E-reader News Edition
- 24/03/10
When seen from Capitol Hill, Jerusalem looks a bit different Susan Cornwell (Front Row Washington)
Tuesday took place behind closed doors, without photographers present. Submitted at 3/23/2010 4:02:16 PM But on Capitol Hill he was What’s the U.S. policy toward warmly, openly and officially Israel? It may depend on which received by leading lawmakers. branch of government you ask. Cameras clicked and rolled as On Capitol Hill, Israeli Prime Netanyahu was greeted in ornate Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reception rooms, first in the got a warm reception during his House of Representatives, then Washington visit this week. Eric in the Senate Tuesday. In C a n t o r , t h e o n l y J e w i s h between, he lunched with Republican in the U.S. House of lawmakers. Representatives, says Congress The Israeli prime minister got is on “a different page” than the to hear his own words echo Obama administration over around the hallowed halls of Jewish settlements in Jerusalem C o n g r e s s a s w e l l . A t t h e and the overall U.S. relationship m o r n i n g m e e t i n g w i t h with Israel. Netanyahu, “Many of us said, Netanyahu got a less obviously Jerusalem is not a settlement,” effusive welcome from the Cantor told Reuters afterwards. O b a m a a d m i n i s t r a t i o n . This had been Netanyahu’s line Secretary of State Hillary in a speech to the influential pro Clinton met him at a hotel on -Israel lobby group AIPAC on Monday and his White House Monday evening, where he meeting with the president on struck a defiant note after new
criticism from Clinton of Jewish home construction in disputed territory in and around Jerusalem. Cantor, the third-ranking Republican in the House, said he and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, a Democrat, are circulating for lawmakers’ signatures a letter to Clinton
expressing concerns about the direction of U.S. policy. ”We are writing to reaffirm our commitment to the unbreakable bond that exists bewteen our country and the State of Israel and to express to you our deep concern over recent tension,” the letter says. Meanwhile Cantor said
Alistair Darling's 2010 Budget in pictures (Latest news, breaking news, current news, UK news, world news, celebrity news, politics news)
Alistair Darling has delivered Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: ADVERTISEMENT: his Budget plans, just weeks PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, (BloggingStocks) before a general election Term Extraction. Picture: GETTY Submitted at 3/24/2010 9:40:00 AM Five Filters featured article:
lawmakers did not need to be in lockstep with the administration on foreign policy, and warned that Congress can put its money where its mouth is, since it controls the federal government’s purse strings. “We don’t have a parliamentary system; we certainly don’t have a monarchy here,” he said. For more Reuters political news, click here. Photo credits: REUTERS/Baz Ratner (Sheep graze in front of a Jewish settlement near Jerusalem, March 22, 2010) REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the AIPAC annual policy conference, Washington, March 22, 2010)