E-reader News Edition
- 22/03/10
Obama strategist likens Republican fiscal record to Greece
Christopher Lee loses £640,000 royalty battle
Caren Bohan (Front Row Washington)
(Latest news, breaking news, current news, UK news, world news, celebrity news, politics news)
Submitted at 3/21/2010 2:05:50 PM
A faceoff over budgets and healthcare between Democratic campaign strategist David Plouffe and Republican guru Karl Rove quickly turned heated on Sunday with Plouffe likening Rep ublican fiscal policies to those of Greece. Rove, known as the “architect” of President George W. Bush’s 2000 and 2004 White House wins, laced into the healthcare plan Obama and his Democrats hope to pass as he and Plouffe appeared on ABC’s “This Week” “This thing is a gigantic disaster,” Rove said, accusing Democrats of using “Bernie Madoff-accounting” to gloss over the bill’s impact on the budget deficit. “Karl and the Republicans would familiar with that, since under their leadership, they took
us from big budget surpluses at the beginning of the last decade to a $1.3 trillion deficit by not paying for things like the prescription drug plan, two be wars, big tax cuts,” responded Plouffe, who was Obama’s 2008 campaign manager and is now an outside adviser to the White House. That prompted Rove to retort that Democrats were in no
position to lecture about “profligate spending.” He said the healthcare bill would “bankrupt the country” if it passes. “Karl,” interjected Plouffe, “the Republicans have zero credibility, about as much credibility as the country of Greece does, to talk about fiscal responsibility.”
illustrated the cover for the DVD, which was released in 2004, after being hired by Aneiros with the consent of Lee and the film's producers. Submitted at 3/22/2010 9:21:57 AM By By Tom Worden On Monday it emerged judge Published: 4:21PM GMT 22 Jose Maria Tapia Lopez had Mar 2010 ruled in the illustrator's favour The Lord of the Rings star, 87, and ordered the defendants to and his associates must pay pay the huge sum. £640,000 to artist Gerardo The judge also ordered the Moreno for work he did on a defendants' assets to be frozen DVD cover, a Spanish court to a value of £640,000 until ruled. the money is paid. Mr Moreno claims he was not None of the defendants properly paid for the art work on appeared in court or had lawyers the DVD of Jinnah, a 1998 representing them. movie staring Lee about the life The British actor has appeared of the founding father of in more than 220 films and P a k i s t a n , M u h a m m e d A l i made his name as Count Jinnah. Dracula in the Hammer horror Mr Moreno sued Lee, the films of the 1950s and 60s. actor's official website run by In 2002 he said Jinnah was his agent and son-in-law Juan most important film role. Aneiros, and company The Five Filters featured article: Quaid Project Limited at a civil Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: court in Burgos in northern PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Spain. Term Extraction. The artist says he designed and