E-reader News Edition
15/03/10 - 16/03/10
Armey says “unreliable” Republicans are Tea Partiers’ only hope David Morgan (Front Row Washington)
he’s talking about. His nonprofit group, FreedomWorks, has been busy organizing, training and Submitted at 3/15/2010 2:23:37 PM facilitating Tea Party rallies Dick Armey says the Tea Party since the movement surfaced movement is willing to back early last year. Republicans for office, but only Some suspect FreedomWorks if they agree to reform their of trying to co-opt Tea Partiers sinful ways when it comes to for Republicans. But Armey fiscal dangers like the budget insists his only objective is to deficit and the federal debt. push a conservative agenda In fact, he predicts that Tea aimed at maximizing liberty and Partiers and their conservative minimizing government control. allies will be around for a long “I call it small government, time to make sure Republicans grass-roots activism. The Tea who get into office avoid the Party activists are a part of it, perils of backsliding on the road FreedomWorks is is part of it. to fiscal purity. FreedomWorks is the longest “If we’ve got any hope at all, we s t a n d i n g m o s t a c t i v e must put it, as unreliable as they o r g a n i z a t i o n w i t h i n t h i s are, with the Republicans and movement,” he said. “Make no try to rehabilitate them, reform mistake about it. These are not them … and manage their ‘kookie’ birds. Right now the behavior,” the former House greatest player, the big tent on Republican majority leader told the political scene in America, is a National Press Club luncheon. called the Tea Party movement.” Armey is likely to know what But Tea Partiers realize that
America’s two-party system has a natural immunity against third parties, Armey said. So they must choose the lesser of two evils. The Democrats? “The Democratic Party has pretty
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much abandoned all the things that they cherish,” Army said in remarks that sometimes made him sound like the Tea Party’s national spokesman. Republicans have been pretty bad of late themselves in terms of fiscal austerity. The budget deficit ballooned under George W. Bush. Then they bailed out Wall Street. As a result, Republicans cannot credibly offer voters a second Contract with America, Armey said, referring to the conservative manifesto that helped the party capture Congress in 1994. So the Tea Partiers and other conservative grass-roots activists will offer both Republicans and Democrats the chance to sign onto a Contract from America, to be unveiled on tax day, April 15. “We think they’ve got the ability to stand on their legs and
accept the contract, while they don’t have the ability to stand on legs and offer a contract,” Armey said. And if Republicans manage to win back control of the House, or even the Senate, in November? Will Tea Partiers thank their stars and go home? No way, says Armey. “This wave is not likely to ebb.” he said. “Now they have the Internet with which to stay in touch with one another and do what I think of as something akin to the National Guard. They will have their activism at the ready.” Click here for more political coverage from Reuters Photo credits: Reuters/Larry Downing (Dick Armey); Reuters/Joshua Lott (Tea Party protesters)