that.


What's On Tonight: Miss America, Suze Orman, Saturday Night Live By Bob Sassone (TV Squad) Submitted at 1/30/2010 12:27:00 PM

Here's the TV lineup for tonight (all times Eastern). • Bravo has a House marathon all night. • At 8, FOX has a new Cops. • TLC has The Miss America Pageant at 8. • HGTV has a new Divine Design at 8. • TCM has Wuthering Heights at 8. • At 9, FOX has a new America's Most Wanted. • CNBC has a new Suze Orman Show at 9. • Nickelodeon has a new episode of The Troop at 9. • Cartoon Network has a new episode of The Secret Saturdays at 9. • Lifetime has Lying To Be Perfect at 9. • Syfy has Meteor Storm at 9. • Also at 9: BBC America has a new Demons. • At 10, CBS has a new 48

Hours Mystery. • At 11, FOX has a new Wanda Sykes Show. • At 11:30, NBC has a new Saturday Night Live, with Jon Hamm and Michael Buble´. • At 3:30AM, ESPN2 has the men's final of The Australian Open. Check your local TV listings for more. Filed under: Late Night, Programming, Talk Show, What To Watch Tonight, Reality-Free Permalink| Email this| | Comments



E-reader News Edition

Captain Jack coming to Nick at Nite gets Fran Wisteria Lane for Nanny Valentine's celebration By Allison Waldman (TV Squad)

Submitted at 1/30/2010 1:00:00 PM

Remember way back in July 2009? Of course you don't, but thank goodness for search engines. You see, on July 31st of last year, Bob wrote about a Torchwood character going to Wisteria Lane. Now, it's happening. John Barrowman will be appearing on Desperate Housewives. Captain Jack Harkness will be playing a villain, stirring up trouble for the ladies of the neighborhood. Barrowman is expected to leave England in March to come to Los Angeles to begin filming. He'll appear on screen in April, and he's there for a mini-arc, at least five episodes. And he will be playing a malevolent man, i.e. a villain. Ausiello reports that he's going to be involved with Angie's story. How will he impact on the Bolens, who are already

By Allison Waldman (TV Squad) Submitted at 1/30/2010 9:00:00 AM

How's this for a romantic and funny way to celebrate Valentine's Day: make it a weeklong marathon of The Nanny episodes on Nick at Nite. What? That's not red roses, Dove chocolates and champagne to you? The idea of reliving the sitcom brimming with angst and drama? fun of the nanny named Fran Doesn't sound like it will be a blowing into the life of theatrical positive impact. producer Maxwell Sheffield and Continue reading Captain Jack falling in love with him while coming to Wisteria Lane taking care of his three children Filed under: OpEd, Desperate was the stuff of television H o u s e w i v e s , C e l e b r i t i e s , romance when it aired on CBS Casting, Reality-Free, British from 1993 to 1999. TV, Glee Part The Sound of Music, part P e r m a l i n k | E m a i l t h i s | | schmaltzy broad Jewish shtick, Comments The Nanny was fun stuff. For this marathon, Fran herself, actress Fran Drescher will host the week which Nick has dubbed Valentine Schmalentine.

Continue reading Nick at Nite gets Fran for Nanny Valentine's celebration Filed under: Other Comedy Shows, Programming, OpEd, Celebrities, Reality-Free Permalink| Email this| | Comments


E-reader News Edition


Michael Douglas' Son Cameron Helping Dad Live Through "Traffic", Also: Naming Names [Gossip Roundup] By Foster Kamer (Gawker) Submitted at 1/30/2010 12:00:00 PM

Michael Douglas is living through Traffic, and his kid might be a RAT. Alicia Keys and Swizz Beats trying to make beautiful music. Nicole Richie: not a skeleton. Jessica Alba's one year-old daughter: caliente? Presenting your Saturday Morning Gossip Roundup: • Michael Douglas showed up in court yesterday to deal with the case surrounding his son, Cameron, his drug-trafficking charges, and the ten-year prison sentence he faces. Douglas' appearance in the court was closed, and the file's been sealed, which means any number of things, one of which the Post suggests: Cameron's naming names. All of this goes without saying "holy shit, Michael Douglas is absolutely living through Traffic right now." [ Page Six] • Alicia Keys might be engaged to Swizz Beats! And they might be buying Lenny Kravitz's apartment! Their babies will come out looking like Grammys, or something, and the lesbian rumors about Keys still won't go away. [ NYDN] • Fact: Sometimes I wake up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy, even though he's in a white mansion with giraffes walking around as butlers and

I'm basically living in a roadside ditch in Brooklyn. And I've never had pedicures on my toes, toes, or brushed my teeth with a bottle of Jack Daniels, though I've certainly drank it before noon. The point here is that Ke$ha should call me, because apparently, she's into "big, fat guys with beards that wear thick glasses." Next stop: LensCrafters. [ Page Six] • Some crusty old golfer was like " Tiger Woods putting his balls basically everywhere is bad for the game." Yes, because the worst thing that could happen is that golf, the most exciting game in the world, featuring the most compelling athletes in the world, gets spiced up. Reminder: golf is boring and golfers are just as boring. [ NYDN] • Oprah's giving a Power Women in Communications something or other award to her best friend. What'd you do for your best friend today? [ Page Six] • Nicole Richie is complaining that the claims of her having an eater disorder were unfair. Well, honey, we know a skeleton when we see one. Especially when it looks like the bones are covering the skin. Either way, if you're not rexo, you're not rexo. We're okay with that, I promise. Less talking about you, more talking about the ever-collapsing geopolitical infrastructure of the middle east.

from her medical history. [ TMZ] • Matthew McConaughey is a baby daddy to his girlfriend's baby, and they gave out a press handout, and it's really, really cute. Also, considering that woman just gave birth, like woah: so hot. Oh, other awesome thing: the quote he gave on his website to his fans. He really is that character from Dazed and Confused. [ NYDN] • One of these Real Housecreatures got someone arrested for pulling someone else's hair or something? Whatever. [ People] • Michael Jackson's kids are preparing for what inevitably will be the worst part of the Grammy's, when they have to give a speech in honor of their father, and we will all feel really, really bad and terrible and not want to look, because at the end of the day, these are kids, and this will not be cute or touching so much as sad, sad, just sad. [ TMZ] • Jessica Alba's daughter will grow up to be a Spanish-speaker, [ NYDN] because you know the whole but more importantly: hot. [ • Paris Hilton has a temporary Chris Brown thing, but it's really People] restraining order up against her. not that interesting. Like, really, • John Travlota's extortionist TMZ's resident handwriting it's not. In fact, the Grammy's are remains adamant about her expert has no idea what it says. [ still pretty passe, and mostly: innocence. Meanwhile, everyone TMZ] meaningless. [ NYDN] who's seen that new Travolta • Rihanna's going to the • Brittney Murphy's death is still movie where he's bald and scaryGrammy's solo. We're supposed sketchy, now the L.A. coroner's MICHAEL page 45 to make a big deal out of this office is trying to "fill in gaps"



E-reader News Edition

The Week We Raised High the Roof Beams [Week In Review] By Pareene (Gawker) Submitted at 1/29/2010 7:03:22 PM

This week, everyone made a lot of jokes about "goddamn phonies" and all that kind of stuff. Also: some journalists got in a bit of trouble with the law, and a guy gave us a giant phone, for elderly people. You know what? Don Lemon is a stylish guy and we are not afraid to say it. He is certainly classier than Ross Douthat, who was "that guy" at Harvard. And, obviously, classier than Dennis Hopper, who is being "that guy" on his death bed. In non-death-bed-related breakup news, Chelsea Handler broke up with her boss. John Edwards finally split from his wife, too, as the news grew worse and worse for him. Like: he has a sex tape. And he hated rednecks. Former aides reminisced. Barack Obama kissed Diane Sawyer. Then he had this speech thing. We thought he would pander, but in the end we decided it was awesome.(Not awesome enough to save America, though. For that, we need a map.) Kari Ferrell went to Las Vegas and we were told about this fact. Brian laid out the rules for calling in sick. Then he drafted a

contract for straight girl/gay guy relationships. And then he refused to take his shoes off at your house. Even if you act super nice. Sometimes you can be both gay and not gay at the same time, depending on what magazine you are doing publicity in. Arianna Huffington's favorite charitable cause is her wacky website, which tried to eat Twitter in the middle of the night. And then Gerad Butler

tried to eat a human female lady in public for some cameras. And then everyone did some foodie yoga. Tim Tebow may not work out in the NFL, on account of his constant proselytizing(and also because he cannot take snaps from under center). Steve Jobs Apple iPad tablet Apple slate menstruation joke etc. etc.. It was anticipated by everyone(though you guys were more psyched for Lost), but Olde

who says it isn't them! Also there is a woman out there who is not Donatella Versace. We examined wonderful celebrity mom advice and looked into allegations of sexy escapades at the New York Post. We also decided who should return to the mystical Jersey Shore. And a Fox reporter Tweeted a link to a whorehouse. It looked more fun than Sundance. Do you know (or are you) a literary manboy? Probably! Let's hope Tinsley doesn't fall for one. We hired John Mayer. And Kanye died. He fell of a cliff in New Zealand. Some wacky kids got in a heap o' trouble for breaking into a Senator's office to tamper with her phones. We jumped to (perfectly reasonable) Media was not saved.(It also conclusions. It was just the latest couldn't save Miramax. Why embarrassment for poor Andrew does the iPad hate our shared Breitbart. culture?) Oh, hey, a perk of working for Television! There was Big Love Goldman! and two American Idols and Lauren Conrad knows that Project Runway and Real reading is fundamental. Scott Housewives. Brown drives a truck. Steve Jobs The Hasids and the Hipsters had walks like an old man. Henry a meeting and nothing was Hyde might've been on the take. solved. Someone or other is We'd like to have terror trials maybe this person who writes here, please. letters to editors of newspapers, J.D. Salinger died. but it might not be the person

Entertainment/ Game/

E-reader News Edition

Obama's Weekly Address Kicker: Combative and STFU-y to Republicans' Dirty Voting Politics [VideUhOh] By Foster Kamer (Gawker) Submitted at 1/30/2010 1:00:00 PM

President Barack Obama's had a feisty week on video! First he kicked around Republicans so badly, Fox News cut out early. Now we've got his weekly address, where he more or less tells a few Republicans to go get fucked. The key phrases come about four minutes in, when he's talking about the bipartisan fiscal planning commission idea that failed. This past week, 53 Democrats and Republicans voted for this commission in the Senate. But it failed when seven Republicans who had co-sponsored this idea in the first place suddenly decided to vote against it. Now, it's one thing to have an honest

difference of opinion about something. I will always respect those who take a principled stand for what they believe, even if I disagree with them. But what I won't accept is changing positions because it's good politics. What I won't accept is opposition for opposition's sake. We cannot have a serious discussion and take meaningful action to create jobs and control our deficits if politicians just do what's necessary to win the next election instead of what's best for the next generation. I'm ready and eager to work with anyone who's serious about solving the real problems facing our people and our country. I


MICHAEL continued from page 43

ugly and blowing things up are adamant about you not going to see it. Because it's awful. And they want to protect the public good. You DO want to protect the public good, right? Right. Also, her name is Pleasant Bridgewater? That's like something out of Clue. [ TMZ]

welcome anyone who comes to the table in good faith to help get our economy moving again and fulfill this country's promise. In the mean time, those seven Republicans can go stick a rake Good morning lovlies! Late up their ass handle-side down edition! We'll be catching up and until they figure out how to extract the farthest part of their anus from behind their faces which may or may not but be but probably are causing the noises to come out of their mouths as they do. Traitorous fuckfaces. Bolding and italicized emphasis mine. And that's why only certain people get to write White House Weekly Addresses: restraint. Related, Obama will continue to be pissed for another three years.

things like that. In the mean time, here, for my future wife Ke$ha, you should cover this song, which is sung by a band with a fat bearded hipster lead singer: jam on it. Also, this will basically be today: [ Photo via Getty Images]

Disgaea Infinite visual novel for PSP releases this May By Andrew Yoon (Joystiq)

interactive story-based adventure, akin to the Phoenix Submitted at 1/30/2010 8:30:00 AM Wright series. According to a We certainly didn't see this press release, this will be NIS coming. While it may seem America's first visual novel strange to doubt the release of published in America. another Disgaea game, Disgaea Disgaea Infinite promises to Infinite is not what you might keep the same over-the-top expect. No, it's not a SRPG. It's humor the franchise is known not even a platformer. Instead, for. Players will assume the role it's a visual novel game -- an of a Prinny on the hunt for an

assassin trying to take down the demon Laharl. With the power to take over other characters minds

and bodies, Prinny will be able to solve this almost-murder mystery. Expect it on PSP this

May. Gallery: Disgaea Infinite Disgaea Infinite visual novel for PSP releases this May originally appeared on Joystiq on Sat, 30 Jan 2010 08:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments



E-reader News Edition

Arizona Cardinals quarterback Kurt Warner retires after 12 NFL seasons By Associated Press (

conference, Warner walked away with a year left on a two-year, $23 million contract, knowing he Submitted at 1/29/2010 6:10:09 PM still had the skills to play at the K u r t W a r n e r D i s c u s s e s highest level. R e t i r e m e n t K u r t W a r n e r Hall of Fame worthy? Discusses Retirement VIDEO Is Kurt Warner worthy of the PLAYLIST Pro Football Hall of Fame? • Kurt Warner Discusses Warner's postseason numbers are R e t i r e m e n t K u r t W a r n e r amongst the best ever but his Discusses Retirement regular-season career has had its • NFL Peers React to Warner's peaks and valleys. A look at his Retirement NFL Peers React to career in three different eras, Warner's Retirement plus his regular and postseason • Kurt Warner Retires After 12 totals: NFL Seasons Kurt Warner "It's been an amazing ride," Retires After 12 NFL Seasons Warner said. "I don't think I • Kurt Warner's NFL Legacy could have dreamt it would have Kurt Warner's NFL Legacy played out like it has, but I've been humbled every day that I TEMPE, Ariz. -- Kurt Warner woke up the last 12 years and t h a n k e d G o d , h u g g e d h i s amazed that God would choose children and wife and said to use me to do what he's given goodbye to an NFL career that me the opportunity to do." seems the stuff of sports fiction. Warner had one of the greatest The 38-year-old quarterback postseason performances ever in announced his retirement Friday Arizona's 51-45 overtime wild after a dozen years in a league card victory over Green Bay on that at first rejected him, then Jan. 10, but sustained a brutal hit revered him as he came from in the Cardinals' 45-14 divisional nowhere to lead the lowly St. round loss at New Orleans six Louis Rams to two Super Bowls. days later. Then, as if going from stocking "He has had a dominant career," groceries to winning NFL MVP Cardinals defensive tackle a w a r d s w a s n ' t i m p r o b a b l e Darnell Dockett said. "He's got enough, Warner was written off to do what's best for his family. as a has-been and rose again to He played long enough. He took lead the long-suffering Arizona us to the Super Bowl last year. Cardinals to the Super Bowl. "If you're going to go out, go out A man of deep faith who carried on top." a Bible to each post-game news The Cardinals signed Warner to

a one-year contract in 2005 largely because no other team would give him a chance to be a starter. His opportunities over the next two years were scattered and even when coach Ken Whisenhunt took over in 2007, Warner was the backup to Matt Leinart. But when Leinart went down with an injury five games into the season, Warner got his chance. He started 48 of the remaining 49 games of his career. "I've played 12 years, I'm a 38 years old and I believe I was playing at as high a level now and over the last two years as I was playing when I first got into the league," he said. "That's something I'm proud of." Blessed with an uncanny throwing accuracy and a knack for reading defenses, Warner leaves the game with a legacy that could land him in the Hall of Fame even though he didn't get his first start until he was 28. In a comparison with the 14 quarterbacks to make the Hall of Fame in the last 25 years, Warner has a better career completion percentage, yards per pass attempt and yards per game. Only Dan Marino had more career 300-yard passing games. In 124 regular-season games, Warner completed 65.5 percent of his passes for 32,344 yards and 208 touchdowns. He and

Fran Tarkenton are the only NFL quarterbacks to throw for 100 touchdowns and 14,000 yards for two teams. The Warner file • Born June 22, 1971 in Burlington, Iowa • Attended Regis High School in Cedar Rapids, Iowa • Attended Northern Iowa University • Originally signed by the Green Bay Packers as an undrafted free agent on April 28, 1994 but was released on Aug. 17, 1994 • Played in Arena Football League with Iowa Barnstormers (1995-97) • Signed with St. Louis Rams on Dec. 26, 1997 as a free agent • Played for Amsterdam Admirals of NFL Europe during 1998 season • Played six seasons with Rams (1998-2003) • Signed with New York Giants on June 3, 2004 as an unrestricted free agent • Signed a 1-year contract with the Arizona Cardinals on March 6, 2005 • Signed a 3-year contract with Arizona on Feb. 14, 2006 • Signed a 2-year contract with Arizona on March 4, 2009 Accomplishments • Four-time Pro Bowl selection (1999, 2000, 2001, 2008) • Owns Arizona Cardinals regular season records for attempts, completions,

completion percentage, passer rating, TD passes and consecutive games with a TD pass • Two-time NFL MVP (1999 and 2001) • Super Bowl XXXIV MVP • Second QB in NFL history to start a Super Bowl for two different teams • Career passer rating of 93.7 ranks 3rd in NFL history behind only Steve Young (96.8) and Peyton Manning (94.7) • Became the fastest player in NFL history to reach 10,000 passing yards (36th career game) • 2008 NFL Man of the Year award winner For more than 40 minutes, Warner thanked everyone who had helped him along the way, singling out Whisenhunt, for "his willingness to give me an opportunity that I don't know if anyone else would." Cardinals general manager Rod Graves called it an emotional day "because I realize once again how extraordinary he was." "I've only had the privilege of being around one other person that I can say was close to him and that was Walter Payton," Graves said. "I think when you have an extraordinary player and one who is just as extraordinary off the field, then you realize you were in the presence of someone ARIZONA page 49


E-reader News Edition


Serena Williams beats Justine Henin to win the Australian Open title By Associated Press ( Submitted at 1/30/2010 10:44:05 AM

Serena Takes Aussie Title In Three Sets Serena Takes Aussie Title In Three Sets VIDEO PLAYLIST • Serena Takes Aussie Title In Three Sets Serena Takes Aussie Title In Three Sets • Serena Looks Back At Fifth Aussie Title Serena Looks Back At Fifth Aussie Title • Serena Williams Accepts Aussie Title Serena Williams Accepts Aussie Title • Henin's Comeback Falls One Set Short Henin's Comeback Falls One Set Short MELBOURNE, Australia -Serena Williams won her second straight Australian Open championship, ending Justine Henin's hopes of a Grand Slam title in her return from retirement with a 6-4, 3-6, 6-2 victory Saturday. Williams withstood a determined challenge from Henin before securing her fifth Australian Open title overall and 12th Grand Slam singles championship overall, tying Billie Jean King. King was at the stadium on Saturday night to take part in a pre-match ceremony to honor the 40-year anniversary of Margaret Court's four Grand Slam

tournament wins in 1970. "Billie, we are tied," Williams said. "So I've reached my goal." Williams' five Australian titles is the most by any woman in the Open Era, since 1968, surpassing the four held by Margaret Court, Evonne Goolagong Cawley, Steffi Graf and Monica Seles. Court holds 11 Australian Open titles overall, most coming before 1968. Henin, who had most of the crowd support at Rod Laver Arena, couldn't match her fellow Belgian Kim Clijsters' feat of winning in her Grand Slam comeback tournament. Clijsters won last year's U.S. Open in her return from a two-year retirement after getting married and having a daughter. Williams won the last four games to clinch the championship in just over two hours, falling on her back in celebration after match point. "It was definitely a tough match mentally and physically," Williams said. "We were both out there to prove something, and I think we did at the end of the day." It was an impressive run by Henin. She lost in the final of the Brisbane International tournament to Clijsters two weeks ago. The unranked and unseeded Henin then beat four seeded players en route to the Australian

Open final, including No. 5 and Olympic gold medalist Elena Dementieva in the second round. "It's been a very emotional two weeks for me," said Henin, who put her hand on her heart as she thanked the crowd for its support. "I thought it would never happen to me again. I'd like to congratulate Serena. She's a real champion." “ I'm sure there will be a lot of positive things I can think about in a few days. It's been almost perfect. Just the last step, I couldn't make it.”-- Justine Henin Later, Henin said there was a feeling of disappointment, but accomplishment. "It's just more than what I could expect, I just have to remember that," Henin said. "Even if it's quite soon after the match now, I'm sure there will be a lot of positive things I can think about in a few days. It's been almost perfect. Just the last step, I couldn't make it." And she's certain now about her decision to come back on the tour. "I was curious about what my level would be and how I was going to deal with just the atmosphere on and off the court, how it would feel," Henin said. "I felt I took the right decision, so it's good enough for me already. I got the results also in

the last four weeks -- two finals. So I can be really happy about that." Henin saved two break points to hold for 3-3 in a four-game run in the second set, winning 13 of the last 14 points in a dominant finish to the set. She maintained the superiority early in the deciding set, increasing that to 18 of 19 points before Williams held serve to even the third set at 1-1. Williams, with her right thigh and left knee heavily taped as it had been for much of the tournament broke Henin to go up 2-1. The two then traded breaks, with Williams going up 3-2, a lead she never relinquished. "I thought I was just giving it to her at that point," Williams said. "I didn't want to go out like that. I literally said to myself, 'I need to man up and start playing better.' " Williams used an ace on her second serve to hold for a 4-2 lead, then broke again to move within a game of the title. "It's good to have her back, it's exciting," Williams said of Henin. "She can definitely be No. 1, especially with our ranking system, if she keeps doing well." The American holds an 8-6 edge in career meetings between the pair, including a 6-2, 6-0 win in Miami in 2008. At the time, it equaled the worst loss for a

reigning No. 1, and Henin quit tennis two months later. Henin won the Australian Open title in 2004. She quit during the 2006 final with stomach problems while trailing Amelie Mauresmo 6-1, 2-0. Chris Evert and Martina Navratilova are Williams' next goal, with 18 majors each. "Honestly, I'm just doing what I can. I obviously enjoy playing in Melbourne, clearly," Williams said. "I never thought I could catch up with Martina, because she's such an amazing champion." American twins Bob and Mike Bryan won their fourth Australian Open doubles title, defeating Daniel Nestor of Canada and Serbian Nenad Zimonjic 6-3, 6-7 (5), 6-3 in the final. The brothers have won the title four of the past five years. They have eight Grand Slam doubles titles, including two at the U.S. Open and one each at the French Open and Wimbledon. The men's final between Roger Federer and Andy Murray will be held Sunday night, where Murray will attempt to become the first British man since Fred Perry in 1936 to win a Grand Slam major. The Australian Open is Murray's 17th Grand Slam tournament, SERENA page 50



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Shane Mosley and Floyd Mayweather Jr. agree to fight By Dan Rafael (

fighter, one of the best of his era, and so is Floyd. It's going to be a great fight. It's a fight fans have Shane Mosley and Floyd wanted to see for a long time." Mayweather Jr. have agreed to Ellerbe said that he expected terms for a welterweight super Mayweather's paperwork to be fight, Mayweather adviser completed in the next few days Leonard Ellerbe said Friday. with a formal announcement Later Friday, Mosley signed his likely next week. contract in Las Vegas, Mosley's Financial terms were not attorney Judd Burstein told disclosed, but Mayweather has the option for an immediate "Shane has signed. I sat with him rematch in the event he loses. [Friday] and we went through The fight came together after an every provision of the contract unexpected turn of events. and he signed," Burstein said. First, Mayweather became "He is excited to move forward available for a fight three weeks with the bout." ago when negotiations with M o s l e y w i l l d e f e n d h i s pound-for-pound king Manny w e l t e r w e i g h t t i t l e a g a i n s t Pacquiao disintegrated. They had Mayweather on May 1 on HBO agreed to all terms for a March PPV at the MGM Grand in Las 13 fight that loomed as the Vegas. biggest in boxing -- except for a Mayweather's signature is a drug testing protocol. formality, according to Burstein They had agreed to random and Ellerbe. urine testing, but Mayweather "I confirmed with Leonard [on also wanted random blood Friday night] that there are no testing, even though that is not issues," Burstein said. required under the rules of the "All of the deal points have been N e v a d a S t a t e A t h l e t i c agreed to," Ellerbe said. "We still Commission. Pacquiao agreed have to put pen to paper, but only to three blood tests, but everything is agreed to. It's with none within 24 days of the fight, the lawyers. Shane is a great and the third one immediately Submitted at 1/30/2010 5:30:31 AM

after the bout. Mayweather has alluded to Pacquiao using performanceenhancing drugs, even though he has never produced any evidence, and Floyd Mayweather Sr. has outright said he believes Pacquiao uses. The rancor over the drug testing issue caused the fight to fall apart and Pacquiao moved on. He will defend his version of the 147-pound title against former titlist Joshua Clottey on March 13 at Cowboys Stadium in Arlington, Texas. Then Mosley became available two weeks ago. He was scheduled to meet Andre Berto in a title unification bout at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas on Saturday night. However, Berto, a Haitian-American, withdrew from the bout after eight members of his extended family were killed in the earthquake in Haiti. Immediately after the cancellation of Mosley-Berto, Mosley and Mayweather -- the former welterweight champ and pound-for-pound king until giving up the mantle during a brief retirement -- began

negotiating. "The negotiations were very cordial and went very smoothly," Ellerbe said. Mosley has agreed to undergo random blood and urine testing, as has Mayweather, Ellerbe said. Mosley has admitted to using PEDs and was connected to the BALCO scandal. Although he publicly denied using PEDs for years, Mosley admitted during grand jury testimony, which was later released, that he used designer steroids "the clear" and "the cream" and injected himself with EPO, a blood oxygen enhancer, during the lead-up to his 2003 rematch with Oscar De La Hoya. Mosley said he took the steroids unknowingly. "Floyd only wants to be sure of an even playing field no matter who he fights," Ellerbe said. Mayweather (40-0, 25 KOs), a five-division champion, and Mosley (46-5, 39 KOs), a threedivision champion, have seemingly been on a collision course since the late 1990s, when Mosley was lightweight champion and Mayweather was junior lightweight champion. Although their careers took

different paths, talk of a potential fight heated back up in 2006 after Mosley's two knockouts of Fernando Vargas, but talks never got too serious. However, Mosley stepped up his call for a fight with Mayweather, 32, last year after Mayweather ended his 18-month retirement. After Mayweather easily beat lightweight champion Juan Manuel Marquez in a lopsided decision in September, Mosley crashed his post-fight interview in the ring and called him out to his face. It didn't look like Mosley would get the fight because two months later, Pacquiao knocked out Miguel Cotto and talks began for Pacquiao-Mayweather. Mosley, 38, hasn't fought since last January, when he upset Antonio Margarito to win his title via ninth-round knockout. Dan Rafael is's boxing writer. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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ARIZONA continued from page 46

special." Whisenhunt said Warner ranked "at the top" of players he had coached. "He's one of the best quarterbacks in this league," he said, "and I think it's well noted that he's one of the best people I've been around." Warner brought his wife, Brenda, and their seven children to the podium, hugging each one of them. He choked up as he thanked them. "Every day I come home and it doesn't matter if you won or lost or have thrown touchdowns or interceptions, the one thing that I always knew is that when I entered that door, when I stepped in our house, that none of that mattered to these guys," he said. "I can't tell you how much of a blessing that is." Warner, who grew up in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and played at the University of Northern Iowa, ranks among the career leaders in a variety of passing statistics. No player in NFL history reached 10,000 yards passing in less games and he tied Marino as fastest to reach 30,000. He has the top three passing performances in Super Bowl

history. His 1,156 yards passing in the 2008 playoffs broke the NFL record of 1,063 he set with St. Louis in 1999. Cut by Green Bay in training camp, Warner played three seasons in the Arena Football League and one in NFL Europe, mixed in with a stint stocking grocery shelves back in Iowa. Warner made the Rams as a backup in 1998, then was thrust into the starting role in 1999 when Trent Green was injured. What followed was a masterful and wholly unexpected season, when he led the Rams to a 13-3 regular-season record, then a Super Bowl triumph over Tennessee. He was the league and Super Bowl MVP. Warner had the Rams back in the big game in 2001, where "The Greatest Show on Turf" lost a squeaker to New England. That season he earned his second MVP. But after an injury-plagued 2002 season, he was sacked six times and suffered a concussion in a 2003 season-opening loss to the New York Giants. He never started for St. Louis again. He signed a free agent contract with the Giants for 2004, but was

replaced by rookie Eli Manning after nine games. Warner came to the Cardinals in 2005 and was an off-and-on starter before replacing the injured Leinart part way through the 2007 season. Warner had to beat out Leinart the following year, then led the Cardinals to the NFC West crown and three playoff victories before the narrow loss to Pittsburgh in last year's Super Bowl, where he threw for 377 yards. He called that season the crowning achievement of his career. Warner and his wife operate the First Things First Christian charitable foundation. Last year, he was named the NFL's Man of the Year for his off-field and onfield accomplishments. "We all learned great lessons from Kurt's humility, dignity and grace. We will forever be thankful for the success he brought us and the unparalleled generosity he has shown the St. Louis community and beyond," Rams owner Chip Rosenbloom said in a statement. Warner's departure leaves Leinart the presumed replacement. The former

Heisman Trophy winner has started 17 games for Arizona but only one in the last two years. Warner said he plans to spend time watching his children grow up, do some preaching and perhaps get into football broadcasting. He knows what he wants his legacy to be. "It's not the way I threw the football, it's not particular games that I won, but that they remember that here's a guy that believed, that worked hard," he said. "Although things didn't always go in his favor, he continued to press through, and with his faith in himself and his faith in God, he was able to accomplish great things." Copyright 2010 by The Associated Press Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



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The Count: Kentucky and the Last of the Unbeatens ( The Daily Fix)

teams, in a list assembled for me by Robbie Allen of, to miss the Big As the last undefeated team in Dance. the country before it lost But every other of the last Tuesday to South Carolina, undefeateds since 1996-97 won Kentucky is in good company. at least one NCAA tournament Of the teams in the prior 13 game, and all but Stanford, a seasons that were the last to drop letdown as a 2004 No. 1 seed, a game, five made it to the reached the Sweet Sixteen. On N C A A t o u r n a m e n t ’ s average, the teams went on to championship game and two — lose just 3.5 more games the rest UConn in 1999 and Florida in of the season after being dealt 2006 — won it all. Associated their first losses. Press DeMarcus Cousins and These losses came to a wide Kentucky couldn’t wrest victory variety of teams. Eight of the 13 from Sam Muldrow and South teams to pull the upset were Carolina. unranked at the time, like South The last undefeated team isn’t Carolina was this past week. The always a great one. Some teams Gamecocks’ 11-8 record heading rack up easy wins in a tame into the game was worse than the nonconference schedule, then are prior average of 14-6, but other exposed as noncontenders in underdogs were worse, notably their conference slates. For Missouri, which was 11-10 when instance, last year Wake Forest it knocked off 22-0 Kansas in went 8-7 after starting the season 1997 and finished the season 1616-0, with one of those seven 17. losses coming in the first round Those Tigers were one of four of the NCAA tournament. And of these spoilers to go on to miss two years before, fellow ACC the NCAA tournament. Of the team Clemson started 17-0, then rest, four reached the Sweet went 8-11 the rest of the way and Sixteen (including Tennessee, failed to qualify for the NCAA the highest ranked of these tournament — the only of the 13 underdogs at No. 2 when it beat Submitted at 1/29/2010 1:20:30 PM

decided in the final minute or overtime: Missouri’s defeat of Kansas in 1997 took two overtimes. New Mexico’s defeat of Utah in 1998 was decided by a Royce Olney three-pointer with 4.6 seconds left. No. 1 Memphis in 2008) and Seton Hall’s upset of Syracuse none went further. Two of the in 2000 required a three in the f o u r S w e e t S i x t e e n t e a m s final minute matched the NCAA performance Duke missed six of eight free of the team they’d upset, and throws in the final 90 seconds none surpassed it. And, in and Florida State overcame a another troubling sign for South four-point deficit in the final Carolina, just six of the 13 teams minute in 2002. won more than half of their Illinois lost to Ohio State by a remaining games after pulling point in 2005 when Buckeyes off the upset. Of these six, only backup Matt Sylvester hit a three UCLA, in 2001, saw its record with 5.1 seconds left. improve after the upset. it went Florida had tied Tennessee and 10-3 the rest of the way and was driving to the basket when reached the Sweet Sixteen, while Chris Lofton stole the ball and Stanford, dealt its first loss by passed downcourt for a go-ahead the Bruins, reached the Elite layup with 20 seconds left in 2006. Eight. Undefeated teams don’t tend to Tennessee — knocking off the g o d o w n w i t h o u t a f i g h t . last undefeated team for the Kentucky’s loss was the 11th of second time in three seasons — the last 14 by the season’s last beat Memphis in 2008 thanks to team with a perfect record to be a Tyler Smith jumper with 30 decided by seven points or seconds left. fewer. And half the games were

SERENA continued from page 47

which is how many attempts Federer needed before winning for the first time at Wimbledon seven years ago against Mark Philippoussis. Murray was beaten 6-2, 7-5, 6-2 in the U.S. Open final in 2008. Two years later, the now 22year-old Murray thinks he knows how to end the 74-year drought. "I'm going to need to play my best match ever," Murray said Saturday. "That's what I plan on doing. If I do, I've got a good chance of winning." Federer played in all four finals last year and will be appearing in his 22nd Grand Slam final overall, a record. He acknowledged that the pressure will be on Murray. "I know what it takes [to win] and how to do it, which is definitely an advantage," Federer said. "I don't feel like the pressure's really on me having to do it again. I think he really needs it more than I do." Copyright 2010 by The Associated Press Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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Skyrocketing costs may have doomed NYC trial plan (AP) (Yahoo! News: U.S. News) Submitted at 1/30/2010 11:24:43 AM

NEW YORK – A letter and a speech may have doomed plans to bring the Sept. 11 terror trial to New York. The letter written by Mayor Michael Bloomberg to Washington this month set a whopping $200 million-a-year price tag to secure the city during the trial — more than double the original estimate. The speech by Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly detailed a planned lockdown of lower Manhattan certain to set new standards for gridlock. By Greg Couch (FanHouse Henin, 6-4, 3-6, 6-2 to win the By Griffin McElroy (Joystiq) The bundle, which is set to drop The resulting political and Main) Australian Open Saturday. It was February 23, will be priced at public outcry has forced the Submitted at 1/30/2010 11:30:00 AM her 12th major title, tying Billie Submitted at 1/29/2010 11:25:00 PM $19.99, which is how much the O b a m a a d m i n i s t r a t i o n t o Jean King for sixth most all- We wouldn't blame you if you're DLC would cost if purchased consider looking for a friendlier Filed under: Australian Open, time. hesitant to trust your cold, separately on the Marketplace. home for the high-profile trial, WTA "We both were out there trying unfeeling game console with Only, now you're also paying even as the legitimacy of the MELBOURNE, Australia -- to kind of prove something,'' your credit card information -- sales tax, meaning you're buying New York Police Department's T h i s w a s b i g f o r S e r e n a Williams said. "I think we both when that thing inevitably goes an expansion pack and paying security plan and its estimated Williams. For rebuilding her did.'' sentient, you just know its just for a few pages of a public cost goes unchallenged. image. For re-establishing her Gracious to the end. This is the going to go on an overpriced elementary school textbook. Kelly insists the plan is credibility. For reconfirming her Williams we've seen the past two a c c e s s o r y - s h o p p i n g s p r e e . How nice of you! necessary — a reality that started legacy. weeks. Fortunately, there's other ways to [Thanks to everyone who sent to sink in after his remarks For reminding us about her You should have seen her obtain content on the Xbox Live this in!] before business leaders. greatness. What could have gone celebrate. She flung her racket to Marketplace; for instance, a Borderlands DLC bundled in "The investment that the down as a second-straight the court, dropped to the ground recently added GameStop listing r e t a i l p a c k a g e o r i g i n a l l y department would have to make embarrassment for Williams, flat on her back. Then she shook has revealed that Borderlands' appeared on Joystiq on Sat, 30 ... and the details of the plan instead served to say this: hands and reached up to her box, two DLC packs, The Zombie Jan 2010 11:30:00 EST. Please itself, how it would've impacted Serena Williams is back. where she hugged her sister, Island of Dr. Ned and Mad see our terms for use of feeds. the traffic in lower Manhattan," She beat her rival, Justine Venus. Moxxi's Underdome Riot, will Read| Permalink| Email this| he told reporters Friday. "That soon be bundled together in a Comments was the first time they heard it in retail package for the 360 and PC. SKYROCKETING page 53

Two Stars and a Rivalry Borderlands DLC Reborn: Serena Williams bundled in retail Wins Australian Open package


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Hungry otters stray into fishermen's territory (AP) (Yahoo! News: U.S. News)

protections for otters that migrate outside the artificial boundaries. "They're moving into a hostile LOS ANGELES – The first hint environment," said Allison Ford of trouble in trying to save with The Otter Project, which endangered sea otters and protect sued the Department of Interior fishermen competing for the and Fish and Wildlife. "We've shellfish the creatures eat was heard anecdotal evidence of when bureaucrats drew a line in otters being shot, harassed and the ocean separating the two. run over by boats." That was followed by an Shellfish divers liken the unsuccessful attempt to create a voracious mammals to locusts of colony for the creatures on a the sea and fear that giving the d i s t a n t i s l a n d a n d a m o r e critters free rein will jeopardize disastrous venture to relocate their industry. Fishermen deny strays who wandered into what harming the otters, but claim the was dubbed the "no-otter zone." animals have devastated the sea The otters didn't cooperate and urchin population wherever their subsequent rebound in they've gone. Southern California created a "Based on historic action we classic man vs. nature conflict think eventually they'll wipe out that could alter a two-decade t h e s h e l l f i s h i n d u s t r y i n recovery program and raises the California," said Vern Goehring, question of what species is more e x e c u t i v e d i r e c t o r o f t h e endangered: animals or urchin C a l i f o r n i a S e a U r c h i n divers. Commission. At the heart of the matter is a Ironically, it was the near well-intentioned attempt to decimation of the otters that control nature for commerce that allowed segments of the fishing backfired. industry to thrive. Urchin and "It's a view of the world as if shellfish blossomed when the animals are your chess pieces," otter were driven near extinction said Lilian Carswell, who by fur traders who hunted the oversees otter recovery at U.S. marine mammals in the 18th and Fish and Wildlife. 19th centuries. The agency long ago abandoned Once numbering as many as the costly and ineffective transfer 18,000 along the giant kelp beds policy, but environmentalists of the California Coast, the who claim the otters are being species sank to about 20 otters targeted filed a lawsuit in federal off Big Sur in 1938. court last year to extend The population gradually Submitted at 1/30/2010 10:59:53 AM

rebounded after being listed as threatened in 1977 and the population now hovers around 2,800, including an estimated 70 in the no-otter zone. About 25 years ago, however, conservationists worried that a single oil spill could wipe out the state's entire otter population. They came up with a plan that involved a compromise to quell shellfishing industry opposition to growing otter numbers. An experimental otter colony would be planted 62 miles off Los Angeles on San Nicolas Island in the Channel Islands and they promised to confine other otters to the Central Coast. The safety zone designated in 1987, stretched from just south of San Francisco at Pigeon Point, to just north of Santa Barbara at Point Conception. Anything outside that area was dubbed the "no-otter zone" and stray otters would be rounded up and returned. The San Nicolas experiment struggled, with most of the otters either dying or swimming hundreds of miles back toward the Northern California mainland. The relocation effort — at an estimated cost of $10,000 per otter — also failed. It often took a couple days to round up a crew of divers who would search in boats for wayward otters. If they were lucky enough to find one, divers

had to wait until for the otter to fall asleep and then approach from downwind. Then divers would then sneak up on the animal from below with equipment that didn't release bubbles. Sometimes the captured and returned otters would swim right back. "They didn't like it — it wasn't home," said Jim Estes, a biology professor at the University of California, Santa Cruz, who worked on the relocation effort that he now calls "naive." The agency stopped catching otters in 1993 and five years later the otters had small but growing populations off Ventura and Santa Barbara, outside the protection of the Endangered Species Act. Fish and Wildlife began reevaluating the policy, but stalled in 2006 when the Navy expressed concerns that their operations might be limited if otter protections were extended. Under the Endangered Species Act, the military and projects such as oil drilling would need to ensure they wouldn't harm the otter. Late last year, the Environmental Defense Center on behalf of the Otter Project filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court in San Jose to force the agency to finally call the San Nicolas experiment a

failure and lift the no-otter zone. The federal government is fighting the suit, but declined to speak about pending litigation. The fishing industry has asked the court to intervene. This isn't the first time efforts to save a threatened or endangered species have collided with other interests. From bald eagles to grizzly bears to gray wolves, protecting animals have often produced unintended consequences. Fights are still going on in Wyoming over whether wolves can be shot as predators. Harry Liquornik, a longtime diver, calls the 4-foot member of the weasel family a formidable threat to his estimated $10 million-a-year urchin industry, which largely supplies the delicacy to sushi restaurants. Otters consume about 15 pounds a day of urchins, crab, mussels, snails and — if they can find it — abalone. Pitting sea urchins, which have about as much personality as a rock with spines, against the sea otters is a public relations nightmare. "They're cute and have a really big following," Liquornik concedes. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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SKYROCKETING continued from page 51

one fell swoop, so to speak, and it raised their concerns." A congressional aide said Saturday that the Obama administration is proposing a $200 million fund to help pay for security costs in cities hosting the trials, to be included in the president's budget being released Monday. The aide spoke on condition of anonymity because the spending blueprint hasn't been announced. Since announcing late last year that New York would host the trial of admitted 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four alleged alQaida cohorts, the Obama administration has stumbled into a political fire that had burned the previous administration. Since the Sept. 11, 2001, attack on the World Trade Center, New York and federal officials have quarreled over how much of the city's security costs should be borne by Washington. New York officials, led by Bloomberg, have complained for years that the government does not pay enough of those costs. The Bush administration long argued they have to spread resources to protect the entire country. The latest round of that longrunning fight began when the Bloomberg administration

circulated a Jan. 5 letter to reporters from the mayor to the Office of Management and Budget in Washington. The letter put the cost of stepped -up security at $216 million for the first year after Mohammed and the others arrive in Manhattan from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. After that, the mayor said it would cost $200 million annually for as long as the men are detained in the city — mainly overtime for extra NYPD patrols. The police department had given an initial estimate of $75 million a year but later warned it could be higher. Officials said a second, more careful analysis produced the totals cited by the mayor, who warned the trial would strain the resources of the nation's largest police department. "As 9/11 was an attack on the entire nation, we need the federal government to shoulder the significant costs we will incur and ease this burden," Bloomberg wrote. The mayor left Kelly to explain the threat — and the extensive plans to thwart it. "Given the unprecedented media attention the trial will attract, one concern is that terrorists may attempt to strike again in an

effort to garner the publicity," he said in the Jan. 13 speech to a police organization. On Friday, Kelly told reporters that public backlash made it "unlikely" the case would go forward in New York City. Two Obama administration officials said the Justice Department is drawing up plans for alternate locations for the terror trials. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the deliberations. Pennsylvania officials expressed early concerns about the possibility of moving the trial to their state, where one of the hijacked airliners crashed. Gov. Ed Rendell told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review that officials are not "dead-set" against the idea but worry about safety and want to know how much of the cost the federal government would pick up. Holding the trial in New York City created concerns, on both sides, about protests. The NYPD planned a show of force involving thousands of officers on foot, in mobile guard towers and in patrol cars. An outer perimeter would be created with checkpoints for inspecting private cars, along with an inner frozen zone around the

courthouse that would ban them altogether. The courthouse area would be protected by car checkpoints, bomb-sniffing dogs, rooftop sharpshooters and helicopter patrols. Workers would endure long lines to enter. Harbor patrols would monitor the East and Hudson rivers to prevent a Mumbai-style attack. The department also envisioned constant radiation sweeps to detect dirty bombs. Experts say the threat assessment and cost projections were not overkill. The plan is warranted "because downtown Manhattan had been the focus of terrorist attacks on at least two prior occasions, one of them Sept. 11, leading to the greatest loss of life on American soil," said Randy Mastro, former deputy mayor for Rudy Giuliani. "We sometimes have short memories. After Sept. 11, downtown was, understandably, locked down for many, many weeks." The price tag "is obviously large," said Rick Nelson, a security expert with the Center for Strategic & International Studies. "But this is not something you cut corners on. ... A failure would be devastating." By backpedaling, the

administration could set a precedent that might make it more difficult to follow through with other planned terror trials in Washington, D.C., and northern Virginia, said Patrick Rowan, once the top counterterrorism official in the Bush Justice Department. "If it's too risky to hold a major terrorism trial in downtown Manhattan, then they're going to face the same argument from civic leaders in other metropolitan areas," Rowan said. "If you follow the logic behind this decision, they may quickly find themselves in a position where they need to create a single facility," he added, "perhaps on a military base in the middle of a cornfield." ___ Associated Press writers Devlin Barrett and Andrew Taylor in Washington contributed to this report. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Southeastern US stares down icy, snowy weekend (AP) (Yahoo! News: U.S. News)

season. The DuBose family was enjoying a second day of NASHVILLE, Tenn. – A storm sledding on Nashville's outskirts. that blanketed the South with "We ran over the dogs yesterday, snow Saturday had children so we left them at home today," eager to sled down hills, while said Jane DuBose, 47, as her two grown-ups were warned to stay sons, ages 8 and 12, were off slippery roads as officials sledding down the entrance ramp worked to clear a mess of wrecks to a closed road. and downed power lines. In Smyrna, southeast of Nearly a foot of snow had fallen Nashville, a high school bowling i n p a r t s o f w e s t e r n N o r t h tournament was postponed after Carolina, and nearly 10 inches snow and ice caused the roof to had fallen in some areas north of collapse at the bowling alley Memphis, Tenn. In Nashville, w h e r e i t w a s t o b e h e l d , about a half-foot of snow was on according to the Tennessee the ground, the National Weather Secondary School Athletic Service reported. Association. Jake Guthrie, manager of a The weather also cut short a Nashville Ace Hardware, pasted farewell celebration at the a "Sold Out of Sleds" sign at the National Zoo in Washington for entrance of the store after selling young panda Tai Shan, who will "several hundred" in the past two be flown to China on Thursday days. Workers had to tell a to become part of a breeding steady stream of callers that they program. wouldn't have any more sleds The storm left roads icy and until Friday. snowpacked across the South, "But winter's not over yet," and thousands were without Guthrie said. power as ice accumulated. Few cars were on roads around Although police said they had to the city, and most people seemed c l e a r h u n d r e d s o f w r e c k s to be hunkered down indoors. overnight, there were no deaths S o m e v e n t u r e d o u t o n or serious injuries reported. camouflage all-terrain vehicles Will O'Halloran, publisher of usually reserved for hunting City Social Magazine in Baton Submitted at 1/30/2010 11:12:35 AM

Rouge, La., got caught in the storm in both directions of his monthly trip to pick up the publication from a printer outside Louisville, Ky. At one point he thought his headlights were broken, only to find they were covered in ice. "People are crazy out there," O'Halloran, 49, said over breakfast at a McDonald's outside Nashville. "Cars spinning, trailers jackknifed. I just tried to keep it at 40 mph and move along." In mountainous western North Carolina, I-26 near Asheville and I-40 near Black Mountain were shut down Friday night after snow and icy roads caused multiple wrecks. Duke Energy reported about 35,000 outages in the state, mostly in the western mountains. North Carolina Gov. Beverly Perdue declared a state of emergency Saturday, and 30 National Guard soldiers were standing by to help emergency crews. However, officials said the storm was not as bad as they had predicted. States of emergency also were declared in Arkansas, Tennessee and parts of Virginia. North Carolina Highway Patrol

Trooper Gene Williams told the Citizen-Times of Asheville that 530 wrecks were reported overnight — including a snowplow that overturned — though no one was seriously hurt. Virginia State Police said they worked hundreds of calls overnight. As much as six inches of snow had fallen in southeastern parts of the state. In Kentucky, the state transportation cabinet said in a news release that about 5 to 6 inches of snow had fallen in most of the state, with nearly a foot piling up closer to the Tennessee line. In South Carolina, officials said the storm wasn't as bad as they had feared, but some residents scrambled to stores in preparation. In Landrum, in northern South Carolina, Travis Pittman told the Herald-Journal of Spartanburg he and his mother were stocking up on movies, gas for a generator, and "of course, milk and bread." Temperatures around the region were forecast to remain low through the weekend. Meanwhile, states in the storm's wake were uncovering from inches of snow and caked ice that fouled electricity to

hundreds of thousands of customers. Gov. Brad Henry requested a federal disaster declaration for all of Oklahoma after a massive storm left up to a half-inch of ice on trees and power lines. A spokeswoman for Public Service Co. of Oklahoma, Andrea Chancellor, said it could be five days before electricity is restored to all customers. The storm has been blamed for the death of a 70-year-old Oklahoma woman in a propane explosion. The woman and her husband had apparently been using propane heaters to warm their house in Ada, Assistant Fire Chief Robby Johnson said. The woman, who was not identified, died and her husband was injured when a propane tank exploded Friday morning. ___ Associated Press writers Joyce Garcia in Chicago, Meg Kinnard in Columbia, S.C., and Michael Felberbaum in Richmond, Va., contributed to this report. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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New Mexico bill first step toward carbon storage (AP) (Yahoo! News: U.S. News)

state to tackle pore space ownership. Montana and North Dakota followed, and dozens of SANTA FE, N.M. – Rancher s t a t e s — f r o m T e x a s t o Jack Chatfield sees untapped Michigan— are considering value in the spaces that lie legislation that would lay the beneath New Mexico's dusty groundwork for carbon capture landscape. But he said the state and sequestration. needs to first decide who owns " E v e r y y e a r t h e r e ' s m o r e them. legislation and the area of S c i e n t i s t s a r e l o o k i n g a t property rights has been of u n d e r g r o u n d f i s s u r e s a n d increasing interest," said Melisa caverns as places where carbon Pollak, a research fellow at the dioxide emissions captured from University of Minnesota who is fossil fuel power plants can be part of a national team studying stored. Carbon emissions are the potential of carbon capture among the greenhouse gases and storage. blamed for global warming. The New Mexico's bill is considered underground space also could the first step toward establishing store compressed air as part of a a carbon storage market in the process to generate clean state, said Mark Fesmire, electricity. director of the state Oil "This is a huge issue for our Conservation Division. Once society today. It's technology o w n e r s h i p i s e s t a b l i s h e d , that is on the cutting edge and if lawmakers would then have to New Mexico blinks, we'll be left clear the way for the state to in the dust. Let's don't do that. develop regulations. Let's be ready," said Chatfield, Fesmire said he believes who is leading an effort to settle common law is clear: surface t h e o w n e r s h i p o f t h e owners own the rights to the pore underground spaces in the New space beneath their land. The Mexico Legislature. legislation is aimed at spelling The ownership of the spaces has t h a t o u t t o a v o i d l e g a l become a hot topic across the c h a l l e n g e s . West. Wyoming was the first " I n o r d e r t o s t i m u l a t e Submitted at 1/30/2010 9:29:23 AM

development of these projects, it's necessary to make clear to investors just exactly what they are going to be able to buy," he said. Chatfield, whose family runs a small ranch near Mosquero, acknowledges that no one gave much thought a few years ago to who owned the empty space underground. Now that it's becoming a hot commodity, he said, landowners want to ensure their rights. The rancher's advice: "If you see a train coming down the track, don't stay in the crossing. You need to get a move on and be proactive. That's what we're trying to do." Wearing a big black cowboy hat, Chatfield has been spending all of his days at the New Mexico Capitol, shaking hands with lawmakers and making his presence known outside the office of Senate Republican Leader Stuart Ingle. Chatfield has vowed not to leave, saying the bill is too important to fall through the cracks of this busy 30-day session. The issue could become contentious because pore space does not begin or end with

surface property boundaries, said Abbas Ghassemi, executive director of the Institute for Energy and Environment at New Mexico State University. Voids can stretch under private property and into public land or across state lines, and there are no guidelines for long-term stewardship of sequestration sites. "There are some serious questions that need to be answered," he said. Some say lawmakers need to be careful that pore space rights do not interfere with mineral or water rights or the ability to recharge aquifers. Others suggest the federal government would be better equipped to regulate underground sequestration to avoid a patchwork of policies. Storing carbon dioxide deep below the earth's surface has not yet been tested on a large scale in the United States, but researchers point to Norway's North Sea, where the world's first commercial carbon capture and storage project is sequestering about one million metric tons of carbon dioxide each year. "In this country, we've been talking and talking and talking

about this. All the technology exists at the commercial scale to do this, the problem is it's never been put together for power plants," said M. Granger Morgan, principal investigator with the CCS Regulatory Project based at Carnegie Mellon University. Morgan agrees with the New Mexico rancher, saying options for controlling emissions — such as carbon capture and storage — will be invaluable in the future because coal is expected to remain a significant part of the country's energy mix for the next few decades. "We make half of our electricity from coal today and the notion that somehow in the next decade we're going to completely eliminate that is just unbelievable," Morgan said. "It's going to take absolutely everything we've got — more efficient use of the energy we're already using, nuclear, wind, everything." Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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US defends weapons sale to Taiwan (BBC News | Americas | World Edition) Submitted at 1/30/2010 11:23:19 AM

The US has defended a proposed weapons sale to Taiwan following a furious response from China. The US State Department said on Saturday that the sale contributed to "security and stability" between Taiwan and China, Reuters reported. Beijing announced a series of moves against the US in retaliation for the proposed $6.4bn (ÂŁ4bn) sale. Ties between the two countries are already strained by rows over trade and internet censorship. You would expect China to react angrily to any proposed arms sale to Taiwan, but this time it seems to be going further than before. Suspending military exchanges is a classic reply from Beijing and it may not even concern the US too much. China's threat to impose sanctions on US firms supplying arms to Taiwan is interesting if perplexing. It's unclear what "sanctions" would involve in practice, since US firms aren't allowed to sell arms to China China's threat to withdraw co-

operation on key international and regional issues is the most serious one. Here China can make life difficult for Washington. It can complicate US attempts to deal with nuclear programmes in Iran and North Korea, it can refuse to help in currency and trade issues. But what is China trying to achieve by sounding so furious? Maybe Beijing's real aim is to try to deter America from future arms sales - for example the fighter jets and submarines which Taiwan really wants. "Such sales contribute to maintaining security and stability across the Taiwan Strait," said US State Department spokeswoman Laura Tischler, quoted by Reuters. The US is the leading arms supplier to Taiwan and has a treaty obligation to provide it with defensive arms. 'Severe harm' Beijing said it would suspend military exchanges with the US, review co-operation on major issues and impose sanctions on companies selling arms. However, the US - like the EU has banned its companies selling arms to China since the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, so it was not clear what effect

Chinese sanctions would have. Chinese defence ministry spokesman Huang Xueping said the measures reflected the "severe harm" posed by the deal. A foreign ministry spokesman said the arms deal would have "repercussions that neither side wishes to see". Difficult ties Taiwan and China have been ruled by separate governments since the end of a civil war in 1949. Beijing has hundreds of missiles pointed at the island and has threatened to use force to bring it under its control if Taiwan moved towards formal independence. Defence ties between Washington and Beijing have been on ice for several years because of differences over Taiwan, though the two countries' leaders pledged to improve them in 2009. Taiwan, meanwhile, welcomed the US move. "It will let Taiwan feel more confident and secure so we can have more interactions with China," the Central News Agency quoted President Ma Ying-jeou as saying. The Pentagon earlier notified the US Congress of the proposed arms sale, which forms part of a

package first pledged by the Bush administration. Friday's notification to Congress by the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) was required by law. It does not mean the sale has been concluded. US lawmakers have 30 days to comment on the proposed sale, Associated Press reported. If there are no objections, it would proceed. The arms package includes 114 Patriot missiles, 60 Black Hawk helicopters and communications equipment for Taiwan's F-16 fleet, the agency said in a statement. It does not include F-16 fighter jets, which Taiwan's military has been seeking. Last week US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton angered Beijing with a call to China to investigate cyber attacks on search giant Google, after the company said email accounts of human rights activists had been hacked. Print Sponsor Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Winter Storm Moves Across Southeastern States ( Submitted at 1/30/2010 8:55:38 AM

NASHVILLE, Tenn. A thick band of heavy snow, freezing rain and cold temperatures was spreading across southeastern states early Saturday, delivering a messy weekend of slick roads, power outages and prime sledding for kids out of school. Nearly a foot of snow had fallen in parts of western North Carolina, and nearly 10 inches had fallen in some areas north of Memphis, Tenn. In Nashville, about a half-foot of snow was on the ground, the National Weather Service reported. Jake Guthrie, manager of a Nashville Ace Hardware, pasted a "Sold Out of Sleds" sign at the entrance of the store after selling "several hundred" in the last two days. Staff had to tell a steady stream of callers that they wouldn't have any more sleds until Friday. "But winter's not over yet," Guthrie said. Few cars were on the roads Saturday morning around the city, and most people seemed to be hunkered down indoors. Some ventured out on camouflage all-terrain vehicles usually reserved for hunting season. The storm left roads icy and WINTER page 57

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Suspects in Ariz. Cop Killing Led Police on 50Mile Chase (

Authorities said the two men were initially pulled over by Gilbert police Lt. Eric GILBERT, Ariz. Two men S h u h a n d l e r , 4 2 , n e a r t h e suspected in the fatal shooting of southeast Phoenix suburb of a policeman led dozens of Gilbert at about 11 p.m. on Arizona law officers on a 50- Thursday. mile midnight chase, but couldn't Shuhandler, a 16-year veteran, shake pursuers despite firing was shot in the face as he walked bullets and spreading debris, back toward the pickup after officials said. finding the passenger had an T h e s u s p e c t s t o s s e d o u t arrest warrant, said Gilbert police wrenches, other tools and an air spokesman Sgt. Mark Marino. compressor tank during the chase Shuhandler, the father of two around midnight Thursday, girls, was rushed to a hospital, police said. A half-dozen police where he died shortly before cruisers were disabled after midnight. hitting debris or being struck by The suspects were identified as bullets. Christopher A. Redondo, 35, of Despite the lethal efforts, the Globe, and Daimen Irizarry, 30, n u m b e r s o f l a w o f f i c e r s of Gilbert, Marino said. continued to grow even as Redondo is believed to have d a m a g e d l a w e n f o r c e m e n t been the gunman and Irizarry the vehicles dropped out and the driver who led officers from officers inside hitched rides with m u l t i p l e l a w e n f o r c e m e n t fellow pursuers. agencies on the pursuit. The chase ended near the small "It is nothing short of a miracle mountain mining community of that no officers or members of Superior as violently as it began. the public were injured or The suspects jumped out and killed," Gilbert Police Chief opened fire on police before Timothy Dorn said Friday. falling to the ground in a hail of Shuhandler stopped the suspects' bullets. Both are expected to w o r k t r u c k f o r h a v i n g a n survive. obscured license plate, Marino Submitted at 1/29/2010 10:26:47 PM

said. Shuhandler went back to his patrol car and found that the passenger, Redondo, apparently had an arrest warrant. He called for backup and was walking back to the passenger side of the truck when he was shot, about 12 minutes after pulling two men over. Other officers saw the fleeing truck and a high-speed chase began along U.S. 60, which is a freeway in the metro area but turns into a two-lane highway as it nears Superior. Once in the mountains, the truck stopped in the middle of the highway and both men jumped out, said Lt. Steve Harrison of the Arizona Department of Public Safety. "They engaged in what only can be described as a gun battle with officers," he said. Both suspects were wounded in the lower extremities, taken into custody and hospitalized. Both were in stable, non-lifethreatening condition Friday, according to Harrison. Despite the law enforcement entourage, no officers other than Shuhandler were hurt. Two more police vehicles were

involved in a collision at the end of the chase, Marino said. Redondo spent nearly four years in an Arizona prison for aggravated assault and related charges and was released in June 2008, according to Arizona Department of Corrections online records. Irizarry pleaded guilty to assault in Pinal County Superior Court in 2004 and was sentenced to probation, online court records show. An arrest warrant was issued in 2006. Shuhandler was wearing body armor, Marino said. "Unfortunately he was shot in the head." He is survived by his ex-wife, daughters, ages 10 and 12, his parents and a sister, Marino said. Services were pending. "Right now our entire department is in mourning," Marino said. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


WINTER continued from page 56

snowpacked across the South, and thousands were without power as ice accumulated. Although police said they had to clear hundreds of wrecks overnight, there were no deaths or serious injuries reported. In mountainous western North Carolina, I-26 near Asheville and I-40 near Black Mountain were shut down Friday night after snow and icy roads caused multiple wrecks. Duke Energy reported about 35,000 outages in the state, mostly in the western mountains. North Carolina Gov. Beverly Perdue declared a state of emergency Saturday, and 30 National Guard soldiers were standing by to help emergency crews. Highway Patrol Trooper Gene Williams told the Citizen-Times of Asheville that 530 wrecks were reported overnight — including a snowplow that overturned — though no one was seriously hurt in the crashes. Virginia State Police said they worked more than 100 crashes overnight. As much as six inches of snow had fallen in southeastern parts of the state. States of emergency were also declared in Arkansas, Tennessee and parts of Virginia. In Kentucky, the state transportation cabinet said in a news release that about 5 to 6 inches of snow had fallen in most of the state, with nearly a WINTER page 58


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US halts Haiti victim evacuations

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(BBC News | Americas | World Edition) Submitted at 1/30/2010 10:30:53 AM

The US military has stopped evacuating Haitian earthquake victims to the US in a reported dispute over medical costs. A US military official told the New York Times flights had stopped on Wednesday as some hospitals were reluctant to take patients from Haiti. The decision came a day after Florida's governor asked the federal government to help pay for healthcare. Meanwhile, the UN food agency announced it had set up 16 distribution sites in Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince. Hundreds of patients with spinal injuries, burns and other wounds have been evacuated to the US since the 12 January quake that killed up to 200,000 people. 'Reaching saturation' Confirming the flights had stopped, US Transportation Command spokesman Capt Kevin Aandahl said on Saturday: "Apparently, some states were unwilling to accept the entry of Haitian patients for follow-on critical care. "We manage air evacuation missions, but without a destination to fly to, we can't move anybody. If we don't have permission to bring them, or they

won't take them in, we can't fly the mission. It's pretty simple." He declined to say which states had declined to accept patients. A spokesman for Florida Governor Charlie Crist said he was not aware of any hospital in his state refusing patients. More than 500 quake victims have been treated so far in Florida hospitals, according to the New York Times. In a letter on Tuesday to US Health Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Mr Crist asked the federal government to activate the National Disaster Medical System, which usually pays for

victims' care in domestic disasters. He warned: "Florida's healthcare system is quickly reaching saturation, especially in the area of high-level trauma care." Women-only coupons The Republican governor's letter noted the system was already under strain because of the winter influx of elderly people. Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. Haiti's president on how to rebuild nation Meanwhile, the UN World Food Programme said its 16 distribution points in Port-au-

Prince would reach many more hungry Haitians. The agency is also starting to distribute food coupons for families across the city, but only women will be able to collect the 25kg (55lb) of rice rations, designed to last two weeks. Correspondents say the move to exclude men from collection points follows unruly behaviour at queues. Print Sponsor Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

foot piling up closer to the Tennessee line. Snowfall in the Nashville area reached 4 to 6 inches before tapering off early Saturday, said weather service meteorologist Darrell Massie. But he cautioned that roads remained "snowpacked and pretty dangerous." Precipitation also was subsiding in Memphis with up to 2 inches of snow and sleet, but the weather service said areas north of Memphis had seen 6 to 10 inches of snow. Most flights at Memphis International Airport were canceled, and Graceland stopped giving tours of the Elvis Presley home at midmorning Friday. More than 6,000 customers in the area were without power Saturday morning, according to the Memphis Light, Gas and Water Division. Temperatures were forecast to remain below freezing through the weekend. Meanwhile, states in the storm's wake were uncovering from inches of snow and caked ice that fouled electricity to hundreds of thousands of customers. Gov. Brad Henry requested a federal disaster declaration for all of Oklahoma, where more than 164,000 homes and businesses were without power Friday night after a massive storm left up to a half-inch of ice WINTER page 59

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Lula 'perfect' after health tests (BBC News | Americas | World Edition)

rested at his home near Sao Paulo until the latest tests, which were carried out under the Submitted at 1/30/2010 6:49:09 AM supervision of his personal Brazilian President Luiz Inacio doctor. Lula da Silva says he is in Speaking outside the clinic on "perfect" condition after medical Saturday, President Lula insisted tests for a health scare. he was "going to keep travelling" President Lula, 64, left a cardiac before handing over the reins of clinic in Sao Paulo on Saturday power after elections in October. saying he was going to improve "I'm in perfect health," he said, his diet. adding: "I'm going to improve The president was rushed to the quality of my diet." hospital on Thursday just as he Statesmanship award was about to fly to the World Wearing a jacket of the Economic Forum in Davos, Brazilian Olympic team, he Switzerland. joked about his aborted trip to Doctors said he had experienced the economic forum saying: "If it sudden high blood pressure, had been up to me I would have probably the results of flu and a taken some medicine and gone to heavy workload. Davos. But the doctor said: After a night in hospital, he 'We're going to hospital'."

The president had been due to receive the new Global Statesmanship Award at Davos. He said he had been a little worried about the hospital tests because "the human body is like a car - there seems to be small problem with the door and then they discover lots of things wrong". After leaving the clinic, President Lula returned to his official residence in the the capital, Brasilia. Aides say he is to resume his work schedule on Monday. Print Sponsor Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

WINTER continued from page 58

on trees and power lines. A spokeswoman for Public Service Co. of Oklahoma, Andrea Chancellor, said it could be five days before electricity is restored to all customers. The storm has been blamed for the death of a 70-year-old Oklahoma woman in a propane explosion. The woman and her husband had apparently been using propane heaters to warm their house in Ada, Assistant Fire

Top 15 craziest abuses of litigation (Holy Kaw!)


3. Man Sues Family of Boy He Ran Over: Spanish businessman Submitted at 1/30/2010 1:25:00 AM Tomas Delgado sued the family These days, it's easy to be of the 17-year-old boy he'd hit threatened with a lawsuit for just and killed for the damage that about anything, but the sheer gall the boy's body did to his Audi. of these frivolous lawsuits will Delgado had been speeding, but make you not believe your eyes. since the boy was cycling alone Yes, the Supreme Court believes at night without reflectors or a corporations are people too, but helmet, the driver wasn't charged these are just plain ridiculous. with anything (other than being a 1. Inmate Sues Himself: complete jerk). own religious beliefs. Of course, r i t z y a n t i q u e s s t o r e o n Chesapeake, Virginia prison Real legal training might be able since he didn't have the $5 Manhattan's Madison Avenue, inmate Robert Lee Brock was to save you from the same million to pay himself, he asked sued four homeless people who upset at himself for getting mistakes. the state to pay on his behalf. congregate in front of his shop arrested, so he decided to make Permalink| Leave a comment  2. Man Sues Homeless for $1 because they scare off potential himself pay—by suing himself Million: Karl Kemp, owner of a customers. for $5 million for violating his

Chief Robby Johnson said. The woman, who was not identified, died and her husband was injured when a propane tank exploded Friday morning. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Translator kills two US soldiers (BBC News | Americas | World Edition) Submitted at 1/30/2010 7:19:52 AM

Two US soldiers who died in eastern Afghanistan on Friday were shot dead by an Afghan interpreter, it has emerged. A Nato official said the translator gunned down the US soldiers before other soldiers shot him dead at an outpost in Wardak province. A US military official told Reuters news agency the attacker seemed to be a "disgruntled employee", not a militant. Also in Wardak province, four Afghan soldiers died in an apparently bungled coalition air strike. TRANSLATOR page 60


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Air Force Academy chapel adds pagan worship circle (Holy Kaw!) Submitted at 1/30/2010 9:55:00 AM

Why barefoot is best for running (Holy Kaw!)

runners from both the U.S. and Kenya found that while people Submitted at 1/30/2010 10:07:59 AM run in a variety of ways, most If you just shelled out over a b a r e f o o t r u n n e r s t e n d t o hundred bucks on a fancy pair of “forefoot strike - land first on the running shoes, this news may outer ball of the foot before hurt. According to a new study, b r i n g i n g d o w n t h e h e e l , ” running barefoot is better for L i e b e r m a n e x p l a i n e d . B y your body because of the way contrast, more than seventy five your feet land on the ground. Of percent of runners who wear course, it’s not always feasible to shoes land on their heels first. run sans shoes, but “the way The study suggests this is more barefoot runners use their feet likely to cause injury. a n d l a n d m a y b e a g o o d (Via Health Scout) alternative to the way many shod More on pain. people run,” says study author Photo credit: Fotolia Daniel Lieberman, a professor at Permalink| Leave a comment » Harvard University. The researchers—who studied

Recently, the U.S. Air Force Academy, once notorious for its culture of religious intolerance towards non-Christians, has revealed it will be adding a circular worship area for followers of modern Pagan religions. This development comes in the wake of a massive effort by the academy to improve relations with minority faiths. The circle, located atop the hill overlooking the Cadet Chapel and Visitor Center, will be the latest addition to a collection of worship areas that includes Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, and Buddhist sacred spaces. The unveiling of the worship area will take place

during a dedication ceremony, which is tentatively scheduled for March. (Via U.S. Air Force Academy) Everything you need to know about paganism. Permalink| Leave a comment »

TRANSLATOR continued from page 59

Afghanistan's defence ministry demanded punishment for those behind the air strike; Nato said the deaths were "regrettable" and announced an investigation. The shootings involving the translator and the air strike were not thought to be related. An Afghan provincial official told Reuters the interpreter had argued with the soldiers over pay and treatment, before opening

fire. Print Sponsor Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Digital Outsider: The ROI Of Revenge (MediaPost | Media News) Submitted at 1/29/2010 2:30:47 PM

Okay, it wasn't digital out-ofhome, but the spectacular revenge wreaked by a jilted lover earlier this month with posters in New York, Atlanta and San Francisco encapsulates some of the key qualities that make for a successful (and highly nontraditional) outdoor campaign. The basic story is pretty straightforward: Charles E. Phillips, a high-ranking executive at Oracle, carried on an extramarital affair with an actress and author, YaVaughnie Wilkins, for a number of years before breaking it off to return to his wife a few months ago. The vengeful Ms. Wilkins responded with an outdoor campaign consisting of three billboardsized posters showing a photo of the lovers together with the words "Charles & YaVaughnie" and a phrase from one of Phillips' love notes to Wilkins: "You are my soulmate forever. cep." The posters also pointed curious passersby to a Web site (since taken down) with a number of photos of the couple and scanned images of various love notes from Phillips to Wilkins over the years. After a DIGITAL page 61


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MediaDailyNews: Manhandled: CBS Rejects Gay Site For Super Bowl Ad (MediaPost | Media News)

for homosexual encounters.) Dominic Friesen, a spokesman for, said: "We Who ever thought football are very disappointed that in would become a political, well, 2010 such discrimination is football? The Super Bowl has happening, especially given the again become a battleground for fact that Focus on the Family is various advocacy groups and allowed to promote their way of sponsors whose ads are felt to life during the Super Bowl. have political implications. This We're calling on every same-sex year has brought several advocacy group to petition CBS controversies; the latest and let them know this surrounding an ad for a gay discriminatory behavior will not dating site called be tolerated.", which CBS has with a pan to the left, where a voiced by its standards and Friesen is referring to the other rejected for the Feb. 7 broadcast. third male football fan observes practices division. main ad controversy this year. The news is sure to spark the sudden turn of events with a While the two men appear to be CBS attracted criticism from c r i t i c i s m b y L G B T surprised look on his face. engaged in an intense makeout liberals and pro-choice advocates organizations, which will, in After a fortnight's consideration, s e s s i o n , t h e v i e w e r n e v e r for accepting an ad from Focus t u r n , i n v i t e r i p o s t e s f r o m CBS informed actually sees their mouths come on the Family, a conservative conservative organizations that its ad had been rejected in a into contact; rather, the man who o r g a n i z a t i o n , i n w h i c h advocating "family values." note reading: "CBS Standards initiates the "action" turns away University of Florida quarterback Submitted to CBS about two and Practices has reviewed your from the camera suddenly, Tim Tebow and his mother relate weeks ago, the proposed Super Bowl ad and giving the kiss a staged, over-the a personal story to illustrate their ad showed two male football concluded that the creative is not -top feel reminiscent of slapstick. opposition to abortion. f a n s w a t c h i n g T V , t h e n within the Network's Broadcast By some standards, that is tamer Five Filters featured article: accidentally touching hands Standards for Super Bowl than the infamous "Snickers" ad Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: when they reach for the same Sunday." that actually showed two men PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, potato chip. There is a moment The CBS note did not give any briefly kissing as they lunged Term Extraction. of hesitation, and then the men reason for the decision, leaving it a f t e r t h e s a m e c a n d y b a r . begin kissing. After showing the unclear what objections were (Apparently, food is a catalyst Web site URL, the ad concludes Submitted at 1/29/2010 3:10:45 PM


DIGITAL continued from page 60

few weeks, Phillips was forced to publicly admit to his affair with Wilkins -- apparently the goal of the campaign. This dramatic retribution, worthy of any soap opera, contains a number of valuable lessons not confined to media strategies (for men: don't cheat on your wives. Just... don't. For women: if you feel like what you're doing might be crazy, it probably is). Setting aside the more tawdry elements, however, the campaign generated a remarkable amount of publicity, with tactics that can be applied to DO and outdoor advertising in general. First of all, the billboards were highly targeted, positioned in public areas where Phillips, his friends and colleagues were sure to see them (along with countless others) at a total cost of about $150,000. This precision placement allowed Wilkins to achieve a high profile for her message and guaranteed she would reach her highly specific audience without spending a huge amount of money. Second, the message delivered by the posters was deliberately enigmatic -- appearing at first glance to be an extravagantly romantic expression of devotion, perhaps commemorating an anniversary -- but compelling enough to spark curiosity among passersby. And of course it was coordinated with an online DIGITAL page 62



E-reader News Edition

MediaDailyNews: Ad Revs Improve, MediaDailyNews: 'WSJ' But Company Stock Prices Don't Metro Edition Hits Delay (MediaPost | Media News)

USB's Ad Trend Tracker shows "bottoms up" advertising sales trends by media for the past eight Advertising revenues have quarters. This covers shown vast improvement for broadcasting, cable networks, virtually all major media online, outdoor, radio and print. companies recently -- but this USB says to look for single- tohas not translated into across-the mid-digit percentage gains in the -board improvements in stock writes recently. "We believe that overall domestic advertising m o r e h i g h l y a d - e x p o s e d environment in 2010. prices. M i c h a e l C . M o r r i s , U . S . companies will struggle in the Morris picks for strong results: entertainment analyst for UBS near-term as the ad marketplace Walt Disney, DreamWorks Equity Research, writes in a is not incrementally stronger Animation, Scripps Networks, recent report that eight major ad- t h a n c u r r e n t i n v e s t o r Time Warner and Viacom. supported companies the group e x p e c t a t i o n s . " USB says, analyzing all the covers had positive results for In addition, stagnant stock- media companies it follows, their fourth-quarter financial market price growth could be about one-third of their average reporting periods. But gains did increasingly tied to ad prospects. collective revenue comes from not always translate to the stock "We believe that the expectation advertising. market, which registered mixed of an improved advertising Five Filters featured article: environment has been the single Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: results. "Investors may be exposed to an most important driver of media PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, ad "hangover" after earnings," he shares since May of 2009." Term Extraction. Submitted at 1/29/2010 2:54:46 PM

DIGITAL continued from page 61

presence, inviting the curious to visit a Web site to see just what prompted this effusive celebration. But the Web site just raised more questions, prompting visitors to Google Phillips (who as an Oracle exec is all over the Web), whereupon they discovered that Phillips is indeed married -- but not to YaVaughnie. Last but not least, once buzz

started building, the Web site allowed plenty of people who never saw the signs to see what the ruckus was all about -showing how an outdoor campaign can transcend the constraints of its medium with a strategic digital presence. By the time the Web site was taken down by the embarrassed developer (who wasn't in on the plot), the content had been

(MediaPost | Media News) Submitted at 1/29/2010 3:14:24 PM

The new metropolitan edition of The Wall Street Journal targeting New York City readers has been delayed by technical issues, according to its rival The New York Times, which first reported the news. The new WSJ edition, featuring additional news and other content focusing on the New York metro area, was originally scheduled to launch in April, but may have to be pushed back if owner News Corp., can't reach a deal to temporarily outsource some of its operations. The planned metro edition was timed to launch after News Corp. finished consolidating printing operations for the WSJ with its tabloid sibling, the New York copied and reposted by countless Post, by upgrading the Post's other Web sites, so this sordid printing facility in the South little story will live forever Bronx. online. However, the upgrades are Five Filters featured article: taking longer than expected -Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: threatening to delay not only the PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, new metro edition, but also the Term Extraction.

scheduled closing of the existing WSJ printing facility in South Brunswick, New Jersey. To keep the process on track, News Corp. is exploring options that would allow it to outsource printing for as many as 125,000 daily copies of the Post for several months. Ironically, one possibility is the printing facility in College Points, Queens, owned by the New York Times Co., whose flagship newspaper will be the chief competition for the new WSJ metro edition. The Post's tabloid rival, the New York Daily News, has already rejected the idea of providing outsourced printing. The WSJ metro edition will produce content specific to New York and surrounding areas with a staff of approximately three dozen, focusing on local politics and cultural news. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

E-reader News/

E-reader News Edition


Apple iPad Raises Stakes for E-Readers (Wired News) (Yahoo! News Search Results for e-readers) Submitted at 1/29/2010 2:40:32 PM

Apple’s much-awaited iPad tablet is a good looking, multipurpose e-reader but it is no Kindle slayer, say publishing executives and electronic-book enthusiasts. Instead, the iPad is likely to raise the stakes and help traditional e-readers evolve into more sophisticated devices. “The iPad is for casual readers and people who favor an all-inone type of device, while dedicated E Ink-based e-readers are for avid readers,” says Wiebe de Jager, executive director with Eburon Academic Publishers, a Netherlands-based publishing service. “The iPad is a great device for casual reading, especially magazine-like articles and textbooks, and to a lesser extent for e-books, but there is no way you can compare the iPad’s backlit LCD screen to low-power e-readers’ screens today,” he says. Apple on Wednesday launched the iPad, a lightweight tablet with a 9.7-inch touchscreen display that brings together web surfing, books, movies and music in an easy-to-carry device. The iPad, which will start shipping in about two months, ranges from $500 to $830 depending on storage and connectivity. But that’s still almost twice the price of a 6-inch e-reader with

half the convenience, says James McQuivey, an analyst with Forrester Research. “Now that we have seen the iPad, we don’t feel that the ereader market is going to be hampered by it,” he says. “Smaller sized e-readers are half the price of an iPad and great for

reading.” But McQuivey expects the iPad to hurt the large-screen readers category, which includes the Kindle DX and the Plastic Logic Que. The Kindle DX features a 9.7-inch black-and-white screen and is priced at $490, while the 10.5-inch Plastic Logic Que with

E Ink costs $650 or $800 depending on the storage offered. An iPad Screen for All Seasons? The fundamental difference between digital-book readers and their electronic peers, such as laptops and phones, is display technology.

Smartphones and laptops use LCD screens that offer vivid color images but are difficult to read in sunlight. Electronic-ink displays, as seen in the Kindle and other e-book readers, are currently stuck in a black-andAPPLE page 64


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APPLE continued from page 63

white world but they claim a better reading experience. Take a Kindle or a Sony Reader to the park on a sunny weekend and you could have a daylong picnic with just the e-reader. The iPad can’t offer the same advantages. Vinita Jakhanwal, an analyst with research firm iSuppli say an LCD screen is not as sunlight-friendly as an E Ink display. The LCD screen also consumes more battery: An iPad promises 10 hours of battery life compared to a Kindle, which doesn’t have to be charged for at least a week. The Kindle’s E Ink screen consumes power only when the page is turned; turn off the wireless and you can go for a week without plugging it in. By comparison an LCD display is said to drink anywhere from 40 percent to 60 percent of the device’s overall power consumption. Backlighting in LCDs can drain power, though companies are trying to use LEDs for the backlight to save on power. An LCD screen can also be harsher on the eyes. “Reading for a few hours on a handheld LCD screen can be quite a strain,” says Jakhanwal. Where the iPad does score is in

its ability to offer a color display and the ability to embed audio and video files in books. That may not be an advantage for too long. Both E Ink and Qualcomm are working on offering color screens that consume very little power and can be used both outdoors and indoors. At the Consumer Electronics Show earlier this month, Pixel Qi showed a LCD display that can switch between a full-color video mode and a low-power black-and -white display. A Better Look for E-Books The Kindle and the Nook’s black-and-white screens may have reduced eye strain but they also stripped the aesthetics out of books. Shorn of the usual typographic tools, e-books on these devices have turned into monotonous blocks of characters. The iPad will offer publishers a chance to come up with enhanced e-books that contain images, links, background material, embedded audio and even video. It’s a move that’s likely to prompt other traditional e-reader makers to offer tools that will improve the layout of books, says McQuivey. And upcoming color screens for ereaders could help level the

playing field between the iPad and other e-readers. “What the iPad does is say that you don’t have to give up the reading experience when you get the device,” he says. But some die-hard e-reader fans like Len Edgerly, who hosts the weekly Kindle Chronicles podcast, say pretty e-books aren’t as big a draw as some would think. “When I am reading, I don’t want to be too distracted,” he says. “It’s about the words, and when I read the Kindle, it seems to bring me closer to the author’s words. That’s essence of reading to me.” Publishers Battle for the Best Deal Ultimately, the fight for dominance in the e-reader market is likely to be fought among two giants: Apple and Amazon. And the key to this war will be pricing. Amazon has been battling publishers to offer electronic best -sellers in its online store for $10. So far, though, Apple hasn’t announced pricing for books in its iBooks store. Reports indicate that it is likely to be in the $14 to $15 range. “It’s going to be a titanic struggle with publishers trying hard to get Amazon to abandon

the $10-bestsellers pricing,” says Edgerly. “But they are unlikely to succeed.” For Amazon, the success of the Kindle as a hardware platform is secondary to the company’s desire to sell more books, and pricing is the key to the latter. As a consumer, Edgerly says even if Apple books come with a few extra videos or audios, he won’t pay for it. “Why would I pay an extra $3 to see a video or hear audio when I get the same book for much less on Amazon?” he says. Reaching Out to the World Though Apple’s Steve Jobs has said that books in the iBooks store will be based on the open standard EPUB, which is supported by all e-book readers but the Kindle, he hasn’t talked about digital rights management (DRM). For now, iBooks are expected to be available only in the United States. That could be because Apple may be using its own DRM system, Fairplay, says de Jager. The iBooks DRM will not be compatible with that of Adobe’s. “So all those people, mainly in Europe, buying Adobe DRM’ed books will not be able to read them in the iBooks app and vice

versa,” he says. “It seems that Apple is trying to create their own e-book ecosystem, just like Amazon did with the Kindle store, Kindle e-book format and Kindle DRM.” The future of e-reading lies in open e-book systems without DRM, and it is not clear how Apple or Amazon will take to that. Photo: Jon Snyder/ See Also: • 10 Things Missing From the iPad • Live Coverage: Apple’s Special Tablet Event • Hands-On With the Apple iPad • Would You Buy an iPad? Wired Readers Weigh In • Can Apple’s iPad Save the Media After All? • With iPad, Apple Still Has a Fatal Attraction for AT&T Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

E-reader News/

E-reader News Edition

Which e-readers will the iPad crush? (CNET) (Yahoo! News Search Results for e-readers)

Internet access. That 10 hours of battery life I don't believe for the IPAD. My Submitted at 1/29/2010 2:23:55 PM Garmin GPS is suppose to have The IPAD should read your 5 Hours and I'm lucky if I could K i n d l e B o o k s j u s t f i n e ! ! ! get 2 1/2 hours or so out of it. Remember there's a IPHONE Had to add a Power socket to my App, the IPAD is is basically a Motorcycle so it wouldn't die on large IPHONE without the me in the middle of a ride. You Phone, able to run all of the might get 10 hours if you turn IPHONE apps, just 2X it to fill off both Wifi and 3G, but I'm the screen and your set. Not like going to say maybe 8 with them I would want to READ BOOKS off. My Kindle can last me a on it. couple weeks before I need to Also remember the $499 price charge it up depending on what d o e s n ' t g e t y o u a n y 3 G I'm doing. My Cell phone drives connection, that's another $130, me nuts having to always charge at Minimum, PLUS your paying the freeken thing, pick it up to a monthly Data plan of $15 or use it and the battery is dead. I $30 per month. With the Kindle like picking up my Kindle and it 3G is FREE. Yes I can even go works. Not worry about the anywhere on the Internet with battery. When I feel like it, I'll my Kindle connected to the 3G plug it into my PC and let it fully network FOR FREE without any charge up. I don't want to worry hacking at all. It's not FAST with about where the hell I'm going to the slow eInk display, and the find that next power socket to web browser is crude, but when change up for however many your out and about and want to hours. look something up quick, Use My eye's feeel like they want to your Kindle and FREE 3G bleed staring at my 24" 16x10

LCD PC Monitor for more then a couple hours. The power went out at my house for hours last week at night. Everything was dead other then the coulple Backup LED lights I have plugged into my Power outlets. Well it ended up being a good time to pick up my Kindle and read for a few hours with my LED book light. No worry about if it's charged up or not, or how long the battery is going to last me before it dies. How about your on a week long Camping trip, there's no power anywhere. You want to do a little reading at night before bed. Well your IPAD you were screwing with on the drive up is aobut dead, and after the first night, is worthless, My Kindle will be working just fine the whole week and more!!! Just a couple examples. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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