Liberty Newspost May-17-10

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E-reader News Edition

- 17/05/10

Mrs. Obama makes good on a promise JoAnne Allen (Front Row Washington)

Students kept a running tally of their community service hours in letters apprising her of their Submitted at 5/16/2010 7:26:19 PM progress, Obama said. “Well, I am a woman of my “Dear Mrs. Obama, we’re at word,” first lady Michelle 19,000 hours. Dear Mrs. Obama said Sunday, making Obama, we’re at 46,000 hours. good on a promise as she spoke Dear Mrs. Obama, we’ve at at the George Washington 73,958 hours. Yes, I got every University graduation minute of detail,” she said “And ceremony. soon enough, I realized, ‘Uh-oh, In September, Obama issued a I better start working on that challenge to the GWU class of commencement speech.’ ” 2010 – promising that if Obama issued another students performed 100,000 challenge in her remarks, this hours of community service 3,300 hours on the first day of time asking the graduates to during the school year, she the challenge I’d probably have “Keep going; Keep giving; w o u l d s p e a k a t t h e i r picked a higher number,” Keep engaging” and to be c o m m e n c e m e n t c e r e m o n y . O b a m a s a i d d u r i n g t h e America’s face to the world. Students at the university a few ceremony on the National Mall. “I’m just asking you to keep blocks from the White House She applauded the students who being you, to keep doing what more than met the challenge and held up their end of the bargain you’re doing. Just take it Obama kept her word. in many ways — from holding global.” The Washington Post said that food drives, to visiting with P h o t o C r e d i t “by the time the first lady took elderly veterans and even REUTERS/Richard Clement the stage, the count was up to running their own medical (First lady Michelle Obama 163,980 hours of service.” center in an under-served speaks at George Washington “I will say that if I had known neighborhood on the other side University commencement that you’d complete more than of town. ceremony 5/16/2010)

Famous Designers You Probably Haven't Heard Of, But Should: Robin and Lucienne Day Alissa Walker (Fast Company)

plastic, and plywood, and designed their own textile Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:31:45 AM patterns. Their Polypropylene As if your design dance card stacking chair, designed in wasn't already full, there's a film 1963, is said to be the bestdebuting tomorrow that should selling chair in the world. be on your radar, or at the very The couple worked together for least, its stars should be. an amazing 70 years: Lucienne Contemporary Days: Robin and died earlier this year, but Lucienne Day Design the UK, is Robin is still alive and will soon a documentary featuring the t u r n 9 5 . T h e f i l m d e b u t s British design duo whose tomorrow night at 7:30 p.m. at abstract, modernist design National Geographic Museum's helped transform and uplift a G r o s v e n o r A u d i t o r i u m i n post-World War II Britian. Washington, DC. Lucienne's With their focus on furniture textile work is also featured in and textiles, the couple appears the Textile Museum's exhibition to be like a British Charles and Art by the Yard: Women Design Ray Eames--they even designed Mid-Century Britain, which also similar-looking molded-plastic opens tomorrow in DC. chairs. Like the Eameses, they [ Contemporary Days] also experimented with steel,



E-reader News Edition

Meet The Top 3 Traders Under 30 Damien Hoffman (Business Insider) Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:25:42 AM

Since Trader Monthly shuttered, we’ve decided to pick up the popular Top Traders Under 30 ball. However, based on your feedback and our research, we’ve made one huge change: we’ve decided there are not 30 top traders under 30. Also, we feel these elite traders are worth watching because they have survived the shakeout since the Great Crash of 2008. It’s easy to win when the market goes in one direction. It requires skill to navigate up and down scenarios. So, after 8 months of due diligence, we are proud to present to you the first annual Wall St. Cheat Sheet Top 3 Traders Under 30 … Jan Sramek – Emerging Markets Trader at Goldman Sachs Like LA Lakers phenomenon Kobe Bryant, Jan Sramek — age 23 — has hit the big leagues with a ton of talent and promise. Having made the national headlines in the UK by breaking the world A-level record, Sramek enrolled to read Mathematics on a scholarship at the prestigious Trinity College at the University of Cambridge. Shortly afterward, he transferred to the London School of Economics to work during his studies because London-based hedge funds

recognized his potential and snapped him up during his 1st year. Having accumulated a wealth of experience on both the buy and sell-side during university, Sramek moved over to the area where many of the current superstars of the industry cut their teeth: the emerging markets fixed income trading desk at Goldman’s (NYSE:GS) London office (a very active area given today’s debt and currency volatility). Although neither Sramek nor Goldman would confirm or deny any details about this trading desk, we can assume the group has done extraordinarily well since Goldman’s traders had a perfect 100% win-rate last quarter. Sramek is considered somewhat of a prodigy in Europe. He has repeatedly made the headlines with his various achievements. Most recently, Financial News named him the youngest financier ever on their list of 100 Rising Stars of Financial Markets Under 40 — a list which previously included the likes of Greg Coffey of Moore Capital and Pierre Andurand of BlueGold. Out of all the firms with which we spoke, Goldman was the least revealing. Nevertheless, informed sources suggest that Sramek’s mentors include several of London’s most powerful hedge fund managers who are clearly grooming him

for the very top. It’s therefore possible Jan deserves a higher place on our list. Regardless, given his age, we are confident he will be considered for Wall St. Cheat Sheet’s Top 3 Traders Under 30 list for many years to come. Unlike some of his contemporaries, Sramek openly reveals the keys to his success, and makes it all sound quite simple. I highly recommend reading his book Racing Towards Excellence(a top rated book on Amazon). The book is a nice blueprint for anyone looking to maximize their ambition and take the steps necessary to be successful in any competitive environment, including finance. Gilbert Mendez – Equities and Forex Trader, SMB Capital

Image: Wall Street Cheat Sheet Gilbert “Gman” Mendez — age 28 — is as textbook a pro trader as Orlando Magic star Dwight “Superman” Howard is a NBA all-star. After studying mechanical engineering at Columbia University, Gilbert built a black-box trading model for the global Forex currency market. Such an awesome achievement led top Wall Street proprietary trading shop SMB Capital to give Gilbert a desk and trading account. Not long after, the firm awarded him “Head Trader” status. When I asked about Gilbert’s trading style, he answered: I trade news driven stocks and whatever sector happens to get in play. In essence I trade the flavor of the day or week. I make my trading decisions

based on the intraday fundamentals, the medium term time frame charts (15 minute-hourly), and time my entries using my tape reading skills. My real strength as trader is the ability to read the tape and psychology of the big players behind a chart. After proving his skills through the biggest equities crash since the Great Depression, Gilbert was recently made partner at SMB Capital. That’s what we’d expect from a guy who SMB cofounder Mike Bellafiore calls, “one of the best young traders on Wall Street.” Unlike most professional traders, Gilbert is highly accessible to budding traders. He contributes public posts and educational material to SMB’s blog. If you are looking for a glimpse of what it takes to be a top trader on Wall Street, Gilbert has a ton to offer. Adam Guren – Global Equities Trader, First New York Securities Image: Wall Street Cheat Sheet A year ago we called Adam Guren— age 28 — the Lebron James of trading. Given his consistent success like King James, Adam was the obvious choice for the top spot on our first annual list. After graduating Duke in 2003, Adam played professional soccer for a season with the MEET page 6


E-reader News Edition


The Brains Driving Obama's Gulf Oil Science Team Kit Eaton (Fast Company) Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:50:41 AM

President Obama, frustrated at slapdash efforts to stem the leaking Gulf oil, has done something remarkable: He's pulled together a crack science team. Among its members are an H-bomb scientist and an expert in nanotech and robotics. The President's new effort came together very quickly last week, and we don't yet know much about what they're up to (other than that they're very busy). We do know who they are though, and by digging into their individual bios, and looking at each scientist's expertise, we may be able to guess at the sort of tech being discussed. Alexander Slocum is a standout member of Obama's ATeam (though perhaps we should call it the O-Team, for a bunch of reasons beginning with "Oh god, what an oily mess"). Slocum is a professor of mechanical engineering at M.I.T., and his bio page at M.I.T.'s MechE Web page notes he's interested in nanotechnology, MEMs, "precision engineering; machine design," and that's he's into scuba diving...all little factoids that would seem pretty relevant in the current crisis. Perhaps even more importantly, Slocum is holder of a huge list of patents for a variety of different products, indicating

that he's an accomplished out-of -the-box thinker. These include patent 6,446,560"Single carriage robotic monorail material transfer system," number 6,418,774 with a group of others

for "Device and a method for calibration of an industrial robot" and 6,768,331"Wafer Level Contactor." While the first two in this list indicate Slocum's interest in clever

robotic and automated systems, the last is a novel way to test semiconductor wafers under manufacture in chip fab plants. Like the other patents he owns, it indicates Slocum is a

generalist with clever problemsolving skills. If anyone in the O -Team can design a novel mechanical solution that'll work BRAINS page 5


Business/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition

Ireland Destined For A Greece-Like Debt Nightmare By The Year 2012 Gregory White (Business Insider) Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:23:30 AM

Ireland's debt situation is set to get much worse, even though they've been aggressive in restructuring their banking sector. Irish economist Morgan Kelly doesn't think Ireland's new fiscal policies are going to get them anywhere, except to a 2012 debt to GDP ratio of 115%. That's just as bad as Greece. The problem lies not in Ireland's fiscal restraint, but in absorbing the banking system's losses on mortgages and other debt instruments. Ireland has chosen to set up an agency to acquire the bad debt of the country's banks. Due to the declining strength of the Irish economy, those loans are never likely to return to full or even half-value. Exacerbating that is a banking system that relies too much on international lending, which is likely to dry up as belief in the Irish economy decreases. The country is therefore taking on losses from the banking sector, without gaining any

benefits. Adding that to the loss in tax-receipts from an economy in recession and Ireland is likely to need EU assistance in the short term, rather than long, according to Kelly. So much for the Celtic Tiger. The Celtic Tiger Stops Roaring The Celtic Tiger was the phrase most associated with Ireland since the 1990s, describing its dramatic growth from one of Europe's poorest states to one of its richest. The boom was based upon some solid fundamentals, but also a property and credit boom similar to the U.S. Property Market Collapse Ireland's property boom was at the heart of the Celtic Tiger phenomenon, and when it bust it brought much of the previous decade's economic growth with it, including several of the country's biggest banks. Dublin: Boom To Bust Dublin saw itself fall from Dubai on the Liffey levels back to Earth as massive projects like the " U2 Tower" were canceled. Photo: Overseas Property Mall Recapitalization of Many Irish Banks Ireland had to recapitalize its banking sector as

a result of bad loans and property deals on their books. The consequences are still being felt, and more details of the bailout's expansion are set to surface next week. Anglo-Irish Bank Nationalization The Irish government was forced to acquire Anglo Irish Bank rather than provide a$1.97 billion cash injection as it was believed it would not have been enough to save the troubled bank. The government continues to hold onto ownership of the nationalized firm. The Creation Of The National Asset Managing Agency Ireland

is to set up NAMA, the National Asset Managing Agency, with the goal of buying up much of the distressed assets on Irish bank books. Full details have yet to emerge, but the government, under Taoiseach Brian Cowen, is set to do so March 26. Waterford Crystal No Longer Irish Waterford Crystal, an Irish cultural mainstay, reduced its presence in the country during the crisis cutting 480 of the 670 employees at its Irish plant, then later completely ended its existence there after being acquired by a private equity firm.

Mega Machines Videos (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed) Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:00:00 AM

(more info) Ministerial - The 2010 UK Five Filters featured article: General Election. Available The Art of Looking Prime tools: PDF Newspaper, Full

Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Picture: Socialist Party Irish Depression Ireland fell officially into a depression in 2009, with at least a 10% drop in GDP from its previous heights. Bulldozing Vacant Homes The proposed Irish National Asset Management Agency intends to buy up large quantities of finished and unfinished sites and bulldoze them to stabilize demand in the property marketplace. Photo: Ireland After NAMA The Irish Austerity Budget The Irish austerity budget made severe cuts to public services across Ireland in an effort to reduce the deficit as a percentage of GDP and increase confidence in Irish sovereign debt. Welfare payments were slashed 4.1% and the total budget was cut 8.8%. Picture: The Gulf Scream Now Check Out How The U.S. Government Would Look Under An Austerity Budget Image: What Would Irish Cuts Look Like In The U.S. >>> Join the conversation about this story Âť


E-reader News Edition


BRAINS continued from page 3

where BP's dome-capping efforts have failed thus far, it would seem to be Alexander Slocum. We can guess he's currently busy trying to work out how to seal up the leaking well, possibly with advanced robotic underwater vehicles, and also automatically mop up the already spilled oil either by using a clever mechanical system, or some fabulously clever use of nanotechnology. (Will nanotubes soak in oil, separating it from sea water?) Next up on the team in terms of fascinating specialisms is George Cooper, a professor in civil engineering at UCBerkeley. Among his previous work is collaboration with NASA to invent novel ways to access Martian rocks, using modified mining techniques. For example, back in 2008 he presented a paper on how a slant/horizontal drilling technique may be advantageous on Mars where digging into hillsides with a borer may reveal evidence of recent water-based activity (the vision involved a boring head propelled into the

terrain using compressed gas). This sort of lateral-thinking about mining may well be why Cooper is on this team-solutions like drilling into the side of the existing leaking well using a new shaft to relieve the pressure in the oil in a more controlled (and oil-harvesting) way have been mooted already. And Cooper's used to thinking about problems like this in "unconventional" environments, like on Mars with its mysterious geology, which tallies nicely with the unconventional situation facing the team beneath the sea off Louisiana. Tom Hunter, President and Lab director at Sandia National Laboratories is another intriguing team member. Earlier in his career he managed nuclear weapons projects, energy management and environment projects, and he's worked on fusion energy, reactor safety and underground nuclear weapons testing. This last expertise in sub -surface engineering is complemented by the fact Hunter once headed up Sandia's Nuclear Waste Management and

Transportation center, and led the research program into the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant. In other words Hunter, as well as bring a high-flying scientist and manager, has expertise in dealing with difficult and hazardous substances beneath the earth's surface. These are excellent credentials for solving the current problem. This leaves us with Richard Garwin, and Jonathan Katz--a consultant with work relating to the 1951 H-bomb program, and a physicist with expertise in how water freezes among other things. Both these guys already have links to advising the government on difficult science matters, as they're members of the JASON group, which is a "part time defense think tank," according to the ISGP Web site. Bloomberg, writing about the O -Team, has noted that its efforts are cloaked in a surprising degree of secrecy. This may be for a number of reasons: It's possible some BP trade secrets are at risk of exposure, which is worrisome in an oil-driven economy; the team may be

working out of the public eye so as to keep their efforts focused on the job; and secret defense equipment may be being used to assess the situation and possibly even deal with it. In a CNN interview a BP spokesman noted "We're using some X-ray type technology that Sandia labs has," which is almost certainly linked to Sandia's nuclear weapons expertise. Or maybe, given the recurrence of the word "nuclear" in the team's history, they're planning on sealing the well by detonating a tactical nuclear weapon down there. Obviously this is a frivolous suggestion. But you never know, this might be the "Plan F" option Bloomberg says the team's been tasked with inventing. To keep up with this news follow me, Kit Eaton, on Twitter. That QR code on the left will take your smartphone to my Twitter feed too.

Stocks Mixed, Selloff Of Goldman Sachs Gathers Steam Joe Weisenthal (Business Insider) Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:46:23 AM

Contrary to the violent activity prior to the bell, the stock market is fairly quiet at the moment. The Dow is off 30. The S&P 500 is off a couple of points. The NASDAQ is up. A notable loser: Goldman Sachs (GS), which has been going down day after day after day after day. It's below $142 now, and shockingly getting close to its 52-weeklow. And here's a longer-term look at the sell off, just to give you a sense of what a roundtrip it has made.. Join the conversation about this story »

Watch Anderson Cooper's Debut Talk Show Experiment Joe Pompeo (Business Insider) Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:43:35 AM

Here's a sample of the live-

s t u d i o - a u d i e n c e format"Anderson Cooper 360" tried out for the first time on Friday night, courtesy of Mediaite.

What do you think? Will it save him in the ratings? Join the conversation about this story » See Also:

• Get Ready For Anderson Cooper's Live Studio Audience Debut • Anderson Cooper Needs Some Punch

• Anderson Cooper Tries Out Live Format With Jack 'Dr. Death' Kevorkian



E-reader News Edition

MEET continued from page 2

Cleveland Force before starting in the prestigious training program at First New York Securities. After a 14 month apprenticeship, Adam started trading his own book while expanding his focus from Europe to Asia. Now, Adam focuses on global stocks. His day looks much like a British colonel’s when the sun never set on the British Empire. But with patience and discipline, Adam finds a way to replicate his success in multiple markets. He starts his process by logging on premarket. Then he spends approximately an hour, sometimes thirty minutes, seeing if there’s news out in the basket of stocks he follows. This is how he figures out if there’s any opportunities because he looks for newsworthy events that are going to move his stocks. When I asked Adam about how he makes his moves, he said:

I’m not a technician and I really don’t study charts. That’s not to say I won’t look at them to see where things are. At the same time, I’m not a big fundamental guy based on the nature of how long I hold a position. I mean, I do understand the fundamentals of each stock and what people generally expect, but for the most part I rely heavily on intuition and the feel I have for a stock based on watching it for so long. After watching the same 50-100 names, you start to easily understand how they trade and what moves them. It’s pattern recognition. Another key to Adam’s success is his risk management: Every trade I get into I have a very good understanding of the risk-reward. One of the keys to success is measuring riskreward. And one of the best ways to do that, as elementary as it sounds, is to buy low and sell high. So you want to buy

when things are beat up and sell when things are overdone on the upside. I’d say I do a good job of measuring risk. It’s probably one of the main reasons why I am successful at trading. Although this sounds very basic, it’s obviously easier said than done. Given that over 85% of traders lose money, Adam has proven that mastering the fundamentals is the key to success as a professional trader. If you would like to nominate traders for future awards, please send us an email or comment below. Now that you've met the traders... Trader Babe 11 Meet The Booth Babes Of The International Traders Expo -> Join the conversation about this story »

BP Inserts Tube into Leaking Well, but Devastation May Be Far Worse Connie Madon (BloggingStocks) Submitted at 5/17/2010 10:30:00 AM

Filed under: BP p.l.c. ADS (BP), Oil British Petroleum ( BP) said it has made a breakthrough in controlling the oil gushing out of the broken well in the Gulf of Mexico. BP said it inserted a four-inch pipe wrapped with a rubber flange into the larger, leaking pipe to funnel the oil to a drill ship at the surface. The tube will capture only a portion of the gushing oil and is not a complete solution to the problem. BP's next attempt at stopping the leak will be a "Junk shot." This consists of blasting pieces of rubber and golf balls into the well to stop the leak and then cap it. BP is also using sub sea dispersants to try and break up

the oil plumes, but at this point it is not known how well the dispersant is working at deep levels. Continue reading BP Inserts Tube into Leaking Well, but Devastation May Be Far Worse BP Inserts Tube into Leaking Well, but Devastation May Be Far Worse originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Mon, 17 May 2010 10:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments Gulf of Mexico- BP- Oil- Golf ball- Drillship

Empire Index Falls in May Mark Fightmaster (BloggingStocks) Submitted at 5/17/2010 10:00:00 AM

Filed under: Economic Data The New York Federal Reserve Bank announced Monday that the Empire State Manufacturing index dropped to 19.1 in May from 31.9 in April. This drop

suggests that the pace of growth slowed during May, with new orders and shipments dropping (although the benchmarks managed to remain in positive territory). Why are we interested in the Empire State Manufacturing Index? Many economists consider it an early indicator for

what will happen with the May edition of the Institute for

Supply Management's national manufacturing survey that is due out in two weeks. Continue reading Empire Index Falls in May Empire Index Falls in May originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Mon, 17 May 2010 10:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of

feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments Federal Reserve SystemInstitute for Supply Management- Federal Reserve Bank of New York- United States- Economy


E-reader News Edition


DuPont Tweaks Printing Tech to Make Cheaper Screens: 50Inch OLED TVs Here We Come Kit Eaton (Fast Company)

LEDs that have organic chemistry in their composition. This design is why they're so We've heard so very much hype very good at delivering dynamic about OLED tech that it's high-contrast imagery since, slightly disappointing to see without a backlight (such as how few devices have an OLED LCD TVs need), the black areas screen so far. It's because the of the picture are really black. manufacturing is tricky and But OLED's complex design expensive--but this is something does make them difficult to DuPont thinks it's cracked. manufacture, though-DuPont's research team have effectively each complete b e e n e x a m i n i n g t h e OLED screen is a giant singlemanufacturing process that wafer computer chip, since the makes OLED screens possible, individual LED elements are and have innovated a new d e p o s i t e d o n t h e s c r e e n ' s system that's both faster and substrate in layers using a more reliable. OLEDs, unlike precise but slow "shadow-mask L C D s c r e e n s , a r e s e l f - deposition" technique that illuminating: Each pixel is a tiny gently lays down the 15 or so light source, made up of a layers needed to create each collection of minuscule glowing LED and its driving electronic Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:46:27 AM

circuitry. DuPont's team has invented a way to speed up this system so that it's more like a print-out production line. The trick is to vary the "inks" used in each

into each other, which tends to significantly degrade the performance of the individual LEDs. As well as achieving all the complex chemistry in this, the new screens are made with a multi-nozzle printer that streams ink out continuously and scans over the displays at a high speed. The upshot is a system that can print out a 50-inch OLED TV in less than two minutes, meaning production costs scale to be comparable with LCDs and the screens have layer of the OLEDs themselves, a lifespan of about 15 years. using active molecules that are To keep up with this news soluble in the particular layer follow me, Kit Eaton, on being printed, but not in the Twitter. That QR code on the ones above and below. This left will take your smartphone to stops the layers from "blending" my Twitter feed too.

Options Update: United States Oil Fund Volatility Flat; Oil Below $72 Paul Foster (BloggingStocks) Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:20:00 AM

Filed under: Wal-Mart (WMT), Options, Oil United States Oil Fund ( USO) was recently down 38 cents to $34.43 in pre-open trading. WTI Crude futures were recently down 0.53% to $71.23, according to Bloomberg. USO unit net asset value reflects the

performance of the spot price of West Texas intermediate light crude. USO overall option implied volatility of 36 is near its 26-week average of 35 according to Track Data,

suggesting non-directional price movement. Stocks with implied volatility above 30-day mean: Psychiatric Solutions ( PSYS), AgnicoEagle Mines ( AEM), Moody's (

MCO), Monsanto ( MON), WalMart ( WMT) according to IVolatility. Update is by Stock Specialist P a u l F o s t e r o f

Options Update: United States Oil Fund Volatility Flat; Oil Below $72 originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Mon, 17 May 2010 09:20:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments Wal-Mart- Monsanto- Implied volatility- Option- Moody


Business/ Technology/

E-reader News Edition

Google Stops Wi-Fi Mapping Project After "Mistakenly" Scoring Personal Data Dan Nosowitz (Fast Company) Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:23:19 AM

AFP reports that Google is frantically attempting to get rid of data the company now wishes it hadn't acquired. Google sends out cars across the world for mapping purposes as well as photographing at ground level for Street View. They've also been using those Street View cars to map unsecured Wi-Fi hotspots, presumably to insert them into Google Maps so travelers will be able to find places with available wireless Internet. It's a cool idea, but apparently some information found its way from that survey into Google's servers. Most unsecured wireless networks are intentionally unsecured, like in cafes or public hotspots. But

some are unsecured because its users either don't know or don't care that a lack of security puts their data at risk. Google's Street View cars were gathering more data than they wanted or needed, it seems. Nothing illegal was happening here; there was no hacking

team at Google works hard to earn your trust -- and we are acutely aware that we failed badly here. We are profoundly sorry for this error and are determined to learn all the lessons we can from our mistake. Basically, eep. Looks like the European governments' reaction to Google Street View isn't as positive as ours here in North America. But Google seems all too aware that they have to fix this, thoroughly and soon. Dan Nosowitz, the author of this post, can be followed on involved (these are unsecured, after all) and it's very doubtful Twitter, corresponded with via there was malicious intent. But email, and stalked in San it's still creepy for Google to Francisco (no link for that one-have access to personal data you'll have to do the legwork gathered from a roving high- yourself). tech car outside your window. Said Alan Eustace, a Google senior VP: The engineering

Yoomoot Tries For Better Conversations In Blogs And Forums

(prices as of 7:45 am EDT). • On the currency front the euro fell 0.3% to $1.2313.

Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments Business- Investing- FuturesCommodities and FuturesUnited States dollar

Steve O'Hear (TechCrunch) Submitted at 5/17/2010 7:57:43 AM

Discussion forums are broken and threaded comments found on blogs don't cut it either. Too much of the conversation gets lost and any lasting knowledge is buried. That's the view taken by yoomoot, a new startup just out of private beta. The standalone site aims to make public online discussions more productive and useful, although in the future yoomoot is planning a subscription-based version for organisations who want to hold private discussions and a plugin for other publishing platforms, such as Wordpress.

Global Market Overview Connie Madon (BloggingStocks)

• The Chinese market took a big hit, with the Hang Seng at 19,715, down 430.23. Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:40:00 AM • Nikkei was down 226.75 at Filed under: Before the Bell, 10,236.78. I n t e r n a t i o n a l M a r k e t s , • In Europe, things were a bit Commodities, Oil, Currency better with the FTSE up 47.99 to It's another Monday. The news 5,310.84 from Asia and the euro are • The DAX also was up 67.54 dominating trading: to 6,124.25.

• The June S&P futures are trading at 1,139.75, up 4.50

Continue reading Global Market Overview Global Market Overview originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Mon, 17 May 2010 09:40:00 EST.


E-reader News Edition


JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America Called Out for Financing Mountaintop Removal Ariel Schwartz (Fast Company) Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:41:59 AM

Mountaintop removal is one of those instinctively gutwrenching things--it's never pretty to see natural habitats blown open to make room for coal mining. And yet, many of the biggest banks in the U.S. continue to fund the practice, according to a report from the Rainforest Action Network. Nine banks--Bank of America, Citi, Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse, Wells Fargo, GE Capital Corp, JPMorgan Chase, PNC, and UBS--have funded $3.9

billion in loans and bond underwriting for companies involved in mountaintop removal. The latter four banks are given F grades by RAN due to continued activity in mountaintop removal without clear investment policies. Citi fares slightly better with a grade of C-, as RAN explains: Citi’s policy lacks an identified performance threshold. Since 2010, Citi has reported on the number of MtR company transactions that have been through their "enhanced due diligence process" and the number of transactions that were approved and closed. This tells

us that there is some substance to the policy and that there is at least one MtR company Citi is not prepared to do business with. So Citi has some integrity,

which is heartening. But Credit Suisse is the only bank to score an A- (no A+ grades here) thanks to a policy that says they "explicitly do not finance the extraction of coal in a mountain

top removal setting." All other banks in RAN's report have some sort of financial relationship with the top producers of MtR coal in Appalachia. But is it worth it? Mountaintop removal can be cost-effective for extracting coal, but the tactic generates just 7% of the country's supply. It's a big tradeoff--and one that is being subjected to ever-increasing scrutiny by scorecards like this. [ RAN]

YouTube Turns Five Today And Gets Over 2 Billion Views A Day William Wei (Business Insider)

YouTube is already profitable. The Google-owned video site Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:44:23 AM has also surpassed an average of YouTube's first video was 2 billion views a day – up from uploaded on April 23, 2005, but the 1 billion views they eclipsed the site was officially launched last October. five years ago in May 2005 as a To commemorate their 5th beta. birthday, they've created a W i t h 2 4 h o u r s o f v i d e o channel with interviews of some u p l o a d e d e v e r y m i n u t e , notable YouTube stars. YouTube won't shock the world The series is called "My if they turn a profit. Eric YouTube Story" and features Schmidt, CEO of parent the likes of Jessica Rose company Google,"assumes" (lonelygirl15) and Adam Bahner

("Chocolate Rain"). They talk about how they got their start with YouTube and how the video sharing site has affected

their lives. In addition, YouTube has asked some celebrities to share their favorite YouTube videos.

Amongst Conan O'Brien's top 5 are "Leeroy Jenkins" and " Winnebago Man." Here's Conan introducing his top 5: Click Through The Most Watched Videos In YouTube's Five Year History Join the conversation about this story »


Business/ World News/ Technology/

E-reader News Edition

A Good Time to Start a Commentary: Brazil’s efforts with Position in Goodyear? Iran may still be frustrated by Ahmadinejad Joseph Lazzaro (BloggingStocks)

(World News from Times Online)

Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:00:00 AM

Filed under: Goodyear Tire and Rubber (GT), Stocks to Buy If you're looking for a bargain stock -- one with risk, to be sure, but also with upside potential -consider Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. ( GT), first discussed on May 5, 2009 at a price of $13.30. Excluding items and one-time charges, Goodyear reported first quarter earnings of 18 cents per share, compared to the Thomson/Reuters First Call estimate of a loss of 3 cents. Wall Street initially pushed the shares up, but quickly took back the gains, and the shares are trading about where they were

Submitted at 5/17/2010 8:39:20 AM

President Lula da Silva claims to have pulled off a triumph in persuading Iran to freeze the most controversial parts of its nuclear programme. But it is more likely that Iran will try to use the deal, announced today, as a way to frustrate new sanctions, and as a cover while keeping on with work which could give it nuclear weapons. True, the outline of the deal, which the Brazilian President, with help from Turkey, brokered over the weekend, could form the basis of a significant breakthrough. But that depends on the details of how closely Iran allows itself to 2 minutes 12 seconds be supervised. May 17, 2010 7:04 AM PDT A key warning sign that the Five Filters featured article: deal might fall short of Mr Lula The Art of Looking Prime da Silva’s heady claims is that Ministerial - The 2010 UK neither Iran nor Brazil had General Election. Available n o t i f i e d t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Atomic Energy Agency, the Text RSS, Term Extraction. U n i t e d N a t i o n s n u c l e a r prior to the first quarter report, around $14. Continue reading A Good Time to Start a Position in Goodyear? A Good Time to Start a Position in Goodyear? originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Mon, 17 May 2010 09:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company- Business- Wall Street - Investing- Stocks and Bonds

Morning Edition: Robotic nuptials (CNET Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:04:04 AM

Facebook gets new security features, a potential link between cell phones and cancer is still a mystery, and a couple in Japan has their marriage officiated by a robot.

watchdog, which would have to supervise the transactions. That did not inhibit Mr Lula da Silva from claiming that he had, with Turkey’s help, broken the deadlock that has persisted since Iranian dissidents exposed Iran’s covert nuclear work in 2002. Tehran insists that it wants merely to make fuel for power stations, but the US and European Union suspect it conceals ambitions of getting nuclear weapons. The core of the deal is a swap: Iran will send abroad material which it could use to make fuel - or bombs - and receive in exchange ready-made fuel for reactors. Senior Iranian officials said yesterday that under the deal, Iran would ship 1,200 kilograms of low-enriched uranium to Turkey, in return for 120 kilograms of 20 per cent enriched uranium. Press TV, the Iranian government-funded satellite television station, said that Tehran would inform the IAEA within a week.

The key question is whether Iran is prepared for this exchange to take place outside its own territory - where it is much easier to monitor and establish the quantities accurately. A similar proposal by the US and EU fell through last year when Iran insisted on the exchange taking place on its own soil. On Sunday, President Lula and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Turkish Prime Minister met President Ahmadinejad in Tehran to agree the outlines of the deal. Brazil and Turkey are both keen to assert their influence on the world stage, while Brazil is particularly keen on developing extensive nuclear energy of its own, for peaceful means. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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Iran to ship uranium to Turkey in nuclear deal (AP) (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed)

reports on Iran's deal with Turkey and insisted it remains committed to new sanctions TEHRAN, Iran – Iran agreed against Tehran. Monday to ship most of its low- " O u r p o s i t i o n o n I r a n i s enriched uranium to Turkey in a unchanged at the present time," surprise nuclear fuel swap deal P r i m e M i n i s t e r D a v i d that could ease the international Cameron's spokesman Steve standoff over the country's Field told reporters. "Iran has an disputed atomic program and obligation to reassure the deflate a U.S.-led push for international community, and tougher sanctions. until it does so we will continue The deal, which was reached in to work with our international talks with Brazil and Turkey, p a r t n e r s o n a s a n c t i o n s was similar to a U.N.-drafted resolution in the United Nations plan that Washington and its Security Council." allies have been pressing Tehran German government for the past six months to accept s p o k e s m a n C h r i s t o p h in order to deprive Iran — at S t e e g m a n s n o t e d t h a t t h e least temporarily — of enough question remains whether Iran stocks of enriched uranium to suspends enrichment of nuclear produce a nuclear weapon. material at home, raising a Iran, which claims its nuclear possible sticking point since the program is peaceful, dropped agreement reaffirmed Tehran's several key demands that had right to enrichment activities for previously blocked agreement. peaceful purposes. In return for agreeing to ship Iran's Foreign Ministers most of its uranium stockpile s p o k e s m a n Ramin abroad, it would receive fuel Mehmanparast said Iran will r o d s o f m e d i u m - e n r i c h e d continue to enrich uranium to uranium to use in a Tehran higher level despite the deal medical research reactor that reached Monday. produces isotopes for cancer "Of course, enrichment of t r e a t m e n t . I t w a s n o t uranium to 20 percent will immediately clear what would continue inside Iran," the happen to the stockpile once the official news agency IRNA fuel rods were received. quoted him as saying. The United States had no For months, Iran has haggled immediate comment, but over the terms, making Germany and Britain greeted the counterproposals that were news with caution. repeatedly rejected by the U.S. Britain's government said it was and its allies. With the deal awaiting confirmation of the announced Monday, Tehran Submitted at 5/17/2010 7:16:05 AM

seems to have agreed to almost all of the original terms. However, making the deal with Turkey and Brazil may have been more palatable, allowing Iran to argue that it did not bend to American pressure. "It was agreed during the trilateral meeting of Iranian, Turkish and Brazilian leaders that Turkey will be the venue for swapping" Iran's stocks of enriched uranium for fuel rods, Mehmanparast said on state TV. Washington has cited the Iranians' intransigence against the original deal as proof of the need for new U.N. sanctions. Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said the new deal meant Iran was willing to "open a constructive road." "There is no ground left for more sanctions or pressure," he told reporters in Iran, according to Turkey's private NTV television. Monday's deal was announced after talks between Brazil's president, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Tehran. The main difference from the U.N.-drafted version is that if Iran does not receive the fuel rods within a year, Turkey will be required to "quickly and unconditionally" return the uranium to Iran. Iran feared that under the initial U.N. deal, if a swap fell through, its uranium

stock could be seized permanently. The U.N. proposal also said Russia and France would process the Iranian uranium to higher levels, then send it back as fuel rods. The process would begin one month after a final agreement is signed between Iran and its main negotiating partners, including the United States and the U.N.'s nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency. Iran dropped an earlier demand for the fuel exchange to happen in stages and is now willing to ship abroad its nuclear material in a single batch. It also dropped an insistence that the exchange happen inside Iran as well as a request to receive the fuel rods right away. While kept under international supervision in Turkey, the uranium would still be considered Iranian property until Iran receives the fuel rods, said Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki. Iranian Vice President Ali Akbar Salehi, who is also the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, called Monday's deal historic. The United Nations has already imposed three rounds of financial sanctions on Iran for its refusal to suspend uranium enrichment. The process is key to concerns over its program, because it can produce either

low-enriched uranium needed to fuel a nuclear reactor or the highly enriched uranium needed to build a warhead. The fuel swap deal on the table since October was touted as a way to reduce tensions and ensure Iran cannot build a bomb in the short term. The material returned to Iran in the form of fuel rods cannot be processed beyond its lower, safer levels. Iran needs the fuel rods to power an aging medical research reactor in Tehran that produces isotopes for cancer treatment. Under the agreement announced Monday, Iran will ship most of its enriched uranium — about 2,600 pounds, or 1,200 kilograms — to Turkey to be kept under U.N. and Iranian supervision. In return, it will get fuel rods containing uranium enriched to higher levels needed for the research reactor, Mehmanparast said. Iran first reached out to Turkey and Brazil in its efforts to avoid tougher U.N. sanctions for its refusal to stop enriching uranium altogether. Both countries are non-permanent members of the Security Council. Monday's deal was signed by the foreign ministers of the three countries. Mehmanparast said a letter will be sent to the IAEA within a IRAN page 14


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Worry that Gulf oil spreading into major current (AP) (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed)

Press that computer models show the oil may have already seeped into a powerful water NEW ORLEANS – BP said stream known as the loop Monday it was siphoning more current, which could propel it than one-fifth of the oil that has into the Atlantic Ocean. A boat been spewing into the Gulf for is being sent later this week to almost a month, as worries collect samples and learn more. escalated that the ooze may "This can't be passed off as 'it's reach a major ocean current that not going to be a problem,'" said could carry it through the William Hogarth, dean of the Florida Keys and up the East University of South Florida's Coast. College of Marine Science. BP PLC chief operating officer "This is a very sensitive area. Doug Suttles said Monday on We are concerned with what NBC's "Today" that a mile-long happens in the Florida Keys." tube was funneling a little more BP PLC engineers remotely than 1,000 barrels — 42,000 guiding robot submersibles had gallons — of crude a day from a worked since Friday to place the blown well into a tanker ship. tube into a 21-inch pipe nearly a The company and the U.S. mile below the sea. Crews got it Coast Guard have estimated working after several setbacks. about 5,000 barrels — 210,000 BP failed in several previous gallons — have been spewing attempts to stop the leak, trying out each day. Engineers finally in vain to activate emergency got the contraption working on valves and lowering a 100-ton Sunday after weeks of failed container that got clogged with solutions — however, millions icy crystals. They have used of gallons of oil are already in chemicals to disperse the oil. the Gulf of Mexico. Tar balls have been sporadically Crews will slowly ramp up how washing up on beaches in much oil the tube collects over s e v e r a l s t a t e s , i n c l u d i n g the next few days. They need to Mississippi where at least 60 move slowly because they don't have been found. But so far, oil want too much frigid seawater has not washed ashore in great entering the pipe, which could quantities. combine with gases to form the Hogarth said a computer model same ice-like crystals that shows oil has already entered d o o m e d t h e p r e v i o u s the loop current, while a second containment effort. shows the oil is 3 miles from it As engineers worked to get a — still dangerously close. The better handle on the spill, a models are based on weather, researcher told The Associated ocean current and spill data Submitted at 5/17/2010 7:25:27 AM

from the U.S. Navy and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, among other sources. Hogarth said it's still too early to know what specific amounts of oil will make it to Florida, or what damage it might do to the sensitive Keys or beaches on Florida's Atlantic coast. He said claims by BP that the oil would be less damaging to the Keys after traveling over hundreds of miles from the spill site were not mollifying. Damage is already done, with the only remaining question being how much more is to come, said Paul Montagna, from the Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies at Texas A&M University. "Obviously the quicker they plug this the better, but they are already having a tremendous effect on the environment," he said. "In the end, we have to figure out how much is actually pouring into the Gulf." BP had previously said the tube, if successful, was expected to collect most of the oil gushing from the well. Officials still hope to collect most of it when the tube is working at full capacity. Two setbacks over the weekend illustrate how delicate the effort is. Early Sunday, hours before a steady connection was made, engineers were able to suck a small amount of oil to the tanker, but the tube was

dislodged. The previous day, equipment used to insert the tube into the gushing pipe at the ocean floor had to be hauled to the surface for readjustment. The first chance to choke off the flow for good should come in about a week. Engineers plan to shoot heavy mud into the crippled blowout preventer on top of the well, then permanently entomb the leak in concrete. If that doesn't work, crews also can shoot golf balls and knotted rope into the nooks and crannies of the device to plug it, Wells said. The final choice to end the leak is a relief well, but it is more than two months from completion. Top officials in President Barack Obama's administration cautioned that the tube "is not a solution." "We will not rest until BP permanently seals the wellhead, the spill is cleaned up, and the communities and natural resources of the Gulf Coast are restored and made whole," Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano and Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar said in a joint statement. Meanwhile, scientists warned of the effects of the oil that has already leaked into the Gulf. Researchers said miles-long underwater plumes of oil discovered in recent days could poison and suffocate sea life across the food chain, with

damage that could endure for a decade or more. Researchers have found more underwater plumes of oil than they can count from the well, said Samantha Joye, a professor of marine sciences at the University of Georgia. The hazards of the plume are twofold. Joye said the oil itself can prove toxic to fish, while vast amounts of oxygen are also being sucked from the water by microbes that eat oil. Dispersants used to fight the oil are also food for the microbes, speeding up the oxygen depletion. "So, first you have oily water that may be toxic to certain organisms and also the oxygen issue, so there are two problems here," said Joye, who's working with the scientists who discovered the plumes in a recent boat expedition. "This can interrupt the food chain at the lowest level, and will trickle up and certainly impact organisms higher. Whales, dolphins and tuna all depend on lower depths to survive." Oil has been spewing since the rig Deepwater Horizon exploded April 20, killing 11 people and sinking two days later. The government shortly afterward estimated the spill at 210,000 gallons a day, a figure that has since been questioned by some scientists who fear it could be WORRY page 15

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Arab-American from Michigan crowned 2010 Miss USA (AP) (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed)

control pills. Fakih, an Arab-American from Dearborn, Mich., told pageant LAS VEGAS – Lebanese organizers her family celebrates immigrant Rima Fakih says it both Muslim and Christian was a certain look from Donald faiths. She moved to the United Trump that tipped her off that States as a baby and was raised she had won the 2010 Miss i n N e w Y o r k , w h e r e s h e USA title. attended a Catholic school. Her The 24-year-old Miss Michigan family moved to Michigan in beat out 50 other women to take 2003. the title Sunday night, despite Her sister, Rana Faqih, who nearly stumbling in her evening moved back to Lebanon a few gown. months ago for a new job, said She told reporters later that she she spent the night exchanging believed she had won after messages with her father, glancing at pageant owner Hussein, and another sister, Trump as she awaited the results Ruba, who were attending the with the first runner-up, Miss competition. O k l a h o m a U S A M o r g a n "It was a beautiful surprise," she Elizabeth Woolard. said from the family's native "That's the same look that he village of Srifa in southern gives them when he says, Lebanon. "It was not easy for 'You're hired,'" on Trump's Rima to reach this title." reality show "The Apprentice," "We're very proud as Lebanese she said. Americans and as Lebanese that "She's a great girl," said Trump, Rima reached this point despite who owns the pageant with a l l t h e p r e s s u r e s a n d NBC in a joint venture. stereotyping about Arabs and Fakih took top honors at the Lebanese. She made it. She pageant at the Planet Hollywood fought and reached her goal," Resort & Casino on the Las her sister said. Vegas Strip after strutting Pageant officials said historical confidently in an orange and p a g e a n t r e c o r d s w e r e n o t gold bikini, wearing a strapless d e t a i l e d e n o u g h t o s h o w white gown that resembled a whether Fakih was the first Arab wedding dress and saying health American, Muslim or immigrant insurance should cover birth to win the Miss USA title. The Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:16:00 AM

pageant started in 1952 as a local bathing suit competition in Long Beach, Calif. Fakih told reporters she sold her car after graduating college in Michigan to help pay for her run in the Miss Michigan USA pageant. In a moment that was replayed during the broadcast, Fakih nearly fell while finishing her walk in her gown because of the length of its train. But she made it without a spill and went on to win. "I did it here, I better not do it at Miss Universe," she said. "Modeling does help, after all." Fakih replaces Miss USA 2009 Kristen Dalton and won a spot representing the United States this summer in the 2010 Miss Universe pageant. She also gets a one-year lease in a New York apartment with living expenses, an undisclosed salary, and various health, professional and beauty services. During the interview portion, Fakih was asked whether she thought birth control should be paid for by health insurance, and she said she believed it should because it's costly. "I believe that birth control is just like every other medication even though it's a controlled substance," Fakih said.

Woolard handled the night's toughest question, about Arizona's new immigration law. Woolard said she supports the law, which requires police enforcing another law to verify a person's immigration status if there's "reasonable suspicion" that the person is in the country illegally. She said she's against illegal immigration but is also against racial profiling. "I'm a huge believer in states' rights. I think that's what's so wonderful about America," Woolard said. "So I think it's perfectly fine for Arizona to create that law." Miss Virginia USA Samantha Evelyn Casey was the second runner-up, Miss Colorado USA Jessica Hartman was third runner-up, and Miss Maine USA Katherine Ashley Whittier was the fourth runner-up. Most of the field of contestants from all 50 states and the District of Columbia were eliminated just after the pageant began and the entire group danced onstage to "TiK ToK" by Ke$ha. A panel of eight judges, including NBA star Carmelo Anthony, Treasure Island casino -hotel owner Phil Ruffin and Olympic figure skater Johnny

Weir, were judging the girls throughout the night. After 15 contestants strutted in swimsuits, five were eliminated. Another five were eliminated after the evening gown competition. Miss Nebraska USA Belinda Renee Wright won the Miss Congeniality award, roughly one week after her father was killed in a farm accident. Miss Alabama USA Audrey Moore won Miss Photogenic after an online fan vote. The pageant aired live to East Coast viewers on NBC. The competition, which is not affiliated with the Miss America pageant, was hosted by celebrity chef Curtis Stone and NBC correspondent Natalie Morales. ___ Associated Press writer Bassem Mroue in Beirut contributed to this report. ___ On the Net: issusa Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Research links pesticides with ADHD in children (AP) (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed)

The kids with higher levels had increased chances of having ADHD, attention-deficit CHICAGO – A new analysis of h y p e r a c t i v i t y d i s o r d e r , a U.S. health data links children's common problem that causes attention-deficit disorder with students to have trouble in exposure to common pesticides school. The findings were used on fruits and vegetables. published Monday in Pediatrics. While the study couldn't prove The children may have eaten t h a t p e s t i c i d e s u s e d i n food treated with pesticides, agriculture contribute to breathed it in the air or childhood learning problems, swallowed it in their drinking experts said the research is w a t e r . T h e s t u d y d i d n ' t persuasive. determine how they were "I would take it quite seriously," exposed. Experts said it's likely said Virginia Rauh of Columbia children who don't live near University, who has studied farms are exposed through what prenatal exposure to pesticides they eat. and wasn't involved in the new " E x p o s u r e i s p r a c t i c a l l y study. ubiquitous. We're all exposed," More research will be needed to s a i d l e a d a u t h o r M a r y s e confirm the tie, she said. Bouchard of the University of Children may be especially Montreal. prone to the health risks of She said people can limit their pesticides because they're still exposure by eating organic growing and they may consume produce. Frozen blueberries, more pesticide residue than strawberries and celery had adults relative to their body more pesticide residue than weight. other foods in one government In the body, pesticides break report. down into compounds that can A 2008 Emory University study be measured in urine. Almost found that in children who universally, the study found switched to organically grown d e t e c t a b l e l e v e l s : T h e fruits and vegetables, urine compounds turned up in the levels of pesticide compounds urine of 94 percent of the dropped to undetectable or close children. to undetectable levels. Submitted at 5/17/2010 7:08:59 AM

Because of known dangers of pesticides in humans, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency limits how much residue can stay on food. But the new study shows it's possible even tiny, allowable amounts of pesticide may affect brain chemistry, Rauh said. The exact causes behind the children's reported ADHD though are unclear. Any number of factors could have caused the symptoms and the link with pesticides could be by chance. The new findings are based on one-time urine samples in 1,139 children and interviews with their parents to determine which children had ADHD. The children, ages 8 to 15, took part in a government health survey in 2000-2004. As reported by their parents, about 150 children in the study either showed the severe inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity characteristic of ADHD, or were taking drugs to treat it. The study dealt with one common type of pesticide called organophosphates. Levels of six pesticide compounds were measured. For the most frequent compound detected, 20 percent of the children with above-

average levels had ADHD. In children with no detectable amount in their urine, 10 percent had ADHD. "This is a well conducted study," said Dr. Lynn Goldman of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and a former EPA administrator. Relying on one urine sample for each child, instead of multiple samples over time, wasn't ideal, Goldman said. The study provides more evidence that the government should encourage farmers to switch to organic methods, said Margaret Reeves, senior scientist with the Pesticide Action Network, an advocacy group that's been working to end the use of many pesticides. "It's unpardonable to allow this exposure to continue," Reeves said. ___ Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

IRAN continued from page 11

week to pave the way for a final agreement. "Should they be ready, an agreement will be signed between us and the group," he said, referring to the U.S., France, Russia and the IAEA. A month later, the uranium — currently enriched to a level of 3.5 percent — would be sent to Turkey, where it would be stored under IAEA and Iranian supervision, Mehmanparast said. The fuel rods would contain material processed to just under 20 percent. Enrichment of 90 percent is needed to produce material for nuclear warheads. ___ Associated Press writer Suzan Fraser contributed to this report from Ankara, Turkey. ___ Online: The agreement _ Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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WORRY continued from page 12

far more. BP executives have stood by the estimate while acknowledging there's no way to know for sure. Steve Shepard, who chairs the Gulf Coast group of the Sierra Club in Mississippi, said the solution by BP to siphon some of the oil is "hopefully the beginning of the end of this leak." He, like others, is worried that much more than the estimate is leaking and that the long-term damage is hard to measure. "We have a lot to be worried about," he said. "We are in uncharted territory."

___ Collins reported from Hammond. Associated Press Writers Michael Kunzelman in New Orleans, Shelia Byrd in Jackson, Miss., and Christine Armario in Miami contributed to this report. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction. Editors (Daily Woman's Day Blog) Submitted at 5/17/2010 6:30:00 AM

Here's a little bit of inspiration to make your day fun, fabulous and full of joy. Beauty is a radiance that originates from within and comes from inner security and strong character. -Jane Seymour What does inner beauty mean to you?

Amazon to Highlight Paid Books on Kindle Sarah Perez (ReadWriteWeb)

list, which he finds "very revealing" as to what consumers Online retailer Amazon will want to buy in digital form. begin highlighting Kindle's paid Earlier this year, the Kindle's e-books following a small, but Bestseller list was the focus of a s i g n i f i c a n t c h a n g e t o i t s New York Times article on the e Bestseller list due out in "a few -book industry. Specifically, it weeks": it will split its top- examined how many publishers sellers into two lists, one paid, had begun to offer complete one free. Currently, the Amazon books for free download in an Kindle Bestseller list is a mix of effort to get readers to sample free and paid books and, not the work of new authors. The surprisingly, the free books hope was that once the readers dominate the list. Even today, as got hooked, they would go out this article goes to press (so to and purchase another title from speak - is that still valid that same author, perhaps even terminology for the web?), only in hardback form. Giveaways: two of the top ten books lists are t h e " L i t e " A p p s o f t h e paid. In the top twenty, only P u b l i s h i n g W o r l d This model isn't all that Have a favorite quote? Send it three more paid books can be different from the one at play in t o u s a t found. the iTunes App Store today. with Sponsor According to news from Although in that case, it's Apple your name, city and state. You might be featured in an Publishers Weekly, who selling mobile software upcoming Wise Words post! confirmed the coming change applications, not books, the Five Filters featured article: with an Amazon company concept is the same: give The Art of Looking Prime representative, the Kindle consumers a taste and they'll Ministerial - The 2010 UK Bestseller list has been a come back for more. General Election. Available longtime gauge of consumer In iTunes, developers do this by tools: PDF Newspaper, Full behavior towards e-books. Some offering a light (or rather, a Text RSS, Term Extraction. publishers, such as the exec at " L i t e " ) v e r s i o n o f t h e i r HarperCollins quoted in the application. The dumbed-down piece, are glad to see the list app is usable to a point, but its split up this way since it will crippled nature encourages better highlight the variety of people to upgrade to the fullc o n t e n t p e o p l e d o w n l o a d . featured app. Others though, like Richard Publishers could have done the Curtis, founder of Richard s a m e b y o f f e r i n g s a m p l e Curtis Associates, will miss the

Wise Words: What is Beauty?


Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:57:43 AM

chapters for free, but interestingly enough, many have been making entire e-books available for download instead. For them, these free titles have became the equivalent of the "Lite" apps to the publishing world. The model has seen some success, especially when the free e-book is kicking off a new series or can point new readers to classic titles from the same author. However, some publishers think free giveaways just don't make sense. In a time when many in the industry are trying to resist the $9.99 price point for e-books that Amazon and others have been pushing them to accept, the idea of giving away books seems odd. How is that not devaluing their worth?, they ask. But with the launch of the dual lists - one free, one paid publishers may continue to be tempted (maybe even more so?), to throw out freebies in an effort to get their authors on a Bestseller list where they'll no longer have to compete with a handful of popular, paid titles. With any luck, publishers may even get a second title from the giveaway's author on that other list later on. Discuss


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BP says capturing some of oil leak, trying for more (Reuters: Top News) Submitted at 5/17/2010 8:31:00 AM

G A L L I A N O , Louisiana(Reuters) - Energy giant BP said on Monday it was capturing about a fifth of the estimated oil gushing from its ruptured undersea Gulf of Mexico well and hoped to increase that amount before trying to fully stop the flow later in the week. U.S.| Green Business| Hot Stocks But London-based BP, whose shares recovered on news of the limited containment, still faced tough questions from the U.S. government and public over the extent of the spill threatening economic and environmental calamity to the U.S. Gulf Coast. "We're throwing absolutely everything at this," BP Chief Operating Officer Doug Suttles told CNN. The spill threatens to eclipse the 1989 Exxon Valdez accident off Alaska as the worst U.S. ecological disaster. Suttles said a suction tube inserted into the well riser pipe on the ocean floor, almost a mile down, had been operating for 24 hours and was siphoning off 1,000 barrels per day, about one fifth of the 5,000 barrels (210,000 gallons/795,000 liters) BP estimated to be leaking per day. Other estimates say much more oil is really leaking out. "This is just containing the flow.

Later this week, hopefully before the end of the week, we'll make our next attempt to actually fully stop the flow," Suttles told NBC's "Today." The next move would involve a so-called "top kill" option in which engineers using undersea robots would try to shoot heavy "mud," a mixture of synthetic materials, into the well to form a barrier to prevent oil and gas from escaping. The Obama administration greeted the news cautiously, saying the tube insertion was "not a solution to the problem." Nevertheless, BP shares rose more than 2 percent on the report of some success in containing the oil well leak. Investors have already knocked around $30 billion off BP's value over the spill, which followed an April 20 explosion aboard a rig drilling the BPowned well. Eleven workers were killed and survivors' accounts to media have raised questions about whether safety controls were fully observed. In comments to U.S. media over the weekend, scientists said they had found huge underwater "plumes of oil" several miles (kilometers) long, in the Gulf of Mexico, suggesting much wider impact to the marine habitat than previously thought. Suttles said he had not yet seen these studies. RISK OF OIL SPREAD While the U.S. Gulf Coast has

so far been spared a massive landfall of heavy oil, small amounts of oil debris, in the form of surface sheen and tar balls, have come ashore in outlying parts of the coastline of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. There are fears that as the slick, which is broken into segments, spreads through the action of winds and current, it could run into the so-called "Loop Current" that could take it down to the Florida Keys and even up the U.S. East Coast. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) forecast that with light winds forecast from the south and the west over the next few days, "ocean models indicate that any tar balls leading the southern edge of the plume could begin moving more to the south west and potentially into the Loop Current". Despite the positive news on the containment effort, BP still faces a barrage of criticism and intense scrutiny from U.S. authorities and Congressional inquiries. Senator Joe Lieberman's Homeland Security Committee will conduct a hearing on the oil spill on Monday. A U.S. Labor Department official told the Financial Times that BP has a "systematic safety problem" at its refineries. "BP executives, they talk a good line. They say they want to

improve safety," Jordan Barab, a senior official at the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, told the paper. "But it doesn't always translate down to the refineries themselves. They still have a systematic safety problem." Last year U.S. regulators slapped a record $87.4 million fine on BP for failing to fix safety violations at its Texas City refinery after a deadly 2005 explosion. QUESTIONS OVER SAFETY President Barack Obama, who has publicly rebuked BP and its partners in the ruptured well for a "ridiculous spectacle" of trading blame for the accident, is keeping heavy pressure on the company to foot the entire bill for the cleanup and pay out all claims of economic damages to regional fishing and tourism businesses and livelihoods. "We said from day one we'll take responsibility for the spill ... We're taking responsibility for the spill not just in words, we've set up claim centers across the Gulf coast," BP Managing Director Robert Dudley said on ABC's "Good Morning America." "We will pay all legitimate claims," he added. On the CBS news show "60 Minutes" on Sunday, rig survivor Mike Williams described some of the disturbing incidents that proceeded the accident, including another

crewman's discovery of chunks of rubber in the drilling fluid. "He thought it was important ... I recall asking the supervisor if this was out of the ordinary. And he says, 'Oh, it's, it's no big deal.' And I thought, 'How can it be not a big deal? There's chunks of our seal now missing,'" he said. He also said BP was applying pressure to get the drilling operation done faster. Along the coast Gulf, residents are angry. Dean Ansardi, 53, a shrimp boat captain in the south Louisiana village of Cocodrie gestured at an empty pier while sharing a drink with friends. "That's a shrimp deck. People come in to unload their shrimp. You see anybody unloading now? ... It takes me $3,500 to leave the dock for a seven-day trip. That's fuel, ice and groceries. And then I couldn't go out. Who do you think is footing the bill?," he said. Officials have stressed the spill so far has had minimal impact on the shoreline and wildlife but there are concerns the oil slick will reach fragile bayous and marshes teeming with shrimp, oysters, crabs, fish, birds and other wildlife. (Additional reporting by Tabassum Zakaria in Washington, Pascal Fletcher in Miami, and Brian Gorman in SAYS page 18

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Thai troops close in on protest encampment (Reuters: Top News)

moderated by the United Nations, which the government dismissed out of hand. On BANGKOK(Reuters) - Thai Monday the protesters said they protesters ignored calls by the would accept talks as long as a government to leave their neutral arbiter took part and central Bangkok camp on troops withdrew. Monday as troops tightened a "The government is ready to go security cordon around the area, forward with negotiations when raising fears of fresh bloodshed they end rioting," replied after 37 people died in five days government spokesman Panitan of fighting. Wattanayagorn, adding that World| Thailand troops had reinforced their The government has demanded positions on roads around the an end to protests and rioting area, packed with high-end before any talks with opponents shopping malls, ritzy hotels and seeking immediate elections. luxury apartments. It had given an estimated 5,000 A government source said talks people hunkered down in the were taking place behind the sprawling protest area until 3 scenes but raised doubt any of p.m. (4 a.m. ET) to leave or face the "red shirt" leaders had full criminal charges. control of the protesters, That deadline went by without especially the more militant i n c i d e n t a t t h e m a i n elements. e n c a m p m e n t , b u t f i g h t i n g Around the city, people were continued on the periphery east hoarding food, while hotels and north of the area, which were pleading for guests to troops were struggling to seal leave. School term has been off. postponed and Monday and "We will keep sending warnings Tuesday were declared public to protesters and will slowly holidays, although financial step up pressure if they don't markets and banks remained go," said Thawil Pliensee, open. secretary-general of the National As fighting subsided in some Security Council, adding there areas, residents and tourists in was no immediate plan to clear the commercial district were the main camp by force. seen leaving while they could, On Sunday, "red shirt" leaders with luggage and children in proposed a ceasefire and talks tow. Chulalongkorn Hospital, Submitted at 5/17/2010 8:54:22 AM

adjacent to the encampment, had evacuated all of its patients. SECURITY CORDON SET UP Fighting near the encampment was intense overnight. A rocket hit the 14th floor of the Dusit Thani Hotel, a Reuters photographer said, triggering gunfire in the pitch darkness, since power had been cut to the area. Guests at the Dusit Thani were evacuated on Monday morning after spending much of the night cowering in the basement. Fighting had continued in at least three areas of the city of 15 million people at the weekend as the army struggled to impose a security cordon around the encampment occupying 3 sq km (1.2 sq miles) of the commercial district. Troops readied buses for protesters who wanted to leave the area but a witness saw none taking up the offer on Monday. Military helicopters dropped leaflets on the camp, barricaded with walls made of tires, bamboo poles and razor wire, calling on the protesters to leave immediately. The death on Monday of a renegade major-general who was the red shirts' military adviser, and an embarrassment to the military, threatened to

further stoke tensions.. Major-General Khattiya Sawasdipol, better known as Seh Daeng (Commander Red), had been shot in the head by a sniper on Thursday, a shooting that fueled the latest violence in a five-year crisis pitting the rural and urban poor against the "establishment elite" that traditionally runs Thailand. At least 37 people have been killed and 266 injured since then, according to Erawan Emergency Medical Center. Protest leader Jatuporn Prompan told supporters in the encampment, including women and children: "The king's glorious mercy is the country's only hope now. It's the only way out." King Bhumibol Adulyadej, 82, has stepped in to end past deadly crises during his 63 years on the throne but has been in hospital for seven months and has not publicly commented on this latest turbulence. Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva vowed "no retreat" against "armed terrorists" seeking to topple his government. The "red shirts," loyal to former premier Thaksin Shinawatra who was ousted in a 2006 coup, say Abhisit's army-backed government, which came to

power 18 months ago in a controversial parliamentary vote, is illegitimate and want new elections. At least 66 people have been killed and more than 1,600 wounded since the red shirts began their protest in midMarch. A state of emergency has spread to more than a quarter of the country after emergency decrees were declared in five more provinces on Sunday, bringing the total to 22. Protests -- small in number so far -- were reported in several provinces in the north, a Thaksin stronghold and home to just over half of Thailand's 67 million people. Police in eastern Chonburi province said hundreds gathered overnight and were attempting to block a major port. (Additional reporting by Jason Szep, Ploy Ten Kate, Khettiya Jittapong, Panarat Thepgumpanat and Martin Petty; Editing by Alan Raybould) Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Markets punish euro, shares before EU talks (Reuters: Top News) Submitted at 5/17/2010 7:54:10 AM

BRUSSELS(Reuters) - The euro hit a four-year low on Monday on fears that austerity measures would stifle recovery, as European finance ministers prepared to discuss tighter regulation a week after launching a $1 trillion rescue plan. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Sunday the rescue package had only bought the euro zone time to tackle its basic problem -- a yawning gap between its strongest and weakest economies. The euro slumped to a fouryear low on Monday on Asian markets after Friday's sell-off in the West, falling to its lowest since April 2006 on $1.2234, while investors sought safety in gold. "It's the safe-haven thing. Gold doesn't earn you any interest or dividends, but who cares? ... The euro zone is a house of cards," a Europe-based gold trader said. But a Governing Council member of the European Central Bank, Ewald Nowotny, said the euro was trading in a normal range and there was no reason for hysteria. Bank shares in Greece, whose

debt crisis prompted the rescue package aimed at stopping a spread to other vulnerable euro zone members and even destabilizing the global economy, tumbled four percent on Monday. Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou was quoted on Monday as saying that he had written a letter to U.S. President Barack Obama jointly with Germany's Merkel, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Eurogroup chairman JeanClaude Juncker on whether the market in credit default swaps should be closed. In an interview with Germany's Handelsblatt newspaper, Papandreou criticised financial markets for overreacting to Greek's debt crisis and accused speculators of helping to provoke panic reactions. "Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy, Jean-Claude Juncker and I have suggested in a joint letter to Barack Obama whether the markets for credit default swaps ... should not be closed. The G20 countries want to discuss this," he said. Politicians have long called for tighter control of speculators, who they believe exacerbated Greece's borrowing problems by snapping up insurance that it could default.

But Papandreou's call to consider closing the market for this insurance, known as credit default swaps, appeared to go further than anything demanded so far and would probably meet stiff opposition from companies and other bond buyers who depend on it to cover their risk. CONTROLS ON HEDGE FUNDS Papandreou's remarks come ahead of the meeting of European finance ministers in Brussels that is set to sign off tougher controls for hedge funds and private equity. Britain has long sought to water down these rules although it is now possible that countries such as Germany and France will overrule London in a vote, forcing it to accept a stricter regime. British finance minister George Osborne said on Monday the new coalition government would next Monday outline six billion pounds ($8.75 billion) of spending cuts this year ahead of its first budget on June 22. "Deficit reduction and continuing to ensure the economic recovery is the most urgent issue facing Britain," Osborne told reporters. "We understand that and we need to get moving." Britain's budget deficit is

running at close to 12 percent of GDP, a similar level to that of crisis-hit Greece, and the new government has said bringing it down is a priority to avoid another economic crisis. In her speech on Sunday, Merkel backed the huge European Union rescue package. Until recently reluctant to back bailouts for Greece and other nations, she said far more was needed. "We've done no more than buy time for ourselves to clear up the differences in competitiveness and in budget deficits of individual euro zone countries," she said. "If we simply ignore this problem we won't be able to calm down this situation." "In the past week we have experienced ... how there has been speculation against the euro, our currency," she told the German Federation of Trades Unions. "This calls for more regulation." (Additional reporting by John O'Donnell; Writing by Charles Dick; Editing by Dominic Evans) Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

SAYS continued from page 16

London; Writing by Pascal Fletcher; Editing by Doina Chiacu) Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

IrfanView Improves Screenshot Abilities, Updates Lots of Plug-Ins [Updates] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 5/17/2010 5:30:00 AM

Windows: IrfanView has long been the small, efficient multitool for viewing and editing images on Windows systems. Its latest update adds to its surprisingly strong screenshot capture powers, along with updating a whole host of helpful image editing plug-ins. More Âť IrfanView- Windows- Graphics - Shareware- Screenshot

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Volcanic ash grounds 1,000 European flights (Reuters: Top News) Submitted at 5/17/2010 8:24:38 AM

LONDON(Reuters) - Volcanic ash from Iceland grounded 1,000 flights and delayed hundreds of thousands of passengers in parts of northern Europe on Monday, although forecasters said the situation would improve during the week. World| Green Business Several of Europe's busiest airports, including London's Heathrow and Schiphol in Amsterdam, were closed for several hours due to fears the ash could damage jet engines and bring down aircraft. Eurocontrol, the European air traffic agency, said about 1,000 flights out of a total of 28,000 in Europe had been canceled on Monday, but it offered passengers hope that the disruption will soon pass. "During the course of the day, the current cloud is expected to disperse," the agency said in a statement. "Delays will also be experienced by flights due to congestion in airspace adjacent to closed areas." Dutch airspace was reopened from 7 a.m. ET and Schiphol airport's check-in counters were operating again in anticipation, although an airport spokesman

said it may take a while longer for flights to resume. London's Heathrow and Gatwick airports reopened after overnight closures, but passengers were warned to expect long delays and cancellations through the day. Britain's air traffic control body eased a no-fly zone that affected Heathrow and Gatwick because the drifting ash cloud had changed direction. The restrictions remained in place over Northern Ireland and the Shetland Isles, off northern Scotland. The Met Office, Britain's weather forecasting body, said southwesterly winds should push the cloud away from British and northern European airspace on Monday and Tuesday. The same Icelandic volcano's ash last month prompted a number of European countries to close their airspace for nearly a week and travel chaos ensued in Europe and beyond. British Transport Secretary Philip Hammond said aviation officials and aircraft makers were considering whether to allow planes to fly through higher densities of ash. 'GROSS OVER-REACTION' British Airways Chief

Executive Willie Walsh said the airspace closure was a "gross over-reaction to a very minor risk." "It can be managed and we don't need these blanket closures," he told reporters in London. British flights face further disruption on Tuesday when BA cabin crew are due to strike in a long-running dispute over pay and working practices. Their union and BA managers were holding last-minute talks in London to avert the strike. In Ireland, aviation officials said Dublin airport would reopen at 7 a.m. ET and the conditions looked likely to improve. "The prospects for the next number of days are very good, we don't anticipate any problems with volcanic ash over the next two to three days," Irish Aviation Authority Chief Executive Eamonn Brennan told national broadcaster RTE's radio news. In the Netherlands, a spokesman for Schiphol said the airport would cancel about 500 flights, affecting 60,000 inbound and outbound passengers; while stranded passengers stared at departure screens and check-in desks were empty. "This is our national day in

Norway ... and we have to stay in Amsterdam, so I hope we get back to Norway perhaps tomorrow," a Norwegian passenger, who gave his name only as Helge, told Reuters Television. Amsterdam Schiphol is Europe's third-largest cargo airport and fifth-largest passenger hub. More than 100,000 flights were canceled across Europe last month because of the volcanic ash forming a cloud over the continent. Millions of people were stranded and airlines, already battered by the global economic downturn, lost $1.7 billion, the International Air Transport Association has said. The volcano under the Eyjafjallajokull glacier in Iceland has been erupting for weeks and the ash plume has reached heights of 25,000 feet. (Additional reporting by Reuters bureaux in Brussels, Dublin and Amsterdam and Peter Griffiths in London; Editing by Michael Roddy) Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


SAP unveils latest BusinessByDesign (CNET Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:15:18 AM

Software giant SAP on Monday kicked off its Sapphire conference in Orlando, Fla., with the next release of Business ByDesign, its software-as-aservice suite for enterprise resource planning. Until SAP announced last week its plan to acquire Sybase for $5.8 billion, Business ByDesign was expected to be the center of attention at Sapphire. As ZDNet blogger Dennis Howlett noted in his Sapphire conference preview, Business ByDesign is now more of a lunchtime conversation piece rather than the main attraction. With its upcoming release, SAP said it is "re-iterating its commitment" to software as a service. The suite will support business intelligence, analytics, and in-memory technology. SAP also said it is providing a better user interface with more customized reports and mobile support. Read more of " SAP rolls out latest BusinessByDesign release" at ZDNet's Between the Lines. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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We will die rather than give in, say Red Shirts (World News from Times Online) Submitted at 5/17/2010 6:59:59 AM

Anti-government Red Shirt protesters have ignored an ultimatum to abandon their occupation of central Bangkok, as the leaders of the demonstration promised to die rather than give in to the authorities. Helicopters dropped leaflets warning that anyone caught inside the area faced two years in prison. But almost two hours after the 3pm [9am UK time] deadline, several thousand people remained in the protest area, which has been sealed off and fortified with towering barricades of rubber tires and bamboo poles. Weng Tojirakarn, a senior Red Shirt leader, said: “If you insist on brutality, we will stay here persistently, and we will tell our people, ‘Do not be afraid. Stay here, do not fight back, and let them shoot us.’” Satit Wonghnongtaey, a minister attached to the office of the Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, said: “The operation [to disperse] will be executed as soon as possible. The authorities will do everything possible … including broadcast radio messages, police loudspeaker

trucks and leaflets.” But both sides still held out the faint possibility of a compromise, suggesting that even at the moment of greatest tension a peaceful solution was being discussed behind the scenes. Panitan Wattanayagorn, spokesman for Mr Abhisit, said: “The Government is ready to go forward with negotiation when the situation is defused, when the protest ends, violence ends and attacks on authorities end. “We insist they have to be sincere to make every effort to return the country to normality … This sincerity must be reflected by their action to bring back peace.” Earlier, doctors announced the death in hospital of Major General Khattiya Sawasdiphol, a militant supporter of the Red Shirts. He was suspected by many Thais of organising a covert militia to fight off attempts to break up the demonstrations. General Khattiya was shot in the head last Thursday during an interview with an American reporter by an unidentified sniper. Red Shirts in the central stronghold in the Ratchaprasong district wept as a song was sung to honour him and at least 36

other people killed in the past five days, as armed soldiers have attempted with mixed success to create a perimeter around the Red Shirt area. Supplies of food, water and tires for constructing barricades are still entering Ratchaprasong. A new protest base has been established to the south-east at the Bon Kai intersection beneath one of Bangkok’s elevated expressways. Young men continued to play a dangerous cat and mouse game with soldiers along the Rama IV road in front of it, throwing fireworks and petrol bombs and ducking down side alleys when the soldiers fired their rifles. The Government has frozen 106 personal and business bank accounts of leading Red Shirts and of companies associated with Thaksin Shinawatra, the former Prime Minister whose ejection from power in a 2006 coup was the beginning of the protest movement. The Reds are demanding that Mr Abhisit, whose party was repeatedly defeated by Mr Thaksin, step down and call a general election. The authorities have been encouraging women and children to move from the protest area to the sanctuary of a nearby Buddhist temple, but the

suggestion appears to have been largely ignored. Rojanee Cheepacrarat, a 57-year old volunteer nurse at one of the medical and first aid stations in the protest area, said: “My children are worried about me, but I am not afraid. “I smile at the soldiers – I call them my sons. They are innocent, and they are scared – it is just their officers who tell them to shoot.” There have been reports of splits among the protest leaders, with some of them favouring a compromise to bring an end to the confrontation, but Dr Weng insisted that they were united. He also called for direct intervention by foreign governments to pressure the Government. “Let all the civilised countries of the world know [the truth of what is happening],” he said. “We cannot walk out of here, because they will shoot us with snipers. “People all over the world are a brotherhood. How can they let their brothers be killed by this government?” Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

L5 Remote now shipping, turning your iDevice into universal IR boss Vladislav Savov (Engadget) Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:44:00 AM

This might be a little later than the promised late February release, but we've finally gotten word of the iPhone L5 Remote accessory shipping. You'll remember that this little infrared dongle, also compatible with the iPod touch and iPad, turns your touchscreen device into a universal remote control, replete with customizable and easily programmable buttons. The L5 costs $50, a tidy 20 bucks cheaper than the i-Got-Control alternative, and can be had now via the company's website below. [Thanks, John] L5 Remote now shipping, turning your iDevice into universal IR boss originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 17 May 2010 09:44:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| L5 Remote| Email this| Comments

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Italians say priests should marry as confidence in Pope falls (World News from Times Online)

However, today’s survey showed that in Italy as a whole confidence in the Pope had Submitted at 5/17/2010 5:39:30 AM dropped from 53.7 per cent in A majority of Italians believe 2007 to 46.6 per cent today, priests should be allowed to compared to 77.2 per cent for marry and under half have P o p e J o h n P a u l I I , P o p e confidence in Pope Benedict Benedict’s predecessor, in 2003. XVI, according to an opinion Confidence in the Catholic poll today. Church had also dropped, from The survey, carried out by the 59.2 per cent ten years ago to polling organisation Demos and 47.2 per cent today. Asked if published in La Repubblica, they favoured allowing priests came as Catholic bishops in to marry, only 22 per cent of Austria called on the Vatican to those questioned said No. 42.5 open up the issue of priestly per cent said they were “very celibacy for discussion. much” in favour of abolishing On Sunday 200,000 Italians the celibacy rule while 23.4 per with banners and balloons filled cent said they were “fairly” in St. Peter’s Square in a major favour, a total of 65.9 per cent. show of support for Pope A total of 62 per cent said they Benedict over the clerical sex believed the Church had sought abuse scandal. either to minimise or to cover At the rally, organised by up clerical sex abuse scandals. Italian bishops and Catholic lay Only 18 per cent said the organisations, Pope Benedict attacks on the Church over sex said he was comforted by this abuse were “unjustified” and “beautiful and spontaneous only 13 per cent said the show of faith and solidarity”. Church had dealt with the “The true enemy to fear and to problem “adequately”. fight against is sin, the spiritual Ilvo Diamanti, an Italian e v i l t h a t u n f o r t u n a t e l y sociologist, said the drop in s o m e t i m e s i n f e c t s e v e n support for the Church and the members of the church,” he papacy partly stemmed from the said to prolonged applause and Vatican’s slow, divided and shouts of encouragement. confused response to the

paedophile crisis at a time of fast moving global media. It was also linked to the decline of the priesthood in Italian society, with the Church increasingly seen as out of touch with modern social attitudes and mores. The poll followed the conclusion at the weekend of a congress at Mariazell south of Vienna at which Austrian bishops called on the Vatican to discuss the issue of celibacy and whether to ordain married priests. Bishop Alois Schwarz of the Carinthia diocese told the meeting: “We hear this question as bishops, and we are telling Rome that we have this problem.” He said the role of women in the Church was also among the “many open topics which we need to discuss with sensitivity and from different viewpoints”. The bishops ended their meeting with a call for “broad reforms”. Last week the Bishop of Eisenstadt, Paul Iby, said in a newspaper interview: ‘It should be left up to every priest whether he wants to live a life of voluntary celibacy or in a family.”

“Rome is too timid in such questions,” Bishop Iby told the daily Die Presse, adding that priests should be allowed to choose whether they would like to marry to counteract the falling number of vocations. “But nothing is moving ahead in Rome,” he said. Celibacy has been required of Catholic clergy since the early Middle Ages. However, it was not imposed in the early Church, and, according to Gospel accounts, St Peter was a married man. Some senior Catholics, including Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, the Archbishop of Vienna, have linked paedophile priest scandals to the issue of celibacy. The Vatican has denied any such link, pointing out that in secular society paedophilia is often committed by married men. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Sprint BlackBerry Bold 9650 goes on sale a little early Nilay Patel (Engadget) Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:17:00 AM

It looks like Sprint couldn't wait to share its version of the BlackBerry Bold 9650 with the world -- it went on sale online today, a week before its scheduled May 23rd launch. You're looking at $199 on a two -year deal, but unless you're dying for a new 'berry we can't say we're finding this Tour-with -an-optical-pad even remotely as exciting as the EVO 4G, which is due on June 4. But it's still quite handsome, right? That's... something. [Thanks, Geo] Sprint BlackBerry Bold 9650 goes on sale a little early originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 17 May 2010 09:17:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink Crackberry| Sprint| Email this| Comments


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Iran strikes nuclear limitation deal with Turkey and Brazil (World News from Times Online)

the IAEA and continuing its uranium enrichment programme. It actions "remain a Submitted at 5/17/2010 7:52:54 AM serious cause for concern", and Iran today struck what it the west should continue its described as an historic nuclear efforts to impose further UN agreement with Turkey and sanctions. Brazil, but Western powers “This is a move in the right greeted the announcement with direction but it does not answer great caution and feared it was all of the concerns raised over just another ploy to avert Iran’s nuclear programme,” a additional UN sanctions. s p o k e s m a n f o r C a t h e r i n e Under the agreement Iran Ashton, the EU’s foreign affairs would send most of its enriched chief, said. uranium to Turkey in return for A German government nuclear fuel rods for a Tehran s p o k e s m a n s a i d t h a t a n y research reactor that could not agreement had to be made with be processed further for use in the UN’s nuclear watchdog, the nuclear weapons. International Atomic Energy Ahmed Davutoglu, Turkey’s Agency, and that Iran had still Foreign Minister, said the deal not agreed to suspend its meant there was no need for u r a n i u m e n r i c h m e n t sanctions. Iran’s President p r o g r a m m e . Mahmoud Ahmadinejad urged Israel accused Iran of trickery. world powers to “heed the great “The Iranians have pulled off work started in Tehran” and such a trick in the past — by resume talks. Ali Akbar Salehi, pretending to accept such a Iran’s nuclear chief, declared: procedure to lower tensions and “From now on the ball is in the reduce the risk of harsher West’s court.” international sanctions, then The West reacted cautiously, refusing to follow through,” a however. government spokesman said. Alistair Burt, Britain's foreign The deal was reached during minister, said Iran was still three-way talks in Tehran refusing to cooperate fully with fronted by Mr Ahmadinejad,

the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of Brazil. Iran agreed to send 1,200 kilograms of its low enriched uranium — enough for a single bomb — to Turkey within a month. In return it would receive fuel rods containing 120 kilograms of enriched uranium for a civil reactor within a year. The uranium Iran would send to Turkey is enriched to a level of 3.5 per cent. The fuel rods would contain uranium enriched to nearly 20 per cent. Uranium needs to be enriched to 90 per cent for use in nuclear weapons. At first sight the accord looks similiar to one brokered by the IAEA last October, under which Iran would have shipped its low-enriched uranium to Russia for further enrichment, and then on to France for conversion into nuclear fuel rods. Iran rejected the UN offer, but now appears to have dropped its demands that the fuel swap happens in stages, that the swap take place inside Iran, and that it receives the fuel rods immediately. If Iran has not

received the fuel rods within a year Turkey would “immediately and unconditionally” return the low enriched uranium. Mr Ahmadinejad may have found it easier to make concessions to Turkey and Brazil than to the United States and another Western powers, and almost certainly trusts those two countries more. However the Turkish and Brazilian leaders have always taken a softer line towards the Iranian regime and its nuclear programme than their western counterparts. Turkey and Brazil are both nonpermanent members of the UN Security Council. At the very least their intervention is likely to complicate the West’s drive to impose a fourth round of UN sanctions on Iran for failing to halt its enrichment programme. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Google Shuts Out TechCrunch From Zeitgeist – We’re Seeing Too Much Of Eachother, OK? Mike Butcher (TechCrunch) Submitted at 5/17/2010 7:51:10 AM

Right now entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and Google executives are milling around in a swanky hotel outside of London at Google Zeitgeist. Last year we were there too and managed to even break some news. But this year we're not allowed in. Why? There's not enough room. Here's my email exchange with their PR people.


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Sponsor Post: Taking The Pulse of the Developer Ecosystem RWW Sponsor (ReadWriteWeb)

Mashery realize that while analysts and media remark on corporate goings-on, there has Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:00:00 AM been a lack of interest in Editor's note: We offer our long understanding the developer -term sponsors the opportunity community that is a meaningful to write posts and tell their part of the 2010 platform wars. story. These posts are clearly Mashery, an API infrastructure marked as written by sponsors, and management company, but we also want them to be polled nearly 600 Web and useful and interesting to our mobile application developers at readers. We hope you like the SXSW Interactive this spring to posts and we encourage you to take a pulse on what they love support our sponsors by trying and hate about developing on out their products. different API platforms. By Apple versus Adobe. Facebook peering into the mindset of a versus Google. Twitter versus developer building applications its own developer ecosystem. At with APIs, we extrapolated the recent Web 2.0 Expo in San e c o s y s t e m i n s i g h t s a n d Francisco keynotes and hallway presented them to you here. API conversations revolved around L e a d e r M a s h e r y C a p t u r e s the latest platform battles that Application Developer Trends are actively defining and re- with Developer Pulse View imagining the future of our m o r e p r e s e n t a t i o n s f r o m increasingly mobile, social, and M a s h e r y . T h e Q u e s t i o n s real-time reality. • What are the best APIs out Sponsor there for developers? But technology platforms such • What are the most helpful as AOL, Microsoft, Amazon, resources to you as developers? Yahoo, and eBay have been • Why do you work with APIs? experiencing these cycles for • What programming languages y e a r s , s p a w n i n g l a r g e are you using? ecosystems that in turn created • What platforms and devices huge opportunities for partners, do you build applications for? developers and competitors. Evolution is inherent in any Findings & Implications ecosystem and today's platform 1. APIs have a compelling long battles are just one spike in the tail Web 2.0 maturation curve. What are the best APIs out Observing the renaissance of there for developers? There is s o c i a l a d p l a t f o r m s ( n o t e no real surprise when we AdMob, the launch of iAd, announce that the top three APIs P r o m o t e d T w e e t s ) w e a t named as the best to work with

theory, the premise was that overcoming the limitations of geography and scale will enable you to discover new markets and expand existing ones because there's an audience for everything, and "popularity no longer has a monopoly on profitability." "Going by past evidence, [even] closed ecosystems... still allow for opportunities to be made at a r e G o o g l e , T w i t t e r , a n d the edge of the ecosystem in Amazon (69% of respondents). areas the platform owner deems But interestingly, we see a solid too small to bother with," writes number of smaller platform VentureBeat. players emerging. With nearly 2,000 APIs listed Tag cloud based on 828 on ProgrammableWeb, there is responses from 502 developers. more room for compelling data I f y o u ' r e a c u r r e n t A P I to be re-mixed and re-used into provider, or you're thinking of different user experiences across advancing an API program by multiple devices. opening up your data to, developers, there's plenty of Business of APIs Conference, room for targeting the niche of November 2009 y o u r b u s i n e s s . S i n c e t h e 2. Open platforms and closed landscape of the API providers communications don't always is not conducive to a winner mix well takes all conclusion, there is a What developer resources are thriving, healthy long tail of most helpful when building with developers who are interested in APIs? If you want to better new platforms and creative c o m m u n i c a t e w i t h y o u r innovation. The secret sauce is developer community, it's a in the type of data you expose, senseless exercise to compare and how simple you make it to apples and oranges, but Apple to access your data. Twitter - valuable lessons So don't be a five-year-old on learned. the soccer field, flocking to the Apple: latest shiny object. Play your Host an annual developer event position, and stay focused on and fail to mention major policy your core audience. Think about changes around Flash and it: When Chris Anderson first HTML5 that hugely impact the established his The Long Tail e c o s y s t e m ' s d e v e l o p m e n t

process on the platform. Instead, institute changes in the Terms of Services and let developers dig through and work out the edits on their own. Message: "Dear community, our policies are public and open. Have at them." "It's hard to build a business on a platform where you feel like you cannot trust the men in power. If they can take down Adobe a few days before the launch of their flagship product, what hope do smaller players hold?" - David, 37signals Twitter: Launch a developer event for the sake of talking to your growing ecosystem and present a roadmap, have executives communicate policy on stage, from the top down. Inform developers of where opportunities lie while being honest about which pieces of the pie Twitter will keep for themselves. Message: "Dear community, we want to help you grow by being transparent on where we are headed as an organization." "For every platform ever, it's a question of what should be left up to the ecosystem and what should be created on the platform." - Ev Williams, CEO, Twitter And when we asked the community what is most helpful to them as developers, what was most reflected was a growing SPONSOR page 24


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SPONSOR continued from page 23

demand for clear cut communication from API providers: Chart based on 1072 responses from 542 developers. In the 'Other' category, we heard what developers had to say about their API pet peeves: • I "hate it when [the] API stops working without notice." • I want "clear, updated information" and "stability and company ethics towards developers." • It's an important signal when "CEOs work with developers." • Provide timely bug fixes, "working tutorials, demos and BBS, and sample apps" on the developer portal. • Create a "vibrant community" with "online message boards" and helpful "blogs and videos."

APIs? The Valley is filled with startups and garage coders with a vision of how to do something better, paired with the energy, drive, and desire to build the next great thing. Entrepreneurs may dream sweet dreams of fame and riches but at the core of Silicon Valley, Silicon Alley, and everywhere in between is solving a problem in a technically elegant way in front of your peers. That is its own reward. We asked the community, "Why do you work with APIs?" The results: Selections Out of 714 Responses Fun, Fame & Glory 37% My employer pays me to 36% Make extra money outside of my day job 17% Other 10% Additionally, of the 569 responses from developers As an API platform provider, attending SXSW this year, more knowing more about who your than a quarter of them came developers are and what they from companies with 30 plus rank highest in importance is the employees, which demonstrates best indicator for resource interest and support for API prioritization. Build support i n i t i a t i v e s f r o m l a r g e r tools that your ecosystem organizations. Almost 1/5 of actually wants, or needs. It's developers attended SXSW human nature to flock towards Interactive for their "own the friendliest habitat for growth personal projects," and nearly and survival. 2/3 cited reasons beyond 3. Passion first. Paycheck "because my employer pays me second. to," which demonstrates Why do developers work with personal dedication to the field.

4. Ebb and Flow of Disrupted Ecosystems One thing we were very interested in when we laid out our questions to this community was figuring out which were the most popular programming languages. Chart based on 1416 results from 530 developers Web scripting languages like PHP and Javascript (not surprisingly) dominated amongst the developers working with APIs that we polled at SxSWi 2010, capturing almost 50% of our sample. But programming languages are subject to changes when large platforms claim their support or remove their support and disrupt the ecosystem. What impact will Apple's stance on Flash have versus HTML5? As app development on mobile devices continues to build momentum, will Objective-C continue to rise at the expense of Java or Windows languages? Apple's platform guidelines require all apps to be built in Objective-C a fact that particularly noteworthy considering the exploding need for new and refurbished iPad applications. 5. Developers migrate toward where they find opportunity Where are developers building

apps and extending into new devices and channels? The results: Selections Out of 1084 Responses Online/browser 41% Mobile 32% Online/widget 15% Desktop (Silverlight, AIR) 9% Hardware 3% The implications: • Online/browser and Mobile are clearly the dominant development platforms with almost 3/4 of survey responses. • Desktop and Set-top and Gaming Consoles have yet to attract strong developer adoption. Currently, only the Xbox360 console is open to scalable app integrations, while Adobe AIR and Microsoft Silverlight are still waiting to take off as market opportunities. • Only 3% of this developer population is focused on hardware, but we expect that to change as major mobile operators and manufacturers supply more app-friendly handsets into the hands of mainstream consumers. When you are an API provider, it is important to periodically check-in with the developers consuming your APIs to gage the pulse of your developer ecosystem, particularly in times of turbulence like today. Our

developer pulse revealed that: • APIs have a compelling longtail • Open platforms and closed communications don't always mix well • Passion first. Paycheck second. • Ebb and flow of disrupted ecosystems • Developers migrate toward where they find opportunity We think that the recent comments by venture capitalist Fred Wilson apply to the wider context of developer platforms in this latest era of platform battles: "It is clear you can build large businesses on top of a social platform like Facebook and Twitter... We are entering a new phase now. Twitter is a global platform... so it's time for Twitter and its developer ecosystem to work together to create entirely new things that will shape the Internet in the coming years. I'm excited to see it happen." Discuss

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Wales Puts Founder Pen Away at Wikipedia, For Now Curt Hopkins (ReadWriteWeb)

withdrew as a peace offering to editors who were irked with his decision. Jimmy Wales has withdrawn Wales said as much in this from actively editing, as a discussion thread."In the interest " f o u n d e r , " ( i e , u n d e r a " of encouraging this discussion Founder's flag") Wikipedia, the t o be about real massive online encyclopedia he philosophical/content issues, helped to create, and its allied rather than be about me and how and subsidiary websites. (Wales quickly I acted, I've just now remains the Founder-Member of r e m o v e d v i r t u a l l y a l l the Wikimedia Foundation's permissions to actually do Board of Trustees and has all things from the "Founder" flag. the same editorial rights as any I even removed my ability to other of the organization's edit semi-protected pages! (I've volunteer editors. ) kept permissions related to Last week, Fox News started 'viewing' things.) a s k i n g r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s a t I do not want to be a tyrant or companies that have donated to dictator. I do not want us to t h e g r o u p ' s W i k i m e d i a fight about that kind of thing, as Foundation for comment on it's really a distraction from our their discovery that Wikimedia work." Commons had a large collection The widely quoted Fox story of photographs that could be was inspired by Larry Sanger, a described as pornography, even co-founder currently on the outs as child pornography. On with the organization, who hearing this, Wales apparently reported the hosting of child began unilaterally to delete porn by the organization to the images from the group's servers. FBI. This set off a great argument Wikimedia Commons, the "free a m o n g t h e e n c y c l o p e d i a ' s media repository" associated editors. with the encyclopedia, pursues a Sponsor policy of no censorship and of According to an editor and educational emphasis. The volunteer at the organization, presence of sex and drug-related Wales was not forced out but content has been a thread of Submitted at 5/16/2010 10:00:00 PM

that is for the FBI and the courts to decide.... "A lot of people have dismissed my motives as insincere and self -interested. As I explain in the first of the above links, I do not think that this controversy has much chance of helping Citizendium or WatchKnow, or me. It has, as I expected, made me unpopular with a lot of Internet geeks. That can't be debate among editors seeking to helped, I guess." hew to these policy points. This He refered us to his response on "kerfuffle" is just the latest and S l a s h d o t r e g a r d i n g h i s one of the more dramatic motivations for calling the expression of this. FBI."I have no interest in trying Mr. Sanger responded to our to get Wikimedia shut down; inquiries by email."While I did that would be unnecessary, and I use the term 'child pornography,' doubt it would happen as a I was clear in my report to the result of the violation of the FBI that what I was reporting statute. But I think and hope it were explicit drawings of child m a y c a u s e p r e s s u r e o n sexual abuse--the relevant W i k i m e d i a f r o m l a w statute was 18 USC 1466A, I enforcement, politicians, and the said. I stand by this. I think a general public to eliminate this l o t o f p e o p l e w h o h a v e sort of content. I also hope that dismissed my concerns as being Wikimedia will be persuaded, or about 'mere drawings' that were if necessary forced, to label its 'historic' have not actually "adult" content as such in a clicked on the thumbnails and consistent and reliable way, so looked at the pictures--they truly that it can be easily filtered by are disturbing, at least to me. I school system filters." Discuss do think that the statute was designed to be applied to this sort of material. But, of course,

Ben Affleck Turns on the Charm For His Hometown's Ladies PopSugar (PopSugar) Submitted at 5/17/2010 7:00:00 AM

Ben Affleck was back in uniform Friday as he returned to work on The Town in Boston. He spent much of last Fall and Winter on the project with his costars Rebecca Hall, Blake Lively, and Jon Hamm, and for the past few months Ben's been relaxing in LA with Seraphina and Violet. The people of Ben's home city looked happy to see him, and he playfully posed for photos with waiting fans young and old. While Ben's on his own set, his wife Jennifer Garner is busy with Butter in Louisiana which means school runs with Violet are on hold for now, but she and Seraphina can look forward to Summer adventures traveling with their parents. To see more Ben, just read more. View 10 Photos ›


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Divvy up your windows Brett Terpstra (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:00:00 AM

Filed under: Software For those who deal with a lot of windows, especially on multiple screens, any utility that makes it easier to organize and reposition those windows quickly is a boon. I've used SizeUp for a while now, and have become very accustomed to being able to quickly snap my windows into halves or quarters of a screen and jump them from one screen (or Space) to another with keyboard commands. We've mentioned SizeUp before, as well as MercuryMover and Cinch. There's a new kid on the block, though, and it's a brilliant take on the existing ideas. Divvy is a utility that takes advantage of both keyboard and mouse to quickly move windows into place. Where the others allowed a certain amount of control over presets, and offered a certain compromise between flexibility and speed, Divvy takes the cake by using a

visual (mouse-driven) interface that also allows custom keyboard shortcuts, assigned to any part of your screen that you define. Divvy runs in your menubar, and the main Divvy window can be called with a user-selected keyboard shortcut. It presents you with a grid representing 36 segments of your screen. Clicking and dragging a contiguous selection of those segments will snap the current window to that portion of the screen. If you want more finegrained control, tap the command key and get quadruple the number of segments in the popup window. A trip to the preferences (the gear icon in the upper right of the window) reveals the "Shortcuts" pane, where you can assign a key or key combination to any segment of your screen. Then you can use your global shortcut to pop up the Divvy window, and press whatever key(s) you've defined to instantly activate that shortcut. Divvy works across multiple monitors, adding a popup

shortcut to the screen where your cursor is, which is handy, but in many cases requires a trip to the mouse I don't need to make). If you ever have a lot of windows on your screen, or just want to be able to quickly position a few windows into perfect sections of your screen, you definitely need to take a window to each display. If you look at Divvy. It's free to try trigger a shortcut, it will target out, US$14.00 to own, and a whichever display your mouse single license covers all of your is in at the time. I've tested it machines. The developers are w i t h a b r o a d r a n g e o f extremely responsive and quick applications, and it's done an t o f i x b u g s a n d c o n s i d e r outstanding job. It's even enhancement suggestions, which conscious of "drawers," or slide- is definitely something I take out panels on main windows, into account before buying a r e s i z i n g t h e w i n d o w license. I have no complaints, appropriately to fit the drawer and my Divvy shortcuts have into the defined space. I'm already earned their spots in my actually using it right now in mental muscle-memory library. combination with SizeUp, and TUAW Divvy up your without any ill effects. The windows originally appeared on reason for the redundancy is The Unofficial Apple Weblog mostly my own muscle memory, (TUAW) on Mon, 17 May 2010 but I love SizeUp's ability to 09:00:00 EST. Please see our move windows to different terms for use of feeds. screens with a single keyboard Read| Permalink| Email this| shortcut, which Divvy currently Comments cannot do (it targets your

Texting During Meetings is Definitely Noticed, Seen as Rude [Office Culture] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 5/17/2010 6:00:00 AM

A professor of business surveyed more than 9,000 managers and workers and found a familiar paradox: nearly everyone considers email checking and texting during face -to-face meetings rude, but most people still do it. She suggests more meeting breaks fix the problem. More Âť Paradoxes- PhilosophyPhilosophy of Logic- ArtsParadox

Street Chic: New York (ELLE Fashion Blogs) Submitted at 5/17/2010 6:00:00 AM

Who: Nicole Laliberte, actress in the new film Kaboom

premiering at Cannes Film Festival What: Go for a girly look with a colorful sundress and cardigan Wear: Marc by Marc Jacobs dress, J. Crew sweater, Melissa

Steven Alan ring Photo: Courtney D'Alesio Think you are Street Chic? Email us your photo and you shoes, Jennifer George earrings, could appear in's Street Chic Daily.

Follow ELLE on Twitter. Become our Facebook fan!


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Rare earth metals recycling needed to Skype fills two exec power green tech slots (CNET

can also generate new kinds of employment while ensuring the longevity of the mines and the Metal recycling is the sleeper stocks found in nature," said growth industry in green tech. A c h i m S t e i n e r , e x e c u t i v e Specialty metals, such as director of the UN Environment lithium and indium, and rare Programme, in a statement. earth elements, including There are substantial neodymium, are required for e n v i r o n m e n t a l b e n e f i t s t o production of many green- recycling all metals, which is technology products, including between two and ten times more batteries for hybrid cars, LED energy efficient than smelting lights, fuel cells, and solar metals from ores, according to panels. the report. But to ensure future supply of The report says recycling rates these resources, recycling rates of more common metals, such n e e d e d t o b e i n c r e a s e d as copper, aluminum, lead, and substantially, according to a tin, vary greatly. It can be report from the United Nations between 25 percent and 75 E n v i r o n m e n t P r o g r a m m e . percent and is much lower in Preliminary findings were some developing countries. issued last Thursday with a full Increasingly, both specialty and report planned for later this common metals may be "mined" year. from existing products and The recycling rates for specialty structures, such as electronic metals are only about one gadgets and buildings. For every percent, according to a UN person in the U.S., there is now panel on metals which is chaired a b o u t 5 3 0 p o u n d s ( 2 4 0 by experts from India, Germany, kilograms) of copper that is and Yale University in the U.S. above ground, according to the "Boosting end-of-life recycling report. rates not only offers a path to Although there are enhancing those supplies and e n v i r o n m e n t a l r e a s o n s t o keeping metal prices down, but recycle, there's been a spike in Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:31:35 AM

interest over the supply specialty metals in the past year for economic reasons. In March, for example, scientists warned a Congressional committee that growth of green-technology industries will be choked by constraints over rare earth elements from China, which has growing demand and has put limits on exports. One of the biggest sources for lithium used in batteries for many upcoming electric vehicles is in South America. Meanwhile, other lesser-known elements used in technology products are seeing a sharp rise in demand. For example, 80 percent of all indium, an element used in production of semiconductors, LED lights, medical imaging, and some solar cell materials, has been extracted over the past 30 years, according to the U.N. report. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Skype's capabilities," Silverman said. Doug Bewsher(Credit: Mig33) Skype has added to its ranks of As the new chief marketing senior management. officer, Bewsher will manage T h e I n t e r n e t t e l e p h o n y the Skype brand worldwide and company has hired 3Com's Neal head up local activities to Goldman as its new chief legal connect directly with customers. and regulatory officer and Silverman will also look to Mig33's Doug Bewsher as chief Bewsher to focus on viral marketing officer. With their marketing, which includes the jobs starting in June, both men use of social networks and other will report directly to Skype Web-based tools to create wordCEO Josh Silverman and work of-mouth. at company headquarters in Bewsher is coming to Skype Luxembourg. from Mig33, a mobile online Neal Goldman(Credit: 3Com) community, where he was chief Goldman's position is new. The marketing officer. According to current vice president of legal, S k y p e , B e w s h e r ' s g l o b a l Robert Miller, will continue in marketing strategy helped his role, Silverman said. double the number of Mig33's Goldman is joining Skype from registered users to 40 million 3Com, recently bought by and boosted sales fivefold. Like Hewlett-Packard, where he was Skype, Mig33 taps the VoIP an executive vice president and market, allowing people to make chief legal and administrative cheap phone calls locally or officer. His position included internationally. managing 3Com's intellectual Prior to his role with Mig33, p r o p e r t y p r o g r a m . B e f o r e Bewsher worked in marketing 3Com, he worked at Lotus f o r v a r i o u s c o m p a n i e s , Development, including as including digital ad agency general counsel, and started his Publicis Modem and Vodafone. career 25 years ago with Data Five Filters featured article: General. The Art of Looking Prime "Neal's unique mix of leadership Ministerial - The 2010 UK of company legal oversight, IP, General Election. Available a n d i n t e r n a l m a n a g e m e n t tools: PDF Newspaper, Full functions is a solid addition to Text RSS, Term Extraction. Submitted at 5/17/2010 8:32:32 AM



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Of Stevemails and stevedores: Talkcast tonight, live at 10 pm ET Michael Rose (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 5/16/2010 8:45:00 PM

Filed under: TUAW Business, Podcasts You have to hand it to Gawker writer Ryan Tate; he wasn't timid about giving his new penpal a piece of his mind, salty language and all. Tate let loose with a full-throated defense of iPad pornography, overworked print publishers and the freedom to write once and run anywhere. Of course, in this particular case he was sending aggrieved notes to Steve Jobs-and, most surprising, Steve chose to write back. Repeatedly. In the wee hours of the night. Steve's defense of Apple's approach toward Flash on iPhone/iPad and the choices Apple is making about the future of its platforms makes for good reading; Tate's decision to run the emails in a post is one I can only describe as " chutzpadik," although he notes that Steve must be aware that many of his casual one-liners are making news in short order. [Side note, if Apple hasn't

Java client; however, for maximum fun, you should call in. For the web UI, just click the"TalkShoe Web" button on our profile page at 10 pm Sunday. To call in on regular phone or VoIP lines (take advantage of your free cellphone weekend minutes if you like): dial (724) 444-7444 and enter our talkcast ID, 45077 -- during the call, you can request to talk by keying in *8. iPhone users may prefer the iPhone-optimized Talkshoe site found here. If you've got a headset or productized Steve's killer spam microphone handy on your filter yet, they darn well should computer, you can connect via get started on that. Unless it's a the free Gizmo or X-Lite SIP rotating panel of interns -- that clients; basic instructions are would be difficult to scale.] here. Talk with you then! All that to say, we're fortunate TUAW Of Stevemails and to have our special time together stevedores: Talkcast tonight, later tonight on the Talkcast to live at 10 pm ET originally c h a t a b o u t S t e v e m a i l s , appeared on The Unofficial MacBook rumors, MobileMe Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Sun, betas, Steam releases and more! 16 May 2010 20:45:00 EST. Join us, won't you? Please see our terms for use of To participate on TalkShoe, feeds. you can use the browser-only Read| Permalink| Email this| client, the embedded Facebook Comments app, or the classic TalkShoe Pro

Eying Asia, Kit digital Acquires BenchMark Broadcast Systems Robin Wauters (TechCrunch)

In consideration for 100% of Benchmark’s shares, the Online video management transaction includes guaranteed software company KIT digital payments of approximately $9.5 has agreed to acquire privately- million directly to the company held Benchmark Broadcast over time ($4.5 million in cash Systems, based in Singapore, for plus $5 million in KIT digital approximately$10 million. common stock) plus KIT digital’s chairman and approximately $1.1 million paid CEO, Kaleil Isaza Tuzman, in a to employees over the next two statement says they’ve been years. working on the acquisition for The transaction also includes quite some time, and that the corporate performance-based d e a l i s t e s t a m e n t t o t h e contingent considerations at the company’s ambition to become first and second anniversary of l e a d e r i n v i d e o a s s e t the transaction. m a n a g e m e n t i n t h e B R I C KIT digital has acquired quite a markets. number of smaller rivals in a Benchmark is a video asset variety of countries so far, most management provider and recently picking up competitor broadcast video systems Multicast Media for net integrator with six regional c o n s i d e r a t i o n of offices throughout Asia, where approximately$18 million. it employs about 100 people. The company has itself raised The company serves clients in $20 million in venture funding 12+ countries and expects to from KCP Capital and now generate at least $10 million in trades on NASDAQ under the revenues during the next 12 KITD symbol. CrunchBase months. Its clients include I n f o r m a t i o n K I T d i g i t a l companies like CNBC, Express I n f o r m a t i o n p r o v i d e d b y News, ESPN Star, ETV, CrunchBase MediaCorp and NDTV. Submitted at 5/17/2010 8:22:11 AM

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YouTube Turns Five, Quietly Adds Hashtags to Comments Mike Melanson (ReadWriteWeb) Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:23:00 AM

YouTube announced earlier today that, at just five years old now (can you believe it?), the online video host now exceeds over two billion views a day. According to the Google-owned site, "that's nearly double the prime-time audience of all three major U.S. television networks combined." What it didn't announce, however, was the hashtag-like system it appears to have quietly released for its commenting system, that turns certain Internet acronyms into colorful, searchable boxes of their own. Sponsor So, to recap on that first part, YouTube is five years old, handling over two billion views a day and launching the

YouTube Five Year channel, where users can submit videos to describe how YouTube has changed their lives. More interestingly, perhaps, YouTube has added some colorful hashtags to its commenting system. Now, typing in #LOL, #FTW, #FAIL and #OMG (from what we've tried and seen) comes up with little orange boxes containing the text, each of which you can click on to search for similarly tagged videos. Maybe instead of reading comments back aloud to squelch the number of inane threads, YouTube thought it would

silence some commenters (and therefor complainers over the inanity of YouTube comments) by giving people a quick and colorful way to express themselves. More likely, we're expecting the sort of functionality we've seen on other video sites, whereby we can click on an OMG button to search for other OMG videos for hours of unending OMG fun. For all we're aware, there's not much more to categorizing the world, after all, than OMG, FTW, LOL and FAIL, right? Oh, and if you're still feeling all warm and gushy over the part where we celebrate YouTube for reaching arbitrary round numbered statistics, here's a video they put together for you to celebrate with them. [Thanks Rahul Mathur.] Discuss

ModestTab Gives Firefox Tabs Some Breathing Room [Downloads] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 5/17/2010 7:30:00 AM

Firefox (Windows): ModestTab has a simple mission, one that might resonated with browsers who don't suffer from tab

overuse, or those who use fancy tab management add-ons. The

add-on simply makes your tabs taller and expands site icons for easier readability. More Âť Firefox- Browser- ClientsWWW- Mozilla Firefox


Found Footage: Alphasmart Neo doubles as iPad USB keyboard Michael Rose (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 5/16/2010 7:40:00 PM

Filed under: Found Footage, iPad Video from Vimeo. Click link for iPad/iPhone version. When it comes to unexpected functionality on Apple devices, the current leader is the iPad's Camera Connection Kit. The USB adapter dongle has been found to work with plenty of unsupported peripherals, from audio headsets to external storage. Keyboards, in particular, are popular partners; not all of them will work, but quite a few do. We can now add "entire separate computer" to the list of working keyboards, as the video above demonstrates. Eolake Stobblehouse (who was the benefactor behind TidBITS' staff getting iPads) figured out that his Alphasmart Neo behaves just like a powered external keyboard when connected to the iPad. The Neo is the spiritual descendant of one

of the original 'tablet' computers, the legendary Tandy Model 100 series. A week's worth of battery life on a few AA batteries! Those were the days. Granted, it may seem a bit weird to carry a second machine along just to type into your tablet, but to each their own. Now, if we could get an import utility that would take text files from the Neo and put them on the iPad... Direct link to the video for iPhone/iPad is here. This video (not produced by us) is hosted on Vimeo, which supports HTML5 playback on their site but does not support embedding. Thanks to Peter for the tip. TUAW Found Footage: Alphasmart Neo doubles as iPad USB keyboard originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Sun, 16 May 2010 19:40:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments



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Wi-Fi Sync for iPhone video hands- Mobile Summit Keynote, Plus Photo Highlights on: it works! From The Day Sam Sheffer (Engadget)

Submitted at 5/17/2010 10:07:00 AM

We just got our hands on Wi-FI Sync and guess what? It actually works -- fancy that! For those of you out of the loop, Apple recently rejected this gem of an app (go figure), but thanks to the magic of jailbreaking, that was hardly the end of the road. Days later, Wi-Fi Sync ended up on Cydia with a completelyaffordable price tag of $9.99, promising iPhone and iPod touch users the ability to sync their device with iTunes sans any cabling whatsoever. Since we're notoriously lazy when it comes to actually plugging in our phones and syncing, we fired up the program on our jailbroken 3GS in order to see exactly what the law-abiders in attendance were missing out on. Gallery: Wi-Fi Sync Hands-On Demo Installation couldn't have been easier. We parted ways with our Hamilton, downloaded the necessary companion software for our laptop, and fired up the application. The iPhone was immediately recognized, and after a few prompts we were ready for action. Syncing was just as easy as it normally is

Richard MacManus (ReadWriteWeb) Submitted at 5/17/2010 5:03:50 AM

(with "easy" being a relative term here), just without that iPod wire hanging around and bumming everyone out. We will say, however, that things weren't as snappy OTA as a standard hardwired connection. It was a bit sluggish on the first couple of runs, and although iTunes crashed a few times (boo), we're fairly confident in saying that a poor WiFi connection was to blame for the jankiness. Once we migrated closer to the router, things went much smoother.

Still unsure if it's worth the investment? Then give the video past the break a look. Continue reading Wi-Fi Sync for iPhone video hands-on: it works! Wi-Fi Sync for iPhone video hands-on: it works! originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 17 May 2010 10:07:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| | Email this| Comments

Earlier this month I presented the keynote at the ReadWriteWeb Mobile Summit, on the topic of Mobile trends in 2010 and beyond. The presentation, delivered at the beautiful Computer History Museum in Mountain View, aimed to stimulate discussion about the business and technology of Mobile. Frederic Lardinois wrote a good overview of the presentation on the day. In this post, we publish the slides along with the richly colored photographs that RWW's Chris Cameron took. Sponsor RWW Mobile Summit Keynote Presentation, May 2010 Photos From The Mobile Summit Chris Cameron from

ReadWriteWeb took some stunning photos at the Summit, which you can see in all their colorful glory on Flickr. The photo slideshow is below. See also: RWW Mobile Summit: Coverage Round-Up Overall, it was an enjoyable and information-packed day! East Coasters, we hope you'll join us for our next Summit, in New York City on 11th June during Internet Week. The topic is the Real-Time Web. Discuss


E-reader News Edition


Google Teams Up With Intel, Sony To Help Make Web TV A Reality Robin Wauters (TechCrunch)

Google’s developer conference will be held May 19 – 20 in San Francisco. The FT reports that Google, Intel CEO Paul Otellini last Intel and Sony will announce a week at the company’s analyst “significant breakthrough into meeting said that it was looking consumer electronics and the to boost use of Atom processors broadcast industry” later this in the mobile and digital home week with the launch of a so- device segments. The company called “Smart TV” platform. stated that its latest chip, named In case that sounds familiar, Dragonpoint, offers better audio that’s because Bloomberg and and video performance, wider the WSJ reported as much on and open software support and A p r i l 2 9 , a p a r t f r o m t h e is cheaper than the competition. apparent name of the Web TV France Telecom and Telecom platform that would be making Italia are said to be among the its debut at Google I/O. list of customers lined up to put Submitted at 5/17/2010 7:54:47 AM

the chips in set-top boxes. According to the FT, Google is expected to call on its Android developer community this week to create custom applications for

Sony, which is looking to webenable its televisions and Bluray DVD players, and likely other manufacturers in the future.

We’ll see how it goes – Google has been looking to extend its reach to TVs since 2007. Are you waiting for Google search, native support for YouTube videos and maybe even an iteration of the Chrome browser on your next TV screen? Or do you want them to make advances in the field just so Apple would wake up and maximize the potential of Apple TV? CrunchBase Information Google Intel Sony Information provided by CrunchBase

Is Groupon’s CityDeal Acquisition A Disaster For German Innovators? Mike Butcher (TechCrunch) Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:50:18 AM

The Groupon acquisition of CityDeal is being hailed by many across Europe as a good exit for the German-based clone (yes, there is no point in saying it is anything else but a Groupon clone). But luckily there is more than just clones in Germany. The burgeoning cluster in Mitte, central Berlin is producing startups such as Soundcloud, hiogi, Babbel, Twinity,

SongBeat and aka-aki. Nokia bought Dopplr and with it set up an innovation lab amongst the beating heart of Berlin's startups. Hamburg has spawned many others include Qype, Europe's Yelp, and more recently the interesting Apprupt. VCs in Hamburg and Munich vie over raw engineering talent out of German universities, and our TechCrunch Europe Munich and Berlin events last year were buzzing. As US/German VC Paul Josefak recently wrote for

us he's coming across "multiple companies who recently closed either initial or follow-on rounds." Berlin is vying with

London as the second tier cluster in Europe with a decent critical mass. But there are clouds on the horizon, and they

come in the shape of an attack of the clones, if you will, or more accurately, Pollution of the Clones. While the market for copycat businesses aping the latest startups form the Valley is well known, it's been a component, but never the only aspect, of the German scene. With Groupon's acquisition of CityDeal the CLone Scene could now threaten to overtake it's younger brother, the Innovation Scene. Here's why.



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TUAW's Daily App: Uprising Mike Schramm (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

great Poker Smash, if you've ever played that game), the treat is in the presentation. The Submitted at 5/17/2010 8:00:00 AM blocks pause for a second as you Filed under: iPhone Match-3 match them, adding a little bit of games are pretty easy to come extra strategy to your timing, by, so presentation is the really and the simple graphics and the qualifier -- does it do sounds add up to make a stylish something a little more and intriguing match-3 interesting than the average e x p e r i e n c e . block-matcher? On that level, There is a bit of a hitch in the Uprising succeeds. While the controls -- the touchscreen core gameplay is pretty common makes it a little confusing to see (you pull blocks around a board, where the blocks are going, or trying to match them out in sets which blocks you're moving of three or more before they sometimes, but the advantage is reach the top of the screen -- it's that multitouch works, so if very similar to Xbox Live's you're careful about it, you can

move more than one block at a time. That's something I've never seen in any match-3 game before, so Uprising is definitely worth the download. It's currently on sale for free as of this writing, too, so go check it out on the App Store. TUAW TUAW's Daily App: Uprising originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Mon, 17 May 2010 08:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

Tablet PC shocker! Fujitsu LifeBook T730 official, smaller version of T900 Joseph L. Flatley (Engadget)

comparatively svelte, 12.1-inch LED backlit package. Prices start at a Rockefeller-esque It's good to have options, right? $1,869 and move skyward everAnd, bam! Just like that, Fujitsu so-quickly depending on your announces a little something needs and budget. called the LifeBook T730. Tablet PC shocker! Fujitsu Sporting the same Intel Core i5- LifeBook T730 official, smaller 520M, i5-540M, or i7-620M version of T900 originally CPU available on the LifeBook appeared on Engadget on Mon, T900, this bad boy packs up to 17 May 2010 10:51:00 EST. 8GB RAM, 320GB HDD (or Please see our terms for use of 128GBSSD with encryption), f e e d s . Permalink Bluetooth, HDMI output, pen| Fujitsu| input (with optional capacitive Email this| Comments multitouch), and a Super-Multi DVD writer into a Submitted at 5/17/2010 10:51:00 AM

Technology/ Culture/ Products/

E-reader News Edition

Digitimes: Foxconn will ship 24 million 4G iPhones in 2010 Dave Caolo (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

Robert Pattinson Debuts a New Haircut and Talks About Proposing to Kristen - on Film! PopSugar (PopSugar)

Submitted at 5/17/2010 10:45:00 AM

Submitted at 5/17/2010 8:00:00 AM

Filed under: iPhone DigiTimes reports today on Foxconn's supposed plans to ship 24 million 4G iPhones this year, starting in June. June iPhone updates have become traditional for Apple watchers (just like iPod updates in September), and most observers expect WWDC to be this year's launch date. According to the report, the iPhones will be divvied up so that 4.5 million units go out in the first half of the year, reserving 19.5 million phones for the rest of 2010. DigiTimes analyst Ming-Chi Kuo also suggests that the new iPhones will feature a thinner, 960×640 resolution screen, which will create room for larger batteries and exceed Android's 854×480 resolution (on the highest end). Finally,

Robert Pattinson stepped out in LA yesterday with a brand new haircut and a his "Courier Scum" t-shirt. He also toted around a script as he gears up for production to start on Water for Elephants with Reese Witherspoon and a wise animal costar. Robert just rang in his 24th year last week - can you tell the difference between photos of him at 22 and 23? His pre-bday trip to Chicago for Oprah with his Eclipse costars Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner also included another revealing interview where the cast discussed their relationship, Rob's love scenes in Bel Ami and more. They said:

fringe-field switching (FFS) technology will improve the display's performance in sunlight and create a wider viewing angle, just in time for iBooks on the iPhone. Note these claims with a healthy dose of your typical rumor skepticism and mark your calendars for June 7th. That's when all will be revealed.

Probably. TUAW Digitimes: Foxconn will ship 24 million 4G iPhones in 2010 originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Mon, 17 May 2010 10:45:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

Best-Buy Lawn Mowers - from Consumer Reports Press Room (Consumer Reports) Submitted at 5/16/2010 9:00:59 PM

Best-Buy Lawn Mowers - from Consumer Reports Consumer


Reports helps you choose the best lawn mower for your needs. From the May issue. Lawn Mowers Podcast Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert

Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences

the producers that you can play it with a bit of awareness of not being a fictional character. I'm not trying to be part of a Gothic novel." • Robert on meeting someone who impressed him:"I took a picture with Ron Howard last year at the Oscars. I thought it was the funniest thing. I asked, 'Is it for your kids?' He said, 'No, it's for me. I want to have it on my phone.'" • Kristen on Rob's love scenes • Kristen on the early positive in Bel Ami:"They're all a little reaction to Eclipse:"It is a well- weird. A little edgy. And a little oiled machine at this point. We nude." have had a lot of time to • Taylor on his history with establish what this thing is about Stretch Armstrong:"I don't and a lot of time to consider it. remember having one at my And they gave us so much more house, but I totally remember money this time. So that is stretching that sucker." exciting." • Robert on having to propose to Kristen on film:"I was dreading the day it was coming. To see more photos of Robert The first time I read the script, I just read more. thought, 'This is impossible.' It's View 15 Photos › so earnest. I finally convinced


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E-reader News Edition

Ryan Gosling Is Red Hot Heading to Cannes for Blue Valentine PopSugar (PopSugar) Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:45:00 AM

Ryan Gosling kept his shades on yesterday as he headed into to catch a flight from LAX. The actor was on his way to France, where he'll attend a premiere of his film Blue Valentine at the Cannes Film Festival. Ryan's been busy in California working on a comedy with Steve Carell, but he's hesitant to branch out into an action movie. He said, "Those things are really hard, man. I don’t do them out of fear, because I really think the people that do those CGI movies are great actors. To make believe transparency could create a that some giant is chasing you quantum internet, quantum when a giant is not chasing you. memes originally appeared on . . That’s acting. It’s easier to do Engadget on Mon, 17 May 2010 things that are more true to life. 10:28:00 EST. Please see our If I had to act right now like t e r m s f o r u s e o f f e e d s . some monster just crashed Permalink PC World| IEEE through the building, you S p e c t r u m | E m a i l t h i s | wouldn’t hire me." View 5 Photos › Comments

Electromagnetically induced transparency could create a quantum internet, quantum memes Tim Stevens (Engadget) Submitted at 5/17/2010 10:28:00 AM

The transistor ushered the modern world of gadgets that we all love, and now optical transistors could help to bring us to the proper next generation of the internet. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics have demonstrated successful

electromagnetically induced transparency, or EIT, which is effectively a way of enabling one beam of light to control another. In their experiments, researchers used a rubidium atom to indicate state, blocking a beam of light in one direction but, when a laser hit it at a perpendicular angle, turning it transparent to allow the first beam through. The idea is that

this could serve as a sort of optical gate for quantum computers; the building block of a next-gen internet for next-gen devices. There's reason for excitement about the potential here, but researchers have a long, long way to go before anything like this is ready for reality, so don't give up those handlinks just yet. Electromagnetically induced


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Greece's Bailout Heroes Arrive in Leaking Boats (AEI.Org: Articles)

of faith in government debt markets is a virtual certainty. In other words, it is hardly good The $1 trillion coordinated n e w s f o r a c r e d i t o r i f a bailout to stave off a Greek debt hopelessly bankrupt borrower default is fatally flawed and may offers to take on the debts of a well lead to another, deeper hopelessly bankrupt borrower. global recession. During the financial crisis, faith While optimists hope the was restored in large financial bailout will signal an end to the institutions because toxic assets government debt crisis, the were essentially exchanged for history of debt crises suggests it g o v e r n m e n t b o n d s . I f is just the end of the first act in government bonds become what will be a long and drawn- toxic, there will be no effective out tragedy. treatment options remaining. As part of the bailout, Greece is The collapse will have no required to take tough medicine bottom. to get its fiscal house in order, Snap Judgment such as cutting salaries and And that collapse could happen p e n s i o n s o f g o v e r n m e n t at any moment. If lenders decide workers. That's easier said than collectively that the big Western done, given Greece's long governments have unsustainable history of generously rewarding debt positions and lack the those who go to work. political will to fix them, the end But the story doesn't end here. can come tomorrow. The fatal flaw in the plan is that Here is how it could go: the European nations bailing out Practically every day, Greece--even Germany, where governments around the world government debt has risen to have to borrow from new about 80 percent of gross lenders to pay off expiring debt. domestic product--have similar The U.S., for example, may budget problems and even less have borrowed $10 billion from political will to take similar the Chinese a year ago for one medicine. year. Today it will have to Their plan appears to rest on the borrow $10 billion from some hope that lenders won't notice. other lender in order to give the Eventually they will, and when Chinese their money back. that happens, a worldwide loss If lenders become disillusioned Submitted at 5/16/2010 6:00:00 PM

enough, they may well decide that they don't want to buy government debt today because they have no idea how much its value will decline between today and tomorrow. Governments in the business of refinancing themselves each week would be left with few options. It wouldn't be far-fetched or unprecedented for a rapid loss in faith in government debt to spread across the globe if Greece or another major country goes down. The Mexico Example In August 1982, the Mexican government suddenly found itself unable to roll over its private debts. The rescheduling arrangements and workarounds initiated what was a massive debt crisis. Mexico's GDP dropped more than 4 percent in 1983, and it took six years for GDP to return for good to 1982 levels. The only thing that has to happen is that lenders notice that the Europeans who plan to borrow money to repay entities that hold Greek debt are hardly better credit risks than the Greeks themselves. It might start with a failed Greek government debt auction, but it could rapidly affect every

Western government trying to borrow funds. If that happens, even the U.S. is in trouble. While the U.S. has been above the fray so far, an International Monetary Fund working paper published in 2003 suggests it is hardly in safe territory. External Debt The paper, written by economists Paolo Manasse of the University of Bologna along with Nouriel Roubini of New York University and the IMF's Axel Schimmelpfennig, studied historical sovereign-debt crises, exactly the situations that Western nations are hoping to avoid. They found that external debt levels--money owed to foreigners--exceeding 50 percent was a key indicator that debt default may occur Here is the chilling fact: the average external debt as a percent of GDP among countries in their sample the year before a sovereign debt crisis was 54.7 percent, and 71.4 percent in the crisis year. The U.S. external debt on Dec. 31, 2009, was $13.77 trillion, or almost 100 percent of GDP. For much of Europe, the story is worse. A key force driving external debt higher has been the

increase in government borrowing. In its first year, the Obama administration managed to add more than $8 trillion to the expected 2019 debt, now projected to reach $17.5 trillion. Even the optimistic scenario only delays the inevitable. Along this path, lenders continue to happily purchase government debt in the near term. But even then, the relatively healthy U.S. will look like Greece within a decade. The only path forward is one in which the major developed nations collectively make longrun budget adjustments designed to soothe market fears before a crisis ensues. Given that the only nation serious about deficit reduction right now is Greece, it seems almost impossible for this story to reach a happy end. Our choice is panic now, or panic later. Kevin A. Hassett is a senior fellow and the director of economic policy studies at AEI. Photo Credit: Flickr User pguilliatt/Creative Commons Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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An Obvious but Muzzled Truth: Islamist Terrorism (AEI.Org: Articles)

advanced similar theories. The Christmas underwear bomber, Barack Obama initially said, If you want to watch someone was an otherwise unspecified squirm, take a look at the two- "isolated extremist." Fort Hood minute videotape of Attorney killer Nidal Hasan, we were told General Eric Holder dodging by journalists, may have been a Republican Rep. Lamar Smith's victim of post-traumatic stress question whether "radical Islam" disorder--although he never saw motivated the Times Square combat. Back in the Bush years bomber. we were told that the gunman Holder, who last year called who started shooting at the El America "a nation of cowards" Al counter at Los Angeles for refusing to talk frankly about International Airport had just race, plainly didn't want to say chosen his target at random, and what is plain to everyone else, the New York Times found that Faisal Shahzad, back from nothing significant when the five months in Waziristan, Mumbai killers targeted a launched his terror attack Jewish community center. because of his Islamist beliefs. Why the reluctance to state the Holder is not the only one who obvious truth, that we are under wants to shield us from this attack from terrorists motivated obvious truth. New York Mayor by a radical form of Islam? Michael Bloomberg, questioned My theory is that these wellabout the bomber's motives, said i n t e n t i o n e d f o l k s e e t h e he might have been acting out of American people as a howling opposition to the health care m o b . T h e y t h i n k t h a t i f bill. Washington Post blogger A m e r i c a n s f i n d o u t t h a t Ezra Klein said he might have Islamists are attacking us, they b e c o m e u n h i n g e d b y t h e will go out and slaughter foreclosure of his Connecticut innocent Muslims. They think home. that Americans are incapable of S i m i l a r d i g n i t a r i e s h a v e understanding the simple truth Submitted at 5/16/2010 6:00:00 PM

that while most terrorists are Islamists, the large majority of Muslims are not terrorists. Of course the evidence is that Americans are quite capable of holding these two ideas in their heads. Even after September 11 there were only a minuscule number of attacks on Muslims, and many more Americans went over to their Muslim neighbors and offered to help if they had any trouble. They didn't even need to hear the almost instant assurances from Rudy Giuliani and George W. Bush that all Muslims were not terrorists to bake a cake and bring it over. The howling mob theory explains a lot of otherwise puzzling things. It helps to explain why Janet Napolitano's Homeland Security Department, tasked with finding possible terrorists, set about tracking disgruntled military veterans and gun owners. Just the kind of people who turn into a howling mob! It helps to explain journalists' desperate search for racist epithets at Tea Party gatherings-and their lack of interest in the

actual violence that has been common at rallies against the Arizona immigration law and antiwar marches. It helps to explain the Justice Department's decision to drop the case against the New Black Panthers who were violently intimidating voters in Philadelphia on Election Day. It helps to explain why Solicitor General Elena Kagan was willing to work in the Clinton White House after Bill Clinton signed the law banning open gays in the military--a law Kagan has said she detests. Hey, he was just trying to propitiate the howling mob. It should go without saying that it's ridiculous to believe, as many liberals do, that just about everyone west of Manhattan and east of Hollywood likes to go around wearing white sheets. On a novel issue like gays in the military, many Americans have been moving away from Clinton's 1990s position and toward Kagan's, even while they move away from her views on other issues like abortion. As it became obvious that the

Democrats' health care bills and the Obama big government programs were opposed by most Americans, some liberals resorted to a variant of the howling mob theory: Americans were against these programs because they didn't like having a black president. This despite the fact that Obama was elected by the largest percentage margin in the last 20 years. When you see a smart man like Holder saying stupid things you know something else is going on. You're seeing a high official who regards most of us as cowards, who believes the truth could make us a howling mob. Does Obama feel the same way? Michael Barone is a resident fellow at AEI. P h o t o Credit:iStockphoto/mustafa can Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

ExtensionFM Turns The Web Into Your Personal Jukebox [Downloads] Jason Fitzpatrick (Lifehacker) Submitted at 5/17/2010 6:30:00 AM

Chrome: If you missed our

invitations to the beta testing of Extension FM now's your chance to try it out in public release. ExtensionFM puts a

media player in the Google

Chrome navigation bar that builds playlists from the sites you visit. More Âť Google Chrome- Browsers-

Google- Clients- WWW

E-reader News Edition



An Incredible Tour Through The Dark Side Of Hong Kong Gus Lubin (The Money Game)

This district has the second most educated residents with the highest income, the second Investors love Hong Kong. The lowest population and the third former British colony ranks as oldest residents. It is also the the third most important global only district without any public finance center and is rarely housing estates. Apparently, a s s o c i a t e d w i t h c h a o t i c one in five persons there has m a i n l a n d C h i n a a n d t h e assets of more than 1 million property bubble. HKD. It’s not uncommon here But don't for a second think for gweilo businessmen to get Hong Kong is 100% clean and d r u g g e d a n d r o b b e d b y modern. “working girls.” The Dark Side(an anonymous Photo credit: Hugo Poon l o c a l b l o g ) p r e p a r e d a n Eastern – HK Island incredible guide to the Image: underbelly of HK's 18 districts. t h e d a r k s i d e . h k : Their work is reprinted with This district had a population permission. Central and Western 587,690 in 2006. Originally a – HK Island backwater of fishing villages, Image: quarries and dockyards, the Eastern District is now mostly With a population of around residential, with some industrial 300.000, this district has the a r e a s a n d s e v e r a l l a r g e most educated residents and the shopping malls. Two months third lowest population due to ago, in North Point, a 58-yearits relatively small size. It’s old janitor was found dead in regarded the central business the staff changing room of his district and the core urban area workplace, with a half-finished of Hong Kong. In 2008, a 20- glutinous rice dumpling next to y e a r - o l d d r u n k w o m a n i s his body. It’s likely the poor molested by a taxi driver after sob choked to death. leaving Lan Kwai Fong. She Photo credit: williewonker asks the driver to take her to Southern – HK Island Wan Chai, but he instead takes Image: her to a rural area in Sha Tin, t h e d a r k s i d e . h k : rapes her and kicks her out of Had a population of 290,240 in t h e c a r a f t e r t a k i n g h e r 2001. The Southern District valuables. faces the China Sea at the Photo credit: Maciej Dakowich south, and is backed by hills and Wanchai – HK Island reservoirs -designated as I m a g e : t h e d a r k s i d e . h k Country Parks- at the north. The eastern half of the district is Submitted at 5/17/2010 8:40:23 AM

Image: It had a population of 381,352 in 2001. The district has the third most educated residents while its residents enjoy the highest income in Kowloon. Kowloon City District is a relatively low density residential area. Part of the district was the location of the original Kowloon City. Last year, a 35-year-old man in Hung Hom committed a series of arson attacks in a twohour span because he was “unhappy.” He told the officers who arrested him that voices in his head told him to become a pyro. semi-rural, with some of Hong r e q u i r e l i t t l e f u r t h e r Photo credit: phohang Kong’s most popular beaches. e x p l a n a t i o n . Wong Tai Sin – Kowloon In 2008 a screwdriver was Sham Shui Po – Kowloon Image: thrown from a flat which ended Image: up embedded in the shin of a t h e d a r k s i d e . h k : This is the only landlocked very unlucky woman. This is the poorest district in district of the city and has a Photo credit: Hugo Poon H o n g K o n g , w i t h a population of approx. 500.000 Yau Tsim Mong – Kowloon predominantly working-class people. The district has the least I m a g e : t h e d a r k s i d e . h k population of 365,540, the educated residents with the l o w e s t m e d i a n h o u s e h o l d lowest income, the oldest This is the core urban area of income and the fourth least residents and the second highest Kowloon and has the third educated residents. Apliu Street population density. In 2008 a highest population density of all in Sham Shui Po is a well hiker was attacked by a group of districts. The 2006 census known place for electronics wild dogs, and got injured as he recorded the total population of geeks. Last year a woman threw attempted to run away from Yau Tsim Mong District at 20 bricks from the rooftop of a them. What to take away from 280,548. Formerly two districts, nine-storey Sham Shui Po this? Don’t hike. the Yau Tsim District and building. Even though nobody Kwun Tong – Kowloon Mong Kok District, it was got hurt, the police apprehended Image: combined in 1994 as an the hysterical nutcase, who t h e d a r k s i d e . h k : acronym of three of its major sang the Chinese national 600.000 peepz here. The areas: Yau Ma Tei, Tsim Sha anthem during questioning. district has the third highest Tsui, and Mong Kok. Home of Photo credit: pondspider INCREDIBLE page 39 the famous “ acid attacks” that Kowloon City – Kowloon



E-reader News Edition

10 Reasons To Buy Bonds NOW Christopher Pavese, CFA (The Money Game) Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:06:00 AM

(This is a guest post from The View From Blue Ridge.) It is important to note that in the near term, the contraction in private sector credit combined with the threat of fresh credit concerns ahead, will likely keep a lid on inflation pressures. This view is perhaps where we differ most from today’s consensus thinking, where many expect an immediate and permanent increase in inflation levels. We aim to capitalize on this departure from consensus later in the year, but importantly, the difference is simply one of timing. The excerpt above is from our year-end letter to investors. Importantly, “later in the year” is now! Here's 10 Reasons To Buy Bonds > Sparked by a growing recognition of sovereign risk originating from the Eurozone, investors flocked to the relative safety of US Treasuries last week, driving yields on the 30 Year Bond to 4.28% and the 10 Year Treasury to 3.43% at Friday’s close. We expect this move out of risk assets and into government bonds to accelerate in the period ahead. As we explained in our Fourth Quarter Investor Call, a multi-decade decline in interest rates has led to a massive bubble in debt at

home and abroad. But contrary to popular belief, we cannot borrow our way to wealth and prosperity. At some point, borrowers must pay the piper and the zero hour appears to be

fast approaching. According to research by Ned Davis, in the current decade, $1 of debt has only produced $0.17 of GDP growth (versus $0.59 to $0.73 in the fifties through the

seventies), suggesting a severe strain on our nation’s balance sheet. Given our massive debt bubble, even minor rises in interest rates create enormous

difficulties in debt service. This is illustrated in the chart below taken from our Fourth Quarter Investor Call slides. REASONS page 40

E-reader News Edition


INCREDIBLE continued from page 37

population while the income is below average. It is the most densely populated district, with 55,000 people per km², but it is also one of the largest industrial areas in Hong Kong. Pollution, poverty and aging population are themes frequently associated with this part of the city. Earlier this year, a 23-year -old student at the University of Hong Kong committed suicide because of his enduring acne problems. He hanged himself in an alley of an industrial building in Kwun Tong. Photo credit: Alan HL Kwai Tsing – New Territories Image: This district has approx. 500.000 inhabitants. The internationally famous container terminals can be found where, along the shores of Rambler Channel between Kwai Chung and Tsing Yi Island. Over 75% of the district residents live in public housing. Last month a 46-year-old man dressed as “The Green Hornet” threatened to leap from a pedestrian bridge in Kwai Tsing. The stunt lasted for 10 minutes. Photo credit: das farbamt Tsuen Wan – New Territories Image: It had a population of 275,527

in 2001 and its residents enjoy the highest income in the New Territories. The district was set up in 1982 covering the present -day Tsuen Wan District and Kwai Tsing District. Kwai Chung and Tsing Yi District was split in the mid-1980s, and subsequently renamed as Kwai Tsing District. Earlier this year, a 17-year-old teenager gave birth to a baby boy at her flat in Tsuen Wan, where she lived with her boyfriend and his family members. The boy was later thrown in a garbage bin as the girl decided she could not take care of him. Photo credit: cnmark Tuen Mun – New Territories Image: In this district we find Tuen Mun New Town, which contains one of the largest residential areas in the New Territories. According to archaeologists, fishermen have settled in Tuen Mun since the New Stone Age. Last year a 14-year-old boy claimed he would kill himself after losing to his 55-year-old mother on a TV game show. The woman called the police and the hysterical boy was sent to Tuen Mun Hospital, where we assume they opened a nice can of whoopass on him. Photo credit: funfront Yuen Long – New Territories

Image: Around 500.000 inhabitants. The district has the youngest population of Hong Kong and the lowest income in the New Territories. Yuen Long New Town was developed from the traditional market town of Yuen Long Town from the late 1970s. In 2009, a 21-year-old man stole HK$ 2,000 from a prostitute, but forgot to take his underpants and wallet when he left her Yuen Long apartment. He returned and attempted to call a truce, offering to return the money in exchange for his property. The 38-year-old hooker refused and captured him with the help of five neighbors, also prostitutes. They called the police and pulled his pants down to prevent him from escaping. Pwnd! North – New Territories Image: The new town of FanlingSheung Shui is within this district and the entire area had a population of 298,657 in 2001. Last month, a police investigation into the disappearance of a DutchChinese man in one of the district villages resulted in the discovery of 372 kilograms of cocaine. Street value: HK$ 337 million. It was the largest drug

seizure in Hong Kong’s history. Photo credit: Archangeli Tai Po – New Territories Image: Like Yuen Long, the area of Tai Po used to be a traditional market town and it has a population of around 300.000. A married police officer was arrested in 2009 after he got caught dressed only in a pair of fishnet tights in a Tai Po country park after midnight. A woman saw the officer, 49, standing in a bush, dressed in the tights and with his mouth covered by a piece of tape. She called the police. When officers arrive at the scene, they discovered a dildo and women’s underwear in his car. Sha Tin – New Territories Image: According to the 2001 census, it had a population of 628,634, including about 27,000 people living in 48 indigenous villages. In 2007, a man threw his sixyear-old daughter out of a building before leaping to his own death. Photo credit: Chris J Stanley Sai Kung – New Territories Image: This is the second largest district in Hong Kong in terms of space. Sai Kung District

covers approximately 136 km² and in 2006 it had a population of 406,442. During the 1990s, there were several shark attacks on Sai Kung’s beaches, some fatal. Photo credit: The Orange Cat Islands – New Territories Image: The Islands District consists of some twenty large and small islands which lie to the south and southwest of Hong Kong. With an area that is 16% of Hong Kong and a population that is 2% of Hong Kong, the Islands District is the largest in terms of space and also the least populated. The island of Cheung Chau is well known for a spate of suicide cases (most of them by “burning charcoal”) that took place inside rental holiday homes. Hong Kong Chinese-language newspapers have creatively dubbed the island “Death Island” ever since. Now don't miss.... Meet 19Year-Old Yingzi, China's Most Obnoxious Real Estate Mogul Join the conversation about this story »


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REASONS continued from page 38

The “choking point” of rising rates on the economy has become lower and lower over time. In other words, greater and greater levels of debt act as larger and larger speed bumps for economic growth. Put simply, with an ever increasing weight of debt on our shoulders it takes successively smaller hiccups in yields, to break the economy’s back. In 1989, when rates rose to 9.5%, they popped the commercial real estate bubble and caused the S&L crisis. In 1999, the tech bubble busted as rates approached 6.5%. And in June of 2006, interest rates at 5.25% triggered a collapse of the residential property market and brought about the Great Recession. We believe the next “choking point” for the economy is likely to be significantly lower than the previous ones, given the massive surge in public and private sector debt loads and the looming threat of debt deflation. This is particularly worrisome given the mortgage reset schedule that has just begun, unwinding fiscal stimulus, and the deflationary spiral just kicking off in the Eurozone. We had initially suggested that 10 Year Treasury Bonds yielding 4% – 4.5% would offer investors an attractive hedge against deflation (particularly

when held as a barbell with gold). But given the growing macro risks on the horizon and the shortening fuse on those risks, we are comfortable buying here and hope to continue buying on any weakness. We covered our Treasury shorts as yields spiked in late March and became buyers shortly thereafter as our conviction increased that both leading indicators and CPI are set to peak in the immediate term, potentially cutting short the tactical back-up in yields we envisioned. This has been by far our most out-of-consensus call for 2010. We measure this analytically by how many times we are laughed at, yelled at, or called idiots by our friends and family. Believe us, we understand the long term risks in government debt, as we described in detail in the Fourth Quarter Broyhill Letter: Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of “The Black Swan,” said “every single human being” should bet U.S. Treasury bonds will decline, citing the policies of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke and the Obama administration. Aside from the occasional flight-to-safety rallies driven by periodic credit fears in the near term, we concur. Like Treasuries, the dollar should benefit from the

same intermittent credit pressures related to ongoing deleveraging, but the long term trend remains lower for the tallest midget in the room. Emphatically, this is one of those “occasional flight to safety rallies.” It is likely to be a doozy!! 1. Core inflation falls after a recession Core inflation historically falls after the end of a recession. In the 11 recessions from 1950 through July 2009, the end of recession was followed by declining inflation, with CPI bottoming on average, about 29 months after the recession ended. Longer term inflation concerns are warranted, but there are more immediate threats in front of us. 2. Bond yields will decline in coming quarters With core inflation declining and nominal economic growth rates weak in the aftermath of financial crisis, bond yields should trend lower in coming quarters. Investors looking to purchase long-term inflation hedges, should see more attractive entry points in the period ahead. Be patient. 3. Get ready for 2% long term yields The average long term Treasury rate since 1870 is 4.3% and the average annual CPI is 2.1%. If inflation trends toward zero (before moving much higher later in the decade), then long term bond yields could

naturally fall toward 2%. 4. Look what happened in Japan A near term deflationary environment bodes very well for long term bonds. Long term Treasury rates dropped from 3.6% in 1929 to 1.9% in 1941. Interest rates in Japan fell from 5.7% in 1989 to 1.1% in 2008 while the Nikkei dropped 77.2% over the entire period. 5. Debt levels are not as important as you think The most common argument from Bond Bears is higher levels of debt must lead to higher yields. The reality is that the economic cycle still dominates intermediate swings in bond prices – a growing list of leading indicators are pointing to slowing economic growth ahead. 6. Bernanke is the only market engine The velocity of money is falling at the same time money growth has come to an abrupt stop. Monetary policy is effectively pushing on a string. 7. 80% of money managers MUST be wrong Nearly 80% of money managers in Barron’s Big Money Poll say they are bearish on Treasuries. When everyone agrees that rates are headed higher, something else is bound to happen. 8. Retail investors are way too bullish on equities Similarly, retail investors are once again,

near their highest allocation to equities at the market’s highs. I believe some call this Predictably Irrational. The last time bullish sentiment was this high was back in December 2007 when the S&P 500 was trading at 1500! 9. The European problem will not go away Greek default and contagion risks across the Eurozone periphery. Cascading disruptions throughout the European banking system. This risk will not go away anytime soon. News will get worse before it gets better. Think back to how subprime was “contained” or how the Bear Stearns rescue marked the “panic lows” for the markets. Greece is a pebble in the Euro Pond. The ripples it causes will ultimately be very messy. 10. Read number nine again Read number nine again. Don't miss... Image: jon_a_ross on flickr 10 Reasons NOT To Make A Contrarian Bet On Europe Join the conversation about this story »


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Ireland Destined For A Greece-Like Debt Nightmare By The Year 2012 Gregory White (The Money Game) Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:23:30 AM

Ireland's debt situation is set to get much worse, even though they've been aggressive in restructuring their banking sector. Irish economist Morgan Kelly doesn't think Ireland's new fiscal policies are going to get them anywhere, except to a 2012 debt to GDP ratio of 115%. That's just as bad as Greece. The problem lies not in Ireland's fiscal restraint, but in absorbing the banking system's losses on mortgages and other debt instruments. Ireland has chosen to set up an agency to acquire the bad debt of the country's banks. Due to the declining strength of the Irish economy, those loans are never likely to return to full or even half-value. Exacerbating that is a banking system that relies too much on international lending, which is likely to dry up as belief in the Irish economy decreases. The country is therefore taking on losses from the banking sector, without gaining any

benefits. Adding that to the loss in tax-receipts from an economy in recession and Ireland is likely to need EU assistance in the short term, rather than long, according to Kelly. So much for the Celtic Tiger. The Celtic Tiger Stops Roaring The Celtic Tiger was the phrase most associated with Ireland since the 1990s, describing its dramatic growth from one of Europe's poorest states to one of its richest. The boom was based upon some solid fundamentals, but also a property and credit boom similar to the U.S. Property Market Collapse Ireland's property boom was at the heart of the Celtic Tiger phenomenon, and when it bust it brought much of the previous decade's economic growth with it, including several of the country's biggest banks. Dublin: Boom To Bust Dublin saw itself fall from Dubai on the Liffey levels back to Earth as massive projects like the " U2 Tower" were canceled. Photo: Overseas Property Mall Recapitalization of Many Irish Banks Ireland had to recapitalize its banking sector as

a result of bad loans and property deals on their books. The consequences are still being felt, and more details of the bailout's expansion are set to surface next week. Anglo-Irish Bank Nationalization The Irish government was forced to acquire Anglo Irish Bank rather than provide a$1.97 billion cash injection as it was believed it would not have been enough to save the troubled bank. The government continues to hold onto ownership of the nationalized firm. The Creation Of The National Asset Managing Agency Ireland

is to set up NAMA, the National Asset Managing Agency, with the goal of buying up much of the distressed assets on Irish bank books. Full details have yet to emerge, but the government, under Taoiseach Brian Cowen, is set to do so March 26. Waterford Crystal No Longer Irish Waterford Crystal, an Irish cultural mainstay, reduced its presence in the country during the crisis cutting 480 of the 670 employees at its Irish plant, then later completely ended its existence there after being acquired by a private equity firm.

Picture: Socialist Party Irish Depression Ireland fell officially into a depression in 2009, with at least a 10% drop in GDP from its previous heights. Bulldozing Vacant Homes The proposed Irish National Asset Management Agency intends to buy up large quantities of finished and unfinished sites and bulldoze them to stabilize demand in the property marketplace. Photo: Ireland After NAMA The Irish Austerity Budget The Irish austerity budget made severe cuts to public services across Ireland in an effort to reduce the deficit as a percentage of GDP and increase confidence in Irish sovereign debt. Welfare payments were slashed 4.1% and the total budget was cut 8.8%. Picture: The Gulf Scream Now Check Out How The U.S. Government Would Look Under An Austerity Budget Image: What Would Irish Cuts Look Like In The U.S. >>> Join the conversation about this story Âť


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And Now, An Actual Bull Case For The Euro Joe Weisenthal (The Money Game) Submitted at 5/17/2010 8:34:34 AM

Any taxi driver could probably tell you why the euro is screwed, so that story is rapidly becoming less interesting. ( Though if any of you actually hear a taxi driver talking euros, please let us know.) So, why might the euro stabilize and possibly rally? Mike O'Rourke at BTIG lays out some potentially bullish facts -- most notable is the fact that the anti-euro trade is getting ridiculously crowded. This all sets up for a showdown this week. It is highly likely that policymakers on both sides of the Atlantic will want to drill home the point that they were serious about the package announced a week ago. If the ECB can continue to sustain the improvements in sovereign yields, the next battle ground will likely be the Euro currency. If stability is established there, it will also have a calming effect on other markets. Speculative short futures on the Euro have risen to record levels and are

close to double the previous peak registered in 2008 (see chart 1). In addition, Euro speculator longs as a percentage of positions are essentially at all time lows and hedger longs are as a percentage of positions are at all time highs. So, things will start by a stabilization in the euro Needless to say, such positioning within the market will likely provide opportunity for the currency to stabilize over the intermediate term in this low 1.20’s range. The Dollar index is approximately 60% weighted versus the Euro and is

Cumberland Advisors, whose argument is basically that European leaders have already doing a lot, and will likely do more, having learned from our post-Bear Stearns, post-Lehman fiasco.. Our conversations with European policy makers this past week confirm that they are committed to the Eurozone and to the correction of the structural deficiencies that led to the Greek-induced crisis. Furthermore, they learned from approaching notable resistance the US housing-finance-induced at the 88 level. Other indicators global crisis. They are moving here in the U.S. are becoming ahead rapidly with major efforts constructive as a result of the to create whatever liquidity is global turmoil. The Vix jumped required to calm markets, while back above 30 on Friday and implementing changes to deal AAII Sentiment dropped to 50% with management of the debt bullish, which is the lowest loads. reading in 7 weeks and 5th Add in the fact that the euro is lowest reading of 2010. Lastly, now more reasonably priced -the economic data continues to as opposed to the ridiculously pull through. None of these overvalued $1.50 level -- and indicators is a “bell-ringer”, but exporters should begin to do taken collectively, they should better, meaning fundamental set the stage for stability to re- improvement. Join the conversation about this emerge this week. story » As for an actual bull case, that comes from David Kotok at

Cutest Pet of the Day: Autumn Editors (Daily Woman's Day Blog) Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:00:00 AM

Autumn loves to smell the flowers. Thanks to the Perfume Garden for submitting! Each day we will post an adorable picture or video of some of the world's cutest pets. Send your furry friends to and you might just see them on the site! VOTE for your favorites here using our new Cute Pet Face-Off tool. Ten winners will receive a Harry Barker collar and leash set from! For official rules click here. (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks) s c i e n c e hot flash or two. Find seven The Art of Looking Prime Five Filters featured article: is showing that there are some “wonder women” foods and Ministerial - The 2010 UK The Art of Looking Prime The first step in any healthy foods that can help ward off recipes to get them cooking in General Election. Available Ministerial - The 2010 UK diet is eating a balanced variety osteoporosis, heart disease, your kitchen. tools: PDF Newspaper, Full General Election. Available of foods, so everyone should breast cancer, and even tone Next Tomatoes Text RSS, Term Extraction. tools: PDF Newspaper, Full start there. But for women, down a Five Filters featured article: Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Foods for Women

Economy/ Culture/

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EPIC FAIL: California Now Has A Higher Default Risk Than Battle Zone Thailand Vincent Fernando, CFA (The Money Game)

also probably has the U.S federal government backing its liabilities to boot. Submitted at 5/17/2010 8:45:00 AM California, 272.80 basis point Please allow a moment of CDS spread: humor during extremely tense From CMA Datavision: times I'm watching closely in Thailand, just 159.64 basis Thailand.... So Thai credit points, ie. lower perceived risk default swap spreads have been of default than California. soaring as central Bangkok From CMA Datavision: remains a war zone. Investors Obviously California's are getting quite concerned problems are financial while about Thailand's sovereign Thailand's are political/cultural, creditworthiness due to political but still this makes California clashes, long-term violence, and look pretty bankrtupt. We agree its potential economic effects. with the CDSs though. Despite Yet credit default spreads for t h e t u r m o i l , T h a i l a n d ' s Thai debt are still FAR lower, government is actually in pretty ie. debt has lower perceived good shape financially, given risk, than California. This is that they were once bitten and despite the fact that California twice shy since the 1997 Asia

crisis (which started in Thailand and caused the currency to lose half its value in an instant). If anything though, the Thai comparison shows how country's, or even California,

can bounce back from complete financial melt-downs, since again, now just 13 years later Thailand's finances are in pretty good shape even if its political situation isn't. Thailand made a

complete recovery from an ugly 1997 financial crisis after restructuring banks, reorganizing its government finances, and simply enduring tons of bankruptcies. So while California might have a financial collapse ahead, not all will be lost if we simply let it happen. California will just go through an extremely difficult learning experience, but history shows that many places can emerge from financial crises quite quickly. Don't miss: 16 reasons California is the new Greece > Join the conversation about this story Âť

5 Signs You're Not Happy (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed)

Africa, this Coke-happiness correlation may have more behind it than just marketing C o c a - C o l a w o u l d l i k e dollars. In times of war and consumers to believe that political strife in recent years, happiness can be bottled up in Coke sales have dipped; when just 12 fluid ounces (355 stability returned, so did the milliliters) of sugary goodness. soda consumption [source: T h e c o m p a n y ' s s o d a Economist]. advertisements pair its products Monitoring someone's Coke with the most enjoyable times in consumption isn't the most life -- neighborhood cookouts, s c i e n t i f i c w a y t o g a u g e movie dates and hanging out happiness. But the Africa with near and dear ones. In anecdote is an example of the Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:00:00 AM

relationship between emotional states and behavior. It's well understood that our feelings often impact actions. Confidence, for instance, breeds socialization, and apathy fosters withdrawal. Interpreting the emotions behind the exhibitions isn't always simple. When asked, most people will concede that they're happy [source: Soltis]. They may not be over the moon in rapture, but they're far more

likely to describe themselves as at least slightly happy than as unhappy. At the same time, the National Institutes of Health report that more than 20 million people in the United States suffer from depression. While you can't equate depression with run-of-the-mill unhappiness, there does seem to be a disconnection between reported and actual happiness. In that case, certain behaviors can raise red flags that negative

emotions are taking a toll. After recognizing them and taking action, folks can get back on track toward joy. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



E-reader News Edition

Android Comes of Age at Google Developer Conference Priya Ganapati (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 5/16/2010 11:00:00 PM

In 2008, when Google organized its first developers’ conference, it gave attendees the first phones to run Android, its open source mobile operating system. Now three years later, Android is one of the fastest-growing mobile platforms. Even though Google recently announced plans to close the web store for its Nexus One phone, Android itself is still going strong. In the first quarter of the year, a gaggle of Android-based phones grabbed 28 percent of the smartphone market in the United States, trailing Research In Motion’s BlackBerry devices (36 percent) and ahead of Apple’s iPhone OS (21 percent), according to research firm The NPD Group. It’s a stunning growth curve for an independent platform that seemed to emerge out of nowhere. And it has turned Google’s developer event into one of the hottest tickets in town with developers begging for passes to it on Craigslist and eBay. An Android developer told that his company paid $1,600 for a $100 ticket to the conference — with an agreement that any swag handed out will be given to the ticket seller. “The biggest difference with

this conference compared to earlier ones is the sheer amount of interest in the platform,” says Harry Tormey, software engineer at Snaptic, which makes a note-taking app for both Android phones and the iPhone. “It will be interesting to get a feel for where things are

going in the mobile space.” At the Google I/O event May 18 and 19 in San Francisco, Google will likely focus attention on its Chrome browser and operating system, which will run on everything from netbooks to set-top TV boxes. But Android will be a key part

of the picture. Android developers say they are looking to hear from Google about how to make Android apps better, make money off the platform and deal with the problem of fragmentation with many versions of the OS available on phones currently.

“Android has been so successful so fast and they are iterating quickly,” says Gregg Fiddes, vice-president of sales and business development for Quickoffice, which makes mobile-productivity software. ANDROID page 49


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Robotic Pancreas: One Man's Quest to Put Diabetics on Autopilot Dan Hurley (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 5/16/2010 11:00:00 PM

Artificial pancreas: An implant feeds blood-sugar data to a pump that automatically administers insulin. Photo: Stan Musilek, Illustration by Jameson Simpson, Grooming by Veronica Sjoen/Artist Untied Jeffrey Brewer was on top of the world. For years he had put in 100-hour workweeks as cofounder of two early Internet juggernauts: local guide Citysearch and the online advertising pioneer (later renamed Overture). But by 2001, with more than enough money to live on for the rest of his life, the 32-year-old handed off control of Overture and set out on a yearlong trip to Australia with his wife and two kids. Upon their return to the States, though, they noticed something odd. Seven-year-old Sean was unquenchably thirsty and urinating far more often than usual. On September 19, 2002, they took him to the pediatrician. The doctor gave him a urine test and announced without hesitation, “Your son has type 1 diabetes.” Previously known as juvenile diabetes because it is usually diagnosed before adulthood,

type 1 is the “other” kind of diabetes, the kind no amount of dietary adjustment will hold at bay. It develops rapidly, due to a mysterious autoimmune reaction that attacks the insulinproducing beta cells in the pancreas. Treatment requires insulin injections and relentless hour-by-hour diet control. Short -term, the main risk is hypoglycemia— low bloodsugar level caused by too much insulin — which makes patients exhausted and confused, leading to unconsciousness and death if not treated immediately with something sweet. But the opposite problem, high blood sugar, raises the long-term risks of kidney failure, blindness, amputation, and heart disease. Either way, type 1 diabetics live on the edge, a cupcake away from a coma. Nurses taught the Brewers how to inject the insulin and how to prick Sean’s finger for the drop of blood to test his blood-sugar level with a little meter. They learned a simple algorithm: If their son’s blood sugar was this high, give him so many units of insulin; if it was this much higher, give him that much more. It’s a crude scale that every one of the more than 1 million type 1 diabetics in the US makes do with daily. Tall, thin, and intense, Brewer

was shocked by the antiquated approach. “I had this logbook,” he says. “I’m testing Sean every few hours, and I’m thinking, this is crying out for automation. A computer should do this and would do it better. Why didn’t this exist, with all that we can do?” So began phase II of Brewer’s life. He would become advocate -in-chief for bringing to market a breakthrough technology that has been promised for decades: a fully automated, selfregulating artificial organ — mechanical and electronic rather than biological — that would sense blood-sugar levels continuously and release just the right amount of insulin at just the right time without the need for any action, or even awareness, on the patient’s part. Good-bye to many-times-daily blood tests. Farewell to insulin injections containing back-ofthe-napkin dosages and inevitable hours of feeling ill. Good riddance to the risk of slipping into unconsciousness and an untimely death. Brewer would start the race to build a technological fix for diabetes. The biggest obstacle? Bureaucratic logjams. Everyone, Brewer soon found out, had an excellent reason for not letting Sean and other diabetics fly on autopilot.

Manufacturers were afraid of liability, academics were bent on achieving perfection, and the Food and Drug Administration was downright jumpy at the thought of letting a computer control a mechanism with lifeand-death responsibilities. Yet most of the components for what researchers were calling an artificial pancreas — an external device the size of an iPod that would duplicate the insulinsecreting and -regulating functions of that organ — were already in place. An insulin pump had been approved back in the late 1970s, and a continuous glucose monitor that read the output of a sensor implanted under the skin was nearing approval. (The first one would hit the market in 2005.) The trick was to connect the two via software, letting the monitor’s information on bloodsugar levels — high or low, rising or falling — serve as the basis for calculating exactly how much insulin to release. Brewer flung himself into the challenge with the same passion he had brought to his Internet startups. Less than a month after his son’s diagnosis, at a meeting of the Diabetes Technology Society, he was ready to shake things up. After listening to an arcane academic debate about which algorithm would be best

for the pump, Brewer stood up in the audience and began berating the scientists for dithering over details. “We have all the pieces,” he said. “We need to start commercializing these technologies, because people living with the disease need it.” The audience broke into applause. Then Brewer hit the road, traveling to the leading manufacturers in diabetes technology. He joined the board of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. “I remember it vividly,” says Aaron Kowalski, the JDRF’s assistant vice president for glucose control research, about the first time he witnessed one of Brewer’s applause-inducing interruptions. “It was amazing. I’ve been to many, many scientific meetings, and I don’t know that I’ve ever seen anything like that happen before.” Pages: Previous 1 2| Full Page | Next Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



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May 17, 1902: Ancient Antikythera Calculating Mechanism Discovered Brandon Keim (Wired Top Stories)

famous artifact was not brought to the surface until May 17, 1902. Submitted at 5/16/2010 11:00:00 PM The device captured the world’s 1902: A diver exploring a i m a g i n a t i o n . Such shipwreck off the coast of craftsmanship wouldn’t be seen Antikythera, an island between for a thousand years after the the Greek mainland and Crete, Greeks — but its purpose was a brings up a heavily encrusted m y s t e r y t o 2 0 t h - c e n t u r y mechanism that turns out to be a r c h a e o l o g i s t s . t h e w o r l d ’ s f i r s t k n o w n Many different researchers took scientific instrument. turns investigating the machine The Antikythera mechanism and its possible uses. Scientists plotted the positions of celestial p a i n s t a k i n g l y r e v e r s e bodies 19 years into the future engineered the mechanism, — and as an added bonus, it deciphered the script etched on k e p t t r a c k o f u p c o m i n g its housing — the world’s first Olympics. instruction manual — and "The maker took information pieced the fragments into about astronomical theories, and p h y s i c a l a n d l a t e r d i g i t a l made a machine that could models, and most recently a predict the future," said Tony working replica. Freeth, co-author of a study They determined that the published in Nature in July mechanism predicted future 2008. "And it would tell you, as positions of the moon and sun, a b i t o f a n a d d - o n , w h a t and perhaps other planets. But Olympic games would be in that’s not all: Freeth and his progress at the time." Antikythera Mechanism A dictionary-size assemblage of Research Project colleagues 37 interlocking dials crafted found a tiny dial labeled with w i t h t h e p r e c i s i o n a n d the locations of Olympic complexity of a 19th-century c o m p e t i t i o n s . Swiss clock, the machine has The feature was probably not been dated to approximately 150 integral to its function, said B.C. The wreck was first F r e e t h , b u t a s t y l i s h discovered in 1900, but its most demonstration of the machine’s

power, not unlike a watch that displays stock prices or an iPhone-enabled speedometer. "It’s slightly opportunistic in terms of how it’s powered through the gearing. If you wanted to do a dial that turns every four years, it’s easy, but this is at the end of a more complicated gear train. It’s an add-on," said Freeth. Of course, the mechanism itself was much more significant than a watch or an iPhone: It’s the forerunner of all scientific instrumentation. The Olympics were also of paramount importance to ancient Greeks, who labeled years in relation to ongoing Olympiads and suspended wars for the games’ duration. Perhaps the mechanism was used to foretell the celestial auspices of competitions, said Freeth, but he’s not convinced. "We haven’t found anything on the instrument that suggests it was used for astrology, which was suggested in the past," he said. "I think the maker was showing off a huge amount of knowledge and skill. They demonstrated that you could take these theories about how astronomical bodies move, and

make a machine that would calculate them. That was a completely revolutionary idea." Though its functions are understood, said Freeth, its application remains unknown. "We don’t have any insights into the mind of the designer," he said. "We can only look at the result — and the result is dazzling. You can only admire the person who made it. But I’m not quite sure why they put the Olympics there." Source: Various Images courtesy Antikythera Mechanism Research Project. The top image and the one immediately beneath it depict the Olympic dial, which is divided into four quadrants representing the scattered stages of each Olympiad: NEMEA for the Nemean games, ‘ISTHMIA’ for the Corinthian games, ‘PYTHIA’ for those at Delphi, and ‘OLYMPIA’ for the Olympic Games. Note: You can also watch the cool video produced by Nature. Brandon Keim’s Twitter stream and reportorial outtakes; Wired Science on Twitter. Brandon is currently working on a book about ecological tipping points. An earlier version of this article

appeared in’s Wired Science blog July 30, 2008. See Also: • 2000-Year-Old Computer Yields Her Secrets • Imaging the Antikythera Computer • Jan. 11, 1902: Popular Mechanics Sets Out to Make Mechanics Popular • Feb. 4, 1902: Lucky Lindy • Death by Volcano: 1902 Eruption of Mount Pelée • June 9, 1902: First Automat Restaurant Opens • July 17, 1902: An Invention to Beat the Heat, Humidity • Aug. 13, 1902: Birth Date of Rotary Engine’s Inventor • Sept. 1, 1902: Early Sci-Fi Flick Sticks It to the Moon • May 17, 1970: The Boat Is Seaworthy and, Yes, We Can All Get Along Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


E-reader News Edition


Is the iPad Driving E-Book Piracy, and Does it Matter? Charlie Sorrel (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:12:00 AM

If you wanted to know how many pirated e-books were being downloaded. a good place to start might be with someone close to BitTorrent search engines. TorrentFreak is a blog that covers the world of these speedy, P2P downloads, and last month it decided to check the numbers. The question: did ebook torrenting become more popular after the iPad’s launch? The answer was a resounding “kinda.” While almost none of Amazon’s top ten appeared on public torrent trackers, six out of ten books in the business category were available. When TorrentFreak checked the before and after numbers, it found that the number of BitTorrent downloads grew by an average of 78% in the days after the iPad went on sale. Even so, the numbers were still tiny compared to the traffic in movies and music What does this mean? First, ebook piracy is still a small problem. Right now its a very geeky pastime, which is reflected in the skew of these titles (”Getting Things Done”, “Freakonomics” and “The Tipping Point” were on the TorrentFreak list). This matches up with the usual early adopter profile, the people who would have bought the iPad on its

opening weekend. But where geeks go first, the general public will follow. This happened with music. Now almost nobody I know buys CDs - they pirate, and even my most hardcore book-loving friend is now a Kindle convert. So will the iPad bring this attitude to books? First, there is the problem of digitizing books. Right now, the best place to download e-books

is via irc (Internet Relay Chat), online newsgroups that predate the web. The shared books are tiny text files. Storage and download speed are no problem, but the subject matter is heavily skewed towards popular trash and sci-fi. Original files come from those with enough time and patience to scan, OCR and proof-read the resulting files, but the majority of what you find are duplicates of these.

Contrast this to music, where you pop a CD into your computer and wait a few minutes while it rips the tracks and downloads the metadata. It is unlikely that there will be a way to scan books so easily at home anytime soon, but what about sharing e-books themselves? If Apple makes its iBooks app available on the Mac or PC, then copying an entire book, even if protected by

DRM, will be as simple as automating screenshots of pages and sending them to an OCR (optical character recognition) program. Only a single copy of a book will need to be pirated thusly and it will then be compromised forever. Blaming the iPad is stupid, though. If it causes a rise in book piracy, it is only because it IPAD page 50



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SJP and Her SATC Ladies Talk Tummy Issues and Camel Rides! PopSugar (PopSugar)

about the environment in which she currently lives. And the big theme of the movie for all of us Sarah Jessica Parker and her is tradition - why do we run Sex and the City 2 costars had a toward it and why do we push it busy weekend of press, starting away . . . how do we redefine on Friday when she was decked tradition for ourselves?" out in Proenza Schouler for a • SJP on filming in Morocco:"It carriage ride in Central Park was one of the great experiences with Billy Bush. Saturday of my professional life to live afternoon was more casual, and work with this cast and though, and SJP was spotted in crew every single place, to see pants on her way out of a hotel the sun rise and set in the most with Kim Cattrall and Kristin far-flung places, to lie in a bed Davis. The trio joined Cynthia all day with these women Nixon, Chris Noth and their exhausted and laughing - to be director Michael Patrick King on a camel with Kim Cattrall . . . yesterday for a press conference [Kim says, "Not many people held appropriately in the shoe can say they've done that!"] It d e p a r t m e n t o f B e r g d o r f was indescribably wonderful." Goodman. Amid racks filled • Kristin after SJP outed her for with Manolos, Louboutins, and a gastrointestinal problem in more, they opened up about Morocco:"I still have to deal their film and the fun times they with the first movie on a daily had working together once basis! So give me a break now again. Here are highlights: everybody!" • Michael Patrick King on filming in NYC:"We had NYC, which was here in Bergdorfs, • SJP on the issues facing with thousands and thousands of Carrie this time:"There was a people watching and supporting. wedding, and now there's a It was like an interactive theater marriage - and the two are very piece. The girls go to talk, different. I think Carrie finds everybody shuts up, I say action, herself starting to ask questions lines, cut, applause! I call that Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:00:00 AM

the celebrity petting zoo. Every now and then someone breaks through and we have to stop and get everyone back behind the barricade."

each other all sorts of horrible names, and there's a vernacular that our ears have adapted to, which I find really objectionable. I really really love how these women [of Sex To see more photos of the and the City] love each other." SATC ladies and to read what • Kristin's favorite they did for Thanksgiving with memory:"We were together and James Wilkie and what Kim and we got two Thanksgivings! We SJP think the series has meant to worked on the actual day fans just read more. because in Morocco they • Kim on what she loves about o b v i o u s l y d o n ' t c e l e b r a t e the series:"The most powerful Thanksgiving. On the day itself, thing for me is that we've our fantastic English caterers encouraged a lot of women to m a d e t h i s A m e r i c a n change the way they feel about Thanksgiving for us which they being single, having cancer, all thought just the Americans the story lines about getting would want to eat but then married and then being deserted, everybody wanted to eat it and being alone, then being lonely - we ran out of apple pie and I think we've addressed them pumpkin pie! And then Cynthia and encouraged them to come and Sarah's sons came to visit together, and I think that's a for the weekend so we decided very powerful thing." we'd have another Thanksgiving • SJP on what she thinks the at our hotel! They did a fantastic series has meant to fans:"I tend job and we had snake charmers not to ponder too much on what come for the boys because we we may or may not have done were in Morocco." because I like hearing from other people what they think. View 20 Photos › But I will say there seems to be this beacon we're moving towards where women are really unkind to each other and call

Early Screenshots Show Chrome OS with a Cover Flow Style [Screenshots] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 5/17/2010 7:00:00 AM

They're design ideas that could change, from early builds of an OS that's not released. But peeking around the early design ideas for Chrome OS reveals what kind of netbook experience Google's shooting for when it eventually comes out. More » Google- Google ChromeCoverFlow- browser- Clients


E-reader News Edition


ANDROID continued from page 44

“When you are dealing with custom SDKs that makes it a big challenge.” Fiddes says his company will be looking for direction from Google on how to cast a wide net with an Android app so it can support a range of devices. “It’s a tough balancing act,” he says. “OEMs want to differentiate but Google wants to standardize it, so we are hoping Google will offer some clues on how to strike a balance.” Developers also say they hope to get a closer look at the latest version of Android 2.2, aka “Froyo,” which is expected to have features such as tethering (so you can use your phone as a wireless modem) and the ability to turn your phone into a Wi-Fi hotspot. Turning on the cool factor for apps The growth of the Android platform highlights the gap between Android apps and iPhone apps, say developers. The 38,000 or so apps available in the Android market may seem

small compared to the more than 200,000 available in the Apple app store. The quantity argument aside, Android apps have a problem, say Tormey. “One of the big weaknesses of the Android platform versus the iPhone is that the apps don’t look as sexy as the iPhone ones,” says Tormey. That’s because multimedia capabilities on the Android platform are not sophisticated as the iPhone, he says. For instance, support for OpenAL, a 3-D audio API, is available on the iPhone but not on Android. OpenAL is popular among game developers who use it for sound positioning in a program. It’s also easier to get started as an iPhone developer. “If you want to make a simple app its much easier to do so on the iPhone than Android,” says Tormey. “The documentation on Android is not as good as with the iPhone, which offers a lot more examples to developers.” Tormey hopes at its developer conference, Google will offer

sessions on the multimedia capabilities of the phone and how Android developers can bring the “wow” factor to their creations. “The UI interactions can be complex and I hope Google will show clever ways to make the Android interface simple,” agrees Zhao Lu, senior software engineer at Orange Labs, who will be attending the event for the first time. Lu is working on a voice application for the Android platform that lets users add status updates and location to their voice greetings. “On the iPhone, the user interface is really elegant and beautiful. Android is catching up, but, in general, there’s a way to go.” Developers also say they are looking to hear more about the partnership between Adobe and Google. Adobe is expected to show Flash Player 10.1 running on Android phones. And with the ongoing spat between Adobe and Apple, the presence of Flash might turn out to be the most juicy part of the show. Google I/O takes place

2010 Upfronts: Fox Gary Susman (TV Squad) Submitted at 5/17/2010 5:00:00 AM

Filed under: TV News, Fall TV Fox plans to leverage its current hits to help launch its eight new shows. That means tweaking 'American Idol' so that there's

more time afterwards for new series, moving some existing shows (like 'Glee') to 8PM slots elsewhere in order to follow them with new shows, and taking advantage of the fact that Fox has the Super Bowl this winter.

The results Fox hopes for include a solid block of

Wednesday, May 19 and Thursday, May 20 at Moscone West in San Francisco. Watch for coverage on Webmonkey, here on Gadget Lab and across See Also: • Android 2.2 ‘Froyo’ Features 'Survivor: Heroes vs. USB, Wi-Fi Tethering Villains' - 'Anything • Android Devices Crave Could Happen' Recap Google’s Attention • Android Fragmentation (Season Finale) Declines, But Older Versions Jackie Schnoop (TV Squad) Still Rule … • DIYers Hack Windows Submitted at 5/17/2010 3:08:00 AM Mobile Phones to Run Android Filed under: Recaps, • Adobe Demonstrates Flash on Finales(S20E14) So, here it is -Android Tablet the final showdown between four villains and the sole Photo: ( laihiu/Flickr) remaining hero in the epic Five Filters featured article: season long battle of good The Art of Looking Prime versus evil on'Survivor.' No, it Ministerial - The 2010 UK wasn't quite like Stephen King's General Election. Available good versus evil epic 'The tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Stand.' (Although I think Text RSS, Term Extraction. Russell could be Randall Flagg's lesser known cousin three times removed.) However, by 'Survivor' standards, this battle might have provided the most entertaining, unpredictable and exciting season yet. For me to say that after watching every episode of all twenty seasons, that's comedies on Tuesday nights and something you can't beat with a a foothold for scripted dramas stick. So, did Russell fare better on Fridays during what are than Randall Flagg in the usually low-rated TV boneyard Stephen King novel? Read on. slots. Permalink| Email this| Linking Permalink| Email this| Linking Blogs| Comments Blogs| Comments



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IPAD continued from page 47

is driving demand. The book industry should embrace this and give us what we want: cheap books, published day-and -date with their paper equivalents, along with all backcatalog titles made available. And preferably DRM-free. There is evidence that this is happening already. The iBooks Store will be rolling out with the iPad as it goes on sale across the world. The iTunes Music Store, by contrast, took years to negotiate itself into non-US markets, and in many countries you still can’t get movies or TV shows. That these deals are in place mere months after the iPad was announced shows that the book industry is at least trying

to move into the digital future. The iPad is fast shaping up to be the go-to e-reading device. Between Apple’s iBooks, Amazon’s Kindle for iPad and the slew of other e-readers in the App Store (although curiously, our favorite Stanza is still absent on the iPad), you can buy and read almost any e-book out there. Blaming the iPad for kicking-off book piracy is foolish. It’s an opportunity, and if book publishers mess it up, they have already seen what happened to the recording industry. eBook Piracy ‘Surges’ After iPad Launch[TorrentFreak] Photo: jblyberg/Flickr See Also:

• iBooks Store Loaded with Project Gutenberg Titles at Launch … • Apple's Tablet E-Book App Rips off Indie Dev's Creation • Apple iPad Raises the Stakes for E-Readers Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Top 10 Most Popular Infomercials (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed) Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:00:00 AM

--For those insomniacs who've found themselv-es sitting in front of the television at 3 a.m. on more than one occasion, infomercials are entertainment staples. Even if you regularly sleep through the night, you're sure to have caught one of these half-hour or hour-long sales pitches at one time or another. Who can forget hawkers like Billy Mays (OxiClean), Ron Popeil(Showtime Rotisserie), Matthew Lesko (Free Money)

and Billy Blanks (Tae Bo) trying to sell us a cleaner home or a more toned body? These infomercial stars have become celebrities of sorts, as recognizable as the actors in TV shows. And who can forget those famous pitch lines? "But wait! There's more!" "Call right now and we'll double your order!" Infomercials may make us chuckle, but they bring in some serious bucks -- an estimated $91 billion in sales each year [source: Larson]. HowStuffWorks has compiled a list of the 10 most memorable

(and sometimes most outrageous) infomercials of all time. (To be honest, some of these are more like long commercials, but the lines have blurred so much these days it's hard to tell the difference.) So have your credit card ready, and read now! Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Top 10 Everyday Car Technologies that Came from Racing (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed) Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:00:00 AM

NASCAR Image Gallery Watching car racing, whether it's Formula One, NASCAR or dirt track, is adrenaline pumping and fun. Hopping into your Honda Fit or Toyota Corolla and tearing down the road (safely, of course) keeps the fun going. Oh, you don't think so? Actually, those two little economy cars have more in common with race cars than you might think and we're not talking about tuned or tricked out Fits or Corollas. Right out of the factory, car racing technology has influenced production cars in some surprising ways. Car racing teams have always sought to build the fastest and best-performing cars possible. They've enlisted some of the top car designers and engineers to

help with the job. When car racing has a breakthrough, it is almost always applicable in some form to mass-produced cars. As a result, race technology has influenced many of the components of the car sitting in your driveway -- from the basic engine design, to the position of the ignition, and even the rearview mirror. As it turns out, you don't have to go much further than your own garage to have a race car experience. To find out the top 10 racing technologies that might be in your car, keep reading. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Culture/ Politics/ TV/

E-reader News Edition


Cameron Focuses on Gurwitz: The Reputation of 3 Shrek After Her Knight SEALS With Tom and Oprah (Newsmax - Inside Cover) Submitted at 5/16/2010 5:13:41 PM

PopSugar (PopSugar)

The Obama administration’s “political correctness” could cost three of America’s most Cameron Diaz went with a elite soldiers their careers for short red number yesterday for crimes they’ve now been found the LA premiere of Shrek innocent of. Forever After- reminds us of the The three Navy SEALs who amazing pink mini she wore for faced courts-martial for Shrek 3 three years ago! She allegedly abusing a terrorist and was the lone female star of the Cameron on the West Coast, covering up the incident should Alex Rodriguez had to find movie to pose on the green be asking these questions. Last carpet with Antonio Banderas, another date for a party on week, a military jury delivered Saturday his five-year-old Mike Meyers, and Eddie the same verdict for Petty Murphy. Cameron is home in daughter Natasha was on his Officer 2nd Class Matthew a r m t o c e l e b r a t e h i s n e w California after a busy few McCabe that two previous juries weeks of travel that included G o t h a m m a g a z i n e c o v e r . had given Petty Officer 1st time in NYC with Alex Class Julio Huertas and Petty Rodriguez and Chicago, where Officer 2nd Class Jonathan To see more photos of Cameron she recorded an episode of Keefe — not guilty. and the rest of the cast, just read Oprah with Tom Cruise. They McCabe was charged with a more. were there to discuss their film single punch to the stomach of a View 15 Photos › Knight and Day and she also shared her passion for cooking oatmeal for breakfast. With Submitted at 5/17/2010 6:00:00 AM

man believed to have led the ambush of a convoy in Fallujah in 2004. Insurgents pulled four American military contractors — one a former SEAL — from their vehicles, brutally beat them to death, mutilated their bodies and hung the corpses from a bridge over the Euphrates River. The other two were charged with dereliction of duty for supposedly preventing the punch, and impeding the investigation. “In the civilian world, these charges don't sound like much. In the world of the SEALs, they lead to dead-end careers,” writes Jonathan Gurwitz in a column in the San Antonio Express-News. “That was implicit in the offer from military brass scared stiff by the Obama administration's political correctness:

Five Questions 'Lost' is Not Going to Answer Bob Sassone (TV Squad) Submitted at 5/17/2010 5:31:00 AM

Filed under: Features So now there are only two episodes of'Lost' left (3 1/2 hours, to be exact), and they're giving us a lot of answers. Now, some fans

are freaking out over those answers, but they are answers nonetheless. However, producers Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof have said that they're not going to answer every single question that fans might have. A few

answer before it ends, and after the jump are the five questions I don't think the show is going to bother to answer. Permalink| Email this| Linking Blogs| Comments weeks ago, I gave a list of the questions I wanted the show to

acknowledge guilt and accept ruinous administrative punishment, or take your chances with a court-martial and end up in the brig. The SEALs, men of honor, chose to defend their names and try to continue serving the nation in the Special Operations Forces.” “Which office do these brave men go to to get their reputations back?” Gurtwitz asks. Read the entire story in the San Antonio Express-News. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

DISPUTATIONS: Lasching Out Rochelle Gurstein (The New Republic - All Feed) Submitted at 5/16/2010 11:00:00 PM

It is hard to imagine a more devastating charge lodged against the life work of an historian-intellectual-social critic than the one Alan Wolfe lodges against Christopher DISPUTATIONS: page 52


E-reader News Edition

DISPUTATIONS: continued from page 51

Lasch. His work has become "irrelevant" because he chose the wrong "targets": "Lasch was engaged in an endless war against the leftism of the 1960s when the true enemy of American traditionalism would turn out to be the radical right." As if that were not enough to discredit Lasch's political judgment and historical acuity, Wolfe informs the reader of Lasch's "single most important miscalculation": "From start to finish, his enemy was liberalism." To which Wolfe counters victoriously, "It must be affirmed that against the ignorant conspiratorialism of today's right, liberalism's theory of the good society, however thin, looks downright robust." Lasch was wrong about almost everything or at least everything important. This is the considered judgment of Alan Wolfe. As a student of Christopher Lasch's, I take exception to this verdict and to almost every word Wolfe has written in his review. But for those who are not familiar with Lasch's work, I think they would be hard-pressed to disagree with Wolfe. And this is because Wolfe has shirked his obligations as a reviewer. Instead of providing a thorough, accurate account of Lasch's books—the minimum required by the standards of critical rigor and intellectual decency when one is assessing the fruits of a life devoted to trying to push

our thinking beyond the stale commonplaces of the present moment--Wolfe treats Lasch's ideas and complicated historical arguments in a breezy, haphazard fashion. One example can stand in for the whole: his treatment of Lasch's penetrating critical history of progress, The True and Only Heaven, which he he rightly calls Lasch's magnum opus. After dramatically announcing, "Underlying it all was a deep transformation in Lasch's thinking," Wolfe does not hesitate to sum up this "deep transformation" in language that moves in the fashion-insider register of what's hot and what's not: "Marx and Freud were out, populism and Calvinism were in." One would never know from Wolfe's highly selective and therefore misleading account of Lasch's books that Lasch was just as penetrating a critic of the Right and the phony conservatism of the Republican Party as he was of liberal individualism and the phony radicalism of '60s liberationists, or that his primary "targets" were monopoly capitalism, corporate bureaucracy, mass culture, the therapeutic ethos, the ideology of growth without limits, freedom conceived as consumer choice, and progress conceived as the democratization of consumption. One would have

no idea that Lasch was one of our most impassioned defenders of democracy, of dignity in work, of common sense and self -reliance. I am at a loss as to why Wolfe produced such a shoddy piece of work and I am speaking not only of its intellectual negligence but also of its nasty, sneering personal tone. Not only is a man's reputation at stake here but also one of our most compelling and convincing historical accounts of how we have arrived where we are today, politically, culturally, and morally. I would like to set the record straight in regard to Wolfe's inelegantly put question, "What about his legacy?" Unlike most academics and pundits who write about contemporary affairs, Lasch had the rare capacity to capture what it feels like to be alive today. In Lasch's uncannily apt rendering of the narcissist that appeared in the opening pages of The Culture of Narcissism, many readers no doubt registered an immediate shock of recognition, if not of themselves personally, then of people around them—an experience that has not diminished in the 31 years since the book was published. Because Wolfe only rarely quotes from Lasch, in the name of recovering his distinctive tone, I quote at length: The new narcissist is haunted by guilt not by anxiety. He seeks

not to inflict his own certainties on others, but to find a meaning in life. Liberated from the superstitions of the past, he doubts even the reality of his own existence. ... His sexual attitudes are permissive rather than puritanical, even though his emancipation from ancient taboos brings him no sexual peace. Fiercely competitive in his demand for approval and acclaim, he distrusts competition because he associates it unconsciously with an unbridled urge to destroy. ... He extols cooperation and teamwork while harboring deep antisocial impulses. He praises respect for rules and regulations in the secret belief that they do not apply to himself. Acquisitive in the sense that his cravings have no limits, he does not accumulate goods and provisions against the future... but demands immediate gratification and lives in a state of restless, perpetual desire. As an historian, Lasch wanted to shed light on the many previously unnoticed ways that the major institutions of modern society—work, the mass-culture industry, the state, the school, the family—have contributed to the creation of the narcissistic personality. In The Culture of Narcissism and in later books as well, Lasch exposed "the social origins of the suffering ... that is painfully but falsely experienced as purely personal and private."

For non-academic readers who found themselves engaged by a serious work of history and social criticism, surely it was a revelation, perhaps even a comfort, to discover that one's experience of inner emptiness was not merely a personal, psychological failing but rather a consequence of a violently contested historical development in which America moved from a localized society of independent, self-reliant farmers, artisans, merchants, and entrepreneurs to a mass society of large-scale production, consumption, bureaucracy, and political centralization, administered in every detail by a new class of professionals and managers. Under these new social conditions, the sources of meaning and happiness became increasingly narrow and standardized: fulfilling, nondegraded work, voluntary associations, family, and friendships more and more gave way to commercialized leisure and the consumption of commodities. This understanding has now become a commonplace of American intellectual and cultural history and Lasch's work did much to shape it. Equally importantly-and this is the most original aspect of his thinking—Lasch's work revealed the DISPUTATIONS: page 61


E-reader News Edition


Should We Ask If Supreme Court Nominee Is Gay? (Newsmax - Inside Cover)

"Modern Family" often have gay characters and plotlines. And these days, it's common for She plays softball. Huge hint, people to say they have a family right? member or friend who's gay. She's 50, single and has a short Yet this also a country where, haircut. Yup, definitely a for gay public officials, coming lesbian. out is still often a big deal. And Or is she? And if so (though while many Americans are that appears to be a big "if"), so generally more accepting of gay what? Should it matter? men and lesbians, only 39 These are questions that have percent of adults support the circulated about Elena Kagan l e g a l i z a t i o n o f s a m e - s e x for a while. But since President marriage, according to a recent Barack Obama introduced her as poll from the Pew Research his next nominee to the U.S. Center. Supreme Court a week ago, the Those are tough issues to speculation has never been ignore when you're talking greater — or the handling of it about the highest court in the more awkward. land, which may well end up It's a sign that, in a nation tackling the issue of same-sex where gayness is as mainstream marriage at the federal level. as ever, sexual orientation is still "In a perfect world, we would a delicate topic for anyone in not be talking about this. America, across the spectrum of However, it is understandable beliefs and politics. that, at this time, it would be a "Even the leadership of the risk for a Supreme Court D e m o c r a t i c p a r t y i s s t i l l nominee to be perceived as a uncomfortable handling the homosexual," says Mark Osler, issue," says Kenneth Sherrill, a a professor at Baylor Law political scientist at New York's School in Waco, Texas, who has Hunter College who specializes a r g u e d c a s e s b e f o r e t h e in the politics of gay and lesbian S u p r e m e C o u r t . rights. "It would appear, at least from "They don't know how to handle the Obama administration's the question with a 'So what if reaction, that they don't think she is?'" the country's ready for that And should we even be asking, conversation," he says. "And anyway? they may well be right." Polls, after all, show that The irony in all of this is that Americans are increasingly K a g a n m a y v e r y w e l l b e accepting of lesbians and gay s t r a i g h t . men. Popular TV shows like A White House official told Submitted at 5/17/2010 1:49:14 AM

The Associated Press on Friday that Kagan said she was not a lesbian after media reports on the issue first surfaced while Obama was contemplating his choices for the court. The official would provide the statement only on condition of anonymity. Eliot Spitzer, who attended Princeton with Kagan and who resigned as New York governor over a prostitution scandal, told Politico: "I did not go out with her, but other guys did." The recent days' eruption of conversation, though, isn't the first. On April 15, four weeks before Obama nominated Kagan, the White House rebuked CBS News for publishing an online column by a Republican blogger who wrote that Kagan could become the "first openly gay justice." White House spokesman Ben LaBolt publicly criticized the item, saying it made "false charges," a term that upset those who thought the word "charges" made it sound like there would be something wrong if Kagan were a lesbian. LaBolt later said he was referring to the blogger's suggestions that Obama had an ulterior political motive: to please gay rights activists important to his campaign operation. Then came the announcement last Monday that Kagan was the president's choice. By day's end, "Elena Kagan personal life" was

among the top searches on Google, an indication that the public was curious about more than just her stance on the issues. Some say that posing the sexual orientation question is just another way to undercut powerful women who are routinely held to a different standard for everything from the way they dress to the way they wear their hair, or even their emotions. "No man (who's nominated for the Supreme Court) would be asked this question," insists Birute Regine, author of the book "Iron Butterflies: Women Transforming Themselves and The World." Back in 1990, when now retired Justice David Souter was confirmed, his "bachelor" status was noted but his sexual orientation was never questioned, at least not publicly. Gay rumors did, however, regularly circulate about former Attorney General Janet Reno and about Donna Shalala, the former head of the U.S. Health and Human Services. Shalala responded to claims that she was a lesbian that came not from conservatives, but from a gay organization whose aim was to "out" public officials. "Have I lived an alternative lifestyle? The answer is no," she said in an interview with The Capital Times newspaper in Madison, Wis., in 1993, when

she was a nominee for her federal post. Though no male Supreme Court nominee has faced these questions — nor have the women on the high court, who have all been married — the fact is that male public figures, whether politicians, celebrities or sports figures, regularly deal with speculation about their sexual orientation, too. Rumors that New York Mets catcher Mike Piazza was gay were so persistent, for instance, that he had a press conference in 2002 to make it clear that he was straight. At the time, he said that players would accept an openly gay teammate. "In this day and age, it's irrelevant," he said. "I don't think it would be a problem at all." It would seem that it's about as "irrelevant" today, though few believe a similar news conference from Kagan is likely. Even without one, though, this isn't a question members of the mainstream media usually ask. And some think that's the way it should've stayed. "The press needs to be grownups themselves and decide that there is no reason to write about this aspect of a person's private life," says James Gomes, director of the politically oriented Mosakowski Institute of Public Enterprise at Clark University in Worcester, Mass. SHOULD page 61



E-reader News Edition

Removing the Nuts Michelle Cottle (The New Republic - All Feed) Submitted at 5/16/2010 11:00:00 PM

Charlie Crist has fled the GOP. John McCain has sold his maverick soul. Bob Bennett just got throttled by conservatives. Michele Bachmann is occasionally taken seriously. As Tea Partiers impose purity tests on Republican pols and the party’s center is dragged ever further right, is it any wonder many people are bemoaning the death of bipartisanship and moderation in American politics? Every election cycle, a few charismatic candidates (especially at the presidential level) exploit voters’ disillusionment by promising to change the tone, ease the polarization, stem the partisan bile, and otherwise end politics as we know it. But under the current system, that is never going to happen. Ever. Congressional districts are drawn to feed polarization, and party primaries are dominated by wingers from both ends of the spectrum, making it tough for candidates with more mainstream appeal to advance to the generals. For any real shakeup to occur, a significant structural overhaul is needed.

I’m opening the floor to any and all suggestions. In the meantime, one possibility I’d like to see chewed over: replacing party-based primaries with nonpartisan jungle primaries, also known as Louisiana primaries. Yeah. I know. It feels so very wrong to suggest that other states take any cues from the corrupt, screwed-up politics of the Bayou State. Crazier still, the Louisiana system—which pits all candidates regardless of party against one another in the initial primary, with the top two vote-getters advancing to the final showdown—was introduced by legendary Governor Edwin Edwards, a man known as much for his ethical flexibility as his political prowess. (The four-term governor is currently serving a 10-year sentence for racketeering.) A Democrat, Edwards pushed for jungle primaries as a way to stem the rise of the state GOP. (In fact, while the system boosted Edwards’s career, it more broadly ended up helping local Republicans.) The most obvious advantage to a nonpartisan blanket primary would be to free candidates from kowtowing to the craziest elements of their bases. All

candidates would be appealing to all voters, diluting the influence of the wingers—or at least any one set of wingers. This system would also reduce the kind of tactical voting where voters are loath to support lessestablished candidates for fear of “wasting” their ballots. (The best send-up of this remains the Simpsons’s“Treehouse of Horror VII,” where aliens Kang and Kodos pose as Bob Dole and Bill Clinton in the 1996 presidential race; when the plot is exposed and voters threaten to support a third-party candidate, Kang taunts them, “Go ahead, throw your vote away!”) In jungle primaries, by contrast, voters could go with their top choice in the first round, secure in the knowledge that, if their candidate didn’t make the cut, they’d have another chance to influence the final outcome. Jungle primaries do lend themselves to other types of strategic voting. For instance, a block of Democratic voters could band together to try to boost a weak Republican candidate into the final round. (This, however, is a tricky business that could wind up throwing the race to the “wrong” candidate.) They also increase the odds that a voting district dominated by one party

could wind up electing a candidate from the opposing party, depending on how much vote-splitting occurred. (Say, if five Democrats ran and only two Republicans—or one Republican and one third-party candidate—fragmenting the Democratic vote to the degree that none of the party’s candidates wound up in the final round.) It’s hardly surprising that the parties haven’t exactly rushed to embrace nonpartisan primaries, which, after all, would greatly reduce their power. The Democratic Party actually sued to disband a similar blanket system briefly attempted in California, taking the case (successfully) all the way to the Supreme Court. Plenty of states, including Texas, use jungle primaries in either special elections or low-level races, but getting them in place for highstakes races remains a tough haul. The Louisiana system is no longer used even in its namesake’s federal elections. Grappling with constitutional questions, in 2006, thenGovernor Kathleen Blanco signed a law returning the state's congressional elections to the regular primary system, effective 2008. In March 2008, however, Washington state’s

nonpartisan blanket primary was deemed constitutional by the high court, providing an opening for other states interested in following suit. Here’s hoping at least a few more states give it a test drive. Every system has its downsides, and certainly nonpartisan primaries are no guarantee against nutters. (In Louisiana’s 1991 governor’s race, David Duke, running as a Republican, placed second in the initial vote—knocking out thenG o v e r n o r B u d d y Roemer—before ultimately falling to Edwin Edwards, who was staging his comeback bid.) But most of the objections I’ve seen to the jungle primaries haven’t been particularly compelling. Many are premised on the need to keep parties strong as a way to prevent the electoral process from degenerating into chaos. Looking around, however, it’s not clear that the parties are getting the job done. More and more, it feels like the time has come to try a different kind of chaos. Michelle Cottle is a senior editor of The New Republic. For more TNR, become a fan on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.


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Outside Right E.J. Dionne Jr. (The New Republic - All Feed)

incumbents. The classic case was West Virginia's Democratic primary Submitted at 5/16/2010 11:00:00 PM last week. Rep. Alan Mollohan WASHINGTON—This year's b e c a m e t h e f i r s t H o u s e elections may exacerbate the incumbent this year to lose his difference between our two seat. He was defeated largely political parties, but not in the because of ethics questions, and way most people are talking many voters simply decided that about. his 14 terms in Congress were With incumbent Democratic enough. The winner was state Senators under threat in two Sen. Mike Oliverio, who was more primaries on Tuesday, the bolstered by strong support from conventional view is that anti-abortion groups and is, by Republicans and Democrats will almost any measure, more emerge from this election more conservative than Mollahan. ideologically polarized than Pennsylvania could produce ever. Primaries will push Tuesday's shocker result. Sen. Republicans to the right and Arlen Specter, first elected in Democrats to the left. 1980, switched from the T h a t ' s o n l y h a l f t r u e . Republicans to the Democrats Republicans will, indeed, end because he feared losing a GOP the year a more philosophically primary to conservative Pat coherent right-wing party. But Toomey. Now, despite support the Democrats will, if anything, from President Obama, Gov. Ed become more ideologically Rendell and virtually everyone diverse. else in the Democratic In the GOP, the right is on the establishment, Specter in danger march, and even relatively of losing to Rep. Joe Sestak. conservative incumbents such as The congressman is going after the defeated Sen. Bob Bennett Specter not on ideology but on of Utah are not safe against the 30-year incumbent's partisan more-conservative-than-thou and philosophical inconstancy. challengers. But in many of the While Sestak does enjoy D e m o c r a t i c p r i m a r i e s , support from the progressive incumbents are in trouble not netroots, it's impossible to cast because they are insufficiently the race as a left-vs.-center liberal, but because they are showdown, especially since

Sestak supported Obama's surge in Afghanistan while Specter, trying to curry favor on the Democratic left, opposed it. "We should not engage in the laborious and problematic task of nation-building," declared the newly dovish Specter. The Pennsylvania race illustrates the asymmetry of what's happening in the two parties: By driving Specter out, Toomey has already pushed the Republicans to the right. But Specter and Sestak occupy essentially the same philosophical space in the Democratic Party. The Arkansas Democratic primary provides what, on the surface, seems to be the closest thing to a challenge from the left to a moderate. Sen. Blanche Lincoln, probably the most vulnerable Democratic incumbent this year, has drawn a challenge from Lt. Gov. Bill Halter, who is strongly backed by progressive online groups and labor unions. But Lincoln, like Specter, is in trouble partly because of flipflopping, particularly during the health care battle. Labor is also furious that Lincoln, who once co-sponsored the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) that would make it easier to organize

unions, later turned against it. If Halter wins, progressives will have a right to claim victory. But it's not at all clear how liberal Halter is, and he avoids the label. He is for the public option on health care, but has ducked taking a stand on EFCA because it "is no longer being discussed." And consider Tuesday's special election in Western Pennsylvania for the seat left vacant by the death of Rep. John Murtha. Among the 435 House seats, Pennsylvania's 12th District is the only one in the country that switched from John Kerry in 2004 to John McCain in 2008. Mark Critz, the Democratic nominee, is treating the word "liberal" as if it were an expletive. In one of his ads, Critz declares flatly: "I opposed the health care bill. And I'm prolife and pro-gun. That's not liberal." His Republican opponent, Tim Burns, was reduced to quipping: "He's raising money from the liberals to come back to the district to claim that he's not one. It's crazy." Nice line, but it doesn't make Critz a liberal. Yet even conservative Democrats such as Critz are running to the populist left on

economics. He has made ending tax breaks for outsourcing jobs and his criticism of NAFTA and other trade deals central to his campaign. Lincoln, for her part, is touting her tough proposal on derivatives in the financial reform bill. But all this underscores the real difference between the two parties. The Democrats will remain an intricate coalition that struggles to hold together the left, the center and bits of the right. Republicans, as Arlen Specter could tell you, are the ones opting for ideological purity. E.J. Dionne's e-mail address is ejdionne(at) E.J. Dionne, Jr. is the author of the recently published Souled Out: Reclaiming Faith and Politics After the Religious Right. He is a Washington Post columnist, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, and a professor at Georgetown University. (c) 2010, Washington Post Writers Group For more TNR, become a fan on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.



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Tilting at Arms Control Windmills or Something More Dangerous? Brett Schaefer (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.)

may actually be doing substantial harm to U.S. national security. The book Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:00:15 AM ConUNdrum: The Limits of the It’s no secret that President United Nations and the Search Obama has a great interest in for Alternatives, in which nuclear arms control. In Prague Heritage arms control expert last year, the President said, “So Baker Spring wrote a chapter today, I state clearly and with on international arms control conviction A m e r i c a ’ s efforts, explains why: commitment to seek the peace Arms control and disarmament and security of a world without sit at the intersection of foreign nuclear weapons.” President and defense policy. With the Obama chaired a session of the possible exception of policies United Nations Security Council governing decisions to use force last September to shepherd to or to form or break defense approval a resolution aimed at alliances, arms control and ridding the world of nuclear disarmament policy has the weapons. As for curbing greatest potential to further or n u c l e a r p r o l i f e r a t i o n a n d damage a state’s national overseeing disarmament efforts, interest… Given the compelling t h e P r e s i d e n t ’ s r e c e n t l y national interests at stake, it concluded Nuclear Security would be expected that the S u m m i t r e l i e s h e a v i l y o n United Nations and its affiliated voluntary cooperation, poorly international organizations verified international treaties, would be expected to play at and the ability of international most tangential roles in arms organizations to police and control and disarmament. This enforce agreements and prevent was certainly the case during violations. the Cold War, when the United Although nuclear disarmament States and the Soviet Union m a y b e a p p e a l i n g i n t h e addressed the most important abstract, the policy is very arms control issues on a bilateral troubling in practice. In his basis. The problem is that the d e v o t e d b e l i e f i n t h e United Nations and other effectiveness of international international institutions have arms control efforts, President ambitions that far outstrip this Obama may be doing more than appropriate and modest role. On squandering the time and effort this basis, they organize their of America’s diplomats. He institutions to address matters of

arms control by raising the pursuit of irresponsibility to an art form. Spring sees most U.N. arms control and disarmament activities as counterproductive and, in some cases, harmful to

international peace and security because the U.N.’s arms control and disarmament processes are increasingly focused on the goal of disarmament divorced from accountability. [T]he U.N. as an international

organization has no direct stake in the substantive outcome of any arms control or disarmament issue, only the purely procedural accomplishment of concluding agreements. The people who serve in the U.N. and its affiliated international organizations are not held accountable for protecting the lives and well-being of the people who may be made vulnerable by poorly conceived or biased arms control agreements and implementing measures. U.N. officials are not elected and claim no constituencies other than their colleagues and the nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) with which they work closely. These NGOs frequently see arms control and disarmament measures as ends in themselves and regard the national security interests of particular nations as only tangential concerns. Unsurprisingly, the U.N. disarmament and arms control structures tend toward far-flung and overlapping institutions that diffuse responsibility and accountability rather than a tight structure focused on outcomes and effectiveness. When this reality is combined TILTING page 61

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Anger Greets Plan for Mosque at Ground Zero (Newsmax - Inside Cover)

American Muslims who find themselves increasingly painted both by the public and law An ambitious plan to build a e n f o r c e m e n t b o d i e s a s a mosque next to New York's possible source of terrorism. Ground Zero is prompting hope A failed car bomb in New -- and anger -- in a city scarred York's Times Square on May 1 by terrorism. was allegedly planted by a There's little to see now at the P a k i s t a n i - b o r n A m e r i c a n , site, an abandoned clothing store prompting senior figures in two blocks from the former Washington to recommend World Trade Center where stripping basic rights from US nearly 3,000 people died on passport holders suspected of September 11, 2001. Islamist militant links. But Feisal Abdul Rauf, a New The Islamic center is part of York imam and a leader of the Rauf's program, called the project, says the planned multi- Cordoba Initiative, meant to storey Islamic center will build bridges between the West transform both the drab lower and the Muslim world. Manhattan street and the way But because of the proposed Americans have looked on mosque's location, just around Muslims since 9/11. the corner from the gaping Boasting a mosque with sports Ground Zero hole, Rauf's call facilities, a theater and possibly for peace is seen by some as a day care, the center would be battle cry. o p e n t o a l l v i s i t o r s t o "The outrage continues," says demonstrate that Muslims are w e b s i t e part of their community, not www.nomosquesatgroundzero. some separate element. under a close-up "There's nothing like this that of the collapsing Twin Towers. we know of in the United Accusing the Cordoba Initiative States," Rauf told AFP. "This of trying to "sneak it through," will be a community center for the protest site says the center everyone, not just for Muslims, will "cast a rude shadow over but non-Muslims." Ground Zero." These are tense times for Others compare the idea to

building a German cultural center at Auschwitz. "Spitting in the Face of Everyone Murdered on 9/11," writes Blitz, a self-described "anti-jihadist newspaper." That level of anger is not uncommon among New Yorkers who blame Islam, rather than just Al-Qaeda or other militant groups, for 9/11 and the global confrontation with the United States. "This is the wrong neighborhood to put the mosque in," Scott Rachelson, 59, said as he went to his office. Rachelson, who works with people seeking compensation over 9/11 related damages, said his life changed forever the day that two hijacked airliners smashed into Manhattan. "I was here. For me, and everyone else who was here, we have post-traumatic stress disorder," he said. "It feels like yesterday." A woman living in the apartment building next to the proposed mosque said she couldn't accept the project. "I'd be lying if I said it didn't make me a little nervous," said Jennifer Wood, 36, as she took her young son for a walk. "It

seems a little in the face, a little too much too soon. I don't know why it has to be here -- this is a big city." An eloquent and erudite man, Rauf sounds slightly weary when asked about hardcore opposition, but says he hopes the center will become a catalyst for helping Muslims and the wider community to integrate. "It's about building an American Islamic identity, because we have second-, third-generation Muslims who don't feel they are part of (the country)," he said. "The complaint throughout the years has been: 'Where's the voice of the moderate Muslims?'" Rauf said. "Well, here we are." Many look forward to the center, which Rauf estimates will cost 105-140 million dollars to build, possibly financed with bonds. Mohammed-Iqbal Hossain Chowdhury, a Bangladeshi immigrant running a newspaper kiosk across the street, called for an end to prejudice. "The people who will come to pray here are working people. We are coming here to pray to God," the 42-year-old said, lifting his hands skyward with a

These cool, refreshing sides will add color and flavor to your Ultimate Summer Cookbook: favorite summer meals. Sides Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime

Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Submitted at 5/17/2010 2:33:45 AM

Summer Cookbook (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)

huge smile. "Ground Zero -- that is about terrorists. Terrorism is a different thing. There are a billion or more Muslims around the world. They aren't all terrorists! I hope people will see us coming here and see that all of us come from one god." Walking past the shuttered-up Burlington Coat Factory retail store to catch a Subway train, local worker Angela Long, 60, said Muslims can be as American as anyone else. "I don't believe that Islam equals terrorism. There are crazy people everywhere," she said. And those arguing that a mosque has no right to exist near Ground Zero? "They should read our Constitution," she said. Copyright Š 2010 AFP. All rights reserved Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Hispanics Take Aim at Arizona's Law (Newsmax - Inside Cover)

increasingly fed up with Congress' continued failure to fix our broken immigration The new Arizona immigration system. In the absence of a law has yet to take effect, but it practical fix by Congress, voters already has galvanized Hispanic will grasp at straws for anything voters to become more actively they believe delivers action." involved in the political process, But, he said, there is "clearly a a c c o r d i n g t o t w o r e c e n t political cost among Latino telephone polls. voters," adding that their Arizona's Hispanic voters widespread opposition to the overwhelmingly oppose the law, new law, known as SB 1070, which takes effect this summer " s h o w s t h a t f r i v o l o u s , and authorizes state police to reactionary state laws just serve a r r e s t a n y o n e r e a s o n a b l y to galvanize Latino voters to suspected of being an illegal move away from candidates immigrant. But they are w h o p u s h d r a c o n i a n , increasingly frustrated by enforcement-only legislation." f e d e r a l i n a c t i o n o n The Latino Decisions poll of comprehensive immigration 402 voters in Arizona and the reform and are moving swiftly Grove Insight poll of 500 base away from candidates who voters in Arizona tested overall support the Arizona law, the views and political implications polls said. of the passage of the new law, The polls were conducted by as well as voters' views on two research and opinion firms immigration reform. — Latino Decisions and Grove Key findings included that 81 Insight — for the Service percent of Arizona's Hispanic Employees International Union voters oppose SB 1070. Since ( S E I U ) , w i t h 2 . 2 m i l l i o n the bills passage, the polls members in the U.S., Canada found, immigration reform has and Puerto Rico, and the become the leading issue among National Council of La Raza Hispanic voters, shooting up by (NCLR), the largest Hispanic 1 6 p e r c e n t a g e p o i n t s a n d civil rights and advocacy moving ahead of the economy organization in the United and health care as the leading States. issue among Latino voters. "This polling data confirms "The data shows very clearly what we have known for a long that Latino voters in Arizona, time," SEIU Executive Vice f r o m f i r s t - g e n e r a t i o n President Eliseo Medina said. immigrants to fourth-generation "American voters, Latino and families, are very much opposed non-Latino alike, are angry and t o S B 1 0 7 0 a n d n a t i o n a l Submitted at 5/17/2010 2:51:23 AM

immigration reform is now their single most important issue," said Matt A. Barreto, a pollster with Latino Decisions and associate professor of political science at the University of Washington. "Overwhelmingly, Latino voters fully expect the federal government to take up national immigration reform during 2010 to fix this problem in Arizona," he said. The Grove Insight poll of Arizona base voters showed similar frustration over congressional inaction. While 60 percent of Arizona voters expressed support for the new law, 73 percent also supported federal reform that included both enforcement and a path to citizenship. That poll concluded that asking about support for SB 1070 without also asking about comprehensive immigration reform failed to reveal voters underlying motivations. It said a majority of Americans across regions and party lines believe a federal overhaul of a broken immigration system that includes a path to legalization is the only way to end illegal immigration. "SB 1070 looks popular in polls because it provides a way to express frustration with federal inaction on fixing immigration," said Clarissa Martinez de Castro, NCLR's director of immigration and national

campaigns. "But there is a political price to pay because Latino voters know this law will be ineffective and lead to racial profiling, and they will remember which politicians supported it and which did nothing to stop it," he said. Ben Patinkin, a senior analyst at Grove Insight, said Arizonans are "frustrated with the current immigration situation and are particularly incensed with the federal government's failure to solve the problem." He said while many "grasp at SB 1070 as a potential solution," the polling data found that they would much prefer comprehensive reform at the national level. Ms. Martinez de Castro said action to deliver real solutions on immigration is "essential" for Democrats if they want to nurture the support they have gained from Hispanic voters, and "crucial" for Republicans if they have any interest in repairing their relationship with the fastest-growing segment of the electorate. Š Copyright 2010 The Washington Times, LLC Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

'The Simpsons' - 'The Bob Next Door' Recap Sharon Knolle (TV Squad) Submitted at 5/17/2010 3:29:00 AM

Filed under: Recaps(S21E22) Well, tonight's'Simpsons' episode was no 'Cape Feare,' but Sideshow Bob is welcome on my TV any day. Especially in a 'Face/Off'-inspired identity switch with a mild-mannered cell mate whom everyone but Bart is convinced is the perfect new neighbor. First, I must mention the inspired 'Harold and the Purple Crayon' opening where Harold draws the Simpsons' living room complete with couch and family. And that Homer asks him to draw a beer. Permalink| Email this| Linking Blogs| Comments

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Morning Bell: Did the Federal Government Enable the Gulf Oil Spill? Conn Carroll (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.)

In the President’s mind the federal government apparently can do no wrong. The leading Submitted at 5/17/2010 8:53:49 AM answer to every problem our An“angry” President Barack nation faces is bigger, stronger, Obama lashed out at those he and more intrusive government feels are responsible for the Gulf regulations. But a closer look at oil spill Friday, telling reporters the facts surrounding the spill in the Rose Garden: “You had shows that it was an already e x e c u t i v e s o f B P a n d overly oppressive regulatory Transocean and Halliburton legal framework, coupled with falling over each other to point lax enforcement, that created the the finger of blame at somebody mismatched incentives that led else. I will not tolerate any more to the disaster. finger-pointing o r The federal government is the irresponsibility.” But as CBS owner of the waters where News‘ Chip Reid points out: drilling takes place and bears “Mr. Obama’s been president ultimate responsibility for what for nearly 16 months. Does he happens on its property. Energy get at least a little piece of the companies seeking to develop blame?” Pointing to President our natural resources must Obama’s staunch defense of survive a phalanx of federal Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, regulations before any action R e i d a n s w e r e d h i s o w n can be taken. For starters, any question: “Not a bit. … He action taken by the federal portrayed his administration as government, including offshore valiantly fighting the good fight drilling leases, requires a against the oil companies from detailed environmental impact day one. …So while the analysis mandated by the president is pointing the finger National Environmental Policy of blame, he’s also working Act (NEPA). But NEPA is such hard to make sure that over time a draconian law, and the process the finger doesn’t do a 180.” can be so slow thanks to

litigation, that to get anything done the federal government often grants waivers to the NEPA process. Which is exactly what happened with the Deepwater Horizon oil rig in question. Regulations also require the Interior Department to inspect rigs at regular intervals, and the Deepwater rig was supposedly inspected less than two weeks prior to the accident. The rig’s emergency shutoff valve, which reportedly had a dead battery, also p assed inspection just 10 days before it failed. In addition to these intrusively written but leniently enforced regulations, the Oil Pollution Act (OPA) of 1990 set a $75 million liability cap beyond direct cleanup costs for any offshore oil spill. The net result of all of all these policies is a situation where nobody is responsible for safety because everybody is. The answer to the Gulf oil spill is not a new ban on domestic energy production or more intrusive regulations. The best way to make sure future spills do not happen is make energy

companies responsible for safety but to then also hold them fully responsible for any accidents. Combining liability with a responsibility for safety maintenance should minimize the likelihood of accidents by directly connecting profit motives to safe operations. It is also high time the entire NEPA process was reformed. NEPA’s pervasive application makes it highly burdensome and difficult to follow, which drives the need for waivers. As waivers become the norm, they become easier to attain even when, perhaps, they should be denied. If the Obama administration insists on micromanaging every aspect of energy production then it should also be prepared to have the finger pointed at itself when things go wrong. Quick Hits: • Days after Attorney General Eric Holder admitted he had not even read Arizona’s new immigration law, Assistant Secretary of State Michael Posner apologized to China for the law during human rights talks.

• According to the IMF, the U.S. national debt will reach 100% of GDP by 2015. • Based on tax collection reports from more than a dozen states, the recession may have taken a heavier-than-expected toll on employment last year. • A new Rasmussen Reports survey finds that 51% of voters nationwide believe the United States is the last best hope of mankind. • The new health care law will pack 32 million newly insured people into emergency rooms already crammed beyond capacity, according to experts on healthcare facilities.

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Another Nuclear Carrot for Russia Despite Its Troublesome Ties with Iran James Phillips (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.)

Last September, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly was so concerned Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:30:42 AM about the Russian-Iranian link Since hitting the “reset button” that he flew to Moscow for a on Russian-American relations secret meeting with Russian last year, the Obama President Vladimir Putin and Administration has signed a presented him with a list of flawed START nuclear arms Russian scientists that Israel control treaty with Moscow, and believes are assisting Iran to last week submitted a build a nuclear warhead. controversial accord on RussianThe Obama Administration also American civilian nuclear appears to be turning a blind eye cooperation to Congress for on Russian-Iranian cooperation approval. The Russia 123 in a wide variety of other fields, agreement, first submitted by including arms sales, energy the Bush Administration to cooperation and foreign policy. Congress but pulled back after Yet the administration’s latest this year. But last week, Gary U n f o r t u n a t e l y , w h i l e t h e Russia’s 2008 invasion of diplomatic carrot for Moscow is Samore, the Coordinator for administration has hit the “reset Georgia, would come into force likely to produce little more than Arms Control and Weapons of button” on U.S. relations with unless both houses of congress another round of weak U.N. Mass Destruction, Proliferation, Russia, Moscow has failed to vote to disapprove it within 90 sanctions against Iran’s defiant and Terrorism at the National alter its unhelpful and dangerous dictatorship. It is likely to be Security Council, told reporters days. policies on Iran. Although congressional leaders too little too late to halt Iran’s that, “As long as I’ve been in For links to all Heritage from both parties had urged the steadily advancing nuclear this job, there’s been no concern Foundation publications on Iran, about Russian entities providing administration to hold off from weapons program. see: Iran M o r e o v e r , t h e r e a r e nuclear assistance to Iran.” submitting the 123 agreement, Five Filters featured article: administration officials have longstanding concerns about Samore apparently disagrees The Art of Looking Prime argued that moving ahead on it Russian assistance for Iran’s with persistent reports that Ministerial - The 2010 UK would encourage Moscow to be nuclear program, beyond its Russian scientists, possibly General Election. Available more supportive of sanctions involvement in building Iran’s working independently of the tools: PDF Newspaper, Full against Iran at the United Bushehr nuclear power reactor, R u s s i a n g o v e r n m e n t , a r e Text RSS, Term Extraction. Nations Security Council. slated to start operations later assisting Iran’s nuclear program.

NintendoWare Weekly: Bit.Trip Runner, Looksley's Line Up, Kirby Super Star David Hinkle (Joystiq) Submitted at 5/17/2010 10:30:00 AM

It's quite the week for the DSi and Wii as far as downloadables go -- Bit.Trip Runner arrives on WiiWare today and EA, Tecmo Koei and Konami all offer solid titles for DSiWare. Oh, and you can finally get your hands on Looksley's Line Up, the interesting 3D DSiWare game from Nintendo. There's even a new Virtual Console game starring a certain hungry pink blob to check out! Continue reading NintendoWare Weekly: Bit.Trip Runner, Looksley's Line Up, Kirby Super Star NintendoWare Weekly: Bit.Trip Runner, Looksley's Line Up, Kirby Super Star originally appeared on Joystiq on Mon, 17 May 2010 10:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

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continued from page 52

psychological, moral, and cultural devastation that "progress" with its cult of "no limits" has left in its wake and articulated its political repercussions in terms that did not and still do not fit comfortably into conventional categories of Left and Right. (For a serious and balanced critical engagement with Lasch's ideas, see Ja ckson Lears's essay that appeared in TNR shortly after his death. For a sensitive appraisal of Lasch's work from the perspective of a kindred spirit, see Andrew Bacevich's essay in the current World Affairs Journal.) There are few historians who have had the kind of moral imagination necessary to awaken our critical consciousness so that we might, in turn, develop a political conscience. In my judgment, that is Lasch's achievement and legacy. If you think, as Wolfe

continued from page 53

does, that the momentary appearance of a Sarah Palin successfully challenges Lasch's analysis of three hundred years of American history, then you would be well advised to accept his verdict that Christopher Lasch has become "irrelevant." But I think many people who read the following words from Lasch's posthumous The Revolt of the Elites and the Betrayal of Democracy(1995) will instead regard Lasch as more "relevant" than ever: Economic inequality is intrinsically undesirable. . . Luxury is morally repugnant, and its incompatibility with democratic ideals, moreover, has been consistently recognized in the traditions that shape our political culture. The difficulty of limiting the influence of wealth suggests that wealth itself needs to be limited. When money talks, everybody else is condemned to listen. For that

reason a democratic society cannot allow unlimited accumulation. ... We need to remember ... that a moral condemnation of great wealth must inform any defense of the free market, and that moral condemnation must be backed up with effective political action. Rochelle Gurstein, a monthly columnist for The New Republic, is the author of The Repeal of Reticence: America's Cultural and L e gal Struggles over Free Speech, Obscenity, Sexual Liber a tion, and Modern Art. She is currently writing a book on the history of aesthetic experience tentatively entitled Of Time and Beauty.

The media, he says, "should be more dignified." Regardless, many bloggers from a wide spectrum of viewpoints continue to call for Kagan to declare her sexual orientation. "It's time we got over the myth that what a public servant does in his private life is of no consequence," wrote Bryan Fischer, who blogs for the conservative American Family Association and doesn't think a lesbian should hold such a powerful post. Some gay bloggers, meanwhile, implied that Kagan should make a public statement out of respect for herself and the gay community. "In a free society in the 21st century, it is not illegitimate to ask," wrote Andrew Sullivan, a gay blogger for The Atlantic.

"And it is cowardly not to tell." —— AP reporters Charles Babington and Julie Pace in Washington contributed to this report. —— Martha Irvine is an AP national writer. She can be reached at mirvine(at) or via © Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

nuclear weapons have been less than satisfactory? Unsurprisingly, Spring concludes that the U.N. has demonstrated a troubling tendency to “avoid confronting the arms buildups of forces for repression.” When navel-gazing about a nuclear free world, a college

student causes little harm except to those forced to listen to their inanities. When the President indulges his utopian desires to pave the way toward a nuclear free world through efforts backed by the vagaries of U.N. sanctions and inspections, the potential harm can be incalculable.

Tags: arms control, ConUNdrum, IAEA, International Atomic Energy Agency, nuclear weapons, united nations You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime

Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

TILTING continued from page 56

with the strongly divergent interests of the member states, is it any wonder that past efforts by the Security Council or key U.N. disarmament agencies like the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) fall short in detecting and curtailing efforts by North Korea and Iran to acquire and to proliferate



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Desperate Housewives Episode Recap: "I Guess This Is Goodbye" ( Breaking News)

and delivers a baby girl. Once it's over, Eddie decides to leave, but Lynette is an idiot and Submitted at 5/16/2010 10:19:00 PM convinces him to go to the Desperate Housewives police. While they're waiting, On Desperate Housewives' she asks him to hold the baby. sixth-season finale, there were a [Insert "I give up" hand gesture bunch of bad guys on Wisteria here.] Lane. Gaby found herself in BREE s e r i o u s d a n g e r w h e n h e r Bree tells Orson and Andrew friendship with Angie put her at that Sam knows about Mrs. odds with Patrick Logan. Both Solis' death, so she's going to Sam and Orson presented Bree give him her company. Andrew with ultimatums. Lynette went says he'll take responsibility for into labor, with only crazy his crime, and it's funny that Eddie to feed her ice chips. And nobody takes note of the fact Susan's bad guy? Oh, that's her that Orson was in the exact h u s b a n d , M i k e , w h o s e same position about two seasons boneheaded financial decisions ago. But Bree is resolute in her rendered them homeless. Plus: convictions, and she turns the A new mystery was revealed company over to him — but not and a familiar face returned. before she tells him that her LYNETTE fortune is not going to buy him Eddie tells Lynette that he's the happiness. Wisteria Strangler and her water Orson finally points out the b r e a k s . M e a n w h i l e , w h i l e obvious, that Bree has two men Lynette is in mortal peril, Tom in her life guilty of vehicular is hungover. He sees Lynette's manslaughter, but only one has car outside Eddie's house and done the time for his crime. He's assumes she's mad at him for disappointed that she doesn't getting drunk. He knocks on the expect as much of Andrew as door and when she doesn't she did of him, because he loved answer, he thinks she's giving her for expecting more of him. him the silent treatment and So... he decides to leave her. leaves — which means that Bree asks Andrew to turn Eddie is going to have to deliver himself in, and then she decides Lynette's baby. to tell Gaby what happened. We A squeamish Eddie discovers don't see how Gaby reacts, but that the cord is wrapped around this will presumably resonate the baby's neck. He remedies it into the next season.

and she finally blows up and tells Mike she blames him for ruining their life. It's kind of emotional, and it makes me suddenly realize that Susan and Mike won't be living on Wisteria Lane next season. But they present a unified front as they say goodbye to the ladies and drive away. GABY Gaby tries to sneak into Nick's hospital room by pretending she's Angie, which allows Eva Longoria Parker to break out a Brooklyn accent in a scene she should submit as her Emmy tape. Hilarious. (One quibble: SUSAN The Delfinos are having a yard It's not "zitty"; it's "zee-tee," sale before they move... and Eva.) But it works, and she Frau Farbissina is there for some springs Nick from the hospital. reason. She's lowballing Susan U n f o r t u n a t e l y , h e l o s e s on something or other, and I consciousness when they get to suppose it's meant to show that the house, so Gaby has to go it things are tough for the Delfinos alone. She recruits Susan in her and that they will be ostracized efforts. While Susan knocks on by their affluent neighbors. But they're definitely moving out, the door, Gaby sneaks around but first they accidentally sold the back of the house. She M.J.'s T-Rex to Roy. They go to rescues Danny, but... (see try to get it back, but Roy has below) already given it to his deaf ANGIE Angie builds a bomb for grandson. So they can't take it Patrick, and he wants her to back. Susan tries to teach M.J. a lesson about life — things don't accompany him to Oregon. He always work out the way you tells her he's going to put the bomb in the trunk while she want them to, etc. Mike recognizes that Susan's says goodbye to Danny, who's little morality play was really tied up in the bedroom. But about them losing their house, instead, he puts the bomb in the

linen closet at the Bolens' house. And then they leave. But Patrick lets her in on his little secret as they're driving away, just before he detonates the bomb. With only 30 seconds until the bomb explodes, Angie starts off in a mad dash to save Danny and then... she stops, turns on her heels and says, "It's in the detonator." And then — kaboom! — Patrick's car explodes. Angie and Nick are leaving Fairview, with financial help from Gaby. They're taking a bus to Atlanta, since even though Patrick is dead, they're still on the run from the FBI. But there's a final twist: Angie and Nick let Danny go to New York to be with Ana. Aw. TERESA PRUITT Former maternity nurse Teresa Pruitt has a secret, and on her deathbed, she's telling her clergyman. The priest tells the hospital administrator and it causes a ruckus. One of the attorneys says he knows one of the families involved in Teresa's secret — "they live two blocks from me, on Wisteria Lane," he says. It's then that we learn that Teresa's secret was that she accidentally (or intentionally?) switched two babies at birth. We know that Nurse Pruitt helped care for Susan's, Gaby's and DESPERATE page 65


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Fox's Fall Lineup: More Comedies Join Glee, Dino-Drama from Spielberg ( Breaking News) Submitted at 5/17/2010 8:41:00 AM

Will Arnett Fox's new primetime lineup includes three dramas and four comedies, including one that pairs Will Arnett and Keri Russell, the network announced Monday. The new show, Running Wilde, will join Glee as part of the network's new Tuesday night comedy block. Fall TV Scorecard: Which shows are returning? Which aren't? Fox has led in ratings for the past six seasons, and the new slate attempts to fill the rare holes in its lineup: The Tuesday night shows give it a new foothold in comedy, and Steven Spielberg's dino-centric Terra Nova may take the place of the departing 24 as the network's action-adventure calling card. Get the scoop on all the new fall shows "With three daring new dramas, a fresh new animated series and three new live-action comedies, we're positioned to rebuild the Fox comedy brand, introduce the next generation of unique characters and deliver an even more compelling experience for our viewers next season," Fox president of entertainment Kevin Reilly said in a statement.

NBC announces fall schedule Fox also announced that a special episode of Glee will follow Super Bowl XLV and that the show will air in the spring on Wednesdays after American Idol. The network also plans to reduce the Tuesday Idol performance shows to 90 minutes and the Wednesday results shows to 30 minutes. New shows include: Raising Hope: A comedy from Greg Garcia( My Name Is Earl) about a good-hearted screw-up ( The Beast's Lucas Neff) who tries to raise his infant daughter with help from his unusual family. Other stars include Martha Plimpton( How To Make It In America), Garret Dillahunt( Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles) and Cloris Leachman. Running Wilde: A romantic comedy from Arrested Development's Jim Vallely, Mitch Hurwitz and Will Arnett that stars Arnett as an immature playboy the network describes as "trying desperately to win (or buy)" the heart of his childhood sweetheart, a liberal humanitarian played by Russell. Lonestar: A drama set in the Texas oil industry and premiering this fall stars newcomer James Wolk as a man caught between two lives and two women. It's created by

Chris Keyser and Amy Lippman( Party of Five). Terra Nova: A Steven Spielberg produced action-adventure series follows a family back to prehistoric Earth as they try to save humanity. The series has yet to be scheduled. Ride-Along: A new cop drama from creator Shawn Ryan( The Shield) about Chicago's most notorious cops. Stars include Jason Clarke( Public Enemies), Jennifer Beals( Lie to Me) and Delroy Lindo( Kidnapped). Mixed Signals: An ensemble comedy debuting in the spring and created by Bob Fisher ( Wedding Crashers) about three longtime friends trying to balance relationships and freedom. Stars include Nelson Franklin ( I Love You, Man),

David Denman( The Office), Kris Marshall( Human Target), Liza Lapira( Dexter) and Alexandra Breckenridge( Family Guy). Bob's Burgers: An animated series joining Sunday's animated block from creator Loren Bouchard ( Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist) about a family with a struggling burger joint. (In case you're wondering, Simon Cowell's The X Factor isn't scheduled to debut on Fox until fall 2011.) Are you excited for the new shows? Fox's fall lineup: MONDAY 8 p.m. House 9 p.m. Lonestar(new) TUESDAY 8 p.m. Glee 9 p.m. Raising Hope(new) 9:30 p.m. Running Wilde ( new) WEDNESDAY 8 p.m. Lie to Me 9 p.m. Hell's Kitchen THURSDAY 8 p.m. Bones 9 p.m. Fringe FRIDAY 8 p.m. Human Target 9 p.m. The Good Guys SATURDAY 8 p.m. Cops 8:30 p.m. Cops 9 p.m. America's Most Wanted

SUNDAY 7 p.m. The OT(NFL post-game) 8 p.m. The Simpsons 8:30 p.m. The Cleveland Show 9 p.m. Family Guy 9:30 p.m. American Dad Fox's midseason lineup: MONDAY 8 p.m. House 9 p.m. Lonestar/ RideAlong(new) TUESDAY 8 p.m. American Idol performance show 9:30 p.m. Running Wilde(new) / Mixed Signals(new; spring) WEDNESDAY 8 p.m. Raising Hope(new) 8:30 p.m. American Idol results show 9 p.m. Glee THURSDAY 8 p.m. Bones 9 p.m. Fringe FRIDAY 8 p.m. Human Target 9 p.m. Kitchen Nightmares SATURDAY 8 p.m. Cops 8:30 p.m. Cops 9 p.m. America's Most Wanted SUNDAY 7 p.m. The Simpsons(encores) 7:30 p.m. American Dad 8 p.m. The Simpsons 8:30 p.m. Bob's Burgers(new) 9 p.m. Family Guy 9:30 p.m. The Cleveland Show FOX'S page 64



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Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains Winner Revealed ( Breaking News) Submitted at 5/16/2010 9:27:00 PM

Survivor: Heroes and Villains Spoiler Alert: The following reveals the winner of Sunday night's Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains finale. Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains came down to the final five finalists in competition for the Sole Survivor title and the $1 million prize. After 37 days and the return of 20 of the game's most memorable players, it was four against one as lone remaining Hero Colby Donaldson( The Australian Outback) battled four Villains: Jerri Manthey( The Australian Outback), Sandra Diaz-Twine( Pearl Islands) , Parvati Shallow( Cook Islands) and Russell Hantz( Samoa). Check out photos from Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains Colby was arguably one of the series' original heroes after his honorable game play in Season 2. Unfortunately, almost ten years after his rise to reality TV fame, Colby proved a lackluster physical competitor, and ultimately one of the biggest surprises of the season. After his poor performances in challenges throughout the season, Colby needed an immunity challenge win to stay in the game against the Villains' strong alliance. Given those facts, it was perhaps unsurprising that Colby

was the first eliminated. Despite his best efforts to sway Russell, only Villains remained in the running for the $1 million prize. Survivor's Rupert: "The Heroes had no hope" The final physical challenge, in which the players were forced to make their way through a maze blindfolded, was based on luck rather than will and determination. Russell beat Parvati and Jerri by a hair to claim a spot on his second final tribal council. Sandra convinced Russell to take her to the final three with the argument that the jury would never vote for her since she already won the million dollars. The past winners argument is a strong one — who really wants to give someone else another million bucks? — and made Parvati a logical choice for the final three as well. But at camp,

Finally, Parvati said she was the best because of her physical prowess and because she was able to use Russell as her "pet" from Day One. Even though he's never won the prize, most of the jury was still out for Russell's blood, especially since he played a role in most of their exits. The jury members argued Parvati was a strong player, but Candice and Rupert, among others, condemned her for her alliance with Russell. In the eyes of the jury, Sandra sometimes did not give 100 percent in the Russell sounded intent on taking challenges, but proved herself to Jerri with him to the end. be very loyal, and, as Candice At the penultimate tribal said, more of a Hero than most council, Parvati seemed truly of this season's contestants. nervous she would fall short of And so the winner of Survivor: the final council, despite her Heroes vs. Villains is: Sandra! close (but complicated) alliance She beat out runner-up Parvati with Russell. But Russell and Russell to become the first surprised viewers and took person to ever win twice. Parvati to the end, pitting two However, Russell didn't walk previous winners against one of away empty handed. For the Survivor's most notorious second season in a row, he won villains. the fan vote for Sprint Player of At the final tribal council in the Season and $100,000, front of the jury (consisting of defeating Rupert Boneham. five Heroes and five Villains), Finally, Jeff Probst announced Russell, Parvati and Sandra each that Season 21 of Survivor will made similar arguments that take place in Nicaragua. Do you they played the best game. think the right person won? Sandra said she had no alliances Five Filters featured article: to rely on and was truly a sole The Art of Looking Prime survivor. Russell acknowledged Ministerial - The 2010 UK his betrayals, but also argued he General Election. Available made it to the end solely on his tools: PDF Newspaper, Full big game and not on luck (pretty Text RSS, Term Extraction. much his argument last season).

FOX'S continued from page 63

Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Black Sabbath Rocker Ronnie James Dio Dies at 67 ( Breaking News) Submitted at 5/17/2010 8:49:00 AM

Ronnie James Dio Ronnie James Dio, the lead singer for Black Sabbath and BLACK page 65


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continued from page 64

Rainbow, has died following his battle with stomach cancer. He was 67. See other celebrities who have died this year "Today my heart is broken, Ronnie passed away at 7:45am 16th May. Many, many friends and family were able to say their private good-byes before he peacefully passed away," wife and manager Wendy Dio wrote in a statement on the heavy metal star's official site. "Ronnie knew how much he was loved by all. We so appreciate the love and support that you have all given us. ... Please know he loved you all and his music will live on forever." Dio, who revealed he was suffering from stomach cancer last year, became the first lead singer of heavy metal band Rainbow, which was formed by Deep Purple guitarist Ritchie


continued from page 62

Blackmore. After recording three albums with the group, Dio left the band and joined Black Sabbath following Ozzy Osbourne's departure in 1980. The singer and the band then created the extremely popular Heaven And Hell album. In between his stints with Black Sabbath (1980-82, 1992, and 2007-09), Dio went the solo route with his self-titled band, with hits including "Rainbow In The Dark," "The Last In Line" and "Holy Diver." The rocker, who grew up in upstate New York, also was known for popularizing the devil horns hand gesture in heavy metal culture during his time with Black Sabbath — a gesture that he said his grandmother used to ward off the evil eye. Dio even managed to flash the devil horns symbol as he lay in his hospital bed,

according to The Associated Press. His last album, The Devil You Know, was released in April 2009 and was a collaboration with Black Sabbath members under the band name Heaven & Hell. VIDEO: Heaven & Hell: Live from Radio City Music Hall Dio is survived by his wife Wendy, son Daniel, grandchildren Julie and Joey and father Pat. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Lynette's babies, but who do you think the switched-at-birth Wisteria kid could be? My money's on Danielle van de Kamp, since it's shifty that they didn't show a scene of Nurse Pruitt with Bree, and let's face it, that kid is the worst. PAUL YOUNG Ack! Guess who's renting the Delfino house? It's Paul Young, Mary Alice's creepy jailbird husband. "I guess everyone will be surprised to see you again," Lee says as they sign the rental agreement. "They absolutely will," he replies menacingly. Oh God, these people again! What did you think of the season finale? Was the resolution of the Bolen mystery satisfying? Were you sad to see Orson leave Bree? Or Susan leave Wisteria Lane? What "P"

name do you think Lynette will choose for the baby? Why do you think Paul Young has returned? And do you miss Katherine as much as I do? Watch full episodes of Desperate Housewives in our Online Video Guide or with our My DVR and follow on Twitter for more breaking news and scoop Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Sundays With Seth: It's Just One Madcap Adventure After Another Jason Hughes (TV Squad)

week. So I expected the show to pull out all the stops and send the Smith family on some kind Filed under: Recaps'American of crazy adventure. What I Dad' had its season finale one didn't expect was for all three week early, to make room for shows to break out the action. Seth MacFarlane's second 'Star Throughout all three series we Wars' spoof on 'Family Guy's' took a road trip to the nation's casino, found one of the world's one hour season finale next capital, shook down a crooked best kept secrets deep in the Submitted at 5/17/2010 4:03:00 AM

jungles of a remote desert island, and faced a terror beyond imagining deep in the bowels of space. It must be sweeps! If these were live-action shows, can you imagine the budget? Even with animation, there were computerrendered three-dimensional

shots, explosions and cars vaulting through the air. I felt like I was watching one summer blockbuster after another. Permalink| Email this| Linking Blogs| Comments


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Entertainment • Walmart: Nintendo DSi Bundle w/ Two Games + Daily electronics deals Accessory Kit for $189 w/ Free Today's electronics deals, Shipping courtesy of The Consumerist: • Books a Million: $10 Off $50 • Best Buy: Insignia 4.3" GPS P u r c h a s e [ w / C o u p o n for $69.99 w/ Free Shipping GRADMAY5] • Newegg: RiData DVD-R • Guitar Center: 10% off Any Thermal Printable 50-Pack Single Item Shiny White Blank Media for • Dell Home: Elite 250GB $8.99 w/ Free Shipping Splinter Cell Conviction Bundle • Adorama: Sony AA and AAA $324.99 + free shipping NiMH Rechargeable Batteries • PS3 Slim and Chargers Sale + Free 120GB + Game + Blu-ray Shipping Remote + 3 Blu-Ray Movies • National TV $369 Universal 10 in 1 Remote w/ 2 Outlet Controllers for $9.99 w/ Neither Consumer Reports nor Free Shipping The Consumerist receive • Xbox 360 12 a n y t h i n g i n e x c h a n g e f o r Month Xbox Live Gold Card featuring these deals; the posts $34.50 Shipped are intended to be purely • B u y . c o m : 2 7 - i n c h informational. These deals are ViewSonic1080p LCD HD often fleeting, with prices Monitor $330 shipped changing or products becoming unavailable as the day Submitted at 5/17/2010 6:44:59 AM

progresses. These posts are not an endorsement of the featured products or the Web sites that sell them—though some of the sites may be included, and recommended, in our Ratings of retailers for computers and other major electronics(both available to subscribers). Price shouldn't be your only criterion. Be wary of lower-priced deals that seem too good to be true, and check return policies for restocking fees and other gotchas. For general buying advice for many of the products on sale above, check out our free Buying Guides. Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences

Q&A: Is the cloudy coating on blueberries safe to eat? (Consumer Reports) Submitted at 5/17/2010 2:59:59 AM

Q&A: Is the cloudy coating on blueberries safe to eat? I’ve noticed a cloudy coating on grapes and blueberries that doesn’t wash off. Is it pesticides, and, if so, is there any way to get rid of it? — C.E., Burlington,Vt. Don’t worry: The coating is a safe, natural part of the fruit. Known as the "bloom," the waxy, silvery-white substance on the surface of grapes, blueberries, and certain plums acts as a barrier against insects and bacteria and helps to seal in the fruit’s moisture.The bloom is also a sign of freshness, since it fades with time and handling. But it’s still wise to rinse or scrub produce thoroughly under

running water to minimize exposure to pesticides and bacteria. You can further cut your pesticide exposure by buying organic produce. Read more on the role blueberries and other colorful fruits play in a heart-healthy diet. Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences

Howard Stymied by Boston's Old Tricks David Whitley (FanHouse Main)

to lead the league in smudged legacies. First they turned LeBron James Submitted at 5/16/2010 9:05:00 PM from superhuman into human Filed under: Celtics, Magic, soap opera. Now they are NBA Playoffs ORLANDO, Fla. turning Dwight Howard into a -- Boston may not win the NBA professional wrestler. championship. But after Sunday, That'd be fine if the Magic were the Celtics are heavily favored going for the WWE title. But the

last thing they need is for their center to start doing an imitation

of the Iron Sheik whenever he gets the ball. "They want me to wrestle and fight with them," Howard said. "That takes me off my game." How off was he in the opener of the Eastern Conference finals? Howard made 3 of 10 shots. He whined like a wrestler

who just had his steroids confiscated. He let one of the league's biggest headcases set up camp inside his noggin.


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Flyers chase Halak in second in romp over Habs Associated Press (

period, we played really well. We got a few goals and that kind of calmed me down and I Submitted at 5/16/2010 11:24:56 PM think it calmed the team down. Flyers net rapid-fire trio in It took a lot of pressure off us." second as Canadiens stumble in There would be no comeback Game 1 rout necessary for the surging Flyers, P H I L A D E L P H I A - - T h e who rebounded from a 3-0 Philadelphia Flyers are about to series hole against the Bruins find out what it's like to play and a three-goal deficit in Game from in front. It's been a while 7 in Boston on Friday night. since the NHL's comeback kids Philadelphia has won five have been the ones being straight overall and is 5-1 in the chased. playoffs in front of its orangeFresh off a stirring Game 7 win clad crowd. over the Boston Bruins that Game 2 of the NHL's first final capped a rally from three games four matchup between a No. 7 down, the Flyers scored early and No. 8 seed will be Tuesday against Jaroslav Halak and the night in Philadelphia. Montreal Canadiens and rolled Fast Facts to a 6-0 win in the opener of the • In their last four games, the Eastern Conference finals on Flyers have outscored their Sunday night. opponents 12-1 in the second B u r n s i d e : N o S i g n s O f and third periods combined. Letdown • The Flyers won their fifth We guess making history straight following a three-game doesn't make you tired. Instead, losing streak to tie an NHL Philly dominated Montreal in record for the longest win streak ways two vastly superior teams following a three-game losing (on paper, at least) failed to do streak in a single postseason. in the two previous rounds, • The Canadiens allowed six writes Scott Burnside. Story goals for the fourth time this Michael Leighton was strong in postseason and failed to record a a slow-starting first period for goal for the second time this the Flyers and finished with 28 postseason. saves in his first NHL playoff • After trailing 3-0 in Game 7 of shutout. James van Riemsdyk, the conference semifinals, the Danny Briere and Simon Gagne F l y e r s h a v e s c o r e d 1 0 scored in a span of 9:23 in the u n a n s w e r e d g o a l s . second to turn it into a rout. -- ESPN Stats & Information "It makes it a little bit easier "We know they're going to when we score that many," come back a lot better, a lot Leighton said. "In the second stronger in the next game,"

Briere said. "The goal was to keep home-ice advantage -- win the two games. We're just halfway there." Halak was easily outplayed by Leighton, unbeaten since replacing the injured Brian Boucher in Game 5 of Philadelphia's win over Boston. Montreal has been adept at coming from behind, too, in these playoffs. The Canadiens erased a 3-1 series deficit in the first round, and were down 1-0, 2-1 and 3-2 in the second. "We have to analyze the game, no doubt," Canadiens coach Jacques Martin said. "The special teams play needs to be better. It was our overall game that made us successful the first and second round and we didn't compete the way we needed to win." The seventh-seeded Flyers were stunned to have home-ice advantage for the first time since the second round in 2004, and quickly made the most of it. Philadelphia also took a 1-0 lead in the opening round against New Jersey before finishing that series in five games. "It's more fun playing with the lead -- winning games," Briere said, "but you have to deal with whatever is in front of you. The goal was to start with a win." Defenseman Braydon Coburn scored his first NHL playoff goal during a first-period power play, van Riemsdyk pushed the lead to 2-0 just 30 seconds into

the middle frame, and Briere and Gagne -- on another power play -- beat Halak 5:30 apart to finish the spurt. Scott Hartnell and Claude Giroux added third-period goals against Carey Price. Leighton will take a shutout streak of 105 minutes, 50 seconds into Game 2. Not bad for a guy who sat out because of an ankle injury from March 16 until May 10. He has allowed only four goals on 98 shots in four games since taking over for Boucher, who is likely out for the postseason with a knee injury. Stanley Cup Playoffs No. 7 vs. No. 8 in the Eastern Conference finals -- not exactly what everyone expected. Will the Flyers follow through on the preseason hype or will the Canadiens reach their first Stanley Cup final since 1993? Follow the matchup from Day 1 on Series page • 2010 Stanley Cup playoffs Halak, the biggest factor in the eighth-seeded Canadiens' upsets of top-seeded Washington and defending Stanley Cupchampion Pittsburgh, was gone 9:53 into the second after facing only 14 shots. He entered this series with an NHL-best .933 save percentage in the playoffs. "That's the last guy you pin it on," Canadiens forward Scott Gomez said. "We're here because of him." The Canadiens endured chants

of "USA! USA!" and heard mocking recitals of the familiar "Ole, Ole, Ole" song that often resonates at home. The Flyers insisted there would be no emotional or physical carry-over from their stunning win over Boston on Friday, and then they proved it. Philadelphia had only one day off after eliminating Boston. Instead of looking weary after becoming the third NHL team to win a series it trailed 3-0, the Flyers were revved up. The Canadiens helped the cause by taking a series of uncharacteristic undisciplined penalties -- three of which directly led to goals. "We had confidence, but we started out slow," Flyers captain Mike Richards said. "As the game went on, I thought we got better. Our power play was clicking and that ultimately got us the victory." Coburn started the scoring when he put in a rebound of Ville Leino's shot that bounced around in front of Halak while Gomez served a roughing penalty. "We didn't come out as well as we wanted to," Briere said. "Michael was ready right from the start. If it wasn't for him, it could've been a different story." The tide turned in the second period when Giroux cleanly won an offensive zone faceoff FLYERS page 72



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Celtics withstand late charge to put away Magic Associated Press (

postseason series when losing Game 1 (1-5 in best-of-7 series). • This was the fewest points Submitted at 5/16/2010 11:16:37 PM scored by the Magic this In Game 1 against the Celtics, postseason, the lowest field goal Dwight Howard missed 7 of 10 percentage, the lowest 3-point field goals. In Orlando's 4-game field goal percentage and the sweep of the Hawks, Howard worst assist-to-turnover ratio. missed just 5 of 32 shots. -- ESPN Stats & Information ESPN Stats and Information Hampered by injuries, the ORLANDO, Fla. -- The hair is Celtics literally limped their a little grayer. The ankles and way through parts of the regular knees no longer so sturdy. Even season. All that seems a distant with a roster full of aging memory now. superstars, the Boston Celtics " I h o n e s t l y s a y w e l o s t are still standing tall. ourselves," Celtics coach Doc Too old to chase a title? Not Rivers said. "I think we've these days. found ourselves again." Ray Allen scored 25 points, Rasheed Wallace added 13 Paul Pierce had 22 and the points as the Celtics built a 20Celtics used smothering defense point lead, then held on late to to beat the Orlando Magic 92-88 s n a p O r l a n d o ' s 1 4 - g a m e on Sunday in the Eastern winning streak. They held the Conference finals opener. Magic to 41 percent shooting -Fast Facts 22 percent from 3-point range -• The Celtics led by as many as in displaying that rough and 20 points but hung on to win tough defense that was once their fourth straight postseason their staple. game behind Ray Allen with 25 "There were stretches in the points. The Celtics have won season, we know each other so their last seven postseason series well now, where we were when winning Game 1. becoming less patient with each • Paul Pierce had 22 points, nine other," Allen said. "We were rebounds and five assists, his getting on each other a little too 19th career 20-5-5 postseason much. We can take it, but we game. He has six 20-point, five- respected each other. rebound, five-assist games since "When we started the playoffs, the 2008 playoffs (Boston is 5-1 we said teams are going to hit in those games). us, they're going to attack us. • The Magic had their 14-game But when somebody scores on win streak snapped (dating back us, which they will, we go get to the regular season). The the ball out and come back." Magic are 1-10 all-time in Vince Carter had 23 points and

Jameer Nelson finished with 20 for Orlando, which cut the lead to two in the final seconds but simply ran out of time, looking rusty after a six-day layoff. Dwight Howard was limited to 13 points and 12 rebounds, nowhere near the dominant force the Magic need to win a title. Hollinger: Magic Start Slowly It's hard to tell if Orlando's late arrival to Game 1 was the result of a six-day layoff or deeperseeded problems, writes John Hollinger. Story • Sheridan: Boston's defense sets tone • Forsberg: Celtics handle Howard Game 2 in the best-of-seven series is Tuesday night in Orlando. "I don't think it was rusty. Just anxious," Howard said. "We dug ourselves a hole, and it was tough to get back from." Two years removed from an NBA title, the revived Celtics might be a little slower than their paralyzing defense of old. But, healthy again, maybe not as much as some once thought. The Celtics built a 15-point lead in the second quarter and watched it fizzle with Howard on the bench. Backup Marcin Gortat had two layups and a dunk to help the Magic end the half with Boston ahead 41-32. Nelson had two quick 3pointers and another jumper to start the third, moving the

Magic within three points. Then it all unraveled. The Celtics went on a 22-5 run later in the quarter to go ahead 65-45, and a crowd littered with blue and white T-shirts -deafening at times with noise clickers and claps -- was silenced. But the Magic rallied late to cut the lead to three with 26 seconds remaining in the fourth on a dunk by Howard. After Pierce made two free throws, Carter was fouled driving to the hoop. He made the first, then missed the second intentionally as Nelson swooped in for the tip to make it 90-88. But Allen followed with two free throws with 6.1 seconds left to seal the Celtics' victory. An Unfamiliar Feeling Prior to Sunday's Game 1, Orlando hadn't lost in 44 days. As a result it's been a while since the Orlando Magic... -- ESPN Stats & Information The Magic's run simply ran out of time, even if the Celtics seem to be turning back the clock. Showing no signs of age, the Celtics outhustled and outmuscled the Magic at every step defensively. They pushed and pulled their way around the paint, slowing Howard for most of the game. That bruising Boston basketball frustrated the Magic and their Superman, emotions pouring out all over the court. Howard and Wallace got tangled up in the third -- one of many times in

this one -- and were whistled for double technicals after swinging their arms away. The Magic lost for the first time since April 2 at San Antonio. "Our guys aren't going to like fall apart," Magic coach Stan Van Gundy said. "Hell, they got down 20 in this game and they didn't collapse. That's not our team. This is all about winning. Our team doesn't have to prove they can bounce back from adversity and all of that. They've done all that." The sweat pouring from their faces, Kevin Garnett and Co. stifled the Magic as well as anyone in these playoffs, holding them to 32 points in the opening half. A Celtics team that downed LeBron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers in the last round seems as rejuvenated as ever, ready to give the Magic -- who swept through the first two rounds -- their toughest test yet. "I think it was a wake-up call that we really needed," Carter said. "Now it's what are we going to do about it? How do we respond?" Game notes Rivers can sleep in his own bed no matter where the games are played in this series. Rivers, a former Magic coach who makes his permanent home in the Orlando area, said he's had plenty of phone calls and CELTICS page 72


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Report: William Wesley contacting teams about LeBron James -John Calipari package deal news services ( Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:36:07 AM

Basketball power broker William Wesley has been contacting NBA teams that have coaching vacancies and salary cap space about the possibility of bringing in free agent to-be LeBron James and John Calipari as a package deal, the Chicago Tribune reported, citing league sources. Wesley, also known as "Worldwide Wes," has relationships with both Calipari and James. He has quietly gone about contacting teams, including the Chicago Bulls, New Jersey Nets and Los Angeles Clippers, about a Calipari-James package, according to the report. Another league source said another person, described as an "unknown Calipari connection," contacted the Bulls over the weekend, according to the report. However, ESPN The Magazine's Chris Broussard reported Monday on

"SportsCenter" that according to his sources, James is not demanding Calipari coach him on whichever team he plays for next season. And a source close to Wesley told's Andy Katz that Wesley had not contacted the Bulls or any other team about a James/Calipari package deal. NBA teams cannot formally contact free agents until the league signing period starts July 1. James and Calipari have become friends through their mutual friendship with Wesley, who is considered one of the most powerful men in basketball. Wesley is part of the "family" that James referred to repeatedly in his postgame comments after the Celtics knocked the Cavaliers out of the playoffs. Wesley was also reportedly involved in steering Derrick Rose and Tyreke Evans to Memphis when Calipari was coaching there. Calipari, who completed his first season at Kentucky this year, said Friday on his Twitter

feed that he will remain in Lexington to coach the Wildcats in 2010-11. "I've said many times that I've got the best job in the country. Still the speculation runs wild and I can't stop that. I want to address this with the Big Blue Nation one last time, I will be coaching at Kentucky next year. Now let's finish what we started!" Calipari said Friday on Twitter. Calipari has one NBA stop on his coaching rĂŠsumĂŠ, with the Nets from 1996-99, making the playoffs in 1997-98. He coached two full seasons and was fired 20 games into the 1998-99 season, finishing with a 72-112 record in 184 games. But a source close to Wesley said it was "insulting" to assume that Calipari could only get an NBA coaching job with James' help. The source also said that it would take between $5 million and $6 million to pry away Calipari from Kentucky, where he earnes $3.5 million. Multiple sources close to Calipari have also recently said it would take at least $5 million

a year to bring him back to the NBA. On Monday in response to the report, Calipari said on Twitter: "Now, do I have to respond to these rumors too?" James, meanwhile, has declined to address whether he will return to the Cleveland Cavaliers or sign with another team, as speculation about his future mounts. The Bulls, Nets, Clippers and New York Knicks are all among teams expected to make a full-court press for James, the NBA's two-time defending MVP. The Daily Herald of Arlington Heights, Ill., reported Sunday that according to league sources, James has contacted Rose to express interest in playing with him. Fans in Chicago appear confident that James will choose the Bulls. In the first 24 hours after the Celtics eliminated the Cavaliers from the NBA playoffs on Thursday, the Bulls sold more than 500 new fullseason tickets and a team official estimated call volume at about 50 times the normal level,

according to the Tribune. But the source close to Wesley said James has not made a decision and that leaving Ohio won't be easy. "He has a $30 million compound there and with all his friends and family there that aren't going to just leave for another city, it's not easy to just leave," the source said, pointing out that James has spent his entire life in the AkronCleveland area. The source said that anyone who says what James is going to do is "lying, because he doesn't know now." college basketball writer Andy Katz and The Associated Press contributed to this report. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



E-reader News Edition

Media Have No Business Voting for Adam Scott Shines at Sports Honors Soggy Texas Open Jay Mariotti (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 5/16/2010 11:15:00 PM

Filed under: NFL, Sports Business and Media We, the media, are entrusted to report the news and comment on the news. We are not supposed to be making the news, unless, of course, you're Ron Burgundy summoning the News Team for a back-alley gang brawl with knives and tridents. Yet every time a sportswriter or sportscaster casts a vote for an award or honor, that person is thrust into the middle of a story. And last week, a business already poisoned by too many conflicts of interest sunk to new lows in the balloting department, to the point there's really only one solution. Stop voting, friends. By now, you've seen the bizarre story of Brian Cushing, the Houston Texans linebacker who was suspended for four games without pay after testing positive for a performanceenhancing drug. The Associated Press, troubled that Cushing had been named the NFL's Defensive Rookie of the Year in voting conducted by the venerable news organization, took the unprecedented step of calling for a re-vote. Right then

and there, all 50 members of a nationwide panel should have refused to cooperate. Suddenly, the voters were in the awkward position of deciding a controversial issue that impacted pro football history and a player's legacy. Which is tantamount to, yep, making the news. Sad to say, only ESPN's Chris Mortensen and the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel' s Tom Silverstein abstained after originally opting for Cushing, with Mortensen admitting he was uncomfortable with the concept of a re-vote and opposed to supporting Cushing. Fox's Howie Long, meanwhile, wasn't available to vote, probably because he was

filming another TV commercial but a good call nonetheless. Otherwise, 47 accomplished writers and broadcasters participated in this debacle -including the high-profile likes of Bob Costas, Chris Berman, Peter King and Boomer Esiason -- and the results were embarrassing. Nineteen voters abandoned Cushing and voted for other candidates, but 17 stuck with him as Defensive Rookie of the Year, enough for him to retain the trophy. What this showed is that: (1) The American sports media don't treat football-related steroids stories with the same alarm as those baseball-related; and (2) The same media are pathetically divided on a subject that, after all these scandalous years, should have a universal level of insight and sense of justice. If an athlete is busted for steroids, he shouldn't win an award for a season in which he was using PEDs. It's the same rationale, in a smaller context, employed when those of us say no to Mark McGwire and other baseball juicers up for Hall of Fame consideration. There should be no exceptions. You 'roid, you void.

Mick Elliott (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 5/16/2010 9:52:00 PM

Filed under: PGA Welcome back, Adam Scott. Almost 25 full months after his last PGA Tour victory, the 29year-old Australian -- a "next big name" in golf until suddenly going cold -- once again is sitting high in the saddle. Playing 36 holes Sunday in the rain-plagued Valero Texas Open at TPC San Antonio, Scott was 11 under on the day with rounds of 66-67. Beginning play four shots back, he finished one shot in front of runner-up Fredrik Jacobson and 14 under. Ernie Els, Aaron Baddeley and Jimmy Walker shared third place, two shots back. After 4.85 inches of rain on Friday forced a 36-hole finish without a final-round repairing, Scott completed play some three hours before the day's final group. That provided more than sufficient time to reflect on what had and had not happened since his last victory -- the 2008 Byron Nelson Championship. "Well, yeah, I definitely questioned myself at times last

year whether I was a great player or not and I still feel I am," Scott said. "It's hard to maintain that for 20 straight years, I got to believe, and I did a good job of it for a long time and I had -- got myself in a bit of a funk last year and, you know, fell off the radar, but that's how it is." It has once seemed to be easy for Scott. After six wins, including the 2004 Players Championship and the 2006 Tour Championship, he appeared on the fast track to stardom. His swing was compared to Tiger Woods' -back when that was a good thing.


E-reader News Edition


Los Angeles Dodgers waiting to make DL decision on Andre Ethier Tony Jackson (

in his swing. "I think we have to wait,'' Dodgers manager Joe Torre said SAN DIEGO -- The Los Sunday, just after the team Angeles Dodgers will wait at completed a perfect six-game least until Monday and probably trip with a 1-0 victory over the Tuesday to make a decision on San Diego Padres. "It will have whether to place Andre Ethier to be immobilized. A lot of it on the 15-day disabled list will depend on what we find out because of the broken first in the next couple of days, what knuckle on his right pinkie. his comfort level is after we Ethier met in Los Angeles on give it a day or so to let some of Sunday with team physician Dr. the soreness get out of there and Neal ElAttrache and hand see what he can do with it.'' specialist Dr. Steve Shin after Torre said a splint will have to suffering the injury taking b e a p p l i e d t o t h e f i n g e r , batting practice before Saturday something else that would night's game. almost certainly have some Ethier impact on Ethier's swing. Apparently, there is no actual Although the Dodgers have treatment for a fracture this continued to roll in the two small. It simply has to heal on games they have been without its own. Thus, the decision with Ethier, his absence leaves a Ethier will hinge on whether he glaring hole in the lineup. Ethier can swing a bat with some was off to a sizzling start to his degree of comfort despite the fifth major league season, broken bone. batting .392 with 11 homers and The left-handed hitting Ethier 38 RBIs, leading the National said after Saturday night's game League in all three categories at that with his particular way of the time of his injury. He also holding a bat, the little finger of led the majors with a .744 his right hand is a leverage point slugging percentage and is Submitted at 5/16/2010 7:18:55 PM

second in the NL with a .457 on -base percentage. He is hitting .490 (24 for 49) so far in May, with five home runs and 19 RBIs. The Dodgers did get some good news concerning minor league outfielder Xavier Paul, the player whom they almost certainly would call up if Ethier were to go on the DL. Paul is expected to return to Triple-A Albuquerque's lineup on Monday after being hit in the head by a thrown ball during batting practice before Saturday night's game at Salt Lake. He went ahead and played that night, but he left the game after two innings and also missed Sunday's game. Tony Jackson covers the D o d g e r s f o r Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Surging Dodgers Tighten Up NL West Tom Krasovic (FanHouse Main)

"This is my town," it read. Dodgers fans claiming San Diego as their own? Submitted at 5/16/2010 9:54:00 PM It's enough to make Padres fans Filed under: Dodgers, Padres, gag. NL West As for the sight of the Padres SAN DIEGO -- The Padres ( 2 2 - 1 5 ) a t o p t h e r a p i d l y handed out T-shirts that read compressing National League "Beat L.A." West, Padres fans may want to The Dodgers grabbed a broom, enjoy it while it lasts. and soon downtown San Diego The Padres have enough felt like Los Angeles. Minus the pitching and fiber to float -- and smog. their selfless effort will make Riding their team's blue wave them cool to watch -- but West near San Diego Bay, Dodgers Coast Bias sees them in third fans basked in their team's 1-0 place when summer arrives and victory and first three-game no better than .500 at season's sweep here since 2005. end. If the $38 million Padres They stood clapping behind the beat those markers, give Bud visiting dugout late Sunday Black the Manager of the Year afternoon. They hooted and award. hollered upon the final out, one fan shaking a big blue sign.


Sports/ Food/ Gaming/

FLYERS continued from page 67

from Gomez, and nudged the puck toward Halak. Van Riemsdyk took two whacks at it and knocked it in. Just a second after Maxim Lapierre's penalty ended, Briere slapped a shot from the top of the right circle for his team-best eighth of the playoffs. Gagne, who has five goals and six points in five games since returning from a toe injury, made it 4-0 during another power play and ended Halak's night. "It definitely leaves a bitter taste in your mouth," Price said. "When you have to come back from a performance like that, it definitely motivates you." Game notes It was Coburn's first goal in 60

games, dating to Dec. 21 against Florida. ... Montreal has won three of the previous five playoffs series against Philadelphia. ... Price was 0-1 with a 3.44 GAA in three previous playoff appearances this year. He hadn't played since Game 1 of the second round against Pittsburgh. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

CELTICS continued from page 68

messages the last few days -many from friends who are local Magic fans. "Some of my friends right now are wavering on their support of the Celtics," Rivers said, chuckling. ... The only time the Magic had fewer points at the half this season came against Boston on Christmas, when Orlando was held to 27. ... Utah Jazz F Carlos Boozer and Tampa Bay Buccaneers coach Raheem

Morris were among those in attendance. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

E-reader News Edition

No Hangover for Flyers in Wipeout of Montreal Christopher Botta (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 5/16/2010 8:48:00 PM

Filed under: Canadiens, Flyers, NHL Playoffs Less than 48 after making NHL history, the Philadelphia Flyers showed no signs of a hangover. The Flyers soundly defeated the Montreal Canadiens, 6-0, in Game 1 of the Eastern Conference Final at Wachovia Center. Along the way, they shooed away any concerns that the team was emotionally drained after having to win four games in a row in their historymaking second round comeback victory over Boston. "If anything," said Flyers wing James van Riemsdyk, who

The Best of Big Download: May 10-16 John Callaham (Joystiq) Submitted at 5/16/2010 11:30:00 PM

scored a goal, "the comeback has given us more confidence. I really thought the momentum carried into tonight." Flyers lead series, 1-0 Flyers 6, Canadiens 0: Recap| Box Score| Series Page

Filed under: Mac, PC, Meta (about Joystiq) New game announcements, lawsuits and lots of news kept us busy this past week. You'd think that we're building up to some big event next month or something, right? There is the 2010 FIFA World Cup, we suppose ... ohhhhh, yeah, that. For now, let's cap off this week with our regular look back at the past seven days. BEST page 74

Quick Vegetarian Dinners (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)

Time: 30 minutes Simple Sub: In place of chipotle chile powder, you can use ½ teaspoon regular chili powder plus 18 teaspoon ground red pepper. Serve with Guacamole and Chips: Place 1 ripe peeled avocado in a bowl; mash with a fork. Add 1 tablespoon minced

-onion, 1 tablespoon chopped f r e s h c i l a n t r o , 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice, ½ teaspoon salt, 1 minced garlic clove, and ½ jalapeño pepper, seeded and minced. Stir until well blended. Serve with baked tortilla chips. View Recipe: Chipotle Bean Burritos • Watch Video Demo

Next Eggplant and Goat Cheese Sandwiches Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


E-reader News Edition


Review: Split/Second Griffin McElroy (Joystiq)

FIFA World Cup leaves Alan in its wake on UK sales chart Alexander Sliwinski (Joystiq)

earlier than the typical Friday release in the UK. Ubisoft's Wii-exclusive Just 2010 FIFA World Cup South Dance tripped and stumbled to Africa fiercely protected its top fourth place, its lowest position spot on the UK all-formats in seven weeks. Could this be weekly sales chart for the third the beginning of the end for the week in a row. Alan Wake saw surefooted sales star? Unlikely the light of retail with a second - unless every Wii owner in the place premiere, and according to region already has it (which isn't Chart-Track, totaled only 1,000 out of the realm of possibility at fewer units sold than FIFA. Lost this point). Planet 2, which found itself in Finally, EA's Skate 3 ollied into third, was 12,000 units behind a f i f t h p l a c e d e b u t . T h e Wake(an Xbox 360 exclusive), complete UK top 10 can be despite being on two platforms found after the break. and going on sale several days Source- FIFA Just Holds Off Submitted at 5/17/2010 10:06:00 AM

Alan Wake And Lost Planet 2 [GFK Chart-Track] Source- Latest UK Software Charts [GFK Chart-Track] Continue reading FIFA World Cup leaves Alan in its wake on UK sales chart FIFA World Cup leaves Alan in its wake on UK sales chart originally appeared on Joystiq on Mon, 17 May 2010 10:06:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments

rewards players who quickly master the art of catastrophe Submitted at 5/17/2010 12:01:00 AM evasio n-- an art which Do you remember that part at frequently requires you to the end of Return of the Jedi, navigate cinematic hazards where Lando is flying the mimicking Lando's narrow Millennium Falcon through a escape. It's a winning recipe that corridor as the Death Star itself provides some of the most e x p l o d e s a r o u n d h i m ? satisfying thrills I've ever Remember how exciting it was, experienced while behind the when he just barely cleared the wheel of a virtual automobile. exit, a plume of flames and Gallery: Split/Second spaceship debris chasing mere Continue reading Review: hundredths of seconds behind? Split/Second Split/Second isn't a game that Review: Split/Second originally glorifies the fundamentals of appeared on Joystiq on Mon, 17 racing. These are represented, M a y 2 0 1 0 0 0 : 0 1 : 0 0 E S T . sure; folks familiar with the Please see our terms for use of genre will likely be drifting and feeds. drafting onto the podium within Permalink| Email this| the first few races. More than C o m m e n t s that, though, Split/Second


Gaming/ Food/ Religion/

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BEST continued from page 72

Star Wars: The Old Republic advanced classes detailed Griffin McElroy (Joystiq)

into two smaller skill trees, apparently leaving room for specialization inside each The official blog for Star Wars: specialization. In addition, The Old Republic was recently players will have access to a u p d a t e d , a d d i n g m o r e shared basic skill set, which information about the advanced they'll always have access to, c l a s s s y s t e m w h i c h w a s regardless of which advanced unveiled late last week. The path they traverse. Check out branching specialization tree the game's blog for more info on won't just allow you to unlock h o w t o p e r s o n a l i z e y o u r new abilities for your galactic s p a c e f a r e r . hero -- it will also unlock armor Star Wars: The Old Republic and weapon proficiencies, as a d v a n c e d c l a s s e s d e t a i l e d well as other "role-defining originally appeared on Joystiq Abilities." We're guessing on Mon, 17 May 2010 09:08:00 "Relentlessly Choking Out EST. Please see our terms for Unsuccessful Subordinates" use of feeds. shows up somewhere on one of Read| Permalink| Email this| the Sith Warrior's sets. Comments Each specialty is broken down Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:08:00 AM

Exclusive Features • Slitherine-Maxtrix Games merger interview: We chat with Slitherine's director about their newly revealed merger with Matrix Games. • Top 10 PC/iPhone GamesWe check out 10 iPhone titles that have PC counterparts. • Boot Disk- Our retro game feature explores the first RTS game from the now defunct Ensemble Studios, Age of Empires. • All You Need To Know- In a different type of piece, we give you the 411 on a game that we think might be released for the PC, Red Dead Redemption. • Freeware Friday- Our look at free PC games checks out the

recent title Hero Core. • Contests- You still have some time to win one of two Intel Core i7-920 processors and a special in-game item kit for new Luna Online players. Continue reading The Best of Big Download: May 10-16 The Best of Big Download: May 10-16 originally appeared on Joystiq on Sun, 16 May 2010 23:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

Fundamentalist whack-a-mole mark (GetReligion) L o n g - t i m e r e a d epage r s 75 of FUNDAMENTALIST Submitted at 5/17/2010 AM GetReligion know7:02:27 that since the

Cinnamon Ice Cream (Simply Recipes) Submitted at 5/16/2010 2:58:54 PM

Is it ice cream season yet? Time to pull out the ice cream maker! Please welcome Simply Recipes contributor Garrett McCord as he shares his recipe for cinnamon ice cream. We made it the other day and it was simply fabulous. ~Elise When I was a kid I assumed that cinnamon was the opposite of mint. I had reasoned that this

was a basic and irrefutable rule of the universe. Cinnamon possessed heat through spice as obviously evidenced via Red

Hots candies and the warm sensation and flavor cinnamon imbued when I sprinkled it over applesauce or oatmeal. It made logical sense that the heat of cinnamon was therefore the opposite of the chill inducing mint. Simply put: cinnamon = hot. Continue reading "Cinnamon Ice Cream" »

E-reader News Edition


FUNDAMENTALIST continued from page 74

beginning of this blog we’ve been playing whack-a-mole with reporters who misuse the term “fundamentalist.” We’re not asking for much. We’re just asking for reporters to follow the sensible AP stylebook guidelines — “fundamentalist” is a word that has a specific definition in a religious context. So why does the Washington Post in particular have such a problem with this? Tmatt took them to task in February for their reference to “Muslim fundamentalists”: Once again we face the question: What precisely is a “fundamentalist” Muslim? Are the beliefs of a “fundamentalist” Muslim the same in Spain as in, let’s say, Saudi Arabia? How about Egypt? How about on the campus of Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.? While we are at it, what beliefs and traditions separate a “conservative” Muslim from a “fundamentalist” Muslim? And here is the most crucial question: Do Muslims use these terms? Have they actually adopted a term — fundamentalist — taken from debates in American Protestantism to describe their own beliefs? I have my doubts. Good questions! Then in

March, Tmatt noticed the Post was playing fast and loose with the F-word again, also in reference to Muslims. Then yesterday, the Post published this report from their foreign service, about a new law in Belgium banning full face veils for Muslim women and a similar law being considered in France: These are uneasy times for the estimated 15 million Muslims of Western Europe, not only for fundamentalists such as Selma, but also for the vast majority who want to find their place as Muslims without confronting the Christian and secular traditions of the continent they have adopted as home. So what’s the deal here? Is “fundamentalist” now officially the Post’s preferred way of describing Muslims whose beliefs and practices are a source of conflict in Christian and secular contexts? I realize it’s more difficult to explain to the reader what the Muslims in question actually believe, but unfortunately accuracy and understanding suffer when you fall back on inadequate and inaccurate appellatives. And unfortunately, that’s not all that’s wrong with the Post’s report on what’s going on in Belgium. We do get some good information on anti-Muslim sentiment in Europe, but things are awfully one-sided:

Public sentiment has gone further, though. In recent discussions about the ban and during a government-sponsored “national identity” debate, several French Internet sites closed down reader comment sections because of an outpouring of hate mail. A Muslim butcher shop and a mosque were sprayed with automatic-weapon fire in southern France last month, after Sarkozy decided to pursue a full ban, and vandals last week desecrated a graveyard for Muslim soldiers who died fighting in the French army. The writer then goes on to quote one Muslim woman who calls the law “racism and a form of Islamophobia.” The closest thing to balance is a quote from a Muslim who says that he doesn’t think full-face veils are necessitated in his reading of the Koran — but even then the new law’s alleged anti-Muslim underpinning still concerns him. There’s not one secular or Christian European quoted in the story, nor anyone on record as being in favor of the law and explaining their reasoning for supporting it. I also think that the way the article is framed is problematic, noting that the new law concerns the “vast majority who want to find their place as Muslims without confronting

the Christian and secular traditions of the continent they have adopted as home.” Well, to understand Belgium’s new law and France’s support for a similar measure, I think it would be important to note that aside from the “vast majority” of Muslims who don’t want to confront secular and Christian traditions of Europe — there’s a very active minority who is confronting those traditions head on. For instance, you might note that anti-Semitic incidents “skyrocketed” in Belgium last year and “the perpetrators mostly belong to Muslim groups,” or that France seems to be having perpetual problems with Muslim riots. Do these issues have anything to do with the development of this new law? If not, what is the context for why this new law was written? Further, the article raises the question: Of all the things about Muslims in Western Europe that creates friction, what is it about female head coverings that seems to be the thing that gets focused on by Muslim critics? Sure, there’s some obvious answers in terms of how women’s rights are preserved and the general difficulty of having to interact with someone when you can’t see their face. But I think probing this question a bit would be interesting.

And as a chaser to this discussion of Muslim head coverings being a flashpoint in Europe, I will refer you to the YouTube video to your left. As TMatt highlighted last week, Swedish artist Lars Vilks — one of the cartoonists whose drawings of Muhammad in a Danish newspaper set off an international firestorm — was attacked by Muslims while giving a lecture at a Swedish university last week (and his house was hit by suspected arson this weekend). Many people saw the video of the attack on the internet. What you probably didn’t see is this video of people involved in the attack being arrested outside the building. You’ll notice that the Swedish police let a civilian intercede in the middle of the arrest. It’s a Muslim woman putting a hijab on the exposed head of one of the women being arrested. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Social Media/

NBC Turns Television into a Social Media Game Jennifer Van Grove (Mashable!)

precursor for redefining metrics around television viewing audiences. The television ratings Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:25:07 AM system has remained relevantly Today NBC is unveiling a unchanged since 1950. One brand new network loyalty company, Nielsen Media program in which social media Research, has always been plays a staring role. Fan It is a responsible for audience social media platform with measurement and those S o c i a l m e d i a h a s g i v e n measurements play a significant myNBC (NBC’s online community for fans), Facebook, television viewers a platform to role in determining network T w i t t e r , M y S p a c e a n d express their love and hate for advertising rates. Data from Foursquare integration that network programming. In fact, social networks could become rewards users who promote, sometimes — as was the case an important new element in interact and discuss NBC shows. with Chuck— social media m e a s u r i n g a u d i e n c e The endeavor is a network-wide s e r v e s a s a n a m p l i f i e d e n g a g e m e n t . initiative designed to leverage microphone for television If done right, NBC’s initiative the presence of show fans on viewers dismayed by show could move the industry towards social networks and incentivize cancellations; other times, it can o f f i c i a l l y r e c o g n i z i n g t h e them with points for engaging help boost ratings for live award significance of social media. with content — i.e. watching shows. NBC’s new platform [ img credit: Edgar Zuniga Jr.] videos on, Liking acknowledges that television For more entertainment shows, chatting and recruiting viewers with a social media coverage, follow Mashable friends. Points can be redeemed presence are individuals who Entertainment on Twitter or f o r g o o d i e s l i k e N B C wield power — individuals the become a fan on Facebook merchandise, show previews, company wants on its side. Tags: facebook, Fan It, virtual goods, badges and If the program takes off, Fan It foursquare, myspace, nbc, tv, could possibly serve as a twitter sweepstakes entries.

E-reader News Edition

Multi-Touch Musical “LinnStrument” Demoed on YouTube [VIDEO] Samuel Axon (Mashable!) Submitted at 5/17/2010 12:29:11 AM

Inventor Roger Linn is famous for creating the drum machine as we know it today, so there’s good reason to be excited about his latest creation. It’s a multitouch surface not all that dissimilar to an iPad. Take a look at the video here to see for yourself. The instrument — which Linn calls the “ LinnStrument” — can take input from all of your fingers, so you can form chords in addition to sounding individual notes. Each space is pressure sensitive to allow for maximum range of expression. Sliding your finger vertically adjusts the timbre while horizontal motions change the pitch. The final product would take the best elements from the layouts of the piano (chromatic increments) and the guitar (“parallel rows of semitones offset by fourths”). It will look a little different from the prototype, and it’ll be wearable vertically over your torso. You

could also just leave it on the table like this prototype, though. We’ve included the render of what Linn imagines below. The LinnStrument looks like an improvement over those fun-but -limited iPhone instrument apps, and you can be sure that you’ll be able to play“Poker Face” on the LinnStrument too… if you really want to. Video Demonstration Finished Product Design For more technology coverage, follow Mashable Tech on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook Tags: gadgets, Invention, inventor, linnstrument, multitouch, music, musical instruments, roger linn, touchscreen, video

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E-reader News Edition

Robot Priest Marries Couple in Japan [VIDEO] Stan Schroeder (Mashable!) Submitted at 5/17/2010 6:15:49 AM

Procedurally, the ceremony of marriage is a very linear affair. The priest says some things, then the groom and bride say some things, kisses are exchanged and the couple is married. Is it odd, then, that Satoko Inoue and Tomohiro Shibata decided to employ a robot called i-Fairy to marry them? Now, perhaps; but in a couple of years — especially in a country that is already home to 800,000 industrial robots — it might become a regular occurrence. The bride, Inoue, works for Kokoro Ltd., the company that makes the i-Fairy. The i-Fairy is a robot usually employed as a museum guide. The husband, Shibata, was a client of the company so, in a way, the robot brought them together. “It’s true that robots are what caused us to

Google, Intel and Sony to Introduce Smart TV Stan Schroeder (Mashable!) Submitted at 5/17/2010 9:10:02 AM

On the heels of rumors that Google TV will be unveiled at Google’s I/O conference in San Francisco in May comes a report by The Financial Times that gives a name to the project: Smart TV. Few new details are revealed in first begin going out, and as the report; Google’s hardware suggested by my wife, we partners are still Intel and Sony. decided that we wanted to try The hardware will likely consist this sort of wedding,” Shibata of a set-top box based on Intel’s Atom CPU and Google’s said. All it took was new software. Android OS, while Sony is The robot presided over the slated to reveal the plan to marriage without problems, as integrate web services into its you can see in the video below. televisions. The Financial Times also So much for robots not understanding the meaning of claims that Google will call on its Android community to start love. For more technology coverage, working on apps for TVs. This follow Mashable Tech on would give Android a whole Twitter or become a fan on new dimension and a certain advantage over its main rival, Facebook Tags: japan, marriage, Robot, tech

the iPhone OS, which is confined to the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. According to a report out this morning, revenues from apps on TVs should increase from $10 million in 2010 to $1.9 billion by 2015. With Apple focusing (quite unsuccessfully) on Apple TV, could Google’s Android TV be the first to corner a significant emerging market? For more technology coverage, follow Mashable Tech on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook Tags: Google, google tv, intel, Smart TV, sony



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E-reader News Edition

Microsoft’s Project Natal Could Cost $200 Stan Schroeder (Mashable!) Submitted at 5/17/2010 3:48:07 AM

Several Swedish retailers are currently listing a price for Microsoft’s full-body motion controller Project Natal, and if the price is real, it’s much higher than expected. The price listed on all these websites is 1,499 SEK or approximately 197 U.S. dollars. Even if we consider the fact that prices for games and gaming equipment in Sweden are a bit higher than in the U.S., this is still quite expensive for a gadget that’s essentially a peripheral for the Xbox 360. A couple of months ago we saw predictions that Project Natal

might cost around $50; we can only hope that this “leaked” price is merely an error or a placeholder price for this highly anticipated gadget. For more technology coverage, follow Mashable Tech on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook Reviews: Facebook, Twitter Tags: microsoft, project natal

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