Liberty Newspost Mar-01-10

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E-reader News Edition

28/02/10 - 01/03/10

McCain says he was misled, but not everyone agrees

Chimera (CIM): High Income in Specialty Finance

David Morgan (Front Row Washington)

Steven Halpern (BloggingStocks)

Submitted at 3/1/2010 7:25:44 AM

John McCain says he was misled by former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson into supporting the Wall Street bailout. “We were all misled,” the Arizona Republican told NBC’s “Meet the Press” over the weekend. Misled in what way? With the economy showing every sign of burning to the ground, McCain says Paulson told Congress the Bush administration wanted to buy up toxic mortgages blamed for the conflagration. But he turned around and gave the money directly to Wall Street. “Whoever thought that we

would, when we passed that, we would own General Motors and Chrysler, GMAC? I mean, it’s beyond what anyone had anticipated,” McCain said. Dick Durbin, a leading Senate Democrat, confirms part of the story: Paulson’s initial pitch was for money to buy up bad mortgages; then the focus switched to Wall Street’s balance sheets. But Durbin, who like McCain has been in Congress for 28 years, says it’s difficult to see that as misleading. “It’s hard to understand how John McCain could have been brainwashed by Hank Paulson,” the Illinois senator said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “The bottom line is, whether we were buying toxic assets or cleaning up their balance sheets,

we were helping big banks and big insurance companies. We knew what all that was all about,” Durbin said. “At the end of the day, hundreds of billions of dollars were going to stabilize Wall Street.” McCain’s efforts to distance himself from the $700 billion TARP bailout may show how angry voters are about Washington’s willingness to

help Wall Street during the worst recession since the 1930s, among other things. Conservative voters, especially. Politico says McCain had more power than anyone as the Republican presidential nominee to derail the Troubled Asset Relief Program in the fall of 2008. Now McCain is up for reelection and facing a serious primary challenge from conservative J.D. Hayworth, a former Republican congressman running with Tea Party support. For more political coverage from Reuters, click here Photo credit: Reuters/stringer (McCain), Reuters/Brendan McDermid (NYSE)

Elements of Firefox overhaul arrive for testing Stephen Shankland ( Submitted at 3/1/2010 7:26:41 AM

With a name like JaegerMonkey, how can Mozilla's upcoming JavaScript engine not vanquish rivals?

Also: developments with extensions and hardware acceleration. Originally posted at Deep Tech

Submitted at 3/1/2010 10:30:00 AM

Filed under: Newsletters, Stocks to Buy"The market sell-off also is creating some attractive, highincome opportunities. Consider Chimera Investment ( CIM), for example," says Mark Skousen. The editor of the High Income Alert explains, "Based in New York, Chimera is a specialty finance company that invests in mortgage loans and other realestate securities. The real estate investment trust (REIT) is managed by a company we've traded profitably before: Annaly Capital Management. Continue reading Chimera (CIM): High Income in Specialty Finance Chimera (CIM): High Income in Specialty Finance originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Mon, 01 Mar 2010 10:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments



E-reader News Edition

Dusk to dawn curfew imposed as Chile's looters run wild (Top stories from Times Online)

desperation by the lack of water and electricity. The Mayor Jacqueline van Submitted at 3/1/2010 6:11:03 AM Rysselberghe said: "We need Chile officially appealed for food for the population. We are international aid today as the without supplies, and if we don’t country's President Michelle resolve that we are going to have Bachelet imposed a dusk to serious security problems during d a w n c u r f e w i n t h e t w o the night," She warned of grave provinces closest to the epicentre "social tension" in the area. of Saturday's earthquake and British aid workers are due to tsunami and the death toll rose arrive in the region today, where to over 700 people. around 1.5 million Chileans The army was sent in overnight have been affected. The tremors to help the overwhelmed police struck at 3.45am on Saturday, force to deal with looters in causing buildings and roads to Chile’s second city, Concepcion, collapse and leaving 500,000 which was 70km from the homes severely damaged. As epicentre of the quake. powerful aftershocks up to 6.9 in Chilean television has shown magnitude continue, many images of supermarkets in thousands of people have spent Concepcion that have been the last two nights sleeping stripped of stock and looters outside in tents and makeshift making off with fridges and shelters, too afraid to return plasma televisions. Teargas home. intended to drive looters away Looting has been reported in the has hampered efforts to rescue coastal towns which have been survivors from the nearby ruins hardest hit by the disaster, after of a toppled tower block. the earthquake was followed half Guillermo Ramirez, military an hour later by a 2.6m (8ft commander of the central Maule 6ins) tidal wave leaving fishing region, sent soldiers with boats stranded in the streets. megaphones to warn the 500,000 Pellehue, a coastal town with inhabitants of Concepcion of 1,000 residents, is partially the 9pm-6am curfew. buried in mud. The rest of it is "I would advise criminals not to no longer there, apparently mess with the armed forces. Our washed away by the ferocious response will be severe, but waves. within the context of the law," "The earth started shaking so he told would-be looters. violently that we couldn't stand," As they struggled to keep order, said one woman who escaped troops fired teargas and water the devastation. As she fled to cannons on residents driven to higher ground, the air was filled

with the noise of homes crushed under waves or being impaled by 20m (65ft) tall trees. Another survivor has told of the confusion that filled the town as waves and aftershocks struck. Two cars crashed head-on as panicked residents tried to outrun the force of the destruction. "People were going crazy," the woman said, with tears in her eyes. "It was utter chaos." Sebastian Pinera, the Presidentelect, said that the situation in Concepcion was dangerous. "When we have a catastrophe of this magnitude, when there is no electricity and no water, the population becomes preoccupied and starts losing the sense of public order," he said. Ms Bachelet, who is due to hand over power on March 11, said that the air force was to begin flying in food and vital aid to badly hit areas, some of which were largely cut off by the quake. Residents of the hard-hit town of Talca, 100km inland from the quake epicentre, told The Times that there there was a cacophony of explosions and sirens as the earthquake hit at around 3.45am on Saturday, when plenty of people were still out partying and eating. "The power station exploded, we saw many fires, car alarms were going off everywhere," said Tomas Jorquera, 27. Pablo Avila, 22, who owns an

ice-cream store, told how the wall fell in at the Entre Curdas bar where he was drinking. His friend Fernando Chamorro was one of five people who died when interior walls collapsed at the Corta Madero disco. Sergio Cornejo, 25, a sociology student, ran from the 14th floor apartment where he and six other students were staying as the quake hit, shaking the walls with a monstrous noise. "I ran back in to find people, but the door had jammed shut and we had to kick it down," said Mr Cornejo. He said that his teacher, Raoul Nariteri, was killed when a falling beam hit his head in the Tierra del Fuego restaurant in Talca. His wake was due to be held later today. The scenes of destruction in the little town intensified in the centre, where in one place an entire row of houses had collapsed. Older houses were worst hit, and a large colonial warehouse was ripped apart, sheets of corrugated iron flapping off its girders. "We don't have water or anything. No-one has appeared with help and we need more police to keep order. There are many people here who are robbing," said Ana, 78. With mains power completely down there was no electric light anywhere in Talca except at the local Paloma Radio station, which has a generator. Through

the night huddles of people congregated outside and queued to speak to volunteers who were taking down the names of earthquake victims and missing persons, and broadcasting them on the radio with appeals for them to contact their families. Concerns were mounting today for six Britons reported missing after the quake. Two British couples staying at the coastal resort of Pichilemu have yet to contact their families two days after the 8.8 magnitude quake. Kirsty Duff, from Stonehaven, Aberdeenshire, and Dave Sandercock, from Edinburgh, both 25, arrived in the country three weeks ago, according to reports, while Andre Lanyon, from Guernsey, and Laura Hapgood, both 29, went to Pichilemu on Friday. "We have been very worried. We just keep watching the news and hoping that they are alright," said Valerie Lanyon, Mr Lanyon's mother. Two other Britons — a woman named Natalie Cass, and Tina Cadwallader Lopes, who was in the resort with her Portuguese husband and two children — have also been reported missing. All are named on a website set up by The Surfer’s Cottage, an eco-lodge for surfers in Pichilemu. A spokesman for Gordon Brown said the British Embassy DUSK page 4


E-reader News Edition

Chile-Earthquake Tsunamis Smaller Than Expected—But Why? (National Geographic News)

(See"Tsunami Warning for Hawaii After Huge Chile Submitted at 2/28/2010 1:07:01 PM Earthquake.") The giant earthquake in Chile "The main story here, I think, is that struck Friday—one of the that the full evacuation of m o s t p o w e r f u l e v e r Hawaii was unnecessary," recorded—killed more than 700 S y o l a k i s t o l d N a t i o n a l people and leveled cities. Yet the Geographic News by email. t s u n a m i s s p a w n e d b y t h e Geophysicist Emile Okal agreed earthquake were smaller than that the the tsunam spawned by e x p e c t e d , l e a v i n g e x p e r t s the Chile earthquakei wasn't speculating as to why.(See Chile really all that small. "It is much earthquake pictures.) larger than anything we've seen Tsunamis reached only 4 feet in the Pacific in 45 years," said (1.2 meters) in Japan and 6.5 O k a l , o f N o r t h w e s t e r n feet (2 meters) in the South University in Evanston, Illinois. P a c i f i c i s l a n d o f T o n g a , The tsunami only seems small, according to scientists. Tsunamis he added, because Hawaii and can often become monster waves Japan were both spared its of more than 100 feet (30.5 brunt—and because those places meters). both remember much bigger Furthermore, despite a massive tsunamis from 1960 and 1946. evacuation of Hawaii, tsunamis "[These] are what the public has in Hawaii measured only about the memory of, because [they] three feet (one meter), too small wrecked Hawaii," he said. to do any damage. Although it will be a while But this doesn't mean the before geophysicists understand tsunamis in Hawaii fizzled, said for sure why the tsunami wasn't Costas Synolakis, director of the larger, Okal speculates that part Tsunami Research Center at the of the reason may be that the U n i v e r s i t y o f S o u t h e r n tsunami was generated in a California. relatively shallow part of the Rather, he said, the tsunamis Pacific off Chile. were only slightly smaller than "Locally this doesn’t change the 4-foot (1.25-meter) waves anything," he said. "But as the predicted by computer models. tsunami propagates into the

really deep water of the Pacific Basin, [the shallower origin] does decrease its amplitude somewhat." Predicting Tsunamis From Chile Earthquake Difficult The decision to evacuate Hawaii was based purely on the tremendous power of the earthquake in Chile, which at magnitude 8.8, was the fifth largest in the past 110 years. The 2010 earthquake also rocked the same region as a magnitude 9.5 earthquake in 1960, which sent waves racing across the Pacific. The 1960 tsunamis killed 61 people in Hawaii, 138 in Japan, and left 32 dead or missing in the Philippines. Predicting a tsunami from seismic information alone is difficult, scientists say, because the earthquake might have vibrated the seabed up and down, or sideways. "If all the movement is horizontal, you will have [no] tsunami," said Solomon Yim, interim director of the Hinsdale Wave Research Facility at Oregon State University. To account for this, tsunami predictions combine seismic information with real-time

measurements from seabed instruments so sensitive they can measure the pressure differences from passing waves thousands of feet above. (Take a tsunami quiz.) "Measurements from these buoys, located in deep water, allow us to estimate the wave size and update the forecast models," the University of California's Synolakis said. "[They also] allow us to estimate the duration of the event and the numbers of waves that get triggered." Accurate Tsunami Forecasts And while these instruments are few and widely scattered, some of the predictions made about tsunamis from the earthquake in Chile were actually close to correct. For example, he said, the model predicted that the earthquake would create small waves in Los Angeles harbor—exactly what happened. "The forecast was quite accurate," Synolakis said. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Rare Buddhist flower found under nun's washing machine (Latest news, breaking news, current news, UK news, world news, celebrity news, politics news) Submitted at 3/1/2010 5:33:35 AM

Published: 1:33PM GMT 01 Mar 2010 The Udumbara flower was found in the home of a Chinese nun in Lushan Mountain, Jiangxi province, China. The rare Youtan Poluo or Udumbara flower, which, according to Buddhist legend, only blooms every 3,000 years, measures just 1mm in diametre. Miao Wei, 50, was cleaning when she discovered the cluster of white flowers under the washing machine. At first she thought the barelythere stems were worm eggs, however, the next day she discovered that the stems had grown 18 white tiny flowers on top and smelled "fragrant". Local temples believe the mini blooms are specimens of the miraculous Youtan Poluo flower - called "Udumbara" or "Udambara" in Sanskrit, meaning "an auspicious flower from heaven." Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Popular News/ Politics/

E-reader News Edition

DUSK continued from page 2

in Santiago was trying to establish the whereabouts of UK citizens in the country but had so far received no reports of British casualties. Mr Sandercock’s sister, Ellie, posted messages on social networking site Twitter appealing for help. "People are posting on Facebook from there, yet no news from my bro Dave Sandercock. Can anyone help?" she wrote. Ellie Sandercock wrote that her brother and his girlfriend were "keen surfers" and were staying in the Pichilemu region at a local bed and breakfast. She wrote: "Dave is 5ft 10ins (muscular build) with blonde hair. He may also have a beard. He has a Scottish accent. "He is travelling with his girlfriend Kirsty Duff. They are probably in Pichilemu, O’Higgins Region. Last contact was Thursday 25 February. They were staying at a local B&B/pension (name unknown). They are keen surfers." Details of Mr Sandercock and Miss Duff were also posted on the missing person website Google Person Finder, set up for families to post details of people

missing since the quake. The Foreign Office has so far made contact with around 100 Britons in the stricken country but said no UK casualties were reported at present. About 65,000 British tourists visit Chile each year, according to the country’s tourist authority. Meanwhile, remarkable tales of survival began to emerge as rescue workers dragged survivors from the rubble. Alberto Rozas and his sevenyear-old daughter Fernanda escaped with nothing more than a few cuts, scrapes and bruises after surviving a fall from their 13th floor apartment when their building collapsed in the quake. The pair were sheltering in the bathroom doorway when their 15 storey apartment building crumpled, sending them tumbling through the falling rubble, hugging each other all the way down. Mr Rozas said he had no idea which way was up until he looked through his apartment's shattered window and spotted "the light of the full moon." "The earthquake and the fall were one single, horrible thing,"

Mr Rozas told the Associated Press. "I held onto her and she never let me go." Hundreds of people remain camped out in parks in the centre of Santiago, the Chilean capital, and others were ready to escape their homes at a moment's notice, according to Brian Murphy, a Briton who lives there. "When I went back into my apartment yesterday morning a lot of people had their doors wide open and had suitcases sitting there with their things packed up to leave," he wrote, in e-mails to relatives in Britain. Damage was greatest in poorer and middle class areas of the city, added Mr Murphy, where many older buildings have collapsed and there is no electricity or gas, and only intermittent water. Strict building regulations have ensured that newer properties withstood the quake. Most supermarkets remain shut, and a number of roads and bridges have collapsed, leaving many people stranded away from home, said Mr Murphy. Many countries have offered aid, and Hillary Clinton, the US

Sunday Night Music: Tord Gustavsen Trio (Little Green Footballs) Submitted at 2/28/2010 5:30:26 PM

Here’s some crystalline minimal

ECM jazz from the Tord Gustavsen Trio, with Harald Johnsen (bass) and Jarle Vespestad (drums), performing a

gorgeous composition titled “Still There” from the album Being There. ( iTunes Store.)[Video]

Secretary of State, is expected to visit Chile tomorrow as part of a scheduled tour of South America. Staff from the British aid agency Oxfam are due to reach Chile later today as the aid effort starts to gather pace. Jeremy Loveless, Oxfam’s deputy humanitarian director, said: "It is deeply frustrating that it can take some time to get our staff to where they need to be. Our team has to drive over the top of the Andes on badly damaged roads to get to Concepcion because the Santiago airport is still closed. "Until our team has been able to reach the affected area and complete an early assessment, we are unclear how we will best be able to assist the thousands of people affected by the quake. We are not asking for donations at this stage." Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Some relative stats to add perspective (Holy Kaw!) Submitted at 2/28/2010 2:04:00 PM

Toyota is recalling 8.5 million cars because acceleration or brake problems may have caused thirty-nine deaths in the past nine years. Out of curiosity, I looked around for statistics about how Americans die and found these stats ( Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) for 2006: • Heart disease: 631,636 • Cancer: 559,888 • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 137,119 • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 124,583 • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 121,599 • Diabetes: 72,449 • Alzheimer’s disease: 72,432 • Influenza and pneumonia: 56,326 • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 45,344 • Septicemia: 34,234 I also learned that there are twenty-seven million men, women, and children held as slaves. There were also 16,272 murders in the United States in 2008. Every death is a tragedy, but this is something to think about. Total news coverage. Permalink| Leave a comment »

World/ Popular News/ Tech/

E-reader News Edition

Yorkshire ripper begins bid for freedom (Latest news, breaking news, current news, UK news, world news, celebrity news, politics news) Submitted at 3/1/2010 5:30:33 AM

By Martin Evans Published: 1:30PM GMT 01 Mar 2010 A previous ban on the reporting of Sutcliffe's legal bid was lifted by a High Court judge who said he could see no reason why it should not be known what the convicted killer was attempting to do. Lawyers for Sutcliffe, who now uses the name Peter Coonan, are attempting to establish a minimum tariff, which could one day see the serial killer released on parole. Previously referred to as "P" to protect his identity, a question mark remains over whether Sutcliffe will have to spend the rest of his life behind bars. The lorry driver from Bradford was convicted at the Old Bailey in London in 1981 for the murder of 13 women, and seven counts of attempted murder, in Yorkshire, Greater Manchester and Lancashire.

He is currently being held in Broadmoor top security psychiatric hospital after being transferred from prison in 1984 suffering from paranoid schizophrenia. At a preliminary hearing at the High Court in London today, Mr Justice Mitting was deciding what form the tariff setting hearing should take, and what evidence should be admitted. The judge was told there was new expert evidence on Sutcliffe's psychiatric state which could help his case for release on licence. But the judge refused to allow the new evidence to be admitted as part of the tariff setting exercise. He said however it would be considered in relation to his conduct post-sentence. At the centre of the move was a November 2006 medical report by the doctor treating him doctor at Broadmoor, Dr Kevin Murray. The central issues addressed were Sutcliffe's state of mind at the time he committed the crimes and at the time of the trial

and also his subsequent progress in hospital. The treatment prescribed to Sutcliffe "has had in Dr Murray's view very considerable success", said the judge. Since 1993 he had been "relatively responsive to treatment", leading to a conclusion that "so long as treatment continues he should be regarded as posing a low risk of reoffending", Dr Murray concluded. The judge who reviews Sutcliffe's tariff will take into account, among other things, the gravity of his crimes, whether or not he has made "exceptional" progress in custody, the state of his mental health and any "representations" from Sutcliffe, his victims, or their families. The judge will have power to impose a definite number of years that Sutcliffe must serve before he can seek his freedom – but could also rule that he must spend his "whole life" behind bars. Sutcliffe's life sentence means

that, whatever the outcome of the tariff decision, he will only be freed when, and if, the authorities consider that he no longer poses a serious danger to the public. The Prime Minister said in February last year it was "very unlikely" Sutcliffe would be released. Sutcliffe believed he was on a "mission from God" to kill prostitutes – although not all of his victims were – and was dubbed the Yorkshire Ripper because he mutilated their bodies using a hammer, a sharpened screw driver and a knife. He has spent nearly all of his years in captivity at Broadmoor after being diagnosed as mentally ill, but refused treatment until 1993 when the Mental Health Commission ruled it should be given forcibly. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


PayPal India to resume fund withdrawals (CNET Submitted at 3/1/2010 6:34:11 AM

Report offensive content: If you believe this comment is offensive or violates the CNET's Site Terms of Use, you can report it below (this will not automatically remove the comment). Once reported, our staff will be notified and the comment will be reviewed. Select type of offense: Offensive: Sexually explicit or offensive language Spam: Advertisements or commercial links Disruptive posting: Flaming or offending other users Illegal activities: Promote cracked software, or other illegal content Comments(optional): Report Cancel Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Teen Dies After Highway Jump From S.C. Ambulance ( Submitted at 3/1/2010 6:01:50 AM

GREENVILLE, S.C. A teenager has died after jumping out of a moving ambulance on an interstate highway in South

Carolina. Multiple media outlets reported the 16-year-old boy died shortly after the leap near Greenville while be was being driven to a psychiatric hospital in Columbia Coroner Mike Ellis says the

teen was restrained on a gurney in the back of a Greenville Hospital Systems ambulance when he loosened his restraints, moved past an emergency technician, opened the door and jumped.

Emergency workers treated the teen before taking him back to the hospital in Greenville, where he was pronounced dead minutes later. An autopsy was planned Monday.

Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


World/ Popular News/ Tech/

E-reader News Edition

Yorkshire Ripper Peter Sutcliffe bids for freedom (Top stories from Times Online)

only been referred to as "P" to protect his identity. Today a High Court judge lifted Submitted at 3/1/2010 5:03:54 AM this cloak of anonymity and Peter Sutcliffe, the serial killer, ruled that the press was free to has asked the High Court to fix a name the killer as he comes back time when he can be considered to court for a ruling on his for release from prison. sentence tariff - the minimum Now known as Peter Coonan, term to be served for retribution Sutcliffe was convicted at the and deterrence before he can be Old Bailey in London in 1981 considered for parole. of 13 counts of murder and Mr Justice Mitting, sitting in seven counts of attempted L o n d o n , w a s h o l d i n g a murder in Yorkshire and directions hearing to decide Greater Manchester in the late what form the tariff-setting 1970s and early 1980s. hearing should take, and what Dubbed the 'Yorkshire Ripper', evidence should be admitted. he was given 20 life sentences The judge took away Sutcliffe’s after one of the most notorious anonymity, saying: “It is now murder hunts in British criminal common ground this is part of history. the criminal process and must He is held in Broadmoor top t h e r e f o r e p r o c e e d i n t h e security psychiatric hospital d e f e n d a n t ’ s o w n n a m e . after being transferred from “The press are at liberty to report prison in 1984 suffering from the fact that these proceedings paranoid schizophrenia. concern Peter Sutcliffe/Peter Sutcliffe, 63, lodged his request Coonan.” for a ruling on whether he must Paul Bowen, appearing for serve his whole life in prison in Sutcliffe, indicated there had 2008, but reporting restrictions been an application to continue were imposed on the case keeping his identity secret, but ensuring that until now he has s a i d : “ W e a r e n o l o n g e r

pursuing that application.” It was on July 5, 1975, just 11 months after his marriage, that Peter Sutcliffe took a hammer and made his first attack on a woman. Sutcliffe believed he was on a “mission from God” to kill prostitutes - although not all of his victims were - and was dubbed the Yorkshire Ripper because he mutilated their bodies using a hammer, a sharpened screw driver and a knife. He has spent nearly all of his years in captivity at Broadmoor after being diagnosed as mentally ill, but refused treatment until 1993 when the Mental Health Commission ruled it should be given forcibly. Mr Justice Boreham, the trial judge, recommended a tariff of 30 years. No tariff was however formally set. At that time tariffs were decided by the Home Secretary, after receiving advice from the trial judge and the Lord Chief Justice. Since then the law has changed and tariffs are now decided by

judges alone, and Sutcliffe has instructed lawyers to apply to the High Court for a tariffsetting hearing. Today Mr Justice Mitting is having to decide whether new expert evidence on Sutcliffe’s psychiatric state which could help his case for release should be admitted at the full hearing. He still faces the possibility of a whole-life tariff. It is normally imposed if an offender has murdered two or more people, where each murder involved a substantial degree of premeditation or planning, if the victim was abducted or there was a sexual or sadistic element to the killing. The Prime Minister said in February last year it was “very unlikely” Sutcliffe would be released. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

UK Consumer Watchdog Says Copyright Law Is Outdated Mike Masnick (Techdirt) Submitted at 3/1/2010 2:09:04 AM

This is more or less stating the obvious to most folks around here, but UK consumer rights advocates, Consumer Focus, has put out a report pointing out that copyright law is obsolete and confusing to most consumers, leading many of them to infringe on copyrights frequently without even realizing it. This, the group notes, is a problem that should lead the government to fix copyright law by adapting it to the times. Of course, the UK seems to be going in the opposite direction these days with the Digital Economy Bill.... Still, it's nice to see more consumer groups realizing how outdated copyright law is these days. Permalink| Comments| Email This Story

10 rules for food blogging (Holy Kaw!)

Have a hook. That hook might be cooking your way through a cookbook, deriding disastrous Want to rule at food blogging? c a k e s , o r a d v i s i n g f e l l o w Check out these 10 suggestions workers on where to eat in from The Amateur Gourmet on midtown. how to make your blog rock. Tweet. Nowadays, a great way Here are just a few: to call attention to your blog and Submitted at 2/28/2010 9:29:00 PM

what you’re blogging about is Twitter. Build up a large Twitter

following and then link to your posts when you write them. Be exuberant. No one wants to read a shoulder-shrugging blogger. If you’re passionate, you’ll get a passionate response. Read the full story at Amateur Gourmet.

More on food and blogging. Photo credit: Fotolia Permalink| Leave a comment »

World/ Business/ Consumer Reports/

E-reader News Edition

Sterling tumbles on weak housing demand (Top stories from Times Online)

expected this spring. That in turn raises fears among investors that there will be a delay to Submitted at 3/1/2010 4:44:34 AM cutting Britain's giant debts. Sterling tumbled to a nine- Sterling fell 2 per cent to as low month low against the dollar as $1.4943 today, its lowest today after a fall in the number since early May 2009. It also o f h o m e l o a n s g r a n t e d i n plunged against the euro, falling January triggered fears that a to €1.0991, its lowest since the recovery in the housing market end of November. is waning. The drop in the number of home Figures from the Bank of loans from 58,223 to 48,198, is England showed that the number well below the 70,000 to 80,000 of mortgage approvals for house level of approvals that Global purchase, seen as an important Insight, the economics research indicator of housing market groups, believes is consistent health, fell by 17 per cent in w i t h s t a b l e h o u s e p r i c e s . January to a nine-month low, hit Economists had not been by poor weather and the end of expecting quite such as steep the stamp duty holiday. fall, with 50,000 the average The weak figures increased forecast. speculation that house prices Although the amount lent to could fall again this year and homeowners rose from £1.2 further stirred worries about the billion to £1.5 billion between health of the UK economy. December and January, the total Sterling had already been under number of mortgages approved pressure after the weekend fell from 111,453 to 94,845 publication of opinion polls over the month, by 14.9 per cent. showing there was a growing Hetal Mehta, senior economic chance of a hung parliament at advisor to the Ernst & Young the next general election, ITEM Club, said: "The decline

in approvals for the second month in a row adds to tentative evidence from house price surveys that the recent mini house price boom may be running out of steam." Of the mortgage figures, Adrian Coles, the director-general of the Building Societies Association (BSA), said: “Although it is not possible to compare lending figures in January to previous periods it is evident that activity was subdued and this has been felt by all lenders. "Low activity in the month was expected following the surge of buyers aiming to beat the end of the stamp duty relief in December. The adverse weather conditions experienced at the start of the year have further suppressed market activity.” It is thought that hundreds of buyers brought forward their purchase at the end of last year before the lowest threshold for 1 per cent stamp duty fell from £175,000 to £125,000. Meanwhile, house builders reported that visits to sites were

down during the snowiest weeks of the month, which they said had forced homebuyers to delay purchases. Mortgage brokers were optimistic that better loan criteria from banks would see February's figures show an increase. Brian Murphy, the head of lending at the Mortgage Advice Bureau, said: "The mortgage market picked up sharply in February, driven by a wider range of new products coming on to the market. "Product availability is up by around 30 per cent since the beginning of the year and lenders are starting to compete at higher LTVs [loan to value]. "Lenders are still very conservative in their criteria but, overall, the environment for borrowers is much improved on six months ago." Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Small Cars from Consumer Reports Press Room (Consumer Reports) Submitted at 2/28/2010 9:00:59 PM

Small Cars - from Consumer Reports For the March issue, Consumer Reports tested three small cars - the VW Golf, Nissan Sentra, and Suzuki SX4. Small Cars Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences

Twitter Unveils Google Ad Model, Despite Hype Tom Johansmeyer (BloggingStocks)

Dick Costolo explained that the company was going to unveil a "non-traditional" advertising Submitted at 3/1/2010 10:10:00 AM model and claimed that "people Filed under: Internet, Google will love it," what we're seeing (GOOG), News Corp'B' (NWS), is a foray into decidedly charted Media World territory. Apparently, all the hype wasn't According to AllThingsD, t h e o n e t h a t h a s b e e n s o worth it. After Twitter COO Twitter's ad model will resemble successful for search and online

ad giant Google ( GOOG). Ads, essentially, will be tied to search. Yawn. Continue reading Twitter Unveils Google Ad Model, Despite Hype Twitter Unveils Google Ad Model, Despite Hype originally

appeared on BloggingStocks on Mon, 01 Mar 2010 10:10:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments


World/ Business/ Tech News/

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Speeding couple fined after saying they couldn't remember who was driving (Latest news, breaking news, current news, UK news, world news, celebrity news, politics news)

ordered to pay a £525 fine, £100 costs, and a £15 victim surcharge. They were each also given six penalty points, double the usual number. The usual fine Submitted at 3/1/2010 5:51:15 AM By By Richard Savill is £60. Published: 1:51PM GMT 01 Philip Alcock, prosecuting, Mar 2010 said: "We cannot be sure who I a n a n d J a y n e O l i p h a n t - was driving and they have not Thompson were both prosecuted been able to assist. after they told police it was “The answer they gave is not “immoral” to continue asking uncommon but the owners of a who was driving when they vehicle that is used by many could not remember. drivers need to have some kind Exeter magistrates’ court was of log. told the vehicle was clocked at "Even a married couple, if they 40mph in a 30mph zone. habitually use the vehicle and Photographic evidence was s w a p around driving unable to prove who was behind responsibilities, they need to the wheel and the couple, both have something in place to 43, were asked to inform police ensure they know who was who was driving. driving.” The couple, who wrote a series Mr Alcock said the couple had of letters to safety camera failed “to satisfy and explain officials saying they were why they are not able to” give unable to remember, did not an answer. On this occasion, it attend the court hearing. was because they were not in In their absence, they were each court, he added.

The couple, who have three children, were clocked a few miles from their home on March 20, last year, and were sent a letter by the Devon and Cornwall Safety Camera Partnership. Mrs Oliphant-Thompson, the registered owner of the vehicle, wrote several letters in reply to say she did not know which one of the couple had committed the offence. She wrote: "It might have been me or might have been my husband. We both drive the vehicle and were both driving it on that day. "We know the driver was one of the two of us although we genuinely cannot make any positive ID. To continue to ask us is erroneous and immoral." Her husband, whose hobbies include flying helicopters and jets, also gave the same reply when asked in another letter which of them was driving.

Mr Oliphant-Thompson founded his firm, New Futures Group, 18 years ago and reportedly charges more than £5,000 per day for his services. The multi-million pound business has bases in Devon and London specialising in creating innovative ways of helping organisations of all sizes grow and re-brand. Mr Oliphant-Thompson, whose past clients include Gap, Virgin, and Royal Bank of Scotland, once described himself as "the most impatient man on earth". The family live in a gated property in Exton, near Exmouth, where the speeding offence happened. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Insect Character Recognition: Computers See Bees Like We Can't Alexis Madrigal (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 3/1/2010 5:32:00 AM

Studying animal behavior used to mean traveling into the wild and making detailed notes about gorillas. Now, biologist-coders are figuring out how to use computer vision techniques to convert the myriad motions of creatures big and small into crunchable data.

Playlist: Clash of the Titans, Robolamps, Danger Mouse Wired Magazine (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 2/28/2010 9:00:00 PM

From an inflatable metal stool to a TMZ for mathletes to the rise of the cell, find out what’s wired this month.

Steak 'n Shake's Sardar Biglari Is No Warren Buffett Zac Bissonnette (BloggingStocks) Submitted at 3/1/2010 9:30:00 AM

Filed under: Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A) Sardar Biglari has done an admirable job of turning around operations at Steak 'n Shake ( SNS), but

over the past few months, he's made a few less-than-subtle efforts to imitate his idol Warren Buffett. Back in December, he announced that he would do a 1for-20 reverse split of the stock to boost the share price over $300 and "dissuade speculators."

"We are attempting to eliminate those who erroneously think that

it is easier for a $10 stock to go to $20 than a $200 one to go to $400," he wrote in a letter to shareholders. Continue reading Steak 'n Shake's Sardar Biglari Is No Warren Buffett Steak 'n Shake's Sardar Biglari Is No Warren Buffett originally

appeared on BloggingStocks on Mon, 01 Mar 2010 09:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments

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Officer who killed PC Ian Terry 'fired shot involuntarily'

Greek Crisis Moving to a Showdown

(Top stories from Times Online)

Connie Madon (BloggingStocks)

Submitted at 3/1/2010 4:49:10 AM

An armed police officer reacted instinctively, pulling the trigger in an “involuntary action”, when he shot dead a colleague during a training exercise, an inquest has been told. PC Ian Terry, 32, was playing the role of a suspect in a getaway vehicle when he was hit in the chest by a practice gas round fired from a pump action shotgun at point-blank range. Chris, the officer’s pseudonym, told the inquest that his role during the ambush of the suspects’ Suzuki Vitara jeep was to shoot out the near-side wheel. But he changed his “objective” when he saw the passenger waving a pistol in the air. His voice cracking with emotion, he described to the jury how he moved to cover the threat from PC Terry, who is understood to have been one of Chris’s closest friends.

Chris had told investigators from the Independent Police Complaints Commission: “I do recall pointing the weapon in the direction of the subject. I did not know it was my colleague PC Terry. “At this point I pulled the trigger. Looking back at this I know I did not mean to pull the trigger. It was an involuntary action”. He added that he initially thought it “all right” because it was a training round and that the powder would disperse. PC Terry, who was not wearing body armour, died almost immediately. Asked about his reaction to the shot, Chris replied: “When the weapon went off, it was complete shock and complete disbelief. At first I did not know what had happened. I was aware it [the shotgun] had gone off. I just wanted Ian to be OK.” Chris agreed that he could see the cloud of inert CS powder from the practice RIP (round

irritant personnel) disperse and fill the vehicle. Asked by Jonathan Hough, counsel for the inqust, whether he was able to see that he had hit Pc Terry, a father of two children, he replied: “No.” “I obviously heard that Ian had yelped and moved,” he said. “That is why I wanted to get him out to see what had happened. I opened the door of the car. I wanted to drag him out to see how he was. I could see he was hurt. I put him on the floor at the side of the vehicle.” Mr Hough asked: “You describe the action of firing the weapon as an involuntary act. Can we assume this was a shot you did not mean to fire and that you are now very remorseful about having fired?” Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Submitted at 3/1/2010 9:10:00 AM

Filed under: International Markets, Politics, Financial Crisis Greece's ongoing debt crisis is coming to a head this week. Germany's biggest banks are proposing that they buy Greek bond debt with a guarantee from Berlin. In the past, German banks have refused to participate in the plan. They already hold billion of euros of Greek debt. Hypo Real Estate, Eurohypo and Deutsche Postbank are among those unwilling to join. However, if Berlin sweetens the deal with guarantees, they may decide to participate. One bank official told the Financial Times last week: "This could be one of the

outcomes, but it would not be a purely private solution -- there has to be government involvement if it were something on the eurozone level. I don't think my bank would say: We would not take part." Continue reading Greek Crisis Moving to a Showdown Greek Crisis Moving to a Showdown originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Mon, 01 Mar 2010 09:10:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

5 must-have geeky collectibles (Holy Kaw!) Submitted at 2/28/2010 7:01:00 PM

Push aside your Star Wars action figures and Monty Python dolls—there’s a new breed of

geeky collectibles to make room for on your desk. For just under twenty bucks, you can call Ollie the Twitterrific Bird your own. with Steve Jobs every night. Be You can tuck yourself into bed

sure to bring your turtleneck pajamas. Are you a loyal Android user? Get your hands on these Android Mini collectibles—sure to brighten up any old workspace.

See all five at Mashable. Get your geek on. Permalink| Leave a comment »


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Hamas chief assassination suspects 'hiding in Israel', says police chief (Latest news, breaking news, current news, UK news, world news, celebrity news, politics news) Submitted at 3/1/2010 5:32:12 AM

Published: 1:32PM GMT 01 Mar 2010 Mahmud al-Mabhuh, a founder of the military wing of the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, was found dead in his Dubai hotel room on January 20. Police have said he had been drugged then suffocated. Lieutenant General Dahi Khalfan, Dubai's police chief, said: "I say (the suspects) are in Israel. Israel says they are in Israel. "If they stay in Israel, they won't be arrested." But "eventually they will leave, and then, they can be arrested," he added, referring to a list of suspects passed on to Interpol. Twelve British, six Irish, four French, three Australian and one German passports were used by 26 named suspects, according to Dubai police, who say they had

fled the southern Gulf emirate on flights to Europe and Asia. Police say they are convinced the Israeli spy agency Mossad carried out the Cold War-style hit. Khalfan also called on Israel to fight its conflicts on its own soil. "When (Israel) has a conflict, let it wage the war on its own land, not on our land," he said. Khalfan also said that a 27th suspect had been identified as a woman who was also travelling on an European passport. Khalfan appealed to the Western five countries whose travel documents were used to cooperate in Dubai's investigation. The investigation has caused a diplomatic headache for the Jewish state in which the five countries whose passports were used have all called in Israeli envoys to hear protests. Khalfan says the suspects would not have dared used US passports. "I think Israel was scared of provoking a clash with

the United States which it considers its best friend," he told Al-Khaleej newspaper. The Emirati central bank is helping to trace the credit cards used by several suspects, Khalfan said. Dubai police says 14 cards issued by MetaBank of the United States were used. Israel itself has sought to play down the row, saying there is no hard proof of its involvement. Officials have refused to confirm or deny the reports, although Israeli media see the killing as the work of Mossad. Danny Yatom, a former Mossad chief, said on Israel's army radio that Western intelligence services also targeted "terrorists who threaten their countries," stressing that he was not commenting on the Mabhuh case. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Unemployment Benefits Began Ending Sunday February 28 Connie Madon (BloggingStocks) Submitted at 3/1/2010 9:50:00 AM

Filed under: Bad News, Politics, Recession We have an absolute crisis of the greatest magnitude facing the unemployed. After Sunday, February 28, the jobless will no longer be able to apply for federal unemployment benefits or the COBRA health insurance subsidy. Federal benefits kick in after the basic state funded 28 week period. Federal benefits are divided into tiers and the jobless must apply each time they move up to a new tier. Here are some devastating statistics: • Nearly 5 million will run out of benefits by June.

• Right now, 1.2 million stand to lose benefits in March. Continue reading Unemployment Benefits Began Ending Sunday February 28 Unemployment Benefits Began Ending Sunday February 28 originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Mon, 01 Mar 2010 09:50:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

iPhone's LED bests Nexus One's OLED? (CNET

quality of the iPhone and the Nexus One, the visual experts at DisplayMate claim that, Fortify yourself for some scientifically speaking, the frenetic phone-fanboy fighting. iPhone's LED display is a clear As part of a series of in-depth winner. investigations into the screen Examine the images for Submitted at 3/1/2010 7:01:30 AM

yourself: on the Nexus One's theoretically more advanced OLED screen, DisplayMate says, "there are lots of issues, problems and artifacts lurking just below the surface." Thanks go to OLED-Display for a tip-

off about the study. PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Read more of " iPhone's LED Term Extraction. screen is better than Nexus One's OLED, experts claim" at Crave UK. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools:


E-reader News Edition


Extreme Makeover, Weiner Edition: RKS Redesigns the Deadly Hot Dog Ravi Sawhney (Fast Company) Submitted at 3/1/2010 10:34:17 AM

Last week, the American Academy of Pediatrics called for the redesign of hot dogs. "If you were to take the best engineers in the world and asked them to design a perfect plug for a child's airway, you couldn't do better than a hot dog," said Dr. Gary Smith, former chairman of the AAP's Committee on Injury, Violence, and Poison Prevention. "When it's wedged in tightly, that child is going to die." Never ones to resist a challenge, or the chance to play with our food, we carved out a little time to explore the redesign of the hot dog. We began by thinking outside the bun. What other ways could we come up with for hot dog delivery? Looking for inspirations from food innovations like GoGurt and Push Pops, we briefly toyed with the idea of a semi-solid hotdog paste...a Push-Pup, if you will, not unlike the Sushi Popper. But frankly, the idea of a hot dog in a non-Newtonian form, was more than a little gaginducing. For enhancing a sense of play, we flirted with the idea of Lego-inspired shapes, like the fruit snacks at right. But, given the reason behind the call for

redesign, it seemed a bad idea to train kids to eat things shaped like toys. So we decided the best way to preserve the hot dog experience would be to work inside the bun, and identified several key factors to keep in mind: Esophagus-sized cylinders and spheres = bad, very bad Fit within existing buns for "authentic"-ish experience

Look for opportunities increase sense of play Enhance condiment-to-hot dog engagement We began our exploration in sketch form. When one designer remembered a friend choking on a Lifesaver candy, but still being able to breathe, we looked at options with a hole down the center. We worry that these holes could be too easily

compressed, and, worse, that people wouldn't be able to resist the urge to stuff the hole with cheese, and that would take us back to square one as a choking hazard. Flat, ribbon-style shapes could be folded to create the volume of a traditional hot dog. Forms with grooves and deep troughs would be great conduits for condiment consumption. One

idea involved baby-pea-sized pellets of hot dog, packaged loosely in a natural casing to retain the traditional hot dog shape. When bitten into, the casing would release the pellets which would be too small to choke on. Of course, if these spilled onto the floor while EXTREME page 14



E-reader News Edition

Crib Sheet: Prince Alwaleed--Saudi Oil Tycoon, Fox News Investor Addy Dugdale (Fast Company) Submitted at 3/1/2010 9:52:19 AM

He's a prince! He graduated summa cum laude from Menlo University in 1979! He's the Saudi Warren Buffet! He's also Fox News' fourth biggest investor--although Prince Alwaleed bin Talal claims that he's the second biggest investor in News Corp., after Rupert Murdoch himself. And it's precisely because of his involvement with Fox, whose anti-clean energy policy takes a decade off the life expectancy of ecologists each time they switch on the channel, that has gotten him in the news this week. In a nutshell, alternative fuel campaigners are worried that Fox News and Alwaleed have a vested interest in keeping America oil dependent. So let's have a little look at Prince Alwaleed, shall we? The nephew of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, Prince Alwaleed will celebrate his 55th birthday this coming weekend. So, what do you buy one of the 25th richest men in the world? A bag to put it all in, perhaps?He's the head honcho (and holds 95%) of the Kingdom holding company, a Saudi investment firm that has shovelled cachillions into U.S. firms such as Citigroup, Apple, AOL and Compaq. He's also

into soft drinks and hotels, although Bernie the Bargain Basement Carpet King from Wisconsin is still waiting for Alwaleed to return his call.After his graduation, Alwaleed, whose grandfathers were the founder of Saudi Arabia and Lebanon's first Prime Minister, returned to his

homeland and started up the Kingdom Establishment for Commerce and Trade. Its first contract, worth $8 million, was to build a bachelor's club at the Riyadh Military Academy.His purchase of the then Citibank in 1991 was "not [done] by a sense of altruism," apparently.The

125. An Airbus A380 will be touching down at Alwaleed Airport later on this year.He's got a lot of honorary degrees and awards from educational establishments worldwide. University of New Haven, Kyungwon University in Seoul, Syracuse, Execter, The Islamic University of Uganda, the University of the 7th of November at Carthage in Tunis, St John's University in New York and Brawijaya University in Indonesia are just a few of the places who've given him a mortar board and a scroll.Let's talk about the medals, now. Italy, Lebanon, Jordan, Tunisia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Senegal, Guinea, Togo, Burkina Faso, (capital: Ouagadougou) Djibouti, Gabon, the Netherlands, Kenya, China and the Vatican have all awarded him stuff. Where does he keep them all?Well, there's probably a room at home given over to them--and someone to keep them polished at all times. His sand-colored palace has 317 rooms, including four kitchens Hollywood adage of "If it floats, g i v e n o v e r t o A r a b i c , fucks or flies, rent, don't buy" Continental and Asian cuisine. d o e s n ' t h o l d w a t e r w i t h The fifth is just for desserts, and Alwaleed. One helicopter-toting his chefs can feed 2,000 with yacht, with another one on the just an hour's notice. There are way (173 meters long, due this also 250 TVs, apparently.Both year), several private planes, including a Boeing 747, and CRIB page 14 Airbus 321, a Hawker Siddeley

Business/ Tech News/

E-reader News Edition


Print is Dead, Long Live Print: Digital Magazines Have Publishers In a Spin Kit Eaton (Fast Company) Submitted at 3/1/2010 10:40:32 AM

Time Inc, Hearst, CondĂŠ Nast, Wenner Media and Meredith magazine publishers have banded together to promote their print editions in a "power of print" ad campaign. But let's do the Time Warp again, and remember digital mags really are the future. The "power of print" campaign is due to be announced today, and it cost some $90 million and constitutes 1,400 ad pages. What may be the major placement is a two-pager featuring Michael Phelps, with the tag line "we surf the Internet, we swim in magazines." The body text of this one makes lots of the emotional differences between the two different media--the Net is "exhilarating" but the printed word in a magazine is "enveloping" and while the Net "grabs you," a magazine "embraces you." This is a pretty odd line to push, if you think about it because every printed word is dead, fixed, whereas the dynamic changing text published online is very much alive. And with web2.0 user interactivity and

social networking threaded through more and more Web sites, surely it's Web publications that truly embrace the user. So, given this mixed message, what's the big campaign actually all about? Statistics. The ads will make note of the fact that magazine readership has has risen 11% during the time that Google's been around (12 years,) and in the same way TV didn't kill the movies, the Net hasn't killed the magazine. The group is pushing this message to remind the general public that the magazine

isn't dead yet. But that's also wrong, isn't it? Sure, the Net hasn't killed the magazine, but that's not really the looming, menacing, transformational threat that the industry really faces: Epublishing, and digital versions for the next paradigm of mobile computing heralded by Apple's iPad. The dynamic, complex content that can be delivered in a tablet PC magazine edition is already resulting in in-fighting inside publishers as to who assumes control over the iPad editions--the print staff, or the

already digital-savvy Net edition staff. This also ties in to a more subtle question, which has apparently had Conde Nast in a spin: Do magazines go for mere straightforward digital recreations for the iPad and other tablet PCs, or do they embrace the kind of clever technology used on Web sites? With the dead-tree publishing industry in a bit of a mess right across the board, and a huge, difficult digital upheaval threatening to arrive any moment, you may well argue that spending a whopping $90

Fill in the Blanks: Algorithm Makes Something Out of Nothing Jordan Ellenberg (Wired Top Stories)

A technique known as compressed sensing may change

everything from medical imagery to astronomy.

million on a printed-mag advert campaign is a little silly. Even more amusingly, and ironically, it may be exactly the sort of dynamic, adaptive highlytargeted adverts that work online that'll help the digital magazine industry through this crisis, rather than static print ads. [via MinOnline, PaidContent]



E-reader News Edition



continued from page 11

frozen, we'd quickly move from choking hazards to slip-and-fall accidents. These forms could also entice play, much like string cheese. Still, the temptation to bring bacon into the picture is hard to resist. When it came to 3-D explorations, given the time constraints, we decided to go old-school...or, actually, preschool. That's right. We broke out the Play-Doh Fun Factory! Why render when you can extrude? The Fun Factory was particularly handy for creating spaghetti-inspired forms with thin strands which could be bound together like sheaves of wheat or even braided.The downside could be the high outside-to-inside ratio. In many foods, there's a fine balance required between the inside and outside. Think of a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. It's not just the taste of the chocolate and peanut butter; it's the ratio of chocolate to peanut butter that

continued from page 12

achieves perfection. Our favorite form ended up being a Slinky-esque spiral. The initial inspiration sketch looked a little too corkscrew shaped, bringing to mind pig parts (tails and otherwise) we'd rather not approach. But as the form developed in sketches and modeling, it offered a good outside-to-inside ratio, a hot dog-shaped form factor, and lots of room for finger play and getting the condiments down into the loops of the spring shape. Clearly, this was a very quick exploration..a conversation starter. We'd hope that these designs and more would be explored by manufacturers and vetted by the experts at the American Academy of Pediatrics. You can find more of shots of the modeling session on our Flickr page. If you have solutions you'd like to share, or thoughts on our ideas, please post them in the comments below.

Read more of Ravi Sawhney's Design Reach blog Browse blogs by other Expert Designers Ravi Sawhney is the founder and CEO of RKS, a global leader in strategy, innovation, and design. RKS has helped generate more than 150 patents and over 90 design awards on behalf of its clients, which include HP, Intel, LG, Medtronic, Seiko, Sprint, and Zyliss. Sawhney invented the popular Psycho-AestheticsÂŽ design strategy, which Harvard adopted as a Business School Case Study and is the subject of Predictable Magic, the forthcoming book co-authored by Sawhney and Deepa Prahalad and published by Wharton School Publishing. Sawhney is an IDSA Fellow and Executive Director of IDSA's Catalyst case study program.

his wives live with him.Alwaleed claims to have a collection worth $730 million, and gave Britain's future Queen Camilla (nĂŠe Parker-Bowles) a diamond and ruby necklace worth $1.5 million. So that's $728.5 million, then. The necklace he's wearing in the picture is the Order of Distinguished Rule of Izzuddeen, bestowed on him by President Nasheed of the Maldives, in December last year.In an interview with Charlie Rose in January this year, Alwaleed spoke on a whole host of topics whilst supping a large mug of herbal tea. He didn't remove his sunglasses once.Here he is on Google's shenanigans in China. "If any company goes to a country, it has to respect the rules of that country, no matter how those rules are different to the rules of the United States."And here he is on the United States. "America is down but not out. You're in a mess

right now."There is between 120 and 150 years to find an energy successor to oil--and he's not against alternative energy, oh no, just a bit of a realist. "Every time the price of oil goes up, we see a lot of hoopla around ethanol, etc, but when the price goes down, we see it subside."Fellow investment chums include Bill Gates--Mr Microsoft's private investment and holding company, Cascade, also invests in Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts and Coca-Cola. And then there's Murdoch, whose News Corp. recently bought 10% of Alwaleed's Middle Eastern media conglomerate, Rotana.[Via Charlie Rose, Wikipedia, Raw Story, Kingdom and Clean Technica][Image Via Flickr]

additional apps will be forthcoming, he said. "We think (those apps) are what attackers typically have in their sights right now, but we will not stop there," he said. Google spinoff Dasient offers a free service that alerts Web sites when they appear on malware

blacklists and a paid service that detects and quarantines malware on sites. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Qualys to scan Web sites for malware (CNET

crawls the pages of customer sites and looks for invisible iFrames, malicious JavaScript Qualys is set to launch on code, and other indications of a Monday a free service for Web stealth threat to visitors and site operators that will scan their provides automated alerts and sites for malware. reports to Web site owners. A s p a r t o f t h e s e r v i c e , The company has profiled QualysGuard Malware Detection Internet Explorer 6 and Adobe's Submitted at 3/1/2010 5:00:00 AM

Acrobat, Reader, and Flash Player to understand exactly what happens under normal conditions so it can quickly detect deviations that occur when malware is present, said Wolfgang Kandek, chief technology officer at Qualys. Profiles and testing on

Business/ Tech News/

E-reader News Edition


Getting Hospitalized Should Be Like Flying First-Class Cliff Kuang (Fast Company) Submitted at 3/1/2010 9:22:03 AM

PriestmanGoode has a radical solution to how hospital wards should be designed. PriestmanGoode, a London design house, has worked on everything from cell phones to speakers to first-class cabins for Swiss Airlines. But Britain's Design Council, hoping to see what serious design thinking might produce, asked them to work on something completely different: Hospital Wards. PG has just released their

proposal today, in a " healthcare manifesto." In it, they argue that the central problems facing hospital design happen to have already been solved in the design of first-class cabins for airlines. Think about it: Nurses need to be able to visit patients easily and efficiently. So do airline stewards. Hospitals, meanwhile, need to maximize their square footage utilization, while giving patients privacy and--ideally--a comfortable, homey environment. Which actually happens to be exactly what

airlines do, in their first-class cabin. PG points out that hospitals usually attempt to solve their design requirements with

architecture, which is both expensive and hard to adapt when technology changes. By contrast, they propose pre-fab, lie-flat beds and room dividers,

Coffee Industry Hit Hard by Climate Change Ariel Schwartz (Fast Company) Submitted at 3/1/2010 8:50:12 AM

The latest industry to get clobbered by climate change is coffee, according to the International Coffee Organization (ICO). The organization, which represents 77 coffee-producing countries, says that the temperature has risen half a degree in coffeeproducing countries over the past 25 years--five times faster than in the previous 25 year period. That change has led to a panic among countries reliant on coffee. In a meeting this week between coffee producers in Guatemala,

roasters expressed concern that unstable weather has led to fights for increasingly-limited land and water resources. The National Coffee Association of Guatemala estimates that production of coffee in nine

for coffee to rise from 132 million bags in 2009 to 134 million 60-kilogram bags in 2010. All of this means that alreadyexpensive coffee is about to get a whole lot pricier. And even though coffee companies like Starbucks and Peet's tout their commitments to sustainablysourced products, temperatures are continuing to rise. So in addition to making sure that they use Fair Trade beans, coffee Latin American countries will c h a i n s i n t e r e s t e d i n s e l f dip 28% in the first three months preservation may also want to of this years growing season. work towards preventing further Coffee production in Columbia climate change--a process that already fell 30% to 35% last Starbucks has already begun. year to a 33 year low. At the [Via PhysOrg] same time, ICO expects demand

similar to what they've designed before. These would be far cheaper to manufacture, more flexible, and far more space efficient. Moreover, the arrangement would allow nurses to easily monitor dozens of patients, while offering each one privacy. Of course, this probably wouldn't be a replacement for private rooms--but rather the grim recovery wards familiar to anyone who's spent any amount of time in a hospital. [Via Dezeen]

March 1, 1966: Probe Makes First Contact With Another Planet Betsy Mason (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 2/28/2010 9:00:00 PM

The Soviet Union crash-lands a probe on Venus, the first time human artifacts touch another planet.


Popular News/

E-reader News Edition

Some scientists defend tsunami warnings (AP) (Yahoo! News: U.S. News)

ground Saturday in a panic that circled the Pacific Rim after scientists warned 53 nations and HONOLULU – The warning territories that a tsunami had was ominous, its predictions been generated by the massive dire: Oceanographers issued a Chilean quake. bulletin telling Hawaii and other It was the largest-scale Pacific islands that a killer wave evacuation in Hawaii in years, if was heading their way with not decades. Emergency sirens terrifying force and that "urgent blared throughout the day, the action should be taken to protect Navy moved ships out of Pearl lives and property." Harbor, and residents hoarded But the devastating tidal surge gasoline, food and water in predicted after Chile's magnitude anticipation of a major disaster. 8.8-earthquake for areas far from Some supermarkets even placed the epicenter never materialized. limits on items like Spam And by Sunday, authorities had because of the panic buying. lifted the warning after waves At least five people were killed half the predicted size tickled the by the tsunami on Robinson shores of Hawaii and tourists Crusoe Island off Chile's coast once again jammed beaches and and huge waves devastated the restaurants. port city of Talcahuano, near Scientists acknowledged they hard-hit Concepcion on Chile's overstated the threat but many mainland. defended their actions, saying But the threat of monster waves they took the proper steps and that left Hawaii's sun-drenched learned the lessons of the 2004 beaches empty for hours never Indonesian tsunami that killed appeared — a stark contrast to thousands of people who didn't the tidal surge that killed get enough warning. 230,000 people around the "It's a key point to remember Indian Ocean in 2004 and that we cannot under-warn. flattened entire communities. Failure to warn is not an option This time, waves of more than 5 for us," said Dai Lin Wang, an feet were reported in Kahului oceanographer at the Pacific Bay in Maui and in Hilo, on the Tsunami Warning Center in eastern coast of Hawaii's Big Hawaii. "We cannot have a Island, but did little damage. situation that we thought was no Predictions of wave height in p r o b l e m a n d t h e n i t ' s some areas were off by as much devastating. That just cannot as 50 percent. happen." In Tonga, where up to 50,000 Hundreds of thousands of people fled inland hours ahead people fled shorelines for higher of the tsunami, the National Submitted at 2/28/2010 10:03:10 PM

Disaster Office had reports of a wave up to 6.5 feet hitting a small northern island, with no indications of damage. And in Japan, where authorities ordered 400,000 people out of coastal communities, the biggest wave was a 4-foot surge that hit the northern island of Hokkaido, flooding some piers. A Japanese official offered an apology to those affected after the government had warned that waves of up to 10 feet (three meters) could hit some northern regions. "The tsunami estimates of the Meteorological Agency were too large, and so I'd like to apologize to individuals that were evacuated or inconvenienced," Sekita Yasuo, an official at the agency, told reporters Monday. He said the agency compared its estimates to those from abroad and chose the larger of the two, leading to the overzealous forecasts, and that he wanted to improve accuracy in the future. After the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center lifted its warning, some countries kept their own watches in place as a precaution. Early Monday, the Japan Meteorological Agency warned of a possible tsunami about a foot and a half in size along its entire Pacific coast and told people to stay away from the waterfront. That warning was cleared later Monday morning. But scientists offered no

apologies for the warnings and defended their work, all while worrying that the false alarm could lead to complacency among coastal residents — a disastrous possibility in the earthquake-prone Pacific Rim. A similar quake in Chile in 1960 created a tsunami that killed about 140 people in Japan. The same surge hit Hawaii and devastated downtown Hilo, on the Big Island, killing 61 residents and wiping out more than 500 homes and businesses. "If you give too many warnings and none of them materialize, then you lose your credibility," Wang said. "That's something that we have to deal with and we have to improve." Despite some of the panic in Hawaii, public officials called the evacuation "perfect" and said it was a good test case that proved the system worked. Chaos was at a minimum as people heeded evacuation orders and roads were free of the gridlock that can paralyze a region before a disaster. The smooth response occurred largely because the state had so long to prepare; Hawaii is nearly 7,000 miles from where the quake hit, and it took 15 hours for the tsunami to arrive. "I hope everyone learned from this for next time, and there will be a next time," said Gerard Fryer, a geophysicist for the warning center. The science of predicting

tsunamis is difficult, given the vast size of the ocean and the volatile forces at work miles below the surface. Scientists use an earthquake's magnitude and location as the basis for their predictions and then refine it constantly with data from more than 30 deepwater sensors stationed across the Pacific as the shock wave sweeps across the ocean floor. The sensors, located at 15,000 to 20,000 feet beneath the surface, measure the weight of the water and beam it to buoys floating on the surface. Scientists then use the data to calculate the tsunami's wave height in the open ocean as it progresses toward shallower waters. Coastal inundation models based on topographic mapping add another layer of analysis, helping scientists make assumptions about how the surge will behave in shallower waters and how it might affect shoreline communities. "There are all sorts of assumptions that we make in trying to figure out how big the waves are going to be. If we can avoid some of those assumptions, maybe we can do a better job," said Fryer. "If this event happened tomorrow, even with this knowledge, we would be forced to do the exact same thing." SOME page 22

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AP IMPACT: Drug gangs taking over US public lands (AP) (Yahoo! News: U.S. News)

and 2008, and authorities say an estimated 75 percent to 90 percent of the new marijuana S E Q U O I A N A T I O N A L farms can be linked to Mexican FOREST, Calif. – Not far from gangs. Yosemite's waterfalls and in the In 2008 alone, according to the middle of California's redwood D r u g Enforcement forests, Mexican drug gangs are Administration, police across the quietly commandeering U.S. country confiscated or destroyed public land to grow millions of 7.6 million plants from about marijuana plants and using 20,000 outdoor plots. s m u g g l e d i m m i g r a n t s t o Growing marijuana in the U.S. cultivate them. saves traffickers the risk and Pot has been grown on public expense of smuggling their lands for decades, but Mexican product across the border and traffickers have taken it to a allows gangs to produce their whole new level: using armed crops closer to local markets. g u a r d s a n d t r i p w i r e s t o Distribution also becomes less safeguard sprawling plots that in risky. Once the marijuana is some cases contain tens of harvested and dried on the thousands of plants offering a hidden farms, drug gangs can potential yield of more than 30 drive it to major cities, where it tons of pot a year. is distributed to street dealers "Just like the Mexicans took and sold along with pot that was over the methamphetamine grown in Mexico. trade, they've gone to mega, About the only risk to the monster gardens," said Brent Mexican growers, experts say, is Wood, a supervisor for the that a stray hiker or hunter could C a l i f o r n i a D e p a r t m e n t o f stumble onto a hidden field. Justice's Bureau of Narcotics The remote plots are nestled Enforcement. He said Mexican under the cover of thick forest traffickers have "supersized" the canopies in places such as marijuana trade. Sequoia National Park, or Interviews conducted by The hidden high in the rugged-yetAssociated Press with law fertile Sierra Nevada Mountains. enforcement officials across the Others are secretly planted on country showed that Mexican remote stretches of Texas ranch gangs are largely responsible for land. a spike in large-scale marijuana All of the sites are far from the farms over the last several years. eyes of law enforcement, where Local, state and federal agents growers can take the time found about a million more pot needed to grow far more potent plants each year between 2004 marijuana. Farmers of these Submitted at 3/1/2010 2:56:06 AM

fields use illegal fertilizers to help the plants along, and use cloned female plants to reduce the amount of seed in the bud that is dried and eventually sold. Mexican gang plots can often be distinguished from those of domestic-based growers, who usually cultivate much smaller fields with perhaps 100 plants and no security measures. Some of the fields tied to the drug gangs have as many as 75,000 plants, each of which can yield at least a pound of pot annually, according to federal data reviewed by the AP. The Sequoia National Forest in central California is covered in a patchwork of pot fields, most of which are hidden along mountain creeks and streams, far from hiking trails. It's the same situation in the nearby Yosemite, Sequoia and Redwood national parks. Even if they had the manpower to police the vast wilderness, authorities say terrain and weather conditions often keep them from finding the farms, except accidentally. Many of the plots are encircled with crude explosives and are patrolled by guards armed with AK-47s who survey the perimeter from the ground and from perches high in the trees. The farms are growing in sophistication and are increasingly cultivated by illegal immigrants, many of whom have been brought to the U.S. from

Michoacan. Growers once slept among their plants, but many of them now have campsites up to a mile away equipped with separate living and cooking areas. "It's amazing how they have changed the way they do business," Wood said. "It's their domain." Drug gangs have also imported marijuana experts and unskilled labor to help find the best land or build irrigation systems, Wood said. Moyses Mesa Barajas had just arrived in eastern Washington state from the Mexican state of Michoacan when he was approached to work in a pot field. He was taken almost immediately to a massive crop hidden in the Wenatchee National Forest, where he managed the watering of the plants. He was arrested in 2008 in a raid and sentenced to more than six years in federal prison. Several other men wearing camouflage fled before police could stop them. "I thought it would be easy," he told the AP in a jailhouse interview. "I didn't think it would be a big crime." Stewart said recruiters look for people who still have family in Mexico, so they can use them as leverage to keep the farmers working — and to keep them quiet. "If they send Jose from the

hometown and Jose rips them off, they are going to go after Jose's family," Stewart said. "It's big money." When the harvest is complete, investigators say, pot farm workers haul the product in garbage bags to dropoff points that are usually the same places where they get resupplied with food and fuel. Agents routinely find the discarded remnants of camp life when they discover marijuana fields. It's not uncommon to discover pots and pans, playing cards and books, half-eaten bags of food, and empty beer cans and liquor bottles. But the growers leave more than litter to worry about. They often use animal poisons that can pollute mountain streams and groundwater meant for legitimate farmers and ranchers. Because of the tree cover, armed pot farmers can often take aim at law enforcement before agents ever see them. "They know the terrain better than we do," said Lt. Rick Ko, a drug investigator with the sheriff's office in Fresno, Calif. "Before we even see them, they can shoot us." In Wisconsin, the number of confiscated plants grew sixfold between 2003 and 2008, to more than 32,000 found in 2008. Wisconsin agents used to find a few dozen marijuana plants on IMPACT: page 21


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Chile troops tackle quake looters (BBC News | Americas | World Edition) Submitted at 3/1/2010 6:30:25 AM

Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. Some people broke into supermarkets to grab food and water The Chilean military is attempting to restore order in the country's second city, Concepcion, amid looting after Saturday's devastating earthquake. Troops have fired tear gas at looters attempting to flee with food and other goods from wrecked stores, as a major rescue effort is under way in the city. The death toll of 708 from the 8.8-magnitude quake is expected to rise. The United Nations has said it will rush aid deliveries to Chile after the government asked for help. UN spokeswoman Elisabeth Byrs said Chile had requested field hospitals with surgery facilities, mobile bridges, communications equipment, kitchens, and disaster assessment and co-ordination teams. In coastal towns and villages hit by giant waves after the earthquake, the scale of destruction is becoming clear. AFP news agency quotes state television as saying more than 300 bodies were found in the

fishing village of Constitucion alone. In the port of Talcahuano, more than 20 boats were swept ashore and dumped in the streets by the waves. Defence Minister Francisco Vidal has admitted the country's navy made a mistake by not immediately issuing a tsunami warning after the earthquake, a move that could have helped coastal residents flee to higher ground sooner. But he added an alarm sounded by port captains had saved hundreds if not thousands of lives. 'Social tension' Many of Concepcion's 500,000 inhabitants are short of food and have seen their water and

electricity supplies cut off. I get the sense that the government is totally overwhelmed at the moment by the magnitude of this quake. In Concepcion, the city closest to the epicentre, there were ugly scenes, with scores of people breaking into supermarkets and just taking anything they could get their hands on. It's been more than 48 hours since the quake, and people are getting desperate - in many areas they still don't have water, they still don't have food, and they still don't have electricity. The army was called in to help the police force deal with looters, some of whom filled shopping trolleys full of groceries while others made off

that we are going to have serious security problems." Regional military commander Guillermo Ramirez issued a warning to would-be looters. "I would advise criminals not to mess with the armed forces. Our response will be severe, but within the context of the law," he said. 'Giant effort' About two million Chileans are believed to have been affected by Saturday's earthquake, the seventh most powerful on record and the worst disaster to befall Chile in 50 years. President Michelle Bachelet, due to hand power to Presidentelect Sebastian Pinera on 11 March, said the air force was to with plasma TVs and other begin flying in food and vital aid to badly-hit areas, some of electrical appliances. T h e g o v e r n m e n t s a i d a n which have been cut off by the overnight curfew was imposed quake. in some of the worst-hit areas. It "We face a catastrophe of such said it was largely observed, unthinkable magnitude that it despite a number of strong will require a giant effort," she aftershocks that sent frightened said. residents running out into the Chile did not initially request foreign assistance, but Ms streets. Meanwhile, rescuers with heat Bachelet has subsequently said detectors are hunting for dozens some offers of aid would be of people believed to be trapped accepted. in an apartment block toppled by She said Chile needed field hospitals, temporary bridges, the quake. The city's Mayor, Jacqueline w a t e r p u r i f i c a t i o n p l a n t s , van Rysselberghe, has warned damage assessment experts and there is the potential for severe rescuers to relieve those already working to find survivors. "social tension." She said: "We need food for the Emergency aid population. We are without CHILE page 23 supplies, and if we don't resolve

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Arson suspects grew up together in Texas church (AP) (Yahoo! News: U.S. News) Submitted at 3/1/2010 1:11:50 AM

TYLER, Texas – Even as authorities closed in, one of the two suspects in a string of east Texas church fires attended a Sunday service and went to a Baptist ministry on his junior college campus for a free meal. Such activity wasn't unusual for 19-year-old Jason Robert Bourque, a former Eagle Scout and high school debate champion who grew up in a small church not far from 10 others that authorities believe have been set ablaze since Jan. 1. But officials say they found weapons and books detailing atheism and devil worship during a pre-dawn raid at a home where Bourque was arrested Feb. 21. In a separate raid in San Antonio, authorities captured Daniel George McAllister, Bourque's childhood friend from First Baptist Church in tiny Ben Wheeler. Bourque and McAllister, 22, each face one count of felony arson for a fire at Dover Baptist Church near Tyler, about 90 miles east of Dallas. They are suspects in nine other church fires that were ruled arsons and three attempted church breakins, according to court documents.

Both men are being held on $10 million bond. They could face life in prison if convicted. Investigators say the motive for the fiery crime spree remains a mystery. The young men's former pastor described Bourque as an outgoing, inquisitive child who asked pointed questions about the Bible and was a whiz at memorizing passages. The Rev. Carlton Young recalled McAllister as a quiet and shy boy, nurtured by a mother who worked in the church nursery and home-schooled her son before she died several years ago. "As a church and even the people in the community are just in grief," Young said. "There's a lot of sorrow and concern for the 10 churches that have been burned. Then you put a face on it." Young said he mostly lost touch with Bourque when the young man's family moved about five years ago and rarely saw McAllister after his mother's death. About seven years ago, the boys sneaked into the church in the middle of the night, said Young, who lives next to the church and only knew about the incident because his wife saw the boys leave. The pastor said the boys had

rigged an emergency door earlier so it would open from the outside. He said nothing was stolen or vandalized, and he never reported the incident to authorities. He said he sees no connection between the fires and the incident, which he characterized as youthful mischief. "It was two little junior high kids, you know, out doing their thing they shouldn't be doing," Young said. Bourque was under surveillance when he showed up for a free meal at Tyler Junior College's Baptist Student Ministry four days before his arrest, ministry director Mark Jones said. The director said Bourque had been attending the weekly at least a few months, but he didn't know much about him. "I think it was a shock for my core students," Jones said. "Here's this guy who walked among us that we interacted with that we had no idea of the darkness there or the struggle or the hurt." Jones said Bourque was sometimes joined by McAllister, whose father told reporters his son had struggled to find a job in the past year but was upbeat after moving to San Antonio to join a girlfriend he planned to marry. An arrest affidavit indicates that

a family member took McAllister to the bus station for his trip to San Antonio two days after the fire the men are charged with setting. Young said McAllister was traumatized by his mother's death. "She was sort of the anchor in Daniel's life, and he lost that," the pastor said. Family members of Bourque and McAllister declined to comment to The Associated Press. Attorneys for the men aren't commenting, citing a judge's gag order. According to court records, authorities first contacted Bourque on Feb. 11 at his grandparents' upscale home in Lindale, the site of one of the fires. He was arrested 10 days later at his girlfriend's mobile home in a rural area about 15 miles away. During the intervening surveillance, authorities say, they observed Bourque entering a store bathroom a day before someone reported a carving on a bathroom stall that said "Little Hope was Arson," with an upside-down cross in flames under the wording. It was an apparent reference to the first arson attack, which occurred Jan. 1 near Athens, about 40 miles southwest of Tyler. Authorities had listed the

cause of that fire as undetermined until after the arrests. On his Facebook page, Bourque joined a bonfire fan group that included hundreds of images of people watching bonfires. His social networking shows a cerebral side as well, quoting philosophers on his MySpace page. At Van High School, he was a state debate champion. A woman who knew Bourque in high school said his life apparently deteriorated the past two years. Whitney Faber said Bourque told her he had been kicked out of the University of Texas at Tyler last year, but he didn't elaborate. She said Bourque seemed "very, very depressed" when she talked to him, the last of those conversations occurring several months ago. Young, the pastor, said acquaintances told him in recent days they didn't see that side of Bourque. "They would see Jason in passing — 'Hi. How are you? What's going on?'" Young said. "Never thinking about anything like this going on." Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Parents Plead for Teen's Return After Sex Offender Arrest ( Submitted at 3/1/2010 7:05:30 AM

The parents of a missing suburban San Diego teenager pleaded for her safe return Monday, a day after authorities arrested a registered sex offender in connection with her disappearance. The arrest came after about 120 law enforcement officers and 1,400 volunteers scoured Rancho Bernardo Community Park in San Diego Sunday for 17 -year-old Chelsea King. Investigators found evidence that led to the arrest of 30-yearold John Albert Gardner of Riverside County, according to San Diego County Sheriff William Gore. "I think our best clue is who the sheriff's department has arrested," Chelsea's father, Brent King, said in an interview Monday on Fox News. "She is every parent's dream," added her mother, Kelly, who

described the straight-A student and long-distance runner as "bright, outgoing and compassionate." Gore said investigators, who combed the area around Lake Hodges in the park where King's car was found, discovered physical evidence linking Gardner to the case. Gore would not elaborate on the nature of the evidence. Gardner was taken into custody outside a business in Escondido shortly after 4 p.m. Sunday and was questioned Sunday night. "This investigation is ongoing and specific criminal charges are still being determined," Gore said at a news conference Sunday. Investigators also suspect Gardner could be tied to a Dec. 27 assault on a female jogger from Colorado Springs, Colo. in the park, a popular regional recreation area full of running trails, Gore said. Gardner is from Lake Elsinore

some 75 miles north of San Diego, according to the Megan's Law Web site. He had to register as a sex offender because of a conviction for lewd or lascivious acts with a child under 14, the site said. It was not immediately clear whether Gardner has hired an attorney. Gore said the search for King and for further evidence would continue through the night and expand beyond the park. "There are several searches going on around the county," Gore said. "We are going to refocus some of our search efforts." The volunteers also handed out flyers during the weekend effort. "It's a reflection of who she is and what kind of person she is," Brent King said of the numbers showing up to help. "She's that kind of kid that everybody loves, and it shows." Chelsea King's BMW was found in the park after she failed

Pelosi Protects Rangel (Newsmax - Politics) Submitted at 3/1/2010 1:06:47 AM

Rep. Charlie Rangel's censure by the House ethics panel does not disqualify him from leading the chamber's vital tax-writing committee, House Speaker

Nancy Pelosi said Sunday, accolrding to Fox News. "No, it doesn't. No, it doesn't," Pelosi said. "The fact is, is that what Mr. Rangel has been admonished for is not good. It was a violation of the rules of the House. It was not something

that jeopardized our country in any way." "It said he did not knowingly violate House rules, so that gives him some comfort," Pelosi added. Read more here. Š All Rights Reserved.

to return to her home in suburban Poway, Calif. on Thursday, sheriff's spokeswoman Jan Caldwell said. Investigators also looked for clues on the teen's cell phone, which was found in her car, and on her home computer. The search for Chelsea King, an honor student and senior at Poway High School, also took to the Internet, where a Facebook page generated more than 24,000 fans. A Web site was created at Click here to read more from Click here to visit The Associated Press contributed to this report. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Ga. GOP Rep. Deal Leaving House for Governor Race (Newsmax - Politics) Submitted at 3/1/2010 2:28:14 AM

Republican Rep. Nathan Deal is leaving Congress to concentrate on his previously announced race for governor of Georgia. The 67-year-old held a news conference on Monday to announce his resignation, effective next Monday. Deal represents the mountainous 9th District in north Georgia. He served in the Georgia Legislature as a Democrat and was elected to Congress in 1992 before switching to the GOP in 1995. There are six other Republicans and five Democrats in the race to succeed Gov. Sonny Perdue in November. Perdue cannot seek a third term. Deal entered the governor's race last spring, saying his biggest challenge would be boosting name recognition statewide. He is also dealing with two Congressional ethics investigations of his business contracts with the state. Š Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights Five Filters featured article: reserved. This material may not Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: be published, broadcast, PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, rewritten or redistributed. Term Extraction. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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Venezuela 'helped Eta and Farc' (BBC News | Americas | World Edition)

Eta". Both groups are listed as terrorist organisations by the US Submitted at 3/1/2010 6:47:35 AM and EU. A Spanish judge has accused Bomb courses the Venezuelan government of The judge said Eta and Farc had assisting two rebel groups which been collaborating since 1993, plotted to kill Colombia's and accused Arturo Cubillas President Alvaro Uribe. Fontan of being a key link. Judge Eloy Velasco charged six Mr Fontan lives in Venezuela members of Basque separatist and has held a job in the group Eta and seven members of government of President Hugo Colombian rebel group Farc Chavez - and may still have one with various offences. - the judge wrote. He said he believed Farc had He is also a key member of Eta, asked for Eta's help in a plot to r u n n i n g i t s o p e r a t i o n s i n kill Colombian officials in Venezuela and the region, Mr Spain, including Mr Uribe. Velasco's indictment said. H e s a i d t h e t w o g r o u p s It said Mr Fontan "co-ordinated benefited from "Venezuelan relations between Farc and Eta government co-operation". and the participation of Eta In a 26-page indictment Mr m e m b e r s i n c o u r s e s o n Velasco said an investigation explosives and urban guerrilla launched in 2008 has turned up warfare". evidence "that demonstrates The judge charged Mr Fontan, Venezuelan governmental co- along with two Farc members, o p e r a t i o n i n t h e i l l i c i t Edgar Gustavo Navarro Morales collaboration between Farc and and Victor Ramon Vargas

Salazar, with conspiracy to commit terrorist murders. His investigation found that Farc members travelled to Spain to try to kill former Colombian President Andres Pastrana and to stage an attack on the Colombian embassy. A Farc member reported that "it would not be difficult to carry out an attack on those two targets as long as they could count on the help of Eta", the indictment said. Later the target list was allegedly expanded to include Mr Uribe and other Colombian officials. Left-wing ideology The investigation was launched after links to Spain came to light when a computer used by Farc leader Raul Reyes was seized during a Colombian military raid on a Farc camp in Ecuador in March 2008. Both Eta and Farc claim to be rooted in left-wing ideology.

Eta has been blamed for more than 820 deaths during its 41year campaign for an independent Basque homeland in northern Spain. Farc has been fighting even longer, mounting a major insurgency intended to topple the Colombian government and establish a Marxist-style state. There have long been allegations of links between Farc and President Hugo Chavez's left-wing government in Venezuela. In 2008 a major diplomatic dispute arose after Colombia accused Venezuela of running arms to Farc. Mr Chavez has strenuously denied any such links. Print Sponsor Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

when field hands are arrested, most only tell authorities about their specific job. When asked who hired him, Mesa repeatedly told an AP reporter, "I can't tell you." Washington State Patrol Lt. Richard Wiley said hired hands either do not know who the boss is or are too frightened to give details. "They are fearful of what may

happen to them if they were to Five Filters featured article: snitch on these coyote people," Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: Wiley said of the recruiters and PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, smugglers who bring marijuana Term Extraction. farmers into the U.S. "That's organized crime of a different fashion. There's nothing to gain from (talking), but there's a lot to lose." ___ Valdes reported from Pasco, Wash.

Every Windows Mobile Phone Out Now Is Officially at the Evolutionary Dead End [Windows Phone 7] matt buchanan (Gizmodo) Submitted at 3/1/2010 9:23:06 AM

General Manager for Microsoft's Asia-Pacific Mobile Communications Business confirms it: There is no upgrading to Windows Phone 7, not even for the badass HD2. So! Every Windows Mobile phone out there's officially dead in the water. [ APC Mag via Techmeme]

IMPACT: continued from page 17

national forest land. Now they discover hundreds or even thousands. "If we are getting 40 to 50 percent (of fields), I think we are doing well," said Michigan State Police 1st Lt. Dave Peltomaa. "I really don't think we are close to 50 percent. We don't have the resources." Vast amounts of pot are still smuggled into the U.S. from

Mexico. Federal officials report nearly daily hauls of several hundred to several thousand pounds seized along the border. But drug agents say the boom in domestic growing is a sign of diversification by traffickers. Officials say arrests of farmers are rare, though the sheriff's office in Fresno did nab more than 100 suspects during two weeks of raids last summer. But


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Search spreads for Calif. teen; sex offender held (AP) (Yahoo! News: U.S. News)

she would be found. Gardner was taken into custody at a restaurant in Escondido SAN DIEGO – Authorities and shortly after 4 p.m. Sunday and volunteers are widening a search was being questioned Sunday for a 17-year-old missing in San night. Gore told ABC's "Good Diego County after a registered Morning America" on Monday sex offender was arrested in that the interrogation was c o n n e c t i o n w i t h h e r unproductive. disappearance. "This investigation is ongoing Some 1,400 volunteer searchers and specific criminal charges are a n d m o r e t h a n 1 0 0 l a w still being determined," Gore enforcement officers failed to said at a news conference find Chelsea King on Sunday, Sunday. but evidence was found that led Investigators also suspect to the arrest of 30-year- old John Gardner could be tied to a Dec. Albert Gardner of Lake Elsinore 27 assault on a female jogger some 75 miles to the north, San from Colorado Springs, Gore Diego County Sheriff William said. Gore told the Associated Press Gardner's Riverside County in an interview. residence was also searched King disappeared on Thursday Sunday, Gore said. after going for a run near Lake He was required to register as a Hodges at Rancho Bernardo sex offender because of a Community Park in San Diego, conviction for lewd or lascivious a popular regional park full of acts with a child under 14, the running trails. Her car, with her Megan's Law Web site said. cell phone and iPod inside, were It was not immediately clear found later that night. whether Gardner has hired an G o r e s a i d i n v e s t i g a t o r s attorney. discovered physical evidence King's parents continued pleas linking Gardner to the case. for her return and said the arrest Gore would not elaborate on the offered them no relief. nature of the evidence. He said "Nothing will change for us until they were holding out hope that our beautiful daughter, Chelsea Submitted at 3/1/2010 7:29:30 AM

King, comes home," Brent and Kelly King said in a statement released through a family spokeswoman Sunday night. "We will continue searching for her, and we ask that all of you do the same until she's back with us." Gore said the search for King and for further evidence would continue through the night and expand beyond the park. "There are several searches going on around the county," Gore said. "We are going to refocus some of our search efforts." Chelsea King's BMW was found in the park after she failed to return to her home in suburban Poway, Calif. on Thursday, sheriff's spokeswoman Jan Caldwell said. The search for the straight-A senior at Poway High School also took to the Internet, where a Facebook page generated more than 45,000 fans. A Web site was created at Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

SOME continued from page 16

Those models could be more accurate if scientists had more deep-water sensors and could build coastal inundation models for vast parts of the Pacific Rim where the topography hasn't yet been well-surveyed, Wang said. Because complete data doesn't exist for every coastal area, scientists must play it safe in their wave predictions, he said. "Even for Hawaii, we only have a forecast for less than 10 locations, we don't have inundation models for every coastal point in Hawaii and it's the same story for the U.S. mainland," Wang said. "We've got to be a little conservative. One point doesn't tell you that's going to be the maximum everywhere else." In areas where inundation models exist, scientists' predictions were close to accurate, Wang said. Residents and tourists alike in Hawaii said they weren't bothered by the evacuation and supported the scientists' actions — even though the waves never showed up. Eugene Okamoto, 33, said he came to Honolulu from Hilo to visit some tourist attractions

Gang Starr MC in Coma [Hip Hop] Hamilton Nolan (Gawker)

Monotone-voiced Hall of Fame rapper Guru of Gang Starr

reportedly had a heart attack last weekend, and is in the hospital

in a coma. He's scheduled for surgery today. He's 43 years old.

with his father and was disappointed the two had to cancel their plans because of the evacuation orders. But Okamoto said his family understands the tsunami threat better than most because some of his relatives lived through the tidal surge in 1960. They remember how the water was sucked down the beach moments before the wave hit. "My uncle was on the top floor when all the water washed away and all the kids ran out to grab the fish and before they could get back, the wave came. He was way up top, he saw all his friends get washed away and none of them were found, ever," Okamoto said, as he sat with his father in a hotel lobby. "They did the right thing." _____ Associated Press Writer Jaymes Song contributed to this report. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Popular News/ Tech Blog/ Sports/

E-reader News Edition


Trouble at Twitter?

continued from page 18

The epicentre of the quake was 115km (70 miles) north-east of Concepcion and 325km (202 miles) south-west of the capital Santiago. About 1.5 million homes in Chile have been damaged. Most of the collapsed buildings were of older design - including many historic structures. About 90% of the historic centre of the town of Curico was destroyed. Many roads and bridges across the affected area were damaged or destroyed. One US risk assessor, Eqecat, has put the cost of repairing the damage at between $15bn and $30bn (£9.8bn-£19.6bn) or 1020% of gross domestic product.


US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would visit Santiago on Tuesday and meet Ms Bachelet and Mr Pinera, officials said. The European Union has pledged 3m euros ($4m; £2.7m) in emergency aid for Chile. Japan said it was providing an emergency grant of $3m, as well as sending tents, generators, water cleaners and other emergency gear, while China has pledged $1m. Are you in Chile? Did you experience the earthquake? Send us your comments, pictures and video. Send your pictures to or text them to +44 7725 100 100. If

you have a large file you can upload here. At no time should you endanger yourself or others, take any unnecessary risks or infringe any laws. Read the terms and conditions The BBC may edit your comments and not all emails will be published. Your comments may be published on any BBC media worldwide. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

(Scripting News) Submitted at 2/28/2010 8:55:26 AM

Not sure what's going on, if this is for everyone, or just a few, or just me. The last update in my timeline is 8 hours old. But some people are getting

updates, because I've gotten replies to some of my messages. No mention of the problem on Update at noon: They have something about it at the status site. 1:PM: My timeline is back.

Kobe cold, but Lakers finally defeat Nuggets Associated Press ( Submitted at 2/28/2010 10:54:11 PM

Top Performers Denver: N. Hilario 14 Pts, 11 Reb, 2 Ast, 3 Stl

Los Angeles: L. Odom 20 Pts, 12 Reb, 1 Ast, 4 Stl, 1 Blk Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

A to Z of the greatest journeys on Earth (Holy Kaw!) Submitted at 3/1/2010 7:44:10 AM

One exciting way to see the world is to travel by way of alphabet! The Independent has compiled a great A to Z list of unforgettable adventures from Annapurna, Nepal to Zambeze whitewater rafting in Zambia! See a few highlights below: D—Drake Passage, Antarctica Named after its discoverer, Sir Francis Drake, and renowned for

its wild storms and choppy seas, the 800km strait connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. It’s also the shortest sea crossing between South America and Antarctica, where the visitor will find penguin rookeries, seals, whales and, of course, icebergs. N—Nile Cruise, Egypt The Nile, reckoned to be the world’s longest river at 6,695km, passes through eight it’s Egypt—and particularly its countries besides Egypt on its ancient civilisation – that is most way to the Mediterranean. But associated with the river. In the

easily navigable section below Aswan are the spectacular Edfu Temple and the Valley of the Kings (with Tutankhamun’s tomb) as well as the vibrant city of Luxor. Many tour operators offer cruises which take in these sights. U—Ulster Way, North Ireland Relaunched last year, the 1,000 km Ulster Way is a circular walking route around the best landscapes in Northern Ireland. The highlight is the 50km stretch

Shakeup: No. 3 Purdue latest top team to lose Associated Press ( Submitted at 2/28/2010 6:30:46 PM

Top Performers 4 Ast, 2 Stl Term Extraction. Michigan State: R. Morgan 16 Five Filters featured article: Pts, 11 Reb, 1 Ast, 1 Stl Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: Purdue: E. Moore 12 Pts, 3 Reb, PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS,

along the Causeway Coast with sandy beaches, cliff-top paths and at its heart, the geological wonder of the Giant’s Causeway. Full story at The Independent. Planning a trip? Check out our travel coverage. Photo credit: Fotolia Permalink| Leave a comment »


Popular News/ Gadgets/ Economy/

E-reader News Edition

Clinton starts Latin America tour (BBC News | Americas | World Edition) Submitted at 3/1/2010 4:08:58 AM

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is starting a five-day tour of Latin America, with her first visit to countries like Chile and Brazil. She will also attend the inauguration of the Uruguayan President and former guerilla fighter Jose Mujica. The US secretary of state was expecting to spend a day in Chile on Tuesday. State Department officials said she would still be stopping in Santiago, but the agenda of her

visit may change in the wake of the earthquake there. Hillary Clinton may be going to Latin America, but she will be partly focused on Iran. Question time Washington is pushing for a fourth round of UN sanctions against Tehran. Brazil, a rising regional player with civilian nuclear power, currently sits on the UN Security Council and it has been reluctant to get tough with Iran. The talks in Brazilia will be a test for Mrs Clinton as she seeks to revamp Washington's credibility south of its border. After promising to turn a new

page with its southern neighbours, the Obama administration has brought little change to US policies in Latin America and has paid little attention to the region. Washington's policy of isolating Cuba is still the main sticking point, and Mrs Clinton is likely to face tough questions throughout her trip. Print Sponsor Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Buffett Videos (CNBC) Barry Ritholtz (The Big Picture) Submitted at 3/1/2010 7:16:18 AM

The Warren-Buffett-a-thon on CNBC is in full throat this morning; Here are a full run of videos for your viewing pleasure ... To watch in order, start at bottom and work your way up click for video Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Submitted at 2/28/2010 10:11:26 PM

If you’re looking for a really comprehensive view of iPhone and Android users, look no further than this recent report by AdMob, which tracks click metrics from iPhone and Android users to learn more about them. They learned, for instance, that: Only 21% of Androit users purchase at least one paid app per month, compared to 24% of

Brian Barrett (Gizmodo) Submitted at 3/1/2010 9:40:00 AM

With more tablets being announced each day, there's a lot of pressure on market entrants to stand out. A custom user interface is a great way to do that! The eviGroup Paddle's stop -the-ride-I-wanna-get-off Scale UI, less so. See for yourself: The Paddle actually looks like a decent little tablet: 10.1-inch multitouch screen, 1.6GHz 91% of iPhone users and 88% Atom N270 processor, up to of iPod touch users would 320GB of onboard storage, runs r e c o m e n d t h e i r d e v i c e , Windows 7. Yep, it's all pretty compared to 84% of Android appealing, until you get the the users and 69% of webOS. price— starts at $952—and the webOS users are 3.4x more Scale UI, which simulates what I likely to not recommend their imagine car sickness to feel like. device relative to iPhone OS No more details on specs are users. available at the moment, but the webOS users, 35% of iPod touch Based on the survey, 78% of Read the full story at AdMob. Paddle is expected to be released users, and 50% of iPhone users. iPod touch users are below the More on the iPhone. sometime this spring, with an i P o d t o u c h u s e r s s k e w age of 25, compared to 25% of Permalink| Leave a comment » SDK out later this year. So all considerably younger relative to i P h o n e u s e r s a n d 2 4 % o f you developers, please start other platforms and devices. Android and webOS users. working on your Paddle Scale Dramamine apps ASAP. [ TFTs via Geeky Gadgets]

Knowing iPhone and Android users through their click rates (Holy Kaw!)

The eviGroup Paddle Tablet's Scale UI Leaves Me Queasy [Tablets]


E-reader News Edition


Review: Viva il Re board game app asks to be crowned Sebastian Blanco (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

almost exactly like the tabletop version and most of the functionally is the same, it's just not as much fun to compete Submitted at 3/1/2010 10:00:00 AM Filed under: iPhone, iPod touch, against bots as it is to outwit App Review The iPhone might other people. Continue reading be the most amazing computer and see if you agree. you can slip into your jeans, but Gallery: Viva il Re there are some things it just The Game doesn't do very well. For The game is played over one or example, you can't really get three rounds, with each round into a bluffing match against the ending with the election of a machine, at least not with the new king (yes, we know, kings iPhone/iPod touch app Viva il don't usually get elected, but Re($1.99). Here's what we work with us here). To start the mean. game, each player gets a card Viva il Re (which means "Long listing six names. These are the live the King" in Italian) is a characters that will score you well-designed board game by points at the end of the game, so Stefano Luperto that has been the higher you can get them in beautifully ported to the iPhone the castle, the better. by by Pro-netics S.p.A. The The castle (game board) is made object is to score points and up of seven sections, numbered hopefully get one of your 0-5 and 10. The lower six floors characters to become the new are where the characters spend king, because the old king has most of their time. In the set-up decided to retire (can kings do phase of the game, players place that?). With the retirement a character on a floor numbered announcement, "the pirouette for 1-4 (each player will place the succession begins!" according to same numbers of characters, and the official game setup. Each the extras start on floor zero). player is secretly hoping one of Once everyone has taken their their six characters manages to place, movement starts. reach the top, out of 13 total. Now, with each turn you can When you play the board game move any character up one, and version of Viva il Re, called only one, floor. The only time King Me!, the reasonably slow you can't do this is when a floor pace of the game and the face-to you want to move to is full with -face interaction means that f o u r c h a r a c t e r s a l r e a d y . there is time to develop guesses Obviously, you want to get all of about which characters each your characters as high in the player is hoping will take the castle as possible, because they throne. While the app looks will each score points equal to

the floor they are on when the round ends. When does this happen? When a new king is crowned. Each time a character is moved to the top floor, an election is held.

You can always vote "yes," but are limited to voting "no" to a small number of times based on how many players are in the game (e.g., with three players, you can vote "no" four times,

with six, just twice). As soon as everyone votes yes on a character, total up your points and start a new round. If, however, at least one person votes "no," that character is removed from the castle - and scores nothing - and the game continues. One special rule here: if it's the last round in a game, if you manage to score zero points from characters, you get a bonus of 33 points. Even royalty like to shoot the moon, apparently. The game mechanics are simple enough, and the game is so enjoyable that people have made their own homemade boards that incorporate Star Trek or cute little animals. Board gamers are a pretty dedicated bunch, and you can guess that there's something here worth keeping if they go ahead and re-theme a game. To explore the game in an online, turn-based setting, click here of download the game rules summary in PDF. The App As we said, when you go through all these steps with friends around a table, it can get pretty intense, especially once a few rounds of voting have passed. When playing the iPhone app version, though, everything moves a little too fast and the "opponents" (bots) don't have any sort of personality to make you feel like you're playing a bluffing game. Instead, REVIEW: page 29



E-reader News Edition

TUAW Fact Check: Apple using underage labor? No. Chris Rawson (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 3/1/2010 12:00:00 AM

Filed under: Apple Corporate, Apple When a lot of people get their news electronically, skimming over headlines through news aggregators, RSS feeds, and retweets on Twitter, sometimes the majority of information people will get from an article comes from the headline. When a headline leans towards the sensational side, or doesn't accurately reflect the information that's actually contained in the article, it's easy for poorly-represented news to spread like wildfire. This article from the UK's The Daily Telegraph, regarding Apple's self-initiated audit of its overseas manufacturing facilities, is a perfect example, with its attention-grabbing headline: "Apple Admits Using Child Labour." The sub-headline isn't any better: "Apple has admitted that child labour was used at the factories that build its computers, iPods and mobile phones." Once a person reads those words, his or her knee-jerk reaction is most likely going to be one of disgust and horror. "How could you, Apple?" they might say. If this hypothetical reader owns a Mac or an iPhone, their eyes might glance over at it with anguished guilt; if they

don't own any products from Apple, it's just one more reason not to buy them. If you dig beyond the headline, however, to the meat of the Telegraph's article, where the actual reporting finally begins? Then you get a completely different story as early as the first sentence: "At least eleven 15-year-old children were discovered to be working last year in three factories which supply Apple." That's pretty far from the image conjured by the headline, of legions of schoolaged children lined up in factories and slapping together MacBook Pros when they should be slapping together algebra homework. Instead, we find a relatively small number of teenaged factory workers -reprehensible, but not unusual at all for overseas factories. The end of this first sentence is even more important, because it puts the focus where it belongs: three factories which supply Apple. Two paragraphs later, we find another very important bit of news not reflected in the headline: "Apple said the child workers are now no longer being used." Other news sites performed better reporting on the matter, but at least one still had an easily misinterpreted headline. Read on to find out more. Engadget's headline for its story is a bit better -- "Apple supplier audit reveals sub-minimum

wage pay and records of underage labor" -- but it's still ripe for misinterpretation. The reporting at least is far better than the Telegraph; right away, Engadget notes that the reports of child labor come straight from Apple's own 2010 Supplier Responsibility Progress Report, and they also note that out of 102 audited manufacturers, most of them said Apple was the only manufacturer that performed compliance checks this rigorous. That means Sony, Lenovo, Dell, HP, and all the other manufacturers out there may well have even worse working conditions at their suppliers' factories than those reflected in Apple's audit, but until or unless

emphasis added at key points: "Apple discovered t hree facilities that had previously hired 15-year-old workers in countries where the minimum age for employment is 16. Across the three facilities, our auditors found records of 11 workers who had been hired prior to reaching the legal age, although t he workers were no longer underage or no longer in active employment at the time of our audit. In each of the three facilities, we required a review of all employment records for the year prior to our audit, as well as a complete analysis of the hiring process to clarify how underage people had been able to gain employment. Apple required they perform similar checks, we each facility to develop and have no way of knowing. institute appropriate Another bit of perspective on management systems- such as t h i s c o m e s c o u r t e s y o f more thorough ID checks and MacRumors: "Apple in 2009 v e r i f i c a t i o n p r o c e d u r e s - t o found a total of 17 instances of prevent future employment of w h a t i t c o n s i d e r s ' c o r e underage workers." v i o l a t i o n s ' o f i t s c o d e o f Issues like underage labor, poor conduct, representing about 2% working environments, and of core issues assessed by its substandard pay are all very real auditors." Far from perfect, yes, consequences of doing business but equally as far from the with overseas suppliers. Most sweatshop conditions conjured manufacturers are content with up by the Telegraph's headline; turning a blind eye to the whole in fact, if you actually read t h i n g , s o l o n g a s t h e Apple's own audit, you find that shareholders stay happy and 97% of its facilities were in stock prices stay high. By compliance with regulations running comprehensive audits of against underage labor. its suppliers, Apple runs the risk Finally, the wording from Apple's audit itself, with TUAW page 27


E-reader News Edition


10 Reasons You Should Attend or Watch a Global Ignite Week Event Jennifer Van Grove (Mashable!)

since 2006, this year’s coordinated Global Ignite Week initiative is a first of its kind — Submitted at 3/1/2010 7:40:13 AM with more than 12,000 people What was once just a Seattle slated to attend 72 events event — first started by Brady spanning six continents — that’s Forrest of O’Reilly Media and bound to become the talk of the Bre Pettis of in 2006 Web over the coming week, and — Ignite has grown to become perhaps after. 2. It’s global a n o n g o i n g s e r i e s o f We’ve already mentioned that International geek gatherings events are taking place in six where the brightest minds get continents, but given that that five minutes of stage time to Ignite is one hundred percent make their point. volunteer organized we think it’s Today marks the start of remarkable that this single week Ignite’s most ambitious will encompass events endeavor to date: Global Ignite happening in North America, Week. This week-long Ignite South America, Europe, Asia, extravaganza has been eight Australia and even Africa. Six months in the making and is a out of seven is no small feat, but first of its kind. we hear that next year we could You can find an Ignite event to e v e n s e e I g n i t e e v e n t s i n attend or watch online, but either Antarctica. 3. No keynotes way you’ll want to familiarize Trust us, this is a pro. Instead of with the movement that is Ignite. putting a few special guests on a To catch you up to speed, we’ve pedestal for a keynote speech or put together a list of reasons why p a n e l , I g n i t e e v e n t s a r e Global Ignite Week (@ignite) s t r u c t u r e d s u c h t h a t a l l should be on your radar. 10 p r e s e n t e r s a r e e q u a l . A l l Reasons to Attend or Watch speakers are treated the same, Online 1. Be a part of history in alloted the same amount of time, the making and must follow the same set of While Ignite has been around rules. Still, some of the greatest

quickly and succinctly (or be left behind by their own slides). 6. It’s pitch-free As conference goers, we all always fear that conference sessions will derail into tedious and unwanted pitch fests. Fear not! Ignite is a pitch-free zone and talks are guaranteed to minds from all walks of life encompass an array of topics participate and get their five like the above example, How To minutes under the spotlight. 4. Work a Crowd. 7. There’s booze Talks are only 5 minutes (hint: Event organizers — volunteers you won’t get bored) though they may be — are still Ignite is perhaps the most tasked to find venues that have structured event we know of that bars. Enough said. 8. There’s still manages to inspire creative science fair-like contests thinking. Each presenter is At some Ignites, organizers will limited to five minutes and there opt to include a contest portion is absolutely no wiggle room. in addition to the standard five None. Period. 5. Presentation minute talks. Contests vary slides auto-advance depending on location but In order to up the challenge they’re meant to be activityfactor, Ignite speakers are only based exercises with rules that alloted 20 slides. The catch is inspire creativity and yet make that each slide auto-advances winning a challenge. Contests after 15 seconds, regardless of from years past include egg whether or not the presenter has slams, Popsicle-stick bridge finished their thought. This c o n t e s t s , p a p e r a i r p l a n e makes for an atmosphere that c h a l l e n g e s , a n d c u p c a k e crackles with intensity and contests. 9. Video is live forces presenters to stay on topic streamed to the Web (and and get their points across archived)

Even if you can’t make it out to the Ignite event in your neighborhood, you can tune into the Ignite events from all areas as each local event will be live streaming their talks to the web. You can turn to Ignite’s recently unveiled video site to eavesdrop on sessions happening around the world or catch up on popular talks from previous events. 10. You can unlock a Foursquare badge The Foursquare badge is starting to become choice du’jour for the hidden gem of any geeky event and Ignite is no different. If you’re attending an event in person and check-in on Foursquare, you’ll be welcomed with a custom Ignite Foursquare badge. As any Foursquare fanatic knows, each badge is like a trophy that highlights your adventurous nature. [ Img credits: LaughingSquid, Yukon White Light, NYTVF] Tags: Events, foursquare, ignite, List, Lists, live video, o'reilly

Apple's performance of these audits in the first place. TUAW TUAW Fact Check: Apple using underage labor? No. originally appeared on The


TUAW continued from page 26

of finding out just how poorly its suppliers treat its workers, and by publishing those results, it runs the risk of news outlets like the Telegraph blowing them out

of proportion. Despite what some newspapers or news sites would have you believe, Macs and iPhones are not crafted by children, and that's partly due to

Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Mon, 01 Mar 2010 00:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this|


Tech/ Gadgets/ Entertainment/

E-reader News Edition

Encouraged by iPhone market, Nuance announces new medical apps Mel Martin (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 3/1/2010 8:00:00 AM

Filed under: Enterprise, Hardware, Odds and ends, iPhone, iPod touch, iPad Dragon Dictation and Dragon Search from Nuance Communications were definite crowd-pleasers, so today the company is announcing specialized medical versions of the apps for physicians and medical professionals. The first app is Dragon Medical Mobile Dictation. It is designed to allow clinicians to dictate patient notes, emails and text messages instead of typing them on a mobile device. The idea is to let medical professionals dictate and capture information in real time with a smartphone, without having to return to a desktop or laptop computer. The product is expected to be available before the end of the year. Nuance is also announcing Dragon Medical Mobile Search,

a variation of Dragon Search that will allow medical staff to search a variety of medical websites completely by voice using an iPhone. The app is expected to be released by April 30. Finally, Nuance is unveiling Dragon Medical Mobile Recorder, a voice capture app that will allow clinicians to conduct on-the-go dictation using a smartphone. Once the sound is recorded, the file is forwarded through Nuance's background speech recognition technology and into a transcription where a high quality draft is created, then returned for review and sign off. The Dragon Medical Recorder is due before the end of this year. Nuance estimates that by the end of next year, 81% of physicians will be using smartphones. More interesting is that the company research shows the iPhone breaking away from the pack of other smartphones to be the preferred device in the medical enterprise. According to

produces MacSpeech Dictate. The application uses the Dragon speech recognition engine. Nuance also provided the voice recognition that powers the popular Siri app for the iPhone, that lets users do searches with natural language queries. t h e N u a n c e r e s e a r c h , t h e Peter Durlach, the Senior V.P. Blackberry is still the leading of marketing and Strategy for smartphone among physicians, Nuance, told me the company is b u t t h e i P h o n e g r o w t h i s also taking a close look at the explosive and almost doubled in Apple iPad for use by medical use by physicians between 2008 professionals. The company will and 2009. In a July survey of see if the form factor works for Medical Students it was found doctors and nurses, and Durlach that 45% owned an iPhone or an says he expects the iPad to be an iPod touch. Of those who did not important part of future Nuance own a smartphone, 60% planned solutions. to buy an iPhone or iPod touch TUAW Encouraged by iPhone within a year. market, Nuance announces new That has to be good news for medical apps originally appeared Apple, and I would expect Steve on The Unofficial Apple Weblog Jobs and colleagues to continue (TUAW) on Mon, 01 Mar 2010 to push the iPhone into the 08:00:00 EST. Please see our enterprise in the coming months. terms for use of feeds. For Nuance Communications, Read| Permalink| Email this| it's a further endorsement of Comments Apple products. Earlier this month Nuance bought MacSpeech, the company that

'CSI: Miami''s Horatio Travels to Los Angeles to Unravel a Secret (ETonline - Breaking News) Submitted at 3/1/2010 12:01:00 AM

"CSI: Miami" is Los Angeles bound on tonight's episode when Horatio Caine ( David Caruso) and Eric Delko ( Adam Rodriguez) travel to Los Angeles to unravel a secret from Jesse Cardoza's ( Eddie Cibrian) past. "Jesse Cardoza is a new member of our team. He was transplanted from Los Angeles under some difficult circumstances -- the death of his wife. He came to Miami to join our team but his past is haunting him. In order for him to break free of it we need to come to L.A. As a result, we are digging into the past and trying to clarify what happened," David tells ET. Also in the episode, Malcolm McDowell guest stars as a sleazy lawyer, while Michael Madsen is playing a bodyguard to a murder suspect, and Sheri Moon Zombie plays a Los Angelesbased photographer.

Wacom Cintiq 21UX: Now this is a touchscreen John Biggs (CrunchGear) Submitted at 3/1/2010 7:30:57 AM

Pressure-sensitive tablets are

nothing new but how about a tablet that can sense 2048 levels of pressure? This $1999 Wacom tablet has a 21.3-inch

touchscreen as well as rear

toggle buttons for performing Y o u c a n c h e c k i t o u t a t actions without having to lift W a c o m ’ s w e b s i t e . your pen. It should be available in April.


E-reader News Edition

Microsoft software to let patients see medical records (CNET Submitted at 3/1/2010 7:02:56 AM

Microsoft is unveiling new health care software that will give you a glimpse of your own medical records online. The company on Monday announced its new HealthVault Community Connect software, which is geared toward hospitals interested in helping patients access their own health care history. Following a hospital stay, you and your personal doctors can view electronic copies of your hospital records online. Using the software, you can also preregister for future hospital appointments using your existing medical information. You log onto the hospital's patient Web site, said Microsoft, where you can call up physican notes, discharge instructions, prescriptions, and lab and radiology results. You can send copies of your hospital records to your personal HealthVault account, if you have one. HealthVault is a free service from Microsoft that lets you store and organize all your health care records online. Your personal doctor or

referring specialist can also request access to the system to keep on top of your hospital care and ongoing treatment. Microsoft said that the hospital will control the list of outside physicians who are able to tap into your records. "With HealthVault Community Connect, we are targeting one of the fundamental gaps in the care process -- the lack of electronic information flow between the hospital, the patient and the patient's care team outside the hospital," said David Cerino, general manager of Microsoft Health Solutions Group, in a statement. "By allowing patients and their personal physicians to access electronic copies of their discharge instructions, for example, hospitals can facilitate better health outcomes by getting the relevant information into the hands of the people who need it most." HealthVault Community Connect was announced at 2010 Annual Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Conference & Exhibition, a health care trade show taking place in Atlanta this week. The software is designed for

any size hospital, said Microsoft. It can also integrate with a hospital's existing network enviroment and run on Microsoft's SharePoint Server. HealthVault Community Connect is slated to debut in the third quarter of this year. With the push toward lowering medical costs by modernizing the system, Microsoft has been one of several tech companies introducing new health care products. Last year, the company formed a venture with CVS to let people download their prescription information to their HealthVault accounts. It also has been buying companies to enhance its medical portfolio, most recently picking up health care sofware maker Sentillion in December. Microsoft's Amalga product line is designed to help doctors and patients more easily access and organize medical records and is currently being used in large hospitals such as New YorkPresbyterian. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


REVIEW: continued from page 25

it becomes a simple game of moving your characters up and voting now and again. Sure, this sounds like pretty much the same thing, but if just feels very different and not in a good way. The Toilet expansion is also missing. There are some nice digital-only touches. Instead of needing to remember who your characters are, they are conveniently highlighted in yellow on the game board. This makes your turns much quicker, since there's no need to refer back to your list of candidates. It's impossible to know if the bots ever vote "yes" to a character that isn't on their card so as to hold on to a "no" card for later while expecting at least one other player to decline the new king, but it appears they do. We played some games where a round ended much earlier than expected, something that is certainly reminiscent of the tabletop version. The app also doesn't remember settings - the number of players or rounds selected - from game to game, so you need to reselect them each time. Not cool. Also, each time you move a character to another level, the game automatically shifts it to the leftmost open spot on that level. This isn't a real problem, just kind of silly. The game's music is harmless and appropriately medieval-

sounding, but why can't we listen to iTunes while playing? This is quickly becoming our number one annoyance with iPhone games. We're carrying around gigs of music for a reason, my friends, and we probably like our tunes better than your game's soundtrack. On the table, King Me! is a fun and light "filler" game. On the iPhone, though, it falls flat. The main flaw of Viva il Re is that it's for one player only. While it would make the game take longer, pass-n-play does not seem like it would be that hard to implement, and it would certainly turn Viva il Re from a C+ game into an A- in a hurry. At the very least, playing other opponents over a network would be nice. This is an interactive game, and any digital version needs to respect that. For now, we're voting "no." TUAW Review: Viva il Re board game app asks to be crowned originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Mon, 01 Mar 2010 10:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments



Quix makes bookmarklets even easier to use TJ Luoma (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

you don't find the one you want, you can add your own using Quix's easy syntax in a plain text Submitted at 3/1/2010 9:00:00 AM file( Mine is available for Filed under: Internet Tools anyone who wants to use it.) Bookmarklets are one of my If you still are not convinced, favorite things. I have an entire checkout their two minute video folder of them in my Safari "raiders of the lost ark"), then which shows it in action. By the Bookmark Bar for Instapaper press Return. As Jeff Goldblum time I finished watching it, I was and Readability and and used to say"There's no step already sold. Instead of an entire Pukka and Tumblr and ... well, three." Some of the other built-in folder of bookmarklets, I have y o u g e t t h e i d e a . T h e y ' r e commands: one for Quix, which does incredibly handy for doing everything that I did before, and "something" with the current • Search IMDB: "imdb search more. webpage that you are viewing, word(s)" Oh, and one more thing: since or quickly looking up other • Search Google: "g search this is just javascript, it also information. works on Mobile Safari on the word(s)" Quix has come up with a way to • Search Google Images: "img iPhone. Ever tried to find a make them even better. It calls search word(s)" specific word on a long page of itself "Your Bookmarklets, On • Search Wikipedia: "w search text in Mobile Safari? It can be a Steroids" and it's hard to argue word(s)" real hassle. With Quix, just type with that description. Imagine all • Search only the current site "find search word(s)" and Quix of your bookmarklets together in u s i n g G o o g l e : " g s s e a r c h will highlight all instances of the one, and being able to come up w o r d ( s ) " word on the current page and with shortcuts to trigger each • Reformat the current page show you the first one. one. Quix is incredibly handy. Check using Readability: "read" The interface is extremely • Share on Tumblr: "tumblr" it out at minimal: a javascript popup • Share on Facebook: "fb" TUAW Quix makes window with a text input space. • Share on Delicious: "db" bookmarklets even easier to use What you type in that space • Clip current page in Evernote: originally appeared on The dictates what happens next. Quix "evernote" Unofficial Apple Weblog comes with a bunch of (TUAW) on Mon, 01 Mar 2010 commands already built-in, and There are scads more for 09:00:00 EST. Please see our using them is a breeze. The shortening links, sending the terms for use of feeds. syntax couldn't be simpler: just page to other programs like Read| Permalink| Email this| type a command shortcut (such CSSEdit, MarsEdit, Pukka, Comments as "imdb") followed by a word Tweetie, or many others. and if or words (like "ghostbusters" or

E-reader News Edition

Intuit Offers a New Look at the Economy and Employment Trends Adam Ostrow (Mashable!) Submitted at 3/1/2010 5:30:31 AM

Many economists (and the President) believe that small businesses will be what reignites job growth in the US. Today, Intuit is out with a new way to track that theory – a monthly small business employment index that leverages payroll data from tens of thousands of customers to track hiring trends. Specifically, the index measures hiring at roughly 50,000 companies with less than 20 employees that use Intuit Online Payroll. Much like Mint (which is now owned by Intuit) can shed insight into personal finance habits by analyzing customer data, the idea here is that in aggregate, Intuit’s small business customers can tell us which way small business is trending each month. The company’s first report shows that there were 40,000 new small business jobs created in February, representing a 0.2% increase in their index. Moreover, their report shows that small business employment bottomed out in the middle of last year, with 150,000 jobs created in total since June, 2009: How does Intuit’s data compare to that released monthly by the

US Department of Labor? In its most recent report– for January – the unemployment rate dropped from 10 percent to 9.7 percent, breaking an uptrend we’ve seen since 2007. Their number looks at overall employment though – not just small businesses – so if the thesis that a recovery starts with small business is to be believed, perhaps Intuit’s data is telling us something, especially if January doesn’t prove to be an anomaly when the Department of Labor issues its next report. In any event, we like that Intuit is leveraging its data to provide insight into broader trends. We’ve seen companies like AdMob, Flurry, and JiWire(and even Facebook) do similar recently within their respective fields, and see it as an effective way for brands to build further awareness for their products. Tags: employment, intuit, statistics


E-reader News Edition

Network Solutions Confused About The DMCA Mike Masnick (Techdirt)

for a "notice-and-notice" system of dealing with takedowns, whereby it needs to first notify Last week we wrote about how the user and wait for them to Microsoft abused the DMCA to respond. Unfortunately, the force Cryptome offline via DMCA does not follow such a Network Solutions. Since then, procedure. It would be much there's been some interesting better if it did. However, the scrambling by all parties DMCA is a "notice-andinvolved. Mircorosft claimed takedown" setup, whereby the that it never meant to take service provider who receives Cryptome down entirely, just the the notice needs to first take one document (though, it no down the content, if it wishes to longer is asking for it to be taken retain its safe harbor protections. down). But that doesn't make It can choose not to take the much sense, because Network content down (though, that Solutions only had the ability to rarely happens), but it risks take down the whole site, not l o s i n g t h e s a f e h a r b o r pieces of content. Either way, protections. As the law itself what really confused us was clearly states: upon notification Network Solutions response to of claimed infringement as the DMCA takedown, which described in paragraph (3), was that it waited until responds expeditiously to Cryptome filed a counternotice remove, or disable access to, the to take down the site. That's not material that is claimed to be how the DMCA works. infringing or to be the subject of Yet, in a blog post sent over by infringing activity. So NetSol is Achura, Network Solutions tries wrong to claim that they first to provide a "layperson's guide" need to notify the user and wait t o t h e D M C A . T h e o n l y for the response. problem is that they get it Second, NetSol is then wrong in wrong. how it responds to a First, Network Solutions seems counternotice from the user. It to think that the DMCA provides c l a i m s : I f t h e c u s t o m e r Submitted at 3/1/2010 4:34:00 AM

challenges the Notice by submitting a Counter Notification that complies with the DMCA, the Host is required to disable access to the allegedly infringing site for a period of "not less than 10 business days, nor [sic] more than 14 business days" (the "Challenge Time Period"). Again, this appears to be incorrect. If it had been following the DMCA, it should have already taken the content down to retain safe harbors. It makes no sense to say once the counternotice is sent then you take down the content. Instead, the no less than 10 days/no more than 14 days refers to how much time the service provider is supposed to wait before putting the content back that it already took down. Of course, given that NetSol was confused about the notice-and-takedown process, you could see why it felt the need to take the content down after the counternotice -because that's the point that it realizes it was legally supposed to take the content down earlier. Permalink| Comments| Email This Story


Social Networks Play a Major Part in How We Get News [STATS] Stan Schroeder (Mashable!) Submitted at 3/1/2010 2:50:36 AM

The latest study from Pew Internet analyzes the news consumers in America and various different ways of finding news. Based on a sample of 2,259 adults, the study reveals that three fourths of the people (75%) who find news online get it either forwarded through email or posts on social networking sites, and half of them (52%) forward the news through those means. It translates to a large portion of all Americans. According to the report, 59% of those surveyed get news from a combination of online and offline sources. However, the study also shows that very few people nowadays (7%) are getting information from a single media platform. In fact, nearly half of Americans (46%) claim they get news from four to six media platforms on a typical day. And while TV is still the biggest source of news (78% of Americans say they get news from a local TV station), Internet sits on second place (61% of users get news online), ahead of radio and newspapers. Interestingly enough, relatively few people – only 17 percent –

claim they read news in a national newspaper such as the New York Times or USA Today. Also interesting is the division between news consumers according to their relationship to news. 33% of cell phone owners now access news on their cell phones and 28% use personalized news, meaning they have a customized page that includes news from sources they’ve personally chosen. Perhaps most importantly, news consumers today participate in the creation of news; 37% have contributed to news creation, commented on news, or shared it via social media sites such as Facebook or Twitter. The entire report is available here. Image courtesy of iStockphoto, enot-poloskun Tags: News, social media, social networks, trending


Tech/ Gadgets/ Picture/

E-reader News Edition

New iPhone ad: Family Travel Steven Sande (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

Southwest Airlines app to check in on a flight from Denver to LA, finds a restaurant for the Submitted at 2/28/2010 10:45:00 PM family ( Heidi's Brooklyn Deli) Filed under: Odds and ends, in the C concourse at Denver iPhone International Airport with Gate If you've been watching TV Guru, makes sure that she has over the last few days (and who entertainment for her kids in the hasn't, with that USA / Canada form of "Finding Nemo" loaded hockey game and the tsunami in the iPod app, and then turns coverage), you may have seen off the living room lights at the latest in the series of iPhone home with the Schlage Link app. ads. For those of you who are The ad, titled "Family Travel," s t i c k l e r s f o r a d v e r t i s i n g features a voice-over by a Mom accuracy, note that Southwest w h o g u s h e s t h a t " I t ' s flight 1403 is not an actual SWA unbelievable how much better flight between DEN and LAX family trips have gotten..." as and that the restaurant list for she demonstrates using the C o n c o u r s e C a t D e n v e r

International Airport is actually a mashup of restaurants located throughout Denver International Airport. All of the apps are free, although Schlage Link does require a monthly subscription and appropriate Z-Link hardware on the home front (similar to the Christmas tree ad from the holidays). TUAW New iPhone ad: Family Travel originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Sun, 28 Feb 2010 22:45:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

The Blue Marble Kevin Collins (Flickr Blog) Submitted at 2/28/2010 9:48:21 PM

• About Flickr Flickr is a revolution in photo storage, sharing and organization, making photo management an easy, natural and collaborative process. Get comments, notes, and tags on your photos, post to any blog, John Biggs (CrunchGear) share and more! Submitted at 3/1/2010 7:30:10 AM Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: I like a secure household. I like PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, to back up my seismics with a Term Extraction. perimeter of screamers and I like to keep a webcam trained on my front door. One problem, however, has been viewing my perimeter remotely with my iPhone. It is a problem no more. Dropcam, makers of $199 wireless webcams, have released an updated iPhone app that let’s Windows Mobile 6.x owners you add cameras to your system will be left with dead-end with a minimum of fuss and d e v i c e s , a s M i c r o s o f t i s muss. Each camera pops up on supposed to continue support for the app as its started and you can them under the name Windows view images over Wi-Fi and 3G Phone Classic. But if you’re anywhere in the world. interested in upgrading to The App is free and each Windows Phone 7, you’re camera costs$199. treading on unstable ground, no I personally use Vitamin D for matter which Windows Mobile my home surveillance but this device you own. looks like a good solution for Tags: microsoft, windows f o l k s o n t h e r u n f r o m mobile, windows phone 7 slamhounds.

Upgrading to Windows Phone 7 May Not Be Possible Stan Schroeder (Mashable!)

upgrading, as Microsoft’s UK Mobile Business Group Director Alex Reeve said it’s up to their Yes, most of us want Windows “hardware partners to think Phone 7 to be very different about.” from Windows Mobile. And But now, news comes out that Microsoft promised that it will, owners of HTC HD2, a new indeed, be different, closer to the Windows Mobile 6.5 device latest generation of Zunes than which seems more than capable to a Windows Mobile 6.x phone. of running the new software, But it comes with a price: won’t be able to upgrade to chances are owners of Windows Windows Phone 7 software. Mobile 6.x devices won’t be Furthermore, according to APC, able to upgrade to Windows Microsoft’s General Manager Phone 7 software. for Mobile Communications Up until recently, it looked as Business in the Asia-Pacific though there is a chance of region, Natasha Kwan, said that Submitted at 3/1/2010 7:16:15 AM

none of the current phones have what it takes. “Because we have very specific requirements for Windows Phone 7 Series the current phones we have right now will not be upgradable,” she said. This doesn’t mean that

Dropcam gets an updated iPhone App

Tech/ Gadgets/ Entertainment/

E-reader News Edition

Forwarding A Defamatory Email Is Not Defamation Mike Masnick (Techdirt)

protections. The fact that the guy added a brief intro to the email also didn't change this -We've seen some folks claim in though, the content of that intro the comments that Section 230 c o u l d b e r e v i e w e d f o r safe harbors go away if the defamation (the court found person or company is involved there was none), since that was in forwarding or posting the actually written by the guy. material of others -- but courts Once again, this is exactly how have repeatedly held otherwise. Section 230 should act. It's Now we've got yet another such designed to make sure liability case, that actually has pretty a gets applied to the right party -pretty similar story line to some the one actually making (for previous lawsuits. Basically a e x a m p l e ) t h e d e f a m a t o r y guy forwarded an email to a remarks. Merely passing along mailing list, which someone what someone said shouldn't claimed was defamatory -- and have the liability passed on to t h e y s u e d t h e g u y w h o you as well, and that's exactly forwarded the email. But, once what the court found. again, a court has found that the Permalink| Comments| Email mere act of forwarding the email This Story does not take away section 230 Submitted at 3/1/2010 6:22:30 AM

We7 Gives UK Users Another Music Streaming Option on the iPhone Stan Schroeder (Mashable!)


Toni Braxton Looking to Enter Dating World (ETonline - Breaking News) Submitted at 3/1/2010 12:04:00 AM

Recently single Toni Braxton confided in ET's Kevin Frazier Peter Gabriel-backed UK music backstage at the 41st Annual streaming service we7 just NAACP Image Awards that she launched an iPhone app which is looking for love. lets Premium+ users listen to Toni said, "I haven't started music on their iPhone, ad-free. dating yet…no one has asked We7 gives several options to me." A stunned Kevin vowed to u s e r s : f r e e s e r v i c e i s a d - the iPhone. The two apps have play matchmaker and is on a s u p p o r t e d , a n d w o r k s the same price in the UK for mission to find her a date. worldwide, Premium option is their premium subscription; ET was also sure to speak to UK-only and lets you stream Spotify, however, is a bit many of the night's big winners music (without ads) from your cheaper at 9.99 euros (13.6 i n c l u d i n g G a b o u r e y PC, and the Premium+ option dollars) in other countries. Sidibe(Outstanding Actress, (also UK-only) lets you listen to Spotify also has the advantage of ' P r e c i o u s ' ) , M o r g a n “millions of songs” without ads, being available in several Freeman(Outstanding Actor, both on your PC and your Euroepan countries, while we7 ' I n v i c t u s ' ) , a n d iPhone, for a monthly fee of i s s t i l l l i m i t e d t o U n i t e d Mo'Nique(Outstanding Talk 9.99 pounds (roughly 15 US K i n g d o m o n l y . Series, "The Mo'Nique Show"). As far as other mobile platforms dollars). With this move, we7 joins go, according to we7’s website, Spotify as another European Android version is “coming provider of streaming music on soon”. Submitted at 3/1/2010 4:26:23 AM

Plextor’s first SSDs are now available for your consumption Matt Burns (CrunchGear) Submitted at 3/1/2010 6:48:39 AM

It seems like nearly every computer accessory maker has a line of SSDs now and Plextor just joined that club with two

SSDs. The company showed off its upcoming models at CES 2010, but now both the 64GB and 128GB options are available — for a pretty price. Pricing is inline with other current options available. The

64GB ( PX-64M1S) carries an

MSRP of $235 with the 128GB ( PX-128M1S) going for $415. The drives utilize the popular Marvell controller chipset, which delivers read/write speeds of 110MB/s and 65MB/s on the 64GB option and 130MB/s and

70MB/s on the 120GB drive. They are a tad expensive, yes, but they are also breakneckquick.



E-reader News Edition

Well, What I’ve Always Wanted to Do Is Direct Michelle Cottle (The New Republic - All Feed)

Scott was elected as Massachusetts’s junior senator and the GOP’s newest It boy, Submitted at 2/28/2010 9:00:00 PM aspiring pop star Ayla Brown You’ve got to hand it to Bristol showed up peddling her wares Palin: The gal is working on CBS’s “The Early Show.” A overtime to turn those lemons f o r m e r “ A m e r i c a n I d o l ” into lemonade. contestant (she was one of 16 A week or so before graduating semi-finalists in season 5), Ayla high school last May, America’s has enjoyed a wave of attention favorite unwed teen mother since dad’s victory, popping up signed on as an abstinence on various chat shows and ambassador for the Candie’s having her new EP ( Circles) F o u n d a t i o n ( a p e r p l e x i n g rushed to market. Ever the development for those who supportive parent, then-Senatorr e c a l l e d B r i s t o l ’ s e a r l i e r elect Brown told ABC’s “This proclamation that abstinence is Week” on January 31 that he “not realistic at all”). Four would love to see Ayla get months later, young Bristol another shot on “Idol.” But even i n c o r p o r a t e d h e r s e l f a n d assuming Fox doesn’t oblige, launched a political p.r. and Ayla’s dreams of stardom will consulting shop named BSMP undoubtedly be well served by (short for Bristol Sheeran Marie dad’s new gig. Palin). Now comes the big news So what I’m now wondering is: that Bristol will try her hand at Do these two lovelies represent a acting with an appearance on the sharper, savvier model of third season of ABC Family’s political kid-dom? popular “Secret Life of the There have long been American Teenager.” Playing a advantages to having politically fictionalized version of herself, prominent parents. Some of the Bristol will befriend the show’s perks are generic, shared by the main character in a music class offspring of the rich, powerful, for teen moms. and well-connected in any field: Not too shabby, eh? At this rate, enjoying easier access to elite it’s a toss-up as to which Palin schools; hobnobbing with other will be the first to score her own Masters of the Universe and syndicated talk show. their masters-in-waiting kids; Of course, Bristol isn’t the only entering adolescence secure in enterprising cutie getting a show the knowledge that the legal -biz leg up from a political system will treat you gently parent. A week after her dad should you get busted for drunk

driving, drug possession, or date rape; having a bevy of family friends on call to bail you out of failed business ventures, help buy you a baseball team, get you elected governor of Texas, and pave your way to the White House. OK. That last example is a bit specific. Then again, among the most enduring benefits of having a political parent has been that it dramatically facilitates one’s own entry into the game. Forget full-blown dynasties like the Kennedys and Bushes: The list of little boys (and girls) who, but for the grace of political nepotism, would have wound up anonymous cubicle jockeys or used car salesmen is endless. I mean, does anyone believe Evan Bayh could have snagged so much as a seat on the Muncie school board if his daddy weren’t the most charming man to come rolling out of Indiana in decades? Similarly, related fields like lobbying, consulting, and punditry have traditionally rushed to embrace those with a political power player in the family. But have we now reached the point where—with the lines between pop-culture and politics blurring and all types of fame getting smooshed together (Hillary in Vogue? Al Franken in the Senate? Tom DeLay on ”Dancing With the

Stars”?)—being the child of a political celebrity can provide a fast track to actual celebrity? I mean, why settle for appearing on a tedious political chat show watched largely by the elderly and the unstable when mom’s political fame can score you a guest spot on a prime-time drama series? Why sing your heart out to a few thousand drunk fans at local ballgames when dad’s election can get you a national audience of three million? I hear the Obama girls are big fans of Fox’s “Glee.” If I were Malia, I’d start lobbying hard to join the tryouts for next season’s new cast members. Accompanying this trend, I suspect, will be the fading of the perceived downsides of political kid-dom. Once upon a time, pretty much all pols agonized about the lack of privacy their families would suffer because of their profession. Today, we have Scott Brown touting his daughters’ extreme dateability during his victory speech and calling for Ayla to once more shake her groove thing for Simon Cowell. And why not? If our reality TV/YouTube culture has taught us anything, it is not to fear exposure. Exposure is good. Exposure is useful. Having the public all up in your business can make you a star—assuming the process is shrewdly managed, of course.

Why should political kids (or their parents) worry so much about maintaining a “normal” life when everyone else in the country is fighting to get their excruciatingly normal lives transformed into the next Fox spectacle? Projecting out a few years, how long before politicians have to stop citing their kids as the reason they won’t pursue higher office—and we instead see kids lobbying their parents to run as a way to boost the kids’ public image? After all, without all that grotesque personal invasion that Sarah Palin whined about in ’08, Bristol would be just another statistic, a sad cautionary tale told by anxious Wasilla parents looking to scare their own hormonal offspring into keeping their pants on. Instead, Bristol Inc. is preparing to enter the world of wardrobe fittings and script approval. Like Ayla Brown, she is ready for her close -up, Mr. DeMille. Can the other political progeny be far behind? Michelle Cottle is a senior editor of The New Republic. For more TNR, become a fan on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Politics/ E-reader News/

E-reader News Edition


Defiance E.J. Dionne Jr. (The New Republic - All Feed)

estate tax. Kyl is essentially leveraging the unemployed to get a deal on estate tax relief that Submitted at 2/28/2010 9:00:00 PM would cost $138 billion over the WASHINGTON -- The word next decade, according to "partisanship" is typically estimates by the Center on a c c o m p a n i e d b y t h e w o r d Budget and Policy Priorities. "mindless." That's not simply The estate tax has already been insulting to partisans; it's also cut sharply, so the reduction Kyl untrue. is pushing along with Sen. If we learn nothing else in 2010, Blanche Lincoln, D-Ark., would c a n w e p l e a s e f i n a l l y affect the estates of fewer than acknowledge that our partisan three out of every 1,000 people divisions are about authentic who die, according to the Tax principles that lead to very Policy Center. different approaches to The proposal helps estates governing? worth more than $7 million in Last week's health care summit the case of couples. I guess was a day-long seminar that struggling millionaires deserve should make it impossible for the same empathy we feel for anyone to pretend otherwise. But those without a job. before we get to that, let's And notice this: Especially in examine the Senate debate over the Senate, what passes for whether to e x t e n d "bipartisanship" too often u n e m p l o y m e n t i n s u r a n c e involves a Democrat such as coverage. The matter is rather L i n c o l n a l l y i n g w i t h a urgent for jobless workers Republican on behalf of the because 1.1 million of them are wealthiest interests in the scheduled to lose their benefits country. And we're supposed to this month, and 2.7 million are cheer this? slated to lose them by April. At the summit, the most Sen. Jim Bunning, R-Ky., has revealing exchange was between put a hold on the extension bill, President Obama and Sen. John but one of the key reasons the B a r r a s s o , a W y o m i n g measure is blocked is the effort Republican who is also a of Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., to use physician. Barrasso's central it as a way of forcing a cut in the concern is that the health care

system doesn't operate enough like every other market. He seemed troubled less by the many Americans who lack health insurance than by those who abuse the insurance they already have. Addressing Obama, Barrasso suggested that we might be better off if people were insured only for catastrophic care. "Mr. President, when you say (people) with catastrophic plans, they don't go for care until later, I say sometimes the people with catastrophic plans are the people that are (the) best consumers of health care in ... the way they use their health care dollars." "A lot of people" with insurance, he added, "come in and say, my knee hurts, maybe I should get an MRI, they say, and then they say, will my insurance cover it? That's the first question. And if I say yes, then they say, OK, let's do it. If I say no, then they say, well, what will it ... cost? And what's it (going to) cost ought to be the first question. And that's why sometimes people with ... catastrophic health plans ask the best questions, shop around, are the best consumers of health care." Obama played the old TV character Columbo, who thrived

on posing seemingly naive questions: "I just am curious. Would you be satisfied if every member of Congress just had catastrophic care? Do you think we'd be better health care purchasers?" Barrasso answered in the affirmative, though he didn't propose that senators dump their present coverage. Obama came right back: "Would you feel the same way if you were making $40,000 ... because that's the reality for a lot of folks. ... They don't fly into (the) Mayo (Clinic) and suddenly decide they're going to spend a couple million dollars on the absolute, best health care. They're folks who are left out." Obama concluded: "We can debate whether or not we can afford to help them, but we shouldn't pretend somehow that they don't need help." As neatly as anything I have seen, this exchange captured the philosophical and emotional difference between the two parties. The point is not that Republicans are heartless and Democrats are compassionate. It's that Democrats on the whole believe in using government to correct the inequities and

inefficiencies the market creates, while Republicans on the whole think market outcomes are almost always better than anything government can produce. That's not cheap partisanship. It's a fundamental divide. The paradox is that our understanding of politics would be more realistic if we were less cynical and came to see the battle for what it really is. E.J. Dionne's e-mail address is ejdionne(at) E.J. Dionne, Jr. is the author of the recently published Souled Out: Reclaiming Faith and Politics After the Religious Right. He is a Washington Post columnist, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, and a professor at Georgetown University. (c) 2009, Washington Post Writers Group For more TNR, become a fan on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Freescale's new i.MX508 processor could mean cheaper, faster e-readers (Engadget) (Yahoo! News Search Results for e-readers) Submitted at 3/1/2010 6:59:51 AM

Boss of the Year Entry Form Now that we've thrown 'em off the trail, use the form below to get in touch with the people at

Engadget. Please fill in all of the Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: required fields because they're PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, required. Term Extraction. Five Filters featured article:


Politics/ TV/

E-reader News Edition

Millennials on the Move (AEI.Org: Articles)

While a solid majority of millennials, 57%, currently approve of the job Obama is Young people often lead doing as president, a whopping change, and two new surveys 73% gave their approval in provide some clues as to where February 2009. (Interestingly, 18 that change is headed. - to 29-year-olds are the only age Last week the Pew Research group to give the president Center released its new report on majority support today.) The "millennials," who the survey president's ratings on handling defined as 18- to 29-year-olds. the economy have dropped 22 At 50 million strong, the group p e r c e n t a g e p o i n t s a m o n g is larger than the boomer millennials since April 2009 generation, so we can expect its (from 66% to 44% in January members, as they age, to exert 2010) and 17 points on handling disproportionate influence on health care (from 63% to 46%). everything from politics to Fifty-four percent of millennials fashion. identified themselves as B a r a c k O b a m a d i d Democrats (and 40% as extraordinarily well among Republicans) in Pew's fourthmillennials in 2008: 62% of 18- quarter 2009 data, but the to 29-year-olds voted for him vs. Democrats' advantage was much only 32% for John McCain. The larger a year earlier. Not only way you cast your first vote can are the president's marks lower, anchor you as you age, and but the early enthusiasm young Obama's big margin suggested people showed for him didn't he had an opportunity to cement carry over to Democrats in the a generational allegiance to the V i r g i n i a a n d N e w J e r s e y Democratic Party, like Franklin gubernatorial elections in 2008 Roosevelt before him. Those nor in the Massachusetts Senate who came of age politically election this year. In fairness to during the Roosevelt era became Obama and the Democrats, wedded to the Democratic Party millennials are hardly warming and carried their Democratic to the Republicans. When asked identification with them as they how they will vote this fall, 37% got older. of millennials say they will vote The evidence a year after the for a Republican and 51% for a election, however, isn't as Democrat. promising for the president. Demographically the Submitted at 2/28/2010 3:00:00 PM

millennials are distinct. They are more racially diverse than in the past. Today 61% are white, 20% Hispanic, 14% black and 5% Asian; in 1972 the age cohort was 90% white. Millennials are more accepting of interracial dating and interracial marriage than older groups. They are also more supportive of immigration and less likely to worry about assimilation. Although they express more liberal attitudes than older people on most social issues, they split pretty evenly on ideological identification: 32% call themselves moderates, 29% liberals and 29% conservatives. This should raise some questions about their possible long-term allegiance to the Democratic Party. Furthermore millennials display some conservative family values. Nineteen percent of in Pew's survey said they grew up in divorced homes. Most of their mothers work outside the home. Their life experiences may explain why they place strong emphasis on having good marriages and being good parents. These conservative values seem to have extended to the younger generation as well: A survey for the Girl Scouts done by Harris Interactive ( HPOL- news-people ) suggests

teens and tweens are less likely than 20 years ago to think smoking is OK (27% in 1989, 18% now), more likely to say they will wait until marriage to have sex (24% to 33% now) and more likely to say they would refuse a drink at a party (36% to 58% now). However, like their older brothers and sisters in the millennial survey, they value diversity and accept homosexuality. The millennials are somewhat more pessimistic than other age groups about where they are financially today. That's hardly surprising. They are at the bottom of the ladder and just starting out. But they are very optimistic about their prospects. Two-thirds told Gallup in a 2003 survey that they would be rich. And, as all of us know, they are tech-savvy. Eighty-three percent in the Pew poll say they sleep with their cellphones or keep them nearby at night. As for fashion, 38% sport tattoos, but of that group, 72% say the tattoos are hidden. Karlyn Bowman is a senior fellow at AEI. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

'The Amazing Race' - 'Run Like Scalded Dogs' Recap Jackie Schnoop (TV Squad) Submitted at 3/1/2010 12:20:00 AM

(S16E03)"Run like scalded dogs?" Well, that's a new one on me. It was said by one of the cowboys on'The Amazing Race' tonight and is just about as pleasant as the "don't throw the baby out with the bathwater" saying. Who comes up with such evil sayings? What twisted minds create such horrid images? Probably some of the same minds who create challenges on reality television competition shows. Continue reading'The Amazing Race' - 'Run Like Scalded Dogs' Recap Filed under: OpEd, The Amazing Race, Episode Reviews Permalink| Email this| | Comments

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E-reader News Edition

The American Awakening Dexter Filkins (The New Republic - All Feed) Submitted at 2/28/2010 9:00:00 PM

In The Graveyard of Empires: America's War in Afghanistan By Seth G. Jones (W.W. Norton, 414 pp., $27.95) I. With the war in Afghanistan hanging in the balance, it is useful, if a little sad, to recall just how complete the American -led victory was in the autumn of 2001. By December, the Taliban had vanished from Kabul, Kandahar, and much of the countryside. Afghans celebrated by flinging their turbans and dancing in the streets. They dug up TV sets, wrapped in plastic, from hiding places in their gardens. In Mullah Omar’s hometown of Sangesar, the locals broke into his madrassa and tore out the door frames for firewood. Among ordinary Afghans, there was a genuine sense of deliverance. The world, which had abandoned them more than a decade before, was coming back. What a difference eight years makes. Today the Taliban are fighting more vigorously and in more places than at any point

since they fled the capital. They are governing, too, with sharia courts and “shadow” administrators, in large parts of the Pashtun heartland in the south and the east. American soldiers are dying faster than ever: twice as many were killed in 2009 as in 2008. Perhaps most disturbing, the Afghan government of President Hamid Karzai has revealed itself to be a hollow shell, incapable of doing much of anything save rigging elections. The center is giving way. The catastrophic reversal in Afghanistan has many fathers, but all the many failures can be boiled down to two: a lack of resources, which might have been used to build enduring Afghan institutions; and a conviction, until recently, that time was on our side. In the crucial years from 2002 to 2006, as the fledgling Afghan government hobbled along, the Americans--by this I mean officials in the Bush administration in Washington, for the soldiers and the diplomats in the field were perfectly aware of the dangers-carried on without the slightest

sense of urgency. In time, the thinking in Washington went, Afghan democracy and the Afghan state would take hold, and the Taliban would wither away. Today, in the gloomy winter of 2010, American policy has been almost entirely reversed. For the first time since the war began, the White House is devoting its full attention--and the necessary men and matériel--to drive back the Taliban and create an effective Afghan army and state. The thirty thousand new troops being dispatched by President Obama will bring the American total to around 100,000. Obama has also ordered a crash effort to train and equip 400,000 Afghan soldiers and police, in addition to a novel plan to organize tens of thousands of local militiamen. The U.S. military, meanwhile, has learned from its disastrous early mistakes and reinvented itself. In the villages, American soldiers are carrying out a sophisticated strategy that relegates the killing of insurgents to the lowest tier. And that brings us to the question of time. The most startling line in Obama’s speech

at West Point in December was its invocation of an eighteenmonth timeline for the maximum deployment of American troops. After that, he said, they would begin to come home. The president announced an escalation and a de-escalation in the same speech. You have the resources now, he seemed to say, but your time is short. In the days that followed, his aides qualified the president’s pledge-it’s “not a cliff, it’s a ramp,” Jim Jones, the national security advisor, said. And so it probably would be. But the fact remains that with those crucial sentences, Obama bared his intentions, and even his soul. He does not want to be in Afghanistan. His heart is not in it. To be sure, he is proceeding with the escalation, and his heart may yet change, but it is difficult to imagine that the Taliban--and the Pakistanis-have not concluded that the Americans will soon be gone. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Stars Send Outpouring of Affection to Marie Osmond (ETonline - Breaking News) Submitted at 3/1/2010 5:47:00 AM

While at an event to stamp out hunger, stars such as Nick Lachey, Marcia Cross, and Debi Mazar sent their condolences to Marie Osmond and her family upon finding out about the tragic death of her teenage son Michael. "Desperate Housewive"'s Marcia Cross, who holds a masters degree in psychology, said, "What's so devastating about that is, first of all, death is irrevocable, and you think, 'Oh my God, did they have medication? Was there something that could have been done?'...It's heartbreaking." Actress Debi Mazar got to know the Osmond family while competing against Donny Osmond for the mirror ball trophy on "Dancing with the Stars." She knows many people who have suffered from depression, the condition Marie's son fell victim to, and said, "It's quite tragic. They're a very private family."

New Video: 'The Bachelor''s Family Meets The Final Two (ETonline - Breaking News) Submitted at 3/1/2010 12:05:00 AM

Tonight's the night that "The Bachelor"'s Jake Pavelka will

make a decision that could change his whole life. Will he propose to Vienna Girardi or Tenley Molzahn at the end of this season's finale?

But first, Jake wants to hear what his family has to say, so he introduces both women to his parents and siblings when they arrive in St. Lucia.

"This is very serious for me," Tenley tells Jake's mother. "I am looking for the man I am going to spend the rest of my life with."



Politics/ Entertainment/

E-reader News Edition

The Inkblot Test Jonathan Cohn (The New Republic - All Feed)

the apple to vote ‘no’ this time because they went home and had an unpleasant experience as a Submitted at 2/28/2010 9:05:40 PM result of their ‘yes’ vote. I don’t An article that ran in Politico on know if there is anybody who Friday provided a Rorschach test voted ‘no’ that regrets it.” for those of us following the That said, Altmire said he’s health care reform debate. reconsidering his own “no” vote. The story was about reform’s And he’s not alone. prospects following President The first paragraph certainly Obama’s bipartisan meeting. seems discouraging. And if And it dwelt, at length, with the you're looking for reasons to be situation in the House. In order skeptical about reform, well, that to enact reform, as you probably paragraph will give you plenty. know, the House will have to But the actual news in that pass the Senate bill as written, as passage is the second paragraph. well as pass amendments that In order to get a bill through, the Senate can consider through House Speaker Nancy Pelosi t h e b u d g e t r e c o n c i l i a t i o n will have to convince at least a process. It won’t be easy, the few members who voted "no" to Politico article explained: change their minds. Altmire is “I just don’t know where they saying he could be one of them. get the votes in the House,” said And others might join him. P e n n s y l v a n i a R e p . J a s o n That's a breakthrough. Altmire, a Democrat who voted Does this mean reformers against the initial House bill. finally have the upper hand? No. “ I t ’ s a h u g e c h a l l e n g e But a variety of administration because…the people who voted officials, congressional staff, and ‘yes’ would love a second bite at lobbyists have said in the past

few days they feel the odds for passage are higher than they have been at any time since January, when Scott Brown’s victory in Massachusetts took away the Democrats’ filibusterproof margin in the Senate. That's not what a lot of the recent media coverage suggests, I know. But I'm inclined to think these sources are right and the media coverage is wrong. The steady, if slow, progress since the Massachusetts election has been unmistakable. After an initial period of confusion and listlessness, the administration and congressional leadership have made clear their intentions to continue pursuing comprehensive reform rather than scale back their ambitions. (The statements to that effect were particularly strong on the Sunday morning talk shows.) No less important, they have nearly finished working out a compromise between the House and Senate bills, including

changes to the Senate bill that can pass through the reconciliation process. Still unresolved is the question of sequence. The White House and the Senate want the House to pass the full Senate bill first, with reconciliation changes to follow. They believe this is preferable both politically and procedurally. The House has repeatedly rejected the idea: Its members don't trust the Senate to to do its part and actually pass the reconciliation changes. That would leave House members on the hook for the elements of reform they despise most, including the full tax on health benefits and the Cornhusker Kickback (the agreement to have the federal government cover the cost of Nebraska’s Medicaid expansion). Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Neil Patrick Harris to Direct Musical (ETonline - Breaking News) Submitted at 3/1/2010 7:07:00 AM

"How I Met Your Mother" star Neil Patrick Harris is making a big step from actor to director. The stage vet will be directing the premiere of Rent at the Hollywood Bowl from August 6 -8, according to The Hollywood Reporter. In 1997, Harris starred in the Los Angeles production of Rent and won a Drama League Award for his performance. Harris can be seen every Monday night on "HIMYM," airing on CBS.

Al Gore in the New York Times (Little Green Footballs) Submitted at 2/28/2010 10:31:55 AM

I agree with almost everything Al Gore writes in his New York Times op-ed today, but we all know that people who despise Gore (and there are more than a few on the right) are going to reject it out of hand.

Gore is a very polarizing figure, partly because of his rather extreme attacks on George W. Bush during the Bush presidency (such as the redfaced yelling speech in which he accused Bush of betraying the country). This animus from the right damages his ability to be a good

spokesman for climate change, which is unfortunate because he has a pretty good grasp of the science, and a realistic assessment of the political issues, and can argue effectively on both fronts. But the populist hatred of Gore is fully exploited by Republican politicians, who relentlessly demonize him as a

hypocrite, a liar, etc. Even if you hate Gore, though, try to put it on hold long enough to give his article a chance. There are some thoughtful points in here that deserve to be discussed instead of dismissed, starting with the title: We Can&##x2019;t Wish Away Climate Change.

(I checked the comments on Twitter’s conservative feed ‘#tcot’ just to see how bad the Gore Derangement Syndrome is, and it’s raging out of control. A typical tweet: “When do Congressional hearings start into Al Gore’s criminal fraud and the man-made #GlobalWarming lie?”)

Politics/ E-reader News/

E-reader News Edition

Florida's Kottkamp Blasts Obama's Economic Policy

Chilean Earthquake, Day Two

(Newsmax - Politics)

(Little Green Footballs)

look for government solutions when we all know … that private sector free mark Florida Lieutenant Gov. Jeff solutions are what’s going to Kottkamp strongly objects to work.” President Obama’s intervention As for healthcare, Kottkamp in the economy. agrees with current Attorney “It appears this president doesn’t General Bill McCollum’s plan to have a lot of respect for the sue if the Democrats’ reform foundation of this country,” plan passes. K o t t k a m p , a R e p u b l i c a n “It’s clearly a violation of the candidate for state attorney 10th amendment,” Kottkamp general, told Newsmax.TV. said. “If the federal government E d i t o r ' s N o t e : S e e t h e can force you to buy healthcare, Newsmax.TV interview with t h e y c a n f o r c e y o u t o d o Florida Lieutenant Gov. Jeff a n y t h i n g . ” Kottkamp below In terms of specific Florida “In some ways it seems like he i s s u e s , K o t t k a m p o p p o s e s doesn’t have an appreciation for Obama’s space budget cuts. nation states. Everything he’s Those cuts will hurt workers on done seems to be a systematic Florida’s space coast, where attack on the foundation of this rockets are launched, he says. country.” In addition, the cuts deprive us Kottkamp in particular objects of technology and put national to spending increases, tax defense in jeopardy, Kottkamp i n c r e a s e s , a n d O b a m a ’ s says. healthcare reform. He says Florida must continue Basically, the president doesn’t to broaden its economy beyond believe in limited government, tourism and agriculture. “For the Kottkamp says. “He continues to l o n g - t e r m i n F l o r i d a : Submitted at 2/28/2010 12:33:56 PM

E-Readers’ Price May Fall to $150 With New Chip, Freescale Says (Bloomberg) (Yahoo! News Search Results for e-readers) Submitted at 2/28/2010 9:32:55 PM

[ unable to retrieve full-text content] March 1 (Bloomberg) -- Freescale

Semiconductor Inc. , whose products power about 90 percent of electronic book readers, said a new chip will help drive down the price of the devices to less than $150 this year.

biotechnology and life sciences, aerospace, alternative energy, digital technology. These are areas where you bring high wage jobs to your state,” Kottkamp said. “That is the future of Florida.” He strongly supports drilling for natural gas off Florida’s coast to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. In addition, “We have to be serious about solar energy.” Solar energy can be used to heat water in South Florida homes, Kottkamp says. He wouldn’t indicate who he supports in the Republican primary for Senate between Charlie Crist and Marco Rubio. “They’re two very dynamic people. It will be a very fun race to watch,” Kottkamp said. “They both have strengths and weaknesses.” © Newsmax. All rights reserved. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Earthquake experts said the strains built up by that movement, plus the stresses More than a million and a half added along the fault zone by the people are displaced in Chile 1960 quake, led to the rupture on after yesterday’s 8.8 earthquake, Saturday along what is estimated and at least 300 people have to be about 400 miles of the been reported killed — a terrible zone, at a depth of about 22 number, yet surprisingly low for miles under the sea floor. The such an enormous event. With a quake generated a tsunami, with quake this size, the danger isn’t small surges hitting the West over; more than 90 aftershocks Coast of the United States and have been reported so far, some slightly larger ones in Hawaii of them quite large. and other parts of the Pacific. A The New York Times has an 7.7-foot surge was recorded in article on what scientists know Talcahuano, Chile. about the geological forces that Jian Lin, a geophysicist with the caused the quake. Woods Hole Oceanographic The magnitude 8.8 earthquake Institution, said the quake that struck off the coast of Chile occurred just north of the site of early Saturday morning occurred the 1960 earthquake, with very along the same fault responsible little overlap. “Most of the for the biggest quake ever rupture today picked up where measured, a 1960 tremor that the 1960 rupture stopped,” said killed nearly 2,000 people in Mr. Lin, who has studied the Chile and hundreds more across 1960 event, which occurred the Pacific. along about 600 miles of the Both earthquakes took place fault zone and was measured at along a fault zone where the magnitude 9.5. Nazca tectonic plate, the section For more analysis, geologist of the earth’s crust that lies Kim Hannula has a good blog under the Eastern Pacific Ocean post comparing the Haitian and south of the Equator, is sliding Chilean earthquakes: How big beneath another section, the was that EQ? Magnitude vs South American plate. The two intensity in Chile and Haiti. are converging at a rate of about three and a half inches a year. Submitted at 2/28/2010 9:21:54 AM


Politics/ Entertainment/

E-reader News Edition

Cracked: The 5 Most Badass Presidents of All-Time

Paranoid Delusion of the Week

(Little Green Footballs)

(Little Green Footballs)

Riggs. Sure, he probably didn’t have an irate black lieutenant to answer to, or a weary partner Here’s a hilarious piece at who was too old for this shit, but on The 5 Most he most certainly had a death Badass Presidents of All-Time. wish. When the 1828 election rolled How do we know? Well, around, a lot of people were despite everyone’s best efforts, t e r r i f i e d w h e n t h e y h e a r d Jackson was elected to the top Andrew “Old Hickory” Jackson office, and when he wasn’t busy w a s r u n n i n g . I f y o u ’ r e shaping the Presidency as we wondering how a guy we’re know it today, you could find calling a bad ass got such a lame him out back dueling. In case nickname, it’s because he used you haven’t been to the 18th to carry a hickory cane around century lately, this unmanly and beat people senseless with it, sounding activity actually and if you’re wondering why he involves standing across from an did that, it’s because he was a armed man and shooting at him f*cking lunatic. while he in turn shoots at you. Former Democratic Senator and The number of duels that Secretary of the Treasurey Jackson took part in varies Albert Gallatin feared a Jackson depending on what source you presidency because of his consult; some say 13, while “habitual disregard of laws and o t h e r s r a n k t h e n u m b e r constitutional provisions.” Or in somewhere in the 100’s, both of other words, the man was a which are entirely too many loose canon—17th Century times for a reasonable human Washington’s answer to Martin being to stand in front of Submitted at 2/28/2010 1:21:34 PM

someone who is strying to kill them with a loaded gun. On one occasion, he challenged a man named Charles Dickinson to a duel, (the reason behind it wasn’t important, not to us and certainly not to Jackson), and Jackson was even kind enough to give Dickinson the first shot. We’re gonna go ahead and repeat that: In a duel with pistols, Jackson politely volunteers to be shot at first. Dickinson happily obliged and shot Jackson, who proceeded to shake it off like it was a bee sting. When Jackson returned the favor, Dickinson was not so lucky, and that’s why his face isn’t on the twenty. The bullet, by the by, remained in Jackson’s body for 19 years because, we assume, Jackson knew that time spent removing the bullets would just fall under the general category of “time not dueling,” Jackson’s least favorite category.

Andrea Peyser's Column, Condensed [Sex Pervs] Hamilton Nolan (Gawker) Submitted at 3/1/2010 10:15:25 AM

"Sex addicts...pert and pretty...Women who ogle...grab at men in a sexual fashion...dirty objects...I feared

gang rape...millimeters from his crotch...the nastier, the grabbier,

the raunchier the better...satisfying the primal urge to find places to plant their vehicles." Normal Monday. [ NYP]

Submitted at 2/28/2010 6:30:31 PM

Frank Gaffney’s post at Andrew Breitbart’s “Big Government” blog is titled, “ Can This Possibly Be True?” I suggest an alternate title: “ Could This Possibly Be Any More Paranoid and Ridiculous?” Now, thanks to an astute observation by Christopher Logan of the Logans Warning blog, we have another possible explanation for behavior that — in the face of rapidly growing threats posed by North Korean, Iranian, Russian, Chinese and others’ ballistic missiles — can only be described as treacherous and malfeasant: Team Obama’s anti-anti-missile initiatives are not simply acts of unilateral disarmament of the sort to be expected from an Alinsky acolyte. They seem to fit an increasingly obvious and worrying pattern of official U.S. submission to Islam and the theo -political-legal program the latter’s authorities call Shariah. What could be code-breaking evidence of the latter explanation is to be found in the newly-disclosed redesign of the Missile Defense Agency logo (above). As Logan helpfully shows, the new MDA shield

appears ominously to reflect a morphing of the Islamic crescent and star with the Obama campaign logo. (For a comparison, the previous logo is below.) Even as the administration has lately made a show of rushing less capable sea- and land-based short-range (theater) missile defenses into the Persian Gulf in the face of rising panic there about Iran’s actual/incipient ballistic missile and nuclear capabilities, Team Obama is behaving in a way that — as the new MDA logo suggests — is all about accommodating that “Islamic Republic” and its evermore aggressive stance. Watch this space as we identify and consider various, ominous and far more clear-cut acts of submission to Shariah by President Obama and his team.

Politics/ Consumer Reports/ E-reader News/

E-reader News Edition

Why Financial Reform Is Stalled (AEI.Org: Articles) Submitted at 2/28/2010 3:00:00 PM

According to the media's narrative about Washington, the Obama administration's financial regulation proposals have not gotten through Congress because the town is gridlocked by partisan warfare. It's a simplistic story that does not require much thought to generate or accept. Here's a better explanation: The proposals are not grounded in a valid explanation of what caused the financial crisis, reflect the same impulse to control a sector of the economy that underlies its health-care and cap-and-trade proposals, and more than anything else reflect Rahm Emanuel's iconic motto for all statists that a good crisis should never go to waste. The administration appears to

have begun its regulatory reform effort with the idea propagated by candidate Barack Obama that the financial crisis was caused by deregulation. There was never any evidence for this. The banks, which were in the most trouble, are the most heavily regulated sector of the economy and their regulation has only gotten tighter since the 1930s. This article is available by subscription from the Wall Street Journal. Peter J. Wallison is the Arthur Brooks Fellow in Financial Policy Studies. Photo Credit: iStockphoto/Larry Cole Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Ark. Lt. Gov. Announces Senate Bid Against Lincoln (Newsmax - Politics) Submitted at 3/1/2010 12:14:41 AM

Arkansas Lt. Gov. Bill Halter says he is seeking the Democratic nomination to challenge U.S. Sen. Blanche Lincoln this fall. Halter's spokesman provided a statement Monday in which Halter said he would file papers for the Senate this week. Halter is the only Democrat to formally announce a challenge to Lincoln as she seeks a third term. Lincoln faces a tough reelection fight, with eight Republicans already announcing interest in the seat. Groups on the left have criticized her stances on labor, health care and air pollution regulations.

Lincoln has become emblematic of the problems faced by Democrats, and more broadly, incumbents, in the 2010 campaign. She is considered by some political handicappers to be the Senate's most vulnerable member. Halter is a former Clinton administration official. He was elected lieutenant governor in 2006. © Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


N.J. students give mixed reviews to using ereaders instead of books (The Star-Ledger) (Yahoo! News Search Results for e-readers) Submitted at 3/1/2010 4:10:00 AM

Don't have an account? Register now for free, or sign in using your AIM or Google account! Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Q&A: Does drinking soy milk cause prostate cancer? (Consumer Reports)

of studies. While a 2007 analysis suggested that some soy products might increase the risk Submitted at 3/1/2010 6:40:46 AM of advanced prostate cancer, Q&A: Does drinking soy milk most studies have concluded that cause prostate cancer? moderate consumption of soy Is there any evidence that doesn’t increase prostate-cancer d r i n k i n g s o y m i l k c a u s e s risk—and may actually lower it. prostate cancer?— G.D.T., That might be due to soy’s high Columbia, S.C. concentration of isoflavones, s i m i l a r l y t o t h e h o r m o n e Not according to a vast majority plant chemicals that behave e s t r o g e n . O n e i s o f l a v o n e ,

genistein, inhibited the growth of prostate cancer cells in testtube studies, though it’s too early to say whether it does the same thing in men. So you can continue to include soy milk in your diet without concern. Find out why you should add more soy to your diet and take a look at some factors that can likely increase your risk of

prostate cancer, including being older and eating a lot of red meat. Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences


Consumer Reports/ Sports/ Fashion/

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Recalls: Acura, Chrysler, Dodge, Honda, Saab, and Toyota Consumer Reports Shopping Blog (Consumer Reports)

vehicle. Until a repair is made, the air bags may not provide optimum crash protection. Submitted at 3/1/2010 6:30:20 AM This recall affects vehicles Recalls: Acura, Chrysler, r e g i s t e r e d o r s o l d i n t h e Dodge, Honda, Saab, and following states: Alaska, Toyota Connecticut, Delaware, Iowa, A few recalls have been I l l i n o i s , I n d i a n a , K a n s a s , announced recently affecting K e n t u c k y , M a s s a c h u s e t t s , Acura, Chrysler and Dodge Maine, Maryland, Michigan, minivans, a number of Honda Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, vehicles, the Saab 9-3, and New Hampshire, New Jersey, Toyota Tacoma. If your vehicle New York, North Dakota, Ohio, is listed here, the manufacturer Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, should contact you. Customer- South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, service phone numbers are listed V e r m o n t , V i r g i n i a , W e s t below if you have questions. Virginia, Wisconsin, and the 2005-2006 Chrysler Town & District Of Columbia. Country and Dodge Caravan and Chrysler will replace the front Grand Caravan air bag sensors with a new Chrysler is recalling over design free of charge. The 300,000 2005-2006 Town & campaign will begin in June. Country and Dodge Caravan and Owners may contact Chrysler at Grand Caravan minivans due to 1 - 8 0 0 - 8 5 3 - 1 4 0 3 f o r m o r e a problem with the front crash i n f o r m a t i o n . sensors. These sensors may Various 2001-2003 Acura and crack under certain weather Honda models conditions and can cause the Honda continues to expand its sensor to not operate effectively. air bag recall adding another When this occurs the air bag 3 7 9 , 0 0 0 v e h i c l e s . M o d e l s warning light will illuminate to include the 2003 Acura 3.2 CL, prompt owners to service the 2002-2003 Acura 3.2 TL, 2001-

2002 Honda Accord and 20012003 Honda Civic, 2002 Honda CR-V and Odyssey and 2003 Honda Pilot. The company says a defect in the air bag’s inflation system can produce over-pressurization and cause the inflator to rupture when the airbag deployed. Metal fragments could go through the air bag and cause injury or even death to occupants. Dealers will replace the air bag inflator free of charge. Owners may call 1-800-999-1009. 2004 Saab 9-3 GM is recalling over 14,000 Saab 9-3 sedans due to a problem with the seat belt retractors that could fail over time. The belt may not retract properly, thereby increasing the risk of injury in a crash.

Dealers will replace the driver’s -side retractor free of charge and will also replace the passenger retractors for 10 years from the date of sale. Owners may go to for more information. 2010 Toyota Tacoma Toyota is recalling 8,000 Tacoma pickup trucks due to a problem with the propeller shaft, which may develop cracks during manufacturing. Over time, the cracks could lead to the separation of the shaft and could result in a loss of vehicle control. Dealers will inspect and replace the front propeller shaft free of charge. Owners may call 1-800-3314331. Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences

Street Chic: Milan Fashion Week (ELLE News Blog)

Photo: Imaxtree Click here for our complete fall 2010 Fashion Week coverage Abbey Lee and Freja leave Think you are Street Chic? EFendi with gift bags in tow. mail us your photo and you

Street Chic Daily. Follow ELLE on Twitter. Become our Facebook fan!

Submitted at 3/1/2010 4:00:00 AM

could appear in's

Party on, Canada Ariel Helwani (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 2/28/2010 5:21:00 PM

Filed under: USA, FanHouse Exclusive, Ice Hockey, Olympic Video, Canada VANCOUVER, British Columbia -- Feb. 28, 2010, may go down as the greatest day in Canadian sports history, and FanHouse TV was there to capture every minute of Sunday's thrilling gold medal men's hockey game between Team Canada and Team USA. From Jonathan Toews' opening goal to Sidney Crosby's gamewinner, with the roller coaster ride of emotions in between, it's all here, courtesy of the great fans at LiveCity Yaletown in downtown Vancouver. Enjoy the video below.

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Sponsor Post: Developer Community 101: Treat Your Developers Like Customers RWW Sponsor (ReadWriteWeb)

costs. Did you recently launch an API? Congratulations! You have Submitted at 3/1/2010 6:00:00 AM just inherited a brand new Editor's note: We offer our long customer base: developers. Treat -term sponsors the opportunity y o u r d e v e l o p e r s w i t h t h e to write posts and tell their story. courtesy you would extend to These posts are clearly marked any customer of your business. as written by sponsors, but we H e a r t h e i r s u g g e s t i o n s , also want them to be useful and incorporate their feedback and interesting to our readers. We let them know you are listening. hope you like the posts and we I g n o r e y o u r n e w s e t o f encourage you to support our customers and their needs, and sponsors by trying out their they'll be sure to return the products. favor. I t ' s 2 0 1 0 - d i s r u p t i o n i s Focusing on customers requires e v e r y w h e r e . T h e p a c e o f an exercise in understanding, technology is quicker and faster segmenting and mapping to help than ever before. News of you achieve broader corporate i T a b l e t s f o r t o u c h - s c r e e n goals. Regardless of the stage of magazines alerts us that we're your API platform (planning, living in a multi-channel, multi- building, sustaining) this post platform, multi-device-kinda will provide a useful look into world. So how do we keep up how to plan for successful with innovation while being developers on your platform. mindful of resources and cost- Define Success, Stay Focused savings? Value can't just be perceived, it Sponsor has to be actual. The API Any healthy business strategy in platform cannot stand alone; 2010 should include an API rather it needs to be tightly platform component in it. integrated with business Establishing a platform strategy objectives in mind. A good top is an excellent corporate tactic to down approach for planning achieve faster time-to-market your API starts by defining what (TTM) results. APIs do this all success is for the company. while cutting unnecessary Supporting corporate markers investments in time, resources for success will get you the and finances. The benefits of executive buy-in you need to APIs are not only the revenue boost your API efforts. Mapping earned, but savings realized in your success through goal development and operational s e t t i n g a n d m e a s u r e m e n t

when you've been successful? Developer Segmentation Strategy You know the business goals and have analyzed the success markers. But now you need to evaluate the best approaches to achieve developer success within your API universe. Start with a classic business customer segmentation study to identify and prioritize your developer processes keeps you cognizant audiences. This will help you of both short and long-term formulate a clear and effective value message to encourage opportunities. Next, align your platform more developers to consume strategy with your business your API. strategy - identify company- To build your segmentation wide goals to measure against. study, answer this series of strategic questions: For example: • double revenue for the company in five years • increase user / consumer engagement by 12% • reduce partner implementation costs by 30% • increase the number of new Tier 1 partners by 10% • increase the number of internal projects delivered by 20% It's important that the API platform be accountable to the business strategy, by generating revenue and driving partnerships, within a sustainable platform growth model. How else will you know

quantitative information to inform the decisions above. Once you've established developer segments, it becomes easier to tie opportunities back to the corporate business goals. And it's imperative to consider the available resources (time, workforce, finances) to create realistic platform goals. Focus, focus, focus. Go after your priority segments first, given the reality of limited resources. This is an important exercise in platform planning that adds communications efficiency, and better overall potential revenue performance of your API platform. Community Feedback If you've already launched an • Do you know who your API platform and have built up a developers are? small (or large) developer • D o y o u k n o w w h a t network, then be sure to garner programming languages (PHP, feedback directly and indirectly Ruby, Python) and platforms from them. Surveys, polls, (mobile, widget, browser) your discussion boards, comments, developers are using? tweets and social buzz tell you • Do you know what influences how the community feels about or motivates your developer to your API, brand and efforts. So build on your API? (Money, pay close attention, and analyze fame, fortune?) the numbers too. Look into your • Do you know the proper developer portal dashboards (or c h a n n e l s t o r e a c h y o u r reports) to get aggregate developers? (Where do they live, information on popular calls, work and play?) methods, search terms, coding • Do you know who amongst languages and other items that your developers are the most relate to the health and curiosity profitable partners? SPONSOR page 47 Consider both qualitative and


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E-reader News Edition

U.S. Department of Defense Goes Social...Yes, Really! Sarah Perez (ReadWriteWeb)

blocked access to 12 popular social media sites from .mil computers citing "bandwidth On Friday, the U.S. Department concerns," reports the Navy of Defense announced a new Times. In August 2009, the policy which allows all users of Marine Corps banned the same unclassified computers in the sites, this time citing security .mil domain access to popular issues. Other services also began social networking sites including blocking social media sites at the Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and direction of various commanders YouTube among others. This in certain locations. Sometimes change in policy effectively those bans even led to the reverses the previous ban on shutdown of personal blogs. accessing these types of sites - a Unfortunately for military ban that had been in place for p e r s o n n e l , t h e s e b l o c k i n g nearly three years. In embracing measures forced troops to use the new policy, the department their own personal computers in also launched its own social order to communicate with media hub, a blog-like site friends and family via Facebook, complete with live Twitter feeds, Twitter and other social media Tweetmeme buttons and "share services while stationed in the on Facebook" links. And in case U.S. When deployed, they had you thought they weren't serious, to visit Internet cafes in order to it's also worth noting (as spotted gain access to these sites. New by the New York Times) that Policy States: No More Blacklist news of this announcement The new policy, announced broke on the Twitter feed of Friday, seeks to balance the Price Floyd, the Principal needs of troops to connect with Deputy Assistant Secretary of their loved ones via social media Defense for Public Affairs, and while also maintaining an not via a traditional press appropriate level of security. As release. the policy goes into effect, the Sponsor DoD will require all military Reversing the Ban units to remove the social sites In May 2007, the Pentagon from their internal "blacklist." Submitted at 3/1/2010 7:08:32 AM

members are reminded that while the new policy opens up access to Facebook and the like, other sites like those containing gambling, pornography and hate -crime, are still banned. Also, personnel are advised that "everyone has a responsibility to protect themselves and their information online, and existing regulations on ethics, operational security, and privacy still apply." The Social Sites of the DoD According to the Times, Lindy Elsewhere on the DoD Social Kyzer, an advisor to the Army's Media Hub, are links to other Chief of Public Affairs on social DoD social media sites including media issues, said that all the Twitter feeds for Price Floyd units will be now be required to and the department itself, its open access to social networking Facebook page, Flickr account, sites initially. Afterwards, if any YouTube account, uStream commander does need to block account and more. Blog posts on sites for security purposes, those the site focus on how the blocks can only be temporary. department uses new media and She continues, saying that the one even points to a free iPhone "DoD is moving away from the a p p t h a t c o m b i n e s A r m y s i l l y n o t i o n o f h a v i n g technology news, social media 'blacklisted' social media sites and job postings in one location. and saying, 'We're not going to Those interested in reading the lay down the hammer and tell new policy in its entirety can do you where you can and cannot s o h e r e . I n a d d i t i o n , t h e go, we're going to mitigate risk Department of Defense has also launched a SlideShare channel as it comes." In the blog post on the DoD's where they've posted several s o c i a l m e d i a h u b , s e r v i c e presentations about the new policy. Discuss

NintendoWare Weekly: Mega Man 10, Fatal Fury Special JC Fletcher (Joystiq) Submitted at 3/1/2010 9:45:00 AM

[ Capcom] Mega Man 10 is up today on the Wii Shop, offering a new 8-bit-style test of your memory, patience, and pure twitch ability. This time, however, it's got easy mode! Imagine being able to tell all your friends you completed Mega Man 10-- without resorting to the total lie you told about completing Mega Man 9. See all the new Virtual Console, WiiWare, and DSiWare games after the break. Continue reading NintendoWare Weekly: Mega Man 10, Fatal Fury Special NintendoWare Weekly: Mega Man 10, Fatal Fury Special originally appeared on Joystiq on Mon, 01 Mar 2010 09:45:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments

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Action Streams: A New Idea for Social Networks Marshall Kirkpatrick (ReadWriteWeb)

Sponsor Earlier this month social software designer Adrian Chan Submitted at 3/1/2010 12:59:48 AM offered up a proposal for what Walled gardens are already he called Action Streams. under attack because of the ease Action streams would not only of sending content like messages share status/activity update meta and photos from one website to -data but also permit updates to another. Sites that don't let function as actions. For example, content flow in and out freely, an invitation update posted in when that's what users want, are twitter could be accepted in fighting against the powerful Buzz. The vision for action tide of the internet. streams thus involves a Now a new proposal aims to distributed and decentralized take things to the next level and ecosystem of coupled action send a payload of item-type posts, rendered by third party specific action options along s t r e a m c l i e n t s a n d w i t h i n with every piece of content that participating social networks. gets shot across the internet. A This idea was added tonight to loose body of innovators from the Activity Streams wiki where some of the biggest social it will be discussed by the networking companies online community building the Activity h a v e b e g u n d i s c u s s i n g a n Streams format. The standard addition to the Activity Streams types of actions that can be taken standard format called an Action in regard to content items of the Stream. That could blow the same categories on Amazon and world of social networking wide Facebook were listed as prior open, allowing users to try out art. The discussion has just other competing social networks begun, and data interoperability without losing their ability to isn't something that everyone at i n t e r a c t w i t h f r i e n d s o n big social networks agrees is in F a c e b o o k , f o r e x a m p l e . their best short-term interests.

These idea are exciting and are supported by a substantial number of people, though. The Activity Streams discussion is participated in by engineers from companies like Google, Facebook, Nokia, Yahoo and others. Chris Messina, who joined Google in January, is one of the key voices, and semantic web builder Monica Keller, who left MySpace for Facebook last month, appears to be taking an even more active role in the effort than she had before. If Activity Streams with Actions can be implemented effectively, that would mean not only that you could participate in any social network you choose and still read messages from outside that network - you could also interact with them from those other networks as well. RSVP to Facebook event invites, tag yourself in photos, etc. without visiting Facebook, but from within whichever social network won your heart through

its superior features or design. You could interact with your friends on Google Buzz from inside Facebook, or from a social network that doesn't even exist yet. More and better social networks would spring into existence because the ability to see and interact with friends would no longer be a scarce resource hoarded by the biggest social networks. If you think social networking is a world-changing phenomenon today, imagine what it might be like if interoperable social networks sprung up like wildflowers. It's one thing to make content available in a standard format but making some basic actions transmittable and standardized would make the prospect of communication across networks all the more real and powerful. That could mean an environment ripe for innovation and a better experience every day for users. Discuss

Fly Out of Regional Airports to Save Money and Hassle [Airline Travel Tip] Jason Fitzpatrick (Lifehacker) Submitted at 3/1/2010 6:30:00 AM

When planning a flight most people focus on flying out of major airpots, hopping from one metropolitan area to another. Plotting a course that starts in a regional airport can lead to significant savings and less hassle. Photo by kossy. Over at the frugality blog Wisebread they've put together a list of ways you can save money on airfare and travel expenses. Among them: Use Regional Airports: Again FLY page 46

Milan Fashion Week Fall 2010: Must-Have Minis at Versus (ELLE News Blog) Submitted at 2/28/2010 5:46:37 PM

Another Day, another chic up-to -there dress on model-of-the-

moment Tati Cotliar. First, it was Donatella's motocross mini at Versace. Today, I fell for Christopher Kane's and Dontatella's tuxedo-like velvet

number at Versus. Both dresses

(sexy and slick at Versace; sly and a little prim at Versus) looked all the more chic on the Argentinian beauty who has walked in every major show so

far this season. —Violet Moon Gayn or Follow ELLE on Twitter. Become our Facebook fan!


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Google Challenges Bing's Photosynth; Adds User Photos to Street View

E-reader News Edition

FLY continued from page 45

often missed by major search engines (and even some travel agents), be sure to check out what the smaller regional airports can offer. For example, the best way to fly to Toronto Jolie O'Dell (ReadWriteWeb) Google has chosen to highlight from select U.S. cities is with a n d i n t e g r a t e t h i s f e a t u r e Porter Airlines, which flies into Submitted at 2/28/2010 9:15:24 PM because of competition with T o r o n t o ' s r e g i o n a l I s l a n d Google Street View has made a easier to navigate through these Bing. The Next Web recently Airport. From there, you're the few headlines at RWW lately - images in a way that should feel called Microsoft's Photosynth, a world's shortest ferry ride away once for getting itself into hot similar to how you're used to similar product launched in 2008 from the heart of downtown water in Europe and once, exploring within Street View." and integrated into Bing Maps, Toronto. Here are just some of notably, for bringing Street Sponsor "the killer app of the Bing suite" the potential benefits of flying View's photo-tour features into Users can submit pictures from that differentiates Bing from with regional airports: retail outlets. Picasa, Panoramio and Flickr Google in a positive way. • You'll save time and money Now, we've learned that Street that show different views, times "The feature," wrote Jacob on transportation to and from View will also begin to feature of day or pedestrian-only areas. Friedman , "displays collections large airports. user-submitted photographs. Here's an example of what the of photos stitched together into a • You'll save money on airport According to a recent Google interface looks like; the square panorama[...] The results, to put taxes by using regional airports Lat Long blog post, "We began in the top right corner indicates it bluntly, can be spectacular." in lieu of larger international integrating user photos into there are user-submitted images While Google's offering may ones. Street View last year. User for that area. not have the 3D-esque quality of • Security lines and checkpoints photos allow you to view A n d h e r e i s t h e p h o t o Photosynth, allowing for more are usually smaller. locations from entirely new navigation interface. Users can creative images and photos from • Regional airports often cater perspectives, whether through also navigate through photos a larger geographical area to be to business travelers, so the t h e e y e s o f a t a l e n t e d u s i n g n e w c l i c k - a n d - d r a g shared in Street View is a smart quality of travel and service can photographer with a knack for controls to see images from move for the company. Let us be superior. capturing architectural detail, or nearby areas, or different angles know what you think in the simply taken from locations we or crops of the same area. comments. Discuss I started using regional airports couldn't get to... We're making it Some have speculated that when, upon realizing I lived almost right between Detroit Metro and the Flint Regional

airports I tried out Flint. Not only was it more pleasant to fly out of Flint—parking lot to boarding can be as short as 30 minutes on a slow travel day—it was cheaper and has consistently been so. The last time I needed to fly to New York the short notice ticket from Detroit was $1200 and the ticket from Flint was $212. Like they highlight in the tip at Wisebread with the Toronto example, you'll want to check out which major airline is the major one at the regional airport. Flint, for example, is part of the AirTran network and flying from Flint to their hub in Atlanta is practically as cheap as your cab fare to even get to the airport. Check out the article at Wisebread for more tips and if you have some of your own to share we'd love to hear them in the comments. 14 Travel Hacks and Airfare Saving Tips[WiseBread]

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JuiceDefender Saves Batteries by Automating Android Data [Downloads] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 3/1/2010 7:00:00 AM

Android: Most phones doesn't make it easy to switch cellular data connection on and off, even if doing so really helps save your battery. JuiceDefender toggles wireless data and Wi-Fi on and off every so often to preserve power. The whole point of a smartphone with Google apps baked in is constant connectivity, of course, and you don't want to shut off access to your email, Google Voice messages, and other online services. But when you're walking around, at your office desk, and generally not actively using your phone, you probably don't need your phone to check in every minute with the mothership. JuiceDefender lets you set a time interval—5 minutes, 15, 30, an hour, two hours—at which its background process will re-enable your carrier APN, see if there are new messages or data coming in, and then shut off again. You can also set similar Wi-Fi connectivity rules, or only have web data enabled when you've got your

screen on. Besides the battery savings, those who like to parse out their email checks and avoid minute-by-minute distractions see some benefit here, too. That's all in the free app—paying for UltimateJuice (€2.79, or just under $4 in U.S. money) provides access to MMS messages, more automated WiFi features, and a daily "night" sleep schedule. We've previously praised APNDroid for offering a similar on-off

capability, but the app it plugs into for automation, Locale, now costs $10. JuiceDefender is a free download in the Android Market, with some features requiring a paid upgrade. For more tips on getting more life from your Android phone, and other smartphones, tip on over to our exhaustive smartphone b a t t e r y g u i d e . JuiceDefender[Latedroid]


SPONSOR continued from page 43

of your API network. In addition to the segmentation questions mentioned above, consider your top developer targets, and the resources you need to provide to help them achieve success. It can be something as simple as language considerations. Build in Success Metrics As mentioned earlier, the API platform needs to play a role in the revenue growth of the company. Oftentimes, champions of API platforms struggle with proving the ROI of a program since it's a relatively new channel that has many avenues of use. The simplest and most powerful way to demonstrate the impact is to assess what can be measured, such as: • revenue attributable to API • CTR to pages with ad revenue via API • affiliate CTR on content using API • number of user of mobile apps

built using API And since a robust, active and engaged API network leads to more creative developments, take note of metrics that substantiate a healthy community, such as: • number of developers • number of live applications • downloads of your SDKs and toolkits This combination of strategic thought-starters for platform planning and developer segmentation is hopefully a guide for you to get the most out of your API platform. So remember, treat your developers like customers. That's the best rule of thumb when it comes to creating a robust developer community around your API program. Discuss


Tech News/ Economy/

E-reader News Edition

Fotobabble: Add Audio to Your Pics QOTD: “Half the Jolie O'Dell (ReadWriteWeb) Submitted at 2/28/2010 8:27:39 PM

We've recently come across an app that literally brings its users "talking pictures." Essentially, Fotobabble attaches an audio caption to any image you can upload. It's a cute, fun way to share and narrate photos with friends, and could even be useful for certain kinds of online businesses - for example, photographers who wanted to explain more information about a particular shot or online retailers who wanted to give potential customers details about a product. Can Fotobabble accomplish these tasks better

with audio than conventional text-based captions do now? Read on and tell us what you think. Sponsor Here's our example. It took just a few seconds to create. Currently, users can choose to share their creations across a wide variety of social networks or email; however, autosharing is not built in. The app is available as a web app for PC/Mac/etc. and as an iPhone

app. We do wish that Fotobabble would let users audio-caption pics from Facebook, Flickr photo streams or elsewhere on the Web. Ensuring ownership would be easy enough, as well, through Flickr's API or Facebook Connect.While we're on that subject, account creation should be possible through Facebook Connect or Twitter OAuth. Ideally, we'd also want to be able to create slide shows and sets or groups of pics. What do you think: Can you see yourself using Fotobabble? If so, how would you use it? Let us know what you think in the comments. Discuss

Formulas They Teach You in Grad School Are False” Barry Ritholtz (The Big Picture)

grad school. Half the formulas they teach you are false. It’s a lot of self-study. I read a lot of Submitted at 3/1/2010 7:00:45 AM finance books, and I usually read Harry Markopolos, the Madoff them with a calculator because I whistleblower whose new book, go through the math to make No One Would Listen sure I master the formulas. is out tomorrow, had a brief > interview in the Sunday NYT One other line that I could not magazine. agree more about:“It’s a lot of This quote leapt out at me: self-study.” > Five Filters featured article: Q: Where did you learn about Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: finance? PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, A: You don’t learn much in Term Extraction.

Avoid Overindulging by Knowing Your Fast Food Fries [Fast Food] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker)

Texas Cheese Fries with Jalapeno Ranch from Chili's, which drops 1,920 calories, 147 When you're indulging in chain g r a m s o f f a t , a n d 3 , 5 8 0 restaurant or fast food meals, milligrams sodium onto your fries can seem like just a drop in table. That's basically your the calorie bucket. The creators calories for one day, saturated of the worst foods in America f a t f o r t h r e e , a n d s o d i u m list beg to differ, pointing out allotment for a day and a half. some fries that sit like whole Men's Health follows its formula meals. of detailing the excesses of For those who read these kinds corporate food and suggesting of listicles only to skip right to alternative sides on the same the heavyweight champ (and menu. The odd bit of actual we're that type, too), it's the s u r p r i s e , t h o u g h , i s t h a t

McDonald's has that under control. How do you avoid indulging on fries when, on occasion, they're so, so good? Share your secrets, or simple willpower tales, in the comments. America's Worst French Fries (and What You Should Eat Instead!)[Yahoo! Health via The Consumerist]

Submitted at 3/1/2010 5:30:00 AM

McDonald's fries can turn out not that bad for you—if you constrain the portion: Out of the big three fast food joints (Mickey D's, Wendy's,

and BK), you'll find the least caloric, least salty fries underneath the golden arches. The key to ordering a smart side dish is portion sizing-and

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Prevent Squiggly TV Images in Photographs [Photography Tip] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 3/1/2010 6:00:00 AM

Opera Chugging Along, Releases Fourth 10.5 Release Candidate in 24 Hours [Updates] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 3/1/2010 4:40:00 AM

Windows: Opera's development team has cranked out no less than four 10.5 release candidate builds in (roughly 24 hours. That might signal a final build due tomorrow, timed to arrive with Microsoft's mandatory browser choice screen in Europe. Opera is listed among the browsers, ranked in random order, that new editions of Windows must offer first-time installers as of March 1, after a long and drawn-out legal battle over monopoly powers in Europe. Opera's team, in the meantime, has been fixing bugs

and tweaking features—like HTML5-compliant video—like a team possessed. For us in the U.S., it's just convenient to be able to try out what looks to be a near-final Opera 10.5 on our Windows system, and feel some of that notable speed boost. No Mac or Linux builds yet, but they're likely to arrive, well, at least by tomorrow. This Opera 10.5 release candidate is a free download for Windows systems only. Give a shout out to anything new you find, or features you've found improved, in the comments. Thanks for the tip, tc4001! 10.50 RC4[Opera Desktop Team]

Ever notice how older-model televisions and monitors have that scanning-in-progress look in video and photographs? That's because your lens is literally capturing the set in the middle of a screen refresh. You can avoid that effect with some camera adjustment. Photo by dailyinvention. The Digital Photography School blog explains the capture science behind trying to capture nonLCD/plasma TVs, CRT monitors, and other display devices: The screen on a TV is rolled down one pixel at a time at lightening speed. Use a speed of

1/30 or slower to catch the fully ‘rolled out' screen of pixels. If your camera doesn't allow you to set a shutter speed, take a look at the automatic modes. For example, 'sports' mode wouldn't be any good because the shutter is too fast. Got experience shooting with

older, electron-beam-powered monitors in the frame? Do tell in the comments. How to Take Photos of a TV Without the Squigglies[Digital Photography School]

Right now on Cinematical Kona Gallagher (TV Squad) Submitted at 2/28/2010 6:33:00 PM

The folks at our sister site, Cinematical, are working hard to give you news and reviews of the best -- and worst -- the silver screen has to offer. Here are some of their musings on the latest blockbusters, indies, and everything in between: • Cinematical talks ageless actors: namely commercial co-

stars Abe Vigoda and Betty White. Who's your favorite? • My dog, Buckley, is named after Ben Stiller's dog in 'The Royal Tenenbaums.' Does your pet have a cinematical name? • Bruce Willis wants to do a 5th 'Die Hard' installment. I'm all for this. Cinematical discusses how it should go. • Taylor Lautner may not be

'Max Steel,' but it looks like he will be 'Stretch Armstrong.' • Cinematical absolutely loathed 'Cop Out,' but I saw it last night and quite enjoyed it. It wasn't the funniest movie ever made, but I was entertained. What did you think about it? Filed under: Site Announcements, Reality-Free Permalink| Email this| | Comments



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What you can expect from the Archos 7 and 8 Home Tablets Tablet (

Thin, flexible “solar threads” to turn fabrics into power generators

Submitted at 3/1/2010 6:39:18 AM

Serkan Toto (CrunchGear)

The Archos 7 and Archos 8 enter the alphanumeric lineup We learned that Archos was coming out with the Archos 7 Internet Tablet, a larger version of their popular Archos 5IT, back in January, but now news is that Archos is releasing the Archos 8 model in addition to a whole family of alphanumeric devices. To briefly recap, the Archos 7 (or “Archos 7 Home Tablet”) runs off a 600MHz ARM 9 processor, has a 7-inch resistive touchscreen, uses Android and comes in 2GB and 8GB memory versions. Much like the A5, it’s meant to be a MID device that plays all kinds of video, audio and image files in addition to surfing the internet and running a variety of Android applications. The battery life is said to last between 7 hours (for video) and 44 hours (for audio only). The A7 will launch in April for €149 (selling for $179 in the U.S.) for the 2GB model and €179 (we’re guessing between $200-$229 U.S.) for the

Submitted at 3/1/2010 6:02:33 AM

8GB version. Watch an exclusive hands-on video by Charbax. The Archos 8 Home Tablet is a slightly different animal. While sharing the same processor, price (4GB is €149) and thickness (12mm or 0.47inches), it takes design suggestions from other digital frame tablets. With an increased bezel and square design, it speaks to those who wish to use it as an in home device and prop it up for media consumption. It also may be a substitute or even worthy contender to the Sony Dash. Both will fill the same need and cost about the same, but we expect the Archos 8 to have a built-in battery for

portability while the Dash will have many more applications available for it. The A8 will begin selling in May. But wait, there’s more! Archos won’t be leaving the other numbers out of the mix for long. They plan on releasing an entire family lineup of tablets this Summer. These new tablets will features ARM processors up to 1GHz and screen sizes from three to ten inches. So expect to possibly see the A3, A4, A6 and A10 rounding out the Archos line soon. Source: Carrypad Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

A Tokyo-based venture called ideal Star[JP] has developed a new method that makes it possible to produce solar cells in the form of flexible and thin threads. The company is supported by a total of six Japanese universities and the government. The current prototype cell is 5cm long and just 0.8mm in diameter. ideal Star says the core consists of polymer material and is surrounded by an electrode layer, and layers for hole transport, power-generating (this layer is made from fullerene), electron transport and another (transparent) electrode layer. Once the company finds a way to make the threads longer, they could be woven into powergenerating solar sheets or solar power fabrics for clothing or curtains. As a first practical application, sheets consisting of these threads will be used on rice paddies (while they are being rested) to generate solar power.

The solar threads feature an energy conversion efficiency of just around 3%, but ideal Star claims 10% are possible. The picture above shows amperage being measured from one of the threads that’s exposed to light. ideal Star estimates massproduction of their products would be cheaper than that of standard silicon solar cells. For example, all layers in the threads are coated down, meaning production requires no expensive semiconductor manufacturing equipment. The company hopes to commercialize the technology within the next five years. Via The Nikkei[registration required, paid subscription]


E-reader News Edition


Netgear's Universal Wi-Fi Internet Adapter Connects Consoles and TVs Alike [Wi-Fi] Mark Wilson (Gizmodo)

Consoles NETGEAR is also introducing the industry's first compact USB The Netgear Universal Wi-Fi -powered Universal WiFi Internet Adapter can connect Internet Adapter (WNCE2001) anything with an ethernet port to that works with Internet TVs, your 802.11n network, be it an game consoles and Blu-ray Xbox 360 or a TV. But so can players. The first of its kind, the many other devices on the adapter is the only affordable market. What's better about this solution in a small form factor one? that delivers optimal Wireless-N Much like the Xbox 360 performance and works Wireless N adapter, Netgear's universally with any Ethernetlatest wireless N adapter is tiny, enabled CE device. This saves easily squeezing behind consumers from the confusion components in your home and expense of purchasing theater. Plus, it runs off USB separate WiFi USB adapters for power, meaning you don't need each CE device in their home Unfortunately, it's similar to to ferret around to plug it in to a theater. Microsoft's dongle in more ways powerstrip. The Universal WiFi Internet than one. This puppy will run Really, taking into account the Adapter is powered by the USB $80 when it's around this May. convenience, the Universal Wiport, avoiding the need for a By the way, if you're just Fi Internet Adapter might be the long wire to the power outlet and looking for a cheap way to most cleverly designed Wi-Fi making it more visually pleasing connect the 360 to a Wi-Fi adapter since Microsoft's highin the already congested home network, check out our feature priced 360 dongle. And it works theater environment. With on the matter here. on anything with a USB and NETGEAR Push Connect The Universal WiFi Internet ethernet port, from your TV to technology and CD-less set-up, Adapter (WNCE2001) for Home your Blu-ray player, without it is truly a plug and play Theater Devices and Gaming special drivers. experience. Submitted at 3/1/2010 9:45:48 AM

Choose One: The Archos 7 and Archos 8 Home 'Tablets' Each Cost $200 [Android] Mark Wilson (Gizmodo)

Meanwhile, the Archos 8 Home Tablet (or, OK, picture frame) is Submitted at 3/1/2010 10:18:00 AM an 8-inch touchscreen tablet Archos has never made bad loaded with 4GB of storage, products, but their PMPs have available overseas this May. The definitely grown less relevant s c r e e n t o c a s e r a t i o i s n ' t over the last few years. But fantastic, but the cooking now? Now two Android- software already has me wielding Archos Home Tablets mentally placing the Archos 8 will each cost only about $200. into my kitchen. It should be The Archos 7 Home Tablet is available overseas this May for pretty much just a refresh to about $200. their existing Archos 5 Internet It should be noted that both Tablet—it's a 7-inch touchscreen tablets have Arm9 CPUs that Android tablet (or, OK, MID), won't be blazing fast. And each loaded with Wi-Fi and USB. will probably be launched in the This April, a 2GB model (we US, eliminating the need for an really hope there's an SD card import. [ UMPC Portal via slot) goes on sale for about $200 SlashGear] overseas.



E-reader News Edition

Wacom's new Cintiq 21UX pen display ups the sensitivity, skips the multitouch and 'affordability' options Paul Miller (Engadget) Submitted at 3/1/2010 10:26:00 AM

We'd sell any number of our children and internal organs in exchange for a Wacom Cintiq pen display, but unfortunately we're not sure any of them are quite valuable enough. The holy grail of drawing on you computer has just upped its game with the newest Cintiq 21UX. First and foremost is a new level of pen sensitivity, with support for a "near-zero" starting pressure and a total of 2048

levels of sensitivity. The 21-inch LCD display also has rear mounted "Touch Strips" running along the sides that let you adjust different parameters based on what you select with the thumb-convenient Touch Strip Toggle button. Unfortunately, there's no mention of that rumored finger-friendly multitouch(or even finger touch of any sort) on this new display. It's hard to blame Wacom, it has a priority to serve artists first and Microsoft Touch Pack dabblers second, but hopefully we can get

a second, multitouch version of this display that's a little less extravagant on the pen end and a little more affordable than the $1,999 pricetag affixed to this

display. The new Cintiq 21UIX should ship later this month or early April. PR is after the break. Gallery: Wacom's new Cintiq 21UX pen display

Continue reading Wacom's new Cintiq 21UX pen display ups the sensitivity, skips the multitouch and 'affordability' options Wacom's new Cintiq 21UX pen display ups the sensitivity, skips the multitouch and 'affordability' options originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 01 Mar 2010 10:26:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| | Email this| Comments

Wacom releases the new Cintiq 21UX graphics tablet that you desperately want Tablet (

The beauty of the Cintiq models is that they incorporate onscreen display to the graphic tablet Submitted at 3/1/2010 7:01:50 AM surface. Being able to look at the The new Wacom Cintiq 21UX source as you draw on it, not on graphics tablet a pad below it, greatly increases Few things on this earth inspire accuracy and ease of use for the more desire and envy for graphic artist. In the past, the Cintiq artists than Wacom’s Cintiq 12WX (a review can be found graphics LCD screen tablets. here) and Cintiq 21WX had Now Wacom has updated their 1,024 levels of pressure and popular 21-inch model to the limited bezel buttons. The new massive Cintiq 21UX which 21UX kicks those features into features 2048 levels of pressure, overdrive and doubles the a new grip pen and a couple of pressure sensitivity, includes 8 other snazzy features. buttons and a thumb wheel on

each side of the frame and back trackpads for easy manipulation when holding the tablet. They’ve also updated the popular Wacom Grip Pen to include new tip

sensor tech resulting in the slightest touch registering in a screen action. The price still remains the same at $1,999 which is higher than

most of us can afford. Still, it fills a spot on all of our wish lists and remains the subject of desire mentioned in all our emails to rich relatives. Now wipe the drool off your chin and get back to work on that freelance project. Source: Gizmodo Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


E-reader News Edition


EviGroup updates their Pad tablet PC to the Paddle slate tablet Tablet ( Submitted at 3/1/2010 7:40:16 AM

The EviGroup Paddle tablet PC EviGroup sure nailed the right name for their tablet back in October with the EviGroup Pad. Now they’ve improved upon their original Pad tablet and added a little extra — specifically a “DLE.” The EviGroup Paddle tablet PC will keep the same size, connection options (WiFi & 3G), ports (audio in/out, Ethernet, multifunction memory card slot and three USB 2.0 ports), memory (1GB) and processor as the previous Pad. They both share an Intel Atom N270 1.6GHz processor and 10.2-inch 1024 x 600 resolution display (the Paddle adds multitouch) but differ on quite a few other things. Gone is the freaky AI interface named Seline (although you can still get that option with the Paddle Seline10)

Google Must Take New Street View Photos Every Six Months In UK, Or EU Regulators Will Be Mighty Unhappy [Google] Kat Hannaford (Gizmodo)

boggles with the time and expense that'd throw Google, so and instead is replaced with Much like the Pad there are I wouldn't be surprised if this Scale — a tabbed interface with plenty of customizable features After villagers chased the Street one goes to court—which is just concave scrolling(think of a that will increase the base price V i e w c a r s a w a y i n what Google needs after being hamster inside a video-display of €699 (around $950). The Buckinghamshire, England, it hit with an antitrust investigation wheel). Its primary OS will be tablet is expected to launch became pretty obvious last year by the EU last week, and the Windows 7 Home Premium. anywhere between April to June that a lot of Brits were unhappy whole business over in Italy Other improvements include a (yay for specific launch dates!). having their houses and streets where three Google employees redesigned webcam (front- Source: UMPC Portal documented online. were convicted in a Google facing) and microphone, external Five Filters featured article: Now, European regulators have Video lawsuit. WiFi antenna and a bevy of Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: told Google they must delete One day Google will pull its storage options which include PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, images obtained by the streetcars services out of Europe forever, 160GB, 250GB and 320GB hard Term Extraction. every six months. and then we'll be stuck using drives or 16GB and 32GB SSD. Google currently updates Street Bing, Symbian and Streetmap. View annually with new photos, WILL YOU BE HAPPY THEN, but the EU reckons they need to HUH EUROPE? [ Telegraph via change their retention policy to TechRadar] just six months. The mind Submitted at 3/1/2010 9:50:00 AM



E-reader News Edition

EviGroup's Paddle is the more advanced, more expensive Pad (video) Tim Stevens (Engadget) Submitted at 3/1/2010 10:03:00 AM

Infinitec officially launches IUM ad hoc streaming device: ships in July for $129 Darren Murph (Engadget)

your PC to, well, pretty much anything. PC to PC, PC to Bluray player, PC to printer and PC It's been a long time comin', but to console streaming is all within the little startup-that-could has reach, with HD support baked in just gone official with its first to boot. We've already given you major consumer electronics low-down on functionality, but peripheral, the IUM. First t o d a y t h e c o m p a n y i s introduced at CES, this ad hoc a n n o u n c i n g a J u l y 1 s t streaming stick creates a local availability date for consumers WiFi network (802.11b/g/n; across the US, Canada and 2.4GHz to 5GHz) for all sorts of Europe. We're told to expect it media and data to flow from for "under $129 depending on Submitted at 3/1/2010 9:00:00 AM

the location," and if all goes well, it'll ship in even more locales in due time. Hop on past the break for the full release and promo video, and be sure to give that Shufflegazine link a visit for podcasts detailing the use scenarios. Gallery: Infinitec Infinite USB Memory Device (IUM) Gallery: Infinitec demonstrates IUM ad hoc streaming device Continue reading Infinitec

officially launches IUM ad hoc streaming device: ships in July for $129 Infinitec officially launches IUM ad hoc streaming device: ships in July for $129 originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 01 Mar 2010 09:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Infinitec, Shufflegazine| Email this| Comments

Remember the eviGroup Pad, the 10-inch tablet with 3G and a creepy looking AI slave built-in? We won't blame you if you forgot it, but maybe its more advanced cousin will be more memorable. If anything its name will be: Paddle. It's the same basic design as the Pad, a 10inch keyboard-free tablet with netbook internals, but this one gets a swankier LED-backlit multitouch display along with SSD storage -- though a paltry 32GB max on flash is hardly an upgrade over the 320GB you can get on platters. Also new is an optional WiFi antenna to boost range and a new layer over Windows 7 called Scale that looks a little like being trapped on the inside of a paddlewheel of content (video below). How much would you pay for such decidedly evolutionary steps? For eviGroup's sake hopefully your number is somewhere around â‚Ź699 ($945), because EVIGROUP'S page 55


E-reader News Edition


AAXA L1 laser pico projector hands-on by Mr. Murkycam (video) Tim Stevens (Engadget) Submitted at 3/1/2010 9:22:00 AM

Oh, you haven't been introduced to Mr. Murkycam? He's the darker, more mysterious cousin of Mr. Blurrycam; his services occasionally called upon to show off products like the new AAXA L1 laser pico projector. The device just started shipping and, according to the video, this is the first one captured in the wild. AAXA promises perfect focus on any surface, even curved ones, and while it's a bit difficult to tell from the video we've

embedded below it certainly looks to do a decent job. The L1 also features built-in media player functionality and even includes a 2GB thumb drive for you to load up with whatever

you like before slotting it in the side. Photo and PowerPoint performance seems a bit mediocre, and sadly the video doesn't show the thing playing any footage, but it does look like

it works as advertised -- as it should for that $599 MSRP. Continue reading AAXA L1 laser pico projector hands-on by Mr. Murkycam (video) AAXA L1 laser pico projector hands-on by Mr. Murkycam (video) originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 01 Mar 2010 09:22:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| YouTube| Email this| Comments

Netgear’s Universal Wi-Fi Internet adapter Today’s TVs, Blu-ray NETGEAR’S page players, 56 game consoles, and even AV Matt Burnscrave (CrunchGear) receivers access to the Internet, but most will never get

Freescale's new i.MX508 processor could mean cheaper, faster e-readers Tim Stevens (Engadget) Submitted at 3/1/2010 9:44:00 AM

E-readers are getting better without a doubt. But cheaper? Not so much. The upcoming Spring Design Alex will sell for $359 -- way out of reach for those who cruise the used book store scene. Freescale's i.MX508

processor might finally make these things more of a smart buy, an 800MHz ARM-based chip that includes, among other things, USB host functionality and dedicated circuitry for controlling E-Ink panels. It's effectively a system on a chip for the next-generation of would -be Kindle killers and it'll sell

for just $10 at volume, resulting in more advanced readers that

EVIGROUP'S continued from page 54

that's the MSRP when it starts shipping this summer -- a rather steep increase over the (already pricey) €500 Pad. Continue reading EviGroup's

Paddle is the more advanced, more expensive Pad (video) EviGroup's Paddle is the more advanced, more expensive Pad (video) originally appeared on

Engadget on Mon, 01 Mar 2010 10:03:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink UMPC Portal| eviGroup Blog| Email this| Comments

could, according to Freescale, retail for $150. That's the kind of price point that might just make Grandma stop digging through piles of dog-eared Stephen King books and get with the times. Freescale's new i.MX508 processor could mean cheaper, faster e-readers originally appeared on Engadget on Mon,

01 Mar 2010 09:44:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Freescale| Email this| Comments



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NETGEAR’S continued from page 55

the pleasure of the ‘Net. Why? Because Mom and Pop don’t wanna run a CAT-5 cable through their house and power line adapters are about as reliable as two tin cans connected with string. But now there’s this: Netgear’s Universal Wi-Fi adapter. This device is a lot like power line adapters, which utilizes a device’s Ethernet port to send and receive bits and bytes sent over power lines. But the Universal Wi-Fi Internet Adapter uses Wi-Fi instead. This means that the adapter should

work without drivers or installation on any device with an Ethernet port, being an AV receiver, Blu-ray player, or game system. It can also leek power off an USB port if there’s one available. It will be a tad pricey at $80 when it’s available in May, though. For that price Mom and Pop should be able to hire the neighborhood nerd to run a cable.

The iPad as a Peripheral Display David Klein (TheAppleBlog) Submitted at 2/28/2010 11:47:30 AM

I was thrilled to hear that current apps will be compatible with the iPad, but I’m more excited for apps that haven’t been written yet. Apps for the iPhone and iPod touch are designed for use while being held. There’s an exciting new use case that comes with the iPad — when it’s sitting in the dock. Owners not only have a new device to read news while on the couch, but they also have the perfect peripheral display. What’s a peripheral display? Something that provides basic information without distracting you from your primary task. It runs silently in the background and it’s there when you need to retrieve some glanceable information. You already use plenty of them every day: clocks, stock tickers, weather icons, unread email icons, etc. I currently use one app on my iPhone as a peripheral display: Flip Clock. I think we are soon going to see a lot more apps like this. My perfect peripheral display app would come with a few basic widgets like a clock, calendar, stocks, weather, and access to photos on the iPad. The app could then offer upgrades (perhaps $2.99 each) for access to services like Flickr,

Picasa, Twitter, Facebook, CNN (and other news sites), etc. The app could be free with the requirement that one of the widgets shows advertisements. A quick paid upgrade (perhaps $9.99) would remove the ads and offer a spot for another widget. I’ve taken the liberty of mocking up in Photoshop what this app may look like using the iPad GUI. Below you can see a few basic widgets, a tweet that changes every few minutes, and a photo slideshow powered by Flickr. The tweet includes a link which when tapped should close

this app and launch Safari. This applies to the other widgets too; tapping them should launch their corresponding apps. Interactivity makes this app better than any digital picture frame available. There are tons of apps that provide basic information, but now they can be combined to take advantage of the larger screen. Now that I’ve filled your head with ideas, go build it! Just think of me when you publish the app to the store. Also, let me know if you think this is a good idea.


E-reader News Edition


Macworld Expo 2010: Cool Product Finds From the Show Floor Weldon Dodd (TheAppleBlog) Submitted at 3/1/2010 5:45:48 AM

I saw some great products at the recent Macworld expo. Here are a few items that grabbed my attention. Navigon for iPhone: The latest release of Navigon MobileNavigator for iPhone has added a new panorama 3D view that uses terrain elevation data from NASA. The feature is available via in-app purchase. I also got a hands-on demo of the MyRoutes feature which will show you three different route choices to find the best combination of speed and distance for you. DJay Software with Spin Controller: The thing I love about the Djay Software with the Spin hardware controller is that it is a real DJ system for the Mac. It’s not a game like DJ Hero or something. You can spin records right from your iTunes library. You get some added digital benefits like automatic tempo matching so you can concentrate more on the music and less on the technical bits of DJ-ing. Here Karim of algoriddim (and the man behind

normally available and the gasshock arms will hold a 27 iMac without drooping. You’ll find cheaper arms out there, but I do not know of anything better. MacSpeech Scribe: This new product from MacSpeech lets you transcribe recordings to text. You can “train” the software to learn a certain voice from recordings by correcting the transcription. I see a lot of uses for this software where the full MacSpeech product does not always make sense. For example, a professor can use MacSpeech Scribe to create a transcription of a lecture podcast to make the lecture searchable the DJay software) demonstrates on a weekend camping trip. on the web. a few aspects of the controller. Hmm, I wonder if that’s a good Microvision ShowWX:$499 for Batteries: My iPhone was thing? a tiny battery-powered ShowWX nearly dead at the end of every VESA mounts: I’ve been microprojector sounds like a day at the Expo. For the first wanting to mount my screen on great deal for all the road time, I started shopping for an an adjustable arm for a long warriors out there. I’d much extra battery. I like the ones that time, if only to clear some desk rather throw this in my bag plug in to the dock connector space. If you need an arm, then instead of taking another carrywith a cable like the Richard you should check out the top- on. Check out the demo of the Solo and HyperMac batteries. quality products from Flatscreen infinite focus. The scan lines and The HyperMac stuff is not Arms. These are unique in that hot spot are an artifact of the cheap, but really nice looking. I they connect directly to the built camcorder and are not visible in think I’m about ready to splash -in pivot in the 24 and 27 iMacs person. out for the HyperMac Micro. rather than relying on the Apple What did you see at Macworld With this bad boy, I could play VESA-mount adapter. It is a Expo that you thought was cool? iPhone games for much longer much cleaner look than what is

Quick Tip: Search the Trash in OS X Bryan Schuetz (TheAppleBlog) Submitted at 3/1/2010 7:00:58 AM

At the moment I’ve got 1,303 items in the trash bin in my dock. Not that much compared to the usual pile that accumulates there when my normal maintenance has me only cleaning it out once every couple of months. Usually, it’s not a problem. Occasionally though I’ll throw something away by mistake, and that’s when I’m reminded that you can’t just click on the bin and search through the trash like you can with other folders in your Dock. It may sound like a small annoyance, but if I’m digging through the trash, it’s because I really need to find that thing I tossed out. Without a chance to search for it I’m left with no other option but to browse around through a pile of files that typically number in the thousands. All this turns a small annoyance into a rather large QUICK page 58



E-reader News Edition

QUICK continued from page 57

one. There’s got to be a better way to deal with all this Trash. Ordinarily when searching for files in the Finder you can choose to limit the scope of your search to the current folder by selecting it from the search bar. This is a big help when you know the file you want is somewhere in this folder, but you’re not entirely sure what its name is. Trying this approach after clicking on the trash icon though, leaves you searching the entire system with no way to limit your scope. I suppose I could just do a better job

regularly taking out the trash, this would leave me with fewer files to browse through when the time comes, but I know myself and that’s just not going to happen. Another option would be to write a script to handle trash maintenance, but that might just make a bad problem — worse if my script gets rid of something I accidentally threw away before I have a chance to retrieve it. The best solution it seems is also the easiest one. Use “Go To Folder” in the finder to navigate to the otherwise hidden trash directory at~/.Trash and drag

that folder into the dock. Now the next time I accidentally throw something away I won’t have to browse through thousands of items looking for the lone needle in the haystack. I can just use.Trash to limit my search scope as I would with any other directory in the system. View screencast of how to do this.

'Battlestar's' Park Lands on 'Hawaii Five-0' Remake

'Big Love' - 'Next Ticket Out' Recap Danny Gallagher (TV Squad) Submitted at 3/1/2010 9:02:00 AM

(S04E08) "There is nothing about us that's the same and you know nothing about me." - Barb Henrickson "Oh I know some...and I'm just getting started." - Marilyn Densham The season is winding down and usually the plot endings that come to a predictable end do so just before the big shockers do. And that's what happened this

week. However, the surprise, one of many to come I'm sure, wasn't within the plot or the behavior of the characters or even the duality

between good and evil of some of the supporting players in our little bigamy tragedy. It's the emotional reaction to the characters' connections and their

Brad Trechak (TV Squad) endurance to endure that sneaks up on you and knocks your block off as you stand there all smug and self-aware that you were able to predict the ending. And it should. A show like this about much more than its plotlines and story shockers. Continue reading'Big Love' 'Next Ticket Out' Recap Filed under: Other Drama Shows, Episode Reviews, Reality-Free Permalink| Email this| | Comments

Submitted at 3/1/2010 10:02:00 AM

Grace Park seems to have a thing for television remakes. She shot to fame as Boomer on'Battlestar Galactica' and now she's going to have a role on the new'Hawaii Five-0' on CBS. Granted, in between the two roles she also appeared on'The Cleaner' on A&E with Benjamin Bratt. She's not the only ex-'Battlestar' babe to keep working. Tricia Helfer now has a steady gig on'Dark Blue'. Katee Sackhoff just got cast on an unnamed ABC pilot (and had a memorable appearance on'The Big Bang Theory'). Given both 'BATTLESTAR'S' page 59

TV/ Entertainment/

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'BATTLESTAR'S' continued from page 58

of their statuses on 'Battlestar' as ageless Cylons, it's even conceivable that down the road Park or Helfer will show up on the prequel series. For those'Lost' fans, 'Hawaii Five-0' also stars Daniel Dae Kim. With the addition of Grace Park, are you planning on watching the remake of 'Hawaii

'Desperate Housewives' - 'The Chase' Recap

Five-0'? Were you planning on watching it anyway? Filed under: Programming, OpEd, Celebrities, Casting, Reality-Free Permalink| Email this| | Comments

Magazines Replaced by ErrorRidden Mobile Websites [Media] Hamilton Nolan (Gawker) Submitted at 3/1/2010 9:24:48 AM

Fancy magazines are dying, and no amount of fancy magazine Isabelle Carreau (TV Squad) 'The Chase' offered us tidbits ads will save them! Journalism about Penny, Karen McCluskey, scientists can now confidently Submitted at 3/1/2010 1:05:00 AM Andrew, Celia and, two of my predict what will replace them: (S06E16) "You may envy our favorite recurring characters, M a g a z i n e websites, lives, Gaby, but it's nothing Bob and Lee. While introducing w h i c h — s c i e n t i f i c a l l y compared to how we envy a new cryptic character named s p e a k i n g — s u c k . yours." - Bob to Gaby Sam ... For sure, he has a secret Yes, it is a new survey! After After last week's episode agenda that will rock Wisteria combing through 665 survey c e n t e r e d a r o u n d R o b i n , I Lane. responses from magazines, CJR expected this week's installment Continue reading'Desperate d i s c o v e r e d t h a t m a g a z i n e to put the main ladies back front Housewives' - 'The Chase' Recap websites are, generally, lowand center. I was pleasantly F i l e d u n d e r : D e s p e r a t e standard journalism ghettos s u r p r i s e d t o s e e t h a t Housewives, Episode Reviews, beset by poor editing, feeble the'Desperate Housewives'' Reality-Free standards, and virtually writers hadn't forgotten about P e r m a l i n k | E m a i l t h i s | | nonexistent fact checking. some of the background Comments Which should surprise no one characters and decided to give who has ever worked on a them center stage this week. magazine website! Or read websites, in general. So the future of magazines is clearly online, but they still pour the vast majority of their

editorial resources into the print edition. Also, a quarter of all Americans are now getting their news on their cell phones, a medium that doesn't reward the sumptuous photography and lovingly curated journalism of print magazines so much as it rewards sexxxy nudes. Brickbreaker is the future of journalism, huzzah!

[The New York Times is getting out in front of this trend by signing a deal to put content on 850 video screens in "coffee shops, casual eateries and airport newsstands." Which will give them more viewers than they got with that Discovery Channel deal, zing. Pic: Flickr]



E-reader News Edition

Marty and Leo Are Engaged! [Monday Box Office] Richard Lawson (Gawker) Submitted at 3/1/2010 10:13:55 AM

O Meo my! It's true! Because their movie Shutter Island just did so well again this week, the longtime pair has agreed to make it official. To celebrate their nuptials, they'll next be making a romantic comedy with Katherine Heigl. 1) Shutter Island— $22.2 million The thriller-chiller's big numbers make it the highestgrossing second-week, February -March interchange weekend, home-with-your-parents-andseeing-it-at-Coolidge-Corner movie of all time. Quite a record! This is easily DiCaprio's biggest hit that hasn't involved boats. Oh wait. No, there was a boat in this, wasn't there? Well, it's definitely his biggest hit that hasn't involved Boston. Except for The Departed... Hm. OK. So maybe it's not really breaking any records per se, but it's still a splashy late-winter hit, one that is proving Paramount right to have moved it from the fall, and one that ought to have legs as more and more people demand to know its sssseeeeecret. Well, I'll save you the eleven bucks and tell you the secret right now:

The yuppie lady who first buys Diane Keaton's gourmet baby jam in Baby Boom is in it. Yep. That's the big reveal. As I was getting up and putting my coat on my mom grabbed my arm and said, "Did you recognize that one lady?" And then she told me and we had a good laugh. Baby Boom is such a good movie, isn't it? 2) Cop Out— $18.5 million If you level out the numbers between Tracy Morgan's relatively low debuts and Bruce Willis' relatively high ones (save for Surrogates, and much of the '00s), then this was a pretty respectable opening. Oh, and Kevin Smith! Oh yeah, this is pretty good for Kevin Smith too. Good all around. I didn't see it, did you? Mostly I want answers to this question. Why the bicycle?? Is it for wacky reasons, or for zany ones? Madcap or screwball? Irreverent or joyfully subversive?? I suppose I could just read the pullquotes on the poster, but who's got time to read? Who can read? 3) The Crazies— $16.5 million Showing surprising strength for a documentary, this film — which follows denizens of various middle-American towns

as they descend into the irrational and violent frothing madness of the Tea Party movement — seems to prove that America's appetite for political polemics has not waned since the great boiling ragecauldron days of the 2008 election. Many audience members squealed in terror and vowed to see the film again as they watched a formerly perfectly-sane housewife from Monroe, MI forward emails entitled "How a Hussein Stole the White House" to her son at Grinnell. Others covered their eyes, too terrified to watch, as a respected car dealership owner from Tempe inexplicably brought a loaded firearm to a town council meeting about

makes Catherine Keener (repaying a gambling debt) look like she's standing in a small phone booth while being grabbed by a minotaur. The lady from Providence was actually living on the studio lot when they started building the sets, so they just let her stay around and say a few lines. 6) Valentine's Day— $9.5 million This movie has now made $100 million. That's one with two zeroes after it. Of millions. renaming the local civic center. T h a t ' s a b o u t t h e G D P o f Truly probing and scary stuff. Kiribati, a small island nation in 5 ) P e r c y J a c k s o n & T h e the Pacific. I don't really know Olympians: The Lightning what that means. But that's what Thief— $9.8 million Wikipedia told me. I think it This foreign language import means that Topher Grace is f r o m G r e e c e i s s h o w i n g richer than all of Kiribati? surprising box office stamina, Topher Grace could buy Kiribati dropping a slight 35% in its third if he wanted? I'm told that week. Its total cume of $71 Ashton Kutcher actually owns million is an impressive number, Swaziland. And, for years, considering that, judging from Jennifer Garner has been the the special effects, the movie cruel dictator of Djibouti. You cost about seventeen dollars to wish that J. Garner was the make. Uma Thurman probably dictator of your Djibouti! Aww. got a fiver, Pierce Brosnan a Remember Djibouti jokes? Oh, coupla clams. Sean Bean was Djibouti. What was I talking just happy to be there, and the about again? little Logan Lerman kid got a Big Mac and a hander from Doris the wig lady. The rest was spent on super classy CGI that


E-reader News Edition

Which Actress Is Now a Hooker with a Gay Boyfriend? [Blind Items] Brian Moylan (Gawker) Submitted at 3/1/2010 10:09:20 AM

She couldn't whore herself for fame, so now she's just a whore. This celeb is a slut with some funky spunk. A sober actress, a gay athlete, and a cheating golfer put out as well. They should get paid! 1."Do you have $35,000? Well, if you do and have an hour to kill, you can have sex with this former B list television actress who has a B list movie actor for a boyfriend. Well I guess he is B list. He had a chance to make A list but his above the line movies have bombed. Our actress is not even bothering to audition for acting jobs at this point. No one can understand how she maintains her lifestyle without acting. Now you know. Oh, the boyfriend doesn't care because he is just not that into women." [ CDaN] 2."While this celebrity was not one of the performers at the Vancouver Winter Olympics, he

still managed to make a big impression on some of the athletes there. He was a spectator at one of the outdoor events and was apparently having trouble coping with the cold weather. He later told the athletes that he was so cold during the event that, if he got lucky that night, certain bodily

that she is now 60 days sober. This, despite the fact that she spends all her time with a drug dealer." [ CDaN] 4."Which English international sportsman is gearing up to come out to teammates now he's met the love of his life?" [ UK Mirror] 5."Which Hamptons hotelier was at his bar drinking with more than 20 patrons one weekend night at 12:45 a.m. when he suddenly stood up and ordered everyone out, "Now!" — told them they didn't have to tip or pay their tabs, just get their coats and go, and 'then sat there drinking by himself,' said our source?" [ P6] fluids were likely to have the 6."Which members of Congress consistency of frozen yogurt." [ make regular, secret visits to Blind Gossip] Cuba as guests of Fidel Castro, 3."This former B list television flying in from nearby islands? and sometime very bad movie Their passports aren't stamped, actress who is now a C with so no one's the wiser." [ P6] great name recognition has had 7."This A list female pro golfer some very public drug, alcohol, is sleeping with a married and other drama issues this past college professor." [ CDaN] year. Well, I am happy to report




E-reader News Edition

Olympic Men’s Hockey Diary: Canada 3, U.S. 2 (OT) ( The Daily Fix) Submitted at 2/28/2010 11:13:50 AM

Getty Images Sidney Crosby (left) and Scott Niedermayer celebrate Crosby’s gold medalwinning overtime goal. The Journal provides minute-by -minute analysis of Canada’s 3-2 victory over the U.S. in overtime in the gold-medal game. Journal staffers are at Canada Hockey Place to offer commentary. 2:11 pm | Pregame | by Adam Thompson Are you ready for the ahockalypse? I'm writing this intro from my BlackBerry waiting on the looooong security line at Canada Hockey Place's media entrance. As you might have guessed, this game is sort of a big deal here. The Globe and Mail called it merely "the biggest hockey game of all time." You get the sense that if Canada wins today, this town will burn to the ground. Then again, you get the sense that if Canada loses, this town will burn to the ground. What can we expect today? If it's anything like the first U.S.Canada meeting a week ago, it probably won't end in an American victory. The U.S. cannot leave goalie Ryan Miller put on an island to face 45 shots again. But you do sense a tense energy between the Canadians and their fans. If the Great Satan (in the home fans' eyes) can bloody the hosts' nose early, like

in that first 5-3 win, everyone could get really tight really fast. I'm almost to the metal detector. Should be even crazier inside. 2:13 pm | Pregame | by Reed Albergotti There was evidently a military takeover last night in Canada. There is marshal law on the streets. Canadian citizens have been forced to wear red uniforms and have been corralled into fenced-off pens all over the streets of Vancouver. They look tired, worn and scared as they wait in line outside bars that have apparently been turned into official rationing stations. Oh, wait, never mind. I'm told there's just a hockey game on. 2:39 pm | Pregame | by Ian Johnson So maybe Toe Blake didn't like

predictions but we're in the infotainment business so here's mine: Canada 4-2. Why, well since all my colleages are predicting a U.S. victory, I sort of feel I need to take the other side. Plus, onegoal predictions are for wimps. Canada has the better team on paper. Before you screech that paper teams don't win tournaments and statistics are for losers, it's equally true that some players are objectively better than others for a reason. At center, for example, would you want to build your team around Sidney Crosby or Paul Stastny? Stastny is a budding young star but I'm pretty sure that 30 of 30 NHL general managers would go with Crosby. I could go on and on, but except for Parise and

Kane, I'm not sure that any of the U.S. forwards could crack the Canadian team. On defense it's even more prounounced, although Brian Rafalski is a good power-play quarterback -but heck, Canada even left at home the best in the NHL, Mike Green, because they're so loaded. Another reason to go with Canada is they've had more adversity to get here. They screwed up, had to play the Russians and have been challenged throughout the tournament. But they've won. Most good teams go through adversity -- it makes them better and able to withstand setbacks. The U.S., by contrast, has had a charmed tournament, always in the lead -- never having to come

back once. Great but not great, because it's hard to know how they'll deal with falling behind early should that happen. Overall, they've done what they've had to do but been pretty lucky. The two toughest teams they had to play, Canada and Finland, pretty much selfdestructed. I'm not taking these victories away from the U.S. squad but if Canada had had Luongo in nets instead of Brodeur, it probably would have won. As for the Finns, the U.S. benefited from one of the biggest meltdowns in Olympic history. Again, I'm not trying to run down the U.S. team, but it hasn't had one convincing victory over a big power. OLYMPIC page 63

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The big caveat is goalie, and that's possibly decisive. Miller is better than Luongo (although neither has won a big tournament). The only problem I have with this is I'm not sure how often you can ride your goalie to victory. All in all, Team USA reminds me of the 1993 Montreal Canadiens: not a great team but solid, with a couple of wellplaced stars (especially in net-Patrick Roy) and a fair amount of luck. Of course, they won the Stanley Cup. Can I change my prediction? 2:53 pm | Pregame | by Jason Gay Guys, I'm at the Saskatchewan House. Place is packed, bison burgers on the grill, Keeping Up with Kardashians on the TV. Is there hockey also today? 2:56 pm | Pregame | by Adam Thompson I do think the U.S. is going to win, just a hunch more than anything. And unlike Ian's, my prediction will be cowardly: 3-2. There's a tension weighing on the Canadians that the Americans are free of. And they've got the better goalie. Luongo has been an A-minus so far. Miller's been an A at least, letting in five goals on 103 shots this tournament. You want the better ace on the hill for Game 7 of the World Series and you want the better goalie between the pipes for this. 2:57 pm | Pregame | by Reed Albergotti

Guys, in war, there are no winners. I hope these two teams can come to the table and work this out in the next five minutes, so we don't have to witness the devastation that will surely come if the puck is dropped here this afternoon. 3:02 pm | Pregame | by Adam Thompson We are 20 minutes to game time and the house is already nearly full. I remember from attending the '02 medal game in SLC the vibe being pretty great, but I'm fully expecting to be happily deaf here before too long. 3:07 pm | Pregame | by Adam Thompson Ian, on the forwards I think you're getting carried away. You can have Patrice Bergeron. I'll take Ryan Malone or David Backes. 3:13 pm | Pregame | by Adam Thompson In a funny twist, the U.S. is technically the home team thanks to being the top seed. That means they get last line change during stoppages. No word yet on whether the famously polite Canadian fans will feel compelled to cheer on the Americans out of obligation. 3:15 pm | Pregame | by Adam Thompson Canada's men's curling team is here, and the crowd is treating the gold-medal winners like they're the Rolling Stones -- or maybe they just treat the Rolling Stones here like the curling team.

3:17 pm | Pregame | by Adam Thompson Hardly seeing any fans clad in red, white and blue. Think it's fair to say the Canadian fans want that ticket more. 3:18 pm | Pregame | by Jason Gay Keeping Up Kardashians off; hockey on. Saskatchewan House rocking like Ă‚ Bourbon Street after Tracy Porter picked Peyton 3:19 pm | Pregame | by Reed Albergotti The men's curling team has been helping the Canadian hockey team out with their training regimen, giving them all kinds of tips, like how much beer to drink before, during and after exercising. 3:19 pm | Pregame | by Adam Thompson First line for Canada will be Toews, Richards and Nash. For the U.S, Parise, Langenbrunner and Stastny. 3:20 pm | Pregame | by ian Johnson Patrice Bergeron over who? 3:20 pm | Pregame | by Reed Albergotti Tickets are $4,000 for this game. I would spend that in a giant HD television, to be totally honest. Or donate it to the USOC so they can buy back the podium. 3:22 pm | 1st period, 0-0 | by Adam Thompson Now Kane, Kesler, Brown vs. Crosby, Iginla and Staal. First shot is a slapper from Keith that

Miller handles with 52 seconds gone. 3:23 pm | 1st period, 0-0 | by Reed Albergotti You could actually hear that slapshot hit Canada's Drew Doughty in the back. It made a loud "thud" sound. I hope Mr. Doughty's mom isn't reading this. 3:25 pm | 1st period, 0-0 | by Reed Albergotti The Americans are playing slightly more cautious than they have in games past. One of the things coach Ron Wilson said yesterday was his team can't "hide in a foxhole," and that they have to find ways of being aggressive. But this doesn't look like the blitz they handed Canada last time. And the Canadian crowd is a bit more pensive, too. 3:26 pm | 1st period, 0-0 | by Adam Thompson Luongo covers up on a ricochet off the boards. These fans act like the parents of toddlers, sounding their approval of everything he does. Nash breaks his stick on a 3-on-2 try. Four minutes gone. 3:27 pm | 1st period, 0-0 | by Reed Albergotti Ryan Miller and Roberto Luongo are stealing this show. Like thieves with 50 pounds of pads on. 3:27 pm | 1st period, 0-0 | by Adam Thompson Doughty's alone on backhand but loses control. 3:28 pm | 1st period, 0-0 | by

Ian Johnson Beautiful end-to-end action, with the U.S. getting the best chances -- I'd say they've outchanced Canada 3-1 in the first five minutes. Canada isn't trying to do too many direct shots on Miller because I think they respect him too much -- trying for deflections. 3:29 pm | 1st period, 0-0 | by Adam Thompson Definitely the most hitting I've seen these two weeks. Parise just laid out Niedermayer. 13:21 left. 3:30 pm | 1st period, 0-0 | by Jason Gay Haven't heard a crowd this passionate and knowledgeable since Reed Albergotti's Golden Globes party. 3:30 pm | 1st period, 0-0 | by Ian Johnson Crowd is saying "Mill-ller Millller" to taunt Ryan Miller. Sort of idiotic because he's been playing great. When the Canadian fans taunted Ovechkin a couple of games back, it made sense because he was lousy and the taunting might have rattled him. To MIller, this has got to be a sign of respect. Or maybe that the U.S. doesn't have any other recognizable stars? 3:31 pm | 1st period, 0-0 | by Reed Albergotti The Americans are playing a simplified breakout; it seems more like they're pushing the puck down the ice rather than weaving and finessing it into OLYMPIC page 64


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Canada's zone. It's not pretty, but they have gotten a few nice scoring chances out of it. 3:31 pm | 1st period, 0-0 | by Adam Thompson Very young U.S. fan behind me just screamed: "You have to get something on the net! And that thing is a puck!" We'll try to get the message to Wilson. 3:33 pm | 1st period, 0-0 | by Reed Albergotti Well, Jason, I do live in the theater district. Care to share any of the Saskatchewan hockey knowledge with us? 3:34 pm | 1st period, 0-0 | by Reed Albergotti The U.S. team knows what time it is: Miller Time. But they also do a great job of blocking shots for him. Jack Johnson -- the hockey player, not the musician -- blocked a nice one with his knees there. 3:35 pm | 1st period, 0-0 | by Jason Gay Just ordered a Diet Coke at the Saskatchewan House. Whistled and serving a 10-minute misconduct 3:35 pm | 1st period, 0-0 | by Adam Thompson 11:09 left, Nash has a nice chance on a Backes turnover, but Miller is square to his hard shot from the slot, allows zero rebound. 3:36 pm | 1st period, 0-0 | by Ian Johnson The game is getting a bit chippy and I think the refs might have their whistles out. Brooks Orpik just checked Dany Heatley into

the U.S. bench and tried to push him completely over the boards -- a bit questionable. Ryan Getzlaf has also been a bit on the edge as well, pushing players from behind. 3:36 pm | 1st period, 0-0 | by Reed Albergotti There are a lot of NHL scouts here today, which only adds pressure for these young Americans, many of whom hope to sign pro contracts one day. 3:37 pm | 1st period, 0-0 | by Adam Thompson Dustin Brown speeds down left wing past Doughty, Luongo stones him, though the puck did squeeze free and dance at the goal line. Under 10 to go. 3:38 pm | 1st period, 0-0 | by ian Johnson Luongo makes a great save on an attempted stuff by Kane. Behind the play, a Canadian defender was hauled down but no call. Hey, one of the refs calling the game, is grizzled NHL vet Bill McCreary, who's clearly "letting them play." 3:38 pm | 1st period, 0-0 | by Jason Gay Lot of provincial pride at the SH; all three goals against Slovakia were by Saskatchewan boys. 3:39 pm | 1st period, 0-0 | by Reed Albergotti This is a nail-biter so far. You get the feeling whoever scores first is probably going to win this game. 3:39 pm | 1st period, 0-0 | by Ian Johnson

With a little under nine minutes left, I'd say Team USA is taking the play to the Canadians more than the other way around. Canada looks a bit tentative out there and is reacting more than driving the play itself. 3:40 pm | 1st period, 0-0 | by Adam Thompson And definitely whoever scores most. 3:41 pm | 1st period, 0-0 | by Reed Albergotti Itâs amazing how much snow was just shoveled off the ice halfway through the first period. Think these guys are skating hard? 3:42 pm | 1st period, 0-0 | by Jason Gay There definitely is not a David vs. Goliath vibe here. In the U.S., the Americans have been portrayed as these plucky unknown upstarts; but here at the SH people are scared of em. 3:42 pm | 1st period, 0-0 | by Ian Johnson Canada doesn't look sharp. A lot of missed passes or shots right into Miller's "USA" logo. I think the U.S. will score first or at least draw a penalty soon. 3:43 pm | 1st period, 0-0 | by Reed Albergotti The U.S.âs Ryan Callahan nearly had himself a breakaway but the puck was fluttering and he couldnât control it. 3:43 pm | 1st period, 1-0 Canada | by Reed Albergotti 7:10 left in the first: Canadaâs Jonathan Toews scores on a rebound in front of the net,

putting Canada up 1-0. 3:44 pm | 1st period, 1-0 Canada | by Adam Thompson Or Canada will! Turnover by Erik Johnson behind the American net, Toews pops in the rebound of the Richards shot. 7:10 left. 3:45 pm | 1st period, 1-0 Canada | by Ian Johnson And as usual I was wrong. Canada's energy line of Richards and Toews puts one in. Won the battle behind the net, Richards walks it out, sharp wrist on Miller, rebound and Toews drills it in. Now the U.S. wants it back badly. 3:45 pm | 1st period, 1-0 Canada | by Adam Thompson Pavelski just tossed Sid the Kid as payback. 3:45 pm | 1st period, 1-0 Canada | by Adam Thompson 5:58 to go and Ryan's going for tripping behind the play. 3:46 pm | 1st period, 1-0 Canada | by Reed Albergotti Bobby Ryan gets tangled up with the goal-scorer Jonathan Toews, who goes down hard on his back. Ryan is called for a questionable tripping penalty by a Canadian set of officials. Do we have a little controversy? 3:47 pm | 1st period, 1-0 Canada | by Ian Johnson Long overdue penalty. Game was getting out of control. Bobby Ryan keelhauled Toews behind the play. Completely pointless and right in front of ref. Canada's power play has been unremarkable thus far in

the tournament. 3:47 pm | 1st period, 1-0 Canada | by Adam Thompson Guys, am I wrong or is this the first time the U.S. has trailed? 3:48 pm | 1st period, 1-0 Canada | by Jason Gay After goal, Canadian couple next to me made out for two minutes. Not kidding. 3:49 pm | 1st period, 1-0 Canada | by Adam Thompson And with four minutes to go, penalty's over after a close-range chance for Staal. 3:49 pm | 1st period, 1-0 Canada | by Reed Albergotti Yes, it is. Unless Norway scored fist, which I don't think they did. 3:49 pm | 1st period, 1-0 Canada | by ian Johnson Puck is bouncing like crazy on the ice. Heatley just leveled Stastny behind the play, no call. 3:50 pm | 1st period, 1-0 Canada | by Reed Albergotti I think the Americans toned down their aggressiveness in this game. You can tell theyâre playing the game Canada wants them to play. Now that theyâre down by a goal, time is going to start running off the clock fast. The U.S. needs to up the urgency if they one to get one past Luongo. 3:51 pm | 1st period, 1-0 Canada | by Jason Gay Right! That knowledge brought to you by three Saskatchewanians. OLYMPIC page 65

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3:51 pm | 1st period, 1-0 Canada | by Adam Thompson I don't see them panicking out there. U.S. looks like it did before the goal. Plenty of time here. 1:45 to go in first. 3:52 pm | 1st period, 1-0 Canada | by Ian Johnson With under two minutes left, a time out. Play is chippy, not up to level of Finland-Slovakia bronze-medal game last night, which was furious. These two teams are still a bit uncertain and with neither side really behind, they're not opening it up. Decent hockey but not one for the ages - yet. 3:52 pm | 1st period, 1-0 Canada | by Reed Albergotti I agree with Ian. This is not the all-out speed fest people had hoped for. 3:53 pm | 1st period, 1-0 U.S. | by Adam Thompson Totally different tone from the first roller-coaster game between these two. 1:14 left. 3:54 pm | 1st period, 1-0 Canada | by Reed Albergotti Skeleton gold medalist Jon Montgomery is shown on the Jumbotron to huge applause. Heâs a working man hero in this country: a used-car salesman turned skeleton sledder. 3:54 pm | End of 1st period, 1-0 Canada | by Adam Thompson That'll do it for the first after Luongo turns aside Callahan on a 1-on-1. Shots are 10-8 for Canada. 3:55 pm | 1st intermission, 1-0 Canada | by Adam Thompson

One last bit of jawing on the boards before the teams head off. 3:56 pm | 1st intermission, 1-0 Canada | by Reed Albergotti The fans are not even as loud as they were in the first game between these two teams. I think they all collectively realized they at $4,000 a ticket, that rather unimpressive first period just cost them $1,332. 3:56 pm | 1st intermission, 1-0 Canada | by Adam Thompson Now they're trotting out Mark Messier. You have to think they've got Wayne or Gordie waiting for the third. 3:57 pm | 1st intermission, 1-0 Canada | by Jason Gay Rich people cheer quietly. 3:59 pm | 1st intermission, 1-0 Canada | by Ian Johnson Surprisingly the stats chart here at the period's end shows Canada leading the U.S. in shots, 10-8. I thought the U.S. had had the better chances, especially during the middle frame of the period. In a way, this reminds me of the U.S. games versus Switzerland - both times (in the round-robin and quarters) it had a hard time scoring against Jonas Hiller. The similarity is in both cases, the U.S. faced (and is facing today) a competent starting goalie who isn't in the throes of selfdestructing (like Kiprusoff did two days ago). Luongo isn't one of the all-time greats, but he's one of the top four or five in the league right now and is making all the stops he should make.

Not to make too many generalizations only one-third of the way through a game, but to me this highlights the lack of top -end U.S. scoring. Beyond the handful of young superstars, the team doesn't have the secondary scoring. Its grinders are just that, grinders and muckers. Canada's grind line, by contrast, features some top-end talent and got its goal. But still plenty of time for Stastny, Kane & Co. to respond. 3:59 pm | 1st intermission, 1-0 Canada | by Adam Thompson Being loud hasn't been hard for David Ash, the loveable nut from Regina who keeps showing up to these games with a working red light spinning on his head. 4:01 pm | 1st intermission, 1-0 Canada | by Adam Thompson I was wrong. They're bringing out Gordie Howe now. He confesses: his dad was born in Minnesota. National scandal! 4:02 pm | 1st intermission, 1-0 Canada | by Reed Albergotti Wait a minute. Gordie Howeâs Canadian, too? Are there any famous people from America? 4:06 pm | 1st intermission, 1-0 Canada | by Jason Gay Nick Lachey is. Wait -- he's from Ohio. 4:06 pm | 1st intermission, 1-0 Canada | by Jason Gay Beer consumption levels at SH approaching Buffalo Bills tailgate/Charlie Daniels Band concert level...... 4:07 pm | 1st intermission, 1-0 Canada | by Adam Thompson

We're not too far from resetting. Adding to the stakes for Canada: win this and they set the winter record for golds by one country. 4:07 pm | 1st intermission, 1-0 Canada | by Reed Albergotti This crowd is seriously apathetic. The Americans just skated on the ice and I did not hear a single âboo!" 4:08 pm | 1st intermission, 1-0 Canada | by Jason Gay This whole thing makes me want to compose a Rush rock opera. And has there been a Geddy Neil or Alex sighting?!? 4:08 pm | 1st intermission, 1-0 Canada | by Adam Thompson Now they're trotting out the U.S. bobsledders who won yesterday. Fair amount of applause all around. 4:09 pm | 2nd period, 1-0 Canada | by Reed Albergotti This period, the U.S. wins the faceoff. Watch out, nation of Canada! 4:09 pm | 2nd period, 1-0 Canada | by Jason Gay Just showed the celebs. Neil Young is in the house. Plus Shatner -- that is gold 4:10 pm | 2nd period, 1-0 Canada | by Adam Thompson Iginla nearly makes the U.S. pay for a turnover. 4:11 pm | 2nd period, 1-0 Canada | by Jason Gay Reed, you gotta get to the SHouse. No apathy here. 4:16 pm | 2nd period, 1-0 Canada | by Adam Thompson Another Canada power play

with 2:33 gone, Malone for high -sticking. 4:16 pm | 2nd period, 1-0 Canada | by Adam Thompson Thornton bats one out of midair into Miller's chest. 4:17 pm | 2nd period, 1-0 Canada | by Reed Albergotti I havenât agreed with either penalty. I thought Ryan Maloneâs hit looked clean. 4:18 pm | 2nd period, 1-0 Canada | by Ian Johnson Miller looking sharp on the U.S. penalty kill. Canada got one chance but burned 45 seconds of the man advantage. Canada never really got a clean chance and now it's the U.S. the attack as Staal goes for a dumb retaliatory penalty. 4:18 pm | 2nd period, 1-0 Canada | by Adam Thompson Power play over. How many shots can Drury block? And now Staal's going for interference at 4:41. First U.S. power play. 4:19 pm | 2nd period, 1-0 Canada | by Adam Thompson Not much doing aside from a hard long-distance shot from Rafalski. Penalty over. 4:19 pm | 2nd period, 1-0 Canada | by Reed Albergotti I donât think the US got a single shot on that power play. 4:20 pm | 2nd period, 2-0 Canada | by Reed Albergotti GOAL: 12:47 to go - Corey Perry scores for Canada to make it 2-0. 4:21 pm | 2nd period, 2-0 OLYMPIC page 68



E-reader News Edition

Winter Olympics Closing Ceremony Diary ( The Daily Fix) Submitted at 2/28/2010 5:00:20 PM

AFP/Getty Images Athletes parade during the closing ceremony at BC Place. The Journal provides minute-by -minute analysis of the Vancouver Games’s closing ceremony. Journal staffers are at BC Place to offer commentary. 8:11 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler Has it been 17 days already? Once again, weâre settled into Vancouverâs BC Place for a two-hour pageant of songs, speeches and Canadian cultural icons. Brace yourself for appearances by Mounties, beavers and William Shatner. (Still no sign of Celine Dion.) Tonight, a Winter Olympics that began shrouded in sadness over the death of an athlete will try to close things off on a happier note. Today has already proven to be a day of celebration in Vancouver: The sun is finally shining, and proud Canadians are cheering in the streets after their gold-medal win over the U.S. in men's hockey. The closing ceremony will also give the Russian city of Sochi, which will host the 2014 Games, the first opportunity to leave an impression on the world with an eight-minute presentation. (Hint: This will involve thousands of blue- and red-lit snow globes.) Weâll try to bring you analysis and color from inside that you

wonât see on TV. Please follow along at home, and send us your questions and comments. 8:25 pm | by Phred Dvorak Minutes to go before countdown, and the audience prep just finished. White and blue ponchos, check. Snow globes, check. Moose antlers, check. 8:33 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler And bring in the clowns! Nice to see that Vancouver has a sense of humor about the technical troubles that prevented its cauldron from totally working during the opening ceremony. 8:35 pm | by Phred Dvorak And now, snowboard nation! 8:39 pm | by Phred Dvorak Blog readers: In case you're not seeing what we are, there's literally a small army of kids in

white with red snowboards surrounding that icicle toothpick torch. Has to do with the countdown. 8:40 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler The kids are pretending like theyâre snowboarding on a stage covered in fake snow, as they chant the new city anthem: Oooh, oh, Vancouver, eh? 8:41 pm | by Phred Dvorak And now... "fireworks" INSIDE the stadium: shooting heavy strings of curled paper from the roof. Feel like I've been covered with papery spaghetti. 8:41 pm | by Jessica Marmor The strains of O Canada playing endlessly in my head have now been replaced with Whoa-O Vancouver. 8:44 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler Tonight even the president of

the IOC, Jacques Rogge, is a little Canadian. He just came out wearing a Canadian scarf. Iâve never seen him in anything but a sharp suit. 8:45 pm | by Phred Dvorak Now the dignitaries in traditional attire: four Host Nations chiefs in feathers and woven shawls, then Prime Minister Stephen Harper in a Canada hoodie. (Wait... that isn't his native costume -- where's the suit?) 8:46 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler Itâs back, the âooh, oh, Vancouverâ chanting. Kinda like weâre in a cult. 8:46 pm | by Phred Dvorak Stop the music! I want to get off. 8:48 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler As the flags of the nations enter,

theyâre playing a tune that was actually written for the 1984 Games in Los Angeles by John Williams. But it is such a catchy tune that they whip it out frequently. 8:49 pm | by Phred Dvorak Great Britain's flag-bearer is their sole gold-medalist: Amy Williams, the skeleton racer whose controversial helmet provoked protests from both the U.S. and Canadian teams for being too aerodynamic. 8:50 pm | by Adam Thompson Vancouver doesnât just roll off the tongue in song the way, say, Chicago does. 8:53 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler Carrying the flag for Canada is Joannie Rochette, the figure WINTER page 67

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skater who won the hearts of Canada by continuing to compete just a few days after her mother died. She won bronze, and has emerged as one of the greatest Canadian heroes of these Games. 8:53 pm | by Phred Dvorak After trying to figure out what order these athletes are entering we have our answer: There IS no order. From the media guide book: "no longer grouped by nation but all together in one nation of athletes." 8:54 pm | by Adam Thompson Donât complain about that -â means weâll be done twice as fast. No 45-minute medley of walking. 8:54 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler At least no more lining up means the athletes wonât have to spend as much time sweating in their heavy coats. Several American athletes complained it was like a sauna waiting in the queue for the opening ceremony. 8:55 pm | by Phred Dvorak There's Russia. We liked those uniforms at the opening ceremony. Now, after seeing them all over the streets and concession stalls of Vancouver (pre-Sochi marketing)... not so much. 8:56 pm | by Phred Dvorak If my ears don't deceive me with the stadium distortion, this song is in French. It took them all the way to the end of the Opening Ceremony to get in a French song, much to the anger

of Canada's Francophones. 8:58 pm | by Jessica Marmor A lot of athletes have been talking up the "one nation of athletes" idea -- happy just to be here and have performed... but somehow I don't think the mood would have been quite as celebratory had Canada lost earlier today. 8:59 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler A reader asks what formation the snowboard children made earlier. It wasnât entirely clear to us, either, but the press packet says they were forming the numbers (5, 4, 3, 2, 1) during the countdown. Â And during the Canadian anthem, they spelled out âStrong & Freeâ (a line from the anthem.) At the end they made a maple leaf, natch. 9:02 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler As they take their seats, many of the athletes are taking off the heavy coats and just wearing short-sleeve t-shirts. Hope they enjoyed the Spring Olympics! 9:04 pm | by Jessica Marmor Eva Avila, Nikki Yanofsky and Derek Miller perform "Let's Have a Party." With most of their events over with, athletes were certainly out partying last night in Vancouver. 9:04 pm | by Adam Thompson Why is that woman wearing a nest? 9:05 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler I just heard the second French musical lyric of the evening. Looks like Vanoc got the message that they needed more French content this time around.

Itâs a politically sensitive issue in Canada. 9:07 pm | by Phred Dvorak The audience blossoms in psychedelic colored paper. We were promised this would have meaning... 9:08 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler Perhaps to the consternation of some, many of the athletes and audience members are already wearing the moose antler hats that were provided for a portion of the show that isnât supposed to happen until later tonight. But who can resist wearing funny antlers? 9:08 pm | by Phred Dvorak Isn't that Geoff in antlers right now? Moost becoming. 9:09 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler Now the medal ceremony for the 50km cross country skiing. It would be awesome if the athletes had to ski in on that fake snow. But I guess theyâve skied enough for one day. 9:09 pm | by Adam Thompson Call him Moose Def. 9:12 pm | by Jessica Marmor The cross country 50km medal winners score big time -- I doubt the rest of the medal ceremonies had an intro with hundreds of snowboard-wielding dancers. I guess after their 50km slog they deserve it. 9:13 pm | by Phred Dvorak This 50km cross-country event, by the way, was supposed to be the first to feature a blind athlete: Brian McKeever of Canada. He was pulled late Friday night in favor of faster

teammates, Canada's crosscountry ski coach said. Very sad for him. 9:15 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler Now many of the athletes are playing with the sparkly light toys that are supposed to be used later tonight. Stop messing up the show, guys! 9:17 pm | by Jessica Marmor More fireworks-like sparkly material popping out at us. For all the glitter, we could be at the figure-skating exhibition gala. 9:19 pm | by Phred Dvorak Foul! False start! 9:19 pm | by Phred Dvorak Naw. The music here is too martial. 9:19 pm | by Phred Dvorak Wow. The back of that wheelchais reads "Vancouver" in lights! That's one sparkly ride. 9:20 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler And a big applause for the volunteers. I was amazed at how these folks kept a perky smile on their face, even when we were all grumpy and drenched by the rain. 9:25 pm | by Phred Dvorak Now the solemn, operatic part of the Closing Ceremony. The media guidebook assures us the tone will come down soon. 9:26 pm | by Adam Thompson Who knew Ricky Gervais could sing like that? 9:26 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler If this Olympic anthem sounds old, thatâs because it is. It was first played at the very first modern Olympics in 1896. 9:27 pm | by Phred Dvorak

Did anyone else feel nervous when that ring of flowing fabric descended past the blazing torch? 9:27 pm | by Jessica Marmor The mayor of Vancouver hands off the Olympic flag to the mayor of Sochi. Most exciting gig for the Sochi mayor ever? 9:28 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler Not to complain, but how many anthems are we going to listen to tonight? The Russian anthem makes number four by my count. 9:28 pm | by Phred Dvorak Moscow State Academic Chamber Choir performs the Russian national anthem a capella. A welcome break from the banging electric guitars and blaring of trumpets. 9:32 pm | by Jessica Marmor And now, what we've all been waiting for. No, not Celine Dion sadly. Sochi's presentation -let's see what they've got planned for us in 2014. 9:33 pm | by Phred Dvorak The Sochi presentation starts, and here come the zorbs! That's what those transparent globes those people are standing in are called, supposedly. 9:33 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler Sochi appears to have a huge budget for computer generated graphics ⦠and supermodels. 9:34 pm | by Phred Dvorak Bouncing around in those zorb bubbles looks like a lot of fun. 9:34 pm | by Phred Dvorak WINTER page 69


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Canada | by Adam Thompson Getzlaf's pass bounces off Whitney's skate, and Perry beats Miller high from the slot. 4:23 pm | 2nd period, 2-0 Canada | by Ian Johnson Too much pressure, too many odd-man rushes by Canada right after the U.S. power play was decisively killed. Corey Perry buries a rebound that Miller left on a Getzlaf shot. Crowd is predictably euphoric. But remember the Slovakians... 4:23 pm | 2nd period, 2-0 Canada | by Ian Johnson Now a few dump-and-chase sequences. Come on guys! This isn't Columbus versus Tampa Bay. 4:24 pm | 2nd period, 2-0 Canada | by Adam Thompson Keith gets second assist. This game felt like Canada was tightening its grip even before the goal. And Marleau's shot requires a pad save by Miller. 4:24 pm | 2nd period, 2-0 Canada | by Reed Albergotti Sensing a gold medal, the Canadain crowd here is cowbelling it up and making noise again, but Jonathan Toews ends the celebrations with a tripping penalty. 4:25 pm | 2nd period, 2-0 Canada | by Adam Thompson Another chance for the U.S. With 11:35 left. Toews trips Suter. 4:25 pm | 2nd period, 2-0 Canada | by Reed Albergotti Another power play and the U.S. already looks like theyâre

going to spend this one lollygagging around as well. They canât even get the puck in Canadaâs zone. 4:26 pm | 2nd period, 2-0 Canada | by Adam Thompson Crowd roaring now on penalty kill. Another quick whistle as Luongo doesn't appear in total control. Second time that's happened. 10:11 to go. 4:26 pm | 2nd period, 2-0 Canada | by Adam Thompson Penalty over. Best US chance yet -- Jack Johnson burned in, Stastny couldn't bag rebound. 4:28 pm | 2nd period, 2-0 Canada | by Ian Johnson Jack Johnson shows why he's one of the best young rushing defensemen in the NHL, giving the Canadian defense fits as he drives in on Luongo, but he's turned back. Now a great save by Miller on Boyle. Game has picked up and is entering the thrilling zone. 4:28 pm | 2nd period, 2-0 Canada | by Adam Thompson On fan noise -- it may have been louder last time, but it's not like paupers were here for that one. Everyone here is rich. 4:29 pm | 2nd period, 2-0 Canada | by Jason Gay Reed's the Simon Cowell of Olympic hockey! Love it!! 4:29 pm | 2nd period, 2-0 Canada | by Reed Albergotti What's killing the Americans is tiny fractions of a second of hesitation on every pass. I think they had too much time to sit around and think about this

game for the past day and it's gotten to them. Watching them play for almost two weeks, this is the first game I've seen where they seem to be thinking about where to pass the puck. 4:30 pm | 2nd period, 2-1 Canada | by Adam Thompson Goal USA! 7:16 left and Kesler BEAUTIFUL deflection of a Kane feed through Luongo. 4:31 pm | 2nd period, 2-1 Canada | by Reed Albergotti 7:16: GOAL The U.S. shows signs of life and catches Luongo asleep at the wheel. He lets a shot by Ryan Kesler trickle through his pads. 4:32 pm | 2nd period, 2-1 Canada | by Ian Johnson Kesler does one on his teammate Luongo, beautifully deflecting Kane's wrister between Luongo's right arm and body. It flutters in end over end. That's a really tough save to make but you have to wonder if Miller wouldn't have made it. U.S. back in the game. 4:32 pm | 2nd period, 2-1 Canada | by Adam Thompson Now Parise has daylight on Luongo, but can't finish. 4:33 pm | 2nd period, 2-1 Canada | by Jason Gay Sassy Haus sounds quieter than Roland Garros all of a sudden.... 4:33 pm | 2nd period, 2-1 Canada | by Ian Johnson Canadian players don't seem used to the no-touch icing rule. Several times they tried longbomb passes that didn't click, went the end of the rink and

were called for icing. 4:34 pm | 2nd period, 2-1 Canada | by Reed Albergotti Brian Rafalski saved a goal there by getting back and taking two guys out of the play on a potential three-on-one. 4:34 pm | 2nd period, 2-1 Canada | by Adam Thompson Now we've got end-to-end oddman rushes both ways. More like the first game. 4:35 pm | 2nd period, 2-1 Canada | by Adam Thompson Miller gloves Weber shot through all kinds of traffic. 4:23 left. 4:35 pm | 2nd period, 2-1 Canada | by Jason Gay Ryan Miller's helmet looks like Jeremy Shockey's arm. 4:36 pm | 2nd period, 2-1 Canada | by Reed Albergotti Wow, what a save by Ryan Miller. He was totally screened and it looked like he blindly snatched that shot out of the air with his glove hand. 4:36 pm | 2nd period, 2-1 Canada | by Adam Thompson But does it smell the same as Shockey's arm? 4:37 pm | 2nd period, 2-1 Canada | by Ian Johnson The U.S. seems to sense the tying goal. It's now dominating in the Canadian end and the shots are coming really close to beating Luongo. 4:38 pm | 2nd period, 2-1 Canada | by Adam Thompson U.S. defenders are rushing the net more. Suter just tried a deflection by the crease. Three

minutes to go. 4:38 pm | 2nd period, 2-1 Canada | by Jason Gay Simon, I mean Reed, would you say this period is worth $1332? 4:39 pm | 2nd period, 2-1 Canada | by Ian Johnson Best line on the ice for Canada: Toews-Richards-Nash, which is the fourth line. They take it to the U.S. time and again, with two and a half minutes left almost scoring another goal. 4:40 pm | 2nd period, 2-1 Canada | by Adam Thompson Richards has open net but can't finish sweet feed from Nash. U.S. dodged a bullet. 1:52 left. 4:40 pm | 2nd period, 2-1 Canada | by Reed Albergotti No, because I donât get paid as much as Simon. 4:41 pm | 2nd period, 2-1 Canada | by Adam Thompson Staal has a breakaway! But he shoots high over Miller. 4:41 pm | 2nd period, 2-1 Canada | by Ian Johnson Second-best Canadian line: Getzlaf-Perry-Morrow -- big, skilled players, hard to get off the puck. That leaves Crosby's line as the third-best. Who would have thought... 4:42 pm | End of 2nd period, 21 Canada | by Adam Thompson Phew. Period over. Break out the oxygen. Shots 15-15 in that period. 4:43 pm | 2nd intermission, 2-1 Canada | by Reed Albergotti This is a first: a line for the OLYMPIC page 70

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WINTER continued from page 67

Anybody else think they should make running in those zorb ball things a new Olympic sport? 9:34 pm | by Jessica Marmor The zorbs look much bouncier than I had envisioned them. Almost like really thick bubble wrap. 9:35 pm | by Phred Dvorak Here's what Sochi organizing committee president Dmitry Chernyshenko said this weekend about the zorb: ``The zorbs reflect the Sochi universe. Every participant will bring their own world to the games. Once there they'll be united as one.'' Hmmm. 9:37 pm | by Jessica Marmor The ice dancers were way more in unison than these ballet dancers are. 9:37 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler Most of the costumes worn by these ballet dancers would violate the regulations for Olympic figure-skating competition. 9:38 pm | by Phred Dvorak And more big round objects going aloft. A translucent white, so not sure if they're technically zorbs too. We were told zorbs are translucent. 9:39 pm | by Jessica Marmor And speaking of ice dancing -we now have on the screens 2006 Olympic champions Tatiana Navka and Roman Kostomarov performing on ice in Sochi. And now they're gone. That was fast. 9:40 pm | by Phred Dvorak The winged princess atop globe

with horses in blinking lights. It's Sochi Disneyland! 9:40 pm | by Phred Dvorak Well that's too bad. That was eight and a half minutes of... well, don't know exactly what that was. 9:41 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler I didnât really understand the point of that Sochi presentation, but it looked like a lot of fun. 9:43 pm | by Jessica Marmor According to remarks the president of Sochi 2014 Dmitry Chernyshenko gave yesterday, the zorbs are supposed to reflect the dot in the Sochi 2014 emblem. Everyone in unison, now: Huh? 9:44 pm | by Phred Dvorak Furlong says: ``We Canadians are stronger... more united and more connected with our country than ever before.'' ``Now you know us, eh?'' To HUGE roars of applause. 9:44 pm | by Phred Dvorak Yes. And then he was asked by an astute reporter why the Sochi emblem dot was actually a rounded square, not a circle. His answer: There's always room for improvement... 9:46 pm | by Phred Dvorak So much cheering and footpounding in the stadium at the reference to Canada victory in ice hockey it felt like an earthquake. 9:49 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler A reader writes to ask whether gold winning figure skater Kim Yu-Na carried the South Korean flag. No â- it was carried by

speedskater Mo Tae-Bum. Itâs not clear whether Kim is still in town. Earlier in the week, she told us that sheâd be returning to Toronto to train for the world championships. 9:51 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler John Furlong, the CEO of the Vancouver Organizing committee, makes mention of the Georgian athlete who died shortly before the opening ceremony. That gets a standing ovation from the audience. 9:52 pm | by Phred Dvorak Just got the obligatory press release from the Canadian prime minister's office. This one: "PRIME MINISTER STEPHEN HARPER MARKS CLOSING OF VANCOUVER 2010 OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES." I'd thought since he's here, he wouldn't be able to put one out, but I've underestimated him. His pr office has sent out releases congratulating the Canadian recipients of every medal, and have marked his every move around the city. Here's one from yesterday: "Prime Minister Stephen Harper and John Furlong, CEO of VANOC, watch the men's curling final." 9:54 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler Another reader asks what are the paper-looking things that people are wearing in the audience. Theyâre white, blue and lavender ponchos that have been given to everyone (along with the moose antlers). They give a wintery look to the crowds, and perhaps also protect

the audience from things that fall onto us. During the opening ceremony, there was faux snow â- which was kind of like soap bubbles. 9:56 pm | by Jessica Marmor Plastic poncho chic. 9:57 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler At the end of each Games, IOC President Rogge traditionally comes up with one phrase to describe what they were like. This time, he used âexcellent and very friendly.â 9:57 pm | by Jessica Marmor Nice that they didn't forget to give a shout-out to Richmond, where the speedskating races were held, and which has some of the best food to be found in the area. 9:58 pm | by Phred Dvorak Rogge actually got a muted boo from the crowd here when he declared the 2010 winter games closed... 9:58 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler It would be awesome if they let Neil Young extinguish the flame himself. 9:59 pm | by Jessica Marmor And the folks over at Sochi 2014 aren't too busy with the uber-VIP party they're hosting to shoot out a press release of their own: "Five Olympic champions, a World champion hockey star, a top supermodel, a world-class soprano, a globally revered conductor, children and âZorbsâ â giant spheres like snow globes, maneuvered by performers inside â took centre stage in a packed BC Place Olympic

stadium on Sunday night, as part of a spectacular show to mark the Olympic Flag Handover to Sochi." 10:00 pm | by Jessica Marmor Canadian legend Neil Young sings "Long May You Run" as snow falls. 10:01 pm | by Jessica Marmor Audience members are now supposed to activate their cellphone displays as the flame flickers out. Let's see if it really works. 10:02 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler This cauldron still reminds me of Supermanâs icy/crystalline home. 10:03 pm | by Jessica Marmor Also reminiscent of Superman's icy home -- the Sochi 2014 branding. 10:04 pm | by Phred Dvorak More confetti in the air here. They're throwing out a lot more stuff than in the opening ceremony. Exploding globes of confetti, strings of curly confetti, spot bursts of confetti from the roof... 10:05 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler Captain Kirk emerges from the floor, and heâs âproud to be a Canadian.â 10:06 pm | by Phred Dvorak The ducks are quacking "O Canada"! And William Shatner comes up from the floor! We're in the Canadiana section of the program. Bring on the moose! 10:07 pm | by Adam Thompson WINTER page 72


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media bathroom. 4:47 pm | 2nd intermission, 2-1 Canada | by Adam Thompson Philip Kuehnert writes that he's following from a church meeting in Fairbanks. Kind of feels like a church in here too, actually. But with more sirens. 4:48 pm | 2nd intermission, 2-1 Canada | by Jason Gay Lost in the madness!? It's sunny and 98 degrees in Vancouver today. 4:51 pm | 2nd intermission, 2-1 Canada | by Adam Thompson Just saw highlights of the '02 game between these two. A few from that game still on the ice: Rafalski and Drury for the U.S., Iginla, Niedermayer, Pronger and Brodeur for Canada. Joe Sakic owned that game, which Canada won 5-2. 4:55 pm | 2nd intermission, 2-1 Canada | by Ian Johnson Get back to prayin'; this game isn't over yet. 4:56 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Adam Thompson Here we go! Last 20 minutes of Olympic competition. 4:57 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Adam Thompson Weber's shot gets through Miller but trickles wide. Just over a minute gone. 4:58 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Adam Thompson Last 20 minutes unless we have OT. How awesome would that be? 4:59 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Ian Johnson Chris Pronger, who I've thought

of as a bit of a dinosaur in these games, just hit the post with a lob from the point that Miller didn't see, just two minutes into the third. 5:00 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Adam Thompson 16:20 to go and the fans like the fight they see from red so far. 5:01 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Ian Johnson Pronger seems to be out there every other shift. He and Seabrok are now a pairing -- I had thought that Keith and Seabrook would both be playing for Canada because they're both with the Chicago Blackhawks and more familiar with each other. 5:02 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Adam Thompson U.S. left Perry all alone in front, but Miller bails out Suter and Rafalski with 15:59 left. 5:03 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Ian Johnson Five minutes into the third and a lot of dump-and-chase. Kind of boring. And no fighting allowed! How will Burke's troops rally? 5:03 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Adam Thompson 14:28 left and this game is Canada's to lose. Big cheer to John Furlong, head of Vancouver's organizing committee. 5:04 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Reed Albergotti John Furlong -- a Canadian who is NOT a celebrity. 5:06 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Reed Albergotti

The U.S. needed to come out and skate as if they were being chased by an angry mob of Saskatchewanians. They're dumping and chasing and playing pretty reserved for a team that is 13:22 away from a silver medal nobody wants. 5:07 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Adam Thompson 13:22 left and the U.S. hasn't broken through the Canadian D yet this period. 5:07 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Adam Thompson Play still chippy, whistles somewhere in refs' esophagus. 5:08 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Reed Albergotti One thing Luongo hasn't done this game is give up any rebounds near the net. They all go bouncing way out to the boards and the U.S. rebound machine has no shot. 5:09 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Adam Thompson Luongo has been all Canada's needed so far. 11 minutes to go. Tick tock, Clarice. 5:11 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Adam Thompson What a pad save by Miller on Heatley after a sloppy U.S. turnover. 5:12 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Adam Thompson 9:03 and Drury and Malone generate a little friction in the Canada end. 5:13 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Reed Albergotti The U.S. is livening up a little, generating some good rebounds

and scoring chances. 5:14 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Ian Johnson Best sustained U.S. pressure of the game with nine minutes to go, as Canada looks like it wants to win 2-1. Dangerous strategy against this young, energetic Team USA. Game still very much up for grabs. 5:15 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Adam Thompson Under eight minutes now. U.S. is going to have to start gambling now. I'd be shocked if anyone got a penalty for anything short of amputation. 5:15 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Reed Albergotti I believe amputation is a fiveminute major under international rules. 5:16 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Reed Albergotti The best thing that could happen to the U.S. is if the fans here start prematurely chanting "nah nah nah nah, hey hey hey, goodbye!" 5:17 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Adam Thompson Six minutes left, sand keeps slipping through the hourglass. 5:17 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Reed Albergotti The Americans are finally starting to look like they have all tournament, but it might be too late. Five minutes to go in the third. 5:18 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Adam Thompson 5:05 left, Rafalski gets into the circle, but Luongo handles and

covers up. 5:18 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Reed Albergotti I'd put in your ear plugs. I have a feeling this is going to be a very loud final five minutes. 5:19 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Adam Thompson If you're Wilson here, do you start double-shifting the Kane line? 5:20 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Ian Johnson Canada is playing the U.S. really close, squeezing out the speed on the outside. Pronger is playing a monster game on the edge of the rules, blocking the onrushing speedy U.S. players in what could be called interference but which seems to be allowed today... 5:20 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Adam Thompson 4:26 left and again the crowd applauds Luongo for breathing. 5:21 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Reed Albergotti After an icing, the U.S. gets another face off in Canada창s zone. Stastny takes it. 5:22 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Adam Thompson Under four minutes now, good Canada forecheck. 5:22 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Reed Albergotti The crowd is into it now, cheering loudly every time the puck heads into the U.S. zone. 5:23 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Reed Albergotti OLYMPIC page 73


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Crosby's OT goal sinks U.S., gives Canada gold Associated Press ( Submitted at 2/28/2010 9:26:03 PM

VANCOUVER, British Columbia -- Rest assured, Canada, the national honor is served. With a flick of the wrist from The Next One, Sidney Crosby, Canadians found Olympic redemption Sunday. The pall of a luger's death, a series of embarrassing glitches, a first half so dismal the hosts conceded the medals race, a loss to the upstart Americans in a preliminary game. All but forgotten. Canada is the Olympic champion in men's hockey, and the whole country can finally celebrate its Winter Games. Canada survived one of the greatest games in Olympic history to beat the Americans 32 in overtime and cap the host country's record gold rush in Vancouver. Crosby -- hockey heir to Canada's own Great One, Wayne Gretzky-- won it when he whipped a shot past U.S. goalie Ryan Miller 7:40 into overtime after the U.S. had tied it with 24.4 seconds left in regulation. "It's a pretty unbelievable thing. You know what? Every kid dreams of that opportunity," Crosby said. "Being in Canada, that's the opportunity of a lifetime. You dream of that a thousand times growing up. For

it to come true is amazing. Burnside: Putting On A Show After watching one of the greatest hockey games of all time on Sunday, we could only ask one question: Did it have to end? Story • LeBrun: Both goalies are golden • Caple: Work, desire pay off "Our team worked so unbelievably hard," Crosby said. "Today was really tough, especially when they got a goal late in regulation. But we came back and got it in overtime. ... To win it in overtime, here in Canada, it doesn't get any better than that." Canada's collection of all-stars held off a young, desperate U.S. team that had beaten it a week ago and, after staging a furious comeback from down 2-0 on goals by Jonathan Toews and Corey Perry, almost beat the Canadians again. With Canada less than a minute away from celebrating the gold medal, Zach Parise-- the son of a player who figured in Canada's finest hockey moment -- tied it with Miller off the ice for an extra attacker. The moment he scored, the groans of disappointed fans likely were heard from Vancouver to the Maritimes. But Crosby, scoreless the previous two games, brought back the cheers with his second postregulation game-winner of the tournament, a shot from the left

circle that Miller was helpless to stop. He also beat Switzerland in a shootout during the round robin. Harry How/Getty Images U.S. goaltender Ryan Miller kneels as the Canadian team swarms Sidney Crosby after his game-winner. It was close. It was nerveracking. It was a game worthy of an Olympic hockey final. "I just tried to shoot it quick," Crosby said. "Iggy [ Jarome Iginla] kind of bumped it out from the corner, I tried to get a quick shot on net. I didn't even really see. I barely looked at the net. I just tried to throw it there." Before the game, Crosby received a brief text message from Penguins owner Mario Lemieux that said: "Good luck." Now, Crosby joins Lemieux -whose goal beat the Soviet Union in the 1987 World Cup -and Paul Henderson, who beat

the Soviets with a goal in the 1972 Summit Series, among the instant national heroes of Canadian hockey. At age 22, Crosby has won the Stanley Cup and the Olympics in less than a year's time. "He's got a little destiny to him - his entire career, throughout minor hockey, junior hockey, NHL," Canada executive director Steve Yzerman said about Crosby. "So it's just another monumental moment in his career. And he's what, 22 still? He's a special, special guy. Kind of like Gretzky." Minutes after the game ended, delirious fans chanted, "Crosby! Crosby! Crosby!" International Olympic Committee president Jacques Rogge paused before giving the final medal to Crosby as the crowd got even louder. Then he gestured with his right hand, calling for more cheers for Crosby.

Sid The Kid Sidney Crosby didn't put up gaudy numbers during the Olympics, but he came through when it counted in Canada's quest for gold. "It's just fitting, I think, that Sid would get it," goalie Roberto Luongo said. "I couldn't think of anyone better." As "O Canada" played, the Canadian team stood shoulder to shoulder, while the U.S. team stood dejected, staring at the ice, many with their hands on their hips. To win, Canada withstood a remarkable and determined effort from a U.S. team that wasn't supposed to medal in Vancouver, much less roll through the tournament unbeaten before losing in the first overtime gold-medal game since NHL players joined the Olympics in 1998. "No one knew our names. People know our names now," said Chris Drury, one of three holdovers from the 2002 U.S. team that also lost to Canada in the gold-medal game. Miller, the tournament MVP, was exceptional, and Parise scored a goal that -- if the U.S. had won -- would rank among the storied moments in American Olympic history. With less than a half minute remaining and Miller out of the net and off the ice for an extra CROSBY'S page 74


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WINTER continued from page 69

Can we get just one "Khaaaaaaaaaan!" from him? 10:08 pm | by Jessica Marmor Yes, we hear you Trekkies. 10:09 pm | by Phred Dvorak Cap'n Kirk says, ``You have to be proud of a land that's a final frontier" -- first Trekkie reference of the evening. 10:13 pm | by Phred Dvorak Comedienne Catherine O'Hara does a riff on Canadian politeness. Michael J. Fox gets more out of the crowd with just the line: "My name is Mike." 10:14 pm | by Phred Dvorak Kind of odd to hear celebrity after celebrity come out and say, "Hi, my name is X. And I'm a Canadian." Reminds me of AA. 10:17 pm | by Jessica Marmor Michael Buble sings "The Maple Leaf Forever" dressed as a Mountie, and then rips off the Mountie jacket to reveal a white tux jacket. 10:18 pm | by Phred Dvorak OK, after having held back (somewhat) during opening ceremonies, we're getting an overdose of Canadian cliches. It's the Ziegfeld mounties! 10:19 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler I guess it is great to have a funny sense of pride about being Canadian, but this segment with the dancing Mounties reminds me of a Mel Brooks film. And not in a good way. 10:20 pm | by Phred Dvorak And here comes the next Canadian cliche -- ice hockey!

And yes, hockey players versus the mounties! Bring it all on! 10:22 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler Do you reckon they added those gold medals to the cut-out hockey players this afternoon 창or maybe they were just sure it would work out? 10:22 pm | by Jessica Marmor There is so much to process: singing Mounties; a child dressed up as a hockey puck; oversized tabletop hockey players; dancing maple leaves. Canadian emblem overload! 10:23 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler Ok, seriously -창 did Mel Brooks produce this? Tap-dancing maple leaves창? 10:24 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler And here come the beavers! 10:24 pm | by Phred Dvorak Now we get the French cliches: the voyageurs with their kayaks, off to hunt in the interior. Giant beavers, floating moose! Accompanied, appropriately by a song in French. 10:26 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler One of the floating moose handlers is waving an American flag. I hope he doesn창t get run over by that Canadian beaver. 10:27 pm | by Jessica Marmor This is also one of the longer segments we've seen yet. They only give Sochi eight minutes to present their vision for 2014, but we get nearly 13 minutes of Buble, flying maple leaves, beavers, and a float-size moose. 10:28 pm | by Phred Dvorak We were wondering earlier why

we didn't feel there something ominous about the hundreds of flag-caped Canadians singing the national anthem on the streets after the hockey game. This moose and beaver-filled extravaganza is the answer. 10:32 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler Speaking of Canadian stereotypes, a reader asks where is Celine Dion? No sign of her here tonight so far, and there's no mention in our press materials. 10:36 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler I'm a fan of some of Avril's music, but she sounds and looks kind of bored tonight. 10:37 pm | by Jessica Marmor We hear from our colleagues in New York that NBC just ended coverage of the closing ceremonies to show the premiere episode of Seinfeld's Marriage Ref, which has been heavily promoted during the Olympics. What you've missing out on: performances by Nickelback, Avril Levigne and next up: Alanis Morissette. 10:38 pm | by Phred Dvorak A Canadian reader opines there's been a certain lack of... restraint and ... talent in tonight's ceremony, then writes his A-list of Canadian stars. We're happy to say that one of them -- Alanis Morisette -- is on tonight's roster. 10:40 pm | by Jessica Marmor And the part of Celine Dion will be played tonight by... Alanis Morissette? Seriously, she's wearing sparkly jewelry, has her

hair ironed straight, the entire stage just went into pastel blue Celine colors and she's singing a Celine-esque song. 10:40 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler Alanis is singing something that sounds like a Celine Dion song. Bring on "Isn't It Ironic"! If ever there was an evening of irony ... 10:46 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler For folks that can't follow along at home, we're now hearing the dulcet tones of Simple Plan, a band from Montreal (that is singing in English). 10:46 pm | by Jessica Marmor Looks like athletes are awkwardly mixing and dancing on the stage floor. If I were a ticket-holder, I'd feel left out. 10:47 pm | by Phred Dvorak While these acts are performing on the stage, many of the athletes are in the center of the stadium milling around rather aimlessly. 10:48 pm | by Jason Gay Simple Plan actually only thing worse than The Marriage Ref.... 10:51 pm | by Phred Dvorak This last (we think) band is the French-Canadian Marie-Mai. Sounds like Eurobeat though. 10:53 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler A lot of audience members are picking up their stuff to leave. I'm a little bit embarrassed. Maybe they don't dig the rockconcert vibe? 10:56 pm | by Adam Thompson Rapper ... from Ontario ... wait, it isn't Snow? 10:57 pm | by Phred Dvorak OK, now we're off the script. A

hip-hop band from Toronto called K Os. Don't see them in our media guide. Wonder if this has anything to do with comedian Martin Short canceling at the last minute. 10:59 pm | by Jessica Marmor Wait. Am I at the Olympic Closing Ceremony, or a rave from the 1980s? Now there are girls in sweatshirts dancing in all the aisles. At first I thought they were just letting people out onto the floor. I was about to get up. 11:00 pm | by Adam Thompson Meanwhile, my wife in New York has this dispatch on The Marriage Ref: "The debate is over whether or not they should install a stripper pole in the bedroom." 11:01 pm | by Phred Dvorak Some huge, bouncing glowing globes in changing, psychedelic colors moving through the stadium now. Or else I've been here too long. 11:02 pm | by Jessica Marmor For all of you watching the Marriage Ref on NBC: The party's over here at BC Place, after a quick fireworks display outside. And now: everyone races for the trains. The Skytrain is about to get very crowded. 11:03 pm | by Geoffrey Fowler And that's all folks. The light spirit of the night was certainly in keeping with the reception Vancouver has given the Games. But I have to admit I was WINTER page 74

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OLYMPIC continued from page 70

Sidney Crosby shut down on a breakaway by Miller! Man, he has been totally stoppable in this tournament. 5:23 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Reed Albergotti Two minutes to go, the U.S. is trying something, ANYTHING. Fans on their feet. Gold-medal cheers. 5:24 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Adam Thompson U.S. can't establish in Canada's zone. 2:09 left. The crowd really smells it now. 5:25 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Reed Albergotti The U.S. will soon have to take their best player off the ice -â Ryan Miller. Heâs played a great game. 5:25 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Adam Thompson Out goes Miller! 1:17 left. 5:26 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Adam Thompson Time out, Team USA. 5:26 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Reed Albergotti Miller out, the U.S. has some great chances with garbage flying around the net. Kessel, Kane and Brown out on the ice. 5:27 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Adam Thompson U.S. sends out Kane, Langenbrunner, Parise, Kesler Suter and Rafalski. 5:27 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Jason Gay Sassy Haus on fire. 5:28 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Reed Albergotti

Empty net, less than a minute left now. Face-off in Canada zone. Pavelski takes it. 5:29 pm | 3rd period, 2-1 Canada | by Adam Thompson 54.8 ticks left. Getzlaf, Nash, Toews, Niedermayer and Weber out for Canada. Now they call time. 5:29 pm | 3rd period, 2-2 tie | by Adam Thompson Toews clears. But the U.S. scores with 24.4 left!!! 5:30 pm | 3rd period, 2-2 tie | by Reed Albergotti You have to be kidding me. That is all I have to say. 5:30 pm | 3rd period, 2-2 tie | by Adam Thompson Parise pops in rebound of a Kane shot that hit off Langenbrunner. 5:31 pm | 3rd period, 2-2 tie | by Reed Albergotti Wow. The USA chants in here are rivaling the Canada chants. I didnât know there were any Americans in this place. 5:31 pm | 3rd period, 2-2 tie | by Jason Gay Sassy Haus a crypt. 5:32 pm | End of 3rd period, 2-2 tie | by Adam Thompson The Olympics have officially been extended. Overtime, people. 5:33 pm | 3rd intermission, 2-2 tie | by Ian Johnson 24.4 seconds left to gold and Canada flubs it. They had so many chances to win it in the third and didn't. Now the inevitable tie with the goalie

pulled. Worse: the gold could be decided by a skills competition (a shootout). But first, overtime. 5:34 pm | 3rd intermission, 2-2 tie | by Adam Thompson We've got a full 15-minute intermission. After that, a 20minute sudden-death period. 5:35 pm | 3rd intermission, 2-2 tie | by Adam Thompson How about Zach Parise? This certainly cements him as the best U.S. forward of the tournament. 5:41 pm | 3rd intermission, 2-2 tie | by Adam Thompson Now they're running out of hockey legends. Craig MacTavish? I mean, nice player, but... By the way is there a better looking retiree from the end of the no-helmet era? I think not. 5:46 pm | 3rd intermission, 2-2 tie | by Adam Thompson This is NOT a joke: I just saw Wayne Gretzky getting into an elevator with Janet, his wife. His face was red and he looked like he hadnât breathed in about 20 minutes. 5:46 pm | 3rd intermission, 2-2 tie | by Reed Albergotti Was their hair tussled? What does Janet Jones look like these days? 5:47 pm | Overtime, 2-2 tie | by Adam Thompson And weâre back on. One goal for everything Canada holds dear. 5:47 pm | Overtime, 2-2 tie | by Reed Albergotti You gotta think the four-on-four gives Canada the advantage.

They have the skill players who can move the puck around in this format. 5:48 pm | Overtime, 2-2 tie | by Reed Albergotti The press tables at this arena may be the only safe place in Vancouver right now. 5:49 pm | Overtime, 2-2 tie | by Adam Thompson Agree on 4-on-4. But like Ian said before the game started on paper, they shouldâve had the advantage all along. Ask the Swiss about that. 5:53 pm | Overtime, 2-2 tie | by Ian Johnson Actually I think it's to the U.S. advantage. They have the faster players. Canadians' size is now neutralized. 5:54 pm | Overtime, 2-2 tie | by Reed Albergotti U.S. guys coming off the ice look dead tired. I think theyâre finally skating as hard as they can. 5:58 pm | Final, 3-2 Canada | by Adam Thompson Goal Canada! Crosby scores 7:40 in off an assist from Iginla off a turnover in the U.S. zone. Rafalski was near the puck. Crosby threw his mouthgaurd, gloves and stick in the air in one motion and initiated a mosh pit in the corner. 5:58 pm | Postgame | by Ian Johnson So much for Crosby not showing up this tournament.... 6:00 pm | Postgame | by Reed Albergotti

Yeah, Crosby could have sat on the bench the whole tournament. Thatâs all he needed to do. Fitting that hockeyâs best player gets the medal-winning goal. 6:00 pm | Postgame | by Adam Thompson The moose has roared. 14 gold medals for Canada, a new record. And this one meant more to most of their sports fans than all the others put together. 6:04 pm | Postgame | by Adam Thompson What a game. Iâm totally buzzed right now. Never seen a jolt of adrenaline like that. Theyâre handing out the medals. I think weâre all done here, up against a hard deadline. Thanks to everyone from Fairbanks to Papua New Guinea for hanging with us these last few weeks. 6:05 pm | Postgame | by Reed Albergotti Walking around town, the two jerseys you see most -â and everyone is wearing a hockey jersey here -â are #87 and #12, and those were the final two point-scorers of the Olympics. Thatâs gotta feel great for Canadian fans to see that happen in that way. Wow, what a game. 6:06 pm | Postgame | by Reed Albergotti They gotta wait for the Finns to show up and collect their bronzes.



E-reader News Edition

Cleveland Cavaliers center Shaquille O'Neal will have surgery on sprained right thumb Associated Press ( Submitted at 3/1/2010 7:04:19 AM

• Email • Print • Comments '); document.write(''); function showShareUI(){ var H = {APIKey:"2_B48MVBl19K9C Qj72UVrAqLh7VSAyZDfMkcl kt8foSSRaAbdWu36H_N3Ky_ ERWhDG", enabledProviders: "facebook,twitter", cid:"ESPN.Story"}; var I = n e w ion(); var containerID = "gigyacontainer"; var D="Test "; var A = {}; I.setUserMessage(""); if (("div.headline h2").length > 0) { I.setTitle(jQuery("div.headline h2").text()); } else { I.setTitle(decodeURIComponent ("Shaq%20will%20have%20sur gery%20on%20sprained%20rig ht%20thumb")); } I.setLinkBack("http://sports.espn 3 9 5 3 " ) ;

if(("#videoInfo").length > 0) { I.setDescription(jQuery(".article p:nth-child(4)").text()); } e l s e { I.setDescription(jQuery("p:first" ).text()); } A.userAction = I; areUI(H,A); return false; } } Associated Press INDEPENDENCE, Ohio -Shaquille O'Neal's regular season could be over. Now the Cavaliers hope the center they acquired for the postseason will be back in time for the playoffs. O'Neal will undergo surgery Monday to repair his injured right thumb. He was examined Sunday by Dr. Thomas Graham at the National Hand Center in Baltimore. Graham will perform the surgery. The Cavaliers said they will update a timeline for his return following the procedure, but a typical recovery period is 6 to 8 weeks. There are seven weeks left in the regular season. "I think we'll be all right," point guard Mo Williams said before learning O'Neal needed surgery. "We'll weather the storm while the big fella gets some rest." The Cavaliers acquired O'Neal

last summer with an eye toward the postseason, and more specifically Dwight Howard and Orlando after the Magic eliminated Cleveland in the Eastern Conference finals. O'Neal has played well for the Cavaliers this season, averaging 12 points and 6.7 rebounds in 53 games. More importantly, he has played a big role in the Cavaliers going 4-1 against the Magic and the Los Angeles Lakers, two teams Cleveland struggled against last season and two teams likely to block Cleveland's path to a championship. O'Neal injured the thumb Thursday at Boston when his shot was blocked by Glen Davis with just over 7 minutes left in the first half. Anderson Varejao will continue to start at center for the Cavs. Former backup Zydrunas Ilgauskas, traded to Washington for Antawn Jamison, is now a free agent following a buyout from the Wizards. Ilgauskas is free to sign with any team, but will have to wait until March 21 under NBA rules should he elect to re-sign with the Cavaliers. The Cavaliers are a more up-

tempo team with O'Neal out of the lineup. "With Shaq, you have to take advantage of his size and you have to go in the paint. He gets teams in foul trouble real easy," Williams said. "Without Shaq, it'll be more pick and rolls, more drive and kicks and more 3-point attempts. We'll spread the floor out and attack the rim in different ways." O'Neal suffered a similar injury while playing with the Magic in 1995, when he missed the first 22 games of the season when he fractured the same thumb. Counting Monday's game against New York, the Cavaliers have 22 games left in the regular season. Cleveland also recalled rookie Danny Green from Erie of the NBA Development League on Sunday. He was assigned to Erie on Feb. 24 and played in two games for the BayHawks. Copyright 2010 by The Associated Press Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

WINTER continued from page 72

expecting a little more from the show. For me, the best part was the free moose antler hat. What about you, Phred? 11:04 pm | by Phed Dvorak Wouldn't mind having one of those 20-foot beavers to put outside the condo at Halloween.

CROSBY'S continued from page 71

attacker, Patrick Kane took a shot from the high slot that deflected off Jamie Langenbrunner to Parise, who shot it off Luongo's blocker and into the net. Golden Leafs By beating the U.S. in the goldmedal hockey match, Canada joined the Soviet Union/Unified Team as the most successful teams in Olympic hockey history. Parise is the son of J.P. Parise, who scored two goals for that 1972 Canada Summit Series team. Three minutes before Parise scored, Kane -- who also set up Ryan Kesler's goal in the second period -- knocked the puck off Crosby's stick on a breakaway that would have sealed it for Canada. "It's just a shame that both teams couldn't have received a gold medal," U.S. coach Ron Wilson CROSBY'S page 75


E-reader News Edition

Lakers Push Back, Send Message in Win Over Nuggets Chris Tomasson (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 2/28/2010 3:47:00 PM

Filed under: Lakers, Nuggets LOS ANGELES -- There are 15 championship banners hanging in the Staples Center, and plenty have been won with the Lakers being known as a finesse team. But finesse doesn't work against the Denver Nuggets. You don't say "pardon me" if you're grappling with Kenyon Martin for a rebound or "desculpe," which is Portuguese for "excuse me," if Nene gets in the way in the paint. The Lakers finally figured that out Sunday after getting sand kicked in their faces for 2 1/2 games by the Nuggets. There was a 105-79 road rout at the hands of the Nuggets Nov. 13 and a 126-113 home setback to them Feb. 5, a game in which Denver didn't even have highscoring forward Carmelo Anthony. Then the Nuggets pushed around the Lakers in the first half Sunday, taking a 52-43 lead. Enough finally was enough. Lamar Odom stopped being a

nice fellow. So did Pau Gasol. "We need to really be the aggressor," Gasol said after the Lakers outscored the Nuggets 52 -37 in the second half to win 9589 in the battle between the West's top two outfits. "We need to challenge instead of we're always being challenged ... We're not aggressive enough. We've got to start challenging people and imposing our will. And we can. It sucks sometimes that we don't do it." At least the Nuggets (39-20)

have been around the past two seasons to knock some sense into the Lakers (45-15). They literally do it courtesy of elbows by Martin and Nene and with Anthony throwing around his big body. In last spring's playoffs, the Lakers sometimes looked disinterested until the Nuggets woke them up. With the Western Conference finals tied 2-2 and the Lakers having been lucky to win their two games thanks to late-game faulty Denver inbound


CROSBY'S continued from page 74

said. "A great player made a great play and found a way to finish us off. This was a classic hockey game. In Canada now, it's the greatest game ever." Luongo didn't outplay Miller, but still proved he is a big-game goalie -- something he has never been previously -- by making 34 saves in his own NHL arena. Luongo went 5-0 in the tournament and 4-0 after replacing Martin Brodeur following America's 5-3 win the previous Sunday. OK, you can exhale now, Canada. The quivers of fear created by the loss to the U.S. and the shootout over Switzerland are gone, replaced by the good-as-gold feeling that was a necessity for Canada to passes, Los Angeles rose up to truly proclaim these Olympics a win the last two games of the success. series and then defeated Orlando Canada won its eighth hockey gold medal and only its second 4-1 for another NBA crown. "[Sunday's win] was important since 1952 -- it beat the U.S. 5-3 because they beat us [twice this in Salt Lake City in 2002. For season], and we feel like we're the United States, considered on going to see them again [in the a t i e r s l i g h t l y b e l o w t h e playoffs]," Odom said. "It was Canadians, Russians and Swedes important to put in their minds, when the games began, it was an if we play the right way, we can immense letdown, especially since it was the best team from beat them." nearly start to finish. Nearly. "It stings right now," said Miller, who made 33 saves after giving up only a goal per game in the first five games. "It's devastating. It was the biggest game any of us have played in," U.S. defenseman CROSBY'S page 77



E-reader News Edition

Gatorade Gives Up on Paper Tiger Greg Couch (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 3/1/2010 1:00:00 AM

Olympics Should Be About the Athletes Kevin Blackistone (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 2/28/2010 3:50:00 PM

Filed under: Canada VANCOUVER, British Columbia -- In spring, the Olympic Village that was a temporary home to athletes will begin undergoing a conversion into an affordable housing community for at least 16,000 people, replete with child care centers, a school and green space. The Olympic Oval in suburban Richmond that hosted speed

skating will start to be renovated into a city recreation center, with two ice rinks, eight basketball courts, an indoor running track and an infield for more sports. And in the tiny ski resort of Whistler, where the 2010 Olympic skiing and sliding events were held, Whistler Mayor Ken Melamed will look to follow through on his promise to erect a permanent memorial to Nodar Kumaritashvili, forever known as the Georgian luger who was killed on the eve of the opening of the Vancouver Winter Games.

Tragedy, unfortunately, will be as much a part of the legacy of the 2010 Winter Games as anything else. There can't be any denying it, and there shouldn't be. What happened here to Kumaritashvili should be the starkest reminder to those who run our world's biennial global games -- Jacques Rogge and the International Olympic Committee -- that it is the athlete who is the gathering's mostprecious resource and not the capital their exploits can mine.

Filed under: Sports Business and Media They stood by Tiger Woods through three months of scandal, rumors, waffle waitresses and porn stars. Through sex addiction therapy, hiding out, Ambien sex details and no comments in selfdefense. And then a week after Woods apologized, Gatorade execs decided this is the time to drop him as an endorser. Why now? Gatorade gave no answers Friday, but I think I understand. His apology changed everything. It was when Woods took his bad act public, and actually bugged me more than what he was apologizing for. Which was none of our business. All these years of keeping everything private, even firing people who talked too much, and that wasn't about protecting his family, as he said the other day. Turns out, he put that giant curtain around his life for the simple purpose of keeping

people from knowing that there was nothing behind the curtain. He suddenly looks weak. Hollow. Like a guy who learned all his lessons about life during a childhood spent entirely on a golf course. His apology was clearly fake, scripted, dishonest. And if felt more like a submission than anything. Gatorade stuck with Serena Williams after her f-bomb laced threats toward a line judge at the U.S. Open. Why? Because she still looked like a strong woman after her tirade.

Sports/ Economy/ Game/

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CROSBY'S continued from page 75

Miami Must Add Another Star or Risk Losing Dwyane Wade Tim Povtak (FanHouse Main)

agents to join them -- LeBron James, Chris Bosh, Joe Johnson, Submitted at 2/28/2010 4:10:00 PM Stoudemire or Boozer -- or Filed under: Heat, Magic Dwyane Wade will be leaving ORLANDO -- You can hear the town, sinking them to the depths clock ticking now on Pat Riley of the NBA. and the Miami Heat. You can see it in his play, his When the trade deadline came body language now. He deserves and went last month, when better than what the Heat have neither Amar'e Stoudemire nor given him. Carlos Boozer landed in South Wade returned to action Sunday Beach, it raised the stakes night after missing the previous unbelievably in Miami for this four games with a strained calf much-anticipated free agency muscle, and he probably wished summer. he had stayed on the sideline a Tick ... tick ... tick ... .tick ... little longer. He had 17 points by For Miami, it's going to be all or halftime, but he ran out of gas in nothing, either unbelievable joy the second half, finishing with or inconceivable sorrow. Either 21. There was no one there to heaven or hell for the franchise. bail him out. The Heat either must convince one of the other big-name free

Jack Johnson said. Requiring the United States to beat favored Canada two times in eight days was a monumental task; under Olympic formats used until the 1990s, when there wasn't a true gold-medal game, the earlier victory and the Americans' unbeaten record would have been enough for gold. The U.S. has never won an Olympics outside the U.S., with its two golds coming in 1960 at Squaw Valley, Calif., and 1980 at Lake Placid, N.Y. Unlike those games, it wouldn't have been a miracle if America

had won -- but, given the opponent and the circumstances, it would have been one of the nation's proudest moments in international sports. Copyright 2010 by The Japanese hardware Associated Press Five Filters featured article: sales, Feb. 15 - Feb. 21: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Stationary Year edition Term Extraction. Griffin McElroy (Joystiq) Submitted at 2/28/2010 10:00:00 PM

[Image via mlive] We think we can all agree that Leap Years are JAPANESE page 78

February By The Numbers Barry Ritholtz (The Big Picture)

February 2009 -2.2%: index’s decline in February 2008 Submitted at 3/1/2010 6:00:42 AM +7.0%: index’s rise in 1998 In February, major averages Nasdaq erased much of the January Composite . . . 2238 . . . +4.23% losses, with both the Dow and Nasdaq100 . . . 1819 . . +4.46% S & P u p m o r e t h a n 2 . 5 % ; Russell 2000 . . . 629 . . . Nasdaq gained 4.2%. Indeed, +4.41% the S&P 500 Index had its best Currencies showing for the month of U.S. Dollar Index (DX) . . 80.36 February since 1998: . . +1.13% Dow Jones Indices Euro . . . 1.36250 . . .-1.71% Industrials . . . 10,325 . . . Yen . . . . 0.01125 . . . + 1.63% +2.56% British Pound . .1.52470 . .Transports . . 4135 . . . +6.14% 4.72% Utilities . . . . 367 . . .-2.87% Commodities S&P500 Crude Oil . . 79.66 . . . +9.29% +2.85% rise in the S&P 500 Gold . . . . . . 1108 . . . +2.76% Index Copper . . . . 7072 . . . +3.18% Compare this versus: Sugar . . . . . 25.03 . . .-18.31% -11.0% drop in the index in The Dow is up 60% from the

March lows, but down 27% from the October 2007 highs. SPX is up 66% from the March lows, but down 30% from the October 2007 highs. Nasdaq is up 77% from the March lows, but down 22% from the October 2007 highs (and considerably more from the March 2000 highs). > Sources: Standard & Poor’s Markets, Credits and Risk Strategies Group, Barron’s, Marketwatch, The Chart Store. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



E-reader News Edition

JAPANESE continued from page 77

like, the best thing ever. It's an extra day! An extra 24 hours you can spend doing whatever you want, unless it falls on a work day, in which case, you'll probably spend it working. It augments the month of February, changing it from a truncated, dissatisfying calendar partition into a slightly less truncated, dissatisfying calendar partition. We had planned out a ton of Leap Year-related activities for tomorrow, but were recently crushed to learn that tomorrow is plain ol' March 1. We thought we'd memorized the time-old

mnemonic device: "February 29 will join your collection, in all years including a mid-term election." Apparently, it ends with " presidential election," with optional addendum, "unless the year is divisible by 100, in which case, it's not a leap year, unless it's actually divisible by 400, in which case, it is a leap year." Man, what a stupid mnemonic device. - PSP: 32,796 6,497 (16.53%) - PS3: 32,130 7,319 (29.50%) - Wii: 31,652 5,849 (15.60%) - DSi LL: 24,388 3,198 (11.59%) - DSi: 15,380 2,702 (14.94%)

- DS Lite: 5,053 606 (10.71%) - Xbox 360: 2,453 975 (28.44%) - PS2: 1,883 14 (0.75%) - PSP Go: 1,371 23 (1.65%) [Source: Media Create] Read: The mnemonic archives Japanese hardware sales, Feb. 15 - Feb. 21: Stationary Year edition originally appeared on Joystiq on Sun, 28 Feb 2010 22:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Alexander Sliwinski (Joystiq) Comments Submitted at 3/1/2010 9:15:00 AM

Bethesda: Brink Heavy Rain buoyed to top of release dates UK sales charts are 'speculative' Alexander Sliwinski (Joystiq) Submitted at 3/1/2010 10:17:00 AM

Initially appearing to be a bit more official than the standard HEAVY page 79 placeholder date, a Brink sweepstakes page on GameStop's website declares the first-person shooter's release date as September 7, 2010. Publisher Bethesda Softworks tells Joystiq that the date should be "considered speculative." A representative for the company explained, "Often times retailers will assign a release date for a game that falls within the game's announced launch window. While we have announced that Continue reading The Best of Brink is due out in Fall 2010, we Big Download: February 22-28 have yet to announce an official The Best of Big Download: release date for the game." F e b r u a r y 2 2 - 2 8 o r i g i n a l l y GameStop now notes on its appeared on Joystiq on Sun, 28 Brink page: "Official pricing and Feb 2010 23:30:00 EST. Please release dates have not been announced by the publisher. see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| These are estimates only and subject to change." Comments [Via Videogamer] Bethesda: Brink release dates Consumers in the UK poured

The Best of Big Download: February 22-28 John Callaham (Joystiq)

you, we've got Big Download's past seven days lined up for you Submitted at 2/28/2010 11:30:00 PM below and after the break. Filed under: Mac, PC, Meta Enjoy!: (about Joystiq) Holy crap! This Exclusive features month has certainly flown by, • Boot Disk: Our retro games hasn't it? It's almost as if the feature checks out the classic month had ... fewer days or ... RPG Vampire The Masquerade hey, wait a minute! There are Redemption. fewer days in February! Sorry • All You Need To Know: Our about that. To help make it up to 411 game feature this week

gives you the info on Supreme Commander 2. • Freeware Friday: Our look at free games this week checks out the recently free RTS game Command and Conquer Tiberium Sun. • Contest: Want to try out the upcoming online action-RPG Mytheon? We've got a bunch of beta keys to give away.

BETHESDA: page 79


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continued from page 78

out the pounds for PS3's Heavy Rain last week, according to Chart-Track's all-formats chart. The adventure game took the hill from Aliens vs. Predator, which slipped down one spot. Meanwhile, Just Dance kept doing its cha-cha of endurance and took third. Nintendo's Wii Fit Plus got a second wind (or a big shipment to the region) and overtook Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 after moving up five spots and into fourth. Finally, Napoleon: Total War marched in at #12 while White Knight Chronicles began


continued from page 78

its quest at #35. Source- Heavy Rain storms the charts [GFK Chart-Track] Source- Latest UK Software Charts [GFK Chart-Track] Heavy Rain buoyed to top of UK sales charts originally appeared on Joystiq on Mon, 01 Mar 2010 09:15:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

are 'speculative' originally appeared on Joystiq on Mon, 01 Mar 2010 10:17:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

Isaac Mizrahi’s Spring/Summer ’10 Madras Plaid Cheesecake (ELLE News Blog)

cameos. Then, yesterday afternoon, while fiddling around on the This weekend, my TV routine HBO On Demand channel, I sure was all shook up. discovered that one of my First, Johnny Depp showed up f a v o r i t e w r i t e r s , N i c h o l a s on Saturday night’s episode of Kristof, was recently profiled in 48 Hours Mystery. And I don’t the documentary, Reporter, a 92 mean film clips of his were minute journey into Congolese awkwardly interwoven into the warlord territory that watches s t o r y l i n e — D e p p h i m s e l f even more powerfully (and actually sat down with host Erin eloquently) than Kristof’s books Moriarty and had a lengthy and biweekly columns in The discussion about a 16-year-old New York Times read. Plus, triple homicide the actor has there’s some Jeffery Toobin chit been fighting to get re-opened -chat in there, which although and re-tried for more than a unrelated to his recent colorful decade. Why? I’m still not sure, press, is still quite engaging. but his appearance ranks pretty And then last night, the pièce de high among unexpected A-list télévision résistance: an Isaac Submitted at 3/1/2010 7:34:22 AM

Mizrahi design closes the last segment of a show, let’s face it, we’ve all been watching since its premiere back in 1994: QVC’s ‘Gourmet Holiday.’ As far as I know, this 8” Madras Plaid

Cheesecake brought to you (and you!) by Mizrahi and Brooklyn institution Junior’s is the first designer dessert of its kind. With a chocolate graham cracker crust, scroll-ring of butter cream

frosting, and a disc of laserdecorated fondant bonded to three inches of NY-style cheesecake by chocolate ganache, this “fashion-forward” treat (bearing the designer’s signature Easter-y color palette) is exclusive to QVC, available in limited supply, and when you think about it, really is the perfect way to reward yourself for getting through the marathon that is Fashion Month. —Johanna Cox Where else could you find a limited-edition Mizrahi for 2 easy payments of $19.98?


Fashion/ Economy/

E-reader News Edition

Short-Sale Restrictions Dissent by Kathleen L. Casey Barry Ritholtz (The Big Picture) Submitted at 3/1/2010 5:30:46 AM

Short-Sale Restrictions (Dissent) by Commissioner Kathleen L. Casey U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Washington, D.C. February 24, 2010 “When I voted to support the Commission’s proposing release last April, I noted that I was hopeful that the comments and empirical data and analysis we solicited would help answer the threshold question of whether there was any basis to support the view that the repeal of the uptick rule was somehow responsible or contributed to the turbulent and volatile market conditions we experienced most acutely in 2008. swing. We watched in silent, Indeed, getting a firm answer to shivery awe as the skiers cut that question seemed essential, through the mist with awesome since it was the concern that demonstrations of thigh-strength repeal of the uptick rule had derring-do, and as the Italian undermined investor confidence contingent in the crowd went that was driving the Commission ballistic as Giuliano Razzoli won to revisit the issue. The release before the the first Gold Medal for Italy in Commission today answers this the 2010 Olympics. threshold question…in the —April Long negative. The release states clearly that there was no evidence that the repeal of the

Olympics Report: On to Whistler Creek (ELLE News Blog)

should Canada beat the US at hockey today, the entire city Submitted at 2/28/2010 10:50:37 AM might just detonate into one As the Olympic Games near the colossal firework of pure joy. Of f i n i s h l i n e , t h e h o o p l a i n course, none of this made it easy Vancouver has reached Mardi to awaken at 5am for the journey Gras-rivaling proportions. I do to Whistler yesterday, but my happen to be staying next door fatigue quickly dissipated once I to the Irish House, which is boarded the Rocky Mountaineer possibly the biggest party in glass-ceiling train, which is town, so I can attest that the possibly the most civilized mode d e c i b e l l e v e l s i n c r e a s e of travel on the planet. As we nightly—to the point where, c h u g g e d p a s t d r a m a t i c

seascapes, looming cliffs, and forests thick with moss-covered pine trees, we were treated to a white-china breakfast of Canadian Maple Syrup pancakes and beer-infused boar bacon. I felt like I was on the Orient Express, only no one got murdered, and I was wearing a snowsuit. From Whistler, it’s a quick bus ride and chairlift up to Whistler Creek, where the Men’s Slalom event was in full

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SHORT-SALE continued from page 80

uptick rule contributed to the steep declines in stocks and increased market volatility. It states: “[W]e are not aware. . . of any empirical evidence that the elimination of short sale price tests contributed to the increased volatility in the U.S. markets.” Moreover, in considering whether there was credible data and analysis offered to question the efficacy of the Pilot Study which supported the repeal of the uptick rule, the release concludes: “[N]one of the empirical studies have given us reason to question the rigor or validity of the Pilot results.” Furthermore, analysis by the Commission’s Office of Economic Analysis (now the Division of Risk, Strategy and Financial Innovation) and corroborating studies found that short volume was a small percentage of overall trading, that price pressures on financial stocks came from long selling and not short selling, and that short selling more generally tends to be contrarian in that it increases in a rising rather a declining market. Nevertheless, the release recommends adoption of short sale restrictions in the name of achieving investor protection anyway. In support of the new rule, the release goes on to note that, despite these findings and the targeted measures that have already been taken to combat

abusive and manipulative short selling, “questions and concerns” about short selling persist and therefore “we remain concerned that excessive downward price pressure on individual securities accompanied by the fear of unconstrained short selling can undermine investor confidence in our markets generally.” “Investor confidence” for purposes of the discussion in the release is limited to investor trust in the fairness of the financial markets. But, as we now know, downward price pressure during the 2008 financial crisis was driven largely by long selling, and the Commission has taken action to limit and punish abusive and manipulative short selling, which is already illegal. One can establish a clear nexus between Commission efforts to rein in manipulative activities and investor confidence in our markets. However, it unclear how efforts to limit legitimate short selling, which the release acknowledges plays a vital role in enhancing market efficiency and price discovery, somehow will promote investor confidence. The release makes little effort to substantiate this potential beneficial outcome other than to offer a rationale and a statement of belief. The argument seems to be that, when the circuit breaker in a particular stock is triggered, it will allow long sellers to sell

first in a declining market, which will help facilitate and maintain stability in the markets and help them run efficiently, and also shore up investor confidence by signaling to the market that a security’s continued price decline is more likely due to long selling and the fundamentals of the issuer, rather than other factors. But this is pure conjecture; there is no data or evidence offered to support the view that price declines, brought on by any type of selling, long or short, is a problem that can be cured by prohibiting short selling below the national best bid in particular stocks that have suffered intraday declines, or that investor confidence will be shored up by such a rule. More fundamentally, the release appears to be suggest that short selling vis-a-vis long selling is less legitimate or even illegitimate and should be restricted if it results in price declines. As previously noted, this actually runs contrary to what we know to be true of the important and valuable role short selling plays in our market and distracts our efforts from properly addressing abusive and manipulative short selling which can harm our markets. The focus of the Commission should be on rulemaking that furthers the mission of the agency: to protect investors, maintain fair, orderly and efficient markets, and promote

capital formation. In the 330 pages of the rule release, there is no evidence that this proposed rule advances any of these goals, even the inchoate promise of the “promotion of investor confidence.” Of the 90 pages of cost-benefit analysis-80 pages of which are dedicated to the costs-even the roughly ten pages dedicated to the “benefits” focus largely on how the proposals the staff recommends are less intrusive and disruptive to the markets than the alternatives. While I applaud the staff for recommending potential changes that seek to impose the least cost to market participants and does the least damage and disruption to the markets, this is not the standard by which we craft rules. Cost-benefit analysis presupposes that a proposed rulemaking has benefits; if we cannot identify with specificity truly anticipated benefits from a proposed rule, we should resist the urge to act merely to say we have acted, and then choose the most palatable of the unsavory options. Indeed the strongest case for this rule is that it may mollify those who have been clamoring for reinstatement of the uptick rule and show that we have responded to their concerns. This alone presumably may provide comfort and confidence to those investors and issuers who are convinced of the deleterious effects that repeal of the uptick rule had on our

markets. But this is regulation by placebo; we are hopeful that the pill we’ve just had the patient take, although lacking potency, will convince him that everything is all right. Maybe the rule will have this effect, and if so then the additional restrictions that are being placed on legitimate short selling, and the additional costs that will be imposed on our markets, will be viewed by many as worth the effort. But, we have to do better than “maybe” it seems to me. Investors expect greater confidence and certainty in the soundness of our judgments. And it couldn’t be more critical, where as here, market quality will be affected, and the compliance costs-which are often underestimated when we adopt rules-are already estimated to be in the billions. Moreover, I have no confidence that the proposed rule will have the intended effect. For some, the uptick rule has taken on talismanic properties or urban myth status and they will be satisfied with nothing less than full reinstatement of the old rule as a cure, I, therefore, predict that today’s rule will be criticized as insufficient. What’s more, as soon as our equity markets experience real volatility again, which they will at some point, the Commission will be criticized for not having taken more aggressive action, SHORT-SALE page 82



E-reader News Edition


Chile's earthquake: In need of repair (The Economist: News analysis)

of Chile's 17m inhabitants and account for around 70% its GDP. An estimated 1.5m homes Submitted at 3/1/2010 12:12:31 AM are thought to have been Chile's earthquake Chile counts damaged and around a third may t h e c o s t o f a d e v a s t a t i n g have to be demolished. earthquake and makes plans for The greatest damage and loss of recovery life, however, appears to have Mar 1st 2010 | SANTIAGO | b e e n c a u s e d n o t b y t h e From The Economist online earthquake itself but by a RELIEF was the initial reaction subsequent tidal wave that i n C h i l e t o w h a t s e e m e d washed over fishing towns on relatively limited damage given the coast of south-central Chile. the scale of the earthquake that In one such town, Constitución, shook the centre and south of the rescue workers found over 300 country in the early hours of bodies on Sunday. Much of the Saturday February 27th. That only town in the Juan Fernández picture has been replaced archipelago in the Pacific Ocean, gradually by dismay as the full which belongs to Chile and is extent of the cost begins to best-known as the place where emerge. By Sunday evening, the Robinson Crusoe was marooned, number of confirmed deaths had was also destroyed. reached over 700 and is still Chile has developed an efficient likely to rise, according to disaster-response system to cope President Michelle Bachelet. with what Ms Bachelet has This is still a low toll, however, described as “a history plagued for a quake of 8.8magnitude, one w i t h n a t u r a l d i s a s t e r s ” . of the largest in the world since However, looters, particularly in 1900. the southern city of Concepción Felt throughout almost all the and other nearby towns, have country, the quake hit most dented the image of a country strongly in six central regions, swinging into action to relieve from the capital, Santiago, and its suffering people. Though the nearby port of Valparaiso in some looters may have merely central Chile to the city of been in search of scarce food Temuco in the Araucanía region and water others were out for of the south. These parts of the what they could take. As a country are home to about 60% r e s u l t , o n S u n d a y , t h e

government imposed a curfew in some of the worst-affected areas. The earthquake struck just as the Chilean economy was beginning to recover after an estimated contraction of 0.9% in 2009. The after-effects will hamper the exports that drive the country's growth. Copper, Chile's biggest earner abroad, is produced mainly in the north of the country which was unscathed. But damage to ports further south may hamper shipments of forestry products, including wood pulp, while exports of fruit, now at the height of the harvest season in the southern hemisphere, will face delays as a result of damage to the main roads of central Chile. Despite the earthquake’s likely impact on growth in the first and, possibly, the second quarter, it may actually provide a boost for the economy in the medium term as the government spends heavily to repair the damage. This is welcome news for the country’s president-elect, Sebastián Piñera, who is set to take office on March 11th and was voted in on an ambitious promise of average economic growth of 6% annually over his four-year term. Until assessment of the damage

continued from page 81

is complete, it is hard to estimate the cost of reconstruction. Eqecat, an American catastrophe -management company, has suggested that it could total as much as $30 billion, equivalent to 20% of Chile’s GDP in 2009. Part of the cost can readily be financed out of the public purse, drawing on savings accumulated while copper price boomed between 2005 and 2008. However, Mr Piñera, who has indentified increased private investment as one of the most important components of higher growth, has indicated that the government will not do all the work. He expects Chilean companies to play an important role in the reconstruction through a “Lift Chile” plan, which he outlined on Sunday. This may well include a revival of a public-works-concession scheme that Chile successfully launched in the mid-1990s precisely to build many of the motorways that were damaged by Saturday’s earthquake. Readers' comments The Economist welcomes your views. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

including full reinstatement of the old Rule 10a-1, which they will argue would have prevented such volatility. Far from ending the inquiry and allowing the Commission to move on to other critical issues for investors and our markets, I believe the clamor for full repeal will continue to be a distraction for the Commission. The surest way we can improve investor confidence is by reinforcing our credibility as a vigorous and expert regulator, and we can do that by guaranteeing to the public that our rulemaking is in furtherance of the agency’s mission and is sound, thorough, well-reasoned and undergirded by rigorous empirical analysis. I am deeply concerned that that, by falling short of that standard in this instance, we signal to the public that we are guided less by empirical analysis and more by public relations. While I certainly understand the temptation to proceed for these reasons in this case, if for no other reason than to try and put the issue behind us, I believe that it will not have its intended effect in the short run and will undermine our credibility in the long run. In my opening statement in support of the proposing release, I listed six principles that would guide my decision whether to support adoption of some sort of SHORT-SALE page 84


E-reader News Edition

Pru agrees to buy AIA for $35.5bn (Financial Times - US homepage)

£15.3bn – and through the issuance of $5bn of senior debt. The rights issue at current rates Submitted at 3/1/2010 6:07:35 AM will be just below the £13.5bn Prudential, the UK life insurer, Lloyds Banking Group sought has agreed to buy the Asian l a s t N o v e m b e r t o a i d i t s operations of AIG for $35.5bn in r e c o v e r y . cash and shares in a deal that AIG, which is 80 per cent will see it undertake one of the owned by US taxpayers, had largest rights issues in UK earlier planned a $10bn-$20bn corporate history. partial listing of AIA on the The deal will combine two of Hong Kong Stock Exchange but the largest insurance businesses scrapped the idea in favour of a in Asia, double the size of trade sale to the Pru. Prudential in the process and The new group will seek a dual make the region the primary primary-listing on the market driver of sales and profits for the once the acquisition has been UK group. completed. A secondary listing The deal will be structured as an will be sought for the new acquisition of both Prudential company in New York to satisfy and AIA by a new company, to US investors. be known initially as New Prudential estimated that Prudential. Prudential will pay following the rights issue, it $25bn in cash and 10.5bn in expected around 11 per cent of shares of the enlarged company, the company to be owned by which will be headquartered in AIG. the UK and listed in London. After a brief suspension The cash element of the deal pending an announcement, will be paid for through a $20bn shares in the Pru were down 13 (£13.4bn) fully underwritten per cent at 524p in mid-morning rights issue – compared to its London trading. current market capitalisation of “I think that transformational is

an overused word but this deal is truly transformational,” said Tidjane Thiam, chief executive of Prudential. “We have the full support of the AIG board and the US authorities,” he added. Credit Suisse, HSBC and JPMorgan Cazenove are underwriting the issue. Mr Thiam said some shareholders had been consulted by its advisers in advance and were supportive of the deal. AIG will also receive 10.5bn shares in the new company, which will be led by Mr Thiam, the chief executive of Prudential, and run by the existing Pru board. The agreed price represents a multiple of 1.69 times embedded value – an industry measure of future revenues – and is expected to generate $340m of cost savings during the next three years. It is expected to conclude in the third quarter of this year. The takeover increases Prudential’s exposure to Asia, which accounted for 44 per cent of new business in 2009, and

marks a stunning transaction for Mr Thiam, who took over from Mark Tucker last September. However Mr Thiam said the UK business remained key to the group and said it would be holding onto the business “for the foreseeable future.” Earlier on Monday Resolution Limited, the renamed Friends Provident, said it was not in talks with the Pru about buying its UK life assurance operations. Mr Thiam said the acquisition had been “absolutely in line with our strategy,” which has seen the business expand in South-East Asia and pull out of Japan after eight years of struggling to expand in a fiercely competitive environment. Prudential also released an unscheduled set of full-year results on Monday, which missed analysts’ expectations because of weak UK sales. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.




E-reader News Edition

More than 700 killed in Chilean quake (Financial Times - US homepage) Submitted at 2/28/2010 11:11:10 AM

Fear turned to desperation on Sunday as hundreds of survivors fought over food and water in the cities worst affected by Chile’s devastating earthquake at the weekend, which killed at least 700 people. Chilean television showed police firing tear gas canisters and water cannon at a crowd in Concepción, Chile’s secondbiggest city and the one closest to the epicentre of the 8.8 magnitude quake – one of the most powerful ever recorded. The crowd smashed windows and clambered into a shop, dragging out sacks of rice, cartons of milk, bread and babies’ nappies. Elsewhere, rescue workers tore through crashed masonry with shovels and sledgehammers, searching for survivors buried in the rubble of their homes. Some streets were littered with downed

power lines, upturned cars and flattened traffic lights. State television reported that 350 people had been killed in the southern fishing port of Constitución, which was also hit by a tsunami. Michelle Bachelet, president, put the death toll at 708. She said the catastrophe was “enormous... there are a growing number of people unaccounted for, and this figure probably will continue to grow”. In the port of Talcahuano, the centre of Chile’s fishing industry, around 25 boats were washed up into the city by powerful waves triggered by Saturday’s earthquake. Rescue workers were trying to reach between 60 and 80 people thought to be trapped in an apartment block which had simply crumpled. Bridges collapsed, roads were buckled and aerial pictures showed desolate images of houses in coastal areas reduced to matchsticks and swathes of

mangled rubble. The government said some 2m people, an eighth of the population, have been directly affected by the quake, and around half a million houses were made uninhabitable. Ms Bachelet was closeted with officials on Sunday assessing how to respond. Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, is due to visit Chile on Tuesday, and pledged to “provide necessary assistance to Chile in the days and weeks ahead”. Her visit will consist of meetings with Ms Bachelet and President-elect Sebastián Piñera at the airport. Most of Chile’s copper mines, its biggest industry, were unaffected by the quake because they are in the north of the country but one of the country’s biggest ports was closed and wine regions near the epicentre preparing for this year’s harvest suffered. The government has not yet put a figure on the rebuilding effort,

but it will pose a challenge for Sebastián Piñera, who is who is to be sworn in as president on March 11. He has visited the affected areas, which the government has declared a catastrophe zone to speed up disbursement of aid. About a fifth of the 6m population of Concepción remained without electricity and many lacked running water as aftershocks continued to scare survivors of the earthquake, which struck shortly after 3.30 a.m. on Saturday when most of the country was asleep. Fuel is in short supply in the worst-hit areas and was being restricted to use in emergency vehicles only. The price of bread has shot up five-fold as supplies start to dwindle in the south. Firemen supplied survivors with water direct from their fire engines and long queues formed. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

greatest extent possible, provide certainty to market participants. 6. The opportunity costs of a particular regulatory approach need to be assessed. For the reasons I have discussed, I believe that, despite the best efforts of the staff, the rule the staff recommends the Commission adopt today fails these principles.

The regulatory purpose hasn’t been clearly defined, and to the extent that it has, the proposed solution has not been guided by empirical data or evidence, but rather runs contrary to it. The staff clearly has spent time considering the consequences of the rule, but we do not fully appreciate its impact, particularly in the options and

OTC derivatives markets. The ephemeral, and at best arguable, benefits are more than outweighed by the tangible costs the rule would impose. And, although the staff strove to provide some certainty to market participants, ultimately, because this rule lacks a firm foundation and ignores the prevailing evidence and economic data and

Kohn to step down from Fed in June (Financial Times - US homepage) Submitted at 3/1/2010 7:18:25 AM

By James Politi in Washington Published: March 1 2010 15:18 | Last updated: March 1 2010 15:18 Don Kohn will be stepping down as vice-chairman and member of the Federal Reserve board in June, removing one of the key architects of the US central bank’s response to the financial crisis. Mr Kohn, 67, served at the Fed since 1970, when he joined the central bank as financial economist at the Kansas City Fed. He joined the board of governors in 2002, before becoming vice-chairman four years ago. KOHN page 85

SHORT-SALE continued from page 82

short sale restriction: 1. The regulatory purpose should be properly defined. 2. Empirical evidence must guide the regulatory decision. 3. Regulators must consider the potential for unintended consequences. 4. The benefits of the regulation must exceed the costs. 5. Regulators must, to the

analysis that would argue against its adoption, it actually undermines regulatory certainty. If market participants have no reason to believe that Commission action will be governed by rigorous empiricism, and instead that SHORT-SALE page 85

Economy/ E-reader News/

E-reader News Edition

US consumer spending picks up pace (Financial Times - US homepage)

With spending outpacing incomes, the savings rate dropped sharply in January, Submitted at 3/1/2010 6:14:03 AM falling from 4.2 per cent in By Alan Rappeport in New December to 3.3 per cent. York Economists have mixed Published: March 1 2010 14:14 sentiments about the savings | Last updated: March 1 2010 rate, as consumer spending 14:14 accounts for about 70 per cent of US consumer spending picked economic activity in the US. up in January for the fourth However, analysts are wary of month running, lifting hopes that US consumers returning to the consumers could start adding free-spending habits that they momentum to the economic exhibited before the financial recovery. crisis. Personal consumption Last week revised official expenditure rose by 0.5 per cent, figures showed that the US commerce department figures economy grew at an adjusted showed. That exceeded the annual rate of 5.9 per cent in the expectations of Wall Street fourth quarter of last year. economists. However, consumer spending Incomes also rose during the was weaker than in the previous month, but at a modest 0.1 per q u a r t e r , s u g g e s t i n g t h a t cent. When factoring in taxes, consumers were failing to carry disposable personal income their weight. actually declined in January. In spite of an increasing

willngness to spend, recent surveys have shown that consumers are feeling more anxious about the economy, as the labour market continues to lag behind other areas of improvement. Alan Ruskin, a strategist at RBS Securities, suggested that harsh January weather may have played a role in spending outstripping income, with more workers than usual being forced to stay home due to snow. Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2010. You may share using our article tools. Please don't cut articles from and redistribute by email or post to the web. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

SHORT-SALE continued from page 84

policy will be made on an ad hoc basis governed by unknown — indeed unknowable — standards, it is impossible, despite best efforts of the staff, to provide that regulatory certainty that is essential for efficient functioning of markets. Lastly, I remain concerned that our focus here has real opportunity costs, both for the

commission and our markets, and will distract us from higher and better uses of our resources. I believe that continued focus on deterring manipulative short selling, through regulatory improvements and enhanced surveillance and enforcement, would focus the agency more squarely on activities that I think we all agree undermine faith in

our capital markets. By addressing legal and legitimate short selling in this rule, without evidence that it poses a real problem, we risk confusing the public about what are and are not real threats to the vitality and integrity of our markets.


KOHN continued from page 84

“The Fed and the country owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to Don Kohn for his invaluable contributions over 40 years of public service,” Ben Bernanke, Fed chairman, said on Monday, noting that Mr Kohn had recently helped lead the stress tests of financial institutions during the crisis. Mr Bernanke added that Mr Kohn was also the Fed’s pointman on international coordination efforts during the crisis through the Bank of International Settlements. “I would like to express my deep appreciation for Don’s friendship and counsel during some very difficult times. He will be greatly missed,” Mr Bernanke said. Mr Kohn, a Philadelphia native who was appointed to the board by George W. Bush, submitted his resignation on Monday in a letter to President Barack Obama. Mr Kohn did not give any specific reasons for his

departure, but instead highlighted the “extraordinary ability” of Fed staff during his career. “At no time since the Great Depression have this ability and dedication been tested as they have been over the past several years. I am confident that history will judge the Federal Reserve, under the leadership of chairman Ben Bernanke, to have met these challenges with great speed, imagination and effectiveness.” Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2010. You may share using our article tools. Please don't cut articles from and redistribute by email or post to the web. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

E-readers may be next generation of textbooks (The DePaulia)

/2010/spch022410klcshortsales.htm Five Filters featured article: (Yahoo! News Search Results Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: for e-readers) PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Submitted at 3/1/2010 7:27:24 AM Term Extraction. As spring quarter approaches in just a few weeks, many students will purchase their books at the DePaul University bookstore, E-READERS page 86


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E-READERS continued from page 85

where new and used copies are available, while more frugal students will order from Web sites such as and Some students may even order their textbooks from, an online textbook rental company where books are rented for a fraction of their list price. With increasingly more options, it is no surprise that college textbooks are available on ereaders such as Amazon's Kindle. Amazon has recently struck deals with three top textbook publishers, including Pearson, Wiley, and Cengage, who make up 60 percent of the textbook market. Besides Amazon's Kindle, the Barnes & Noble Nook, the Sony Reader and the iPad, expected to be released in April 2010, are all

portable devices specifically designed for the storage and use of books. "I think these are an amazing invention," said sophomore Anita Mijic. "They allow for you to have access to multiple books at once without having to lug them around. It's great in terms of convenience." The newest version of Amazon's Kindle, Kindle DX, can hold up to 3,500 books which can be purchased from the Kindle Store's collection of more than 420,000 books, magazines, newspapers and blogs. Once a book is purchased, it is available for reading in 60 seconds. The Amazon Kindle DX, which is almost identical to the original Kindle, is marketed towards use with textbooks and reading periodicals. Textbooks can be

downloaded within minutes and accessed through the device's 3G wireless technology without the need to look for a wifi spot. The Kindle DX has a bigger screen at 9.7", the width of most magazines, and weighs 18.9 ounces. It also has a feature that can make notes and highlights on your documents, can search for a certain word and bookmark pages and can read your book outloud. Once fully charged, the Kindle's battery lasts through a week of reading. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Gallup Poll/

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Seven in 10 U.S. Workers Say Their Jobs Are Ideal (All Gallup Headlines) Submitted at 2/28/2010 7:00:00 PM

WASHINGTON, D.C. -Gallup Daily tracking reveals that 7 in 10 employed Americans say their jobs are ideal, leaving nearly one-third of the U.S. workforce who feel their jobs aren't exactly right for them. "'Ideal' perceptions also differ somewhat by education level: 77% of workers with postgraduate education report that their jobs are ideal, the highest among all education levels; by contrast, 63% of those with some college say this." These results are based on interviews with more than 18,000 employed U.S. adults, aged 18 and older, conducted during January 2010. While majorities of respondents at all income levels report that their jobs are ideal, the percentage saying so increases with income. Americans with annual household incomes of at least $120,000 per year are the most likely to say their jobs are ideal (77%), while those making less than $12,000 per year are the least likely (57%). Ideal Job and Work Sector Perceptions of one's job as "ideal" also differ by job sector. Business owners (87%), farmers (82%), and professional workers (79%), such as lawyers, doctors, teachers, and accountants, are the most likely to say their jobs

are ideal. Manufacturing or production workers (61%), clerical or office workers (61%), and those in service jobs (60%), such as barbers, nurse's aides, policemen, firefighters, and waiters, are the least likely to say their jobs are ideal. In light of the relationship between income and ideal job status, it may come as no surprise that business owners and professional workers are two of the most likely groups to say their jobs are ideal, as these sectors also tend to receive higher pay than service and

being forced to take on work below their qualifications, the majority of American workers evaluate their jobs favorably. Although household income is correlated with one's ideal job, it isn't the only factor driving "ideal" job evaluations. Demographics suggest that experienced, educated workers in specialized fields view their jobs most favorably, while those who are at the beginning of their careers and working in professions not generally associated with advanced educational attainment (clerical, service, retail, and manufacturing) are among the least likely to say their jobs are ideal. Survey Methods Results are based on telephone interviews with 18,269 national adults, aged 18 and older, conducted Jan. 2-31, 2010. For clerical workers do. However, somewhat by education level: results based on the total sample differences between groups 7 7 % o f w o r k e r s w i t h of national adults, one can say persist, even when controlling postgraduate education report with 95% confidence that the for household income. For that their jobs are ideal, the maximum margin of sampling example, when professionals and highest among all education error is Âą 1 percentage point. service workers are compared, levels; by contrast, 63% of those Interviews are conducted with differences in ideal job ratings with some college say this. Men r e s p o n d e n t s o n l a n d - l i n e are seen at nearly all income and women are equally likely to telephones (for respondents with levels. say their jobs are ideal (70% a l a n d l i n e t e l e p h o n e ) a n d Older Workers Are Most Likely each). Non-Hispanic whites cellular phones (for respondents to Say Jobs Are Ideal (73%) give their jobs more who are cell-phone only). Workers aged 50 to 65 are favorable evaluations than do In addition to sampling error, among the most likely to say blacks (62%), Hispanics (64%), question wording and practical difficulties in conducting their jobs are ideal (78%), while or Asians (67%). surveys can introduce error or about half (52%) of Americans Bottom Line aged 18 to 29 say the same. At a time when job growth SEVEN page 88 "Ideal" perceptions also differ remains stagnant and many are



SEVEN continued from page 87

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The Map-Equipped Treadmill That Can Recreate Any Hike On Earth

bias into the findings of public opinion polls. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: Jason Daley (Popular Science PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, - New Technology, Science News, The Future Now) Term Extraction.

storage, and a bacteria-fighting lining means it won't get skunky. Platypus SoftBottle From $8; Submitted at 3/1/2010 7:11:56 AM A map-equipped exercise Run to the Music machine can reenact any hike on The Activa MP3 player chooses Earth songs that match your jogging Dreaming of running up Mt. pace. An accelerometer judges Kilimanjaro? Do it today. The how fast you're moving, and NordicTrack X7i Incline Trainer software picks tunes with a raises and lowers itself to mimic similar tempo. Or it can select the dips and hills of real-world music similar to your favorite topography. motivational anthem. The X7i downloads maps over Philips Activa$130; Wi-Fi from a Web site called Biker Bytes iFit, which lets you pick popular Attach SoundofMotion's routes like San Francisco's magnetic sensor to a bike's rear Golden Gate Trail, as well as wheel, and it measures torque, treks you've designed on your rotations and speed and beams computer across any territory the info to your cellphone. Or, covered by Google Maps. As for less-exact stats, strap an anywhere on the planet-or followers. you run, a seven-inch screen accelerometer-containing phone beyond, since Google Moon is Withings WiFi Body scrolls the map and shows to your leg and let an app count open for hikes, too. Four More: S c a l e $ 1 6 0 ; w i t h i n g s . c o m snapshots of passing its turns. Fitness Gadgets H20 Holder landmarks.(The "scenery" will Soundof Motion VeloScale of Shame Stay hydrated without strapping help distract you from the Computer$70 (est.); This scale adds peer pressure to a bulky water bottle to your hip. burning in your legs-the machine your battle against the bulge. It The Platypus reusable, flexible cranks to 40 degrees upward or uses Wi-Fi to send your weight, nylon and polyethylene pouch six downward.) Afterward, the body-fat percentage and body- squishes to stow in a pocket and console sends workout data to mass index to your computer, shrinks as you drink. When the Web, where you can analyze iPhone or even your Twitter empty, it rolls up for easy it and plot your next run


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Coda: Is it a Chinese Car or Not? (Greentech Media: Headlines) Submitted at 3/1/2010 4:08:13 AM

Later this year, Coda Automotive will release an allelectric, freeway-legal car in America. And one of the questions will be where does it come from exactly? The car will get built on assembly lines in China and is based in part around a gasburning car from state-owned Hafei that's been tooling on the roads in Beijing and Shanghai for a couple of years. The battery under the hood of Coda's sedan will come from a joint venture owned by Coda and Tianjin Lishen Battery Co. To some, that will make it a Chinese car. BYD, a Chinese car and battery maker which counts Warren Buffet as an investor, will also release the electric e6 in the U.S. later this year. But origin is a much more complicated question, argues CEO Kevin Czinger. The chassis of the Hafei's car was licensed from Mitsubishi. Thus, it's a Chinese-made car based around intellectual property from one of Japan's more respected manufacturers. Coda's U.S. engineers have also redesigned the Hafei mobile to meet U.S. performance and safety specs. The company has even listed third parties like Porsche on some aspects of design. "Maybe ten percent of the

original design is left. Otherwise, the car has been completely redesigned. We have full responsibility for all safety aspects," Czinger asserted. "The auto industry is a global industry. Many components are from China already. It is less a matter of geography and more a matter of what firm has control over process and quality." Coda engineers also remain full -time on the manufacturing floor to oversee production. And the Chinese origin of the battery? The electronics for thermal and battery management of the pack were designed and will be produced in the U.S. Coda will then send them to Asia to be inserted into battery packs. The complete battery packs will then be inserted into cars and shipped to the U.S. 35 to 40 percent of the components in the car, when measured by monetary value, come from U.S. manufacturers like Borg Warner, he adds. Coda will release the car in the fourth quarter of this year to American consumers and hopes to deliver 15,000 cars within the first year of production. So which way is it? "It's a Chinese car," said Wayne Cunningham, who runs the car technology coverage for CNET. "I like his [Czinger's] patriotic claims, but they aren't real." "If I had to assign a nationality to Coda, I'd say it is American. It's based here, its top executives

are from here and any profits the company might eventually make will return here," said Chuck Squatriglia, who runs Autopia at Wired. "I don't know that such designations are even relevant anymore because the auto industry is truly global." The issue could be more than academic. It can take years -Tesla Motors excepted -- for a car maker to achieve brand name comfort with consumers. It took Hyundai about a half a decade to recover from a botched launch in the 80s. Coda has that hill to climb with a whiff of China thrown in: think toy and food recalls, perceptions about quality control, layoffs in the auto industry in the Midwest. "Straight from factories originally erected and owned by China's Communist Party" isn't the kind of catchphrase destined to warm customers' hearts. So far, China has arguably two global consumer brands: Suntech Power Holdings, the solar panel maker, and Lenovo. Lenovo (formerly Legend) was virtually landlocked in China until it bought IBM's PC unit. And let's add to the pile. The principal investors include Hank Paulson, the former Treasury Secretary and Goldman Sachs alum who became a household figure in late 2008 when he essentially demanded billions of dollars from the American public, and White House staffer-

turned-lobbyist Thomas McLarty. You might as well stuff a copy of Das Kapital and a bottle rocket down Lou Dobbs' pants while you're at it. Most consumers will look beyond any national and political questions, both Cunningham and Squatriglia said: They won't care where it's from, as long as they like it. Again, it's a hung jury. Coda says the car will have a realistic range of 90 to 120 miles. A two-hour charge on a 240-volt plug will give drivers a range of 40 miles. A full charge will take about 5.6 to 6 hours to achieve. The company has also inked a deal with Sears so that Sears technicians can check your house and talk about charging station options before you buy a car. It will cost $45,000 before tax incentives. Those performance figures aren't as impressive as the ones associated with the Leaf from the more established Nissan. The Leaf is expected to go only around 100 miles, but it might cost only around $30,000 before incentives and is capable of a recharge in four hours. Nissan's secret sauce is a novel lithium polymer battery developed through a joint venture with NEC. General Motors' Volt will likely cost less than the Coda. "The Leaf is a much more complete package," said Cunningham. "Coda will have a problem because the car is

basically ugly." Squatiglia, meanwhile, saw the same prototype and said he didn't see anything that made him think it was poorly made. Since there will only be so many Leafs and Volts to go around, Coda has an opportunity to gain ground. If positive word-of-mouth about the car spreads, and the price comes down, sales could follow. Still, other models like the Reva in India could find a smoother path. "You have to overcome a perception, but perceptions can turn," Czinger said. Czinger further added that Coda didn't go to China just for low labor rates. It was also a matter of pragmatism, Czinger says. Coda did not want to spend $500 million to build their own production lines and the spare manufacturing capacity they could secure happened to be located in China. The necessary scale of the factory would also dwarf Coda's output. "U.S. and European car companies would not welcome a competitor on their assembly lines," he said. "Someone has to let you in. In North America, the most efficient car plants need to make over 200,000 vehicles a year just to break even." We will see what happens in showrooms this fall. Five Filters featured article: CODA: page 90


CODA: continued from page 89

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