Liberty Newspost May-05-10

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E-reader News Edition

- 05/05/10

Hotter ties with Brazil? Tap Obamamania, says expert Anthony Boadle (Front Row Washington)

at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies. Submitted at 5/4/2010 9:02:09 PM “Washington does not get it. The United States’ influence in The United States is no longer its traditional “backyard” is an empire,” he said. waning and needs a boost. “A short visit to South America Washington should be forging would make a great deal of closer ties with Latin America’s difference. It would be a very emerging powerhouse Brazil, important way of indicating our says Johns Hopkins political willingness to have a stronger scientist Riordan Roett. rapport with the region.” Best way to do that? Send the For more stories from the Obamas to Brazil because Reuters Latin American Brazilians will go nuts about the Investment Summit, click here. U.S. First Family. Reuters photos by Sergio “The White House should send Moraes (a samba school reveller partner and Chinese clout is c o n f i r m a t i o n o f O b a m a ’ s the Obamas to Brazil. Can you dances among mannequins growing in a region where nominee, Thomas Shannon. imagine the Obamas getting off Beijing is lining up long-term Brazil, the world’s 8th largest during the 2010 Rio Carnival) the plane in Rio de Janeiro? It supplies of r a w economy, has emerged as a and Jason Reed (the Obamas would be extraordinary, a m a t e r i a l s . M e a n w h i l e , leading developing nation, a walk to Marine One at the carnival, absolute madness,” Washington had no ambassador strong BRIC and G-20 voice White House on January 12, Roett told the Reuters Latin in Brasilia for 11 months last that Washington should be 2010). American Investment Summit. year, because of domestic listening to, says Roett, who China has displaced the United politics: the Republicans held up directs Latin American studies States as Brazil’s largest trading

Video: Facebook Security Hole Lets You View Your Friends’ Live Chats Steve O'Hear (TechCrunch) Submitted at 5/5/2010 8:20:45 AM

You've got to hand it to Facebook. They certainly know how to do security -- not. Today I was tipped off that there is a major security flaw in the social networking site that, with just a few mouse clicks, enables any user to view the live chats of their 'friends'. Using what sounds like a simple trick, a user can also access their friends' latest pending friend-requests and which friends they share in common. That's a lot of potentially sensitive information. Unbelievable I thought, until I just tested the exploit for myself. And guess what? It works.


Headline/ Business/

E-reader News Edition

Obama promises to work overtime to Ahmadinejad says bin ease economic impact of oil spill Laden in Washington Tabassum Zakaria (Front Row Washington) Submitted at 5/4/2010 2:11:02 PM

There’s not much to offer by way of comfort to coastal states threatened by the oil spill that’s spreading over the Gulf of Mexico like The Blob from horror movies past. And then there’s also the threat from the“Loop Current” that could carry the oil around Florida’s peninsula and north… So there’s not much by way of lemonade likely to come out of the lemons of this disaster, but President Barack Obama promised to work overtime to limit the economic damage to affected communities and to try and make sure that jobs created to clean up the mess would go to local residents. The oil spill will affect the “lives and livelihoods of people all along the Gulf Coast, from

the fishing industry to the tourism industry,” Obama said in a speech to business executives. “We are committed to preventing as much of the economic damage as possible by working to contain the impact of this potentially devastating spill,” he said.

“In addition, wherever possible, I would like to see the people most affected by the disaster employed in helping in the cleanup,” Obama said. “And we will continue to explore every possible option to create jobs and support local economies in the Gulf while continuing to monitor any potential effects on the national economy,” he said. “But obviously this is going to be a significant challenge, and we are going to be working overtime to make sure that we mitigate its impacts.” How would you rate the federal government’s response to the oil spill? Photo credit: Reuters/Sean Gardner (birds fly over oil on water south of Louisiana), Reuters/Carlos Barria (pelican flies against backdrop of drilling platform near Breton Island, Louisiana)

Deborah Charles (Front Row Washington) Submitted at 5/5/2010 8:55:56 AM

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has the answer to the question that has plagued the United States since Sept. 11, 2001. He knows where Osama bin Laden is — in Washington. In an interview with ABC’S “Good Morning America” on Wednesday, Ahmadinejad rejected reports that the al Qaeda leader was in Iran. “I heard that Osama bin Laden is in the Washington, D.C.,” Ahmadinejad said through an interpreter in a contentious giveand-take with his interviewer, George Stephanopoulos. “He’s there. Because he was a previous partner of Mr. Bush. They were colleagues in fact in the old days. You know that.

They were in the oil business together. They worked together. Mr. Bin Laden never cooperated with Iran but he cooperated with Mr. Bush,” Ahmadinejad said. “Rest assured that he’s in Washington. I think there’s a high chance he’s there.” For more Reuters political news click here Photo credits: Reuters/State Dept handout ( Bin Laden picture); Reuters/Molly Riley (U.S. Capitol)

Options Update: CBOE Volatility Index Increases 18% Paul Foster (BloggingStocks) Submitted at 5/5/2010 8:30:00 AM

Filed under: Dow Chemical (DOW), Options CBOE Volatility Index ( VIX) at 23.84; 10-day moving average is 19.52, 50-day is

17.99, 200-day moving average is 22.07, according to Track Data. Two stocks with IV rise on May 4; Annaly Mortgage ( NLY) +5%, Dow Chemical ( DOW) +9%, according to IVolatility.

Crocs ( CROX) is expected to report Q1 EPS on May 6th. CROX May put option implied volatility is at 97, June is at 77, September is at 70, above its 26week average of 64, according to Track Data, suggesting larger price movement.

Options Update is by Stock Specialist Paul Foster of Options Update: CBOE Volatility Index Increases 18% originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Wed, 05 May 2010 08:30:00 EST.

Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments Option- VIX- Chicago Board Options Exchange- BusinessInvesting


E-reader News Edition


The 4 Hot Digital Marketing Trends You Need To Know About John Arnold (Business Insider)

may sound like an antiquated way to get noticed, but actually display advertising is becoming Submitted at 5/5/2010 9:18:00 AM much more interesting due to From Entrepreneur: two important trends. Sometimes the most important One such trend is better local ad small business marketing tools targeting. and technologies start out as Several companies, such as expensive enterprise solutions L o c a l . c o m , L i n k e d I n a n d exclusive to big brands and Facebook, have announced that agencies; only much later do they're getting into the local they become affordable and targeting game by offering accessible to small businesses. geography-based advertising During a recent trip to San a l o n g w i t h t h e s t a n d a r d Francisco, I stopped by the d e m o g r a p h i c o r k e y w o r d tradeshow floor at Ad:Tech and targeting you'd expect. Local found myself staring into the not targeting is already prevalent in -too-distant future of small search engine marketing and it's business marketing. I didn't good to know that display ads have a chance to see everything a r e h e a d i n g i n t h e s a m e Ad:Tech had to offer, but I did d i r e c t i o n . have time to talk with a few The other noticeable trend to innovative companies offering g e t e x c i t e d a b o u t i s t h e solutions that are sure to movement toward ad pricing i n f l u e n c e t h e w a y s m a l l based on cost-per-action rather businesses approach marketing. than cost-per-click. Here's what I found that's worth Paying for ads based on CPA sharing along with some tips for means that you don't pay the getting ready to adjust to new publisher until you get the trends. action you want from the ad. For See Also: example, if you want your • 5 Entrepreneurship Trends To online display ad to drive Watch In 2010 someone to an online store to • 5 Keys For Successful Mobile buy the advertised product, you Marketing won't have to pay until someone • 10 Ways To Stretch Your actually clicks the ad and Marketing Budget completes the purchase. Several companies--such as Hydra-Innovation No. 1: Online have announced an emphasis on Display Advertising Banner ads CPA tracking and billing.

How to get ready Get to know your acquisition costs on an intimate level. If cost-per-action advertising sounds attractive, you'll need to have a firm understanding of what you're willing to pay for each new customer or action your advertising obtains in order to know how to bid. If you're interested in the possibilities of targeted display advertising (and you're interested in getting sophisticated with your targeting) start building a profile of your best prospects and customers--including geography, demographic information and typical buying behavior. If you need help figuring out how to analyze your customers

to get that information, online advertising company Ad Buyer offers a set of free audience profiling tools. Innovation No. 2: Online Retail Promotions Image: AP Selling physical goods has long been about driving traffic to your ecommerce store so prospective customers can see and buy your products. That trend seems destined for a giant turn in the opposite direction, because it won't be long before smaller retailers have the ability to sell more of their products on other highly targeted consumer websites. One such website is, where the CEO announced the company's intention to enable

anyone to search real-time availability and local product information on every product, on every shelf, in every local business in America. Another outstanding innovation for online retail comes from Pixazza. Pixazza is changing the way consumers shop by allowing people to browse and buy products that appear in any photos. For example, let's say you're reading an article in an online entertainment magazine and you see a photo of Jennifer Lopez wearing earrings that are to-diefor. Getting yourself a similar pair is easier than ever; as you hover over the photo Pixazza recommends earrings at suggested prices far below what Jennifer Lopez probably paid for hers. How to get ready It's time to get your inventory database in shape. Selling products on websites owned by other companies will likely require you to conform to their database and information technology standards. There's no need to get overly sophisticated here. If your company has the ability to publish real time inventory and product information to your own website, you probably already HOT page 4


Business/ Technology/

E-reader News Edition

HOT continued from page 3

have enough technology to quickly enable a feed of that information to other online databases. Innovation No. 3: Social Media Advertising Image: respres (via Flickr) Social media is arguably the most innovative internet tool to emerge since, well, the internet. There are definitely good reasons to advertise on social media sites (this includes your own fan pages and networks). The challenge for a small business is the same challenge facing any business: How do you get enough people to pay attention to your ads while they are busy uploading photos or conversing with friends? There are a number of companies working to make social media advertising more engaging and even fun, and it won't be long before there are a plethora of choices for small budgets. At the show, NTB Media

announced an interesting video advertising product with built-in games and quizzes to get people to pay attention and remember the content in the videos, and Fan Appz announced access to an integrated suite of social media applications designed to attract attention and engagement in exchange for a subscription of just $50 per month. How to get ready Test before you invest. Social media advertising is already accessible and affordable to small business, but affordability isn't the only reason to invest in a particular form of advertising. Don't invest in a new social media tool or advertising strategy until you are sure you have the ability and the time to track your results and compare them against other opportunities. As a small business, you can't afford to invest in everything. If you don't track and compare your results,

you won't have the information you need to make budget-wise choices. Innovation No. 4: Mobile Marketing Advertising and messaging to mobile phones is definitely a hot topic among marketers. In the past, most mobile marketing tools focused on only one aspect of mobile marketing, such as text-messaging, application development or mobile websites. Those tools are now converging as integrated solutions. One such company, 2ergo, recently announced plans to offer a comprehensive suite of marketing solutions that include SMS, MMS, e-mail and mobile websites. Be on the lookout for companies offering comprehensive mobile solutions priced for small businesses in the not-too-distant future. How to get ready Make sure at least a portion of your website is designed to display and function

properly on mobile devices-especially the pages that contain contact information for your business. If you have a location-based business, start making your communications more mobile friendly so people can respond to your offers and information while they are on-the-go. Sending text-messages and emails with mobile coupons and snack-sized bites of product information are great places to start. Also, social media users are more likely to become mobile savvy than the average internet user, so make sure you have a presence on the most common social sites. Now, don't miss... 10 Ways To Stretch Your Marketing Budget > Join the conversation about this story Âť

Open-source robots (CNET Submitted at 5/5/2010 9:17:01 AM

Google will start selling ebooks, Microsoft launches Spindex for your social networks, and what happens when you open source a robot. 2 minutes 55 seconds May 5, 2010 7:17 AM PDT Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Senate Reaches Agreement on 'Too Big to Fail' Connie Madon (BloggingStocks) Submitted at 5/5/2010 9:30:00 AM

Filed under: Politics, Financial Crisis As the Senate moves forward with passing its landmark financial reform bill, it has at least reached an agreement on one important component -- the

"too big to fail" provision. The Dodd-Shelby accord was supposed to include a proposed $50 billion fund, paid by large financial firms to cover the costs of break up firms when they get in a bind. There are several other proposals and provisions still being discussed. A proposal by Blanche Lincoln calling for

Let's not forget that it was the wild speculation in derivatives that caused our financial meltdown. To do nothing on this issue borders on irresponsibility. Continue reading Senate Reaches Agreement on 'Too Big to Fail' b a n k s t o s p i n o f f t h e i r Senate Reaches Agreement on derivatives business is losing 'Too Big to Fail' originally steam, but it is still on the table. appeared on BloggingStocks on

Wed, 05 May 2010 09:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments Blanche Lincoln- United States Senate- Politics- Too Big to Fail - United States

Business/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition


Users of Facebook's Social Network Are Mostly Anti-Social: Poll Austin Carr (Fast Company) Submitted at 5/5/2010 9:50:11 AM

Facebook users are still very skeptical about socializing online. And they're slightly confused about what exactly Facebook should be used for, according to a study of user behavior by Denmark-based Red Associates. They surveyed close to 500 members of the Facebook community -- handpicked from fans of Fast Company -- to learn more about how users interact online. When did you first register for Facebook? Has it been that long? Can you even remember why you registered (Besides: All my friends are doing it!)? What did you expect the social network to deliver? Facebook's homepage promises to help "you connect and share with the people in your life." Red Associates's study, though, suggests that users want far more, with 90% of respondents expecting that the social network will "deepen or strengthen their friendships." Very few actually believe Facebook delivers on this expectation, with more than half of respondents viewing

Facebook instead as a relationship-management tool, not a useful way to deepen relationships. Just 0.7% see Facebook as only good for strengthening friendships. Should Facebook still be considered a "social" networking site? The study points out that even your "friends" online are not actually your friends, finding that close to 40% of respondents say they added "friends" to their

Facebook network simply because it was easy. "Facebook has no intelligent mechanism for figuring out who your close friends are or who you would like them to be," the study reminds us. "Online social networks make it easy for people to accumulate friends rapidly and to make commitments easily," and in fact, "What define social networks most [is] a lack of depth in relationships."

appropriate)My wonderful father died last night (57.2%)My wife left me (10%) Certainly, these are extreme posts, but what's interesting here is that there is roughly an even split between the number of respondents who feel sharing information about a father's death is appropriate and those who do not, suggesting, according to the study, that "people are uncertain about what's okay to express emotionally without being a turn -off." For nearly half of all respondents, Facebook isn't considered a social network but more a public phone book or search engine. Contact is minimal and impersonal, and M a n y u s e r s a p p e a r close to a fourth of all disappointed by this lack of respondents said that Facebook intimacy, according to the has not led to a better social life. survey; moreover, they are even So just how social is Facebook? unsure how intimate they can Is it just good for birthdayact on Facebook. For example, reminders and the occasional the survey asked users about wall post? Do you agree with their level of comfort in sharing the study's findings? Share information online. They asked below. respondents to rate whether the [Image: Tanya Zommer] following messages were appropriate to post on Facebook: My son graduated from college (92.8% feel this is

10 Ways To Contact A Ghost Videos (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed)

(more info) The Art of Looking Prime Five Filters featured article: Ministerial - The 2010 UK

General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full

Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Business/ Food/

E-reader News Edition

Threadsy Smooshes Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, and More Into a Surprisingly Clean Stream Dan Nosowitz (Fast Company) Submitted at 5/5/2010 9:45:32 AM

Threadsy has been available in a private beta for a little while now, but today opened the service to the public. I hadn't used the beta, so this public release is my first exposure to Threadsy, and honestly, I'm a lot more impressed than I expected. That doesn't mean I'm going to use it, though. There've been social networking aggregators before-FriendFeed comes to mind--but Threadsy is the best one I've seen yet. Instead of one Twitterlike stream a la FriendFeed, Threadsy smartly separates messages from live updates. On the left, you've got messages, including email (Gmail is supported handily, and it looks like it can handle most email services), Facebook messages, and Twitter direct messages. On the right are your feeds--so far, only Facebook and Twitter are supported, but those are the two biggies (and, if I'm being honest/selfish, the only two I use).

The Facebook and Twitter stream section is handled really well--updating to either or both is easy, the interface is clean and obvious, and combining those two just makes sense. You can't seem to upload photos, which is a problem; you want an aggregator to be able to handle absolutely everything a standalone app could, otherwise you'll keep bouncing back and forth between the aggregator

and the standalone and eventually, necessarily, stop using the aggregator. One really cool feature: If you click on a message in the lefthand column, you'll see a complete overview of the sender in the right-hand column. Open an email from a friend, and you'll see his photos, links to his Facebook and Twitter, and all his recent updates. But overall, email isn't

Recipe Makeover: Nachos (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)

Watch Food Editor Ann Pittman lighten Pork and Pinto

Bean Nachos in our exclusive online video. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime

Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

interplay between Gmail and Google Apps (Reader, Maps, Documents, Calendar, Picasa). Even worse, you can't upload or send files of any kind, including photos and documents. Threadsy is a good idea, and it's got promise. But it's not going to succeed unless it can offer everything a standalone app can (which is going to be a hell of a challenge in the case of Gmail). Really, this kind of concept works better in the limited space and limited power of a smartphone, like Larva Labs' excellent Slidescreen app for Android, HTC Sense UI's FriendStream, and the home screen of Microsoft's upcoming Windows Phone 7 OS. Maybe if amazing. It's a pretty good you're a very rudimentary email client, don't get me wrong, and I u s e r ( a n d I m e a n v e r y - like how it integrates Facebook remember, you can't even email messages into the messages, photos) yet a voracious social along with email (because I networking user, Threadsy have a tendency to completely would work. And for those in ignore Facebook and thus that category, it's pretty great. Facebook messages), but for But I'm going to stick with those of us who use email separate apps for now. extensively, Threadsy just can't stack up to Gmail. I miss the keyboard shortcuts, the speed, the file previews, and the

Business/ Economy/

E-reader News Edition


How to Build a Monument to Nazi Evil Without Celebrating It Suzanne LaBarre (Fast Company)

Until now, visitors to the Topography of Terror snaked along a makeshift outdoor Submitted at 5/5/2010 10:00:01 AM exhibit with informational Berlin's new "Topography of placards thrown up here and Terror" exhibition center there. The SS and Gestapo documents, doesn't honor, the buildings were badly damaged Gestapo and the SS. in the war then razed (though These were some of the most some scraps remain and have evil 11 acres in Germany, a been incorporated into an place where Nazi leaders informal walking tour). Over the hatched plans to terrorize years, the site has been both millions as casually as you home to construction companies might send an email. Heinrich and a place to practice for your Himmler had an office there. So driver's license. The Berlin Wall did Adolf Eichmann, the rose, then fell, just feet away. "architect of the Holocaust." It Berlin has done an excellent job was there that, in a matter of commemorating the victims of months, German democracy Nazi Germany, unlike some began to crumble. cities(subscription required). Sixty-five years on, Berlin has vexing one for architects: How minimal to the point of being headquarters after $18 million Daniel Libeskind unveiled his transformed the Topography of do you document evil without utilitarian, and that's precisely was spent on construction, Jewish Museum Berlin in 2001, Terror, a cluster of buildings building a monument to it? the point. There's nothing to p a r t l y b e c a u s e o f b u d g e t and Peter Eisenman's Memorial that housed the Gestapo, the SS, Ursula Wilms with Heinle, consecrate, no one to adulate, o v e r r u n s a n d p a r t l y , o n e to the Murdered Jews of Europe and other police agencies from W i s c h e r u n d P a r t n e r h a s nothing to be proud of. In the suspects, because the design had opened four years later. But 1933 to 1945, into an exhibition designed an anti-monument of great tradition of Maya Lin's some powerful detractors. One architecture for perpetrators is in space trained on the elaborate sorts. A box ensconced in a Vietnam Memorial, it exists for m e m b e r o f t h e G e r m a n many ways a trickier feat. workings and aftermath of the gunmetal gray skin, it crouches the sake of remembering. government's media and culture Wilms's design manages to Third Reich. The center opens low to the earth, ghost-like, Wilms's design is not the first. department called it, rather point at a dark period of history this week. It's the site's first practically fading into the Berlin Berlin scrapped Swiss architect d i s p a r a g i n g l y , a " v e r y without prettying it up. permanent landmark, after more landscape. Save a reflecting Peter Zumthor's plans to plant a complicated and a very artificial [ P h o t o s c o u r t e s y o f t h e than 20 years of fits and starts, pool in the inner courtyard, it's structure on the old Gestapo plan." Topography of Terror] and the problem it confronts is a

Latest Oil Slick Projections Show Ominous Circling Of Louisiana Coast Joe Weisenthal (The Money Game) Submitted at 5/5/2010 8:53:13 AM

The NOAA's latest map of the oil slick is out. Note the projections for tomorrow indicate that the slick will

though though there is only landfall in a couple of small points. encircle the tip of Louisiana, Join the conversation about this

story Âť



E-reader News Edition

Time Warner's Profits Boosted By Cable, DVD And Ad Dollars (TWS)

MAP OF THE DAY: How The Oil Slick Is Going To Plaster The East Coast (BP)

Associated Press (Business Insider)

Gus Lubin (Business Insider)

Submitted at 5/5/2010 9:21:52 AM

NEW YORK – Tim Warner Inc. said Wednesday that improving results at its cable channels and a couple of popular DVD releases boosted its first-quarter net income by 10 percent. The New York media conglomerate's premium HBO channels took in more from subscription revenue, while its Turner cable networks rode a recovery in ad spending. The improving ad market and cost cutting also helped Time Warner's publishing segment reverse its losses. The publishing division includes Time Inc. magazines such as Time and Sports Illustrated. First quarter results across the media business have brought evidence that companies are more comfortable putting money into marketing their products as the recession fades. Viacom Inc., whose cable channels include BET, MTV and Comedy Central, reported a 3 percent uptick in worldwide ad sales in the first quarter.

Comcast Corp., which has E! Entertainment Television, Style Network and the Golf Channel, reported a 23.5 percent jump. Overall, Time Warner earned $725 million, or 62 cents per share, for the period ended March 31. That's better than its profit of $660 million, or 55 cents, a year ago. Removing one-time items, profit was 61 cents per share. Revenue climbed 5 percent to $6.32 billion from $6 billion, the biggest increase in almost two years.

"The advertising recovery benefited both Turner and Time Inc., while the continuing popularity of The Blind Side and Sherlock Holmes helped lift Warner Bros.' home video sales," Chairman and CEO Jeff Bewkes said in a statement. The performance surpassed the expectations of analysts polled by Thomson Reuters, who forecast a smaller profit of 48 cents per share on revenue of $6.25 billion. These estimates generally take out one-time items.

Nonetheless, its shares fell 27 cents to $32.40 in morning trading as the broader market fell on European debt worries. In the network division, which houses HBO and Turner Broadcasting, revenue rose 9 percent on a 7 percent increase in subscription revenue, a 9 percent rise in ad revenue and a 22 percent increase in content revenue. The filmed entertainment unit, which contains Warner Brothers, reported a 2 percent revenue increase mainly on its improved home video sales. Revenue for the publishing division dipped 1 percent despite a 5 percent increase in ad revenue and a 2 percent rise in subscription revenue. Join the conversation about this story » See Also: • Time Inc. Shutters InStyle Weddings • John Squires: iPad Is Big And Beautiful But It's Too Expensive • "The 10 Most Absurd Time Magazine Covers From The Last 40 years"

Submitted at 5/5/2010 9:30:00 AM

Oceanographers at University of South Florida College are frantically preparing models to forecast the oil slick. This video ( via The Map Scroll) shows how ocean currents will move the oil slick. Basically one part is moving west along the coast and into the backside of Florida. But another part is moving south toward currents that will push it around Florida and up the east coast. Just imagine what this map will look like after months of leaking. The narrator warns (3:22): "I hope people on the East Coast are getting prepared for this and in Florida, because it looks like it's going to come your way. It is not just a Gulf Coast deal." Don't miss: Here's What You Need To Know TODAY About The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Join the conversation about this story »


E-reader News Edition

David Rosenberg: The Case For Gold Going To $3,000 Is Getting Stronger By The Day (GLD)

Oil Spill: Too Many Unknowns for Investors

Joe Weisenthal (Business Insider)

Submitted at 5/5/2010 9:00:00 AM

broken below 1.30 to the U.S. dollar and there is plenty of room for additional Submitted at 5/5/2010 9:10:08 AM decline going forward. David Rosenberg of Guskin- It’s only at a one-year low — Sheff is a deflationist, but unlike wait until it moves to a decade some (like Robert Prechter), he's low. also pro-gold. Make no mistake — the Today he argues that the problems in Greece are mirrored breakdown of the euro is very in places like Portugal bullish for gold. and Spain — this is not about ECB IS NO BUNDESBANK, liquidity, like Bear Stearns and EURO IS NO D-MARK Lehman, it is a In the interim, the ECB has crisis in confidence (Banco been forced to water down its Santander, widely seen as a charter as it permits barometer of financial sub-investment grade Greek health in Spain, cratered 7% bonds as collateral. Sadly, the yesterday). The FT reports central bank is not a today that there has remake of the Bundesbank and been some market chatter that the Euro is less of a “hard Spain has been “negotiating” currency” than its with the IMF for architects could have ever assistance (€280bln) too. envisaged a decade ago. Now History shows that crises over there is talk that the confidence are tougher E C B i s c o n t e m p l a t i n g a to repair over the near-term quantitative easing plan (see than liquidity crunches. The ECB Should Resist QE fact that Greek shortSiren Call on page C14 of the term bonds have collapsed in WSJ). The case for gold price even more — even though heading to $3,000 an the country does ounce is getting stronger by the not have to come to the market day. The Euro has already for the next few years so long as

Germany comes through after the vote — is a case in point. So contagion risks loom and there are simply not enough trees on the planet that can provide enough paper currency to backstop countries like Portugal and Spain. Moreover, what investors see is that if there is so much political footdragging in Germany and other EU countries to approve a bailout of tiny Greece, achieving a rescue plan for other large basket-cases will be even more arduous a task. Have a look at Martin Wolf’s column on page 9 of the FT — A Bailout For Greece is Just the Beginning. What a tale of woe. And let’s not forget about Italy — its public finances are less dire but still fragile (see Much to Play For on page 7 of the FT). Don't miss: Pictures of today's violent greek riots > Join the conversation about this story »


Joseph Lazzaro (BloggingStocks)

Filed under: Exxon Mobil (XOM), BP p.l.c. ADS (BP) Any institution that says it can forecast with any confidence the impact of the BP Plc. ( BP) Gulf of Mexico oil spill on energy policy is asking someone to put a lot of trust in the organization's powers of prediction -- certainly more than an investor should. And the reason is obvious enough: The scope of the oil spill's damage will vary depending on the weather, ocean currents, the size of the spill, technology, the size of the containment and repair effort -all of which may vary over the coming weeks. What is certain is that the spill has damaged the environment and restructured the energy debate in Washington. Before the spill, the assumption was that oil companies had plans in place to deal with a large,

offshore spill. BP has demonstrated that some oil companies may not -- a reality that throws into doubt the safety of deep-water drilling for oil. How can you drill one, two, three miles below sea-level if it's uncertain that the company can contain a spill, and even less likely that it can do so quickly? Continue reading Oil Spill: Too Many Unknowns for Investors Oil Spill: Too Many Unknowns for Investors originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Wed, 05 May 2010 09:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments Oil Spill- Gulf of MexicoEnergy- BP- ExxonMobil



E-reader News Edition

Starbucks Opens LEED Pilot Shop in NYC Ariel Schwartz (Fast Company)

Hanna, Starbucks' director of environmental affairs, said that Starbucks simply aimed to Submitted at 5/5/2010 9:56:53 AM create the most sustainable store Starbucks is one of those rare possible--LEED certification food and beverage chains that was an afterthought. Still, the embraces sustainability in both possibility of approval from the their products (Fair Trade U.S. Green Building Council coffee, for example) and in must have crossed Starbucks retail locations. The latter can be designers' minds at some point. s e e n i n S t a r b u c k s ' n e w l y Starbucks' Soho shop doesn't completed Manhattan Soho pilot skimp on design, either. The store, which is up for LEED store attempts to shed the certification in July. Starbucks corporate image with The shop incorporates a laundry l o c a l a n d h o m e y t o u c h e s , list of green features that including: The countertops of increase its chances of getting the Clover速 and espresso bar, LEED certified, including dual- bar cladding, column cladding, flush toilets, low-flow faucets, chair rail and base are made of water-based paints, and LED repurposed white oak recovered bulbs. In an interview with from several barns in Somerset, Tonic's Nadia Hosni, Jim PA. The community table is

also made of repurposed wood from Somerset, PA. The bar casework, wood seat roundabouts and metal stools were manufactured locally on Long Island. The magnetic

community board is made of metal panels repurposed from retired espresso machines. The wallpaper next to the Clover速 bar area is made of reused burlap coffee sacks from

Starbucks roasting plants. Custom artwork by local artist Peter Tunney integrates Starbucks existing marketing collateral into the canvases. The focus on all things local isn't new to Starbucks--founder Howard Schultz has recently encouraged stores to feature local artists, live music, and local bean providers. But the sustainability element is a change, and it will likely be incorporated into all Starbucks stores as part of the five-year renovation cycle. Even if the coffee chain uses its newfound focus on sustainable design to drum up publicity, we won't complain.

Before the Bell: Futures Lower on Fear of Greece Debt Woes Contagion Melly Alazraki (BloggingStocks)

sovereign debt problem and fear of contagion in the euro zone continued. Meanwhile, more Submitted at 5/5/2010 8:15:00 AM earnings are on tap, as well as Filed under: Before the Bell, some economic data. International Markets, Time U.S. stocks sank Tuesday in Warner (TWX), Market Matters, heavy trade, with the Dow Jones A m e r I n t l G r o u p ( A I G ) , Industrial Average sliding 225 Economic Data U.S. stock points, or 2%, the S&P 500 futures fell again Wednesday shedding 2.4% and the Nasdaq morning, indicating Wall Street C o m p o s i t e d r o p p i n g 3 % . may open the session lower, a Worries that Greece's debt day after markets tumbled over problems would extend to Spain 2%. Concerns over Greece's and Portugal were exacerbated

by rumors that were later denied that Spain asked the IMF for help. Continue reading Before the Bell: Futures Lower on Fear of

Greece Debt Woes Contagion Before the Bell: Futures Lower on Fear of Greece Debt Woes Contagion originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Wed, 05 May 2010 08:15:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments Dow Jones Industrial AverageSpain- Wall Street- International Monetary Fund- Nasdaq Composite

Ning Will Remain Free for Public Schoolteachers Dan Nosowitz (Fast Company) Submitted at 5/5/2010 9:50:48 AM

Brain Trust: Ning chairman Marc Andreessen (he built Netscape back in the day), with Bianchini, at the company's HQ NING page 11

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NING continued from page 10

in Palo Alto. | Photograph by Art Streiber Back on April 15th, Ning announced that they'd be moving from both paid and free offerings for their social network building service to paid -only. Ning was and is mostly used by those to whom the word "free" is most important-nonprofits. It's tricky and expensive to build a private social network, and even largeish organizations like crazy commercial-maker T. Boone Pickens's 200,000 alternative energy enthusiasts opted for Ning's free service as an alternative. Ning's new paid service is hardly expensive, starting at $3

per month ($20 per year) and going up to $50 per month for more premium options. But one group apparently complained loudly enough to be heard: public schoolteachers. Teachers have both a minuscule budget and an insane amount of red tape to go through to have any funds approved, and even Ning's cheapest option may have been too much to afford. (That says as much about our public school system as it does about social networking startups, but that's a different argument.) So, according to the New York Times, Ning will exempt public schoolteachers from fees. This might all be just a minor sacrifice to score some press

adulation, which is going to be an uphill battle since tons of other nonprofits will be taken offline, but it's a nice gesture nonetheless. You can read more Ning coverage here ( The Five Things Ning Got Right) and here ( Ning's Infinite Ambition). Dan Nosowitz, the author of this post, can be followed on Twitter, corresponded with via email, and stalked in San Francisco (no link for that one-you'll have to do the legwork yourself).

Gmail returns to the U.K. (CNET Submitted at 5/5/2010 8:35:10 AM

Report offensive content: If you believe this comment is offensive or violates the CNET's Site Terms of Use, you can report it below (this will not automatically remove the comment). Once reported, our staff will be notified and the comment will be reviewed. Select type of offense: Offensive: Sexually explicit or offensive language Spam: Advertisements or

BP Upgraded Even as Questions Remain Mark Fightmaster (BloggingStocks)

spill in the Gulf of Mexico is overdone, citing that it is unlikely BP will have to cut its Submitted at 5/5/2010 10:00:00 AM dividend. Filed under: Analyst Upgrades The oil firm could pay as much and Downgrades, BP p.l.c. ADS as $2 billion to bring the well (BP), Technical Analysis U.K. under control, the rating house b r o k e r a g e h o u s e P a n m u r e said. In addition, BP will have Gordon upgraded BP ( BP) to pay 65% of the estimated $10 Wednesday, elevating the oil billion cost on damage to fishing company rating to buy from sell. and tourism along with $75 Panmure Gordon contends that million punitive damages. Yes, the market reaction to the oil BP could be fined $75 million

for destroying the Gulf of Mexico (more or less). This fine could become greater if BP is found grossly negligent or if it engaged in willful misconduct.


Continue reading BP Upgraded Even as Questions Remain BP Upgraded Even as Questions Remain originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Wed, 05 May 2010 10:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments Gulf of Mexico- Oil spill- BPPetroleum industry- Technical analysis

commercial links Disruptive posting: Flaming or offending other users Illegal activities: Promote cracked software, or other illegal content Comments(optional): Report Cancel Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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NOAA:1 of 3 Gulf well leaks halted but oil flow same (Reuters: Top News)

and capped it with a valve," NOAA said in a posting on its web site. MIAMI(Reuters) - One of three "While this stopped one of the leaks from the ruptured Gulf of three leaks, oil continues to Mexico undersea well owned by enter the Gulf of Mexico at a BP has been capped, but oil is rate of approximately 5000 still flowing out at a rate of barrels per day," it added. 5 , 0 0 0 b a r r e l s ( 2 1 0 , 0 0 0 "We made good progress gallons/795,000 liters) per day, yesterday, including the cap on the National Oceanic and the drill pipe," BP spokesman Atmospheric Administration John Curry wrote in an email, (NOAA) said on Wednesday. referring to shutting off one of U.S.| Green Business the leaks. "Remotely Operated Vehicles BP Chief Operating Officer (ROVs) cut off a section at the Doug Suttles had said on end of the riser pipe, which used Tuesday that although the to lead from the well to the rig, undersea repair work on the Submitted at 5/5/2010 8:27:17 AM

Another Reason For People To Loathe Wall Street: Everyone There Thinks Fabrice Tourre A Hero (GS) Courtney Comstock (Business Insider)

said he's a hero for "masterminding" ABACUS. And another said he's just a Submitted at 5/5/2010 9:19:00 AM political scapegoat. All of them Just like Oliver Stone's first agreed The Fab Tourre was Wall Street movie was supposed simply doing his job and doing to expose the dirty world of it well. banking and instead inspired Wall Street historian Charles millions to become i-bankers Geisst told Newsweek that and hedge fund managers, now Tourre will spawn a million Fabulous Fab's is the story of an followers who want careers just a w e s o m e c a r e e r , a t l e a s t like his, sans the fraud charge. according to Newsweek. So apparently everyone on Wall The magazine sent a writer S t r e e t d i s a g r e e s w i t h o u r down to Wall Street bars during thinking that Fab is one of the happy hour to find out what losers in the Goldman fraud case financiers' opinions are of Fab. winners and losers. Turns out, they think he's Join the conversation about this fantastic. Apparently one guy story Âť

riser pipe was expected to plug one of the three leaks, "I don't believe that will change the total amount leaking". U.S. authorities and BP are racing to try to contain a huge oil slick from the ruptured well that is threatening four Gulf coastal states. (Reporting by Pascal Fletcher and Anna Driver; editing by Paul Simao) Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Firefighters to the rescue as bear gets stuck up tree (World News from Times Online)

News International associated websites: Milkround| Globrix Copyright 2010 Times Submitted at 5/5/2010 7:31:18 AM Newspapers Ltd. Contact our advertising team This service is provided on for advertising and sponsorship Times Newspapers' standard in Times Online, The Times and Terms and Conditions. Please The Sunday Times, or place read our Privacy Policy.To your advertisement. inquire about a licence to Times Online Services: Dating| reproduce material from Times Jobs| Property Search| Used Online, The Times or The C a r s | H o l i d a y s | B i r t h s , Sunday Times, click here.This Marriages, D e a t h s | website is published by a Subscriptions| E-paper member of the News

International Group. News International Limited, 1 Virginia St, London E98 1XY, is the holding company for the News International group and is registered in England No 81701. VAT number GB 243 8054 69. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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Giant dome for Gulf oil leak is next best solution (AP) (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed)

Class David Mosley said. The capped leak was more than 800 feet from the blowout NEW ORLEANS – The best preventer, which sits over the short-term solution to bottling well head on the seafloor. u p a d i s a s t r o u s o i l s p i l l Most of the oil is coming from t h r e a t e n i n g s e a l i f e a n d a leak about 460 feet from the livelihoods along the Gulf Coast preventer, while a smaller leak should be headed out to sea is still allowing oil to escape Wednesday in the form of a from a crack where the pipe specially built giant concrete- casing bent about 5 feet from and-steel box designed to siphon the top of the preventer. the oil away. Meanwhile, the effort to protect At about midday, a barge will Louisiana coastal wetlands was haul the 100-ton contraption 50 expected to pick up. miles offshore to a spot where a In Plaquemines Parish, officials mile-deep gusher from a blown- loaded absorbent boom shortly out undersea well has been after dawn to take out to the spewing at least 210,000 gallons mouth of the Mississippi River. of crude a day into the Gulf for The barge will be used as a two weeks. BP spokesman John distribution point for local Curry said it would be deployed fishermen to lay the boom on the seabed by Thursday. around sensitive marshes. It's the latest idea engineers Parish President Billy from oil giant BP PLC are Nungesser said the parish has 24 trying after an oil rig the miles of the boom. Workers in c o m p a n y w a s o p e r a t i n g yellow rain suits scrubbed air exploded April 20, killing 11 boats. At a nearby marina, local workers. It sank two days later. shrimpers planned to use their BP is in charge of the cleanup boats to put down boom as part and President Barack Obama of a program BP is running. and many others have said the In all, about 7,900 people are company also is responsible for working to protect the shoreline the costs. and wildlife, and some 170 BP capped one of three leaks at boats are also helping with the the well Tuesday night, a step cleanup. that will not cut the flow of oil A rainbow sheen of oil has but that BP has said will make it r e a c h e d l a n d i n p a r t s o f easier to help with the gusher. Louisiana, but forecasts showed "It doesn't lessen the flow, it just the oil wasn't expected to come simplifies the number of leak ashore for at least a couple more points they have to address," days. Coast Guard Petty Officer 1st "It's a gift of a little bit of time. Submitted at 5/5/2010 8:01:26 AM

I'm not resting," U.S. Coast Guard Rear Adm. Mary Landry said. In their worst-case scenario, BP executives told members of a congressional committee that up to 2.5 million gallons a day could spill if the leaks worsened, though it would be more like 1.7 million gallons. In an exploration plan filed with the government in February 2009, BP said it could handle a "worst-case scenario" it described as a leak of 6.8 million gallons per day from an uncontrolled blowout. Containment boxes have never been tried at this depth — about 5,000 feet — because of the extreme water pressure. If all goes well, the contraption could be fired up early next week to start funneling the oil into a tanker. "We don't know for sure" whether the equipment will work, said BP spokesman Bill Salvin. "What we do know is that we have done extensive engineering and modeling and we believe this gives us the best chance to contain the oil, and that's very important to us." The seas calmed Tuesday, allowing more conventional methods to contain the spill to get back on track as businesses and residents kept an eye on the ocean currents, wondering when the sheen washing ashore in places might turn into a heavier coating of oil. Crews put out

more containment equipment and repaired some booms damaged in rough weather over the weekend. They also hoped to again try to burn some of the oil on the water's surface, possibly Wednesday. Chemical dispersants piped 5,000 feet to the main leak have significantly reduced the amount of oil coming to the surface, BP said. From the air Tuesday, the site of the Deepwater Horizon explosion looked similar to a week ago except for the appearance of a massive rig brought in to drill a relief well to shut off the spewing oil. That will take months. People along the Gulf Coast have spent weeks living with uncertainty, wondering where and when the huge slick might come ashore, ruining their beaches — and their livelihoods. The anxiety is so acute that some are seeing and smelling oil where there is none. And even though the dead turtles and jellyfish washing ashore along the Gulf of Mexico are clean, and scientists have yet to determine what killed them, many are just sure the flow of crude unleashed by the explosion at BP's Deepwater Horizon is the culprit. The rig was owned by Transocean Ltd. Some of the 115 surviving workers who were aboard when it exploded are suing that company and BP

PLC. In lawsuits filed Tuesday, three workers say they were kept floating at sea for more than 10 hours while the rig burned uncontrollably. They are seeking damages. Guy Cantwell, a spokesman for rig owner Transocean Ltd., defended the company's response, saying 115 workers did get off alive. Two wrongful death suits also have been filed. While officials worked on cleanup, the long wait took its toll on nerves and incomes. In Gulf Shores, Ala., the real estate firm Brett/Robinson Vacations sent a note to those renting vacation properties that they would not be penalized for any spill-related cancellations, but urged them not to jump the gun. "There are many questions and many `what ifs' regarding this event," the message read. "Because changes come about hourly and 30 days is a long way away, we are asking you to wait before canceling your vacation, especially those of you who are scheduled to arrive more than 30 days from today." There are legitimate concerns, experts say. A second bird found in the slick, a brown pelican, is recovering at a bird rescue center in Louisiana. National Wildlife Federation president and CEO Larry Schweiger says there's no way GIANT page 17


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Times Square bombing suspect's life had unraveled (AP) (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed) Submitted at 5/4/2010 9:34:09 PM

BRIDGEPORT, Conn. – Not long ago, Faisal Shahzad had a pretty enviable life: He became an American citizen after emigrating from Pakistan, where he came from a wealthy family. He earned an MBA. He had a well-educated wife and two kids and owned a house in a middleclass Connecticut suburb. In the past couple of years, though, his life seemed to unravel: He left a job at a global marketing firm he'd held for three years, lost his home to foreclosure and moved into an apartment in an impoverished neighborhood in Bridgeport. And last weekend, authorities say, he drove an SUV loaded with explosives into Times Square intent on blowing it up. The bomb didn't go off, and Shahzad was arrested on a plane in New York as he tried to leave the country. He was in custody Tuesday and couldn't be reached for comment. Authorities say he is cooperating and has admitted getting explosives training in his native Pakistan. Shahzad's behavior sometimes seemed odd to his neighbors, and he surprised a real estate broker he hardly knew with his outspokenness about President George W. Bush and the Iraq war. "He mentioned that he didn't like Bush policies in Iraq," said

Igor Djuric, who represented Shahzad in 2004 when he was buying a home. Djuric said he couldn't remember the exact words Shahzad used about Bush but "something to the effect of he doesn't know what he's doing and it's the wrong thing that he's doing." "I don't know if he mentioned 9/11," Djuric said, "but something like that, Iraq has nothing to do with anything." Shahzad, 30, is the son of a former top Pakistani air force officer, according to Kifyat Ali, a cousin of Shahzad's father. He came to the United States in late 1998 on a student visa, according to an official who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity due to the sensitive nature of the investigation into Saturday's failed car bombing. He took classes at the nowdefunct Southeastern University in Washington, D.C., then enrolled at the University of Bridgeport, where he received a bachelor's degree in computer applications and information systems in 2000. "He was personable, a nice guy, but unremarkable," said William Greenspan, adviser for undergraduate business students at the University of Bridgeport. "He would just come in and take the course as needed so he could graduate in a timely manner." "If this didn't happen, I probably

would have forgotten him," Greenspan said. "He didn't stand out." Shahzad was granted an H1-B visa for skilled workers in 2002, according to the official who spoke to the AP. He later returned to the University of Bridgeport to earn a master's in business administration, awarded in 2005. In 2004, he and his wife, Huma Mian, bought a newly built home for $273,000 at the height of the market in Shelton, a Fairfield County town that in recent years has attracted companies relocating to Connecticut's Gold Coast. Like her husband, Mian was well educated. She graduated from the University of Colorado at Boulder in 2004 with a bachelor of science in business with an emphasis in accounting, the school said. On her profile on the social networking site Orkut, she described herself as "not political" and said she spoke English, Pashto, Urdu and French. She listed her passions as "fashion, shoes, bags, shopping!! And of course, Faisal." She posted a picture of Shahzad, smiling, with the caption, "what can I say ... he's my everything." Last year, the couple abandoned the home. Neighbor Davon Reid and his girlfriend, Heatherlee Tyler, said they were puzzled that the

couple moved out abruptly and left behind a mess of food, broken dishes and baby formula in the cabinets. They say the couple piled up remaining possessions in the closet of an upstairs bedroom. Tyler said there were bugs on the floors and stains. "It was like they just picked up everything they wanted and just left one day," Reid said. He said Shahzad was generally friendly but had some quirky habits, including jogging at night while wearing dark clothing. Shahzad worked from mid2006 to May 2009 as a junior financial analyst for the Affinion Group, a marketing firm in Norwalk. Company spokesman Michael Bush said Shahzad held a lower-level position dealing with the company's budget and projected income and left on good terms. Still, Shahzad defaulted on a $200,000 mortgage on his Shelton home, and the property is in foreclosure, court records show. Shahzad took out the mortgage on the property in 2004, and he co-owned the home with Mian. Chase Home Finance LLC sued Shahzad in September, and the foreclosure is pending in Milford Superior Court. Frank DelVecchio, a broker trying to sell the home for Shahzad, said Shahzad told him to let the bank take it. He said

Shahzad told him he owed too much on it and planned to return to Pakistan. Authorities say Shahzad returned to Pakistan then came back to the United States. He took an apartment in Bridgeport, and his landlord told investigators the apartment came with a garage that he alone had access to. The landlord also told police that he spotted two bags of fertilizer when he saw Shahzad entering the garage May 3. The SUV Shahzad is accused of driving into Times Square contained a metal rifle cabinet that was packed with fertilizer, but police bomb experts believe it wasn't a type volatile enough to explode like the ammonium nitrate grade fertilizer used in previous terrorist bombings. Neighbors in Bridgeport said Shahzad kept to himself, rarely socializing or stopping to chat. "He usually walks around alone, looking lonely and kind of depressed usually," Nejilia Gayden said. Since Shahzad's arrest late Monday, investigators have removed fireworks and fertilizer from the property. They also recovered a gun from the car Shahzad had driven to the airport. Federal agents also searched the empty home in Shelton on Tuesday after The Connecticut TIMES page 16

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NY car bomb suspect cooperates, but motive mystery (AP) (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed) Submitted at 5/5/2010 8:40:50 AM

NEW YORK – A man accused of trying to detonate a car bomb in Times Square had found the stable, suburban life he had spent a decade working toward, then abandoned his house in Connecticut and decided to supplement his business degrees with explosives training in Pakistan, authorities say. Faisal Shahzad, the 30-year-old son of a retired official in Pakistan's air force, was charged Tuesday with trying to blow up a crude gasoline and propane device inside a parked SUV amid tourists and Broadway theatergoers. He was in custody after being hauled off a Dubaibound plane he boarded Monday night at John F. Kennedy International Airport despite being under surveillance and placed on the federal no-fly list. Passengers disembarking from the flight many hours later described a calm scene as he was removed from the plane. They said he didn't put up a struggle. U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said Shahzad had been providing valuable information to investigators as they sought to determine the scope of the plot to blow up the SUV last Saturday night in the heart of Times Square near bustling restaurants and a theater

showing " The Lion King." "Based on what we know so far, it is clear that this was a terrorist plot aimed at murdering Americans in one of the busiest places in our country," Holder said. A court hearing was canceled Tuesday in part because of Shahzad's continuing cooperation with investigators, but authorities said they had shed little light on what might have motivated him. Until recently, his life in the U.S. appeared enviable. He had a master's degree from the University of Bridgeport in Connecticut, a job as a budget analyst for a marketing firm in Norwalk, Conn., two children and a well-educated wife who posted his smiling picture and lovingly called him "my everything" on a social networking website. But shortly after becoming a U.S. citizen a year ago, he gave up his job, stopped paying his mortgage and told a real estate agent to let the bank take the house because he was returning to Pakistan. Once there, according to investigators, he traveled to the lawless Waziristan region and learned bomb making at a terrorist training camp. In court papers, investigators said Shahzad returned to the U.S. on Feb. 3, moved into an apartment in a low-rent section of Bridgeport, then set about

acquiring materials and an SUV he bought with cash in late April. They said that after his arrest, Shahzad confessed to rigging the bomb and driving it into Times Square. He also acknowledged getting training in Pakistan, the filing said. The investigation of the fizzled bomb attack unfolded quickly, with a suspect in custody in only 53 hours — but it didn't go off without a hitch. After identifying Shahzad through the previous owner of the SUV, investigators had him under surveillance when he nearly slipped away. Authorities initially planned to arrest him at his Connecticut home but lost track of him, two people familiar with the probe told The Associated Press. The people spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to talk publicly about the breach in surveillance. NYPD Commissioner Raymond Kelly played down the slip on the morning TV talk shows Wednesday, telling ABC's "Good Morning America" that "it's not unusual in an investigation" to briefly lose track of the target. Emirates airlines also didn't initially notice when Shahzad purchased a ticket that he had been placed on the government's no-fly list, according to a law enforcement official. The government will now require airlines to check updated

no-fly lists within two hours of being notified of changes to the list, a Homeland Security official said Wednesday. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly about the change. U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano credited customs officials with recognizing Shahzad's name on a passenger manifest and stopping the flight. Agents apprehended him on the plane. Passengers said the arrest was made quietly. "There was no commotion, no general alarm or concern," said Robert Woodward, of Boulder, Colo. A gun was discovered in the car Shahzad left at the airport, investigators said. Kifyat Ali, a cousin of Shahzad's father, spoke with reporters outside a two-story home the family owns in an upscale part of Peshawar, Pakistan. He said the family had yet to be officially informed of Shahzad's arrest, which he called "a conspiracy so the (Americans) can bomb more Pashtuns," a reference to a major ethnic group in Peshawar and the nearby tribal areas of Pakistan and southwest Afghanistan. The Pakistani Taliban has claimed responsibility for the Times Square car bomb plot, but

U.S. officials said they are still investigating. Federal authorities are looking into possible financing of Shahzad's activities by the group, according to one of the law enforcement officials who spoke to the AP. A spokesman for Pakistan's army said Wednesday that it does not believe the insurgent group was behind the attempt. In Pakistan, authorities detained several people, although the FBI said it had no confirmation that those arrests were relevant to the case. Shahzad came to the U.S. in late 1998 on a student visa. Not long after earning his MBA, he took a job at the Affinion Group, which does brandloyalty marketing, and stayed there until leaving voluntarily in May 2009, a company spokesman said. His path to citizenship was eased by his marriage to an American, Huma Mian, who has a business degree from the University of Colorado at Boulder. On her profile on the social networking site Orkut, she described herself as "not political," said she spoke English, Pashto, Urdu and French and listed her passions as "fashion, shoes, bags, shopping!! And of course, Faisal." She posted a picture of CAR page 17


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Unharnessed anger: Incumbents win in NC, OH, IN (AP) (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed) Submitted at 5/5/2010 5:49:41 AM

INDIANAPOLIS – It turned out anger didn't translate at the ballot box. Voters in North Carolina and Ohio kept their incumbents while those in Indiana turned to an old Capitol Hill hand — Republican Dan Coats— in Tuesday's primaries despite the nation's bottom-of-the-barrel support for Congress and frustration with the Washington establishment. Coats, who was recruited by the National Republican Senatorial Committee, will face Democrat Brad Ellsworth, whose nomination is assured. The candidates are seeking the seat held by retiring Democratic Sen. Evan Bayh. Coats, 66, retired from the Senate in 1998, has worked as a lobbyist and was U.S. ambassador to Germany under President George W. Bush. He overcame spirited challenges from four opponents, including state Sen. Marlin Stutzman, a tea party favorite who was endorsed by South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint, and former Rep. John Hostettler, who had the support of one-time presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul, RTexas.

Democrats quickly piled on, calling Coats a "deeply flawed candidate" and casting him as a Washington insider beholden to special interests. Turnout was exceptionally light in Ohio and North Carolina, a possible indication that voter anger over economic woes, persistently high unemployment and Congress itself wasn't influencing elections — and, perhaps, a reflection of the limited influence of the conservatives and libertarians who make up the fledgling tea party coalition. "We rebuilt the pyramids and recarved the Grand Canyon in our spare time," joked poll worker Dina Roberts, who saw only 147 voters in nearly 12 hours at her downtown Indianapolis polling site. By the end of the day, however, the Republican turnout in the Indiana Senate primary was the highest this decade, including presidential election years. In all three states, candidates backed by party leaders in Washington squared off against challengers drawing their support from elsewhere. While it's difficult to draw concrete conclusions about the state of the country from just a few races, the results gave some idea of whether the national parties

still can influence rank-and-file supporters. At the very least, the outcome of Tuesday's primaries — the first set of contests in the two months since Texas held its February primary — set the stage for November's congressional matchups and provided early insights about voter attitudes ahead of this fall's elections. Among the notable House races in Indiana, 14-term Republican Rep. Dan Burton— Indiana's longest-serving congressman — struggled but managed to fend off six challengers for his 5th Congressional District seat, and Rep. Mark Souder easily won the GOP nomination in the 3rd District after a nasty campaign. In North Carolina's 6th Congressional District, Republican Rep. Howard Coble, who first won his seat in 1984, easily beat five opponents. And in the 8th District, first-term Democratic Rep. Larry Kissell survived a primary challenge from one of his former campaign volunteers. The state's first-term Republican Sen. Richard Burr, whose public approval numbers are lower than expected, easily won his party's nomination. Democrats won't decide his general election opponent until a

June 22 runoff, as none of the six candidates achieved the 40 percent of the vote necessary to win outright. The runoff will pit Secretary of State Elaine Marshall against Cal Cunningham, a former state senator who is the favored choice of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. In Ohio, Lt. Gov. Lee Fisher, a former state attorney general backed by Democrats in Washington, withstood a challenge from Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner. The two sought the nomination to fill the Senate seat of retiring Republican George Voinovich. Fisher will face former Rep. Rob Portman, the budget director and trade representative under George W. Bush. ____ Sidoti reported from Washington. Associated Press writers Mike Baker in Raleigh, N.C., and Julie Carr Smyth in Columbus, Ohio, contributed to this report. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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Post and The New York Times said its reporters had discovered a trove of rain-soaked documents outside the home. The Post's find included an old passport from Pakistan, an academic transcript from Southeastern University listing a grade point average of 2.78 and tax returns showing Shahzad earned $22,650 income as an account analyst in 2001. The newspaper also found greeting cards, including one in which someone named Fayeza addressed him as "sweetest Faisal." "Wish you happiness and joy now and always," the card said. "Praying for your bright future." ___ Associated Press writers Eric Tucker in Shelton, Conn., David Caruso in New York and Dave Collins, Stephen Singer, Pat Eaton-Robb and Stephanie Reitz in Hartford contributed to this story. Eds: CORRECTS typos in 1st names of Davon, Heatherlee. ADDS video link. AP Video. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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GIANT continued from page 13

to know how many birds have been oiled because the slick is so big and so far offshore. Perdido Key, a barrier island between Pensacola and the Alabama state line with sugarwhite sand studded with condominiums, likely would be the first place in Florida affect by the oil spill. Perdido — Spanish for "Lost" — got a sniff Tuesday morning of what may be in store. "You could smell the smell of it, real heavy petroleum base," said Steve Ownesby, 54, a maintenance man at the FloraBama Lounge abutting the state

line on the Florida side. The air cleared later, but Owensby's 28-year-old daughter, Stephanie, who tends bar at the lounge, said some visitors have complained of feeling ill from the fumes. "It's very sad because I grew up out here," she said. "I remember growing up seeing the white beaches my whole life. Every day I've been going to the beach ... a lot of people are out watching and crying." ___ Associated Press writers Harry R. Weber, Kevin McGill in New Orleans, Ray Henry in Robert,

CAR continued from page 15

Shahzad, smiling, with the caption, "what can I say ... he's my everything." ___ Christoffersen reported from Bridgeport and Shelton, Conn. Contributing to this report were Associated Press writers Eileen Sullivan, Pete Yost, Matt Apuzzo and Julie Pace in Washington, Larry Neumeister, David Crary, Colleen Long, David B. Caruso and Sara Kugler in New York, Chris Brummitt in Islamabad, Adam Schreck in Dubai, Eric Tucker

in Shelton, and Dave Collins, Stephen Singer, Pat Eaton-Robb and Stephanie Reitz in Hartford, Conn., and the AP News Research Center in New York. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

La., Sarah Larimer in Mobile, Ala., Jennifer N. Kay in Fort Walton Beach, Fla., Bill Kaczor in Perdido Key, Fla., Holbrook Mohr in Venice, La., and Cain Burdeau who flew over the site contributed to this report. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Bed Sheets from Consumer Reports Press Room (Consumer Reports) Submitted at 5/4/2010 9:00:59 PM

Bed Sheets - from Consumer Reports Only four sets of Queen -size bed sheets tested by Consumer Reports for the May issue performed well enough to be recommended. Bed Sheets CR Podcast Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences


Offermatic Is The Freak Love Child Of Mint, Groupon And Blippy Michael Arrington (TechCrunch) Submitted at 5/5/2010 1:50:44 AM

The best way to describe Offermatic is this – imagine if Mint, Blippy and Groupon went off to Vegas for the weekend, got wasted and ended up in bed together. Nine months later, out pops Offermatic. Like Mint, Offermatic is a front end user interface to Yodlee’s robust financial network. And the service digs through your credit card transactions just like Blippy does (although they aren’t posted for the world to see). And like Groupon, Offermatic is pushing special offers to users. The result is something unique, though, and some people may love it. Here’s how it works: You register your credit cards with Offermatic via the Yodlee back end (which is secure). Offermatic then downloads your individual credit card purchases and matches offers from advertisers relevant to your purchase history. If you buy something at Home Depot, for example, you may get a $30 off coupon from Lowes. You’ve spent money on textbooks and you get a special offer from

Chegg. Etc. All offers will be 40% – 90% off normal retail, says Offermatic. Offermatic also offers users actual cash just for registering credit cards. Each month that any of your credit cards has at least 20 transactions and $1,000 in total charges, you’ll get $1.25. You can theoretically make up to $15/year on up to each of four credit cards. The company says they’ll pay that out via check or paypal. The service hasn’t officially launched yet and it isn’t clear how much, if any, outside funding they’ve received. Normally that might give users pause before entering in sensitive financial data on the site. But we’ve seen how eagerly you people jump on new services like Blippy without a care in the world, so do what you will. The fact that Yodlee is running the back end certainly makes us more comfortable about Offermatic, too. CrunchBase Information Offermatic Information provided by CrunchBase


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Euro zone warned of contagion (Reuters: Top News)

unless the rescue for Greece succeeds. European Monetary Affairs ATHENS/BERLIN(Reuters) - Commissioner Olli Rehn said it European policymakers warned was vital to stop the crisis of the risk of "contagion" spreading beyond Greece. spreading the euro zone debt "It's absolutely essential to crisis beyond Greece, as unrest contain the bushfire in Greece in Athens claimed its first lives so that it will not become a and investors fled to the safe forest fire and a threat to haven of the dollar. financial stability for the World| Greece European Union and its Three people burned to death economy as a whole," he told a when protesters set a central news conference. A t h e n s b a n k a b l a z e o n Anxiety over a widening of the W e d n e s d a y d u r i n g a crisis sent stocks tumbling demonstration against austerity worldwide, and the euro hit a measures that are the price of new one-year low. the 110 billion euro ($146.5 Battered Greek bank shares billion) EU/IMF bailout agreed shed a further 5 percent on news on Sunday. of the fire deaths -- the first Public and private sector casualties in three months of workers shut down airports, sporadic strikes and street tourist sites and public services protests. in a general strike and tens of Shares in Spain and Portugal, thousands of demonstrators seen as the next two targets for marched against the planned investors testing the European cuts to wages and pensions and Union's will and ability to tax increases. defend weak euro zone A giant plume of dark grey economies, fell for a second smoke rose over central Stadiou straight day. Lisbon had to pay Avenue where a two-storey m o r e t h a n f o u r t i m e s i t s building housing a branch of previous yield to sell six-month Marfin bank was burning. treasury bills at auction on Hundreds of protesters threw Wednesday. rocks and bottles at police who Merkel, whose foot-dragging responded with tear gas. many analysts have blamed for German Chancellor Angela aggravating the Greek crisis, Merkel told parliament in Berlin told parliament the success of Europe's fate was at stake in the the rescue package would most serious crisis of the single determine "nothing less than the currency's 11-year lifetime, and future of Europe -- and with it other euro countries could be hit the future of Germany in Submitted at 5/5/2010 8:59:44 AM

Europe." Without the aid, a chain reaction threatened to destabilize the European and international financial system, she said in a debate on approving Berlin's 22 billioneuro contribution to the emergency loans for Athens despite German public hostility. European Central Bank governing council heavyweight Axel Weber gave a similar warning in a statement to German lawmakers, saying that a Greek default would pose a substantial risk to the stability of European monetary union and the financial system. "There is a threat of serious contagion effects for other euro zone countries and increasing negative feedback effects for capital markets," he said. VIGILANT The head of the International Monetary Fund acknowledged the risk of the debt crisis spreading from Greece to other European countries but said he saw no real threat to the big euro zone states such as France and Germany. "There is always a risk of contagion," Dominique StraussKahn told French daily Le Parisien. "Portugal has been mentioned, but it is already taking measures and the other countries are in a much more solid situation ... but we should remain vigilant." He criticized the 15 other euro

zone governments for charging Greece a 5 percent interest rate on the loans, largely at Germany's insistence, saying they should have lent at the same rate as the IMF, more than half a point less. The euro fell to a one-year low of $1.2936 while the cost of insuring Spanish and Portuguese debt against default rose further. Seeking to calm markets, Rehn said Spain did not need an aid mechanism of the kind created for Greece and he was not going to propose one. But he also said the deficit levels of all EU states were "worryingly high." Despite official denials, many economists are convinced Greece will have to restructure its debt, making private investors take a share of the pain. "What we are seeing today is very classical financial contagion effect," said Sebastian Barbe, head of emerging markets strategy at Credit Agricole, Hong Kong. "This is because the market is still pricing in some more sovereign crisis problems out of Europe, and for the short term it can continue for some more time." GREEK AUSTERITY Concern that Greece's Socialist government will be unable to implement all the deficit-cutting measures agreed with the EU and IMF because of potential social unrest is one of the

drivers of the euro zone turmoil. Prime Minister George Papandreou presented an austerity bill to parliament on Tuesday which foresees 30 billion euros in new savings through deep cuts in wages and pensions and a hike in sales tax. But the conservative opposition vowed to vote against it, dooming hopes of a political consensus. Analysts were watching Wednesday's protest for pointers to the degree of mobilization of Greece's powerful trade unions. So far, demonstrations have been limited to tens of thousands but anger is mounting, with opinion polls showing ordinary Greeks believe they are paying the price of the crisis while tax evasion and corruption go unpunished. "With our strike today we are continuing our fight against harsh and unfair measures that hit workers, pensioners and the unemployed," Yannios Panagopoulos, president of private sector union GSEE, told Reuters. (Additional reporting by Harry Papachristou and Lefteris Papadimas in Athens, Jan Strupczewski in Brussels and Carolyn Cohn in London; writing by Paul Taylor; editing by Andrew Roche) Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime EURO page 19

News Wire/ Culture/

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NY bomb suspect probed for links abroad (Reuters: Top News)

about him, we want to learn about the training, who gave the Submitted at 5/5/2010 9:01:55 AM training, where did it happen." N E W Y O R K ( R e u t e r s ) - REMOVED FROM PLANE Investigators questioned the Shahzad was taken off an suspected Times Square bomber Emirates plane that was about to hoping to uncover links he d e p a r t f o r D u b a i l a t e o n might have had to foreign M o n d a y . militant groups and U.S. media An Emirates spokesman said on said he could appear in a New Wednesday that Shahzad's final York court on Wednesday. destination was Islamabad. U.S. Several of Shahzad's relatives Faisal Shahzad, 30, who was were arrested in Pakistan hours born in Pakistan and became a after he was removed from the U.S. citizen last year, is accused plane, security sources said. of trying to kill and maim Kelly said it was the 11th people with a car bomb in the thwarted attack on New York heart of Manhattan on Saturday City since hijacked airliners night. He faces life in prison if destroyed the World Trade convicted. Center's twin towers on Prosecutors say Shahzad, the September 11, 2001 killing son of a retired Pakistani vice more than 2,600 people. air marshal, drove a crude President Barack Obama said homemade bomb of gasoline, the investigation would seek to propane gas, fireworks and determine whether Shahzad had fertilizer into Times Square and any connection with foreign fled. Authorities defused the extremist groups. b o m b a n d l a t e r c a p t u r e d The Taliban in Pakistan on Shahzad. Sunday claimed responsibility CBS News said he would for the attempted bombing, appear in New York federal saying it was planned to avenge court on Wednesday. the killing in April of al Qaeda's N e w Y o r k P o l i c e two top leaders in Iraq as well as Commissioner Ray Kelly said U.S. involvement in Muslim late on Tuesday that Shahzad countries. admitted trying to set off the While some U.S. officials were bomb and training in a Taliban skeptical about the claim, and al Qaeda stronghold in Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Pakistan. Mehmood Qureshi told CBS "He's giving us significant News he believed the failed information," Kelly told a New attack was a retaliation for the York television station. "We United States targeting Taliban want to learn as much as we can followers.

"This is a blow back. This is a reaction. This is retaliation," he said. "Let's not be naive. They're not going to sort of sit and welcome you to eliminate them. They're going to fight back. And we have to be ready for this fight." If links are found between the attempted bombing and Pakistan's Taliban, Islamabad could come under renewed U.S. pressure to open risky new fronts against Islamic militants. ACTED ALONE? Shahzad told authorities he acted alone, but officials said he had spent five months in Pakistan of late and Kelly said Shahzad had a wife and two children living in Peshawar. The United States and Pakistan will try to trace Shahzad's path to Times Square, determine how he ended up in a militant training camp in Pakistan and which group influenced him, in hopes of preventing future attacks. Shahzad, a former financial analyst who worked in the U.S. state of Connecticut, is the son of a retired vice air marshal, affording him a special status in Pakistan, where the military is the most powerful and influential institution. Security officials said Shahzad's parents resided in Peshawar, the city hit hardest by Pakistani Taliban suicide bombings. They said Shahzad also has a residency

identification card from commercial hub Karachi. Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman Malik said Shahzad's family "are on our radar." "He is not from a radical or illiterate family. He is from an educated family. We are looking into how he got radicalized," he told Reuters. JPMorgan Chase's mortgage unit sued Shahzad in September last year to foreclose on his three bedroom home in Shelton, Connecticut, court documents and county records show. The bomb was in a sports utility vehicle that prosecutors said Shahzad bought three weeks ago in Connecticut for $1,300. Street vendors alerted police to the smoking vehicle that had been parked with the engine running and the hazard lights on. Thousands of people were evacuated from Times Square. (Additional reporting by Daniel Trotta in New York; Jeremy Pelofsky, Jeff Mason, JoAnne Allen and Jim Vicini in Washington; and William Maclean in London; Editing by Chris Wilson) Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


EURO continued from page 18

Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Wise Words: Forgiveness over Judgment Editors (Daily Woman's Day Blog) Submitted at 5/5/2010 6:30:00 AM

Here's a little bit of inspiration to make your day fun, fabulous and full of joy. I can have peace of mind only when I forgive rather than judge. -Gerald G. Jampols When have you forgiven someone instead of judging him or her? Have a favorite quote? Send it t o u s a t with your name, city and state. You might be featured in an upcoming Wise Words post! Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Ash grounds Irish, UK flights (Reuters: Top News)

number of hours on Tuesday. The latest disruption was caused by ash being blown from DUBLIN/LONDON(Reuters) - the same volcano in Iceland that Airspace over Scotland and caused mayhem for 10 million Northern Ireland will be closed travelers last month. from early Wednesday because The Irish Aviation Authority of volcanic ash that closed (IAA) closed airports from 0600 airports in Ireland on Tuesday GMT to 1200 GMT due to the and could threaten summer risk of ash ingestion in aircraft holiday travel. jet engines, although overflights World| Green Business of Ireland from Britain and Britain's aviation authority said continental Europe were not airports in northwest England halted. and north Wales could also be It was the first test of a affected by the ash from an European system of progressive Icelandic volcano which brought closures, including partial no-fly chaos to European air travel last zones, introduced after the month. abrasive ash cloud prompted a F o r e c a s t s s h o w e d t h e blanket ban that was criticized concentration of ash in the by airlines forced to ground a t m o s p h e r e e x c e e d e d thousands of flights in April. recommended safety levels, it European transport ministers said. have agreed to set safety limits "The situation is very dynamic, for flying through the ash, so passengers expecting to which can paralyze jet engines, t r a v e l f r o m t h e i m p a c t e d and to unify European airspace. airports should contact their Air traffic control agency airlines to check whether their Eurocontrol said the six-hour flight is operating," the Civil c l o s u r e s r e s u l t e d i n t h e Aviation Authority said on its cancellation of 150 flights, but website. that flights then returned to Airspace over Scotland and normal. Northern Ireland will be closed The IAA said northerly winds from 0600 GMT and airports in forecast for the coming days t h e t w o r e g i o n s a r e a l s o could bring more clouds of ash expected to close. A further from the Icelandic eruption and u p d a t e i s e x p e c t e d a b o u t disruption for passengers this midnight on Tuesday. week. Airports in Ireland and parts of "We could be faced with this Britain were closed for a p e r i o d i c a l l y d u r i n g t h e Submitted at 5/5/2010 8:11:21 AM

summer," IAA Chief Executive Eamonn Brennan said. "We are probably facing a summer of uncertainty due to this ash cloud." EARNINGS HIT Much of European air traffic was grounded last month because of the spread of ash from an erupting volcano under the Eyjafjallajokull glacier in Iceland. Some 100,000 flights were canceled and millions of passengers stranded. Britain's easyJet warned of some disruption on flights to and from Scotland on Wednesday. Last month's airspace closures cost Europe's airlines 1.5 billion to 2.5 billion euros ($2 billion$3.3 billion), the European Commission has estimated. The International Air Transport Association said European carriers would bear the brunt of global industry losses which it has estimated at $2.8 billion this year. It also said IATA airlines faced just under 200 million euros in food and hotel costs for stranded passengers. Airlines have been battling to get some relief from governments. But the EU transport ministers meeting on Tuesday rejected financial aid for airlines. The EU's executive had proposed deferring certain air traffic control charges but the

move drew worries from some countries over unfair competition. Former Irish state airline Aer Lingus said that last month's shutdown of several days cut its earnings by about 20 million euros ($27 million). The final bill will hinge on the impact on passengers' longer-term travel plans. Shares in Aer Lingus, which also separately reported encouraging first-quarter trading on Tuesday, were down 5 percent in late trading, while Ryanair, which is much less dependent on the Irish market, was down 2.4 percent. Air France-KLM, British Airways, Iberia and Lufthansa were all down between 4 and 5 percent in a weak market because of the possibility of further chaos. (Additional reporting by MarieLouise Gumuchian in Dublin, Michael Holden and Caroline Copley in London, Philip Blenkinsop in Brussels, Tim Hepher in Paris and Maria Sheahan in Frankfurt; Editing by Charles Dick) Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

More iPad video torture: 64GB iPad 3G gets microwaved Steven Sande (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 5/4/2010 10:00:00 PM

Filed under: iPad It didn't take long for the iPad to get tortured, blended, and now, microwaved. Yes, in this YouTube video, a brand spankin' new 64GB iPad 3G is lovingly unwrapped, registered, and loaded with data, then popped into the Amir9000 for a journey into flaming oblivion. Just sad. And we're crying about it not just for you broke American friends who haven't gotten one yet, but for many of our international friends, who would pay a king's ransom just for a device like this. These purveyors of microwaveinflicted iPad violence will apparently be selling the cremains of the iPad on eBay soon, likely in an attempt to recover a bit of their investment. [via Crunchgear] TUAW More iPad video torture: 64GB iPad 3G gets microwaved originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Tue, 04 May 2010 22:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

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G8 corruption scandal hits Silvio Berlusconi coalition (World News from Times Online) Submitted at 5/5/2010 6:57:22 AM

Silvio Berlusconi fears more of his close government allies will fall victim to a growing corruption scandal involving building contracts following the resignation of Claudio Scajola, the Industry Minister. In a blow to the Italian Prime Minister’s increasingly fragile two-year-old centre-right Government, Mr Scajola, 62, resigned over allegations of impropriety in his purchase of a Rome flat with a view of the Colosseum. Mr Scajola is the first minister to resign since Mr Berlusconi’s coalition swept to a landslide victory in 2008. The allegations arose from a broader inquiry into alleged corruption in the awarding of contracts for last year’s lavish G8 summit in L’Aquila, at which Mr Berlusconi, 73, sought to regain international prestige after becoming embroiled in a series of sex scandals. Mr Scajola, who is said to have been in tears as he offered his resignation to the Prime Minister, told a press conference: “I cannot defend

myself if I carry on as minister. My resignation will allow the government to move forward.” He said he was the victim of a “media campaign”, and walked out without taking questions from reporters. “Now Berlusconi fears the domino effect” was the headlines in Corriere della Sera and La Stampa. Mr Berlusconi said that he was losing a “very capable” minister, adding that there was “too much liberty of the press” in Italy. Mr Berlusconi had initially defended Mr Scajola over allegations that the owners of the flat near the Colosseum were paid €900,000 more than the €600,000 which Mr Scajola said he had paid. He admitted this was below the market value. Investigators say the money was paid in cheques that could be traced to Diego Anemone, a Rome construction magnate who was one of four people arrested in February over suspected corruption in the awarding of public works contracts. Mr Scajola said: “I have no knowledge of money paid by someone else for the apartment. I know how much I paid, with a bank mortgage and a normal contract, without any tricks.”

He added, however, that he could no longer stay in a dwelling “if it was paid for by others for reasons unknown to me”. The left-wing daily Il Fatto Quotidiano said this was a “comic explanation” amounting to “They bought me a house and I didn’t know about it”. Pierluigi Bersani, the opposition leader, said the Government was “in a quagmire”. Mr Berlusconi is not himself under investigation over the alleged G8 corruption. However, he is on trial in two other corruption cases, which he says are the result of a campaign against him by politically motivated left-wing magistrates. He has passed a law excusing himself from attending hearings for the next 18 months. The G8 scandal is the subject of a new film by the satirist Sabina Guzzanti entitled Draquila, which is to be shown at the Cannes Film Festival. She alleges that the earthquake which devastated L’Aquila a year ago could have been predicted but that the Civil Protection Agency headed by Guido Bertolaso, Mr Berlusconi’s right-hand man, was distracted by grandiose

projects unrelated to emergencies such as plans to celebrate 150 years of Italian unity next year. Mr Bertolaso is also under investigation over the G8 contracts but remains in his post. He said Ms Guzzanti’s film was a “distortion of the truth” which would put Italy in a bad light. In his two years as Industry Minister, Mr Scajola oversaw the privatisation of the statecontrolled airline Alitalia and announced plans to reintroduce nuclear power plants to Italy. His position became untenable after Il Giornale, the newspaper owned by the Berlusconi family, said in a front-page banner headline this week “Scajola must clear everything up or resign”. The right-wing paper Libero took a similar line. Mr Berlusconi is publicly at odds with Gianfranco Fini, Speaker of the Lower House and co-founder of the ruling People of Liberty (PdL), who has criticised the Prime Minister’s populist and authoritarian style and has formed a movement of his own called Generation Italy. He insists that the new organisation is not a breakaway party. Last week Mr Berlusconi

insisted he would serve out the remaining three years of his term. He said there were no doubts about the stability of his Government, adding: “We will proceed on the path of reforms without any delays caused by counterproductive in-house discussions.” Mr Fini claims that Mr Berlusconi is a hostage of the increasingly powerful Northern League, the PdL’s coalition ally, which takes an anti-immigrant stance and has angered Italy’s Catholic bishops as well as mainstream Right and Left by deriding the 150th anniversary of Italian unity as “making little sense”. Mr Scajola resigned before, when he was Interior Minister, after making disparaging comments in 2002 about Marco Biagi, a government economic adviser murdered by the Red Brigades, saying he had been “a pain in the arse” for asking for a police escort. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Three killed as Greek austerity protest turns violent (World News from Times Online) Submitted at 5/5/2010 6:21:47 AM

Three people were killed in a firebomb attack on a bank in central Athens today as protests against the Greek Government turned violent. Two women and one man died in the blaze after a petrol bomb was hurled into the bank in the centre of the capital by hooded demonstrators. It is not clear whether the victims were customers or whether they worked at the site. Employees covered in ash fled the burning building which was destroyed. Demonstrators attempted to storm the Greek parliament while riot police used teargas against tens of thousands protesting against austerity measures. It came in the midst of a 48hour general strike that paralysed the country, causing travel disruption and closing schools and hospitals. Thousands of civil servants and private sector workers marched under large banners urging Greeks to defy the strictures of the International Monetary Fund and protesting what they called a catastrophic rollback of labour workers’ rights.

A news blackout descended after the politically powerful journalists’ unions joined the strike. Unions claim that spending cuts and tax rises, proposed in return for £95 billion in loans to the Government, target the poor. Parliament will vote on the package tomorrow. The proposals include pension cuts and wage freezes. The aim is to cut Greece’s public deficit to less than 3 per cent of GDP by 2014 — today it stands at 13.6 per cent. The proposed package includes cuts worth €30 billion (£26 billion) over three years. Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, urged MPs to back the emergency loan package agreed by EU finance ministers. Germany would be required to pay the largest part of the loans. “Quite simply, Europe’s future is at stake,” she said. The destiny of the EU and Germany’s place in it depended on the outcome of the Greek crisis, she added. George Papandreou, the socialist Prime Minister who marks 7 months in power this week, has vowed to keep the IMF-mandated austerity programme in place “without regard to political cost.”

However the left-wing parties and the main unions have been equally adamant in civil disobedience, raising serious issues of Greece’s governability in the coming months. Antonis Samaras, the leader of the opposition conservative New Democracy party, added to the uncertainty this week by saying that his party would vote down the austerity programme when it comes up for a vote in the Parliament today. The Government’s 165-strong majority in the 300-seat chamber, however, ensures that the package will pass. Rallies started shortly before midday during the third general strike among public sector workers in as many months. Workers fear that the cuts will bring financial pain but fail to remedy the chronic debt. The protests were expected to be the biggest since March, when more than 20,000 people marched in Athens and police clashed with youths who threw stones. Although polls show that most Greeks disagree with the austerity measures demonstrations until now have been limited and mainly peaceful – nowhere near the size of the crowds that marched

in protest against a police killing of a teenager in December 2008. Flights to and from Greece were suspended at midnight and trains and ferries were not running this morning. About 10,000 protesters from the main public and private sector unions massed in the capital for speeches while the PAME communist union drew another 10,000 people. Protesters bore banners reading “IMF and EU are stealing a century of social progress” and “The rich must pay for the crisis”. In Greece’s second city in the north of the country, Thessaloniki, about 14,000 people gathered to protest, police said. Yesterday militant Communist Party members stormed the Acropolis and hung a giant protest banner over the parapet. Another group burst into a state television studio on Monday evening, interrupting a live news broadcast. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

5 Questions You Should Ask Your Realtor (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed)

-Buying or selling a home can be daunting. In fact, it can be a full-time job. For many people, it makes sense to hire an expert to handle the time-consuming tasks and the nitty-gritty details. Real estate agents can take work off your hands and also help you get a better deal. Your seller's or listing agent will advertise your home, walk buyers through, answer questions and help you through the negotiation phase. If you're trying to buy, you can hire a buyer's agent who is familiar with your preferred locations. He will recommend neighborhoods that fit your preferences, and he'll also warn you about possible drawbacks -like the nearby factory that will wake you up every morning at 5:00 a.m. If you decide to hire a real estate agent, be warned that they're not all the same. Some may take advantage of your inexperience and end up costing you a pretty penny. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

World News/ Technology/ Culture/

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Woman dies in Taleban suicide bombing of Afghan government offices

Google Leads $23 Million Round In TV Ad Startup Invidi

(World News from Times Online)

Leena Rao (TechCrunch)

He said that during the ensuing fighting eight detonated explosives, some after being Submitted at 5/5/2010 8:21:40 AM shot by police. “The other was Taleban suicide bombers shot and killed and his jacket a t t e m p t e d t o o v e r r u n t h e was recovered. One bomber g o v e r n m e n t o f f i c e s o f a reached to the yard of the province in south-western provincial council building,” Afghanistan this morning, said Mr Torgily. “He blew provoking fierce gun battles in himself up and Gul Maki which a female administrator Wakili, a member of the was killed. provincial council was killed.” T h e f i g h t i n g i n N i m r o z The female council member Province, a remote desert region was one of a number elected to close to the Iranian border, was each province under a quota heavy, local officials said, system designed to ensure 25 r e p o r t i n g d e a t h s o f t w o percent representation for policemen. Ten members of the w o m e n i n t h e Afghan Afghan securiuty forces were G o v e r n m e n t . also injured in the attack. Contacted during the fighting “Around 10.45am nine suicide b y p h o n e , t h e p r o v i n c i a l b o m b e r s a r m e d a l s o w i t h governor, Ghulam Dastagir weapons, entered the city and Asad, said: “There have been a t t e m p t e d t o s t o r m t h e seven explosions so far. Police governor’s office,” provincial are engaging with attackers at police chief Abdul Jabar five or six locations including Torgily told The Times. the provincial council and the

When you think 'herpes,' you probably conjure up visions of cold sores or (gulp) genital blisters. And, yes, oral and genital herpes are the most

Submitted at 5/5/2010 8:54:42 AM

TV ad startup Invidi has secured over $23 million in series D funding led by Google, with GroupM, Motorola Ventures, Menlo Ventures, InterWest, and EnerTech Capital, Westbury Equity Partners, BDC Capital participating in the round. The Business Insider broke the news yesterday evening. Invidi provides software applications that track targeted advertising and offers a digital set-top box application that delivers targeted advertising and marketing messages to individual viewers. The technology also facilitates the sales of digital products, digital tiers, and digital services, such as VOD, PVR, and pay-perview events; Internet, voice, and wireless services; and triple play offers. In conjunction withe the funding, Shishir Mehrotra, common types. But herpes The Art of Looking Prime D i r e c t o r o f P r o d u c t really gets around -- there are Ministerial - The 2010 UK Management for Google TV many more versions out there, General Election. Available Ads and YouTube Ads, has and many people have no idea tools: PDF Newspaper, Full j o i n e d I n v i d i ’ s b o a r d o f they're infected. Take our quiz Text RSS, Term Extraction. directors. In addition to its to find out more -- if you dare. Five Filters featured article:

Fact or Fiction: Herpes (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed)

provincial court.” Officials reported that local security forces regained control at around 11.30am. Taleban militants have made increasing use of small suicide squads to attempt high profile “spectacular” attacks on government provincial centres. Western officials say a number of attempts to move squads of suicide bombers into the capital Kabul have been thwarted in recent months amid signs of overall improvement in Afghan security in Kabul and its environs. The last serious attack in the capital was in October last year. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


investment in Invidi, Google has committed to working with the startup on a number of products relating to TV advertising. Of course, it is expected that Invidi’s technology could be integrated with Google’s development of an Androidbased software for TVs. Founded in 2000, Invidi currently has distribution agreements with Dish Network and DirecTV. Invidi’s technology was recently tested in Comcast’s Baltimore, MD, system with Starcom MediaVest, and the trial showed addressable ads to be 65% more efficient and 32% more effective. Google just shared updates on its venture arm, Google Ventures, and announced additional investments in mobile payments startup Corduro. CrunchBase Information INVIDI Technologies Information provided by CrunchBase



E-reader News Edition

Media Relations 101 for Your Startup Guest Author (ReadWriteWeb) Submitted at 5/4/2010 9:30:00 PM

First off, you do not need a PR firm. The retainer is usually not worth it, especially for a young, growing startup because your product is still drastically changing and because your conversion rates are probably very low. As a startup that is looking to innovate in your industry, it usually does not make any sense for you to allow someone else to communicate your vision. PR firms do not always get it. Even with stellar communication skills, only you and your core team really understand the message and the vision. Sponsor Danny Wong is the co-founder and lead evangelist of Blank Label, a provider of custom dress shirts. He has been featured in publications like ReadWriteWeb, FastCompany, ABCNews, FoxNews, BusinessWeek and more. He is also a 19-year-old evangelist and rockstar studying full-time at Bentley University. If you are a first-timer at PR, start small so you do not burn any important bridges (but be aware that every bridge counts). Start pitching to small blogs and

websites in your niche and occasionally take a shot at medium-sized blogs. Once you start feeling more comfortable with your email pitch, and are making decent traction with small blogs and websites, move onto pitching to medium-sized sites. Then, as you gain experience, and learn a bit more about tailoring your pitch to specific authors, you can move onto mass-media outlets that can really increase your exposure because of their tremendous reach. Here are some pieces of advice that will get you featured more often. Speak Their Language and be Concise As in all communications practices, you want to make sure that your audience can understand what you are saying without thinking too much. Do not foolishly use inner-office jargon that no one else understands. Not to insult journalists, but pitch as if you were addressing a 14-year-old. Seriously. This manner of communication should be the same for everyone you talk to about your brand. You are not condescending them this way; you are allowing them to easily digest your message. Make Some Friends Sometimes it's good to build a

relationship with a reporter before pitching them. In our digital age, this is much easier to do too since we have Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn for interacting with new people. In fact, you can also leverage your secondary network (your network's network) to get in contact with writers. Knowing people that know people is a great way to get your foot in the door. Always be Reading Keep an eye out for relatable content or news, and pitch writers with a fresh angle since they are obviously interested in related subjects. Or, provide meaningful commentary (typically best with email) that can help kick-start your relationship with the writer through intellectual dialogue. Indirectly Target Reporters Sometimes it's not ideal to pitch directly to reporters. It might be better to target media outlets that the influentials are reading. If you know that Om Malik reads some small-time tech blog, you might want to get featured on that blog to get Om Malik's eyes on you without directly contacting him. When you finally do contact him, you will have higher visibility in his overflooded inbox because he

has heard of you before. Do Something Different No one wants to talk about something that's been done before. What's your angle that makes you so special? Sure, you can do something similar to big businesses, but make sure there's also something distinctly different about what you do. Always be innovating and let people know that! Do a Giveaway Blogs and medium-sized websites love this. You are offering value to them and their readers because you are giving something away for free that the publisher and the audience does not have to pay for. This also serves as free publicity for you, so everyone wins. The publisher gets a new piece of content, the audience gets a free prize, and you get some eyes on your product and website. NOTE: This typically does not work on bigger publications or massmedia outlets because they are looking for newsworthy content, or sponsored posts. Be Part of a Movement Being part of a movement validates what you're doing as a business, and sometimes gives reporters more newsworthy content than just a solo feature of you because they can profile other businesses within the same

space that are doing awesome things. Have an Actionable Conclusion to Your Pitch Do not just pitch your story and hope the recipient will email or call. Ask them their thoughts on the pitch, or prompt them to reply via email or call to further discuss the story. Be Patient, but Persistent This is very important. Sometimes it takes a while for a journalist to get back to you, and sometimes they forget to reply. I tend to follow up one to two weeks after emailing a journalist to see if they received my email and their thoughts on it. I've closed many more stories this way rather than trying to let my first email do all of the work. Even after you've had an interview or a briefing, it is important to follow up with your media contact until the story is live because it doesn't count unless the public sees it! One recent media hit took a month from initial pitch before being published live, and I've been nurturing one media lead I have had since December of 2009! Do you have any other wisdoms on how startups can power their media relations? Feel free to add your tips in the comments below. Photo by magicmarie. Discuss

E-reader News Edition



MIT researchers print solar cell on paper (CNET

around nanoscale materials at the Eni-MIT Solar Frontiers Center. Layers of these CAMBRIDGE, Mass.-materials could essentially be Scientists at the Massachusetts sprayed using different Institute of Technology have manufacturing techniques to successfully coated paper with a make a thin-film solar cell on a solar cell, part of a suite of plastic, paper, or metal foils. research projects aimed at Silicon, the predominant energy breakthroughs. material for solar cells, is Susan Hockfield, MIT's durable and is made from president, and Paolo Scaroni, abundant materials. Many CEO of Italian oil company Eni, companies sell or are on Tuesday officially dedicated developing thin-film solar cells, the Eni-MIT Solar Frontiers which are less efficient but are Research Center. Eni invested cheaper to manufacture. $5 million into the center, which During a tour, Bulovic showed is also receiving a $2 million one of the center's labs, where National Science Foundation researchers use a laser to blast grant, said Vladimir Bulovic, light at nanomaterials for the center's director. picoseconds. A picosecond is The printed solar cells, which one trillionth of a second. The Bulovic showed at a press laser provides data on how the conference Tuesday, are still in light excites electrons in the the research phase and are years material, which will provide from being commercialized. clues as to whether it will make However, the technique, in a good solar cell material, he which paper is coated with explained. organic semiconductor material MIT is focusing much of its using a process similar to an effort on quantum dots, or tiny inkjet printer, is a promising crystals that are only a few MIT professor Karen Gleason believes that solar can be a nanometers in size. A human way to lower the weight of solar LaMonica/CNET) panels. "If you could use a The materials MIT researchers headed the research and has replacement. At the same time, hair is about 50,000 to 100,000 staple gun to install a solar used are carbon-based dyes and submitted a paper for scientific he said, current technologies are nanometers thick. panel, there could be a lot of the cells are about 1.5 percent to review but it has not yet been not sufficient. By using different materials and 2 percent efficient at converting published. MIT and Eni said this "We are not very active (in sizes, researchers can fine-tune value," Bulovic said. Vladimir Bulovic, director of sunlight to electricity. But any is the first time a solar cell has a l t e r n a t i v e e n e r g y ) t o d a y the colors of light that quantum because we don't believe today's dots can absorb, a way of the Eni-MIT Solar Frontiers material could be used if it can been printed on paper. Research Center, hold a solar b e d e p o s i t e d a t r o o m During the press conference, technologies are the answer of isolating good candidates for cell printed onto a piece of temperature, Bulovic said. Scaroni said that Eni is funding our problems," he said. quantum dot solar cells. paper to spell MIT. This is the "Absolutely, the trick was the center because the company Quantum dots Researchers at the center are first paper solar cell, according coming up with ways to use understands that hydrocarbons The paper solar cells are one of MIT page 27 will eventually run out and many avenues being pursued to MIT and Eni.(Credit: Martin paper," he said. Submitted at 5/5/2010 8:19:04 AM


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E-reader News Edition

Ning Announces New Pricing Model, Free Nings for Teachers Audrey Watters (ReadWriteWeb)

offer advanced customization options including the ability to edit CSS, add Javascript and Submitted at 5/4/2010 9:00:00 PM make use of a Language Editor. Social networking site Ning Price: $19.95 per month or announced its new pricing $199.95 per year. scheme today, following its Ning Mini: Offers access to announcement last month that it Ning's core features including, will abandon the freemium blogs, photos, forums and video m o d e l a n d e l i m i n a t e f r e e embeds, and the added ability to subscriptions. run custom advertising. Price: Sponsor $2.95 per month or $19.95 per In July, the company will roll year. out three tiers of service - Ning In addition to ending their Mini, Ning Plus and Ning Pro - p r o m o t i o n a l l i n k s a n d and subscriptions will range a d v e r t i s i n g , N i n g a l s o from $3 to $50 per month. announced they'd be replacing These new product packages the Ning ID with a custom signinclude the following: in system, as well as support for Ning Pro: Offers unlimited Facebook Connect and Twitter membership, full control over authorization; adding new APIs branding, multimedia options to allow mobile and desktop including music uploads and a p p l i c a t i o n d e v e l o p m e n t ; branded players, and advanced i n c r e a s i n g s i t e s ' d e s i g n customization. Price: $49.95 per flexibility; and adding enhanced month or $ 499.95 per year. reporting and analytics Ning Plus: Offers unlimited information. For those who are membership, full control over currently using the system but branding, and features including plan to move elsewhere, Ning events, groups, chat, pages and w i l l a l s o o f f e r a c o n t e n t Ning Apps. Ning Plus will also m i g r a t i o n t o o l .

of Ning Minis sponsored by an as-yet-unnamed educational company. While it's unclear at this time what kind of control "Our Network Creators are that company will have over some of the most passionate and teachers' Nings and whether or c r e a t i v e u s e r s o f s o c i a l not they will be able to market networking technologies on the or message to their members, web, and by focusing on our m a n y t e a c h e r s s e e m e d three new product offerings, cautiously optimistic about Ning will be able to extend the today's announcement and were power and control we bring to happy that the company had our customers," said Ning CEO responded to their outcry. Jason Rosenthal. The website Free Technology The passion of Ning users was Tools for Teacher noted that e v i d e n t i n t h e a f t e r m a t h "Ning Mini won't replace the f o l l o w i n g t h e c o m p a n y ' s old free Ning accounts, but they decision in April to end the free should still be useable for subscriptions. Many educators classroom settings. Though with w h o f o u n d N i n g t o b e a cap of 150 members it particularly useful for both probably won't be useable for classroom communication and building a community Ning for professional development around a whole school or PTA." were worried about the impact And in a move that echoes what Ning's decision would have on many users of Ning have been their networks, as well as on thinking, the website offered a their limited budgets. link to a list of Ning In response, Ning indicated a l t e r n a t i v e s . D i s c u s s today that K-12 educators would be able to continue to have access to free Nings, in the form

ELLE Accessories File Shops Ebay: Luggage Classics (ELLE Fashion Blogs) Submitted at 5/4/2010 6:01:33 PM

For your upcoming Summer travels, we love the timeless elegance of a classic hard-back suitcase or monogrammed steamer trunk. Here are some vintage finds that might just warrant the investment! Rare Louis Vuitton Tag—Goyard Louis Vuitton Wardrobe Trunk with Cover Louis Vuitton Antique Monogram Wardrobe Trunk Authentic Vintage Gucci Suitcase Goyard Red Crosiere Purse, Tote, Hand Bag

Miranda and Orlando Have a Gala For Two in the City of Love PopSugar (PopSugar) Submitted at 5/5/2010 4:00:00 AM

Miranda Kerr and Orlando Bloom bundled up to step out of their Paris hotel for a stroll

around the city including a stop at Dior yesterday. Miranda and Orlando missed out on the Costume Institute Gala in NYC Monday night but there were many other hot and sexy couples

in attendance. The leggy bikini

babe did make an appearance, Pirates of the Caribbean at an however, in a new V Magazine e v e n t h o n o r i n g J e r r y spread with fellow swimsuit B r u c k h e i m e r . model Bar Refaeli. As for View 5 Photos › Orlando, he's expected back in LA later this month to introduce

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E-reader News Edition


The Art of the Twitter Pitch Audrey Watters (ReadWriteWeb)

your ideas, here are a few things to keep in mind: 1: Pitch Publicly. If you target Submitted at 5/4/2010 9:30:00 PM your message using the @ reply Over the past few weeks, we've function, your conversations highlighted some tips and tricks will only be seen by mutual for polishing your elevator and followers and could be missed email pitch. If a pitch is b y o t h e r s w h o m i g h t b e designed to deliver a succinct interested in your idea. And if presentation of your product or you use the direct message service, then it may be that the function, your tweet just ends up 140 character limitation of as an email would, without all Twitter makes it a great venue the care and presentation of a for a pitch. full-blown email pitch. Of Sponsor course, a public tweet runs the Stowe Boyd is often credited risk of being lost in the shuffle. with the idea of pitching via And one of the drawbacks to Twitter. He proposed the " pitching via Twitter is that, Twitpitch" in order to help him unlike the elevator or email schedule meetings with startups pitches, you can't really craft at the Web 2.0 Expo in 2008. your pitch to suit your audience. Twitter has grown in use and If you want to have a bit more acceptance since Boyd's idea for precision in your pitch, consider t h e T w i t p i t c h , a n d t h e including a hashtag to link it microblogging service can be a with other conversations on the valuable site for entrepreneurs topic. (This is particularly useful to pitch their ideas. But with the when you plan to be onsite for increasing level of chatter there, an event, such as the Web 2.0 you need to make sure your Expo.) pitch stands out. So if you do 2. Complete your Twitter decide to use Twitter to pitch profile. Make sure your profile

on Twitter and to pay attention to your tweets. If you only tweet self-promotional links and blurbs, chances are you aren't going to maintain followers. 4. Don't spam. While Twitter can be a great way to spread the message about your business, don't repeatedly blast your contains compelling and followers with the same PR pertinent information about you information. and your company. Be sure to 5. Follow up. Twitter provides include your URL. a real-time way to both monitor 3. Include a URL in your tweet. and participate in conversations. If your tweet is a pitch, drive Do make sure that you aren't traffic to a webpage or blog post just using Twitter to broadcast with more information about messages, but that you are you, your company and your actively engaging your service. Consider linking to a followers as well. page with a more elaborate There are numerous pitch, not just merely to your announcements you can pitch home page. Whether you're via Twitter: news, events, using a URL shortener (such as product launches, and or not, it's good to employment opportunities, for identify the type of link - a link example. But remember, as with to a blog post or a video, for the elevator pitch, it's important example - so people know what to sell yourself, not just your to expect when they click. products. Discuss 3. Don't use Twitter solely to pitch. There needs to be a compelling reason to follow you Finds No-Meat Recipes From Dozens of Sites [Recipes] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 5/5/2010 7:00:00 AM

The search engine at Recipe Puppy indexes more than a million recipes, but limits itself to ingredient lists. By stripping out recipes calling for meat, the search filter now offers vegetarian and vegan recipes, from sites that aren't necessarily focused on veggies. More Âť Cooking- Home- World Cuisines- Vegetarian- Recipe Collections

MIT continued from page 25

also looking at different molecules or biological elements which can act as solar cell material. If 0.3 percent of the U.S. were covered with photovoltaics with 10 percent efficiency, solar power could produce three times

the country's needs, including a transition to electric vehicles, Bulovic said. For example, the easement strip on highways could be coated with material that could capture energy from the sun. But don't expect a revolution in

solar power tomorrow. "I'm giving you a whole bunch of hype," Bulovic said while explaining solar's potential during the tour. "It usually takes 10 years from the time between when you invent something and you commercialize it." He

estimated that many of the tools: PDF Newspaper, Full technologies in the labs were in Text RSS, Term Extraction. the first three years of a five-toseven-year development cycle. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available



E-reader News Edition

Blockbuster Video Launches API to Here’s An Easier, Faster Open the Web, Mobile, Set Top Way To Embed Tweets Boxes and More Robin Wauters (TechCrunch) Submitted at 5/5/2010 4:25:31 AM

Alex Williams (ReadWriteWeb) Submitted at 5/5/2010 8:00:00 AM

Blockbuster Video is launching an API called "Blockbuster Everywhere." The new crosschannel API is designed to deliver films, reviews and realtime inventory to devices that include phones, set top boxes, gaming consoles and other point of sale locations such as gas stations. The Blockbuster story is another example of how companies are re-architecting through open API's to reconfigure their businesses. A point of sale can be in any number of places. It may be a store, the Web or through a platform like Tivo. Sponsor Open API's are lightweight, flexible and relatively affordable. And that's just what Blockbuster needs. Blockbuster has been close to bankruptcy. The company plans to close 20% of its stores by 2011. An API strategy gives Blockbuster the leverage to give the customer a unified experience across multiple channels. It also opens new ways to sell products as the API can present the right information

at the right time on the platform of the customer's choice. For instance, that may mean doing a check on the availability of a film at local stores. It may also mean accessing Blockbuster through a smartphone or other devices. Blockbuser is limiting the API to its partners but may open it up in the future. Partners include Tivo, Samsung and HTC. The new API strategy comes after two years of work to consolidate Blockbuster's multiple channels to represent its new philosophy: "One Customer, One Blockbuster." The time was right to make the transition. API's were on the rise. But for a while it looked like it would be a massively expensive, heavyweight integration. In 2008, open API's began to appear in enterprise environments. But for the most

part, customers received pitches like Blockbuster did from the big technology companies to "blow up the databases," said Mike Debnar, Blockbuster Vice President of Retail Systems. And the cost? Some bids came in at $1 million. In 2009, a convergence came. CEO James Keyes became a strong partner in a customer focused strategy. The company started aggregating its legacy data to integrate into an API that it built with Sonoa Systems. Sonoa worked with Blockbuster to develop API that is built on RESTful web services. It can be easily managed by a small team. The API is integrated with back office systems. Blockbuster is also updating its iPhone app to reflect the new cross-channel efforts. Sam Ramji of Sonoa puts it this way. The API gives Blockbuster greater possibilities to reach across a number of varied channels. It mat seem far away but retailers are preparing for the holiday season. And where may customers be doing shopping? Perhaps in the store or from their desktop. But it's also likely they will be on the couch using their iPad to buy their holiday gifts. Discuss

@robinwauters I made a bookmarklet for twitter b l a c k b i r d : steps instead of 9 to embed a tweet), could be useful 4 u Wed May 05 07:18:34 via Tweetie Xavier Damman xdamman As we had noted earlier, Twitter yesterday launched a new tool that allows you to easily embed tweets into a website or blog post. The tool, called Blackbird Pie, simply asks you for the URL of a tweet and lets you “Bake it,” meaning you get a preview of how it will look on the Web and a box with the code you need in it. Simple enough as far as I’m concerned. But as Xavier Damman from Publitweet points out, it takes eight steps (not 9 like he says in his tweet) to use Blackbird Pie for embeddable tweets, and that is just unacceptable. Well, it’s acceptable, but there should be an easier way. Enter Xavier’s bookmarklet(get

it here), which you can drag to your bookmark bar and click whenever you’re looking at a tweet you’d like to embed. Three steps instead of eight. Will save you a couple of microseconds. No need to say thanks. Also cool: if you use the bookmarklet instead of Blackbird Pie, the embedded tweet will display the exact date and time of tweets instead of “X minutes ago”, which is admittedly rather pointless as it doesn’t update the timestamp going forward. Bonus: when you open a T w i t t e r p r o f i l e (say@TechCrunch) or a list (say the@TechCrunch team), you can click the bookmarklet to make new links appears alongside all tweets on that page. Simply click those links and voilà, an embed code appears. CrunchBase Information Twitter Publitweet Information provided by CrunchBase

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E-reader News Edition

Finding the Right Doctor Made Easier: Insider Pages Launches Doctor Finder Frederic Lardinois (ReadWriteWeb)

ability to speak certain languages. As Insider Pages' general Submitted at 5/5/2010 12:00:00 AM Pages has partnered with manager Eric Peacock told us, which Insider Pages, which was when we talked to him earlier syndicates about 1.2 million acquired by CitySearch in 2007, today, rating doctors is different patient surveys to Insider Pages. just announced the launch of its from rating a restaurant. While While most of the company's new Doctor Finder tool. While Insider Pages allows its users to competitors offer extensive there are already a few doctor write regular freeform reviews, databases and reviews, this review sites available on the the company also asks every cooperation with Internet, most people in the U.S. reviewer 10 questions about also gives still mostly base their choice of their experience, ranging from Insider Pages access to the doctor on the location of the how much time the doctor spent HealthGrade's database of doctor's office and the insurance with the patient to how well doctors' records. Thanks to this, the doctor accepts. To find these they listened to the patient's users can also check if their doctors and dentists, most complaints. doctor is board certified and has patients still rely on the Privacy, of course, is a major a clean record. For more details insurances' online directories, concern when it comes to about a doctor's records which usually don't feature any doctors. As Peacock told us, the (including malpractice and patient feedback. company gives users the sanction records), Insider Pages Sponsor freedom to share as much refers its users to HealthGrades. 800,000 Doctors - 1.2 Million information as they want to, but Insider Pages also allows its Reviews by default, these reviews are users to refine their searches Insider Pages currently has never shared on the patient's based on other criteria like the more than 800,000 doctors in its Facebook feed. doctor's gender, experience and system. To get started, Insider Discuss

Google ups its TV bet, invests in Invidi (CNET Submitted at 5/5/2010 8:11:32 AM

Google, which is still trying to figure out how to crack the TV business, has invested in a tech firm trying to do the same thing. The search giant is leading a $23 million series D round in Invidi Technologies, a New York City company that works on "addressable" TV ads. Addressable ads are supposed to target specific viewers, using data from set-top boxes, in the same way that Internet ads sniff out specific Web surfers. You can see why Google would be interested in that stuff, particularly as it tries to integrate its Android platform into TVs. Shishir Mehotra, who runs product management for all of Google's video businesses, will join Invidi's board. Addressable ads are a holy grail for the TV business, but they may still be several years away. Invidi, founded in 2000, has completed two market trials to

Street Chic: New York (ELLE Fashion Blogs) Submitted at 5/5/2010 6:00:00 AM

Get biker chic with an American Eagle fitted leather

jacket, AG Jeans high-waist jeans, and Alexander Wang sleek buckle boots. Photo: Jonathan Alpeyrie Think you are Street Chic? Email us your photo and you

Follow ELLE on Twitter. Become our Facebook fan! could appear in's Street Chic Daily.


date. People familiar with the transaction tell me Google has invested between $10 million and $15 million in company in this round, which brings Invidi's total capital raised above the $85 million mark. Other investors include WPP's GroupM, Motorola, Menlo Ventures, InterWest Partners and EnerTech Capital. The Business Insider, which first reported the investment, says the transaction is connected to Google's ad pact with the Dish satellite network. But I'm told Dish doesn't factor into the deal. Story Copyright (c) 2010 AllThingsD. All rights reserved. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



E-reader News Edition

Humble Indie Bundle offers five great Mac games for pay-what-you-will Mike Schramm (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

purchase, and not only are you supporting developers and charities, but you're supporting Submitted at 5/4/2010 9:00:00 PM the decision to release great Filed under: Deals games like this cross-platform, A group of independent game without DRM, and without a developers have released a publisher or middleman getting "Humble Indie Bundle," and if in the way and taking a cut. you're a Mac gamer, it's a Excellent deal -- they've already treasure trove. For a donation of raised over $31,000, and if you your choice (the retail value is play games on your Mac at all, set at $80, but you can pay what definitely head over there and you want, and you can even put ten or twenty dollars in the specify whether your money pot to support the bundle. goes to the game developers or a TUAW Humble Indie Bundle Mike Schramm (The Unofficial things can get overwhelming maybe the author will smooth couple of different charities), offers five great Mac games for Apple Weblog (TUAW)) very fast. There are quite a few that out in the future. you can pick up the indie pay-what-you-will originally difficulty levels for all kinds of Still, for US$0.99, White Lines classics World of Goo, Aquaria, appeared on The Unofficial Submitted at 5/5/2010 8:00:00 AM gamers, and the experience of is a fun touchscreen twist on the Gish, Lugaru, and Penumbra Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Tue, Filed under: iPhone This drawing with a purpose on the memory game, and the stark Overture, all playable on Mac, 04 May 2010 21:00:00 EST. iPhone game borrows its title multitouch screen does keep it s t y l e i s c o m p e l l i n g . I t ' s Linux, and Windows. Please see our terms for use of from Grandmaster Flash, but i n t e r e s t i n g . O p e n F e i n t definitely worth a download, Amazing deal, and this is about feeds. rather than a game about the integration means you can and it might even be good for the most generous and customer Read| Permalink| Email this| perils of drug addiction, it's challenge friends for high keeping young ones busy while -friendly way to do it. Any one Comments actually a memory game. Kyle scores, too, which increases the waiting in line or driving around of these games is well worth the Webster is an illustrator who replayability. The one drawback town. made this Simon-like drawing I found (and maybe it's just TUAW TUAW's Daily App: challenge. The game offers up a because I was playing the game White Lines originally appeared series of white strokes on the on my 1G) was that, at times, o n T h e U n o f f i c i a l A p p l e screen, and its your job to registering the strokes was Weblog (TUAW) on Wed, 05 replicate them exactly. Get them w o n k y . I w o u l d d r a w i t M a y 2 0 1 0 0 8 : 0 0 : 0 0 E S T . right to earn a higher score, but correctly, but because the game Please see our terms for use of get three wrong and your game was chugging along, it would feeds. is over. miss one of my marks or think I Read| Permalink| Email this| The game's simplicity is lifted a finger when I didn't. The Comments outweighed by its speed. As recent update to the game fixes with the traditional Simon game, some error strokes, though, so

TUAW's Daily App: White Lines

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Coming soon: Paying for stuff on Visa by waving your iPhone Steven Sande (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 5/5/2010 10:00:00 AM

Filed under: iPhone You've probably seen contactless payment terminals before. They're used in many stores, restaurants, and other locations, with either a smart credit card containing a secure memory card or some sort of fob being used to make the payment. You just wave it at the terminal, and you've paid your bill. Visa and DeviceFidelity are working on a way to let iPhone users make payments by waving their iPhones in front of contactless payment terminals. They'll be offering an iPhone case with an embedded secure memory card that hosts Visa's payment application, Visa payWave. Any place you find a Visa contactless payment terminal, there will also be a potential spot for iPhone users to pay for goods or services using their

Droid Incredible versus Nexus One: cameraphone showdown Vladislav Savov (Engadget)

Visa credit card account. Security is still important: Visa notes that the mobile payment application can be protected with a password, and that users will have to treat the case as if it were a credit card, calling the bank if it gets lost or stolen. Market trials of this service are expected to start this summer. It's an interesting proposal, but we'll have to see what the case looks like. And of course it's only for Visa customers so far --

customers of other card companies will have to figure out their own solutions. TUAW Coming soon: Paying for stuff on Visa by waving your iPhone originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Wed, 05 May 2010 10:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

Brunch for Mother's Day (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)

The rules: Keep it clean, and stay on the subject or we might delete your comment. If you see inappropriate language, e-mail

turns out, the Nexus One rather swept the contest in both naturally and flash-lit shots, With all this talk of the Droid while the Incredible habitually Incredible ousting the Nexus exhibited a blue hue in less than One from Verizon Wireless, perfectly lit photos. Both having a better multitouch cameras were adept at taking implementation, and just being excellent daylight photos, as is newer and shinier, you might to be expected, but the devil is t h i n k t h i s c o m p a r i s o n o f as usual in the details -- and you cameras is just mercilessly can find all of them at the source piling on the pain for the link below. original Googlephone. After all, [Thanks, Matt] t h e N e x u s O n e a n d i t s 5 Droid Incredible versus Nexus megapixel sensor came out a One: cameraphone showdown good few months ahead of the 8 originally appeared on Engadget megapixel Droid Incredible, so on Wed, 05 May 2010 08:56:00 surely this battle would be over EST. Please see our terms for before it's even begun? Not so u s e o f f e e d s . P e r m a l i n k | fast, says Android and Me, Android and Me| Email this| whose diligent testers have put Comments the two HTC handsets through a side-by-side shootout. As it Submitted at 5/5/2010 8:56:00 AM

us. An asterisk* indicates a required field. Your Name Your Comment* 500 characters remaining Five Filters featured article:

The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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E-reader News Edition

Clear security lanes storming back to airports, principled travelers high five one another Darren Murph (Engadget)

plopped down $6 million in order to acquire the assets of Verified Identity Pass out of D on't call it a comeback. Or b a n k r u p t c y p r o t e c t i o n . do, because that's precisely what According to our hombres at this is. After Clear shuffled its Gadling, that purchase price final incorruptible passenger doesn't include individual through a speedy security lane airport contracts, so it'll be an i n J u n e o f l a s t y e a r , t h e uphill battle getting these lanes company closed up shop and back into the places in which forced even the nicest of they're needed. If all goes well, travelers to re-join the herds. we could see the first Clear Thankfully for us all, Alclear avenues reopen this fall, with has decided that life's simply no pricing set at $179 per year for good without a hasty security unlimited individual use or $229 option at airports, and it has per year for unlimited family

Continue reading Clear security lanes storming back to airports, principled travelers high five one another Clear security lanes storming back to airports, principled travelers high five one another originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 05 May 2010 10:16:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Fly Clear| Email this| Comments

Submitted at 5/5/2010 10:16:00 AM

use. Head on past the break for more details on reactivating old subscriptions and the full presser.

A less-than-graceful keynote Mike Schramm (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 5/5/2010 9:00:00 AM

Filed under: Steve Jobs We've seen the keynote in 60 seconds, and we've seen the " only the adjectives" 'approach before. Here's a slightly less complimentary way to show off the keynote, though, with all of the "ums," "aahs," and other interjections that popped up during the iPhone OS 4.0 keynote a while back.

Far be it from us to make fun of Mr. Steven P. Jobs, of course, but something funny like this actually shows off how good he really is at doing it right. Seeing him up there on stage with his turtleneck and jeans, all enthusiastic about whatever "magical and revolutionary" device they've cooked up this time, is half the fun of a new Apple product announcement. If Steve were any less eloquent and smooth than he is, you might end up with something

like this: a guy desperately trying to put a few words together about his new product. It's not nearly as effective, but it's much funnier. [via MacStories] TUAW A less-than-graceful keynote originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Wed, 05 May 2010 09:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

Threadsy Combines All Your Inboxes and Social Streams on One Page [Inboxes] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 5/5/2010 5:00:00 AM

Threadsy wants to be a situation room for everything you check online—email, Twitter, Facebook, and chat services. You don't just view them, however—Threadsy lets Facebook- Social networkyou archive, reply, delete, and Twitter- Online Communitiesotherwise control your web life Trending and Popularity from one big page. More »

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Newsy Raises $2 Million For Multi-Source Video News Platform Leena Rao (TechCrunch) Submitted at 5/5/2010 8:50:26 AM

Sony Ericsson X10 family to get Android 2.1 in 'Q4 2010' Vladislav Savov (Engadget) Submitted at 5/5/2010 8:24:00 AM

The Xperia X10, one of the big mindshare-grabbing devices of the smartphone world, made us wait a cool six months between its November announcement and wide retail availability in April. One of the secret hopes while all that waiting was going on was that perhaps SE would surprise us and upgrade the dusty old Android 1.6 base installation to a fresh and creamy Eclair(2.1) or even a frosty Froyo(2.2) treat shortly after launch. Time to lay those dreams to rest, dear friends, as Sony Ericsson has come with an official schedule for upgrading the firmware on the Xperia X10

Newsy, a news destination website that collects and analyzes perspectives from multiple sources, has raised $2 million in funding from undisclosed investors. The funding will be used to grow news operations and to build distribution and marketing partnerships. Newsy monitors, analyzes, curates and presents the world’s news coverage through short 2 to 3 minute video segments available both on the web and mobile devices. It is useful for quick news consumption on the go, but also helpful in understanding context around stories covered by media outlets from around the world.

and its X10 mini and X10 mini pro siblings, which places the Android 2.1 delivery in the fourth quarter of 2010 -- and knowing the company that probably means closer to Christmas than Halloween. All we can say is you'd better really like that UX platform a great deal, because it'll be the only thing you'll be seeing for quite a while on Sony Ericsson's Googlephones. Sony Ericsson X10 family to get Android 2.1 in 'Q4 2010' Jason Fitzpatrick (Lifehacker) originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 05 May 2010 08:24:00 Submitted at 5/5/2010 6:30:00 AM EST. Please see our terms for If you're not a fan of the social use of feeds. Permalink e l e m e n t s i n G o o g l e EuroDroid| Sony Ericsson| Reader—like seeing the people Email this| Comments

Newsy offers an i Phone app(my colleague Robin Wauters is a fan), Newsy just launched a nifty iPad app that allows you to watch highquality Newsy videos, which highlight the differences in how global media outlets report a story. Users can flip through videos in a nifty cover flow type fashion, which should be familiar to anyone that uses Apple’s iTunes interface. CrunchBase Information Information provided by CrunchBase

Consider Serious Lack of Sleep Like Being Drunk on the Job [Sleep] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 5/5/2010 5:30:00 AM

Pulling late nights, or an allnighter, feels like a badge of honor you can wear at some jobs. But given the impact of sleeplessness on work, at least one researcher considers it like showing up at work loaded. More » Sleep disorder- HealthConditions and DiseasesInsomnia- United States

Disable Google Reader's Social Features [Google Reader] following you and the content

they're sharing—this simple hack will strip the social features out. More » GoogleReader- GoogleSearching- Search EnginesCompanies


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E-reader News Edition

Robovie R3 all set to assist, freak out elderly and handicapped shoppers this November (video) Vladislav Savov (Engadget) Submitted at 5/5/2010 9:24:00 AM

The Robovie R3 is the latest in a distinguished line of humanoid bots developed for the purposes of research, discovery, and (a tiny bit of) geeky fun. Following its predecessor's footsteps -- the R2 secured employment as a guide to lost shoppers-- the R3 will be making its mall debut in November of this year, where it'll assist people by carrying

their shopping, providing information about nearby products, and holding their hand as it guides them through the crowds. Intended as a way to get elderly and handicapped people back out into the community, this is part of a viability study for the robot's usefulness, and if it finds success maybe its anime eyes and dalek form factor will Continue reading Robovie R3 find their way outside Japan as all set to assist, freak out elderly well. Video of the R3 after the and handicapped shoppers this break.

RIM's BlackBerry T slider pictured again, shows off OS 6 infusion Tim Stevens (Engadget) Submitted at 5/5/2010 9:52:00 AM

It's escaped again, the mysterious BlackBerry 'T'(for Talladega) slider that we've seen making the rounds over the past few months. These new pictures from Mr. Blurrycam (courtesy of BBLeaks) don't show us anything new on the hardware, but do show the phone running OS 6. Assuming it's scheduled to launch alongside that latest

flavor of OS we should be seeing it before the third quarter is through -- probably about the same time that godawful 9670

crawls to retail. Deciding between the two? That should not be difficult. RIM's BlackBerry T slider pictured again, shows off OS 6 infusion originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 05 May 2010 09:52:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink SlashPhone| BBLeaks| Email this| Comments

November (video) Robovie R3 all set to assist, freak out elderly and handicapped shoppers this November (video) originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 05 May 2010 09:24:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink Plastic Pals| Robomedia 2010| Email this| Comments

Mini Google Calendar Strips GCal Down For iCal-Style Minimalism [Downloads] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 5/5/2010 6:00:00 AM

All browsers: Want your Google Calendar to look a bit more like a desk calendar—all appointments, no filler? The Mini Google Calendar user script cuts out everything except your data view, relying on keyboard shortcuts for

everything else. More Âť Google Calendar- GoogleCompanies- Client- Recreation


E-reader News Edition


Our Defunct Commercial Constitution (AEI.Org: Articles) Submitted at 5/4/2010 6:00:00 PM

There is, or there once was, such a thing as the "commercial Constitution." Most of the powers and prohibitions specified in the Constitution concern commercial matters: commerce itself, obviously, but also patents and copyrights, bankruptcy, taxation, tariffs and duties, the coinage of money, contracts, and property rights. Enough of those provisions have fallen into desuetude to suggest that we no longer have a commercial Constitution. Conservative jurists should be favorably disposed to restoring it, not simply because doing so would help to protect commerce against a government that seems to know no restraint, but also for a deeper reason: "Structure is everything," Justice Scalia has insisted, and the basic stuff of the commercial Constitution is structure--the allocation of powers to and placing of limitations on particular branches and levels of government. The commercial Constitution thus offers an antidote and alternative to the airy abstractions and aspirational "rights" of contemporary constitutional law. Implementing a constitutional program along these lines, however, would require a serious rethinking of two central conservative legal

tenets: originalism and federalism. The Constitution's individual clauses presuppose some general comprehension of what the structure as a whole is supposed to do. Happily, the basic thrust of our constitutional commercial arrangement is perfectly clear: free trade and commerce across state borders. To that end, the Constitution prohibits state tariffs and "duties of tonnage," state discrimination against citizens of other states, state laws impairing the obligation of contracts, and states' exploiting the citizens of other states by means of taxation or regulation (an implied rule commonly known as the prohibition against "extraterritorial" state laws). Congress can, in theory, block states' interfering in business under its power to regulate interstate commerce. However, legislative interventions can oppress as easily as liberate commerce. In fact, the odds of protecting commerce by means of federal legislation are much worse than 50/50. The Constitution's checks and balances are designed to make federal legislation deliberate and cumbersome, the better to prevent factional schemes and fevered responses to perceived crises. Those checks, though salutary in the ordinary course of business, prove debilitating when the task is to beat back

state measures that hobble commerce. Ingeniously, therefore, the Constitution entrusts the protection of commerce in the first instance not to Congress but to the federal courts. The viability of this arrangement depends on the federal courts' elaboration of the commercial Constitution by way of doctrine and constitutional common law. That is essential because states and legislators have every incentive to exploit the commerce of the United States and to evade the rules that protect it. The protection of the Constitution's guarantees against state commercial circumvention figured prominently in the Supreme Court's 19th-century book of business. Constitutionally barred from taxing imports, the states endeavored to tax importers instead; the Supreme Court enjoined them from doing so in 1827's Brown v. Maryland, lest the constitutional prohibition become an empty letter. No specific constitutional clause barred states from taxing the instruments of the United States, including its central bank; but because "the power to tax involves the power to destroy," the Supreme Court supplied a constitutional common-law rule, inferred from the general structure of the Constitution, to block the tax in the 1819 decision M'Culloch v.

Maryland. Likewise, no constitutional clause specifically prohibited New York from establishing a steamship monopoly to the exclusion of a rival steamship operating under a federal license; but in 1824's Gibbons v. Ogden, the Court read the license, which essentially served to free U.S. vessels from the obligations imposed on foreign ships, as also forbidding state monopoly and discrimination among domestic carriers. This position later developed into what is known as "implied federal preemption," a doctrine holding that, unless Congress declares otherwise, any federal law operates to the exclusion of any state law in the same field, regardless of whether the two conflict. Further, Chief Justice John Marshall's Gibbons opinion attributed "great force" to the notion that the Commerce Clause, even in the absence of congressional legislation, erects a judicially enforceable barrier against protectionist state legislation. This "dormant Commerce Clause" would in later decades play a central role in preventing states from doing indirectly what the Constitution bars them from doing directly. The Supreme Court's principal means of making the rules of the commercial Constitution stick was its "diversity" jurisdiction-that is, jurisdiction over disputes between parties from different

states. The exercise of this jurisdiction protects parties engaged in interstate commerce against judicial bias in a plaintiff's home-state courts. In commercial cases in which no state statute and no federal law or constitutional provision applied, the Court decided these "diversity" cases under a federal general common law--not under state law. The constitutional guarantee of an unbiased court, the theory went, implied a guarantee of access to an unbiased body of law. If this constitutional universe is unfamiliar, that is because it was wiped out by the New Deal's very different Constitution. Contrary to the misunderstanding that is especially widespread among conservatives, the New Deal did not simply unleash the federal government's power on the states and the private economy. Rather, it expanded government power at all levels, state as well as federal. And to that end, it effectively repealed the commercial Constitution that had governed the United States for roughly 150 years. Supreme Court diversity jurisdiction became optional in 1928, and, over the ensuing decades, the federal courts created a slew of "abstention" doctrines that oblige federal courts to defer to state law, and OUR page 36


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OUR continued from page 35

to state courts--even when federal jurisdiction plainly exists. The federal general common law was summarily abolished--as unconstitutional, no less--in Erie Railroad v. Tompkins, the 1938 decision that effectively commands federal courts hearing diversity cases to follow the state law chosen by the plaintiff. Of the entire constitutional edifice, only the dormant Commerce Clause and federal preemption law survive, and those only in a greatly weakened form. The dormant Commerce Clause was s t r i p p e d o f i t s "extraterritoriality" prohibition: While outright protectionism is still prohibited, states may tax, regulate, and exploit other states' citizens and businesses virtually without hindrance. (Kansas may regulate the Internet so long as it does not overtly favor its own citizens.) Federal preemption lost its presumption of exclusivity: Its post-New Deal touchstone is the "intent" of Congress, and, unless Congress has made its preemptive intent unmistakably clear, the Court will construe federal statutes against preemption and in favor of the states' "traditional" police powers. It is to this jurisprudence, driven by the New Deal's eagerness to unleash interestgroup politics and to enhance the redistributive power of

government at all levels, that we owe our current chaotic commercial order. Economic actors must now deal with a cascade of conflicting and compounding demands and regulations, inflicted by a multitude of semi-autonomous institutional actors and a wholly autonomous litigation industry. First prize often goes to the most exploitative regulator. The Erie Railroad regime, for example, pulls lawsuits into the most pro-plaintiff jurisdiction available: hence the litigation explosion. At the same time, current practices regarding preemption law and the dormant Commerce Clause reward the state that proves most creative in taxing and regulating outsiders. What is the correct conservative response to this transformation? By some conservatives' lights, the New Deal metamorphosis hasn't gone far enough. Justices Scalia and Thomas have denounced the dormant Commerce Clause as a pure judicial invention. Justice Scalia would still enforce the doctrine, on stare decisis grounds, against overtly discriminatory state laws and against laws identical to those invalidated in the past. That is not much of a restraint: Even the stupidest state legislator can write a discriminatory statute in neutral language. Justice Thomas would abolish the dormant Commerce Clause altogether and instead

protect interstate commerce under the explicit provisions of the Import-Export Clause, and perhaps under the Privileges and Immunities Clause. Good luck with that: The Import-Export Clause provides protection against some, but not all, protectionist taxes, while it offers no protection from equivalent regulations; the P&I Clause, for its part, protects individuals but not corporations. The entire point of the dormant Commerce Clause is to block obvious state maneuvers to circumvent the constitutional protections enjoyed by businesses. To eviscerate the doctrine is to expose all interstate commerce to unchecked state exploitation. The Court's avowed originalists have taken an equally radical view of federal preemption. Last year's decision in Wyeth v. Levine was occasioned by a tragic injury to a patient whose doctor and nurse, in an act of flagrant malpractice, had administered a drug in direct contravention of a warning label that conformed with--and was practically dictated by--Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requirements. Even so, the Court decided that federal law does not preempt tort lawsuits under state law. FDA-approved warnings, the 6-3 majority said, are a mere federal minimum; state courts and lay juries can do better in determining the

adequacy of drug labels. In a breathtakingly expansive concurring opinion, Justice Thomas inveighed against any implied preemption and insisted that federally regulated drug manufacturers have no "unfettered right, for all time, to market [a] drug with the specific label that was federally approved." That form of originalism recasts preemption law as something it has never been. Gibbons v. Ogden directly confronted the argument that a federal coastal trading license--a routine license of far less obvious preemptive force than a painstakingly considered and negotiated drug label--"gives no right to trade." Marshall rejected that argument. By the lights of Justice Thomas's Wyeth opinion, Gibbons was either decided wrongly or should have been decided under the dormant Commerce Clause--if, pace Justice Thomas, such a thing exists. Also last year, the Court held that the lending practices of federally chartered financial institutions are subject to openended fraud investigations and lawsuits by state attorneys general. Ever since 1864, the National Bank Act has shielded the banking operations of federally chartered institutions against state investigation and prosecution, leaving state banks subject almost exclusively to state supervision. This dual

banking system reflects the 19th -century constitutional understanding, exemplified by M'Culloch v. Maryland, that any given set of private transactions should be regulated by the federal government or by states-but not by both. Justice Scalia's 5-4 majority opinion in Cuomo v. Clearing House Association, joined by the Court's liberal bloc, effectively ends that sensible system. M'Culloch hovers over Justice Scalia's opinion, but is not cited therein. By the lights of Cuomo, it may no longer be good law. A jurisprudence that renders John Marshall's commercial Constitution obsolete is probably mistaken. And when that same jurisprudence turns the Constitution and its federalism into a trial lawyers' Bill of Rights, suspicion hardens into certainty. The question is, What went wrong? One obvious source of error is an excessively clause-bound, literalist originalism. On this view, the specific clauses of the Constitution and their historically settled meaning are the Constitution, and the will of the Congress must be the declared will of the Congress. This is what drives originalists' hostility to the dormant Commerce Clause and to federal preemption. It also drives their enthusiasm for Erie Railroad, OUR page 38


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Congress's Busy Agenda Just Got Even Busier (AEI.Org: Articles)

moved forward with any action. This is malpractice on a grand scale. The heavy agenda Congress The car bomb is appropriately faces for the remainder of the getting a lot of attention. But so year has gotten much heavier are two other recent events that over the past week. The botched will force Congress to consider car bomb in New York puts a or reconsider its agenda this new emphasis on threats to the year: the oil spill in the Gulf of homeland, and it will (or Mexico and the Arizona law should) require a renewed focus t a r g e t i n g i m m i g r a n t s . on the threat that exists to the Conventional wisdom has had it most endangered places in that there was little chance of a America, namely New York and climate change bill getting W a s h i n g t o n , t h e s i t e s o f enacted this year and no chance previous terrorist attacks. That o f a n i m m i g r a t i o n b i l l . should mean enhanced oversight Conventional wisdom may still of our mechanisms in place and be right, but both issues have inadequacies in response-- been complicated by these including our chronic problems events, and both need at least a of coordinated communication renewed focus, and a wider for first responders. focus, by Congress. But it should also mean another The oil spill, of course, has w a k e - u p c a l l - - a b o u t t h e even broader implications than hundredth--for Congress to do climate change. There will be s o m e t h i n g t o p r o t e c t o u r major economic fallout, which constitutional institutions of w i l l a d d s u b s t a n t i a l l y t o governance from decapitation government costs for disaster via an attack. More than eight relief and to ameliorate the years after 9/11, we still have no economic effects of the spill, serious plans in place to deal especially if it spreads across the with a disruption of government Gulf and potentially up the East that could follow an attack on Coast. This will add to deficits the House or Senate, no plan to for this year and next and make deal with an attack on the the budget plans for both Supreme Court, and a wholly chambers more complicated. i n a d e q u a t e p r e s i d e n t i a l And if, as some experts fear, the succession act. Despite private e c o n o m i c c o s t s w i l l b e assurances to the contrary, substantial and sustained, it neither chamber has held serious could create another dip in the hearings on the subjects or economy, requiring possibly Submitted at 5/4/2010 6:00:00 PM

another stimulus. I can't tell at this point whether the catastrophic oil spill increases the chances of a climate change bill moving forward, or kills it dead. Certainly, the hope of finding some modest bipartisan support f o r t h e Graham/Kerry/Lieberman plan rested on the president's willingness to entertain an expansion of offshore drilling (as well as movement on nuclear power). The need to step back from that pledge, via a moratorium for now, may limit GOP support for any bill, while any proposal that might expand offshore drilling could cause some Democrats to disavow the legislation. But if anything, the spill should demonstrate the need both to reduce our dependence on oil and to focus yet again on environmental policy. Of course, Congress needs to get to the bottom of the causes of the spill, including whether Norway's requirement of acoustic valves on offshore equipment should be required here. But it also needs a redoubled focus on climate change and a willingness to turn to natural gas as a more environmentally safe choice for our energy as a way to reduce our consumption of and dependence on oil.

And by the way, Rush Limbaugh first suggesting that environmentalists sabotaged the oil rig to block any more drilling and then saying that nature would take care of the cleanup by itself demands another Congressional action: a joint resolution demanding that Limbaugh fulfill his public promise to move to Costa Rica if the health care bill were enacted into law. The misguided Arizona immigration law also demands Congressional attention--and not just on immigration. I don't blame Arizona for grappling with this problem. It is clear that Mexican drug gangs are growing more violent and more depraved, and their behavior is spilling across our borders in Texas and Arizona. They represent a threat to governance in Mexico, to the Mexican people and to our own. Congress needs to focus on ways to help Mexico battle these threats and definitely needs to find ways to beef up border security against drug lord terror. But border security is not enough to deal with our larger immigration issues, and the Arizona law is just awful--any law that has former Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.) saying it goes too far is indefensible. We do need comprehensive immigration reform, including a

path to citizenship for those people who have been here undocumented for more than 10 years. We are not going to round up and deport millions of people, most of whom are hardworking contributors to our society and economy. But we also need to clean up our broken visa system, making sure we expand it so people can come here legally and fill jobs where there are needs, whether temporarily or permanently, and to make sure we get a strong supply of the brightest and best highly trained people in tech, medicine and other fields to maintain our edge in innovation in the world. Each of these issues is critical to the future of the country. They can't be put on the back burner. It is time for some of our lawmakers to show some backbone and look for genuine cross-party solutions or at least interim steps, and not leave Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) twisting alone in the wind. Norman J. Ornstein is a resident scholar at AEI. Photo Credit: Brand X Pictures Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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OUR continued from page 36

which originalist justices and scholars have sought to establish as a bulwark against judicial overreach even when the decision manifestly does not apply. Structure may be "everything," but hidebound originalism holds that judges may do nothing to make structure work: This would smack of raw politics and judicial imperialism. So long as this Manichean view prevails, the commercial Constitution will remain a dead letter. A second error, pervasive not only among jurists but among conservatives more broadly, is the misguided expectation that federalism will automatically translate into smaller, more responsible government. The demise of the commercial Constitution exposes the commerce of the United States to relentless exploitation by trial lawyers who shop for hellhole jurisdictions, by attorneys general and treasurers who have become rainmakers for their states, and by crusading state lawmakers who inflict costly global-warming experiments on

the entire nation. In that world, "federalism" is more a menace than a blessing. What is often called for is centralization--not the bureaucratic centralization of No Child Left Behind or Obamacare, but legal centralization. For example, airline and trucking deregulation worked because states' rights were overruled under a single federal rule: The states are categorically barred from reregulating the rates, routes, or services of common carriers. By the same token, if one wants to enable individuals to purchase health insurance across state lines, the countless interests and regulators who now oppose that reform will have to be stopped from regulating and litigating it into the ground after the fact. Misapplied federalist thinking would make that impossible. Congress is built to promote interest-group politics and parochial exploitation. The Roberts court, to its credit, has cut back some of liberalism's more exotic legal flora. If its interventions have remained diffident and ad hoc, that is

because the justices have so far failed to recognize that the task of disciplining state-by-state factionalism and exploitation is, by constitutional design, principally that of the judiciary. A jurisprudence that would "let Commerce struggle for congressional action to make it free" has already pronounced it dead, as Justice Robert Jackson wrote in a dormant-Commerce Clause case in 1941. Not an original or particularly conservative insight--but one that originalists would do well to remember. Michael S. Greve is the John G. Searle Scholar at AEI. P h o t o C r e d i t : iStockphoto/dieter Spears Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Superfast Mexican Recipes (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)

The rules: Keep it clean, and stay on the subject or we might delete your comment. If you see inappropriate language, e-mail

us. An asterisk* indicates a required field. Your Name Your Comment* 500 characters remaining Five Filters featured article:

The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

BREAKING: ISM Services Misses Expectations Vincent Fernando, CFA (The Money Game)

percent, and the Employment Index decreased 0.3 percentage point to 49.5 percent. The Prices Submitted at 5/5/2010 9:03:00 AM Index increased 1.8 percentage "The NMI (Non-Manufacturing points to 64.7 percent in April, Index) registered 55.4 percent in indicating an increase in prices April, the same percentage as paid from March. According to r e g i s t e r e d i n M a r c h , a n d the NMI, 14 non-manufacturing indicating growth in the non- industries reported growth in manufacturing sector. The Non- April. Respondents' comments M a n u f a c t u r i n g B u s i n e s s are mostly positive about Activity Index increased 0.3 current business conditions; percentage point to 60.3 percent, however, they vary by industry reflecting growth for the fifth and company." consecutive month. The New See the full release here > Orders Index decreased 4.1 Join the conversation about this percentage points to 58.2 story Âť


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The Belarus Chokehold -- Transfent's Tokarev Squeezes, Lukashenko Twists, Timchenko Gains John Helmer (The Money Game) Submitted at 5/5/2010 9:05:39 AM

The Lithuanians tried it more than a decade ago. The Belarussians are trying it again – no one in Moscow believes it can be done. In fact, the Russians say it’s childish to try. When the Russian noose goes round your neck, they say, you either beg forgiveness, or you choke to death. If the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko weren’t regarded more negatively than the Russian leadership in the AngloAmerican press, there might be more geopolitical interest in what is happening – or more curiosity about who gains commercially. The breaking news is that Lukashenko’s government is testing tanker and rail delivery alternatives for the crude oil the Belarussian refineries need. The source of this crude is Venezuela, whose President, Hugo Chavez, agreed in midMarch with Lukashenko on a trial shipment of up to 70,000 tonnes. The first of these, a 4,400-tonne cargo, was tankered through the Atlantic, the Mediterranean, and the Black Sea to Odessa, Ukraine, last month; and then despatched by rail to the Mozyr

refinery, where it arrived on Sunday. Mozyr has output capacity of 95,000 barrels daily, while the second Belarus refinery, Novopolotsk, has 88,000 bd capacity. Depending on the petroleum products refined, that output would require at least 180,000 bd of crude oil feedstock. In annual terms, that amounts to about 9.5 million tonnes of deliveries. But Belarus media are forecasting inward shipments of up to 10 million tonnes per year (206,000 bd) for domestic consumption, refining for export, and apparently re-export as crude. The Belarus prime minister, Sergei Sidorsky, was in Lithuania last week to consider whether the Venezuelan cargoes may be delivered via the Baltic Sea to the Lithuanian ports of Klaipeda and Butinge, and then sent on by rail from there. Last year, Belarus reportedly imported 21.5 million tonnes of crude from Russia; that is roughly one-third of the total 60 million tonnes which has been piped annually through the Soviet-era Druzhba (“Friendship”) pipeline, and across Belarus to Poland, Germany and other central European markets. In the past, most of that oil has been charged a maintenance fee as it

lowered the effective tax to $53/tonne. The transit fee was cut to a percentage of the export tax, amounting to about $2.10/barrel this year. At the same time, it was agreed that Russia would receive 70% of all export duties on oil products produced by Belarus refineries from Russian crude in 2007, and then re-exported. The annual bill to the Russian oil companies, which were obliged to pay the compromise transit fee, came to $85 million, compared to $131.4 million demanded under the Belarus proposal. The premium for exporting oil to Belarus for refining there was was pumped across Belarussian petroleum products. thus significantly reduced. territory. That was until In January of 2007, the two Taking all these terms together, December 2006, when Belarus presidents, Lukashenko and this deal meant that the announced it was imposing an Vladimir Putin, agreed to commercial advantage of extra transit fee. That move was r e s o l v e t h i s d i s p u t e b y shipping oil to market through triggered by a Russian move to preserving some of the new Belarus dropped significantly, impose an export duty on the charges each had forced on the making other routes more oil Belarus kept for its own other that month, while allowing attractive. But Transneft, then refineries. And that in turn was discounts to reduce the pain, run by Semyon Vainshtok, said done because, according to the and permit crude deliveries to it was opposed to building a Russian claims, the duty-free r e s u m e o n t h e D r u z h b a new 1,015-km pipeline to regime on the eastern Belarus pipeline, after Transneft, the bypass Belarus. Two reasons border (with Russia) required s t a t e c o n t r o l l e d R u s s i a n were given — there was no Belarus to share with Russia the pipeline company, had halted crude to pump through the new proceeds of its re-export of oil at p u m p i n g a n d i m p o s e d a line, and the $4.5 billion the western Belarus border b l o c k a d e . financing appeared to be too (with Poland). After a fortnight of haggling, costly. At the time, Moscow argued Russia agreed to reduce its But Vainshtok was replaced by that Belarus aimed to charge too e x p o r t d u t i e s o n c r u d e Nikolai Tokarev (right figure at much for transit, and pay too shipments to Belarus, preserving little for the crude it took, the official rate of $180/tonne BELARUS page 40 refined, and then re-exported as but giving a discount that


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BELARUS continued from page 39

desk) in September 2007, and the commercial calculation began to change. Especially so for Gunvor, the leading Russian oil trader owned by Gennady Timchenko. For Gunvor proposed to load the Belarus bypass oil at the new tanker terminal it was building at UstLuga, just 80 kilometres across the Gulf of Finland from Primorsk, Russia’s main Baltic oil outlet. In December 2008, Putin signed an order for Transneft to start construction of the Baltic Pipeline System BPS-2, in order to pump the oil around Belarus to Ust-Luga. A report by Troika Dialog investment house the same month said this was “politically -driven…It is unclear where Transneft intends to find oil for the new pipeline, given declining oil production and exports and already ample spare capacity in the pipeline system. Moreover, some 450,000 bpd of West Siberian crude will be rerouted to fill the first phase of the Eastern Siberia – Pacific Ocean (ESPO) pipeline. Transneft therefore faces the prospect of paying up to $5 bln for a project that would bring no additional revenues.” In July 2009, Timchenko agreed through his London lawyers to settle a libel suit he had initiated against the Economist magazine. According to the retraction which the Economist agreed to publish,

“we are happy to make it clear that when we referred to the “new corruption” in today’s Russia, we did not intend to suggest that either Gunvor or Mr Timchenko obtained their Russian oil business as a result of payment by them of bribes or like corrupt inducements. Rosneft sells only 30-40% of its oil through Gunvor rather than the “bulk” of Rosneft’s oil (as we described it). We accept Gunvor’s assurances that neither Vladimir Putin nor other senior Russian political figures have any ownership interest in Gunvor. We regret if any contrary impression was given.” In February of this year, Tokarev of Transneft told an oil industry publication in Moscow that he plans to complete BPS-2 by December of next year. He described the priority for building the pipeline as bypass. “Everyone knows in which connection we decided to build it: Russia and the European oil consumers were already tired of all this transit trouble. We don’t want to depend on someone in this matter. And for the EU these are completely unnecessary problems. Negative points accumulate and create a very unpleasant atmosphere. Okay if it was for the atmosphere, but we suffer direct economic losses, and it is true not only for us, but for the oil companies and European consumers as well. BPS-2 is

built to ensure, first and foremost, Russia’s export interests. “But we are not planning to leave our traditional markets in southern Europe, Germany and Poland. That would be quite wrong. Many plants in Europe are technologically oriented to processing Russian oil, and it would be unwise, unbusinesslike to abandon these markets. All of these Druzhba pipelines will be loaded the same way as they are now. The only thing that is realistic is the reorientation of the volume from foreign ports – Yuzhny [Ukraine], Gdansk [Poland] – to our site in Ust-Luga.” As for the previous charge that the bypass was duplicating the delivery of oil to Primorsk, and would lack throughput, Tokarev now says: “the Primorsk port is overloaded. Its design capacity is 70 million tonnes a year, and currently it pumps 74 million tonnes a year. We cannot operate the facility for a long time in this mode. About 7 million tonnes per year could be removed and redirected to UstLuga.” In the text of his interview, Tokarev is also reported by Petroleum Argus as resuming the earlier criticism of Belarus’s positions during the January 2007 conflict. “Russia has fairly and liberally supplied oil and oil products to Belarus… The budget of Russia for just the last

three years was missing $10 billion due to the fact that the coefficient on the export duty on oil deliveries to Belarus amounted to 0.33. This is a serious amount of big money. Belarus certainly would like to continue to live in such a comfortable position…But we also have retired people, social programs, and thousands of problems to solve that need money. It’s time to bring the situation into line with reality. As a result, an agreement was signed which provides for delivery from January 29, dutyfree, of 6.3 million tonnes of oil for domestic consumption in Belarus. These volumes are likely to be delivered evenly. A clear timetable for the year will be drawn up, and this amount will be distributed in equal quantities. Here we will work together with Customs. Consideration will now be organized at two levels — the first, duty-free oil, the second, with duty. One chart, but it will all be provided.” This is no plan of blockade, although the numbers indicate deliveries of much lower volumes of Russian crude than Belarus would like to receive on the old terms. But Transneft spokesman Igor Dyomin goes further than Tokarev to deny there is no dispute with Belarus, and no intention to bypass the country. “We do not want to lose clients in Belarus,”

Dyomin told Fairplay today. “By putting BPS-2 in operation we are reaching the following goals: we stop using the services of transit third-party states, for example the [Polish] port of Gdansk, and instead develop our own infrastructure at UstLuga; also, the BPS-1 pipeline is currently overloaded, and launching BPS-2 will allow us to decrease the volume at BPS1.” Some Russian analysts in Moscow believe the BelarusVenezuela link is “comic”, and will end in costly failure, just as Lithuania’s attempt to feed its Mazeiku refinery with nonRussian crude ended up a decade ago. But Alexei Bezborodov, head of, a maritime specialist, says Belarus may be able to free itself of the Russian chokehold. “It is quite logical to work through Klaipeda. There are no hopeless situations. This is the way the Polish and Lithuanian refineries operate, to some extent. So everything is possible. Except for the loss of profit margin [that was earned on] Russian oil. With that money Batka [Lukashenko] was feeding the retired.” The existing oil pipeline network (Druzhba) running across Belarus (solid red line) The new BPS-2 route bypassing Belarus (red dotted line) BELARUS page 41

E-reader News Edition

Think Greece Or Germany Should Ditch The Euro? Too Bad It's Illegal Vincent Fernando, CFA (The Money Game)

easily result in the euro strengthening against whatever new Greek currency was Submitted at 5/5/2010 8:20:46 AM created. This would make euroEven if Greece wanted to leave denominated debt burdens even the Eurozone, it's far from clear more onerous to the Greek how they could do so legally. public and private institutions, Risk: since as shown above they Charles Proctor, a partner at would still need to be honored. UK-based law firm Bird & Bird, Moreover, it's not just Greece who worked on a number of the that could have difficulty early bond deals denominated in leaving the euro from a legal euros, says a unilateral perspective. The above issues withdrawal from the currency, would also apply to Spain, Italy, without the consent of other Portugal, etc.., even perhaps member states, would be a clear Germany if the country tried to breach of the Maastricht Treaty. do it unilaterally. “Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty Deep down we feel ejecting [signed in 2007] allows a Greece is theoretically the best member state to withdraw from withdrew by breaking this one be recognised by courts in long-term solution, but this t h e E u r o p e a n U n i o n a s a treaty, it's not like the nation Greece, but courts in London might be impossible from a whole,” says Proctor. “But it would suddenly be free from its and New York would continue practical perspective. d o e s n o t c o n t e m p l a t e a problematic euro-denominated to enforce international bonds More: Why a Eurozone Breakand enforce payment in euro, withdrawal from the single debts: Up Would Trigger The Mother If Greece withdrew from the because the new Greek currency alone. It is not possible Of All Financial Crises > to infer a right to withdraw from Eurozone, it would have to monetary law could not alter or Join the conversation about this the euro, since the Maastricht create a new local currency and detract from euro-denominated story » Treaty [signed in 1992] stated pass a new law providing for the obligations governed by English that the currency substitution conversion of former euro debts or New York law.” into the new unit, adds Proctor. One would imagine that a would be ‘irrevocable’.” Worse yet, even if Greece “That conversion would have to Greece exit from the euro could

BELARUS continued from page 40

Read more at Dances With Bears --> Join the conversation about this story »

Economy/ Politics/


Mayor Says NYC Needs More Homeland Security Money (Newsmax - Inside Cover) Submitted at 5/5/2010 5:04:08 AM

Mayor Michael Bloomberg says he's going to Washington to make a case for additional homeland security money. The mayor spoke Wednesday at an event with members of the bomb squad that defused a bomb in Times Square on Saturday. He said New York is the symbol of America, "where terrorists come and we need to have homeland security funds." He said Saturday's failed attack proved the need. Faisal Shahzad, a 30-year-old naturalized U.S. citizen, was charged Tuesday with trying to blow up a crude device inside a parked SUV amid tourists and Broadway theatergoers. The mayor and police Commissioner Raymond Kelly are scheduled to testify Wednesday at a U.S. Senate hearing on terrorists and guns. © Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Economy/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition

Gartman: Greece Can't Fix Itself, 10 Great iPhone Apps Because Its Culture Is Dependent On Government Spending (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed)

Vince Veneziani (The Money Game) Submitted at 5/5/2010 8:38:49 AM

As Greek CDSs widen, riots break out, and the county of Greece cheers as the rest of Europe hands it a big bag of money, financial analysts are pulling back the curtain to expose what's really going on across the Atlantic. In this morning's The Gartman Letter, Dennis tears into Greece as a country, putting petty things like billions of dollars of debt aside and focusing in on the real problem: the people of Greece. There will be no end to Greece's underlying problem of being fiscally irresponsible and that is what must be fixed if we expect to stop bailing them out every other decade. The Gartman Letter: The modern Greek culture is do dependent upon government largesse, and is so used to the fact that Greek fiscal irresponsibility will be bailed out by the taxes paid by responsible German workers

and businessmen, that we cannot see this being resolved short of Greece being summarily tossed out of the EMU, or removing itself voluntarily. Truly we would like to believe that something more peaceful; something more rational; something more “modern” will evolve and that all shall be well, the egg shells that are the EMU will be patched together and magically re- glued and that all

shall be well with the world… but we are not naïve. Rather we are realists, and realists know that little other than chaos and the eventual breaking up of the EUR is the way of the future. Now click here to find out how much the Greek bailout is costing YOU -> Join the conversation about this story »

simplify and speed the process. The catch? All applications To say that Apple's iPhone is a must be approved by Apple and phenomenon is clearly an c a n o n l y b e s o l d o n t h e understatement. When it was company's App Store. Oh yeah, introduced in 2007, it caused a and Apple also gets a sizeable sensation, with eager gadget cut of all sales revenue. freaks camping out at Apple The result has been an stores and AT&T retailers. The explosion of applications (or iPhone offered features unheard apps) that range from the of in previous cell phones, along sublime to the ridiculous. Not w i t h A p p l e ' s e x p e r t i s e i n long ago, Apple announced the product and user interface one-billionth download from the design. In addition to its cell App Store. And the beat goes phone capabilities, the iPhone on. New apps appear daily, offered a screen big enough to showcasing the creativity (and easily read e-mails, surf the sense of humor) of their authors. Web or watch videos. This was It's difficult to select 10 titles the perfect combination of from the thousands of apps mobile phone and iPod. But available, so we'll take a look at there was much more to come. some great applications from Apple is known for keeping its different groups, listed in no technology close to the vest, particular order. And most of which is why there are no Mac these iPhone apps will also run clones. For the iPhone, however, on the iPod Touch. Apple opened up the vault Five Filters featured article: enough to allow third-party The Art of Looking Prime developers to create applications Ministerial - The 2010 UK to add functionality and fun to General Election. Available the fast-selling gadget. They tools: PDF Newspaper, Full even made it easier by providing Text RSS, Term Extraction. a programming environment to


E-reader News Edition


'Ultrasuede: In Search of Halston' Premieres at Tribeca (ELLE Fashion Blogs) Submitted at 5/4/2010 3:25:40 PM

Whitney Sudler-Smith, the creator of Ultrasuede: In Search of Halston, poses (sans the Boogie Nights mustache he sports in his documentary) with Sarah Jessica Parker on the red carpet. Last Friday was the world premiere of Ultrasuede: In Search of Halston at the Tribeca Film Festival, a documentary

about one of American fashion’s most tumultuous legacies. Among a swarm of fashionistas decked out in vintage Halston dresses, Whitney Sudler-Smith, the film’s creator, posed with Sarah Jessica Parker, while Marc Jacobs slipped by incognito. But the star of the evening really was the lost 70’s icon himself, Roy Halston. “The seventies had everything,” Sudler-Smith says in the movie’s opening, “sex, drugs, fashion, and”—to borrow from

the designer’s plaque on the Fashion Walk of Fame—“the seventies belonged to Halston.” His 1973 show at Versailles, the first year American designers were invited to present their work alongside top French fashion houses, was such a hit that Yves St. Laurent apparently threw his book in the air with excitement. But while Halston put American fashion on the map, few who grew up after the era of Studio 54 know about his reign as the country’s first

celebrity designer. Ultrasuede maps Halston’s spectacular rise in the party culture of the 70’s, and his label’s disappointing decline in the 80’s, when Halston lost the rights to his brand name and was ruined by a disastrous—though, considering the high-low state of fashion today, revolutionary—billiondollar partnership with JC Penney. Sudler-Smith, who suffers from self-diagnosed “era envy” and spends most of the

movie strutting around in an ironic Burt Reynolds get-up, is just as interested in how the 70's created Halston as he is in how Halston created the 70's. Halston was a talk show regular, a Studio 54 staple, and a close friend of Andy Warhol and his entourage. But while his lifestyle was one of excess, his designs were pure, elegant minimalism. Sudler-Smith calls him “an extremist” for living 'ULTRASUEDE: page 47



E-reader News Edition

Intel Introduces Ultra-Low-Power Processor for Smartphones Priya Ganapati (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 5/5/2010 8:44:00 AM

After a few false starts, Intel is making yet another attempt to get inside smartphones with the launch of a new Atom processor designed specifically for mobile devices. The chips, codenamed “Moorestown,” will be highly power efficient, while still packing enough computational muscle to enable features such as video conferencing and HD video, says Intel. “This is our second generation, low-power Atom platform that can exceed our competition in terms of power and performance,” says Anand Chandrasekher, Intel senior vice president and general manager of the Ultra Mobility Group. The system-on chip package will be based on Intel’s 45nanometer process and will pack 140 million transistors. Intel’s chips run the show in netbooks, notebooks and desktop processors, but the company been sidelined in the fast growing smartphone market. Processors based on the rival ARM architecture are in most smartphones today. For instance, Qualcomm’s Snapdragon processor, which has an ARM-based CPU, is inside the Google HTC Nexus One phone and HTC’s upcoming EVO 4G phone.

Intel tried its hand in the phone chip business earlier, but in 2006, it sold its XScale ARMbased division to Marvell. More recently, Intel has also tried to pitch its current generation of Atom processors to smartphone makers, but the chips were never accepted because they consumed too much power for

phone use. This time around, Intel says its made major improvements to power efficiency so its Moorestown chips can stand up or even beat the competition in energy efficiency. “This is the third time Intel is entering the smartphone market,” says Flint Pulskamp,

an analyst with IDC. “The difference is this time they realize being inside phones is essential to their long term viability so they are being very aggressive with their design and architecture.” The Moorestown system-on-achip has three parts. The first is an Atom processor that

combines the CPU core with 3D graphics, video encoding, memory and display functions. The second is a controller hub that supports system level tasks. The final piece is a mixed-signal integrated circuit that handles the power delivery and battery charging features. Together these chips use just 1.75% the power of current Atom chips, in the idle state: Instead of the 1.2 Watts drawn by current Atom CPUs, the new Moorestown chips will draw just 21 milliwatts. Similarly, Intel is promising 5% the power consumption of current Atom processors, or 115 milliwatts, while browsing the web; and 1/3rd the power consumption while playing video. These power savings translate into more than 10 days of standby time, up to 2 days of audio playback and four to five hours of browsing and video battery life, says Intel. “We can generally dynamically detect what the phone is doing and adjust the power consumption,” says Belliappa Kuttanna, the principal architect of Intel’s Atom architecture. The new Moorestown chip supports clock speeds of up to 1.5 GHz for high-end smartphones (compared to the 1 GHz seen in Qualcomm’s Snapdragon processors) and up INTEL page 49


E-reader News Edition


May 5, 1945: Japanese Balloon Bomb Kills 6 in Oregon David Kravets (Wired Top Stories)

yards from the car when she shouted back: “Look what I found, dear,” the Mail Tribune Submitted at 5/4/2010 11:00:00 PM reported. 1945:: A Japanese balloon One of the road-crew workers, bomb kills six people in rural Richard Barnhouse, said “ There eastern Oregon. They are the was a terrible explosion. Twigs only World War II U.S. combat flew through the air, pine casualties in the 48 states. needles began to fall, dead Months before an atomic bomb branches and dust, and dead d e c i m a t e d H i r o s h i m a , t h e logs went up.” United States and Japan were The minister and the road crew locked in the final stages of ran to the scene. Jay Gifford, World War II. The United States E d w a r d E n g e n , S h e r m a n had turned the tables and Shoemaker, Dick Patzke and invaded Japan’s outlying islands their teacher were all dead, t h r e e y e a r s a f t e r J a p a n ’ s strewn around a one-foot hole. invasion of the U.S. naval base The teacher’s dress was ablaze. at Pearl Harbor. Dick Patzke’s sister Joan was That probably seemed a world severely injured and died away to a Sunday school minutes later, the Mail Tribune teacher, her minister husband wrote. and five 13- and 14-year-old The six were victims of Japan’s students near Klamath Falls. so-called Fu-Go or fire-balloon Rev. Archie Mitchell was campaign. Carried aloft by driving the group along a 19,000 cubic feet of hydrogen mountainous road on the way to and borne eastward by the jet a Saturday afternoon picnic, stream, the balloons were according to the Mail Tribune, a designed to travel across the southern Oregon newspaper. Pacific to North America, where Teacher Elyse Mitchell, who they would drop incendiary was pregnant, became sick. Her d e v i c e s o r a n t i - p e r s o n n e l husband pulled the sedan over. e x p l o s i v e s . H e b e g a n s p e a k i n g t o a Made of rubberized silk or construction crew about fishing paper, each balloon was about conditions, and his wife and the 33 feet in diameter. Barometerstudents momentarily walked o p e r a t e d v a l v e s r e l e a s e d away. hydrogen if the balloon gained They were about a hundred too much altitude or dropped

Wikimedia Commons See Also:

sandbags if it flew too low. In all, the Japanese released an estimated 9,000 fire balloons. At least 342 reached the United States. Some drifted as far as Nebraska. Some were shot down. Some caused minor damage when they landed, but no injuries. One hit a power line and temporarily blacked out the

nuclear-weapons plant at Hanford, Washington. But the only known casualties from the 9,000 balllons — and the only combat deaths from any cause on the U.S. mainland — were the five kids and their Sunday school teacher going to a picnic. Source: Various Photo: Japanese fire balloon/

• Feb. 23, 1942: Invasion! They're Coming! • Jan. 25, 1945: Fluoridation • Jan. 27, 1945: Nazi Hell on Earth • Jan. 30, 1945: Torpedoed • March 9, 1945: Burning the Heart Out of the Enemy • March 19, 1945: Blow It All Up • April 14, 1945: Tweaky Toilet Costs Skipper His Sub • April 30, 1945: New Generation U-Boat Too Little, Too Late • July 16, 1945: Trinity Blast Opens Atomic Age • Aug. 6, 1945: 'I Am Become Death, Destroyer of Worlds' • Oct. 18, 1945: Red Spy Steals U.S. Atom Bomb Secrets • May 5, 1992: 'Wolfenstein 3D' Shoots the First-Person Shooter Into Stardom • May 5, 1809: Hats Off to First U.S. Woman Patent-Holder Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



E-reader News Edition

iPad Keyboard: Pricey and Awkward, But a Must-Have for Productivity Brian X. Chen (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 5/5/2010 7:00:00 AM

As beautiful as they may be, virtual keyboards can’t replace the speed and precision of typing on physical keys. If you actually plan on doing work on an iPad, you should probably buy Apple’s integrated keyboard -and-dock. Once you attach your iPad to the dock, you can begin typing in basically any app that has a text field: e-mails, URL addresses, documents, etc. No setup is required. If you want, you can plug your iPad power cable into the back of the dock to charge your iPad while you type, but it works just fine even if the keyboard’s not plugged into a power source. I’ve had some time to test the iPad keyboard for the past few days, and the experience is quite liberating. Without modesty, I’ll admit I’m a really fast typist (180 WPM is my max), and typing on the iPad’s soft virtual keyboard was daunting and error-prone. The addition of a physical keyboard transforms the iPad from a couch-surfing media device into a lean-forward productivity tool. I particularly enjoy using the keyboard for chatting, writing e-mails and

paying bills: Punching in credit card numbers and addresses with a virtual keyboard is a huge pain in the butt. The experience, however, is still slightly awkward compared to typing with a traditional computer keyboard. Though the keyboard dock is designed specifically for the iPad — including keys to launch the Home screen or a Spotlight search — there are some

functions that don’t work with the keyboard. For example, in a drop-down menu, you can’t use the arrow keys to move up or down the items in the menu; you have to just tap the touchscreen. Apple did say during its iPhone OS 4 event that improved keyboard integration is coming in the next OS, so one hopes these issues will be resolved. I also think it’s particularly disappointing that you can’t

dock the iPad horizontally onto the keyboard to view the screen in landscape mode. The iPad’s only docking port is under its Home button, meaning the only way you can plug it into the keyboard dock is in vertical mode. A lot of apps that involve typing, such as IM+ or even Apple’s Mail app, look a lot better in landscape mode, and it’s a shame we can’t use them

that way when docking on the keyboard. I’m typing this blog post on the iPad docked on the keyboard, and I gotta say: Writing in a portrait-oriented screen is weird. Although the keyboard will enhance your productivity on the iPad, it won’t completely solve the tablet’s shortcomings as a work device. Any app you open takes up the entire screen. Not being able to view other media and notes while writing a blog post like this one, for example, feels stifling. Apple has announced multitasking is coming to iPhone OS 4, which will partly address the problem, because you’ll be able to switch between apps much faster. Bottom line: For what the keyboard dock does, it’s pretty pricey at $70. Apple’s wired keyboard for Macs costs $50, and I would hope the iPad keyboard matches that price tag at some point. Nonetheless, I think this is a crucial buy for professionals and students planning to do some serious work on their iPads. See Also: • Apple iPad Reaches ‘1 Million Sold’ Twice as Fast as iPhone • Ten Things Missing From the IPAD page 48


E-reader News Edition

'ULTRASUEDE: continued from page 43

only on either end of the dial. In the end, though, the film presents him as a gifted artist. Ralph Rucci, whose first job was cutting muslins for Halson, recalls a particularly stirring memory of the designer taking a pair of scissors to a bolt of fabric and suddenly turning it into a dress. What other designer, Rucci asks the audience, can so easily see a piece of fabric in three dimensions and turn it into something beautiful? Roy Halston died in 1990 of AIDSrelated cancer, and he was eulogized on TV news stations w i t h o n l y o n e factoid—historical though it may be—that he designed Jackie O’s famous pillbox hat. And now, after a staggering number of corporate acquisitions and inheritances, Halston’s sketches, photos, and designs are stored in a downtrodden storage room in Lipscomb Bible College, the irony of which would be delicious if it wasn’t so depressing. So Sudler-Smith instead recreates Halston’s life and faded legacy through the

insights of friends and fashion aficionados. He starts by meeting Halston’s best friend, Liza Minnelli, in the New York apartment he had decorated for her. Minnelli was one of the many 70's icons that r e g u l a r l y w o r e Halston—including Bianca Jagger, Elizabeth Taylor, and Candice Bergen, who he dressed for Andy Warhol’s Black and White Ball. Halston was, in fact, the person who brought together Minnelli and her one true love—sequins—after seeing her leave stage soaked in sweat. “You’re already shining,” he told her, “So you might as well shine all over!” From there, Sudler-Smith seeks the insights of, among others, Cathy Horyn, Anjelica Huston (one of the Halstonettes), and Diane Von Furstenberg. But the movie’s greatest insights come from the personal testimony of Rucci and former Halston model Pat Cleveland, both of whom sat down for a panel discussion after the film, moderated by Matt Tyrnauer, director of Valentino: The Last Emperor. Together, the panels shared

their thoughts on Halston. Tyrnauer expressed shock that the announcement of Halston's death was marked only with a bit of Kennedy-headwear trivia, ignoring over a decade of sixply cashmere, "one-note" monochrome looks, and flowing winged dresses, all of which Halston brought into vogue. Rucci lamented that his mentor’s memory is so often marred by the “provincial” objections to his elevated, but still somewhat typical 70's lifestyle. And Cleveland, who Halston called “the moth” for the way she fluttered down the runway, compared wearing his clothes to “being wrapped in music, and as you move, a different part of the fabric touches a different note on your body”—and what a lovely note it was to end the evening on. —Nojan Aminosharei Photo: Getty Images


Taylor, Ashton, Demi, and Betty Spread Their Influence at the Lincoln Center Molly (PopSugar) Submitted at 5/5/2010 8:00:00 AM

New York City's red carpet wattage for the week isn't only about the Costume Institute Gala- stars stepped out for Time Magazine's 100 Most Influential People party at Lincoln Center last night. Taylor Swift wore a LBD for the red carpet before changing into a sparkly silver number to perform and say her thanks for being included on the list. The country star and new face of CoverGirl was also among the Met ball's best dressed and stopped to talk about the flooding in Tennessee at both events. Lea Michele also earned her way there thanks to the success of Glee, Elizabeth Hurley brought a dose of glamour and jack-of-all-trades Neil Patrick Harris suited up sadly another of the honorees, Robert Pattinson, didn't make the bash. Ashton Kutcher joked about his powerlessness in getting his minibar restocked before stepping out to pose with Demi Moore and even once with Sarah Palin's daughter Piper inside. Demi was one of the last to arrive at the Costume Gala,

but still flashed a beautiful smile on her way in. She looked flawless both nights and by day headed to DC to speak out against child slavery. Also at the Time soiree, Betty White had a break from preparing for this weekend's highly anticipated Saturday Night Live where she'll be hosting with musical guest Jay-Z. To see more from Time's 100 Most Influential Gala, just read more. View 50 Photos › Images include: Ben Stiller, Leslie Mann, Judd Apatow, Betty White, Nick Cannon, Demi Moore, Ashton Kutcher, Taylor Swift, Neil Patrick Harris, Lea Michele, Kathryn Bigelow, Martha Stewart, Lorne Michaels, Andy Samberg, Elton John



E-reader News Edition

What's Inside Triple Paste Diaper Cream? Patrick Di Justo (Wired Top Stories)

into lanolin, a wax with a melting point around human body temperature, the Submitted at 5/4/2010 7:00:00 PM moisturizing goo can also Photo: Tim Morris thicken the inner skin layer by Zinc Oxide accelerating the growth of new ZnO is used in everything from cells. paint to dental fillings to Stearyl Alcohol sunscreen. A dirty diaper Now easily extracted from contains stuff tantamount to plants, this fatty alcohol used to toxic waste, and zinc oxide be distilled from sperm whale provides a powerful barrier oil. Water utilities sometimes between scum and bum. float a thin layer of stearyl White Petrolatum alcohol on the surface of their This waxy yellow gunk was reservoirs to retard evaporation. discovered coating the surface Note the water-barrier theme. of oil-well drill bits and filtered Bisabolol into a colorless, odorless, An update on granny’s folk jellylike mass that’s impervious remedy for diaper rash, this to water. You probably know it c o m p o u n d f r o m t h e h e r b better by its brand name: chamomile penetrates the skin Vaseline. Liquids increase the and has anti-inflammatory, permeability of skin (allowing antibacterial, and muscleirritants like urine and fecal relaxant properties. enzymes into the epidermis — Oat Kernel Extract ouch!), so keeping baby’s skin Of all the indignities caused by dry yet not dried-out is one key sitting in your own poop, the to combating diaper rash. worst may be a Candida yeast Anhydrous Lanolin infection. Not merely another Sheep exude this stinky yellow skin soother, extract of Avena o i l i n t o t h e i r w o o l a s a sativa seeds also contains a very waterproofing agent. Purified mild antifungal protein.

Cholesterol This vital component of our cell membranes is the ur-steroid, the material from which progesterone, testosterone, and other hormones are derived. But while some skin creams are steroid-based, here raw cholesterol is most likely just a moisturizer and emulsifier for keeping all the other ingredients properly mixed. Polysorbate 80 A food additive from the atomic age, when artificial meant better, this chemical has been touted as a baldness cure (unproven), denigrated as a carcinogen (not), and held up as evidence that flu vaccine is part of a vast government conspiracy (isn’t). It’s actually just an emulsifier. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Daily Buzz: Celebrate Cinco de Mayo with! Editors (Daily Woman's Day Blog)

themed celebration. Gather up these fun items—from recipes to festive Submitted at 5/5/2010 9:19:52 AM decorations—for a party no one Believe it or not, this holiday will forget. i s n ' t t h e b i g c h e e s e / b i g Recipes at enchilada in Mexico that it is in 10 Fiesta-Ready Cinco de the USA. Though inspired by Mayo Recipes the country— on May 5, in Get into the spirit by hosting 1862, Mexico's army defeated your French forces in the Battle of own casual soirée, replete with Puebla— it's us Margarita- a Mexican-themed menu full of loving Americans who've made delicious it an annual party. That said, foods that your family and there are many ways and friends will love. reasons to celebrate. ( C'mon, Funny Reads at even Obama's doing it.) Just W o m a n s D a y . c o m : follow our fun guide, boasting Bigger Is Better: Cinco de easy party-planning tips, recipes Mayo Edition and more. See 10 record-breaking P a r t y P l a n n i n g a t Mexican foods, party favors and more. Plan a Red-Hot Cinco de Mayo Five Filters featured article: Bash The Art of Looking Prime If you’re playing hostess on Ministerial - The 2010 UK May 5 (or the weekend General Election. Available after), WD has everything you tools: PDF Newspaper, Full need for the perfect Mexican- Text RSS, Term Extraction.

IPAD continued from page 46

iPad • The Wired Tablet App: A Video Demonstration • Can Apple’s iPad Save the Media After All?

• Apple Acknowledges iPad Wi -Fi Issues Product Page[Apple] Photo: Brian

Chen/ 0 tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Five Filters featured article: Text RSS, Term Extraction. The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK X . General Election. Available

Culture/ Food/

E-reader News Edition

Springtime Style: Milliner Gigi Burris Launches Exclusive Collection for Screaming Mimis (ELLE Fashion Blogs) Submitted at 5/4/2010 10:17:17 AM

Nothing says “spring garden party” quite like a whimsical topper, complete with dotted veil and vintage hand-made flower petals. Hence, a perfect marriage of a Sunday afternoon in the Yard at Soho Grand hotel and the launch of the Gigi Burris hat collection exclusive for Screaming Mimi’s vintage boutique. Guests socialized under the green-vined pergola while summertime music filled the garden space and citrus-y drinks were passed around. Downtown dwellers there to support Ms. Burris included The Misshapes, Sophia Lamar, models Cole Mohr and Martin Cohn, Genevieve Jones, designer Timo Weiland and

Elle’s own Kate Lanphear. Friends of Gigi donned her flirty headpieces with floral dresses and sheer rompers, perfect attire for a weekend garden party in the middle of Manhattan. The collaboration came about through the friendship of Gigi

and Screaming Mimi's buyer Nicollette Santos, who suggested she create a diffusion line for the social downtown girl. "I was excited about fusing my love of old world craft with the flirty and forward vintage essence that is Screaming Mimi's," says Burris. "Creating

models that will use Moorestown. Earlier this year, the company has demonstrated the use of Atom processors in a phone produced by LG. Breaking into the smartphone market will be tough for Intel, says IDC’s Pulskamp. Intel will have to compete with companies such as Qualcomm, Texas Instruments, and Infineon, all of which use ARM-based

architecture. “Intel is trying to move step-bystep in the mobile market,” says Pulskamp. “They did well with netbooks and now they are looking at phones. But they are going to face more a challenge in smartphones than they did with netbooks.” See Also: • Intel, LG Partner To Create New Mobile Internet Device

a slightly more affordable line allows me to reach a new customer, a customer I am probably friends with since I have been shopping at Screaming Mimi's since I moved here!" See all five pieces from the Gigi Burris collection for Screaming Mimi's here and more garden party style below. Available at Sreaming Mimi's 382 Lafayette St. NYC, 212-677 -6464 Friends of Gigi Burris and Screaming Mimi's. The designer, bottom right. Photos: Sanem Gok and Wayne Price Follow ELLE on Twitter. Become our Facebook fan!


Best of 2010 (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)

Coarsely chopped almonds, two kinds of chocolate, and golden cane syrup help give UpsideDown Fudge-Almond Tart its r i c h f l a v o r and our highest rating. "Easy and beautiful, this tart will satisfy every chocoholic's need for a chocolate fix," c o m m e n t s T e s t Kitchen Professional Deb Wise. View Recipe: Upside-Down Fudge-Almond Tart Next January: Poutine Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

INTEL continued from page 44

to 1.9 GHz for tablets and other handheld designs. The chips have been designed for the Android operating system and for Intel’s Moblin OS. Intel says it is already producing these chips and consumers can expect mobile devices that use Intel chips later this year. But so far, the company hasn’t announced any smartphone

• Why Intel’s Processors Aren’t Big on Cellphones • Intel Shows Off Future of Mobile Internet Devices • Apple’s Core Could Soon Include In-House Chips Photo: Prototype of a smartphone using Intel Moorestown chip/Intel Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime

Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Culture/ TV/

E-reader News Edition

Jennifer Aniston Kisses and Hugs on Set But Needs Pop 100 Love PopSugar (PopSugar) Submitted at 5/5/2010 9:00:00 AM

Dinner Diary: Turkey Tacos with Orange and Avocado Editors (Daily Woman's Day Blog)

grocery store I went to didn't have pork shoulder, just a tenderloin and Submitted at 5/4/2010 3:00:00 PM some chops. I opted instead for Tomorrow is Cinco de Mayo, ground an excuse for everyone to have a turkey, to make a quick taco celebration and eat tacos. I had filling with those same flavors selected this recipe for carnitas of orange from Simply Recipes because I and chipotle. Despite a few love the technique: a slow braise bumps along the way, we ended followed by spreading the meat up with juicy out on a baking sheet and tacos with a nice, subtle flavor, roasting it for 15 to 20 minutes perfect for the kiddos. to get some crispy bits. Inspired Five Filters featured article: by this recipe at YumSugar, I The Art of Looking Prime thought I might add some Ministerial - The 2010 UK different flavors, orange and General Election. Available chipotle. tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Alas, it was not to be. The Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler spent another afternoon working on romantic scenes for Just Go With It in Hawaii yesterday. It was busy day for both stars - Jen started by rehearsing and looking chummy with Nicole Kidman and Brooklyn Decker, and she also took a few photographs of the set with her own camera. Adam, meanwhile, went shirtless to film poolside with a few child actors who ended up being thrown in the water. Jen's surrounded by friends while working on her latest project, but she's facing stiff competition in the PopSugar 100. Despite having another huge year between her hot career and busy social life, she's in the tournament's closest race against

Faking a Death on 'NCIS: LA' (VIDEO) Chris Harnick (TV Squad) Submitted at 5/5/2010 5:30:00 AM

Emma Watson. The match-ups in the Sweet Sixteen end today at midnight PDT, so make sure to fill out your ballot and enter to win Chanel! To see more from the set just read more. View 20 Photos ›

Filed under: TV Replay Agent Callen knows what it takes to get answers. On'NCIS: Los Angeles'(Tue., 9PM ET on CBS), Callen went to extreme lengths to get answers, he even pretended to kill a man to get a suspect to give up valuable information. With one swift kick the undercover agent went swimming with the fishes, but he was never in danger. The result? Information. "Do you know where they're holding Agent Vale?" Callen ( Chris O'Donnell) asked. "No, but I know who does," the suspect said. Finally, some information. TV Replay: Watch TV's Best Moments Daily Permalink| Email this| Linking Blogs| Comments

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Sienna Miller and Jude John Mayer Bides His Law Are Flying High as Time by Blogging Sexiest and Best Dressed! Down Under Molly (PopSugar)

PopSugar (PopSugar)

Submitted at 5/5/2010 6:00:43 AM

Sienna Miller and Jude Law stepped out into the NYC sunshine yesterday, not looking any worse for the wear after being out late the night before. The two were one of the highlights of Monday's Costume Institute Gala- it was their first time stepping out on a red carpet as a couple since rekindling their romance and their obvious happiness had all eyes on them. Sienna's gorgeous Pucci dress earned your best-dressed honors and is among Fab's favorites, and Jude has celebrating of his own to do after being nominated for a Tony. Even dressed down at the end of the evening, Sienna and Jude had us smiling as one

Quiche Lorraine

Submitted at 5/5/2010 7:00:00 AM

John Mayer arrived in Sydney yesterday for the Australian stops on his Battle Studies tour and he was quick to whip out his camera and capture the view of the gala's sexiest couples from his hotel balcony. John is headed back to their hotel off to Japan and Europe next, together. Hopefully this is only but despite the busy travel the beginning of Sienna and schedule he's also finding time Jude going public, as they are to work on new music - he just q u i c k l y b e c o m i n g a v e r y shared a peek into his writing welcome sweet sight! process with a video on his blog. John's all about his Tumblr these days, which is handy To see more Sienna and Jude, considering his anti-Twitter just read more. sentiments. He reverted to the View 10 Photos › more traditional medium of TV for an interview with Keith

Invista's Summer Contest Fun (ELLE Fashion Blogs)

and professional Brazilian bigwave surfing bombshell Maya Gabeira have come together to Submitted at 5/4/2010 2:04:28 PM launch an exciting online As the days start to warm, swimsuit design contest. Swim everyone—including us—is aficionados can participate by starting to think about swim submitting their bikini designs season. Invista, the makers of o n l i n e a t Xtra Life Lycra (which is used The in every Billabong bathing suit), bounty? The winning swimsuit

will become part of the Billabong Cruise 2010

(Simply Recipes) Submitted at 5/4/2010 5:49:24 PM

Urban promoting their Crossroads concert airing June 18- check out a clip below. The guitar playing duo will also reunite this Summer with a concert in Washington state on August 28. View 5 Photos ›

It occurred to me a while ago that the site was missing a Quiche Lorraine recipe. Hah! An opportunity to cook bacon! (Like we don't get enough of those around here?) Culinary trends took an odd turn in the 70s when quiche gained the To see a video from John's reputation of being a Ladieswho-lunch type of dish. Must interview just read more. have been because they took the bacon out and started putting everything else in ( asparagus, goat cheese, mushrooms, heck, they even took out the crust.) But the mother of quiche recipes collection; Gabeira will don the is the Quiche Lorraine, a light swimsuit as she competes and custard with lots of bacon in a surfs around the world; and, buttery crust. In this version finally, the winner will also geta we've included some chopped chives because as of this writing trip to Hawaii. Gnarly. —Jade Frampton, Market Editor it is springtime, and the chives Check out Gabeira in action on are flourishing in the garden. Continue reading "Quiche the Billabong website. Lorraine" »


Culture/ Politics/

E-reader News Edition

Outsourced Racism Neera Tanden (The New Republic - All Feed) Submitted at 5/4/2010 11:00:00 PM

Americans for Job Security is a corporate front group. It has spent millions on behalf of campaigns to repeal the estate tax and take down the Employee Free Choice Act. This week it unrolled a spot that can’t help but be described as racist. The ad targets Bill Halter, who is running in the Arkansas Democratic primary against Senator Blanche Lincoln. It features Indian actors—in Indian outfits, with Indian accents, with images of India behind them. They thank Halter for his support of outsourcing to Bangalore while he served as the director of an unnamed Editors the site! (Daily Woman's Day Blog) VOTE for your favorites here company. The poorly produced ad, which using our new Cute Pet Submitted at 5/5/2010 9:00:00 AM somehow cost Americans for Face-Off tool. Ten winners will Looks like Kiwi look to dress receive a Harry Barker collar Job Security$900,000, trades in up and is ready for the beach. a n d l e a s h s e t f r o m crude cultural clichés and T h a n k s t o D N e t t a f o r! For official c a r r i e s t h e c l e a r i m p l i c i t message: Don’t vote for that submitting! rules click here. Each Five Filters featured article: politician who does business day we will post an adorable The Art of Looking Prime w i t h t h e f u n n y - s o u n d i n g picture or video of some of the Ministerial - The 2010 UK I n d i a n s . world's cutest pets. Send your General Election. Available Our society strangely tolerates furry friends t o tools: PDF Newspaper, Full mocking Indians. There are W D c u t e p e t s @ g m a i l . c o m Text RSS, Term Extraction. and you might just see them on

Cutest Pet of the Day: Kiwi

never, for instance, ads attacking outsourcing to Ireland with Irish actors, even though that country has made a major push to become an outsourcing hub. Or imagine an ad featuring Hassidic Jews and klezmer music and the outrage that would generate. Or remember the storm of condemnation that rightly rained down on Senator Bob Corker for his raciallytinged attack on Harold Ford. Yet, similar treatment of Indians seems to be perfectly acceptable in many quarters. Of course, this isn’t the first time that a politician has dangerously injected Indians into a political attack. During the Democratic primary, the Obama campaign attacked Hillary Clinton for supporting outsourcing and described her as “D-Punjab.” But there was a big difference between that incident and this one. Senator Obama quickly apologized to the Indian community. And we later learned from David Plouffe’s campaign memoir (and others) that he yelled at his staff for the attack. At the end of the day, Obama was deeply offended by it.

With the Americans for Job Security smear, Senator Blanche Lambert Lincoln wasted no time in condemning the ad—blasting it the very morning it surfaced. It begs the question, why hasn’t a single Republican politician stepped forward to do the same? Hey, Michael Steele, you said you cared about the concerns of minorities. Sarah Palin, you frothed when Rahm Emanuel used a crude term for the disabled. So, we know you’re willing to condemn offensive language, at least when it applies to your family and it profits you politically. And what the hell does Bobby Jindal, the most prominent IndianAmerican politician, think about this? I suppose business groups would never target him. But he won’t have much of a moral leg to stand on, when in a Republican primary, some shady group runs a similarly racist ad against him. Neera Tanden is the Chief Operating Officer of the Center for American Progress. She served in the Obama and Clinton administrations.


E-reader News Edition


Beating the Street Noam Scheiber (The New Republic - All Feed) Submitted at 5/4/2010 11:00:00 PM

Shortly after nine on a Monday morning in late April, Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Chairman Gary Gensler filed into a meeting room with nine senior aides. The aesthetic was what you might call “bureaucratic drab”—fluorescent lights, beige carpeting, American flag—and the mostly middle-aged men did not seem out of place. Their suits ranged from gray to charcoal and the complexions were varying degrees of pasty. Many wore looks of mild disbelief, as though at a loss to explain their presence so soon after going to bed. The CFTC is the federal regulator whose primary responsibility is to oversee derivatives, essentially bets on movements in financial data like bond prices and interest rates. In the past decade, much of the derivatives market has grown up outside the government’s reach, which helps explain how AIG massively overdosed on them. At the time of the April meeting, Congress was on the verge of enacting a package of derivatives regulations, and Gensler had gathered his team to figure out where the late-inning negotiations had left them. Gensler, who is short and lean with eyes like a Pokémon

character, promptly slouched in his chair at the head of a conference table and eased off his loafers. “Let’s do the side-by -side,” he said. “What I’d like to do is, as fast as humanly possible, tell me where we think the merged bill is.” Everyone in the room now considered a 19-page document listing 38 provisions related to derivatives. For each provision, the document summarized where the Senate bill stood, indicating where Gensler could breathe easy and where he should keep pressing. “Foreign exchange?” Gensler asked. “I’m putting Senate Ag and a check mark—we’re fine.” “Swap dealers?” he continued, “We’re fine.” “Set-aside segregation requirements. ... This is, like, huge. We like this, right?” As the team worked through the list, it became clear that the bill had, if anything, become stronger. Even the occasional question mark seemed to work out for the best. “Do we have the Eddie Murphy provision?” Gensler wondered, alluding to a statute he’d named after the star of the 1980s Wall Street comedy, Trading Places. “Insider trading—that’s the Eddie Murphy—that stayed in,” he confirmed. Basic political science tells us that, when Congress targets a complex industry with billions of dollars at stake, the legislation should weaken as it

moves toward passage. The industry will plead its case with vehemence, while voters will be oblivious to the importance of subtle changes. “Words on the page are not that critical to the public,” one derivatives industry lawyer told me in March, conveying a general truism. But something unforeseen is happening as Congress wraps up its overhaul of Wall Street: Key elements of the bill are getting tougher—in some cases markedly so. And no subplot illustrates this dynamic more vividly than the one starring Gary Gensler. Gensler’s unlikely derivatives crusade began only hours after Obama named him to head the CFTC. That’s when incoming White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel informed him that Minnesota’s Collin Peterson, chairman of the House committee that oversees the agency, was preparing a statement opposing the nomination. The 51-year-old Gensler was a former partner at Goldman Sachs, and Peterson was wary of his Wall Street ties. Gensler promptly called Peterson at home and persuaded him to holster his statement, but he was hardly in the clear. Washington Senator Maria Cantwell worried that Gensler would be soft on derivatives. Vermont’s Bernie Sanders was skeptical of Gensler’s tour under Treasury Secretary Robert

Rubin. The two senators would eventually block his nomination, demanding assurances that he and his Obama colleagues planned to rein in the financial markets. The suspicions weren’t necessarily unfair. In 2000, the Clintonites had joined forces with Republicans to exempt socalled over-the-counter derivatives from regulation, and Gensler had played a supporting role in the effort. But his Treasury experience had also made him appreciate the chaos that derivatives could wreak. In 1998, Rubin had dispatched him to inspect the books at LongTerm Capital Management (LTCM), a hedge fund on the verge of collapse. Gensler was startled to learn that LTCM's derivatives portfolio had tied it to so many firms that its failure could threaten the financial system. And so, when Treasury Secretary-designate Timothy Geithner, Gensler’s fellow under secretary during the Clinton years, pitched him on the CFTC job, the chance to reform the derivatives market held real appeal. As Gensler would testify last February, he believed the Clintonites hadn’t done enough to protect the public. “There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think what we might have done differently,” Gensler told me at the time.

Cantwell finally relented on Gensler’s appointment in May 2009, after Geithner sent a letter to Congress committing to a hawkish regulatory scheme. Among other things, he favored requiring most derivatives to be “cleared”—meaning the two sides of each deal would place their bets through a middleman, to which they’d have to post collateral. (That wasn’t the case with AIG, which is why its housing-market losses could have brought down the banks it had bet with.) By early summer, though, the Wall Street skeptics had reason to worry again. The big banks that trade derivatives had mobilized hundreds of sympathetic customers—the industrial companies that use derivatives to lock in prices of inputs like oil and steel—rather than do the brunt of the lobbying themselves. The “end users” flocked to Capitol Hill to complain that the new regulations would raise their costs. Moderate Democrats on Barney Frank’s House Financial Services Committee took up their cause, agitating for an exemption so wide it would even include hedge funds. The administration now had a choice: It could accept a wider exemption than it supported in principle, so as to improve the bill’s prospects in the House. Or BEATING page 55



E-reader News Edition

The TNR Reader’s Guide to the British Elections Alex Massie (The New Republic - All Feed) Submitted at 5/4/2010 3:24:05 PM

Overall Best One-Stop Shop Politics Home. With all the latest polls, headlines, and videos from the campaign trail, PoliticsHome is clearly the best and easiest-to-use election portal. It’s got enough detail to satisfy political junkies and plenty of overview material for novices and newcomers. Runner-up: the BBC. Best Conservative One-Stop Shop Conservative Home. An excellent, even essential, stop for Conservative news and much more useful than the official party website. This is where the Tory grassroots congregate for polls, analysis, tactics, and strategy. Best Labour One-Stop Shop LabourList. An attempt to do for Labour what ConservativeHome does for the Tories—and increasingly influential in Labour circles. Best Liberal Democrat OneStop Shop LibDem Voice. See above, but because it’s a Lib Dem site, Lib Dem Voice receives a fraction of the attention paid to ConservativeHome and LabourList. And frankly you can see why. Best Swingometer UK Polling Report, Electoral Calculus, and the BBC all allow

you to plug in the numbers and build your own fantasy election. For instance, a Tory-Labour-Lib split of 36-28-27 could leave the Conservatives the largest party but short of a majority. Best Blogs Modesty prohibits one from mentioning one's own blog or the work done by colleagues at The Spectator. But you might also want to check in on: Nick Robinson, the political editor of the BBC and thus perhaps the most influential TV reporter in Britain. Guido Fawkes. As the name suggests, he’s happy to see Parliament blown up (he’s particularly fond of arguing that Fawkes remains the only man to have entered parliament with honest intentions). Though he advocates a plague on all houses, he does so from a rightwing perspective. Paul Waugh, political editor of The London Evening Standard. Read by everyone in the Westminster Village so you might as well read him too. Iain Martin provides irreverent Toryism from The Wall Street Journal’s European deputy editor. Sunder Katwala, the General Secretary of the Fabians, offers astute analysis from the heart of the metropolitan, middle-class Labour tradition. Best Blogging Labour MP and Best Blogging Tory MP Tom Harris, MP for Glasgow

South, and John Redwood, MP for Workingham. Many MPs now blog but few are better than these two. Harris for his insights into life as an MP; Redwood for his clear advocacy of Conservative policy. Blogger Who Most Brings to Mind the Black Knight From Monty Python and the Holy Grail Alastair Campbell, previously Tony Blair's spin-meister, was last heard insisting that being at 25 percent in the polls is "only a flesh wound." Runner-up: former Brown henchman Charlie Whelan, whose Twitter feed offers up unapologetic gems like this: "Not up on 'mikegate' yet out in Brum but calm down. Who has not let off steam under stress and strain of campaign. He's apologised move on.” Who is the British Nate Silver? Scarily, the answer is Nate Silver. Everyone's favorite boffin has been busy constructing a statistical model for the British election, too. He admits it’s more of a work-inprogress than his U.S. models, but if he beats the British pollsters and prognosticators, our boys will hang their heads in shame. Elsewhere, the statistical models at the UK Polling Report and the London School of Economics are quite useful. Best Close-to-Project-Cameron Columnist Daniel Finkelstein of the

Times. A former head of the Conservative Research Department and advisor to William Hague, the Fink is a must-read. (He blogs here too.) Typical comment: "Whether the Conservatives have a proper majority or are merely the largest party will depend on [the public’s] view of David Cameron. Because that is all there is left for undecideds to decide about. They have already decided that it is time for a change. More than 80 per cent of voters believe that it is time for a change. This is a very strong political sentiment that is hard for any governing party to overcome." Best Head-in-Hands and Despairing Labour Columnist Polly Toynbee of the Guardian. Typical comment: "Yes, it is the knuckle-head Labour tribalists who blocked Tony Blair's attempt to bring in proportional representation. Blame that formidable array of dinosaurs—Gordon Brown, Ed Balls, Jack Straw, John Prescott and most unions. Now—so late—Labour would trade PR for a coalition with the Lib Dems. People have good reasons to deny their vote to Labour, but why should pro-Iraq war, pro-rich, anti-reform Cameron be the beneficiary?" Best Conservative Columnist Appalled By Cameron Simon Heffer of the Daily Telegraph. Typical comment: “I

do not yet despair of the Tories being the largest party on May 7. Whether they would be able to form a government is quite another matter. Whether they deserve to be able to form one is another still. Perhaps the meltdown at Tory HQ that we are told is under way, with talk beginning about who or what might come next, is an indication that a moral defeat has already taken place. We hear little about the ‘big idea’ of the ‘big society,’ which despite the efforts of propagandists died almost the second it left the womb. The public knows it is inadequate: the big idea it wants is about securing prosperity again, and the Tories are nowhere near a credible plan for that.” Just About the Last Blairite Columnist in Britain John Rentoul of the Independent on Sunday,who also blogs here. Typical comment: “Just because I thought Tony Blair was the finest peace-time Prime Minister in our democratic history does not mean that anyone who copies his rhetorical and campaign techniques gets my vote. Blair did all that ‘contract’ stuff in 1997, and it was all right as a device, but what matters is the content. ... Only by deciding that Cameron is incompetent, by allowing this juvenile ‘contract’ TNR page 60

E-reader News Edition


BEATING continued from page 53

it could hold firm and risk failure. Treasury opted for the weaker bill when it sent legislation to the Hill on August 11. “The House committee was where it was,” says one Treasury official. “We were not keen to draft something up that wouldn’t have worked.” Gensler, for his part, still favored the harder-line approach and told Geithner as much behind closed doors. This much was hardly unexpected, as Geithner had solicited the views of regulators like Gensler. It’s what came next that raised eyebrows. One week after Treasury unveiled its legislation, Gensler outlined his reservations in a public letter to Congress. It was a step Gensler had indicated he might take, but the follow-through caught Treasury off guard. “It’s possible he felt he’d given us a sense of it ... but it didn’t penetrate the consciousness,” says the Treasury official. “We were definitely surprised when we read it, that I can say for sure.” Whatever the case, Gensler’s zeal served as a counterweight to the natural rightward drift on the Hill. Every week, he seemed to appear before another industry group insisting that no financial company should escape the new regulations. When Frank put out a discussion draft that weakened the bill further, Gensler promptly

testified that the proposal “could have the unintended consequence of exempting a broad range of entities,” even big financial institutions. “He’s turned a rinky-dink commission into the most powerful agency in the federal government when it comes to derivatives,” one industry lobbyist told me. A key upshot was to galvanize a coalition of labor unions and activists who, in meetings with Frank and his staff, stressed that derivatives could cost Democratic seats if they didn’t clamp down. By the time the House passed its financial-reform bill last December, the derivatives provision was far from ideal—the new regulations appeared to exempt most hedge funds and insurance companies. But it was somewhat stronger than many would have predicted. Still, no one had any illusions about the endgame. It’s an article of faith on Capitol Hill these days that legislation from the House, where the leadership can exert near-ironclad control over the rank and file, will be more progressive than what passes the Senate, where moderates can cut their own deals and Republicans can thwart action with a mere 41 votes. To anyone who was looking, the first sign that the usual logic might not apply came in late fall. As it prepared to weigh in

with the Senate, Treasury noticed that the climate on derivatives was shifting—that the opposition from Wall Street and its industry allies was being matched by a reformist passion on the center-left. And so, whereas tactical considerations had once dictated trimming the bill’s ambition, Treasury now worked to beef it up. At first, the administration’s new tack had little discernible effect. For months, Chris Dodd, chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, led a bipartisan negotiation aimed at building a hefty majority on the Senate floor, the result of which, many feared, would be a porous bill. But, in late March, Democrats high off their health care victory became frustrated with GOP obstructionism and abruptly scheduled a vote. After a mere 21 minutes, all 13 Democrats on the Banking Committee supported the measure, which reflected the administration’s tougher approach to derivatives. Most lobbyists continued to believe the derivatives piece of Dodd’s bill would disappear once Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Blanche Lincoln negotiated a compromise with her Republican counterpart, Saxby Chambliss. (The Agriculture Committee shares jurisdiction over derivatives.) What the industry hadn’t realized was that, as the White House pivoted

to financial reform, derivatives were rocketing up its priority list. One reason was strategic: The White House began to recognize that derivatives might be more hospitable terrain than, say, the too-big-to-fail problem, the solution to which Republicans dishonestly dubbed a “permanent bailout.” “Rahm’s view is: ‘I like the derivatives issue,’” says one administration official. “‘We’re on better ground on that than talking about bailouts. If they talk bailouts, we talk derivatives.’” Unbeknownst to Wall Street, the new White House focus had transformed the Dodd bill from a legislative ideal—worth striving for but unlikely to pass intact—to a minimally acceptable standard. Two weeks later, when Lincoln’s staff began circulating the outlines of a bipartisan compromise, Treasury’s response was unequivocal: The administration couldn’t support the deal because it was a retreat from Dodd’s position. That left Lincoln with a problem. Her plan had been to attract enough Republicans to offset defections by a handful of liberals on her committee. Now it turned out that a bill forceful enough to win Obama’s imprimatur would almost certainly cost her those Republican votes, meaning she’d need to keep the Democrats united. Lincoln

accomplished this by outflanking the administration on the left. The result was an apparent lurch from the weakest derivatives bill in Congress to the strongest. One derivatives-industry lawyer I spoke with recently recognized the handiwork of a certain federal regulator: “I think Gensler drafted it, his staff put it together from various pieces,” he told me. “It does embrace [certain restrictions] which the administration asked not to be included.” When I asked Gensler about this role, he downplayed it but didn’t disavow it. “Sure, there’s lots of language that we’ve helped with,” he told me. “We’ve given technical advice. It’s inaccurate to say it’s ‘our language.’” Regardless of who deserves credit, the bill quickly gained steam: In addition to every Democrat on her committee, Lincoln also picked up the vote of one Republican. What explains the unexpected success? The financial-services industry had counted on public passion subsiding with time. As the derivatives lawyer told me a few weeks ago, “The current strategy you’re hearing is basically to keep Republicans together till cooler heads prevail.” But cooler heads aren’t prevailing. As the bailed-out banks have surged back to BEATING page 62



E-reader News Edition

Cash for Caulkers: Another Subsidized Clunker Nicolas Loris (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.) Submitted at 5/5/2010 8:54:45 AM

This week The House of Representatives is set to vote on a, $6.6 billion home energy efficiency bill commonly referred to as “cash for caulkers.” The plan would give rebates to homeowners willing to green their homes by installing new windows and retrofitting homes energy efficient upgrades. The legislation, H.R. 5019, is being sold as a win for the economy, the planet and consumers. Its supporters of say it will create jobs and lower both greenhouse gas emissions and electric bills through less energy usage. But the old “If it’s too good to be true” adage holds up again. Cash for caulkers is nothing more than a $6.6 billion, taxpayer-funded government program that of wealth that will be fraught with fraud and is another step in the direction in the creating a green bubble. More Picking Winners and Losers Cash for Caulkers. allows for a maximum of$3,000 for homeowners to weatherize their homes as they see fit. Incentives work and surely enough, if you subsidize anything enough, people will buy it. But who are the taxpayers subsidizing? Those who would have made improvements in their house

without the government’s help or those who are on a tight budget in a recessionary environment – and could ostensibly default on paying for the rest of the project. If people are careful however, and make cuts in their budget elsewhere, then there is no increase in economic activity but rather a shift from one sector to another. The Wall Street Journal labels it“a federally sponsored sale at the local Home Depot or Lowe’s through 2011, at least for those products and services that the government has decided are environmentally correct.” This program is also more of the “we know what’s best” mentality that our government has. It’s attempting to change Americans’ choices by footing a portion of the bill with taxpayer dollars. Consumers are in a much better position to determine how to be energy efficient than the government and we as a country have become a much more energy efficient over time. Just like cash for clunkers, the auto program deemed successful by the administration, these programs can have long-term effects on consumption patterns in the United States. If consumers come to expect a handout from the government, they may hold off on buying a new product. When the government provides subsidies, whether it is to businesses or

Potential for Fraud and Abuse As colleague and Senior Research Fellow David Kreutzer said, “Any program that is going to run through a third party and is going to distribute billions of dollars needs to have lots of checks and balances to make sure there’s not abuse.” The government’s ENERGY STAR program is an infuriatingly perfect example of this. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report and exposed the ENERGY STAR’S flaws finding that the government had endorsed 15 fake products of 23 submitted by GAO, including a gasoline powered alarm clock and an electric hammer. Maybe it’ll be more difficult to commit fraud when it comes to greening one’s home, but if a feather duster taped to a space heater earned i n d i v i d u a l s , i t c r e a t e s a homes from the passage of the the ENERGY STAR seal of dependence that isn’t easily stimulus bill through 2012, approval, who knows. forgotten. which means they’re 1.5% of Seeing Bigger Picture: The We Already Have Ineffective the way there towards meeting Next Bubble? Cash for Caulkers the goal. Texas Watchdog Sure, it’s only another $6.6 We already have a $5 billion detailed their state’s problem billion added to the national stimulus program to weatherize with the weatherization program debt but we could be on the homes and it is off to a shaky two weeks ago noting that $3.7 verge of something much more start. ABC News reports that at million in taxpayer money had catastrophic. The talks of cap the end of 2009, only 9,100 been spent to weatherize 47 and trade, the creation of carbon have been weatherized to save homes – a steal at $78,000 per credit markets, the subsidies and energy through the American home. The stimulus bill also has mandates for renewable energy Reinvestment and Recovery tax credits for government- and the tax credits for energy Act. $522 million of the $5 l a b e l e d E N E R G Y S T A R efficiency could artificially prop billion has been spent thus far, appliances – 30 percent up to up an industry at any cost to the which equates to over $57,000 $1,500. Do we need another taxpayer. Arnold Kling and per home. The goal of the $6.6 billion on top of these CASH page 60 program was to cover 593,000 programs already in place?


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Bank Bill Could Help Feds Snoop, GOP Warns (Newsmax - Inside Cover)

weeks as two top Republicans have questioned the proposed Office of Financial Research Fights over derivatives and and the Bureau of Consumer b a i l o u t s a r e g e t t i n g m o r e Financial Protection, both to be a t t e n t i o n , b u t S e n a t e created under the bill as written Republicans are planning a by Democrats. battle over two federal agencies The consumer protection created by Senate Democrats' bureau, to be part of the Federal f i n a n c i a l - r e g u l a t i o n b i l l , Reserve, and the financial warning that the proposed research office, proposed within agencies give the government the Treasury Department, could new ways to tap into consumers' gather information on financial personal information. transactions right down to As the Senate on Tuesday consumers' loans, according to slogged through more debate on critics, who said this is the first the far-reaching regulatory time the government would cast overhaul, the privacy concerns such a wide net. could present another hurdle for "They both have sweeping Democrats hoping to pass a bill authority to collect information by the middle of the month. about financial transactions, and The measure, backed by there's little to ensure they aren't President Obama, is arguably g o i n g t o c o l l e c t d e t a i l e d the biggest piece of legislation information, personal financial still left on Congress' must-pass transactions," said Jim Harper, c a l e n d a r h e a d i n g i n t o director of information-policy November's elections. The studies at the Cato Institute. House passed a regulation bill in With data-mining tools growing December, but that legislation ever more powerful, he said, the attracted no Republican support best solution is to stop the and the Senate is considered the government from collecting the more critical battleground. information in the first place. The privacy issues bubbled up Senate aides and Republican quietly after Democrats passed operatives helping to coordinate their bill out of committee last strategy off Capitol Hill said month, but the fears have gained they have prepared multiple traction in the past couple of amendments to reel in both Submitted at 5/5/2010 3:24:09 AM

agencies. Democratic staffers on the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee didn't return messages, but during floor debate last week, Sen. Christopher J. Dodd, Connecticut Democrat, who is chairman of the committee and wrote most of the Senate's bill, called those charges "totally false" and said opponents are trying to hook onto anything that could tarnish the legislation. "That is the intent of all this. I know what it is," Mr. Dodd said. "They do not want to take on the bill itself and what it does, so they are out there propagandizing with false information about this to undermine what we are trying to achieve." Separately, liberal lawmakers are demanding an audit of the Federal Reserve and will offer amendments to try to break up financial companies that are on the verge of becoming "too big to fail." Senators also were trying to seal a bipartisan deal to drop a $50 billion fund Democrats sought to help dismantle troubled financial institutions. If that fund is eliminated, it could prove a major break in the

logjam blocking the bill's passage. But the overall bill remained stalled Tuesday, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Nevada Democrat, accused Republicans of refusing to allow votes on any amendments to stall the overall bill. The Senate is now racing a mid -May deadline imposed by Mr. Reid, who said that's all the time he can spare, as he must push on to other issues, such as food contamination and emergency spending bills. "We have no choice but to finish it by the end of next week," said Mr. Reid, effectively putting a cap on the debate only minutes after Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Kentucky Republican, begged for extended floor time. Mr. Dodd faces other criticism, this time from the left. While his bill seeks to shield taxpayers from getting stuck with the tab should major banks run into trouble in the future, Sen. Byron L. Dorgan, North Dakota Democrat, plans an amendment to prevent companies from getting so big that they would need taxpayer aid in the first place. His amendment would force firms to

divest of the parts of their business that made them too big. "If you are too big to fail, you are too big," Mr. Dorgan said. Another idea, sponsored by two other Democratic senators, calls for limiting the liabilities banks can hold. Even as those proposals were circulating, Mr. Dodd and Sen. Richard C. Shelby of Alabama, the ranking Republican on the banking committee, appeared close to a deal to jettison the $50 billion fund to dismantle troubled firms. Big financial institutions would have paid into the fund, but Mr. McConnell and other Republicans said it would have enshrined government bailouts — even though Democrats argued that taxpayers would not have footed the bill and the companies would have been dismantled. Š Copyright 2010 The Washington Times, LLC Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



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Morning Bell: The Congressional Assault on Criminal Justice Ryan O'Donnell (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.)

Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL), the 109th Congress alone proposed 446 non-violent Submitted at 5/5/2010 8:34:27 AM criminal offenses, 57 percent of If Congress drafts a law and no which lacked an adequate guilty one can understand it, can -mind requirement. The report, individuals be punished for Without Intent: How Congress breaking it? Increasingly, to the Is Eroding the Criminal Intent detriment of all Americans, the Requirement in Federal Law, answer is yes. Since our also reveals that 23 of those nation’s founding, a core inadequately protective offenses principle of our system of were even enacted into law. justice has been that no citizen Today on Capitol Hill in a rare should be subjected to criminal display of bipartisanship in punishment for conduct that he Washington, Reps. Bobby Scott did not know was illegal or (D-VA) and Louie Gohmert o t h e r w i s e w r o n g f u l . T h i s (R–TX) are holding a joint press principle is embodied in the conference to announce the requirement that the government report with Heritage’s Ronald must prove a defendant acted Reagan Distinguished Fellow w i t h i n t e n t , o r a t l e a s t and former U.S. Attorney knowledge, before subjecting General Edwin Meese and him to criminal punishment. NACDL’s Executive Director Unfortunately this cornerstone Norman Reimer. “Without of our criminal justice system Intent” reveals several startling has been under assault from facts about this Congress’ Congress in recent decades. penchant to overcriminalize. By the end of 2007, the United T h e s e f a c t s i n d i c a t e t h a t States Code included over 4,450 i n n o c e n t A m e r i c a n s a r e f e d e r a l c r i m e s , w i t h a n increasingly at risk of criminal estimated tens of thousands punishment. For example, in the more located in the federal 109th Congress: regulatory code. Many of these • Over 57 percent of the offenses were only recently offenses introduced, and 64 created, and far too many lack percent of those enacted into an adequate guilty-mind (known law, contained inadequate guilty b y l a w y e r s a s m e n s r e a ) -mind requirements; requirement. According to a • Criminal legislation was new and unprecedented study riddled with vague, far-reaching released jointly today by The and imprecise language; Heritage Foundation and the • Congress routinely delegated N a t i o n a l A s s o c i a t i o n o f its authority to make criminal

law to unaccountable regulators; • Over half of all new criminal offenses were not sent to the House or Senate Judiciary Committees for review. By consistently creating new criminal laws without consulting the special expertise of the two judiciary committees, Congress is endangering civil liberties and placing all Americans at risk of unjust criminal conviction for violating crimes they did not even know they were committing. Fortunately, “Without Intent” also makes several critical recommendations that, if followed by Congress, could help ensure all criminal laws are written in ways that average Americans are able to easily identify the conduct that could make them criminals.

safe from unjustified criminal punishment in such disregard. Quick Hits: • Japan’s prime minister said for the first time Tuesday that at least part of a key U.S. military base will remain on the southern island of Okinawa. • Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps is taking control of the country’s oil industry. • The Dodd-Obama financial regulation bill will be a boon for President Obama’s home town Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). • According to the Center for The release of “Without Intent” Responsive Politics, British will be followed today by The Petroleum has given more than Heritage Foundation book $3.5 million to federal event, One Nation Under Arrest: candidates over the past 20 How Crazy Laws, Rogue years, with the largest chunk Prosecutors, and Activist Judges going to President Obama. Threaten Your Liberty. The • Despite being on the no-fly book tells the stories of list, reserving his ticket on the individual who have been way to the airport, and paying caught up by these same vague, cash for his ticket, Faisal overbroad criminal laws – laws Shahzad made it onto a jetliner that pervert the justice system bound for the United Arab and transform respectable, Emirates before Customs and conscientious Americans into Border Protection officials criminals. called his flight back to the gate. The one-two punch of “Without Intent” and today’s “One Five Filters featured article: Nation” event should finally The Art of Looking Prime make clear the extent to which Ministerial - The 2010 UK Congress is undermining the General Election. Available integrity of the American tools: PDF Newspaper, Full criminal justice system. Text RSS, Term Extraction. Ordinary Americans should be outraged that most Members of Congress hold their right to be


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U.S. International Broadcasting in Leaderless Limbo Helle Dale (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.) Submitted at 5/4/2010 6:30:01 PM

Well into the second year of the Obama administration, U.S. international broadcasting services remain in a leaderless state of vacuum. Nor are these important public diplomacy assets of the government likely to emerge from limbo anytime soon, which is deeply unfortunate given the intensifying global competition for information dominance. At a time when China’s Xinhua news agency announced the launching of a global Englishlanguage channel, China Network Corp., or CNC, and the Russian government’s English language Russia Today channel is building up capacity with 40 staffers right here in Washington, the U.S. government appears incapable to getting its broadcasting act together. Observers of U.S. international broadcasting have been watching for the Senate confirmation vote of the eight new members of the Broadcasting Board of Governors, which oversees the operations of Voice of America, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Radio Marti, Radio Free Asia, Al Hurra television, Radio Sawa, Radio Free Asia, and the other entities under its umbrella. Despite the fact that

the terms of the old board members were running out, it took the Obama administration eight months to send up the names, including that of the new chairman of the board Walter Isaacson of the Aspen Institute, TIME magazine and CNN. It further took another eight months to get six of the names voted out of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in April. Hearings on the other two board members are pending hearings — Michael Meehan and Dana Perino – have been delayed due to objections from Sen. Jim DeMint. (Meehan, who worked as press secretary for Massachusetts senate candidate Martha Coakley, shoved a reporter to prevent him from asking questions of the candidate. Perino is the Republican tit-for-tat in this equation.) And now, Sen. Tom Coburn (R -OK) has stated that he is not about to let the Senate move forward with a floor vote on the six that have been voted out of committee unless he has a chance to interview each nominee personally about their views and qualifications, this according to Josh Rogin, writing in Foreign Policy magazine. The senator has a track record of demanding accountability from the BBG and of delving into mismanagement and waste at the broadcasting services. “The BBG is the most worthless

organization in the federal government. It’s full of people who know nothing about media or foreign policy. All they are doing is spending money and somebody’s got to look into it,” the Senator fumed in an interview with the FB blog. (In the President’s FY 2011 budget request, the BBG is slated to

receive $755 million.) The Senator is on to something. The board members are political appointees. Over the years, some have been well-qualified, some ineffective and some focused very much on their own agenda and business interests. Some have been so hands-on as to function like executives,

running afoul of other management structures. In surveys by the Office of Personnel Management, the BBG ranks routinely by far the lowest of any U.S. government entity in job satisfaction among its employees. And recently a letter from 69 members of Congress went to the BBG demanding an investigation into problems with the Voice of America Persian News Network, which was accused of bias against human rights and democracy activists in favor of radical Islamist voices. This was only the last in a long series of letters from members of Congress trying to get accountability from the BBG. Nor is this the first time Sen. Coburn has tried to force the issue of oversight. When James Glassman, President Bush’s last chairman of the BBG, was nominated for the post of undersecretary for public diplomacy in December 2007, Sen. Coburn held up his conformation vote for months in the hope of shining a light on irregularities at Al Hurra television, the U.S. government’s Arab language television channel. The nomination of the new BBG provides an excellent opportunity for Congress to exercise oversight of this troubled institution. The BBG U.S. page 61


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continued from page 54

to go out under his name, was I able to write that I hope he wins this election. So that is my message: vote Cameron; he's useless rather than malign. Let's see if Conservative Campaign HQ put that on their next email shot.” Where to Watch the Election C-SPAN. It’ll broadcast the BBC’s coverage on Thursday from 4:55 pm eastern time to 1 am the next morning. Seats to Watch Luton South: This seat and its predecessors have been taken by the winning party in every election since 1951. Margaret Moran, the outgoing Labour MP, was one of the most flagrant abusers of the parliamentary expenses racket. Rochdale: If only to see what impact Gordon Brown's encounter with that "bigoted woman" Gillian Duffy has in Mrs. Duffy's constituency. New boundaries make it a "notional" Labour seat, but the sitting MP is a Liberal Democrat. Enfield North: Like Watford, one of the many London commuter Tory-Labour battles. The Tories must take these seats

continued from page 56

if they are to prevail. South Cornwall: One of many key Tory-Lib Dem battles in the southwest of England. Others include Taunton Deane, Torbay, and Somerton and Frome. Stourbridge: This midlands commuter seat is number 25 on the Tory target list and losing it could be the moment when it becomes clear that Labour cannot win the election. Barking: Neo-fascist Nick Griffin is standing in this Essex constituency and hoping to pick up support from disillusioned and, they say, ignored white working-class voters. Morley and Outwood: The Tories would love to defeat Gordon Brown's protégé and confidante, Ed Balls. They must overturn a notional 10,000 person majority to do so and have devoted considerable resources to a "Castration Strategy" to defeat the muchloathed Balls. Redditch: Jacqui Smith, the former Home Secretary who was disgraced during the great Parliamentary Expenses Scandal when her husband charged taxpayers the cost of

pornographic films, defends a majority of just 2,000 votes. What to Say On Cleggmania: "Remember Macauley's wise words: 'We know no spectacle so ridiculous as the British public in one of its periodic fits of morality.’" On Gordon Brown: "Of course, poor man, he's only the third post-war Prime Minister to never have won a general election...". On Cameron: "If he wins he'll be only the 19th Prime Minister to have been educated at Eton." What Not to Say On Nick Clegg: "Who's he?" On David Cameron: "Why is Lieutenant Commander Data eligible to stand in this election?" On Gordon Brown: "Oh dear." On Britain: "This lot once ruled much of the world? How?" A former Washington correspondent for TheScotsman, Alex Massie writes a blog for The Spectator.

Nick Schulz liken it to the housing bubble: “The echoes of the efforts to expand home ownership are eerie. Expanding the housing supply was always justified in part because it, too, could “create jobs.” A little over ten years ago, then-HUD chief Andrew Cuomo testified before Congress that “we must work to do two key things: We must create housing, and we must create jobs.” He then asked Congress for billions of dollars of loan guarantees and millions of dollars of subsidies that would “help create jobs and leverage private investment.” President Bush was similarly enthusiastic about boosting home ownership, no matter the costs. His former economics adviser Larry Lindsey admitted one year ago that “No one wanted to stop that bubble. It would have conflicted with the president’s own policies.” And we have now seen how those policies, promoted by both political parties, have turned out. Does anyone doubt today that if a green-energy bubble emerges, President Obama’s own advisers will stay silent, as popping such a bubble would conflict with the president’s own policies? There is no doubt

that the boosters of greenenergy programs have their hearts in the right place. But then, so did most of those who were pumping up the housing bubble.” We Don’t Need the Government to Be More Energy Efficient Motives of cost reduction and increased profits go hand-inhand with becoming more energy efficient. If a company can find a way to reduce its energy use, it can lower costs and thus the price to consumers. For instance, Wal-Mart did this by lowering packaging and fuel costs. Overall, energy consumption per real dollar of gross domestic product has dropped dramatically over the past sixty year and will continue to do so if we allow business to innovate – not stranglehold them with regulations and mandates. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Nick Clegg: Weak-kneed and Clueless on National Security Nile Gardiner (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.) Submitted at 5/4/2010 6:00:06 PM

UK Liberal Democrat Leader Nick Clegg, increasingly a darling of American liberals, has come under heavy fire today from three leading former defence, intelligence and counter-terror chiefs. The attack in The Times of London on Clegg’s left-wing national security policies comes just two days before the British General Election on Thursday, and highlights the glaring weaknesses of his foreign and defence policies. Here’s an excerpt: We are concerned that the Liberal Democrats make no mention of Nato in their manifesto. Almost every reference to the United States is accompanied by a call for a much more distant relationship… The Liberal Democrats appear shy of putting forward serious new proposals for combating terrorism, the No 1 one threat to the safety and wellbeing of the United Kingdom. The Liberal Democrats are seemingly willing to expose our intelligence and security

services to relentless inquiry and investigation. The agencies must be held accountable. But how this accountability is achieved is critical. The Liberal Democrats’ approach lacks balance. Their way of doing things would further jeopardise the close intelligence and security cooperation of our allies, which is vital to preventing terrorist attacks. The Liberal Democrats’


U.S. continued from page 59

has the important mission of presenting the message of the United States to the world, would inevitably lead to British b a s e d o n t h e v a l u e s a n d principles on which this nation decline: Clegg’s international agenda was founded. It desperately bears no relation to the harsh n e e d s t h e r i g h t k i n d o f realities of an increasingly l e a d e r s h i p . dangerous world. It gives rise to Helle C. Dale is Senior Fellow a nightmarish scenario of a great for Public Diplomacy at the n a t i o n w i t h a p r o u d a n d Heritage Foundation. distinguished history brought to Five Filters featured article: its knees on the world stage The Art of Looking Prime through a combination of Ministerial - The 2010 UK pacifism, eurofederalism and General Election. Available anti-Americanism. In reality, tools: PDF Newspaper, Full British leadership is needed Text RSS, Term Extraction. more than ever, and the British people must be prepared to confront the dangers of Islamist terrorism and the dictators that back them. This post originally appeared on National Review Online’s The Corner Tags: National Security, nato, Nick Clegg, UK unilateral abandonment of You can follow any responses (Newsmax - Inside Cover) control orders, with nothing to to this entry through the RSS 2.0 Submitted at 5/5/2010 3:28:33 AM replace them, would leave the feed. United Kingdom exposed to Five Filters featured article: some of the most dangerous The Art of Looking Prime The top Republican on the individuals in the country, who Ministerial - The 2010 UK House Intelligence Committee could then be released onto our General Election. Available said Wednesday that lone tools: PDF Newspaper, Full terrorists behind plots like the streets. As I’ve written previously, Text RSS, Term Extraction. Times Square bombing attempt and the Fort Hood attack are Nick Clegg’s foreign and part of a growing, more serious security policy would be threat to U.S. security. disastrous for Britain on the Rep. Peter Hoekstra of world stage, and if enacted Michigan told CBS' "The Early Show" that Saturday's attempt in MICH. page 62

Mich. Rep Says Lone Terrorists New Threat to US



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continued from page 61

Times Square and an earlier plot to blow up New York's subways are among the changes in strategy that terrorists abroad are using against the United States. Hoekstra says that intelligence officials have long thought that al-Qaida wanted to launch an attack as big, if not bigger than, 9/11. But now officials are seeing people acting independently after training with groups abroad. The groups recognize that even if their attempts fail, they can spread fear in America. The FBI is investigating possible ties between terrorist groups and Faisal Shahzad, the

continued from page 55

Pakistani-American arrested in the Times Square bombing attempt. Officials would not say whether they believe Shahzad acted alone or as part of a conspiracy. Raymond Kelly, New York City's police commissioner, was asked on NBC's "Today" show Wednesday whether Shahzad represents a change in the profile of the type of terror suspect authorities are seeking in order to prevent such attacks. "We don't really have an exact profile .... These are what we call unremarkable people who decide to kill innocent people in their own country. So it's very difficult for law enforcement to

get their arms around this. It's an individual that by all indications wouldn't be involved in something like this," Kelly said. © Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

McCain: Shahzad Should Not Have Been Mirandized (Newsmax - Inside Cover)

would be a serious mistake [to Mirandize Shahzad]... at least until we find out as much Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., information we have. Don't give said reading alleged terrorist this guy his Miranda rights until Faisal Shahzad his Miranda we find out what it's all about." rights would be a "mistake," Meanwhile, Deputy Director of according to a report by CBS the FBI John S. Pistole said News. today that joint terrorism task Shahzad was arrested as he was force agents and officers from boarding a Dubai-bound flight t h e N e w Y o r k P o l i c e at John F. Kennedy International D e p a r t m e n t d i d i n d e e d Airport Monday. He faces interview Shahzad -- before terrorism charges for parking a reading him his Miranda rights. bomb-carrying car in Times Pistole added that the suspect Square in New York City. was "cooperative" and provided McCain added, "Obviously that "valuable intelligence and Submitted at 5/5/2010 4:15:30 AM

evidence." "He was Mirandized later and continued to cooperate and provide valuable information," he added. To read the full CBS report Go Here Now. © All Rights Reserved. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

profitability while unemployment hovers near 10 percent, the public has, if anything, grown crankier. By holding the line on a tougher reform package, the White House has been able to ride the anger rather than get trampled by it. In a moment of rising public frustration, the populist argument gains force the longer the debate continues. There’s just one catch: In drafting her bill, Lincoln included an idea that Gensler denies authoring—a provision that would force big banks like Goldman Sachs to spin off their derivatives businesses if they want access to credit from the Fed. The administration is cool to the proposal, which it fears might make the system less stable, as are many Senate

Democrats. But, given the public mood, no senator wants to be linked to its death. At one point, New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand filed an amendment simply requiring federal regulators to assess the idea before voting to implement it. But Gillibrand never offered it up because she and other Democrats didn’t want to slow the momentum behind an otherwise solid bill. It’s a funny thing about populist fervors: Once unleashed, no one can say where they’ll end. Noam Scheiber is a senior editor of The New Republic.


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Mega Buzz: Love Affairs on Grey's and CSI and the 24 Movie ( Breaking News) Submitted at 5/4/2010 10:16:00 PM

Grey's Anatomy, 24, CSI Every week, senior editors Mickey O'Connor and Adam Bryant satisfy your need for TV scoop. Please send all q u e s t i o n s t o I'm tired of Callie and Arizona fighting on Grey's Anatomy. Is there happiness ahead for them? — Nicole ADAM: The people behind the show are big fans of the Calzona pairing and are committed to seeing the couple through their differences over having a baby. But don't take my word for it. "I really do feel like Callie and Arizona are made for each other," creator Shonda Rhimes tells us. "They're one of those couples that you adore seeing together, and when they're in pain, you're in pain. ... So I think that there's hope." What have you heard about the 24 movie? — Cary MICKEY: There's a script, but the studio hasn't read or approved it, so any intel must be taken with a grain of salt. As of now, the movie finds Jack all over Eastern Europe, but particularly in Prague. Of all the cast members past and present, only Chloe ( Mary Lynn Rajskub) is being considered to appear alongside Jack. Further, I'm hearing that no effort will be

made for the film to be canonical — that is, it won't necessarily be a "sequel" to the TV series. (Double-secret scoop: I hear it might feature a mole.) Anything about the CSI finale that doesn't involve Dr. Jekyll? — Beverly ADAM: Make no mistake: Dr. Jekyll is the main attraction. But fans who enjoy seeing Catherine and Detective Vartan together will get another taste of the pairing in the season's final episode. Marg Helgenberger tells us, however, not to assume there will be a big romantic scene. "It's like we usually do with physical relationships on the show — it's all very subtle," she says. "But it definitely leads to a continuing relationship. Things are going really well." Huge Glee fan here! Sue Sylvester scoop, please! — Damon MICKEY:"I'm going to get my heart broken a little bit, but you won't cry because I deserve it," Jane Lynch tells us. Could she be talking about that creepyfabulous tête-à-tête that Sue will have with Neil Patrick Harris' Brian Ryan? I love NCIS: Los Angeles. Will we ever know Callen's first name? — Natalie ADAM: As luck would have it, that is one of the big mysteries to be addressed in the Callencentric season finale. "We have this huge trail, and it leads us to

I think V needs more lizards, don't you?— Avi MICKEY: Personally, yes. I love lizards! But the creators of the V remake have been aiming for more action than sci-fi — hence the shortage of all things green and scaly. Executive producer Scott Rosenbaum says that won't change. "You won't see the full-on what the Visitors look like underneath [until early in] Season 2," he says. Yes, he said Season 2, and he said it with confidence. When are we going to see more between Raylan and Winona's some potential answers about Temps, which will require other h u s b a n d o n J u s t i f i e d ? — Callen's past and who he is," vampires to step in in an B r a n d o n Barrett Foa tells us, though I advisory capacity. In other ADAM: Very soon. The folks wouldn't bet on getting all your words, Jess is so grounded. Raylan investigated for Winona questions answered this season. I've been a fan of Sam Neill for a few weeks ago will come "We do get closer to it, and I years, so I'd love some scoop on looking for the money they gave think the fans will be satiated in Happy Town. — Doris Gary in the May 11 episode. some way." Foa also says the ADAM: As you may have William Ragsdale, who plays ops center will be seriously g u e s s e d a l r e a d y , N e i l l ' s Gary, says Raylan is reluctant to compromised, and that the character, Merritt Grieves, is help. "There's a murky area b r e a c h w i l l c r e a t e m a j o r more than just a guy who wants about what Raylan's able to do, headaches for Eric. to sell movie memorabilia. His what he's comfortable doing, There seem to be a lot of new mysterious past will slowly be and what Gary needs done," people in the cast of True Blood. revealed, and star Geoff Stults Ragsdale says. "And there's the What will our old favorites do? says there's an interesting emotional part too — he's — TeamAnna connection between Grieves and basically saving his ex-wife's MICKEY: Watch for Jessica to M.C. Gainey's Sherriff Conroy. husband's butt, and that doesn't steal the show a little. While "My character's father and sit perfectly well." Before it's all Sookie's off looking for Bill, G r e i v e s h a v e s o m e p a s t over, Ragsdale says, "multiple and Pam and Eric recommit [history]; my character's father things hit the fan." themselves to Fangtasia, Jessica doesn't want him around," Stults Why aren't more people is going to be left to her own says. "He might be a good guy, w a t c h i n g C o m m u n i t y ? — devices for a bit, and by devices he might be a bad guy, or he H a w l e y w e m e a n h e r o v e r g r o w n might be a little of both, but MICKEY: Because Advil is choppers. Her feasting will there's a reason he's there. He's MEGA page 66 cause quite a scene in Bon looking for something."



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'The Biggest Loser' - 'Week Sixteen' Recap Jason Hughes (TV Squad)

in that gym. He clearly has some mental blocks to work through still. Four months may be Filed under: Recaps(S09E16) It enough to transform your body, couldn't be more appropriate but it's not enough to get rid of that TV Squad got our makeover the "fat guy syndrome" mucking on the same night that the a b o u t i n h i s h e a d . S e l f remaining contestants on'The confidence is the opposite of Biggest Loser' got theirs. We are weight. It's far easier to lose i n t u n e w i t h t h e g o d s o f than it is to gain. television. But Daris is getting there, and "Makeover Week" is always an Bob got in his head at just the e m o t i o n a l j o u r n e y f r o m right time to keep him from beginning to end, because we psyching himself right out of the spend a lot of time remembering competition. Right to the end of where these men and women the episode, we got to see Daris were when the competition with his mind fully in the game, began, and get to enjoy how far making strategic moves to help they've come. push himself closer to that As always, there were some finale. absolutely stunning The challenge had the transformations, while for at contestants on a Jacobs Ladder least one the whole process was ten feet above the pool. It a little bittersweet. After that, clearly favored the smaller there was a challenge, a last- contestants, as the heaviest two, chance workout, some serious Michael and Ashley, didn't even emotional issues, a crazy weigh- make it six minutes. After that, in and then an elimination Sunshine fell, and then finally ceremony. I know it's a two Sam. It was two and a half hours hour show, but somehow this into the competition before week it feels like I just watched Daris decided it wasn't worth it. four hours of intensity in half Both he and Koli looked like that time. they could have gone all night, I ' m a c t u a l l y a l m o s t a s but Koli was confident he exhausted as Daris after Bob ran woudn't need it. Daris, like Sam, him through the wringer in that is so close to his goal weight last chance workout. But why that every pound is crucial. was Bob picking on Daris? I expected Koli's cockiness to Daris asked for it. be his downfall in a week of Not directly maybe, but by makeover distractions, but he admitting he quit on the earlier proved me beyond wrong by challenge, Daris told Bob that dropping 15 pounds. The one he needs to have his ass kicked pound advantage he won at the Submitted at 5/5/2010 4:31:00 AM

nearly 200 pounds he's already lost, and think about the 100 or so still to go. Still, Michael and all of the contestants looked great in their makeovers. Particularly startling was Daris' transformation. With his curly hair held down with product he was virtually unrecognizable. You could tell Ashley was still wearing dark colors to hide her shape, but she seemed in a better place about only being halfway through her weight loss journey than Michael. The alliance between Ashley, Michael and Daris again bore challenge didn't matter in the the inner strength they found. fruit this week in an interesting s l i g h t e s t . E v e r y o n e w a s Michael in particular is in a elimination. With the end so d r o p p i n g b i g n u m b e r s . . . tough place. As he mentioned, close, strategically it would actually, everyone else was going into this week's episode make far more sense to keep dropping nines, except for he weighed three pounds less Sam than Michael. Sam can Ashely who pushed it up a notch than Daris' starting weight in the barely lose weight anymore, to get her long coveted double c o m p e t i t i o n . H a l f o f t h i s having achieved his stated goal digit drop. season's 22 starting contestants - another thing that's never been Like Michael, Ashley has a didn't weigh as much at the start done before on the ranch. But long way to go before achieving of the season as Michael did with a promise of his name not her goal, and their time at the coming into this week. being written down, the three ranch is quickly running out. When the contestants were stayed true to one another, and But that same fact makes them shopping for new clothes, and forced a tie vote which pushed both incredibly huge threats to enjoying the ability to wear 34" Sam home, as he had the lowest win the prize at the end of the jeans, or looking for smaller percentage of weight loss. competition. They could lose than a size 12, Michael was still Sam has everything to be proud nearly 2/3 of their total body at the big and tall stores, o f , t h o u g h . H e ' s a l r e a d y weight and still be healthy because he's still too big to find achieved his weight-loss goal, simply by how big they started clothes that will fit him in a and he apparently found a love the game. Who could touch traditional story. That has to be connection on the Ranch. One that? Granted, they have to do it an incredible emotional burden so strong that he moved to Los first, but the willpower both to carry, especially knowing that A n g e l e s t o m o v e i n w i t h have displayed lately to stay there are only a couple more Stephanie, eliminated in Week c o m p e t i t i v e a g a i n s t m u c h weeks to go on the ranch. It can 'THE page 66 smaller players is a testament to be so easy to lose sight of the


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Lost Kills Off Fan-Favorites - What Does It Mean for the Finale? ( Breaking News)

alone, Sun would only grieve for Jin for two seconds and we'd have to move on with the Submitted at 5/5/2010 12:00:00 AM storyline. It was a very romantic Lost death. [Spoiler Warning: This article The episode contains details from Tuesday was jampacked with death, n i g h t ' s e p i s o d e o f L o s t , especially with Sayid ( Naveen including which characters died. Andrews) taking one for the Reader, beware!] team. After waiting nearly two years Kim: Yeah, I think we all for a sweet reunion, Sun ( become heroes at the end as far Yunjin Kim) and Jin ( Daniel as the island story goes. I have a Dae Kim) took their last breath feeling that's how the series is in the submarine — a Charlie going to end. Sayid's death is Pace-like death — in Tuesday very abrupt and ours is very night's episode of Lost. So, was drawn out. Daniel and I both that really the end of Sun and had water pouring on top of our J i n K w o n ? Y u n j i n K i m heads while shooting it, so it discusses what we'll see of the was hard to even keep our eyes star-crossed lovers in the final o p e n . I t w a s p h y s i c a l l y episodes, along with teasing the d e m a n d i n g . last scene of the series and How did you more. feel when the producers told you Watch full episodes of Lost in that your characters were going our Online Video Guide to die? I'll admit that I Kim: As soon as I got on the did shed a few tears after your phone with Damon Lindelof, he death in Tuesday's episode. The said "This phone call is not one Sun and Jin reunion was so of those phone calls." He told short-lived! me how it was going to happen Yunjin Kim: It was a brilliant and I actually thought it was a way to end Sun and Jin's life on beautiful ending to both of the the island. Because of the way characters. It will only propel the story is going, especially the other survivors to go after once we get to Episode 15, 16 Locke [ Terry O'Quinn], and and 17, it's moving at a pretty have a very good reason to go fast pace. Let's say if Jin dies after Locke as aggressively as

they do in the final episodes. Lost's Jorge Garcia: The Man in Black cannot lie A lot of fans have been waiting two years for Sun and Jin to be reunited. Do you expect to meet some angry fan reaction? Kim: I think that's where the writers wanted the fans to be: To be very angry at Locke. It's just the way the story needs to end. Then again, I think the fans will realize that it's not the end of Sun and Jin's storyline, we still have flash sideways. Our story doesn't just end with the death in the submarine. It will continue until the end. We still get more Sun and Jin?

Kim: Yeah, they will complete [their sideways] storyline and fans will be very satisfied at the end. The finale will be a very nice closure to this long journey. What's going to happen to Ji Yeon in the regular universe since both her parents just died? Kim: In the normal universe, Sun's mother is taking care of her. That's how we left the story, so I guess Sun's parents will take over the custody. Again, because there's another lifeline, and Sun is actually pregnant with Ji Yeon at this point, we will have a closure in that storyline. What can you tell us about the Losties going

after Locke? Kim: He is a force to be reckoned with. It's Locke vs. the castaways. Whoever is leftover will fight Locke to the end. The conclusion to Locke's story, that is part of the secret last act. Getting Lost: What does the finale hold? How do you feel now that the show is coming to a close? Kim: It's very bittersweet. It's great that I survived six years of Lost, literally meaning my character has survived to the very end. I'm proud to be a part of this amazing journey. I have my emotional days, but some days I'm really good and I'm really looking forward to what's coming next. I recently got married, so it will be interesting to find out what I'll be doing after Lost. Will Sun and Jin get a happy ending after all? Kim: We'll see. I believe in happy endings, but this is Lost, so you never know. [ Laughs] What did you think of Sun and Jin's submarine death? Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



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'NCIS' - 'Obsession' Recap Allison Waldman (TV Squad) Submitted at 5/5/2010 5:05:00 AM

Filed under: Recaps(S07E21) This was a particularly melancholy episode of'NCIS,' moody and emotional. It was reminiscent of a Hitchcock film at times, even with the allusions to espionage, the Cold War and things being hidden plain sight. But there were also definitive story points dropped in that will play out in the weeks to come as the season finale arrives. For more on those points, as well as Tim's reference to Abby's tats, follow after the jump. Story threads involving the disappearance of Dana Hutton, a ZNN reporter, soon after her brother -- a Navy lieutenant -died mysteriously, were all connected in a weird way to NCIS. Tony's fascination with Dana was beyond obvious. He was a big fan, and the way Tony was touching the furniture on the set of her TV show was almost like Monk analyzing a crime scene. For a while, it seemed like a put on, but it wasn't. Tony really had a thing for Dana. Perhaps because they're more connected than they've let on, but Ziva realized Tony was breaking Gibbs rule about not getting personally involved. When she found him at Dana's apartment, she reached out to

Tony in a way that he would understand. She compared his obsession to the 1944 movie 'Laura.' She was right, only Dana was his Laura, the elusive beauty, and Tony was Dana Andrews' character, the police detective. There was another movie reference that Tony recognized with the revelation that the bookstore owner, Charlie Bascom, was a KGB contact who ran a slush fund for Russian spies. It was the Kevin Costner movie, 'No Way Out,' in which Costner's character turned out to be a Russian spy planted in the Pentagon. Tony finally made contact with Dana and got her to trust him enough to tell NCIS what Yuri had been up to and where the

being temporarily assigned to NCIS for some Mexican drug task force. Any connection to Allison invariably links back to Colonel Bell and his private military company, which was being investigated by both Jeffrey and Dana Hutton. There was also Senor Alejandra Rivera, an admirer of Abby's. Alejandro's invitation for Abby to go to Mexico for a symposium switched on McGee's jealousy. Other points of interest -- Tony was obsessed with Dana, but it looked like Brenda Bittner, the barrista, was just as hidden money wasn't hidden at obsessed with him after a oneall. Charlie had put the money nighter. into rare books, and that was -- Palmer earned his pay by like 'Charade' where Cary Grant finding the poison pellet in the and Audrey Hepburn discovered corpse. Ducky was impressed, that the money everyone was too. Ducky's explanation about after had been converted into the umbrella murder was very rare stamps. No sooner did Dana cool. share what she had discovered -- Gibbs' advice to Tony: "Don't than she revealed that she was ever settle, DiNozzo." dying the same way her brother -- Tony's threat to McGee to get died. Dana's nnumber: "Give me the The KGB killing method, the number or I'll Gibb-slap you." ricin-filled metal ball bearing, -- Gibbs' response to Allison was lethal and ingenious. When about why he doesn't lock his Dana showed them that she'd front door. "If I did that I'd have been hit, there was no saving no social life." h e r . T o n y ' s s a d n e s s w a s -- Fun fact of the night: 1985 palpable and Gibbs understood was the year of the spy. it too well. Permalink| Email this| Linking Meanwhile, those other story Blogs| Comments points that were dropped in for the future included Allison Hart

'THE continued from page 64

Eleven. Sam was right that the game isn't so much about prizes or confetti. It's about changing lives and finding a better way to be. And it's about happiness, and he may be right about that, too. He may be happy in a way that many of us can't even fathom right now. [Share in all their journeys with clips and full episodes of 'The Biggest Loser' on SlashControl.] Permalink| Email this| Linking Blogs| Comments

MEGA continued from page 63

expensive, that's why. And how else does one treat all those split sides and busted guts? If you're a fan of Alien, Predator or The Matrix, you'll love this week's episode, "Modern Warfare," in which a campus-wide paintball game allows Greendale's finest to trot out more action-movie clichÊs that you can shake a sexually tense wound-dressing scene at. So is Jesse really going to work with Walt on Breaking Bad, or is he setting him up? — Wayne ADAM: I'll admit I also wondered if Jesse had ulterior (and angry) motives when he accepted Walt's $1.5 million offer. But, Aaron Paul assures us that isn't the case. "It comes from a very genuine place," Paul MEGA page 67

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MEGA continued from page 66

says. "I think the entire time Jesse's in the hospital, he was able to just vent and tell Walt what was on his mind. Walt and Jesse have gone through the darkest rabbit hole possible and climbed out of it, but they're together. They definitely have this strange bond, and I think it's very genuine." Is Royal Pains coming back this summer? — Lorraine MICKEY: Yep. Keeping with the "eternal summer" concept, Season 2 starts on June 3 pretty much where we left off. Hank and Evan are still dealing with the sobering reality that their deadbeat dad (guest star Henry Winkler) has bankrupted them. As a result, their Hamptons summer will be less swinging, and they'll both have to find other ways to pay the bills. Mickey's Mega Rave:"Brown

Betty," Fringe's musical episode, was a nice palatecleanser after Peter's acrimonious discovery that Walter kidnapped him from an alternate universe. Not only do cast members Anna Torv, Jasika Nicole and Lance Reddick sport some serious pipes, but Walter's allegorical fairy tale about broken hearts was particularly poignant in the wake of Peter's disappearance. Adam's Mini Rant: I understand that ladies like to look at him, but I'm not sure I can stand a whole season of Gilles Marini and his flat line readings on Brothers & Sisters. Do we really need an extra series regular on this show? Reader Quote of the Week:"Sounds like Chuck in 10 years! So how about just renewing Chuck and letting J.J.

focus on the new Star Trek movie? " — deathvalleyjason, on NBC ordering J.J. Abrams' new spy drama, Undercovers Crave scoop on your favorite TV shows? E-mail Mickey and A d a m a t or drop us a line at (Additional reporting by Natalie Abrams and Robyn Ross) Get more scoop in our Mega Buzz video: Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Girl Next Door: Ericka Cruz (

part of the 2009 Most Beautiful Latina Pageant. Check out her hot gallery and see why she's Strong willed and independent, also a Girl Next Ericka's incredible eyes and Door. killer body can hypnotize any Click for Ericka's Photo Gallery man. For more hot photos galleries, by Stephen Bailey | Photos by check out Paul Miller/ [on Facebook, Digg, Reddit and Print Article Email to Friend more] One of the most recognized Five Filters featured article: models in Costa Rica, Ericka The Art of Looking Prime says she is strong willed and Ministerial - The 2010 UK independent. Her bedroom eyes General Election. Available a n d i n c r e d i b l e b o d y c a n tools: PDF Newspaper, Full hypnotize any man. Text RSS, Term Extraction. It's easy to see why she was Submitted at 5/5/2010 3:00:00 AM

Coming to 'In Treatment': Debra Winger! Bob Sassone (TV Squad) Submitted at 5/5/2010 4:45:00 AM

Filed under: TV News She made a big guest appearance on'Law & Order' earlier this year, and now, Oscar-nominated actress Debra Winger has signed on as a regular cast member on HBO's 'In Treatment.' She'll play one of Dr. Paul Weston's (Gabriel Byrne) patients when the show returns for its highly anticipated third season later this year.

Winger is one of those actresses who used to be everywhere, and then, she, well, wasn't. She had big hits in the '80s with movies like 'An Officer and a Gentleman' and 'Terms of Endearment' -- and was even the voice of E.T.! -- but then she stayed away from Hollywood for awhile. When she returned, she was more selective about the roles she chose. Getting Married.' Recently, Winger played Anne This is just one of the changes Hathaway's mother in the 2008 coming to the show, which is Oscar-nominated film 'Rachel

based on the Israeli series 'BeTupil' that ran for two seasons. Emmy winner Dianne Wiest, who played Paul's therapist, is leaving the show after two seasons, and Dane DeHaan will join the cast as a teen patient. The new showrunners are Dan Futterman and Anya Epstein. Permalink| Email this| Linking Blogs| Comments

ABC Extends 'Lost' Series Finale (Again) Filed under: TV 68 News You ABC page Kim Potts (TV Squad) think you're having a hard time dealing with the upcoming


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ABC continued from page 67

series finale of'Lost'(particularly after last night's heartbreaking episode)? So is ABC, so much so that the network has again extended what is already a twonight event. According to the Hollywood Reporter, the May 23 series ender will now run 30 minutes longer, from 9PM ET to 11:30PM. After a break for affiliates to air local news, the 'Lost' celebration picks back up at 12:05AM with the previously scheduled 'Jimmy Kimmel Live: Aloha to Lost' special that will feature series showrunners Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof (who've said they will not answer questions about the finale ... we'll see) and several 'Lost' cast members.

That caps off a weekend of 'Lost,' which begins on May 22 with a re-airing of the original two-hour pilot (with informational 'pop-ups' throughout the airing) and continues into Sunday night with a two-hour 'Lost' retrospective (7PM) called 'Lost: The Final Journey,' which leads into the actual finale. Cuse and Lindelof confirmed via Twitter this week that they finished production and postproduction on the muchanticipated finale on Monday. "We're done. Amen," they Tweeted about the episode that's called, of course, 'The End.' The producers had recently revealed to the Hollywood Reporter that the production

crew had constructed all new sets for the finale, which they warn will answer some questions, but also spark a whole batch of new ones. Meanwhile, there's still no word from Lindelof or Cuse on the New York Times report from Monday about an Italian Website that posted what it claims are pages of the script from the series ender. Don't worry, no spoilers from us, but if you want to peruse the pages yourself, you can find them here. Permalink| Email this| Linking Blogs| Comments

Will It Shred: iPad Becomes a Skateboard [VIDEO] Stan Schroeder (Mashable!) Submitted at 5/5/2010 4:46:45 AM

Only yesterday we expressed our hope that the iPad’s torments would end with microwaving. How much abuse can one gadget take? Obviously, a lot. If this trend continues, Apple will see a tidy profit from customers who bought the iPad merely to destroy it. This time, the iPad has been turned into a skateboard. Does it work? Well, you’ll have to check it out for yourself in the

ABC Extends Lost Series Finale by 30 Minutes ( Breaking News) Submitted at 5/4/2010 11:04:00 PM

Lost Lost's goodbye has expanded yet again, this time by 30 minutes, according to The Hollywood Reporter. The drama's series finale will now run two-and-a-half hours. The episode, scheduled to air Sunday, May 23 at 9/8c, will push the local news back a halfhour, followed by the previously announced post-finale special,

Jimmy Kimmel Live: Aloha to Lost, at 12:05 a.m. Lost producers finish finale: "We're done. Amen." This adds to the two-hour retrospective scheduled to air

immediately before the series finale, at 7/6c, and ABC's planned rebroadcast of the 2004 pilot on Saturday, May 22. News of the extra time comes one day after Lost executive

producers Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof both tweeted that they had completed editing the final episode. Are you excited for Lost's extra -long series finale? Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

video below (hint: no, it doesn’t). The stunt was part of an episode of Fuel TV’s show “Built To Shred,” featuring host Jeff King and pro skater Chad Knight. [via Recombu] For more web video coverage, follow Mashable Web Video on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook Tags: apple, ipad, skateboard, video

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The Early Show Hires Idol Semifinalist Ayla Brown as Contributor


Steering a car by sight--car tracks eye movements Consumer Reports Shopping Blog (Consumer Reports)

Chrysler when this Caravan was built.) There are two operating modes. Submitted at 5/5/2010 4:29:59 AM ( Breaking The “free ride” mode steers the News) Steering a car by sight--car vehicle based on eye movement. Submitted at 5/4/2010 10:29:00 PM tracks eye movements The longer you look in one One lesson learned in high- direction, the more the van Ayla Brown performance driving schools, or steers that way. As their video The Early Show has hired even when you take lessons in notes, this mode is complicated former American Idol sports like whitewater kayaking by the fact that people do (and semifinalist Ayla Brown as a or downhill skiing, is to look should) scan when they drive; if contributor, The Associated where you want to go. You y o u s c a n a n d l o o k f o r Press reports. don’t look at the tree or rock approaching hazards, the car The 21-year-old is the daughter you don’t want to hit. That’s could steer in that direction. The of Massachusetts Republican because your car (or kayak, or system works better when Sen. Scott Brown and a skis) tends to go in the direction you’re following a car with a communications student at of your sight. fixed gaze on that target, Boston College. She made it to The Spirit of Berlin, a modified although it seems that would the top 16 during Idol's fifth 2007 Dodge Grand Caravan, affect situational awareness. season. takes this concept to a whole In the second “routing” mode, Brown will produce pieces brother of Michelle Obama the different level: it uses the the van uses artificial focused on the youth audience. program. driver’s eye movement to intelligence to drive itself, "You can't create the next Katie Her mother, Gail Huff, is a actually steer the vehicle. relying on the driver only to Couric; you just have to find reporter for Boston's ABC B u i l d i n g o n e y e - t r a c k i n g make decisions at intersections talent that you think can develop affiliate. software (like that commonly or forks in the road. This is done into something," executive Five Filters featured article: used for driver distraction by looking in the desired producer David Friedman said. The Art of Looking Prime studies) and lessons learned in direction for three seconds. You Watch Ayla Brown interview Ministerial - The 2010 UK developing autonomous vehicles get the feeling that having the the first lady's brother General Election. Available for DARPA and soccer-playing driver “free riding” in the Spirit Brown performed on The Early tools: PDF Newspaper, Full robots, Freie Universtität Berlin of Berlin dumbs it down. Show last week and recently Text RSS, Term Extraction. and SensoMotoric Instruments The system will automatically interviewed Craig Robinson, the d e v e l o p e d t h e E y e D r i v e r stop the car if the driver closes software that controls the his eyes or looks away from the minivan. (It seems wrong that road for several seconds. That the Spirit of Berlin isn’t actually might make the Spirit of Berlin a German-branded car, but at the ultimate overkill answer to least Daimler still owned p r e v e n t i n g d r i v i n g w h i l e

texting; it will either stop or change modes and drive on its own. Seriously though, some sorts of limited autonomous driving systems are on our roads today. You still have to make gross steering inputs, but our 2011 Infiniti M37, with its Technology package, can use its active cruise-control system to slow down and accelerate with traffic, its Lane Departure Prevention system to nudge you back into your lane if you begin to wander across the divider line, and its Blind Spot Intervention system to help keep you from accidentally merging into an unseen car. Volvo will launch a system that’s designed to prevent you from hitting a pedestrian in their new S60, and Subaru will be launching a similar system for the Japanese market. The future is now, as such systems represent the next frontier in vehicle safety.— Tom Mutchler Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences



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Daily electronics deals Paul Eng (Consumer Reports)

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The Consumerist receive anything in exchange for featuring these deals; the posts are intended to be purely informational. These deals are often fleeting, with prices changing or products becoming unavailable as the day progresses. These posts are not an endorsement of the featured products or the Web sites that sell them—though some of the sites may be included, and recommended, in our Ratings of retailers for computers and other major electronics(both available to subscribers). Price shouldn't be your only criterion. Be wary of lower-priced deals that seem too good to be true, and check return policies for restocking fees and other gotchas. For general buying advice for many of the products on sale above, check out our free Buying Guides. Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences

Q&A: Restless legs syndrome somewhere other than the legs? (Consumer Reports)

forgot to take the drug, talk to your doctor about stopping the Mirapex (pramipexole). It can Submitted at 5/5/2010 6:36:11 AM cause nausea, drowsiness, and Q&A: Restless legs syndrome dizziness, and some evidence somewhere other than the legs? suggests that Mirapex and Can a person have restless legs r e l a t e d d r u g s c a n t r i g g e r syndrome somewhere other than c o m p u l s i v e g a m b l i n g a n d the legs? My doctor said it was hypersexuality. If your back the cause of some sensitivity symptoms return, ask your and agitation I had in my upper doctor about other possible body (especially the back) and c a u s e s , i n c l u d i n g m u s c l e prescribed Mirapex. But I often spasms, a spinal problem, or a forget to take it, and my skin condition. symptoms haven't returned. — Take a look at what you should R.W., Charleston, IL know before taking Mirapex, It's highly unlikely that you and watch our AdWatch video have restless legs syndrome. on Requip for restless legs RLS is a chronic condition that syndrome. Subscribe now! almost always begins in the S u b s c r i b e t o lower limbs. It's characterized for expert by an uncomfortable sensation Ratings, buying advice and in the legs, typically while reliability on hundreds of sitting or lying down, and is products. Update your feed relieved by movement. Because preferences your symptoms don't sound like RLS and didn't return when you

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Safety bed rails for toddlers and young children

Losing Harwell Is Losing Family Member

Artemis Dibenedetto (Consumer Reports)

Steve Phillips (FanHouse Main)

Submitted at 5/5/2010 1:59:59 AM

Safety bed rails for toddlers and young children When your child begins to climb out of the crib or reaches a height of 35 inches, it’s time to leave the crib behind. Some children will try to escape from the crib earlier than others, so be sure to make the switch if you see this behavior, even if your child is still less than 35 inches tall. If you don’t have a toddler bed, consider using an adult-size bed and install bed rails to keep you child from falling out of bed. Use bed rails only with adult mattresses and box springs. Never install portable bed rails on a crib or toddler bed because the mattress is too small to support them. And don’t use them on bunk beds, waterbeds, youth beds, inflatable mattresses, or a bed without a box spring. (Young children should never sleep on

waterbeds.) Look for a certification sticker from the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA) on the rail or the packaging. (See What does the JPMA certification seal really mean?) Bed rails should be used when your child is about 2 until age 5. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions when installing bed rails. If they leave a gap or loosen during the night, your child could get trapped, so use the rails strictly according to the instructions and check them each night before use. Be sure they fit tightly with no gaps between the mattress and the rail, so that your child can’t get

stuck. Leave at least 9 inches between the bed rail and the footboard and headboard of the bed. Don’t use the wall as a bed rail. Putting a bed against the wall is not an acceptable substitute for a bed rail. Your child could get trapped between the wall and the mattress. Look for bed rails that can be securely attached on each side of your child’s bed. Related: • Toddler, twin, and bunk beds• Infant and toddler products must have registration cards• Consumer Reports guide to childproofing and safety

Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences


Submitted at 5/4/2010 8:00:00 PM

Filed under: Tigers, Sports Business and Media, Executive Take I was so very lucky as a kid. The luckiest, in fact. During the summer, I fell asleep every night with the voice of a family member in my ear. He was grandfatherly. He told the most amazing stories. Sometimes they were comedies. Sometimes dramas. The stories didn't always have happy endings. His delivery was so rhythmic. He had a cadence to each of his tales. He spoke like he knew exactly what to say. He was friendly. He was humble. He was safe and convincing. The stories were always so real even though the characters seemed bigger than life. The names changed from time to time but many of the main

characters remained the same for years. What amazed me was the fact that the characters were always doing the same thing yet the story was always different. My family member had an amazing ability to recall facts. He was able to tie each story to other stories, creating a sense of history and tradition. He made the characters come to life. They were real. They were familiar. I felt like I knew them.



E-reader News Edition

Hall of Fame Detroit Tigers broadcaster Ernie Harwell dies at 92 news services ( Submitted at 5/5/2010 9:13:33 AM

DETROIT -- From the sandy shores of Lake Michigan to the rugged streets in Flint, they listened to Ernie Harwell tell the Detroit Tigers' tales for more than 40 years. Beloved by generations of baseball fans who grew up enraptured by his rich voice, Southern cadence and quirky phrases on the radio, Harwell died Tuesday after a monthslong battle with cancer. He was 92. The longtime Tigers broadcaster died about 7:30 p.m. in his apartment at Fox Run Village and Retirement Center in the Detroit suburb of Novi, said his attorney and longtime friend, S. Gary Spicer. His wife of 68 years, Lulu, and his two sons and two daughters were at his side, Spicer said. More from Some men lament the loss of their baseball cards. Not me. No, what I wish I'd saved is that microcassette with Ernie Harwell's golden voice all over it. But it's gone. Eleven years ago, I was young. I thought he would live forever, writes's Rob Neyer. Blog For generations, famed broadcaster Ernie Harwell made

listening to the Tigers an almost spiritual happening. As he dealt with cancer,'s Liz Merrill watched as Harwell's own spirituality provided peace as his friends and fans said their goodbyes. Story "We'll miss you, Ernie Harwell. You'll forever be the voice of summer," Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm tweeted. A Hall of Fame announcer who was acquired by the Brooklyn Dodgers for a catcher in 1948, Harwell revealed in September that he'd been diagnosed with inoperable cancer of the bile duct. He took the news with characteristic poise, saying he planned to continue working on a book and other projects. "Whatever happens, I'm ready to face it," Harwell told The Associated Press on Sept. 4, 2009. "I have a great faith in God and Jesus." Harwell's body will lie in repose at Comerica Park on Thursday beginning at 7 a.m. and "until the last person who wishes to pay their respects" has done so, Spicer said. "It might be an all-night vigil," he said. There will be no public memorial service, and the family will hold a private funeral service at a location Spicer declined to disclose. The Tigers were in Minnesota

on Tuesday night. During the seventh-inning stretch, the Twins announced Harwell had died, and fans honored him with a standing ovation. "All of Major League Baseball is in mourning tonight upon learning of the loss of a giant of our game," commissioner Bud Selig said. "This son of Georgia was the voice of the Detroit Tigers and one of the game's iconic announcers to fans across America, always representing the best of our national pastime to his generations of listeners. "Without question, Ernie was one of the finest and most distinguished gentlemen I have ever met," Selig said. Shortly after Harwell announced that he was ill, the Tigers honored him during a game against the Kansas City Royals, showing a video tribute and giving him a chance to address the crowd at Comerica Park. "In my almost 92 years on this earth, the good lord has blessed me with a great journey," Harwell said at a microphone behind home plate. "The blessed part of that journey is that it's going to end here in the great state of Michigan." Harwell spent 42 of his 55 years in broadcasting with the Tigers, joining Mel Allen, Jack Buck, Harry Caray and others

among the game's most famous play-by-play voices. Vin Scully on Ernie Harwell Hall of Fame announcer Vin Scully (right) began broadcasting Brooklyn Dodgers games in 1950, the season after Ernie Harwell left. He shared some his memories of the legendary broadcaster with's Tony Jackson. • "Ernie Harwell, I don't know if any of you know it, set a record before he ever came to the major leagues. In 1948, the Brooklyn Dodgers were in Pittsburgh. It was an off-day, and Red Barber was playing golf at the Pittsburgh Field Club. He was at a place on the golf course that was close to the clubhouse, and he felt very nauseous. He was wearing a coconut straw hat. He took it off and ran to the clubhouse and upchucked, only blood. He had a bleeding ulcer, so they flew him to New York immediately. Branch Rickey was running the Brooklyn Dodgers at the time. Arthur Mann was running the Atlanta Crackers. Branch called Arthur, because they knew each other very well, and he said, 'I need your announcer.' And Arthur said, 'Well, I need a catcher.' So Clint Dapper was sent to Atlanta, and Ernie Harwell came to Brooklyn. It

was the only trade that ever involved an announcer." • "He was with the Dodgers in '48 and '49, then I sat in his chair. I didn't follow or succeed him, I just sat in his chair. He was so gracious and kind. Probably the best word is that he was a gentleman, and it came across. He just cared for people. He loved baseball. He was such a nice guy, so you can understand why the people of Detroit just loved him." • "I can't remember the year, but there was a game where the Dodgers turned a triple play against Atlanta in Atlanta. I had never seen the Dodgers turn a triple play. Ernie Harwell was sitting on the other side of a glass partition from me, and he had called the other Dodgers triple play in 1949. So l leaned back and asked him about it. I'm thinking this is great, both of us right there together. But he just said in that perfect Southern way, he said, 'Vinny, I don't rightly remember.' And that put in perspective, to show that it was one moment, now let's get on with it." He announced Detroit games on radio from 1960 to 1991, again in 1993 and from 1999 to 2002. He broadcast games on over-the -air and cable television from HALL page 74


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Lakers stand tall, take 2-0 series lead over Jazz Associated Press (

-40 rebounding advantage and 13 blocked shots, the Lakers maintained a medium-sized lead Submitted at 5/5/2010 2:10:30 AM throughout the second half of a LOS ANGELES -- Carlos disjointed, foul-choked game Boozer drove the lane, and his that lasted over 2 1/2 hours. shot was disdainfully blocked " T h e y p l a y e d e x t r e m e l y , by Lamar Odom. The Utah extremely well," Bryant said of forward grabbed the ball to try his big men. "Pau and Andrew, another -- and Pau Gasol took a their work on the boards tonight turn swatting it. was sensational. Lamar coming Big On Boards off the bench with 15 rebounds The Lakers outrebounded the was just incredible. We really Jazz 58-40 and outscored them did a great job, and aside from in the paint 64-50 as they took a scoring, the big fellas, obviously 2-0 series lead. The Lakers are rebounding and controlling the 40-1 all-time when leading a paint." best-of-7 series 2-0. Most The Lakers didn't mind Rebounds in Playoff Game skipping showtime for a steady Lakers in Last 20 Seasons win that put them halfway to Although Boozer is not a small their third straight trip to the man, the Los Angeles Lakers Western Conference finals. Los are taller, thicker, just plain Angeles is 40-1 in franchise bigger -- and that could be an history after winning the first insurmountable problem for the two games of a seven-game Utah Jazz in this second-round series. playoff series. McMenamin: No Excuses Kobe Bryant scored 30 points, The Lakers are beaten and Gasol added 22 points and 15 bruised, but don't seem to be r e b o u n d s , a n d t h e L a k e r s slowed by their injuries, writes methodically pounded the ball E S P N L A . c o m ' s D a v e down low in a 111-103 victory M c M e n a m i n . S t o r y over the Jazz on Tuesday night, • Markazi: Jazz act like Lakers' taking a 2-0 series lead. kid brother Andrew Bynum had 17 points • Check out the Lakers blog a n d 1 4 r e b o u n d s f o r t h e Game 3 is Saturday night in defending NBA champions, Salt Lake City. who ruthlessly exploited their " W e ' r e n o t g o i n g t o b e twin 7-foot starters' height frustrated," said Boozer, who advantage, along with the 6-foot had 20 points and 12 rebounds. -10 Odom's presence off the " W e ' r e n o t g o i n g t o g e t bench. demoralized. We're not going to With 64 points in the paint, a 58 back down. We're going to keep

fighting, keep attacking and stay aggressive." For the third straight postseason, the Lakers have a 20 series lead over the Jazz after consecutive wins at Staples Center, where Utah has lost 16 straight games -- including eight in the playoffs. Paul Millsap had 26 points and 11 rebounds, with the undersized power forward single -handedly keeping the Jazz in the game at times. C.J. Miles added 20 points for Utah, which will get three days off to plot another way to counter the Lakers' obvious advantages down low. But without injured big men Mehmet Okur and Andrei Kirilenko, the Jazz acknowledge they probably don't have the big bodies necessary to contend with the Lakers' height and sophisticated inside play. "Their rebounding tonight was just something we could not handle," Utah coach Jerry Sloan said. "I don't like to use the word 'disheartening.' I thought our guys played extremely hard to try and stay in the ballgame." Deron Williams managed 15 points on 4-for-16 shooting and nine assists for the Jazz, who never were close to being blown out -- but who just didn't have the size or the game plan to keep up with Los Angeles' patient inside game. "We'd try to get in the lane, and there were two or three guys

there," Williams said. "Their length bothered us tonight. We've just got to hit some shots. We'll do better." The Lakers blew a fourthquarter lead in Game 1 but rallied to win on a fantastic finish by Bryant, who scored 11 points in the final four minutes. Things never got that interesting in Game 2 despite the Lakers' 20 turnovers: Los Angeles' big men ruled, with even Ron Artest contributing 16 points despite another awful 3-point shooting performance. "We got some great play tonight from our big guys," Lakers coach Phil Jackson said. "All of them played pretty well." The Jazz actually got within four points in the final minutes, but Bryant finally injected a little excitement with a shot clock-beating jumper, an emphatic swat on Utah's next drive to the hoop, and a dunk in a 45-second span of the final minutes. Los Angeles appeared determined to use its advantages from the start of Game 2, first weathering Utah's impressive shooting start before continually pounding the ball down low for 38 first-half points in the paint. The Jazz quickly lost their outside stroke, and the Lakers' starting frontcourt combined for 36 points in the first half -including 12 from Artest, despite his stubborn insistence on shooting from outside. He

went 1 for 7 on 3-pointers in Game 2, dropping to 7 for 42 in the postseason. "I don't know," Artest said when asked to explain himself. "I feel great. I don't really know. I just have to keep playing basketball." The Lakers took a 58-46 halftime lead with just eight points from Bryant, and Bynum didn't appear limited by his injured right knee, getting 11 points and 13 rebounds in just 16 minutes. Millsap kept the Jazz in it with 16 points off the bench. Game notes Bryant got a technical foul in the first half, while Boozer and Gasol got offsetting T's with 2:28 to play. ... The Jazz elected to keep Kirilenko out of uniform for another game with a strained left calf, which has prevented him from playing a full game since March 12. Kirilenko has said he's almost certain to return for Game 3. ... Before the game, Jackson said there's a 90 percent chance he'll coach the Lakers next season if he decides to coach again. He'll turn 65 in September, and the Lakers' apparent reluctance to pay him a record $12 million again next season has put his future in question. ... Staples Center fans included Chris Bosh and David Beckham; actors Christoph Waltz, Will Ferrell and Michael LAKERS page 77


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HALL continued from page 72

1960-64 and 1994-98. When he signed off following his final game in 2002, Harwell was as eloquent as ever. "It's time to say goodbye, but I think goodbyes are sad and I'd much rather say hello. Hello to a new adventure. I'm not leaving, folks. I'll still be with you, living my life in Michigan -- my home state -- surrounded by family and friends," he said. "And rather than goodbye, please allow me to say thank you. Thank you for letting me be part of your family. Thank you for taking me with you to that cottage up north, to the beach, the picnic, your work place and your backyard. Thank you for sneaking your transistor under the pillow as you grew up loving the Tigers. Now, I might have been a small part of your life. But you've been a very large part of mine. And it's my privilege and honor to share with you the greatest game of all," he said. Hall of Fame announcer Vin Scully began broadcasting Dodgers games in 1950, the season after Harwell left. "Probably the best word, he was gentle. And it came across. He just cared for people and he loved baseball," Scully said. "You can understand how the people in Detroit just loved him. I followed him into Brooklyn, and then I followed him into the Hall. He was such a lovely man. However that word is defined,

that was Ernie." Harwell's passing came one season after the death of another cherished baseball announcer, the Philadelphia Phillies' Harry Kalas. "What a voice," said longtime Tigers shortstop Alan Trammell, the World Series MVP the last time the Tigers won it all in 1984. "He did it with class, he did it with dignity. We shed a tear tonight, that's for sure." The Tigers and their flagship radio station, WJR, allowed Harwell's contract to expire after the 1991 season in what became a public relations nightmare. Then-Tigers president Bo Schembechler, the former Michigan football coach, took the blame. WJR general manager Jim Long later took responsibility for the unpopular move. When Mike Ilitch bought the franchise from Tom Monaghan, he put Harwell back in the booth in 1993. Harwell chose to retire after the 2002 season. "Ernie Harwell was the most popular sports figure in the state of Michigan," said Ilitch, who also owns the Detroit Red Wings. Harwell's big break came in unorthodox fashion. Dodgers radio broadcaster Red Barber fell ill in 1948, and general manager Branch Rickey needed a replacement. After learning that the minor league Atlanta Crackers needed a

catcher, Rickey sent catcher Cliff Dapper to Atlanta and Harwell joined the Dodgers. Harwell said his most memorable game was the 1951 playoff between the Dodgers and New York Giants for the NL pennant, which Bobby Thomson won with a walk-off home run, but few if any people remember his recount of the "Shot Heard 'Round The World" at the Polo Grounds that day. Russ Hodges' exclamation on radio of "The Giants win the pennant!" became one of the most famous moments in sports broadcasting history. Harwell, meanwhile, was calling the first major sporting event televised coast-to-coast in the United States. His work that day has been largely forgotten. "I just said 'It's gone!' and then the pictures took over," he recalled. By his own count, Harwell called more than 8,300 major league games, starting with the Dodgers and continuing with the Giants and Baltimore Orioles before joining the Tigers. He missed two games outside of the '92 season: one for his brother's funeral in 1968, the other when he was inducted into the National Sportscasters and Sportswriters Association Hall of Fame in 1989. His easygoing manner and love of baseball endeared him to generations of Tigers fans, enhancing the club's finest

moments and making its struggles more bearable. Even casual fans could tick off Harwell catch phrases: "Looooooong gone!" for a home run; "He stood there like the house by the side of the road and watched that one go by" for a batter taking a called third strike; and "Two for the price of one!" for a double play. Foul balls into the stands were "Caught by a man from [whatever town in the area that came to his mind]." "I started that after I got to Detroit in 1961 or '62, and it just happened by accident," Harwell explained. "I said, 'A guy from Grosse Pointe caught that foul ball,' then the next ones were caught by a guy from Saginaw or a lady from Lansing." The Baseball Hall of Fame honored Harwell in 1981 with the Ford C. Frick Award, given annually to a broadcaster for major contributions to baseball. A life-size statue of Harwell stands at the entrance to Comerica Park and its press box is called "The Ernie Harwell Media Center." "I think we all know where he's heading," Trammell said. "What a gentleman, what a great person. It's a sad day for baseball." Harwell took pride in making rare visits to the ballpark and for not doing much play-by-play work as a retiree. But he did make a guest appearance for

ESPN Radio during the fourth inning of the 2005 All-Star Game in Detroit. He also presented the ceremonial first ball to Tigers greats Al Kaline and Willie Horton before Game 1 of the 2006 World Series when Detroit hosted the St. Louis Cardinals. "Ernie Harwell, it goes without saying, was one of the greatest in the history of our profession," Hall of Fame broadcaster Marty Brennaman said in a statement. "More important than that, however, he was one of the finest people I've ever known. I was privileged to call Ernie my friend. I will miss him greatly." Harwell was born Jan. 25, 1918, in Washington, Ga., with a speech defect that left him tongue-tied. Through therapy and forcing himself to participate in debates and classroom discussions, he had overcome the handicap by the time he graduated from Emory University. Harwell's survivors also include seven grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Information from The Associated Press was used in this report. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction. HALL page 77


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Magic not rusty in 43-point victory over Hawks Associated Press (

Charlotte. Maybe all Howard needed was some time to cool off. Submitted at 5/4/2010 11:14:40 PM "I still played about the same ORLANDO, Fla. -- Stan Van amount of minutes," Howard Gundy turned to his assistant said, chuckling, because he coaches on the Orlando Magic wasn't needed much in the bench, unsure what to do with fourth. "The first round is over star Dwight Howard finally with." avoiding foul trouble and his Josh Smith scored 14 points team on his way to a blowout and Zaza Pachulia had 12 points victory. for a Hawks team that had little "Should I give Dwight a rest?" playoff poise. Game 2 in the Van Gundy asked. "They said, best-of-seven series is Thursday 'No. Just let it ride." night in Orlando, and Atlanta Sheridan: Annihilation At will have to find some way to Amway rally from such a paralyzing You are rightfully excused if defeat. you did a little channel surfing Another Dominating during Tuesday's 114-71 P e r f o r m a n c e mauling of the Hawks by the The 43-point win was the Magic that turned in Orlando's Magic's second-largest margin favor during a 17-0 second- of victory in a playoff game allquarter run and turned into a time and tied for the secondjoke the rest of the way, writes largest margin of victory in Chris Sheridan. Story NBA history in Game 1 of a What a ride it was. best-of-7 series. It was the Howard had 21 points and 12 Hawks' second-worst loss in rebounds in one of the most their postseason history (worst crushing playoff wins in Magic is 58-point loss to the Lakers in history, a 114-71 victory over 1956). Largest Margin of the Atlanta Hawks on Tuesday Victory in Game 1 night in Game 1 of their Eastern NBA Postseason History Conference semifinal. "It's embarrassing," Hawks Howard added five blocks and point guard Mike Bibby said. avoided the fouls and frustration "They embarrassed us." that overwhelmed him in the Only a 47-point win in the first first round, helping the Magic round against Boston in 1995 go ahead by as many as 46 was a larger margin of victory in points. Vince Carter finished a playoff game for Orlando. with 20 points as Orlando This was just one big Magic showed no signs of rust after an highlight reel. eight-day layoff since sweeping Nothing riled up fans more than

when Howard snatched a layup attempt by Smith in the air, pulling down the ball with one hand. He threw the ball upcourt to Jason Williams, who lobbed a pass from just past midcourt for an alley-oop dunk to Mickael Pietrus that was part of 17 straight Magic points in the second quarter. The arena was roaring so loud that, even after Hawks coach Mike Woodson called timeout and was on the floor pleading with officials for a goaltend, many players couldn't hear the whistle and continued. Finally, somebody had to tell the Magic to stop. "I think the challenge is not to get carried away with the score," Van Gundy said. "It was one of those nights where everything just snowballed." Timeouts might have been Atlanta's only reprieve. 2010 NBA Playoffs The 2010 NBA playoffs have begun. Keep track of your favorite team here: Playoff index The Hawks were held to 10 points in the second quarter, and just 11 points in the third. Howard and most of the Magic starters weren't even needed in the fourth, and Atlanta players covered their heads with towels on the bench in the final minutes. Fresh off a Game 7 victory against undermanned Milwaukee, the Hawks were

outhustled and outmuscled at every step. The little more than 48-hour turnaround didn't keep them sharp, and they looked more like the team trying to get back in rhythm. And they could do nothing to stop Howard. "I didn't allow anything to throw me off my game," Howard said, adding that he made it a point not to engage officials about calls. "And I think that's what I have to do the rest of the series, just not let things take me off my game, just stay free and clear." The Magic came out and hit the Hawks where it hurt -- literally. Howard grabbed a defensive rebound and swung his elbow to shake off Smith, hitting Atlanta's forward in the face. Howard was whistled for a foul, and Smith iced down his cheek on the bench during a break. The Hawks didn't know what hit them. "They made a run," Pachulia said, "and they never looked back." That inside-outside game with Howard in the paint was the biggest reason Atlanta has struggled against its Southeast Division rival for several seasons. The Magic had taken six straight regular-season games in the series until the Hawks won on a buzzer-beating dunk by Smith in their last meeting. "It was an ugly game for us,"

Woodson said of the latest defeat. "I wish I knew what happened." Howard and Co. weren't taking any chances this time. If the NBA's two-time defensive player of the year can avoid foul trouble, it could be another quick second-round stint for Atlanta. The Hawks were swept by Cleveland in the conference semifinals last year, and they'll need to find a way to slow down Howard to have any chance this time. Van Gundy was already thinking about how his team could put the win behind them. "I told them that [Wednesday] I will have for them virtually every time in NBA playoff history that a team had a blowout win, came back and lost the next game," Van Gundy said. "You've got to forget what happened." Game notes NBA commissioner David Stern announced earlier in the day that Orlando's new arena would host the 2012 All-Star Game. ... The fewest points an opponent has ever scored against Orlando in a playoff game was 68. ... Actor Chris Tucker was among those in attendance. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available MAGIC page 77



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Violent details emerge in death of Virginia lacrosse player Yeardley Love Associated Press (

expected to graduate this month. Huguely was not present at a court hearing Tuesday, but Submitted at 5/5/2010 6:52:49 AM appeared via videoconference CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. -- from Albemarle-Charlottesville On a day when gruesome details Regional Jail wearing a grayemerged about how a women's striped uniform. His lawyer, lacrosse player at Virginia Francis Lawrence, said later that wound up dead in a pool of her Love's death was "an accident own blood and a player on the with a tragic outcome." men's team was charged with Lawrence said Huguely also killing her, the teams decided to planned to withdraw from the play on in tribute. university. Virginia athletic director Craig An affidavit for a search Littlepage said in a statement warrant said two people found late Tuesday that the men's and Love, of Cockeysville, Md., women's teams "will represent face down in her bedroom with the University of Virginia as a pool of blood on her pillow, a they always have" if selected for large bruise on her face and one the NCAA tournament, as eye swollen shut. She was expected, and play to honor the pronounced dead at the scene memory of Yeardley Love. after attempts to revive her. The announcement came at the According to the document, end of a dark two days for Huguely -- listed in the lacrosse Virginia lacrosse. media guide as 6-foot-2 and 209 Describing a scene of violent pounds -- told police he was rage, court documents revealed "involved in an altercation with that George Huguely, a senior Yeardley Love and that during on the men's team, told police the course of the altercation he he kicked in Love's bedroom shook Love and her head door, shook her, and that her repeatedly hit the wall." head repeatedly hit the wall. Huguely told police the two had Love was found bloodied and been in a relationship "and that dead by friends early Monday. the relationship had ended," The 22-year-old suspect, of according to the affidavit. Chevy Chase, Md., has been Charlottesville Police Chief Tim arrested and charged with first- Longo said investigators are degree murder in the death of looking into whether Huguely Love, also 22. Both were had threatened Love in the past.

"That's what we're trying to get to precisely, through our interviews with friends, family and teammates -- to see to what extent there's truth to that," Longo said. Longo said there were no past police reports of issues between the two. Police in Lexington, Va., about 70 miles from Charlottesville, said that in November 2008, Huguely was shocked with a stun gun by an officer there after resisting arrest for public intoxication. He pleaded guilty to two charges last year, was placed on six months of probation and given a 60-day sentence, which was suspended. The arresting officer, R.L. Moss, said in a statement Tuesday that she felt it necessary to use the stun gun because Huguely became abusive and his size was no match for her. She said in the statement that Huguely was "yelling obscenities and making threats." According to the affidavit released in Charlottesville on Tuesday, Huguely waived his right to have an attorney present while he gave his chilling account of what happened at Love's apartment. Huguely told police he communicated with Love by e-mail and left with her

computer. He also told them where they could find it; Longo said investigators have retrieved it and are "in the process of trying to see what evidentiary value may exist." An autopsy on Love was concluded in Richmond, and Longo said investigators passed along to him "pieces" of information, but he would not release details until he has the official report from the medical examiner. He could not say when the report was expected. Medical student Cliff Cutchins, who lives in the apartment building beside Huguely's, said he didn't know the suspect, but had met Love and knew many of her friends. Even with the details released Tuesday about Love's death, Cutchins, of Virginia Beach, Va., said it is hard to believe that her relationship with Huguely could have been abusive. "No matter what kind of relationship they had, there were no indications that it could have gotten this bad," he said. "There's no way this community would have let that happen." Huguely, a midfielder, wasn't a starter but played in all 15 games this season, with four goals and three assists. Love played defense and started three

games this season. And it was shaping up as a special year, with both players heading toward graduation while playing for teams viewed as contenders to win the national championship. Instead, though, on Tuesday, there were signs of mourning. A moment of silence for Love was observed before Virginia's home baseball game. And members of Love's high school lacrosse team -- Notre Dame Preparatory of Towson, Md. -- wrote her uniform number, No. 1, on their calves; put black tape on their sticks; and wore orange ribbons in their hair for their 17-9 victory Tuesday at St. Stephen's and St. Agnes School in Alexandria, Va. Meanwhile, on Virginia's campus, two gates at the lacrosse practice field were chained while players worked out. Copyright 2010 by The Associated Press Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


E-reader News Edition

In Crazy Sports World, Taser Fine by Me Jay Mariotti (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 5/4/2010 6:59:00 PM

Filed under: MLB When a suspected terrorist tries to set off a car bomb in Times Square, evacuating much of midtown Manhattan in a scene out of a fright movie, then it seems any sicko act is possible in any public area. It's the end of the world as we know it in 2010, and other than one old rock star, nobody feels fine. Which is why I have no problem with a cop using a Taser gun to subdue a goof who runs onto a field at a ballpark, even if the dude resembles a teenaged Ray Romano in his red T-shirt, khaki shorts and black baseball cap. He may look harmless. He may not be drunk or stoned. He may even call his proud father from the seats and ask his permission to attempt the stunt, surely thrilling a Penn State administration that accepted him in its next freshman class. But really, who knows if he has a knife or a gun as he's spinning around the outfield and waving a white towel in Philadelphia's Citizens Bank Park? In an increasingly creepy world, it would be foolish to cut slack for any warped behavior at a sports event. Security experts fear that the next cataclysmic


LAKERS continued from page 73

Rosenbaum; director Adam McKay; and Flea and Anthony Kiedis of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

MAGIC continued from page 75

tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

terrorist act in America will be in a stadium or an arena, making the stun-gun quelling of 17-year -old Steve Consalvi a landmark event in sports security. Much as we'd like to think the games of our lives still can be escapes from reality, it isn't hard to envision a major tragedy in the near future. We're still waiting for leagues to mandate that sophisticated X-ray machines be installed at all entrances, and until they do, it will be fairly easy to sneak a weapon through the gates. So with athletes and paying

customers to protect, what is a police force to do when someone ignores frequent warnings over the publicaddress system and scoreboard - "Anyone trespassing on the field will be ejected and prosecuted" -- and invades the playing surface anyway? In Philly, hotbed of lunatic sports fans, they aren't taking chances anymore. When Consalvi tried to sprint away from a police officer and security personnel, the cop drew his Taser and fired several shots before hitting him. Consalvi stiffened on impact,

then dove onto the turf, where he was apprehended and taken away. This was a different approach to the usual procedures in stadiums, where unruly fans either are chased down and tagged with vicious body shots or waited out until they run out of juice and drop. The problem with those methods is that fans never learn. Maybe they will now that the Taser shooting of Consalvi has been shown non-stop the last 24 hours on television. But don't hold your breath.

HALL continued from page 74


Sports/ Social Media/

E-reader News Edition

Hawks Make Howard, Magic Look Super David Whitley (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 5/4/2010 7:43:00 PM

Filed under: Hawks, Magic, NBA Playoffs ORLANDO, Fla. -- After pouting, fouling and sitting his way through the first round of the playoffs, everybody was wondering what was wrong with Dwight Howard. Nothing the Atlanta Hawks and Nick Nolte can't cure. The NBA's self-proclaimed Superman is back. If only he could play the Hawks every game from here on out, the Magic would romp to the world championship. Based on Tuesday night's 11471 cataclysm, they might do it anyway. They are the stealth team nobody has noticed. Maybe Howard needs to wrap his elbow, wince a lot and start shooting free throws with his left hand. But before we get carried away

Android Tablet Prototype Running Flash Spotted in the Wild Stan Schroeder (Mashable!) Submitted at 5/5/2010 8:29:52 AM

Red Wings, Down 3-0, Sticking Together with Orlando's pending championship parade, a word from the league's reigning curmudgeon. "You gotta let it go. It's one game," Stan Van Gundy said. "In the playoffs, margin means absolutely nothing. It does not matter. It should not lead to a false sense of security." False sense? How about a true sense?

Christopher Botta (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 5/4/2010 8:28:00 PM

Filed under: Sharks, Red Wings, NHL Playoffs DETROIT -- The Detroit Red Wings culture does not call for a hot-shot prospect to save them when they drop the first three games of a playoff series. A slumping veteran is not benched by a head coach calling attention to himself, saying the team needed "shock therapy." A journeyman does not come out of the press box to become the next game's No. 1 star. Whenever this run may end, the Red Wings are going to go with

Now that Adobe and Apple have officially parted ways— at least when it comes to Flash on Apple’s mobile devices — Adobe is strengthening its the guys that brought them here. partnership with Google’s In Motown, it's the same old Android, whose next version song -- and who can blame (2.2) will support Flash. them? It’s therefore no surprise that Look at the box score from Adobe’s stand at the Web 2.0 Detroit's stunning 4-3 loss to Expo in San Francisco is San Jose in Game 3 on Tuesday showcasing Android-based at Joe Louis Arena. It looks like phones, but an unexpected guest it could have been published in has appeared, as well — an 2009 or 2008 or, for that matter, Android-based, multi-touch before the NHL lockout. tablet prototype. Goal, Tomas Holmstrom. Goal, Blog Zedomax has a hands-on Dan Cleary. Goal, Henrik review (embedded below), and Zetterberg. while technical details about the The only difference is, the Red device are scarce, it appears to Wings lost. be running Flash and Air Sharks lead series, 3-0 flawlessly. Sharks 4, Red Wings 3 (OT): For more technology coverage, Recap| Box Score| Series Page follow Mashable Tech on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook Tags: adobe, air, android, Flash, Tablet

Sports/ Gaming/

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Hands-on: Kane & Lynch 2 'Fragile Alliance' multiplayer Randy Nelson (Joystiq) Submitted at 5/5/2010 9:00:00 AM

Nelson Over Bibby Big Factor in Rout Tim Povtak (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 5/4/2010 7:42:00 PM

Filed under: Hawks, Magic, NBA Playoffs ORLANDO, Fla. -- There was no better example of what a mismatch Game 1 was -- and probably the whole Orlando/Atlanta series will be -than the difference between the starting point guards. By late in the third quarter, both were on their respective sideline, but all similarities started and ended right there. It's why this best-of-seven, second-round matchup isn't

going to take very long. Atlanta's Mike Bibby had buried his head under a towel, peeking out only once in awhile to view the wreckage. On the other side, Orlando's Jameer Nelson was waving his towel wildly, up on his feet every few seconds. "I just wanted to attack, and keep attacking,'' Nelson said after the Magic buried the Hawks, 114-71, in a game that was even more lopsided than the score. "We're in this for the long haul, so you have to keep attacking.''

Whether or not it's Inspired by real-life heists -- that's according to its developer, IO Interactive - the Fragile Alliance multiplayer mode in Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days definitely feels inspired. I recently played a few rounds of its increasingly difficult, single-player Arcade game type (shown in the above video) before working together with (and against) fellow journos online and came away pretty impressed. In fact, it seemed more fun and polished than what Joystiq's played so far of the game's single-player campaign.

your own. For the first match or two I played, everyone worked together. After that, people Here's the setup: Players start started getting greedy. out on the same team -- the Gallery: Kane & Lynch 2: Dog crooks -- and steal loot at the D a y s - - F r a g i l e A l l i a n c e beginning of a round. Those m u l t i p l a y e r who can make it past A.I. Continue reading Hands-on: controlled cops in one piece Kane & Lynch 2 'Fragile (and get inside the getaway Alliance' multiplayer vehicle before it leaves) share a Hands-on: Kane & Lynch 2 cut of the cash everyone's 'Fragile Alliance' multiplayer grabbed. But these aren't the originally appeared on Joystiq most honest men you're playing on Wed, 05 May 2010 09:00:00 as, so it's possible to turn traitor EST. Please see our terms for on your own gang -- even take use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| other players as human shields - and attempt to avoid death at C o m m e n t s their (and the cops') hands, in hopes of taking all the spoils for



E-reader News Edition

Red Dead Redemption getting free co-op DLC this June Andrew Yoon (Joystiq) Submitted at 5/5/2010 8:36:00 AM

Post-release downloadable content is a certainty for nearly every major game this generation. However, it's not often you see DLC as significant as this being promised for free. Rockstar Games has announced a new expansion pack, coming this June to Xbox Live and PlayStation Network, for the yet -to-be-released Red Dead Redemption. store closing sale ends." p r o c e d u r e s a n d c o m p a n y The "Outlaws to the End" CoIt would appear that discount policies will persist through the Op Mission Pack will feature six levels and liquidation plans have closings. multiplayer missions and be yet to be finalized at the We wish the best of luck to the compatible with 2-4 players. company. "We are also in the a p p r o x i m a t e l y 1 9 , 0 0 0 The free download will also add process of evaluating liquidation employees affected by the Trophies and Achievements for vendors who will oversee the closure. players to unlock. (For details store closure and sale process in GameCrazy internal document on some of the missions, click conjunction with our company c o n f i r m s l i q u i d a t i o n o f past the break.) ... the consultants will advise us remaining stores originally In addition to the free co-op on appropriate discount levels, appeared on Joystiq on Wed, 05 mode, Rockstar Games plans on advertising, in-store signing and M a y 2 0 1 0 0 9 : 3 0 : 0 0 E S T . o f f e r i n g t w o a d d i t i o n a l in-store merchandising in order Please see our terms for use of downloadable content updates to facilitate a smooth process." feeds. "over the summer." It's unlikely And though it's not explicitly P e r m a l i n k | E m a i l t h i s | that these offerings will be free, spelled out, the piece states that C o m m e n t s however, as the press release "most" normal operating carefully notes "pricing" will be RED page 81

GameCrazy internal document confirms liquidation of remaining stores Ben Gilbert (Joystiq) Submitted at 5/5/2010 9:30:00 AM

click to enlarge Movie Gallery Inc., owner of the GameCrazy, Hollywood Video, and Movie Gallery franchises, is officially closing its remaining 2,415 outlets across the US. An internal memorandum obtained by Joystiq confirms reports that the company will be closing its doors and liquidating its remaining stock over the coming weeks. "A decision has been reached by the board of

directors to liquidate the entire assets of the organization," the document reads. The piece also notes that the store closing sale will "likely continue for up to 60 days" and that employees who stick it out to the end will receive "store associate incentive plans" as a reward. Additionally, it assures said employees that "The company expects to continue to pay associates and provide current benefits and insurance programs during your active employment until you are released from the store or the

Gaming/ Health/

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RED continued from page 80

MySims Sky Heroes flying to DS, Wii, Xbox Medal of Honor 360, and PS3 this fall rebooting on Oct. 12, 2010 JC Fletcher (Joystiq)

Submitted at 5/5/2010 10:03:00 AM

We were almost right about the trademarked MySims SkyHeroes: we guessed it would be headed to DS and Wii, but EA has surprised us by announcing the game for PS3 and Xbox 360 as well!. You'll be able to see your unbelievably adorable characters in high definition. SkyHeroes is, of all things, a cutesy air combat game, in which My ... your ... your MySim takes flight against the (apparently) evil Morcubus and his army. As you fight, your

character's fame will increase, as will the customization options for your plane. The PS3 and Xbox 360 versions will feature both splitscreen online multiplayer, in both cooperative and competitive game modes, for up to ten players. All four versions will be released this fall. MySims Sky Heroes flying to DS, Wii, Xbox 360, and PS3 this fall originally appeared on Joystiq on Wed, 05 May 2010 10:03:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

Ludwig Kietzmann (Joystiq)

Medal of Honor is being developed by DICE, the studio behind Battlefield: Bad EA's Medal of Honor franchise Company 2. Check back later reboot will launch in North today to catch another glimpse America on October 12th and in of the game in a new trailer Europe on October 15th, the entitled, "Leave a Message." ( p u b l i s h e r h a s a n n o u n c e d . Duty just hates talking to a Developed by EA Los Angeles, machine.) the single-player campaign Medal of Honor rebooting on thrusts a band of fictional O c t . 1 2 , 2 0 1 0 o r i g i n a l l y soldiers into Afghanistan (quite appeared on Joystiq on Wed, 05 a realistic upgrade from the M a y 2 0 1 0 0 8 : 1 7 : 0 0 E S T . usual Desertikistan), where Please see our terms for use of they'll co-operate with the Tier 1 feeds. Operator as they tear the enemy Read| Permalink| Email this| a new one. Comments The multiplayer component of Submitted at 5/5/2010 8:17:00 AM

announced in the future. Continue reading Red Dead Redemption getting free co-op DLC this June Red Dead Redemption getting free co-op DLC this June originally appeared on Joystiq on Wed, 05 May 2010 08:36:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

Five Most Common Gym Injuries ( Submitted at 5/5/2010 3:00:00 AM

An expert reveals what you need to do to stay off the DL by Amy Levin-Epstein Print Article Email to Friend Whatever your fitness goals, getting injured surely isn't one of them. But according to a study from the University of Arkansas, there has been a 35 percent increase in gym injuries in recent years. Personal trainer Justin Price, M.A., who owns The BioMechanics, a corrective exercise and functional fitness facility in San Diego, says there FIVE page 82


E-reader News Edition

FIVE continued from page 81

are two main reasons for workout-related injuries. The first is poor posture during the day, which eventually weakens your entire musculoskeletal structure. To combat this, make sure your computer screen is positioned in a way that you're not straining or hunching to see it. The other mistake is trying to do too much too fast, in both reps and weight. "The problem that got you into the gym didn't happen overnight, so you can't undo it overnight," says Price, who co-authored the book The Idiots' Guide to Functional Training. In other words, those 50 pounds can't be erased in one mega-marathon treadmill session. And popping blood vessels by overweighting the bench press isn't going to take you from Christian Bale in The Machinist to Christian Bale in Batman in one hard-core workout. To get started, find a certified personal trainer (Price recommends one with the PTA Global, NSCA or NASM certifications) to make sure you're using the right technique and try to think of yourself as your own trainer by not making your goals too personal. "Think of working on your body as a third party. If you remove your ego from the situation you can be realistic about your goals," says Price. You'll be able to prevent injuries like the ones

below, which Price says he sees most often. FOOT AND ANKLE Cause: When trying to explain foot and ankle injuries, Price starts at the top of the body. "People spend their days in front of their computer with rounded shoulders. When your shoulders are rounded and you stand up, your weight falls to the front of your foot," says Price. Take that misplaced center of gravity and put it into running shoes, which naturally tip you forward with a heel higher than the toe, and your feet and ankles start to bear the brunt of any impact. Prevention:"You should look for a running shoe that isn't too high in the heel, or try a walking shoe, cross trainer or tennis shoe," suggests Price. By helping spread the impact to the whole foot, you'll prevent problems like plantar fasciitis, achilles tendonitis, anterior compartment syndrome (a compression in the front of the ankle), lateral compression syndrome (a compression at the side of the ankle) and bunions. KNEE Cause: That damn desk job again, unfortunately. "We don't use our hip muscles during the day. Then we decide to go kickbox or do bootcamp," says Price. The result is injury to the . . . knee? "If our feet aren't stable, due to improper footwear, and our hip muscles aren't strong, the knee gets all

the stress," says Price, who says that leg extensions, curls, and presses don't help resolve the problem because they don't strengthen the muscles of the feet and hips. Prevention:"A better exercise would be lunges. With a lunge your hip and ankle are bending together, stabilizing and strengthening the knee," says Price. To get even more benefit, do lunges both forwards and backwards, then side to side (also known as "step and squats"). LOWER BACK Cause: Three strikes and your day job is officially in the dog house in terms of your physical health. "If someone is rounded throughout the day in their upper back, and then they go to the gym and do an overhead shoulder lift standing, their upper back cannot extend properly. They straighten and arch upward from their lower back, which has a nervous breakdown [anything from soreness to more permanent injury] because it's getting all the stress," says Price. Prevention: Remember to stretch and strengthen your upper back to compensate for all that hunching you do at the office. Price suggests supersetting in straight-armed wall squats in with the rest of your lifting regimen. "Sit against a wall. Flatten your lower back into the wall, by tilting your

pelvis under you. Straighten your arms in front of you, and try to raise arms up to your ears, without letting a gap form behind your lower back," says Price. And whenever you can, exercise standing up—really, you've sat enough at the office, right? "Standing helps you engage bigger muscles in your body," says Price. SHOULDER Cause: If you haven't been convinced to hang up your mouse and pick up a hard hat, this just might do it. That carpal tunnel you're complaining about 9-5 could contribute to a gym injury after-hours. "Your arms have to internally rotate when you type, which puts pressure on the shoulders," says Price. "Then you go to the gym and do chest press, shoulder press, pushups, all also with your arms rotated in," he notes. The outcome? Supraspinatus tendonitis, an overuse injury of the rotator cuff. Prevention: You need to externally rotate your arms to balance your shoulders, and a great way to do that is by rowing with cables. "Grab the cables in front of you and pull the arms back, rotating your palms away from you and behind you," says Price. NECK Cause: The other four areas being out of whack lead to a misalignment in your neck, says Price. "If you sit with rounded

shoulders, your neck follows your upper back, but then your eyes need to look at the screen, so you arch your neck and you get pain," says Price. As if work wasn't a pain in the neck enough, you get to the gym and that poor posture follows you all the way to the bench press, where the real trouble starts, when you're lying on the bench but your back isn't flush with the pad. "A lack of mobility and extension in your upper back will put stress on your lower back and neck," says Price. Prevention: Clearly, when doing the bench press, make sure your lower back and neck are supported properly. Then, avoid putting additional stress on your neck with exercises that cause you to raise your arms over your head, especially if you've just put in a 12-hour day. Finally, strengthen your mid and upper back—and improve your posture—by doing reverse shrugs. "Sit at the lat pull down. Grab the bar in front of you and do straight arm pull downs. Pull down just the shoulder blades—not the arms—and go just slightly in front of you for three to four inches," says Price. You'll feel it in your lower traps—which, once strong, will help you maintain your posture—and health—whether you're at the office or at the gym. Related articles: FIVE page 84


E-reader News Edition


Supplement Guide: Folic Acid ( Submitted at 5/5/2010 5:00:00 AM

Are you getting enough of this B vitamin? by Lisa Freedman Print Article Email to Friend Where it comes from: Folic acid (and folate) is a watersoluble vitamin B. Folate occurs naturally in food and folic acid is the synthetic form of folate. Food sources include dark leafy greens, cereals, pasta, beans, mushrooms, organ meat, orange juice, tomato juice and more. Folic acid is frequently used in combination with other B vitamins in vitamin B complex formulations. What it'll do for you: Folic acid helps the body break down, use and create new proteins. It helps form red blood cells and create new DNA. "It plays a key role with pregnant woman by preventing birth and neural tube defects," says Marissa Lippert, RD and author of The Cheater's Diet, who adds that Folic acid also benefits men. Here, the main benefits: • Prevents against heart disease Folate pairs up with vitamin B12 as a coenzyme to aid the metabolism of certain amino acids—homocysteine and methonine. Without enough folic acid in the body,

homocysteine levels can increase and impact cardiovascular disease. Studies have supported the use of folic acid supplements for lowering homocysteine levels, however this does not fully prove that folic acid supplements will decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease. • Prevents Alzheimer's disease A 2005 study at the University of California at Irvine found that adequate amounts of folic acid may help ward off Alzheimer's disease. The study looked at 579 men and women (ages 60 and up) and found those who regularly consumed the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid through foods and supplements cut their risk of developing Alzheimer's by more than 50 percent. Other studies support these findings and suggest that folic acid plays a key role in preventing the general memory loss that tends to come with old age. • Helps prevent type-2 diabetes Folic acid may increase the breakdown of triglycerides—the chemical form in which fat exists in the blood—and therefore may have a role in the prevention of obesity and type-2 diabetes. A 2008 study by the European Journal of

Endocrinology looked at four groups of women (from different geographic locations) and found those with a BMI of 30 and above had low levels of folic acid. • Helps treat depression Folic acid deficiency has been found among people with depression and has been linked as a possible cause for poor response to antidepressant treatment. So, of course, folate supplements have been used for enhancing treatment response to antidepressants. More research is needed and folic acid is not a replacement for conventional antidepressant therapy. Suggested intake: The upper daily limit recommendation for adult men is 1 milligram. "Ideally, that would be reached through food," says Lippert. Foods that are known to be high in folate are: dark, leafy greens (spinach and kale), asparagus, fortified whole grains (pasta, cereal and whole grain breads), beans and legumes (peanuts, lentils, chickpeas, black beans and kidney beans) and chicken liver—a 3.5-ounce serving of chicken liver provides 193 percent of the daily value of folate. If you decide to opt for supplements, doses of folic acid should not exceed 1,000

micrograms per day, as too much folic acid may result in a vitamin B-12 deficiency, which could cause permanent nerve damage if not treated. In lines with the benefits of folic acid, folate deficiencies are associated with increased risks of heart disease, depression and anemia (deficiency impacts red blood cell production). Deficiencies have been observed in alcoholics. In 1997, a review of chronic alcoholics found low folate levels in more than 50 percent of those surveyed. Why? Alcohol interferes with the absorption of folate and increases the amount of folate the kidney gets rid of. Also, many alcoholics have poor diets and don't meet the recommended intake of folate. Associated risks/scrutiny: Folate intake from food is not associated with any health risk. "It's a water-soluble vitamin and any significant excess will naturally be eliminated through the body via urine," says Lippert. Ingesting too much folic acid via supplements can result in stomach problems, sleep problems, skin reactions and seizures. While folic acid was, at one time, considered protective against cancers, it's now said it may actually promote certain

ones. First, a study of 643 men at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine found that high doses of folic acid supplements failed to prevent colon cancer. Then another analysis of the same study's finding suggests a link between folic acid supplements an increased risk for prostate cancer. In the study, the men who took high doses of the vitamin saw a 163 percent risk increase in prostate cancer compared to men who did not take folic acid supplements. Some researchers conclude that folate is unlikely to be beneficial in regard to certain cancers—and may actually be harmful. More research is needed. Related articles: Supplement Guide: Glutamine Supplement Guide: Coenzyme Q10 Supplement Guide: Selenium [on Facebook, Digg, Reddit and more] Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Health/ Religion/

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Fittest Actresses in Hollywood (

has the luxury of good genes and a 21-year-old's metabolism, but the Gossip Girl star has also Five female stars who know made good lifestyle choices. Her their way around a gym personal trainer has said that she by Devin Pratt has never been one to diet but Print Article Email to Friend she does watch what she eats by Being a celebrity has its eliminating bad carbs. a d v a n t a g e s — m a m m o t h Halle Berry paychecks, access to the hottest Age: 43 events, vacationing in the most The oldest star on our list, Halle exotic places—but it does come Berry has only gotten better with a price, especially for with age. The iconic actress put women. The pressure to stay fit, an emphasis on fitness after the y o u n g , a n d b e a u t i f u l i s birth of her child, including hour enormous. Here, we reveal five -long workouts five times per leading ladies who define what week. Berry's trainer developed it means to be in shape and a routine that's comprised of h e a l t h y , n o t t o m e n t i o n three cardio segments, two incredibly sexy. circuit segments and one core Blake Lively segment. According to People Age: 22 magazine reports, the Academy The Hollywood lifestyle doesn't Award winner's diet consists of always lend itself to clean "lots of vegetables, lean proteins living, especially for stars in and complex carbohydrates, as their early 20s. That's why we well as drinking a large quantity give Blake Lively all the credit of water." for maintaining a healthy and Cameron Diaz toned physique. Granted, she Age: 37

No one lives up to the "No Pain, No Gain" mantra quite like Cameron Diaz. The blonde bombshell discovered her love for working out during the three -month martial arts training she received prior to the filming of Charlie's Angels. While Cameron puts in more than enough time in the gym, she also manages to keep her workouts fun by opting for outdoor activities, such as surfing, snow-boarding, and hiking. Jennifer Aniston Age: 41 Even though America's sweetheart hasn't had much luck in the love department, the ageless beauty continues to capture the hearts of men everywhere. So just how fit is Jennifer Aniston? Consider that she garnered national attention when she posed in nothing but a tie for the January 2009 cover of GQ magazine — one month shy of her 40th birthday. The former



continued from page 82

continued from page 84

Submitted at 5/5/2010 2:00:00 AM

25 Ways to Get Stronger Now Injured? Make Sure to Get the Right Doc Check-Ups Every Guy Needs [on Facebook, Digg, Reddit and more] Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime

Ministerial - The 2010 UK If only I had thought of the General Election. Available word “ Truthiness”! tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Anyway, the Washington Post Text RSS, Term Extraction. Style section ran a story the other day reviewing the Oprah interview with Rielle Hunter, the “other woman” in the John Edwards story. This story was about as snarky as mainstream journalism gets, starting with the “Queen of Denial” reference to

Friends star attributes her sexy figure to cardio workouts, yoga, and healthy eating. Jessica Biel Age: 28 Whether it was the famous bra scene in I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry or the now legendary cover shoot for GQ magazine, Jessica Biel has shown us why she is the fittest female in Hollywood. Biel utilizes several methods of training during her workouts, including warm-up stretches, a half-mile jog, sprints, Plyometrics, and light weight training. The striking beauty is also a strong believer in eating only "clean foods" — that means absolutely no processed grub. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Oprah struggles with our ‘spiritual’ age? tmatt (GetReligion) Submitted at 5/4/2010 10:30:01 AM

Hunter in the lede. The story is packed with irony and sarcasm and all kinds of Style section stuff. I am here to suggest that the Style gods seem to have missed a major irony in this Oprah interview. Pay close attention to this pivotal slice of the whole:

If there is any person in American life who symbolizes the whole“spiritual” vs. “religious” storyline, that person would, for me, have to be Oprah Winfrey. About a decade ago, in an i n t e r v i e w w i t h, I summed up this whole “feelings and experience trump doctrine and history” trend with the term “OprahAmerica.” Please note that I also included George W. Bush and his nods to “ C o m p a s s i o n a t e Conservativism” in this trend.

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After Rielle had explained to Oprah about a gajillion times that she was a person who was deeply committed to the truth and being authentic, Oprah was finally driven to ask: “So you are a person who is on a spiritual path. You’ve mentioned truth here several times. What part of you could make that okay, then, to be with this married man with children?” “Because he was available,” Rielle said simply. And how does God fit into this “spiritual” road map to truth, authenticity, integrity, happiness and a better America? A few lines later we read: In July 2007, Edwards and his wife renewed their wedding vows, even though he knew he had a bun in someone else’s oven, by Rielle’s account. They had never used birth control, she explained. Rielle acknowledged that she thought it was a bad thing for Edwards to stand before God and retake vows he knew to be a lie, but she didn’t think less of Edwards for having done that because “I understood where he was in his process,” Rielle said,

as she waggled her pink sandal on her big toe. Oprah, to her credit, did not roll her eyes and throw up her hands. Though he was “gracious” when he found out she was pregnant, he became “very angry when she was photographed by the National Enquirer, while hiding out at Edwards aide Andrew Young’s North Carolina home, Rielle told Oprah. She said Young then brought up the idea to claim he was the baby’s father. “Why did you, Miss Spirituality in Alignment With the Truth … go along with it?” Oprah asked — a great line. Rielle capitulated, she said, because she did not want her baby girl to grow up blaming herself for having kept Daddy from being president of the United States. So, Oprah and the Style gods are saying that what Hunter did was absolutely wrong? By what standard? Might her behavior, and that of the candidate himself, even be called a “sin”? Is it always a sin to have sex with a person who is married to someone else? Where, precisely, does it say that? Who gets to

articulate the exceptions to the rule? Is the problem here that what Hunter did was tasteless and embarrassing? What, precisely, did “Miss Spirituality in Alignment With the Truth” do that was wrong, according to the commandments of OprahAmerica? She was following her own feelings, living out the experiences as they came to her. She was following her own path, right? She was being “spiritual,” as opposed to being tied down by the ancient rules of “religion.” That’s a good thing. Correct? What a great story, whether this was the story the Style gods planned to publish or not. In a way, this story “gets religion” in this day and age or, I should say, it “gets” what some people consider to be “spirituality.” Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Cupidtino: A Dating Site for Apple Fanboys and Fangirls Stan Schroeder (Mashable!) Submitted at 5/5/2010 3:42:20 AM

There’s a new online resource for singles coming to the Internet: Cupidtino, a dating site for fans of Apple products. The site is currently in (closed) beta, but it has an active Twitter account which is (mostly) trying to convince people that the project is for real. “Diehard Mac & Apple fans often have a lot in common -– personalities, creative professions, a similar sense of style and aesthetics, taste, and of course a love for technology,” the site says. “We believe these are enough reasons for two people to meet and fall in love, and so we created the first Macinspired dating site to help you find other Machearts around

you.” Cupidtino is projected to launch in June 2010, and it’ll be (surprise) available exclusively on Apple desktops, with some location-based social apps for the iPhone and iPad in the works. We’ll believe it when we see it. For more Apple coverage, follow Mashable Apple on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook Tags: apple, Cupidtino, dating



E-reader News Edition

Generic Bible-quoting cop slain Bobby (GetReligion) Submitted at 5/4/2010 1:33:44 PM

“A gentle giant.” “A man of God.” The accolades are pouring in for Brian Huff, a veteran Detroit police officer killed in the line of duty Monday. From the earliest news reports, Huff’s strong faith came into play. This was the headline on the initial online report by the Detroit Free Press identifying the officer:

Fallen officer was fun-loving, devout In that story, an officer friend reflected on Huff: Detroit Officer John Bennett said he worked with Huff at an alternative education school, where Huff was moonlighting to make ends meet. “He was a man of God,” Bennett said. “He was just a fun -loving, big guy.” Huff was as quick to quote Scripture as he was to crack a joke, Bennett said.

“I don’t think you’ll find anyone who has anything bad to say about him,” added Bennett, who said his colleagues are devastated. The print version of the story in today’s Free Press contained basically the same details. Meanwhile, The Detroit News ran a Page 1 sidebar on Huff with this headline and subhead: ‘A wonderful man we can’t replace’ Friends, colleagues say fallen Detroit policeman was devoted

to his family and faith There’s that F-word one more time. Again, Bennett is quoted, this time telling the reporter: “He could quote verses from the Bible like he was a pastor, and it was clear that God and family were important to him.” But neither the News nor the Free Press makes the great leap from generic quotes to meatier details about the religious background of this officer, nicknamed “Huff Daddy.” Now, I know how difficult it

can be for a reporter to track down such specific information in the immediate aftermath of a shooting like this. Police officers, in particular, are not always overly forthcoming with personal details about themselves or their colleagues. I get that. However, if the faith angle is important enough to include in the headline and the top of the story, basic questions need to be GENERIC page 87

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answered: Was the officer a regular churchgoer? If so, where did he maintain his membership? What does the pastor have to say about him? How are his fellow church members dealing with the tragedy? Undoubtedly, the Detroit papers will write more about Huff in coming days. I hope they take advantage of the opportunity to explain in more detail what makes a burly cop quote Scripture on the job.

And hey, if they really want to spook the religion ghosts, they might even explore the specific books, chapters and verses that he quoted. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

iPad Gets Custom Install in the Kitchen Cabinet [VIDEO] Barb Dybwad (Mashable!) Submitted at 5/4/2010 10:31:36 PM

The iPad is really starting to get around — not only is it in the car, but now it’s also embedded in a kitchen cabinet. Alan Daly custom mounted the “magical” Apple device inside his kitchen cabinet. The headphone jack funnels sound into a MIDI system for

audio output duties, and apps like the Epicurious Recipes & Shopping List App[iTunes link]

Five Cities Get Free Civic Apps Through Code for America Jolie O'Dell (Mashable!)

promote transparency, participation and efficiency. For Submitted at 5/4/2010 9:35:51 PM example, apps could include an Five American cities have been online network to connect selected for a random act of neighborhood groups with k i n d n e s s f r o m s o f t w a r e emergency first responders or a developers. Boston, Boulder, permitting system to simplify Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., administration of small business and Seattle will all receive free licensing and fees. web and/or mobile apps to help This year, one of the administer government and applications that will be built is serve citizens, thanks to a an Open311-type project. The program called Code for product to be built for America. Philadelphia will allow citizens Back in February, Code for to monitor and give feedback on America asked cities around the city hall proposals. U.S. to submit their requests for Now that the selected cities applications — apps they have been chosen, Code for wanted or needed to solve civic America will screen and select a problems and engage citizens, group of Fellows to build the specifically, apps that will apps over the course of 10


months. Once each app is finished in January 2011, it becomes free to use and share for any other city. Some of the communities Code for America is helping, such as Boulder and Seattle, have vibrant existing tech communities; we wonder whether developers will be selected from those towns to help create apps they’ll end up

turn Daly’s kitchen cabinet into a modern day bottomless recipe book. Daly plans to use the Apple Remote App[iTunes link] to tap into the home’s main music library once Apple updates it to support landscape mode. Check out the video of the installation below and let us IPAD page 87

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know what you think. Are you be interested in an iPad kitchen centerpiece? Where will we see Apple’s tablet pop up next? using as citizens, as well. We like Code for America a lot; [via Engadget& TUAW] it ties into some of our core For more technology coverage, beliefs about social media for follow Mashable Tech on social good and free and open Twitter or become a fan on source software. If you’re a Facebook developer, we encourage you to Tags: apple, Apple Remote apply for the Fellows program App, ipad, kitchen and tell us about your ideas and experiences. What kinds of apps would you want Code for America to build for your town? For more technology coverage, follow Mashable Tech on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook Tags: code for america, developers, social good

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