E-reader News Edition
11/03/10 - 13/03/10
Massa waning as news fodder but may rise again to plague Democrats David Morgan (Front Row Washington) Submitted at 3/12/2010 7:21:43 AM
Eric Massa may soon vanish from the 24-7 news cycle. But t h e m a r t y r e d Democrat, who says he fell from grace beneath the naked power of Satan’s spawn, could reappear some day soon as a burr under the saddles of his former congressional colleagues. Republicans would like Massa to do for them what Mark Foley did for Democrats four years ago: provide a scourge with which to flail the other guy in a mid-term election year. Foley, a Republican, resigned from Congress in September 2006 amid allegations that he
sent sexually explicit emails and instant messages to male congressional pages. As such, he was among the denizens of that swamp of Republican corruption that Nancy Pelosi vowed to drain just before Democrats took control of Congress and gave her the speaker’s gavel. Massa groped young men. Or didn’t, depending on which talk show footage you watch. Yet he says he was really forced out of office — not by the prospect of ethics charges — but by a White House infuriated by his unwillingness to back President Barack Obama’s healthcare plan. Republicans tried to make hay of Massa’s conspiracy claims at first. But now House GOP
last October and did nothing until last month. Aides say the earlier complaints weren’t of a sexual nature and nobody mentioned them to the speaker herself. But a Republican-sponsored measure demanding a further Massa investigation by the House ethics panel passed the chamber 402-1. A final report is due at the end leaders including John Boehner of June, just as the temperature want to hear about what top of this year’s congressional Democrats didn’t do to Massa, election campaign heats up. particularly that swamp drainer Photo Credits: Reuters/Molly from San Francisco who’s busy Riley (Pelosi); Reuters/Official t r y i n g t o m a k e Handout (Massa); Reuters/Yuri Obama’s healthcare reform a Gripas (Foley); Reuters/Jason reality. Reed (Boehner) Indications are that Pelosi’s Click here for more political o f f i c e f i r s t l e a r n e d a b o u t coverage form Reuters problems with Massa as early as
Video: Tomasky talk: Time for Democrats to start leading on health Andy Gallagher, Michael Tomasky, Rebecca Lovell (World news: United States | guardian.co.uk)
Video: Michael Tomasky calls on elected Democrats to put constituents aside and take a lead on healthcare reform Andy
Gallagher Michael Tomasky Rebecca Lovell
Haiti Earthquake Pictures: Your Images of the Aftermath (National Geographic News) Submitted at 3/12/2010 6:56:36 AM
San Cristóbal Smile Photograph by Your Shot user Glenn Batchelo After the January 12 Haiti earthquake, many victims were airlifted to San Cristóbal in the neighboring Dominican Republic. National Geographic Your Shot user Glenn Batchelo photographed this boy, who had lost a leg, in a local hospital. "When I asked him what he wanted, he said a cell to call his father and a handheld game," said Batchelo, a San Cristóbal resident. "Needless to say, I broke down and bought him everything—hence the smile." (Also see:"Haiti Earthquake, Deforestation Heighten Landslide Risk.") Published March 12, 2010 Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.